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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto. Show all posts

Jan 8, 2017

Big Bankers Behind All Wars (Jupiter-Pluto) - Trump's First Term

And This Includes the American Revolution

As you know, General Smedley Butler is famous for advising us that, War is a racket.

Political Astrology, Jupiter-Pluto, and Plutocracy

For an astrological portrait of big banker plutocrats and the politicians whose actions they control and direct, more than one planetary signature may be employed. The 'Plutocracy' pair of Jupiter-Pluto with its 13-year cycle is a prominent factor worth considering when it comes to financial, political, and militaristic topics.

Where are we now in the cycle? Jupiter Square Pluto

The current Jupiter-Pluto cycle began with their conjunction on December 11, 2007 @28Sag24 (where transit Mercury turned Direct early this morning--Jupiter-Pluto = Mercury: a propaganda campaign; the desire to influence many people - Ebertin). When I think of Jupiter-Pluto, I think of The Federal Reserve Banking System and how its insertion into the US government was secretly planned on Jekyll Island, Georgia in December 1910. Tap or click here to view a horoscope of the New Moon that perfected while the traitors sneakily hunkered down together during the dark of the Moon...Senator Aldrich, immigrant Warburg, Morgan agents, and the rest.

Currently, the off-and-on-again square between Jupiter and Pluto suggests a time when wheeler-dealers such as Mr. Trump are prominent and a tendency toward political maneuvering such as gutting ethics rules oversight is in evidence. As you know, the de-fanging of the congressional ethics office was the very first thing the new Republican-led 115th Congress attempted and they will try again as contributing to questionable endeavors, large-scale enterprises that affect many people, dubious financial schemes, and other exploitative attitudes continue through the first term of Mr. Trump. Under this plutocratic square, large gains will be expected from little effort, although with a square's blocking potential, some measure of disappoint may occur.

Now Sun-Pluto fanatically craves power and Pluto-Chiron certainly signifies Plutocracy, plutocrats, and their centuries-long oppression and exploitation of the masses and this would necessarily include The US Fed and other transnational bankers coup'ing countries across the globe--one of the topics of the above video. Actually, it was the announcement of Fed Head Ben Bernanke on December 11, 2007 at 2:15 pm est (I was watching on Live TV) that perked up my ears since the last conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto began that very same day at 2:34 pm with Mr. Bernanke at the podium! I posted on the topic on December 10, 2007 if you wish to view the 2:15 pm horoscope which shows (unsurprisingly!) Plutocracy's Pluto-Chiron midpoint at MC, the Goal Point of the announcement about interest rates.

2017 Jupiter Retrograde: Hold That Tiger

As for the Trump-Pence administration, their first year in office will be imprinted by a Jupiter retrograde period of delay which lasts from February 6, 2017 (@23Lib08 conjunct starry Spica and Arcturus) until June 9, 2017 when Jupiter turns Direct @13Lib13 conjunct US natal Saturn (suggesting a partial easing of responsibilities!), and less than an hour prior to a Full Moon @18Sag53. As you see, an eventful year is promised on many levels and it is directly personalized for Mr. Trump (and thus for the American people) thanks to his being born with a strong Stationary Direct Jupiter @17Lib27. In addition, February 2017's Lunar and Solar Eclipses up the anti and may reveal more inconvenient truths followed in August by two more eclipses--one of which is The Great American Eclipse and its path of visibility which 'splits' our nation from Oregon to South Carolina.

Toward the end of Trump's first term as president, many astrologers including yours truly are concerned about the Great Conjunctions of year 2020. Included are the next conjunction/s of Jupiter and Pluto which perfect on April 5th @24Cap53, June 30th @24Cap06, and November 12th @22Cap52. I intend to post more Political Astrology details concerning 2020 as my schedule permits.

Dec 2, 2016

Dec 19, 2016: Cosmic Conditions for the Electoral College Decision on a Trump Presidency

As per reader's request (thanks for the inspiration, Rebecca!), the following post concerns the official Electoral College meeting on December 19, 2016, to decide if Donald Trump can indeed take possession of the reins of power in 2017. The planetary indications described below denote certain cosmic influences yet as usual, the motivations of those involved are known only unto themselves and may interfere with the outcome. If this occurs, you'll know that yours truly will fault Pluto in Capricorn so near to tofu planet Mercury taking the shape and mindset of the persuasive, intimidating planet of meddling Plutocrats!

The Electoral College Meets December 19th: For or Against Mr. Trump?

by Jude Cowell

A basic reason that America's Electoral College was founded was in order to prevent dangerous demagogues from grabbing the presidency. So will Donald Trump be cast aside on December 19 (2016) when the electors officially meet to decide who will enter the Oval Office on January 20, 2017? Based on the Astrology of that day I would say that, yes, it is possible that the presidency could be decided in favor of Hillary Clinton (unless a higher authority prefers Trump) although Clinton's higher popular vote count probably carries no weight in their decision.

The Hill lays out the political considerations. But what do the December 19, 2016 planets reveal through my common-good lens?

After studying the day of December 19th in the morning, noon, and later, I find two main planets in transit that relate descriptively to such political considerations: voting/negotiating Mercury station retrograde @15Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) conjunct powerful, wealthy, plutocratic Pluto, and Cap-ruler Saturn @20Sagittarius. Transit Saturn is in process of conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction while opposing his natal Sun-North Node pair which has potential for difficulties of a karmic nature. But putting such a Saturnian 28-to-29-year transit aside, let's consider two things: that voting Mercury is spotlighted via stationing, and by the fact that it will then retrograde which relates to reviewing and reconsidering--and a possible change of mind. On a Mercurial level, this a cosmic picture of the sobering events occurring December 19, 2016! Yet if little Mercury--under the influence of manipulative Pluto--isn't enough to jettison Trump (or to keep him), there's the weighty condition of Saturn.

On December 19th, transit Saturn is the Thales planet for the ongoing conflict-producing Jupiter-Uranus opposition since the conservative law abiding Saturn sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus. Possibly, this indicates Saturnian people (in authority) coming to the aid of Donald Trump, especially since his natal Sun-Moon opposition is involved. And note that for most of us, Saturn 'hitting' a natal Full Moon can result in difficult circumstances unless we have previously honored Saturn's commands to be accountable, responsible, and mature. Now for me, that does not describe Mr. Trump who seems emotionally immature as many folks have noted. And he's much more of a Jupiterian personality who takes credit where it isn't due, is materialistic, and thinks that cheating is winning even though it's actually stealing. Well, as he never tires of saying, he does love "winning". By trickery? No problem!

So with Saturn sextile Jupiter, opportunity to expand or improve one's professional status is offered though not promised. But the offer is made more interesting because Mr. Trump is in process of his 12-year Jupiter Return which makes the December 19th Jupiter in Libra more personal to him (though transit Jupiter is not on Trump's natal Jupiter degree on that particular day). As for Hillary, her natal Jupiter is @00Sag, the sign through which Saturn has been stomping and this may give her a measure of influence in this cosmic picture although it's more of a Saturn-conjunct-Jupiter vibe of 'giving back some of what was given' since transit Saturn already conjoined her natal Jupiter back in September 2015.

Then with transit Saturn trine Uranus, planet of radical, reactionary politics (such as Republicans tend to practice), we may expect financial and business improvements for those involved--particularly for groups and organizations, thanks to general monetary conditions (and financial titans manipulating US Politics from behind the curtain).

As for the Electoral College itself, another cosmic condition of Saturn applies on December 19th--Saturn is the oriental planet for it rises last before the Sun. Saturn oriental is often present when Politics are involved and shows that things function best in situations where goals are highly defined, perseverance and maturity are warranted, and administrative talent is necessary. Plus, Saturn in Sagittarius describes those who are serious about their moral and ethical standards though self-righteousness may result.

However, the oriental condition of Saturn does tend toward a strong sense of social order and a preference for authoritarianism which relates to political conservatives, or could, if their consciences are voted, be an indicator that a demagogue such as Donald Trump is unfit and unqualified to be president of the United States because if the electors are honest, they know that he does not meet with the Electoral College mandate laid down by our Founding Fathers.

Other Planetary Influences of Note

Additional transits to Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter are worth considering such as his Jupiter Return/s on December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017 with natal Jupiter strongly stationed @17Lib27 in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values (and in a trio with Chiron and Neptune--he's a speculator - and one of Jupiter's roles is the politician). The above described Jupiter-Uranus opposition means that transit Uranus opposes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter, a time when optimism may be ill-warranted, unstable conditions can prevail, separations may occur, and the results of advancement of professional and economic opportunities are unpredictable. A cautious profile is advised under this erratic Uranian influence, but as we know, Trump has difficulty maintaining such a cautious stance for very long. Yet the Uranus opposition will let up around the time of his second Jupiter-conjunct-Jupiter in April 2017 and will be out-of-orb by August 4, 2017.

