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Showing posts with label Pluto in Capricorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto in Capricorn. Show all posts

Jan 31, 2016

Stealthy Pluto Creeps into His Own!

Is a great philosopher turning over in his grave at the news? It is reported that Plato's mythical Ring of Gyges is no longer a myth but reality.

On an astrological level, we have sneaky spy, saboteur, and assassin Pluto continuing its plod through Saturn-ruled Capricorn and approaching America's first-ever Pluto Return in 2022, and now years of research and development are reported to have come to fruition. This draconian scientific breakthrough sounds like worsening levels of mayhem and destruction to me but perhaps you disagree: Quantum Stealth Invisibility Cloak, From Canada's Hyperstealth Biotechnology, Gets Pentagon Backing. Well, of course it's backed by America's Death Star Pentagon, invested in no doubt. After all, the degree of US natal Mercury (July 4, 1776) has a revealing Sabian Symbol full of Pluto's influence: "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" (Jones)...and US Mercury in Cancer opposes natal Pluto in Capricorn across the security axis. Creepy.

Plus, the troubling effects of a US Pluto Return are heightened by the fact that by degree, transit Pluto will first oppose US natal Mercury @24Cancer+, a time of mental manipulation, transformation in our ways of thinking (already on Science's accomplished list), and the misuse and abuse of knowledge, secrets, and confidential information. Transit Pluto will be within a 5-degree orb of opposition to US natal Mercury as soon as March 2017, denoting mind control projects, total awareness technologies, and the evolution of propaganda methods. These Pluto transits wildly activate America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition which has always intruded upon We the People! Unintended consequence or not, this entire Pluto power grab should be a real boost for the criminal underworld--and it has nuclear implications as well.

Meanwhile, Plato's question in The Republic (Book 2), Would people act morally if their actions were undetectable and unaccountable? is automatically answered since acting morally is no consideration for the hidden hand of cave dweller Pluto in governmental Capricorn. Curious that news of Pentagon backing for this project of immoral proportions is revealed under the current Saturn (government, law, business)/Neptune (hidden, secret, invisible) square from seeker Sagittarius to secretive Pisces. Telling, I would say.

So even if a cloak of invisibility 'revolutionizes' the military industrial complex (the war waging industry), it seems an illegitimate way to conduct business. But if announcing 'the cloak' is meant to increase the level of fear, anxiety, and paranoia in the world it's perfect for that along with creating unfair advantage and thus such gains create massive amounts of negative *karma. And now, with draconian flourish, the dream of a Ring of Gyges finally comes to life...ready to steal lives and other treasures without being seen or suspected while acting as an agent of the Deep State. Oh Canada.

Related posts: 2016: the Saturn-Neptune Square - What Does it Mean? includes a Barbara Goldsmith video presentation, and Natal Chart of the Pentagon containing a bi-wheel with the January 2010 Solar Eclipse added to the Death Star's natal chart which makes for quite a messy double horoscope image thanks to my chicken scratch notes. Sorry.


*As a Saturnian astrologer, my preferred definition of the natural law of karma is: reaping what was sown; and in military terms: blow back.


And for readers who prefer lighter fare than heavy Pluto and ancient philosophers, check out my new glamour-drenched blog Neptune's Silver Screen for horoscopes, video clips, movies, documentaries, and bios of your favorite classic film stars! And if you like 'NSS', please encourage me to continue publishing the blog by sharing! Jude

Jan 4, 2016

2016 Saturn-Neptune Square: What Does It Mean? - Barbara Goldsmith

January 2016 Gets Off to Rocky Start w Saturn-Neptune Square Vibes Strengthening

Since 2010 planets Saturn and Neptune have often been mentioned here on Stars Over Washington. Examples include: separately (Saturn = government, law, business and is a societal planet along with Jupiter; austere Saturn (loss) restricts, Jupiter expands (gain) and they alternate their roles in Mundane/Political Astrology as representatives of the Democratic and Republican Parties; Neptune can inspire but also undermine, defraud, and deceive; karmic Saturn and Neptune bracket America's natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, in July 4, 1776 natal charts set for around 5:00 pm LMT (Sag rising), and their midpoint is the 'illness axis'. Together the pair denotes the weaker, poorer, needier people among us so that our social safety net programs are indicated. Their combined energies also represent such societal movements as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, and Capitalism, and our secret/invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn).

In addition, the Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune have been previously considered for the current square between them is a phase of their 36-year cycle which began in 1989 with three conjunctions: March 3 @11Cap55, June 24 @11Cap14, and November 13 @10Cap22. Ah yes, Saturn-ruled Capricorn! Sign of Government, Law, Business, Systems, and the status quo. And as you see, the 10--12 degree area of Capricorn has already been trodded upon by creepy wealthy Pluto, god of Hades and the Dragon Guarding the Hidden Treasure (not to miss the resonance with China, land of the dragon, whose stock market drooped overnight which is affecting global markets today); Pluto remains within a 5-degree orb of the 1989 conjunction/s. Therefore, the Collective is experiencing a 'hangover' from 1989 triggered in the form of the downtrodden and fearful images of Saturn-Neptune = Pluto. And let's note that 'methodical execution of plans with painstaking effort' is also denoted by Saturn-Neptune (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin).

Now as previously discussed here, bass note Pluto in Capricorn keys such images as 'the dictator' and prescribes a long period when governments are toppled and stable institutions and systems are undermined or dissolved (Neptunian words). As 2016 begins (and with 1776's US Pluto @27Cap33 Rx), Americans are feeling the effects big-time especially since our nation has been held up as a model for the world--of democracy, freedom, independence, humanitarianism, and personal and religious liberty. Yet many of us, self included, feel that anti-American forces have taken over Washington and have and will divert America from such a noble course set upon Enlightenment principles in 1776. The 'new order' has become an outdated 'old order', the ruling elite tell us in so many ways. (Ex: a temporary government shutdown with that particular threat now permanently on the political table; even Grover Norquist's 'shrink the US government small enough to drown it in a bathtub' is a Saturn-Neptune threat!).

Years ago, America's exalted-in-Libra Saturn with its Scales of Justice changed course by progression turning retrograde in corporate/big business Scorpio (3-degrees+) where legal-minded lawmaker Saturn remains paralyzed like a fly in amber. And our national Jupiter in Cancer turned retrograde, too, in 1905 when its change of course aided the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System (SP Jupiter remains in Cancer--@15Cancer, the Pentagon's natal Ascendant showing where most of our money goes.)

Now in 2016, societal concerns affected by their tension-filled square include: Saturn in Sagittarius (foreigners/emigrants leaving their native countries, boundaries and borders, a sense of justice, legalities, asceticism and renunciation) and Neptune in Pisces (fear, paranoia, pessimism, contagions, poisons and toxins, epidemics, oil-gas issues, spiritualism, mysticism, psychism, pathological tendencies, the arts). And of course, Saturn's rigid boundaries are under threat of dissolution by urge-to-merge Neptune so corporate monopolies are under the spotlight as well and the tension of their square suggests weather disasters with earth and tectonic plates (Saturn) and water/floods/fumes (Neptune) needing release.

As Above, So Below: Looking Ahead on Such Difficult Topics

Our nation has its very first Pluto Return/s to natal position in 2022--will a new order be in place by then? Plus, the next Saturn-Neptune conjunction conjoins the Aries Point (a World Point of Manifestation) on February 20, 2026 and these cosmic events are major descriptions of what all the distopian films, TV shows, and dire predictions for global society are intended to prepare society for--you know, the 'entertainment' (propaganda) we're constantly being drenched with to make the plans of the power elite seem inevitable.

All this said, perhaps an informative report on the Saturn-Neptune square from astrologer Barbara Goldsmith is appropriate at this juncture and I hope as 2016 gets more fully underway that we'll all be able to take any Saturn-Neptune lessons learned to heart by embracing Neptunian compassion while upholding Saturnian truthfulness:


Blog Note: if I must watch depressing distopian films or films in general, my preference is the classic films and the stars who appear on Neptune's Silver Screen!

And now, here is Brett Dennen on with David Letterman, singing his song 'Heaven' which lyrically sums up all the Saturn-Neptune loss and despair mentioned in my above text. For those who believe in Eternal Life, just think--there are no politicians or prisons in Heaven!

May 21, 2015

Rand Paul Filibustering Renewal of Patriot Act 5.20.2015 - video

Last evening at 11:48 pm EDT with *Pluto in Capricorn rising, Senator Rand Paul completed his performance of something approximating a 'filibuster' on the Senate floor protesting the renewal of the draconian US Patriot Act part of which can sunset away at the end of May if Congress does what it does best, nothing.

As Senator Paul begins to speak we hear his communicative Gemini Moon expressing along side his governmental Capricorn Sun of goals and ego. The Sabian Symbol of the Sun at a critical 29th degree during his performance is (rounding up) '30 Taurus' = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn" which you may take however you think is most appropriate for describing the aims of a 2016 presidential candidate.

Here are a few more astro-notes concerning the natal planets and Sun-Moon personality blend of Senator Rand Paul.

