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Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Aug 10, 2022

FBI search brings Far-Right calls for War

August 8, 2022 Planets to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Born in Georgia and a descendant of CSA soldiers, the following view of the planets of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago headquarters on the morning of August 8, 2022 in relation to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope is intended for your consideration. No, I am not a seditionist and have always said that my only nag in the race is America. By which I mean a sovereign America, free of fascists and nazis like those my uncles fought in World War II.

And with the specter of another "civil war" being fomented by far-right Trumpsters and media opportunists every chance they get, keeping an eye on transits to the Civil War planets of April 12, 1861 seems a good idea to me. And now the August 8th FBI search has ramped up their outrage, even blo*d lust for some.

Well, perhaps we can agree that there is no bottom to which Trump and his acolytes will not stoop in their attempt to coup the US government and re-install the Mango Mussolini back into power, even a potential for sacrificing Trump's Vice President to a noose.

And so the following bi-wheel of horoscopes show the Civil War April 12, 1861 with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune duo rising (inner) and the August 8, 2022 "around 10:00 am edt" horoscope of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago property (outer) with 27Vir20 rising, Moon conjunct 1861 Midheaven ('MC': publicity), and 2022 Neptune @25Pisces Rx rising in the 1861 chart. Of course, astrological Neptune infuses into many realms of life so let's not repeat them all here, but considering current conditions of misinformation, sabotage, and sedition, it seems significant that the Civil War of 1861 will be having its first-ever Neptune Return, a three-fer actually, exact on March 25, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026.

And closer to our current time frame is a Mars Return to the Civil War Horoscope which occurs approximately every two years. This one is prominent due to current events and the seditionists in our midst, and becomes exact on August 30, 2022 at 8:50:30 pm edt (Charleston, SC) with separation inclinations (ASC = Saturn-NN) and a 'fateful struggle ordained by destiny' midpoint picture (Saturn-MC = Pluto). Of course, fomenters of this warmongering who feel, or pretend to feel, such a violent destiny are led by opportunists who are using the rank and file as their dupes. Willing dupes, it seems. Similar to the warmongers and their dupes in April 1861 (ASC = Mercury-Neptune).

As for the bi-wheel you see below, the ongoing transit of Neptune in secretive Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo is front and center with the opposition's persecution vibes and generational clash of ideals and ideologies on display. By now you've heard cries of persecution and the tale of the sad sad martyrdom of Donald Trump filling the air waves to gaslight those of the orange authoritarian persuasion. Why, far-right propagandists are just getting started attempting to rehabilitate the public image of the orange blighter!

Meanwhile, we're so far left to wonder if the FBI search on August 8th involved nuclear secrets tucked away at Mar-a-Lago for this would be extremely lucrative merchandise to put on the black market for a transactional grifter like Trump who is never troubled by any feelings of loyalty to America.

Mars-Uranus Pow!, Moon-Neptune Delusion, Venu$-Pluto Power, Sun-Jupiter Ego Expansion and Publicity

It's all there and more. So if you're curious, please enlarge the image for several astro-notes are penned upon the horoscopes just for you:

Note: attribution for "Mango Mussolini" goes to one of my favorite progressive broadcasters Randi Rhodes, a veritable force of nature.

Aug 9, 2022

Saturn-Neptune and Trump's deep state shadow government

Trump Forms Deep State Shadow Government for 2024

Why? So that Trumpians will be ready to rage and misrule when their orange idol grabs the reins again!

by Jude Cowell

Through the years, when it comes to the form and structure of the US government, many Americans and various politicians have heard or used such terms as secret, invisible, or shadow government, along with the Republican propaganda term, "deep state," so popular in recent years. Such mysterious doings the labels conjure, ably stirring up anxiety within the public! Of course, "deep" relates to oceanic Neptune, while astrological Saturn rules over the realms of government, law, and business, and the extent of an actual "deep state" in the US refers to the large number of career civil servants required to keep our government systems up and running. Not very mysterious - more like dull and everyday.

So now in 2022, the US remains saddled with a former president who imagines himself still in power, and who was "fraudulently" kicked out of the White House in January 2021 by President Joe Biden, he says. But in fact, if we look up "sore loser" in the dictionary, there's an orange-hued mugshot of Donald Trump whose underhanded behavior and love of taking revenge defines the term!

The Dark Shadow of a Shadow Government

Now earlier today, we discussed yesterday's FBI search of Mar-a-Lago so the accusations are flying, with "deep state" showing up already (see above headline - from July). These disturbing circumstances, which include Trump's Lunar and Venus Returns yesterday (!) have put me in a mood to repost what Michael Munksey provides in the form of the Hegelian Dialectic in the realms of Politics and Business (in America, politics is the business) in his book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) concerning the realism-vs-fantasy combination of Saturn and Neptune.

Saturn-Neptune potentials for expression in political and societal realms include:

Thesis: delusions among the real leadership (aka, 'shadow government' and the aims of their misguided ideologies - jc); efficient use of expert advice; mistaken religious leaders; long lasting programs that have no real purpose; misuse of law officers; policies which restrict spies.

Antithesis: leaders deceive about the exercise of control; respected people involved in questionable practices; a leader capitulates; deficient business practices exposed; reliable equipment failures.

Well, I don't know about you, but to me most of the Saturn-Neptune potentials listed here describe perfectly the misguided, loose-cannon style of the orange blighter, his wide girth stuck to the bottom of America's Roman sandal like a big fat wad of sour, smelly bubblegum that only grows more problematic and unsavory with age.

Trump Venus and Moon Returns Bring FBI to Mar-a-Lago

August 9, 2022

As the world has heard by now, yesterday morning (August 8, 2022), the FBI entered and searched Trump's Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. His nibs was not at home at the time (during what he calls a "raid") but his bulk was conveniently away somewhere in the New York City area, or was possibly at his Bedminster, NJ property. And Mary Trump says her uncle is "panicked" by the raid in her interview last evening with Lawrence O'Donnell. And astrologically, we can note that his Venus Return shows 'fear and anxiety' (Moon-Uranus = MC) that his 'self-defense' was breached (Moon-NN = MC).

Now which lawsuits or investigations of Trump could benefit from any evidence (or Venusian valuables!) were found there I cannot say. For one thing, it's early days for gleaning information about this event. However, there's news about a gaggle of up-in-arms Republicans, their political feathers ruffled along with their fear of exposure activated, who plan to meet with Trump at his Bedminster Golf Club this very evening. How to spin this intrusion by the FBI and its possible fallout (especially with Midterms 2022 creeping up) is certain to be discussed, unless I miss my guess!

Plus, President Biden's recent legislative victories must obviously be sticking in GOP craws so we may as well expect Republican assaults to become even more vicious, convoluted - and desperate. For somewhere in the world there are entities holding congressional GOP comrades to account - because their 'big plan' to take control of the US government must be followed, no option to do otherwise when you're dealing with global criminal networks of mobsters and anarchists.

Yet notably, we see powerful Pluto conjunct Midheaven in the Lunar Return chart (a monthly chart denoting his daily rounds - of golf?) and opposing Trump's Venus after opposing his Saturn, planet of authority and accountability - spotlighting Home-Security-Career issues, and prominent because the intense Venus-Pluto opposition is Angular. Meanwhile, transit Pluto to Midheaven ('MC') can indicate that Trump's actions will be revealed to the world, probably in relation to matters of hidden wealth and abuse of power:

So you see here, dual images, both set for August 8, 2022 at Mar-a-Lago, showing Trump's Moon (Lunar) Return at 12:14:38 am edt, and his Venus Return at 2:43:08 am edt, with Venus a planet of money and valuables, and Mercury, planet of documents and communications (phones?), at the Foundation of the chart (IC). As you see, the ongoing Pluto Rx opposite natal Venus transit is in full swing with a few notes penned on (lower right), plus, the Mars-inconjunct natal Moon transit suggests hot temper, defiance, and betrayal ("Russia if you're listening"), also penned on, left side under the Sabian Symbol for his natal Venus: "Guests Are Reading in the Library of a Luxurious Home." So if Mar-a-Lago sports a library, the FBI must have searched it carefully. Maybe that's where the *Mango Mussolini's safe is located!

