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Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Oct 15, 2019

Oct 15, 2019: Russians swamp Stars Over Washington

Just a quick note to say Hello to the multitude of Russian visitors to Stars Over Washington today. I'm not certain what you're up to, if you're actually reading posts out of genuine interest, or what else may have caused such an onslaught but you're seen so Hello just the same. jc

Jul 24, 2019

The Most Important Moment in Robert Mueller's Testimony! - clip

July 24, 2019: former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified today with the proceedings opening at 8:30 am edt just as royal Regulus arose over the Capitol Building Washington DC (as the star also does in the natal chart of a vengeful Donald Trump). Here are some thoughts about today's hearings from Jefferson Smith ably filling in for Thom Hartmann:

Of course you know that today's timing (8:30 am edt in DC) with Regulus rising places enraged star Algol of Medusa fame at Midheaven, the WHY? and/or Goal Point of any horoscope which echoes Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct Algol so my suspicion is that his nibs found several things to be simply furious about today in spite of what he might tweet as he (erroneously) claims 'exoneration'!

Dec 14, 2018

Horoscopes: Yemen - North and South

Dual image: Yemen North (lower left; September 27, 1962 '12:00 pm BAT -3:00' Sanaa' Yemen; Campion chart #392) and Yemen South (upper right; November 29, 1967 3:00 pm BAT = "end of British rule"; Aden, Yemen; Campion chart #393).

The horoscope of Yemen South is currently more activated of the two and is accurately timed so today's transits (Dec 14, 2018 est) are penned around the chart. Most notable is that Yemen's natal Mars @28Cap11 in 10th house is in process of being squared by transit Uranus @28Ari49 with both planets and their square having links to war, revolt, destruction, violence, explosions (bombs), injuries, and danger.

Another current indicator of war and violence is the transit South Node, a Saturnian point of restriction and loss (aka, 'the tail of the dragon') now swiping across Yemen South's natal Mars in Capricorn.

Then both charts reveal crisis-ridden YOD patterns within them. North's apex planet of its YOD is Jupiter Rx in Pisces, a compassionate sign for Jupiter yet as apex planet this denotes expectations that tend to fall short of their promised potential due to poor judgement, procrastination, and/or over-reach and this brings fateful consequences. In South's chart, we see 12th house Saturn Rx in early Aries (where transit Chiron is scheduled to visit later on) as apex of the YOD which doubles the karmic potential of the YOD and suggests an inherent ambition, plus, a destiny replete with determination, commitment and resolve if the energies are correctly faced and handled. Obviously, maturity and social responsibility must be part of apex Saturn's demanding imperatives and periods of Yemen South's Saturn Returns would be times when YOD conditions would be most in force with many lessons to learn. South's last/current Saturn Return was a three-fer: 1. June 3, 1996; 2. September 3, 1996; 3. February 21, 1997 - all when Bill Clinton was inhabiting the White House. South's next Saturn Return will perfect on April 2, 2026.

So as you see, transit Pluto @20Capricorn+ (a critical-crisis degree) is about to cross Yemen's Midheaven (21Cap10) with transit Saturn close behind. In fact, the two karmic planets' Great Conjunction takes places January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (see link, below) and will form a midpoint picture of potentials for Yemen: Saturn-Pluto = natal MC: desire to rise from difficult circumstances through the application of tenacity and endurance; severity; one-sidedness; self-sacrifice; asceticism (Ebertin).

And perhaps you've noticed that Yemen's Mars @28Capricorn conjoins the power-mad, manipulative natal Pluto of the United States (27Cap33 Rx). We can see this planetary connection in such inconvenient-for-the-Pentagon facts as Shrapnel in Yemen ties US bombs to civilian deaths, a massive cosmic peep-eye for we Americans who are usually the last to know what the Pentagon is actually up to abroad.

So what if anything is Washington doing about our complicity in these tragic, heart-wrenching war crimes in Yemen? Well, the US Senate voted to end our nation's involvement in the war at least in part but the vote is probably merely a symbolic gesture especially with Mr. Trump unlikely to sign on to the idea of putting an end to the bombing of Yemeni women and children. After all, Big T likes to cage children, we know - and he remains a supporter of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia in spite of the Saudi-ordered assassination of Trump-critic and Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Of course, big money, pay-offs, and favors are involved, a probability which neatly sums up the entire situation for the superficial Donald Trump who prefers to do just like his mentor Putin would do.

Wouldn't it be wild and crazy if Melania turns out to be asset Trump's handler?

Three Related Astro-Posts: The Pentagon's Progressed New Moon (with link to Pentagon natal chart); Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions; Saudi Arabia 1902 with October 2, 2018 Transits, Jamal Khashoggi links included.

Dec 11, 2018

Dec 12, 2018: Maria Butina hearing on Capitol Hill

The Sabotage of America Ongoing

by Jude Cowell

If need be, NPR shares some background info on 'gun-rights activist' Maria Butina, a Sun Scorpio born on November 10, 1988 in Barnaul, Siberia. Reportedly, her Russian agent activities have been ongoing in the US since 2014 when she began encouraging guns-rights demonstrations. A mild activity when compared to her more recent ties to US politicians and officials, plus, there's her work for or with the National Rifle Association (NRA)--and all seem to be compromised by the Kremlin now.

Word is, Ms. Butina has changed her plea to 'guilty' and agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation. Unless otherwise is announced, her hearing is set for tomorrow, December 12, 2018, starting at 3:15 pm, on Capitol Hill. Here's the horoscope of that date, hour, and location:

Some of Maria Butina's natal placements are marked in and around the chart (highlighted in lavender pink), a few of Donald Trump's are added (highlighted in blue), and some of America's natal placements, too, such as US natal South Node, the 'tail of the dragon' conjunct the 3:15 pm est Midheaven (5AQ50) and the transiting South Node now 'swiping' across US natal Pluto (27Cap33). And that would be the same Pluto that was spotlighted at the RNC 2016 by a Full Moon Conjunct US natal Pluto: Russian Encounters when Vladimir Putin had the Republican platform changed more to his liking.

And if you view the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart, you'll see that the current position of the North Node of destiny points toward the Full Moon's Sun (the leader). Interestingly, a Sun-NN connection in Politics can lead to 'political associations which eventually do more harm than good, formation of ties to allies drain vitality, and/or a loss of respect due to unfortunate mergers or alliances' (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets). Well, yes.

Besides a few midpoint pictures you see listed, notable in tomorrow's chart is that 3:15 pm falls within a Jupiter Hour and Butina's natal Jupiter Rx @2Gem+ is her first natal planet to rise in this horoscope suggesting Jupiterian themes on the menu such as finances and politics. Boundaries have been broken! Donald Trump's first natal planet to rise is his chaos-loving Uranus (@17Gem+ in his natal 10th house of Career and Public Status) which forms his nibs' quirky and very visible trio along with his North Node and Sun; plus, his natal Sun conjuncts the 2nd cusp (22Gem23) of this chart--along with US natal Mars. Has the money been followed? Of course!