*Pluto in Capricorn rising spotlights the current transiting Venus-Pluto opposition with Venus at 13 Cancer conjoining Sirius, The Scorcher, the goddess star of Egypt.

Apr 23, 2015

The TPP, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Modernizing the WTO

Brief Planetary Considerations on Trade 1995--2015

by Jude Cowell

Did you see Alex Manson's article of April 20, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal about Modernizing the WTO?

Mr. Manson writes that the trade organization has to "adapt if it wants to stay relevant" which seems a notable topic for a newspaper article considering the current tussle over the President Obama's insistence on Fast Track Authority so that the Trans-Atlantic Partnership (#TPP) can be shoved through Congress with the public kept in the dark over its provisions and threats to US workers, environmental protections, national sovereignty, and who-knows-what other serious changes to our world.

Just ask Senator Elizabeth Warren about Fast Track and the TPP. She says You Can't Read This because the American public wouldn't like the TPP at all if we knew what's in it and I must agree. If the TPP is so great why can't we know about it before it becomes law, replaces US laws, and gives international corporations an even stronger hand of disenfranchisement against workers?

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill can read the TPP--in private but then they cannot discuss its details and that alone should make anyone suspicious. And some say that the majority of the TPP's text has nothing to do with trade!

Well, on a similar topic I took look today at a founding horoscope for the World Trade Organization (WTO) since it supposedly has oversight over international trade deals, a duty which is possibly now abandoned. WTO's founding date is January 1, 1995 and since I have no specific hour, one of the charts I'm reading is symbolically set for the New Moon @10Cap33 that morning at 11:55:38 am CET Geneva, Switzerland, location of WTO headquarters. Naturally the 2-3 days leading up to the New Moon was a dark time when shady things go bump in the night!

Note that the WTO's 10Cap solar-lunar degree naturally conjoins the United Kingdom's natal Sun of Jan 1, 1801 (UK natal Moon 19Can26 in 10th house 12:00 am London, UK--Campion).

And since the WSJ article (linked above) about modernizing the WTO was published on April 20, 2015 at 12:44 pm ET, I set up that horoscope in order to view current transits to the WTO chart of 1995. Here are the primary transits now in progress with a focus on conjunctions to the New Moon chart of 1995 which has Cardinal Points of Prominence angular: 1Ari21 rising and 00Cap37 at Midheaven (MC):

2015 Neptune conjunct WTO Saturn @8Pis01 (in 12th house of Politics and Back Room Deals), a time when traditions and structures may disintegrate and circumstances (TPP = a new sheriff in town?) require a new approach to the handling of authority). Another transit is that of Saturn Rx to natal Jupiter @4Sag49 (in natal 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, and Transformation) which times a period with the retrograde of Saturn when prosperity and growth may be restricted; a slower return for the WTO's efforts may be expected and some wealth, knowledge, and/or power may have to be shared and spread around.

The last conjunctions in this brief consideration of the WTO natal chart involves transformative Pluto, the saboteur and spy, now at 15Cap32 Rx. Powerful Pluto, planet of hidden wealth in secret places, is poised among the WTO's natal Sun, Moon, Mercury (21Cap10), Neptune (22:35), and Uranus (25:29) and will be there for the next few years. I am assuming that the WTO will continue to exist, of course.

Pluto to natal Sun and Moon, then Mercury, marks an extended period of turmoil and transformation of power and goals with ego being the driving motivation for most actions. Knowledge will make a difference in retaining one's power with ideas and plans becoming more intensely focused and previous concepts altered to allow for more relevance. Calls for modernization echo this requirement in order to increase the organization's influence.

When transit Pluto reaches natal Neptune (fresh off its Great Conjunction/s with Uranus three times in 1993 = new world order, or, Global Government which is what I believe the WTO and the TPP are all about), the WTO may expect an erosion of power via undermining forces which are difficult to detect. Sabotage, perhaps cyber, and/or newer systems may replace or greatly change the WTO's structure, methods, and traditions (all this planetary stimulation by Pluto is occurring in the structural status quo sign of Capricorn).

Pluto is within orb (5 Degrees) of natal Neptune in January 2017 and first conjoins the nebulous planet of fraud, deception, and corruption in early 2019. With WTO's natal Uranus @25Cap29, transit Pluto enters its electrical vicinity for the first time ever in February 2018 and perfects its first conjunction in 2020:

Pluto to natal Uranus will mark a period of technological advances which will deeply affect the WTO agenda and its business concerns and jobs related, or part of, federal or national programs. Popular protests may erupt in response to government actions with freedom and independence as topics of concern--as they are now with the secretive TPP deal being swept along no matter how We the People express concern and suspicion.

As a panacea for TPP critics once Fast Track Authority is gained, a 60-day period of public comment is promised and may be timed by political and financial planet Jupiter in Leo reaching its shadow degree (where investing Jupiter turned Rx on December 8, 2014) and passing it (early July 2015) and, barring political or planetary obstructions, this change of direction denotes forward movement on several financial and political levels, all of which will affect the lives of people in the United States and in other nations as well.

Yes, we're mired in a new-world-order swamp, folks, and no one in Washington DC is telling the complete truth of what the corporate globe-knitting embedded within the TPP really intends.

#WTO #TPP #ElizabethWarren #WSJ #Jupiter

Sep 1, 2014

Washington DC: September 8, 2014 Full Harvest Moon in Pisces

Return of the Locomotive Pattern of Success: Lead Planet Jupiter (The General)

by Jude Cowell

With America now back on track toward sending more troops into Iraq, a December 18, 2011 post Iraq War ends w US Saturn uppermost 12.18.11 seems in retrospect to hint at a long relationship (Saturn) between the US government (natal Saturn) and the 2003 misadventure of the Bush administration's One Percent Doctrine, aka, the Cheney Doctrine of counter-terrorism.

Now since this is a Political Astrology blog, I trust that you have clicked or tapped yourself into the right place for expecting misadventure descriptions and unintended consequences explored under the rays of the September 8, 2014 Full Moon @16Pis19. If not you are urged to sashay over to a more personal Full Moon assessment at Ruby Slipper Astrology: Full Moon in Pisces: Wash Away the Inadequacy.

For as someone once said, Politics is "an organized system of hatreds..." (H. B. Adams) and I believe it should not be allowed to taint anyone's mood too harshly though goodness knows politicians and propagandists try their best every chance they get.

The New Moon of August 25, 2014 @2Vir18 is the beginning of the cycle from whence the September 2014 Harvest Full Moon comes--always two weeks later and always a culmination or fulfillment of the seeds planted at the previous New Moon. Follow the link for an image of the New Moon horoscope set for DC with a few chart details added.

So from Virgo to Pisces we go toward Autumn Equinox of September 22, 2014 (I'm preparing the post for it now to be published asap.) Set for DC, this Full Moon horoscope shows Taurus rising (10:22) which nominates Venus as chart-ruler and as usual, we look at the applying aspects of Venus to glean how things may proceed over the next two weeks from this lunation until the next New Moon of September 24 when the axis of emphasis changes from Virgo-Pisces (victim/savior) to Aries-Libra (relationships/self v others.) Yet we know that any Full Moon involves relationships along with full awareness and a potential for endings or even concerns about public matters.

Honestly, there are so many victims (and saviors) in the world today it's sometimes difficult to focus on just one or one group, isn't it? Additionally, in Washington DC the Full Harvest Moon falls in the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes so perhaps President Obama will have news concerning 'coalition of the willing' alliances he is said to prefer as the Pentagon marches off to the Middle East (not that we fully left) to continue its "war on terror" though to my mind, war IS terror.

Yes, ISIS/ISIL/IS--the Islamic State of assassins now terrorizing Iraq and Syria is being used in an attempt to terrorize the American public into fighting more war--may be a legitimate threat to the US but if so, it was the radicalization of the Middle East caused by our past betrayals plus Bush-Cheney bombs and now Mr. Obama's bombs that brought or may bring 'blowback' to our shores...for there's something about bombs killing all one's relatives that inspires a man or woman toward taking revenge--and an endless cycle of hatred and violence prevails. Forcing global government upon people who don't want it predictably creates chaos, don't you think?

Now the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus (in 5th house of Risk-Taking) are as follows: Venus opposes Neptune (1A45) which indicates a period of vicious gossip, possible sexually transmitted diseases, and empty diplomacy. Self-serving gestures are prominent and religious fervor is faked.

Venus last trines powerful Pluto (6A53; Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands @11Cap02 Rx) denoting a time when the reading of body language is easy and those who seem self-contained with an aura of self-possession seem the most attractive. And though there are no guarantees there is a chance now to turn past failure into success which is an opportunity the Obama administration, the Democratic Party, and other players must take quick advantage of if they know what's cookin'.

If only the good of the American people were of any consideration!

Okay, the last chart factors I'll mention are the wide opposition between Mercury and Uranus across the 6/12 axis (which includes military and police services) squaring 9th house Pluto. This dynamic T-Square pattern may tend to attract complications or reversals, denotes potentials for vulgarities or slurs being added to speech, may point to a hasty realization of plans, and/or to 'getting the biggest job done in a commanding way' (Tyl.) Like a war or something really big.

