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Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts

Jun 3, 2017

America's Saturn Rx and Summer Solstice 2017

Saturn, Planet of Authority and Authenticity: from Libra to Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

With Summer Solstice 2017 about to arrive at 12:24 am edt on June 21st with Saturn now in Sagittarius highly visible at the top of the solstice chart (set for DC), we may wish to review the past and current conditions of America's Saturn.

In 1996 US Saturn Turned Rx by Progression @3Scorpio under the presidency of House-impeached Bill Clinton whose tenure of turmoil helped undermine the authority, authenticity, and dignity of the Executive Branch and muddied America's reputation on the global stage. Tragic Mars-Pluto (Scorpio) style events of power and brutality involving government authority such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, allegedly a vengeful act committed in response to the Clinton-Reno-FBI Siege at Waco, kept Mr. Clinton busy as the office of the presidency dissolved in tatters, a result cheered by his Republican opponents. (The political strategy of R vs D theatrics is primarily just that--divisive theatrics, since it's really Rulers vs The Ruled.)

Obvious correspondences from the Clinton era to Donald Trump's 'presidential' behavior in the White House circa 2017 may be noted but for those who follow Trump's haphazard presidency--and realize that The Klan now leads America from the White House--it isn't necessary to mention them in this brief post. Mr. Trump is in process of threatening to leave or actually withdrawing the US from previous alliances in which America was leader (Saturn) and our Saturn's retrograde condition is part of that picture.

As you know, Trump's natal Saturn is debilitated in Cancer (Cancer opposes Capricorn, the sign Saturn rules). His natal Saturn is in 11th house, the place of Groups and Alliances, and Trump's resentments run deep while his natal Jupiter Station Direct in Libra relates to others with frequent protestations of "that's not fair!" The retaining of large amounts of money lurks at the base of the issue for the Jupiterian Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, America's SP Saturn in Scorpio suggests potentials for esoteric, occult, and metaphysical study (which our Founding Fathers possessed as seen in their goddess Venus and Virgo fixations--plus, you've noted Trump's constant use of Freemason hand signals), transformation (destruction, then rebuilding via Pluto), obstinacy, endurance, a more serious outlook, and the urge to delve deeply into difficult problems (Ebertin). All this is quite a change from US natal Saturn exalted in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of diplomacy, values, and the Scales of Justice. Now I know that each sign represents progress issuing from the previous sign, and, one hopes, improvement.

But in this case, America's exalted Saturn of 1776 (trine progressive radical Uranus in Gemini, its brilliance and genius successfully poured into the Saturnian forms of our 'freedom documents' a la Plato) has been degraded now that US progressed Saturn (SP) is retrograde (moving backward) in death-dealing Scorpio while on the physical plane it uses its authoritative energies against (Rx) the American people and against the entire world.

And now we see actor Donald Trump withdrawing the US from certain areas of global leadership which then opens the way for other nations to take control of the power elite's Great Plan for global governance which makes him, knowingly or unknowingly, a foreign agent in the White House.

Perhaps you disagree but there it is.


Related Posts and Horoscopes:

Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope w/ Trump's Planets added.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Horoscope of 1995.

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video).

And speaking of The Klan (and sub-president Bannon lurking behind White House curtains), here's an excerpt from the 2010 article by Sherwood Ross which may be read in full via its link, below:

"By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally."

The CIA, the KKK, and the USA.

Jul 19, 2016

What's Happening At The Republican Convention? (w/ Guest: Nomi Kontz) - clip

Here's an eye witness account from Nomi Kontz speaking to Thom Hartmann and describing her experience at tonight's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio:

Long-Distance Observing RNC 2016 from Way Down in Georgia

Blaming Hillary for the American deaths during the 2012 Benghazi attack had a devastating affect on the convention attendees and I wonder how much coverage the news media will give a grieving mother's tearful presentation as the convention goes on this week. This could be an early example of plutonian vibes with the Underworld energies of fatality, fear, violence, and propaganda peaking tomorrow evening on some level as the Full Moon perfects while simultaneously spotlighting US natal Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by conservative Saturn, planet of accountability.

And since I'm typing out loud, I've often wondered if the job description of the US presidency includes Willingness to Commit Mass Murder. You know, like when an imperial power invades, occupies, and bombs another country and destroys the families who live there? Perhaps they tuck that inconvenient question under the category of Foreign Policy experience.

Apr 14, 2016

Washington DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2017

For Inauguration 2017 (January 20, noon EST, Capitol Building), the American people may expect a horoscope and planets that look like this:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles of basic information and scroll below for the midpoint picture potentials active during the day.

Providing the cosmic conditions for the 2017 Oath of Office and the 4-year term of the next president is a 5th house Solar Eclipse @9Virgo and if you're curious, here is a previous post concerning this 19 North Solar Eclipse which describes background influences for both Election 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January. According to 19 North it's time to 'tackle the truth' though with our nation's capital city running on lies and deceit we must wonder how politicians will deal with such a frightful experience of the truth getting out. Unless, that is, the presidential victor is one of 'the outsiders' like Trump or Sanders. For my dime I prefer plain speaking Bernie Sanders over showman Donald Trump whose Mercury-Neptune distortions of facts and indiscretion are well known now in April 2016. Plus, Mr. Trump may not make it beyond the RNC 2016 nominating process so we'll see if any other truth tellers come forth for consideration in July and on November 8, 2016. After all, there will be a Capricorn Full Moon during RNC 2016 so facts and secret information may be cast into the public spotlight, and very inconveniently for some.

Another caution in the truth-telling department is that deceptive Neptune @10Pisces is the chart's and the inauguration's final dispositor--everything comes back to Neptune which is not a stable planet--strong and contagious in its own sign--on which to pin our hopes for increased realism and truth. Actually, stark Saturn favors realism, truth, and accountability and there he is in the 8th house of Corporatism near the political asteroid Juno. Conservative Saturn can be quite doubtful and doubt-provoking when in Sagittarius (sign of the truth seeker!) and often describes those with a strong sense of justice, prudence, and possessing legal talents. Will this be enough to satisfy the impetus of the 19 North Solar Eclipse?

Looking back, 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of America's Great Seal (June 20, 1782), the Republican Party (July 6, 1854), and Inauguration 1981 of Ronald Reagan. Quite a trio! And not necessarily a trio of realism and know.

So as you see in the horoscope, the Oath of Office will be taken during an active Hour of Mars, and there's a Bowl shape to the planets with the 6th house Jupiter in Libra in the lead. This shows a Jupiterian person who advocates for a cause, deals with needs, and is challenged by the empty area of the chart--here, it's Taurus through Virgo which includes America's natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini, our Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in Cancer, and our natal Neptune in Virgo (sign of The Worker and Critic.) A major agenda has the next president but don't they all? Yet we know that global government types bedevil the American people who prefer the nation-state we're accustomed to! It's a long process forcing something upon people who say, No Thank You, and the Hegelian Dialect has been one of their favorite methods as the power elite 'solve' the very problems they themselves created and engineered.

As for Jupiter in Libra, we know that this placement denotes a strong sense of justice and fair play. An example is Mr. Trump whose natal Jupiter in Libra is quick to shout, "it's not fair!" when things aren't going his way. So we may be tempted to prognosticate Mr. Trump as our next president due to his Jupiter Return/s (17Lib27 Rx) which manifest three times: December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017. This should be a time of rewards for him.

However, there are other transits causing frustration such as disruptive, rebellious Uranus in Aries opposing Trump's natal Jupiter (a money planet that also relates to thespians and politicians--his Gemini Sun is an actor and a juggler.) Plus, there's a square from transit Pluto in Capricorn to his natal Jupiter. This imposing square denotes that his exaggerations of self-importance bring obstacles to his political aims and are not favored by those with more power and influence. In short, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square in Cardinal signs has engaged his Jupiter off and on so I'm guessing it's the dynamic T-Square the trio forms which played a part in encouraging him to (finally) make a run for the presidency.

(Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto contains potentials for: far-seeing creative activities; a change of fortune; tremendous drive to success; great gains. On its own the Jupiter-Uranus pair indicates optimism and lucky breaks--but can also involve conflicts, holding one-sided views, and a lack of compromise--Ebertin; Tyl.)

So let's not redecorate the Oval Office in gold gilt just yet! For on the cosmic agenda in 2017 Mr. Trump will experience difficult transits to his natal Sun-Moon opposition: truth-bringer Saturn will conjoin natal Moon @21Sag and oppose his natal Sun @22Gemini during his three-fer Jupiter Return. Ouch! These are periods when one's ego, integrity, leadership, and generosity are challenged by those with more power and seniority, and feelings of emotional deprivation and loss bring worries, depression, and a potential for illness. Now some pundits say that Donald Trump doesn't actually want the job of president and with this doubly difficult transit coming it seems to me that if he's (s)elected, the restrictions of living in the White House and the rigors of the job itself will be greatly disappointing for his nibs--in part, thanks to old man Saturn affecting his natal Full Moon. Personal relationships and family may be affected as well and it will take other more positive planetary input to relieve these stresses along with a letup of Saturnian energies thanks to retrograde periods which will allow some respite.

Now I didn't intend to type this much about one 2016 candidate but there it is. I compose at-keyboard so I'll not delete my Trump remarks now. However, we should consider the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus @17Pisces, a critical degree, in the wishful 11th house of Groups and Alliances (where 'she' usually is at inauguration time: money/relationship planet Venus is exalted in Pisces, as you know.) There are two Ptolemaic aspects made by Venus in the horoscope that give hints as to how the 4-year presidential term will proceed:

First, Venus squares restrictive Saturn (5A46) which is in a Money House, the 8th, as noted above. This suggests difficulties in cooperative endeavors and in gaining favor and/or material assets, and a preference for isolation instead of attending social events. Legal matters, debates, and taking on responsibilities may not bring satisfying results, or the costs may simply be too high. Rough sailing? Yes, but things can still work out okay in the end especially for the win-win class of power elites.

Next, Venus conjoins Mars (6A37), a transit denoting joint efforts with partners and/or allies are pleasant as is travel--perhaps Air Force One is suggested since luxury travel is indicated and a meeting is in the cards. Is this a lady (Venus) president meeting with the guys? Perhaps. A reporter (perhaps Robert Costas on MSNBC?) said this week that Wall Street titans "are not afraid of what Hillary will do" if she's elected, whereas Bernie Sanders--well, that's a candidate of a different stripe all together, isn't it?!

To close, here are the previously published midpoint pictures for January 20, 2017 noon EST Capitol Building Washington DC; please enlarge the image for reading purposes and note that all, any, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transits and progressions:


Note: the rim of the Bowl, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, is the culmination of their current cycle which began in 2010/2011 with three conjunctions: June 8, 2010 @00Ari18 = Aries Point and conjunct US natal IC; September 19, 2010 @28Pisces, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. This marks the period when 'Tea Party' candidates infiltrated the US Congress intent on shaking things up, plus, it relates to the debt issues that Congress pretended to 'deal with' in 2011 so with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition we may expect more financial stalemates and fiscal difficulties as a new president accepts the baton and runs with it, taking We the People into what the transnational Money Trust intends to be a global new world economic order--allegedly legalized on December 23, 1913 with the surreptitious and illegal passage by Congress of the NY Federal Reserve scam.

And with this post and many others since 2005, this American demurs and dissents.

Feb 21, 2016

Another peek at Wedding Day Astrology: Bill and Hillary Clinton

Here is a re-post of my Wedding Day Astrology assessment of the union between Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, sans any serious edits:

Have you ever wondered what planetary influences were in the air on the day Bill and Hillary tied the knot and said, I Do? That would be October 11, 1975 in Fayetteville, Arkansas at their recently purchased home.

Since the Moon was in Capricorn for the 24 hours of Oct 11, 1975, we may confidently take a peek at the Sun (male)–-Moon (female) details from Sun Sign-Moon Sign personality blends, a book by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

As you know, the Sun–Moon duo relates to relationships especially between a husband and wife--in a word, marriage (Ebertin) so these details may be taken as a partial description of the Clintons' longstanding union.

Sun Lib–Moon Cap may be seen as “the ambitious wife (Cap) and the philandering, shallow (Libra) husband." But that’s because hindsight is near perfect in the matter and their marriage issues have been canon fodder for gossip rags and political pundits for years. Wonder how your relationship might fare when displayed in such a fishbowl? And if you happen to have political opponents?

Now some like to call the Clinton marriage ‘only a business arrangement’ but see what you think, and I’m quoting more of the Harveys than usual because they give Relationship info which we may find enlightening so I don’t want to leave out anything.

Let’s begin with some general traits of this in-square duo, for Venusian Libra square Saturnian Capricorn indicates regular blockages which entail separation (Venus/Saturn) yet may also bring dynamism and stability-–or at least continuation-–to the relationship (Venus/Saturn: love that endures.) Separation via travel is one possibility and they have certainly fulfilled that potential through their business and political careers.

Of course, mental Libra is Airy, Capricorn is extremely Earthy and practical so perhaps there’s something to the idea that she drove him to succeed more than he would have without her, for Librans can be quite lazy, you know, and most Capricorns possess a determined streak of ambition and often spend their lives striving for success.

Perhaps Hillary Poured Herself a Cup of Ambition!

So we see that the stable side of Venus/Saturn has been in play through the years and, as in every long term relationship, it has been up to Bill and Hillary to decide whether to keep their marriage going under whatever terms they choose to honor. External pressure against them has been strong but so far, so good, I guess.

As for 'Bill and Hill', their union tends to be: pragmatic; purposeful; orderly; tactful; diplomatic; powerful; controlling; skillful at managing people; persuasive; sophisticated; opportunistic; responsible; shrewd but likable; perfectionist and perhaps snob; the just politician. Or maybe that's 'likable' Bill and 'shrewd' Hill!

Weaknesses: manipulative; cooperative spirit vs blatant self-interest; over-rational approach to relationships and emotional matters; desire to keep all matters of life completely tidy; an over-sensitive ego which takes offense easily.

Sun Lib-Moon Cap Relationships: with the right person there can be extreme devotion; a close relationship is important for a sense of well-being; adoration and respect are important. Closeness vs aloneness; ability to adjust, adapt, and survive; love of control with a need to learn that being in a relationship is not the same as running a business.”

For a peek at their wedding ceremony details check out The Knot and the Hillary and Bill Clinton Wedding Story!

Above astrology article sourced by author from Jude's Threshold, a tapestry blog of Politics, Astrology, Art, Mythology, Social Concerns, and more and titled with a reference to astrological Saturn as Guardian of the Threshold of the Unconscious, in case you were wondering. 9.12.16: please note that Jude's Threshold will close for good on or about October 11, 2016. jc

Feb 4, 2016

Feb 4 and 6, 2016: R and D Candidates Debate as Saturn and Uranus Attend

February 4th and 6th: Democratic and Republican Candidates Engage Under Aquarius-Capricorn Vibes for it's a Sun Aquarius-Moon Capricorn blend of energies both nights with each sign ruled by Saturn, planet of government, the Establishment, the system, authority, accountability, responsibility, karma, and the status quo. And of course in modern astrology, Aquarius brings progressive Uranus to the debates--but the debates are weighted on the Saturnian side.

First, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate tonight February 4, 2016 (MSNBC 9:00 pm ET; Moon 00Cap) then Republican candidates will debate (aka, hurl insults at each other) this Saturday February 6, 2016 beginning at 8:00 pm ET (Moon 27Cap).

Since both debates come under the influence of the Spartan, steadfast, aloof blend of Sun AQ-Moon Capricorn, an *Image for Integration seems appropriate--simply apply to any of the 2016 presidential candidates as you wish!

Sun AQ-Moon Cap: "A revolutionary is elected president."


Image from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 6, 2015

The Jupiter-Neptune Financial Travails of Marco Rubio

Astrology and the 2015 Campaign Pitfalls of Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

by Jude Cowell

One of the stories that has gained traction in the news concerns 2016 candidate Senator Marco Rubio is his financial past deeds or misdeeds. It is told that he was in possession at one time of a party/corporate charge card which he used and when the bills came in if charges were his, he paid them (see video link, below) although, in spite of his opponents remarks, this is not an unusual arrangement. Helpfully a few hours ago, The New Yorker Magazine published a Guide to Marco Rubio's Messy Personal Finances for our consideration.

Yet without even a peek at their Guide, astrologers know that a man such as Marco Rubio, born May 28, 1971 in Miami, Florida, manifested upon the earthly plane under the speculative auspices of a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which tends in one realm to provide its native with grand plans and possibly a grand spirit. Before we thud to the earthly plane for Jupiter and Neptune, let's note the year 1971 and the three great Conjunctions of money planet Jupiter and nebulous if not fraudulent Neptune:

1. February 1, 1971 @2Sag47

2. May 22, 1971 @1Sag44

3, September 16, 1971 @00Sag37

As you see, 00-3 Sagittarius is where Saturn has recently trod and is still within orb--Saturn to Rubio's natal Jupiter (00Sag55) is the 'time to give back' transit; Saturn to natal Neptune is the 'dream come true vs grim face of reality' transit--perhaps both, if you're running for president.

Also note that the last and current cycle of Jupiter and Neptune, the one we're now influenced by, began in 2009 and is imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama and the American public because the dreamy, unrealistic pair conjoined upon US natal Moon (We the People) in the range of 24--27 Aquarius and describes such events and conditions that year and the next as: a new "yes we can" presidency and its glowing promises, financial fall out from Crash 2007/08, the corporate welfare of bank bailouts, the ACA (Obamacare), the SCOTUS ruling of Citizens United in which corporations--Jupiter--are people, too. Therefore, they must be jailable, right? Puh! Year 2009 was full of a lack of realism and fluffy illusions on steroids! Anyway...back to Marco's Jupiter-Neptune...

With a natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, excess and inflation are key concepts and as you know, Saturn is a karmic planet that insists we reap what we've sown. So as transiting Saturn (today @4Sag47) has hit Rubio's natal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction there have been accountability issues to deal with, potentials for false hopes to be stomped, loss, disappointment, and plans which come to nothing. If Senator Rubio drops out of Campaign 2016 it probably has much to do with the establishment (Saturn) restricting his grand plan for higher office. Actually I've already heard pundits flying the 'he's not ready' flag, haven't you?

The Jupiter-Neptune influence also tends toward political conflicts, scandals, idealism, and a tendency to make the wrong diagnosis (Ebertin.) Facing hard realities is not a strong suit with a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and Senator Rubio would do well to take heed of those who promise too much, pitch 'get rich quick' schemes to him (or 'get elected easily' schemes?), and who prove to be unworthy of his overly trusting nature.

On the positive side, he possesses a spiritual understanding of his social obligations and that is a missing trait in most self-serving politicians of our day. And with natal Saturn in late Taurus, there is fear of not gaining enough resources and possessions, plus, his Saturn widely conjoins natal Sun (6 Gemini) which gives him the capacity to handle responsibility. It also indicates that Marco Rubio learns from experience and has had to mature quickly. His Sun-Saturn conjunction shows in his recent answers to financial questions when he complains about wealthy candidates making a big deal about his financial struggles--struggles that all Americans have faced. Well, he's correct about that!

Now in case you missed it, ABC News' GMA recently conducted an interview with the candidate in which he answers his opponents' charges.

Before I close this Jupiter-Neptune post, let's add Rubio's natal Sun-Jupiter and Sun-Neptune oppositions for they have something to say about his current travails.

A natal Sun-Jupiter opposition denotes one who is enthusiastic and is able to put his best foot forward in his search for recognition and achievement, a good aspect to have in public relations. Charm is noticeable though there may be a certain lack of honesty that others detect--probably because he isn't always honest with himself. Jupiter expands and Sun is ego so a tendency to make glowing promises may become a problem when others end up feeling let down and this outcome may be more pronounced due to his inflationary, bubbly Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. Pomposity and overindulgence may also be a personal issues for the senator in various departments of life ("living beyond his means," said Donald Trump); weight gain may be a challenge.

Marco Rubio's Sun-Neptune opposition indicates strains in relationships caused by an inability to perceive genuine obstacles so that misdiagnosis can occur and solutions are off the mark (as with Jupiter-Neptune, noted above.) A misunderstanding of authority in his early years may continue to haunt him now and I believe this is seen in his Republican charge card/personal liability situation--were proper boundaries honored? Plus, he may not always see obstacles as opportunities as quickly as others do (ex: Donald Trump who won't take No for an answer) and more awareness of his talents has been necessary in order to achieve his goals.

With a Sun-Neptune opposition Senator Rubio may bring out the best or the worst in other people. Possessing a suspicious nature, his level of maturity and a determination to face reality will aid him in his search for authority, recognition, and approval--and he'll need that aid if what even half of this Ring of Fire report from May 20, 2015 says is true!

An untimed natal horoscope may be seen at with Sun in Taurus and Moon in either Cancer or Leo. One obvious trait of a Leo Moon is the 'reigning need' (Tyl) for approval and applause which may suggest more closely a political career than with a subjective, self-protective Cancer Moon.

Nov 3, 2015

Thom Confronts Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) On His Lies - videos

Well, I for one am glad that Thom Hartmann is riled up in this segment concerning Obamacare, Senator Barasso's remarks, Republican states that refused Medicare and Medicaid expansion, and the shady 2000 Election where Mr. Bush's latest slogan "Jeb Can Fix It" clearly reminds us of how Jeb Bush fixed the 2000 presidential election for his oilman brother, as Thom explains. Although I cannot find it online I do remember a video clip during Bush's 2000 campaign of W and Jeb on an airplane boasting into the camera, "It's in the bag!"

And yes. It was. Stuff happens. And Jeb fixed it, all right.

Now it's 15 years later which is more or less a Saturn opposite Saturn phase from Election 2000 to Election 2015 if not 2016--maybe that's one way to describe the adolescent childishness from much of the Republican field down to "children's table" debates and the candidates' 'new debate rules' foot-stomping to get their dainty way with the networks or else. Yet to me it seems that Jeb's poll numbers will have to be ginned way up before whatever "fix" he and his team are planning for November 8, 2016 to make a Jeb 'victory' seem at all plausible to the American public. Maybe Republicans will rely on rigged voting machines, voter suppression ploys, and a few other traditional tricks of the win-at-any-cost political trade.

Politicians! If cheating is the only path to 'victory' it doesn't bother them all...even though cheating isn't winning. It's stealing.

Okay, I'll hush now. Here's Thom Hartmann:

Now here's Thom with "How Will Whiny Republicans Deal with Putin?" which includes the clip of President Obama's priceless remarks last evening mocking Republican brags over dealing with Putin vs their inability to handle debate moderators:

Oct 24, 2015

What the H*ll is Wrong with the Republican Party? - video (plus, Pluto in Taurus)

Do you remember that the Republican Party had a Secondary Progressed (SP) *Full Moon a few years back?

