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Showing posts with label midpoint pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midpoint pictures. Show all posts

Oct 29, 2016

Election Day 2016: Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale

Election Day 2016 Astro-Notes

by Jude Cowell

Using horoscopes set for November 8, 2016 at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Washington DC, here is a print out of the day's midpoint pictures. Some may be activated at some point, others may not but here are their potentials. You'll notice that four of the pictures remain the same from 8 am to 8 pm, while 8:00 am (when polls open, if memory serves) shows two of its own and 8:00 pm(polls close) adds four more pictures to our Election Day tale:

Yes, my scribbles are quite messy (as usual!) but hopefully you can make them out. Additional details concerning November 8th are on the right including the 8:00 am rising of Hillary Clinton's natal Jupiter @00Sagittarius in tandem with the transiting political asteroid Juno (aka, The Wife, and former First Lady). Then at 8:00 pm, Donald Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer rises and as you know, Mercury is the (planet of voters, voting, ballots, decisions, etc)...yes, water is the strongest element, but Jupiter (the politician) in its own fiery sign is definitely weightier than little Mercury in Moon-ruled, watery Cancer (the trader, the salesman).

Circled and highlighted in parrot green (one of my Prismacolor oil drawing pencils) are the midpoint pictures in effect at both 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. Venus is out-of-bounds (OOBs) denoting detachment--of a power-elite lady? Of perspectives and/or values? of secret relationships? Transit Jupiter @12Libra (now gearing up for Mr. Trump's next Jupiter Return in December @17Libra) is lead planet in a Locomotive pattern of executive ability and success, plus, Venus and Jupiter are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms--are Hillary and Donald secret pals?)

Also listed on the right is the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (PE) of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 @9Virgo (Sept 1, 2016) with its realism, tackling the truth, seeing old situations for what they really are vibes (Brady). For me that has meant seeing Hillary Clinton as the neoliberal 'new world order'/global government candidate, and Mars-rising Donald Trump as the candidate who boasts loudly about disrupting said 'new world order' yet who can hardly be expected to do this without plenty of help in Washington. And who, shills and infiltrators that they are, will take on such a monumental task against a global syndicate that has everything already in place to keep itself in power and totally in control?

Well, there's always the chance that Mr. Trump has campaigned in order to give We the People the impression that someone speaks on our behalves and that he intends to fulfill his extraordinary promises to improve America once he's installed in the Oval Office!


Related: September 2016 Solar Eclipse affects Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn.

Midpoint picture potentials from Reinhold Ebertin (though two are from Noel Tyl); any, all, or none of these midpoint pictures may express before, on, or after November 8th and are subject to transits, progressions, and solar arcs and of course comparisons with each candidate's natal and progressed planets will provide additional insights but such comparisons are beyond the scope of this post. jc

Mar 31, 2016

Summer Solstice 2016: Endings, Partings, and Denials of Guilt

Summer Solstice 2016 Horoscope: June 20, 2016 6:34:30 pm EDT Washington DC; Hour of Mars; Sun 00Can00:00, Moon 5Cap36; Venus @3Can50 out-of-bounds (US Venus Return 7:02 am edt); a Mutable Grand Cross; Saturn Rx @11Sag50 rising in 1st house suggesting delays, restrictions, and other difficulties in markets (Capricorn on 2nd cusp, a money house, and Saturn co-rules 3rd house of Neighborhoods and Communications); Capricorn Moon in 1st but conjunct 2nd house of the National Treasury which hints at financial fluctuations and changes in mortgages or real estate (Pisces on IC with most of Pisces in 3rd h):

Chart-ruler Jupiter 15Vir48 still conjoins North Node (a Jupiterian Point of encounter) at Midheaven (The Goal) along with starry Denebola with key phrases: out of the mainstream (Trump? Sanders?) and to go against society (Utopian infiltrators?) with Neptune-South Node (intrigue and loss) opposite and part of a Mutable Grand Cross (marked in blue) which indicates dynamic and tense circumstances worsened by scattering energies too widely, vacillation or indecision, inconsistency, and unreliability in partnerships and alliances.

From the Grand Cross there are, of course, midpoint pictures with potentials for impractical plans, distrust, philosophical discussions, short journeys, and/or fortunate separations. In fact, separation is a theme of this Summer Season 2016 especially with the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of this Solstice at IC, the Foundation of the Matter. The eclipse @18Pis55 manifested on March 9, 2016 in the 18 South Saros Series and its separative influence will be felt through the summer as it affects Campaign 2016 and the candidates as well as individuals with 19 Pisces prominent in their natal charts.

Actually, the trail of dispositorship ends with Mercury in its own sign of Gemini where it barely maintains a tenuous grasp upon the chart's actors (planets) for Mercury opposes restrictive Saturn (defensive attitudes, strong opinions, isolationism; criticism and scheming alienate others), squares chart-ruler Jupiter (words, plans, and decisions based on insufficient information, avoiding responsibility for actions), then squares confused Neptune which adds fear to being held accountable, escapist behavior, hidden truths, setbacks in competitions, and objectives that demand clarification. Perhaps the day's Full Moon will reveal some of the 'hidden truths' much as an eclipse tends to do.

Other themes of Summer 2016 include skewed perspectives about relationships and values (Venus out-of-bounds), denial of guilt by those responsible (Saturn-Neptune @26Cap = US natal Pluto), expansion of personal influence, power, and control (Jupiter trine Pluto 0A48), cold feelings and/or a tragic destiny (Saturn-Pluto = Full Moon @7:02 am), plus, quarrels and separations (Moon-Mars = Saturn in the Full Moon chart)--any of which may describe certain actions, attitudes, and rhetoric of the 2016 candidates.

We should also consider the US National Treasury (2nd house) with the fluctuating Moon conjoining 2nd cusp and transformative Pluto therein--wealthy Pluto of 'secret treasure in hidden places' fame. Perhaps diplomatic Venus, opposite and near the 8th cusp of Corporatism and Big Business, will be able to smooth over financial issues though a modernization theme may turn up (Uranus-NN = Venus) and this may hint at the ongoing question of replacing an image on US paper currency with a feminine image.

(Such a change would not bring much improvement in our circumstances, would it, ladies? It's an empty gesture, imho.)

Now as you see in the chart, Mars Rx in the 12th house of Politics and Karma and 1st house Saturn Rx form a fretful midpoint picture with potentials for separation (again!), a need for economizing measures, and a possible health threat for as you know, Mars-Saturn is the 'death axis' though I don't like typing so. On another chart angle is the karmic Sun-Saturn midpoint at MC which denotes more separation and isolation ("the lone wolf"--Tyl) and denotes feeling devalued which ties in with Venus' out-of-bounds issues. This picture also echoes America's natal Sun-Saturn square which forms a Thor's Hammer pattern (aka, a Fist of God) in the US natal chart (1776) and its difficult energies are permanently aimed at US natal Moon (We the People) which denotes the government's continued use of fear in order to sway public moods, sentiments, and emotions.

Yet perhaps the most telling astrological tidbit in the Summer Solstice 2016 Horoscope is unaspected Uranus. You know what shocks, disruptions, separations, and anarchy Uranus can visit upon the human race--and suddenly, like a flash of lightening. Well, this Uranus position @23Ari54 (ruled by hothead Mars) remains in what Ebertin describes the realms of blind zealots, fanatics, violent people, Utopians and reformers. Here, the Quirky One is not affected, nor his actions mitigated, by the energies of any other planet and therefore, may be behaving in a "pure" manner with more intensity than usual--and may even fancy himself beyond compare when it comes to 5th house matters. For this is a very discontented Uranus from which chaos may ensue especially in the Gambling and Risk-Taking areas of life (5th house). And since the sign of Uranus denotes behavior, we may suspect that this restless Uranus is a warrior, an activist, an upstart, a rebel, and is perhaps incendiary and violent.

A Question Occurs...

Do people fulfilling radical Uranian roles consult their consciences over what they do, what they disrupt and the consequences that result for others? With denials of guilt so prevalent these days along with lacks of confidence and trust among the public--what might we expect this summer from political and ideological Utopians who would destroy law and government? Here we see loner Uranus (the outsider determined to win the US presidency?) conjoining nurturing asteroid Ceres, an indicator in a Mundane chart of questions of conscience and events that affect large numbers of people. It seems we can only wait to see what Summer 2016 has in store but hopefully, children (5th house) are not threatened by Uranus' overbearing, radical political ideology that inspires anti-societal actions.

And although I did not like writing this Summer Solstice 2016 post, my sincerest wish is that the American people (in spite of the pathetically low-brow political campaign full of misogyny and bigotry) and people of all nations and faiths may enjoy a wonderful Summer 2016 (depending on hemisphere, of course). For we are all bedeviled by governments full of bad actors who are best dealt with via ridicule, parody, and satire! And legal actions where applicable, of course.

Now here are four famous personages who share the pragmatic, shrewd Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of energies, plus, we'll close with two quotes from two more of them--words meant for the miscreants and poor decision makers of Washington DC:

Edgar Degas, Joseph Papp, Rupert Sheldrake, actress Karen Black, and...

"What is moral is what you feel good after." Ernest Hemingway.

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know he is." Jean Anouilh.


