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Showing posts with label US Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Congress. Show all posts

Sep 24, 2021

June and September 2021 Mercury Direct and Rx in Air

September 24, 2021: With Mercury having turned Direct on June 22, 2021 @16Gem07:37 (5:59:52 pm edt), then stationing to turn Rx (retrograde) on September 27, 2021 @25Lib28:25 (1:10 am edt), we have the planet of communications, thinking, planning, discussions, messages and memes, teaching and studying, trade and commerce, magic, changing conditions, and all other Mercurial things performing tricks in the mental Air signs of Mercury-ruled Gemini and Venus-ruled Libra. Why, it's even possible that mind-changing may occur and lies may be told!

Additionally significant is the fact that Monday September 27th is the day that the US House of Representatives re-turns from summer vacation with many issues, plans, negotiations, and proposals to re-consider and, if any legislation should occur while Mercury is Rx, to re-read the fine print very closely paying rapt attention to all details. Looking ahead, we should note that Mercury turns Direct again on October 10, 2021 @10Libr08 and must (seemingly from Earth's vantage point) re-trace its previous territory until reaching and surpassing its shadow degree (25Lib28:25) in early November after which Mercurial matters can better progress and proceed.

So! Perhaps the Sabian Symbol of Mercury's stationing degree of "26Libra" (25+ rounded up) will add details to the 'House Returns' picture, and we'll also check out the opposite degree and symbol (26Aries) for it's the Illumination Point that provides additional unconscious or shadow-side information, for the curious. Naturally, 'the eagle' is a favored symbol for America (and for ancient Rome, and for other entities mentions of which are beyond the scope of this post.) Plus, a dove traditionally represents the District of Columbia and, of course, peace.

"26Libra": "An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One Into the Other" - "Keyword: ADEPTNESS; positive expression: unusually effective self-discipline; negative expression: unhappy vacillation between ultimate ideals and momentary desires."

Illumination Point "26Aries": "A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold" - "Keyword: EQUIPMENT; positive expression: an uncompromising independence and an inexhaustible drive toward self-discovery; negative expression: an obsession by ideas of no importance." (My italics.)

So that's symbolic info from Marc Edmund Jones in his The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. Now let's also consult Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala (#ad) for his Keynote analyses:

"26Libra": "The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise"; which potency, Rudhyar explains, "finds it difficult at first to adjust to its new world of perception and possibilities of action." And --

"26Aries": "Obsession by potentiality" which, "represents a new, higher approach to the use of polarized forces," and, he adds, "there are many levels of adept-ship" which to me, adds more than a hint of occultism to the Masonic Temple we call the US Capitol Building and its worker bees - whether all of them realize it or not.

And so, for those of us who wish to retain America as a democratic Republic, a "new higher approach" to our nation's current problems caused by the subversive infiltration by bad faith actors would be most welcomed by We The People while skipping over the "ideas of no importance."

Say, remember this from early 2008: Planet Mercury the Messenger gets a fly-by from Mercury?

Related: Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope.

Above image: the US Capitol Building {official portrait; public domain}; photo taken pre-January 6th attack by manic Trump zealots.

Jul 20, 2021

Republican McCarthy Announces his Select Committee Picks

Tuesday July 20, 2021: Yesterday House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's picks for the Select Committee hearing detailed as Republicans Jim Banks (IN), Jim "You f-- did this" Jordan (OH), former local sheriff Troy Nehls (TX), Kelly Armstrong (ND), and Rodney Davis (IL). Of these, only Reps Armstrong and Davis voted to certify the Electoral College votes on January 6th as was their duty. (Which doesn't necessarily mean that they weren't all onboard or complicit with the former guy's 1/6 coup attempt.)

As previously noted here on Stars Over Washington, the first hearing of the Select Committee (one of those 'Jim Jordan clown shows'? Banks hopes to deflect as much blame as possible onto the Democrats!) is scheduled for Tuesday July 27th 9:30 am edt. Here's a bi-wheel of the 9:30 am edt hearing for those readers with cosmic concerns. The July 27th chart is snugged around a horoscope of the 1/6 'Trump Mob Attack'.

And with the hearing's Pisces Moon conjunct 1/6's Neptune (a planetary combo I've noticed turning up in various charts relating to the Republican Party in recent years), the hearing may spotlight the difficulty in 'separating fiction from reality' which is a common theme today, as you know, that's often exploited by bad faith politicians and their enablers. 'Delusions about the level of popular support for policies' is another potential of Moon-Neptune and although I personally would ascribe this tendency to the fascist-leaning Republicans and their learless feader, a Moon-Neptune influence is more general than specific and lends an unconscious quality of illusion and delusion to the proceedings, so perhaps some information will rise up from The Collective Unconscious. Yet the duo also can indicate "leadership which heeds the opinions and emotional climate of its constituents" (M. Munkasey) so it will be interesting to see if its dreamy influence shows up on July 27th to vanquish or at least muddy every spotlight on fact and truth that may be cast upon regressive Republican radicals and secessionsists.

