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Showing posts with label Sun-Moon blends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun-Moon blends. Show all posts

Nov 5, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio

Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States; by Steve Petteway [Public domain]

Brief Astro-Notes re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

November 5, 2019: Since the natal horoscope and data of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, pictured above, are rated X (date with no accurate time), and because she likely will be the Justice who will decide on an upcoming case involving scofflaw Donald Trump (poetic justice!), I'm typing a few notes concerning Justice Ginsburg's personality blend using her double Water Pisces-Scorpio Sun-Moon combo of conscious + unconscious energies.

Related: Ian Millhiser's November 4th Vox article A federal court of appeals just demolished Trump's claim of immunity from criminal investigation.

Born Ruth Joan Bader on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, King's County, New York, her Sun-Moon blend reveals her as an individual with tenacity, courage, acute perception, and a deep intellectual capacity. Emotional and intuitive, the personality of Justice Ginsburg is passionate, dedicated, and possesses deep psychological insight into other people's motives. She exhibits strength in adversity and stubbornness once a decision has been made. Unafraid of the truth, the Justice may not be easy to live with, yet has an innate desire to help and heal others who are in despair, an admirable quality in my estimation.

Her complex Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio blend is shared by the natal charts of some interesting folk including: Johnny Cash, George Harrison, Bernadette Peters, explorer David Livingstone, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and author John Steinbeck who informs us that, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

And according to Longfellow,

"Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong."

Well, I'm not certain how the Steinbeck quote applies to her but perhaps you'll agree with me that tenacious, notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, cancer survivor, definitely has that last concept well covered!

In closing, here are several inspiring Quotes by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and I'd like to cherry-pick three of my favorites off the list for your consideration:

"A gender line...helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage."

"A constitution, as important as it is, will mean nothing unless the people are yearning for liberty and freedom."

"I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability."

For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Sep 2, 2019

Sept 12, 2019: Democratic Debate and some Moon Talk

Is it Moonrise at the Crossroads for America?

by Jude Cowell

September 12, 2019 brings another televised Democratic debate with thankfully only 10 candidates qualified to participate. In alphabetical order they are: Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Andrew Yang. Air times: 8:00 pm EDT, 7:00 pm MT, 6:00 pm CT, 5:00 pm PT, and will be broadcast live via ABC from Texas Southern University, Houston, TX. My illustration you see here is posted in a spirit of We The People's dependence on the Democratic Party, allegedly the party of the people, to heft us through to a more beneficial path--if they can and will.

As Campaign 2020 Pushes On Through 2019

So as you know, the first Democratic debates of 2019 aired over two nights on June 26 and 27, 2019 and with the Moon changing signs over the two events, we were able to 'Moon-track' them. However, with only one debate scheduled this time around we must be satisfied with a Pisces Moon to pair with a Virgo Sun. The public mood (Moon) on September 12th is a Piscean one of compassion within a sense of victim-hood, martyrdom, and suffering, and reflected and activated by the cruel, brutal administration currently in the White House.

Yet Pisces is a creative sign as well and signifies rising to the heights or plunging to the depths, an up-or-down decision (direction) which must be chosen. We know where Trump stands in that department (at the lowest point possible thanks to his regrettable lack of character--to this materialist everything is 'transactional', as you know) but where do the American people stand when it comes to Trump's hateful policies against children and others? We must wonder since, First he 'came for' their children, will ours be next?

Now hopefully we can count on such vital topics to turn up in the September 12th debate but if not, why not? For there's an awful lot to complain about with Trump in the Oval Office! Self-serving tactics and rhetoric used in order to get elected is one thing but after all, America and the entire world are under many dire threats right now so will Democrats mention on stage such problems as Trump's vicious immigration policies, his lack of climate change preparations and natural disasters, the US and global economies, etc etc--and will they offer at least a few viable solutions or ideas of how to improve conditions? Yes, Senator Elizabeth Warren "has a plan" but what do the others offer and will they share more openly on a debate stage or elsewhere? For it's mighty late days for US political candidates to keep hidden their true intentions, even ham-strung as they are once in office!

September 12, 2019: Cosmic Weather Brings Virgo-Pisces Vibes

As you know, the astrological Moon is a handy timing device and the September 12th Moon @6Pisces+ opposes the debate's previous lunation, its Syzygy Moon, a New Moon which perfected on August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 (6:37 am edt) and spotlighted the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces. As you know, New Moons are a 'seeding' phase for new or developing plans and ideas and point toward culmination, fulfillment, and/or a full awareness of some kind at or near the next Full Moon (September 14, 2019 @21Pis05 2:26 pm edt). Additionally with a Full Moon, we may expect relationships to be part of this Virgo-Pisces emphasis and, similar to eclipses and disruptive planet Uranus, all lunations may suddenly reveal secrets, inconvenient facts, scandals, and/or may trigger changes of direction. You know--like when you're at a crossroad and must choose a direction--except that with Uranian vibes involved, the Cosmos may choose for you if you balk too long.

And if we consider the September 12th debate vibes of Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces we know that influences are on the Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune side (rulers of Virgo and Pisces) so that common sense with a streak of idealism and a tinge of over-promising may be noticed. Yet Earth-Water blends are perhaps the most practical of combinations and have an innate ability to understand what's truly important. (Note that we may hear a candidate say, "what's really important" during the debate--it's been used before). Plus, someone's capacity to see both the forest and the trees may also be on display.

As for the cosmic energies running in the background of the September 12th debate, its Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') falls into the difficult 3 North series of July 2, 2019 @10Can37 (among America's Cancerian planets 3--14 Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun = finances, economics, and POTUS in a glaring cosmic spotlight, possibly with shocks involved).

And one more thing--debating Mercury @27Vir39, planet of voting, discussions, negotiations, communications, rhetoric, changes, commerce, thieving, etc--applies to conjunction with Venus (27:59) and asteroid Hidalgo (the social climber; someone with Latin heritage; one of the power asteroids). Note that Mercury-Venus contacts suggest pleasant communication skills (Julian?) although I don't know how 'pleasant' a political event can possibly be! Plus, if we round up the conjunction's degree to '28 Virgo' we find, "A Bald-headed Man Dominates (a) Gathering of National Figures": "Keyword: DOMINANCE...positive expression: accomplishment through a completeness of self-mastery and a rigid control of others; negative" (unconscious/shadow side--jc) "expression: a sadistic sophistication." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

And so I shall leave it for you, dear reader, to decide just who this symbol may describe!

Additional Note: curiously, a google of Texas Southern University turned up Judge Lina Hidalgo!. Wouldn't it be funny if her name is mentioned during or in relation to the September 12th debate?!

Jul 31, 2019

Kamala Harris: a peace-making crusader with spunk!

Below you see a marked-up version of the natal horoscope (RR: AA) of Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is inherently qualified to fulfill the role of President of the United States. Whether she can successfully circumvent the multiple cheating tactics and propaganda campaigns of Trump and the GOP on and prior to Election Day 2020 remains to be seen but Senator Harris definitely has the talent, drive, and ambition to take over the job of POTUS on January 20, 2021!

Outspoken and competitive, Senator Harris is a "peace-making crusader" and a "cool-headed idealist" with "spunk and courage" according to her steamy Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries personality blend. Her Scorpio Mercury adds objectivity to her Libran Sun while indicating practicality, intellect, and an ability for deep study and perseverance in pursuit of arduous tasks and solutions. With no applying Ptolemaic aspects, chart-ruler Mercury's sign and house position (5th h of risk-taking, gambling, romance, creativity) are prominent. However, lively disputes and sharp criticism are potentials with Mercury in Scorpio and these were observed in the June 2019 Democratic Debates as she leveled her sights on fellow candidate Joe Biden and handily aided herself in the polls! Plus, having Mercury (Scorpio) and Pluto (Virgo) in Mutual Reception resonates with her political activities, some of which are of a secretive nature. This planetary duo finds sympathy with America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of spies, secrets, surveillance, and investigation. If you wish, check out her law-related career in her Wikipedia profile.

So tonight (July 31, 2019) is a return engagement for Kamala's debating Mercury in intense Scorpio so let's see how she does this time--and with transit Mercury's Direct Station tonight at 11:58 pm edt in her natal 2nd house of Values. And as you know, there's a New Moon @8Leo37 tonight, the phase when seeds are planted, and the New Moon conjoins Kamala's natal 3rd cusp of Communications. Some measure of harvest comes with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24 in Harris' 9th house and opposes her 3rd house Mars. Therefore, there may be a spot of disappointment, and defiant or hostile reactions involved for her at the Full Moon for natal Mars is apex of her natal speculative Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. Will a bubble burst?

