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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Neptune. Show all posts

Jan 3, 2017

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017 (Aries ingress)

Below is the Spring Equinox 2017 horoscope set for Washington DC (in its role as representative for all of America). As you see, the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 is rising and you'll find a link to my notes concerning this eclipse and the August 21, 2017 eclipse ('The Great American Eclipse') at the end of this post:

March 20, 2017 Washington DC: Ascendant @10Pis37; Neptune, planet of dissolution, deception, and fraud, rises which makes the speculation-wastrel-inflation pair of Jupiter-Neptune chart-ruler and co-ruler. Neptune in 1st house with the ASC bracketed by Neptune-South Node (intrigue and unfortunate circumstances, scandals, water damage) also denotes uncertain, unstable conditions that are too big to handle; following Neptune are Chiron, Sun (at Aries Point = World Events), Venus Rx, Mercury at a critical degree, and disruptive zealot Uranus, still opposing Jupiter Rx but separating. This is a full 1st house so a very busy Spring season is on tap.

edit: Plus, as you see, the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse (Spring EQ 2017's Prenatal Eclipse, or PE) @8Pis12 also rises and suggests that its 19 South themes will be affecting the Spring season agenda. Its themes are 'a pleasant surprise; a joyful event, sudden happiness, a lucky break or win, positive changes' (Brady). That's awfully good for a South Node eclipse which tends to indicate a draining of energies but I'll patiently wait all Spring for our ship to come in on Piscean seas, won't you?

19 South last occurred on February 16, 1999 (conjunct US natal Moon @27AQ) and will next manifest in 2035 @19Pisces. Original post restarts here:

We The People React

Then in 10th house we find a very close conjunction of Moon (We The People) and restrictive, depressive, austere Saturn @27Sagittarius, planet of laws and lawmakers. 'Overambitious pretensions' (27Sag) may be in evidence though strategy, ambition, and a sense of direction are positive potentials of Moon-Saturn contacts. Obviously, extreme apprehension (Saturn) affects the public (Moon) concerning the experiences that are coming up as Spring 2017 unfolds.

Also of concern is testy Mars @7Tau28 in 2nd house of the National Treasury. At the Goal Point (Midheaven, aka, MC) is 19Sag13 with moneybags Jupiter ruling there as well. Plus, Jupiter again leads a Locomotive of all the planets in his role as CEO and roughshod executive in a power position ('full steam ahead') leading onward toward fulfilling objectives which have been desired in some quarters since FDR's New Deal programs were instituted. Mr. Trump is simply the latest 'face' upon the austerity monster.

Social and political stability in 2017 are lacking in this horoscope as might be imagined with enemies of our social safety net now in charge of House and Senate and with their mouthpiece-of-sorts (the tweeter-in-chief) and Mr. Pence in control of the White House helm thanks to the Electoral College who overrode the popular vote in November 2016. Here we have another president with No Mandate from The Governed yet he'll act, talk, and tweet as if he's following 'the will of the people'! Yet in this chart the themes of the rising Solar Eclipse are positive and I'd prefer to hold positive expectations for the presidency of Mr. Trump but I think we all know what sort of things to expect instead from his highly suspicious anti-government/anti-New-Deal Cabinet choices and the overly Republican Congress, the 115th.

The 7th house Syzygy Moon (last lunation), a Full Moon @22Vir13, perfects on March 12th conjunct US natal Neptune, a further example of the instability in our society and current fraudulent political conditions in the US. Of course, Neptune also rules the masses, propaganda, poisons, and the media, most of whom colluded with the political class and their shared financial backers during the 2016 Campaign in order to produce such a 'president' to mislead our nation which will be dismantled along with the social safety net the elderly, ill, and weak depend upon. Survival-of-the-fittest guru Ayn Rand didn't believe in coddling the weak, you know (though she herself applied for and received social safety net benefits in her old age, the hypocrite). Apparently, age rendered her a "useless eater" too but don't tell Paul Ryan and his GOP cohorts (and the duplicitous Democrats who helped enable this whole scam). So it seems that the GOP depopulation program has now been officially established.

Well, today is my birthday and I'm rapidly getting a headache just looking at this horoscope and thinking about how these knaves intend to line their and Wall Street's pockets at our expense (as always but on steroids) as 2017 plods along so I'll close for now and hope to add more details to my astro-notes concerning this horoscope at a later date. As I said, social and political stability in 2017 are lacking in the Spring Equinox 2017 horoscope.

And yet we must not falter for our only hope is ourselves.

A Related Post: 2015--2017 Solar Eclipses - see numbers 5 (February 2017) and 6 (August 2017).

Nov 25, 2016

Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-Esque Treason? (w/ Guest: Lamar Waldron) video

From November 22, 2016 Part One: Thom Hartmann speaks with historian Lamar Waldron, author of Watergate: The Hidden History concerning Donald Trump's use of Nixonian political tactics via his adviser Roger Ailes who also shoehorned Richard Nixon into the White House with something new: a television campaign. Run time is 21 minutes for this very informative interview:

Previously, on Stars Over Washington, a related post: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series Ends (as did the gold standard); post contains a link to the text of Hunter S. Thompson's He Was a Crook.

Go to Watergate: The Hidden History, Nixon, The Mafia, and the CIA. Is it curious how mainstream media during the 2016 campaign failed to mention the possibility of hidden mob ties to New York mogul Mr. Trump? He must surely have run across such crooks and made deals during the course of his extensive career in construction and real estate, don't you think?

Jun 22, 2016

Independence Day 2016 brings America a New Moon

US Solar Return 2016 Emphasizes Money, Ethics, and an Inflow of New Energies

by Jude Cowell

On July 4, 2016 at 5:49:52 pm EDT (Washington DC), the Sun returns to America's July 4, 1776 Sun position of 13Cancer19 (in the 5:09 pm LMT chart, Philadelphia, PA). 'The Old Girl' will be all of 240 years old and she seems these days to be codgering about in her dotage--her reputation tarnished, her population divided in regard to the haves and have-nots, and yoked to a brutal militarism that drains our coffers dry and abuses We the People, among millions of others.

In our Solar Return 2016 horoscope set for DC, the Sun @13Cancer falls in the 8th house of Credit, Debt, Big Finance, Transformation, Death, and the Occult. Keeping our Sun (leadership; POTUS) company in 8th house are Mercury @9Can36, Moon @19Can14 and just past the morning's New Moon @12Can53 (7:01 am EDT), the starry Twins, Castor and Pollux, and Venus @21Can00. Opposite in the 2nd house is wealthy string-puller and spy chief Pluto @16Cap16. Can our 4 little personal planets succeed against power-grabber Pluto, god of the criminal Underworld and purveyor of the transnational banking system?

Well, you know how financial matters have been going both here and abroad since transit Pluto began lining up against America's Cancer trio of Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun--I would time it for late 2007 with tr Pluto in late Sagittarius and within 5 degrees of US natal Venus (3Cancer), though you may disagree.

Why, even during the era of the Great Depression, transit Pluto conjoined our Cancer trio of planets but now things are quite different in the global sphere since the New Millennium came knocking on humanity's door.

And with 7Sag04 rising along with restrictive Saturn Rx @10Dag57, delays and limitations are obviously indicated in relation to the 2nd house of Money, Earnings, and Valuations. That chart-ruler Jupiter (critical degree 17Virgo and still traveling near the North Node) makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects in the Return chart emphasizes Jupiter's sign, degree, and house position--strong in its own 9th house, and conjunct MC (23Vir12 which places US natal Neptune @22Virgo at The Goal Point of the year). Money, money, money. Yet Jupiter does apply to an opposition with wounded healer Chiron which implies a goal of establishing "a radical redirection of the socio-cultural environment--anarchy and occultism play a central role in {} the transformative vision." (Nolle). One political minded culprit who was born under a Jupiter-Chiron opposition is Adolf Hitler.

One thing I want to mention before I forget is that Mercury @10Can36 in the US Solar Return chart (and in the New Moon chart, same day, @9Can37) will have recently returned to its position in the natal chart of Donald Trump. This aside is included because I assume that Mr. Trump will not have been jettisoned from the presidential race by July 4th! Perhaps we should check out his Mercury Return chart soon.

So can we attach significance to the cosmic fact that America's Solar Return 2016 horoscope involves a New Moon which perfects approximately 10 hours 49 minutes prior to the Sun reaching 13Can19? We can and we shall for a New Moon in a Return chart within one degree of the Return planet is indicative of fresh energies flowing in and a new cycle of activity relating to the Return and natal house position of the New Moon.

In our nation's natal and Solar Return charts, the New Moon perfects in the 8th hou$e (cusp = 9Can30); in the New Moon chart it's in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, and Back Room Deals but with 25Gem07 on the 12th cusp. This is the degree of the New Moon on the morning that Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency. That all these factors relate in various ways to the candidacy and broke campaign of Mr. Trump seems quite certain though of course other conditions, events, and actors are not ruled out. And I have asked you before if you think Mr. Trump's New Moon in the sign of The Messenger (which he has called himself upon occasion) will culminate in the Full Moon @27Capricorn during the RNC in July. You didn't answer but I shall assume that this possibility horrifies you as much as it does me--especially since the RNC Full Moon precisely conjoins US natal Pluto.

In addition, a New Moon in our Solar Return 2016 chart has consequences which may be seen by planetary aspects to it. Here we have Mercury and Venus conjunct Sun and Moon which is quite positive along with a trine from Neptune (11Pis55 Rx in 9th house of the New Moon chart, 3rd house otherwise). Although Neptunian involvement can be inspirational it can also be deceptive, fraudulent, undermining, or confusing (to name a few!)

Plus, this is a time of culmination seen via the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, a cycle which began with their Great Conjunction/s in Aquarius (conjunct US natal Moon) three times in 2009, and their inflated conjunctions are imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Neptune makes truth difficult to ascertain, events unpredictable, fantastic get-rich schemes tempting, and guilt and self-pity the favorite go-to excuses. Political conflicts are also suggested by Jupiter-Neptune, something Washington seems to be tragically addicted to for it divides and keeps the American people out of the way.