Here's one of many Related Posts: January 6, 2021 US Congress: Strong Emotions.

Jul 10, 2021

July 2021 brings Trump both Lunar and Mars Returns

Saturday July 10, 2021: Below is a dual image of Tr*mp's Lunar Return on July 21, 2021 (lower left; Moon 21Sag12 conjunct his South Node, opposite natal Sun-NN) and his Mars Return of July 24, 2021 (upper right). You'll note that the ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo (a generational influence timing a period of racial and religious persecution) continues to square Tr*mp's natal Sun-Moon opposition and Nodal Axis which suggests for him a time when fantasy and illusion affect his self-image and public image, when ego demands are difficult to satisfy (are they ever satisfied for him?), an air of confusion and uncertainty surrounds him, chaos and scandals proliferate, a lack of loyalty plagues his circumstances, and marital problems may surface.

Now if the Select Committee's first hearing on the 1/6 insurrection is held on or near July 21st or 22nd as suggested by Committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) (dates subject to change, of course), then these Return horoscopes can provide significant information concerning Trump's moods, emotions, and daily activities (Lunar Return - but also compare to his Solar Return 2021 chart) and a new two-year cycle of activity for him (Mars Return) so hopefully curious readers can manage to read the notes penned upon the charts (they're easier to read when printed, I'm told). We may refer to these Return horoscopes in a later post depending on how events proceed, yet as you know, the charts are full of 'Tr*mp info' whether the Select Committee meets in July or not.

Tr*mp's Lunar and Mars Return Charts for July 2021:

Prominent potentials include "violence" and "upsets" (Lunar Return: ASC = Mars-Uranus), and a "crisis of self-preservation" (Mars Return: ASC = Sun-Pluto); also "exercising influence upon the environment" and "mental domination" (ASC = Mercury-Pluto), plus, "a person of fame" (ASC = Pluto/MC - R. Ebertin). And note that every time his Mars in Leo returns to natal degree, it reinforces his aggressive natal opposition to US natal Moon (We The People) and caution is advised. And note that the ongoing status quo blocks progress Saturn-Uranus square provides fertile conditions in society for upheavals, violent actions, and/or accidents to occur.

Additionally, around the time of the Select Committee's first hearing (if it transpires as announced for July around these dates), these horoscopes may be interesting to review:

And here's a related article from early July that you may or may not have read. I'm linking it in this post because of its rather sassy title, Republicans Terrified As Pelosi Names Patriots and Investigative Heavyweights To 1/6 Committee. To me this seems completely understandable considering that certain Republican congress members went all-in with instigator Tr*mp to "stop the steal" by attacking the very Congress and Capitol Building in which they all work, hoping to establish a neo-nazi foothold of "white supremacy" more securely within the US government. And the more toolish fools among them are still parroting Tr*mp's Big Lie! Meanwhile, Tr*mp's 'Big Lie' and other remarks are turning out to be suitable for legal use against at least one of the 1/6 rioters who followed agent orange's orders on 1/6, one of which was to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell"!

But as it turns out, the rioters' supposed justification for perpetrating a violent attack on our legislative branch of government was only an illusion, a fantasy fed them by you-know-who because he had several axes to grind and, as always, others were expected to do the heavy lifting, tomahawk and flagpole in hand.

Gotta keep those tiny little mitts clean, thinks he!

All that aside, if you haven't you may wish to consider the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope for cosmic clues about our nation's upcoming solar year and the karmic opportunities for real progress that the Universe is offering our soul-sick nation. And considering all the negativity and destruction that Washington and the Pentagon have visited upon the world these many years, it's truly a gracious wonder that We the People of America have any positive karma left to ponder at all.

Now, dear reader, don't be shy! Your on-topic comments and observations are always welcomed and appreciated as long as your name is included! Jude

May 14, 2021

Why McConnell Is About to Blow Up the GOP - Thom Hartmann

May 14, 2021: Oh wow this recent segment from Thom Hartmann is so good it has to be posted to SO'W! In case you haven't seen it, Thom proposes multiple possibilities for why master politician Mitch McConnell is behaving seemingly as reckless as he is and Thom's 'rant' (of sorts!) is well worth a few minutes of your time:

Check out a related astrological post: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell and Have a Happy Weekend, Everyone, Masked or Mask-Free!

Apr 23, 2021

A Natal Chart for Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)

April 23, 2021: If you're curious about the contrary Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) his Wikipedia bio page can supply a few details. Born John Neely Kennedy on November 21, 1951 in Centreville, Mississippi but raised in Zachary, Louisiana, Mr. Kennedy served as Treasurer of Louisiana from January 10, 2000 to January 3, 2017, the date he was sworn in to serve in the US Senate.