Listed in the 5th house of the chart and highlighted in orange is Maria Butina's Prenatal Solar Eclipse @18Vir40 ('PE') which manifested prior to her birth on September 11, 1988 in the 8 South Saros Series. Themes of 8 South are 'loss, separation, sad partings, and possible physical injury' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). An 8 South eclipse last occurred in 2006 @29Virgo; next 8 South: 2024 @10Libra.

And in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service appear her natal Scorpio line-up of Mercury, Pluto, Sun, and Moon. Transit Venus now conjoins her natal Mercury, planet of communications, deals, and pleas and suggests her decision to cooperate with investigators though it remains to be seen if her information will be reliable for with so much Scorpio within, perhaps we can say that Ms. Butina was born to betray, spy, and sabotage.

Jul 21, 2018

August 2018 Eclipse Spotlights The Unmasking!

Did the Helsinki 'Summit' Get Most People's Attention Finally?

This may be significant: assuming that we can depend on Sabian Symbols to have meaning in and for the Collective, the difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @19Leo opposes by degree and sign (Leo-AQ) what at the time I was prone to calling, The Unmasking Eclipse because it manifested in the 10 North series on February 7, 2008 @18AQ, the "A Man Unmasked" degree.

Naturally, the year '2008' is well known for America's world-shaking financial collapse and subsequent heist but that's not the topic of this post. The symbol for '18 Aquarius' as described by Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones is the topic for its themes resemble current events and are being triggered via opposition from the August 2018 eclipse @19Leo. In a comparison of the two eclipse charts there are many more planetary and cyclic factors involved, of course, but here's the gist of '18AQ" in relation to Donald Trump being unmasked as the __, a __, or the __ (fill in the blank) we didn't want in the White House even as Mr. Putin is now unmasked as Trump's handler, or, as some would reluctantly say, his boss:

Rudhyar: '18AQ' = "A Man's Secret Motives Are Being Publicly Unmasked"...

"Keynote: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives." This symbol may also "refer to the publicizing of past behavior" and it mentions "innumerable governmental agencies " that are "nearly always able to find access to remains or records of past actions..." Sounds like serenades by old-baggage-handling Trump, KGB-er Putin, and embarrassing Kremlin intel with shades of Michael Cohen's years' worth of records haunting around the edges. And toss in the 'Trump tariffs and trade wars' that, eyed clearly, seem to be intended for the purposes of losing American jobs and crashing the US economy, a further weakening of our nation at Putin's direction--in retaliation for the Fall of the Soviet Union (1991--over-confidently billed as the "End of Communism").

Jones: '18AQ' = "A Man Unmasked"...

This symbol "demands that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it. Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity. Keyword: ANALYSIS." Positive expression: "a considered self-dedication to greater and more wonderful reasons for being"; negative/unconscious/shadow side: "self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude." (My italics and bolds.)

Public accounting? Long overdue, including Trump's tax returns, but perhaps Mr. Mueller can help us with that. General welfare? Naturally, We The People value it but a mask-free Trump now informs us that he prefers Russia over America, so if confronted he'll probably pretend not to have heard of the concept nor will he respond to the shouted question!

Additional Note: With Montenegro recently on Trump's lips, here's the nation's founding data from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes chart #221: July 13, 1878 13:37 GMT Cettinje, Montenegro. Curiously, the nation's Sun @20Can58 (8th house) was precisely eclipsed on July 12, 2018 (20Can41) while Trump was overseas readying to rendezvous with Putin in Helsinki--and this July eclipse fell into Trump's Prenatal Eclipse Series, the 2 Old North, with themes of 'unfortunate news, separations, or endings', and 'quick action can bring good results'. The upcoming August 2018 Solar Eclipse ('The Tower') @19Leo in the 2 New North Series perfects upon Montenegro's 9th house Mars-Uranus midpoint with Sun-ruled Leo intercepted (Solar Fire v9; Tropical; Placidus System).

Above image: The Past Has a Way, another pencil drawing by Jude Cowell.

Jul 15, 2018

July 27, 2016 Trump shout-out to Russia: Hack Hillary!

During a campaign rally on July 27, 2016 Donald Trump gave a public shout-out to a foreign power to hack Hillary Clinton's emails and as we now know from Mr. Mueller's unsealed indictments of the Russian culprits Trump's directive was followed on that very date.

The Chicago Tribune has the published the Mueller indictment if you haven't yet had the pleasure.

Appropriately, transits on July 27, 2016 show messenger Mercury conjoining Trump's natal Mars in Leo, a time when ideas can become physical realities and instructions are given or received for how to accomplish a task or operate machinery!

Also you'll note that the date was around political convention time when the Republicans met under the light of a Full Moon that perfected upon America's natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33) and that the timing of Trump's rallies on that day (in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) were intended to snatch away the news cycle from goings-on at the Democratic National Convention. See Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 for a view of the horoscope of the RNC's Full Moon which helped manipulate Donald Trump into the White House.

For with Full Moons timing culminations, fulfillments, and awareness, we see how Trump became the GOP nominee at the RNC as cosmic rays fell upon our national Pluto, planet of saboteurs, assassins, spies, hidden wealth, manipulation, transformation, control, power, and the criminal Underworld now in process of coup'ing governments across the globe.

So tomorrow, July 16, 2018, Trump reports to Putin within the walls of a palace in Helsinki, Finland. Follow the link to view a horoscope of the day, plus, a founding horoscope for Finland, a la Nicholas Campion.

Jul 13, 2018

DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020

Election 2020 and a Farewell to Bretton Woods!

by Jude Cowell

Friday July 13, 2018: Predictions are being made concerning the 2020 Election, one such that both Republicans and Democrats should be worried but for different reasons. To me it seems more a case that the American people should be worried with little respite proffered between now and then as 'the old order' collapses into 'the new'. Anyway, below is a bi-wheel of Election Day 2020 (November 3) both charts set for Washington DC. Inner chart = 12:00 am est; outer chart = 11:59 pm est so we can view the entire planetary panoply from beginning to end of the 24-hour period:

Now many things including loyalties will shift before November 3, 2020 so I won't type much on this chart today though a few factors should be mentioned, such as:

12:00 am est, an Hour of the Sun becomes an Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity) by 11:59 pm est. With Leo rising, Chart-ruler Sun makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect in the chart, a trine to Neptune (18Pis20 Rx) which benefits covert activities (exs: sabotage; foreign agents infiltrating; spies that harm national security, cyber warfare) and implies the smooth proceeding of confidential matters, plus, a certain sense of glamour (Neptune) is cast upon leadership (Sun) with a bunch of Neptunian propaganda and lies to go with it.

Highlighted in orange is the Election's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (11th house) which perfects at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21 in the 4 North Saros Series of illusions, restraints (on voters?), misjudgments (of voters?), and separations. (This eclipse hints at a major post coming asap!) The election's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to Nov 3, 2020) is a Full Moon and is entered in 9th house @8Tau38--conjunct radical Uranus Rx at the Halloween Full Moon! Of course, Full and New Moons can act at times as if they are eclipses in a disruptive Uranian fashion, revealing secrets left and right (Full Moons: lunar eclipses, New Moons: solar eclipses) so we'll probably have some interesting tidbits, secrets, news, and gossip surface pre-Election under its rays of awareness and culmination--finances and investment are involved most likely with a Taurus Full Moon though issues concerning the environment, agriculture, and project development can be expected.