Of course, the real culprit in the chart is the opposing Pluto we discussed, above, as Mr. Invisible continues his creepy plod through the sign of Government, Law, and Business, on his way to America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022. As you know, Ebertin asserts that one of the roles played by Pluto in Capricorn is, The Dictator, but that would be a moment no sane person is waiting for.

Now we won't get to them all in this post but there are many other chart factors worth discussing in the Return horoscope--fire-starter Mars in his sign of Scorpio, sub-ruled by Pluto, for one--but today my blogging time is brief. Perhaps the North Node (contacts with the public; future direction) sextiles to the New Moon and sextile to our Solar Return Sun--all three aspects applying--will provide benefits and we'll weather whatever storms our below-board politicians have planned for us (to please their global masters) for they act as infestations and infiltrators of what should still be a decent US government.

Now you know that our Solar Return 2016 horoscope is 'good for' one year until the next Independence Day and this will naturally include the beginning of a new presidential administration. Is this what is signified by our SR 2016 New Moon, which incidentally, conjoins Egyptian goddess star, Sirius?

Well, Sun-Moon-Sirius implies a large cosmic can of squirmy things we cannot open today so let's close with a note or two on Sun sextile North Node (trine South Node, of course) and Moon sextile North Node. With the Sun, opportunities are suggested for working in harmony with prevailing social trends and conditions. Moral and ethical standards may be made constructive use of along with upholding acceptable traditions. This indicates a type of social leadership that can win public support, while the Lunar-NN sextile adds an element of good, effective timing to events and societal conditions.

Wishing a Happy 240th Birthday to my fellow Americans! And may a dictator disguised as a president never enter the Oval Office.

May 12, 2016

Is Donald Trump the Duck Dynasty Version of Reagan? - clip (and a "Unity Meeting")

In honor of this morning's "Unity Meeting" between Republican candidate Donald Trump and Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (with Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer conjunct fixed star Mirzam rising at 9:00 am edt: to have one's say), I'm posting a commentary by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann concerning the differences and similarities of the 2016 Trump campaign and Ronald Reagan's successful 1980 presidential campaign:

May 12, 2016 Political Theater: an Astro-Peek at the Trump-Ryan Unity Meeting

At the goal-oriented Midheaven of today's Trump-Ryan Unity Meeting horoscope is the propagandistic Mercury-Pluto midpoint which carries potentials for keen judgment, coping ability, sharing secrets, providing important info, foresight, and an ability to arrange matters well (Ebertin). For RNC Chairman Reince Priebus (March 18, 1972) and for Paul Ryan (January 29, 1970), the current Mars retrograde transit in Sagittarius is lurking around both their Neptunes--Priebus' @5Sag and Ryan's @00Sag. When transit Mars aggravates natal Neptune, vibes of pretense, illusion, confusion, deception, and misunderstanding abound and may be coming from others and/or from Priebus and Ryan themselves. And considering Trump's truth-distorting natal Mercury-Neptune square, an air-clearing meeting of understanding and ironing out differences this morning almost had to be fraught with such potentials.

In addition, the current Jupiter-Neptune opposition is affecting Paul Ryan's natal Nodal Axis and his Midheaven, both on the Virgo/Pisces polarity, and the Jupiter-Neptune pair is associated with political conflicts, fraud, and speculation. And with today's Sun position @22Taurus (money sign of The Bull of Wall Street), the solar Sabian Symbol comes into view: "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems," which remains significant due to the May 2000 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn upon that degree. Financing a 'Victory Fund' was, of course, one of the topics of their "Unity Meeting" since Mr. Trump has now pivoted toward the General Election and the defeat of presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton--and because Trump's great claim of financing his own campaign must wane since his campaign will pay him back, plus, the billion-dollar effort that must be financed if Donald Trump is to prevail for the Republicans in November.

So although the changeable Gemini Mr. Trump is unpredictable (his natal Uranus in mutable Gemini leads all his planets) and is not considered conservative enough for many GOPers (can the party control him? he has enough baggage from the past that they can probably use threats and blackmail), the basic summation by Republican spokesmen this morning concerning the Trump-Ryan Unity Meeting is that "Trump isn't Hillary".

And I believe that that may be what many people would call cold comfort.

Mar 16, 2016

DC Horoscope: Jupiter Direct Station @13Virgo May 9, 2016

Image:Jupiter Direct Station May 9, 2016 at 8:14:20 am EDT Washington DC. Potential concerns for Jupiter in Mercury-ruled Virgo include moral and ethical values, scientific research, learning and teaching, excessive ambition, harmonious teamwork, good organizational skills, and superficial criticism. And of course, Jupiter may wear many hats such as politician, banker, guru or priest, judge or lawyer, and the General. (Edit: actor and broadcaster.)

As you see, transit Jupiter, once Direct, will encounter the North Node (NN) once again with nebulous Neptune at South Node (the tail of the dragon) so this period is half way between the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s of 2009 which has imprinted its issues of grand visions, speculation, and fraud upon the presidency of Barack Obama, and describes some of what he has dealt with since taking office (ex: Crash 2008, big bank bail outs, etc.)

Now the above horoscope shows Jupiter's precise moment of directional change so once the great Benefic moves forward, such realms as Jupiter rules may move forward as well though a hearing for President Obama's Supreme Court nominee apparently will not be one of them due to Republican obstructionism which is a Saturnian kind of cussedness.

Edit: neglected is a mention of May 9, 2016 as the day of a Mercury Transit to the Sun.

Mar 8, 2016

Morning Joe - Giving Up on Trickle Down?!? - video

March 8, 2016: glad that Thom Hartmann is talking about what Joe Scarborough said about the trouble with the Republican Party though I'd like to tell Mr. Scarborough that this isn't all:

Possibly Related: Obamaism vs Reaganism: Jupiter-Neptune and Pluto-Chiron. Note that both Cruz and Rubio were born with major Jupiter-Neptune signatures though Rubio's conjunction is closest with Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius (relates to others as a Sagittarian) unlike Ted Cruz whose Jupiter is in corporate-minded Scorpio (relates to others as a Scorpion, an Eagle, and/or a Serpent. Both have grand plans and ideas but are not necessarily reliable.

Now Pluto-Chiron plutocrats drench the place. You know, the two bodies last conjoined at the end of 1999 and their combined energies ushered in the New Millennium as much as any other cosmic factor shoved the Collective into the 21st century. And that's even if you consider the New Millennium to have started on January 1, 2001, not 2000.

At 12 Sag (which is often used as the US natal Ascendant (our rebel nation), the Sabian Symbol for the 1999 Pluto-Chiron conjunction is: "ADJUSTMENT" "A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows" which could refer to any of the 2016 candidates, agreed? In political realms, the symbol sounds the most like crowing Cruz or bellowing Trump to me, but you must decide for yourself. The karmic degree just before is 11 Sag: "The Lamp of Physical Enlightenment at the Left Temple" with the keyword, RECONCILIATION." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) Wouldn't that be good? And yet...

The Pluto-Chiron cycle lasts about 60 years from conjunction to conjunction and has to do with transformation of mass consciousness and the deepest levels of reality. (Nolle). Among other things, the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse resonates with Pluto-Chiron concepts and suggests conditions of the 1930s within the Collective Unconscious (to those who have eyes to read, ears to hear). America's Inauguration Ascendant (the Oath of Office, the Presidency) at '14 Taurus' (noon, January 20, Capitol Building Washington DC) rises with difficult star Menkar, of the Cetus the Whale constellation, and relates closely to the president as mouthpiece, saying what must be said. As you know, it was Teddy Roosevelt who turned the White House soapbox into a "bully pulpit" though the adjective "bully" might obviously refer to Taurus the Bull, and is not necessarily a synonym for 'great, handy, efficient,' or, 'groovy' pulpit from which to preach. Anyway, the exploits of Jonah in the whale's belly for three days are indicated even though it was FDR who changed our Inaugurations from early March (Cancer rising, 1933) to January 20th in 1937 with Taurus rising. The 1930s again.

Ancient ones among us remember that George H. W. Bush, in his quest for more power, called trickle down policies 'Vood Doo Economics' which tells you the level of realism involved. And with the September 2016 Solar Eclipse themes of 'realism, coming down to earth, seeing old situations for what they really are, not what you thought they were' (Brady's Predictive Astrology), we can only note that candidates Bernie Sanders and possibly Donald Trump are the only ones who come close to filling that bill in Campaign 2016. The congressional record of Bernie Sanders can be and has been fact-checked while Mr. Trump's business and tax records are more elusive to public scrutiny, his resume inconclusive. Mob ties may be in the wings.

There are other candidates to be wary of for the simple fact that (according to my mother), we should, "Never trust a man who says, Trust Me." Great advice. Because you can't.

Democrats please don't stay home on November 8, 2016.

Feb 3, 2016

Jupiter-Neptune's Marco Rubio "the boy in the bubble" - video

This video clip of 2016 candidate Chris Christie (R-NJ) labeling 2016 candidate Marco Rubio "the boy in the bubble" perks up my ears since I basically mentioned the same quality in Senator Rubio due to his natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which tends to inflate, bubble up, over promise, and cause its owner to dream grandly. Trouble is, there must be other planetary factors in the character to give flighty visions a basis for practical manifestation such as a strong Saturn, well aspected. In this situation, Saturn could represent the older corporate types who are financially backing Rubio for president and making his grand dream possible. He does seem quite young, inexperienced, and vulnerable to being bossed around by those who paid his way though you may disagree, of course.

In his critique, Governor Christie is talking about Rubio not answering questions, following a script, and being protected by his handlers during the campaign via his reference to a famous 1976 film, The Boy in the Plastic Bubble which was remade in 2011, plus, PBS' American Experience did a feature on it.

But Jupiter-Neptune has more to say about Senator Rubio due to past questions about a corporate credit card of the GOP and his 'creative' finances with charges like living beyond his means--a very Jupiter-Neptune way of financing which may not always be on the up-and-up. But then, we are talking about politicians so let's not get our Jupiterian hopes bubbling too frothily for all bubbles must burst!

