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Showing posts with label Pluto/Chiron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto/Chiron. Show all posts

Jul 31, 2011

The YOD of a Senate Test Vote 7.31.11

"Code Red Day for Many on Wall Street" --David Gregory on MTP July 31, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Well, it's been "Code Red" for a majority of Americans for years now. And unless we hear otherwise, the US Senate is set to vote today at 1:00 pm edt on the Democratic version of a draconian spending cut bill that will allow a raising of the US debt ceiling, another act in the Political Default Theater on Capitol Hill meant to usher in by power elites a new form of government over the heads and deepest wishes of the American people.

Even a mini-Congress (aka, a 'Super Congress') may emerge out of this debt-default squabble of ideologies with a sinister-flavored Solar Eclipse occurring in November 2011.

Astrology: July 31, 2011 1:00 pm edt Capitol Hill DC

At 1:00 pm edt in Washington DC, rising is a 29th degree of crisis: 29Libr42 which makes Venus 3Leo48 (still within orb of President Obama's natal Mercury 2:20) the ruler of the chart and the senatorial test vote; Venus conjoins MC 4Leo48, with Sun 8Leo09 approaching Mr. Obama's natal Sun on August 4th ('13Leo'.)

Our economy worsens as I type, according to political talking heads on TV so let's take a peek at the horoscope.

Telling us how things will proceed from this dramatic test vote are the applying aspects of evaluating Venus, chart-ruler, which are as follows:

1. inconjunct Chiron (0A27; Mr. Obama's Chiron Return has begun--5 'hits' in total)
2. trine Uranus (0A35; in Aries, Uranus = radical Utopians--Ebertin)
3. conjunct MC (0A49)
4. inconj Pluto (1A35; the dragon; global crime syndicate; ruling elite; the Pope)
5. square Jupiter (5A08; money and finances, gurus, preachers, generals, and the GOP blocking--squaring--events)

As you see, the infamous 'bumpy ride' may be little softened by today's proposed test vote even though the US Senate of 'philosophers' and deep thinkers (Republican Tom Coburn and Democrat John Kerry--if he can keep from interrupting himself into ditherhood--are about it as near the cream of the crop, as near as i can tell) are the American people's last and best hope for solution.

Venus square Jupiter indicates *carelessness when attending to responsibilities (a studied carelessness, in this case), generosity shown but only for ulterior motives, and a lack of perspective when setting priorities. The favoring of the top 2% income "earners" is an obvious problem as the North Node (the public) insists on a fairer balancing--of income ratio in America, of accounts, and of societal changes to favor we-the-people.

Venus inconjunct (quincunx) Pluto is significant with its 'adjustment' vibe, an overburdening in financial matters, and all sorts of negative elements creeping into this crisis situation; a lack of responsibility and a general sense of unaccountability adds confusion to the endeavor as the wrong people are made to pay for what others should. (Ex: social welfare for the rich continues as their private debts are collectivized upon the backs of we-the-people--the monarchists ride again!)

(Other aspects have been previously discussed so I'll not repeat myself here.)

Drastic Cutting of Our Social Program Spending Will Ruin the Economy...but make Wall Streeters and foreign investors exultant!

Some arguments for allowing the balancing now being called for by Fixed Star Ras Alhague (conjunct NN = destiny; future direction) are that it is the morally upright thing to do (as opposed to setting millions of people up to suffer and die while fatcats get richer), and because we'd like to keep a decent semblance of our United States of America without 'radical Utopian' (Uranus 4Ari23 Rx in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling--we're utter fools if we let them usurp this country more than before!) wolves over-running the henhouse and fundamentally transforming this nation into a wild-west style Zoo of Zealots.

At 1:00 pm, there is a planetary pattern called a Mystic Rectangle ('practical mysticism'--our Masonic Capitol Building and White House--secret rituals are afoot)) in the air over Capitol Hill involving Mercury, Pluto, Mars, and Chiron.

Mars/Chiron = sacred warrior energy (ex: Knights of Malta, Templars, Sionist Rosicrucians, and other hidden hands); Mercury/Pluto = propaganda, the surveillance state, and cruel thoughts/plans, political talk offering abrupt changes, business or transportation secrets, hidden hands, etc.

Constricting Saturn 12Lib20 is in the Behind-the-Scenes 12th house of Politics, working on a deal of some kind, perhaps Harry's Reid's plan, or some version of it that Senator Coburn can swallow. (US Saturn Return #3 of 3 will occur on August 28, 2011, a key date for our national affairs.)

Yes, the debt-default situation depends upon 'Old Guard' statesmanlike senators (if we still have any) besting the radical Tea Party wing of the GOP...old v young, status quo v a radical reformist brand of sabotage using a tactic I have to call Treason being perpetrated by those insistent on collapsing America to make an ideological point (and grab the helm and 'rebuild anew upon ruins'--ruins that we're in process of seeing them create!

YOD, aka, Finger of God, a Fated Turning

But the US economy's crisis-critical condition is shown most clearly in the YOD pattern which has been in effect for some days now--Pluto sextile Chiron at its base, and her pointing to an apex Venus (and MC) denoting alienated persons who are awkwardly out-of-touch with the rest of society. Apex Venus in a YOD configuration does show much inner reflection and analysis as people are driven toward the cultivation--either positively or negatively--of collective values.

The destined crossroads of the YOD indicates a fated turning point which may be catalyzed (by typical catalyst Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries--the Tea Party freely admits that without its forcing behavior--Uranus = behavior--Washington would not be having this 'debate' now) by sudden realization (Uranus = The Awakener; The Witness) of an encompassing social goal of great magnitude.

Having a decided influence on the value systems of others and the reorganization of the US government are part of the ambitious drive of this apex Venus with the plutocracy's (Pluto/Chiron) sextile at the base of their operations along with the wealth that Pluto/Chiron implies and which backs this movement to over throw the US government and toss us backward to Pluto/Chiron feudalism.

As Far As America Can Expand

As you know, America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon (4Vir10--4Pis10) timed our nation's pinnacle of success in the larger/outer world on December 24, 2008
(click to view chart with its own YOD, and a Hard Rectangle pattern, too.

We're straining against those two patterns now rather than accepting the karmic, natural law that even America must honor in the end (karma to me is reaping what was sown.) Our government's traditional arrogance and preening overreach makes that difficult thus setting up the scenario for a fall from grace which supports the tragedy of having a 10th house Saturn whose financial lessons are now being learned the hard way yet with the wrong people paying for our mistakes and the wealthy pulling another 'fast one', the US will buckle without the middle class prevailing.)

So if federal spending is rolled back in 2011 to a specific date and a more sensible amount, a date earlier in 2008 would do enough of a trick to buck up our nation for now--putting us on a realistic path--so that the more intimate details for cutting, spending, and taxing may be discussed with cooler heads prevailing than the current rhetorical flourishes of fools, knaves, and corporate-manipulated newbies in Congress who now threaten a majority of the American people with certain demise and despair.

Raise the debt ceiling and accept humbly the lowering of our government's AAA credit
rating, I'm not happy to say, for we've been allowed more credit than we deserve for quite some time. 'Coming down to earth with a bump' is difficult, but isn't all bad if you can learn its Saturnian lessons and plan for them.

My wish is that we take the fork in the (YOD) road that reins in America's out-of-balance budget, curtails fraud (if only Congress would return to its oversight duties, both Houses--Saturn Return!), and identifies and reduces waste wherever found, while supporting the American people whose taxes on earnings need a huge jobs-creation boost in order to continue to 'make happen' the 'New Atlantis'/corporate enterprise we call America--and all for the sake of our children who deserve much better than Washington politicians have been serving them in this, the over-glamorized, fearmongering New Millennium.


*'carelessness'? Perhaps some of our erstwhile debt negotiators took part in July 2011's "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove, CA the second half of July. The rest of us are the ones with the worries as the power elite play freaky esoteric games with our futures and our nation while continuing to rob us blind.

Jul 19, 2011

Consumer Financial Protection w a US Mars Return 7.21.11

July 21, 2011 is the day the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is meant to start operations and synchronicistically it is a day of a US Mars Return, a 2-year cycle of new activities beginning that very morning.

The condition of astrological Mars on Thursday July 21, 2011 isn't what consumers needing protection from financial wolves and thieves could wish but it will be what we have to work from: Mars conjunct South Node, a separative and Saturnian point of the Moon. This gives a 'Mars/Saturn' vibe of 'inhibited or destroyed vitality' to the bureau's nativity which, given its powerful opponents, may be directed at the bureau and its mandates rather than at the fraudsters and banksters who have made its creation necessary.

Mars conj SN indicates a questioning of societal values which is good as far as it goes yet there is a hint of 'stepping aside' if those values don't suit. However, Mars/SN may give the new bureau a 'loner' identity where it acts on its own decisions and disregards what others say or do. This I would consider a positive manifestation since I am in accord with the American people's need for such protection which then has a voice of authority that can speak up for we-the-people when larger forces oppress.

Where there is abuse, the bureau may bring civilian cases though criminal ones would have to be turned over to the Department of Justice, something that doesn't always result in justice being fairly given to the disenfranchised in America today, as you have noticed.

Negatively with Mars/SN, there can be a tendency toward acting at the wrong time or in the wrong place which antagonizes others into opposing the bureau's actions or findings. Anger, frustration, and even violence can result and it's quite clear that being set up under a Democratic president will make the CFPB an entity that Republicans will gum up at every turn (Elizabeth Warren gave up being abused by a Republican-ruled House and will not head the agency she created, as most consumers wanted--instead it will be headed by Richard Cordray.)