His Moon Return: the 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 Rises (see lower left)

Now so far I know no exact time that the FBI entered Mar-a-Lago yesterday, so it seems significant that the last aspect made by yesterday's Moon before she went void-of-course (when no one can interfere! or results are unexpected, until 2:39 pm edt = Moon into Capricorn), was a Moon-Neptune square at 6:30 am edt, with its deceptive, confusing influences and link to the mass delusion that the orange blighter uses to cling to political influence (his 'big lie') in hopes of avoiding indictment, and for gaslighting his supporters into sending him money - as the Republican Party has begun doing based on yesterday's FBI "raid." Word today is, Republicans are "rallying around" Trump which must seem like their best bet for weathering the storm - yet another storm visited upon them by their narcissistic death-cult leader, Herr Trump. Most unfortunately, the storm affects the rest of us, too.

Well, there are many other astro-tidbits in both horoscopes for the curious reader to discover. Some notes are penned on, some await your eagle eye. You may even want to set up a horoscope for yesterday at 6:30 am edt, Mar-a-Lago, FL where you'll see Leo rising, and the Mars-Uranus Conjunction exact @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021 conjunct the 6:30 am Midheaven with midpoint potentials for "putting a pistol to someone's head, drastic or violent measures, and/or accidents or injuries" (R. Ebertin).

*Mango Mussolini is a nickname for Trump that I heard from progressive broadcaster Randi Rhodes, a force of nature.

Jul 23, 2022

Secret Service 1865 w/ July 2022 Planets

Astro-Notes: The Secret Service w/ Current Contacts

by Jude Cowell

The first Director of the US Secret Service William Patrick Wood was born March 11, 1820 in Alexandria, Virginia with a strong trio of Mercury-North-Node-Saturn @1Aries. He was tapped to lead the US Secret Service created by President Andrew Johnson's Executive Order after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in April 1865, and the new agency was tasked with a mission to squelch counterfeit currency which was depleting the value of real currency. This was not a good look for America or for the American people already under much duress due to the cuss'ed Civil War and the hardship and misery that any war brings to a populace.

Formed under the wings of the US Treasury Department (itself created by Congress on September 1, 1789 and first helmed by the illustrious Alexander Hamilton), the Secret Service is now headed by Trump appointee James Murray who's in the news these days due to certain events of January 6, 2021, and the agency's deleted texts which may have been little more than personal messages, more private than compromising. But that's an ongoing scandal to be further belabored as the year goes on.

So for that and other reasons, I thought perhaps a Horoscope for the US Secret Service could be usefully displayed here on Stars Over Washington although only a 'noon' chart is in my files. In untimed cases like this, I tend to look at the planets from their earliest positions on that date to their latest, with a noon chart in between. You'll find the range of positions of Sun and Moon listed, below the chart.

So here's an image of the agency's noon horoscope, plus, the 24-hour scope of planetary positions ranging from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm on July 5, 1865 when the US Secret Service became operative in order to root out law-breaking counterfeiters, then eventually went on to become the multi-pronged organization it is today including the protection of the president:

July 5, 1865: Sun 13Can36 - 14Can04 (conjunct Sirius and Canopus - and US POTUS Sun); Moon 29Sco01 - 11Sag38.

And since mundane Saturn signifies responsibility, accountability, managerial ability, soberness, laws, legalities, government, and such (and is exalted in Libra), you may find the current three-fer dates of the Secret Service's Saturn Return/s of interest: 1. November 11, 2011; 2. May 12, 2012 (Rx); 3. July 28, 2012 (President Obama). Standing out is the 1865 Saturn-North-Node Conjunction which adds to the agency's imperatives for responsible teamwork, a silent demeanor, and contacts with authoritative individuals; plus, Saturnian boundaries and rules must be observed (or should be). Additionally, 1865 Saturn conjuncts asteroid Sisyphus suggesting a picture of a strong determination to complete difficult tasks which must be done over and over. For me, a lack of vacations for agents is one potential that comes to mind.

Note: Unfortunately for our country, the condition of US natal Mars, planet of weapons, assaults, and initiative, has symbolically turned retrograde by progression since around 2006 and this affects many areas of life in the US including men who use weapons, with Mars in general signifying adult males such as those who sign up as agents in the Secret Service while America's planet of energy, action, and motivation must strive harder than usual with its energies diverted inward instead of outward and forward as Mars prefers. Of course, our military and police forces are also affected.

Now we should note the agency's Prenatal Solar Eclipse's Saros Series ('PE'), the difficult 11 South, a Total Eclipse which manifested on April 25, 1865 @5Tau21 (in 7th house near the financial 8th cusp at noon). 11 South themes: 'old methods fail, new systems and reforms are needed to deal with events; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Obviously, this relates to the agency's anti-counterfeiting mission at its inception but I can't discard its significance through the years although you can ignore its themes if you like. Plus, recent hits from radical Uranus lurching through Taurus could have activated 11 South themes while also suggesting feelings of brotherhood.

Meanwhile, another Total 11 South Eclipse will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo and will eclipse the natal Pluto and Mars-Saturn midpoint of Donald Trump with all the death, destructive fury, and higher power that the midpoint contains. However, considering that the heavyweight planet of power, hidden wealth, and stealth (Pluto) is involved, I don't care to speculate at this early date what the 2027 eclipsing of his Pluto and his 'death axis' midpoint can possibly foretell. Would you?

As for the 1865 Horoscope, outside the chart and highlighted in blue are penned the planets of the July 21, 2022 J6 Hearing which opened at 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Building Washington DC. And inside the 1865 horoscope, you'll note that Mars @25Leo07 is basically the natal Mars position of one D. Trump, while 1865 Jupiter Rx @21Sag38 was conjoined in 1946 by his very needy natal Moon which always carries with it natal South Node of fluctuating popularity, out-of-sync timing, and mother issues. Of course, these are not the only cosmic links between them (1946 to 1865) but these two contacts (Mars-Mars and Jupiter-Moon) must have aided the orange insurrectionist as he recruited certain men of the US Secret Service as if they were his own palace guard.

Jul 21, 2022

Astro-Notes: the very tall Barron Trump

July 22, 2022

Shown above in 2019, Trump son Barron Trump is in the spotlight again due to attending the funeral of his father's mother Ivana Trump (and at 16 now "towers" over his parents and siblings in photographs), so why not a brief reconsideration of Barron's natal planets along with a prominent conjunction to his Pisces Sun?

The conjunction is Sun conjunct fixed star Scheat, a star which often indicates suffering, misfortune, and a potential for drowning. Yet there's a positive side, for Scheat can denote literary and artistic talents. This star is spotlighted by the Sun at Spring Equinox every year.

Hopefully, expressing such creative talents will be the way he'll express Scheat in his life, and with his Sun highlighting the star, recognition for his creative endeavors is possible. After all, Pisces is a very creative sign and Barron was born with Sun @29Pis40, Mercury @14Pis30 (literary!), and his Ascendant @15Pis01. His natal Moon is in very early Sagittarius (00Sag56), sign of the foreigner, which hints at his mother Melania's birth location and heritage, with Moon signifying Mother. And typical for a parent and child relationships, his tower-building father's natal Moon is also in Sagittarius (and conjuncts Barron's natal Midheaven!), and Donald Trump's mother was from Scotland, as you know.