But for now, tonight's the night and we can't miss her powerhouse trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus in 4th house, one of the Psychological Houses at that. Yes, accusations and attacks can fly from this particular trio and may very well do so in tonight's debate. After all, that very visible 10th house Chiron in Pisces mentor didn't mentor her for nothin'! Will the mayor's name come up as Campaign 2020 progresses? Well, I think it already has.

Another interesting factor about Harris' Mars @21Leo17 is that it's near Trump's natal Mars @26Leo rising--and conjoins her natal Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which adds intensity to her competitive nature. And there in 2nd house is her Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @17Can15 in the 2 New North Saros Series--the degree of transit North Node as I type! Curiously, Harris' PE spotlights Trump's natal Nemesis (16Can40). Were they born to rumble? Maybe so considering the karmic nature of the Nodal axis.

And of course you'll remember the last manifestation of a 2 New North eclipse as 'The Tower Eclipse' for it was only on August 11, 2018 that it perfected @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding' themes that continue to threaten tower-builder Donald Trump and his empire with the distinct potential of falling into rubble. And as you know, Trump recently 'fibbed' about being at Ground Zero on 9/11 which everyone in his audience of First Responders knew was a lie! Actually, Trump touted on that day how Trump Tower was then the tallest building in New York. That was his greatest concern, his Tower's rat infestation notwithstanding.

Now whether Trump will be mentioned in tonight's debates I know not but it won't be surprising if he is especially since Senator Harris' natal 12th house Jupiter Rx @24Tau00 sits directly upon Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) where vicious star Algol holds sway. And after all, his nibs constantly provides Democrats and others with so much ammunition how can anyone on camera neglect to mention his unsuitability for the office he precariously holds--the office each one of them on stage tonight is determined to grasp as their own?

Well, at least the candidates with enough spunk are that determined!

Related: DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020 displaying both 12:00 am and 11:59 pm horoscopes for November 3, 2020. The Election Moon in Gemini (We the Voters--of two minds?) will approach the natal Ascendant and North Node of Kamala Harris but will actually conjoin the 10th house Sun-NN conjunction of Donald Trump but oppose his problematic natal Moon-SN. So will the outcome of the 2020 race be disputed and take a little time to settle once transit Mercury, planet of ballots, votes, and decisions, begins moving forward and passes its shadow degree on or about November 19th or 20th?

Care to venture your thoughts, dear reader?

Natal Data: Kamala Harris October 20, 1964 9:28 pm pdt Oakland, CA; RR: AA.

Jul 11, 2019

Alex Acosta: 2019 Saturn Square his 1969 Aries Saturn

Donald Trump's embroiled Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta was born on January 16, 1969 in Miami, Florida and has served as US Labor Secretary since April 28, 2017. Here you see his official Labor Department portrait. Also see CNN's segment Breaking down Epstein's sweetheart deal now spotlightig Acosta's involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein case. Of course, "sweetheart deals" for the wealthy class are not uncommon in America's two-tiered 'justice' system, are they? Yet pedophiles are the lowest of the low, even in prison and apparently Epstein maintained a vast network of depravity that may eventually ensnare other perverted fish in its net of publicity if not captivity.

So is there anything outstanding about the natal planets of Harvard-pedigreed attorney Alex Acosta or perhaps a significant transit that applies to current events? Let's peek at the placements of January 16, 1969 using 'noon' since we have no birth time for him. Right away, we know he's a Sun Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, ruled by legal planet Saturn, of authority, judgment, responsibility, and accountability fame. Now 50 years old this year, Acosta's natal Chiron @29Pisces is emphasized for its 'wounding/healing' and 'blind spot' functions--at a critical-crisis 29th degree and conjunct his Nodal path of destiny. For personality details (conscious-unconscious energies) we can check his natal Moon sign (in Sagittarius or, if born after 3:38 am est, in Capricorn) to add to his Capricorn Sun (conscious mind; adult personality). Plus, as you know, a Moon sign reveals information about a person's 'reigning need' (Tyl) and Acosta's natal Moon was out-of-bounds ('OOBs') all that day denoting a faulty and/or estranged relationship with Mother. So is his need for Sag 'freedom' or Capricorn 'authority'? See details, below.

Then there's Acosta's Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') which adds some very useful background information and supports the Capricorn need for control and authority which further adds to what I suspect are father-mother-parenting issues in his nature. And maybe his lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio has an opinion!

First, below, is the noon natal horoscope of Alex Acosta (inner) with the transits of December 13, 2019 snugged around it. Why those transits? Because on that day, transit Saturn @19Cap19 squares Acosta's natal Saturn (19Ari19 at noon) for the third of three times in 2019 (in green). Naturally, there are other planetary transits to his chart (ex: Neptune in Pisces to natal Venus--focus on his social behavior) yet a Saturn-Saturn square is so very timely and descriptive! For this restrictive period highlights law-abiding Saturn's legal and justice functions on an inner level (square) and marks 2019 as a testing year of squares beginning on or about March 22, squaring his Saturn again on June 8, with the final square coming December 13, 2019, the resolution phase. Karmic Saturn's orb of influence would be prior to those dates, and of course, without a birth time for him the dates of exactitude could possibly be off by a bit but not by much (making this a general guide to Acosta's Saturn-SQ-Saturn period 2019, a time of fears, formalities, and demands to conform):

Now only a few of my notes are penned on the charts for as both readers of SO'W know, I get rather fussy trying to type much about untimed charts. However, in the center of the bi-wheel I've penned on Acosta's PE in the 6 South ('6S') Saros Series @29Vir29 and some of its themes which include: 'being forceful and taking power' and 'sudden sexual encounters' (Brady). Obviously the first supports a Capricorn personality while the second suggests possible involvement with low characters such as Epstein. (I don't know this, I'm just sayin' since Bernadette Brady mentioned it first.) Perhaps time will tell or will exonerate Alex Acosta from all but his prosecutorial ramifications. Yet I would feel remiss not to add that Acosta's natal asteroid Lilith, the seductress, conjoins his natal Mercury in Aquarius, planet of young people (puers and puellas). Note that the last 6 South eclipse occurred on October 14, 2004 @30Aries and the next will perfect on October 24, 2022 @2Scorpio. And fyi, 6 South is the PE series of the 'Nazis' Rise to Power' in 1932: 'taking power'.

Now the bright, illuminating rays of the Lunar Eclipse of July 16, 2019 @24Cap04 are set to potentially reveal something about Acosta's natal Sun--more scandal? Secrets and/or leaks? This could occur prior to July 16 of course which is only 5 days hence as I type. Plus, the heavyweight transit of major karma, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 may be worrisome for Acosta for it perfects near his natal Sun (25Cap53--26:55)--look for its position in the chart between the Venus-Pluto conjunction, above. Reinhold Ebertin says the intense Venus-Pluto pair of energies working together relates to lasciviousness, an excessive sexual urge, and/or to fanatic love. Will Saturn-Pluto bring restriction and accountability to Alex Acosta? Or merely to the other culprits involved in this tragic drama? How interesting that hidden wealth and organized crime are also features of the Venus-Pluto combination.

Astro-Notes: Alex Acosta's two possible Sun-Moon Personality Blends

Sun Cap-Moon Sag (Earth-Fire: powerful ego 'runs the show'; domineering) is self-motivated, zealous, and authoritative. This blend suggests the forceful personality of a natural politician, professor, or priest who occasionally likes to toss off the yoke of responsibility and "indulge in a crazy adventure". This is the 'old man' + 'crazy teen' combo but with a sense of 'high-mindedness' and a tendency toward pomposity. If Acosta's natal blend, he gets "fixated on narrow views that become rigidly moralistic".

Either or both of its two Images for Integration may apply: "In his spare time, a High Court judge takes up the serious hobby of gambling at horse races...A bank clerk plans a world cruise." And if this is Acosta's natal blend we should add two quotes from famous folk born under its influence:

"Great lords have their pleasures, but the people have fun." - Montesquieu; and, "All the things I like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening." - Alexander Woolcott. Well said, Mr. Woolcott!

The Sun Cap-Moon Cap combo (Double Earth: matter-of-fact; dependable; 'pillar of society'; fears chaos and loss of control) denotes practicality, responsibility, realism, and autocracy. Self-absorbed, serious, and ambitious, this blend tends to act professionally with a strong will power mobilized toward success. His "resourceful intellect always needs a challenge of some kind" and he is terrified of change and of things mysterious. Lust for power (Heaven Knows What, Grant Lewi), materialism, and shrewd common sense are marked features of his nature and he may wear overly tough defensive armor for he always expects the worst. Safety, security, rationality, authority and control are important to this stern combination with its double Saturnian vibes which can judge others self-righteously. Naturally, a legal career seems appropriate, or perhaps a career in politics or investment banking.