As for the Election Day 2020 chart we find 'voting' Mercury strong at Direct Station @25Libra55 in 3rd house (25Libra = cusp of the 17th Lunar Mansion, a critical degree). So it appears that by Election Day 2020, reassessing the then-current crop of politicians (such as they are!) has been completed and votes have been cast (assuming a sure-to-be-rigged election is held at all).

So who do the planets in this Election Day 2020 horoscope favor?

Going by the Venus Cycle upon which US Presidential Elections are based (those smarty pants Venus-worshiping Founders of ours--or was it Mason FDR when he changed the ceremony to January 20?), 2020 Venus in Libra indicates that the same party will remain in power, in the White House at least. Of course, how things will proceed after the 2020 Election must depend in large part on the results of the November 6, 2018 Midterms with its difficult Prenatal Solar Eclipse, The Tower @18Leo41 (rising in the charts you see here!)

Nodal Return a Time on Our Paths of New Alliances and Renewing Old Ties

Yes, the old order is collapsing (or is being collapsed by social tinkerers who think they know better--with buddies Trump and Putin as front-men) but be that as it may or may not be, the Election 2020 horoscope shows Trump's natal planets all over it--you see many of his planets marked in green--plus, on Election Day Trump will be in process of having a Nodal Return! If he's still around, that is. (The mean ones always seem to live forever, don't they?) Well, he didn't win the popular vote in 2016 (No Mandate from The People) but pretends he did--and the global imperative in 2020 remains 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' - 1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto, (Tyl) = "POLITICAL POWER...smug or strong-armed paternalism" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones). And a cherry on top of this authoritarian dictator mess: America's first-ever Pluto Return approaches in 2022. Follow the link to view our Pluto Return's Prenatal Eclipse chart.

Well, that's all I'll agree to type for now on the topic of Election 2020 but if you daringly wish for an inkling concerning DC conditions and events in the run-up year of 2019 you may wish to try a previous post showing horoscopes of Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019. Or not.

Even so, your Shares and Comments are always much appreciated! jc

Update 3:33 pm est: have just published Election Day 2020's Sun-Moon blend implications for the curious. jc

Jul 12, 2018

July 2018 Lunar Eclipse Blinks at Russia's Saturn!

Secrets in Shadows.

When it comes to the Dissolution of the Soviet Union we think of the date Mikhail Gorbachov stepped down from the presidency and left Boris Yeltsin in charge of the newly minted Russian State. Apparently this difficult event is considered by Vladimir Putin to be well worth revenging as we see with his use of American politicians and cyber war to 'bring down' our nation from the top tier, plus, his other draconian methods...success at any cost, ends justify means! Not my cup o'tea, how about you?

Now there's no need to mention names of compromised US politicians because we know who they are, or at least we know the ones who are public figures and are abroad (NATO Summit, Helsinki) embarrassing on, and withdrawing America from, the world stage as I type. As usual, Mr. Trump's arguments to our allies are cobbled together by mixing a little truth with a lot of falsehood, the most efficient way to pull the wool over someone's eyes, or confuse issues at the very least. He does this every day. But the thing is, once truth is diluted, it is no longer true or the truth because half truths are not actually truths.

So if you haven't yet, take a look at the planets' positions in Moscow on December 25, 1991. The horoscope I use for Russia is from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes which primarily cites historical records; the Flag was Raised at 5:45 pm GMT Moscow, State of Russia with 25Leo16 rising and 9Tau58 at Midheaven. Yes, Leo and Taurus are the same Fixed signs on ASC and MC as in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump. Different degrees, same signs, suggesting a shared character trait: strong determination and perhaps a toxic measure of irrational will. And we get to 'add' a Leonine Mars rising to Trump's chart...Mr. Street Fighter, always spoiling for a fisticuffs, red-faced at the slightest exertion, a general blowhard, a litigious deadbeat, and a bounder and cad with the ladies. He was never presidential material and has shown no interest in 'growing into the job' as many had hoped. Still, he is pretty good at following Putin's directions and will report on his performance at the NATO Summit in Brussels when he huddles in secret with Vlad in Helsinki on July 16. Yep, we watch semi-dumbfounded as Donald Trump does just what Putin would do!

So besides hitting US natal South Node (double the Saturn!), the Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 conjoins Russia's natal Saturn posited in its 6th house @5AQ10. You know astrological Saturn and you know what an entity's 6th house entails besides the military so I won't bore you (more than is often necessary). And of course, Saturn in Aquarius, its ancient sign of ruler-ship (and still is in some astrologers' estimations) hints that Russia considers herself well disciplined and ready for any contingency that may emerge--and the eclipse can bring out this issue or perhaps activate it. Planning is a specialty in the Russian mentality which tallies with the kind of leader for whom revenge is a dish best served cold. Yes, Putin's long-term planning is now paying off through the redoubtable form and agency of Donald Trump who fancies himself, is always in need of large amounts of money, is suggestible through flattery and corruptible via pay-offs and bribery. Why, Spanky is plum dreamy and oh so blackmailable...

Meanwhile, the transiting, ever-circling South Node of the Moon (SN), the 'tail of the dragon', is an integral part of this late July 2018 lunar equation since the close presence of the Nodal axis is how to tell that a Full Moon is actually a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses, whether Total (strongest) or not, often have incredible influence upon events, conditions, circumstances, and/or people and tend to excite surprising revelations or news, 'reveals', secrets, gossip, and scandals. Unconscious motivations may become starkly obvious to self or other and suddenly a new direction is offered or enforced--and that's usually when we become aware of the strange light now cast upon the objects below!

Soon to be posted from my astro-drawing board: details concerning Russia's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and when it repeats. Hint: current events (political theater performances, as I often think them) are part of a long-term 'new world order' agenda as was the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush41's invasion of Kuwait, and his 'new world order' speech (open avowal of global government!), 9/11/01, the rise of terrorism, brutal dictators, the caging of children, authoritarian governments "winning" elections (strong-armed paternalism)...all events that were influenced by the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993. Ideally, Faith and Reason are meant to shake hands in this particular cosmic equation of planets but with the forces of destruction closing in on little Planet Earth and its inhabitants, what are the chances that this isn't the Old Order of 1776 passing before our eyes in these momentous times?

Mar 30, 2018

Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016

Now that Trump Campaign contacts and meetings during the Republican National Convention in July 2016 with Russian agents such as Sergei Kislyac are in the news I've been reviewing (under Mercury retrograde) previous posts from that time. Comparisons with the horoscope of the RNC Full Moon of July 19, 2016 and the (noon) natal charts of Paul Manafort and current AG Jeff Sessions have proven somewhat enlightening, and of course, Mr. Trump's timed natal horoscope deserved a look as well. Apparently, foreign operative Mr. Manafort joined the Trump Campaign in order to direct or manage the GOP's 2016 Convention.