Perhaps even more descriptive is transit Pluto square his natal Jupiter with Jupiter-Pluto as the pair of the wheeler-dealer and special achiever, and a Plutocrat indicator as well. This denotes a time when others with more power and influence can choose to squelch or block those with inflated self-importance and unrealistic expectations--those such as the bombastic Mr. Trump. Plus, his father Fred's past Jupiterian business activities could be one reason that Trump's ego and power needs are not politically improved upon at this time though seemingly they have been as of the November election. In other words, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square is and has been closely affecting the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump--and his Jupiter wants what all Jupiters want: to grow, improve, better, and expand.

So once again, it will be the true motivations of more powerful Plutocrats (in or acting through the Electoral College) who determine the outcome of the 70-year-old Mr. Trump's final bid for political ascendancy and control. Or, maybe the simple fact that transit Mercury, planet of votes, negotiations, and deals, turns retrograde on Dec 19th and describes an elector, or multiple electors, changing their minds concerning a Trumpian presidency as astrologer Larry Schwimmer recently reminded me!

A related post: DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2017.

Oct 24, 2016

A Major T-Square Marks Winter Solstice 2016

Winter Solstice 2016: Jupiter Opposes Uranus While Both Square Karmic Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Having previously viewed the Winter Solstice 2016 horoscope, you've noticed that expansive Jupiter in airy Libra will line up in opposition to radical Uranus in fiery Aries and, with apex Pluto in Capricorn, form a Cardinal T-Square of dynamic energies. Below again is the December 21, 2016 chart set for Washington DC and here is what I wrote about it way back in September before I knew what I didn't know then:

As you see, Jupiter rules the chart and the winter season on into 2017 but the first planet to rise is legalistic Saturn in Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, suggesting delay, hindrance, or some other kind of limitation or suppression. Wealthy Pluto is in the 2nd house, which in American mundane charts points toward the coffers of the National Treasury and those who control or feed from it so naturally the role of 'the Fed' is indicated.

And with the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus in opposition, we may expect events to involve such matters and people as fortune hunters, adventurers or explorers, inventors, and perhaps those who organize large endeavors or projects. However, this planetary pair may also express via freedom and independence issues, philosophical arguments which may include zealotry and its one-sided viewpoints, obstinate adherence to principles that do not stem from real convictions, farsightedness, missing one's best chance, successful speculation, a blissful realization, and/or a fortunate turn in life.

A sudden release of tension may accompany any of these potentials and as always, an opposition (180 degrees) suggests a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or a situation in which complete awareness is forthcoming. See below, for dates when the 'Full Moon' of the Winter Solstice 2016 Jupiter-Uranus opposition had planted its seeds during their three-fer conjunction/s.

Jupiter-Pluto; Uranus-Pluto

Then there's apex Pluto, the isolationist, who can act as a dictator when plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Here His Creepiness continues a karmic role in the turbulent yet weakened Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square while also squaring Jupiter, a marker for what may be overly high expectations that need dialing down if real progress is the aim. And while it may inspire some folk to take themselves very seriously, the Jupiter-Pluto square denotes a time when there are frustrations and obstacles in Politics, diplomacy, finances, publishing, religion, group organizing, and other cultural matters. In addition, energy consumption and supply (gas prices?) will continue to be in the news, and new forms of energy are part of the picture as well.

Although large projects are not necessarily doomed to failure under a Jupiter-Pluto square, higher authorities may interfere or refuse to authorize the project's needed funds; or, powermongers may challenge the influence or authority of others, particularly those who have boastfully exaggerated their own importance or their extraordinary strength. Abuse or misuse of power is a caution under the sway of this square, and curiously, Alan Oken has labeled the Jupiter-Pluto square as an aspect of "the false prophet."


By the second half of December 2016 the Jupiter-Pluto square will be past its orb of influence so now let's consider the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. As you know, their cycle began with three conjunctions, the first on June 8, 2010 (conjunct the Aries Point of Global Manifestation), the second on September 19, 2010 @28Pis43, and the third on January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. And since their cycle is about 14 years in duration, 2016 is imprinted with their opposition.

(Note: the next Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus won't occur until April 21, 2024 @21Tau50, a one-fer encounter).

Restlessness, a sense of adventure, and a deep thirst for knowledge and education usually accompany a Jupiter-Uranus contact along with scientific or other breakthroughs, and free or reduced college costs and loans in the US may be what is described here as well especially with powerful manipulator Pluto in a money house and squaring banking Jupiter and rebel Uranus.

All in all, Winter Solstice 2016 basically times Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto vibes to usher out 2016 and the trio sets us up for the start of 2017 so if you wish to read more information about the Jupiter-Uranus duo, I recommend Anne Whitaker's research study in book form Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing.

Jan 20, 2016

Flint Residents Are Getting Past Due Notices For Poisoned Water Bills - video (w Astrology)

Flint's overdue water bills are a sick joke in this situation. Can child poisoner Governor Snyder be any more criminal toward the people of Flint, Michigan? He and his cronies act more like a criminal syndicate than an elected government. Oh wait. Too often they're the same thing:

Flint Michigan Water Contaminated with Poisonous Lead Since April 2014

In April 2014 the water supply of Flint became contaminated with lead, Saturn's metal. The corrosive water that 'city management' switched to corroded the linings of old water pipes--meanwhile, overhead, Jupiter and Pluto opposed one another. This pair of planets is one of the plutocrat indicators and when they are in opposition we can deduce a few tendencies and conditions in effect in April 2014.

Both Jupiter and Pluto relate to large amounts of money and the switch to a substandard water source for Flint was done to 'save costs'. Lead-lover Saturn was in Scorpio at that time, sign of betrayal and secrets. Saturn was also in mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn with Pluto planet of the Underworld and Criminal Elements, and Capricorn the sign of government, law, business...and loss. And of course, Pluto rules pipes, tunnels, caves, and hidden places. The people of Flint were betrayed by a criminal element in order to save money though in my estimation, pocket lining was more the objective.

Now here are some traits to expect from Jupiter-Pluto when their energies are combined according to Reinhold Ebertin:

Desire for power (plutocracy); pursuit of fanatical aims; desire to exploit the masses; organizers handling large projects; squanderers; speculators; teachers or professors of economics or law.

At the time, Pluto and anarchist Uranus were more closely embroiled in their ongoing Cardinal Square than they are at the moment and rebellious Uranus was apex planet of the Jupiter-Pluto opposition. This created a T-Square which Ebertin says has these potentials: quick exploitation of every situation, fanatical striving for improvement, sudden reform, quick development, adjustment to new circumstances.

A Jupiter-Pluto opposition identifies those who force their own dogma upon others and who seek positions of power in order to more effectively manage the lives of other people. Arrogance, pomposity, and illegalities of those in power demonstrate that their 'social values' (assuming they have them at all) are out of tune with the rest of society (who prefer healthy, un-poisoned children). These Jupiter-Pluto types work to gain financial control over others as an 'additional pressure on their destinies' (R. Pelletier).

Apparently, the facts of the case and the Astrology of it indicate that committing illegal enterprises offered the governor "better returns" (RP). And yet--the society he and his cronies have betrayed and poisoned can also take action against them through restriction, impeachment, arrest and imprisonment if it comes to that. There were big risks involved in this sneaky Jupiter-Pluto endeavor but the risks were all on the side of the people and children of Flint as long as Snyder's actions could remain unaddressed and out of the mainstream press. As can be expected from the culpable, in Snyder's remarks this week he has attempted to spread the blame upon local officials--who had been replaced by unelected 'managers'. And some citizens have said Snyder has much to do to regain the people's respect. Personally, I think that's much too generous toward the men who poisoned thousands of innocent people and seized power like fascists and anarchists will do -- all for the sake of money and some weird ideology of power over the masses that they know better than to speak honestly about in public.