So if you wish, check out a previous SO'W post from 2018 concerning the natal Jupiter Rx in Scorpio of the very tall Barron Trump for it was his first Jupiter Return and a three-fer return at that.

And if possible, don't miss tonight's prime time J6 Hearing at 8:00 pm edt, for as the 8:00 pm horoscope shows, transit Nemesis, asteroid of divine retribution, now conjuncts fixed star Scheat.

Jul 19, 2022

Horoscope of the J6 Hearing July 21, 2022

DC Horoscope: J6 Public Hearing July 21, 2022 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Bldg Washington DC:

Saturn Square Uranus: 'Old Order' Rule of Law vs 'New Order' Utopian Anarchy of Lawlessness and Chaos

by Jude Cowell

What a horoscope! For opposite (US 1776) Pluto Rx rising is asteroid of democracy, Ceres, closely conjunct the goal-oriented Sun @29Can11, a degree which when rounded-up = "A Daughter of the American Revolution." Perhaps because this degree's Sabian Symbol links to my natal Mars but for me, this shows both democracy and revolution in the hearing's spotlight, just as it should be, for this is the crossroad that America has reached at this point in time. And although it makes me very fussy, maybe the prognostication I read years ago: "1776 - 2025" will turn out to be accurate with Inauguration 2025, said to be our country's last.

However, please note that our nation does Not have to discard democracy and turn authoritarian, at least not under Democrats. To that milder end, this where I type, Vote Blue in 2022 - and avoid voting for candidates of the bizarre, freakishly paternalistic Chastity Belt Party now passing laws that 'legalize' the rape and marriage of young girls, among other anti-societal ruinous ideas. Your choice, of course. But please think of your daughters and the other ladies in your life.

As for the July 21st chart, see lower left corner for retrograde, karmic chart-ruler Saturn's one applying aspect, a square with zealous Uranus. The square will perfect on October 23, 2022 which may turn out to be a significant date especially since it comes tweo days prior to the difficult 6 South October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct the 1949 Ascendant of NATO (Putin's enemy), and with Nazi vibes in play.

Meanwhile, we should note that the ruler of crossroads, Mercury @5Leo08, conjuncts America's 1776 North Node of destiny! And you know that people here and across the world are aware that America is poised at the turning point of Democracy vs Fascism with paternalistic authoritarianism attempting to take total control of America as it has tried in the past, and failed. Unfortunately this time, the anarchic forces of evil and corruption are better organized with more members who, for some reason, assume that they'll come out okay, even exalted, after the dust settles. How stunned will they be to find that they and theirs will not be 'okay' at all? Taking forceful control of the 2022 Midterm Elections is suggested by themes of the 6 South October Solar Eclipse as saboteurs try to make historic events of the 1930s repeat in November 2022. Let's not allow it.

Now also in the horoscope, above, ascending is the Full Moon of July 13, 2022 @21Cap21 which we might remember since it perfected the day after the J6 Hearing of July 12th so during Thursday's hearing, something presented then may return for review or rehash, and probably will since the hearings are an ongoing process meant to hold accountable those responsible for disrupting our traditional peaceful transfer of power, and committing violent acts of insurrection on behalf of you-know-who.

Actually, there are multiple indications rising in the 8:00 pm edt horoscope of the July 21st 'Prime Time' hearing (unless a rescheduling occurs) such as the harsh, compressive January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of evil, Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'), a point of fated encounters or wish fulfillment, and the January 6, 2021 'mob attack' Ascendant @15Tau54 at 1:00 pm est.

South Node "21 Scorpio" = "A Soldier Derelict In His Duty": "Complete Faithlessness to the Common Welfare" (M. E. Jones)

So as you see in the chart, Luna @15Tau18 also conjuncts the 8:00 pm IC, the HOW? Point and Foundation of the Matter, with warrior planet Mars conjunct IC as well but from the 3rd house of Communications. Maybe the July 21st hearing set to reveal what the faithless Trump did and didn't do while happily watching his coup attempt on TV against the US Congress as events progressed (gallows and all), and Americans were being maimed and killed in Trump's name, is what in a sense yours truly has waited for for years, ever since I noticed the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction landing upon Trump's natal Vertex. Fingers crossed!

We may hear from a 'woman of strong principles' or two with the intense Moon-Mars combo opposing MC and the Uranus-North-Node duo of radical reformist politics nearby in 4th house. As mentioned, opposite is the neurotic derelict soldier conjunct South Node of past behavior in the very visible 10th house of Public Status. Is that Cadet Bone Spurs on display?

Meanwhile, there's always the dire admonition of Regulus rising with Trump's natal Mars fulfilling his threatened destiny of "all that's been gained will be taken away" for those who take revenge. And as you know, 'revenge' is the orange blighter's middle name - and now it's the Republican Party's perogative to use violence. Video: Chris Hayes On the Implied Threat When Republicans Use Guns as Props in their campaign ads. Note that the organized crime duo of Neptune-Pluto @26AQ18 conjuncts the Anti-Vertex axis.

Now you may wish to consider the three stars rising with planets in this chart, one in particular is Pluto (now in process of the 2022 US Pluto Return which is also rising) and showing the J6 hearings as response to Trump's 2021 coup attempt and a major part of our destructuring Pluto Return - with effective rebuilding to follow ("positive social reform" star Zuben Elgenubi conjuncts MC). Additionally, higher powered Pluto Rx leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, and rises on July 21st with Scheat, star of 'extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, malevolence, imprisonment' (A. Louis). As you know, it was Scheat that influenced Trump's 'prez bid' announcement at the Gemini New Moon of June 16, 2015 which fell snugly into the 17 South Saros Series of the Spring Equinox Eclipse of March 2015 - conjunct Scheat.

So now in 2022 the time has arrived for the piper to be paid, and the starring 'pied piper' is Donald Trump who, if any justice is left in the world, will be held accountable for his criminality and sedition - and will be the one who pays his debt to society since, in America, no one is above the law.

So let's consider a midpoint picture of potentials suggested here of 2020 Saturn-Pluto = July 21, 2022 ASC: "silent power or continuing influence" (M. Munkasey), plus, "placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; mourning and bereavement" (R. Ebertin) with more than a little "sadness" added to the picture as well (N. Tyl).

Trump's Pluto = Mars-Saturn: Death of Many People; Fury; Intervention by a Higher Power (R. Ebertin)

Descriptively, the chart's Saturn-Pluto midpoint @10AQ57 in 1st house (with both powerful Pluto and legal eagle Saturn) opposes Trump's natal Pluto which indicates potentials for: "choosing either good or evil and dedicating one's life to eliminating the other; extreme changes" (M. Munkasey). In Putin pal Trump's case, we've seen that "the other" includes the United States of America and the American people as Krushchev's 1953 "we will bury you" threat plays out. One clue is the Neptune-Pluto duo of Organized Crime @26AQ18, as noted, conjunct the Anti-Vertex, and opposing Trump's natal Mars (26Leo46) - conjunct the hearing's Vertex! Look to corporate Cupido in 8th house for more information.

So we have Trump's mob-like activities in the spotlight Thursday evening with his Vertex in governmental Capricorn rising, along with his being "used as a tool" (by Russia? China? Neo-Nazis? Fascists? Other? All of them?). And for those who prefer the third-decan of Aquarius for the US Moon of 1776 (We The People), add "big mood sweeps" and/or "anxiety" (N. Tyl). Hopefully, restless minds will be changed (and eyes opened!) by the factual evidence presented at the J6 Hearings.

