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Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Sep 25, 2014

Mother Jones: What's the Matter with Sam Brownback?

Mother Jones asks,

What's the Matter With Sam Brownback?

Sam Brownback was born September 12, 1956 in Parker, Kansas, no hour known so noon is used: view his pages and horoscope if you wish: astro-databank (click natal chart link.) Mr. Brownback's Sun is in Virgo with Moon in either Sagittarius or Capricorn.

His authoritative, conservative Saturn @27Scorpio (money sign of Big Business and Corporatism) will soon experience a Saturn Return (today @20Scorpio), a 28-30-year cycle and a time when reality sets in and one must accept responsibility for past actions that have disrespected Taskmaster Saturn's imperatives of authenticity, honesty, and properly doing one's duty.

Obviously, when a person is in Politics being in breach of the public trust is not honest Saturn's idea of doing one's duty.

Natal Mars is Rx in murky Pisces so his actions may not always be clearly understood or motivated by higher standards. So what is the matter with Sam Brownback? A great question.

Dec 29, 2013

A Message from My Friend Barack

When Plutocrats Are in Need

by Jude Cowell

A rather astonishing email has arrived from a special Friend asking me to provide $3 for work that Washington Democrats should already be doing. For they do draw quite generous salaries from public coffers after all.

Yet admittedly I do prefer Democrats to control the House especially considering how cravenly Republicans have mooned the American people since 2009 and even now, as of December 28th, they withhold benefits for the unemployed while they themselves enjoy another undeserved holiday break.

We don't even know if Republicans will cooperate well enough to extend unemployment benefits after Congress returns to Capitol Hill on January 6, 2014 but I hope on the way to casting a vote they don't trip over their selfish, austere ideology which has proven many times to be excessively generous toward the wealthy elite who are in need of nothing yet they can't muster a dime for those who actually are in need--and who would bolster the US economy by spending it pronto. Why, monarchic Republicans and their enabling Democrats act as if tax monies are only theirs to spend and funnel however and wherever they wish, and that We the People should butt out of such lofty elitist decisions.


Well, this dissenting American asserts once again that the majority of our politicians and other public officials are in breach of the public trust and, of course, have been for many decades. Many of them no longer pretend to do the tasks for which they were elected, it's just that after several years of Corporate Governance, embezzlement, theft, and fraud become much more difficult to hide successfully from the prying eyes of the fleeced. However, upping the level of outright brazenness helps their anti-American cause progress and that they've certainly been accomplishing while continuing to scam voters with glowing campaign promises and with political slogans that, as it turns out, have no merit in them for those who wish to retain a sovereign America.

And yet, no matter how outrageous Washington's sorry behavior becomes (and it will), we must not give them the fight they really want--millions of Americans in the streets with symbolic 'pitchforks' for government forces are surely amply armed and ready for us with tanks, drones, and otherwise. Besides, violence is never the answer to any problem and its use on our parts would shove us down to their reptilian-brained level where oppressive Pluto-Chiron's plutocrats and oligarchs dwell in the squalor of bad intentions.

Anyway, I hope my special Friend doesn't mind that I'm hereby publishing his email to little ole' me for it's certain that many of you received the same or a similar missive recently. Perhaps only the amount requested is different, but the cheekiness remains the same...

Friends --

They said it couldn't be done.

When our first Presidential campaign began, the naysayers dismissed the chances of a grassroots campaign powered by everyday folks organizing in their communities. Together, we proved them wrong.

Now those same critics claim we will fall short of regaining a Democratic House for the final two years of my term. But once again, you're building something truly incredible.

Friends -- Our campaign to defeat the Republican House and take back the majority is within range of a mark never before seen in Congressional campaigns -- one million online donations from grassroots supporters like you.

I'd like nothing more than to see us pull off this feat before this week's year-end fundraising deadline.

Can you chip in $3 or more today? Your donation could be the one that puts us over the top.

Let's get to work.


So. Are you persuaded?

May 25, 2013

Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2013 in Political Astrology

Summer Solstice June 21, 2013: Mars-Pluto and the Jackass

by Jude Cowell

Please click horoscope image to enlarge:

Summer Solstice 2013: Sun to World Point 00Can00:00 @1:04 am edt Washington DC; Hour of evaluating Venus (@22Can06 conjunct Mercury 22:01 in 5th house); chart-ruler Jupiter with sub-ruler Neptune, the speculator pair, are actors within a Water Grand Trine (6A09--see bottom left of chart); secretive Neptune @5Pis19 in its own unconscious 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Large Institutions such as prisons (closing of Gitmo?) and hospitals (vets, Obamacare?) precisely conjoins President Obama's natal 1st house Chiron Rx @5Pis19. Their precise conjunction has a fated reap-what's-sown quality and denotes strong psychic energies being unconsciously expressed by the president concerning 12th house matters.

Compassion, aid, and/or propaganda (the media; the masses; surveillance) may also be indicated by this placement of Neptune.

Now as you know, Water Grand Trines have a protective imperative and all such planetary patterns indicate closed circuits of energy. Guarding against stagnation and inertia is problematic with all Grand Trines and especially so when more than one appears as here: there are two if we count the ASC with Moon, Mercury-Venus, and Sun-Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.) The quality of Water seeks peace, tranquility, and safety and many of us will tend to retreat into our private worlds if and when we can. Naturally domestic issues will be high on our lists of concerns as well.

Additionally, the two Grand Trines, made more complex by Jupiter still in Airy Gemini while the Sun has entered Watery Cancer, signifies America's current debilitating conditions and we have only to glance toward Capitol Hill ideologues and bigots to remember that this is what we're experiencing across the nation due to what I termed here in 2012 as "Jackassian Politics." I was surprised last evening to hear MSNBC's Chris Hayes on his program All In using the description of jackassery behavior for certain Republican-Tea Partiers. But we can't be the only ones who've noticed!

Mr. Hayes on Republicans Behaving Badly as they attempt to break the Senate:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Now if you listen to the full broadcast of All In, Chris also discusses the Jackassery Politics as practiced by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel who is closing 50 schools in the city while using taxpayer millions to build--wait for it--a sports stadium. Jackassery abounds everywhere we look!

Now back to Summer Solstice 2013:

Rising is 27Pis31 along with two midpoints: 1. Uranus-NN denoting radical political groups and reformers; 2. the forceful Mars-Pluto midpoint which gives dangerous and ruthless tones to the chart and to the hot summer season. Also, Mars-Pluto opposes US progressed Neptune which adds potentials for disasters caused by water, oil, or gas, causing secret harm to others, and use of cunning and deceit--you know: Washington and state politicians behaving badly.

Now that 8th house Moon (We the People) @27Sco52 nears the Inaugural 2009 Moon (29Sco45) and conjoins here President Obama's natal MC (Aspirations; The Goal) which hopefully indicates his efforts to bring relief and improved conditions (such as infrastructure investments which would solve more than one problem) yet we find Jupiter @28Gem53 conjunct IC (Foundation of the Matter) and '28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY in Sabian Symbols. Can our economy hang on until America's next Jupiter Return (5Can56) on July 22, 2013? Will nation-building investments or roads and bridges finally arrive in the nick of time to create jobs and increase our safety?

Perhaps! For we know that debt, credit, shared resources, and Big Business are on top of our national agenda this summer with the Solstice North Node of Future Direction posited in Scorpio and in Watery Scorpio's natural 8th house--plus, Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences rule the Solstice ASC in Washington, as noted above. Building bridges would be a great use of this forceful energy. More war and drone strikes? Not so much.

Well, there are many more chart factors to consider but I don't want to ruin your fun (check out that Scorpionic Saturn Rx just barely in 7th house and the critical 20Cap degree on 11th cusp!) so I'll close by detailing the midpoint pictures formed in T-Squares between Sun, Jupiter, MC, and the ASC in the Summer Solstice 2013 horoscope:

Sun-MC = ASC: personal relations or associations (Ebertin); needing to be forthright and honest about how your accomplishments and contributions can help others (Munkasey.)

Jupiter-MC = ASC: pleasant contacts that support one's personal success (Ebertin); a need to absorb life's lessons; needing to understand the motives and intentions of others; reminders that one must work with others (Munkasey.)

Yes, that last indicator is aimed toward all our anti-government jackassian politicians who know who they are.

Mar 5, 2013

Jon Stewart on Sequester Cuts (video) plus, Moon-Saturn

In case you missed this:

Since I heard Rachel Maddow say that President Obama signed the order for sequester cuts 'a little before 9 o'clock' on Friday evening, March 1, 2013, a peek at the horoscope set for the White House shows that POTUS' Neptune in Scorpio is the first of his natal planets to rise. So with the transiting Scorpio Moon and austere Saturn Rx snugged around the chart's 2nd cusp (the house of the National Treasury) we find a midpoint picture created with the president's natal Neptune in the middle...