Oct 23, 2014

Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015 -- 2017

Thursday Oct 23, 2014: Solar Eclipse Considerations for 2015--2017

by Jude Cowell

With the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 here, the last eclipse of 2014, let's take a futuristic peek at the 6 upcoming Solar Eclipses of the years 2015 through 2017. First, a basic list in order of occurrence with details to follow:

1. March 20, 2015 @29Pisces 17 South Saros Series (17S);

2. Sept 13, 2015 @20Virgo 18 North (18N);

3. March 9, 2016 @19Pisces 18 South (18S);

4. Sept 1, 2016 @9Virgo 19 North (19N);

5. Feb 26, 2017 @8Pisces 19 South (19S);

6. Aug 21, 2017 @29Leo 1 North (1N);

As you see, the first 5 Solar Eclipses manifest across the 6/12 'victim-savior' axis of Virgo-Pisces (Earth-Water) before switching to the Fire-Air 'will' axis of Leo-Aquarius in August 2017. This energy shift follows that of the Solar Eclipses which have occurred across the forceful Taurus-Scorpio axis (Earth-Water) since November 2012 with all the desire nature/self will/money-resources and transformation themes the two signs embody.

Plus, the world is once again brutalized by warmongers and by the implementation of vengeful, dramatically staged beheadings with intolerant Taurus ruling the neck and intense, betraying Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences of violence and rape which shows that to some who feel themselves to be holier-than-thou, other people's lives have no value (Taurus) and self-interest (Scorpio) is exalted above everything. There are no brothers' keepers in this Venus/Mars-Pluto crowd.

Six Solar Eclipse Themes and Other Details:

1. March 20, 2015 17S themes include: good news concerning relationships or creative group projects with sudden success, plus, a potential for happiness in love. Though in very late Pisces, this eclipse conjoins the Aries Point (AP) of prominence, fame, recognition, and therefore may manifest in some way upon the world stage. It is the first Solar Eclipse of the new US Congress and may be active for up to two weeks prior to its date of March 20, 2015--and imprints upon Spring Equinox 2015 which then affects the entire year of 2015 with its themes running in the background.

Initial eclipses of a Saros Series provide further clues concerning themes and a look at historic events around the time or during the year of an initial eclipse's manifestation fills out the current picture of its background influences. The sign qualities of an initial eclipse give shading to the expression of an eclipse and its sign rather like an Ascendant sign colors an entire horoscope so that an eclipse sign can be viewed through its initial eclipse sign along with the differing rulers and sub-rulers. The various houses involved may be considered as well but that is beyond the scope of this particular post.

The initial eclipse of 17S occurred on May 27, 933 *OS @10Gemini with an active Mars conjunct AP which Mars rules with the eclipse degree quite near US natal Uranus @9Gemini, our nation's totem planet of freedom, independence, revolution, and a 'new order'. Gemini, sign of reporters, traders, teachers, students, orators, transportation, and more is ruled as you know by Mercury and adds communication, travel, and possibly Peter-Pan-like vibes to the 17S affairs of March 2015 and the 6 months following.

17S as Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

Quite a varied cast of famous characters and entities were born or begun under the auspices of 17S including (in no particular order): Ayn Rand, Adolf Hitler, Princess Diana, Rachel Carson, Barbara Bush, Charlie Chaplin (note his role as 'The Great Dictator'!), President Barack Obama (note how Republicans call him a 'dictator' unless it's deemed to be more politically beneficial to call him weak and ineffectual--as if they're anything to write home about!), Newt Gingrich, Iran (Apr 1, 1979), and the German Empire (Jan 1, 1871.)

In modern days, 17S has manifested in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, 1961, 1979, 1997, (2015); next: 2033.

2. Sept 13, 2015 18N themes include potentials for: obsessive thinking, anxiety, a high stress level, events that require a large expenditure of effort, a taxing of strength, physical concerns, illness, or accident. On a Political Astrology level I shall add that this eclipse is but one degree from Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: 'to go against society' or, 'against the mainstream'. Perhaps incidentally, US natal Neptune falls nearby at 22Virgo in conjunction with yet obscuring the planet of motivation and action, Mars, in the natal chart of President Obama.

The Initial Eclipse in the 18N Series occurred on Feb 4, 1060 OS @21AQ34 with two notable conjunctions that link to America's natal planets (July 4, 1776): Mercury Rx conjunct Pluto conjoining US natal Moon (We the People) in later Aquarius, and Venus conjunct Jupiter conjoining US natal Pluto Rx in late Capricorn. As you know, Mercury-Pluto relates to obsession with secrets and information and echoes the US Mercury-Pluto opposition (NSA and other spies)--add the Moon and we have an obsessive need for privacy, for more power, and adds another health implication, possibly of young people.

Natives born under the influence of 18N and events occurring include: Robert F. Kennedy, Secretary of State John Kerry, war architect and global banker Paul "Spit Comb" Wolfowitz, and the assassination of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. As with 17S, 18N has manifested in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, 1961, 1979, 1997, (2015); next: 2033.

3. March 9, 2016 18S themes include potentials for: endings, separations, and partings which can relate to travel or to endings of relationships or alliances; grief and anguish may follow yet the pain of separation can be lessened by new situations which create positive outcomes.

The Initial Eclipse of the 18S Series occurred on August 20, 1096 OS @3Sco29 with forceful Mars-Pluto undertones; this degree conjoins the current position of US Secondary Progressed Saturn Rx showing America's compromised authority in the world.

A major flavor within the 18S initial eclipse is an obsessive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between two money planets, Venus and Jupiter which on one level can give much creative energy but also indicates an excessive drive for relationships and/or money; ideals, morals, and ethics are often based on material gain, belief systems tend to motivate action, and excess and indulgence are potentials. For positive expressions of 18S, education is essential. (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

An interesting list of characters and entities born or occurring under 18S includes: Sirhan Sirhan, Craig Ferguson, Rudy Giuliani, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Piet Mondrian, the city of St. Augustine, Florida, the US hostage release by Iran staged just in time for Reagan's first Inauguration, and the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington at an hour, date, and location of Freemason George's choosing.

18S has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034.

4. Sept 1, 2016 19N themes include potentials for: coming down to earth with a sense of realism; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is--it's a constructive time for tackling the truth.

19N's Initial Eclipse manifested on July 5, 1331 OS @20Can32 which now conjoins the light-and-dark Twin Stars Castor and Pollux; the Moon becomes an influence through its rulership of Cancer so that security, nurturing, food concerns, toxicity, and other family and physical matters filter through the Sept 2016 eclipse sign of Virgo, sign of Work, Health, and Service (including Military and Police Service.) Naturally the victim-savior axis remains in force here along with issues of slave trading, sex and drug trafficking, and abuse of power.

A list of 19N alumni includes: Paul Singer, President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Republican Party (1854), and the (Masonic) Great Seal of the United States (1782.) More recently 19N has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034--just as with 18S.

5. Feb 26, 2017 19S themes show potentials for: pleasant surprises, joyous events, sudden happiness, the lucky break or win; positive life changes may ensue.

19S's Initial Eclipse occurred on April 16, 1512 OS (this date may be incorrect) @5Tau27 thus adding Venusian-Taurean qualities to the February 2017 eclipse with its murky if inspirational and compassionate Piscean brew. As always with the sign of Two Fishes, the high road or the low road may be taken to the heights or the depths. And one man's 'lucky break' is often a result of another man's loss.

One curious factor of the eclipse of 1512 is that quirky, disruptive rebel, Uranus, was then at 15Aries07 where it now lurches once again--basically a Uranus Return to the 1512 Solar Eclipse horoscope. Notable? We shall see for it's quite difficult to tell with Uranus which may not always act at all. Yet we are discussing eclipses as 'wild cards' of a Uranian nature--'out of the blue' events which may suddenly change the rules of any game. Plus, 19S's initial eclipse contains a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, but also of the foreigner or the fanatic (usually with an idealistic or religious quality.) Helpfully, a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is also present through which overindulgence or extravagance may be evident.

19S manifested in the years 1908, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981, 1999, (2017); next: 2035. Its 'devotees' include the Democratic Party (1801), Reagan's near-assassination (saved by Astrology?!), the White House and the US Congress (Nov 1800), Wounded Knee (1890), the UK (Jan 1, 1801), Vince Foster, Eric Cantor, Johnny Depp, and Paris Hilton.

6. August 21, 2017's 1N Solar Eclipse @29Leo is being called The Great American Eclipse (more on that later) and is highlighted because it is the first Total Solar Eclipse that will be visible in all the 48 states with a Path of Totality from Wyoming to South Carolina. It is also significant because it manifests on a critical-crisis 29th degree and is near a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, now precessed into very early Virgo with the keywords, 'success if revenge is avoided'.

A Solar Eclipse in proud Leo, ruled by the Sun (ego, hero's journey, natural leadership, royalty, creativity, vitality) denotes that karmic progress depends on use of such positive Leonine qualities. Pride, arrogance, egocentricity, vanity, pomposity, and other negative traits of Leo retard or block karmic progress.