For more details see Jupiter-Neptune: the Financial Travails of Marco Rubio from November 2015.

Note to Readers: My earnest pre-apology if MSNBC removes this clip at some point (though a Share button was made handy for Blogger). That's okay because, as he'd hoped, the bubbly critique is a news highlight this week for the New Jersey Governor!

Dec 12, 2015

2016 Politics: Jupiter-North Node conjoin in Virgo

Money Planet Jupiter and the North Node Connect Three Times in 2016

by Jude Cowell

Having discovered an excellent article by Nina Gryphon concerning 2016's Jupiter-North Node conjunction in Virgo I recommend it highly for a good overview is provided of several areas some of which involve the Federal Reserve. Nina relates the conjunction/s in 2016 to the ending and beginning of a new fiscal era as it did in 1979 when the Fed changed its policy and a period of fluctuating rates and instability occurred. For as you know, Jupiter inflates, the North Node (NN) of the Moon is a Jupiterian point of encounter, contact, association, and direction and Mercury-ruled Virgo is a detail-oriented, discriminating Earth sign closely linked to the very creation of Washington DC.

But what areas are implicated by the Jupiter-NN combination in Politics?

As an actor, Jupiter can play many roles, four of which are politician, banker, guru (mentor, priest), and The General. All of these realms are subject to influence from the Jupiter-NN conjunction/s of 2016. And with 2016 an election year, we naturally think of the 2016 Campaign which is focused on the Republican and Democratic Conventions in July 2016, and the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election with Jupiter often used to signify one of America's two political parties. Which one? Which ever one is acting the Santa Claus role as the other party acts out the austere Grinch role. You know which is which these days based on their behaviors, right? So if I must, I'll gingerly reward the Jupiter-NN title to the Democratic Party for 2016. Actually the Jupiter-Saturn pair of energies is the 'checks and balances' duo, the way the US government is meant to work and be conducted but you know how that's been going lately--under constant threat of paralysis and shutdown thanks to anti-government types aiming for a 'new order' to replace the old order of 1776.

So as Nina Gryphon points out in her article, exact conjunctions of Jupiter and NN in 2016 occur on January 23, January 28, and June 20 @22Virgo in January and again in August--conjunct US natal Neptune @22Virgo making 2016 a year of fanaticism, paranoia, illusions, scandals, big dreams, promotion and pretense--quite descriptive of Campaign 2016. By June 20, transit Jupiter, after turning Direct in May, will reach 15Vir42, then conjoin US natal Neptune again in late July-early August 2016 suggesting that the themes will color the entire year and political campaign, and will necessarily involve the presidency of Barack Obama due to its inflated, fantasy-ridden Jupiter-Neptune imprint in 2009 via their three conjunctions through his first year in office, a major conjunction which conjoined US natal Moon (We the People). Obamacare and Wall Street are implicated as well.

And in Politics, the 'fortunate contacts' Jupiter-NN duo keys potentials in 2016 regarding: legal consequences of treaties (ex: TPP), legal opinions of religious leaders, and/or imports that disrupt trade or business (ex: TPP?). The interference in legal matters by religious leaders may be excessive, closed legal societies may be involved or turn up in the news, and/or our legal system will continue to be hampered and bound by erroneous decisions concerning the status of groups ('corporations are people'?) or parties (which hints at candidates illegally coordinating their campaigns and promotions with groups they shouldn't.)

Expansion of contacts through networking is a given along with successful meetings, and work/job related (Virgo) summits, conferences, and/or seminars which may be held in abundance and be successful as well. Political primaries and caucuses are on the 2016 menu, plus, The Broadcaster is one of Jupiter's roles and since North Node relates to contact with the public, we also think of Summer 2016 which threatens the American public with two political nominating conferences so it will be nearly impossible to escape hearing all about it. Too fast or far expansion is also a possibility for it may lead to future collapse so that would be a caution for anyone this applies to--the traditional caution of 'too much too soon' comes to mind.

During 2016 we must also consider that transiting NN (the head of the dragon) also meets with US natal Neptune (22Virgo) in 2016 and this combination may supply Neptunian glamour and/or falsehoods to our contacts but also such potentials as: a lack of community spirit or teamwork, bad judgment, disappointments in relationships or alliances, strange conduct, plus, it may widen the possibilities for anti-social behavior. Unfortunately, Neptune-NN also suggests scandals via foreign concerns, and spies and/or terrorists entering the country which of course points to the acceptance or non-acceptance of Syrian refugees and to America's ongoing arguments over Washington's neglect of adequate border control.

To close, let's add Ebertin's more pleasant descriptions of the Jupiter-NN combination of energies for he supplies more social and agreeable flavors such as: good fellowship, harmonious relationships, and good fortune in finding a partner (though anti-social conduct cannot be ruled out.) Another curious flavor comes from the 19th century and I wonder if you've ever heard of it: the Odyle force, sometimes referred to as the 'Od force' which sounds oddly quaint these days, doesn't it?

Well, why not check it out some brief details at Secret Moon Art? And here is a view of my Od Collage created in 2009 in honor of the 19th century's 'scientific' notion of the existence of an Odyle force:

Blog Note: in planning stages is my annual post displaying the Spring Equinox 2016 and Summer Solstice 2016 horoscopes set for Washington DC so please check back when you can, or Follow or Subscribe as you may. Thanks!

Dec 11, 2015

Congress’ Conflict of Interest: Owning Stock In Pharma Companies That They Regulate - clip (w Eclipses)

Yet another outrage perpetrated by congress members in breach of the public trust!

More Than Big Pharma Has Eclipsed America

Now it isn't the US Government or the US Congress this dissenting American has lost trust in, it's the infiltrators, brigands, fraudsters, and corporate bums who've been allowed into the ranks of the US Government (thanks to an ongoing fascist coup) that I take major issue with!

You know a group of fascists attempted to interest General Smedley Butler in taking part in an overthrow of the Franklin Roosevelt administration when it was only a few weeks old (July 1933) as fascism was rising in Germany. General Butler had the integrity and the common sense to turn the traitors away but who will rescue America now that similar villains (both biological and ideological inheritors) are further along in their global government plan than in the 1930s?

So when we look to astrological indicators for societal events one of the basic methods is to consider the 18.6-year cycle of Solar Eclipses and their Lunar counterparts. Which Solar and Lunar Eclipses provided background influences within the Collective in 1933 is one question we could ask with all the 'fascist', 'Hitler', and 'Nazi' references floating up from the Collective Unconscious (where most of us had repressed them) for they are again being used by certain groups of people for their own purposes such as political persuasion. And when did the two Solar Eclipses of 1933 re-occur, and when will they affect us again with similar issues as in 1933?

On February 24, 1933 a Solar Eclipse manifested @5Pisces where transit Neptune has recently activated. This can denote frothy idealism affecting the eclipse themes but also a veiling of the true nature of its themes. Either way, with Neptune we must expect forms of self-deception, fraud, lies, illusion, mysticism, and confusion to be involved. Themes include: great passion which may have been hidden for some time (satanic nazism? ugh), lust (for power?), and procreative drives. This eclipse is part of the 7 North Saros Series and has occurred in the years 1915, (1933), 1951, 1969, 1987, 2005 (April 8 @19Aries), and next in 2023, one year after America's very first Pluto Return/s.

On August 21 the second Solar Eclipse of 1933 manifested @28Leo (near royal star Regulus) in the 7 South Saros Series. Curiously enough, this degree resonates with the natal Ascendant and rising Mars (both of which rise with Regulus, 'the king maker' star with a caution against taking revenge) in the astrology chart of Donald Trump whose rhetoric has recently inspired ugly swastika graffiti with Mr. Trump depicted with a Hitler mustache. Themes of 7 South are closely aligned with the type of events we are now reminded of in the rhetoric of candidate Trump and others of a restrictive, even draconian persuasion for the original 7 South eclipse contained forceful, ruthless Mars-Pluto content--a square influence, in fact, which is a problematic Scorpio signature.

For those who use the Scorpio rising natal horoscope for America, 7 South originated on June 22, 1248 OS with Pluto @8Sco09 Rx (conjunct the Scorpio Ascendant) and Mars @8Leo34, the natal position of the Republican Party's planet of rhetoric, planning, and voting, Mercury. Possible 7S themes include: anger, huge obstacles (Donald?) that suddenly clear, and/or a pending potential crisis suddenly manifesting (a brokered convention for the GOP?!?)

7 South repeated in the same years as 7 North, listed above.

As for 1933 Lunar Eclipses there were two: March 12 @21Virgo which conjoins the current Solar Eclipse degree of 20Vir10 (18 North; September 13, 2015: high stress level, overtaxing of strength) which brings its unconscious lunar energies into 2015-2016 along with starry Denebola (to go against society and where transit Jupiter has recently inflated.) The second Lunar Eclipse of 1933 occurred on September 4 @11Pisces so again murky Pisces with its dreamy, spendthrift, inflationary yet compassionate Jupiter-Neptune vibes is suggested.

So even though the 7 North and 7 South Solar Eclipses of 1933 do not repeat in 2015 or 2016, we have hints and events with definite Republican involvement via the Bush-Cheney regime which lorded over America and dissolved many of our constitutional freedoms in 2005 as they thought themselves to high-handedly rearrange the Middle East to suit their own draconian purposes and further their plundering interests.

Related: Fascism Rising Eclipse Horoscope and the natal chart of Donald Trump--view with your own eyes his Mars rising with royal Regulus in kingly Leo...huge!!

corporatism + statism = fascism

Nov 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Winter Solstice 2015 w North Node Rising

Washington DC December 21, 2015 11:48 pm est Sun to Capricorn: Pretense and Illusion

As you see, the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2015 is set for Washington DC and shows a favorable portent in the form of the Moon's North Node rising @26Vir11 (Ascendant in Nodal Degree suggests karma at work--reaping what's been sown) along with Jupiter @22Vir46 as leader of a Locomotive pattern of planets yet conjunct starry Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream). This pattern hints at a high-powered executive demanding success in his endeavors--a CEO, a corporation or syndicate of them, a religious leader, a military general, a priest or guru, a politician or political group--with expansive Jupiter perhaps all of these are represented here. Success seems near at hand for there is also a high-flying Kite pattern with the exalted-in-Taurus Moon as its tail posited in the 8th house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, and Transformation. A Mystic Rectangle is dotted, as you see, but it includes Chiron so let's assume its 'practical mysticism' vibes will be fortunate in the healing department along with Moon, Jupiter, and Venus.