'Sequester' Moon-Saturn = natal Neptune: feeling inferior; melancholy; depression; anxiety; the sickness of the soul. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Imho, 'sickness of the soul' is what most Americans feel over how our government has turned itself into a corrupt mass of incompetent dissemblers, fraudsters, and purposefully treacherous bad actors bent upon implementing some sort of weird coup of dystopian dimensions.

And though Moon-Saturn contacts indicate such things as depression, melancholy, and anxiety all on their own, they also denote: strategy, direction, and ambition (Tyl.)

For as I suspected and mentioned here last week (and as you've noticed in the news), Republicans have cooked up a ploy to stop sequester cuts to what they care about such as the military budget--even adding $2 billion to it!--while keeping the domestic sequester cuts which will push vulnerable Americans out onto the streets, deny formula to hungry infants, let go teachers and other civil workers, furlough federal employees--in other words, place austerity measures upon the backs of those of our citizens disdained by the arrogant GOP. It looks as if Ayn Rand's cruel theories are in full play and brought to us by anti-social, conscience-free psychopaths who choose to govern ineptly in our nation's Capitol Building, that Masonic temple on a hill in Washington DC.

Why, even the news that billionaires such as Warren Buffet and George Soros have been "quietly" dumping millions of shares of US stocks in companies such as Johnson & Johnson follows the narrative of Rand's Atlas Shrugged as corporatists desert our nation! Beware the Fed printing funny money (Jupiter-Neptune = inflation) and the not-since-2007 DOW Jones average closing at a record high as it did today. And I was so hoping for good news for America's upcoming Jupiter Return on July 22, 2013...more on that later.

Sep 26, 2012

Is Utah candidate Chris Stewart a "certified nutcase"?

Since I live in Georgia I have no idea if Republican candidate Chris Stewart is a "certified nutcase" as some who know him have claimed. So I leave it to you, dear reader, to make up your own mind about this 'end time' author with big political (aka, power) dreams whose theologically based conclusions are subject to interpretation.

And if you happen to vote in the great state of Utah, so much the better. You'll feel safer if you know who's running around on the loose out there...

Jun 8, 2012

Astro-Update on Pres Obama's economy speech 6.8.12

Update June 8, 2012 2:00 pm edt: my previous post this morning as President Obama began speaking at or about 10:15 am edt on the US economy mentions Mr. Obama's natal Neptune (8Sco36 in n 9th H) at the IC (Foundation; Basis) of the horoscope and thus of his speech. I wondered aloud if truth (not usually the province of Neptune) would be told but didn't know then that John McCain had made related accusations recently against the President.

As it turns out, Obama Accuses Republicans of Pursuing Policies to Weaken Economy which ties in Neptunian weakening and accusations with Scorpio, sign of Big Business, secrets, and what I consider to be betrayal of the American people by those in Washington (and elsewhere) who work to undermine Mr. Obama even though it means taking our economy, credit rating, families' futures, reputation, and homeland (IC) down with him--as long as neocon freaks reclaim the White House in November.

Check out the earlier pre-speech post if you wish. My direct Neptune in Libra promises you that what I said this morning has not been altered since I posted it

. ~:~

Update 2: my plan to publish a 3-month subscription newsletter Stars Over Washington Monthly proceeds apace if laboriously so if all goes well, June will bring an announcement of Issue 1 so please stay tuned if you're curious! jc

Apr 19, 2012

GOP finally finds a voter fraud perp! (Thom Hartmann video 4.18.12)

Will this justify the GOP attempt to disenfranchise elderly, poor, and urban voters in November 2012 with 'voter ID laws' in order to skew elections toward Republicans? Uh oh! Turns out the vote fraudster found is one of their own...

Watch live streaming video from thomhartmann at

In his April 18, 2012 broadcast, Thom leads with the astounding GOP-voter-fraud revelation then continues reporting on this week's news.

~:~ Visit Protecting the Vote if you wish to participate in protecting the vote. Of, by, for, people!

Apr 12, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC 2012: Aldebaran Rising

DNC 2012: Aldebaran, Midas, Pan, and US natal Uranus Rising

by Jude Cowell

Some people think that Charlotte NC with its Bank of America headquarters and its "Wall Street of the South" vibe is a tone deaf choice for the location of the Democratic National Convention 2012 given Charlotte's overflowing homeless shelters and lack of unionization on behalf of workers' rights. So you may as well know that this blogger is one of those who think that very thing--especially with President Obama's acceptance speech set for September 6, 2012--to be delivered at the Bank of America Stadium!

Even so, a smattering of cosmic info is in order so that we may consider DNC 2012 from a higher plane than Politics usually deserves if only to keep our Political Astrology flag flying here at Stars Over Washington. Therefore, the following is my attempt to do just that though later updates may be necessary prior to and during the event itself which takes place September 3, 4, 5, and 6, 2012 in Charlotte.

If you're curious about RNC 2012, click An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012 and for the themes of the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which both political conventions fall, you may wish to try this.

Sept 3, 2012 Charlotte NC 12:00 am edt: Aldebaran Rising

Along with US natal Uranus (revolution; freedom), gold-hoarder Midas rises with trickster Pan and the horoscope shows sometimes-trickster Mercury 4Vir01, planet of votes and speeches, in 4th house (Foundation of the Matter) with the Sun (leader) @ 11Vir04 conjunct Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior.) Presumably, President Obama, who garnered enough delegates (2778+) on April 3 to be the 2012 Democratic nominee, wants to be considered a 'savior' of the nation which echoes the heroic Apollo-Sun god theme of DNC 2008 in Denver, CO as you see in this video--remember the stage set with Greek columns? Only a laurel wreath and toga were missing from his royal Sun-in-Leo frame:

Curiously, at DNC 2008, asteroid Apollo was then @ 9Vir20 conjunct Saturn 11Vir03 which DNC 2012's Sun conjoins. This gives the Obama presidency a Sun/Saturn theme and points to America's natal (July 4, 1776) problematic Sun/Saturn square which I believe highlights the checks (square) and balances (US natal Saturn in Libra, sign of balance) which the US Congress (Saturn = lawmakers, managers) are meant to provide for the shiny yet self-protective, shrewd, and business-oriented US presidency (Sun in Cancer.)

Sun/Saturn squares tend to bolster inner maturity and leans a person toward authority taken seriously and the patient achievement of goals by taking one step at a time.

Aldebaran rising indicates 'success through integrity' for political participants of DNC 2012 though the presence of Midas and Pan rising may temper the indication somewhat considering the fraudulent system We the People are mired in--and the recent JOBS Act has rolled back some of the financial regulations in place from years ago! Perhaps the Democrats will explain how that can be good for the US economy and for the constantly scammed and financially struggling American people.

Speaking of which, the Moon (We the People) begins the enterprise in 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes and at 11Ari45, has moved beyond excitable, sparkly Uranus 7Ari33 Rx, also in (its own) 11th H. Besides Midas and Pan rising we see a 1st house, protective Jupiter 14Gem48 in the sign of chattiness so we may expect many speeches, some of them l-o-n-g. But they should be quite entertaining though some or all of them may be somewhat duplicitous (Gemini)--well, it is Politics after all, right? Scientific topics may be forthcoming as well.

How Will DNC 2012 Proceed?

To answer this question let's look at the three applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury which are as follows:

1. sextile Mars (2A48) @ 6Sco49 in 6th H of Military Service, Work, and Health: we'll hear well-informed speeches on these and other topics from people who want our approval--their delivery will sparkle dramatically and draw every one's attention for this is a great aspect for warm and friendly public relations though gruffness may put some listeners off; supporting the underdog is a major theme along with getting others to cooperate on such concerns (already tried, yes, but more of it may be forthcoming especially since the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct Alcyone--something to cry about--will have made its themes and events known before September. Of course, the next presidency may be what we'll all cry about!)

2. trine Pluto (3A00) 7Cap01 Rx in 8th H of Big Business (plutocrats and bankers on-board and those who are not so on-board the Obama Train this time): intellectual assets will be on display, causes-and-effects of our financial dilemma are sure to be discussed realistically (which the neocon Bushies can't do--how could they?), ethical standards, youth programs, and market speculation topics are on the menu, and organizational talents will be apparent; a weak spot may be environmental issues and what to do about the damage already incurred.

3. opposite Chiron 7Pis09 Rx in 10th H of Public Status and Career (and still in process of completing President Obama's five-fer Chiron Return--his is a mentor-guru kind of 1st H Chiron--may I call you Joe?): alchemy! as minds function at optimum, occultists or an initiate is indicated (Clow) and since it's President Obama's time of Chiron Return and he's the nominee once again, I expect he's The One the powers-behind-the-throne (Bilderbergers, etc) have selected to play US president once again.