In 2017, the manifestation of 1N is the first time the 'Nostradamus' 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm')--the 'Mother of All Eclipses'--has repeated since its much-touted manifestation @18Leo on August 11, 1999. The Fixed Grand Cross of that eclipse is notable for its appearance in the Book of Revelation of the Oxen Point, the Lion Point, the Eagle Point, and the Angel Point of the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.)

Perhaps you prefer to think this link by eclipse between 1999 and 2017 is of no matter. Well, as always, dear reader, that is up to you. Yet the Fixed Cross degrees and the degree and sign of the 1999 eclipse are sensitized and I expect some repetition of such themes. And yes, I do believe it is late days in earthly history. So let us continue our consideration...

Themes of 1N: unexpected events concerning groups or friends occur and place great pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large yet hasty decisions are unwise since information is distorted and possibly false; health matters and fatigue are associated with 1N.

The initial eclipse in the 1N Series occurred @13Cap48 (opposite US natal Sun = leadership) on January 4, 1639 OS with a money/power-related Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Jupiter-Pluto pair denotes bankers, politicians, power brokers, and big wheeler-dealers who mount large projects.

There are those who believe that the US presidential election of 2016 will be America's last but even if this is not so, difficult events are on the menu for our nation and for global populations. These will be blended with positive events, of course, for that is the nature of our dualistic, dark v light, world. One hint in the initial eclipse is that 1639 Saturn conjoins US natal South Node @6Aquarius (Neptune's 'Medina degree' conjoined on 9/11/01), a point of separation that is ruled by Saturn, planet of authority and control. And of course, we are nearing the first-ever US Pluto Return/s of 2022 (3x) the effects of which no one can predict since it has not happened before in US history.

Another possibility for a Saturn-SN connection is a continental shift or other natural disaster that physically splits America--or, on political and social levels, perhaps current secessionist movements will gain some amount of 'success' and splinter our Perpetual Union.

Yes, our Pluto returning to natal degree may apply to 'loss of authority or control' issues at home or abroad (loss of global status, the dollar sinks?) since in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776, Pluto @27Cap33 is out-of-bounds and, I believe, directed the Founders and events from afar, probably via a secret society or societies. Wealthy Pluto's opposition to US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer keys it to the events of that day such as the authoring and signing of our 'Freedom Documents', war funding and revolutionary planning, and the use of the 'providential' All-Seeing Eye of Horus as an American symbol. In Sabian Symbols, US Mercury '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which reminds us all of powerful Pluto's mythological Cape of Invisibility and it's Luciferianism all the way--even the Statue of Liberty, the torch-bearer of the satanic Illuminati--the statue made of copper, the metal of Venus. Every time we marvel at 'Lady Liberty' they slyly wink at how we're worshiping Lucifer!

1N manifested in the years 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 (Reagan!), 1999 as noted, (2017); next: 2035.

A few of 1N's people and events born or founded under its rays must be added in closing: Washington Irving (of 'headless horseman' fame now popularized by Fox TV's series Sleepy Hollow with its apocalypse themes), Lou Dobbs, the United Nations, and Harry Truman's Atomic Bomb Attack of August 6, 1945. (Harry "gave 'em hell" all right: the abomination of desolation.)

In conclusion:

Since eclipses often behave as 'wild cards' of the Universe--in a sudden, unexpected, Uranian fashion--we should find that many secrets and crimes continue to be revealed along with surprises and shocking events which may arise from the manifestation of the Solar Eclipses above, and from their corresponding Lunar Eclipses though these effects may happen more often on an inner level for most of us. Of course, being familiar with one's own natal horoscope is handy for discovering in which houses (departments of life) eclipses fall and which planets and aspects may be affected, stimulated, or triggered--and for how long.


*OS = Old Style (Julian Calendar.)

The eclipse themes in this post are paraphrased primarily from Bernadette Brady's excellent book Predictive Astrology with additional input from Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse, plus, reliance upon years of my personal notes from previous consulting work and historical horoscope studies.

Mar 28, 2014

Birth Data for St. Francis of Assisi

Mildness Is as Mildness Does

by Jude Cowell

Here is a charming presentation on the life of St. Francis of Assisi:

In his out-of-print book, Astrology of the Famed, Noel Tyl gives both possible natal horoscopes of Francis of Assissi, that of 1181 and 1182. He rectifies the natal chart by life events and chooses the birth date of September 26, 1181 noon LMT Assissi, Italy 12E37 43N04.

Here are the chart angles and planets' positions of St. Francis of Assisi:

Sept 26, 1181 noon LMT: ASC 19Sag17; MC 12Lib53; Sun 9Lib57, Mercury 00Lib54, Venus 26Leo06 in 9th house; 4th house: Moon 1Tau09, Uranus 3Tau05 Rx (the 1977 discovery degree of priestly healer and bridge between Earth and the Heavens, Chiron), Jupiter 8Tau30 Rx which will be conjoined by the Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014.

1st house: South Node, a Saturnian point of separation and isolation @20Cap51 (a critical degree), and Mars 19Cap54; 2nd house: other-worldly Neptune, the Divine Source, @2AQ57 Rx; 7th house: North Node 20Can52 and Pluto 3Can35; 8th house: Saturn 9Leo39.

Plus, if you'd like a peek, astrodatabank has the natal horoscope (rated AA for BC/BR in hand) of the current Pope Francis I who named himself after you-know-who to make a particular point at this juncture in time. Are there correspondences between their two natal charts? Of course.

For example: Pope Francis' natal Jupiter 3Cap32 precisely opposes St. Francis' natal Pluto 3Can35 (not a very mild contact!) and his Chiron 20Gem14 conjoins St. Francis' natal Descendant of Partnerships. Pope Francis I's first natal planet to rise in St. Francis of Assissi's chart is his Sun 25Sag54 as his subtle choice of his papal name obviously shown a spotlight on St. Francis of Assissi (who was never actually a pope).

Feb 25, 2014

"Cultivating the Social Pathogen" --Max Igan (video)

This broadcast from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series opens with a quote from Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher.

Has the economic pathogen affected your mind? Are you alive on planet earth" Then, yes. It has.

The title of this presentation is quite apt for the current transit of Saturn (business, government, status quo, systems, etc) in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Corporatism, Mysteries, and more.

Once austere Saturn leaves Scorpio (at Christmas 2014 for several months, then the Old Man moves back into Scorpio around mid-June 2015 until mid-September 2015), Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius becomes its focus until Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn in December 2017, initially passing one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation and Prominence (00Cap00:00.)

Saturn in Sagittarius denotes a focus upon legalities and justice, religion, philosophical research, prudence, doubts, and emigration.

In Capricorn, Saturn's focus is on issues that concern industry, economies, diplomacy, self will, ego, endurance, concentrated work, one-sidedness, and partiality (Ebertin.)

Year 2020

One of the watershed moments of Saturn's journey through the Zodiac over the next few years will be its next Great Conjunction with powerful, wealthy Pluto @22Cap46 which occurs once on January 12, 2020. Plus, banker Jupiter joins conjoins Pluto and turns everything into a big deal on: April 5, 2020, June 30, 2020, and November 12, 2020--from 22 to 25 degrees Capricorn (near US natal Pluto and opposite US natal Mercury in Cancer.) Yes, as many astrologers are noting, 2020 is one of the upcoming years to be on guard however we can as America's first-ever Pluto Return nears.

In current news, both abroad and at home, we're in the Saturn-Pluto cycle (about 33 years long) which began with their conjunction @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 (on Reagan's watch.) The March 2, 2014 Mars Rx Station will hit that degree indicating more violence and brutality, assaults, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence.

Dec 30, 2013

2014 a year of Financial Trio Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus

2014 Financial Planets Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto: Tango or Tangle?

by Jude Cowell

With Year 2014 about to begin with a New Moon @11Cap57 conjunct Pluto, the position of banker-guru-general Jupiter is mightily important because, for one thing, the Jolly One and the Stealthy One (Pluto) lock horns in their annual opposition which perfects on January 31, 2014 @12:17 Cancer/Capricorn. Plus, Jupiter rules America's natal horoscope as well if one uses the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT chart.

Obviously, we may expect that America's ongoing stalemate between investment wealth vs hidden wealth, along with debt ceiling fusses and called-for spending offsets, will continue as the international banking syndicate jerks around the 99% of us who don't appear to have their allegedly exalted blood(lines) in our veins or DNA.