Midpoint pics: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Feb 29, 2016

Horoscope: Libra Lunar Eclipse March 23, 2016 Washington DC

Brief Astro-Notes on the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse @3Libra

by Jude Cowell

First, here's the Lunar Eclipse horoscope set for March 23, 2016 (Sun 3 degrees past Aries Point) manifesting at 8:00:48 am EDT the White House Washington DC with Aries rising and Mars as chart-ruler; a Mercury Hour with Full Moon @3Libra17 in 6th house (Wash DC):

No rigid Fixed energy, all active Fire and Cardinal/Cadent with Jupiter still leading the choo choo as the engine of a Locomotive pattern of executive ability and determination toward success (Tierney). Jupiter Rx is here @16Vir23 (North Node 21Vir50 stationing near US natal Neptune (grand spirit, large plans, fraud, bubbles. Through conjunction, the Jupiter-Neptune pairing echoes at least three things: Rubio's and Cruz's Jupiter-Neptune signatures though Rubio's is stronger), Bernie Sanders' Sun-North-Node-Neptune trio (drawing great crowds thrilled by a vision of a 'great future'), President Obama's natal Mars (hidden motivations, actions), and fixed star Denebola, keyphrases: out of the mainstream; and/or to go against society (Brady.)

Note that Jupiter turns Direct on May 9, 2016 @13Vir15:19, quite a mystical degree described by the Sabian Symbol, A Family Tree. The Jolly One once Direct will have another meet-up with the North Node, a Jupiterian point of encounters with the public) and the Jupiter-NN signature will again be triggered. In Politics, we may expect legal consequences from treaties with allies to be in the news along with interference in legal matters by religious organizations or people. Closed legal societies should probably be in the news more often than they are as they manipulate from behind locked doors--perhaps their actions will be investigated prior to November 8th. Disruptive imports/export issues and our hampered legal system will continue to be problematic so prepare for more erroneous decisions and errors in judgment.

Now with the Sun @3Ari17, Mars rules or disposits the Sun, another reason to closely examine Mars in Sagittarius in the natural house of Scorpio, the 8th (big business, spying, corporatism, shared resources, transformation, death, the occult) so be aware of males (Mars) between te ages of 25--35, give or take a year or two. A financial "Game of Cricket" is being played and it's amusing to me how often the sound of a cricket chirping has turned up in popular entertainment (ex: Baskets).

Chart-ruler Mars, in Sagittarius and ruling its domicile, 8th house--some would say, intercepted so perhaps unconscious) makes only one Ptolemaic (major) aspect in the chart--8th house Mars squares nebulous Neptune (11th house of Groups-Associations/Hopes), strong in its own sign of oceanic, bottle-chugging Pisces. Dissolution, dismay, and contagion abound for collectively Mars SQ Neptune brings potentials for: rationalized actions (to escape the consequences of guilt, one assumes), waste of time and energy, laziness, projection of negative traits onto others before they can label you first (ex: demigoguing), risk-taking, even perils or danger.

As for July 4, 1776 (a date with meaning that always catalyzes from behind the scenes), our national Saturn-Neptune midpoint @3Libra ensnares the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse at its 3rd degree of Libra. We may find info in the midpoint pictures thus formed using Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey to guide us:

Saturn-Neptune = Moon = Sun = Mercury: women's diseases, chronic or acute; pessimism; feeling inhibited; an emotional drain; increased drug dependency; drama and illusion; effective practices are deceptive; activities serving no real purpose; painstaking attention to hard work; strangely nervous; secret or hidden government activities.

Saturn-Neptune = poor, sick, depressed, suffering people; social programs for the needy; materialism v idealism; deluded leadership; deceptive leaders; respected person involved in questionable activities; misusing law officers; worthless policies; denials of responsibility; socialism, communism, marxism, bolshevikism, capitalism, etc. By the eclipse, Saturn and Neptune will have parted from their recent and ongoing square, a period of false hopes and promises, disillusion, disappointment; an imposition of reality is needed and will be supplied around the time of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse in discriminating Virgo. This 'coming down to earth' quality will be noticeable into 2017 and the first months of the next presidency.

Not to forget powerful Pluto @17Cap18 at Midheaven (the Goal Point) which should be noted though it's been done a zillion times on SO'W: this is the degree of the Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 when they met in Great Conjunction for a modern 'new world order' horoscope. This forms the "the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" equation (Tyl) with stealthy, wealthy Pluto the manipulator triggering their conjunction and adding his evil magic wand.

Please enlarge the image to read my notes on the chart. Mea culpa! this post originally had quite a bit more chart details especially concerning Campaign 2016 candidates but Blogger ate that effort (waste!) and now my schedule doesn't include an attempt to compose the same text over again since as usual I have no notes to work from. Only the horoscope which you see before you.

"Even the gods fight stupidity in vain," Schiller.

Be sure to check out Astrologer Patricia's video report on the Lunar Eclipse of March 23, 2016.

Sep 23, 2015

Pope Francis to America a "golden opportunity" as Venus leads

With Priestly Chiron Unaspected, Pope Francis Comes to America

by Jude Cowell

According to MSNBC, this week's visit of Pope Francis to America represents for him a golden opportunity for outreach to the Latino population. You know some of the Pope's topics during his speeches and contacts so I won't reiterate them here yet there are a few interesting possibilities revealed by the planetary midpoint pictures of today (Pope to the White House) and tomorrow (9.24.15) when he addresses a Joint Session of the US Congress, plus, a few planetary considerations of note.

And with transit Saturn, planet of authority and of lawmakers, @00Sag24, the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' seems apt with Saturn rising in the 11:00 am edt chart set for the White House today: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"--and in front of Congress tomorrow (9:20 am edt) Saturn begins in the 2nd house of the National Treasury. Will conservatives be schooled on their austerity measures against needy Americans? GOP lawmakers are said to be lukewarm at best about the Pope's visit and undoubtedly there are several reasons for this--climate change and US immigration policy under the spotlight being two of them.

Plus, Pluto (now stationary direct and thus even more powerful than usual) is one of the astrological significators of The Pope (any Pope) and is stationed @13Capricorn, the "A Fire Worshipper" degree (incense?). Another chart factor going on at the moment is the continuation of Venus @20Leo (royal Leo) as the engine of a planetary pattern, a Locomotive which may denote 'full steam ahead'. Perhaps Republicans should go ahead and remove their obstructionist carcasses off the tracks! For this leading-the-train position of Venus (the goddess and idol of many names through the centuries and in many cultures including the Vatican's Mary worship and adoration) shows a high-powered executive wishing to provide balance, something the Pope is here to strike, pundits say. Good luck with that on Capitol Hill is what I say! Great if it can be had. This Locomotive Venus in the lead knows there are problems and intends to solve them, so we'll see if the power and words of Pope Francis I will do the trick though there are sure to be utterances of deceit and malice in the mix (Neptune-ASC = Pluto today) from one direction or another--or from all directions and parties.

Now you know that the Sun (the president) now conjoins the North Node (NN) of encounters and future direction and if we look at the late afternoon natal chart of the US (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, one of the Pope's stops on this visit, incidentally) we find the Sun-NN meeting at US natal Midheaven The Goal Point; Public Status on the World Stage). For me this indicates the importance of the papal visit to America's future direction with Pope Francis powerfully leading the way (Venus, a money planet) as he repeats himself on topics we've heard him discuss before (Mercury Rx and conjunct US natal Saturn in Libra = serious discussions, meetings). You may of course disagree but there it is.

With my blogging time is brief today I'll simply add a few prominent midpoint pictures for the Pope's address to Congress tomorrow (9.24.15; 9:20 am edt) to illustrate their potentials for expression during his historic visit to our nation which is now so off-track from our Founders' original intentions; any, all, or none may apply and are taken from Tyl and Ebertin:

Saturn-MC = Sun: the need to fight hard and the capacity to do so; Saturn-MC = NN: a major stroke of fate (NN) may affect all development; Mercury-MC = Jupiter (also a significator of The Pope as hierophant, priest, guru--jc): having a can't lose position; traveling for gain (more tithes in church collection bowls--or more? all those pedophile payments take their toll, you know--sorry, but there it is--jc); large thoughts are easily communicated; Venus-Jupiter = Mars: preoccupied with success; trying to make things happen successfully (like the 'new world economic order' that popes call for in the New Years Day addresses? jc)

And for today at the White House an angular picture arose at 11:00 am, the time when President Obama and Pope Francis are said to have begun their private audience: Moon-Jupiter = ASC: being well accepted; fortunate contacts; cheer and confidence (Tyl; Ebertin); inconsistent ideas about the role others play who help you (Munkasey).

We may also consider significant the fact that in Washington DC, gold-hoarding Midas @10Gem35 Rx is in the corporate 8th house of Shared Resources (debt, transformation, and the occult) during the Pope's address to the US Congress tomorrow--might this relate to his "golden opportunity"?

Jupiter and Neptune: Ruler and Co-Ruler of Shady Yet Spiritual Pisces

To all these considerations must be added the current opposition between pontificating Jupiter and spiritual Neptune across the victim-savior axis (Virgo-Pisces) for when Jupiter-Neptune energies combine on social, religious, business, and political levels, we find potentials for 'ideals mirrored in a religious context','hypocrisy as a form of internal policy', 'a legal system where morals are based on favors and pay-offs', and 'churches espousing a moral philosophy for all' and these goals may be part of the Vatican hierarchy's objectives this week--to conceal American political and corporate plans behind a facade of moral and political hypocrisy which is more acceptable to people of faith and which will soothe the masses with religion as the power elite continue to prepare global populations for the total control they have in mind.