Plus, now traversing structural, status quo Capricorn, wealthy, plutocratic Pluto is the apex planet of this Cardinal T-Square and we recognize those with a one-tracked, obsessive drive toward objectives which may include a demand for complete metamorphosis of systems and institutions and those who don't mind using extreme force to have their own way so that an old order can be swept away for the new. Abuse of power lies well within Pluto's realm as he overwhelms any opposition or challenge to his (imagined?) authority.

Now I wonder who this creepy Pluto group of psychopaths could be? The Fed, the Pentagon, international bankers, oligarchs, criminals, dictators, the Pope, secret societies, foreign or domestic assassins? Just as in life, Astrology works on many levels simultaneously so my guess is that Pluto represents all of the above and more besides--as in, a global conspiracy working toward waging WWIII.

Yet are there any benefits in the Full Moon chart to soothe the difficult energies and conditions now manifesting in the world? Perhaps, for an Earth Grand Trine is formed if we count a point of outlet for the energies at the Ascendant. The two planets involved are Sun trine Pluto, the actor I just maligned so terribly. Their protective, materialistic trine is separating (5S16) which denotes a past meeting (the Sept 4/5 NATO Summit in Wales?) between Sun (leader of a nation--in Wales it's 28 nations) and crabby, isolated, powerful Pluto, an aspect of concentrated will and deep insight into the most efficient use of energy and resources. As you know, a separating aspect also indicates unconscious or secretive influences.

Well, since we're talking Politics, NATO discussions of global security threats, and the Sun-Pluto duo, we may expect that changes in policy direction are in the air along with governing authority that is used to control dissent along with a generous helping of immorality. And it seems to me that in America the now-spotlighted accumulation of excessive amounts of armed strength by organized government and the negative influence of the organized criminal syndicate are of more immediate concern to our nation than what NATO members are reported to be discussing while meeting this week in beautiful Wales.


As given in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, here are the natal details for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) created by treaty and 'brought into force' when signed by President Harry Truman; NATO 'came into being' on August 24, 1949 at 11:42 am in Washington DC after the treaty was ratified by France. ASC 2Sco57; MC 8Leo37 (the 2003 Iraq War's Jupiter Rx position); 10th house Sun 1Vir07 and Moon 7Vir52 conjunct Saturn 8Vir28. The September 8, 2014 Full Moon falls in the 5th house of the horoscope while the Full Moon MC (The Goal) @23Cap40 conjoins NATO's natal Jupiter @23Cap20 Rx...Jupiter the General.

Edit Sept 7, 2014: one event I neglected to mention which will be affected by the September 8th Full Harvest Moon (also a 'Supermoon' as termed by expert astrologer #RichardNolle because of its closeness to Earth and seemingly larger size) is that Congress reconvenes on Tuesday September 9, 2014 from summer break. Whether any useful, practical, or sane business will be accomplished during the two weeks (until the next New Moon!) they're 'in session' remains to be seen and howled at, if past performances are any indication. Whatever 'harvest' they gather will more likely be for special interest barns especially if they see benefits for them in the November Midterm Elections.

Cynicism from a dissenting American? Yes, and they invite it by breaking the public trust, showing themselves corrupt to the core, and regularly circumventing the wishes and needs of the American people. And yet it isn't the American government I abhor--it's the infiltrators, usurpers, and global government agents now holding seats and pretending to 'serve' in offices they don't deserve who should be tossed out of Masonic Washington DC. jc

Feb 1, 2014

"How You Are Enslaved and Why You Don't Know It"-- Max Igan (video)

There's really only one law: Do no harm. Presenting, "How You Are Enslaved and Why you Don't Know It," by Max Igan:

And here's some unsurprising news as leaked by Edward Snowden which concerns more revelations of NSA spying on Americans if you're up for it.

Plutocracy and Pluto are part of the elusive matrix that gains power via our belief in it and as you know, transit Pluto has been traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (government, law, and business) for a few years now and we've seen government heads topple, and many institutions (Capricorn) dissolve, break down, or transform (Pluto.)

And one of the watershed moments in the modern history of the so-called 'new world order' that now threatens nation-state sovereignty across the globe is the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, planets of the Enlightenment (or, the Age of Reason.) What midpoint picture forms when transit Pluto enters the degree-range of their Great Conjunction/s which occurred 3x through 1993 and which give us an exact hour and date with which to set up a modern-day birth horoscope for the 'new world order'?

The degree-range is 18Cap33 (October 24, 1993, the natal chart I tend to use and the third conjunction of three), and 19Cap34 (February 2, 1993, the first of their conjunctions in the last 171 years.) Of course, it's typical to use a 5-degree orb, either side, for slower moving outer planets like Pluto of the Underworld--here, approximately 13 to 24 degrees of Cap.

Transit Pluto enters this range of influence upon the Uranus-Neptune pair with full intent on or about January 19, 2017 until February 27, 2018 using a one-degree orb though its insidiousness will be felt a year or two earlier by those sensitive to Pluto's underground frequencies and its desperate need for manipulation and control. When blended together, Uranus-Neptune denotes a variety of things such as: an awakened spiritual world, 'reason and faith shake hands', peculiar inclinations, new methods of subversion including drugs, underhandedness, and groups that exploit oil and chemical resources--just think of how many groups (corporations) are actively destroying water tables, oceans, and rivers already.

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto

If a majority of the global population choose to retain our unfortunate state of unawareness and are apathetic about preferring good over evil, the positive and negative potentials which can manifest and relate to the topic of the "paper-based matrix" and the perversion of natural law as mentioned in the video embedded above include: a 'big picture which demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl); 'inspirational ideas that can change the world; disagreement or rebellion causes extreme destruction' (Munkasey); 'those who are easily impressed by others; to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without trying to make a firm stand; abandoning resistance; the necessity to give in; great losses; calamities; catastrophes' (Ebertin.)

Now I only post this because I want you to know in case you hadn't gotten around to checking out the heavy-handed Uranus-Neptune = Pluto midpoint picture yet and naturally other transits and chart factors will apply. However, transit Pluto is and has been at 13Cap already so time's a-wastin' and if the 13 to 24 degree-range of Capricorn affects one or more of your natal planets or Angles, you may wish to pass on as many of Max Igan's enlightening presentations as you wish because 2014 is definitely Wake Up Time.

Sep 18, 2013

"Push It Until the Wheels Fall Off" Max Igan video

Needed: Awareness, Self-Empowerment, and Unity!

In the following presentation, Max Igan begins his broadcast with a quote from a personal favorite of mine, humorist Mark Twain. But if you're looking for minced words of wit concerning the condition of America and the world (and who's to blame), you're about to listen to the wrong presentation...

The globalists are "getting sloppy", folks. And "the wheels are falling off" may be described astrologically by toppling, transformative Pluto traversing the structural sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of government, law, and business. And Uranus the Awakener is the planet of awareness!

As above, so below...

Aug 27, 2013

With Pluto in Capricorn US to wage war against Syria

Syria in the Cross Hairs of Pluto's New World Order

by Jude Cowell

With the media echo chamber resounding across the airwaves of America once again, few of the American people agree that waging war in Syria is what it's touted to be--or for what reason. Okay, I hate the fact that chemical weapons were heinously used, but by whom? What country's name appears on the canisters? Who manufactured and sold the chemical weapons? The US, or perhaps our comrades in arms, the UK?

Was the gas deployed by the Assad regime? Really, Washington? If Assad is winning, why resort to killing his people in such a way that is sure to result in worldwide condemnation and attention? Well, Washington's record is smudged from previous lies so it's difficult to believe the Pentagon Vulcans now. I suppose having a Nobel Prize winning president (who dithered--I mean, really thought this situation through) is meant to make the bitter medicine go down easier than with oilmen Bush and Cheney but for this dissenting American, Washington's warmongering ploy isn't working. And as always, my maternal heart and prayers go out to the good people of Syria, a nation that has drawn the raptor's eye of the 'new world order' global government operatives just as General Wesley Clark said it would (see video below.)

In fact, as noted in Politico, Obama is dealing with the scoffing of a war-weary public. Poor him. Poor us, the taxpayers who have no say in how our billions are spent. Guess the 'savings' from sequester cuts to domestic programs are precisely to be used as I fussed about previously: cut money for domestic programs in order to wage more war. Is it time to bomb already? Then poor countries across the globe that international banking houses are determined to control.

Even Colin Powell is doing his part in the war propaganda against Syria though he has some nerve, considering his performance at the UN of his pre-invasion of Iraq presentation. Yes, all our politicians are nervy, aren't they? Almost as if they're in on 'the game'--privy to some larger secret agenda to topple governments and dominate the world. And naturally, all astrologers know that purging Pluto traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn is about just that. Saturn is structure, status quo, and established government but Pluto cares not because Mr. Underworld (or, Mr. Hades, if you prefer) wants to create his own design, no matter who gets hurt...