During this dynamic Mars Hour, we find that with Virgo rising Mercury is chart-ruler so let's consider the Speedy One's major applying aspects to see how things will proceed this winter season--actually from the moment the Sun enters Capricorn since The Cosmos times this horoscope via The Great Cosmic Clock that is our Solar System. At 11:48 pm est, solar energies in the Collective morph from Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius into Saturn-ruled Capricorn and as you know, the entire sign of Capricorn is a mystical labyrinth with Saturn the traditional ruler of Astrology and anciently considered to be the devil.

Yet on a mundane level Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business, plus, systems, structures, the establishment, and lawmakers such as those who 'serve' the people on Capitol Hill. In Politics perhaps Saturn's 'devil' status and satanist tendencies hold true, would you agree after the way they've mucked things up?

Sun-Moon and Chart-Ruler Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2015 Horoscope

Now Winter Solstice 2015 brings much practicality with its Double Earth blend of Sun Cap-Moon Taurus, the Venus-ruled sign in which the Moon exalts. With Sun Cap-Moon Taurus we envision inherited wealth, self-made fortunes, and lucrative stock markets. Meanwhile, Mercury in Capricorn is an ambitious placement and provides thinking, planning, communicating Mercury with good concentration skills, methodology, and a conservative preference for the status quo in politics. Ideas are only useful if they are practical to a Cap Mercury and a serious, stern manner may be noted more often than not. Afflicted by squares from Mars and Uranus, this Mercury may also tend toward greed and doesn't mind using other people to attain materialistic goals with little if any thought to the human condition or the common good.

Along with the solar emphasis on 4th house matters of Home, Roots, Security, and Real Estate (and the Sun unaspected and thus intense, isolated, unpredictable, taking intermittent actions, a genius by any planet), we find an out of bounds (OOBs) Mercury @18Cap05 which has recently moved beyond wealthy, stealthy Pluto @14Cap42 and this reminds us, of course, of secrets, spies, surveillance, and what once was our right to privacy. Mercury OOBs tends to act on its own without interference from others (planets) and we may tend to think of NSA agents or other Mercurial actors. This degree area of the Zodiac continues to provide oppositions to US natal Sun conjoining Egyptian goddess star Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred; The Scorcher). The heaviest is the ongoing transit of Pluto opposing US natal Sun = titanic power struggles and challenges to power/control and the spying it brings; President Obama and thus the American people have certainly been ensnared in invisible Pluto's creepy net, violence included--particularly since the New Millennium.

Plus, you'll remember that '18Cap' is the degree of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-Illuminati-Age-of-Reason planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 and keys the 'smug of strong-armed paternalism' vibes in the Sabian Symbols (Marc Edmund Jones.) 'POLITICAL POWER' and "A British Destroyer Flies the Union Jack" are part of this disturbing picture--and if we expect reason (as in, the Age of Reason) to solve everything, compassion for humanity is left out in the cold. Add Mercury to the Uranus-Neptune mix and we get a variety of ideas and plans along with Artificial Intelligence (Munkasey) which relates to Technology of course, but also intelligence (info) that is false.

As for Mercury's applying Ptolemaic aspects there are three (not counting a Moon-Mercury trine since Luna applies to Mercury): 1. sextile Venus in 2nd house of the National Treasury @20Sco13; 2. trine Jupiter, the engine leader rising in the 12th house of Politics, Back Room Deals, and Karma; 3. square Mars, also in 2nd house @23Lib02 which stimulates two stars, Spica and Arcturus.

1. Mercury sextile Venus denotes potentials for holistic thinking, an ability to line up support for ideas, forming alliances, and the use of diplomacy. Challenging complacent people and debates that turn into bickering are possible (Campaign 2016) though charm may also be used. Why, someone may even send flowers!

2. Mercury trine Jupiter shows someone being in the right place at the right time with the necessary information. Grandiose ideas abound and caution is needed to stay in touch with reality and not be overconfident of abilities or of situations. This may be difficult for the president (Sun) or for anyone in charge due to the midpoint picture mentioned below. However, Mercury trine Jupiter does tend to favor political activities, religious endeavors, court decisions (depending on which side you're on!), publishing, advertising, and cultural projects. Foreign relations may also be benefited via good opportunities which is great if the cautions are heeded and a moderate attitude is kept in mind.

3. Mercury square Mars: now if we break up the winter season (ending at Spring Equinox March 2016) into three sections, we find in the last time period that Mercury squares Mars symbolically from about February 21 to March 21, 2016. Solstice Mercury's sextile and trine won't go away yet a square approaches. So there is Mars @23Lib02 in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earnings, and Values conjoining two fortunate fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus which are very much a part of the star lore of Washington DC. For in the original plans for the Federal City, Spica (The Spike, a phallic symbol) is reflected on earth by the Washington Monument and thus relates to the US presidency and its official archetype in the personage of *George Washington, the great stone face (30Pisces.)

Arcturus = the White House and there again we have presidential symbology with the Federal City's reflections similar to the Giza Pyramids on earth lined up like the Belt Stars of Orion, the Hunter (and Christ archetype in Christianity, Osiris in ancient Egypt.) These stars and imagery are spotlighted each time a planet enters the 23Libra degree area where Spica and Arcturus sparkle, of course, and both stars are considered beneficial and denote a fortunate realm within the malefic Via Combusta (the burning way in traditional Astrology: mid-Libra to mid-Scorpio.)

So with Mercury square Mars we may expect problems with incorrect information, frustration, and wrong directions. Aggression increases, mechanical snags and glitches occur, electrical issues may need attention (ex: US power grid), and competition gets down and dirty (but in politics who can tell a difference?); schedules may not function well so leave in plenty of time; public transportation is spotlighted negatively or via delays and cancellations; infections and contagions are potentials and I would be remiss not to mention them so please take precautions.

A Visionary Midpoint Picture for the Unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun

Yes, North Node rising seems to be a favorable portent for our nation's future direction manifesting during Winter 2015--2016 yet we find our 1776 Neptune @22Virgo rising as well with Jupiter @22Vir46 (leader of a powerful Locomotive pattern) along with its obfuscation of President Obama's natal Mars also @22Virgo. Many times I have fussed about this conjunction, this veil through which the public sees or understands his actions and motivations with great difficulty, if at all. Inspired actions are possible with Mars-Neptune of course but we're talking about politicians not saints--and an unstable shift in government has been set in motion. Plus, there's America's natal Mars-Neptune square on the angles of the solstice chart with its 'misguided actions and motivations' leading to what too many times has resulted in 'the fog of war'.

Although Washington and Wall Street may deny it, our great nation has been bankrupted by warmongers, cheats, gold-hoarders, and politicians!

For as you know, Jupiter-Neptune is the speculator pair of energies-- visionaries, spendthrifts, religious frauds, and a degraded legal system (Munkasey) and with the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint conjoining the unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun we find potentials for:

confidence and purpose where confusion or deception exist, visions used to enhance one's capabilities, prestige that helps others (political endorsements? Hillary has most of them so far), deceiving or being deceived, irresponsibility, squandering physical strength (military?), following a dream (or a secret destiny?), trying to capture the essence of things, potentially misguided states, feeling the spirit (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl; note that any, all, or none may apply.)

So Jupiter leading a Locomotive is a high-powered executive demanding success but he now conjoins US natal Neptune and the president's Mars which gives a boundary-crashing impetus to December 2015 into 2016, the last year of Barack Obama's presidency. This midpoint picture resonates with his first year in office which was imprinted by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune occurring upon US natal Moon in Aquarius, the dreamy 'going with the wind; emotional swoon; involved in speculation' spell many of us were under. Therefore, potentials for this Jupiter-Neptune-Sun winter season include:

pretense, illusion, deception, fanaticism, paranoia, scandals, bankruptcies, mystery, and oceanic occurrences. A tendency toward overconfidence is noted as above for President Obama's Mars as he leans toward expansive actions that actually need moderation. War is obviously on the agenda but we don't need Astrology to tell us that--yet as you see, US Mars @22Gemini has crossed the Goal Point of the chart (MC 25Gem47) and drags US natal Neptune with it in their problematic square formation. Deception is on Washington's menu as are Syrian refugees with Saturn (ruler of the solstice Sun) in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner and the emigrant.

Now you may have noticed in my writings that, as a self-described dissenting American, I remain in a permanent snit of miffdom over our nation's lies-into-war condition made worse by the way criminal usurpers have infiltrated what we've always been told was our government.

To that I say Puh! Clearly it is not and probably never was 'ours'. It seems Freemasons and other secret societies had a lock on it from the start--or before the start for a new nation and "new world order" had to be planned before it could be implemented. Perhaps our July 4, 1776 Pluto in late Capricorn--out of bounds of the earthly plane and acting apart from the other planets--directed our Founding Fathers from abroad where secret societies were birthed. This could account for a secret operative who encouraged them in signing the Declaration of Independence when they seemed to falter--that mysterious voice coming from the darkened balcony, mysteriously missing from the locked building when looked for, as the legend goes.

After all, the Signers were faced with the death penalty for high treason as they labored shut up in that sweltering room of the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia with its windows covered for total privacy and a guard posted at the door. Many hours of debate passed and then, the legend goes, an unknown voice rang out, "God has given America to be free!" which sent the delegates rushing forward to sign. Well, that's the legend but as usual with so much American history, the Declaration of Independence was not fully signed until August 2, 1776 within two weeks of the initial solar eclipse in the 13 North Saros Series. That it began the series echos the establishment of a 'New World Order' and a new nation, the first country created for the sake of a noble idea (Plato's, Bacon's, Weishaupt's, etc) and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality and democracy (so they say but not so much anymore--the power elite want a new order now--you know, like the fabled Atlantis--that golden time before The Fall, man in no need of rules or laws. That Age of Reason nonsense will be their flimsy excuse for collapsing the US government anyway.)