May 3, 2015

"Royal Baby Princess Astrology" - Barbara Goldsmith video

For those who may be interested in the newbie member of the Germanic royal family of Britain, here is a 7-minute+ presentation by Barbara Goldsmith concerning the natal horoscope of the "first princess to be born in 25 years!":

'Baby Windsor' born May 2, 2015 8:34 am London, UK: "very Venusian...charming...and also fiesty." Note Mom's outfit spotlighting 5-petaled flowers of Venus which resonates with occult star symbolism, the pentagram, and .

Be sure to visit Barbara at Your Astrology Signs.

#RoyalBaby #WillandKate #WindsorFamily #RoyalFamily #Britain #monarchy #royals #Venus #NatalAstrology


On the topic of star symbolism you may wish to check out an intriguing post concerning George Washington as a 'star family' member and the alleged relationship between his family coat of arms and a major American symbol, the Stars and Stripes.

And here is a Biblical view of such topics as the occult symbols of Washington DC (ex: Pentagon = pentagram, our national 'Death Star'), George Washington (33rd-degree Freemason), and America's ultimate destiny as the "New Atlantis" established for the purpose of assuming the "global leadership of the drive to the New World Order" -- if you're curious about such things, that is.

#GeorgeWashington #StarFamilies #EnochianPriests #Freemasonry #America #ManifestDestiny #TheGreatPlan #PentagonPentagram #WashingtonDC #NWO #GlobalGovernment #WorldCop

Related: the Pentagon natal chart (April 29, 1942 10:30 am EDT Washington DC; ASC 15Can37; MC 27Pis09). You will note a revealing midpoint picture in the chart between mystical, visionary Neptune and Midheaven (MC--The Goal) with warring Mars which Michael Munkasey gives as: a need to activate plans derived from mystical images...or metaphysical sources," Mmm. The potentials Reinhold Ebertin adds to the Neptune-MC = Mars picture: desire to bring the wrong ideas into realization; study of metaphysical subjects; desire to harm other people; tendency to act without clear understanding or purpose. Sounds about right especially in tandem with other midpoint pictures in the natal chart and the planetary placements and aspects therein.

Jan 16, 2015

The White House Eclipse and the rays of Virgo

On October 13, 1792 the White House cornerstone was laid in a Masonic ceremony under important Virgo contacts: Moon 23Vir56, North Node 24:13, and both conjoining the ceremony's Pre-Natal Eclipse @24Vir07 in the 11 North Saros Series.

You may wish to see David Ovason's book, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital for more info.

Themes of the 11N Series include: suddenly changing groups that one mixes with either through travel, ideas, or both and the implied separation leads to very positive outcomes; or, a sudden decision may lead to greater commitment in a relationship. Either way, situations that arise under 11N may be trusted. (Predictive Astrology, Brady).

The initial eclipse of this Series occurred @14Leo33 on August 1, 1125 (OS) and ends on September 4, 2369. Two midpoint pictures are imprinted upon 11N and thus provide clues to its themes: Uranus-NN = Sun = Moon, and Venus-Saturn = Jupiter.

Perhaps you agree that 11N themes describe something of the experience of a person who is selected to play the role of US president when the tap on the shoulder comes.

In recent decades, 11N has manifested in 1900, 1918, 1936, 1954, 1973, 1991, and on January 26, 2009, what I've called our 'New President Eclipse' in honor of Barack Obama's presidency. 11N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) of: the White House cornerstone laying (1792) as noted above, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865), William Herschel (discoverer in 1791 of America's 'totem' planet of war, Uranus), the Hindenburg Disaster (1937), Operation Desert Storm (1991), Cindy McCain (1954), and astrologer-occult-researcher and lecturer Manly P. Hall (1901).

11 North next occurs on February 6, 2027 @18AQ.

Jun 24, 2014

June 27, 2014: New Moon in Cancer

June 27, 2014: Mercury, Pan, and a New Moon in Cancer

by Jude Cowell

As of Wednesday June 25, 2014, we'll enter the Dark of the Moon--the three days prior to a New Moon when things tend to go bump in the night and shady actions may be perpetrated by any, all, or none. The New Moon perfects at 5Can37 which, as many people know, conjoins the natal position of America's Jupiter (July 4, 1776.)

On June 27th, this Friday, the New Moon perfection occurs at 4:08:27 am edt and in Washington DC, 11Gem07 rises with extra body Pan (a mercurial trickster element hinting at Capricornian pursuits such as gilt-edged stocks and trading, and governmental activities perhaps better left hidden.) Chart-ruler Mercury @25Gem02 Rx is rising in 1st house but makes no major applying aspects in the horoscope denoting that Mercury's sign, degree, and house placement are all important with a New Moon phase signaling that a new cycle of activity has begun. The typical realms of Mercury may be affected by a new cycle such as transportation, travel, commerce, sales, journalism, etc., and Cancer hints at home, food, business, maritime, and/or security concerns.

Besides the chart itself, Mercury also rules the New Moon horoscope's 5th cusp (18Vir14, in DC), the house of Risk-Taking, Speculation, and Gambling. This is one of the chart factors hinting that this New Moon contains implications of financial goings-on with Fed head Janet Yellen possibly a prominent actor (over the next two weeks in particular with something--an event or relationship--culminating or coming to fruition around the next Full Moon in Capricorn on July 12th.) Curiously, the Fed's Secondary Progressed (SP) Moon will reach 5Can30 on June 27, 2014 and be conjoined and darkened by this New Moon. ('The Fed' natal chart I'm using is set for December 23, 1913 with Sun conjunct Midheaven @1Cap17, Capitol Hill--Senator Aldrich and the banksters waited until Congress left town for Christmas break before sneaking the bill through.)

The combination of Moon with Jupiter denotes such things as business dealings, female officials or civil servants (IRS? the Fed?), legal conflicts, large-scale enterprises, negligence, injustice, successful entrepreneurs, rebellion, inner conflict over religion or politics (I.S.I.S? the Republican Party's reputed inner conflict of Establishment v Tea Party?)

Other potentials are shown in the chart as well, of course. So with my blogging time almost gone I shall add only four more chart factors here though there are many worth sharing:

One is the midpoint picture of this lunation...Sun-Moon = US natal Jupiter which gives a flavor of 'joint success' and 'pursuit of wealth or possessions', and the same old Cardinal T-Square between the forceful Mars-Uranus opposition which continues to square manipulator Pluto @12Cap27 Rx (denoting high-powered executives with chips on their shoulders.) This dynamic energy has outlet in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Corporatism, Transformation, Death, and/or the Occult.

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: violent intervention (US troops to Iraq? oil and other resources must be protected--just ask Shotgun Cheney); violence; a Higher Power. (Ebertin.)

The third chart factor is the ongoing midpoint picture we've discussed several times before...Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: 'denial of guilt from responsible parties'. And as previously noted, I'm certain that you can think of many such denials of guilt now being expressed by certain culprits about their bad decisions and shady behavior.

Now the fourth and last chart factor to mention is the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon's degree of '6 Cancer' which is, as stated, the same symbol (often mentioned on this blog) as for US natal Jupiter: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

Given the low opinion that Washington politicians and others (the Fed) have inspired within this blogger over the past few years (against my will for that is just what they want--for the American people to give up on the US government!) need I type more?

Jun 7, 2014

June 13, 2014 Full Moon in Sagittarius = US natal Neptune

June 13, 2014: A Flamboyant Full Moon in Mutual Reception with Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

On Friday June 13, 2014 a Full Moon perfects at 12:11 am edt and in Washington DC, 23AQ36 rises with America's natal Moon--We the People--close behind. Our issues are rising but also rising in 1st house are transit Neptune in its own compassionate if confused sign of Pisces (7:35) along with Chiron @17Pis44, a critical degree. Neptune in 1st house denotes large events involving water, oil, gas, or drugs and possibly copious tears. To me this suggests ground water ruined by the gas industry (fracking), or, more railway cars full of oil exploding--both of which can turn people into refugees fleeing their own homes. Natural disasters such as storms and the water needed to fight wildfires along with the general implication of fraud and deception that Neptune provides may be in the mix as well. Neptunian propaganda, the masses, and mass media also come to mind.

Well! Right off the bat, the June 2014 Full Moon, a phase of culmination that hints at relationship concerns, shows a Neptunian vibe which may also relate back to year 2009 when transit Neptune in Aquarius conjoined US natal Moon--'fraud to the people'! Of course, the transit had the additional impetus of expansive Jupiter conjoining Neptune, the speculator combo, as homeowners (US Moon) continued to be scammed and robbed by banks, the mortgage industry, and the US government which rescued Wall Street while neglecting Main Street. Yes, Capitalism was saved but the people? Not so much.

And of course the June 13th Full Moon in questing, quixotic Sagittarius is deposited by Jupiter, here @22Can49 and just left 6th house for the 5th house of Gambling and Speculation. Therefore Moon and Jupiter are in Mutual Reception, a sympatico relationship. Plus, transit Jupiter will soon conjoin US natal Mercury Rx at its "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree, then will oppose US natal Pluto Rx in Capricorn, a time when power and success may be grossly mismanaged. It's a contest of wills in finance, insurance (ACA), and taxes. And, as you know, America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Security axis (Can/Cap) has always had We the People under surveillance--and over-bounding Jupiter to our natal Mercury hints at enlarging plans, not reducing them in scope.