For your consideration, I've rustled up a 12:00 pm (CST) natal horoscope for Senator Kennedy which shows Sun in late Scorpio and Moon in late Leo (a Sun-Moon square = "Me Against Thee" - A. Oken). Yet if born on or after 4:35:30 pm CST, his Moon is in Virgo, sign of The Critic, which, considering his typical performances on Capitol Hill, just may be the case. However, if born earlier with Moon in dramatic Leo (he's a lawyer, politician, and show-off), the Sun-Moon personality of the two Fixed (rigid) signs makes more sense to me so I'm going with that. Besides, a Virgo Moon would give him a pragmatic, supportive Water-Earth blend of conscious and unconscious energies while Water-Fire suggests a steamy, volatile, intensely personal blend that cannot step back and see things from an impersonal viewpoint. And with a Watery Sun and Fiery Moon, this is the combo of the 'passionate crusader' so you can see why I suspect a Leo Moon for John Kennedy (- Charles and Suzi Harvey).

So! Below is a speculative Natal Horoscope for John Kennedy with many of my study notes penned on such as: Mercury out-of-bounds ('OOBs' = off-planet ideas?) and a Pisces North Node which can indicate secret meetings with odd people and/or associations which can harm the community. Now as you see, he was sworn in on January 3, 2017 (at his Nodal Half Return) with the Sun opposing his quirky Uranus Rx which happens to conjunct Sirius (the scorcher), so compromise with fellow senators was not on his agenda. Also note that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 7 South Saros Series contains a tremendous amount of anger, power, and force (belied by his 'lazy' southern accent when questioning those he considers beneath him) thanks to 7 South's initial eclipse with a Mars-Pluto square (from Leo to Scorpio! with Saturn involved!). A crisis-ridden 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra.

See lower right for a few notes on the intensely emotional Moon-Pluto pair. And it's possible that the senator may have grown up with one of those infamous "smother mothers"! And, deep inside, harbor a reigning need for power, leadership, and applause.

Meanwhile, Mr Kennedy's Sun-Moon square implies relationship troubles or frustrations (due to ego, pride, and stubbornness?), and suggests that he's hypersensitive to criticism so please treat the speculative chart gingerly! Because with a Venus-Saturn conjunction, Mr. Kennedy is a discontented, dissatisfied kind of guy whose Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo personality combo has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with him or stands in his way.

So in case you missed his recent 'grilling' concerning voter suppression in Georgia, see Senator John Kennedy Thought He Could Get the Best of Stacey Abrams (credit to MSNBC's The ReidOut); let's just say the senator fell short of his objective:

Lower left: Two natal midpoint pictures are in force for the entire 24 hours of his birth day no matter his time of birth: Mars-Uranus = Pluto and Mercury-Pluto = Neptune. A few of their potentials are listed although others, more dangerous, shocking, or draining, may apply as well. Also note that Mr. Kennedy's natal Uranus @13Can33 conjuncts US natal Sun so perhaps the non-traditional ideas and unorthodox methods he brought to Congress in 2017 have to do with the presidency of the United States and/or how leadership was established on July 4, 1776 in relation to the principles embedded within the Declaration of Independence.

Just a few thoughts. What do you think?

Mar 20, 2021

Senator Raphael Warnock July 23, 1969

A Few Astro-Notes Concerning Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA)

by Jude Cowell

Photo: Raphael Warnock, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Perhaps you've noticed that the Wikipedia page for Pastor, now Senator, Raphael Gamaliel Warnock provides basic details about the man whose oration on the Senate floor on March 17, 2021 was outstanding and, to my ears, uplifting. So a quick peek at his natal planets could be interesting even without having an accurate birth time for those with the interest and the time to do so.

Yet today I'm simply making note of transit Uranus conjunct the newly minted senator's natal Saturn (@8Tau14: responsibilities undergo significant changes; disruption), the fact that transit Chiron in early Aries has recently returned three times to his natal Chiron Rx degree @6Ari47 (April 2020, October 2020, on or about February 20, 2021: healing the past, on a new path for priestly Chiron), plus, Senator Warnock's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 7 North Saros Series for its background influence repeats for him approximately every 18.6 years (as do ours). So let's see where he is in the eclipse cycle of 7 North themes.

Themes of 7 North: 'a deep passion may take him by surprise and catch him off-guard after being hidden for years, and may include potentials for the expression of procreative drives and/or birth'. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). #ad

Since Senator Warnock is currently a mere 52 years old (hence his Chiron Return), 7 North eclipses have repeated only twice during his lifetime: March 29, 1987 @8Aries17 (conjunct his natal Chiron) and April 8, 2005 @19Ari05 (the exaltation of the Sun degree).

The next manifestation of a 7 North Solar Eclipse will occur on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, a critical 29th degree. All three 7 North eclipses are hybrids and all, as you see, are in Mars-ruled Aries which suggests courage, a competitive spirit, and a man who boldly confronts the circumstances which occur around the eclipses. Possessing qualities of leadership, he is seldom intimidated, for Senator Warnock tends to see problems as challenges, a typical Aries trait which must have stood him in good stead as a church Pastor and will certainly aid him as a US Senator assuming that he balances his actions so that belligerence and self-willedness don't interfere overmuch with desired results.

So with this post I wish both Senator Warnock and Senator Jon Ossoff much success in their political careers especially since they'll be dealing with some of the most sidewinding, uncooperative varmints known to man - the US Congress.