Regarding Kislyac see Russian ambassador won't name all the Trump officials he's met with because 'the list is so long'.

Following are brief notes on what seem to me the primary links between the natal charts of Trump, Manafort, and Sessions with the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart, plus, a re-publish of my original chart of the RNC 2016 Full Moon itself, a Full Moon which spotlighted or reflected US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) as you can see:

As you see, Trump's natal Libra trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter is at MC, the Goal Point, and radical chaos-creator Uranus is at IC, the Foundation of the chart. The power-hungry Sun-Pluto midpoint is at MC, an obvious picture of power grabbing and an obsession with ruling over overs. Mars-Jupiter is at MC as well indicating an ability to make favorable arrangements and a love of 'enterprise' (such as selling out America to Russia, privatizing every public program they can for private profit, running government via bribes, favors and pay-offs, and turning the Oval Office into Trump's personal piggy bank?)

My original post concerning this horoscope with chart details (sans edits) may be found here.

Trump's natal planets have a few links to the RNC 2016 chart. These include 2016 Uranus in Aries square natal Saturn in Cancer: others pose threats to his 'authority', new ideas or methods challenge traditions (I'll say!); 2016 Pluto opposes n Mercury in Cancer: opinions being forced upon him (many have tried!); 2016 Saturn 10Sag15 Rx inconjunct n Mercury: adjustments to his thinking and planning (intimidation and bribery can do that); 2016 North Node in Virgo square n Uranus (Trump's guiding planet of chaos and disruption): dealings and/or meetings with rigid characters. A compromised Donald Trump remains obvious to me if not you.

RNC 2016 links to Sessions' natal planets include: 2016 Neptune square n Mercury: open to deception in communications; info is not what it appears to be (an echo of Trump's problematic natal Mercury-Neptune square of lies and fantasy--you'll recall that Jeff Sessions lied to Congress about his meetings with Russians); 2016 Jupiter in Virgo (conjunct the North Node of meetings and encounters) square n Mercury: speaking or acting before thinking, taking rash actions; 2016 Pluto possibly conjunct n Moon in Capricorn: threats, intimidation, secrets? Perhaps a threat of sexual secrets revealed unless..?

RNC 2016 links to Manafort's planets include: 2016 Full Moon conjunct n Jupiter (28Cap37) which of course means that Manafort's n Jupiter conjoins US n Pluto--political ambitions expand and financial rewards accrue or are promised, along with a general Moon-Pluto influence of obsession with mishandling of resources (Jupiter), criminality, and manipulations concerning war/s and weaponry, plus, a potential for secrets to be revealed which suggests intimidation and threats--as in, an offer Manafort couldn't refuse--even if he'd wanted to. Personally I have to include the Republican Party within such negotiations with Russia but disagree if you must. Another link that relates to meetings is natal NN @25Aries conjoined by 2016 Uranus denotes meetings or encounters with unorthodox people and zealots (Uranus in Aries) within the realms of radical politics (Uranus-NN).

Now here's an excerpt from an additional post concerning RNC 2016 (again, sans edits):

RNC 2016: Monday July 18th 12:00 am: the Moon begins @4Cap28 (Sun 25Can57) giving the public at home and in the audience a serious tone of ambition and practicality with duties taken seriously (Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business; tribal Cancer denotes home but also business); a Moon-Saturn tone indicates that some frigidity of feeling may be in evidence, if not onstage or in the audience, then behind the curtain. Monday July 18th also contains a Moon-Pluto flavor as the Moon conjoins transit Pluto at 9:24 pm (15Cap56). In Politics, a Moon-Pluto signature describes potentials for the misuse of resources in business and/or political activities, and/or campaign promises concerning the use of the military and/or police, plus, underworld criminal elements such as mobsters, fraud, waste, women's issues, and/or hidden wealth (Munkasey); (Cowell).

Actually, across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis, a doubling of Moon-Pluto vibes occurs on July 19th for a Full Moon @27Cap40 perfects and conjoins US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for military and/or police involvement during the convention (or rhetoric about such topics), violence and/or criminal behavior, terrorism, paid protesters disrupting events, intense emotions such as rage or jealousy, hurled insults, hidden string-pulling, mass media and a very large amount of publicity. (Moon-Pluto = public relations; mass propaganda; a need for power.) Plus, with Moon-Pluto, a 'demanding tyrant' may be on the scene. This is supported by transit Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn which can express as The Dictator (Ebertin).

That the Full Moon's Sun opposes US natal Pluto @27Cap33 (and US SP Pluto @29Cap, a critical degree) hints at what we know to be the case: major power plays are in progress. The July 19th Full Moon may potentially reveal secrets much as a Lunar Eclipse can do and may involve the Pentagon and/or may place plutocrats (Pluto) in the public spotlight, and highlight misogyny, point to abortion issues, and/or uncover past abuses of women. Simultaneously, transit Pluto squares US natal Saturn (14Lib48), a time when motives must be aboveboard, and restriction and criticism occur due to our government's ruthless abuse of power and authority.

Pluto of the Underworld: totem planet of Secret Agents and Global Mobsters Everywhere

Now in 2018, with what we know so far from the Mueller investigation, it turns out that perhaps the 'demanding tyrant' on the RNC scene in 2016 represents Vladimir Putin and his agent Kislyac even more than it describes a subservient Donald Trump, now appearing in his role of US President.

Trump RNC Acceptance Speech under US Moon's Aquarian Rays.


Paul Manafort April 1, 1949 New Britain, CT; Jeff Sessions December 24, 1946 Selma, AL; noon charts are used for this post.

Mar 26, 2018

Astrology of the Baltic Summit April 3, 2018

On April 3, 2018, the White House is scheduled to host a Baltic Summit with the leaders of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in attendance. The Summit is meant to, "focus on how best to strengthen our security, business, trade, energy, and cultural partnerships," although with Mr. Trump presiding, any measure of focus on serious topics may turn out to be a vain expectation on both our parts.

Trump the Teuton?

Now if we look to Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes for founding/independence horoscopes of the three countries, we find charts in abundance due to off-on-again invasions and occupations through the years by the USSR/Russia and sometimes by Germany. Actually the independence chart of Latvia (#187) is interesting as the first of four charts for Latvia, originally ruled by Teutonic Knights in the 13th century. For on November 18, 1918 (12:00 Z01 -1:36) in Riga, the rising degree was 15Cap51 which will receive a Solar Eclipse on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn in the 2 South Saros Series--theme: involvement with unusual groups and gaining a great deal by such involvement (Brady). Solar Eclipses in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) are handled best when relationships to authority figures, responsibilities, reliability, authenticity, honesty, and serious attitudes are valued and upheld. In general, eclipses are perfect watershed moments for achieving karmic progress and when conservative Capricorn is involved in the 'cosmic blink' solar picture, selfishness and overindulgence must be overcome by self-discipline in order to achieve good results. Yes, I know--what are the odds for positive improvement when it's quirky contrarian Donald 'kingpin' Trump we're talking about!