Additionally, a Thor's Hammer ('Fist of God') pattern describes an imperative circumstance and forms in the chart between the Neptune/MC square aiming at the 5th house Jupiter in Cancer (and thus at our natal Mercury, planet of plans, trade, communications, news, spying, etc.) In Politics and Business, the Neptune/MC duo relates to future plans based on visions and dreams (like Bacon's, Weishaupt's, and Pike's Great Plan of global domination, I suspect--America must be completely undermined first), spies who undermine national security ("Immigrants Entering a New Country"?), leaders who are deceived by others (I'll say!), and official scandals of large proportions (Michael Munkasey.) And with Jupiter as its primary object the proportions are certain to be massive.

So what Ptolemaic aspects (relationships) are chart-rulers Saturn and Uranus (ASC 23AQ36) applying toward in the June 2014 Full Moon horoscope to show how things will proceed over the next few weeks? No major aspects for either planet (actor) unless we count their problematic aspect with one another:

Manager/lawmaker Saturn in 9th house of Foreigners inconjunct (150 degr) quirky anarchist Uranus @15Ari54 in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values. As you know, an inconjunct (aka, a quincunx) is an aspect of adjustment and here it denotes freedom v responsibility issues which seem to relate to finances and budgets (Uranus of disruption, new ideas and methods in 2nd house; austere, conservative Saturn in 9th house of foreign banks and governments.) Saturn has separated from its opposition to Venus (though karmically they are in the same degree and minute as is Chiron--17:44!) so relationship concerns are again emphasized as with a Full Moon.

And unfortunately, the Venus-Saturn opposition denotes break-ups between partners, financial hardships, and/or the burdensome responsibilities that Pluto as apex of the Saturn-Neptune midpoint wants to avoid...Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible parties, a circumstance that has bedeviled us for months now. There are also threads of heavy emotional depression in this picture and in the Venus-Saturn opposition though that may be lifting somewhat since the two planets are separating.

A new financial order--forced upon the world?

But back to the 9th house Saturn--the Full Moon's Sabian Symbol ('23Sag') = "Immigrants Entering a New Country." Shown here is friction between old order Saturn v new order Uranus in the Full Moon chart of June 13th though no one needs Astrology to tell them this for we all feel it and are experiencing it in our everyday lives, plus such conflicts are emphasized by any reading or listening we may do--assuming that our heads are not firmly planted in the sands of entertaining diversions. Naturally the threat of new congressmen winning the seats of older incumbent politicians at the November 2014 Elections cannot be ruled out as the generational conflict continues--Saturn the old man v Uranus the whippersnapper, as old order fights but must eventually give way to the new.

It's an Hour of the Sun, and with the Full Moon's Sun @22Gem05 in 4th house of Home and Security, we find a solar spotlight cast upon US natal Mars (the warrior) in dual Gemini and thus upon its natal square with our national Neptune (which conjoins President Obama's natal Mars @23Virgo.) The Mars-Neptune square has been problematic from the start of this nation but more so since US politicians and the government were bought out by wealthy plutocrats who owe no allegiance to our nation (so they think.) Yet Mars to US natal Sun indicates a surge of vitality for the POTUS (Sun) and a determined push toward government and/or his personal goals.

Now testy instigator Mars @12Lib24 is poised to leave the 8th house of Transformation, Debt, Credit, Corporations, etc, and will enter the 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open enemies. The Cardinal T-Square shows Mars opposing Uranus (explosive outbursts, violence) pointing toward manipulative Pluto (of hidden wealth fame and power), with Pluto here in 11th house of Groups and Associations (the global crime syndicate?) The T-Square continues to provide the world with force and violence on a large scale. And with the Full Moon in 10th house (in Washington DC) we may expect much publicity in all matters mentioned above and more besides for it promises to be a very event-filled Summer in, and instigated by, Washington DC.

Sun-Moon = the international reputation of a country; loss of face in international politics; leadership's will forcefully imposed upon the people; reading the people's attitudes when making policy; pessimism of the population or lawmakers (Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Now there are several more chart factors worth discussing if only we could but let's close with the midpoint pictures that are created by the Full Moon's Sun-Moon/Gem-Sag opposition with its midpoint @22Vir05 conjunct US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars--the Zodiacal point where his motivations and actions (Mars) are veiled or hidden (Neptune) from public view:

Sun-Moon = US n Neptune: delusions about what's possible; misunderstandings, mistakes; undermining of associations; shared suffering; discontent.

Sun-Moon = BHO natal Mars: an urge to bring ideals to fruition; a stronger personal drive or initiative; forcing others for quicker progress; realization of joint plans; anger; a focus on strength.

Apr 8, 2014

May 19, 2014 Mars turns Direct as a karmic YOD points to Saturn Rx

On May 19, 2014 at 9:31:09 pm edt Mars @9Lib01:31 Stations Direct in 10th house when the horoscope is set for Washington DC. It's a Mercury Hour with speedy Mercury @20Gem38 in 7th house of Partnerships out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane yet by degree approaching US natal Mars and turning plans into action. Mercury makes no applying aspects to other planets (actors) in the Mars Direct chart so its house placement, sign, and degree are emphasized. Issues in the news may include transport, communications, negotiations, agreements, stock traders, trade deals, speech writers or deliverers, reporters, and possibly children or education though perhaps with delays and blockages involved (OOBs.)

Rising in DC is 15Sag02 which makes Jupiter as chart ruler so its condition is of primary impact in relation to Mars-ruled matters which will now move ahead, proceed, or result in actions taken and plans initiated as the motivation-energy-action planet picks up steam. With testy Mars (god of war) in Libra, sign of diplomacy, we may expect news concerning foreign affairs with Virgo, ruled by Mercury, in 9th house of foreign lands and travel. Trips by the president and others will be taken and troop movements or deployments may be on Washington's agenda. (Yes, they always are--I know!)

Is a Water Grand Trine our best hope?

Chart ruler Jupiter makes only one major applying aspect, a trine to Saturn and forms a protective Grand Trine in Water with the 3rd house Chiron @17Pis18, a critical degree. Healer Chiron may attend matters as security issues come to the fore though the closed circuit of energies of the Grand Trine may cause a 'pick-n'choose' quality to be shown. Some are protected but others are not. Additionally Jupiter @18Can07 conjoins the 8th cusp (19Can04) which brings in the light and dark twins, Castor and Pollux so corporate matters can go either way--up or down. The stock market is fluctuating now as I type (April 8, 2014) and may be what's described by chart ruler Jupiter conjunct 8th cusp. And of course, Cancer is business-oriented, relates to oceans, security, The Family, and tribal syndicates and is extremely self-protective and shrewd.

Naturally the ongoing (tedious) yet dynamic Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto (strikes, protests, generational power struggles) runs in the background though the Grand Cross is 'missing' Mars at this Direct Station--yet by turning Direct at 9 Libra, Mars will soon rejoin the rioting throng between Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. For now let's stick with the T-Squares created among the trio with the Jupiter-Pluto opposition pointing toward activist Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (Utopians and anarchists--Ebertin.) Some loss of partnership or alliance, or a type of witch hunt may be noticed as well due to Mars' Direct Station occurring upon the degree of Fixed Star Vindemiatrix.

The horoscope of the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse for this Direct Station may be viewed here. The chart is set for DC, the eclipse is in money sign Taurus (The Bull of Wall Street) and it stimulates the natal horoscope of the Robber Barons.

Two Cardinal T-Squares/Oppositions are stimulated within midpoint pictures:

Explosive Mars-Uranus = controlling Pluto: a higher power; force; violent intervention. Plutocracy's pair Jupiter-Pluto = radical Uranus: quick exploitation of every situation; fanatical striving for improvement; sudden reform; quick development; adjustment to new circumstances. (Ebertin.)

Other midpoint pictures are formed in the Mars Direct Station 2014 chart as well and one very weighty picture has formed off and on in previous months--Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: feeling downtrodden (poor little plutocrats, the 1% acting all put-upon by the rest of us is one potential of this picture); tremendous awareness of a potential for loss (as if the 1% can't spare a dime for the sake of society!); fear (Tyl.)

Of course, We the People are described here as well with Plutocracy putting us on the losing side and fear being a usual tactic of our government.

Moon-Mercury = Uranus: irritability about progress; sudden, innovative ideas and plans; and, Sun-ASC = Neptune: being duped or disregarded (Tyl.)

A Karmic (Fated) YOD at the Crossroads with Apex Saturn Rx

Note: as a Saturnian astrologer, when I mention karma or fate I refer to the natural law of reaping what's been sown when past actions and attitudes catch up with present circumstances and affect them either positively or negatively. Saturn is particularly sensitive to this phenomenon and requires accountability.

The base of the YOD is a sextile (60 degr) between Mercury and Venus which may indicate people who like to discuss pros and cons such as debaters and though the presence of Venus seems to lean toward pleasantness, the debates can turn to bickering especially when complacent people are being challenged.

Different points of view are explored and new perspectives are entertained with this sextile as attempts are made to assuage the doubts of others; contrariness and turning a deaf ear to the concerns of others may be noticed (Washington DC!) so relationships don't develop as they should. Yet stories are told, some in childlike fashion and a naive manner may be utilized to make or avoid a point. (Tierney.)

In business and politics the Mercury-Venus pair denotes the potential for: 'news about the status of wealth; business + society; the study of people and their reactions (polls?); highway beautification programs (Thesis); debate (or bickering) over added costs; a business sector at odds with society; propaganda about the ease and quality of life; speeches emphasizing economic issues and facts; a transportation system that values beauty over function (Antithesis.)--Munkasey.

So with YODs already karmic and Saturn being a karmic planet (actions from approximately 30 years ago return to aid or undermine today's circumstances--the 1980s and Reagan policies are implicated) we may expect the 11th house Saturn Rx @19Sco19 to provide insight into the circumstance of Mars moving ahead in the Zodiac after May 19th.