So I must wonder if the bureau will be able to do its job at all or will simply create more stand-offs, gridlocks, and ideological straw men that Washington dis-serves the American people with now. Hopefully, Mr. Cordray will put his best political face on before every game of chess he'll be playing and can keep the CFPB from ending up like a kitten ensnared in string.,,cute as all get out, but quite toothless.

And of course, plutocratic Republicans would never have set up such an agency to aid unwary consumers, the hapless pigeons of their Pluto/Chiron dreams!

The only other aspect made by Mars in our national Mars Return chart for 2011 is a semi-square (45 degr) to Jupiter in Taurus, a money sign. This is a minor indicator of obstacles, irritation, and frustration yet if determined to succeed, may result in a dynamic release of energy.

The Mars/Jupiter semisquare may also be descriptive of monied interests (banks, Wall Street--the Bull--credit card companies, global wheeler-dealers, monarchists, etc) interfering in the bureau's actions and decisions at every turn for the aspect astrologically stamps a 4th harmonic imprint upon the entire enterprise. And of course, they will interfere, won't they?

Here's a brief video message from Elizabeth Warren which I snagged from the CFPB website with the helpful motto: Know Before You Owe:

Rounding up America's Mars degree to '22 Gem' doesn't seem to me to apply to this situation as well as the actual degree from July 4, 1776 does. See what you think:

US Mars '21 Gemini' = "A Labor Demonstration"...REPRESENTATION...

positive expression: a consistent courage in attacking major problems at any cost of minor well-being or inconvenience.

negative/unconscious/shadow side: futile ill-will and bluster.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones, with my addition of 'unconscious/shadow side' and italics.)

Well, Happy Mars Return 2011, everyone!

Jul 16, 2011

A Lunar Eclipse, Pluto, and the Assassination of Sunny Sheu

Does Pluto/Chiron's 'Primal Violence' Thrive in NYC?

by Jude Cowell

Thanks to a concerned reader who took time to leave a comment on this blog, I have become aware of the case of Sunny Sheu who was murdered for investigating his own victimization by mortgage fraud in New York. Was the plutocratic, disenfranchising, oppressive, racist duo of Pluto/Chiron present at the scene of the crime?

Mr. Sheu was "kidnapped, intimidated, and threatened by two NYPD detectives at the Queens DA bureau", it is reported by DailyKos (June 23, 2011.)

Very soon Mr. Sheu was dead from blunt force trauma to the head (or, a 'seizure' or, a mysterious 'collapse') and several irregularities in statements by police and medical examiners, plus, conflicted autopsy results have muddied the water for those who wish to know the truth concerning what appears to be the assassination of Sunny Sheu. His determination for truth and justice took him uncomfortably close to the powers-that-be, by which I mean, whoever is now protected by Mr. Sheu's silence-by-murder.

Actually, Sheu's difficult ordeal (a fraudulent foreclosure on his own home bwo forged documents) began ten years ago. You'll find reports with fuller details at Naked Capitalism and at The Daily Bail where SO'W's concerned reader suggested I go to familiarize myself with the Sheu case (of which I was unaware until today.)

Follow the links to read details, view videos, and listen to audios of actual phone calls asking for information on the Cause of Death. You may also wish to view the brief video Mr. Sheu recorded about two months prior to his death. You see, the FBI had ignored his request for witness protection.

2010/2011: Double Eclipses Reveal, Lunar Eclipse Brings Death

This is another story being 'outed' by the rare double (June 1 and July 1) Solar Eclipses of 2011 - one in Gemini, sign of reporters, news, contracts, and commerce, and one in self-protective Cancer which contains flavors of real estate misfortunes (mortgage fraud and murder over it) and power struggles (keep quiet--or else!)

The June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @11Gem02 conjoined natal Pluto (planet of assassins, saboteurs, and spies) in the horoscope of Manhattan (Feb 12, 1653 noon LMT Manhattan NY; source: Maggie Hyde; n Pluto 12Gem06 Rx is rising.) Celeste Teal titles this eclipse: Something to Cry About and we know that there are many things in society which now fall under that title, aren't there?

One more is the murder of Sunny Sheu and the suspicious actions of Judge Joseph Golia whom Sheu had expected to help straighten out the mortgage fraud, not enshrine it by law.

Plus, Lunar Eclipses can be especially revealing with their unconscious (Moon) content coming to the surface under a Full Moon's rays. A Lunar Eclipse occurred between the two Solar Eclipses on June 15, 2011 @ 24Sag23 - directly upon Manhattan's natal 7th-house Neptune. And who are the Neptune/Pluto people, people? The resource plunderers of the *Generation of Materialism of the late 1880s...the Robber Barons, whose biological and ideological spawn bedevil us now.

Yet perhaps even more telling concerning the assassination of Sunny Sheu is another Neptune/Pluto indicator: organized crime. In New York City circa 2010/11? Say it isn't so, Mr. Bloomberg!

Now here's the thing: Sunny Sheu lost his life by sinister means on June 26, 2010, the day of the Lunar Eclipse @ 4Cap46--with the Moon conjunct power-mad Pluto, planet of The Underworld, assassination, murder, and great wealth. The first three are some of the ways in which the richer classes grasp and protect their wealth when bought-off judges, forged documents, or cyber-crimes are insufficient, or when dirty deeds must be covered up.

In the presence of the Moon and Pluto, a pair that 'encourages crime' (Munkasey), on June 26, 2010, was asteroid Siva (aka, Shiva), named after the creator-destroyer god. So if you're wondering where at this very moment Siva creeps in the Tropical Zodiac, I'll tell you: 4Cap12 Rx--still conjunct power-behind-the-throne Pluto.

Creepy. And there will be more uncoverings before 2011's end and on into 2012.

Well, now I must say, I hope one day you can R.I.P., Sunny Sheu. This post is dedicated to you and to all Americans who wish to rout out the corrupt and detestable operators and thieves who now bedevil and defraud the innocent.

We must also be careful and watch out for each other (not spy on one another as 'they' want) because wolves lie in wait.

Hope you'll check out the blog The Murder of Sunny Sheu by Mr. Sheu's friend, who is the writer of the original expose.


*The 'Generation of Materialism' horoscope of the Robber Barons is timed by the New Moon 8Tau14 of April 28, 1881 which manifested soon after a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in gold-loving Taurus on April 18, 1881. In Astrology, Jupiter and Saturn are our 'societal planets' and their constrict v expand balancing act relates directly to financial cycles and money markets. Their last conjunction occurred on May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau': "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems."

Marc Edmund Jones' Sabian Symbols gives the negative expression of this degree as: "a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles."

And that's not all that greediness has betrayed since May 2000, as we've seen. The world is now just beyond the opposition phase of the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle (2011 minus 2000 = 11 yrs = 10 + 1) and we're actually closer to an inconjunct (150 degr), an aspect of adjustment which now inspires and disjoints debt talks, default stand-offs, and theatrical walk-outs at the White House. In Mundane Astrology, the tradition is: Saturn = Democratic Party, Jupiter = Republican Party though of course, both planets appear in each party's natal charts.

Therefore we know that even the party-busting, self-imagined "masters of the universe" are completely subject to our Creator's natural laws although they wouldn't dream of having us realize such vulnerability. jc

Jul 8, 2011

USuncut v Bank of America (Chris Priest video) + Pluto/Chiron

Tax Cheats of America! You know it does my Flower Power Generation heart good to see young and youngish Americans demonstrating--and writing/performing songs for the cause--against oppressive forces now undermining the stability and future of our nation:

USuncut v Bank of America.

The love of money is the root of all evil. Guess we know what that makes the international banking syndicate 'cos they lo-o-o-ve the world's money and gold so very much, they're in process of stealing every bit of it any way they can.

USuncut has also demonstrated against Apple with a Love the iPhone Hate the Tax Cheat campaign. Other videos are available at this one's end by clicking on the next video, if you wish.

After all, when the global banking industry purposefully collapsed the US/World Economy in 2008, the big bailouts which US banks were gifted with free-of-charge were made up of US tax monies collected from citizens and from a few corporations.

But not to fret! It's 3 years hence, and the situation has been 'fixed' so that big corporations pay so little in taxes (if any) that future bailouts for their Too Big Too Successful Selves will not cannibalistically contain any corporate funds at all! Because what's the point in receiving the gift of your financial (and power) dreams if you've had to provide even one cent of the goodies yourself?

That's just crazy!

In no particular order, Astrology describes the Pluto/Chiron pair as:

corporatism, fascism, statism, communism, socialism, marxism, stalinism, leninism, bolshevikism, nationalism, militarisism, nazism, zionism, racism, genderism, other -isms, oppression, abuse, misuse of power, disenfranchisement, primal violence, and strong-arming of all descriptions, to name but a few. In the pair's symbolism, we see the destructive spirit rising.

So with the difficult planetary energies reflecting goings-on on planet Earth for August and September 2011, we'll be fortunate to reach October (not usually one of the more uneventful months itself) 2011 resembling the society we've grown accustomed to. Then on November 25, 2011, the cosmos brings us yet another Solar Eclipse @ 2 Sagittarius in the 14 North Saros Series which last manifested in 1993, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Illuminatiism's favorite pair, the 'scientific' planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune.

Timing an October 24, 1993 natal chart for the modern-day New World Order, Uranus/Neptune met at '18Capricorn' = 'POLITICAL POWER; negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism'. (Jones.)