Now Sun Cap-Moon Cap has only one Image for Integration: "A hoary grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday - a first edition of Pilgrim's Progress."

Amusing that '7th birthdays' tend to mark the time frame of our very first Saturn squares!

Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020 @22Cap46 (2020 DC Horoscope shown as is their 1982 Conjunction); for more personality details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 16, 2019

The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021

DC Horoscope: Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020 11:16:26 am est Washington DC @23Sag08 10th house; Solar Hour; one retrograde planet: unaspected Uranus @7Tau07 Rx in 2nd house of the National Treasury (see chart, center upper). Ascendant 29AQ01, a critical or crisis degree, and conjunct the natal Descendant degree of Donald Trump so his natal ASC conjunct royal Regulus and natal Mars set in this chart. Plus, this eclipse will affect Trump's problematic Moon-South-Node conjunction.

The heavyweight trio of Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in governmental Capricorn snug around the cusp of the 12th house (Politics, Self-Undoing; Large Institutions; Karma; The Unconscious; Secret Enemies) with Saturn strong in its own sign and at a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Also in 12th house is the Neptune-MC midpoint @00AQ17, the precise degree and minute of Inauguration 2017's POTUS Sun which creates a midpoint picture penned on the chart, upper right--someone is pretending to be what they are not. My suggestion: POTUS. Neptune-MC also conjoins the Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio which activates potentials for (more) criminal offenses, pursuit of peculiar objectives, gambling and speculation, putting all the eggs in one basket, insecurity, uncertainty, an inability to get over losses, and/or suffering from the consequences of wrong actions. The Neptune-MC pairing itself points toward crooks and swindlers (Ebertin) and deception, disguise, and/or fraud used in career matters and in public life.

Rising are two midpoints--Pluto-Chiron, one of the Plutocracy/Plutocrat pairings of exploitation, racism and various other -isms, plus, primal violence, and Mercury-Uranus which bestows someone with organizing talent, and the ability to act with prudence or deliberation.

Near MC is the transiting Mercury-South-Node conjunction which shows someone feeling mentally alone, whose ideas or communications are stolen (or, a plagiarist; emails hacked?), and/or, one whose ideas are ahead or behind the times.

As for the BOWL shape of planets led by Venus @28Sco44 in the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, Higher Education, and Legal Affairs, the empty houses of the chart identify areas of challenge; a BOWL often indicates a mission to fulfill or a cause to advocate, plus, frustration, uncertainty, and/or vindictiveness that arises from a sense of division are possibilities of this particular 4 South Eclipse season. Here, evaluating Venus in Big Business Scorpio acts as the point of application (Jones).

Themes of a 4 South Solar Eclipse identify it as a difficult eclipse series which will affect or influence events and circumstances leading up to the January 20, 2021 Inauguration, the person who takes the Oath of Office, and thus the next administration to inhabit the White House. We may expect issues such as: "very strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or money", a sense of fatedness in relationships which are beyond personal control, a sudden desire to end relationships or alliances, blocked emotions that lead to "a great deal of frustration," and a need to "avoid taking rash action until things settle down" (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Well, there are multiple other chart factors of note and I hope you'll ferret them out for yourself if you haven't already for a time of further turmoil approaches and we need all the fore-arming we can get.

Scorpio Girl 2 a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell

Mar 31, 2019

Sunday March 31, 2019: Pandora and Icarus spotlighted

Pandora (1896) John William Waterhouse {{PD-US-expired}}

Today, March 31, 2019, at 2:00 pm edt the Sun @10Aries38 shines directly upon asteroid Pandora who in Greek Mythology opened a jar of all manner of evils and illnesses upon the world and represents a gift that is actually a curse. Rounding up the Sun's degree to '11 Aries' we find an appropriate Sabian Symbol (word picture) for our current woes, "The President of the Country"...POTUS.

Now I'm just telling you what books say on such topics, take your own meaning as you wish (and eliminate the "woes" part if that's your viewpoint; however, I cannot concur). And note that the negative expression of '11 Aries' tends toward "vain pretence."

The Fall of Icarus (1636/37) Jacob Peter Gowy [Public domain]

Then with an intuitive lunar message, at 2:00 pm edt today the Moon clocks in @19AQ46 and reflects her light upon asteroid Icarus who flew too close to the sun during his escape attempt and fell from grace because his wings (which were only fashioned from wax), melted and he was cast into the sea. This resulted, of course, from his not listening to the advice of a higher authority, the voice of experience, we might say. Rounding up Luna's 2:00 pm position to '20AQ" we find a word picture of "A Big White Dove, a Message Bearer" with a negative expression that tends toward "sanctimonious self-deception." Ouch!

Now does Icarus represent on some level America under Trump as a Pandora figure who busies himself knocking out supports of all kinds as he releases ills across our land? That he would fulfill his campaign promise to build roads and bridges--infrastructure--now seems laughable to me for this self-styled "King of Debt", this bankrupt artist extraordinaire. His focus on building a 'wall' instead seems even more inappropriate in the light of such mighty promises of restoration of our crumbling infrastructure.

Plus, Trump and the GOP now planning to take away the healthcare insurance of millions of Americans qualifies as Pandora's illness-releasing in my book--Trump's campaign promises to the contrary notwithstanding.

And yet...are you still hopeful he'll 'come through' for America? If so, then you'll be needing that last little bit at the bottom of Pandora's jar which some believe is, as do I, a tiny little ray of hope!

An oddly related post: Is Donald Trump America's Psychopomp?

'11 Aries' and '20AQ' from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Mar 25, 2019

Ari Melber: March 31 1980 Sun Aries-Moon Libra

A few bio details concerning MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber are available for the curious. Mr Melber has a 39th birthday upcoming - born March 31, 1980 in Seattle, Washington. Below you see a speculative natal horoscope for Ari Melber as timed by that day's Full Moon which perfected @11Lib03 at 7:13:52 am PST in Seattle; I'm not going to make a big deal about the chart but here it is in case anyone ever wants it--the Full Moon version, that is. Because to me, his day of birth is cosmically imprinted with the rays of a Full Moon @11Lib03, no matter his accurate hour and minute of birth.

Any other speculation on Ari's birth time is up to you so have at it!

As you see penned on the chart (messily as usual!), his planet of communication and reporting (on TV, no less--he's quite photogenic), Mercury @13Pis22 sextiles Chiron and forms the base of a YOD pattern that points toward the Libran Moon (the public; publicity) and this, I assert, describes Ari Melber's special task in life. What do you think? See chart for sextile details provided by Barbara Hand Clow (as notated above the natal chart).

And since the page linked above states that Mr. Melber married in 2014, divorced in 2017, I'll gingerly mention that his chart displays a telling Venus-Uranus opposition which tends a native toward problematic relationships that, in order to last, must be supported by stability from other factors in the chart and psyche for best results. A strong, sober Saturn is always helpful - his Rx in critical, discerning Mercury-ruled Virgo, and in wide opposition with thinking Mercury in creative Pisces. Yet with any contact between lovely Venus and quirky Uranus, relationships can be and usually are, exciting while they last!

Then what about his Sun Aries-Moon Libra personality blend of conscious and unconscious energies?

Some personality traits can be seen on his MSNBC show The Beat, Ari's love of rap music is well known, and music references tend to turn up on his show in segments and in his commentary. His is a Fire-Air blend, full of exciting ideas that he communicates easily and with zeal. Idealism, optimism, and a charming hospitality may be noticed on screen (and one presumes in person) along with a vivacious streak of chivalry (hero complex?), plus, a large dose of ingeniousness is apparent. Dependence vs independence in relationships (Aries-Libra) proves an important theme in life, though in youth Ari may have been a bit of a flirt. And actually, a Libran Moon person can become quite detached and this coolness tends to attract emotional outbursts from others. Others like the ladies! Still, as an adult Mr. Melber naturally prefers to be in a 'good' relationship (Sun Sign Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

The Harveys' "Image for Integration" seems appropriate for Ari Melber's Sun-Moon blend and perhaps you'll agree:

"A conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant pulsating organism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatic uplifting of the audience." Yes, pulsating like The Beat!

Well, perhaps two famous quotes from a fellow also born under the Sun Aries-Moon Libra combo can add a certain something to our tale:

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." And, "The art of pleasing consists in being pleased." - essayest William Hazlitt.

Great advice for us all!