The Obama Selection 2012 may be described in part by a midpoint picture in the Sept 3, 2012 horoscope for the sacred warrior archetype of Mars/Chiron = Pluto (of the wealthy plutocratic ruling elite), and we have ourselves an astrological peep-eye, you Knights, you!

Plus, there's one midpoint picture with the Sun (leader) at apex...

Venus/Saturn = Sun: having simple tastes but enjoying extravagant displays; honors received later in life.

Of interest to this picture is what Michael Munkasey writes of Venus/Saturn in his brilliant book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, under Politics and Business and including the Hegelian Dialect's Thesis-Antithesis (leading to Synthesis) implications:

Thesis: restrictions on wealth or income (millionaires paying their fair share in taxes? jc); law enforcement that avoids difficult or cumbersome issues; new social or creative values enforce change on an endeavor; building the value of an enterprise.

Antithesis: restrictions on how society functions (we know--stop it! jc); a law enforcement bureau that derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.

Also noted in the Sept 3 horoscope is a T-Square configuration which creates two midpoint pictures since the North Node (public contact) @ 29Sco14 in 6th H conjoins Inaugural Moon 2009 and reminds us that our financial and social crisis conditions (after 8 years of Bush-Cheney) continue to hinder America's forward development...any, all, or none may apply:

Mercury/Neptune = 2012 NN: discussing joint plans and ideas; encounters with prescient people or mentalists.

Mercury/Neptune = 2009 Moon: intuitive thoughts bring confusion and questions; a sympathetic understanding of others; receptivity to subconscious stirrings or images (propaganda); a deceived or deceptive woman. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Okay, President Obama's acceptance speech must be detailed later along with other factors so let's close this particular DNC 2012 post with the Image for Integration that relates to the convention's opening and its Sun Virgo/Moon Aries blend, an Earth-Fire combo of energies with a 'bulldozer' flavor describing the do-er who can enthuse others with his strongly held convictions though he may be verbose and scathingly critical at times:

"A jolly rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humour."

(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

To be cont'd with the changing signs of the Moon and the evening event of September 6 particularly noted...

Apr 5, 2012

Full Moon Apr 6, 2012 is Super and Pink!

In Washington DC on April 6, 2012, a Full Moon perfects at 3:18:35 pm edt across the Relational axis of Self-Others and indicates culmination or fulfillment of some sort, the seeds of which were planted two weeks ago at the New Moon (2Ari22.)

Plus, the April 6 Full Moon is the first of 2012's 5 Super Moons and it appears near Spica (potential for brilliance) and planet Saturn. This is Spring's rather magical Pink Moon which always reminds me of Nick Drake's ethereal third album by that name.

Meanwhile, in contentious Washington DC...

Occurring during an Hour of Mercury--finally moving Direct @ 24Pis06 (8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Big Business, Transformation), Mercury makes no aspects to other planets but does quincunx (inconjunct = 150 degrees = adjustment) the Full Moon horoscope's Ascendant 26Leo21. The inconj denotes those who tend to give others the benefit of the doubt, submit without resistance, evaluate other people correctly which may make them uncomfortable, and those who may be jacks-of-all-trades; teachers, reporters, bloggers, young people, traders, and others of mercurial persuasions are indicated.

With the Sun (17Ari23 in 8th H) as chart-ruler, major applying aspects made by the Sun give us a clue as to how things will proceed from the April 6 Full Moon--except that there are no major aspects, applying or separating which places the Sun's sign (Mars-ruled Aries) and house position in the spotlight.

There are, however, two minor aspects: Sun semi-square Venus (a mild irritant) and Sun sesqui-square (135 degr, like two interlocking squares--blockages inside obstacles?) Neptune 2Pis15 in 7th H of...Partnerships.

With deceptive though inspired Neptune opposing a 1st H Mars Rx (and in process of conjoining President Obama's natal Pluto 6Vir59, off and on--next and last conj on May 22, 2012), we see the White House actively dealing with potentially chaotic events and feisty people, and the president finding himself with karmic or fated actions to take and aggressive people to soothe--or he attempts to work around them (ex: recess appointments.)

Chances are, you're aware that President Obama is in the midst of two planetary returns--Chiron (in natal 1st H), and Mars. Here are the dates of his three-fer Mars Return which affects the entire year for him, for America, and for the American people:

1. Jan 15, 2012
2. Feb 1, 2012 Rx
3. June 18, 2012

As you see for Mr. Obama, the first half of 2012 is taken up with Mars and martial implications but I won't detail the obvious 'wars and rumors of war' stuff or mention his conflicts with martial opponents here at home for you can turn on the news and hear it for yourself in current events. Yes, the GOP are deep into their tiresome "Two Santa Clauses" ploy where they spend like drunken sailors when they're in the White House, then pull out the Austerity/Deficit/America-Is-Bankrupt Card when it's Democrats manning the helm, a political tactic identified and better explained by the excellent Thom Hartmann in his Common Dreams article of 2009. This perfectly decribes the first year and subsequent years of President Obama's term!

As you know, a Mars Return (or here, a 6-month period) is the start of a new two-year cycle of activity and endeavor with major indications of finding a new direction--the time just before, at, and just after the actual conjunction of Mars to natal Mars are the high points though tracking Mars through the Return chart/s and its angles yields even more details and timing.

Politics by the Light of the Full Moon

Curiously for the 'Santa Claus GOP' the April 6, 2012 Full Moon shows Venus @ 2Gem53 (10th H), squaring the 1st H Mars Rx (BHO--conjunct his natal Pluto--power), and doing more than just stimulating the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse degree (2Sag37, the 'Super Committee' Eclipse) for the Sabian Symbol for Venus in the Full Moon chart, if rounded down, highlights the GOP tactic:

"2Gem" = "Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively" which seems to be the primary way that wealthy GOPers (and others) fill their stockings lately--at the expense of others and in secret, whenever they can. Here is Marc Edmund Jones' explanation of this degree and its Jupiterian word picture:


positive expression: an unusual capacity for bringing man's possessions into a wide acceptance and for heightening every proper joy in worldly goods;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression: a childish or clandestine futility in seeking any normal richness of living. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.

Well, if the GOP's stubborn fanatics wish to act as childishly as possible while they're stamping their little feet, I suggest they hold their breathes until they slither again into the Oval Office--or until they turn blue, whichever comes second.


For further reading on Mars Rx (almost at an end!) try Mary Plumb on the Trayvon Martin tragedy. You'll note that his natal South Node is now conjoined by Venus, at the degree mentioned above.

Apr 4, 2012

Is 'conservatism' the default position of Americans? (Thom Hartmann video)

This video may be a day late--Thom Hartmann reporting on Tuesday April 3, 2012, but is relevant to Campaign 2012 and the 'default position' taken by a majority of Americans when we're too busy and harried to pay much attention to the issues that dearly affect our lives--the position is 'conservatism'!

But as Thom points out, the current crop of 'conservatives' are not conservative at all, they're radicals. In Mundane Astrology I tend to describe them as the Uranus-in-Aries crowd, or, to paraphrase Reinhold Ebertin in The Combination of Stellar Influences: 'reformers' (of the radical kind), and 'utopians' who are ambitious, stubborn, violent (ex: 9/11/01 occurred under Bush-Cheney as did Financial Collapse 2008 and it's cruel and violent to tear to pieces our social safety net), 'blind zealots', 'fanatics who fight for ideas', 'restless', and 'dreamy enthusiasts'.

And these radical reformers have been 'in the house' more than ever--US natal 4th house (Ic 00Ari53) since transiting Uranus reached Aries Point the first time in 2010. And you know what election that hgihlights: the 'Tea Party' take-over.


Thom Hartmann
Sexy Liberal
Democracy Now!

Mar 27, 2012

Nov 29, 2011

Is John Huntsman a Man with a Plan?

Perhaps you've heard that 2012 candidate John Huntsman is the only Republican hopeful with a detailed plan to end banking's Too Big to Fail dilemma.

(Well, it helped create a massive dilemma for 99% of us. Bankers seem fine as-is.)

Ah yes, I remember those halcyon days not so long ago (June 21, 2011 actually) when John Huntsman announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president. It seemed such a long shot and now? It seems such a long shot. But maybe a cabinet position on someone's White House economic team would be available to him. Or a VP slot. After all, he does have foreign policy experience more than most.

Well, it hasn't seemed pertinent to study Mr. Huntsman's natal chart so far but I did type up a few notes in real time during his announcement which initiated his candidacy in case you wish to track his progress...