And speaking of veins, evaluating Venus plays into the financial picture as well and makes a Direct Station on January 31, 2014 @13Cap33:23, the day of the second New Moon in January 2014. A second New Moon within a month is often called a 'Black Moon' since the New Moon phase shines no light until Sun and Moon begin to separate, and we have the first New Moon on New Year's Day 2014, as noted above.

Making these cosmic events specific to our nation and to our commander-in-chief is the fact that Jupiter in Cancer conjoins US natal Sun (the president) while Pluto opposes US natal Sun. And the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a planetary pair of collective social systems such as socialism, communism, and capitalism (along with suffering, asceticism, loss--and invisible government), conjoins the trio of Jupiter-Pluto-Venus within the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security, Business, Career, and Domestic Concerns.

And of course, the 2014 Jupiter-Pluto opposition is the culmination stage (a 'full moon' of sorts) of their Great Conjunction of December 11, 2007 @28Sag23 during the Bush administration. The Jupiter-Pluto duo has 'concealment of wealth' and 'large-scale projects' vibes, as you know. Well, I guess that beggaring the entire world population via austerity measures and using the US military as part of a global police force may easily be described as 'large-scale projects', yes? And so can collapsing the US government in preparation for total control by global government, more's the pity, though we can refuse to allow it by community actions.

Although 2014 may not entirely be a year of 'smooth sailing' for the American people (or for President Obama with powerful, secretive Pluto opposing him), perhaps politicians will finally sort through ~our~ issues enough to keep America afloat into 2015--but that's not even mentioning Elections 2014, a whole other ballgame that we have to 'look forward' to. No, not much gets done in an election year, yet perhaps that also includes the harm that Congress can do. At least, many economists are not prognosticating 2014 to be a year of financial collapse and, if they're correct, that's something that even evaluating Venus may find worthy of appreciation.

Highly recommended for further reading is an excellent article concerning the cosmic events of January 2014 at Auntie Moon's Blog and joyously, it's a post free of Politics!

And in case you missed them, here's a handy list of 2014's Direct and Rx Planetary Stations in order of occurrence, plus, a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014 which will be discussed here in full as the days go by.

So if I don't 'see' you again, dear reader, here or there before January 1st, I want to wish a Very Happy New Year to Everyone! Jude

Nov 6, 2013

More Big Bank Scandals and Manipulations

Wealthy Pluto Manipulations: There Are No Accidents

by Jude Cowell

Following perfectly the truism that eclipses tend to uncover scandals and secrets--and since the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 was in the financial sign of secretive Scorpio--Rolling Stone has just published Matt Taibbi's article Chase Isn't the Only Bank in Trouble in which he informs us of a looming, worldwide Libor-like manipulation scandal about to headline the news and cause inestimable trouble for financial markets.

Or maybe not if the financial industry and the mainstream media collude for as long as possible to keep the bad news under wraps. After all, how much did you hear or read about Libor: The Crime of the Century?

And how easy is it to say that fraudulent developments and practices such as these are part of the Global Government agenda to crash the world economy so that everyone will plead for a new system to be set up--a "New World Economic Order"?

Very easy.

A current marker of trouble may include the cosmic occurrence of banker Jupiter turning retrograde tomorrow, November 7, 2013 (in an opposing dance with wealthy Pluto), at 12:03 am est on a critical degree (20Can30:39), a degree in the Zodiac between US natal Sun (13Can) and natal Mercury Rx (24Can) which indicates that financial matters are on leadership's and the people's minds along with a potential for optimism and a hopefully increasing sense of protection. Hmm. Perhaps the optimism comes from the unconscious Uranus-Neptune content of the November 3rd Solar Eclipse with its resolution-solution vibes which the world so sorely needs.

Jul 26, 2013

The New and Full Moons of August 2013 spotlight Leo-Aquarius

Leo, Leo, Leo: a Peek at the New Moon of August 6, 2013 conjunct Vesta

by Jude Cowell

Looking at the August 6 New Moon horoscope set for the White House, the transiting *Jupiter-Pluto opposition is on full display with Pluto @9Cap27 Rx rising and Jupiter @9Cap12 setting across the 1/7 Partnership axis. The New Moon @14Leo34 in 8th house conjoins Vesta (on the 8th cusp) which suggests that a new cycle of activity (New Moon phase when seeds are sown) begins now with creative production high and reward or recognition expected by people successful in their work as their positions are consolidated. Any time 8th house matters are energized, such topics and concerns as Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Legacies, Insurance, Transformation, Death, and the Occult may be on the agenda.

(Yet for some, a blocking of goals in 8th house matters may still occur and frustration results. See where 14Leo34 falls in your natal and any aspects the New Moon makes to your planets and/or points, especially squares that block or limit--this New Moon interpretation is based on general mundane matters of the collective in relation to DC politics in particular and is not meant to be read as a personal analysis.)

Plus, sales, promotion (including job promotions--or, the creation of jobs), and speculation are main themes here especially with the 8th house emphasis, with women's issues, health, and sports on the menu as well. When the Moon is involved with Vesta, we hope to merit security through our hard, dedicated work--if we can get it, and health regimens may be in focus along with emotional and family issues.

Now with wealthy Pluto (Mr. Underworld, saboteur among the plutocrats) opposing money planet Jupiter exalted in Cancer and recently returned to natal degree (US Jupiter Return July 22, 2013), we'll experience continuation of stalemates over the budget and the daft, reckless idea of Republicans to again threaten a US credit default and shut down the federal government. No doubt that they will be in discussion all through their summer break which begins soon as they decide on talking points for their media echo chamber against the president.

Yet a top Republicans like John McCain are calling out this inane strategy and reminding Tea Partisans in Congress of the great potential for blow back from voters in 2014--and really, we've all had more than enough of the GOP's grandstand playacting and reckless disregard for reality of paying one's bills that are already racked up, haven't we? The GOP campaign to nullify Obamacare is pathetic--they ask Americans not to sign up for health insurance as if Republican political ideology is more important than being treated for health conditions or illness. Puh! How about a slogan: 'Support Republicans via contagion and disease' that could've been prevented. And maybe sacrifice the health or lives of your children in the process just so the GOP can continue to undermine the presidency of Barack Obama!

Well, there are many other curious factors in the New Moon chart of August 6, but no time to type all of them out. However, something must be mentioned about the Jupiter-Pluto opposition which forms a T-Square of dynamic energy with Uranus @12Ari21 Rx (a critical-crisis degree) at apex in 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, Primary Schools, Travel, and the Lower Mind through its Gemini association. Thereby, a midpoint picture results with tones of fanatical striving for improvements, exploitation of every situation, new circumstances, and fast developments (Ebertin), any, none, or all of which may manifest. (You never know with quirky Uranus.)

And at 12Ari21, Uranus is in Nodal degree, a karmic or fated condition, with North Node (NN: contacts and fruitful encounters) in 10th house of Public Status and Career which also contains austere, conservative Saturn @5Sco11. Uranus separates from a helpful trine aspect with the New Moon, and old man Saturn is out of the loop. Yet with deceptive, veiling Neptune in secretive Pisces and in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, nothing is as it appears to be in the financial departments of American life.

Another chart factor is Pluto rising (ASC 5Cap22) so we know that events too big to handle may occur at or just after the New Moon of August 6, 2013, and they will culminate (or, be fulfilled) around the time of the Full Moon of August 20, 2013 @28AQ10, a degree which shows that America has just experienced another monthly Lunar Return (27AQ10) at 8:05:16 pm edt. And nebulous Neptune conjoins the Full Moon and opposes the Sun, a condition certain to bring illusion, lies, fraud, confusion, and scandals into the light of the Full Moon's rays, if not a little inspiration.

But toss all of this aside for it's Friday! So why not check out Saturday's and Sunday's cosmic weather with Julie Demboski's A Little Astro-Essence for the weekend just ahead!


*On this blog and elsewhere, I have also used the Jupiter-Pluto pair of combined energies to signify the Federal Reserve Bank, Big Banks in general, and those worldly wheeler-dealers who organize, promote, and implement Large Group Projects. As you know, the last Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto took place @28Sag24 and their current opposition is part of that cycle--the halfway mark; six years ago, Fedhead Ben Bernanke made one of his official statements on the US economy within minutes of their conjunction on December 11, 2007. jc

Jul 4, 2013

Dealing with Corporatocracy (Max Igan video)

The Devouring Spirit Is "Pushing for Global Revolution"

In this presentation America is discussed along with globalism and is a brief sampling of his remarks in Dealing with Corporacy:

"People are coming online, people are waking up to the fact that there's been a breach of trust."

"I really hope America doesn't go down the path to revolution."