Just below is a brief excerpt from remarks given a few years ago by General Wesley Clark on toppling governments. You may have viewed or heard before, however, I believe this information regarding their 'no option to do otherwise' sort of plan to alter the course of history is relevant to Washington's 'drums of war' stance against Syria right now, don't you? With a small dash of reluctance lightly tossed into the brew, they let it simmer on the hob within the bowels of the White House, as we tend to call the residence of the president. A Lodge, really.

America is in crouched and ready to spring against a perceived enemy or enemies. The Generals are ecstatic and astrologically I shall blame much of the energy on America's recent Jupiter Return 2013 (on July 22, 2013 @5Can56)--Jupiter in his role as the General. For clues we'd look to the sign the US natal Jupiter is in on July 4, 1776 which is Moon-ruled Cancer (Moon-Jupiter energies resonate quite well together). And of course US natal Moon is in Aquarius, sign of mental acuity, Science, a streak or more of futurism, and/or humanitarianism in some cases, on some levels, and lack of emotional depth.

Crock of Merde!

8.28.13 Update: neglected to mention that America's last Jupiter Return was a three-fer--in 2001 and 2002 when Jupiter the General got his long-planned way and Washington invaded Afghanistan, then Iraq in 2003. Will the current Jupiter Return of July 22nd result in another war? Looks as if it will. And what is the Sabian Symbol for US natal Jupiter (5Can56) at '6Can'? "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

The negative (shadow side/unconscious) expression of the symbol = 'unnecessary concern over everyday security.' The symbol and negative expression for the karmic degree (just prior) of '5Can' = "An Automobile Wrecked by a Train"...'an insensitive recklessness.'

And what reckless birds might be included here? How about the symbol for US natal Pluto at '28Cap' which relates in many mundane horoscopes to the Pentagon's military industrial complex which so many of our politicians hold lucrative shares in? "A Large Aviary"...neg: loss of all character in sheer officiousness.' (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) Wonder if the US government realizes that no populations in the world believe that 'spreading democracy' is our national aim? For they have plenty of experiential evidence for disbelieving that particular crock of merde.

And I wonder if Colin Powell has dusted off his, "You break it you bought it" slogan for the Obama administration?

Original post continues here:

Two links? Syria June 2013: Knuckle Under for Global Government...or Else and this post contains an image with notes of the 1970 Assad coup horoscope (natal) where hard Saturn of authoritarian fame has been treading...

They're screwing over the whole world again, folks. Do you, dear reader, have a word to say about it?

Aug 21, 2013

US Eclipse Aug 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket

With Washington DC's lazy August 2013 break still moseying along (for the most part--Congress returns to Capitol Hill on September 9th), perhaps you'd like a peek at the horoscope of what I believe best describes the foundation of America, the Solar Eclipse of August 14, 1776 @21Leo52:

The Hour is the Moon's (changes, fluctuations, publicity, the public mood) and the horoscope's shape is a bucket with Pluto @26Cap37 Rx as the handle. Pluto is out-of-bounds (working on his own which I believe describes the US government's true bosses--the transnational banking houses of Europe who legally have us since 1913 under their sway via the 'Federal Reserve' Banking system'.)

Blogging time is limited this week so I recommend you click the image to enlarge and read a few basic notes penned upon the chart or set up the horoscope for yourself, if you haven't. As you know, most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence did so on August 2, 1776 which falls within the 2-week range of this Solar Eclipse of August 14, 1776 in the 13 North Saros Series.

This is the initial eclipse in the 13N Series which supports so many of America's 'firsts' including what became our nation's global leadership role (as we bossed around other nations--or did.) Its double Fire signature is perfect for our fiery nature, so Martian in its application of conquest and expansion, me-first attitude, and what became our overbearing warmongering and resource plundering.

13N carries themes of 'separation that requires the breaking of an existing bond, large ambitious group projects, and joint achievement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) The 'existing bond' was with Britain, of course, though its continued separation has been diverted and is directed by the central banking system model. 13N repeated last on January 4, 2011 @14Cap--opposite US natal Sun 14Cancer. And you know how fiscal and budgetary matters went in 2011--soon to repeat in 2013 into 2014 if austerity-promoting obstructionists, the Republicans, have their Saturnian way.

Now I want to include here a couple of factors including notes on the horoscope's bucket shape with powerful, wealthy Pluto of the Underworld Syndicate as the handle. the following information is gleaned from The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones (1941 edition):

A bucket pattern is similar to a bowl pattern with planets on one side of the chart. The inclusion of Pluto forms a handle for what then becomes 'a bucket' as hemispheric emphasis indicates extreme self-containment and having something to bear (as a bowl is used to hold things.) The occupied area of the horoscope shows activity and organization with the unoccupied area denoting challenges to existence along with where our attention must be directed. The advocacy of a cause and/or the carrying out of a mission results.

And of course, 'Manifest Destiny' and America as the 'New Atlantis' of Utopian ideals comes to mind along with the Illuminati of the House of Rothschild who backed Adam Weishaupt and his May 1, 1776 founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. The destruction of the US Congress is well underway, as you know, and our lack of trust in the lawmaking body and its eventual dissolution are the expectable conclusions. That's why I try not to guffaw too much over GOP 'clown car' passengers since there is a wider, sinister game that directs neanderthal Republicans' crazy backwardness. But sometimes, you just have to laugh.

Note that the Sabian Symbol for Pluto's '27Cap' = "A Mountain Pilgrimage" and is the degree of the Midheaven--The Goal; Aspiration--in US Inauguration horoscopes since the early March date was changed to January 20th during FDR's administration, in January 1937.

So! A bowl becomes a bucket when it acquires a handle and this provides an important point of application which acts similarly to the lead planet in a dynamic locomotive pattern. The bucket may be considered to act as a bowl would act but the addition of a handle determines a special capacity or gift for certain activities of the sort described by the handle planet--here, *Pluto: manipulator, puppet master, propagandist, assassin, spy, underworld boss--all the interests that selfish plutocrats uncompromisingly employ in order to exploit the rest of humanity--here, focused on Pluto in 8th house of Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, Insurance, the Occult, Death, Transformation, and--as a vehicle of transmission--Corporatism. And of course, Pluto's drug trafficking has been lucrative for centuries and made several family fortunes (ex: the Bushes.)

Conserving resources is not an issue for a handle Pluto which here describes those who work invisibly behind the scenes as they adapt allegiances to yield the most profit to fill their hidden coffers. For as we've found in recent decades, transnational corporatists have no allegiance to America or to any other sovereign state and consider the nation-state to be passe and in need of dissolution in order for their Great Plan to be fully implemented as 'Global Government'.

Isis Worship Outed by the Statue of Liberty and Other Goddess Emblems

As for Thor's Hammer/s and Isis' Key (see bottom left on the chart for Carelli's degree of the Solar Eclipse), we find Thor lurking within a double T-square pattern formed between Mars-Saturn and Jupiter-Saturn with their squares pointing toward MC @1Pis02--where transiting Neptune of fraudster fame has sojourned of late. This creates midpoint pictures...any, all, or none may apply:

Mars-Saturn = MC: endurance; power of resistance; needing to overcome many difficulties (to achieve independence! We need to use this energy again--jc);

Mars-Saturn = tr Neptune: insufficient power to tackle resistance or obstacles; waning powers and weakening efforts (in the news now about America having less 'influence' in foreign policy issues);

Jupiter-Saturn = MC: fluctuating success; changes; losses; the philosopher;

Jupiter-Saturn = tr Neptune: feeling abandoned; begrudging other people's good fortune; losses; damage to buildings via water, gas, or war.

(Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.)

Pluto at His Worst

Now there are many more interesting factors in the 1776 Eclipse horoscope, but let's close this fussy post with a quote from Dr. Jones' book, as noted above:

"The bucket type at its best reveals the real instructor and inspirer of others, and at its worst the agitator and malcontent."

Well, I myself am a malcontent when it comes to the self-destructive, totalitarian direction that politicians and other agents and operatives are taking America--but thankfully for my eternal salvation, I'm no reptile-hearted plutocrat!


Notice that in this horoscope, spies Pluto and Mercury @9Leo51 are not opposing one another as on July 4, 1776, but are quindecile (165/166 degrees), an aspect of compulsion-obsession as noted by Ricki Reeves in her book, The Quindecile. The results of this aspect are penned on the chart, bottom right. Another difference is that Mercury here is not retrograde and conjoins the natal Mercury of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854.)

Jul 30, 2013

August 2013: Saturn and Pluto in the New Millennium

August 2013: Saturn and Pluto Trigger New Millennium Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

In June 2013, I published the New Millennium Horoscope so that the chart would be available to you and me for future reference--for transits, progressions, etc. Click to view the chart and my original post with brief astro-notes.

Looking at tonight's transits (7.31.13) and with August at our door and the potential for further financial stalemates in Washington DC on the 2013 menu as Republicans continue their campaign to collapse the US government and make a 'new economic order' seem the only remedy (with the enabling of Democrats), I report to you two items:

1. That transit Saturn (austerity, restriction, delay, stoppage, loss) has for some time been conjoining New Millennium Mars (5Sco03) which is posited in the NM 2nd house of America's National Treasury.