Feb 27, 2021

DC Horoscope: House passes Covid Relief Bill

February 27, 2021: No blogging time today, dear reader, but I want to post the Horoscope of 'House passes Covid Relief Bill' for future reference, if needed. MSNBC reports that the bill passed "around 2:00 am" est so the chart is set for 2:00 am est Capitol Building with financial/political/societal planet Jupiter in humanitarian Aquarius as chart-ruler. And as you see, voting Mercury, planet of legislation and moving direct since February 20th, is snugged between societal planets Jupiter and Saturn which indicates 'effective planning and communication'.

Now it's on to the Senate!

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes and, as always, your on-topic insights and comments are welcome and Shares are much appreciated!

Feb 9, 2021

February 9, 2021: Trump On Trial for his Failed Coup

February 9, 2021: A Major Event on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Question: Does Hitler's failed coup d'etat attempt, the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8-9, 1923, historically rhyme with Trump's January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the US Congress? Well, some would say that Nazis were involved in both attempts and yours truly is one of those who would (unhappily) say it. And obviously, both attempts were failures in the government take-over department, so there's that.

Yet here's a difference: we've been informed that Trump will not testify or speak at this week's Senate trial, a wise decision by his lawyers (with perjury an issue). Witnesses may or may not be called but as we found with Trump's previous impeachment trial of January 21, 2020, this week's effort is not actually a trial without them.

Meanwhile, early this morning on the MSNBC website, an opinion by writer Hayes Brown was published concerning 'Trump Trial 2021' and Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch after which Adolf was arrested and tried, as you can read about, above, and sentenced to prison. During his trial "--Hitler turned his time on trial for a failed coup attempt into a propaganda win." So whether we hear from Trump concerning this week's Senate trial or not, (and even though he's deplatformed from Twitter), we know that propaganda is one of his middle names.

It remains to be seen whether the former 'president' can manage to keep his trap shut and thereby avoid interfering in the process during this week. I suspect he can because he must. How about you?

Feb 5, 2021

February 9, 2021: US Senate vs Donald Trump

February 5, 2021: According to The Independent, the US Senate convenes for Trump's Senate Impeachment Trial "around midday" on Tuesday February 9, 2021. Whether senators will convict and/or vote to deny the insurrectionist the ability to run for office in future is anyone's guess at this point. However, a peek at a 12:00 noon est horoscope set for Capitol Hill, February 9, 2021 may be of interest to some while annoying to others who favored Trump's authoritarian coup attempt against the US government on January 6, 2021. Basic chart notes are penned on:

As you see, chart-ruler Mercury @18AQ39 is retrograde which hopefully only shows that this is the US Senate's second go-round trying to hold Trump accountable for his actions but if we look ahead to Mercury's movements in relation to this chart, we find The Messenger planet turning Direct on February 20th @11AQ01 so Jupiter @12AQ07 will again be conjoined suggesting an expansion of discussions or plans, news about legal issues, and/or the involvement of religious figures in the situation. However, Jupiter is also the broadcaster, politician, General, guru, big banker, and corporatist or CEO. Obviously, the roles of journalists, reporters, and talking heads will be on display (MC) through the entire process, plus, Mercury's Rx condition as chart-ruler can also denote delays and other obstacles gumming up the works - and results may not turn out as expected (see Uranus rising, below).

For clues about how things will proceed, let's consider the three applying aspects of Mercury:

1. Square Mars (1A23) suggests incorrect information or directions, frustration, provoked anger, strong opinions or quarrels. 2. Conjunct Jupiter (6A32) is noted, above; 3. Conjunct Venus (8A29) suggests that advice or ideas concerning legal matters, joint ventures, and cooperation, plus, contract negotiations, and/or discussions about common goals with allies are apt to occur. Gossip is also a possibility.

Now here are a few more chart factors of note:

ASC 8Gem28 = US natal Uranus (unexpected or unusual events, disruptions, chaos, and/or coping ability - our totem planet of rebellion and anarchy, here representing the January 6th upheaval), and the Moon-Pluto Conjunction @25Cap16/29 in the 9th house of Legal Affairs. Therefore, a consideration of the potentials of the intense Moon-Pluto duo is in order:

"Thesis: The people's opinion about subjects like crime, war, or internal secrecy; the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises in appeals to the people.

Antithesis: Encourages violence or crime; people become doubtful about how to exert the proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements; obsessions which bring a misuse of the resources available for country or business." (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey). #ad

Reinhold Ebertin adds, "The pursuit of selected objectives with fanatical zeal and with subsequent attainment without regard for other people; violent outbursts of feeling, inner shocks or emotional upheavals." Noel Tyl seconds the potential for "zeal" and adds, "One-sided emotional intensity and exaggerated new plans." The zealous energies are further emphasized by Moon-Pluto conjunct the Inauguration 2021 Midheaven; add the energies of US natal Pluto and we have "the need to fight whatever evils there are" (Munkasey).