Since then the 'light' of the party has been waning in more ways than one for an SP Full Moon phase times when an entity (or person) has reached their limit and extended into the world as far as it/he/she can go. To ignore this natural indicator, this 'life passage', is asking for trouble and we constantly see Republicans in Congress and elsewhere stepping over boundary after boundary--of common sense, of tradition, of sanity, of decency, and more. Not that Democrats don't do this but they're not the topic here; mainly Tea Partisans or 'Freedom Caucus' members (shills for the Koch Brothers) are because they're the trouble making ideological zealots forcing their austerity agenda on reasonable people.

Anyway, I recommend that you check out Thom's remarks concerning the Republican Party as and if you wish:


On October 3, 2013 the party's progressions contained an interesting midpoint picture involving their Mercury, planet of thinking and thought processes, communication, planning, dealing, etc. Curiously, considering how events have gone for the Republican Party this October (2015) we find transit Saturn, planet of conservatism, joining the very midpoint picture at 1Sag13 and this changes things and may shed some light on the current Speaker of the House debacle if nothing else...Pluto-ASC = tr Saturn: suffering from brutal suppression; being subjected to coercive measures; emotional sickness caused by others (Ebertin.) This Saturnian influence was strongest during Oct 1--11, two years after the Mercurial influence blended with ruthless Pluto and their SP Ascendant (the party.)

Well, I freely admit that the 'conservative' antic of forcing government shutdown makes me feel sick.

Since progressions issue from the natal chart I should add that the natal chart I used for the Republican Party is set for July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI. Since then I've experimented with a different date for the party's inception: February 28, 1854. Both dates show powerful Pluto in Taurus which keeps the Republican Party's very noticeable streak of intolerance and prejudice intact.

Now here's Thom asking, Is Boehner Using the Freedom Cause to Destroy the GOP?

Sep 19, 2015

US Voters Drained by Presidential Campaigns as Refugees Seek Asylum

Since the current Solar Eclipse season which began on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 contains themes of overtaxing or draining of strength and a high level of stress in effect for at least the next six months, a 'proposal' is linked, below, which may have merit. The Solar Eclipse 'background noise' is in addition to the fretful 'blood moon' Lunar Eclipse in Aries at the end of September.

Follow the above link to view the September 2015 Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes set for Washington DC. Obviously, the Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon of culmination and awareness, times closely with the US Government's fiscal budget running dry of funds on September 30, 2015, the stalemates in Congress over abortion (a lunar issue) and funding, possibly another reckless government shutdown, and other weighty matters now in the public discourse such as the next suspension of a 2016 candidate's campaign.

Abroad the horrific, worsening refugee crisis (Moon = families, mothers, children) which has been ongoing for years (since the West decimated Eastern countries with war and destruction--did warmongers not see this crisis coming?) may also be denoted by the Lunar Eclipse as Saturn (walls, borders, boundaries, stoppage, closing; responsibility, accountability, authority) continues to make the plights of grievously displaced families unendurable with the planet's passage into Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker (of asylum), Foreigner, Stranger, Emigrant, and Long Distance Travel. As you know, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of the breakthroughs now sorely needed across the globe thanks to aggressive Western governments and we will soon experience Saturn's upcoming crossing of America's natal 11/12Sag Ascendant in the late afternoon horoscope of July 4, 1776 bringing forms of accountability home to roost beginning by December 2015 into 2016.

So in case you missed it, here's Christoph Asche's Report from Croatia: 'They Don't Know Where They're Going, or Where They'll End Up', posted this morning.

Now see what you think about the 'proposal' meant to give US voters "a rest from the same old photo ops, talking points, and stalemates in Congress" - since we can't depend on politicians to stop perpetrating those things and simply do the jobs they're elected to do and are paid for:

FEC Implementing One-Year Break Between All Presidential Terms As a Reprieve For a Weary Nation, says The Onion.

Plus, to add to our current concerns, Americans are heading toward what is being called The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, the first repetition of the King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999, the one Nostradamus warned about. This 1 North eclipse will be visible from the Oregon coast to the coast of South Carolina and will basically split our country into Northern and Southern halves. Hmm.

Hope it will be for the best, don't you?

Aug 26, 2015

Corporate Fraud Is Costing Taxpayers Billions and Will Cause A New Economic Crash - video (w Eclipses)

Trouble Making from the Great Beyond

Ayn Rand and her Objectivism just keeps on taking and working against the best interests of the American people. And curiously, Rand's natal Venus @29Pisces, money planet of values and evaluation, is currently spotlighted by the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct turbulent star Scheat, plus, her natal MC @4Aries (Goals; Public Status) will be conjoined soon by the September 27, 2015 Lunar Eclipse @4Ari40!

Solar and Lunar Eclipses Herald Important Events

So with the current stock market crash which began on Friday August 21st (and not within 2 weeks of September 13th), the high stress level theme of the September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Virgo seems to be already in evidence yet we may ascribe a fair amount of the crisis atmosphere on Wall Street and globally to the background influence of the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse (linked above) which fell at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Pisces and involves world markets for it conjoins the Aries Point of Global Manifestation and World Shaking Events. And of course, murky Pisces has criminal tendencies unless higher spiritual values are followed rather than the materialistic win-at-any-cost methods of cheating and exploiting other people for personal gain.

An additional eclipse caution after September is that restrictive Saturn, still in late Scorpio for now (sign of Big Business) approaches a certain Lunar Eclipse @4Sagittarius which occurred in May 2013 though it will be early November 2015 before the Saturnian encounter is exact--and transit Saturn must cross the Inauguration 2009 Moon position first,(29Scorpio) which is a depressive indicator to add to the transiting Jupiter-Saturn square of frustration and the deceptive, inflationary Jupiter-Neptune opposition soon to form across the Virgo-Pisces axis in cyclic fashion with Jupiter-Saturn beginning in 2000 (23Tau) and Jupiter-Neptune in 2009 (27AQ.)

Altogether such cosmic factors over the next several weeks make for difficult conditions that will be reflected upon the Earth especially when decent earthlings must deal with crooks and fraudsters of the global criminal syndicate who think they're really really special.

Oh look! Here's IT Corporation Telos based in Ashburn, Virginia. 'Telos' means goal.

Jul 31, 2015

In the News: Madagascar June 26, 1960

Between a famous lion meeting a tragic fate to mysterious washed up airplane wings, Madagascar is being mentioned multiple times in the news of late so I'm posting details for anyone who wishes to set up a natal horoscope for Madagascar which gained independence from France on June 26, 1960 as the Malagasy Republic. Celebrations were held during that morning but as Nicholas Campion mentions in The Book of World Horoscopes, a time of 00:00 hours would be the normal French practice and this gives an Ascendant of 6Ari11.

If you set up the chart, you'll see Madagascar's Midheaven (MC, the most visible point in any horoscope) @5Cap59 and natal Saturn @15Cap57 Rx in the public 10th house, and ruler of Capricorn. I note this because astrological Pluto is one of the major indicators of death and power (both power's use and abuse) and transit Pluto has recently crossed the MC of Madagascar, and has and will again conjoin natal Saturn. From these astrological conditions it is no surprise that such tragic issues are in the news and are affecting Madagascar's public reputation and status (MC). And as you know, both Saturn and Pluto are considered karmic planets that can bring weighty events stemming from the past and into the present. Actually, the two are in friendly, cooperative mutual reception since transit Saturn retrograded back into Scorpio.

Of course there are several other chart factors of note such as chart-ruler Mars in Taurus (2nd house) opposing Neptune Rx in Scorpio in the 8th house of Big Business, Transformation, and Death so perhaps you'll wish to calculate the horoscope of beautiful Madagascar and see what you can see concerning this double Water Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer locale well known for its amazing waterfalls.