Chart Note: the earliest (12:00 am pst) position of the Sun on March 31, 1980 in Seattle, WA: 10Ari45, earliest Moon position = 7Lib29); the latest (11:59 pm pst) Sun and Moon positions are: 11Ari44 and 19Lib21 conjunct Pluto Rx @20lib39 which, in self-aware folk, can give great psychological insight into the psyches of others and an endless well of creativity, yet may also hint at a mother who smothered. Perhaps all three!

Mar 21, 2019

Deutsche Bank founding horoscope

A favorite piggy bank of Donald Trump, Germany's Deutsche Bank, was founded on March 10, 1870 (exact hour unknown) and began operating one month later with Sun conjunct Neptune (hidden truths; secret identities) in Aries. Below is the bank's founding horoscope set for Berlin, Germany, March 10, 1870 at 9:00 am LMT, a speculative hour:

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. 'DB' = Deutsche Bank. And please pardon my misspelling of its name on the horoscope which should read, Deutsche Bank. Mah bad.

Now accurate timing is not necessary in order to appreciate the bank's YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task) with a Venus-Saturn sextile at its base and which was in effect the entire day and beyond. Marked on the chart are midpoint pictures within the YOD including US natal Pluto Rx (27Capricorn) as apex planet of the sextile (US Pluto conjunct DB's South Node); midpoint potentials (by Ebertin) are listed on the chart along with a note about the bank's Venus-Saturn sextile so capable of exploitation if it so chooses. Gold loving MIDAS @24Aries conjoins the Pluto-Chiron midpoint (24Aries) of plutocracy, plutocrats, and exploitation.

A few of Trump's natal positions are listed around the chart such as his 10th house Uranus @17Gemini conjoining the 9:00 am LMT Moon position in 1st house. As you know, the Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Uranus ('Mr. Chaos'; chaos is 'his thing') is "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd," a telling reference for Trump and for DB if this is its Lunar degree or otherwise linked to its chart. Also penned on is Trump's grand-scheme-fraud-inflationary trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter (5--18 Libra) which opposes DB's natal Neptune 18Aries. Neptune opposing Jupiter suggests potentials for unfulfilled promises, weak follow-through, suspicious motives, deception, illusions, fraud, conniving and scheming, lack of perspective, inflation, and--wait for it--collusion (Pelletier).

Actually, today Newsweek reports that Trump may have committed bank fraud and I assert that the bank's horoscope agrees with such a distinct possibility. But never fear for Congress plans to investigate.

Now on March 10, 1870, the Moon ranged from 12Gem34 to 24Gem55 (conjunct Trump's 2015 POTUS bid announcement New Moon @25Gemini and near his natal Sun @23Gemini); the Sun ranged from 19Pis12 to 20Pis12--conjunct Mars in shady, secretive Pisces. Therefore, let's consider a few notes on the bank's insubstantial Water-Air Sun-Moon blend of conscious and unconscious energies:

Sun Pisces-Moon Gemini suggests a bank founded on hopes, plans, and schemes with not a lot of confidence but an abundance of talking. It can be fickle, vacillating, lacking in stability, self-doubting, and uncommitted in relationships. However, there are potentials for diplomacy and quick thinking yet a tendency toward an ever-changing morality may be in evidence--sympatico with the morally deficient Mr. Trump. Quite a frothy team aren't they?

See Sun Sign Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey for more details.

Well, that's all I'm going to type for now about Deutsche Bank. This horoscope is published here for future reference, if needed. See what you can do with it, as you wish!

Related: the Deutsche Bank logo: the slash in the square with the square symbolizing stability. (Is it stable like "stable genius" Trump?)

Feb 5, 2019

SOTU 2019: Trump Cries Wolf!

February 5, 2019: Tonight at 9:00 pm est the 2019 State of the Union address is scheduled after a week's delay due to the Trump Shutdown and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's insistence that 'no SOTU in the House chamber until the government is re-opened'. So Trump cooled his SOTU heels, bone spurs and all, and tonight's the night.

With my astrology software in mothballs due to a recent computer crash, no SOTU 2019 horoscope is possible for this post so here's a bit on the curious fact that at 9:01 pm tonight, the Moon enters Pisces just as the propagandist is set to begin his speech and hours after the February 4th New Moon @15AQ45 has passed. Naturally the sign of the Moon signifies the mood of the public and in sensitive, watery Pisces, Trump may find that the number of folks who show up to witness his diatribe in real time is rather low.

Actually, the Democrats' SOTU rebuttal just after, to be delivered by Georgia's Stacey Abrams, promises to be the more interesting of the two speeches especially since the rhetoric of Trump the Uranian has become quite predictable like a scratchy old record played many times too often. "National emergency at the border!!," cries the wolf once again, this time with the megaphone of the bully pulpit in hand. Do you believe?

Cosmic Influences

A flavor of the evening may be seen by its Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces blend with the detached, futuristic Aquarian played by Trump and, on one level, the softer more compassionate Piscean played by Stacey Abrams. From the misty, unsubstantial Air-Water combo itself, we may expect Trump to reach out to the public and his 'backers' with the expectancy of having his fragile ego boosted by their positive responses, his 'independent thinking' on display for the world to see and marvel at. His 'mark on the world' just has to be a 'Trump Wall' for he's determined although yours truly continues to wonder if 5.7 billion dollars is the amount of some loan payment Trump has due and he'd prefer to keep all his fingers if you know what I mean. Why won't someone offer him a statue to his 'honor' instead? The pigeons would appreciate it!

Anyway, tonight's address promises a mixture of mind (AQ) and heart (Pisces) although impracticality and Trump's usual evasiveness will be evident as well. His apparent idealism may shine through but so will his tendencies toward gullibility and skimming the surface of things and childishly assuming that he's an expert on any topic you can name. How much 'sway' his words can conjure is unlikely to break any records and an uptick in Trump's approval ratings after tonight's performance may be as elusive a prey as 'The Wall' Nancy says he can't have billions for. A Normandy wall (fence) with upgraded tech surveillance equipment and more manpower and judges on the border, probably. But no bottomless money pit for a 'Wall' as Speaker Pelosi's Aries Jupiter continues going up against Trump's Libran the background a role reversal Mars vs Venus conflict!

As for tonight...

A sensitive soul with a grandiose imagination, Mr. Trump will likely escape for the comfort of his private cocoon once he's done making his case tonight, all hamberders beware! And which mysterious advisers will he phone into the wee hours, hoping for positive encouragement? Drifting off-subject is a distinct possibility with Sun AQ-Moon Pisces, something off-teleprompter Trump tends toward so we'll watch for that if we watch at all.

Now Trump's SOTU 2019 may not qualify as "grand opera" but perhaps it's telling that tonight's cosmic vibes of Aquarius and Pisces are shared natally by two famous film producers, King Vidor and Roger Vadim and will be delivered by circus barker and reality TV 'star' Donald Trump in the leading role of America's current POTUS in the February 5th performance of Washington DC's Political Theater of the Absurd.

Appearing in this post: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; above image, The Orator, a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Dec 12, 2018

Astro-Notes on Heather Nauert: next UN Ambassador?

Image: 'Neptune Ascends'

by Jude Cowell

Donald Trump's choice for UN ambassador to replace Nikki Haley is former Fox News personality Heather Nauert born January 27, 1970 in Rockford, Illinois. Follow the link for a few bio details on her life and a view of a speculative natal horoscope for her (birth hour unknown).

If confirmed to the UN post, Ms. Nauert will be the least experienced ambassador to the United Nations in US history with a diplomacy resume as thin as my own! Yet a communicator she is, and quite Airy, too, as we can see from her natal planets. I won't bother posting her 'noon' natal chart here since it's only a possibility that she'll be confirmed by the Senate. In her favor? She's a Fox alumni, blonde, and Mike Pompeo and John Bolton seem to be in her corner along with Mr. Trump so we'll see how her confirmation hearing goes.

And the downgrading of her UN position from Cabinet-level is being pushed by Pompeo and Bolton thanks to Trump who intends to run the show entirely and carry Putin's water on the global stage as far as the 'United' Nations goes.

Well, you know how astrological Neptune likes to downgrade, downplay, dissolve, undermine, deceive, disappoint, merge, infect, and confuse, right? Well, the Nauert-UN saga seems right on time since the first Mars Return to Trump's 2017 Inauguration horoscope (24Pis21) will perfect on December 23, 2018 at 11:20:54 am est, and in Washington DC, guess what rises at that moment? Why, Neptune @13Pis55, of course! Ascendant = 13Pis58 and Heather Nauert's natal North Node, a point of public contact, falls at 12Pis11 or so.