Now besides the fact that the asteroid of Justice Astraea @20Sag43 conjuncts Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction (7th house; justice for past actions?), we may also wish to consider a few midpoint pictures which may or may not apply to February 9th conditions (I'll leave it up to you to decide, dear reader); for these only Tyl is consulted for the sake of brevity:

Mercury-Jupiter = MC ('The Goal'): "successful planning; looking for the best side of things to come about."

Neptune-Pluto = Sun: "rationalization reigns over realism."

Mercury-Pluto = Saturn: "insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control; unrelenting demands."

Pluto-MC = Saturn: "potential scandal; major business reversal; the conspicuous threat of loss; hard, hard work; circumstances of death, bereavement."

Mercury-Saturn = Jupiter: "logic and reasoning."

Moon-Mercury = Saturn: "solving problems to grow in wisdom; depression if the tide has turned."

Note that any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.

And so as always, dear reader, your on-topic comments, insights, and Shares are much appreciated! Jude

UPDATE February 7, 2021: A new wrinkle to the proceedings has been added by Trump attorney Schoen who wrote a letter to Senate leaders requesting that the Trump Impeachment trial be "suspended at 5:24 pm on Friday if it had not yet concluded" because he, being Jewish, observes the Sabbath. As long as the trial begins as noted, above, such a suspension only gives the Astrology of the matter a second horoscope, a bookend in time even if only temporary, to investigate! And of course Trump always loves any delay he can get. And curiously, advancing the chart to February 12, 2021 Capitol Hill to 5:24 pm est shows Mars and Uranus in Taurus bracketing the Midheaven (14Tau38). Mars-Uranus = MC: "Taking drastic measures; getting one's way; the sense of 'either/or'; putting a gun to someone's head" (Tyl). jc

UPDATE February 9, 2021: now available the Senate rules for the trial.

Jan 24, 2021

Guest Post: The Uranus Return of the Republican Party

January 24, 2021: Today Stars Over Washington is happy to share with readers a Guest Post authored by astrologer Zeebling Monroe concerning certain challenging April 2021 planetary transits to the party's 1854 planets including its radical Uranus in Taurus, the US horoscope, the planets of the now-departed yet active Trump, Don Jr, and those of a few other Republican politicians on the national stage.

Then if you wish, why not look for Zeebling on Facebook!

The Republican Party Uranus Return

by Zeebling Monroe

I wanted to peek into where the capital riot of January 6th and Biden’s inauguration left the Trump clique and Republican devoted so I looked at the Republican party chart (1854), Trump's, and his most devoted Republican party acolytes to discover what most of us already know - the Republican party is in for the crisis of its life.

It's All About April

With Trump still being the Sun to which Republican players rotate, his transits at a time of crisis in the party are worth noting. For much of the madness of 2020, Pluto was conjunct the Republican party Jupiter, now as it starts to move on, it hits Trump's desperate to be loved Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer which moved into opposition only a couple days after inauguration. Although I genuinely think Pluto will have him feeling quite unloved, Pluto in Capricorn opposite his Venus-Saturn conjunction sounds very much like a fear of being investigated for financial fraud or could it be the many many sexual assault allegations finally catching up with him now that he no longer has the presidential shield of protection?

Either way betrayal looms big in 2021 for Trump as the deceptive planet of fake news, conspiracies, and spin, Neptune begins squaring Trump's Sun (and Moon) from his 7th house, becoming exact in April 2021. It's hard to imagine the way out fantasy world that Trump might create with Neptune square his Sun and Moon. Could we be anymore beyond post truth? Neptune squaring from his 7th house of relationships and open enemies does sound like betrayal, especially as April appears to be crunch time for Republican and Trumpian loyalties.

April is also when Uranus square Saturn opposes Trump's Pluto in the 12th house. Trump's Pluto might be a bigger player than we may first suspect. Astrologer Liz Greene sights Trump’s unaspected Pluto in the 12th as the planet that connects his dark destructive unconscious forces with that of the collective, so when Trump's 12th house Pluto is aspected, it will have a ripple effect through the masses of Trumpian devotees.

For the Republican party April is the beginning of their Uranus Return and to add to the Republican party's woes, Neptune will be squaring the Republican party Sagittarius Moon. With the Moon representing the party's supporters (the people) and their simultaneous Uranus Return Saturn square, the party could be freaking out about alienating their base as they split between disciples and the no longer Trump crew.

The last Uranus Return for the Republican party was in 1937. When I researched the events of that time there were many strange similarities. Although it was the Great Depression the Republican party was staunchly opposed to the aid packages of Roosevelt's and particularly the New Deal. In 1937 the Republican party formed a new ultra-right-wing faction called "the old right" devoted entirely to their opposition of the New Deal. Although no stretch of the imagination is needed to see the Republicans behaving exactly the same way with Covid and economic relief, the big Uranian, and indeed Saturnian, difference this time around is the cult of Trump.