Nov 21, 2011

Newt Gingrich = Sun and Moon SQ Neptune

Newt Gingrich: Sun Gemini/Moon Sagittarius = a 'know-it-all'?

by Jude Cowell

The astrodatabank page of 2012 Republican candidate Newt Gingrich gives some basic details on the life of this noted Republican whose Big Year came in 1994 when the GOP took over the House gavel and Newt was named Speaker of the House. Newt was proud to be the first Republican Speaker in 40 years but controversy soon followed the professor of history.

Perhaps you caught a recent Morning Edition feature on NPR To Imagine a Gingrich Presidency, Look To The '90s if you wish to imagine such a thing. (Audio and text. Plus, a big honkin' "Contract With America" photo from 1994 of the political thespians.)

Now when it comes to the natal horoscope of Newt Gingrich, there are at least three conflicting birth times to be found online. For more on that, his astrodatabank wiki page, above, gives you the scoop.

Newt Gingrich born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA

But which natal chart to use for this post? So far his potential birth times are: 11:45 pm EWT, "middle of the night", and 3:00 am EWT. Let's consider the most often used horoscope for 11:45 pm.

11:45 pm ewt gives an ASC of *19AQ19 which has intellectual and contrarian correspondences. This makes Saturn in Gemini the chart-ruler, with quirky yet brilliant Uranus in Gemini as co-ruler which supports his Mercury/Uranus conjunction's intellectual prowess and its radical ideas (see more on this conjunction, below.) The pair snugs near IC (Foundation; Basis) so its scintillating energies may be said to under gird him and form the basis of bis career success in the opposite house, the 10th house of Career.

10th H contains the Moon (emotional nature; mama; publicity; fluctuations) @ 25Sag11 which shows his waxing-waning with the public yet with a reigning need for public status and attention. Jupiter rules 10th H through Sagittarius @ MC and Jupiter 27Can20 is weakened by its position in Cadent 6th H (abundance through work and service) yet Jupiter applies to an opportunistic sextile (60 degr) to idealistic Neptune 29Vir17 in 7th H of Partnerships (1A58), and a conjunction with power-mongering Pluto 5Leo41, also in 6th H (8A21.)

Bank-loving Jupiter/Pluto is a signature of wealthy people who are of a move-n-shaker persuasion, always ready to start large scale projects.

Broad thinking Jupiter/Neptune has, as you know, the Grand Spirit-Grand Scheme, Speculation-Inflation-Wastrel vibes of an over-promiser. Gingrich's detail-oriented ability is supplied by thinking Mercury in its own sign of Gemini, sign of communication and oration; Mercury is in sextile aspect with Pluto as well which deepens his intellect and provides him with analytical and concentrating abilities which are also supported by energetic Mars sextile hardworking Saturn.

As you see in the horoscope, Gingrich was born when Uranus and Pluto were in sextile
(60 degr) aspect indicating scientific interests, a deep search for knowledge, and sudden inspirations.

Newt, a Man of Ideas

His Mercury/Uranus conjunction indicates an inventive mind; advanced Science topics may be of interest including atomic energy; occult leanings or Astrology may be indicated; sudden flashes of intuition inspire solutions; independent thinking is evident, self expression is dramatic, traditional ideas are never automatically accepted, and he's constantly seeking the new or unusual.

The Essence of Newt: closest applying aspect to natal Sun

Now the only applying aspect to natal Sun is a square from Neptune indicating early confusion with his identity (teen parents separated just after his birth, stepfather adopted him; grew up in a military household.) This is an aspect of a self-deceiver par excellence (US president? Really?) with an unconscious desire for importance which is tamped down a little by a strong Saturn, here in Gemini, which gives him a logical mind. Plus, Saturn and Mars are in sextile (endurance, fortitude, practicality), and Mercury's sextile to Pluto gives keen mental perceptions, powerful self-expression, and another potential for occultism.

Moon SQ Neptune shows some deception or illusion on the part of Mom who may have fibbed a little about Dad (Sun/Neptune SQ.) In adulthood, these energies show up in his multiple marriages and a reputation for romantic affairs and for leaving ill wives for someone new.

A 4th H Sun rebounds its energy by polarity into the public 10th H but also indicates that Newt shines brightest when he's chillin' at home. Yet serious Saturn in 4th H tells a tale of heavy responsibilities in the family sphere, and a struggle to achieve domestic security. Real estate, contracting, building, and/or farming are indicated.

Well, you know there are many people who say that Newt Gingrich Will Never Be President and considering his natal chart, I shall agree.

For one thing, the closest direct link to America's natal Moon (We the People; 25--28 AQ--most victorious candidates have had a strong connection to our national Moon) in his natal chart is an opposition from Chiron 25Leo40; Chiron in Leo shows his crisis on earth relates to **ego problems which were meant to be conquered at his Uranus opposition ('midlife crisis') but I suspect ego continues to rule Mr. Gingrich because he's still desperate for public attention for himself, a trait supported by his 10th H Jupiter-ruled Moon.

Well, his campaign--more PR than presidential?--does collect funds for his coffers and sells quite a lot of books. Plus, his SN conjunct ASC does not indicate popularity! (Click to enlarge chart for more on SN/ASC, bottom left.)

Now here are Gingrich's natal midpoint pictures--any, all, or none may apply and none depend upon a correct birth time except for Saturn/ASC:

Sun/Moon = Neptune (T-SQ): delusions about what can be done or how much hard work it will take to achieve it; dreaming of options open available to redirect plans; misunderstandings, illusions, deceptions, mistakes; undermining of relationships.

Mars/Jupiter = Uranus: ambition; independence; love of freedom.

Mars/NN = Saturn: teamwork rendered more difficult as time goes on; little need for feedback from others.

Pluto/NN = Venus: connections/meetings with powerful women; contacts with influential bankers; accumulating powerful friendships for wealth or power potentials; love tragedies.

Saturn/ASC = Mars: self-willed; obstinate; turbulent circumstances.

Such is Newt, The Politician.


*You'll note that his Aquarian ASC conjoins the natal ASC of President Barack Obama but Newt's chart rulers--Saturn and Uranus--are both in Gemini and at the Foundation of his chart and psyche, if 11:45 pm is correct.

Note: 'know it all' comes from his Sun Gem/Moon Sag personality blend (Harvey.) Plus, the Dec 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 eclipses Gingrich's natal Saturn--a spur to his ambition? Or a depressing time when hidden problems are revealed?

**Chiron info: Barbara Hand Clow.

Midpoint pictures: Ebertin; Munkasey.

Oct 11, 2011

Inauguration 2009 horoscope w Occupy Wall Street (9.17.11)

The horoscope of Inauguration 2009 (January 20 @ noon Capitol Building) is shown here with the transits of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), September 17, 2011, solar (sunrise) chart set for Manhattan, NY; OWS is aka, the 99% Movement.

Click chart to enlarge and you'll see the OWS Moon 19Tau23 and Jupiter 9Tau49 snugged about the Inaugural ASC (President's Oath of Office = the presidency); also on the Inaugural ASC is the transiting midpoint Mars/Neptune which is interesting to me since many posts have been written here concerning the fact Mr. Obama's natal Mars (motivation, energy, action, desire nature) conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25--to the degree--with Virgo the sign of Work, Service, and Health (and having a 'police/military service' vibe.)

(Note: the Moon/Jupiter pair will repeat at Inauguration 2013 but in early Gemini, rising in 1st house; chart set for Monday January 21, 2013 noon est Capitol Building--since Jan 20, 2013 falls on a Sunday; ASC = '16Tau' instead of the usual '15Tau'--the last Jan 21st Inauguration was Ronald 'death squad' Reagan's.)

Uranus in Aries: The Awakener!

The Awakening of the American People (transit Uranus to US 4th cusp 00Ari53 = anarchists, radicals, protesters in the Homeland) which the current Occupy protests represent is shown on one level by the dreamy Mars/Neptune link between horoscopes as this Mars/Neptune (deceptive or inspired actions, confused motivations, loss of males, overseas wars, mass police, men who undermine, etc) echoes the problematic Mars/Neptune square found in the US natal chart/s (July 4, 1776, any hour you choose to use. Our national Sun/Saturn square is now highlighted as well showing authoritarianism of leaders.)

Sniffy me!

Since I'm under the weather this week with allergies of the ragweed kind, I have sparse energy with which to discuss these two charts (dual and complex as they are) but I'll do the best I can and will simply mention a couple of factors, then point anyone who hasn't to visit the excellent news coverage by Independent Media (listed below) of the Occupy protests across America--including the vicious, hateful police attack during the OccupyBoston demonstration last night (at 1:30 am Tuesday) on US war veterans whose American flags were wrenched from their hands and thrown to the ground before they were tackled by an over-reactive riot-geared police force--people obviously on the payroll of The Man, not The People.