Then will 2018's Baltic Summit include an offer of group membership, perhaps of a trading kind? As you know, Trump has disdained NATO and Putin is no fan of the organization so what's the story there? Is another Baltic war on a warmonger's political agenda? Perhaps, since one sign may be found in Latvia's May 4, 1990 chart (#189) for US natal Neptune in Virgo rises at Ascendant (24Vir17) which places America's problematic, misguided "fog of war" Mars-Neptune square upon Latvian chart angles with our warrior Mars conjunct Latvia's Midheaven, the Goal Point. What am I implying? I don't know what I'm implying other than perhaps hidden messages meant for Russia's Putin may be involved via the Summit. The three nations are in Russia's sphere of influence, after all. Or should I say, grasp?

Please note that I typed this post based on astrology charts, was about to publish it, then thought to google 'Putin and Latvia' and found this: How World War III Could Begin in Latvia. Ugh.

Plus, it seems that cosmic synchronicity of the wound or wounded healer is at work here for April 3, 2018 marks the first of three Chiron Return/s for (1918) Latvia at a critical-crisis 29th degree (natal Chiron @29Pis11 Rx) with the second conjunction exact on October 14, 2018 and the third and final on February 1, 2019 about one month into the 2 South Solar Eclipse season that conjoins (or 'eclipses') Latvia's 1918 Ascendant. And of course, we've discussed before '30Pisces' and its Sabian Symbol, "The Great Stone Face" which could apply to both Trump and Putin, and perhaps to the visages of the Baltic nations' leaders as well.

Baltic Summit Summary

Naturally, there are links and such to Estonia's four horoscopes and to Lithuania's charts, too, but this is meant to be a post, not a book, so for now I'll simply add a few general observations concerning the planetary transits of April 3, 2018. It is to be hoped that a coiffed Donald Trump will be up and at 'em by 10:00 am, so looking at a horoscope set for 10:00 am edt White House on April 3, 2018, we find 15Gem44 rising which brings up Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio, with his oriental, chaotic Uranus in the lead and acting as his 'guiding planet' as always. Did he prepare for the Summit? Probably not. Will he read prepared statements at some point? Who knows. Will diplomatic beans be spilled or leaked? No surprise, if so.

Mercurial as Trump is, transit Mercury @11Aries is a retrograde chart-ruler that morning (delays, disagreements, rescheduling?) and is at an apt degree in the Sabian Symbols...'11Aries' = "The Ruler of a Nation." Of course, besides Trump there are three other rulers in attendance for this particular performance of Washington Political Theater but we know who will hog center stage. For Mercury's symbol Dane Rudhyar gives explanation: "At this ego level, laws and the restrictive power of a police force are dominant features." Hmm...sounds weightier than trade deals and cultural exchanges--and more along the lines of security issues, right? Rudhyar's Keywords may enlighten: "CENTRALIZATION OF POWER" and this is manifested as "the personal will to control reactions...", something dictators like to do, and media control or limitation may certainly be a feature of this picture. For one thing, chart-ruler Mercury, planet of meetings and summits (and the Sun = the leader) applies to squares with the transiting Mars-Saturn duo which perfected at 11:44 am edt--the day before (April 2, 2018) @8Cap57. And one of the promises of combined Mars-Saturn energies is that 'all will-directed activity meets with complete resistance' (Ebertin) so that frustration, even destruction or failure, may result. Then is April 3, 2018 a good time to hold a Summit of any kind? Well, if it were me I'd have scheduled the Summit after the duo's delaying, stalemate energies separated and Mars moved ahead of Saturn but of course no one asked! That is, unless certain actors have vested interests in the Summit's failure.

And so it seems curious to me that at MC on April 3, 2018 at 10:00 am edt White House, we find '23Aquarius', a degree which always reminds me of Russia because of its totem animal: '23AQ"..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All its Paws...DISCIPLESHIP." So riddle me this: is the Baltic Summit being held for Putin's sake and/or at his direction? And/or will it include a plea from three small nations asking for protection from Russia's well-known territorial desires and underhanded machinations? Perhaps we'll know soon who is the disciple and who the master in the US-Russia relationship because from this distance (down in Georgia USA), it certainly looks as if Mr. Putin is the one doing all the instructing.

Mar 12, 2018

Senate Risks Financial Ruin Ignores What Most Americans Want - clip

Here Thom Hartmann speaks with Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin concerning a variety of current topics and issues including what's going on (or not) in the US Congress:

You know, I've mentioned before that it would be good for our Republic for us all to see exactly what's in the stock portfolios of US Congress members so that the information could be compared with their votes for or against legislation written by lobbyists and special interest operatives. So much congressional behavior would be explained!

A Possibly Related Post: London, Trump, and the Temple of Gold.

Also in the news: double Scorpio Julian Assange, pal of Russia and Trump's friend political Svengali Roger Stone.

Nov 14, 2017

Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire

Video: here Jimmy Dore speaks with Abby Martin concerning the American Empire, news media, propaganda, Russia, the RT network, global conspiracy, war criminals walking free, and the false R vs D narrative that you and I have discussed here on SO'W for years:

Video link.

Oct 26, 2017

Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

Image: bi-wheel of the Natal Horoscopes of Julian Assange (July 3, 1971 3:00 pm AEST Townsville, Australia; RR: A and Steve Bannon November 27, 1953 '12:00 pm' (hour unknown) Norfolk, Virginia USA:

Since I wasn't planning to write anything today I'll simply post natal charts as a bi-wheel of Wikileaks' Julian Assange (birth time known, "From him") and alt-righter Steve Bannon of Trump and Breitbart fame to note the connections and links between their natal planets because, as you've heard...

Julian Assange confirms Wikileaks was approached by data firm working with Trump campaign last November but says their "approach" was rejected and Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails were not released by Mr. Assange as previously threatened/promised. Notice that Mr. Bannon's name is left out of the headline of this report published by the Chicago Tribune yet he's been reported as being the VP of 'data firm' Cambridge Analytica at the time.

Of course, Mr. Bannon's Moon position ('noon') and Angles are not for certain with no birth time known so use with caution if at all. However, we do know that: born November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia, Bannon's natal Moon ranged from 22Leo03 (the worst foot forward degree, or, 'own worst enemy') to 4Vir10, the degree and minute of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon in December 2008. As you see, this SP Full Moon timed the outer limit that the US could reach into the world (Crash 2008) and we all should have learned that lesson of cautious Saturnian limitation then. Because going beyond natural limits leads to reap-what's-been-sown karma, as universal natural law dictates.

Actually, I believe a majority of We The People did learn the lesson--that we as a nation were overextended on many levels but like kittens in string, we were shocked by the level of corruption in government, banking, and other areas of civilization that were starkly revealed by the end of 2008 and cast a degrading and harsh light upon American society as a Collective. But the Jupiter-Neptune duo isn't concerned with observing natural limits, in fact, just the opposite--and including political conflicts, according to Reinhold Ebertin.