As a midpoint picture Mercury-Venus = Saturn throws a sliver of light upon our topic with its 'hard sell' argumentative position, high expectations for getting its off-the-norm way, and a 'sense of mission' mindset (Tyl.)

Meanwhile there's that karmic Saturn at a degree (19 Scorpio) which has traditionally been considered malefic for it meets with Fixed Star Alpha Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) which can bring tragedy and misfortune in its wake especially when conjoined by a planet such as Saturn. (A. Louis.) And of course YOD patterns in general denote crises, crossroads, turning points, or special tasks whose time has come and must be dealt with as required by the Cosmos. Breakers of natural law may seem to triumph initially but will later discover that they are ultimately the losers.

Now as Summer 2014 trods along it is for you to determine which actors in America's Political Theater this apex Saturn represents since the restrictive Taskmaster's realm includes Government, Law, and Business. Both political parties in the US (factions of the global government agenda, imho) may at times be signified by status quo Saturn though it seems to me that of late it's primarily austere Republicans wearing the Saturnian mask as they follow their political script to enrich the wealthy class. As for business, Saturn tends to represent managers or possibly CEOs for Scorpio is the sign of Big Business and Corporatism after all plus, some switch of roles may be notable once Saturn turns Direct in July. And as you know, an activist SCOTUS is also in the Saturnian corporate mix.

As apex planet in a YOD configuration Saturn's 'fated undertone' shows that timing and maturity are key to the purpose of the YOD. Fateful consequences are denoted if whoever is represented by apex Saturn doesn't act responsibly. Self-defeating attitudes are no longer acceptable at this fork in the road and self-preservation should not be the only goal--Saturn and Jupiter are our 'societal planets' and must when necessary act upon that level on behalf of the common good.

This Saturn in this condition (apex and Rx) at this juncture (YOD) has developed special talents for social responsibility and for overcoming obstacles and limits so let's hope that Saturnian managers, CEOS, lawmakers, judges, politicians, and other authority figures meet the test of this YOD by embracing higher ideals for society's sake than we've seen from them during the last three decades and more.

Since the energies of this chart are weighted on the Cardinal (initiating)/Air (mental) side (and other planetary factors will affect matters as well) we may expect that transit Mercury's approach to US natal Mars in Gemini may time outward movements as various plans are turned into action.

For more information on YODs and other planetary patterns see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Feb 1, 2014

"How You Are Enslaved and Why You Don't Know It"-- Max Igan (video)

There's really only one law: Do no harm. Presenting, "How You Are Enslaved and Why you Don't Know It," by Max Igan:

And here's some unsurprising news as leaked by Edward Snowden which concerns more revelations of NSA spying on Americans if you're up for it.

Plutocracy and Pluto are part of the elusive matrix that gains power via our belief in it and as you know, transit Pluto has been traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (government, law, and business) for a few years now and we've seen government heads topple, and many institutions (Capricorn) dissolve, break down, or transform (Pluto.)

And one of the watershed moments in the modern history of the so-called 'new world order' that now threatens nation-state sovereignty across the globe is the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, planets of the Enlightenment (or, the Age of Reason.) What midpoint picture forms when transit Pluto enters the degree-range of their Great Conjunction/s which occurred 3x through 1993 and which give us an exact hour and date with which to set up a modern-day birth horoscope for the 'new world order'?

The degree-range is 18Cap33 (October 24, 1993, the natal chart I tend to use and the third conjunction of three), and 19Cap34 (February 2, 1993, the first of their conjunctions in the last 171 years.) Of course, it's typical to use a 5-degree orb, either side, for slower moving outer planets like Pluto of the Underworld--here, approximately 13 to 24 degrees of Cap.

Transit Pluto enters this range of influence upon the Uranus-Neptune pair with full intent on or about January 19, 2017 until February 27, 2018 using a one-degree orb though its insidiousness will be felt a year or two earlier by those sensitive to Pluto's underground frequencies and its desperate need for manipulation and control. When blended together, Uranus-Neptune denotes a variety of things such as: an awakened spiritual world, 'reason and faith shake hands', peculiar inclinations, new methods of subversion including drugs, underhandedness, and groups that exploit oil and chemical resources--just think of how many groups (corporations) are actively destroying water tables, oceans, and rivers already.

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto

If a majority of the global population choose to retain our unfortunate state of unawareness and are apathetic about preferring good over evil, the positive and negative potentials which can manifest and relate to the topic of the "paper-based matrix" and the perversion of natural law as mentioned in the video embedded above include: a 'big picture which demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl); 'inspirational ideas that can change the world; disagreement or rebellion causes extreme destruction' (Munkasey); 'those who are easily impressed by others; to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without trying to make a firm stand; abandoning resistance; the necessity to give in; great losses; calamities; catastrophes' (Ebertin.)

Now I only post this because I want you to know in case you hadn't gotten around to checking out the heavy-handed Uranus-Neptune = Pluto midpoint picture yet and naturally other transits and chart factors will apply. However, transit Pluto is and has been at 13Cap already so time's a-wastin' and if the 13 to 24 degree-range of Capricorn affects one or more of your natal planets or Angles, you may wish to pass on as many of Max Igan's enlightening presentations as you wish because 2014 is definitely Wake Up Time.

Jan 9, 2014

"The Power of an Idea"-- Max Igan video

"Rulers Are Just People": Maxwell Igan on The Power of an Idea:

As Astrology describes it, an idea (Uranus) needs a physical container (Saturn) in order to manifest upon the earthly plane. People born when the two planets are not in major (or at least, minor) aspect to one another have a difficult time bringing their ideas and plans into reality, the realm of Saturn. This is what I always think of when such a topic is discussed, as it is here, by Max Igan who provides us with good advice as always.

And in Political (Mundane) Astrology? The Saturn-Uranus midpoint relates to legislative and executive bodies, control of dissidents, sudden indifference to traditional *mores or laws, counterrevolutionary rule, and/or the balancing of conservatives (Saturn) and progressives (Uranus), among other things.

Obviously, that last relates to the ongoing stalemate in Washington DC between The Establishment that prefers the status quo and Uranian Utopians and other political radicals who don't necessarily have any respect for tradition, or for senior actors who may hold more mature attitudes.

In such a sense, we can probably consider America's Founding Fathers as previously denoted in horoscopes by rebellious Uranus (freedom and independence), but these days are represented in most realms by older, wiser Saturn!

Another way to say it is that their then-future has in the present become our past. How would you say it?


*I know I don't need to add this note for you, dear reader, but I've noticed a lamentable lack of correct pronunciation by our younger political pundits, newscasters, and interviewees on TV: in the context of morals and ethics, the word 'more' is pronounced mor ray', not 'more'! :) And while I'm at it, the word is spelled 'definitely', not 'definately'. Okay, I'll hush for now, jc

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; also available in Kindle format.

Nov 8, 2013

"Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, & Illusions" (Max Igan video)

Another excellent presentation from Max Igan, "Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, and Illusions":

Mind Controlling the Discontents

"The power we perceive these people to hold is illusionary." Agreed! And yet there is a certain beast behind so many of the mind control techniques spawned within the DNA of Freudianism...the Tavistock Institute. Click for information which includes lists of their clients, one of which is the Republican Party which would at least partially account for their robot-like parroting of talking points, a single-minded obsession to become the only political party in the US, and the echo chamber quality of their austerity-promoting cold-heartedness.

Of course, let's not only fuss about Republicans, right? For the website also mentions that President Jimmy Carter was trained by Tavistock, too, under the tutelage of Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, known as the Father of the Nuclear Navy.

Perhaps it's telling that all day today, a transiting midpoint picture is in effect with Pluto, ruler of psychiatry and psychology, at its apex: Sun-Neptune = Pluto, which gives the day flavors of emotional or physical suffering, extremely high levels of sensitivity and receptiveness, and the pall of a tragic deception or illusion (Ebertin). *Ebertin goes on to state that this midpoint picture "has been found in cases of polio as well as in cases of blood disease."

See: Syrian Polio Outbreak Could Spread to Europe.

*The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Sep 30, 2013

10.1.13 @12 am Jupiter Rising: US government shutdown?

Looking at a horoscope set for the Capitol Building, October 1, 2013 @12 am edt, we find rising 11Can54 which brings up US natal Sun @13Cap19 (leadership, or, the leader.) Our national Venus and Jupiter have just arisen as a partial shutdown of the US government looms--unless a deal is reached in the hours prior to midnight tonight. If nothing else, this Utopian endeavor is adding to the distrust and lack of confidence the American people have in Washington DC as a federal centralized government--just as anarchists have long planned--bwa ha ha.

And given the ongoing battles over raising the debt ceiling to pay our already-incurred bills, the deficit (which has fallen by half under President Obama--as usual for a Democratic presidency), and other sticky wickets from the GOP wishlist, we may expect that tonight's possible shutdown isn't the worst of it for the balance of 2013 into 2014 promises to be sour grapes until the presidential agenda is weakened to the breaking point and an ideological point is made.

Obviously, the Republican Tea Party is not concerned that their dramatics undermine America's influence on the world stage, nor do they care a fig for the global economy which may collapse under their bossy boots. And we know that the fate of the American middle and working classes is of no moment as long as the GOP (working on behalf of international corporatists--the Koch Brothers come to mind) have their way. Which highway the Republican way plops us upon is our little red wagons for it's 'survival of the fittest' for the little Ayn Randers among us.