This constricting, inhibiting transit denotes a time when taking shortcuts, circumventing rules and regulations, or not following the prescribed course are ill-advised tactics, and much determination is required for future success even if things seem to be progressing very slowly at the moment.

Actually, the stop-go frustration of Saturn-Mars indicates that more focus and organization are needed for this period involves temporary delays (Saturn) of action (Mars). Yet old man Saturn moving through the rest of the 2nd house will eventually oppose NM Saturn (24Tau34 Rx) in 8th house of Corporations, Debt, Credit, etc, when regrets about the past are encountered and must be considered so that what failed won't be retried; Saturn will also oppose NM Jupiter (2Gem10 Rx) when it will be time for the Haves to give back some of what they've gained in the past. And they'll whine and whinge most loudly, no doubt, even over their dishonest gains (Gemini is the sign of duplicity and Jupiter = bankers and money lenders.)

No, this isn't the best transit for financial endeavors with its continued belt-tightening, stop-and-go improvements, and delays, however, our obstructionist-infested America did have a Jupiter Return on July 22, 2013 (see sidebar to order a pdf of the full Report) so, though they may be off-and-on, some rewards are to be expected for new financial and political cycles have begun (ex: President Obama now back on the road and speaking about the economy and the Middle Class, something the GOP dearly wishes he wouldn't do.)

2. Transit Pluto is within orb of NM Sun (10Cap50) and has crossed the IC (Foundation) of the horoscope which signifies a time when total breaks from the past may be triggered. This supports the usual astro-analysis of transformative Pluto through Saturn-ruled Capricorn with its government-toppling ability. (Capricorn is the sign of law, too, so maybe the NRA's unnecessary 'Stand Your Ground' law/s can be toppled at some point!) Renovation, repair, and renewal of our Domestic Scene (4th house) are possible outcomes of this transit (exs: job-creating infrastructure projects funded, manufacturing concerns and urban areas revamped, offshore corporations return to the US.)

Transit Pluto to NM Sun echoes a similar transit during FDR's administration when the New Deal was instituted including jobs programs and other methods to renew our economy and benefit the American people (Pluto has extreme wealth hidden in secret places, y'know.) Pluto conjunct Sun indicates an even more aggressive drive toward power, and the courage needed to deal or cope with current circumstances which motivate our leader/s (Sun) to make a new start. Yet the past closely influences the present with Pluto-to-Sun and the duo's energies when combined denote on one level dangerous situations, yes, but also open potentials for sudden advancement, consolidating one's position, and/or the realization of new ideas.

These 'new ideas' we may hear within the public discourse, or even begin to see implemented, around the time of the November 2013 Solar Eclipse in Big Business Scorpio, the month when the US debt ceiling may be reached--or breached, and sore-loser Republicans threaten yet another shoot-self-in-foot government shutdown.

Look to your own natal chart for the houses where 5/6 Scorpio and 9/20 Capricorn fall--plus, any aspects these degrees and transiting planets make to your planets and chart angles--for clues on how these transits may be personally utilized.

Here's the New Millennium horoscope again so you don't have to click the link above to view the chart if you don't wish to:

Jun 18, 2013

Forceful Pluto's opposition to America's natal Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio

Like a cat discovering cream, I've just run across a Political Astrology site that's new to me. Dear reader, if you knew of it, why didn't you let me know? :)

Anyway, the site is chocked full of articles, so I'm selecting one page of many since its basic topic has been mentioned here many times in the last few years in one post or another: the long term transit of powerful manipulator Pluto now opposing America's Cancer trio of Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (the president) which is in full force now. Can you feel it?

If you haven't, check out this discussion of our nation's core principles which are constellated within the planetary trio (two planets of which relate to relationships, finances, values, investment, religion, and more) and which are now being transformed by titanic power struggles by Pluto in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business.

This transit spotlights intense karma with Pluto being a karmic planet (reaping what's been sown) as Mr. Underworld (with tremendous wealth hidden in secret places--plutocrats and crime figures!) plods on toward America's first-ever Pluto Return to natal degree of 27Cap33 in 2022...assuming that our scaffolding remains standing until then.

And in presidential/G8 news, at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on Wednesday June 19, 2013, with Sun the leader conjunct Jupiter the banker (Chancellor Angela Merkel? She invited him to speak at the historic Gate this time but dissed him in 2008 for speaking there as a mere candidate) in late Gemini, we find our scandal-ridden President Obama addressing the German people about our transatlantic bonds and such.

Now Sun conjunct Jupiter denotes 'great salesmen' so we'll see if what the president is selling in Germany gains any buyers.


Blog Note: my warm thanks to Mary Plumb for her kind remarks and a link to a recent SO'W post in her listing of Cancer Solstice/Ingress 2013 blogs at The Mountain Astrologer! jc

Jun 14, 2013

2012 into 2014: Syria's natal chart hit by authoritarian Saturn

Knuckle Under for Global Government...or Else

by Jude Cowell

It's official: as long suspected, Washington's Pentagon intends to topple yet another regime in the Middle East as evidenced by this week's White House announcement (which neocon war hawk John McCain "stepped on" on the Senate floor) that military aid will be sent to anti-Assad rebels in Syria. This is a ramp-up from the night goggles the US previously sent and an increase of militarism to ostensibly bolster the training and support the CIA is already providing there.

That the weapons the US provides will sooner or later fall into the wrong hands and be turned against our forces seems certain, imho. We're such patsies!

Well, former President Bill Clinton approves of America stepping into the fray of the sectarian war in Syria and he doesn't think popular opinion in the US matters a bit. In a well-rehearsed and scripted moment, Clinton says Obama's decision to involve the US in yet another war is "trending in the right direction." That direction, as some of us believe, is the internationalists' long term plan to march the world toward a 'new world order' where national sovereignty will be a thing of the past ('the old order'.)

(Besides, toppling governments and other structures is one of Pluto in Capricorn's favorite tasks and he's coping with it as he plods along.)

Yes, "the past" and "the old order", the status quo and authoritarianism finger the Assad regime and all are under the province of planet Saturn which now, @5Sco16 Rx as I type, is poised to stomp over Syria's 12th house planets in Scorpio: Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun. As you know, the Unconscious 12th house denotes Politics, Karma, Secret Deals, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions, and I'm looking at the Assad coup 1970 natal horoscope set for sunrise (a coup at dawn) on November 13, 1970 with Sun and ASC @20Sco22, Moon (the people) @18Tau33 conjunct natal Saturn @19Tau01 Rx, both in 6th house of Military and Police Service.

As you see by the 6th house conjunction's degrees, the current Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 'eclipsed' Syria's Moon-Saturn conjunction on May 9, 2013 (15 South Saros Series: 'a sudden release of tension but with a sense of grief or loss that's more collective than personal'--Brady.) Apparently the Assad government's 'restriction' and rule of the Syrian people is nearing its end. If there can be any up side to US involvement in this sectarian conflict (and proxy war between Russia and the US), I hope that is it though who or what will be propped up in Assad's position of power is anyone's guess.

So now in June 2013, as restrictive, depressive Saturn prepares to hit natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Ascendant, we find the Task Master also threatens opposition to Syria's natal Moon-Saturn conjunction with December 2013 the most difficult month. As you know, Saturn is a karmic planet (reaping what was sown) that brings along changes and loss if responsibilities have not been honestly dealt with in the past, and regrets ensue. Gassing one's population, if it did occur, can be tucked into that category in Mr. Assad's column. Click above to view Syria's 1970 horoscope (with 2012 transits added) and you'll see gaseous Neptune now wafting its murky through Syria's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene.

Or, considering America's natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square of militarism, misguided actions, and misdirected energy, is the propaganda campaign touting intervention in another region where we don't belong only sending US troops into yet another 'fog of war' with little if any clear outcome?

Tragically, there's another far-away sound being heard underneath empiric Washington's drum beat to war and I think it's America's Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves at the mess we've made of their Enlightenment experiment, America.

Related reading: Salon's President McCain Declares War.

You may also wish to view or review my version of the Summer Solstice 2013 horoscope set for Washington DC with the summer's power-wielding, regime-toppling 10th house (world stage) Pluto in Capricorn squaring rebellious Uranus in their titanic struggle for control.

May 26, 2013

2013 Pluto to 1989's Saturn-Neptune Conjunction

2013: Ancient Pluto's Magic Wand Transforms 1989's Saturn-Neptune Pair

by Jude Cowell

In 1989, Saturn and Neptune met in Great Conjunction three times: March 3, June 24, and November 13. These exact hook-ups (meetings, encounters, energies combined into such influences as: Communism, Americanism, Globalism (its implementation unopposed in 1989), Socialism, secret government, hidden leadership and control, Militarism, Nationalism, lack of community spirit, loss, erosion of soil, dissolution of structure, and all manner of other possibilities (earthy Saturn = form; boundaries, authority, walls, restriction, conservatism, lawmakers, status quo, old men, etc, and watery Neptune = urge to merge; dissolution; deception; delusions, paranoia, illusion; fraud, loss; the media/the masses, propaganda, veils, charlatans, mystics and Mysticism, mediums, channelers, spiritualists, gurus, priests, etc.) And...The Divine Source!