2011 is a year of 4 Solar Eclipses as were 1917, 1935, 1964, 1982 and 2000 (eventful!) Blog Note: SO'W will publish on the November 2011 eclipse soon. You won't like it much, but I'll post it anyway.

Meanwhile, if you wish, read more on the cosmic energies of 2011 and 2012 for preparation's sake @ Theodore White's Global Astrology.

Boiling Down...

Well, does the world hinge again upon America and our legendary Eternal Ideal of Freedom and Justice For All? Then Athens, Greece puts America to shame. The great numbers and tenacity of Arab Spring demonstrators puts we-the-people in the shade considering what's happening across the US. Yet if we can take back America for we-the-people's sake without marching in the streets (where crusty old Pluto/Chiron types want us, therefore I'm more inclined not to give it to 'em) then passing around article links and videos (if you can't show up) is much better than not speaking out or showing interest at all.

Since America was born from an idea/vision/dream, then can she be rescued from destruction in similar fashion by better, more Common Good ones? By a real American Dream which takes the High Road that our government always pretends we're taking no matter how many women and children are bombed or how many resources are plundered?

Working Compassionately for The Collective

Yes, America was born when idealist, dreamy, grandly-spirited, divinely-inspired Neptune, planet of The Masses and The Collective Unconscious, was traversing the sign of practical, critical, workaholic Virgo...and so this daughter of The American Revolution must ask:

Got community? Community spirit? Team spirit to spare for America?

Perhaps seeing what your elected officials are up to is a good pre-emptive idea for I know mine aren't monitored nearly often enough. Got a local paper or rag? Read it when you can, respond on-topic as you will. As you know, our power is in our numbers, m'peops!

For to paraphrase the excellent way Thom Hartmann ends his broadcasts, 'Democracy begins when you show up--tag, you're it!'

The shape America is in circa 2011 is definitely one of those If You Snooze, You Lose situations. The globalists' coup is well advanced. Only with constant vigilance and speaking out for our rights and for what is right gives us a chance to succeed against the Goliath of Abusive Power.

Dissenting because I care,

Jude Cowell

Jul 5, 2011

Paul Krugman: the 'Corporate Cash Con' (Pluto/Chiron)

Economist Paul Krugman's July 3, 2011 NYT op ed on the Corporate Cash Con being perpetrated by the global Pluto/Chiron criminal banking syndicate lays out clearly the power elite's scheme now throttling America's neck with Reagan's old 'trickle down' economics scam.

And Thom Hartmann renounced on his broadcast today (Tuesday July 5, 2011) the 'trickle down' theory of economics which didn't work then and hasn't and won't work now. Not for The Commons anyway. That'd be the rest of us who are not members of the select few (or acting as their servants.)

Related post: Horoscope of the Reaganomics Eclipse 1981. Hint: the Saros Series of this Solar Eclipse (1 North) repeated on August 11, 1999, the Mother of All Eclipses that Nostradamus forewarned about with its Biblical references emphasized: the mid-degrees of the Fixed Grand Cross: Oxen Point (15 Taurus), Eagle Point (15 Scorpio), Lion Point (15 Leo: see sidebar for more on this degree's impressive symbolism), and Angel Point (15 Aquarius, aka, the Center of Humanity degree - DeVore.)

That's one reason why I prefer economists like Paul Krugman and Robert Reich to take part in the public debate. They express monetary theories and their consequences with what comes across as a humane point of view, what I might call a 'For the Commons' mentality.

And without that, what has the world got besides a global herd of rough-shod riding criminals, thieves, and political operatives fronting for the plutonian power-grabbers who direct them to beggar us all?

Dismantling America is their grand scheme, long in planning, and now being implemented in a social network or marketplace near you (fraudulent Neptune now at '1 Pisces' = "A Public Market.") The US Cash Cow has been milked dry and is being sent to the lower pasture.

Why, yes! Americans can start the experiment 'America' over. Re-gearing and calibrating our country for manufacturing again is being done here and there yet it must become our modus operandi. Family, religious groups, and community institutions (food banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, and other social aids) need our support. Plus, no one can know if they'll be the one to need a leg-up one of these days, right? The way this crew is acting, that is. Covet, covet, covet!

So the way I figure it, we-the-people are in this boat together, folks, it's the ruling class who have deserted what they intend to be a sinking ship of State. Yet if they are the ones who make up The State, may they shipwreck themselves while we sail to a brighter shore in a re-commissioned tugboat we call America. If we're of-by-for ourselves, the Invisible Government of The Masses will take up the (disputed) mantle of power and put on trial or toss out the brigands and charlatans...the usurpers.

No! It is not for Republican or Democratic politicians to brazenly wear the mantle of power for their authorization to do so wilts without Our Support. The legend is that America was founded so that the mantle of power belongs in truth to we-the-people; if diverted, then the character and identity of the "United States of America" ceases to exist. What Zionist *Utopians desire to build in its place, we've already seen in part since the 1980s when the top percent of citizens began raking in larger and larger profits, while the rest finagled to get by.

Why do I squawk? Why dissent? To be American is to dissent and I do so because America is my only nag in the race. And though political partisans may be a necessary evil for a nation that practices 'politics', we don't have to accept their lack of moral standards and secretive, high-minded allegiance to whatever creeds have ensnared their fancies for greatness.

This is no game, for Machiavellian types play for keeps: success at any cost as long as it's someone else's loss. This is currently and starkly illustrated by highly placed Republicans who bet on the US economy to fail.

As for the current political theater we're being treated to by Washington politicians, presidents, and operatives, let's glance in Thomas Jefferson's direction for a little wisdom along the Common Good lines this blogging gnat prefers:

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Amen. (Scott Walker. Corporate Welfare. Big-Bank Bailouts...)

July 4, 2011 US is 235 years young

As the US begins a new year, may the Bush Tax Cuts expire and may tax loopholes for wealthy corporate jet lovers be closed. May US corporations pay their fair share in taxes. May militarist monarchs be stopped from dismantling our state governments, raiding workers' pension funds, and further ripping into our social safety net in order to give balding corporate geniuses on a mission an unearned financial 'break' they won't spend to boost the US economy.

How clear is it that outrageously wrong 'sacrifices' are forced upon the American people by the US government every time a baby, child, or a pregnant woman goes hungry in America?


*Utopians = radical Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (Ebertin.) We may wish to watch the disruptive path of Uranus in Aries as its separative mission becomes clearer and the quirky genius nears the end of Aries. For next up will be 00 Taurus to 1 Taurus, which is sometimes called, Hitler's Trigger degree, for he ramped up violent actions when it was triggered by a planet or two. It's his natal Sun degree indicating his life purpose or mission which his occult associates encouraged him to set up as a Quest for a new world order - to be administered under Adolf's thumb, he expected. Or, did his psychotic career mainly showcase the ego of a megalomaniac and sex fiend warped by a cruel childhood?

Which reminds me of the cruelty of US politicians forcing hunger and want upon American children, circa 2011. Why? Because wealthy bankers and their cronies desire more lucre of the filthy variety.

Jun 28, 2011

Amazing Facts about Michele Bachmann

Must the Evangelical Right Shove Bachmann into the White House?

by Jude Cowell

Apparently that's their plan, if we let 'em. But today I have learned more amazing facts than is good for one person about ring wing candidate, Tea Party opportunist, and Christian Right promoter Michele Bachmann so I thought: why keep the craziness all to myself? Since I have a blog where I recently posted briefly concerning her natal horoscope while looking for that certain 'out-there' quality that some people think the Oral Roberts University law student possesses, why not share the linky love?

Because it isn't as if the MSM are covering much more than her gaffes and good-for-a-guffaw historical revisionism, is it? At least not yet though perhaps you've already noticed that the crazy train has arrived at the station right on time.

Some examples of what I'm finding:

Today's edition of Democracy Now! has Amy Goodman's informative interview with *Michelle Goldberg of The Daily Beast and Karl Bremer whose award-winning blog Ripple in Stillwater (the town where Rep. Bachmann currently lives) recounts her career exploits and dubious connection with a money laundering cocaine dealer who's about to go on trial for participation in a major Ponzi scheme, her falsehoods about profiting from farm subsidies, ethics violations, and more.

Then there's Mother Jones' Michele Bachmann: Greatest Hits, a list of her wackier statements and spouted misconceptions, a not-to-be-missed regaling of her unusual remarks worth reviewing before you decide to vote for Bachmann's brand of out-there, zealous, steam-rolling political and social reforms. (Be careful what you wish for!)

Quite a pile-up of amazing facts for someone who just announced her candidacy for president on Monday June 27, 2011...aka, yesterday!


*Yep! Ronald Reagan may be rolling over in his grave as the power of the Evangelical Right rears its double heads again in American Politics (after a period of hibernation.) On topic is Michelle Goldberg's latest book Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism which I haven't read (just heard of it for the first time today during her Democracy Now! interview) but to me it sounds like Pluto/Chiron's Zionism of violent zealotry focused on the setting up of a one-world-government seat of power in Jerusalem.

For further reading on such topics also try Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 by Alex D'Atria.

In Washington DC

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 29, 2011, President Obama will hold a suddenly announced news conference on his refusal to seek congressional approval for actions in Libya (which has been made out to be 'the story' by the MSM so perhaps it's been set up that way as cover for US interference in yet another Middle Eastern country), and on the performance of the US economy, or the lack thereof.