In the West, "we always go for the one...with more flashy fireworks."

"The System is...corrupt." "The System is a fiction." "--we believe that The Machine is real but it's not." ~Max Igan


Agreed: Violence is not the way. Yet the plutocratic Pluto-Chiron duo never shies away from erupting into primal violence if it suits purposes and gets results. And subliminal influence is one method of triggering certain feelings that may translate into the commission of violent acts. This sort of behavior modification locks individuals into the matrix and spotlights the ancient (primal, first cause) natures of both Pluto and Chiron.

Now as you know, in Astrology there are several signatures for the facets of the devouring spirit (that takes as many down with him as he can muster and entice for he knows the game is won: Team, Living God.) This destructive spirit may be astrologically tracked by its presence in Pluto placements, midpoint pictures (exs: Pluto-Chiron; Jupiter-Pluto, Sun-Pluto, Mercury-Pluto's spying obsessions, Neptune-Pluto's underworld and mystic connections; Uranus-Pluto: revolution, etc), and Unconscious factors in any horoscope. Included perhaps is something from one's ancient past, a hereditary link, a generational imperative often found as a YOD pattern (unfinished business passed on from ancestors, a karmic link that demands we reap what's been sown and deal with it Now, even if great-grandpa is the real and original culprit.)

Mr. Igan recommends holding Public Rallies concerning and opposing the breaking of the public trust through which modern-day government officials now let us down including, but not exclusively pertaining to, police forces that protect corporatocracy, not We the People--our interests are not commercial enough, it seems, as they force us to "pay to be alive."

Our Holding the Government in Breach of Trust is a necessity for our common good--and this is stating the obvious! Why, look at how much effort these criminals put into drawing the public's rapt attention to current news items, gossip, 'ufo' tales, and all manner of scandal that can be spun into enough cotton candy for the gullible to swallow with their genetically altered food.

Besides, we're fed a constant stream of what the power elite hope is persuasive propaganda for breakfast, lunch, and supper, aren't we?

Two slogans of the moment? *The Emperor Has No Clothes & The Machine Is Not Real."

*From, The Emperor's New Clothes.

Hope all Americans are having a safe and Happy Independence Day 2013! Jude

Apr 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher: iron Saturn rising

April 8, 2013 UK PM Margaret Thatcher Passes Away Peacefully

by Jude Cowell

Since former Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher passed away today I want to make note of the event on Stars Over Washington though a complete analysis of her natal horoscope has been published elsewhere many times over. You may wish to view her natal horoscope along with that of Meryl Streep who played her in the film at Solaris Astrology.

One basic way to describe the 'Iron Lady' is to point out key planetary contacts in her natal chart which I am about to do.

A-rated birth data: October 13, 1925 9:00 am GMT Grantham, England; Hour of Venus @2Sag04 in 1st house; ASC 15Sco16 (the Eagle Point which is shown clearly by her beakish nose--no disrespect intended); MC (The Goal) 3Vir51 with Moon 28Leo37 (conjunct Royal Star Regulus--she ended life as a Baroness) and Neptune 24Leo13 in 9th house. As my post title implies, Saturn 13Sco46 rises in 12th house of Politics and Karma giving harshness to her early life as the working class daughter of a grocer, but Saturn also supplied her with a conservative demeanor and steely self-discipline later on, building upon success one brick at a time.

Jupiter-Pluto (Plutocracy), Sun-Uranus (willfulness), and Moon-Neptune

A powerful Jupiter-Pluto opposition (0A15; 14Cap29-14Can44) across the 2/8 money axis indicates a deep determination toward material security and a tendency to challenge others by questioning their ideologies and asserting her own deeply held dogma. This opposition has a 'savior' quality to it which may use other people's finances or financial circumstances against them in order to gain victory and advantage.

However, using one's Jupiter-Pluto energies in an anarchistic rise to power only creates resentment and bitterness, and Lady Thatcher was, as you know, a deeply divisive figure within her own country at the height of her power and seems to be more revered in the US than at home particularly by American conservatives who sometimes include her in their idolatry of Ronald Reagan.

Actually, her natal Mars applies to a square of dynamic tension with moneybags Jupiter and powerful Pluto, so Jupiter-Pluto = Mars: leadership; a desire for great achievements; organising talent; publicity; application of controls to suit one's particular purposes. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Mars (energy, action, motivation) square Jupiter shows her as having a need for self-discipline in order to put tremendous physical and mental energies to best use. Time refined her goals and her ability to deal with them; a talent for public speaking is denoted by this aspect, as are feelings of impatience and of being threatened by competitors--yet much determination is given toward achievement. A certain accident-proneness is there and is echoed by her PE's theme (see below.)

And Mars square Pluto indicates a forceful nature, aggression when in pursuit of objectives, and a tendency to become abusive when denied or frustrated.

Now the closest applying aspect to natal Sun is what we want for describing her essence, isn't it? That would be a Sun-Uranus inconjunct (2A58)--but only because I'm counting the inconjunct (150 degrees) as a major aspect. Otherwise, there is no major applying aspect to natal Sun which highlights the Sun's natal house, sign, and degree of 19Lib30 in 11th house of Groups and Associations--good for collective endeavors such as Politics where she could shine. (Also in 11th house are Venus and Mars 9Lib27.)

Sun inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus denotes one who is susceptible to the 'you're the only one who can do it' guilt trip placed upon her by others--well, perhaps she was the 'only one' who could take over UK politics in 1979 with her isolated, controlling Saturn rising. In fact, being imposed upon and feeling challenged by others was part of her personality which is supported by Saturn, planet of responsibility, accountability, authority, and burdens, rising. Lady Thatcher was Saturn whose realm includes lead and other heavy metals such as iron and steel, as well as government, law, and business.

Another planetary pair to mention is her Moon-Neptune which supplied emotional sensitivity, imagination, and sometimes a tendency to daydream (!) A challenging professional life is a must with a Moon-Neptune conjunction in order to keep one productively busy, preferably in work that is publicly oriented and free from boring routines. When meeting new people she may have felt disoriented in some way so they were categorized according to her own manner of thinking. And perhaps she held an appreciation of poetry and art with her Moon-Neptune conjunction, and perhaps a liking for liquid refreshments.

Descriptively, Thatcher's 9th house Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (18North) now sets in her Secondary Progressed chart (SP) with SP Descendant @28Can20. 18N themes are: 'high stress levels, a taxing of strength, potential illness or accident, and obsessive thinking and worrying' (B. Brady.) During her lifetime, 18N also manifested in the years 1943, 1961, and 1997 (next in 2015.) Angular planets are often active at death, and in progressions, her SP Jupiter 00AQ39 is rising, thus angular, and her natal Venus 2Sag04 conjoins SP Midheaven signifying that her life will be popularly on display for the world to view and appreciate.

As for the most public angle of her natal horoscope, the Mercury-Pluto midpoint sits atop her natal chart thus relating to Career, Public Status, and guarding and/or dealing with important secrets as a goal--Mercury-Pluto = MC: leadership; great resourcefulness; deep perception of any situation; good coping ability; arranging matters well; prudence or circumspection; keen powers of judgment or discernment.

Let's close by considering potentials for one of the midpoint pictures from the initial solar eclipse of her PE Series (18N) which first manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34:

Mars-Saturn = Uranus (1Sag26): intense drive; breaking loose; accident; struggling to gain independence. (Mdpts pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

Well, today is the day that PM Margaret Thatcher finally broke loose as she gained independence from the earthly plane and now all her struggles are over. May the Iron Lady R.I.P.

Now here is today's Mother Jones article to burst the Thatcher bubble of lionization in the US of this divisive politician.

Jun 25, 2012

Krugman's The Great Abdication (1931 v 2012)

Historical Eclipses, 1930s v 2012, the Fed, and the EU Debt Crisis

by Jude Cowell

If you've read economist Paul Krugman's NYT op-ed of June 24, The Great Abdication, you know that he likens the current financial crisis in Europe and how its creditor nations have chosen to come to the aid of Spain with the actions taken to similar events of 1931.

The Fed in the US and the Central Bank of Europe are missing their marks and not stepping up to take responsibility as it ought to be taken. Now this is a Political Astrology blog so is there an astrological parallel at all which might link together the failures of 1931 and the misdirected actions of 2012?