Be all that as it may, perhaps you'll agree that the themes of 13N apply closely to the events of August 2, 1776. The solar eclipse manifested on August 14 @21Leo52 conjunct Venus @22:46, making the USA a fiery nation of dramatic show-offs and natural leaders with statues and symbols of goddess Venus (aka, Isis or Columbia) all around the Federal City--and later illuminating New York Harbor. 13N relates to: group endeavors, projects, and associations with a flavor of 'breaking an existing bond which requires separation but then there is joint achievement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Sounds like America to me.

And yet it's late days and we find that descendants of early social engineers of Bacon's and Weishaupt's ilk (or perhaps just the transnational bankers of the globalism persuasion) want to toss out the freedom, independence, and democracy model and substitute it with draconian surveillance and the strong-arm policing of Global Government, what some believe is the 'Secret Destiny of America'. Yet this would mean that humanity's enslavement is the ultimate goal of this nation and that I refuse to believe in spite of certain actors' constant undermining of our governmental institutions via such tactics as 'shutdowns' meant to suggest and herald a final shutdown and the chaos it would bring so that a new order would be called for.

All this I mention here because the very important November 8, 2016 Election is key to power elite plans along with whatever dirty tricks they play on us before then, propaganda included. Will America select her first female president? I suspect so as The Great Seal (modeled on the Illuminati seal dated May 1, 1776) symbolically turns its conscious side over to its feminine unconscious side and the American people finally discover the Seal's hidden messages and the true implication of,

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

--Barry Goldwater, a practical, shrewd Sun Capricorn-Moon Taurus personality. We can't say he didn't warn us.

For more on the Stars of Washington DC, the Washington Monument, and other such related topics try this August 2015 post which contains starry info plus a few links to previous SO'W articles that may be of interest especially for those who see merit in valuing America, her beginning and principles, while our tenuous grasp upon her as a sovereign nation still holds.


*George Washington February 22, 1732 10:00 am LMT Popes Creek Landing, VA with Venus exalted in Pisces and at a critical degree of 'brilliant talents or genius': 29Pis25 conjoining the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Recognition, Reward, and Prominence (he of the Star Families.) General Washington's lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio sits upon his natal Descendant of Partnerships and the Winter Solstice 2015 Moon @17Tau02 rises in his natal chart!. George is known to have deserved a phallic symbol for his legacy as a ladies' man though never fathering a child of his own (that we know of for certain) probably due to early illnesses that caused sterility. Too much information?

Sep 23, 2015

Pope Francis to America a "golden opportunity" as Venus leads

With Priestly Chiron Unaspected, Pope Francis Comes to America

by Jude Cowell

According to MSNBC, this week's visit of Pope Francis to America represents for him a golden opportunity for outreach to the Latino population. You know some of the Pope's topics during his speeches and contacts so I won't reiterate them here yet there are a few interesting possibilities revealed by the planetary midpoint pictures of today (Pope to the White House) and tomorrow (9.24.15) when he addresses a Joint Session of the US Congress, plus, a few planetary considerations of note.

And with transit Saturn, planet of authority and of lawmakers, @00Sag24, the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' seems apt with Saturn rising in the 11:00 am edt chart set for the White House today: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"--and in front of Congress tomorrow (9:20 am edt) Saturn begins in the 2nd house of the National Treasury. Will conservatives be schooled on their austerity measures against needy Americans? GOP lawmakers are said to be lukewarm at best about the Pope's visit and undoubtedly there are several reasons for this--climate change and US immigration policy under the spotlight being two of them.

Plus, Pluto (now stationary direct and thus even more powerful than usual) is one of the astrological significators of The Pope (any Pope) and is stationed @13Capricorn, the "A Fire Worshipper" degree (incense?). Another chart factor going on at the moment is the continuation of Venus @20Leo (royal Leo) as the engine of a planetary pattern, a Locomotive which may denote 'full steam ahead'. Perhaps Republicans should go ahead and remove their obstructionist carcasses off the tracks! For this leading-the-train position of Venus (the goddess and idol of many names through the centuries and in many cultures including the Vatican's Mary worship and adoration) shows a high-powered executive wishing to provide balance, something the Pope is here to strike, pundits say. Good luck with that on Capitol Hill is what I say! Great if it can be had. This Locomotive Venus in the lead knows there are problems and intends to solve them, so we'll see if the power and words of Pope Francis I will do the trick though there are sure to be utterances of deceit and malice in the mix (Neptune-ASC = Pluto today) from one direction or another--or from all directions and parties.

Now you know that the Sun (the president) now conjoins the North Node (NN) of encounters and future direction and if we look at the late afternoon natal chart of the US (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, one of the Pope's stops on this visit, incidentally) we find the Sun-NN meeting at US natal Midheaven The Goal Point; Public Status on the World Stage). For me this indicates the importance of the papal visit to America's future direction with Pope Francis powerfully leading the way (Venus, a money planet) as he repeats himself on topics we've heard him discuss before (Mercury Rx and conjunct US natal Saturn in Libra = serious discussions, meetings). You may of course disagree but there it is.

With my blogging time is brief today I'll simply add a few prominent midpoint pictures for the Pope's address to Congress tomorrow (9.24.15; 9:20 am edt) to illustrate their potentials for expression during his historic visit to our nation which is now so off-track from our Founders' original intentions; any, all, or none may apply and are taken from Tyl and Ebertin:

Saturn-MC = Sun: the need to fight hard and the capacity to do so; Saturn-MC = NN: a major stroke of fate (NN) may affect all development; Mercury-MC = Jupiter (also a significator of The Pope as hierophant, priest, guru--jc): having a can't lose position; traveling for gain (more tithes in church collection bowls--or more? all those pedophile payments take their toll, you know--sorry, but there it is--jc); large thoughts are easily communicated; Venus-Jupiter = Mars: preoccupied with success; trying to make things happen successfully (like the 'new world economic order' that popes call for in the New Years Day addresses? jc)

And for today at the White House an angular picture arose at 11:00 am, the time when President Obama and Pope Francis are said to have begun their private audience: Moon-Jupiter = ASC: being well accepted; fortunate contacts; cheer and confidence (Tyl; Ebertin); inconsistent ideas about the role others play who help you (Munkasey).

We may also consider significant the fact that in Washington DC, gold-hoarding Midas @10Gem35 Rx is in the corporate 8th house of Shared Resources (debt, transformation, and the occult) during the Pope's address to the US Congress tomorrow--might this relate to his "golden opportunity"?

Jupiter and Neptune: Ruler and Co-Ruler of Shady Yet Spiritual Pisces

To all these considerations must be added the current opposition between pontificating Jupiter and spiritual Neptune across the victim-savior axis (Virgo-Pisces) for when Jupiter-Neptune energies combine on social, religious, business, and political levels, we find potentials for 'ideals mirrored in a religious context','hypocrisy as a form of internal policy', 'a legal system where morals are based on favors and pay-offs', and 'churches espousing a moral philosophy for all' and these goals may be part of the Vatican hierarchy's objectives this week--to conceal American political and corporate plans behind a facade of moral and political hypocrisy which is more acceptable to people of faith and which will soothe the masses with religion as the power elite continue to prepare global populations for the total control they have in mind.

Sep 21, 2015

Jupiter-Neptune Infuses the White House

As you can see in the Autumn Equinox Horoscope 2015 set for this Wednesday September 23rd at the White House (above, as if you didn't know!) it's now time in the Jupiter-Neptune cycle for the Grand Spirit duo of planets to oppose one another after their three great conjunctions all through 2009, the first year of the Obama presidency.

Their three airy conjunctions manifested at 24-27 Aquarius directly upon US natal Moon (We the People) and this trio accounts for some of the dreaminess of 2009 as our 'rock star' president, who was early on awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for mere good intentions, dealt with the fraud and thievery left behind by the Bush-Cheney administration along with the threat of inflation, frothy market bubbles, and our inflated hopes, dreams, (self) deceptions and illusions that the Jupiter-Neptune combo tends to favor.

As you can't help but remember, the Bush years had peaked in a morass of speculation, waste, over spending, grand schemes and plans, wispy fantasies, over promising, over expansion, watery sentiments, religious flim flams, and the resulting disappointments, discontent, and sense of loss most of us felt as Jupiter-Neptune's overblown energies necessarily gave way to more practical, clear-eyed assessments, and Saturnian realism prevailed. 2005's Hurricane Katrina, certainly a Jupiter-Neptune event, brought transiting Saturn to George Bush's natal Ascendant and harsh criticism and accountability for his sorry response to its victims landed upon his neglectful doorstep.

Even political conflicts may be identified through the auspices of the Jupiter-Neptune pair of energies along with natural disasters involving Neptunian realms such as water, oceans, rivers, oil, gas, poisons, contamination--and scandals. Lots of scandals.

Their Conjunction Leads to Opposition

Now in 2015 into 2016, boundary breaker Jupiter and merging Neptune oppose one another across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and we find a culmination of their cycle, the current one of which began in 2009. Their opposition may be described as a Full Moon phase of awareness and fulfillment, and a high point for their faith vs reason energies. Of course, Saturnian boundary, border, wall, and fence issues are ongoing as refugees displaced by Bush-Cheney-Obama wars and destruction reap what profiteering warmongers have sown against the East and Neptune (planet of Islam) in its own watery sign of Pisces supports a massive, collective urge to merge, aided by massive Jupiter, ever hopeful for broad horizons and new vistas.

So if you're curious, here's a relic--a post written years ago concerning Financial Astrology and the Jupiter-Neptune-Moon Conjunction/s of 2009 (sans edits.)