Jul 29, 2015

July - August 2015: transit Saturn activates a 2013 Lunar Eclipse

Here is a previously published image of the 2013 Lunar Eclipse horoscope (4 Sagittarius) which will be activated by transit Saturn again once the old man of the Zodiac and lesson bringer of accountability, restriction, authority, change, and sometimes loss seems to move ahead into the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius (The Seeker). The forceful Mars-Pluto vibes of Scorpio will be left behind for approximately the next 28-30 years along with (as you see) the Midheaven of this eclipse horoscope @24Sco, the Career-Public Status-Aspiration-Point of the chart which is set for Washington DC.

Of course, the transit Saturn to Lunar Eclipse energies echo Saturn's recent and current visit to the US Inauguration 2009 Moon @29Scorpio with its descriptive Sabian Symbol: "A Halloween Jester" as the American public continues to deal with (or ignore! now stop that!) repressive, oppressive, restrictive, austere, melancholic events and lessons in the Collective due to the Moon-Saturn pairing--doubled if we expect the difficult 2013 Lunar Eclipse to have any influence within current matters.

And yet there are positive possibilities within a Moon-Saturn pairing as well since organization and practicality may increase which boosts those who resonate with these energies and spur the on to more practical ambitions, realistic structure-building, and better directed and efficient strategies. And if plans, programs, or projects are delayed or ended via a Moon-Saturn contact, the delays or endings may only be temporary. After all, when the responsibilities and the lessons of Saturn are respected, our long-time efforts and work may be rewarded with permanent rewards even though initial delays or cautions may apply.

Please enlarge the image to read my always messy notes. Artists can be quite messy, you know. jc

Additionally, there's another consideration: Saturn simultaneously opposes the Sun @4Gemini, sign of communications, trade, commerce, transport, speeches, negotiations, treaties and deals such as the #IranDeal and trade deals, reporters, you name it--Gemini covers a slew of realms and people--even young people, students, teachers, and astrologers. And of course, all Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons which spotlight relationships, culminations, fulfillment, and total awareness. With transit Saturn opposite the Sun (leaders) we may expect personal goals and someone's pride to suffer in some way. This opposition is another indication of frustrating delays (transportation?), and challenges to authority, integrity (President Obama should be accustomed to that before now), honesty, seniority, and generosity.

Rule-Breakers Be Forewarned!

This Saturnine period which builds now and is exact in early November 2015 (not 2016!) points in other directions as well: toward the tea party faction in Congress and their ongoing challenges to the authority and honesty of Republican leaders as well as the usual GOP accusations against any and all Democrats especially 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton, or anyone else who threatens the Republicans' imaginary monarchic 'right to rule'. One has only to remember the nightmarish 8 years of the Bush-Cheney regime for a hint of the dread to come under any of those varmints of the Vulcan war hawk persuasion. Saturn is a planet of karma and when yours truly uses the word it's a reference to the natural law of reaping what's been sown. No one escapes this universal requirement, says Saturn, though the high-and-mighty power elite class imagine that they do.

So all together, it may be that Saturn activating the 2013 Lunar Eclipse @4Sag brings up hidden aspects of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis (such as over expansive plans: Jupiter-Mercury) along with relationship and alliance issues especially in relation to certain conditions we faced, ignored, or neglected in 2013 and that still hanker for resolution. Whether Washington and other politicians intend to correct their past mistakes and neglect as good Saturn requires is quite another question entirely.

Jul 25, 2015

Mike Ruppert on video: The Grand Chessboard (or The Plan for WW3 according to Zbigniew Brzeziński)

Hmmm...The Grand Chessboard? How about the Sabian Symbol for '3 Sagittarius': "Two Men Playing Chess"? Curiously, that degree has been and will soon be conjoined by transiting Saturn, the old man planet of authority, government, law, business, the past, flaws, and mistakes that catch up with us. Saturn is now retrograde in late Scorpio but he'll turn direct during the first week of August 2015 and visit the chessboard at '3Sag' again, perhaps bringing loss to one or both players. Or, he'll favor with long lasting rewards for long term efforts.

+MikeRuppert #ZbigniewBrzezinski #TheGrandChessboard #WW3 #GlobalGovernment #NWO

'3Sag' = ABILITY. Positive expression: high sensitiveness to every possibility of accomplishment or broadened self-discovery; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression: unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) This degree relates to such potentials as authority, refinement of skills, discipline of understanding, effective and profitable participation in reality, and a gift for concentration -- on a specific goal, that is.

Note that Saturnian words mentioned are: ability, accomplishment, authority, refinement, skills, discipline, understanding, reality, and concentration!

Updated this very day: a previous post on the Solar Horoscope of Jupiter-Pluto personality Zbigniew Brzezinski (chart shown.) While there, check out his Mars-Neptune opposition!

Jul 4, 2015

Summer 2015: a Starry Summer Triangle, Pluto's historic flyby - Cosmic Pursuits (plus, astro-notes)

Cosmic Pursuits, Brian Ventrudo's excellent astronomy website and newsletter, gives us a heads-up on the brilliant Summer Triangle of stars Vega, Altair, and Deneb (Adige) with double star Albireo twinkling colorfully in the triangle's center.

Of course, depending on your vantage point, the trio may be called the Winter Triangle!

Now let's consider a little astrology concerning Vega (Alpha Lyrae, the Lyre of Orpheus in the Lyra constellation), Altair (Alpha Aquilae, constellation Aquila, the Eagle), and Deneb in constellation Cygnus the Swan, with Deneb (Alpha Cygnus) as its tail.

Among others, these stars have appeared here on Stars Over Washington in previous posts, some of which are linked below or are searchable via the sidebar Search field by name, or try 'fixed stars' if you dare.

Keywords and themes for Vega (or, Wega) include magic, mysticism, other-worldliness, and charisma. As with all stars that are prominent in a horoscope, Vega's expression depends upon the planet/s or chart angles it is linked to by conjunction, opposition, or by paran (rising, culminating, setting with, etc.) Artistry is indicated either positively as in the Arts, or negatively as in criminal activities; plus, its connection to the Lyre of Orpheus provides a magical divine spells implication along with musical talent. Leadership ability and social awareness may also be noted with Vega but a caution is to avoid pretentiousness.

Keywords and themes for Altair include boldness, dogged determination, and achievement through risk-taking. Altair is a masculine star of strength and action that is taken--not just for the self, but for others when its energy is positively directed. Yet its swift and bold action traits may also express themselves with rashness and excessive aggression as we see by the eagle symbols of the Roman Empire and the American Empire acting under a foolhardy urge to conquer, vanquish, devour, and/or control. Still, a planetary or angular link with Altair promises high honors and preferment though they may be temporary (as with everything other earthly thing, This too shall pass).

With starry Deneb we find keywords and themes of the willingness to become aware, mystical or transcendental qualities or interests, spirituality and the inner journey, and the shamanistic legend of the World Egg. Deneb prominent in a horoscope bestows intelligence, artistic talent, and scientific ability. In addition, there is a duality surrounding Deneb for it can express both the strength and the aggression of a swan, one of the more vicious guardians of the animal kingdom--the "strong fighting bird and the swan-god"!

Popular Pluto To Have Professional Photos Taken!

Then for discerning Pluto fans, this summer marks the planet's (okay, dwarf planet's) historic flyby 'rendezvous' with NASA's New Horizons spacecraft set for July 14th which puts everyone in mind of another historic flyby of distant Neptune and its moon Triton by Voyager 2 in 1989 (see video recreation, below). On July 14, 2015 Pluto Rx will fall upon its current zodiacal degree of 14 Capricorn and some minutes--still within orb of US natal Sun (13Can19) which conjoins Egyptian goddess star, Sirius (The Scorcher) and Canopus (the navigator or pathfinder).