As you know, it's the Rand philosophy the Teas and Rs follow which favors 'death panels' for those who are 'too weak' to deserve life. That's part of why they despise New Deal programs so deeply--they allow the ill, small, and weak to live. Now I don't like typing such things as this, but there it is.

So on October 1, 2013 at 12:00 am edt on Capitol Hill, we find an interesting Sabian Symbol in the WHAT? position: '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message...MATERIALIZATION...positive expression: a gift for bringing the more Godlike resources or superior powers of self to a point of real community service; negative (shadow side) expression: completely unreasonable demands for recognition." (Jones.) Does our creditor the Chinese government have a message for Washington DC? Will another 'brink' in the GOP's Govern By Crisis be avoided?

Banker Jupiter, Deceptive Neptune, Quarreling Mars, and The Drain

Now moneybags Jupiter @18Can21 in 1st house rises as well and rules the 6th house (via Sag) and the 10th house of Public Status/The Goal with the MC @22Pis23. This places US natal Neptune precisely on the IC (The HOW? point; Endings; The Drain) @22Vir23 which happens to be President Obama's natal Mars position and I'm certain you know that US natal Neptune veils and glamorizes the motivations and actions (Mars) of the president, making his motivation for action hazy and thus difficult to identify correctly. US natal Mars in Gemini is also triggered here due to our natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square of confused motivations and foggily misguided actions.

A midpoint picture may be extracted based on the MC-Neptune-Mars trio...Mars-Neptune = shutdown MC: losing contact defensively (Tyl); discontent; hopelessness; failure; weakness (Ebertin) yet these potentials may manifest in part or not at all. I see the trio as a hint of the uncertainty of Obama supporters who fear he will again concede too much to the Republicans now or in future battles. If ever the bromide, 'give an inch, they'll take a mile' should be followed by the White House, tonight's the night. Especially since Mitt Romney's 'Repeal Obamacare' presidential campaign was rejected by a majority of voters. And many of us think too much was conceded in the ACA to insurance companies, a sentiment behind much of the negative polling 'Obamacare' receives. Change the label and polling results improve.

Curiously there's an Angular midpoint of note--Uranus-Neptune, the Enlightenment duo which relates to their 1993 conjunction/s of new world order proportions--at MC (The Goal) so we have peculiar dispositions, inner vision, impassivity, and a potential for dissolution to consider. I believe this links the current circumstances to the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 for it contains Uranus-Neptune content and is within the time frame of all fiscal stalemates now being fought--and Scorpio is the sign of Big Business/Corporatism with the sign's natural house being the 8th of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, and Transformation.

Meanwhile, 12 am tonight occurs within an energetic, contentious Hour of Mars and Mars has just had a visit from the Moon (We the People), a planetary combo denoting emotional anger on our parts and quarrels (Mars) about changes (Moon) on Capitol Hill.

Yet how will things proceed? Well, the only applying Ptolemaic aspect of chart-ruler Moon (since Luna's conjunction with Mars in the 2nd house of the National Treasury has past by 12 am--it's exact at 10:03 pm edt @21Leo18--will a shutdown be averted around or just after that hour?) is a square with Venus in 5th house of Gambling and Speculation as Washington politicians flirt and gamble with America's credit rating and the NYSE's health.

On one level, a Moon-Venus square indicates trouble with the ladies and also success delayed due to lack of cooperation. Republicans' envy of President Obama in the Oval Office (a Venus reference) shows in their constant critiques and fussiness over him. Even so, current attempts to overcome interference provide stimulating challenges to the camera-ready varmints who play-act in this performance of Washington Political Theater.

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but I've had more than enough of Capitol Hillers' 'stimulating challenges' which keep them obsessively occupied instead of working on behalf of We the People who pay them and pay for their gold-plated health insurance. But perhaps that's part of the point in their above-mentioned agenda to undermine and decrease the size of the US government until it can be "drowned in a bath tub".

In any case, wouldn't a forceful drowning be considered murder?

Sep 16, 2013

Sept 19, 2013: a Harvest Moon, then Autumn Equinox 2013 (horoscope)

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 22, 2013 set for the White House

by Jude Cowell

Soon after the September 19, 2013 *Full Moon @26Pis40 (2013's Harvest Moon), the Summer season officially morphs into Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Below is an image of Autumn Equinox 2013 set for the White House as the symbolic representation of America. The Hour is Mercurial and the phase is Full Moon (+221:53) in the primarily Fixed-Air chart with Cadent houses emphasized and a splay chart pattern indicating a 'strong, sharp aggregation of planets at irregular points and a rugged resistance to being pigeon-holed by associates' mindset (Jones):

Visualizing the planets (actors) as the spokes of a wheel is one way of looking at a splay patterned chart with its focus on individuality and on those with intense personalities who refuse to be limited and tend to be impersonal or globally-minded. (Ex: the opportunistic Henry VIII and his 'political expediency' marriage issues.)

Mercury Hours are good for such things that speedy Mercury the Orator, Trader, and Negotiator love such as communications, travel, transport, planning, speech writing, and how we think--here, Mercury in balanced yet warring Libra in 8th house of Finance and Shared Resources points toward the return of the debt ceiling brouhaha and other financial concerns and stalemates which are to be enjoined again between the White House and Congress this Fall as our fiscal year ends on October 1st.

Will Republican Tea Partiers force America to default on her debts to make a dumb point that Obamacare--already a law--should be 'de-funded'? De-funding, if it happened, wouldn't change the fact that it's settled law no matter how many times tone-deaf partisans neurotically bash their heads against brick walls out of fear that the program will become popular once people experience its provisions in action!

Meanwhile, in the 2nd house of our National Treasury, we find anarchist Uranus in Aries ('Utopians and fanatics' -Ebertin) Rx at '11 Aries' ("The President of the Country" -Jones.) More emphasis is placed upon the current administration by the 2nd house ruler and co-ruler, Jupiter and Neptune, who in Aquarius met three times in Great Conjunction all through 2009, the year President Obama took office--and thus imprinted his administration with their bubbly, inflationary, over-promising, and wastrel vibes. The NYSE with its natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is indicated.

To personalize matters for the US, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s took place atop US natal Moon (We the People) which showed there was little sense of reality in our financial system and in the propaganda campaign meant to sway the public that steps were being taken to 'fix' Main Street after the Crash of 2008 when in fact most if not all fiscal reforms were done for Wall Street's benefit. Now in 2013, big banks are larger with their fat bubbly selves and some people are foretelling another crash which may finish us off.

The September 22, 2013 chart is ruled by Saturn and co-ruled Uranus Rx--well, at least Saturn is direct, right? And is in 9th house of Foreign Lands along with the North Node which was recently conjoined with Saturn denoting problem-filled relationships, disadvantages through others, and/or teamwork that steadily becomes more difficult as time goes by.

And of course, mundane Saturn these days signifies austerians, lawmakers, law repealers, managers, and status quo types--and Republicans since they're playing 'bad cop' at this time (deficits always decrease under Democratic presidents, as you know, but wildly inflate under Republicans ones leaving Democrats little to work with in the 'widening income gap' situation of inequality. This ploy has slowed the US economic recovery and worked well against President Obama, hasn't it? Yet I continue to think of the 'Rs and Ds' as factions of a ruling class with different ways of doing things more than two separate political parties.)

As you see, Venus in Scorpio is also posited in 9th house and has strong powers of attraction though jealousy, waste, and self-control v licentiousness may be concerns via Scorpio and its rulers Mars and Pluto. Venus rules the EQ 2013 Moon in 3rd house @11Tau53 and opposes Luna (1A25) denoting challenges for those who try too hard to convince others of their sincerity. (Never trust a man who says Trust Me, my mama was fond of saying.)

Misunderstandings abound as the public (Moon) gives and/or gets only suspicion and defensive posturing when attempting to cooperate with intense Venus in Scorpio, but that door swings both ways. The Moon-Venus duo has expensive tastes, so some careful belt-tightening continues to be advisable, worrying less is a good practice, and reserving our private details for those we know best is wise--to the extent that government, spies, corporations, and hackers allow us to protect our personal information from prying eyes.

Venusian diplomacy of a foreign nature is also indicated by the Moon-Venus opposition and Venus rules the 3rd house of Communications through money sign Taurus but her influence is ensnared via interception in the 8th house of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Insurance, Death, Transformation, etc. Foreign diplomacy involving Syria, Russia, the US, the UN, and others is denoted by this combo of energies and house rulings.

Since more war may be on the global menu this season, a look at testosterone driven Mars @16Leo14 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations is in order. 7th house Partnerships and Open Enemies are areas of Martian interest with disruptive Uranus therein; Mars is disposited by the ego-driven Sun, ruler of Leo. Diplomatic Venus, though ruled here in part by Mars via Scorpio, squares Mars (2A56) which shows blockages and obstacles to or within their teamwork efforts along with male-female issues in general. Warrior Mars also squares the Moon, an indicator that some people are fearful of being taken advantage of whenever compromise is needed--even though imagined threats may never materialize.

Military mobilization may be indicated as well along with anger (Mars) of the people (Moon.) In all cases, things are touchy and feelings are overly sensitive especially if we take the Moon-Venus opposition and Mars opposite the Ascendant to be a Fixed Grand Cross with the energy expressing at the WHAT? Point of the chart (ASC). It may be a bit of stretch but Saturn @9Sco09 could be included in the dynamic square pattern which hopefully adds some measure of self-control to volatile conditions especially since the Mars-Uranus trine has passed (5S16).