How description their actions! For 'throwing America to the ground' is the goal of these proto-fascist usurpers of our government. And it took the attacks of 9/11/01 to more firmly establish them in seats of power.

Now we know that no matter who orders such brutality against peacefully assembled Americans expressing their grievances against The Establishment, this police state behavior is happening on President Obama's watch. Yes, the GOP must be secretly cheering this though they certainly have expression problems of their own on the subject (see Herman Cain's coldhearted comment below.)

However, for the sake of the president's political aspirations, he'd do better for 2012 to jump on-board more than he has so far rather than dangling haphazardly off the populist cart with the White House's barely concealed contempt. As The Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel said yesterday to Amy Goodman, Mr. Obama is "behind the curve" and has "lost his momentum" with the environmentalists, young people, liberals, Independents, and others who voted for him in 2008.

Deserving Desertion?

Well, if Mr. Obama is or feels deserted, he deserves it for we wouldn't wander if he were what he was promoted to be! Good oration is never enough when real problems exist en masse, Mr. President. You said to push you, so here is Occupy Wall Street on your Oval Office doorstep. Be pushed!

Confronting The Bull of Wall Street

Since We-the-People Bailed Out Wall Street Banks do we own them? Then we may protest their corruption all we like! Besides: what victim, being disenfranchised and ignored, is self-destructive enough not to chant for clarity and justice in American society--and for social improvements when times are tough?! The 'special interests' and their paid-for political reps of Washington DC must be feeling a might insecure about now--good! We The People Rule whether they know it or not. Without our consent they have no power.

Positive v Negative = Yin v Yang = Jupiter v Saturn

Very notable in the OWS chart are the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, forming a transiting midpoint upon revolutionary Mars 29Can00 on Sept 17th, a critical 29th degree picture which describes the Occupy Wall Street Movement about as well as any one factor can do...and the Jupiter/Saturn cycle closely relates to financial markets and conditions!

These days in our global society, Jupiter's expansion principle seeks balance with Saturn's restriction/contraction tendencies and we know who's on the growth side while the 99% languishes on the margins, our futures stunted by Wall Street greed and criminality which are aided by duplicitous politicians. Financial Collapse 2008 was no 'accident', it was long-planned, imho, and astrological indicators show more lacks to come for 2012 and beyond, sorry to say.

As you know, Jupiter and Saturn hooked up on May 28, 2000 and their collusion heralded the zeitgeist of the much-touted New '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"--and that's how America has been--a cash cow--for the criminal upper crust ever since...just one Big Heist. Yes?

Well, here's the major midpoint picture from September 17, 2011 which I'm spotlighting today--see if you think any of its potentials apply to current events:

Jupiter/Saturn = activist Mars: new efforts to effect positive changes; introducing duress as a tactic for forcing social change; discontent; added irritation over delays for new beginnings (like implementation of their feudal, 'Big Brother', totalitarian 'new world order', aka, a Utopian
'one world government' of the Illuminati? jc.)

How patient and mild the protesters--very impressive!

Progressive sites and broadcasts (video available):

Thom Hartmann (Thom!);
Democracy Now! (Amy Goodman);
The Nation blog w Occupy Wall Street updates (Greg Mitchell);
Brave New Films (Robert Greenwald who has a new film on the Koch Brothers, a must-see.)

Plus, there's HuffPo's recent article on how bullying billionaires the Koch Brothers (of Tea Party backing fame) stand to make a mint--in spite of the environmental degradation the US will suffer--from the Keystone XL Pipeline which President Obama could nix with a stroke of his Oval Office pen, if he only would.

Or I should say, If only his financial backers would allow. (See Inauguration 2009 chart with US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint at MC, The Goal point; this places US natal Mercury Rx is at IC which emphasizes America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition of surveillance and propaganda.)

Now, for those who wish to become involved, it may be timely to paraphrase Thom Hartmann at the end of all his broadcasts:

"Democracy begins when you show up--tag, you're it!"

Yet there's a caution: Beware agent provocateurs who seek to undermine the 99% Movement by use of violence. And conservative commentators have ramped up their usual violent rhetoric, as expected--seems that some long-nosers have broadcast that the OWS protesters "hate freedom" (!!!), a silliness which attempts to turn the 99% Movement's message of moral clarity upside down.

Oh! And as Thom Hartmann noted in today's broadcast, Republican 2012 nomination candidate *Herman Cain says that "if you don't have a job--blame yourself."


So I guess tonight's Republican "debate" on TV, which is expected to attack Mitt Romney's record as MA governor, should be either interesting or, more of a mangled train wreck showcasing pathetic people parroting corporate talking points. Again. With some quirky personality traits tossed in to 'impress' the public, if at all possible after 8 years of Bush-Cheney policies that have led us to this.

Wonder if the 99% Movement will be mentioned tonight? But which corporate shill among them, if any, shall dare?


UPDATE: *Here's a nifty, brief analysis of Herman's Cain's diabolical counter to the president's jobs plan which is actually Cain's (not Abel's) wealth distribution program for the rich called, 9-9-9 which even an apathetic doltbrain can see is a not-so-subtle reference to the Biblical '666', the mark of the beast. And its title is done in a backhanded way with the digits upside down, a tactic Satan often employs in our dualistic world as a shout-out to his followers.

Other satanic signs/symbols include 'the goat horns' hand jesture, the use of 'one eye' (Gaga's hair over one eye, head bowed showing homage to the Eye of Horus), and popular use of black-white and/or checkered patterns.

Well, if I'd known about that last one years ago, I would not have drawn 'checkered floors' into some of my racier illustrations. Really. What bad form! And their use was never meant as a satanic symbol of any kind, not from me.

Yet in my own defense, I shall say as an artist of some years that checkered floors can make a decent design element in drawings or paintings for their perspectives can be monkeyed with and made to look quite interesting, don't you think?

Blog Note: those who read Astrology charts may wish to study the horoscopes shown above if they haven't, spotlighting the connections between them, and I hope you do. Leave your on-topic comments here, if you wish, for I plan to feel better soon. Thanks! jc

(Midpoint pictures from M. Munkasey and R. Ebertin.)

Jul 19, 2011

Consumer Financial Protection w a US Mars Return 7.21.11

July 21, 2011 is the day the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is meant to start operations and synchronicistically it is a day of a US Mars Return, a 2-year cycle of new activities beginning that very morning.

The condition of astrological Mars on Thursday July 21, 2011 isn't what consumers needing protection from financial wolves and thieves could wish but it will be what we have to work from: Mars conjunct South Node, a separative and Saturnian point of the Moon. This gives a 'Mars/Saturn' vibe of 'inhibited or destroyed vitality' to the bureau's nativity which, given its powerful opponents, may be directed at the bureau and its mandates rather than at the fraudsters and banksters who have made its creation necessary.

Mars conj SN indicates a questioning of societal values which is good as far as it goes yet there is a hint of 'stepping aside' if those values don't suit. However, Mars/SN may give the new bureau a 'loner' identity where it acts on its own decisions and disregards what others say or do. This I would consider a positive manifestation since I am in accord with the American people's need for such protection which then has a voice of authority that can speak up for we-the-people when larger forces oppress.

Where there is abuse, the bureau may bring civilian cases though criminal ones would have to be turned over to the Department of Justice, something that doesn't always result in justice being fairly given to the disenfranchised in America today, as you have noticed.

Negatively with Mars/SN, there can be a tendency toward acting at the wrong time or in the wrong place which antagonizes others into opposing the bureau's actions or findings. Anger, frustration, and even violence can result and it's quite clear that being set up under a Democratic president will make the CFPB an entity that Republicans will gum up at every turn (Elizabeth Warren gave up being abused by a Republican-ruled House and will not head the agency she created, as most consumers wanted--instead it will be headed by Richard Cordray.)

So I must wonder if the bureau will be able to do its job at all or will simply create more stand-offs, gridlocks, and ideological straw men that Washington dis-serves the American people with now. Hopefully, Mr. Cordray will put his best political face on before every game of chess he'll be playing and can keep the CFPB from ending up like a kitten ensnared in string.,,cute as all get out, but quite toothless.

And of course, plutocratic Republicans would never have set up such an agency to aid unwary consumers, the hapless pigeons of their Pluto/Chiron dreams!

The only other aspect made by Mars in our national Mars Return chart for 2011 is a semi-square (45 degr) to Jupiter in Taurus, a money sign. This is a minor indicator of obstacles, irritation, and frustration yet if determined to succeed, may result in a dynamic release of energy.