Note that SO'W's most often used US natal chart is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania horoscope with Cardinal Point 00Libra at Midheaven, 12 Sagittarius rising, the people's Moon @27AQ33, and a 13-Cancer Sun (leader) conjunct Egyptian goddess star Sirius, aka, The Scorcher.

Related: the horoscope of the Washington DC, the Federal City, with brief astro-notes added for the daring, and a 2011 post concerning and displaying the Natal Chart of Barack Obama, current occupant of the White House.

Aug 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Sep 23, 2015 (Libra Ingress)

Autumn Equinox 2015: Venus and the Statue of Liberty

by Jude Cowell

With the equinox Sun @00Lib00:00 and Moon @24Cap29 (in 2nd and 5th houses, respectively) we find the moment of Autumn 2015 begins during an Hour of warrior Mars with Mars @28Leo54 rising, Ascendant 27Leo55, royal star Regulus @00Vir in tow. Plus, expansive Jupiter @9Vir15 in 1st house provides what we may hope is protection in what looks to be difficult circumstances this Fall season. For only 10 days earlier, a Solar Eclipse perfected @20Virgo and as most people know, Washington DC is heavily imprinted with the stars of constellation Virgo, the Virgin.

And of course, as the 6th sign, Virgo is naturally identified with the 6th house of Work (employment), Service (military, police, civil, domestic), Health, and our Daily Schedules. Autumn Equinox Sun, North Node (Future Direction), and communicating/trading Mercury @14Lib08 Rx spotlights for the country the National Treasury, owned as it is, by the Federal Reserve System of worldwide central banks. Saturn, in its retrograde process, has turned Direct and again reached 00Sag23--here, in 4th house of Domestic Scene across the Security axis of the 4/10. At "1Sag", Saturn (lawmakers, government, business) keys the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in the Sabian Symbols, and in the Angular 4th house, hints at Saturnian events or tasks during the first of Autumn 2015 but also at the end of the season as Winter approaches.

Horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC: September 23, 2015 4:20:55 am EDT

Some US natal planets from 1776 are listed around the outside of the chart; please enlarge to read my scribbled notes if you wish since all may not be mentioned in this text.

Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn is an Air-Earth blend of rationality and practical idealism, an androgynous combination of energies which hints on one level at transgender issues (Sun = male principle; Moon = feminine principle) and other relationship concerns. The 90-degree square between Libra and Capricorn denotes blockages or obstacles in the attainment of desires unless major adjustments are made in relation to the opposite sex (GOP's 'war on women'? age-ism haunting Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency--if her campaign is viable by Autumn?) Actually, ego is perhaps the biggest obstacle to success with a Sun-Moon square!

So with Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn the cosmic atmosphere of Autumn 2015 into December contains political vibes of conflict, tactful diplomacy efforts surfacing, prominent executive talents emerging, and opportunities appearing as mentioned, below. Blatant self-interest will conflict with a sense of cooperation and sensitive types will take offense too easily as they often will.

One of the Sun Lib-Moon Cap's Images for Integration of the solar consciousness and lunar unconscious is descriptive in relation to the USA:

"The Statue of Liberty". Another Image is apt for the financial implications of the September 23, 2015 horoscope which are mentioned, below: "At the annual company Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationery for everybody." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.) For 'everybody'? Really? Gosh, that'd be swell! And as you know, the Statue of Liberty is an Illuminati symbol of Venus (and goddesses by other names), is constructed of copper, the metal of planet Venus, and was shipped from overseas as a gift from French Freemasons to American Masons.

Chart-Related Astro-Notes Concerning Autumn Equinox 2015

A prime factor in our consideration of Autumn Equinox 2015 is chart-ruler Sun (ASC 27Leo55) (the focus of an equinox horoscope) in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. The Sun applies to a sextile (60 degr; 0A23) with 4th house Saturn denoting that opportunities will be presented for maturity and good planning to pay off, productivity to increase, and those with expertise to garner new clients while others are invited to lecture or consult. Though some advantage may be given to careers in 4th-house/Saturnian fields such as mining, real estate, geographical re-location (immigration? deportation?), genealogy, ecology, psychology, history, government, law, and business management or leadership, these opportunities generally apply to all professions and are particularly useful for those who are well prepared to accept such offers as they arise. As you know, authoritative Saturn rewards hard work and perseverance!

America's Natal Horoscope Affected on the World Stage

As you see, activist Mars (the warrior) is rising @28Leo54 and conjoins the natal Mars and Ascendant of real estate mogul Donald Trump, a 2016 candidate. But this article isn't about Donald Trump so let's not discuss his campaign here! Except to say that his popularity may still be in effect for Autumn since the Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon (the public), and Leo Ascendant and Mars are in a beneficial Cardinal Grand Trine which affects Trump's natal Mars-Ascendant-Regulus! A caution for Mr. Trump may be that royal star Regulus @00Virgo has a limitation--a 'success if revenge is avoided' command but what are the chances when he verbally attacks his attackers on a regular basis?

So as you see, Saturn @00Sag23 again triggers the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in Sabian Symbols but there is warrior Mars with *Regulus square Saturn (1A28) which denotes quite a trio of archetypal energies. Mars square Saturn indicates that lack of preparation and organization will cause delays or setbacks with someone's authority being challenged and links to the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Services, and Employment. And with 6th cusp having a critical-crisis 29th degree upon it in Washington DC, (same opposite with the karmic 12th cusp = 29Cancer), we may expect issues of bad timing to be part of a frustrating, stop-and-go Mars-Saturn picture.

Let's include symbols for the 6/12 axis of "30Can" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" and "30Cap" = "A Secret Business Conference" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Still, there is evidence of cheer and pleasant social events displayed in the horoscope with the Venus-Jupiter midpoint rising on the Ascendant--perhaps this echoes back to the two planets' lovely conjunction @22Leo on July 1, 2015!

But on a more karmic note of reaping what's been sown, transit North Node ('NN", the head of the dragon; future direction; fated encounters) @1Lib00 Rx is listed on the chart, bottom left, for it conjoins America's natal Midheaven ('MC' = Goals, Public Status; the most visible point) in the 5:09/10 pm LMT 'Sibly' chart, July 4, 1776), as is transit Sisyphus (determination to succeed), and political asteroid, Juno @2Lib16, also in transit. These degrees are near the US natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint (3 Libra) which highlights the Socialism-Communism-Capitalist debates ongoing in the public discourse along with the elderly, weak, ill population of this country and whether America intends to be compassionate toward her non-rich citizens, or takes more austere measures in order to weed them out of the herd. You know--the Ayn Rand/Darwin model of "survival of the fittest" where "useless eaters" need not apply. This may also be seen with the tail of the dragon (SN) at IC (endings; The Drain), which lends 'support' to current immigration-deportation debates. Perhaps it's obvious that the current political campaign season with its issues and talking points are depicted here. Be that as it may, NN to MC and SN to IC favors the career sector over the domestic scene where restrictive Saturn lends heaviness.

Pisces on 8th Cu$p (Jupiter-Neptune) with a Jupiter-Neptune Opposition

On the financial level, there's the MC with the May 28, 2000 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn (23Taurus) upon it and with their dynamic square phase occurring off and on (Jupiter and Saturn are not actually square in this chart.) However, expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn are intimately involved with Financial Cycles but also with Government concerns--the pair is our exalted 'checks and balances' planets even though the concept has been seriously undermined in recent decades. (I primarily time such dissolution by the Wilson's signing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 but perhaps you time it otherwise for many other events have marked America's downward spiral via sabotage.)

Related: Shemitah Exposed: Financial Crisis Planned for September 2015.

It may be useful to note here that the combined forces of Jupiter and Saturn represent potentials for: changing fortunes, attainment of far-reaching goals, patience, dissatisfaction, changing of employment or residence, irritability, vexation, and/or angry upsets. As for professions, the Jupiter-Saturn combo describes civil servants of the administration, other government officials, bankers, philosophers, law professors, clergymen, fellow tenants, relatives, and politicians. (Ebertin.)

Then there's often shady, always mutable and changeable Pisces on the corporate 8th cusp with Jupiter its ruler, Neptune as co-ruler (or higher octave planet.) For me this triggers unpleasant memories of their three conjunctions all through 2009 at or around 27 Aquarius, the position of US natal Moon (We the People) when the public was ensnared with a glamorous rock star dream of Obamian 'hope' and 'change' we could 'believe in'. Much was fretted about this here on SO'W and elsewhere concerning the dreamy, unrealistic midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = US natal Moon which, I alleged, imprinted its energies upon the entire presidency of Barack Obama with 'speculators, wastrels, spendthrift' vibes as the National Treasury was robbed for the sake of corporate bail outs (TARP, etc), the Fed printed more funny money, and years of Wall Street greed resulted in mortgage defaults, evictions, and pension thefts that beggared many of the American people and undermined the US economy.

Noting that by Winter Solstice 2015 transit Jupiter will conjoin US natal Neptune, a time of illusions, pretense, fanaticism, paranoia, and possible bankruptcies, I'll fret no more for now about the inflationary Jupiter-Neptune duo but if you're concerned about a financial crash many economists and others are predicting for September 2015 (see the link, above), I direct you to financial astrologer Bill Meridian and his article on the Horoscope of the Federal Reserve and the secretive central bank's history. Details include its natal Mars and Neptune rising opposite expansive Jupiter showing unreliability and inflationary Jupiterian-Neptunian tendencies which by natural law must be followed by Saturnian deflation for what goes up must come down.


*Regulus represents the Capitol Building and therefore, the US Congress. For more info see A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington.

May 20, 2015

Marco Rubio’s RNC Spending Spree - video (Jupiter-Neptune)

MarcoRubio #RepublicanParty #GOP #Campaign2016 #spendthrift

Hmmm...must check out the planets that signify spend-thriftiness and illusion in Marco Rubio's natal chart--Jupiter and Neptune, the inflationary pair of speculation, grandness, and potential fraud. And it seems quite appropriate now considering his questionable spending that within a few days of the time that a very thirsty Senator Rubio gave the Republican response to President Obama's 2013 SOTU address, expansive Jupiter, planet of money, greed, 'sprees', and overspending, stationed upon Rubio's natal Sun, planet of ego, a transit denoting increases in the political and financial realms along with a lack of boundaries and a perhaps ill-advised sense of importance.