Why, even the GOP's illogical theme of 'shrink small enough (Saturn) until we can drown in a bath tub (Neptune) the baby of government (Saturn)' is described by this problematic pair of energies, and of course, we are reminded of political ideologue and operative Grover Norquist, in 1989 and now--along with the Congress-White House alliance that introduced harsh Sequester Cuts that now undermine the US economic recovery, delayed as it's been by political hacks and jackasses.

Saturn-Neptune's cosmic cycle is approximately 36 years in duration and is represented by the 9th Harmonic and the 4th Harmonic if we choose to reduce to essentials and study our topic on such levels (4 x 9 = 36; 2 x 18 = 36; 6 x 6 = 36.)

See Historical Events of 1989 if you're curious for you've already noticed that lumbering Pluto, of ancient beast reputation, has of late visited the range of degrees in Saturn-ruled Capricorn where Saturn and Neptune nestled a'nonce in 1989. Now with the entire 30 degrees of The Goat or Mer-Goat sign said to be a difficult Labyrinth unto itself, we're experiencing transit Pluto transforming facets of the 1989 duo of Saturn-Neptune, blended and working in tandem as they were. Karmic Pluto can stir any pot from beneath his Invisible Cape and Helmet of power, surveillance and puppet mastery--plus, assassination can never be completely ruled out wherever The Creepy One and his minions skulk and snivel.

So if the current trine aspect between Saturn and Neptune doesn't pan out quite as well as society needs it to (Scorpio to Pisces) toward social improvements, we can collectively 'thank' string-puller and wealth-horder Pluto (aka, Drago or Draco the Dragon) for interfering in our business from atop his secluded Ivory Tower while every ill wish toward us is lodged obsessively within the recesses of his primitive reptilian brain.

We speak of cultural and societal shifts that have been a long time coming with Pluto's orbital cycle around 248 years in length. And of course, America's Pluto Return (to 27Cap33) occurs 3x in 2022, as you know,--for the first time ever. Earlier degrees that Pluto crossed leading up to July 4, 1776 are of significance as well and may yield much info if one cares to have a peek at important historical dates and 'match them' with transiting Pluto's positions of the era--then look for Pluto's return to that degree in our modern era, plus, note the positions of other planets at that particular moment in time.

Using the degrees of 2013's transiting Pluto (Mr. Hades) hitting the *10--12 Cap range of the Tropical Zodiac, we find a midpoint picture with several potentials to be aware of in 2013 as they relate to events, entities, and personalities of 1989 (exs: GHWB, RR); you'll recognize some of the Jackassery Politics of our more brash era--above-the-law behavior now exhibited and practiced by those who assume they can get away with whatever bad behavior might gain them their objective/s--and for support, 'behavioral' Uranus now careens and jerks its erratic way through 'upstart' Aries. Radical anarchists, those dreamers!

Below, Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey midpoint descriptions are paraphrased for you:

1989 Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto 2013+: denial of guilt and responsibility; new ideas about evolution upset long held but weaker historical theories (Munkasey); tremendous fear of loss (Tyl): difficult growth or development; heavy emotional depression (as when your home, school, and community are blown away? jc); serious illness (Ebertin.)

Besides affecting 1989's suffering duo Saturn and Neptune in 2013, Pluto is active in other planetary configurations as well including acting as apex planet in a critical YOD pattern shown in America's Solar Return 2013 horoscope, denoting our national birthday (on July 5th this year.) Heads-Up on an upcoming SO'W post about the US SR 2013 topic with Cancer, the sign of The Crab emphasized: additional details will be provided soon concerning this newly beginning 'personal year' (July 5, 2013 until July 2014) for our nation as seen through a common-good astrological lens by this former DC resident and blogger who dabbles in Astrology in a meager attempt to lift the rock from the squirmy little politicians writhing underneath.

Symbolically speaking, Pluto does like to animate his spiders, scorpions, and vermin in a macabre dance of manipulation and control, doesn't he?

Now in our dualistic world, there are both positive and negative levels of expression, but as a basic reminder of the Sabian Symbols involved with this planetary trio of fate as Pluto waves his magic wand, here you go: '10Cap' = "An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor" = NURTURE; '11Cap' = "A large group of pheasants" = ILLIMITABILITY; '12Cap" = "A student of nature lecturing" = EXPLANATION. (Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

"Pheasants"? Parading upon an 'ancient lawn', perhaps?

Jan 4, 2013

Powerful Pluto opposing US natal Sun (leadership)

Me? I'm with Jessica

by Jude Cowell

For some time on my blogs I have occasionally mentioned transiting Pluto's effects as it traverses early to mid-Capricorn and opposes America's natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun. Using an orb of plus or minus 5 degrees, transformative Pluto opposes US natal Sun (leadership; the presidency) @13Can+, depending on which birth hour you use for our nation on July 4, 1776, and we see that titanic power struggles abound in Washington DC. Also involved is the association of astrological Pluto with oppression (ex: 'lording it over others'), mind control and propaganda, and extreme wealth and riches hidden in secret places.

But let's not give a pass to Mr. Hades' links with the global Underworld Crime Syndicate, 'The Family', the International Banking Cartel ('City of London', etc), "The Octopus," total surveillance and spying, or even to the vicious character flaw of committing rape, a topic which Republicans struggle to define while obstructing legislation meant to protect women. Yes, Pluto is a sexy dude, which is more than can be said for the Todd Akinses amongst the GOP--even if it were appropriate.

As I type, tr Pluto sits at 9Cap27 which sextiles Saturn in sexy, occult, secretive Scorpio, quincunxes Jupiter Rx in Gemini (Direct Station @6Gem19 on January 30, 2013), and separates temporarily from its Cardinal Square with progressive Uranus in Aries, the sign where Ebertin described The Awakener as radical "Utopians" and zealots--you know, the ones in Congress who intend to take America's finances to the brink of default in a couple of months to make their ideological points while they play chicken with the 'faith and credit of the US' as they did in Summer 2011 for the sake of power-grabbing and thus handing our nation its first-ever credit downgrade. Those Utopians.

And they did it and will do it while pretending to care about America!

Wish I could say more today but with blogging time reduced this week due to family responsibilities, I am very glad to find that expert astrologer Jessica Murray has masterfully addressed the condition and events relating to Pluto opposing US natal Sun and other important transits in her comprehensive way on her blog at Daykeeper Journal so check it out if you haven't.

As you may be aware, the UK's natal Sun @10Cap opposes US natal Sun so tr Pluto has now conjoined London's leadership while opposing Washington's, a difficult transit that was on the other boot 100 years ago!

Dec 18, 2012

NRA chartered Nov 17, 1871 with Sun in Scorpio

NRA founded by Union General and Colonel to Promote and Encourage "Rifle-Shooting on a Scientific Basis"

by Jude Cowell

After the Civil War, Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate were disappointed over the "lack of marksmanship shown by their troops" so they founded the National Rifle Association for the betterment of shooting guns. Guess not enough Confederates had been maimed or killed to suit them.

The state of New York granted a charter to set up the organization on November 17, 1871 with Sun in Scorpio (Mars-Pluto) and Moon in Capricorn (Saturn) until 6:10 am that morning, Albany NY, then the Moon sailed into Aquarius (Saturn-Uranus.) The following remarks detail both Sun-Moon blends of that day but primarily I'm looking at a noon horoscope with Sun @24Sco56 and Moon just risen at 3AQ28 (the degree of Jupiter in the 2009 Inauguration horoscope, near the presidential Sun and Mercury. Hmm.)

Mars Rules Weapons and Those Who Use Them

A major influence on Nov 17, 1871 is a harsh Mars-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn--7:44 and 7:04, respectively) which transit Pluto has now triggered. Pluto, planet of death and transformation, updates the 1871 chart by midpoint picture: natal Mars-Saturn = tr Pluto: the need to take control; forcing an issue; strong anger. (Tyl.)

NRA natal Mercury (planet of charters, but also of young people) is in the 3--4 degree range of Sagittarius, Mercury's Rx Station position on Election Day 2012--which basically timed a Mercury Return for the NRA as the public re-considers its support of the rifle-loving organization, while Congress' says it's re-viewing the assault weapons ban they neglected to re-new a few years ago under Bush-Cheney (who shotgunned his lawyer friend in the face on a hunting trip. Guess Dick didn't like the advice his lawyer gave him. Yet as you know, gun accidents do happen, don't they?)

In the 1871 noon chart, Mercury @3Sag40 returned to its natal degree on Nov 3, Nov 9 (Rx), and Dec 13, 2012, the day prior to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. As noted, Mercury is the planet of young people and of reporters on the beat.

Yes, coverage is necessary, yet my feeling is that the press is now glorifying the tragedy 24/7 which may encourage other unstable personalities to long for similar publicity and recognition.