Blog Note: if all goes well here on Wednesday morning and there are no further thunderstorm interruptions, I'll be posting on the president's news conference through the lens of Astrology; plus, my recent column on the US Solar Return 2011 horoscope will be completed as a fresh post, or simply added to my original entry. For as you may imagine from current events, America's Solar Return 2011 is quite a doozy so please stay tuned if you can. jc

Jun 27, 2011

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Breach: Neptune to US n Moon?

Waters of Neptune and Power of Pluto 6.27.11

by Jude Cowell

Can it be that our recent transit of Neptune to US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) is still operative? With tr Neptune dipping a mystical toe in the waters of Pisces (but Rx and preparing to lumber back into Aquarius for a while), it seems that dissolving Neptune is reflecting the massive water damage to properties from the Mississippi River and now the Missouri River. And of course, Earth's Moon rules the tides.

Should we fret? ABC News reports officials saying that the public 'is not in danger' even though the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station has been breached. Click to see a horrific looking photo of the flooded plant which has been shut down since April.

And you may have heard that wildfire is threatening the Los Alamos Nuclear Plant within One Mile, which is also being reported by Amy Goodman of the excellent Democracy Now! so it seems that watery Neptune is riling both Uranus (electricity shut off in nuclear plants, back up generators in service, plus storm systems) and Pluto, whose link to nuclear power is well-known bwo Pluto's discovery in 1930.

(If you're interested in Enron news, click to read or hear what Amy Goodman just reported about it.)

Or perhaps I should say that our three outer, transpersonal, generational planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are showing their power to affect on the deepest levels The Collective in which we all must live, breached berms notwithstanding.

So where was Mars, the fire starter and instigator, in all of this when the Fort Calhoun Plant was breached by the Missouri River, a situation with the potential for being 'another Fukushima'? Testy Mars is in early Gemini (nearing US natal Uranus - danger) and about to trigger the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @11Gem02.

As you know, we're inside an eclipse window just now with a brand new Saros Series about to start with the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @9Can12 which falls precisely between US natal Sun and Jupiter.

When we look for resonance with this synchronicity to America's natal chart, we find that at the moment, a transiting midpoint picture brings these same planets together as the US approaches her 235th birthday: tr Sun/Jupiter = tr Mars: zeal and courage - two things the people of the Midwest and those who fight against the effects of such disasters need to possess in Jupiterian abundance.

Underneath that energy is another of sinister proportions with two midpoint pictures now formed and pointing to the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition (though it's not as exact in orb as it's been, Saturn and Uranus are subject to transits and progressions.) Any, all, or none may apply and are from Ebertin:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: restrictions; physical impediments; ruthless overcoming of obstacles and difficulties; separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself (valiant nuclear plant workers? jc); sudden adjustment to new circumstances; danger to life.

Difficult pictures, are they not?

Plus, for some months now, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has been hitting US natal South Node off and on (6AQ.) As you know, Pluto/Chiron is one of the primary signatures for oppression, disenfranchisement, racism and other -isms including corporatism...and primal violence. Both bodies relate closely to nuclear power, separately and together, and with SN representing past behavior, Neptune's massive amounts of water now activate nuclear mistakes from America's past.

Yes, the homelessness of Neptune to US natal Moon is continuing on a different level of expression than the foreclosure fiasco which is also ongoing.

Hmmm...wonder what the Nuclear Energy Institute is up to this morning? Makin' policy, I imagine. They seem to be up to date on the Fukushima Meltdown but are not so up-to-speed when it comes to what's going on with the current threats to nuclear plants in the US, as near as I can tell from their website.


Thanks to a reader who asked me to look at the Astrology of the Fort Calhoun Nebraska situation in a comment left after yesterday's post on US Solar Return 2011. No time right now to provide links to eclipse posts and other related topics (though they may show up after this entry is published bwo LinkedWithin thumbnails - look below) because I must motor and deal w lightening damage to some tech equipment here (Uranus!) and other storm-related issues.

More reading on such topics is available to you at the blog of Alexander Higgins, if you wish to check it out. jc

Jun 17, 2011

Shout-Out! The Equal Party (of-by-for The People)

Today my online time is brief (gotta motor!) but I have managed a bit of reading and was surprised to find an interesting blog concerning The Equal Party suggesting ideas for how We The People can return control of the US government to the of-by-for crowd, United States citizens.

Of course, this presumes that we had any control to lose. With every US election fixed, manipulated, rigged, or plum stolen, it's difficult to be certain especially when you consider the so-called 'Manifest Destiny' issue and America being founded by and as a New Atlantis corporation. Perhaps that's where the early 'of-by-for' came in and America was never, as we now suspect, meant for We The People at all.

The Equal Party site's Reminders from Mullins: the Rape of Justice and the World Order contains a quote from Eustace Mullins' The World Order which you may think useful for understanding what's going on socially and in Politics, that 'organized system of hatreds', as Henry B. Adams aptly described it..."No matter its professions", that's what its practice basically is.

A quick search for Mullin's The World Order on Amazon yielded no results but I did locate another of his books A Study of the Federal Reserve and Its Secrets (2010) and here is an excerpt:

"If Congress actually had retained its sovereignty and refused to let Woodrow Wilson and Carter Glass hand over the sovereign right of coinage and the issue of our money to private bankers in 1913, the American people today would not stand on the brink of slavery. The Federal Reserve System has been the death of our Constitution, and the end of our liberties. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors, chosen by and working for the powerful international bankers, have inflicted catastrophe after catastrophe upon our people." - Eustace Clarence Mullins

Amen to that!

So who was Carter Glass (Jan 4, 1858 - May 28, 1946)? He was a busy political bee on Capitol Hill including acting as President Wilson's Secretary of the Treasury, and was instrumental in the passage of the Glass-Owen Act of 1913 which created the Federal Reserve System. And in 1933, lent his name and efforts to the Glass-Steagall Act which separated commercial from investment banking, and set up the FDIC.

Click his name to read a Wiki page where Carter Glass's firm belief in the disenfranchisement of African-American voters (!!) splays out for all to see.

And what is the astrological signature of disenfranchisement? The main one I use (though other planetary combos such as big banker Jupiter/Pluto certainly play in to the power elite's oppressive activities) is the duo of Pluto/Chiron with Chiron adding The Wounding factor to the anti-social mix.

The Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (@ '12Sag') on December 31, 1999 began a new, refreshed cycle of disenfranchisement and heralded the increased oppression which the world has experienced in the New Millennium in tandem with the King of Alarm (or Terror, including financial) Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, the eclipse that Nostradamus warned about centuries ago and which spotlights the Oxen Point, the Lion Point, the Eagle Point, and the Angel Point from Biblical prophecy at mid-degrees of the Fixed Signs.

And on that heavy note, real-world appointments in the city are calling my name...but here's one of the varmints now in a portrait taken in December 1912 of Woodrow Wilson:

For further reading on US presidents and their initiations and secret affiliations try this. Wilson's mentor, the Utopian Colonel House, has a very interesting entry there, among others.

May 30, 2011

Gov Nathan Deal's Pluto/Chiron Mistake 5.30.11

On Friday May 13, 2011, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed into legislation Georgia House Bill 87 to limit and police the state's illegal immigrant population.

Now it's two weeks later, almost harvest time in sunny south Georgia, and our
farms have a severe worker shortage.

(Click the first link to read HB87's provisions including this gem: 'the State Department of Agriculture will be directed to study the possibility of creating Georgia's own guest-worker program'. Whew! That was close. For a minute there I feared something reasonable would actually be done in a timely fashion!)

HB87 goes into effect on July 1, 2011 - the exact date of the karmic Solar Eclipse in security-minded Cancer, sign of nurturing and food supplies - and the law is causing just what its opponents in the agricultural industry said it would: farmers are reporting that approximately 70% of Georgia's vegetable crops will go unharvested this season due to an extreme lack of workers. Many of these crops cannot be harvested by machine - only People Power can do the job.

When Deal (who resigned from the US Congress under a gathering ethics cloud in February 2010) signed the bill, he played the typical GOP card of taking legislative action "in the absence of federal action," a thinly veiled attempt to undermine a Democratic president while upholding states' rights, a tactic which has an added 'bonus' of purposefully weakening our union of States.

And while the federal vs state battle is embedded within America's DNA, it is doubtful that GOP-neocon water-carrier Deal can lay it to rest with HB87. But he can stir it up to help dissolve boundaries, weaken state economies, and demoralize our citizenry, thus furthering a Utopian dream of a New World Order agenda of global domination.

So Who's Gonna Do the Picking?

Whether Mr. Deal and his Republican colleagues are willing to help pick tons of the soon-wasting-on-the-vine food crops in a state and nation now experiencing the immorality of millions of American adults and children going to bed hungry each night - well, such an offer has not to my knowledge been forthcoming. And I doubt it will be since politicians don't actually work, they, while lining pockets so often their own.

Now as a native Georgian, I could give Mr. Deal a call to discuss this matter rather than grousing at you, dear reader, but somehow I don't expect he would answer though I do believe he has returned by now from his weekend jaunt to Europe (just after he signed HB87 - a lucrative trade deal his reward?) for the stated purpose of taking an "economic development trip" which, one expects, was funded at taxpayer expense.

At the bill's May 13th signing, Deal touted that the draconian legislation with its E-Verify provision "avoids many of the pitfalls" of the similar law enacted in Arizona which has since been struck down by a federal judge.