The Mars/Jupiter semisquare may also be descriptive of monied interests (banks, Wall Street--the Bull--credit card companies, global wheeler-dealers, monarchists, etc) interfering in the bureau's actions and decisions at every turn for the aspect astrologically stamps a 4th harmonic imprint upon the entire enterprise. And of course, they will interfere, won't they?

Here's a brief video message from Elizabeth Warren which I snagged from the CFPB website with the helpful motto: Know Before You Owe:

Rounding up America's Mars degree to '22 Gem' doesn't seem to me to apply to this situation as well as the actual degree from July 4, 1776 does. See what you think:

US Mars '21 Gemini' = "A Labor Demonstration"...REPRESENTATION...

positive expression: a consistent courage in attacking major problems at any cost of minor well-being or inconvenience.

negative/unconscious/shadow side: futile ill-will and bluster.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones, with my addition of 'unconscious/shadow side' and italics.)

Well, Happy Mars Return 2011, everyone!

Jul 14, 2011

Horoscope: Eric Cantor w July 2011 Debt Talks planets

Swords v Torches! Debt Talks & Walk-Outs Continue at the White House

by Jude Cowell

According to his Wikipedia bio page, Eric Ivan Cantor was born on June 6, 1963 in Richmond, Virginia. Mr. Cantor has inhabited the role of House Majority Leader since January 3, 2011, and is of a Republican persuasion. His father, a real estate firm owner, acted as state treasurer for the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan so our Mr. Cantor is quite the dyed-in-the-wool Kool-Aid imbiber of Starve The Beast Ideology with a transnational corporation persuasion perking underneath all the charm.

UPDATE Friday 7.15.11: here's a fresh story concerning yesterday's debt talks at the White House during which the confrontational Mr. Cantor is said to have remained mum. Plus, you may wish to check out Cantor's Sun--Moon blend for a fuller picture of the fellow.

Original post resumes here:

Taking a squinty astro-peek at the cosmic implications of Mr. Cantor's day of birth (hour unknown, using Noon), we see a man with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius with Luna remaining in Sag for the 24-hour period (Moon sails from 3 Sag to 14 Sag.)

Image: horoscope Eric Cantor June 6, 1963 noon edt Richmond, VA, with 'debt talks' transits for July 13, 2011 White House, outer, in yellow.

With its Moon/Pluto conjunction @ 5Cap (and conjoining tr Siva, the destroyer-creator), the July 13, 2011 'debt talks' transits resonate with the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ 4Cap46 which conjoined tr Pluto 4Cap06 Rx (the revealing eclipse with the Cardinal Grand Cross stand-off energies) and I think a Moon/Pluto theme describes the current debt talks-negotiations-meetings (and emotional tantrums!) at the White House of late between the GOP's John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and President Obama.

See what you think about Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets info concerning Moon/Pluto as the combined energies may express themselves in Politics and Business:

popular promises concerning waste in appeals to the people; obsessions bring misuse of the available resources for country or business. A 'public relations' vibe is also noted with Moon/Pluto involvement.

Now I don't often spend much time blogging about a horoscope when an exact time for it isn't known (so we can know which houses the planets are posited in, and ASC and MC degrees), so I won't. But I will focus on natal chart factors relating to finances and/or to the current power play against a Democratic White House and president. Missions are butting heads here!

Click to enlarge the image, as suggested, and hopefully you'll be able to make out a few of my chicken-scratch notes written upon the chart along with the transits.

Note a dynamic T-Square pattern between Cantor's Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy - Mr. Obama was born with Pluto opposing Chiron, too) opposition pointing toward natal Sun in Gemini, his essence, personality, and the North Star leading him along his hero's journey. Geminian realms are part of his path: Communications, News, Trade, Commerce, ruled by speedy Mercury who serves as Messenger to the gods. Mmm-hmm. (Nor-quist, the North Star guiding his path, his mission in life?)

This apex Sun in a T-SQ indicates one with very strong willpower (enough to abruptly interrupt a president), a bold desire for accomplishment and recognition, a self-seeking tendency, over-confidence, arrogance, and an overbearing manner. This apex Sun attracts conflict and power struggles with others!

More specifically, apex Sun in a Mutable T-SQ hones the ambition to a deep and concentrated focus on being recognized for intellectual prowess. The changeable Mutable undercurrent gives him a highly nervous restlessness requiring periodic rest so that a tantrum taking his nibs suddenly out of a room when the heat is turned up and he over-fusses himself tallies quite well with apex Sun in a Mutable T-SQ pattern.

Well-managed, this solar energy is all set to make Mr. Cantor into 'something special' yet that doesn't guarantee it will benefit more than those in the ruling class--although it may retain for him the social status he so desires. Much fame is indicated for this natural authoritarian and plutocratic oligarchs are on hand to motivate him at every turn.

And this week, Mars conjoined Mr. Cantor's natal Sun in mid-Gemini, a time when aggressive energy rises, conflicts and confrontations may occur (even physical ones), and ego gratification is the driving force behind goals. He feels his principles, integrity, and pride are on the line so no wonder he's acting so frisky in the White House!

A Word About Eric Cantor's Jupiter in Aries

Rep. Cantor's Jupiter 13Ari29 describes a competitive risk-taker with an abundance of inner self-esteem, a self-assertive style, a big ego (typical for a politician), and big dreams for the future. If crashing the global economy is the goal, a one-world-government fanatic may be indicated for Jupiter in Aries is the 'holy crusader' and maybe Eric Cantor's mask just slipped a wee notch.

This reminds me of candidate Michele Bachmann signing a theocracy pledge which ignores America's traditional yet fading 'separation of church and state' tenet. We will be oh-so sorry when it's gone.

Jupiter inconjunct Neptune tends to create for itself impossible problems which then entail painful solutions; a misunderstanding of responsibilities can be evident, and psychosomatic conditions may flare under pressure which is more internally applied than externally.

Sun inconjunct Neptune causes over-reactions to anything perceived as criticism, a workaholic temperament, and a tendency to underestimate or overestimate one's capabilities - or to alternate between the two. Moderation In All Things is the best advice for this aspect, along with using caution when taking on other people's responsibilities (such as John Boehner's!)

These two inconjuncts (aka, quincunxes, 165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) make up the YOD pattern you see in the horoscope marked in red and with dotted line.

But of course! You of the eagle eye spy Mr. Cantor's natal YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; turning point; special task; Finger of God) with a Sun/Jupiter sextile at its base, and pointing toward apex Neptune 13Sco29 Rx (Scorpio, the sign of Big Business, Surveillance, The Occult, and Science, with support from his scientific Saturn in Aquarius; the Neptune in Scorpio generation is charismatic.)

First, let's consider the 60-degree Sun/Jupiter sextile of opportunity at the YOD's base.

Alan Oken calls this the 'Cosmic Blessing' aspect and says it brings good fortune, material comfort, and pleasant journeys where significant experiences occur. Plus, Alan Epstein says a Sun/Jupiter sextile presents a challenge to gain recognition without becoming corrupted in the process. Well, I suspect Mr. Cantor works in the wrong town and business if he values non-corruptibility though we may be seeing this expressed in his fanatic clinging to the Reagan-Norquist Starve The Beast manifesto, no matter whose granny or child gets hurt. This aspect also shows political astuteness, an impressive facade, and a talent for playing competitors against one another!

Now apex Neptune in a YOD configuration denotes one who prefers to remain within an emotional ivory tower and ignore needed social adjustments--from there he can criticize and direct from a safe distance. Mr. Cantor is devoted to an ideal for which a sacrifice is required and around which may swirl illusion, deception, and mysticism. Here is an illuminated one (and a radical: Uranus in wide conjunction with transformative Pluto.)

A midpoint picture is formed by the trio involved in the YOD--any, all, or none may apply...

Sun/Jupiter = Neptune: purposeful deceit about the intentions of others; grandiose plans for projects others think are impractical; an interest in illusions; clouds of doubt; high sensitivity; a material loss; a successful medium or crook (all mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Plus, Mr. Cantor's Mars/Uranus conjunction in early Virgo, sign of The Critic, supplies him with a willful desire to determine his own rules and remain unrestrained by others; he believes he must be free in order to do what it takes to get what he wants. Here is a rebellious, impulsive nature of daring and courage. Now Mr. Cantor could use his warrioring Mars/Uranus energy to fight for the less fortunate in our society but somehow this imperative has been perverted toward a cold-hearted corporate ideology where tragedy for others results.

Yes, he is good at initiating challenges to powerful government officials, and to dramatize his point he may even threaten his opponents using any public support he has (or thinks he has.) Perhaps this tendency was involved in President Obama's pushback against Cantor--even if it takes down his presidency, BHO says. (Good!)