Sun Sco-Moon Cap (Water-Earth = pragmatism is a blend of tough and tenacious energies that thrive on public crusading. Impatient with the weaknesses of others, it shows moral and physical courage, a brooding nature, and has two interesting "Images for Integration" (conscious + unconscious) in view of the NRA's political power to sway and control Washington politicians, Hollywood's obvious promotion of our violence-glorifying culture, and the period of national mourning now in effect:

"A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact." (My italics, the Harveys' Images from Sun Sign-Moon Sign.)

Here are two quotes which may apply from people who share natally the Sun Sco-Moon Cap blend:

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." --Marcel Ophuls

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." --Gen George Patton

The Sun Sco-Moon AQ blend (Water-Air = ethereal mist; tears) reveals a sense of integrity, pride, and passion. It has a 'law unto oneself' attitude and radically independent views with a strong need to achieve; plus, survival instincts are strong. Principled yet intolerant, interested, then indifferent, this blend 'blows hot and cold emotionally', and has a deeply possessive streak with a lack of faith in others that won't give them a fair chance.

"Images for Integration: A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...A moth emerges from its chrysalis, in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence." (Harveys.) (Does the first Image sound like a sniper poised with a long-range rifle? jc)

Sun Sco-Moon AQ is shared natally by scholary churchman Robert Burton who said, "How much more cruel the pen is than the sword." (Ah, but the gun! jc)

The blend is also shared by Albert Camus who asserted that, "Integrity is in no need of rules," one of those Enlightenment (Uranus-Neptune) sorts of rational statements that leaves out how men without rules easily sink into all kinds of chaos, mischief and sorriness, including violence.

Now isn't it long overdue how Washington politicians are giving lip service to 'doing something' about the horror of violence in the US? How long do you think their attention will last with NRA agents lounging about the Halls of Power? Will mental health issues finally be addressed and funded?

Yes, even Hollywood is having to take notice this time for openings of Tarantino's violent film Django Unchained and Tom Cruises's new Jack Reacher (which opens with a sniper scene--oh goody) are now scaled down, postponed, or canceled out of respect for the families and victims of the Sandy Hook School massacre.

Or did the movie industry make a cynical calculation that audiences would stay away in droves out of their own respect for the victims and a new awareness that violence is not and ought not to be entertainment?


Being mindful that it's December 2012, you'll find over at Learning Curve on the Ecliptic Twilight's excellent article The Raising of Our Roots concerning Saturnalia, that Saturnian celebration of Roman times which a certain church hierarchy morphed into 'Christ's mass', or 'Christmas', as we've learned to call it through the centuries. One point that's always seemed important to this particular Protestant: lambs are born in the Spring. jc

Nov 11, 2012

Nov 11 2012: Neptune Direct Station at 00Pis21

Neptune Direct Station Conjoins US Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 00Pis33

by Jude Cowell

With today's Neptune Direct Station @00Pis21 and "1 Pisces" having "A Public Market" Sabian Symbol, I want to mention once again America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series, the 12 South, with its theme of: 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things seem worse at first then clear' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

A Solar Eclipse in the 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 and you may remember that the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout had occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and under the influence of 12S, a 'cap' was finally installed successfully to stop the millions of gallons of oil releasing into the waters. The compromised well has leaked of late but that's beyond the scope of this brief post on oceanic Neptune, King of the Seas.

Neptune's Direct Station occurred at 2:52:36 am est while many of us were sleeping which is appropriate for the nebulous planet of the Unconscious, sleep and sleep aids. Note: if by now you haven't caught and released that giant green moth flying around you bedroom, please do so! Unless you're on the East Coast and are made homeless by Hurricane Sandy, that is. Then Neptune's rulership of water and flooding is all too real for comfort with your pillows and beds washed out to sea.

And the Winner Is...Barack Obama

To add more of an unconscious flavor to Neptune's Direct Station today, mindful Mercury Rx forms an applying square (blockages; obstacles) aspect with Neptune which provides the Collective Unconscious with difficulties in seeing things clearly just when we need to as 2012 ends. In Washington, we find many bubble-living Republicans who are having more problems than usual ignoring realities they don't like. But facing truth--not one of Neptune's talents yet a Direct Neptune tends to be more honest--is an imperative now and political progress of the GOP will be limited until they do. Yet as in Summer 2011, they may decide to take America down with them as they go, kamikaze-style.

As for reality-based Saturn @4Sco22 in 2nd house in the Neptune Direct Station horoscope set for Washingotn DC, Mr. Lesson-Bringer and Neptune are in the trine stage of their approximately 33-year cycle. They last met in Great Conjunction/s in 1989 three times: March 3, June 24, and November 13 in the 10 to 12 degree range of Capricorn. As you know, these degrees of Capricorn are within orb now of transiting Pluto so we have a midpoint picture to consider for a snapshot of these energies when combined and which time links 1989 with 2012/13:

1989 Saturn-Neptune = 2012/13 Pluto: difficult growth or development; heavy emotional depression (Ebertin); feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of loss potential (Tyl.)

Actually, you may wish to review a list of major events which occurred in 1989 such as the Exxon Valdez tanker running aground--a deja-vu in 2010 and mentioned during the BP Deepwater Horizon fiasco that killed eleven workers, if memory serves.

Now for more information on today's Neptune Direct Station (without the aggravating political tidbits provided here) visit expert astrologer Dipali Desai who will be glad to fill you in!


Aid is needed for our returning vets: visit the Wounded Warrior Project.

Aug 28, 2012

RNC 8.28.12 and the Spirit of Margaret Sanger

Today, August 28, 2012, the belated RNC 2012 opens with the presidential nomination of Willard Mitt Romney and the adoption of the austere, hard-hearted, poverty increasing platform of the Republican Party. Let the longed-for catapulting of American women back to 18th and 19th century social and economic conditions begin, say Mitt and the gang!

Since the GOP has its raptor's eye upon both women's reproductive rights and financial prospects for the future, it must be a grand day for the Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the mysoginistic party of Mitt Romney who intends to act as White House mouthpiece and propaganda-catapulter (as George W. Bush so ably summed up his presidential role) as soon as the moving van is loaded and heads, he hopes, for Washington D.C.

Now what astrological factors might we consider which include the confluence of Romney, the GOP, American women, and the cosmic portents of the day? Why, it's something quite basic and yet a major clue for what GOPers intend to force upon this country and it may be at least partially described within the Sun-Moon blend details for August 28, 2012: Sun in finnicky Virgo and the Moon reaching 00AQ00 at around 1:40 pm edt (horoscope set for Tampa, Florida.)

Later in the evening, the Moon in Aquarius will oppose the natal Moon position of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood among other accomplishments and human foibles (as mentioned in an earlier post.) Sanger's (nee Higgins) birth data is as follows:

September 14, 1879 2:30 am Corning, NY; ASC 13Leo42; MC 2Tau37; Sun 21Vir06; Moon 25Leo37; a 'New Age thinking' Mercury-Uranus conjunction in health-conscious Virgo gave her willful genius and original ideas ahead of their time, and a Mars-Pluto conjunction gave strength, force, and power to her actions and motivations which made her a formidable lady. One arrow in her quiver I must denounce, however, is her adherence to eugenics (engineering human anatomy in order to "improve" it by weeding out those who are considered "unfit" for parental duties and are thus excluded from reproduction.) We see this today with politicians who have the survival of the fittest mentality (aka, Social Darwinianism), and some of them adopted a political platform this very day although they attempt to veil its draconianism. Frankensteinian, Aryan, Anglo-Saxon--whatever you wish to call it, the crude concept seems devilish to me though Sanger did denounce the "aggressive and lethal Nazi ideology" that fueled their eugenics 'research' (aka, torture) with its 'life unworthy of life' motto.

How's that slogan for illustrating psychopathic high-handedness? Think to 'stand in for' God much? Certain theocrats are in high gear tonight in Tampa, partying with Plutocrats and salivating over taking control of America's helm again. Why, the presidency and the White House are so close, Mitt and Paul can fairly taste them!!

8.28.12: Moon to 00AQ00 conjoins US presidential Suns of January 20th

First, check out Margaret Sanger's bio and natal chart here if you wish. Now let's talk about the Sun Vir-Moon AQ blend for today's RNC 2012 opening, nomination of Romney, and platform adoption along with a few quotes from two men who share this blend natally while remembering that these flavors are hereby imprinted upon the Republican Party and their plans for America forever more--will we reject their regressive, backward efforts on November 6th or will we embrace the dusty past?

Sun Vir-Moon AQ is an Earth-Air combo of energies which can be innovative, efficient, and above all, rational. Practical idealists, these jokers aren't playing around and many plans have been laid for the implementation of their ideas and vision which, though they appeal to fundamentalist religious types, contain additional requirements which will have even the most conservative Christians wondering where Truth went as they look back on the glowing promises of RNC 2012.