And if we round up to '14Pisces' for Neptune-ASC's Sabian Symbol we discover "A Lady in Fox Fur," aka, Heather Nauert. Now some pundits are saying that Ms. Nauert as UN Ambassador is in for a world of hurt. Astrologically I'd say that the December 23rd Neptune-ASC-NN trio in the Trump Inauguration's Mars Return chart suggests potentials for rumor, deception, hurt through others, and being duped (Tyl) for this Lady in Fox Fur. Master-of-disguise Neptune must supply Ms. Nauert with quite a weighty mask to wear in New York! And to New York I suspect she will go for the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Capricorn activates her natal Mercury in Capricorn with its eclipse theme of: "joining a new group and gaining a great deal" (Brady). For even if downgraded from a Cabinet-level position, a UN ambassadorship would be a lucrative step up for Heather Nauert after a brief stint as State Department spokesperson.

And if Nauert's personality blend of Sun AQ-Moon Libra is the case instead of a Water-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo blend (if born not very long after midnight) which tends toward puritanism and a nit-picking attitude toward others, her double Air combination of energies suggests she is civilized, sociable, charming, broad-minded, and humanitarian with a good intellect. The AQ-Libra blend is shared by author Boris Pasternak and I shall end this post with an extremely appropriate quote from him which may very well remind you of someone we both hear from ad nauseum every single day,

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

Nov 7, 2018

2018 Midterms Over: Horoscopes of Trump vs Pelosi

Due to yesterday's 2018 Midterm Elections in which the Democrats won control of the House of Representatives, in early January 2019 Nancy Pelosi (RR: X for time unknown) will become Speak of the House, the first woman in US history to do so. Meanwhile, Oval Office occupant Donald Trump is said to be quite happy with this arrangement and, as an old friend of Nancy Pelosi (and of Chuck Schumer), called her last evening with congratulations. I shall leave it up to you to decide whether or not their tenuous association will mitigate Trump's usual vicious insults, fibs, and jabs, plus, with the new 116th Congress in 2019, Trump will have a wider field of lady politicians to take aim at while he's fighting off subpoenas, very inconvenient questions, and investigations led by Democratic Committee chairs.

Now since Nancy Pelosi's natal chart is untimed, noon is used to set up a bi-wheel of Donald Trump's timed natal chart (inner) with Pelosi's planets surrounding; her Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 14 North Saros Series is included with its themes penned on, lower left, and as you see, 14 North is the series of The Sequestration Eclipse of November 2011 (era of the 'Super Congress' which was 'a peculiar turn of events' concerning 'unexpected financial happenings'--Brady):

Included on the image are a few basic chart factors, more for Trump since his birth time is known. Highlighted in blue around the chart are the approximate positions of today's planets (November 7, 2018). Please enlarge the chart if you dare read my scribbled study notes. Following are a few major planetary links between Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump in more or less order of prominence, plus a few mentions of current transits to Pelosi's natal planets:

Pelosi natal Mars @25Taurus conjunct Trump natal MC with raging Algol conjoining both (no smooth sailing between them there especially when his career is affected!); her Venus @20Taurus attends his MC as well suggesting the use of diplomatic negotiations and hinting at the involvement of financial and relationship issues, possibly with a nod to allies or foreign involvements and/or travel (9th house);

Pelosi Jupiter @17Aries closely opposes Trump's natal Jupiter @17Libra (more conflicts--over ideals, politics, and finances--also note that her PE @18Libra36 'eclipses' his natal Jupiter in Libra which tends to harangue, "it's not fair!"; perhaps her 'fury level' is as formidable as his); this opposition will probably result in both of them being quite unimpressed with one another.

November 7, 2018 transits to Pelosi planets include: disruptive Uranus conjunct her natal Saturn @00Tau44 suggesting changes and altered circumstances in the realms of Saturnian authority and leadership, plus, new methods for handling responsibilities. Obviously, her upcoming Speaker of the House position is involved and it didn't hurt during the Midterm Elections that the Syzygy Moon (last lunation) prior to November 6, 2018 was the October 24th Full Moon @1Tau13 which reflected upon Nancy Pelosi's natal Saturn, planet of authority, and was sparked by the aforementioned transit of electric Uranus to her natal Saturn in Taurus!

Another stand-out transit is the Jupiterian North Node of public contact and future direction pointing toward Pelosi's natal Pluto @00Leo40 Rx which is the "tiger by the tail" combo and shows a period for her when power and control are on the upswing and meetings ('NN') with 'the powerful' (Pluto) occur.

Now here are dual horoscopes of today's New Moon @15Sco11 and the upcoming Full Moon of November 23, 2018. Plus, you may wish to check out a previous post in which the Sun Aries-Moon Scorpio personality blend of Nancy Pelosi is considered.

Oct 15, 2018

Stars Over Washington Turns 13!

Tomorrow October 16, 2018, Stars Over Washington reaches its 13th anniversary! Beginning this blog using Astrology as a lens to investigate Politics and politicians on October 16, 2005, my frustration level with the Bush-Cheney regime and the rest of the Vulcan liars determined to scam the American people into war/s may not have decreased but it seemed a pretty good way to deal with my emotions at the time and blogging forward into 2018.

Now here's a quick comparison of the 'personality' of SO'W at its 2005 inception and how it fares for the upcoming year into 2019 using its founding blend of Sun Libra-Moon Aries (Air-Fire), then on to tomorrow's blend of Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn (Air-Earth):

Sun Libra-Moon Aries is a lively, outspoken combination of a spunky crusader with aspirations for social harmony and justice. This blend is the natal blend of luminaries such as Coltrane, Fermi, Verdi, Pavarotti, and poet e.e. cummings whose sentiment I shared then (and now), "A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man." Maintaining a low opinion of most politicians as I do, having such a quote connected to SO'W was and is okay by me. And if you read the description of SO'W under its title, the infestation of corrupt politicians and their enablers has only increased under Donald Trump so more ridicule is needed, not less.

2018 Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn (conjunct Pluto!): a believer in fair play, law and order, and ethical systems (know how we can get one?), this is a purposeful, pragmatic blend with a social conscience and a sense of duty. (Please note that my personal sense of duty is for the sake of my country which is why for years I have written and published this 'freebie' blog.)

One luminary born under the auspices of this blend is Black Panther co-founder Bobby Seale and I close this celebratory post with his prescient quote which, in my opinion, must now be applied to all Americans as we face the 2018 Midterm Elections, said to be a referendum on the policies and anti-democratic 'leadership' of Donald Trump. According to Astrology, there is a distinct possibility of a Blue Wave which must be a Blue Tsunami in order to succeed against GOP cheaters:

"We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

A Related Post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

See Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Sep 30, 2018

Astro-Notes: Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the FBI

Now as we discussed in early September, the Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing is a Jupiter-Neptune Affair replete with pretense and illusions. Due to many divergent paths that came to a crossroads on Friday, a "supplemental" FBI inquiry into allegations against Kavanaugh is ongoing as I type, and the FBI may or may not have until Friday October 5th to wrap up and present its findings to the Senate Judiciary Committee, findings the public may never see. A new SCOTUS term begins October 1st with no new member joining the Justices just yet, it appears, and of course the November 6, 2018 Midterms are only a month or so away. Delay of Republicans plans was not in the cards as far as they were concerned so congressional GOP members are about as hot under the collar as Friday's Brett or Lindsey Graham portrayed in thespian style.

So while they're all busy, let's search for clues ourselves by taking a quick peek at the personality blends of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the angrily 'privileged' SCOTUS nominee, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, as we fondly call the Bureau which was created on July 26, 1908 Washington DC, no exact hour known so 'noon' is used as it is for Judge Kavanaugh born February 12, 1965 in Washington DC) both born with watery, tribal Cancer Moons. Potential 'weaknesses' of each blend are included:

Brett Kavanaugh Air-Water Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer (Moon ranged from 00:28 to 15Can09 which falls among the FBI's natal North Node (5:03), Venus (5:21 Rx), Mercury (13:31), Neptune (15:18), Moon (9:43 to 21:43) stellium in Cancer:

"Unconscious prejudices; ability to rationalize irrational actions; a tendency to get absorbed in abstract causes which cuts (him) off from feelings and keeps (him) emotionally immature."

'Image for Integration': "A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order."

And by some operatives and saboteurs that 'new world order' must be draconian such as Republican politicians and their wealthy handlers would have it. Yet for those of us who care about the 99% and whether or not America is 'of-by-for' The People, Democrats seem a bit less creepy than the economic royalists of the GOP (who keep giving all our money away to the undeserving!) Plus, Democrats seem more amenable to progress rather than forcing our society to relive the 1850s and 1950s which is an irrational plan because it's impossible!