Autumn Equinox 2013 (aka, Libra Ingress 2013)

At 4:44:09 pm edt on Sunday September 22, when the Sun 'clocks in' at 00Lib:00:00, the Ascendant = 8AQ00 in Washington with the plutocrats' oppressive, exploitative Pluto-Chiron midpoint rising @9AQ46; chart-rulers Saturn and Uranus together indicate brittleness, old vs new (status quo v progress), and the ancient conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Yes, global plutocrats are as usual attempting to control the 'powder keg' that they've already aroused through decades of exploitation and bossiness.

12th cusp = 11Cap33 so Saturn also rules the unconscious house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions such as hospitals and zoos. It's what once was called the 'smokey back rooms' where politicians make secret deals and here we have sneaky Pluto barely into 11th house from 12th so more plans for toppling governments--and politicians--may soon be revealed. Now there are those who think Russia's current 'diplomatic proposal' for Syria's Assad to hand over his chemical weapons to the UN may divert US bomb strikes in that nation but I see the Political Theater now being performed as stalling tactics--for the weapons to be moved to other locations, yes--but also as part of the Global Government operatives' implementation of the agenda since doing things in a halting fashion works even better than direct force which could result in worldwide blow back and more delay. As in all things, timing is important and it seems the West's take-over of Syria is merely on-hold for now.

In addition, these thorny issues are deepened by an inconjunct of adjustment (150 degrees; 1A48) between authoritarian Saturn in 9th house and disruptive Uranus Rx in 2nd house which may include concerns over US billions sent to foreign countries to do who-knows-what--payoffs, bribes, and weapons purchases, among other things one can imagine. This inconjunct (or, quincunx) denotes that priorities are difficult to establish or are incorrectly acted upon, obligations may be neglected, and a 'locked in the past' attitude may be noticed as Saturnians try desperately to hold onto controls of the past...which cannot be done.

With this Saturn, Republicans with their nonsensical, undermining notions of secession and nullification easily come to mind, and cantankerousness and stress within relationships and partnerships are evident. (Again, the Republican Party and Tea Partisans rear their ugly heads as I type and the destruction of America on behalf of a 'new world order' seems to be their sorry goal. Not that others aren't enabling the agenda...)

Uranus Square Pluto...Again (until 2015)

There are no other major applying aspects by chart-ruler Saturn in the Autumn EQ 2013 horoscope but there is the ongoing applying square between co-ruler Uranus and powerful, wealthy Pluto @8Cap59. Plus, Pluto remains in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun) so the stand-off continues as Mr. Underworld expects much fortune to accrue to him and his plutocratic minions. And so far, he and the Vatican Bank have been correct in that presumption. (As you know, astrological Pluto can represent 'The Pope', hidden or invisible power, riches squirreled away in hidden places, plus, assassins and rapists.)

Rising in 1st house we see nebulous Neptune of The Media and The Masses--a master of propaganda and lies and already mentioned above concerning 2009's Great Conjunction/s with money planet Jupiter while Jupiter (The General) is in preparatory stage in Cadent 6th house of Military and Police Services, Work, and Health. The inflationary pair of planets are now sesqui-square one another (0A54) from 1st h to 6th h. This aspect is one of interlaced squares, layers of complexity which may culminate in an intense release of energies that can have positive or negative results. The promotion of constructive and/or conflicting ideas is indicated. (Meyer.)

Well, that's my view of the Autumn EQ 2013 horoscope when set for Washington DC. Below is a brief consideration of this Thursday's Full Harvest Moon with Luna's Sabian Symbol for '27Pisces' being appropriately, "A Harvest Moon"...keyword is BENEDICTION (Jones):

*In Washington DC the September 19, 2013 Full (Harvest) Moon @26Pis40 falls into 6th house of Military and Police Services, Work, Health, and Daily Routines (Desc 29Pis45) and the Sun @29Vir40 rises. In Mundane Astrology, a Mutable Pisces Moon (fluctuating; changeable; possibly unstable) indicates that We the People are impressionable and trending toward confusion mixed with compassion. Tears may flow and perhaps many of us are feeling victimized (Virgo-Pisces polarity = victim-savior axis) by self-interested politicians and even worse by poorly constructed and/or corporately written legislation (ALEC comes to mind--see The Nation's ALEC Exposed: The Koch Connection.)

A forceful Thor's Hammer pattern is prominent with Mercury @16Lib02 rising and squaring a 10th house Jupiter @16Can53; this square is the base of the Hammer which is aimed at gaseous Neptune @3Pis20 Rx in 5th house but conjunct the 6th cusp (3Pis22). A midpoint picture is formed denoting potentials for successful deception and/or speculation, 'losing the ground underfoot' while speaking, trusting in good fortune, bamboozling or scamming others--or, being well inspired. (Ebertin.)

Transit Saturn @8Sco48 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (and conjunct NN 8Sco20) along with evaluating Venus @9Sco26, conjoins President Obama's natal Neptune, the 'grim face of reality' and/or 'dream come true' transit. With either outcome, the star of the American people is hitched to the president's boat.

Aug 26, 2013

"I Have a Dream" Aug 28, 1963 vs Aug 28, 2013

"I Have a Dream": "Let Freedom Ring" August 28, 1963 vs August 28, 2013

by Jude Cowell

Considering the association of astrological Jupiter with the concept of freedom, comparisons between the 1963 speech delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the speech's 50th anniversary this Wednesday as marked by President Barack Obama with a speech of his own, may be worth denoting here.

How'd That Freedom Idea Turn Out? 2013 Transits to MLK Speech 1963

Below is a synastry grid between the two dates/speeches based on their horoscopes set for 3:00 pm edt, the moment of MLK's admonishment to "Let freedom ring" was given. On Wednesday, Dr. King's glorious call will be remembered by the ringing of bells across the globe in participating locations at 3:00 pm in the applicable time zones and this may bring to mind many comparisons--and great differences--between Freedom 1963 and Freedom 2013.

Or should I say, Restriction of Freedom 2013?

Across: August 28, 1963 3:00 pm edt Lincoln Memorial Washington DC; Down: August 28, 2013 3:00 pm edt Lincoln Memorial Washington DC:

Note: On Tuesday August 27th, expansive Jupiter exactly conjoins US natal Sun (the leader; the president) as noted here (horoscope shown) and by the 50th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech on Wednesday, Jupiter remains at the 13th degree of Cancer so the transit is still in progress (click for details) and influencing the president and other US leaders.

As you see, the 2013 Sun is naturally conjunct its 1963 position though one degree further along; both speeches are delivered during Mercury Hours (good for speaking and delivery of messages and ideas) with Mercury the Messenger @1Lib30 (conjunct MC and even closer to US natal MC 00Lib53) in 1963, and @9Vir26 in 2013. 1963's Uranus-Pluto midpoint = 2013 Mercury which indicates preoccupations with new ideas and plans, and shows that President Obama may mention the Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s indicators of upheaval, protests, strikes against inequality, and the labor movement which MLK was in process of uniting with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.

And this People Powered union the global government transnationalists could not allow Rev. King to put into effect--he was 'too popular'. Our current influences in society from the Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square (2010--2015) time a phase of blockages and obstacles within their broader cycle: progressive disruptor Uranus, the rebel and anarchist, vs ancient Pluto, the powerful exploiters and wealth-hoarders who manipulate events from the seclusion of their ivory towers--and Banking Houses.

As in 1963, the 2013 Sun conjoins 1963 Uranus, planet of freedom and independence, a time of group participation and the benefits thereof, plus, a focus on such things as technology, the media, and being noticed for originality or uniqueness.

In 1963, Saturn Blocked the Dream's Implementation

Now with Neptune the planet of dreams, we may notice interesting correlations between 1963 and 2013. First, however, we may wish to notice that on August 28, 1963, Saturn, the planet of reality, realism, and restriction, squared Neptune (5A25) denoting someone--the dreamer, Neptune--attracting secret enemies. A Saturn-Neptune square may also signify the use of cunning, deceit, and devious methods to attain goals, and involvement in scandal and intrigue.

This brings to mind Saturnian FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who used such methods and tactics against Dr. King who may have resorted to use of deviousness himself (who wouldn't with J. Edgar on their case?) Clearly, since Dr. King knew he was on the government hit list, the Sun-Pluto = Uranus midpoint picture of 1963 shows he was indeed 'carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself', with the power-craving duo of Sun-Pluto denoting, among others things, martyrdom.

No, Dr. King did not reach the Promise Land with us nor have we reached it 50 years on with anti-social forces working hard these last decades to regress American society on all levels, including Voting and Civil Rights! Plus, as you know, income inequality in 2013 has only ballooned to crashing proportions.

So let's get back to the synastry grid and dreamy Neptune, planet of inspiration and spirituality, but with a potential for deception and fraud. Neptune is the most active planet in this 1963--2013 comparison and in 1963 was posited @13Sco11 where transit Saturn will soon visit. Will this be the grim face of reality? Or, a dream come true?

2013 Neptune opposes 1963 Sun indicating goals and purposes not attained (as noted above), undermining of efforts to reach objectives (bringing martyrdom to American leaders has done that craftily), and eroded effectiveness of leaders. Also, scandalous situations and dishonest people often damage reputations with Neptune opposite Sun.

2013 Neptune opposes 1963 Venus showing confusion and deception in relationships; attempts to resolve difficulties are eroded by mistrust and falsehoods while diplomatic gestures are empty, monetary matters are liable to sink or slide into bankruptcy, and promised cooperation may never materialize--or if it does, it hurts more than helps.