Well, since a Mars/Uranus conjunction describes a taker, not a giver, I shall wish Mr. Obama and the American people positive outcomes as the president deals with 'holy crusader' Eric Cantor.

In spite of it all, perhaps something will be agreed upon between the parties by the light of Friday's Full Moon in Capricorn a mere few hours hence: July 15, 2011 @ 2:39 am edt in Washington DC! Its Sabian Symbol seems appropriate as 'debt talks' and the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline continues making the news in our nation's capital...

Full Moon '23Cap' = "Two Awards For Bravery in War"...RECOGNITION.

positive expression: the social stewardship which demands a continual self-dedication;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: strutting self-exploitation.

Social stewardship from Washington DC circa 2011? Now we're talkin'!


Further Reading suggestions: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney. 'Unconscious/shadow side' is added to the negative expression of Dr. Jones' version of the symbols. jc

Jun 15, 2011

Robert Reich (Sun in Cancer) on McCaskill-Corker Spending Caps (video)

Here's a brief video message from a top US economist whom normal people can listen to without barfing up their dinners, Professor Robert Reich (UC Berkeley.) The message concerns the McCaskill-Corker 'spending caps' proposal which is a dressed up effort to fund more war over the needs of the American people while decimating our nation's social contract between the generations and thus collapsing our economy and 'starving the beast' of 'big government'.

(Is that tax cut zealot Grover Norquist lurking behind the curtain?)

Now I'm not certain quite when the video was posted to Professor Reich's website but his message is presented here today for your consideration. Democracy (if only we had one) works best when all of us participate in our various ways so do what you can and pass on the info, for as the excellent Thom Hartmann ends his broadcasts with: "Tag, You're It!"

Plus, here's a post I published in March 2009 with Robert Reich's birth data (no birth time known) and a brief amount of info concerning his Sun-Moon blend which could either be Moon in Aries or in the money sign of Taurus.

The entry includes his remarks on Politics and the Top Tier and the ongoing effects upon the US economy and the populace.

Yet with two years' worth of hindsight, my 'vote' in 2009 for his natal Moon to be in Venus-ruled Taurus rather than Mars-ruled Aries may have been ill-considered since he has continued to (seemingly) speak out on behalf of the less wealthy among us. I add 'seemingly' for I believe the power elites provide us with false populists in Congress and elsewhere to help keep us mollified and off the protesting streets.

In the realm of personality, Cancer-Taurus is a Water-Earth blend (mud; practical) while Cancer-Aries is Water-Fire (steam; volatile) so here I shall add the Images for Integration for Reich's possible Sun Cancer-Moon Aries blend - just in case - and so you may compare it with the previously noted Sun Can-Moon Taurus combo, if you wish to click my older assessment:

"A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause...A quiet homebody becomes a sports champion." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Could be he!


As you know, Earth's Moon moves the quickest of any cosmic body used in Astrology charts and when a precise birth time is not known, we sometimes find a person born on a day/night when the Moon changed signs within the 24-hour period. This gives rise to two possible Sun-Moon blends since one's Sun is more much more likely to remain in the same sign on a given day. Unless it doesn't which gives more combo possibilities to consider. jc

Feb 16, 2011

America's Democracy of Hypocrisy; Rally in Wisconsin 2.15.11 (video)

The Spirit of Uprising wafts through our global air and the following video is one that I am feeling hopeful about and very proud to display on Stars Over Washington, a blog written and dedicated to my ideal of the United States of America. Not the perverted warmongering America of the neocons and Zionists, but America the Beautiful, the world's haven of Liberty and Freedom.

And that includes Freedom to Protest so continue countering their austerity madness, good people of Madison, Wisconsin!

Isthmus on the Union Rally 2.15.11

Hypocrisy Increases Further Sullying America's White Hat

by Jude Cowell

In the news during these days of Riots, Strikes, and Uprisings are many examples of US government officials criticizing other nations for repressing their populations who wish to protest against government.

Even Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been loose with her praise for those who are demanding democracy and better social conditions from their leaders such as those in Tehran (well, democracy is one of our primary political catchwords in America, a shield in times of assault in the Rs v Ds chess game of factions positioning for control of Washington microphones, gavels, and bank vaults here and abroad. NYSE now 60% German-owned....publicly, I mean, not just under the table anymore.)

High-handedly, Joe Lieberman and Peter King are leading the GOP charge to shove through the Shield Act in honor of a certain slippery foreign varmint name of Julian Assange because apparently the Espionage Act of 1917 won't be enough to permanently net and squelch their prey, they fear. (Unless as some say, Assange works with the CIA, or is their dupe, either of which is a masterful way of putting out disinformation with no paw prints on it.

News Flash from me: even if the US gov manages to put Mr. Assange on trial, convict, and sentence him, it will not add one iota to the slim sliver of good will a majority of the American people now have toward the current totalitarian, chaos-creating tactics of those whose predecessors usurped both our political parties and now masquerade as one-of-us.

Washington DC's faction wars can't solve our nation's societal ills (and aren't meant to or they could do a lot better than they're doing: such as admitting that fraud and embezzlement have gone on for years until now - US coffers are looted like the Baghdad Museum.) Nor will the draconian austerity cuts now threatened against the ill, elderly, and poor among us 'solve' things but will further hobble the US economy and cause more mass misery than we've already seen.

When a nation's meekest are not kept safe from rich plutocrats of the world, a moral line has been crossed similar to a society that makes a habit of using abortion as birth control. Both create bad karma for all must reap what they sow, even governments.

However, if my fellow Americans retain hold of our traditional national conscience in 2011 ('is this how America treats its citizens?'), we will not allow our resources to zoom elsewhere and stoke military enterprises, but toward the people who paid into tax funds and who must ask for a leg up to be given by those who've sought and made their fortunes with aid from American society. Make your money in America, support her when social conditions warrant it.

Yet actions always speak louder, we know, and if America has lower to fall (US natal Saturn exalted in Libra (sign of justice and balance) in 10th house of World Status and Career = a fall from grace if Saturn's lessons are disregarded by government. To whom much is given, much is required, says Saturn in 10th house. Plutocrats don't wish to remember such a thing so our protests are in part to remind them they need the consent of the governed or all their 'authority' will go pouf!)

Well, I for one, do not want our American society to fall by the wayside of globalists who honor no loyalties but their own (and their cabal oaths.) If they have hearts, they're in the wrong place and we see this as we observe and experience what globalists (or, the power elite, if you prefer) produce in the world...things like loss, grief, fear, and suffering. Survival of the Fittest is a theory put in practice by the win-at-any-costers with which we's the dog-eat-dog method of gaining (or stealing) worldly 'success' built upon the backs of others with eugenics the ugly foundation.

Yet most people would prefer to live their lives and watch their children develop in harmony. Media colludes by telling the public repeatedly that there are bad men in the world, beware. Why yes, there are, and I'm lookin' at a bunch of 'em on my TV screen spouting state propaganda over and over. The old "It's him, not me" ploy (like a Martin Short skit on SNL) never directs its energy in the proper direction for it's too busy redirecting our attention away from political misdeeds, crimes, and prejudices.

Therefore, no real problems ever have to be honestly faced; thus no solutions arise.

Never Having Enough, The GOP Wants What You Got

Not only are the Republicans trying to remove all vestiges of Women's Health Care availability in the US, they want to 'remove the authority' for enforcement and rollback to the 19th century the protections of the Child Labor Law Act of 1916, if Republican Jane Cunningham of Missouri has her wacky way.

Is support for a return to child slavery growing in US political circles? In 2011, are uppity manufacturing conglomerates gearing up for a new amassing of a cheap slave labor force in the US to 'compete' with workers' low pay scales in China, India, and other places where US jobs migrated for the benefit of corporatism's bottom line? How could our job-starved economy possibly benefit from adding millions of child workers to US labor rolls now unless profiteers know something we don't as of yet know? Has the GOP completely lost its moral compass? Is Cunningham's super-regressive, dark-age idea our only clue to their craveness?

The YOD of US Secondary Progressions 2001 and 2002

Astrologically, I'm looking at a horoscope of US Secondary Progressions (Sec) set for February 7, 2002, the date that George Bush signed a presidential 'waiver' exempting the White House (his nibs himself) from having to consider members of al Qaeda and the Taliban as human beings. In Bush's world, his oil-and-poppy-infused 'enemy combatants' then magically became less than human (a commonly used tactic which Hitler finessed); thus they were subject to being tortured in the crazed notion that information would be forthcoming with enough pressure applied. Resulting deaths were often only inconveniences and perhaps still linger in the way unsolved crimes and mysteries have of retaining secrets within their DNA. As a thing begins, so will it end, and with many karmic lessons learned - or unlearned - in between.