Now Kavanaugh's Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend is shared by romantic poet Lord Byron who aptly informs us in a timely fashion that, "The best of prophets of the future is the past." And Kavanaugh's past teen and 20-something years and activities are a major focus of the FBI investigation--or should be.

FBI Fire-Water Sun Leo-Moon Cancer:

"Prone to sulk if (it) can't have (its) way; so self-absorbed that all signals from the environment are drowned out; engulfing emotionalism." Hmm. Could be worse.

'Image for Integration': "A young child sits on a throne, and with great dignity and tenderness, crowns his father and mother king and queen." No idea have I on how this may apply to the Bureau unless it's a mild reference to stamping an FBI 'seal of approval' on the one being investigated if he or she passes Bureau scrutiny with integrity, or at the least, with no criminal record.

The FBI's Sun Leo-Moon Cancer blend is shared by Welsh novelist Bernice Rubens who, born in 1928 on July 26 as was the FBI, could helpfully inform us and Judge Brett Kavanaugh that,

"The secret is to be true to yourself."


Personality blend info: Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Above photo: Brett Kavanaugh being sworn in with his political mentor and current character reference, George W. Bush, watching on. Oh! Laura Bush is on hand, too.

Sep 25, 2018

Who Is Noel Francisco? August 21, 1969

September 25, 2018: If or when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is ousted or steps down, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is likely candidate to step in and begin overseeing the Mueller investigation into Trump and Russia. Word is, Francisco has an 'expansive view of presidential power', which may be one of his best qualities as far as un-indicted conspirator Mr. Trump is concerned.

With his birth hour unknown, here's a 'noon' horoscope for Noel Francisco born August 21, 1969 in Syracuse, New York:

As you see, his law-abiding Saturn in Taurus is 'conservative' and at Station Retrograde which strengthens and emphasizes his Saturn. Transit Venus in Scorpio is currently opposing his Saturn which marks a sobering time of 'business only'. Once transit Saturn eventually opposes his natal Venus (21Can14), partnerships and alliances will be under tremendous strain. Natal Saturn leads a Locomotive pattern (a ruthless drive toward success; a high-powered executive--Tierney) and is parallel royal star Regulus. See upper right for the stars in paran at rising with his planets, among them Sirius, The Scorcher.

But today his natal Uranus 2Lib10 is spotlighted by the Sun (2Lib34 as I type) which points to a decision of whether to be part of a certain group or not; either way, Mr. Francisco receives special attention under this transit. Meanwhile, natal Jupiter (6Lib10) is called on by speedy messenger Mercury (6Lib10--00:00 as I type) which denotes expanding ideas and plans, and engaging in political activities.

Natal Venus in Cancer is oriental (last to rise before his Sun) denoting that he tends to work with things of value. Noel Francisco's Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series is the 7 North and his PE is marked in orange on the chart with 7N eclipse themes listed, lower right.

And of course, there's the massive pile-up of Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter across two signs (Virgo and Libra) for such are the births of late August 1969. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests his dealings with secret and/or dangerous information, possibly with spying implications. It also hints of deep powers of thought, like a detective seeing through people and events into their deeper meanings and motives. Unfortunately, a desire for revenge often comes along with a Mercury-Pluto conjunction so Mr. Francisco may remind us at some point of the vengeful, retaliating Donald Trump--or he may simply take part in Trump's vendettas against his 'enemies', real and imagined.

The rest of the dissociate stellium is formed by a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction denoting a man with an insatiable curiosity for rooting out the truth and a respect for knowledge especially that of intellectual giants of the past--and yet he himself is a 'futurist'. He's also an opportunist who never lets a chance go by without taking advantage of it and he gets quite a few chances with this conjunction of 'lucky breaks' and 'breakthroughs'. An interest, if not a talent, in Politics is also indicated although he'd do best to use his talents elsewhere such as in Education. Plus, natal Mercury 22Vir41 is a writing-teaching-dedicated-work sort of placement, a book author perhaps, although his Mercury conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25. With this transit-to-natal consideration (1969 vs 1776/USA) a faint whiff of occultism may be noticed.

So Who Is Noel Francisco?

He's all that and more and his double Fire personality blend of Sun Leo-Moon Sag reveals him to be a passionate, adventurous hero-worshiper, an independent, restless, romantic visionary who is proud, loyal, and generous, yet can be imperious and impatient. A tendency to jump to conclusions has had to be re-directed or re-purposed and hopefully he has done this for his best results. He does lean toward dismissing the ideas of others out of hand and too brusquely which wounds far more than he intended. But why intend harm to others at all?

A bit of a 'gambling gypsy', Mr. Francisco is a restless explorer (physically or mentally) who detests dishonesty (and he can put up with fantasist Trump who considers them all employees?) and may have a turbulent domestic life. Now admittedly I don't have his accurate birth time so house cusps and Angles of his natal chart must be left out of this babble, but even so, his Sun-Moon blend paints a picture of a man who can exhaust those around him with his volatile double Fire approach that comes from a deep self-centeredness. And with his Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Luna can be as early as 2Sag+ or as late as 16Sag+ from 12 am--11:59 pm), then he shares the Sun Leo-Moon Sag personality blend with the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming, Ray Bradbury, 'Lawrence of Arabia', and Herman Melville who informs us of,

"Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal."


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey ~ now on Kindle!

Jun 13, 2018

Dual Natal Charts: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

The natal horoscope of Ivanka Trump is rated X for 'date without time', same for her husband Jared Kushner. Both were born in 1981, a year of two major conjunctions--Jupiter-Saturn (3x: 4--10 Libra) and Jupiter-Pluto (once @24Lib53)--he on January 10, 1981 in Livingston, New Jersey, she on October 30, 1981 in New York, New York.

Below is a dual image of their natal horoscopes set for 'noon' with few of my usual scribbled astro-notes--primarily penned on are the three dates of Kushner's current Mars Return/s. However, if born at 12:00 am est or just after, his Mars is at 8AQ04 and the following Return dates change by one to three days. If born at or just prior to midnight, his Mars falls at 8AQ51 and his Mars Return dates differ by one to four days. Obviously, the Mars Return months remain the same and you will note that the transiting South Node, the tail of the dragon, has recently swiped Mr. Kushner's natal Mars in Aquarius no matter its precise degree suggesting his recent preference for isolation from public view and the lack of popularity for his actions.

A few notes on the couple's respective Sun-Moon personality blends are listed under the image along with Kushner's Mars Return dates to his 'noon' position of natal Mars (8AQ28):

Jared Kushner Mars Return/s 8AQ28: 1. June 15, 2018; 2. July 7, 2018; 3. October 6, 2018. Transit Jupiter has been making a series of squares to his natal Mars denoting a period when common sense and moderation are needed for best results, and jumping to conclusions and the tendency to overestimate himself are best avoided. Significant is the fact that his Mars conjoins his natal South Node so every two years his Mars Return repeats that Saturnian connection which indicates a natural loner who won't consider the opinions of others when making decisions, and one whose actions and desires are often out of tune with those of society and are against cultural trends (Sakoian). The timing also signifies a recent Nodal Return (10Leo/AQ) for Mr. Kushner, and interestingly, Vladimir Putin was also born with a Mars-South Node conjunction (see link, below).

A Few Astro-Notes on Jared's and Ivanka's Personality Blends

The Earth-Water Sun Cap-Moon Pisces blend of Jared Kushner is that of a romantic skeptic who is dependable yet private. Kushner may worry that he will be overwhelmed by his problems and he tends to second-guess himself. An introvert, he feels things deeply and suppresses his feelings which are kept to himself--and he tends to carry the burdens of others and is willing to bend truth.

Image for Integration: "A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate success."

Ivanka Trump: Water-Fire Sun Scorpio-Moon Sag identifies Trump's daughter as an uncompromising, self-dramatizing, committed and passionate woman who "will hold back a trump or two when it comes to feelings" if she thinks it wiser. Sharing a sympatico Sag Moon with her father, Ivanka can be a stern judge, a paranoid introvert, and/or a spontaneous, outspoken extrovert who hates to be constrained. Her analytical mind makes her effective within group dynamics, plus, she's a natural psychologist and educator with a zeal for truth. A loyal if demanding friend, she does what she says she will do yet can have something of a Scorpionic 'sting' in her tail.

Image for Integration: "Picasso's Guernica."

Personality blends and Images: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Related Posts include: The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump and In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner whose natal Jupiter in airy Libra conjoins his Saturn; however, note that Ivanka Trump was also born with Jupiter in Libra as was Donald Trump whose Jupiter conjoins Neptune and Chiron while Ivanka was born under a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which obviously represents her wealth-worshiping father who mounts large-scale projects, applies for massive bank loans and other funding from abroad, and qualifies as a plutocrat.