Please enlarge the image for a few basic notes are penned on the charts; Assange is a Jupiter-Neptune-conjunction escapist and wizard while Bannon is more of a Jupiter-Neptune-trine occultist conman and magician. Either way they tend toward speculation, illusion, and promotion of bubbles and schemes just as Mr. Trump likes to do via his own Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which, quest-like, has wounding-wounded Chiron smack dab in the center, and the trio posited in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values.

And perhaps it will be enlightening if not curiously revealing when the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse manifests on February 15, 2018 and conjoins US natal Moon which was target planet of the Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune. The planetary pair perfected three times all through 2009--conjunct US natal Moon, thereby forcing a seductive, dreamy, bubbly unreality into the weaker crevices of our society and providing cover for much of the Obama administration's activities, 'rock star' as they may have seemed.

A related post: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

Also note that we are under the influence of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, The Great American Eclipse, with its theme of: "information is distorted and possibly false" (Brady) which also implicates today's well publicized released of the JFK Files. In Astrology, eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' and do tend to uncover hidden things.

Please note that I have no idea why the lines of this post are not following the usual tidy alignment. Blogger? Hello?

Oct 18, 2017

Tillerson and Trump: Two Mercury-Neptune Dudes

By DonkeyHotey (Rex Tillerson - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump's Secretary of State Rex Wayne Tillerson, former CEO of ExxonMobil (2006--2016), was born in Wichita Falls, Texas on March 23, 1952. On that date, the Sun ranged from 2Ari33 to 3Ari32 and the Moon traveled from 27AQ47 to 12Pis16 which creates two possible Sun-Moon blends--either his is a Fire-Air personality of rationality, efficiency, and innovation, or a steamy, volatile Fire-Water personality that can scald as well as cleanse. Mr. Tillerson's Prenatal Eclipse themes are noted, below.

Setting up synastry grid between the natal charts of Mr. Trump and Mr. Tillerson shows a quite a few squares between their planets along with other contacts, of course. Apparently theirs is a dynamic relationship between two willful overachievers with big egos yet theirs may be a sympatico relationship enough to last awhile--or not. Plus, there are insinuating energies since both men were born with challenging Mercury-Neptune aspects in their natal charts, aspects which suggest stretched truths, distorted facts, indiscretion, and off-kilter perceptions, unintentional and unconscious though inaccuracies may be. Both the square (Trump) and opposition (Tillerson) between Mercury and Neptune denote strong tendencies to fantasize.

Mr. Tillerson's Prenatal Eclipse Feb 25, 1952 @6Pisces: 8 North Saros Series

The last manifestation of an 8 North Solar Eclipse occurred on April 29, 2006 @8Aries; the next will be a Total Solar Eclipse on April 4, 2024 @19Aries (the exaltation of the Sun degree and Tillerson's natal Mercury degree). 8 North's initial eclipse occurred on May 17, 1501 @4Gem51 so his PE in Pisces should be viewed through a Mercury-ruled Gemini lens for more in-depth information. Also note that a PE in mystical Pisces typically indicates a person with esoteric or metaphysical interests.

8 North themes: flashes of genius, dreams, visions, hunches, intuitive leaps, insights, good ideas; "new-found inspiration pulls the person away" from social relationships and "causes strain in the private life" because the person "needs to be free if only for a few weeks" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

You'll find a more complete analysis of Mr. Tillerson's natal chart (with a view of his horoscope set for noon) posted on the website of expert astrologer Majorie Orr along with that of Goldman-Sachs President Gary Cohn, Trump's choice for director of the National Economic Council (no confirmation needed). Their composite (relationship) charts with Mr. Trump are also displayed and discussed.

And published December 14, 2016, here's a brief interview in which Rex Tillerson explains his relationship with Vladimir Putin.

Sep 15, 2017

The UAE natal chart w/ the February 2018 Solar Eclipse

As you've heard by now Former Obama official Susan Rice unmasked Trump officials who met with UAE government officials during the Trump transition period. The UAE did not follow protocol and inform the Obama administration of the visit, hence the 'unmasking'. The Trump officials who secretively met with the UAE reps include Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, and Michael Flynn and it is reported that the meeting involved the setting up of a secret communications channel between Trump and the Russian government.

See Susan Rice bio details (born November 17, 1964 Washington, DC.)

Apparently, Mr. Trump wants more of Russia and Mr. Putin than he can honestly get. Yet if a shady communications channel with Russia and Trump was set up, how long did Mr. Trump and his gang think it could go undetected?

Be that as it may, here is the natal horoscope of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which was officially proclaimed on December 2, 1971 at Dubai 12:00 pm R3T -4:00 (my SolarFire Gold v9 software gives the time zone as USZ3 -4:00, same chart):

Please enlarge the image to read basic chart notes.

Around the chart and conjunct the UAE's Ascendant @27AQ43 is notated the February 16, 2018 partial Solar Eclipse in the 1 South Saros Series with themes of: flooded with ideas and options which are enthusiastically expressed; an element of haste is attached but outcomes are potentially positive (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady). Note that the February 2018 1 South Eclipse opposes the UAE's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, aka, PE (conjunct natal Descendant @27Leo15 in the 9 New South Saros Series; themes: bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues concerning paperwork or communications; responsibilities with paperwork may 'come home to roost' and any news has a sense of destiny or fate attached (Brady). So the February 2018 eclipse may possibly activate or provide illumination of the UAE's PE issues and concerns and combine them with 1 South themes in some way.

And with the February 2018 eclipse personalized for the UAE (conjunct natal DESC) we may expect the UAE federation to remain in US news headlines well into 2018.


If you've avoided it so far (and I can't blame you!), you may wish to view the horoscope of the Solar Return 2017 of Donald Trump. Your Comments and/or your Shares are always appreciated!

Jul 10, 2017

Astro-Notes: Trump Jr's Meeting w/ a Kremlin Lawyer

Update Jan 4, 2018: having just watched an MSNBC video and with the spurring of Michael Wollfe's new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump Jr, a Kremlin-linked lawyer and others has been identified as beginning at 4:00 pm edt. Finally I can set up a horoscope with what is reported to be an accurate time of the meeting. If anything interesting comes of this I will soon write a new post for Stars Over Washington. In the mean time, the post below with transit Mercury (meetings, discussions, offspring, etc) conjunct Trump Sr's natal Taurus Midheaven (of course Trump Sr knew about the meeting!) will stay in this spot.

Original post begins here:

Beware Lady Kremlin Lawyers

by Jude Cowell

On July 9, 2017 The New Yorker published The Truth Behind Donald Trump Jr's Meeting with a Russian Lawyer. Meanwhile, I'm still searching for an accurate birth time for Jr., a fellow some call the 'Fredo' of the Trump family.

Trump Jr's recently disclosed meeting with a Kremlin lawyer who allegedly had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton to share in order to 'help' the Trump campaign took place in New York at Trump Tower and was also attended by the Trump campaign's Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior adviser to Mr. Trump in the White House.