#Neptune #Triton #Voyager2 #NASA #Pluto #NewHorizons

Astrology of 1989 vs 2015: Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto

Voyager 2's closest encounter with Neptune and Triton occurred on August 25, 1989 (yes, Taylor Swift's birth year and album title) when Neptune was at 9Cap48 in the Tropical Zodiac. Perhaps you recognize 1989 as the year of the last Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune, a pair that has much to say in societal and political realms. Meeting three times through the year (March 3, June 24, November 13) in the degree range of 10 to 12 Capricorn, we note that transiting Pluto has very recently stomped on and around this degree of Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, and remains within orb.

So if we use a 5-degree orb on either side of slow-moving Pluto we see that 4Cap to 14Cap is our focus though its powerful influence has been stronger while applying to the 9/10Cap area where gaseous Neptune floated on August 25, 1989. We have noted Pluto conjoining the Saturn-Neptune conjunction/s of 1989 in previous posts since its implications suit politicians and the corporatists who fund and direct them perfectly within the midpoint picture formed by this significant trio which includes these potentials:

Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of responsibility by the guilty; fear of loss. (Tyl)

Naturally these potentials apply to both political parties in the US yet I think first of the GOP since 1989 implicates a Republican White House! Plus, America's ongoing socialism-communism-capitalism "debate" is found within the Saturn-Neptune duo as is secret or invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn), a description nearer the truth imho.

So when ancient Pluto has its close-up on July 14, 2015 and clocks in from our earthly vantage point at 14Cap, it qualifies as a Pluto-to-Neptune transit for society--ongoing since late November 2010. It marks a period of moral and religious issues such as abortion, mercy killing, executions and methods used, genetic engineering, GMO food contamination, chemically eroded health, racial and minority prejudices acted out, social welfare programs, workers' and Civil Rights as power and control slowly erode via unseen forces--or are seen to be only illusions and delusions.

Several other social concerns of the 1989 era still need to be addressed such as environmental degradation (Earth Day was revived in 1990), climate change, oil spills (now add coal ash leaks, bad water quality, and fracking), droughts and floods, 'mysterious' fish and bird kills, whale beachings, shark attacks, election irregularities, uranium and plutonium leaks, revolutions, conflicts, and topplings of government leaders across the globe along with the Fall of the Berlin Wall (and of Communism) which at the time seemed to justify America claiming victory in the 'Cold War' (which some say has returned). You can think of more examples, I'm certain.

Yet many if not all of these events were and are staged by those who profit from the wars and revolutions they take none of the blame for (denial of guilt) so let us note that on a deeper level the Pluto-to-Neptune transit indicates political, economic, and physical power struggles that actually have as their foundation uplifting spiritual ideals that identify the Collective's deep thirst for honesty, compassion, and clear-eyed solutions instead of the charlatanism, fraud, corruption, and propaganda we and Mother Earth continue to endure and accept at our peril.

Mar 4, 2015

Neptune-Pluto-Saturn: Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a 19-year history of beating American war drums against Iran. Yesterday, he addressed a Joint Session of Congress and did just that in what some pundits call an unprecedented act.

Netanyahu also addressed the US Congress in 2011 and on July 10, 1996 during Bill Clinton's presidency as mentioned here at The Intercept. He stated in 1996 that "time is running out...we have to act," which was echoed in yesterday's message concerning Iran's potential development of a nuclear bomb.

A Few Brief Astro-Notes

Benjamin Netanyahu's address on July 10, 1996 falls under the auspices of a 16 South Solar Eclipse Series which manifested @28Aries on April 17, 1996. 16S themes include dealing with issues of wasted energy especially in groups, and misdirected motivation. No real action should be taken, cautions Bernadette Brady in her book Predictive Astrology. This series last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus and began on September 21, 1653 @29Virgo.

So knowing that transiting Neptune now floats through its own murky sign of Pisces (which is also a sign of war) and nears US natal Ceres and our Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; oppression; racism; Zionism...), it's informative that on July 10, 1996, Neptune had reached late Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and structure) and conjoined US natal Pluto, karmic planet of power, control, death, transformation, and atomic energy. Also note that 1996 is the year that US natal Saturn turned retrograde by progression in early Scorpio--no longer in its sign of exaltation, Libra, as in 1776--and in 2015 our nation's authority remains in Rx condition indicating issues of weakness vs strength.

Neptune = lies, fraud, or...inspiration

Neptune to Pluto times a period when power is dissolved by subtle means such as treachery and poison, and can favor those with a religious message and/or with psychic power. Did Netanyahu 'poison the well' of the Capitol Building by rallying a US president to wage war on enemies of Israel? Some would say Yes. I would say that his Political Theater performances of 1996, 2011, and 2015 provide the American and global public with futuristic scenes of the Zionist-led global government they wish to set up in Jerusalem.

Does this particular Christian want Israel destroyed? Of course not. Should Christians be worried? Yes, as should Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists for such totalitarian secular regime changers care less than nothing for religion of any kind. They'll have all religions at war with one another before their draconian Utopian vision of global governance is realized and no allegiance will be allowed but to the 'new world order'.

"War is a racket." - General Smedley Butler

Related reading: Zionism and the Natal Chart of Israel (horoscope shown) where you'll see Israel's 10th house Saturn-Pluto conjunction of brutality now expanded (Netanyahu hopes) by transit Jupiter in Leo. Expansion plans begin to move ahead soon once Jupiter's Direct Station occurs on April 8, 2015.


Video of Netanyahu's 1996 Address to Congress may be viewed in the C-SPAN Video Library and the 1996/2015 echo chamber is quite amazing. Or if you missed it, check out last evening's The Daily Show where Jon Stewart helpfully points out the similarities and the undermining nature (Neptune) of Netanyahu's and Boehner's political machinations.

Feb 23, 2015

Saturn-North Node and The Mystery of the 3 Days

Number 3, Saturn, and the North Node of Encounters with Destiny

by Jude Cowell

There are many associations for the number three. Number 3 is known as "the Light" and is considered a holy number according to many sources and in the 3rd verse of Genesis chapter 1, God said, Let there be light and there was. It is the number of perfection, harmony, and Higher Wisdom and, being Jupiterian, is often thought to be 'lucky'. Plus, on the cosmic level, the Holy Spirit is naturally linked to the number 3 in our solar system which is based upon numbers.

Triangles and pyramids have 3 points and in occult symbols, 3 is linked with goddess Isis Urania, Venus Urania, Horus, the Virgin Diana, and The Empress card in Tarot in which she is shown holding the 'orb of the world'. (Kozminsky.)

One superstitious connection to number 3 is from *Kozminsky who cites Medieval Myths (published February 1869): "There is said to be a tradition of Norman-Monkish origin that the number three is stamped upon the Royal Line of England so that there shall not be more than 3 princes in succession without a revolution..." (his italics). He then provides a list of kings, revolutions, and crown-passings in order to elucidate the point.

Add to all this that in ancient Astrology, the 3rd day after a New Moon was considered the first fortunate day of the month.

Saturn-NN in Astrology

In Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences the pairing of Saturn and the Moon's North Node (NN) relates to isolation, inhibition in associations, lack of adaptability, depression, grief, death of kindred, funerals, contact with elderly persons, the organism affected by shock events or an electric shock, disadvantages through others, teamwork that steadily becomes more difficult, and separation from the astral body (my italics).

In addition, Ebertin gives another potential for the Saturn-NN combo which some may label as occult (hidden): the mystery of the three days.

For those of us in particular who study cycles and days via Astrology, there is an interesting page concerning a very special day in history when the Sun set at noon thus creating 'a day within a day' which turned two days into three and fulfilled prophecy.