Now obviously, the current Saros Series (6 North) applies to all of the June and July Public J6 Hearings with themes of "relationship to authority figures" and "commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness" (paraphrasing B. Brady), the meaning of which became clearer this very day with the announcement that J6 Chairman Bennie Thompson has just been diagnosed with Covid. Therefore, perhaps Rep. Liz Cheney will gavel in Thursday's hearing and it's been reported that the other Republican serving on the J6 Select Committee, Adam Kinzinger, will lead the proceedings Thursday night.

Wishing a quick recovery for Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi!

Well, there's much more to the above horoscope and subject, but that's all I have today although additions may turn up. So leave your on-topic insights if you wish, and Thanks a Bunch for reading and sharing! Jude

Jul 13, 2022

DC Horoscope: the "will be wild" tweet

A Tweet That Called for Violent Assault on Congress

by Jude Cowell

Spotlighted during the July 12, 2022 J6 Hearing was Trump's Will be wild tweet that he sent out to his followers at 1:42 am est on December 19, 2020 not long after the December 18th "unhinged" Oval Office meeting had ended. The tweet activated, and was intended to activate - Trump-idolizing militia groups to meet in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, and although no reader may agree with me - for I have no proof, only intuition - "will be wild" could very well have been a prearranged signal that the "armed revolution" against the US Congress to stop or slow down certification of the Electoral College Votes for Joe Biden was going forward - and weapons would be necessary.

So because his tweet has been accurately time-stamped, I've spent a few hours today messily marking study notes upon a bi-wheel with a DC Horoscope set for December 19, 2020 1:42 am est Washington DC, Trump's "will be wild" tweet (inner). Surrounding the 'tweet' horoscope is the natal chart of Donald Trump so that it's impossible to miss the fact that his Stationary Jupiter @17Lib27 precisely rises the moment he tweeted his "wild" message. This timing places House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter opposite @18Aries. Rising is not simply his Jupiter but also Trump's natal 2nd house trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter, and you'll note that he activated an armed mob to search and destroy the Speaker of the House that day, along with other Democrats, plus, VP Pence, who refused to help him with his coup attempt of the US government:

Now as you see, the tweet's 4 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 (so near Trump's awkward Moon-South-Node conjunction) is penned into the 3rd house of Communications with its 4 South themes listed in the center of the horoscope (although there was no space to add 4 South's fated quality, or its 'end of relationships' potential - B. Brady). You probably remember that this is the December 14, 2020 Eclipse which occurred on the day the Electoral College voted for Joe Biden - and there were strong emotions expressed during the screamfest called the "unhinged" Oval Office meeting which Sidney "Kraken" Powell and other "crazies" attended, for one reason to tell Trump to seize voting machines through an executive order. (See lower left for a few notes on the de-licensed lawyer Powell, pal of Ginni Thomas - Powell's natal midpoint picture describes a fraudster.) If you watched, you know that the "unhinged" meeting was discussed during the July 12th J6 hearing yesterday.

And descriptively enough, for his birthday this year in June, Trump received a Full Moon @23Sag25 which starkly lit up the 4 South Electoral College Eclipse of December 14, 2020 - and of course, June 2022 brought his nibs lots of publicity and stress through multiple J6 Public Hearings! (The first hearing's horoscope is linked, below.) It's all about 2020's Electoral College Vote and Trump's refusal to get over his loss - which now sticks to the Trump brand.

Meanwhile, you'll note that the tweet chart's Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, has difficult star Castor upon it ('sudden loss or fame; murder; crippling of limbs; mental illness' - A. Louis). Also conjunct Midheaven is the Mars-Ascendant midpoint, a picture that R. Ebertin gives as, 'fighters' and 'comrades in arms'. Comrades in arms? Sounds like militia groups and complicit Republican politicians who had parts to play in the "stop the steal" proceedings. An exception was VP Pence, an outlier whose refusal enraged coup-plotter Trump.

Lower right corner you see transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn denoting his refusal to accept loss and failure, the tweet's Moon @26AQ48 opposing Trump's natal Mars @26Leo46 which echoes the oppositional relationship between his aggressive Mars and US 1776 Moon (for those who use this placement for We The People). For me this is a cosmic picture of his contempt for us including his supporters, his aggression against our country, the assault against the peaceful transfer of power, and his general willingness to do America harm as signified by the Moon-Mars opposition. Plus, it's a Nodal Return for him when new alliances can be formed, and in his case, transit North Node @19Gemini points toward his natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio of 'meetings with excited or unusual people' ("crazies"), fanaticism, and radical reactionary politics.

Also notable, is that this time period includes the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 - conjunct the US POTUS Sun (played by Trump, at that time). This forms a midpoint picture of potentials: Jupiter-Saturn = POTUS Sun: "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (N. Tyl).

Well, he was legally advised to avoid the crazy idea of seizing voting machines and his court challenges had failed, so I can believe that he was gripped by the status quo of his election loss, and with options exhausted, it seems that his tweet calling for armed rebellion must have been his version of taking destiny into his own tweeting hands in an attempt to make the 'best' of things by strong-arming his way back into the presidency.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the First Public J6 Hearing: A Gang of Robbers in Hiding. Synchronistically, the angles of the first J6 public hearing chart of June 9th align with the angles of the "will be wild" tweet chart displayed above.

Sep 9, 2021

Gaseous Neptune in Pisces fuels the Big Lie Party

NASA image: gaseous giant Neptune, symbol of lies and fraud in astrology

Thursday September 9, 2021: So a year ago on Stars Over Washington, what used to be known as the Republican Party (b. 1854) was being re-named with various labels such as the Conspiracy Party and of course they've certainly earned the moniker.

But now in 2021, thanks to Donald Tr*mp's malicious ploys and antics in a desperate bid to regain power, a new au courant re-naming has occurred for they are now known as the Big Lie Party and the group's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces must be simply inflating and preening with pride. Why party members are positively bubbling with corruption, fraud, fantasy, pretense, and eagerness to kiss Herr Tr*mp's ring way down in Mar-a-Lago by oceanic Neptune's shores!

For as TV's Moira Rose might put it, GOP-ers seem to bombillate with anticipation!

And then, of course you know which fixed star twinkles mid-Pisces: Achernar, with key phrases that include: success in public office (for those with good morals) but also the risk of rapid endings and crisis at the end of the river. And the descriptive Sabian Symbol for "14 Pisces" (and the Big Lie Party's traditional promoters): "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my BOLD); negative expression: amoral opportunism (Jones). Oh dear! Sounds like a lack of good morals.

Now personally I wouldn't miss their rapid ending at all if such is the fate of the "Republican Party" since they, as an American political entity, don't actually govern the US but instead have opted for a well-paid Neptunian-Plutonian sabotage agenda for our country.

So in case you missed it you may wish to see Salon's Why the Republicans' 'Big Lie' works so well: A sociopathic party and a damaged country by Chauncey DeVega.

Yeah, and who has worked for years and years to effect such damage in preparation for a long-planned shift from democracy and the US Constitution to an authoritarian state modeled on naz*sm and brutality?

You know who--the Big Lie Party!

Jun 22, 2021

Florida's Ron DeSantis: Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius

Brief Astro-Notes by Jude Cowell

US Representative Ron DeSantis; official portrait; 113th Congress

Tuesday June 22, 2021: Can Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ('noon' chart shown, thanks to Marjorie Orr) possibly become the GOP's 2024 candidate for the presidency? Well, his resume pre-politics is stellar with a history degree from Yale, a law degree from Harvard, serving as a Naval Reserve officer and JAG, attorney for Seal Team deployed to Iraq, former US Rep. Ron DeSantis is just about everything draft-dodger Trump never was. DeSantis has described himself as a "mini-Trump" yet with his current poll numbers higher than those of the exiled "Dick A L'Orange" (props to Steven Colbert!), the Trumpiness of DeSantis may or may not aid him in the next race for the White House. Yes, 40-something Gov. DeSantis may have baggage but it seems to be lighter than the steamer trunks that old 70-something Trump lugs around. Barring huge scandals of romantic or financial proportions, the Florida governor could become a political 'star' for the GOP.