Astrology as Lens: Outer Planets = June 9, 2016

A chart factor of note when looking for significators of a meeting on a certain date is planets conjoining (meeting) and when we peek back at June 9, 2016 ('noon'; exact hour unknown at this point) we find two indicators of encounters--in mid-Virgo, Jupiter conjunct North Node (a joining point of encounter), and a close Sun-Venus conjunction @19Gemini14/59 with Venus possibly the lady lawyer involved. Both Jupiter and Sun can represent a leader like Mr. Trump with astrological Jupiter adding money, corporate, and political facets to the picture, and of course, both planets can signify father and authority.

That Trump Jr, possibly represented here by Mercury @25Taurus or the opposing Mars @25Scorpio Rx (their opposition conjunct Trump Sr's MC-IC axis!!) said his Dad did not attend the June 9, 2016 meeting seems doubtful since both Jupiter and the Sun were 'meeting' with someone that day which happens to be the first day Mr. Trump began tweeting about Mrs. Clinton's 33,000 'missing' emails (that he publicly asked Russia to locate via hacking). Besides, Mr. Trump is known to be a micro-manager which makes it doubtful that he didn't at least know about the meeting in Trump Tower and may have ordered it.

In the bi-wheel chart, below, you see circled in red the strongest contacts between Trump Sr and his namesake son including Jr's Saturn Rx @00Vir10 which conjoins his dad's natal Ascendant with Trump's rising Mars @26Leo nearby. And of course, there's royal Regulus @00Virgo sparkling among their Mars-Saturn-ASC trio and cautioning them to avoid taking revenge against others lest they lose what they've gained so far.

Significantly, the issues we see now in the news may be merely a warm up for the effects of the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse @29Leo (conjunct their Mars-Saturn-ASC trio and Regulus), aka, The Great American Eclipse. Will Mr. Trump the Elder be implicated more fully in Jr's Kremlin lawyer meeting? Well, Donald Trump's natal 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini (17-23Gem) was activated on June 9, 2016 by the 'visiting' Sun-Venus conjunction, another suggestion of encounters. Perhaps the reported email chain of their discussions about the seemingly shady meeting will reveal some actual facts!

Now is it curious that the July 9th Full Moon @17Cap09 conjunct spying saboteur Pluto on Sunday, the day Donald Jr spoke up about his meeting, is an astrological echo of the RNC 2016 Full Moon which illuminated--met with--America's natal Pluto?


Astro-Note: concerning Donald Trump Jr's natal planets (Dec 31, 1977 NYC; Sun Cap-Moon Virgo all day), we see that his Mercury-Neptune conjunction (16-21 Sag, Mercury stationary direct) echoes his father's problematic Mercury-Neptune square and Jr's Mercury in particular conjoins his father's Moon-SN conjunction while opposing dad's Sun-NN-Uranus trio of shocks, publicity, radical politics, and personal unpredictability. With Mercury-Neptune challenges, truth is not this family's forte (they think it's okay because 'everyone lies').

However, transit Saturn, karmic planet of realism, truth, accountability, and loss, is in process of hitting their charts in the area of 21/22 Sagittarius, a transit which also activates fixed star Ras Alhague which creates a complex set of energies, cosmic and earthly, that will not be easily resolved.

Jun 8, 2017

June 8, 2017 Comey testifies under Trump's natal Sun Gem-Moon Sag

Sun Gem-Moon Sag: It's All About Mr. Trump

It's June 8, 2017 and former FBI Director James Comey is testifying today to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Trump-Russia topics under today's Sun-Moon blend (Gemini-Sagittarius) which happens to be the natal blend of Donald J. Trump.

This is an Air-Fire combo of energies of one who is inquisitive, has a vivid imagination, and is usually able to wiggle out of tight squeezes. However, a lack of mental discipline can lead to recklessness, a word often used to describe Mr. Trump's actions especially in the realm of his tweets which are by many people considered to be official statements of the president of the United States of America. Additionally, this blend's tendency toward indiscretion supports his indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square which inspires many misconceptions for his sneaky mind (Oken) to imagine and embroider upon.

Also of interest is tomorrow, June 9, 2017, the day of Jupiter's Direct Station @13Libra (which echoes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter Direct Station @17Lib27 in 2nd house and sandwiching along with his Neptune his natal Chiron) which will contain a Full Moon @18Sag53 (again, an echo of Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition conjunct his Nodal Gem-Sag axis) which perfects at 9:09:32 am edt. Transit Neptune squares this Full Moon and suggests illusions, deceptions, and discontent.

A Jupiter Note: Mr. Trump's last of three conjunctions in his current Jupiter Return period occurs August 4, 2017.

Now as you know, Full Moons time stages of awareness, culmination, and/or fulfillment on some level or levels, relate to relationships, and, in this case, 'bookends' the prior New Moon (May 25th @4Gem46). Endings of relationships are possible as is the uncovering of secrets under the rays of a Full Moon. Plus, prominent Full Moons can act much as eclipses (Full = Lunar Eclipses, New Moons = Solar Eclipses) - as 'wild cards' of the Universe - by revealing hidden things and disrupting earthly events. It remains to be seen the legal or political fall-out from Mr. Comey's testimony today and the last time I checked Mr. Trump Twitter feed (it's now 12:30 pm edt) he had not begun to 'live tweet' private citizen James Comey's testimony in an attempt to counteract it. Not yet.

But suffice to say, with or in spite of astrological portents, there will be fall-out.

Here's yesterday's post concerning today's Comey testimony (tri-wheel charts shown).


For more Gem-Sag info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 18, 2017

The Prenatal Eclipse of Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As you've heard, yesterday (May 17) the former head of the FBI Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel (aka, Independent Counsel) to lead the FBI investigation into the Trump administration's Russia connections and improprieties.

Mr. Mueller's birth hour seems to be unknown but his birth date shows a dramatic Leo Sun and either Moon in the last decan of Pisces or in Aries. Luna's range on that day (August 7, 1944 NYC) is from 21Pis29 to 6Ari18; the Sun's range: 14Leo30 to 15Leo27. His Moon is ruled by either Jupiter (co-ruled by Neptune: secretive Pisces) or by activist Mars, ruler of pioneering Aries.

(Personally I'm leaning toward a Pisces Moon for several reasons, not the least of which is that the Sun Leo-Moon Pisces blend is that of a very famous spy born under its sway: Mata Hari! A Leo-Aries double Fire personality blend is a volatile combination and unless he's explosive in private, this doesn't seem to fit him, imho. On his day of birth, the Moon conjoined the Aries Point at 1:43:10 pm which gives him a good chance of a Pisces Moon--too compassionate to lead the Bureau? Perhaps. But oh so secretive!)

Now since a birth hour is unnecessary for determining Robert Mueller's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, we know that his 'cosmic blink' occurred on July 20, 1944 @27Cancer, a degree opposite US natal Pluto Rx, a powerful undercover/underworld planet often associated with spies, surveillance, stealth, manipulation, control, and extreme wealth.