With the Republican party’s Uranus Return there is of course also the Saturn square from Aquarius (USA 10th house), suggesting authority, legitimacy, and, no doubt, legality playing into this Uranian battle. Not surprisingly it seems all of Trump's most devoted have planets in the early Taurus, Scorpio, Leo axis (Mark Meadows, Matt Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, the list goes on). Neptune’s square to Trump's Sun and Moon at this time suggests some close allies might indeed switch teams but some loyalists it appears will fight against the odds and indeed reality to defend their master. Senator Ted Cruz who absolutely hated Trump back in 2016 only to become one of his most devoted disciples is getting ready for the fight of his life as revolutionary Uranus moves into opposition with his dirty fighting Mars in Scorpio. Indeed with Saturn square Uranus opposed to Ted Cruz’s Mars in Scorpio in April one can only expect him to go into a full Mars in Scorpio style fight-to-the-death drama, I mean Ted’s dug himself in pretty deep and like Giuliani it's hard to believe there’s any coming back from their level of red-scare paranoid and delusional world view.

None the less, with Uranus on board I guess unexpected alliances could be considered. Of course with Rudy Giuliani like Cruz, it's all about the Mars. When Giuliani delivered his infamous "trial by combat" pre-insurrection speech, Jupiter was exactly opposite his self-obsessed Leo Mars-Pluto conjunction. By April, Uranus square Saturn opposite. The ultra ambitious Donald Jr, also a Mars in Leo "me me" soldier, will have Uranus exactly square Saturn opposing his Leo Mars in April too, suggesting that this Uranian battle isn't contained to the Republican party.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is already being hit hard by the Uranus-Saturn-Jupiter combo will have his Venus-Mercury at the centre of this April astro showdown but unlike most of his party or the Trump family his planets are in Aquarius and will therefore be conjunct by Saturn as opposed to most of the rest of the party’s Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio planets. Could Moscow Mitch actually be the Saturnian voice of reason in a party being torn apart by the very conspiracy theories, bullying, and out right lies he helped promote? Difficult to imagine but possible.

Although this April Uranus-Saturn showdown clearly reflects a break down in the Republican party which will be going on for some time, the fact that so many of this clique are being hit at the same time would suggest a concrete event as opposed to the continual crumbling of the party, especially since the Trump clique seem so particularly "Marsy."

The USA Chart

Come April, Jupiter will be conjunct the USA’s Aquarius Moon (last time 2009) and transit Neptune finally begins the USA’s Neptune opposition. Previous Neptune Returns and oppositions tend to be quite patriotic affairs and for the USA it is a cultural reassessment of the American dream. Clearly the ideological divide this time around has created some very very different American dreams vying for collective dominance and clearly this is a challenging opposition not a return.

In April Uranus squares the USA nodal axis with Saturn sitting on the Aquarian South Node. With the South Node in the USA 2nd house and the fact that so much of this chaos is coming from monetary Taurus, economic factors could be in play (note New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, and Dow Jones all have planets in this Uranian Taurus path). While in office, Trump's pushing the Federal Reserve to keep the market CEO’s happy while the masses starve won't continue and maybe a powerful event, as is often the case, could scare the markets into a freak out? Even though the USA’s 2nd house Pluto Return will not be exact until 2022, it's worth noting that Pluto climbs to only one degree away by April. Also worth noting but somewhat scary is the USA’s Mars Return in April. Although a USA Mars Return by itself is not so important, this time transit Neptune will be exactly square and it's arriving at a time of increased Mars energy in politics. And as the aspect suggests, Trump's Sun is on the USA Mars. Also troubling is that Mars-Neptune aspects have a reputation for violence (including presidential assassination attempts). We as astrologers already know the inauguration chart suggests conflict or violence and I fear Neptune square the USA Mars could also signify ideological violence.

The astrology for 2021, but especially April, shows that the Trumpian influence remains dangerous. The false assertion that the election was stolen will define a faction of the Republican party and possibly become the Republican party's future stance depending on which faction wins. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail but the combination of the Republican party, Trump, and Uranus should have us all concerned.

Thank You, Zeebling! Jude

Above image: an 1800s depiction of the US Capitol Building

Jan 16, 2021

Uranus-Pluto Uprising and the Trump Mob Attack

Power Grab, Social Change, and Violent Upheaval: Uranus-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

January 16, 2021: When I began pointing out in 2020 that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces was opposing and triggering the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo (once in 1965, twice in 1966) from across the victim-savior axis, little could I know that the planetary pair's violent, subversive energies would express physically against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 by what I call the Trump Mob (aka, the MAGA Mob). Civil Rights and other social causes of the mid-1960s bubbled up again, had never gone away nor been properly dealt with, and we were seeing in 2020 such historical 'rhyming' via Black Lives Matter protests and other social demonstrations, plus, the violence, upheaval, and denials of guilt that came with them.

As you know, the transformative pair of Uranus-Pluto is a marker for revolution and for 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' (Ebertin). Adding to societal difficulties is the current Saturn-Uranus square with its resistance to law and order and challenges to authority vibes. Stubborn blockages will continue through the year between karmic Saturn's status quo qualities vs the futurism and progressiveness of techie Uranus, a pair that also contains 'old order vs new order' implications - all set upon the background of the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius with its 'new order' timing.