2013 Neptune is also involved in an applying minor aspect (semi-square = 45 degrees) to 1963 Jupiter, planet of freedom (as noted--Jupiterian freedom tends to be within codified laws and traditions while Uranian freedom is a disruptive and rebellious energy which may require revolution to be attained.) The semi-square denotes the use of slight exaggerations and an insidious undermining of plans due in part to unwarranted optimism; fanaticism is masked by idealism--and any combination of the inflationary duo of Jupiter-Neptune often denotes flights of fancy, speculation, waste, fraud, promotion, and/or the grand spirit.

1963 Jupiter Rx @18Ari52 (ruler of both charts) makes no other applying aspects in the 1963 chart which partially describes how the dream of Jupiterian freedom has not been realized as We the People want or had expected. Yet in pioneering Aries, Jupiter wants his freedom!

In addition, "I have a dream" (Neptune)--"Let freedom ring" (Jupiter) is supported by 2013 Jupiter trine 1963 Neptune, a period of tricky circumstances and complex legalisms, a need to focus on reality, a potential for much inspiration, and possibly benefiting from 'dumb luck'.

2013 Chiron opposes 1963 Pluto, a condition which echoes the Pluto-Chiron opposition in President Obama's natal chart and describes those who struggle to express archetypal energies into awareness within the collective psyche.

Now certainly there are many other factors worth considering in both horoscopes including several planetary patterns and much information may be garnered from additional study of Dr. King's natal chart and that of others. So I hope you'll set up the horoscopes for yourself and let me know if you have any thoughts astrologically and/or politically! Both charts/speeches show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising with Venus-ruled Libra at both Midheavens (The Goal; Aspiration--a dream of balance and fairness...Libra!), and these Angular cusps echo those of America's natal chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.

August 28, 2013: The People's Moon inconjunct Pluto, the Assassin (0S49)

In 1963, a happy Sagittarian Moon (We the People) was rising in 1st house while in 2013, stealthy Pluto Rx @9Cap07 rises and promises the continuation of secret control and plutocracy, and a potential for events and conditions which are too large or overpowering to handle while We the People (Moon) are expected or required to adjust (inconjunct) to power-craving Pluto's insensitive demands and hidden agenda in 2013.

Now on video, here is "the moral leader of our nation", Dr. Martin Luther King Jr speaking on August 28, 1963:

Aug 6, 2013

Sore Loser Republicans, midpoint pictures, and an Ed Schultz video

113th Congress: An Ill-Deserved Summer Vacation

by Jude Cowell

With Congress now on an ill-deserved 5-week recess with its work half done (until September 9th), we're 'treated' to many pundits addressing topics related to Republican obstructionism and their continued dissatisfaction with President Obama and his policies, sore losers that Republicans are.

Perhaps the party's natal *Sun conjunct US natal Sun in Cancer gives the GOP the idea that they're members of the only political party who should ever run the country!

In case you missed his commentary, check out Ed Schultz:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

As you may already know, there's an interesting midpoint picture in the GOP natal horoscope which to my way of thinking, applies closely and basically to their current modus operandi and it involves the 'confused, confusing, or hidden self image' duo of Sun and Neptune:

Sun-Neptune = Uranus: upsets caused by ignoring reality while dreaming; indifference toward others.

Now feel free to disagree with me on this (as always!) but both potentials contained within this midpoint picture when added together under gird much of the anti-governing Republicans' lack of good faith behavior these days and in other days when things don't going their way enough to suit their massive egos.

After all, the party's current progressions show another descriptive midpoint picture: Saturn-Pluto = North Node (future direction): a destiny about holding or abusing power. (Michael Munkasey.) And what the Republican Party with their austerity measures has in mind for the future of the American people is found nestled within this midpoint picture's analysis by Reinhold Ebertin: the misery of the masses.

Recommended reading concerning this topic: Robert Reich's Why Republicans Want Job Growth to Stay Anemic, Stan Collender's Budget Bedlam This Fall, and Al Kamen's Looking for a Lawmaker? Good Luck.

*Horoscope used: Republican Party organized July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, Michigan; ASC 9Sag47; 8th house Sun 14Can26; Moon 27Sco42 in 12th house of Politics, secretive Behind-the-Scenes deals, Karma, and Self-Undoing; since the date of the party's founding was self-chosen, the synchronicity of Sun conjunct US natal Sun was selected on purpose.

Jul 2, 2013

July 22, 2013: a new Mars-Jupiter cycle begins @5Can54

Mars joins US natal Jupiter at '6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"

by Jude Cowell

The current Mars-Jupiter cycle began with their conjunction @22Ari20 on May 1, 2013, the day President Obama announced the assassination of Osama bin Laden, former CIA asset, and said to be the mastermind behind the tragic attacks of 9/11/01.

This month, that cycle nears its end as a new cycle of activity of a Mars-Jupiter nature will soon begin and it falls upon the day of America's Jupiter Return, July 22, 2013. Therefore, this indicates a Mars-to-natal-Jupiter transit for our nation, a time when plans may be exaggerated or expanded (including military actions) and/or there may be improvement in finances, more cultural or spiritual awareness, and/or someone's social status may be lifted. An increased appreciation for comfort and luxury may also be in evidence as the motivation (Mars) toward gaining such comfort is encouraged (Jupiter.) Yes, grand actions may be taken (as on May 1, 2011) and they may be broadcast (Jupiter), too--an 'announcement of military action' may be indicated or heralded on or around July 22, 2013 thanks to the combined energies of Mars (troops; police force) and Jupiter (the General--or, Commander-in-Chief.)

Now since this is a Political Astrology blog, it may be worth noting that in Politics and Business, the combined energies of the Mars-Jupiter duo denotes potentials for:

'Action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that inflames or angers others; too much legal activity or opinions; legislative actions regarding sports; religious activities or festivals (Thesis); Antithesis: misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware; legal opinions which affect the military or metal industries; judgment of enemies seeking to do battle.' (paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey).

To paraphrase Ebertin, the Mars-Jupiter combination may include: 'fortunate decisions, love of enterprise, fortunate business dealings, capable organizers, propagandists, jurists or writers on law, legal academicians, concentration upon an objective, rebellion against rules and regulations, settlement of conflicts, managing directors of firms or companies, civil servants and government officials'. Ambition and coping ability may also be added to the Mars-Jupiter list.

A horoscope of May 1, 2011 shows some interesting midpoint pictures to consider:

Mars-Pluto = Neptune, a picture of cunning, deceit, and harm caused to others secretly; Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune: cheating, deceiving, and seducing others (into believing that bin Laden was killed by US forces?), suffering damage or loss without being aware of it; a general disappointment (Ebertin.)

Plus, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction itself was at apex of midpoint:

Sun-Uranus = Mars: hasty physical actions (the bin Laden raid?), injury, accidents; and, Sun-Uranus = Jupiter: successful reformers, inventors, or technicians.

A titanic 'generational midpoint' was also in effect on May 1, 2011 and seems to relate to the bin Laden raid, protests across the globe, and to whatever you can name including bad actions taken on Capitol Hill in 2011, a year of fiscal stalemates that continue apace:

Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: acts of violence or brutality, overcoming a difficult situation through extraordinary effort, harm through force majeure, and/or rebellion against one's lot in life.

As for the upcoming Mars-Jupiter conjunction of July 22, 2013, a few midpoint pictures apply though we may not guess how their energies will express on the physical plane--if they manifest at all:

July 22, 2013: Venus-Pluto = Saturn describes immorality or tragic relationships, plus, Venus-Pluto denotes such things as intensely passionate obsessions, wealth hidden in secret places, and/or issues concerning bankruptcy.

'Old v new' Saturn-Uranus again, but this time with an apex Moon (the public; We the People) which signifies separations (esp from females--are there any ladies left in the misogynistic Republican Party?), inconstancy, strong emotional strains and tension, and a sudden desire for liberation from said emotional strains.

Last but not least is the tiresomely ongoing picture of Neptune-NN = Pluto which describes circumstances in which various perspectives don't blend well with that of others, isolation from societal influences, and the use of destructive forces to protect privacy. (Munkasey.)

The Neptune-North Node pair relates to spies and/or terrorists, deceit toward the public, leaders who ignore the demands of the people (exs: America, Egypt), inadequate medical care or ill-adapted hospital facilities, and/or scandals caused by foreign concerns.

And of course, Pluto is a master spy and propagandist in his Cape of Invisibility so we may take the Neptune-NN-Pluto trio as denoting the current embroilment with Washington and Russia over NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the US government's naughty spying on all our communications--even after the Bush-Cheney T.I.A (Total Information Awareness) program with its creepy Illuminati logo was alleged to be discontinued yet was only hidden away with its massive funding now listed under "classified."

But I never believed that the TIA program ended when they said it did, did you? Turns out, it didn't--check out Before PRISM There was Total Information Awareness by MSNBC's Chris Hayes.

May 11, 2013

So What Killed General Stonewall Jackson?

According to a surgeon's recent review of his Civil War medical records, the third most prevalent reason for death during the war was the cause of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson's demise after 'friendly fire' had felled him as he returned from scouting enemy lines on the night of May 2, 1863.

May 2, 2013 was the 150th anniversary of General Jackson's death.

If you wish, check out the natal midpoint pictures of the Civil War with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune midpoint leading the way to death, misery, and Lincoln's ruthless invasion and occupation of the South.