Apr 29, 2015

Papantonio: Mitch McConnell Wants to Nullify the Constitution - video

#USConstitution #USPatriotAct #NSA #EdSnowden #1984 #BigBrother #MitchMcConnell

Speaking of Orwell's predictive novel 1984, eclipse themes provide background vibrations that can describe on one or more levels the time span or event in focus and there were 5 eclipses that year: 3 lunar and 2 Solar Eclipses.

The first Solar Eclipse of 1984 (a 'Reagan year') manifested @9Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus, the planet of revolution, revolt, uprisings, and anarchy and is intimately connected with America's cycle of going to war. Here are a few details on the themes of both 1984 Solar Eclipses, paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology:

May 30, 1984 in the 4 North Saros Series contains themes of difficulties, illusions, restraints, restriction, inhibition, and separation; events occur which block progress and lead to misjudgment of strengths or the situation; best to wait until the influences of 4N are over before taking any real action. (4N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948, and of Aldous Huxley.)

November 22, 1984 in the 4 South Saros Series @1Sagittarius; 4S carries themes of strong emotions about relationships or money, anger, or lust; a sense of fatedness is attached with a sudden desire to end relationships in which events seem to spiral out of control; a great deal of frustration in involved due to blocked emotions; best to avoid rash actions until issues settle down. (4S is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the US Mint--October 16, 1786--and the Bush-Cheney Invasion and Occupation of Iraq in 2003.

The Sabian Symbol for 1984's eclipse @1Sag links or resonates with the 2003 horror that is the Bush-Cheney war presidency: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Or as some might call it, how to misuse, misdirect, and lame an entire military force such as the world had never seen.

Of course, many other planetary factors influenced the year 1984 including a Great Conjunction of the speculator-wastrel-grand-schemer-inflationary pair, Jupiter and Neptune @00Cap01, a World Point of Manifestation and Prominence. This occurred only once on January 19, 1984 but it also imprinted the presidency of Barack Obama during his first year in office for there were three Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions sprinkled through 2009, exact on May 27, July 10, and December 21--all within the range of 24--27 degrees of Aquarius which conjoins the US natal Moon of July 4, 1776.

Jupiter-Neptune = natal Moon gave the American people fraudulent schemes, false promises, little sense of reality, a desire to dream (dreamy 'rock star' Barack--his Mars veiled by US natal Neptune!), and of course you remember the mortgage-credit-banking crisis, Bush's Crash of 2008 as December led into 2009.

So though it puts me in a right old snit of miffdom to say so, the 1984 and 2009 conjunctions of expansive Jupiter and deceptive Neptune--one conjunction in Earthy, practical Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) and the others of 2009 in Airy Aquarius (sign of several things including Science, Progress, Independence, and Technology (exs: NSA spying on the American people as discussed in the video, above; Transhumanism and breakthroughs in Genetics)--link together the administrations of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama in a frothy 'grand spirit' sort of way. And fraud. We mustn't forget government fraud.

Mar 15, 2015

Mar 16, 2015 12 am: US hits debt ceiling with Sun Pisc-Moon Cap vibes

Yes, at midnight tonight it's debt ceiling time again and the US Congress has been privileged to set such a limit since 1939. The limitation doesn't mean more budget-busting spending, it means satisfying obligations the US government has already taken on and neglecting these burdens is what led to America's credit downgrade in 2011, finagled mainly by anti-Obama Republicans in Congress.

Therefore, unless Congress changes its tune, the US treasury can't satisfy creditors as of March 16, 2015--the very date of the final (of 7 total) exact Cardinal Squares between revolutionary Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. In the Eastern Time Zone, the Uranus-Pluto squares perfects at 10:54 pm.

And with dissolving, fraudulent Neptune now strong in its own sign of Pisces, the undermining of the US system of government insinuates on under the speculator-spendthrift pair of Jupiter-Neptune ruling and co-ruling murky, often deceptive Pisces.

The conscious-unconscious vibes of the debt ceiling situation of the moment are Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn, a practical Water-Earth combo of energies that is shared natally by Freemason George Washington who advised us to, "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

Hopefully, the current blend's practicality concerning the March 2015 debt ceiling issue will be victorious over the zealous anarchists in Congress who apparently care little or nothing for America's reputation or credit-worthiness. Now if only such anti-government 'bad company' could be removed from Capitol Hill and take their billionaire social tinkerers and National Zionists with them!

Related: Types of Zionism, one of the many Pluto-Chiron -isms of oppression, exploitation, and primal violence. You'll note that transiting Pluto and Chiron, the Plutocracy pair, last met in Great Conjunction in November 1999 as one of civilization's cosmic 'ushers' into the New Millennium. Their conjunction in Sagittarius hit America's natal Ascendant in the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm 'Sibly' horoscope and soon the trumped up 'war on terror' began.

Also on topic is a previous post concerning the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse and Washington DC's neglected burdens.

Jan 13, 2015

Papantonio: Defense Contractors Try To Gut Whistleblowers - video

Fraud loving Neptune now floating through its own murky, sometimes criminal sign of Pisces, just keeps outdoing itself as it expresses in the real world. And usually on Capitol Hill. Iraq war contractors, government fraud, the pharmaceutical industry--Neptune is working overtime during the Jupiter-Neptune-imprinted Obama administration--imprinted since their 3 conjunctions of 2009.

Of course, the criminality of Jupiter-Neptune, the grand scheming pair of wastrels, spendthrifts, speculators, and visionaries, is being conveniently enabled and undergirded by America's natal Mars-Neptune square with its misguided and deceptive motivations, misdirected actions, and 'fog of war' quagmires.

And let's not again discuss how America's natal Neptune @22Virgo precisely veils President Obama's natal Mars, planet of motivations and actions!

Aug 31, 2014

Wall Street against US Economic Recovery - video

Are you surprised that Wall Street doesn't want the US economy to recover? And after the American people bailed them out! Two words for what these fraudsters who gamble with other people's money are: thieves and crooks.

And yes, as you probably know, the natal horoscope of Wall Street shows a wastrel-spendthrift-fraudster-speculation combination, a conjunction between expansive, over-indulging Jupiter and bubbly, deceitful Neptune. And this relates directly to comments in the video concerning the Obama administration--the last (current) Jupiter-Neptune cycle began with the pair's 3 conjunctions all through 2009, the first year of Mr. Obama's term and right after the Bush-Cheney Heist of 2008.

And all the Jupiter-Neptune fraud and fluffiness fell directly on US natal Moon--We the People!

Jupiter-Neptune = Moon: becoming involved in speculation; little sense of reality; instability; wastefulness; losing oneself in plans. (Ebertin, 'The Combination of Stellar influences.')

As you see, the potential expressions of this midpoint picture perfectly describes, not just Wall Street's scams upon us, but also the culpability of those who took out mortgages and other loans they could not afford. Even 'balloon payments' that increase as payments proceed can be placed under an inflated Jupiter-Neptune umbrella.

Seems that the master plan to destroy America for the sake of 'global government' is going as envisioned including a hint from the attacks on 9/11/01 with the void-of-course Moon (the people) that morning at '28 Gemini', a degree of Bankruptcy. And Heist 2008 continued the master plan with the bankruptcy of our National Treasury. (Setting up global governance is an expensive enterprise, you know.)

Of course, these financial and governmental psychopaths have power only to the extent that we believe they have it--so let's stop believing in them and in their paper society!

Oct 30, 2013

A Cosmic Link: Obamacare and the GOP's natal Neptune

An Astrology Link Between Obamacare and the Republican Party

by Jude Cowell

First, here is a link to a post concerning the March 23, 2010 horoscope of the President Signing the Health Insurance Reform, or, ACA, or Obamacare, if you prefer. What's nifty for astrologers is that the moment of signing the bill into law is on record as 11:55 am edt. My post focuses on transiting Neptune (illusion, deception, inspiration) conjoining US natal Moon (We the People) at that unstable time, plus, the signing of the law occurred with the Moon out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane so the public was feeling emotionally insecure, uncertain, and unattached to the event--out of the loop were we especially since health insurance companies basically authored the bill that became law.

One of the primary planetary links between the ACA horoscope and that of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI) is the ACA's 10th house Jupiter @15Pis18 conjoining the Party's natal 4th house Neptune (15Pis52 Rx), a time when illusion, deception, and pretense are the order of the day. A loss of touch with reality is indicated along with fanaticism and paranoia, typical of the years when Neptune floats through its own watery sign of Pisces, even without a Jupiter-to-Neptune transit.

And of course an inflation/conflation theme is often active whenever Jupiter and Neptune are linked together and we certainly see this tendency as the GOP spends much of their time and energy--and taxpayers' dimes--attempting to inflate any issue they can into a scandal that, they hope, will entangle the Obama administration and thereby 'justify' Republican cries for repealing Obamacare and, if their dream (Jupiter-Neptune) comes true, for impeachment of a president who dares to govern while Democrat.

Does any of this sound like some Republicans you know?


If you're wondering when the Republican Party will experience its first-ever Neptune Return to 15Pis52, it will be a three-fer (lots of Neptunian lessons to learn--if the Party remains in existence)--and the Return dates are:

1. May 18, 2018; 2. August 7, 2018 (Rx); 3. February 27, 2019. The Return/s will 'freshen up' any aspects or other planetary and angular relationships their natal Neptune had at the Party's founding.

Sep 16, 2013

Sept 19, 2013: a Harvest Moon, then Autumn Equinox 2013 (horoscope)

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 22, 2013 set for the White House

by Jude Cowell

Soon after the September 19, 2013 *Full Moon @26Pis40 (2013's Harvest Moon), the Summer season officially morphs into Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Below is an image of Autumn Equinox 2013 set for the White House as the symbolic representation of America. The Hour is Mercurial and the phase is Full Moon (+221:53) in the primarily Fixed-Air chart with Cadent houses emphasized and a splay chart pattern indicating a 'strong, sharp aggregation of planets at irregular points and a rugged resistance to being pigeon-holed by associates' mindset (Jones):

Visualizing the planets (actors) as the spokes of a wheel is one way of looking at a splay patterned chart with its focus on individuality and on those with intense personalities who refuse to be limited and tend to be impersonal or globally-minded. (Ex: the opportunistic Henry VIII and his 'political expediency' marriage issues.)