So below is a bi-wheel of the first of three Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions (17Vir09: October 9, 1965 4:11 pm edt Washington DC; ASC 18AQ53) in center and around the outside, a Horoscope of the Trump Mob Attack of January 6, 2021 (set for 1:00 pm est since that's when the congressional session met to certify the Electoral votes for Joe Biden; the assault soon began).

Now annoyingly, my nose today is too sniffy with allergies to add a bunch of notes and fusses with these charts so perhaps you'll do that for yourself, dear reader. Yet I must note that the 1965 Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, will soon receive a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 on May 26, 2021 so perhaps in May, June, or later in the year a few inconvenient secrets concerning Uranus-Pluto activities and conditions (ex: more names of backers or enablers involved on January 6th?) will be revealed by the light of the Full Moon!

So tell me: what else do you see?

Jan 10, 2021

DC Horoscope: Biden-Harris Confirmed by Congress

January 10, 2021: It's taken a few days to publish here the DC Horoscope of the Biden-Harris Confirmation for office as declared by VP Pence. Some news sources give 3:32 am ET January 7, 2021 as the moment the 270-vote threshold was reached thanks to the state of Vermont.

Below is a Horoscope set for 3:41 am ET January 7, 2021 Capitol Building, Washington DC as the time VP Pence read and certified the votes and declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice President of the USA. Today my blogging time is brief so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. For as you see, a dynamic T-Square is in effect including testy Mars and radical Uranus opposing a critical-degreed Moon (29Lib52; anger and aggression). A few potentials of the T-Square are listed, on the chart along with the three applying aspects, lower left, (how things will proceed) of chart-ruler Mars. As you know, #3 culminates on Inauguration Day 2021 with the explosive Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44.

And as always your on-topic comments and observations are invited, all Shares are much appreciated!

Jan 7, 2021

The January 2021 New Moon and Trump's culpability

January 7, 2021: After yesterday's breach of the US Capitol Building instigated by Trump, multiple political pundits and others are now calling for remedies in order to remove a dangerous Trump from the White House such as Impeachment (this would prevent his ever running for office again), the 25th Amendment (due to his unfitness for office which has been the case all along), and possibly the Republican Party telling him to resign (not that he'd listen; but he could be pardoned by Pence, then abscond to a hidey hole). And with about 13 days to go until the Biden Inauguration, untold dangers lurk for America and for the American people, especially those Trump identifies as his enemies (by which he means 'mortal enemies'). The midpoint between yesterday's insurrection (1/6/21) and January 20, 2020 spotlights January 13th and the New Moon which manifests on that date (12:00:04 am est) and identifies a seeding time for a new cycle of activity as New Moons tend to do.

Now previously on SO'W we discussed a few factors concerning the Capricorn New Moon of January 13, 2021 conjunct powerful manipulator and hidden hand, the very wealthy Pluto. And as you know, prominent New Moons can disrupt lives and events in similar ways as a Solar Eclipse can do - for both share similar effects to the separative, awakening, erratic, unpredictable, shocking energies of astrological Uranus. Plus, eclipses are often known as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' and they may uncover inconvenient secrets for those whose planets it touches.

Meanwhile, a New Moon also indicates that 3 days prior - the Dark of the Moon phase - is a period when things can go bump in the night and shady activities may run wild, undetected. And you know that the next Full Moon (January 28th @9Leo06) may shine a bright light on Dark of the Moon events, conditions, and thus create scandals.

Pertinent to the authority of Trump is the fact that the Capricorn New Moon @23Cap13 opposes his natal Saturn in the watery, tribalistic sign of Cancer and this describes Trump's "they did it, don't blame me" attitude concerning yesterday's seditious events which he himself incited. Yes, this is his general attitude yet only by taking responsibility for his actions and doing what he can to correct them will bring him karmic progress (and thus bring it to America - he won't do this but We The People and others must).

So today I'm posting the January 13, 2021 New Moon Horoscope for your consideration and invite your on-topic observations:

Question: can Trump's revenge yesterday against the US Congress and American voters be what finally triggers royal Regulus to exercise its caution against taking revenge - otherwise all that was gained will be taken away?

Jan 3, 2021

January 6, 2021 US Congress: Strong Emotions Surface

by Jude Cowell

January 3, 2021: Besides facing the combustible Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021 and the ongoing sabotage of America by fascist forces and their figurehead Trump, we first must successfully navigate through potential riots, protests, and the seditious behavior threatened in the US Congress on January 6, 2021 by certain congressional Republicans determined to disrupt America's tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, undermine the Biden administration, and, they hope, prevent Trump from tweeting against them and ruining their next election chances. However, on that date the Electoral College Vote is to be certified by the Congress doing its duty.

For an intuitive reading concerning our current circumstances in January 2021 you may wish to check out Revealing Light Tarot (recommended!).