Well, since Solar and Lunar eclipses have influence upon the Collective in any area of the globe (and often do), perhaps the themes of the exuberant October 11, 1931 Solar Eclipse @17 Libra in the 5 New South Saros Series will suffice since it marched headlong into the 6 North Saros Series of March 7, 1932 @ 17Pisces (a critical degree.) Together they may provide us a window into how things were going during the last quarter of 1931 and into 1932 with Herbert Hoover as US president and the American people reeling from the Crash of 1929. Click to view the 1929 horoscope and you'll note that in 2012, disruptive anarchist Uranus has returned to its 1929 position in Aries.

Grand Schemes and the Fed: Exuberance Comes Before a Fall?

The 5 New South Solar Eclipse manifested a few months after a Great Conjunction of the Big Banker duo of power, Jupiter and Pluto (the Fed and their directors, the international banking houses) @19Can16 on May 27, 1931, and about one year prior to a Great Conjunction the Fraudster-Speculator-Wastrel pair of planets, Jupiter and Neptune on September 19, 1932 @8Vir25. As you know, the combined energies of Jupiter-Neptune are imprinted forever upon the Obama presidency--first term anyway--since they conjoined and began another of their 13-year cycles three times during 2009 and washed out US natal Moon (We the People) with grander scams, heists, and foreclosures than we care to admit. And we feel them rippling still.

October 1931: 5 New South themes are rather high-spirited (Jupiter was traversing tropical Gemini then as now)--joy, happpiness, peak experiences, benefits, good news. But then came 1932...

March 1932: 6 North themes are quite another matter and relate all too well to current events and the measley actions being taken: relationships to father figures and authority; the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are made due to other people's unreliability (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Or they should be if honest brokers were acting. But instead they're abdicating their responsibilities, as Professor Krugman points out.

Now you may know of many events from 1931 and 1932 which are described by the themes of either of these Solar Eclipses but there are two 6N events in particular which must be mentioned though one is from its earlier manifestation in 1914 @6Pisces:

1. World War I ("to make the world safe for democracy"!! Woodrow Wilson had already secretly pledged America into the war when he campaigned on that absurdly propagandistic slogan--at the direction of war profiteers, aka, international bankers and their agents in the US. Big bankers make much much more money loaning to governments than to ordinary folk. President Abraham Lincoln of greenbacks fame didn't fall for their usury interest rate schemes to finance the 'Civil' War and you know how his story turned out.)

2. The Bonus Army of 1932 when President Hoover ordered Douglas MacArthur and the army to fire on US citizens who had honorably served their country and needed the promised pay earlier than the 1945 date that Congress had irresponsibly set. For as you know, by 1932 the nation was into the Great Depression and families needed to be fed.

But Hoover's Bonus Army Mow-Down doesn't provide the typically glowing image of Pennsylvania Avenue so often cultivated these days to exalt Washington DC, does it?

~:~ Now available (if tech glitches don't interfere--my apologies if they do!) It's a link to the sign-up form for subscribing to my brand new Political Astrology newsletter, Stars Over Washington Monthly! If you wish, of course. FYI: the first issue covers July-August-September 2012--and America's 236th birthday arrives very soon! jc

Feb 25, 2012

Feb 25, 2012 weekend: see Venus-Jupiter-Moon triangulate at Sunset!

It's a Cosmic Sky Alert! With a little Jupiter-Pluto in the mix

by Jude Cowell

Space Weather News for Feb 24, 2012

WEEKEND SKY SHOW: This is a great weekend to watch the sun go down. Venus, Jupiter and the slender crescent Moon are lining up in the western sky, forming a bright triangle in the evening twilight. These three objects are so bright, they shine through thin clouds and even city lights.

Check for observing tips, sky maps, and photos from around the world.

BACKYARD ASTRONOMY ALERTS: Would you like a call to remind you when planets are aligning over your home town? Backyard astronomy alerts are available by text and voice.


Feb 25, 2012: In the Political Astrology realm, a midpoint picture forms with Sun (leader) in Pisces at apex of two significators of Big Banking, Speculators, and Plutocracy: Jupiter (Taurus) and Pluto (Capricorn) which when paired denote increased force and people who mount grand-scale projects:

Jupiter/Pluto = Sun: creation of magical effects; successful use of mental or physical powers (Ebertin); accumulation of personal power and influence; a focus on gathering acclaim; a fundamental need to grow in power and societal prestige; efforts to be less compulsive personally.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Since Washington is beating its war drums while pontificating the usual hypocritical statements around the world of what it can do that others can't, here are the potentials for Jupiter-Pluto in Business and Politics as listed by Mr. Munkasey--and as always, the Hegelian Dialect comes to mind:

Thesis: relations or pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons; growth of security or spy agencies; greater powers for religious leaders; extreme depletion of resources; a society that wields much influence.

Antithesis: self-destructive forces that stem from official corruption or moral laxity within society; criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; extremely poten natural disasters.

Here's a brief video that explains Hegelian Dialect and relates it to the 'right v left' paradigm, one of the tactics used in modern Politics to keep The People divided, conquered, and unaware that a better course is possible:

Aug 10, 2010

The Fed meets today, Jupiter-Neptune, and Plunder

Danny Schechter, whose documentary Plunder: The Crime of Our Time is being shown and re-shown on LINK TV these days (do catch it, if you can) has written an excellent article on the Wall Street Collapse 3 years later.

Comparing Wall Street's collapse and the current 'recovery' talking points the American public is being treated to with the BP-Gulf Oil Gusher's mysteriously disappearing oil, Mr. Schechter gives an overview of what was being written in 2007 along with his views on the topic, August 2010.

At the moment, I'm looking at a sunrise chart for 'Nixon ends debt redemption' when paying off debts became impossible, thanks to Tricky Dick and his pals. The date was August 14, 1971, in the midst of another bubbly, inflationary Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune.

Here are the dates and degrees of the speculation pair's meet-up which began a new cycle of their financial scheming (they are near conjunction in the NYSE natal chart: Jupiter 22Lib57 Rx, Neptune 27Lib42 Rx in 3rd house, May 17, 1792 10:00 am LMT, NYC):

1. Feb 1, 1971 @ 2Sag47
2. May 22, 1971 @ 1Sag44
3. Sep 16, 1971 @ 00Sag37

All these early Sag degrees relate to war.

Then during Reagan's terms there was a Great Conjunction as well but only once, on January 19, 1984 @ 00Cap01 (!) I believe I've blogged on this one before in my post on Reagan's signing of the Garn-St. Germain Act when he stated, "I think we've hit the jackpot!" It was a happy Jupiter Return (15Scorpio) for Ronald Reagan and pals.

Then there was the presidency of Bill Clinton, a topic I've never properly covered here. 'His' Jupiter-Neptune conjunction occurred on Jan 9, 1997 @ 27Cap09 - conjunct US natal Jup/Nep = n Pluto: far reaching speculations; plans unreasonable beyond measure; a great loss. (Ebertin.)

Well, I know President Obama's 3 conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune in May-July-December of 2009 have been covered here ad nauseum so I won't wax on (especially since internet service goes off and on this week due to work on my neighborhood's lines) except to say that the planetary pair of speculation, bubbles, and inflation has marked the presidencies of Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, and Obama.

(Clinton's presidency also enjoyed a fabulous windfall of Jupiter and Uranus, the scientific, technological pair: Feb 16, 1997 @ 5AQ56 conjunct US natal South Node.)

But what of George W. Bush? What monetary (Jupiter) pairing marked his terms?

Plutocratic Jupiter-Pluto whose Great Conjunction of December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24 timed one of the Fed's interest rate reduction meetings-announcements.

And they are meeting again today as I type so if they follow their usual pattern an announcement will occur today around @2:15 pm edt during a Jupiter Hour...

ASC 22Sco38 = Saturn/NN: pulling back; suffering under difficulties with others.

Sun 18Leo01 (Venus' position on 9/11/01 and the degree of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse) is focal point within a Fist of God pattern with the separating Jupiter-Pluto square at its base...

Jupiter/Pluto = Sun: accumulation of personal power and influence; successful use of strong personality power; doing well with all resources; keeping things in one's own grip; the creation of magical effects. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

'Magical effects' for Mr. Obama to tout us into confidence? I might be okay with that if only it worked! But I fret that it's all just another bubbly scenario floating on top of toxin-infused water.

And of course, you know that the titanic Cardinal T-Square undergirds everything these days and includes today's Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra, Saturn in Libra, Jupiter 2Ari52 Rx, and Uranus 00Ari06 Rx -- all pointing toward Pluto 3Cap05 Rx in 2nd house at 2:15 pm in Washington DC.

The 9th house Moon 26AQ59 (just past last evening's New Moon in Leo) opposes both US natal Moon and tr Neptune 27AQ34 Rx which sits upon US natal Moon...fraud and lies to the people! Another Fed pronouncement is on the way...