So in case you missed it, here's a Morning Joe segment from earlier today discussing the potential presidential candidacy of Ron DeSantis. And below are a few astro-notes on his Sun-Moon personality blend which holds true no matter his birth time on September 14, 1978: he's an Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius sort of guy. Yet we should also mention his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Mercury-ruled Virgo which obviously aided him in his studies toward higher degrees and in his legal work and suggests that plenty of hard work and concentration have been his primary way of reaching his objectives in life. Even so, DeSantis has gained a significant level of power within his sphere of influence through his organizational ability and by working within The System (ruled by Saturn). However, several planetary contacts of 2021 into 2022 are unfavorable for his plans but will lighten in time for political events of 2024 and 2025. More on that later if Ron DeSantis continues to be considered as a possible candidate.

Now his natal Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies denotes a man of shrewd intelligence, one who is capable of impartial analysis. His (lawyerly) focus tends to be on "black and white facts" while dispassionately distancing himself from other people and from his own feelings. A bit of a people-watcher, he's a self-controlled fellow with a streak of perfectionism supplied by Virgo (the critic). Yet there is social concern, plus, a measure of friendliness via his Aquarian Moon. (Note that a candidate's natal placement in Aquarius can resonate well with the American people for a presidential hopeful!)

In closing, here is one of his Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (#ad), then a quote from a fellow also born under the influence of the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend, author and broadcaster J.B. Priestley (1894--1984):

Image: "Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order."


"The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry."- J.B. Priestley.

And some of those "trained minds" hold Yale and Harvard degrees.

Jun 21, 2021

Ohio Horoscope: Trump's First MAGA Rally since 1/6

Monday June 21, 2021: It has been announced that Tr*mp's first MAGA 'Save America' Rally since his failed January 6th insurrection (aka, his attempted neo-nazi coup of the US Congress intended to keep his wide caboose lounging in the Oval Office by stopping America's peaceful transfer of power) is scheduled for June 26, 2021 7:00 pm edt at the Lorrain County Fairgrounds in Wellington, Ohio. At last his circus barker personality can fully express itself within its native environment!

So it occurs to me that perhaps a dear reader or two of this post would care for a peek at a 7:00 pm horoscope set for this exciting political event (assuming the rally isn't cancelled). Note that most of Tr*mp natal planets are penned around the outside of the chart and are highlighted in lavender. You'll want to note the Mars-to-natal Pluto transit for its karmic intensity and possible expressions of jealousy and revenge:

Naturally, it's doubtful that Tr*mp's June 26th appearance and evening of rhetoric (whines, belly-aching, falsehoods, insults) will actually begin at 7:00 pm precisely and if so, this chart may act primarily as a symbolic or speculative horoscope for those who keep up with such things. But as you see, warring Antares rises at 7:00 pm but Tr*mp's first natal planet to rise is his Moon @21Sag12 closely preceded by his South Node, a combo that does not make for the best timing or the most popularity with the public. Of course, his 10th house Sun-North-Node conjunction in sparkling Gemini gives him plenty of contacts with the public but for emotional, unconscious reasons (Moon-SN) things don't always turn out so well for 'His Touchiness'.

And actually, this horoscope suggests to me that with chart-ruler Jupiter retrograde ('Rx') in the 3rd house of Communications and making no applying aspects in the chart, his reception may not be quite as uplifting for this narcissist extraordinaire as he wishes, plus, a Rx chart-ruler tends to denote some form of delay if not cancellation. However, his grand Jupiterian utterances will probably be repetitious (Rx) even though they may begin later than advertised. And with Jupiter and Mercury issues in evidence it's even possible that travel difficulties may occur.

Meanwhile, there's the rally's Midheaven ruler Mercury, planet of oration, speeches, and messages (happy in one of his own signs) for it also makes no applying aspects which is why I splashed, "A speech that goes nowhere?" across the MC angle, the most visible point in any chart and The Goal or Aspiration Point. And yet Mercury @16Gem46 (7th house) turned Direct on June 22nd, and conjuncts royal star Rigel ('to bring knowledge to others; to educate'). But as you see, traveling with transit Mercury is asteroid Cupido which signifies The Family, Corporatism, and/or The Syndicate (a reference to underworld criminal elements).

Well yes, Tr*mp will 'bring it' (although 'it' may be more on the gossip or overpromising side than the knowledge side) but that doesn't mean his rhetoric will impress anyone but the most zealous fanatic and bigot. Plus, scandals are never far away from this amateur politician and much can go astray during the 5 days until June 26th.

So in closing, for your consideration here are two dynamic planetary patterns in the 7:00 pm horoscope detailed as midpoint pictures of potentials using Reinhold Ebertin's and Michael Munkasey's interpretations:

T-Square: Mars-Saturn = Uranus: an unusual power of resistance; application of brute force; sudden accident or illness; separation or a case of death. And Mars-Saturn with US Inaugural Ascendant ('14Taurus') = separation; obstacles; illness; mourning.

Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God): Saturn-square-Uranus = MC: releasing old ideas that no longer work (new whines in an old, out-of-shape bottle? jc); accepting change; rebellion; provocation; separation.

And if you will, please Share if you care! jc

Feb 24, 2021

Horoscope: CPAC 2021 Orlando, Trump to speak

February 24, 2021: Last I heard, Donald Trump is to speak at this year's CPAC in Orlando, Florida on Sunday February 28, 2021. The following horoscope is purely speculative since I have no hour for his address (of "Appeals and Grievances") so the chart is set for 8:00 pm EST. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes since I don't care to spend further time on the blighter nor on an event for which I have no accurate time for setting up the horoscope; as you see, Trump natals (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Jamaica, NY) are penned around the chart, highlighted in pink; a few chart details will follow:

Update: Have just located the time Trump is scheduled to speak on Sunday - at 3:40 pm, but I don't care enough to change the horoscope! However, at 3:40 pm ASC 5Leo48 (so Trump's natal Pluto rises), MC at a critical 29th degree (29Ari34), and Moon remains in Libra @00:50 in 3rd house of Communications); chart-ruler Sun will conjunct Neptune a few days later so expect a lot of propaganda and disinformation spawned by this event. For CPAC 2021 details, see the CPAC 2021 Agenda.

Original post starts here:

At 8:00 pm, chart-ruler Venus applies once - a sextile to quirky Uranus (see lower left for details in blue); Moon @Lib28 rises (publicity; the public mood: sociable and dependent on others when in Libra) and rules MC (Career; Public Standing = popular). Luna is handle of a Sling shape of the planets and therefore is the point of application. Yet opposing the rising Moon is the destructive Mars-Saturn midpoint (so active in his natal chart) suggesting that his feelings about losing something will be on display as will other grievances (ex: his wounded sense of 'justice'), along with appeals for support (a 2024 run?), seductive plans for change or reform of the party, vanity, a sense of martyrdom and betrayal, and other factors visible in the horoscope. Jupiter the Broadcaster, Politician, Corporatist, Guru, Military General, and Financier stands out as well since the planet of expansion (5th house) is apex of a Thor's Hammer pattern.

Please note that as yet I've read no reports on what topics he might pontificate upon at CPAC 2021 and am merely attempting to translate for you some of the factors I see in this speculatively timed horoscope. (At 8:00 pm social events may still be ongoing. Or not!) You may of course, see many more interesting details and naturally, with his first natal planet to rise being Neptune (and knowing Neptune's ability to diguise), I wish you success finding them. And share your on-topic observations on this chart or on a 3:40 pm chart if you like!