Mercury Hours are good for such things that speedy Mercury the Orator, Trader, and Negotiator love such as communications, travel, transport, planning, speech writing, and how we think--here, Mercury in balanced yet warring Libra in 8th house of Finance and Shared Resources points toward the return of the debt ceiling brouhaha and other financial concerns and stalemates which are to be enjoined again between the White House and Congress this Fall as our fiscal year ends on October 1st.

Will Republican Tea Partiers force America to default on her debts to make a dumb point that Obamacare--already a law--should be 'de-funded'? De-funding, if it happened, wouldn't change the fact that it's settled law no matter how many times tone-deaf partisans neurotically bash their heads against brick walls out of fear that the program will become popular once people experience its provisions in action!

Meanwhile, in the 2nd house of our National Treasury, we find anarchist Uranus in Aries ('Utopians and fanatics' -Ebertin) Rx at '11 Aries' ("The President of the Country" -Jones.) More emphasis is placed upon the current administration by the 2nd house ruler and co-ruler, Jupiter and Neptune, who in Aquarius met three times in Great Conjunction all through 2009, the year President Obama took office--and thus imprinted his administration with their bubbly, inflationary, over-promising, and wastrel vibes. The NYSE with its natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is indicated.

To personalize matters for the US, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s took place atop US natal Moon (We the People) which showed there was little sense of reality in our financial system and in the propaganda campaign meant to sway the public that steps were being taken to 'fix' Main Street after the Crash of 2008 when in fact most if not all fiscal reforms were done for Wall Street's benefit. Now in 2013, big banks are larger with their fat bubbly selves and some people are foretelling another crash which may finish us off.

The September 22, 2013 chart is ruled by Saturn and co-ruled Uranus Rx--well, at least Saturn is direct, right? And is in 9th house of Foreign Lands along with the North Node which was recently conjoined with Saturn denoting problem-filled relationships, disadvantages through others, and/or teamwork that steadily becomes more difficult as time goes by.

And of course, mundane Saturn these days signifies austerians, lawmakers, law repealers, managers, and status quo types--and Republicans since they're playing 'bad cop' at this time (deficits always decrease under Democratic presidents, as you know, but wildly inflate under Republicans ones leaving Democrats little to work with in the 'widening income gap' situation of inequality. This ploy has slowed the US economic recovery and worked well against President Obama, hasn't it? Yet I continue to think of the 'Rs and Ds' as factions of a ruling class with different ways of doing things more than two separate political parties.)

As you see, Venus in Scorpio is also posited in 9th house and has strong powers of attraction though jealousy, waste, and self-control v licentiousness may be concerns via Scorpio and its rulers Mars and Pluto. Venus rules the EQ 2013 Moon in 3rd house @11Tau53 and opposes Luna (1A25) denoting challenges for those who try too hard to convince others of their sincerity. (Never trust a man who says Trust Me, my mama was fond of saying.)

Misunderstandings abound as the public (Moon) gives and/or gets only suspicion and defensive posturing when attempting to cooperate with intense Venus in Scorpio, but that door swings both ways. The Moon-Venus duo has expensive tastes, so some careful belt-tightening continues to be advisable, worrying less is a good practice, and reserving our private details for those we know best is wise--to the extent that government, spies, corporations, and hackers allow us to protect our personal information from prying eyes.

Venusian diplomacy of a foreign nature is also indicated by the Moon-Venus opposition and Venus rules the 3rd house of Communications through money sign Taurus but her influence is ensnared via interception in the 8th house of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Insurance, Death, Transformation, etc. Foreign diplomacy involving Syria, Russia, the US, the UN, and others is denoted by this combo of energies and house rulings.

Since more war may be on the global menu this season, a look at testosterone driven Mars @16Leo14 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations is in order. 7th house Partnerships and Open Enemies are areas of Martian interest with disruptive Uranus therein; Mars is disposited by the ego-driven Sun, ruler of Leo. Diplomatic Venus, though ruled here in part by Mars via Scorpio, squares Mars (2A56) which shows blockages and obstacles to or within their teamwork efforts along with male-female issues in general. Warrior Mars also squares the Moon, an indicator that some people are fearful of being taken advantage of whenever compromise is needed--even though imagined threats may never materialize.

Military mobilization may be indicated as well along with anger (Mars) of the people (Moon.) In all cases, things are touchy and feelings are overly sensitive especially if we take the Moon-Venus opposition and Mars opposite the Ascendant to be a Fixed Grand Cross with the energy expressing at the WHAT? Point of the chart (ASC). It may be a bit of stretch but Saturn @9Sco09 could be included in the dynamic square pattern which hopefully adds some measure of self-control to volatile conditions especially since the Mars-Uranus trine has passed (5S16).

Autumn Equinox 2013 (aka, Libra Ingress 2013)

At 4:44:09 pm edt on Sunday September 22, when the Sun 'clocks in' at 00Lib:00:00, the Ascendant = 8AQ00 in Washington with the plutocrats' oppressive, exploitative Pluto-Chiron midpoint rising @9AQ46; chart-rulers Saturn and Uranus together indicate brittleness, old vs new (status quo v progress), and the ancient conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Yes, global plutocrats are as usual attempting to control the 'powder keg' that they've already aroused through decades of exploitation and bossiness.

12th cusp = 11Cap33 so Saturn also rules the unconscious house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions such as hospitals and zoos. It's what once was called the 'smokey back rooms' where politicians make secret deals and here we have sneaky Pluto barely into 11th house from 12th so more plans for toppling governments--and politicians--may soon be revealed. Now there are those who think Russia's current 'diplomatic proposal' for Syria's Assad to hand over his chemical weapons to the UN may divert US bomb strikes in that nation but I see the Political Theater now being performed as stalling tactics--for the weapons to be moved to other locations, yes--but also as part of the Global Government operatives' implementation of the agenda since doing things in a halting fashion works even better than direct force which could result in worldwide blow back and more delay. As in all things, timing is important and it seems the West's take-over of Syria is merely on-hold for now.

In addition, these thorny issues are deepened by an inconjunct of adjustment (150 degrees; 1A48) between authoritarian Saturn in 9th house and disruptive Uranus Rx in 2nd house which may include concerns over US billions sent to foreign countries to do who-knows-what--payoffs, bribes, and weapons purchases, among other things one can imagine. This inconjunct (or, quincunx) denotes that priorities are difficult to establish or are incorrectly acted upon, obligations may be neglected, and a 'locked in the past' attitude may be noticed as Saturnians try desperately to hold onto controls of the past...which cannot be done.

With this Saturn, Republicans with their nonsensical, undermining notions of secession and nullification easily come to mind, and cantankerousness and stress within relationships and partnerships are evident. (Again, the Republican Party and Tea Partisans rear their ugly heads as I type and the destruction of America on behalf of a 'new world order' seems to be their sorry goal. Not that others aren't enabling the agenda...)

Uranus Square Pluto...Again (until 2015)

There are no other major applying aspects by chart-ruler Saturn in the Autumn EQ 2013 horoscope but there is the ongoing applying square between co-ruler Uranus and powerful, wealthy Pluto @8Cap59. Plus, Pluto remains in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun) so the stand-off continues as Mr. Underworld expects much fortune to accrue to him and his plutocratic minions. And so far, he and the Vatican Bank have been correct in that presumption. (As you know, astrological Pluto can represent 'The Pope', hidden or invisible power, riches squirreled away in hidden places, plus, assassins and rapists.)

Rising in 1st house we see nebulous Neptune of The Media and The Masses--a master of propaganda and lies and already mentioned above concerning 2009's Great Conjunction/s with money planet Jupiter while Jupiter (The General) is in preparatory stage in Cadent 6th house of Military and Police Services, Work, and Health. The inflationary pair of planets are now sesqui-square one another (0A54) from 1st h to 6th h. This aspect is one of interlaced squares, layers of complexity which may culminate in an intense release of energies that can have positive or negative results. The promotion of constructive and/or conflicting ideas is indicated. (Meyer.)

Well, that's my view of the Autumn EQ 2013 horoscope when set for Washington DC. Below is a brief consideration of this Thursday's Full Harvest Moon with Luna's Sabian Symbol for '27Pisces' being appropriately, "A Harvest Moon"...keyword is BENEDICTION (Jones):

*In Washington DC the September 19, 2013 Full (Harvest) Moon @26Pis40 falls into 6th house of Military and Police Services, Work, Health, and Daily Routines (Desc 29Pis45) and the Sun @29Vir40 rises. In Mundane Astrology, a Mutable Pisces Moon (fluctuating; changeable; possibly unstable) indicates that We the People are impressionable and trending toward confusion mixed with compassion. Tears may flow and perhaps many of us are feeling victimized (Virgo-Pisces polarity = victim-savior axis) by self-interested politicians and even worse by poorly constructed and/or corporately written legislation (ALEC comes to mind--see The Nation's ALEC Exposed: The Koch Connection.)

A forceful Thor's Hammer pattern is prominent with Mercury @16Lib02 rising and squaring a 10th house Jupiter @16Can53; this square is the base of the Hammer which is aimed at gaseous Neptune @3Pis20 Rx in 5th house but conjunct the 6th cusp (3Pis22). A midpoint picture is formed denoting potentials for successful deception and/or speculation, 'losing the ground underfoot' while speaking, trusting in good fortune, bamboozling or scamming others--or, being well inspired. (Ebertin.)

Transit Saturn @8Sco48 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (and conjunct NN 8Sco20) along with evaluating Venus @9Sco26, conjoins President Obama's natal Neptune, the 'grim face of reality' and/or 'dream come true' transit. With either outcome, the star of the American people is hitched to the president's boat.