Opponents of HB87 are hopeful of gaining federal help with drafting a legal challenge to this impractical immigration bill. Meanwhile, tons of cucumbers and other crops are about to rot on the vine of Republican overreach, with our state tourism, landscaping, and restaurant industries joining the agricultural industry in opposing this shortsighted, quite daft, legislation.

Why, it's almost as if Georgia Republicans want our food supply to be undermined! But how crazy is that?

Yet the bill's signing garnered a supportive statement from the Sheriff of Cobb County (near Atlanta, our state capital which is a major hive of Republicanism in my home state) and he may have let the GOP cat out of the draconian bag: "HB87 is a good legislation and will provide law enforcement in Georgia with another tool to perform their jobs in an effective and efficient manner."

Well, now I feel better! Protect me from those unwelcome agricultural workers, please!

Except that food prices will go up even more than they already have, grocery store veggie bins will soon be emptier than they would have been this season, the concerned industries will miss opportunities and income and lay off employees, more poverty will be created in the state, children may go to bed hungrier than the night before, Georgia's economy will be negatively affected if not hobbled, and groups such as US Human Rights will cancel their convention in Atlanta this year (they did.)

But at least the police state can legally get up in people's faces on any whim and successfully prevent them from harvesting our salad greens, thus feeding their own families with their meager wages.

So in a manner of speaking, it's Nathan Deal to the rescue, Georgia! And since he campaigned for governor in 2010 on just such an Arizona-style immigration policy, we may also wish to thank those taxpayers who voted for him in order to protect their "bottom lines"...our food supply be dam*ed.

Yes, after Deal's May 13th bill signing, President Obama was quoted calling HB87 "a mistake." Unfortunately for the common good, the president may have been referring to the old political argument over federal vs state supremacy rather than more practical and immediate considerations such as rotting harvests, empty bellies, and economic sabotage waged by a morally bankrupt political party that will do anything - anything - to "see Obama fail" even though the American people go down with him. The implication is that a Republican White House Forever More will magically and ideologically make things all better. Puh!

Oppression the Law of the Land

As some of the signs held by protesters of HB87 and elsewhere have read, "Immigrant Rights are Human Rights". And that slogan perfectly describes much of what plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron duo are up to in Georgia, Arizona, Utah, and the rest of the country in 2011 and beyond: disenfranchisement, oppression, corporatism, statism, facism, racism - Republican style, but with Dem enabling.

After all, on July 4, 1776, America's Pluto/Chiron midpoint in Mutable, unstable Pisces conjoined our national Ceres, an archetypal asteroid of food, grain, and milk supplies (plus, seafood - Pisces); plus, food security and supply issues.

Now it's 235 years later, Independence Day 2011 approaches a mere 3 days after a Solar Eclipse that conjoins US natal Jupiter and Sun, and certain factions in this country are passing laws to force America's Pluto/Chiron-Ceres issues to the top of our collective menu.

So I must declare that we're stuck with a bum deal in Georgia, my fellow Americans. The guvna' didn't finagle this deal on my behalf, hear? And yes, you know what I mean: in Georgia, we got us a really bum deal.

May 27, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Greatest Fraud - video (Jupiter/Neptune)

May 27, 2011: Yes, the info shared here from Bob Chapman is dreary, I know. And so are the world's financial circumstances, thanks to the global banking syndicate of gangsters. Historically Mr. Chapman relates the ongoing financial crisis through which we're being defrauded to how Hitler 'did it' in the 1930s.

The Frothy Inflation of Bubbly Jupiter/Neptune

Yes, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction/s (the speculation/grand plans pair) that occurred all through 2009 (on May 27 - I began typing this on Friday, the first anniversary, July 10, and December 21) tangoed together squarely atop our US natal Moon (we-the-people) all three times and the trio just keeps on giving...I mean, keeps on taking.

You remember the midpoint picture, right?

Jupiter/Neptune = n Moon: instability; insecurity; wastefulness; becoming involved in speculation; little sense of reality; a desire to dream; uncertainty about what is real and unreal. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Simultaneously this timed a Neptune to US natal Moon transit which brought fraud, deception, lies, loss (Neptune) of homes (Moon), confusion, and a sense of rootlessness to our collective psyche and emotional lives so that even with tr Neptune just barely into Pisces now, the orb is still near enough to affect and undermine us. Unfortunately, Neptune will be backing into Aquarius again for a continuation of The Gaseous One's dissolving effects before re-entering Pisces which it co-rules with Jupiter.

And of course, oil, gas, water, and poisons are ingredients in the fraudulent Neptunian brew of damage and harm as well, with both Moon (ruler of Cancer, the Crab) and Pisces relating to the oceans and all things marine.

Oh, and on that Hitler 'did it' thing? Jupiter and Neptune conjoined @ 8Vir25 only once in the 1930s: on September 19, 1932...conjunct Hitler's natal 11th cusp of Associations, Hopes and Wishes, and opposite America's natal Ceres (security issues and needs; food supply) which conjoins US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the Plutocracy duo of oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, Corporatism, Fascism, and other such cruelty-based -isms that no decent person cares to receive or perpetrate against his fellow man.

For the German despot (who wished to establish a New World Order to be run by himself), events of 1932 occurred during an expansive Jupiter trine natal Jupiter transit, a time when success with attainment of personal goals seems easy and the circumstances and people one encounters are compatible with Jupiter's desire for broadened horizons and gaining more more more. (*Hitler's natal horoscope shows a Sun 00Tau48/Midas conjunction and the Robber Barons' planetary signature, Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini.)

Note: since the video above is only Part One, click after the video ends if you wish to hear more of the discussion.


*Adolf Hitler born April 20, 1889 (NS) 6:30 pm -0.52:08 Braunau am Inn, Austria; natal Jupiter 8Cap15; Moon 6Cap38 (both are being triggered by tr Pluto now); ASC 26Lib41 with Syzygy Moon, Morya Rx, and Jupiter/Saturn midpoint rising; Jupiter/Saturn = ASC: the tactician. And physically, this midpoint picture may also indicate liver and/or gall bladder conditions and the testy moodiness that liver impairment can cause.

(Rodden Rating AA from baptismal certificate.)

May 18, 2011

Nomi Prins: The Fed holds America hostage (video)

Former managing director at Goldman-Sachs, journalist, and financial whistleblower Nomi Prins speaks with Alex Jones on how The Fed is holding America hostage.

Part 1 of 2:

Part 2 of 2:

As you know, they're describing the Pluto/Chiron pair of plutocracy, oppression, and primal violence against those who don't fall in line with IMF and World Bank programs. Now Pluto is wealthy and underhanded enough but adding wounded and wounding Chiron to the blend is what forecloses on your family's home, puts you out on the street, robs you of your pension, and laughs 'all the way to the bank'.

America's Dream of Rescue January 20, 2009: Faded

On January 20, 2009 at President Obama's inauguration, the midpoint of Pluto and Chiron was at Midheaven of the Inaugural chart describing The Goal and agenda that Mr. Obama would follow. And while you may think there's nothing to that synchronicity (what is this strange thing they call 'Astrology'?) no one disputes that a Goldman-Sachs crew was put in place in the White House along with a new president.

My intuition has always told me that Barack Obama would not have gained the bullhorn of the White House if Summers, Geithner, and others had not been part of his financial 'team'. The econo-team appointments were announced as Obama moved in to the executive mansion but were already known to him - the Bilderberg Group meeting that chose between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama occurred in Chantilly, Virginia during the 2008 campaign when Obama slipped away from his campaign plane and left Robert Gibbs to explain his mysterious and sudden absence to the planeful of reporters traveling with them.

So if you are awake to the Big Heist being perpetrated upon the American people (and the world's population) but know others who still snooze, please pass on the message and some video links so that we-the-people can finally jettison the R v D/con v lib fallacy and stand together en masse - on the same side - OUR side!


The website of Nomi Prins has details on her books: 2004's Other People's Money (in which she predicted what we're experiencing now) and her latest book It Takes a Pillage.

Doesn't it though?

Another informative video on such financial topics is from John Pilger (Dec 2010.) Post includes a brief astrological discussion of America's Mars/Neptune square (inspired or deceptive actions; confused motivations; massive army), the Obama-Mars/US-Neptune conjunction, and the recent Saturn/Uranus opposition which was totally in effect on Election Day 2008 (status quo v progress) and is thus imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama whose natal Saturn in Capricorn has kept the US financial system in place without ruffling too many Wall Street feathers so far.

Looks like we're on our own, m'peops.


Blog Note: the only info I've found online for Nomi Prins' birthdate (in order to set up her natal horoscope) is '1950' which makes it seem that she has knowledge of Astrology's usefulness and prefers her privacy (understandable!) Plus, working in the financial industry for years as she has, perhaps she knows what old J. P. Morgan admitted years ago:

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Which means that World Bankers know it, too, and time their sorry actions by planetary cycles.

Apr 20, 2011

One year on: BP-Gulf Oil Blowout Apr 20, 2011

Today my thoughts are with the families and friends of the eleven workers killed on British Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, 2010 and all the good people on the US Gulf Coast who continue to suffer from BP's mistakes, incompetence, and greed.

(Click to view the BP Blowout horoscope along with the natal chart of Mexico.)

Environmental damage, health concerns, and income depletion of the population on America's Gulf Coast continue in spite of all efforts to hush things up and sink them to the bottom of the Gulf along with the oil. Fish are being caught with rotting fins, reports Amy Goodman today in her hour-long broadcast today at Democracy Now! as she asks guests to speak on where we are today.