As for the cosmic weather of February 28, 2021, we find a Sun Pisces-Moon Libra (Water-Air) blend of misty, ethereal energies. Rationalization will occur and the ideals to which he holds other people will be impractical. As always, Trump will express beliefs in what is most pleasant and convenient to himself. The Harveys give this blend two 'Images for Integration' that seem to apply: "A theatrical-musical artist entertains his entourage of friends and fans...A team of writers creates a masterpiece."

We'll see whether Trump follows their script or indulges himself by blabbing his usual stream of consciousness.

Jan 7, 2021

The January 2021 New Moon and Trump's culpability

January 7, 2021: After yesterday's breach of the US Capitol Building instigated by Trump, multiple political pundits and others are now calling for remedies in order to remove a dangerous Trump from the White House such as Impeachment (this would prevent his ever running for office again), the 25th Amendment (due to his unfitness for office which has been the case all along), and possibly the Republican Party telling him to resign (not that he'd listen; but he could be pardoned by Pence, then abscond to a hidey hole). And with about 13 days to go until the Biden Inauguration, untold dangers lurk for America and for the American people, especially those Trump identifies as his enemies (by which he means 'mortal enemies'). The midpoint between yesterday's insurrection (1/6/21) and January 20, 2020 spotlights January 13th and the New Moon which manifests on that date (12:00:04 am est) and identifies a seeding time for a new cycle of activity as New Moons tend to do.

Now previously on SO'W we discussed a few factors concerning the Capricorn New Moon of January 13, 2021 conjunct powerful manipulator and hidden hand, the very wealthy Pluto. And as you know, prominent New Moons can disrupt lives and events in similar ways as a Solar Eclipse can do - for both share similar effects to the separative, awakening, erratic, unpredictable, shocking energies of astrological Uranus. Plus, eclipses are often known as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' and they may uncover inconvenient secrets for those whose planets it touches.

Meanwhile, a New Moon also indicates that 3 days prior - the Dark of the Moon phase - is a period when things can go bump in the night and shady activities may run wild, undetected. And you know that the next Full Moon (January 28th @9Leo06) may shine a bright light on Dark of the Moon events, conditions, and thus create scandals.

Pertinent to the authority of Trump is the fact that the Capricorn New Moon @23Cap13 opposes his natal Saturn in the watery, tribalistic sign of Cancer and this describes Trump's "they did it, don't blame me" attitude concerning yesterday's seditious events which he himself incited. Yes, this is his general attitude yet only by taking responsibility for his actions and doing what he can to correct them will bring him karmic progress (and thus bring it to America - he won't do this but We The People and others must).

So today I'm posting the January 13, 2021 New Moon Horoscope for your consideration and invite your on-topic observations:

Question: can Trump's revenge yesterday against the US Congress and American voters be what finally triggers royal Regulus to exercise its caution against taking revenge - otherwise all that was gained will be taken away?

Jan 6, 2021

DC Horoscopes: Trump Mob Breaches Capitol Building

January 6, 2021: Today violence occurred in Washington DC. A woman shot earlier during the breach has died, WaPo reports, and others are injured. The stirred up Trump Mob of malcontents stormed and breached the US Capitol Building this afternoon while Congress had begun certifying the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden. Few astro-notes will be added tonight (it's after 6:00 pm est and I'm pretty wumped out at the moment) other than what I've marked on the bi-wheel charts you see below.

The chaos occurred after sore loser Trump spoke earlier at a 'rally' in the Federal City, exhibiting his usual 'low and mean way of acting' in the midst of his malicious scheme to stay in power. Meanwhile, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo draws nearer to conjunction each day and will peak @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021. DC police officers and the National Guard were somewhat slow to begin defending the Capitol Building today and one must wonder why. Well, some members of the political punditry class have suggested that a desperate Trump wants - called for - such upheaval so that he can declare martial law.

Tragically this seems plausible. So see what you think of the charts:

The Federal City Horoscope is in center; outer chart: January 6, 2021 6:00 pm est (the curfew time Mayor Bowser set earlier for the District this evening). Circled are the primary contacts that pop out to me and note that activist Mars entered Taurus at 5:27 pm est, and 00--1 Taurus are considered degrees of violence - it's actually an aggressive, ego-gratifying Mars-to-natal-Sun transit - for Adolf Hitler:

Note that Trump natal Pluto @10Leo02 conjuncts 1791 Uranus. Rebellion!

Dec 30, 2020

Astro-Notes: Louie Buller Gohmert August 18, 1953

Image above of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC

A Few Astro-Notes Concerning the Obsessive Mr. Gohmert

by Jude Cowell

If you're curious about the career path of Rep. Louie Buller Gohmert Jr (R-TX) and a few bio details, you may wish to check out his Wikipedia page where you'll see that Baby Louie was born on August 18, 1953 in Pittsburg, Texas but was "raised" in Mount Pleasant, Texas.

Assuming office in the House of Representatives on January 3, 2005, the former JAG attorney seldom ceases to amaze and not often in a good way. A current example is his frivolous lawsuit against VP Pence in an attempt to overturn the 2020 Election on behalf of Donald Trump on January 6, 2021. Glenn Kirschner has the absurd details and his usual measured commentary. Now Mr. Gohmert's lawsuit asserts that gavel-holder Mike Pence should simply 'declare' Trump president on January 6th instead of certifying Joe Biden as victor of the 2020 presidential election. However, VP Pence's position in Congress does not grant him such liberties. Ordinarily. The outcome of their farce remains to be seen and you may want to pop an extra bowl of popcorn on January 6th. (Note: The horoscope is set for 10:00 am est which may be too early for the proceedings but as you can see, the Sun @16Capricorn opposes Gohmert's natal Venus @16Cancer so that relationships, alliances, and legal matters proceed unfavorably for him; however, the Sun conjunct his natal Chiron Rx @16Cap02 so he may feel that he's on the right course to fulfill his life's quest! And his natal Venus-Chiron opposition suggests that a mentor is involved or that he is someone's mentor--R. Nolle.)

A Related Post: Astro-Notes on the 117th Congress.

So perhaps a very brief look at a few of the quirky Mr. Gohmert's natal planets would be of interest to one or two readers:

On August 18, 1953 the Sun was in the proud, vain, dramatic, 'natural leader' sign of Leo for the 24 hours (24--26) while the fluctuating Moon floated from 29Scor44 (12:00 am CST) to 12Sag28 (11:59 pm CST). So chances are good that Gohmert's natal Moon is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius with its 'idealistic thoughts guide action' quality (Ebertin) and this would make him a volatile double Fire personality, so certain of the rightness of his beliefs, rather than a steamy Fire-Water combo that can sterilize or scald.

Louie Gohmert's Solar Eclipse in Leo: For karmic Progress Avoid Egocentricity

His Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Saros Series manifested on August 9, 1953 @17Leo, is also his Syzygy Moon, and contains themes of 'bringing to the surface longterm worries about health or loved ones, or about issues that concern paperwork and/or communications; responsibilities with paperwork could come home to roost, and any news has a sense of fate or destiny attached' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Note that the last 9 New South Eclipse occurred on September 11, 2007 @18Virgo, the next will occur on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo, a critical 29th degree.

Now in his natal chart and psyche Rep. Gohmert 'enjoys' a few planetary pairs - conjunctions, that is - with the concentrated energies and potentials they suggest: Saturn-Neptune in Libra (21-23) indicates that he's a performer (as lawyers and politicians tend to be); Mercury-Mars in Leo (7-13) denotes strong political opinions with Leonine ego involvement; Venus-Uranus in Cancer (16-21) describes a strong insistence on retaining his freedom and independence, especially within relationships and alliances.