May 7, 2018

Rudy Guiliani: Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses

A Brief Astro-Sketch of Rudy Guiiliani

by Jude Cowell

The natal data and horoscope of former NY mayor Rudy Guliani is rated A (from memory) if you'd care to take a look. Ascending is 29Vir47 with 29Gem06 at Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point--which makes Mercury ruler of his chart and public status. His Mercury @12Tau50 (8th house) is unaspected (see details, below) and has an interesting Sabian Symbol:

'13Taurus' = "A Man Handling Baggage." That he does! Dane Rudhyar gives this degree a Keynote of: "Self-mobilization for social advantage"...COMPULSION FOR GAIN." This identifies Guiliani as "a man of ambition" (not that we need Astrology to determine that).

Yet with the task master planet of authority and authenticity, Saturn, at Midheaven, one must wonder if the placement's usual 'fall from grace' caution applies to Guiliani or will at some point apply. For as you know, Mr. Guiliani is Donald Trump's current 'face' on national TV and his recent appearances have stirred more turbulent storms rather than quelled them (perhaps purposefully!). For more Rudy info, I highly recommend last night's not-to-be-missed 15-minute segment by HBO's John Oliver on Rudy Guiliani.

And from Stephen A. Crockett a few minutes ago: Rudy Guiliani is Either a Spy for the Left, an Idiot, or Both Because He's Destroying the President With Every Interview.

Additional Rudy Astro-Notes

Born May 28, 1944 at 2:30 pm EWT in Brooklyn, New York (King's County), Mr. Guiliani's Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Leo resonates strongly with Trump's Gemini and Leo planets. Rudy's high-frequency, erratic Sun @7Gem16 and Uranus @8Gem49 conjoin at the degree of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree in the 2 Old North Saros Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer (among the twin stars Castor and Pollux!) 2 Old North themes are: unfortunate news and separations though fast action can bring good results (Brady). Both Guiliani and Trump have quirky Sun-Uranus conjunctions though Trump's conjunction has North Node in between. So how long will Uranian Trump keep Uranian Guiliani as adviser when they both love to hog center stage? One must wonder. We should also note that this degree range of Gemini is that of America's natal Uranus of 1776--our nation's totem planet of independence, freedom, revolt, disruption, and separation.

Yes, Sun Gemini-Moon Leo personalities prefer center stage, thanks, and can become haughty when feeling unappreciated. It's a colorful combination of conscious and unconscious energies with its eye to the main chance and although Rudy was disappointed not to be chosen for White House service in 2016, he's there now, as improviser and shill for the braggart--in-chief. Fantasies of royal blood sustain his efforts toward performing to impress and thereby to improve his own social position yet a Saturn-Neptune square--angular in his chart--suggests tendencies toward fear, paranoia, confusion, and involvement in scandals and intrigue. Well, scandals and intrigue are givens under Donald Trump (who also has royal ambitions with kingly Regulus rising) so Rudy must feel quite at home now--assuming he still works for 'kingpin' Trump by the time I complete this typing!

We should also consider that Guiliani's natal Moon @23Leo49 conjoins ego-expanding Jupiter in Leo (20:02) and his Moon is close enough to Trump's natal Mars rising to add vigor and perhaps emotional upsets to their association. As for taking center stage, a Leo Moon's reigning need for constant approval, applause, and public performance is well known. So Rudy's emotional need for attention is bottomless but so is Donald Trump's so they have that not going for them.

Plus, Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and dishonesty is supported by Neptune Rising Rudy who was born under a highly imaginative Mars-Neptune sextile (2S02) and preference for fantasy over reality. Rudy's powerful out-of-bounds Pluto in Leo conjunct his natal Mars suggests involvement with weaponry, the military, violence, and/or underworld crime and of course his Mars-Pluto duo was busy while he was a mayor instituting draconian policing policies against certain New Yorkers. Born less than two years prior to Donald Trump, these men share Mars and Pluto in romantic Leo placements though not conjunct by degree--both have had three wives, and both are associated with violence.

Changeable Mercury in Stubborn Taurus in Charge!

Leader of a BOWL shape tipping across his Career axis, Rudy's 8th house Mercury in Taurus rules his chart (physical body; Virgo ASC) and Gemini Midheaven (Career; Public Status--both angles at 29th critical degrees) yet these degrees conjoin Cardinal World Points of Fame and Fortune (00Libra-00Cancer). Yet little Mercury, planet of communications and negotiations, is unaspected in his chart which emphasizes his corporate/big-business and occult 8th house and inclines him toward inflexibility and a lack of adaptation to change. Unaspected Mercury (which I've called the 'tofu planet' for soaking up the planetary energies it touches) benefits from contacts with other planets but here, alas, Mercury cannot. This indicates that Rudy is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue and has difficulty recognizing alternative theories, ideas, and opinions. His communications occur in a spurt-like manner, he appears to be hyperactive, and his interests are limited. Plus, some threat of eventual mental deterioration may be present which is something that Geminis tend to worry about anyway via their "am I going crazy?" anxiety (a dual mind: Castor vs Pollux, light vs dark, etc.) One look at Rudy's wild eyes and we may wonder about his mental capacity, too, along with his 'colorful' rhetoric, questionable logic, and obsessive topics.

Rudy Guiliani's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE')

Prior to his birth, Rudy's PE in the 18 South Saros Series perfected on January 25, 1944 @4AQ32 in his 5th house and at birth was opposed by his natal Mars (3Leo34--and by extension, his n Pluto 6:44). 18 South themes echo those of Donald Trump's 2 Old North PE: endings, partings, separations, anguish, grief--but new situations can bring positive results' (Brady). Cynically, this can be said to describe Guiliani's profiteering on the WTC attacks of 9/11/01. Plus, a PE in Aquarius denotes one who doesn't see past events as a burden but as karmic opportunities and a guide for future development. And when I mention 'karmic' I always mean reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe (which effects even Donald Trump whose karmic overload must be huge--but we each have our own). In Aquarius, Rudy's PE indicates that "whimsical changes and contradictory efforts interrupt karmic progress and add to the accumulation of karmic debts." (Rose Lineman; my italics).

Well! Perhaps I should leave SO'W now and see if Rudy is still 'the face' of Team Trump!

Apr 20, 2018

Summer Solstice 2018: Powers of Detection

Image: Summer Solstice 2018 June 21, 2018 6:07:37 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter Rx @13Sco54 in 5th house; Ascendant 4Can25 with US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun rising; Chart-ruler Moon @12Lib03 in 4th house applying to square Solstice Mercury @16Can57 (4A54) and rising in 1st house (see chart, bottom left). Thinking-planning planet of youth and communications, Mercury, in Moon-ruled Cancer squares the Moon which denotes irrational, emotionally based decisions, a focus on trivial matters and small details (perhaps for the sake of diversion), and a continuation of fact vs fiction issues that are particularly brought out these days by Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of misconceptions, fantasies, falsehoods, and "fake" (Neptune) "news" (Mercury); significantly Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer51 is first to rise of his natal planets though tr Saturn has been opposing (challenging) his n Mercury off and on this year while squaring his natal Neptune in Libra as Saturn does here. Does tr Saturn in Capricorn, Mr Just-the-Facts-Please, represent Special Counsel Robert Mueller or the Senate investigation of Trump? What do you think?

Now both Mercury and Luna prominent in this chart suggest that fluctuations and changes in conditions are on America's Summer 2018 menu with the Moon ruling 1st and 2nd hou$es, and Mercury ruling the 4th house of Home and Homeland--yet Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and off on his or her own, isolated perhaps. Also represented by mundane Mercury are reporters, bloggers, pundits, traders, deal makers, consumers, educators, students, motorists, magicians, and tricksters.

Gemini-Sagittarius Intercepted

As you see, the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Secret Enemies, and Backroom or Hidden Deals contains the sign of Gemini where Mr. Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio are placed; opposite in 6th house of Military-Police-Civil-Service-and-Daily-Life, Sagittarius is contained via interception which to me denotes Gem-Sag (Mercury-Jupiter) matters which must be dealt with. Now as you know, this axis spotlights Trump's Sun-NN opposite Moon-SN polarity of relationships and ego/career vs emotions/family. Of course, Trump's guiding 10th house planet, eccentric Uranus in chatty Gemini, is involved as well with its preference for leading by chaos, disruption, shock, and revolt. Here, tr Uranus, still finding his (unstable) footing in Venus-ruled money sign Taurus is in 11th house of Groups and Associations and spotlighting activities such as speculation, risk-taking, and taking premature actions that lead to failure (Ebertin). Links between evaluating Venus and disruptive Uranus tend toward extravagance, erratic spending, and/or break-ups in relationships or alliances.