Wildlife continues to die, people are hurting and the US government refuses to make a connection between the oil blowout and people's dire health consequences now appearing. The dispersant BP used to hide the massive amounts of oil (which they lied about from the start) is causing horrendous harm on top of the original damage. BP used the highest amount of dispersant ever used before - dispersants that are banned in Europe which means, of course, that the US gets saddled with them. Well, they had to sell them somewhere and American citizens are once again used (Pluto/Chiron = disenfranchisement; victimization) as the corporate world's guinea pigs.

So where we are today is we're scr*wed, as we well know, and Amy Goodman's interviews on the first anniversary of the BP-Gulf Oil Blowout are highly recommended - for we turn our backs on BP at our peril.

Apr 4, 2011

Is the US infested with the Hegelian Dialectic?

In an attempt to make sense of the mess the US is in, the following article link is posted for your consideration with an excerpt:

The Hegelian Dialectic is designed to get us into a frenzied defense or offense of a particular idea or thesis. The natural outgrowth of the original idea is the opposite idea or anti-thesis, which will breed it’s own defense and offense. The predetermined answer of the Elite will be the synthesis of both sides of the conflict.

In America, the most familiar Hegelian Dialectic is the Republican and Democratic parties. On the right we have the Corporatist, Fascist, Republicans that are pro debt, pro war and pro corporation. On the left, we have the Socialist, Communist, Democrats that are pro tax, pro social issues and pro labor. Both of these two fight back and forth every year in a contrived scripted dramaknown as Washington politics. The synthesis, of these two seemingly opposite ideas, is this middle of the road “lesser of two evils” mess we have now. Read more....


Now there's a basic reason I've often mentioned on this blog Washington's Capitol Hill Theater - it's all theater, dahlink. They don't govern in Washington, they manipulate us while serving their corporate masters. And their illusory D v R-lib v con-blue v red script keeps we-the-people divided and conquered. So please stop following a political 'party' and follow OUR best interests - for someone needs to.

And yes, I heard that President Obama has announced his 2012 candidacy online which was to be expected. However, I don't care who plays the role of Mouthpiece-in-Chief, it's how cruelly they dissolve our republic and sovereignty, destroy our freedom documents, ignore our social contract between the generations, and further disenfranchise the American people - those things matters most to me.

How inconvenient the Tea Party must have seemed to them for a time! But they quickly recovered when the Koch Brothers and others took over what was originally a grassroots movement. Now, like 99% of Washington politicians, the Tea Party has become a tool of corporatism.

What are two of Corporatism's prime signatures in Mundane Astrology charts? The combo of Pluto/Chiron, and asteroid Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate.)

For further reading on such topics as Hegelian philosophy, here's a rabbit hole to follow which includes an image of the modern natal horoscope of the 'New World Order' because that's really the power elite's 'end game' which we're talking about here.

Mar 26, 2011

A Morgue's Secrets Leak & Pluto/Chiron's Plutocracy

Glenn Greenwald says that classified secrets have been leaked describing the tiresomely devious 'take bodies from the morgue and spread 'em around to finger the Americans' ploy.

Not certain I buy it but I'll keep my mind slightly creaked open for now. Of course, the well-timed leak could be reverse propaganda, kind of like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker being advised to hire a thug to accost or otherwise assault him (even better - with firearms) in order to make the workers' side come off more negatively in Wisconsin. Walker may not have seriously considered using a thug to harm him as if his political opponents (supposedly his constituents but he only wants to 'govern' the rich, it seems) had done so, but we see an alleged glimpse into how their minds work.

It takes the GOP and their backers in the global crime syndicate to think up an outrageous plan such as that.

Of course, some Republican backers also back various Democrats. That qualifies as a clue to the fact that what we now experience is long-running class warfare of the haves v the have-nots. That many Americans in the last decades have fallen willingly into a fluffy (Jupiter-Neptune) dream that prosperity was to be theirs for the duration (if they worked hard or had a brilliant idea or creation suitable for marketing) and that their children would do better in the world than they'd done, is not surprising really.

Because many forces and certain disciplines and intellects have been focused like lasers on just such a dreamy influence succeeding in manipulating the American public (and others) ever since Psychology was invented.

Okay, enough babbling. Let me know what you think about such topics if you have a mo and feel impelled, and I shall attempt to reply or add a remark if I have a mo, too.


Pluto/Chiron = plutocracy; disenfranchisement; primal violence; racism; agism, socialism/communism/bolshvikism, refugeeism and other -isms -- well, you get the exploitative picture. (That's wounded/wounding Chiron with Pluto of the morgue-ish realm. Sounds even worse when it's put like that.)

Mar 7, 2011

"We're Not Broke!" Michael Moore in WI (video) & Pluto/Chiron

In may last post I linked to this video of Michael Moore speaking at the rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, March 5, 2011. Tonight my friend Alex at GOP Astrology sent along the code so I'm placing the video here in a new post where I can handily listen to its inspiring message whenever I want.

Oh, and you're welcomed to listen and watch, too, as you wish or in case you missed it!

Given all the various attacks upon the American people these days, perhaps all those tiresome posts I published here over the last few years about the class warfare duo of Pluto/Chiron weren't so crazy after all.

On December 1999, powerful manipulator Pluto and wounded Chiron conjoined at '12Sag' ("A Flag Turned Into an Eagle That Crows" - politicians have been crowing a lot in Wisconsin of late) = US natal Ascendant. Pluto and Chiron were parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and useful for timing purposes) in mid-August 2004.

And you know how the Moon represents The People and The Public (and Publicity and the mood of the people) in a Mundane Astrology chart?

Well, here is an image of the Inauguration 2001 Horoscope, a relic of the first Oath of Office taken by usurper George W. Bush. In 8th house of Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Big Business, Banking, Death, and Transformation (W certainly did that), you'll see the Moon snugged (too close for comfort) between...wait for it...the plutocracy duo, Pluto and Chiron.

Such were the excruciating 8 years of the SCOTUS-installed Bush-Cheney regime which had to be, among other things, one of the longest heists in history which met the cameras in 2008 when its rottenness burst open to public view and cold, lonely winds blew through our nation's near-empty Treasury Department.

And the crooks were hiding in plain sight...

Mar 6, 2011

Horoscope: Haymarket Riot 1886 = business v workers

Business Class v Working Class 1886: Seeds of 2011?

by Jude Cowell

With its 125th anniversary just passed, the Haymarket Riot (aka, the Haymarket Massacre) of May 4, 1886 in Haymarket Square, Chicago, Illinois shows an interesting natal horoscope which heralds today's business/government v workers/labor unions stand-offs in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Beginning as a general strike on May 1 (the 110th anniversary date of Adam Weishaupt's formation of the Bavarian Society of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776), events escalated into the Chicago rally which exploded into violence when a pipe bomb was thrown at the police as they dispersed the crowd after the last orator spoke (around 10:30 pm.) The bomb was thrown by an "unknown person" as the above linked Wiki profile states, and controversy remains as to the proceedings and capabilities.

A prime theory is that this "unknown person" was an instigator not of the working class attending the rally, but was a government, special interest, and/or rival group's operative (8th house Mars in Virgo) tasked to turn the peaceful rally into a win for the business community which was not enthused by the rally's purpose: to educate the people on the merits of instituting an 8-hour work day in the US.

Of the anarchists arrested, one was a Knight of the Knights of Labor, a rival organization of the group staging the rally, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) - although the Knights of Labor allegedly were for the 8-hour work day as well. Perhaps rivalry for members was part of a subversion tactic (the bomb) with the Knights' membership peaking in 1886 but plunging after the Haymarket Riot and subsequent trials, convictions, and executions.

Considering the Knights' Roman Catholic trappings, it's illuminating that the Sabian Symbol of the 29th crisis degree rising at 10:30 pm that night, '30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful." For doing what, I wonder? This indicates Jupiter 26Vir32 Rx in 9th H as chart-ruler; ten seconds later, 00Cap00 arose nominating Saturn 4Can49 in 7th H of Partnerships as chart-ruler. Saturn is, of course, amidst US natal planets, Venus and Jupiter, with US n Sun nearby; outside the horoscope, I've penned in America's natal planets (highlighted in lavender.)

Jupiter's position shows that a recent transit by conjunction has occurred to US natal Neptune 22Vir25, a time of inspired ideas, actions, and enhanced imagination, yet it can ramp up fanaticism and paranoia; promotions of a cause, scandals, and bankruptcies may also be on the speculative Jupiter/Neptune menu. And this is happening near US natal Mc (00Lib53) with its outlet for the energy falling in the Career-Public Status department of the US chart.

Here are Saturn to US n Venus and US n Jupiter transits in progress. Saturn to n Venus sobers up the environment and shows how self-serving social gestures can be; creating more structure within relationships is the best way to use this energy toward greater stability and commitment (such as joining a union?)

Saturn to US n Jupiter is a time when economic growth is restricted and attitudes become more serious; for those who've gained wealth, it's time to be more philanthropic - to give back some of what has been given. (It's that time again in 2011 but over the years our legal system has successfully been eroded so that major financial titans and fraudsters are protected from facing their crimes rather than tried and convicted, and tax laws favor the rich; the current stand-offs with labor unions represent the rich class dunning the lower incomers with "austerity" measures while the wealthy themselves receive more tax breaks which only widens the income inequality gap even further. Yes, the fox has always guarded the US henhouse, but now he's foreclosed and put the chickens on the curb.