Jan 21, 2008

Chomsky on US backing of Israel

Noam Chomsky

The Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine/Israel

22 Minute Video

Chomsky says US backing of continued Israeli occupation and annexation of Palestinian land is the biggest obstacle to peace.

Article at Information Clearing House.

The Saturn-Uranus pair (Middle East esp Israel and Palestine) began their cycle at conjunction in 1988:

1. Feb 13; 29Sag55
2. June 26; 28Sag47
3. Oct 18; 27Sag49

This cycle I have mentioned before because their opposition phase is now forming 20 years later and the Dec 11, 2007 Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto occurred upon the above degrees (28Sag24.)

Peace brought by Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats?

Peace imposed from without? Or the people's misery made worse for political gain?

Whatever it brings, the opposition phase is one of culmination--like a Full Moon--so as the people of Gaza suffer, I pray for the peace of Israel as Scripture admonishes us to do, Palestine included.

Is cutting them off without food is the best anyone can do?

Jan 1, 2008

that New World (Dis) Order

From Hyperpower To New World Disorder

By David Olive

For the first time since the end of the Cold War, America isn't alone on top. What's replacing the unipolar world of the 1990s? A gang of five superpowers: China, Russia, India, the Eurozone and the US.

Read article from Information Clearing House#

And when it comes to the worldwide crime syndicates shoving the rest of us around, the US is actually at the bottom of the pecking order! Which is one of the reasons US resources (booty? loot?) have been sent elswhere.

And where do 'hyperpower' or 'superpowers' fit into an astrology chart?

Mainly bwo of such midpoints as Sun/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto (and who can forget the so-recent meeting of Jup-Pluto Dec 11 in late Sag--at the "The pope blessing the faithful" degree?) ann-n-nd....wait for it...Pluto/Chiron, of course...the plutocrats, corporatism, The Family, crime syndicate, oppression, racism, class warfare, misogyny duo that fairminded, decent people would run away from if they could.

With the aid of the scientific community, they've tried to disappear saboteur and assassin Pluto from our view--and consciousness, but he still keeps turning up in all my charts--how about yours?

Sad note on the US diplomat's assassination: Mercury conj Icarus as mentioned below. There will be more.

Dec 17, 2007

Full Moon in Cancer: Dec 23, 2007

Will this Full Moon shine a light on actors or actions from the attacks of 9/11?

As you see, the Full Moon of Dec 23 occurs at 1Can50, opposite Sun 1Cap50; Can/Cap is the Security Axis and concerns issues with Home; Parents/Career; Public Status, and often emotions-as-bottomless-pit leading ambitiously (and rather desperately) to fame.

On 9/11/01, Mars at 1Cap27 was near the tr SN, a connection which commonly brings war and violence (warrior Mars being the god of war, of course.)

This Full Moon is also quite near the Solar Eclipse prior to 9/11/01--June 21, 2001, "00Can" in the 3 North Series. Keywords again are:

news of young people or news that transforms a situation; info causing worry or obsession; large plans or activities which will be positive if they are not over-excessive. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Over-excessive? Invading Iraq, I'd say. Perhaps old issues from 2001 will be spotlighted by Dec 23's Full Moon bringing to light some new info on the subject due to its links with the chart of 9/11/01. Full Moons are, of course, the culmination phase of something begun two weeks ago at the New Moon ("18Sag"), the beginning of the cycle and ruled by Jupiter.

Sunday's Full Moon also has asteroid, Morya at 1Cap02, and preachy Jupiter 1Cap12 to expand issues (and in process of parting from his recent Great Conjunction with Pluto on Dec 11, the day the Fed made their interest rate cut announcement, disappointing though it was.)

Chart-ruler is the Sun, disposited by Saturn (Cap)--and authoritative, restrictive Saturn in Virgo is placed in 2nd house of Money and Values and is thus in mutual reception with Mercury in Capricorn. No-nonsense Saturn tends to strengthen neutral Mercury when in mutual reception, plus, they are in a helpful, benefical trine which trines MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the Full Moon chart.

(And since Saturn = the Democrats, will an older Dem aid a younger (Mercury) Dem? Or perhaps he/she will make a weighty (Saturn) announcement (Mercury) concerning the subprime housing catastrophe or an accounting irregularity.)

The trine gives a midpoint picture:

Mercury/Saturn = MC: winning through planning; mind over matter; the heavy thinker; concentration; philosophizing; being wrapped up in one's own plans; travel (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The risk-taking, speculative 5th house cusp 11Sag58 (degree of the Pluto-Chiron conj of Dec 30, 1999) is ruled by moneybags Jupiter (associated with the Republican Party), while the 8th house of shared resources is also ruled by Jupiter through his connection to the obfuscating--or perhaps inspired--sign of Pisces, associated with liquids such as oil, gas, alcohol, with fishies in the sea, and creativity.

Technologically-advanced and disruptive Uranus is placed in 8th house and conj Fixed Star, Achernar...keywords: risk of rapid endings. (With all the fluctuations in the stock market this year, I can't help but wonder if hacking is part of the problem, in spite of--or because of--PROMIS software and the big brother computer in Brussels.)

Rising is asteroid Hera (keeping accounts; the jealous wife; women's issues) is Rx and conj the position of vengeful Venus on 9/11/01 at the degree of Nostradmus' *King of Terror Eclipse of Aug 11, 1999, and with quite a full 5th house of speculation, it seems that SN in first house is not what you'd like to see--it isn't fortuitous to have SN rising and indicates that others (7th house) may be 'calling the shots' or in control.

Transiting NN has now entered Aquarius (backing out of Pisces) which places NN and the rising SN at a critical 29th degrees. Any planet or point at 29 degrees of any sign is a high frequency vibe--impatience, rashness, and lack of self-control can cause trouble and misfortune. Overreacting is a bad idea now, so don't do it, esp with the Leo/AQ polarity being the Will Axis (aka self-willedness.)

~Click chart to enlarge and you'll hopefully be able to read some natal USA/Bush placements in the appropriate places.~

With Taurus and Scorpio (both money signs, and money-loving Venus in Scorpio in the 4th house--the Foundation of the chart) on the 4/10 axis, and for other factors already cited, this chart screams security, money, and desires for easy money as the Full Moon nears Rx Mars in Cancer--and since both Moon and Mars often act as triggers, it will be interesting to see what develops under the rays of the last Full Moon of 2007.

*Nick Campion says a better translation of the Old French would be King of Alarm Eclipse. Alarm or Terror--the world has been coup'd by use of fear.

note: why in the ever-lovin' are all my posts underlined now as I published this entry on the Full Moon?

Dec 12, 2007

Phaethon and the Geminid meteor shower

Space Weather News for Dec. 12, 2007

Earth has entered a stream of dusty debris from asteroid 3200Phaethon and, as a result, the annual Geminid meteor shower is underway. Sky watchers around the world are reporting a slow drizzle of late-night meteors at least as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper.

The best is yet to come: Forecasters expect the shower to peak on Friday, Dec 14th. No matter where you live, watch the sky between local midnight and dawn; people outdoors before sunrise on Friday could see dozens to hundreds of shooting stars. Depending on the details of Earth's encounter with Phaethon's debris stream, the shower could continue into the weekend as well.

Visit for updates and full coverage including sky maps, photos and eye-witness reports.#

Okay, that's for a smidge of astrology to go with it:

Asteroid Phaethon is associated with fated events and is similar in influence to flying-too-high Icarus (an asteroid which is sometimes active in assassinations among other things--yet Lebanon has just had another of those, sad to say, with its endless cycle of retaliation and revenge leading only to more violence.)

Phaethon has its heliocentric North Node at 25Sag--quite near the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on Tuesday, Dec 11 (28Sag+.) And of course they are still within orb of conjunction with Jupiter's expansion and Pluto's deepening beginning a new 13-year cycle of politics, plutocracy, and powermongering.


Dec 11, 2007

Michael Hayden infiltrates Capitol Hill backroom

Due to spychief Hayden's secret meeting with Congressional enablers today, here's the link to a previous post on Michael Hayden's natal chart with the transits for the day of the never adequately explained gunfire in the Rayburn Building.

Guess it was just another day in Washington.

Go to the end of the above-linked post to find a certain transit coming up for Hayden in 2008 which involves mysterious Neptune.

Today's meeting of invisible-helmet-wearing Pluto, the spy, with Jupiter, the judge, rich man, guru, and Republican is yet another obvious manifestation of today's Great Conjunction and Hayden's meeting with politicians on The Hill.