Note that transit Mars, here @9AQ02 in the corporate 8th house, will turn Rx @9AQ13 on June 26, 2018, and Jupiter's Direct Station occurs July 10 @13Sco20 so both are on their stationing degrees in the Summer Solstice 2018 chart. Of interest may be their rounded-up Sabian Symbols: '10AQ" = "A Man Who Had For a Time Become the Embodiment of a Popular Ideal Is Made to Realize That As a Person He Is Not This Ideal" (Keynote: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal) and '14Sco' = "Telephone Linemen at Work Installing New Connections" (Keynote: the need to establish new channels of communications - Rudhyar; (as in diplomacy? surveillance? jc).

So with Summer Solstice 2018 taking place under the auspices of the February 15, 2018 Solar Eclipse (1 South), we continue to be 'flooded with ideas and options' (Brady) though hopefully summer floods are not in the mix. Plus, the karmic 12th house with its Gemini interception contains, hides, forces matters of the previous lunation ('Syzygy Moon'), the New Moon of June 13 @22Gem44 which by degree and darkened light veils America's natal Mars (22Gemini) and activates our tiresome Mars-Neptune square of misdirected motivations and confused or deceptive actions (the fog of war)--and also happens to veil the natal Sun of Mr. Trump (22Gemini) who at the moment seems to be 'calling the shots' (Sun) with little or no input or advice from others.

Marked in green is a Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Jupiter Rx, and the Neptune-MC conjunction (see next paragraph) which provides a calming measure of protection, sensitivity, and good powers of detection though some may act more lazily than they should under its easy influences. Apparently, someone is under protection which may be at work in the background!

Now as always, there are several other cosmic and political factors located in the Summer Solstice 2018 Horoscope but for the sake of brevity I shall only mention one more which perhaps should have been mentioned first and that's Neptune Rx in its own sign of shady, mystical Pisces--at Midheaven (World Stage; Career; The Goal). To me this denotes that America's Neptunian problems not only continue (with the Republican Party being in the midst of its first-ever Neptune Return--last conjunction to natal degree at the end of December 2018), but our national instability and undermining difficulties, falsehoods, and corruption are completely visible to the entire world (MC) along with the fear, paranoia, uncertainty, and confusion that current US leadership suggests. Plus, healing-wounding Chiron @2Ari20 in 10th house is also visible and is apex of the Sun (leader) opposition to law-abiding Saturn Rx @6Cap18, planet of karma and strong in its own sign. This seems to describe ego-bruising of the Trump-Establishment stand-off that is ongoing as I type in April but it remains to be seen how far along such matters will be by June 21, 2018.

But however and whenever the 'RussiaGate' probe ends and whatever its outcome, here we see a picture of karma at work for even the glorious and proud Mr. Trump must at some point in his life reap what he's previously sown--as must the United States of America.

For those who would dare a peek ahead at future cosmic conditions in Washington DC and thus in America, try Horoscopes: Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019

Feb 2, 2018

Astro-Notes on Devin Nunes (R-CA)

As you may have noticed, Wikipedia provides details on the life and career of Devin Nunes (R-CA), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, memo-writer, former Trump transition team member, and seeming lapdog of kingpin-in-chief Donald Trump. Devin Gerald Nunes was born in Tulare, California on October 1, 1973 so let's have a brief peek at his natal planets (no birth hour known, 'noon' is used though the Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours) and any current transits affecting them.

First, a Sun Libra-Moon Sag (Air-Fire) personality combo of the 'live wire' suggests one who is idealistic, intelligent, enthusiastic, and has a sense of 'missionary zeal'. He may see himself as a 'mouthpiece for the grand vision' but may over estimate his capacities. This blend has a 'flair for persuasion and publicity'. Personal problems may be hidden by workaholism and a lack of introspection is supported by what may be a fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune conjunction and a problematic Mercury-Jupiter square of grandiose ideas, aspect of The Exaggerator (A. Oken). Blindness to his own deeper motives can affect the obsessive, single-minded pursuit of his goals--and he's highly susceptible to sales pitches from unreliable types such as Donald Trump.

Natal Sun Libra-Moon Sag is shared by humorist-journalist-writer Art Buchwald and one of his most famous quotes may apply to our subject, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me."

His Mars-Jupiter square (Mars Rx in Taurus) denotes unreliability in group obligations which sounds much like the behavior the semi-recused Nunes has exhibited as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. 'Fighting holy crusades' (Sakoian) are part of his Mars-Jupiter tendencies along with wasting other people's money, extremism, and glorifying war. Fanatical social or religious beliefs and involvement in controversial political issues are indicated as is hypocrisy.

Sun-Pluto, an Unaspected Venus, and Mercury-Uranus

Another important feature of Devin Nunes's chart is that natal Venus in Scorpio is unaspected (and in mutual reception with Pluto in Libra which conjoins his natal Libran Sun adding to his tendency toward obsession with power and certain personal compulsions). Unaspected Venus denotes a social 'wallflower' whose sociable instincts and perspectives are under-developed. Sporadic or compulsive actions may be noticed for he is less driven to reflect or deliberate before taking such action. Typically, little moderation or restraint are shown and a one-pointed focus is supported by an unaspected Venus in Scorpio, a sign obsessive and brooding enough all by itself. Additionally, a jealous or vindictive nature may also be a problem with Venus in Scorpio.

Also notable is a wide conjunction between Mercury and Uranus denoting an inventive and opinionated mind which may border on genius of some kind, or simple contrariness. Plus, in support of his unaspected 'wallflower' Venus, Jupiter in Aquarius means he relates to other people in a detached or aloof way although societal concerns (AQ) are evident as well. Broad interests are denoted (supported by Jupiter in AQ) and may include Technology, occult topics, and/or Astrology. Perhaps like many politicians, Devin Nunes may be a Freemason!

As for current transits to his natals, there are at least three major ones:

1. Transit Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter 2AQ18 (stimulating his Mercury-Jupiter square); 2. transit Mars conjunct natal Neptune 5Sag13; and 3. transit Jupiter conjunct natal Venus 21Sco22:

1. ideas and activities involve politics, writing (of memos?), and publishing. Legal decisions may be prominent and international communications may play a role. 2. a period of unwise decisions and actions, confusion, misunderstandings, and secret motives that may come to light; who did what and why is difficult to ascertain. 3. benefits are possible via alliances and associations, but overindulgence or extravagance may occur. Overestimation of relationships causes them to seem more promising than they really are (beware Trump!) and the compromising of principles is a potential to avoid; prudence and moderation are needed (though they must be gleaned from natal planets other than his unaspected Venus).

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Devin Nunes--and Donald Trump

Prior to his birth, on June 30, 1973, a Solar Eclipse manifested in the 11 South Saros Series @8Can31 a degree which precisely conjoins the natal Mercury of Donald Trump! Trump, born on June 14, 1946, would have experienced this eclipse of his natal Mercury and if one had the time one could look back at Trump in June 1973 and see what he was up to at age 27 (if one cared!) Mr. Trump's Solar Return horoscope of 1973 should include the 11 South eclipse but also the one before, the 11 North @14Capricorn (and of course, at age 27, the Mercurial Uranian Trump's Saturn Return around that time would provide a fuller cosmic picture; you've noticed Trump's trouble with taking responsibility for his actions and with being authentic and reliable--his Saturn in Cancer = discontent and hypersensitivity--Ebertin; neurosis and emotional scars--Sakoian).

11 South themes: old ideas or methods fail, new systems and sudden reforms are needed to deal with events under an 11 South eclipse; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed. (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady). The last 11 South was on July 22. 2009 @29Cancer26; the next 11 South will be on August 2, 2027 @10Leo (conjunct Trump's natal Pluto). Hmm-m-m...has Trump got Nunes under his intimidating thumb? Or is it pay-offs and bribes?

The initial 11 South eclipse occurred on June 14, 1360 @00Can48 (OS), one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation so the PE of Devin Nunes should be viewed through a double Cancerian lens of Fame, Recognition, Fortune--and the shrewd sideways scuttling of Cancer the Crab...scuttling toward secret contacts at the White House in the middle of the night!

Well, there's my quick peek at Devin Nunes, agree or disagree. Plenty more chart factors are worth noting so I encourage you to take a look at his chart yourself. And why not watch expert astrologer Maxine Taylor as she compares the solar natal chart of Devin Nunes with those of Donald Trump and Sally Yates. Maxine's video was posted on March 29, 2017.

For more personality blend info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Above image is the official portrait of Congressman Devin Nunes.