The US President at the time of the Haymarket Riot was Grover Cleveland, the only American president to serve two non-consecutive terms in the White House (March 4, 1885 and March 4, 1893, with Benjamin Harrison in between - inaugurated March 4, 1889.)

Following is an image of the Haymarket Riot's horoscope set for Chicago, IL on May 4, 1886 at 10:30 pm cst.

You'll note the Robber Baron duo of Neptune and Pluto snugged around the Moon (the people) and the midpoint of the plutocratic, primally violent, corporatist, and disenfranchising Pluto/Chiron pair conjoined with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 in the 6th H of Work, Service, and Health. Neptune and the Moon stimulate two difficult Fixed Stars, Algol and Capulus, stars of rage and violence.

Sun 14Tau35 actually conjoins the degree which now rises (ASC) at noon for US presidential inaugurations every four years though it didn't in 1886 since the ASC change for the Oath of Office (and thus, for whoever is about to act as president) occurred between FDR's 1933 and 1937 inaugurations - from early March to January 20 or 21st, if the 20th falls on a Sunday.

Please click to enlarge the horoscope and to read a few more notes on the conditions at the time of the bomb toss which triggered the Haymarket Riot. Your on-topic comments and opinions are always welcome.

Phase: New Moon 12:55 with Sygyzy Moon occurring the day before; Jupiter as chart-ruler applies to an Earthy trine with Neptune (1A41) indicating an ability to see restored order where others fear utter chaos, and social programs underway for developing productive potentials for the poor and working class.

With Saturn as chart-ruler, the separating (waning) square with rebel Uranus (0S41) shows a time of problems with authority figures and a need to break from the past in order to progress. The Saturn/Uranus cycle lasts approximately 45 years and we have been in the cycle's opposition stage lately though now the pair of brittleness are in a quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) aspect indicating a drive to disrupt governing systems, break outdated concepts, and defy law and order. (Reeves.)

In 1886, the midpoint of Mars/Uranus, a riotous and explosive combination of energies, is 'masked' by US natal Neptune 22Vir25, in the sign of The Worker.

Tr Mars/Uranus = n Neptune: cunning and deceit; a low and mean way of acting; a desire to harm others; a person with bad intentions; rage and frenzy.

The 'rage and frenzy' came only after the bomb was lobbed at police for the rally was peaceful until then - typical of a set up with a planted instigator in the crowd acting to cause disrepute to the rally's cause.

Even Wisconsin's Gov. Scott Walker, during his bogus 'talk' with financial patron "David Koch" on the phone, admitted to the fake Koch that he had considered the time-worn political tactic of planting "troublemakers" in the crowd (in order disrupt proceedings and undermine the opposition.)

From 1886 to 2011, these political radicals and outlaws are so very very tiresome, aren't they?

Now let's close with the two Images for Integration for the double Earth Sun Taurus-Moon Taurus blend which is shared natally by none other than Karl Marx:

'A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute...A successful baker is surrounded by delighted children eating fresh bread rolls.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.)

And how about a famous quote from Marx since 'socialism' is such a commonly leveled charge these days and has been historically so whenever the rich fear losing a dime or two to the needy...

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Marx was so full of it, y'know?

Jan 22, 2011

Feeling Rich? Perception Matters

Jan 21/22, 2011: Public Radio's MarketPlace has an interesting interview you may wish to read or listen to which concerns the fact that it isn't level of income alone which makes a person admit that he or she is "rich." It's just as much a matter of perception: the perception of what it means to be rich that affects our ideas about wealth and taxes, and our self-images of where we are on the wealth ladder so skewed toward the benefit of the upper .01%.

Say, for the first time in months, I've been snooping around the MarketPlace website this morning while listening to the program on the radio (in northeast Georgia, that's Saturdays @11:00 am est) and the site has blog action in place on various money-related, economy-related, and culture-related topics.

Ah, that good old disenfranchising Pluto/Chiron midpoint of the Plutocracy pair of celestial bodies; one associated with the death archetype (Pluto), the other with wounding, healing, and blind spots (Chiron), and both deeply transformative on their own levels when used in horoscopic work.

Class Warfare is Pluto/Chiron's favorite chess game so if you feel your dreams have been checkmated and thoroughly trounced recently, the primal violence and pillaging tendencies of Pluto/Chiron's over-arching plan for complete take-over may be the basic reason why.

And as you know, 00AQ+ is the position of the Sun near noon est each year that the US holds a public Inauguration ceremony to swear in a new president in Washington DC. And for Barack Obama, orating announcer Mercury was in that degree as well and retrograde.

But let's not discuss again Inaugural 2009 Mercury's condition with its indications of brilliant communications, deals, negotiations, and speeches - and possibly of bills that may be reviewed, re-voted on, and repealed.

Instead, let's talk about the fact that the transiting midpoint of Pluto/Chiron, which was at Midheaven in the Inauguration 2009 chart (the Goal/Aspiration Point), has been squelching and directing our Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ (the president) for months now, off and on. So has Neptune/Pluto (the Robber Barons)!

Therefore, President Obama's continued habit of surrounding himself and populating the White House with such Pluto/Chiron actors from the bubble-wrapped-from-all-harm investment world of Wall Street (London, Brussels, Beijing) may be shown as Pluto/Chiron = the President of the United States, for it's time for the chips to be called in and the offer that can't be refused to be enforced.

As in, 'the big picture demands a certain course of action; little option to do otherwise' (*Uranus/Neptune = Pluto; Noel Tyl.)

So with transiting Pluto (power, manipulation, wealth-hoarding, violence, atomic/nuclear power, death, destruction, transformation, assassins and spies) now approaching the Ic (7Cap04, End of the Matter; The Drain; The Root) of the Atomic Bomb Drop on Tokyo, Japan (Aug 6, 1945 9:15 am JST; historical record) chart, let's pray that the global power elite aren't planning a nasty surprise to mark the much-touted end of 2012.

Other transits and progressions will offset and counterbalance this tendency, of course, and I hope such milder energies prevail over the destructive agenda of god of Hades and the Underworld, Pluto (aka, The Pope, The Dragon, and representing the Merovingian bloodlines allegedly coursing through the reptilian veins of super wealthy global elites who want all the Earth's resources for themselves and their hatchlings. Forget you.)

Do I believe that course men will end the planet with nuclear bombs? Nope. I believe that God will call an end to our planet's madness. But the Pluto/Chiron-ers and other arrogant win-at-any-cost types can certainly cause lots of damage and misery in between.


*Uranus/Neptune is the planetary pair of The Enlightenment and Illumination and together are an astrological signature for the New World Order/Illuminati crowd. Their third and final Great Conjunction of Oct 1993 marked a new, modern phase of the NWO with its key Sabian Symbol: '18Cap' = POLITICAL to read more.

Transit Pluto to Atomic Bomb/Tokyo/1945 chart's Ic 7Cap04:

1. Feb 27, 2011
2. May 22, 2011 Rx
3. Dec 25, 2911
4. Aug 28, 2012 Rx
5. Oct 9, 2012

Fives 'hits' stretches out the transit's effects from prior to Feb 2011 all the way to Oct 2012 and beyond (until tr Pluto passes appr 12Cap04.) These days, a lot can go wrong - and right - during a one-year-seven-month period, and we'll be hearing more and more propaganda in the media on nuclear topics as Time limps and careens on.

Jan 14, 2011

SOTU Address Jan 25, 2011: Sun Aquarius-Moon Libra

It seems a bit early to locate the precise hour of President Obama's State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress scheduled for the evening of January 25, 2011 or perhaps the time isn't yet settled, but an early peek at two possible horoscopes for 8:00 pm est and 9:00 pm est on that evening in Washington DC shows Sun in Aquarius with a 29th-degree Moon in Libra in both charts.

Moon 29Libra in crisis or critical degree describes dire straits for the American people in similar fashion to US Inaugural Moon 2009 (29Sco45) as the Moon strains toward the next sign (Scorpio) but with Moon (we-the-people; the public; our daily lives) ruled by Venus (mental Libra) here rather than by Mars-Pluto (emotional Scorpio) on Jan 20, 2009, the State of the Union in January 2011 may be Aquarian from a leader's standpoint, but the people remain in crisis mode, Mr. President.

So if the Jan 25th date holds firm, we may preview SOTU 2011's energies by considering a few planetary factors along with Jan 25's Sun-Moon blend of the address for it doesn't depend on an exact hour since the Moon remains in Libra.

If the address begins at 8:00 pm, 8Vir13 rises along with Mr. Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo (6:59) which actually brings up his natal Pluto/Chiron opposition: a Seeker whose Quest is to embody, express, and struggle on behalf of archetypal energies seeking to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle. ) Also rising is Fixed Star Thuban (Alpha Draco, The Dragon: protecting or making material or spiritual treasures; issues of giving and sharing. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

If SOTU 2011 starts at 9:00 pm, 20Vir18 rises with Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream) along with VP Biden's natal Midheaven; if the affair begins at 8:00 pm or so and lasts until 9:00 pm, Denebola's influence will be applicable.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is an Air-Air combo indicating graciousness and reasonableness, culture and elegance. Air-Air assumes independence as a right (a typically American theme.) This is the combination of the natural communicator who likes to soar into ideal realms where political, social, and philosophical schemes are invented to improve life (at least in theory.) Yet human feelings tend to be avoided and a keyword for double Air is cerebral.