Yet we know that losing touch with the emotional and compassionate side of life leads to becoming 'dry as dust' and this is a danger that GOPers think doesn't matter at all once they're ensconced in power, for at the moment, all seems rosy. Later it will be a different story if the 'Republic Party' should finagle the White House and/or take over Capitol Hill one more time (when will we ever learn that these self-interested, detached from normal human contact Vulcans are unfit themselves--unfit to rule over an inclusive society of decent people who know that yes, we are indeed our brothers' keepers?)

Sun Vir-Moon AQ (with humanitarian Aquarius being the sign of our US natal Moon of July 4, 1776, aka, we the people) is a blend of the progressive thinker (but to whose advantage?) It denotes reliability, pragmatism, and dispassionate critical faculties. There's a tendency to seem a bit 'wooden' which to me, describes Mitt Romney's posture when he's forced to be a fish out of his accustomed financial and/or religious waters, a symptom of a cultist mentality.

There exists a sense of humor, yes, though the level of practical jokes at the expense of others is apparently more Mitt's style within the comedic sphere. Valuing rules and order in society is important to this blend, and industriousness aids in career success though financial gains may be made by the sweat of other brows, as with Vulture Capitalists everywhere (Romney's unfeeling Saturn-Pluto conjunction in prodigal Leo snugs around his natal IC and affects his career actions.)

Untouched by his own passions, today's blend describes a Mitt Romney who is a quite a people-watcher and this seems to be what he bases his own human-type behavior upon when in public--and yet he makes an admirable domestic companion which will be reflected in and by wife Anne's RNC 2012 speech meant to clue us in on the very private yet Real Mitt Romney.

Negatively, Sun Vir-Moon AQ has a tendency to focus on black and white facts, writes the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (no, I didn't make that up for President Obama's sake!) and it over-invests in perfection which their followers presume will be the outcome of a Romney-Ryan administration. Instead, perhaps all American trees must be trimmed to the 'right' height!

Wonder if the rank and file would feel the same about the 2012 GOP platform if they considered the "Images for Integration" which are imprinted upon this day in RNC history (thanks to Hurricane Isaac's interference), the nomination of Mr. Romney, and the GOP platform for 2012 and beyond...

"Images for Integration" (of Sun/male principle and Moon/feminine principle):

"Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order...Staring into a microscope, a scientist sees the past and future write large." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign.)

Return of the Freaks! These Images address a blending of Germany's past eugenics experiments which meddled painfully with human genetics with who-knows-what science projects on today's and tomorrow's drawing boards (clones and human-robotic hybrids?) Add to those the Science of medical issues such as contraception, methods of reproduction, and abortion (surgery in back alleys again, ladies?), and on August 28, 2012, Sun Vir-Moon AQ melds them all into the plans of yet another team of 'New World Order' proponents and activists (who are actually members of all American political parties, Rs, Ds, and Ls, at the least) with many Rs being more rabid and zealous toward such cold-hearted, authoritarian aims---modern-day proponents who share Hitler's old vision of uniting the entire world under a ham-fisted Global Goverment, Meanwhile, the needs and desires of 'common' people are dissed in favor of funding Vulcan's swords and weapons manufacturing for the sole purpose of instigating mass destruction and, in America, stomping out our constitutional rights. Nice crowd. They must be glad their convention was missed by Hurricane Isaac's Thor-ish Hammer.

Now let's close with three quotes, the first two by gentlemen who share in their natal charts the Sun Vir-Moon AQ blend, the third from Margaret Sanger herself:

If the world does not please you, you can change it." (H.G. Wells);

The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry." (J.B. Priestley);

"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body." (M. Sanger, noted founder of Planned Parenthood, an organization depended upon by millions of women, and which the Romney-Ryan budget plan intends to de-construct along with downsizing the US government as advocated by zealot Grover Norquist with his non-taxing-of-the-rich, freakish shrink-and-drown-government-in-a-bathtub philosophy. But wouldn't guarding the purity of each American woman's private parts require a virtual army of newly added government officials which would then weigh down the US government's payroll? Oh, I almost forgot: that, they hope, will help speed the demise of civilization by furthering the destruction of the social fabric in America.

How daft and non-pragmatic is that!?

And yet they are as serious as transformative assassin Pluto creeping through the structured, systemic, status-quo, governmental, usually law-abiding sign of Capricorn and still within range of opposition to America's natal Venus, Jupiter, and soon, our natal Sun (leadership), a picture of an ongoing, titanic power struggle against superior plutonic forces of wealth and station. Can *Mitt the squirmy, flip-flopping Fish successfully meet such a grand archetypal challenge while acting in the theatric role of US president? His Anglo-Saxon self can if he's on underworld Pluto's side.


See Margaret Sanger's astrodata bank details and natal chart here with her fiery, dramatic natal Moon in Leo opposing US natal Moon in cooler Aquarius, sign of the ethereal Water-Bearer.

*Mitt Romney was born 'in America' in March 1947 with Sun (personality; ego; essence; life purpose), Mercury (thought processes; communication style; planning mode), and Mars (motivation; desire nature; action; energy) in secretive Pisces, the 12th sign of Creativity and Mysticism. He may need daily nappy times if he attempts to take over the demanding job at the White House.

Aug 2, 2012

What is HAARP? (video) as Pluto nears 9 Capricorn

You probably know that in the Sabian Symbols we find "An Angel Carrying a Harp" for '9 Capricorn', a degree now being approached by transformative Pluto as America's natal planets in Cancer are being opposed by Mr. Underworld's terrific force.

In The Sabian Symbols in Astrology Marc Edmund Jones gives this degree's keyword as: ATTUNEMENT and its positive expression as:

"...a special gift for inspiring others to accomplishment and for realizing the ultimate dreams of self as a consequence."

The negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression of '9Cap' = "simple fantasy and uncritical self-superiority."

Now does this oracle hint that anxious concerns over HAARP are merely "simple fantasy"? We know that the vast majority of Washington politicians express "uncritical self-superiority" 24/7 for they imagine themselves masters of the globe, if not the universe. But for the rest, viewing the following film may help you decide truth from fantasy, or at least get you a ways down the road toward understanding what HAARP is all about:

For interesting videos and documentaries on a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Jul 25, 2012

Was Aurora Massacre a false flag op?

Now this was predictable: speculations that the recent Aurora Theater massacre (pardon, but I can't call the tragedy simply a "shooting" as talking heads do on TV) was a staged false flag op. Some say there's another more dangerous one on the way, perpetrated for political purposes to sway the masses and gain even more anti-Constitutional control over the American people than has already been grabbed.

Here's such an article now along with the midpoint picture full of dynamically dangerous energies which forms the basis of such anti-social urges and actions thanks to the explosive, hostile, gun-toting Mars-Uranus opposition squaring (blocking/frustrating) powerful manipulator Pluto in Saturn-controlled Capricorn lurking at the apex of their midpoint and indicating a continuing influence which yes, may denote another attack or attacks of a forceful, harmful nature with Pluto ordering assassination and Mars usually the shooter who carries out the criminal deed:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: force; intervention of the big shock; a Higher Power. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

So perhaps you'll allow me to repeat myself on a certain topic since I decided to neglect publishing the Aurora horoscope or the natal chart of James Holmes--that it isn't so much the violent 'entertainment' from Hollywood (or video games) our society is saturated with ('pandering to the lowest common denominator to seek one's fortune'), OR the availability of guns (being a typical American and fan of the US Constitution.) It's that these items are made freely available to the weaker among us, those whose psyches are fragile and unable to withstand the below-board standards of the characters involved in films (murderers, assassins, criminals), and who have no moral compass pointing to a better direction--and with little or no ability to assess truth from fiction.

Add in their past abuses, emotional and mental traumas, and grievous losses (which all may suffer in life) and we have a volatile mix of folk who have no good reason to buy guns and ammunition and who are deeply affected by watching violent anti-social "entertainment" over and over and over again as they mind-control themselves into acting out their psychoses.

Plus, manipulative Pluto, Mr. Underworld, (and he of the world's best psychiatric institutions and pharmaceutical experiments) understands these dynamics very well. And he knows how to use them.

Now that's only my personal opinion. Feel free as always to disagree!

Jul 20, 2012

Alex Jones decodes The Dark Night Rises (video 6.22.12)

Pre-July 20, 2012, here's Alex Jones on June 22, 2012 decoding the propaganda and subliminal messages (Jupiter-Neptune) in the new Batman film, The Dark Night Rises which include getting us accustomed to state terrorism and its dark handmaidens:

You know I was hoping that the current Cardinal T-Square pattern between the explosive Mars-Uranus opposition which points to power-mad criminal Pluto ('the dark night') wouldn't act out blatantly as its energy obviously did in Aurora, Colorado.

But it has..."intervention of the big shock; force." The shooter craves notoriety which is one reason why news outlets should cease their constant coverage of the tragedy--which would also show respect for the families, friends, and witnesses most directly affected.

And yes, I studied the horoscope of the shootings and the natal chart of the perpetrator but couldn't manage an article quite so soon (and may never do.) However, if you're interested in understanding the astro-dynamics, expert astrologer Lynn Hayes has published The Astrology of the Aurora Shooting.