Last but not least by any means is Gohmert's power-craving Sun-Pluto conjunction in royal Leo (23-26) which provides him with intense, obsessive qualities that yours truly would call zealotry.

What would you call it, dear reader?

Dec 26, 2020

2020 Ends as Trump plays Medusa the "dark one"

The Head of Medusa by Paul Rubens; Dguendel, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

In or around 1618, Peter Paul Rubens painted the severed head of Medusa. And from circa 2017 to 2020, Donald Trump has subjected the American people and the world to the 'star' upon his natal Midheaven (The Goal Point), Algol (Beta Perseus), aka, the Head of Medusa or the Gorgon's Head. As one of his final hurrahs, a balking, sulking, vengeful Trump now holds many more lives in his claws, lives which he may add to his growing list of deaths from his mishandling of the Covid contagion. Meanwhile, many pundits, reporters, writers, and politicians are attempting to describe how and why a golfing Trump is behaving as he is.

Well, with Astrology and star lore at our disposal, let's see if a consideration of Algol and Medusa can enlighten us as to the objectives of Donald Trump, what motivates him, at what should, by all rights, be the end of the line for his misbegotten "presidency." After all, Diana K. Rosenberg says that Algol is often found in criminal and murder charts.

Vicious Algol in late Taurus

Algol is the Head of Gorgo Medusa, say Ebertin and Hoffmann, and the name is derived from the Arabic Al Ghoul (Brady says Ras Al-Ghoul) meaning, "demon," "evil spirit," or "devil." (If you watched the TV series, Gotham, you recognize such a demonic character by name.) And note that 'The Dark One' also shows up in the TV series Once Upon a Time. So a ghoul he is! Especially nowadays when we count the Chinese Astrology description for Algol: "piled up corpses," a goal the WH gangster has reached by doing basically nothing about the coronavirus as if "herd immunity" is the correct way to handle a pandemic rather than furthering the exercise of a hidden depopulation agenda.

Meanwhile, Trump's pile-up continues for want of a stimulus package unless Monday and Tuesday (12/28 and 29) bring override votes from both House and Senate. That's a massive bargaining chip Trump holds in his tiny claws, isn't it?

Ebertin and Hoffmann go on, "Algol is part of a double star system...Its darker brother" (nebula Capulus) "circles the brighter star in about 69 hours, in such a manner that an occultation for nine hours appears as viewed from Earth and this gives a periodical change in brightness." {}"The dark one has the property of pure Saturn character: the lighter one" (Algol) "corresponds not only to Saturnian influence but also to Mars-Uranus-Pluto nature." The stars viciously blend both feminine and masculine rage and the fury of destruction into the psyche of Donald Trump - now with transiting Pluto opposing his natal Saturn in tribal Cancer so that his attempts to impose his authority are challenged by powerful forces and his lifetyle is subject to major alterations.

As for Algol's 'Mars-Uranus-Pluto nature', the Trump "administration" and his Klan-infused White House were imprinted by vibes of Mars-Uranus at the February 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pisces, and the combustible planetary pair again conjunct on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44. Tragically, we saw effects of the Mars-Uranus combination on Christmas Day just passed expressing brutally and explosively in Nashville, Tennessee. (My condolences to all those affected and to the city of Nashville which I have visited a few times in the past.)

Now an on-topic reminder may be in order - that Trump was born under the influence of an extremely destructive midpoint picture of potentials with his 12th house Pluto at apex - Mars-Saturn (the death axis) = Pluto: 'deaths of many people; murder; brutality; bodily injury or harm; intervention of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). In previous posts concerning his 12th house of the Unconscious, I have called Trump "a man overshadowed by shadows" and nothing has occurred to change that tragic assessment. Gangstas gotta gangsta.

So as we see, ruthless Algol in a natal chart can embue an individual with an intense, consuming passion that, if thwarted, results in a devouring anger and rage (Brady). Contained within the energies of Algol often lurks an unconscious obessession with taking revenge so perhaps you'll agree that we need look no further for an explanation of Mars-rising Trump's current behavior spurred by his loss of the November 3, 2020 Election and the subsequent rebuffs he has experienced ever since - rebuffs instead of the rescue he desparately seeks.

And so I must wonder if the mythological defeat of Medusa using a mirror (to avoid looking directly at her) suggests one way to handle the very snakey Trump - by holding up a mirror to his cruelties and actions so that he might finally see how others see him while he departs the political stage with devil's tail between his stubby legs. Holding up a mirror is what some of those pundits and others have been trying to do and I appreciate the ones who 'cover' Trump in such a way.

But for this grizzled old astrologist, Astrology and star lore say pretty much all that needs to be said about Trump's current, erratic behavior especially considering his natal Uranus in the Mercurial sign of Gemini, a sign that in some of its natives worries that it may be going crazy. Well for me, bang the gavel because the jury is in on that tragic King-Lear-esque determination.

Algol details: Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation (1971), by Ebertin and Hoffmann; and Brady's Book of Fixed Stars. Also note that in Anthony Louis' book, Horary Plain and Simple, he adds to Caput Algol: 'losing one's head, decapitation, horror, fires, sickness, violence, damage to neck and throat', and he concurs with D.K. Rosenburg on, criminality.

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Dec 1, 2020

December 14, 2020: a Solar Eclipse then a VOC Moon

Photograph of The White House: aka, The Prize Trump Can't Give Up!

As you know, on Inauguration Day 2021 the Moon will go void-of-course but even before that, we have another significant day with a VOC Moon: December 14, 2020, the day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse and, unless their schedule changes, the day the Electoral College members will cast their votes for president. Now admittedly, I'm one of the ones who suspect that Trump has a trick up his sleeve as a last-ditch effort to shift the November 2020 Election outcome to his favor. Because if he possibly can, he'll drag things out even longer than he already has - on into January 2021 like the craven, compromised saboteur he is, with no care for our nation and no concern for the American people.

And of course the possibility of yet another Trump Government Shut Down looms before us as well for funds to run the government will 'run out' on December 11th - with a Sun-Mars trine at 1:01 am, and a Moon-Uranus opposition at 8:43 am est.

Meanwhile, if you view the bi-wheel of horoscopes linked above, you'll see December 14's 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 'eclipsing' Trump's Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, planet of authority. A significant cosmic event? I truly hope so.

As for the December 14th VOC Moon (if needed, follow the first link above for a few notes concerning potentials of a VOC Moon), the moment the eclipse ends (11:17 am est), the Moon goes VOC until Luna enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn at 10:35 pm est. (This lunar condition could mean that no one can interfere with the electoral proceedings, much as Trump and his operatives want to - or that results could turn out in a way no one expects.)

So! Moon or no Moon, I intend to send out encouraging vibes to the electors to get their voting business over with before 11:17 am - and to not turn faithless on the American people who are clearly wa-a-a-y over con man Donald Trump: wastrel extraordinaire, serial bankrupt, fraudster with mob ties, and fulltime liar and cheat.

Nov 12, 2020

Our Crisis and the 7 South Eclipse: Mars Square Pluto

2020 Election = 2020 Crisis and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Not long after the premiere of A Birth of a Nation, on the evening of Thanksgiving, November 25, 1915, itinerant preacher William Joseph Simmmons brought together 15 friends and a few aging original Klan members atop Stone Mountain, Georgia, built an altar, burned a cross, and declared himself imperial wizard of the invisible empire (Nixon's "silent majority'?) of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Upon the altar he had placed a Bible, an American flag, and an unsheathed sword, then uttered a macho-esque incantation involving a "practical fraternity among men" as he declared himself imperial wizard of a morbid brotherhood of malcontents. Perhaps we can agree that modern-day representatives of this hate-filled "fraternal brotherhood" now cling to power as they, with 'macho' Trump, hunker down in the White House and do everything they can to disrupt America's traditional peaceful transition of power. For within the shadows, the Klan's network has grown, spread, and infiltrated the halls of power, much as it did in the early years of the 20th century - and not just in America.