Therefore, we may expect broad and intelligent viewpoints to be uplifted in SOTU 2011 with clever arguments woven together lacily, and though pundits will say what pundits will say, we the American people may find ourselves hungry again an hour later.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is a highly idealistic combo with a noticeable humanitarian streak, high intelligence, and tolerance giving a gentle dignity. It 'keeps the faith' (as Tavis Smiley would say) and expresses ideas with conviction and sincerity; this blend is long on theory, but short on practicality. Socially aware, Sun AQ-Moon Libra is concerned with promoting ideas (or, propaganda) and systems that produce a brighter outlook for humanity. (8:00 pm's ASC '9Vir' = "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing"; 9:00 pm's ASC '21Vir' = "A Girl's Basketball Team" and you know how a certain someone likes playing basketball.)

(Note: if the 'system' promoted is a 'New World Order', I am not impressed. That's the NWO crowd that invaded and occupies Afghanistan and Iraq, you know, and you see where it's gotten us. By 'us' I refer to we-the-people, not the warmongering power elites who wish to rule the world under a fascist Zionist Imperialism. But I digress. Or do I?)

In the end, President Obama's approach as touted in SOTU 2011 may be considered too abstract to do our crisis-ridden populace much practical good, though most people agree that even when pragmatic and useful, the president's initiatives are tiresomely opposed if only because they issue from a Democratic administration. Plus, a SOTU Address isn't meant to be a laundry list of to-dos and already-dids as George Bush seemed to use it but a presidential report on how the nation is doing at this point and as a whole.

Given the times we live in, this may be a tough sell no matter how he approaches it and personally, I wouldn't want the job, would you?

Interestingly, Sun AQ-Moon Libra's Images for Integration are: Anarchists form a committee to overthrow the tyranny of committees...Good friends fall in love and get married. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

A Mercury-Saturn Signature

Since addresses, speeches, messages, and orators are ruled by Mercury, I should note that Mercury is chart-ruler (Virgo) and makes only one applying aspect to a planet: a square to Saturn. Mercury/Saturn squares tend toward traditional thinking which finds it difficult to stay in the mainstream (see Denebola) of progressive or current ideas; change can represent insecurity and perhaps it is our feelings of insecurity which will be expressed by our Orator-in-Chief.

Making plans to see that ideas are implemented is possible and success follows in politics, education, ecology, and science since determination is what is needed. Noel Tyl has called Mercury/Saturn the "signature of the professional writer" and squares (90 degrees) indicate that much effort and hard work has gone into SOTU 2011.

At 16Cap41/45, Mercury is in 5th house at 8:00 pm but in 4th house by 9:00 pm, and conjoins Fixed Star Rukbat (steadiness and strength.)

Sun 5AQ42/45 conjoins US natal South Node (not the best portent for the Sun,
the leader in a Mundane chart for it has a Saturnian separative tone yet underscores the serious vibes of the occasion; perhaps a separation motif will enter by way of the tragedy in Tucson.)

Jupiter @ 00Ari37, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, has left quirky Uranus 27Pis45 behind; disturbingly, expanding Jupiter rises with Algol, a difficult star of rage and fury.

Now let's close this speculative post (speculative for lack of a definite hour which will be announced soon) with a topically apt quote from one who shares the Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend, Nobel Prize winning novelist Boris Pasternak:

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

Well-said. And so true.


Text of President Obama's remarks at January 12, 2011's Tucson Memorial Service.

Natal charts: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (from BC); Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 pm EWT Scranton, PA (from memory, Rodden Rating A.)

Dec 16, 2010

Shrinking the US economy IS the point! (video)

The president's deficit commission and the actions of the Fed, Wall Street, corporate America and others are focused on shrinking the US economy and hurting labor so that power elite fatcats can continue skimming trillions a little while longer even though they know the jig is up.

Today Timothy Geithner sang and danced on Capitol Hill trying to boost the idea that the TARP (black hole) did what it was supposed to do. Perhaps it did but was any of it paid out on behalf of the American people?

Now here we have Professor Michael Hudson (University of Missouri) offering his assessment of what's going on and why as the Fed's 'quantitative easing' sends more US billions abroad to purchase foreign stocks and assets. With so many connections between the White House and Wall Street (Goldman Sachs) it seems a no-brainer to me that the president had to know what he knew when he knew it - about the true financial condition of the US and what his bosses expected from him as he played the role of president 'going forward'.

Puts me in mind of the Inauguration 2009 horoscope that glorious January day full of Hope for Change (suckas! the ruse works every 4 years!) with moneybags Jupiter '3AQ' in 10th house next to the president (Sun '1AQ'.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '3AQ' as DESOCIALIZATION. Don't know about you, but as an American, I'm feeling quite desocialized by my own sorry, traitorous government right about now as our social fabric - what used to be a contract between the generations - is 'under scrutiny' and in line for being ripped apart by Catfood Commissions, party politics, secret deals, and in-cahoots presidents.

Yes, the world's financial party has been sent elsewhere (watch the above 10-minute video) like a rave though most Americans refuse to admit such things if they can see them at all. However, it will be impossible to ignore such new perspectives much longer.

And Inauguration 2009's Midheaven, the goal/aspiration point of the Obama administration? Besides having US natal Pluto upon it, there's a disturbing midpoint picture: Pluto/Chiron = Mc.

Dec 7, 2010

Will Bernie Sanders filibuster GOP tax cuts? (video)

Wouldn't it be wonderful if America could shake the dust of George Bush off her sandals once and for all? But alas, Dubya's shadow continues embroiling our nation with wars, torture, and grief, yet the latest example of Bush's lingering influence is the devil's deal President Obama has struck with the GOP ('Greedy' Old Party, as everyone knows) to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% in spite of all common sense.

Guess now that Mr. Obama is outfoxed once again by ideologue Republicans (who don't worry one bit about 'the deficit' when it's them and their buds getting money they'll sock away, not spend), we may now look forward to 2011 as the year the wealthy class, so favored by the White House, set about creating millions of new jobs which the tax cut extension will - the GOP has implied - make so very very possible going forward!

Well, here's the DailyKos petition you may wish to sign protesting this unconscionable move which will add $700 billion to the national debt and lead to what can only be described as dubious improvement for the US economy. For as many people have pointed out, the wealthy class in America had years of lower tax rates under Bush-Cheney during which they could have created US jobs but I think we all know that they did just the opposite which in part has lead to the financial condition our nation is in today.

As DailyKos points out, the same people who are shoving the 'need' for a tax cut extension for the well-to-do are the same varmints who will oppose raising the debt ceiling to pay for it so that their decades-long 'undo entitlements' agenda will unravel the social fabric more than they already have as it proceeds against Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

And thus, the class warfare of Pluto/Chiron grinds on with the plutocratic duo's midpoint tellingly at MC (Goal Point) of the Inauguration 2009 horoscope. Who's side is Mr. Obama on?, we might ask.

You may wish to view the Inauguration 2009 chart with a few details, or here:

Manipulative saboteur Pluto, the dragon guarding the world's treasures, is in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Money, Debt, Credit, and Transformation and has received returns to its degree 1Cap57 since that day along with November 9, 2010's hook-up of transiting North Node (NN) to Pluto (Lisbon summit, etc); rich man Jupiter rules 8th house and is placed in 10th house near the president (Sun.)

Recently, Pluto conjoined negotiating scribe Mercury upon Inauguration's 2009 9th cusp; transiting Pluto's move into Inaugural 9th house (from 8th house) represents a major change for the Obama administration - and Pluto's ongoing opposition to our nation's Cancerian planets (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun) continues and will crescendo with Pluto's opposition to US natal Mercury Rx which will occur along Pluto's fated path to our national Pluto Return/s of 2022 on Feb 20, July 11, and Dec 28.

US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is at MC as well, and as you see, Inaugural 2009 Mars is placed @ 18Cap29 in 9th house of Foreign Lands (where much of our 'bailout' tax dollars were sent.) '18Cap' is one of the New World Order degrees due to the Great Conjunction/s of the illuminated pair, Uranus and Neptune, all through 1993: '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER...negative/shadow side expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

The degree of the NWO's natal Sun 1Sco19 (Oct 24, 2993) is important as well and is in the same degree as the United Nations' Sun 1Sco07 (Oct 24, 1945); consider one of the UN's midpoint pictures - Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: catastrophes, great losses, calamities, the necessity to give in.
That the newly minted tax cut extension is a welfare program brought to GOP fatcats compliments of the US government doesn't tally well with the upper crust's typical view of themselves, so mum's the word.

These are the fatcats, their relatives, and supporters who turned out in force to vote on Nov 2, 2010 so that this sort of legislation could happen for the benefit of the 2% with scr*wing the 98% the GOP's long-planned goal. We might be forgiven for saying that the Dems are in league with this goal, for on Capitol Hill, it isn't politicians' words and mild protests that count, it's how things actually turn out and the ultimate consequences for we-the-people. Now we see how the tax cut extension will turn out: as a win-win for the wealthy while the deficit is enlarged for no good reason.

This forced showdown on tax cuts has the added bonus for the GOP of further undermining the authority and presidency of Barack Obama which demonstrates that sabotage is alive and well in Washington DC, along with its handmaiden, blackmail.

Tsk tsk!

So if you, dear reader, are not one of the fatcats, remember that you were advised to turn out for the Democrats - and for yourself - on Nov 2. And yes, the Democratic Party is disappointing as well, but they do occasionally make efforts on behalf of the 98%.

So my question for both of you is: will the GOP use this opportunity, this tax gift, to create jobs for America's middle class in 2011 and thus win their thankful votes and praise in 2012? Or will the collapse and restructuring of American society continue unabated?