So the Sec chart with our Sec Neptune/NN (Neptune in fated Nodal degree: 26Vir29 Rx vs NN 26Can54) received our national Sec Sun (the leader) in 2001/02 at the very point in the Zodiac that inconjuncts both Sec Neptune and Sec NN creating a YOD pattern of crisis, a crossroads, turning point, special task, and/or major adjustment now ripe for activation by progression.

A big deal? I would say so, especially since the Neptune/NN sextile at the YOD's base had progressed into a position of pointing to US natal Moon 27AQ10 (so the YOD's base had progressed to a quincunxial relationship with our n Moon of 1776); our Sec Sun progressed to the apex position in the same YOD which created a double YOD pattern. Below are the two midpoint pictures formed with the intrinsic nature of the Neptune/NN combination indicating:

Thesis: leadership that is unwilling or unable to consider the demands of its people; ideals or national glamour are excuses for neglecting the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups.

Antithesis: scandals caused by foreign concerns; spies or terrorists enter for villainous purposes; an ill-adapted, inadequate hospital or medical care system; drug policies that avoid important concerns.

To Neptune/NN, Ebertin adds: exploiting, deceiving, and cheating other people; anti-social elements; lack of judgment leads to wrong ideas about associations.

These were some of the social issues we needed honestly addressed in the early days of the New Millennium. They were not. And things have continued to fester in America.

YOD's Midpoint Pictures:

Sec Neptune/NN = Sec Sun: encouragement to be your own person in deciding what influences from others you will or will not accept from other people (Bush,
the decider? jc); being let down by others.

Sec Neptune/NN = natal Moon: disappointments; a cessation of inner understanding between people; a lack of community spirit; lack of adaptability; feeling ostracised or misunderstood. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

2001 and 2002 presented America a crossroads fraught with governmental misdirections and dirty political tricks while the American people then needed, as now, to hear truth, not cynical slogans and half-truths meant to twist our heartstrings, mobilize our patriotism, and rob our pockets. The long-submerged iceberg of theft and fraud in America surfaced to great fanfare and political theater with the Bush-Cheney Financial Collapse 2008 - and trillions of dollars simply 'disappeared' as if they never were.

Meanwhile, in the America of President Obama and Secretary Clinton circa 2011, hypocrisy uttered by governmental mouths continues apace and one may wonder how oppressed we-the-people will find ourselves when we finally follow Wisconsin's example and get off our chubby duffs en masse to remind Washington and local governments that their paternalistic abridging of our rights is completely unacceptable, a word politicians are so very fond of using when displeased.

For if Iran, Libya, and the rest of the restless are the goose, Madame Secretary and Mr. President, then America must be the gander. It's time we-the-people had a big helping of that democracy sauce, thanks. And leave our Twitter and Internet alone while you're out speechifying so inspiringly across the globe.


If you know of demonstrations or rallies for common causes springing up these days in America, pass along the details or a link in a Comment, if you wish. We-the-people once knew how, right? Thanks! jc

Jan 8, 2011

112th Congress = "Swords" vs "Torches"?

In his weekly radio address today President Obama has called for Republicans to stop their symbolic battles, battles which seem to this blogger to be meant in part as a salve to the Tea Partisans watching GOPers closely for backtracking on their promises to do things differently than Congress' previous sorriness.

And the millions of dollars that GOP 'symbolism' has cost the US taxpayer during only half a week of this session belies the Republican Party's whines over the national debt. Guess they think our bucks are worth their gamble and they (and Dems) certainly have much past experience with such cynical calculations.

Now if you, dear reader, are familiar with the Sabian Symbols for each degree of the zodiac (360 degrees), you know of one that's quite esoteric in its imagery and which may apply here, namely 'A Symbolical Battle Between the "Swords" and the "Torches".' (Rudhyar.)

Let's examine the meaning of this symbol to see if anything shakes out concerning the current Capitol Hill Political Theater the GOP has been making (what they hope is) political hay with.

Rudhyar's 'Keynote: Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal "Great War".' (A World War I reference. jc)

Now I won't quote all that Dane Rudhyar wrote about the degree - the Bodhi Tree and spiritual light vs ego-will (though ego-will and global-ruling ideology are the basis of GOP desperation to win back the White House) - however, his last words concerning '17Tau' may make some sense to us within the political realm of Washington and the 112th Congress' first week of symbolic mummery:

(This symbol) "suggests that salvation is attained through the emergent individual's readiness to face all issues as if there were only two opposed sides. So teaches the Bhagavad-Gita. This is the dharma of this stage of human evolution: a stage of POLARIZATION OF VALUES. (An Astrological Mandala.)

In his The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones gives '17Tau' the Keyword: 'RESOLUTION...

positive expression: high organizational skill and an ability to bring the magic of understanding to any specific difficulty;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a loss of self-competence through the conflicting compulsion of necessity and desire'.

(Blog note: though I seldom think to mention it, I am the very varmint who adds "unconscious/shadow side" to Jones' 'negative' expression of the symbols because it seems more descriptive. jc)

Perhaps Adriano Carelli has something to say about '17Tau' in his The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac:

"The vision St. Thomas of Aquino had while trying to fathom the mystery of God's unity and trinity; a child trying to drain the ocean with a pitcher."

Carelli's explanation of this symbol includes: "I do not need your advice, I can make mistakes myself!" And, in speaking of a native with this degree prominent, he states, "He is in for unceasing, often wasted labors which will not make him move a step forward. There is a guilty light-mindedness; the native will believe that he can solve single-handed and in his own way certain problems which impose on natural laws, as those of economics, dynamics and the like."

Hmmm. If we replace 'a child' with 'new congress member' and trying to drain the 'ocean' with the word, 'swamp' (which Washington DC is built upon), we may be on to something: new congress members wasting labor and believing they can single-handedly and in their own way drain the swamp of Washington, a campaign promise so old it's gray around the muzzle. And all they really have at their disposal is a pitcher!

For more details on the current state of our Congress, I looked at outer planet transits to the US Congress natal horoscope (Nov 17, 1800) and found that confusing, deceptive, delusional, fraudulent (though often inspired) Neptune is slightly more active than Uranus or Pluto at this time.

Neptune square (90 degrees = blockages; obstacles) natal Sun 25Sco: self-image is infused with disorientation, confusion, and a sense of unreality; it's hard to know how to satisfy one's ego demands or where to direct one's will power; positions of leadership, integrity, honesty, principles, and standards are difficult to sustain or attain; if determined and capable, one realizes that what seems to be reality actually is not (it's only Capitol Hill Theater, dahlink!)

Neptune opposite natal Saturn 24Leo: one's mature judgment, strength of authority, and hard work are threatened by illegal actions (like 2 Rs not taking their congressional oath because of attending their own fundraiser next door?), bankruptcy, fraud, deception, and unknown or disillusioned people (!); severe challenges test the ability or willingness to overcome obstacles, or to squelch inner fears; past traditions and structures become misguided, ambiguous, or subverted; previous responsibilities may disappear or dissolve with nothing good apt to take their place.

Neptune conjunct n Pluto 2Pis: power dissolves; treachery or poison can remove the current system of power and control; circumstances may allow the rise of those with religious, psychic, or spiritualist powers (who are not witches, one presumes.)

The only major aspect of Uranus now to Congress' natal chart is its coming opposition to its natal position: Congress will have a midlife crisis all through 2011 (March, November, and December)! This Uranus/Uranus opposition last occurred about 84 years ago: in April 1927, October 1927, and February 1928. The inflationary economics of the late 1920s seem all too familiar, don't they?

Uranus opposite n Uranus 00Lib47 (conjunct US n MC in the Sibly chart): generations clash; oldsters feel outdated by a wave of newcomers (awww!) and there's an unwillingness to give up the unique qualities of one's generation (age group); little meeting of the minds takes place.

(Plus, transiting Jupiter to Aries Point has and will oppose n Uranus, a time of cat-herding when everyone tends to wander off in their own directions so that organizing and scheduling group activities is made difficult; Jupiter increases the effects of Congress' Uranus opposition and its crisis implications.)

Pluto inconjunct n Jupiter 4Leo: significant adjustments are necessary to justify one's knowledge and ideals; feeling overwhelmed about social responsibilities; opportunism; a need to yield to real tasks and be constructive; others may victimize in order to serve their own interests; motives may be murky and there's a requirement to understand one's surroundings more fully.

Pluto square n Uranus: political and intellectual changes occur that benefit a new generation, and questioning their historical implications is appropriate.

Such is the condition of the 112th Congress as seen through an astrological interpreted by this particular blogging gnat of an American. Your on-topic comments and opinions are cordially invited.