Occurring during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, a prominent racist of the post-Reconstruction era, the revival of the Klan in 1915 openly revealed their renewed drive toward societal supremacy based on skin color and was promoted as "taking an active part in the betterment of mankind" (as if primal violence could effect such an outcome!). Its motto: Non Silba Sed Anthar a mixture of Latin and Gothic that means, "not self but others." Of course, 'gothic' suggests ancient Germanic tribes, and obviously, their idea of "betterment" involved (and still involves by such groups of our day) the "purification" of the white race, the obsessive, irrational goal of a death cult mentality.

Meanwhile, in the Atlanta, Georgia of 1915, the Atlanta Constitution promoted an attempt to normalize and gain acceptance for what had occurred atop Stone Mountain that dark night. Here's an image of the newspaper's November 28, 1915 clipping:

Atlanta Constitution, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: "impressive"?

Now to limit the appearance of this post as any sort of a tribute to the Klan, defunct as the group is said to be yet ideologically cloned these days by various groups and sub-groups, here are a few astro-notes concerning the 7 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the Stone Mountain 1915 cross-burning instigated by William J. Simmons, along with a warning from yours truly that a 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra (fore-warned is fore-armed):

Solar Eclipse 7 South August 10, 1915 @17Leo12 expressed the tremendous power, anger, and force of a Mars-Pluto square based on the initial eclipse of 7 South (June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump natal Mercury; 1248 eclipse Mars 8Leo34 SQ Pluto Rx 8Sco09: obstinate Fixed energies; 2020 Uranus Rx now opposing 1915 Pluto = clashes over power and control; mass social movements; shifts in political and social institutions, plus, 2020 Uranus square 1915 Mars suggests unpredictable behavior and disruption). A T-Square of potentials is formed thanks to 2020 Uranus, the Utopian zealot, reactionary rebel, and anarchist: Uranus-Pluto = Mars: 'fanaticism; acts of violence; the mania of destruction; the stage of "bending or breaking"; injury; accidents (R. Ebertin).

So if we dare to add the potentials of this unpredictable T-Square to the possibilities of the Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 rising at noon in Washington DC (a cosmic time link 1915-to-2020), it increases our cause for concern that a Klan-riddled White House gang is spoiling for more than simple election lawsuits and social media complaints in their attempt to vindicate Trump and morph the US into an even more brutal era of hatred and conflict. For an ill-gained "win" for Trump now would be a win for dictatorship over democracy, and a sinister victory for 'the Klan'.

And it seems to me that a prominent feature of the August 10, 1915 Solar Eclipse horoscope is the fact that it contains a midpoint picture of potentials for 'rage, the fury of destruction, bodily harm, and the death of many people'-- yes, it's Mars-Saturn = Pluto which is one of the natal midpoint pictures of Donald Trump (previously discussed in multiple SO'W posts). Yet curiously, the picture also contains another possibility: 'intervening of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). I can only guess what this might mean if it applies at all to our current conditions of crisis! First thought? Hidden hands. Manipulation from afar. Or something more domestic.

Now naturally, there are other cosmic factors supporting these forceful Mars-Pluto flavors and passed down through the generations, many of them mentioned in previous SO'W posts. But best of all, mitigating factors of beneficence also exist, as always, which is a very good thing, isn't it?

Besides, there's a bit more to consider about 7 South Eclipses before this post ends. For one thing, 'huge obstacles' such as the hefty, obstinate Trump could suddenly clear! I say this because the theme of 7 South includes a positive flavor of 'huge obstacles suddenly clear' or a negative expression = 'a rapidly-moving crisis manifests' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Now some might say that the crisis began with the Trump regime (nope--we may wish to time its genesis as far back as the Jamestowne Colony when Angolan slaves were introduced into society, 1619) and most people agree that its ill effects are current and ongoing through the generations. And it's possible that these difficult energies could peak in October 2023 with the 7 South Eclipse in Libra, hence the warning in this post.

Yet how soon tensions between the negative forces darkly working against society led by figurehead Trump vs actors such as Joe Biden who promotes goals and principles of diversity and inclusion will or can dissipate remains to be seen as President-Elect Biden attempts to take the reins of power and Trump yaps at his heels. Today is November 12th and as the days go by since Election 2020 on November 3rd, a quick resolution of our 'Trump problem' appears remote and full of dangerous, sinister undercurrents suggested by a threatening Mars-Pluto square of devastation and success-at-any-cost machinations. As for Rs vs Ds, there's plenty of viciousness to go around in US Politics but I willingly admit to considering the GOP to be the worst of the bunch - the bottom-feeders in our society with 'grim reaper' McConnell leading much of their anti-societal efforts. Maybe we can appreciate the paradox of money-loving bottom feeders who consider themselves to be the 'cream of the crop'!

And so, dear reader, my fuss is over so please help me decide: is our current American crisis a Shakespearean drama of titanic proportions? Or is it a super-villain vs hero extravaganza of a generously bankrolled blockbuster?

Nov 10, 2020

November-December 2020: Trump Doubly Eclipsed!

Will Trump's 'Glory' End During a Lame Duck Season?

by Jude Cowell

Whether you believe that Donald Trump lost or won the 2020 Election, it cannot be denied that the (apparent) lame duck in the White House enters a significant 'eclipse season' with the Lunar Eclipse of November 30, 2020 (8Gem38) and proceeds on to the Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 (23Sag03). Concerning the turmoil of the November Election, it seems that the season, ('duck season'?), has already begun since eclipses are disruptively Uranian in nature and thus may influence conditions early, late, or never. Considering current events and, so far, his inability to accept defeat, it's doubtful that 'never' applies to Mr. Trump's situation. Plus, eclipses' habit of revealing secrets and triggering scandals is well known.

Of course, I refer to the fact that the November 30th Lunar Eclipse (8Gem38) 'eclipses' Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (8Gem48; May 30, 1946 2 Old North) and the December 14th Solar Eclipse (23Sag03) 'eclipses' Trump's natal Lunar Eclipse (23Sag04; June 14, 1946--his day of birth, an 'eclipse baby' = an eventful life). That the two eclipses of November and December 2020 are 'personalized' for Donald Trump seems obvious to me, if not to you, and the usual qualities of Mercury-ruled Gemini and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius are naturally involved (truth vs lies, logic, reasoning ability, mental fluency; moral and ethical issues, real or fanciful religious convictions, ideology). Additionally, the potential themes of all 2 Old North Solar Eclipses are currently activated: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships or friendships; separations or endings of unions; things initially look glum but fast action can bring positive results' (paraphrasing Brady, Predictive Astrology). Perhaps he'll conclude that scurrying out of the line of fire is his best chance of survival!

Meanwhile, you'll remember that a 2 Old North Eclipse repeated on July 12, 2018 at the critical degree of 20Cancer (20:41) conjunct fixed star, Castor with the star's potentials for 'sudden loss or fame; murder; mental illness; crippling of limbs--A. Louis). These potentials were further ruffled by the significant Lunar Eclipse which opened Year 2020 on January 10th @20Can00 and related, as we later discovered, to the revelation and arrival in the US of coronavirus and Covid-19.

And so I suggest that all these cosmic and earthly events of 2020 are part of the political and personal picture of Donald Trump whose Waterloo may ultimately be traced through the influences of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, often called cosmic blinks and wild cards of the Universe for good reason.

But no gloating here, my fellow Americans, for as I must remind myself for a little while longer: wherever Trump-playing-POTUS goes, so goes the United States of America.

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