And whether you're an astrologer or not, dear reader, you may wish more information concerning The Mystery of the 3 Days and 3 Nights.


*Thanks to a helpful reader, this post cites Isodore Kozminsky's work, The Symbols and Meaning of Numbers.

Jan 12, 2015

Manly P Hall: Reap What You Sow (video)

Know Thyself

As a Saturnian astrologer I read in horoscopes South Nodes, the Moon, the Unconscious 12th house of karma and self-undoing, the Vertex and Anti-Vertex, and other karmic points and indicators as reaping-what's-been-sown rather than as past-life-reincarnation information. For me, past-life karmic material means genetic inheritance and I adhere to the theory that certain chart factors such as YOD patterns alert us to issues, circumstances, and behaviors that were not successfully or positively handled or resolved by our ancestors and which must now play out in the current life and be dealt with--hopefully with awareness and skill. The over-used word 'closure' comes to mind.

Astrology is not a belief system. Yet I do believe that the revelation of one's inherited tendencies is one of the better reasons to know and understand one's natal chart and thus to know thyself which includes unconscious motivations!

Yet on the other palm...

Though quite the Uranian, astrologer, author, lecturer, genius, showman, and pioneer Manly Palmer Hall remains a valuable source for Astrology studies and was a fascinating, complex character as well. See what you think about this excerpt from one of his talks on the topic of the natural law: Reap What You Sow...

Nov 25, 2014

Saturn in Sagittarius 2014--2017: Barbara Goldsmith video

Here is a Special Report from astrologer Barbara Goldsmith (10 min 51 sec) on the collective shift of energy we will experience as structural Saturn moves into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, on December 24, 2014 for a 3-year sojourn.

Tending to think in terms of Political Astrology with expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn as our societal planets--describing political parties and 'checks and balances' in Politics--I shall happily skip adding here the more constricting potentials for governmental Saturn in its role of The Establishment, lawmakers, judges, business managers, and such. Barbara's take is more uplifting for society! jc

Nov 20, 2014

11.20.14: POTUS explains his solo move on Immigration

At 8:00 pm est, MSNBC will broadcast President Obama's remarks concerning his immigration plans to improve family conditions and separations via a presidential Executive Order. Naturally much Republican rage is being expressed over the president's "power grab" as such actions are usually characterized by the opposing party.

With the 5th house Sun @28Sco37, Mr. Obama's natal Midheaven is spotlighted with its apt Sabian Symbol: "29Scorpio" = "An Indian Woman Pleading to the Chief for the Lives of Her Children"...EFFECTIVENESS (MEJ), and in fact, there are Moon-Mercury concerns uppermost in this chart indicating family, maternal, and children's issues such as being separated by America's overbearing and often illogical immigration policies which on another level, lack of action threatens our agricultural effectiveness. Tonight President Obama will use logic concerning agricultural, financial (*Jupiter @22Leo07 in 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values), and social conditions and needs in an attempt to at least temporarily redirect such policies in order to rejoin mothers and fathers with their children. 'Bout time in my book.

However, Republicans and their wealthy backers and bigoted supporters will use emotions as usual to rile up as many of the white populace as possible (Mars and Pluto in Capricorn setting and thus opposing tonight's Ascendant, the remarks and plan itself.) Activist and fire-starter Mars remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and is up to who-knows-what. But whatever he's up to may be considered anti-societal.

(This week's closely related post concerns the November 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, a picture of an isolated (Saturn) leader (Sun) acting alone: Sun-Saturn in Politics. See below for my take on certain political calculations involving tonight's plan.)

The horoscope for tonight at 8:00 pm est in Washington DC shows the family and business oriented sign of Cancer (tribal, protective, and shrewd) rising at 16Can03 which makes the Moon (The People in a mundane chart) the chart and speech ruler. Luna falls at 10Sco28 in 5th house of Children but this is also the house of Risk-Taking ('11Sco' = "A Drowning Man Rescued.") For hints of how things may proceed from the president's remarks about his plan, we look to the chart ruler's major applying aspects, if any.

In tonight's horoscope, these are: Moon sextile Pluto (1A22), an aspect of opportunity if one chooses to take it. Yet Moon-Pluto sextiles tend to become stuck in the past, in part a description of recessive, secessionist Republicans who pine for pre-Civil War days, perhaps, but the planetary pair also denotes a lunar-psychological-propaganda connection with public relations and Politics (Pluto = manipulation and control, Moon = The Public) so we know that the GOP and those driving them will not be letting go of their feelings of prejudice and intolerance concerning immigration issues and a black president's daring to inhabit the White House--and to sign an Executive Order rather than accept continued Republican inaction on the matter.

The expressed concern seems to be the fear (Pluto) that Barack Obama and immigration reform adds to the changing of the American complexion from white to brown and black which to me seems a natural process that's been ongoing for decades if not from the foundation of our country. My own fear is that immigration issues now herald a signpost on the anti-sovereignty road to a North American Union between the US, Mexico, and Canada (which may implicate Canadian pipelines cutting through America as more of same.) Plus, you know how stronger "border control" has been a major squawk between Democrats and Republicans for years--and most of the time their debates have completely ignored the people component where family members are deported and thus separated from each other. Which is tonight's presidential theme with the Moon-Pluto sextile picture containing deep sorrow and grief that may finally be expressed on behalf of the people most affected by excessive numbers of deportation.

Tonight's remarks may also result in calming the public and harmonizing the Latino population with the president's solo immigration efforts (Moon trine 9th house Chiron in suffering Pisces--2A37.)

Ultimately, the Moon conjoins orator Mercury @18Sco28 (8A20), also in 5th house, a Moon-Mercury meeting that will support the previous indications of harmony and rapport with the public noted in the chart. The public joins the orator's ideas, it seems--plus, the Moon's applying aspects make up a Water Grand Trine--see below for details. Yet in Washington Politics, there are always political undertones to everything that's done or not done, said or not said, aren't there?

Besides giving the GOP-drenched 2015 Congress yet another issue to get their collective panties in a bunch over, tonight's announcement of solo actions by President Obama may be meant to box in Republican presidential candidates for the 2016 election--if so, bravo! For it will give a tiny needle to thread for such bombastic candidates to spend the next two years blasting away at the president's taking immigration matters into his own hands (due to their own years of inaction and obstructionism--not that all Democrats are in the clear on this), then turn around and expect Latino votes in November 2016.

Why on earth would a single Latino ever again vote Republican?

So enjoy tonight's show expressing the chart's protective, security-minded Water Grand Trine between maternal Moon, young people's Mercury, wounded Chiron in the 9th house of Foreigners, and the Cancer Ascendant. But beware the 2015 Congress' Full Moon conjunct mystical Sirius on January 4, 2015 when the North Node rises in DC with US natal Saturn (lawmakers; judges), the Full Moon squares (blocks) NN-Saturn, and the Moon turns void-of-course immediately afterward denoting that others will not be able to interfere with actions and events--and/or that results will not turn out as expected.

Since the January 4, 2015 lunation precedes the swearing in of new members it is the Syzygy Moon of the New Congress. More will be posted on this important cosmic event and on the 2015 Congress in a future article.

*Investing Jupiter remains the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern--"high-powered executive" with a potential for ruthless actions. Here, Jupiter rules the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Service, other Workers, and Health--all with potential to be reasons behind taking action on immigration issues--will more soldiers for overseas and domestic control ultimately result?

Nov 16, 2014

Sun-Saturn in Politics: Sun and Saturn meet @25Sco55 on Nov 18, 2014

In Washington DC Can Passion and Politics Share Mutual Goals?