In fact, Mr. Mueller's PE in the 19 North Saros Series has recently repeated--on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo and is the PE of both the November 8, 2016 Election and the 2017 Inauguration of Donald "Fake News" Trump with its themes of: realism, coming down to earth, becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is, and constructive truth tackling (Brady's Predictive Astrology). As you may have noticed, Mr. Trump makes up his own truths, lives in an imaginary world where he never makes mistakes (!), and where his Libran Jupiter often pouts that it "isn't fair" that people dare to criticize ("mistreat") him!

So even though yours truly is no fan of the Deep State and its political and media representatives now working 24/7 to undermine the Trump presidency, my hope for our nation's sake is that Special Counsel Mueller will be able to tackle the truth about the several compromising conditions America now faces thanks to the unsuitable, amateurish presidency of the dictator-loving, Mercury-Neptune-squared, indiscreet Mr. Trump, our very own Eclipse Baby whining and sulking in the Oval.


Coming Soon: June 9, 2017: Jupiter Stations Direct at the Sag Full Moon. Then on August 7, 2017 a Lunar Eclipse perfects @15AQ, as noted in opposition to Mr. Mueller's natal Sun in mid-Leo which may or may not be significant for him and/or for the investigation.

As we've previously discussed, 19 North is also the PE of Trump's adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner...and is the PE of the FBI! No wonder Robert Mueller remains popular at the agency--the Bureau and the former Director are cosmically in-sync.

If you wish to look ahead, here's a list of the 2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes.

May 16, 2017

CNN: The Many Paths from Trump to Russia (plus, Uranus)

CNN, Donald Trump, Russia, China, and Astrology

by Jude Cowell

CNN has published an interactive feature The Many Paths from Trump to Russia yet there are two Sabian Symbols in Donald Trump's natal horoscope that point, not to Russia, but to China. Of course, it may be that these symbols can apply to any foreign governments and his dealings with them.

For plainly Mr. Trump is certainly shaking things up the world over and stirring up chaos in the US just as Uranus, oriental planet (last to rise before the Sun) likes to do. Mr. Trump's disruptive natal Uranus @18Gemini is posited in his public 10th house of Career...

Natal Uranus: '18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd"...DIFFERENCE: positive expression: the effective mobilization of self and others for life's more specialized objectives; negative (shadow side--jc): a thorough dissipation of selfhood through alien relationships."

Okay, so his chaos-creating Uranus, the radical eccentric, 'leads' the nation but it's his natal Moon (conjunct his South Node opposite natal Sun) that may turn out to be an even bigger issue:

Natal Moon: '22Sagittarius' = "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION: positive: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation (really? jc); negative (shadow side): unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). So he constantly needs approval to bolster his sense of inferiority which accounts for at least some of his over-the-top boasting. Ex: boasting about US intel to the two Russians he allowed into the Oval Office.

Now assuming that the American people make it through May, June, and July in one piece, we have steamy August and The Great American Eclipse to navigate as does Mr. Trump (the August 21st eclipse @29Leo hits his natal Ascendant and singes his warring and belligerent Mars) for the month of August 2017 will be Full of Karmic Returns for the occupant of the Oval Office--and thus, for the American people via Donald Trump, aka, the blabber-in-chief.

Related: 2017 Transit Neptune Veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces (US Sun = POTUS). And there's also a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ on August 7, 2017.

Peering Ahead: 2018: Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes. Also in 2018, the Midterm Elections are just in time for the US Constitution's Progressed New Moon...or is it the other way around?

Astro-Note: Russia's sovereignty horoscope data (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11) is found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes - which formed during the early stages of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, exact three times in 1993 (and totem pair of the 'new world order' that all the bankers' wars are meant to implement). The Russia sovereignty horoscope shows the Mercury-Pluto spying and surveillance pair in quindecile aspect (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) which identifies the cunning, persuasion, and manipulation in their use of communications and information. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves).

Apr 14, 2017

Cosmic Flavors and Images of April 15 and 16, 2017

These days at Stars Over Washington my schedule is limited so I prefer writing about wider issues and broader cosmic influences such as Solstices, major planetary conjunctions, inaugurations, and other political and astrological concerns and events. But considering recent world events involving the US (unpredictable leader drops the MOAB on Afghanistan tunnels), North Korea (unpredictable leader threatens another missile launch), China, Russia, plus, other concerns, here's a bit about the cosmic flavors of this weekend, Saturday April 15th through Sunday the 16th.

This weekend the (Tropical) Sun is in Mars-ruled Aries and the Moon floats through Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius into Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business--plus, Luna triggers the Cardinal World Point of 00Cap00 as she floats so a consideration of the weekend's Sun-Moon blend just could be illuminating, don't you think?

In Today's News: The US Military Defends Its Use of 'The Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB).

April 15 (and April 14, today): Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius is a double Fire blend of volatility, brash aggression, passion, and 'grandiose philosophizing' with a self-centered mentality that is little concerned with the feelings of others. What double Fire is sensitive to are the hidden opportunities in every situation. And to Sun Aries-Moon Sag add impatience with limitations, outspokenness, and adventurism. High energy and vitality also characterize this combination but leaning only on intuition and hunches can lead to instability, even chaos. A need to drop everything and go away for the weekend is typical of Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius (Sag, the sign of travel). Hopefully this does not mean more bombs dropping. In addition, this blend's tendency toward committing daredevil acts can sabotage material security while its capacity for relating to others remains childlike and stunted.

Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius is the blend of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775 5:00 am LMT Lexington, MA), philosopher Thomas Hobbes, artist Vincent Van Gogh, and sitarist Ravi Shankar.

Sun Aries-Moon Sag is revealed by one Image for Integration: "A child shoots an arrow toward the enchanted castle in the distance as he follows the road less traveled." (Arrow, missile, MOAB?)

April 16 Sun Aries-Moon Capricorn is a Fire-Earth blend of scorched earth, aka, the bulldozer. Specifically it is a blend of ambition, force, and tough-mindedness and denotes a domineering maverick at home in the realm of Politics where its headstrong aggression can be demonstrated and its tendency to be "a thorn in the side of the status quo" is evident. A good organizer, Sun Aries-Moon Cap can be sensible and pragmatic as it "wages war against oppressive laws and traditions." This blend denotes a natural leader with a mix of risk-taking and caution when problem solving is approached.

Hinting of Mr. Trump, Sun Aries-Moon Cap is shared by both entertainment and political figures such as: former US VP Al Gore, German statesman Otto von Bismarck, former British PM John Major, actor-comedian Eric Idle, film director David Lean, composer Steven Sondheim, and actor Rod Steiger. Its Images for Integration are revealing: "A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual human rights...Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born." (my italics).

And in 2017 that would be the 'new world order' that global power elites are working so hard to repeal and replace via bombs, missiles, and a refreshed 'war on terror' which will be made more obvious as The Great American Eclipse approaches manifestation on August 21, 2017 in vain, arrogant Leo at a critical 29th degree and eclipses the natal Ascendant (Self; Physical Body) of Donald J. Trump.

Related posts: After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (hint: it's America's war planet) and The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. Also see 2017 Neptune Hits the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse.


Note: Most Sun-Moon blend info from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.