If you're familiar with America's natal horoscope of July 14, 1776, you know that our nation is imprinted with the influences of the Sun-Saturn combination for the two planets are in Cardinal square to one another with Sun @13Can19 and Saturn @14Lib48. This aspect and planetary duo influences our national 10th house of Career and Pubic Status on the world stage and thus their energies are prominent in our national psyche.

Unfortunately for the American people, our out-of-bounds government continues to neglect our natal 10th house Saturn's imperatives and lessons of responsibility and accountability which now leads our nation to a 'fall from grace' on the world stage (10th house) especially with deconstructing Pluto now creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. But there are infiltrators and operatives who have long wished it that way and they act totally under the sway of the Mars-Pluto energies discussed below.

Now if you've read this blog before you may know that for planetary pairings and their midpoints (halfway between two planets where their energies powerfully blend together) I tend to consult Michael Munkasey's excellent book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets. My basic reasoning for this is that the book, unlike others with midpoint directories, contains specific information concerning Politics and Business within the Hegelian Dialect manner of Thesis and Antithesis for each of the midpoints' potentials which then lead to Synthesis (triggering the power number 3.) There are several other uses for the book's info as well but since this is a Political Astrology blog, there we are.

So when the Sun (leadership; the president) meets authoritarian Saturn @25Sco55 on November 18, 2014, what might be triggered by this important pair of energies besides America's natal Sun-Saturn Cardinal square that relates, of course, to mature leadership, government, authority, control, status, and on some level or other, repression, suppression, or inhibition. The last Sun-Saturn conjunction occurred during the first week of November 2013 in earlier Scorpio, a time frame that includes the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11So15 (linked below.) Currently we're under the auspices of the October 23, 2014 Solar Elcipse @00Sco24 which gathers further Scorpionic influences as America's ongoing issues emerge then and now such as the aftereffects of this year's Midterm Elections which have switched the balance of control in the US Congress (Saturn) and spotlighted their rift with the Executive Branch of government (Sun = POTUS) as The Media constantly reminds us. For as it's reported, things will be 'different' on Capitol Hill come early January 2015 when a new Congress is sworn in, gun-totin' hog castrator and all. That is, if you believe America actually retains a two-party political system. I don't, but you'll make up your own mind about it, of course.

Now let's consider the implications of Sun in Mars/Pluto ruled Scorpio, an intense, secretive, and karmic sign that needs to learn to control itself before it exercises control over anyone else. Obviously, the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibrations of Scorpio are part of the political picture as well (the Sun is always in Scorpio for US elections) and they echo the power-control political issues already mentioned along with war, weaponry, brutality, violence, and forceful interference (Mars-Pluto's rape and/or invasion influences.)

When the Sun is in passionate Scorpio (sign of the Scorpion, the Eagle, the Phoenix) we expect strong willpower to be shown (though its true source may be hidden) and a struggle for existence to occur (which relates in part to the GOP's ongoing attempts to 'erase' the presidency of Barack Obama along with his Affordable Healthcare Act, a health and regeneration link to surgical Scorpio.) Plus, there are potentials for quarrels, fanaticism, secret or invisible motives, self-sabotage, fear or fearlessness, overestimation of abilities, or even tenacity and the power to succeed and maintain one's position. Apparently, "surgical strikes" by drones helps the US keep the upper claw.

Naturally included in any assessment of Scorpio are its 8th house realms of Corporatism, Big Business, and Big Money so we must note that the Nov 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction occurs in the 2nd house of the National Treasury when the horoscope is set for Washington DC--at 3:50 am est, with 18Lib21 rising and conjunct North Node @18Lib49 stationary. Additionally, our nation's frustrated progressed Mars Rx rises on Ascendant (Rx by progression since Summer 2006.) Near Midheaven @21Can04 (The Goal Point) is our national Mercury Rx in 10th house--spotlighting traders, reporters, orators, writers, transporters (exs: pilots, pipelines), young people, tricksters, communications, spies, etc. Opposite is US natal Pluto @27Cap33 Rx conjoining asteroid Eros ('the piercing', which supports the Mars-Pluto flavor) in the Foundation 4th house of the chart. As usual, manipulative Pluto is obsessed with control!

Now since austere old man Saturn has traversed Scorpio we've experienced potentials for: deeply delving into other people's business for political advantage, metaphysical studies and application, obstinacy, endurance, a serious or somber outlook, pessimism, fear and its uses, propaganda, difficult matters that need to be dealt with, displays of skill, transformation, restricted or lost funds and resources, and--positively in my book--spiritual rebirth. For as we found with the October 2014 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, karmic progress can be made during a Scorpio eclipse when forgiveness trumps humanity's urge for revenge.

However, as we've seen in Washington DC, Scorpio is a Fixed sign and inflexible attitudes and rigid ideals tend to be deemed more important than addressing the needs of the American people so little if any karmic progress is made. Plus, if on a politician's schedule too often, 'the people's business' threatens to interfere with the constant drive toward gaining financial donations and support for propping up and swaying politicians, political parties, think tanks, and for mysterious or other causes and projects that would wither in the light of day if revealed. Yes, such can be betraying Scorpio as more and more politicians act (or don't act) in breach of the public trust and undermine the US government.

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business--and a 'New Order'

As for Sun-Saturn energies working together, we find Thesis considerations in Politics and Business to be: the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents (our will is still important to US politicians? Surprise!), checks and balances (#POTUS v Congress and the Judicial System), form and definition given to an enterprise.

Also of importance in the Sun-Saturn chart is an active Uranus-North Node midpoint (radical politics and groups) which points in a T-Square pattern toward activist Mars @17Cap12. This degree is another reference to the grand Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s of 1993 with its Illuminati/Enlightenment/NWO and unconscious implications and note that the karmic Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 sprinkled its energies of a trine between Uranus (science; revolution) and Neptune (spirituality; illusion) upon our Collective Unconscious and thereby fertilized the seeding of a 'new order' which is and will be further stimulated by the ongoing transit of disruptive Uranus opposing US natal Saturn in Libra...progressives v conservatives. And that difficult stalemate occurs along with the dynamic yet exhausting Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto, a clash of generations now seen within the Republican Party and the 'newbie v oldsters' US Congress, and elsewhere. Thankfully, the final Uranus-Pluto square of rebellions and explosions will be exact on March 17, 2015 and issues from their cycle of civil unrest which began in the mid-1960s.

Meanwhile, Executive Jupiter Still Chugs Along in the Sign of Leadership

Even with investing Jupiter in shiny Leo continuing to lead a Locomotive pattern of success, the potentials for Antithesis of Sun-Saturn are stark: a gloomy, pessimistic policy focus, unreasonable centralization of authority in one location (Reagan, California! it's one of the same old American arguments used by politicians to keep We the People divided and conquered--so tiresomely touted by secessionists aka, anarchists), and/or leadership preoccupied with various forms of law enforcement (note that the Nov 18th Sun-Saturn Ascendant in DC conjoins US progressed Mars Rx at this degree, an inward-turning of America's Martian energies expressing via protests, the upgraded and militarized Police State, our Wounded Warriors, secretive surveillance of the American people, homegrown terrorists, terrorist acts on US soil or the threat of them (with false flag ops not to be ruled out), and the American people turning against one another, among other things. For our weakened and spat upon military forces of global imperialism, the historical cry abroad of "Yankee Go Home" has never been meant more genuinely or venomously than it is now.

Well, there's my brief assessment of Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business yet I have faith that you, dear reader, can add much more if you wish. It may be no small event when in the wee hours of November 18, 2014, the cosmic clock starts once again on the cycle between the Sun and timekeeper Saturn, a planetary pair whose influences are deeply imprinted up the psyche of the United States of America and its government.

Jude Cowell (c) 2014