Of course, this purposefully stirred up 'hail Mary' political drama by Trump and comrades is meant to take over the US government entirely and morph it into a fascist enterprise. And it's all being piled atop our ongoing fight against the SARS-Covid pandemic now decimating the American people and straining our hospital system to its core, plus, our dire economic and cyber conditions. Yes, Trump and his ilk are attacking the country while America is weakened by disease and loss. And a misguided 1/3 of the population likes it!

Now naturally these weighty 2020-into-2021 issues and events are described ably by multiple cosmic factors, some of which have been discussed here on Stars Over Washington and available for those who care to search (sidebar Search field, or just Google). But if I had to name one cosmic factor which basically accounts for many of the stirred up feelings - 'the strong emotions over money and relatonships', it has to be the background influences of the 4 South Solar Eclipse in which we now simmer (that is, until the next Solar Eclipse comes along in June 2021).

Occurring on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (the day the Electoral College voted against Trump - see what I mean?), the 4 South Eclipse contains difficult themes that are now expressing in society and what could be one of the peaks of such difficulties manifests in the US Congress, Capitol Hill, January 6, 2021.

And yet there is one promising potential in particular from the 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 - it 'eclipsed' the 8th house Saturn in authoritarian Trump's Inauguration 2017 Horoscope!

Besides karmic Saturn's rulership of authority, accountability, control, and separation, for me this describes another of the 4 South influences: a 'sudden desire to end a relationship'. For if We The People ever wanted to end a relationship asap, it has to be the one between the Oval Office and saboteur Trump whose presidential term ends at noon on January 20, 2021 as Joe Biden takes the Oath of Office.

Dec 31, 2020

January 1, 2021: Senate Back in Session at Noon ET with Mars Rising: Happy New Year!

December 31, 2020

Unless something interferes overnight, on Friday January 1, 2021 at Noon ET, Senate debate over raising the relief amount from $600 to $2,000 continues with an Ascendant of 15Ari52 (ASC = the debate and other business during the session, if any). Obviously, contentious Mars @27Ari39 rises in first house followed by unpredictable Uranus Rx @6Tau47, the rebel planet's degree on Inauguration Day 2021 for the combustible Mars-Uranus conjunction (6:44).

So since my suspicion about the debate outcome is that we'll reap unhappy results via the Sabian Symbol for tomorrow's Mars degree at noon, here's my relic of an illustration for "28 Aries": "A Large Disappointed Audience":

And here's a generic bottle of champagne to wish you and yours a Happy New Year!

Related Posts include: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 with its difficult theme of 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships'! Yep. Playing out again tomorrow in the Senate chamber located in the Masonic Temple upon Capitol Hill; and the First Lunation of 2021: a Capricorn New Moon conjunct Pluto.

Dec 30, 2020

Astro-Notes: Louie Buller Gohmert August 18, 1953

Image above of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC

A Few Astro-Notes Concerning the Obsessive Mr. Gohmert

by Jude Cowell

If you're curious about the career path of Rep. Louie Buller Gohmert Jr (R-TX) and a few bio details, you may wish to check out his Wikipedia page where you'll see that Baby Louie was born on August 18, 1953 in Pittsburg, Texas but was "raised" in Mount Pleasant, Texas.

Assuming office in the House of Representatives on January 3, 2005, the former JAG attorney seldom ceases to amaze and not often in a good way. A current example is his frivolous lawsuit against VP Pence in an attempt to overturn the 2020 Election on behalf of Donald Trump on January 6, 2021. Glenn Kirschner has the absurd details and his usual measured commentary. Now Mr. Gohmert's lawsuit asserts that gavel-holder Mike Pence should simply 'declare' Trump president on January 6th instead of certifying Joe Biden as victor of the 2020 presidential election. However, VP Pence's position in Congress does not grant him such liberties. Ordinarily. The outcome of their farce remains to be seen and you may want to pop an extra bowl of popcorn on January 6th. (Note: The horoscope is set for 10:00 am est which may be too early for the proceedings but as you can see, the Sun @16Capricorn opposes Gohmert's natal Venus @16Cancer so that relationships, alliances, and legal matters proceed unfavorably for him; however, the Sun conjunct his natal Chiron Rx @16Cap02 so he may feel that he's on the right course to fulfill his life's quest! And his natal Venus-Chiron opposition suggests that a mentor is involved or that he is someone's mentor--R. Nolle.)

A Related Post: Astro-Notes on the 117th Congress.

So perhaps a very brief look at a few of the quirky Mr. Gohmert's natal planets would be of interest to one or two readers:

On August 18, 1953 the Sun was in the proud, vain, dramatic, 'natural leader' sign of Leo for the 24 hours (24--26) while the fluctuating Moon floated from 29Scor44 (12:00 am CST) to 12Sag28 (11:59 pm CST). So chances are good that Gohmert's natal Moon is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius with its 'idealistic thoughts guide action' quality (Ebertin) and this would make him a volatile double Fire personality, so certain of the rightness of his beliefs, rather than a steamy Fire-Water combo that can sterilize or scald.

Louie Gohmert's Solar Eclipse in Leo: For karmic Progress Avoid Egocentricity

His Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Saros Series manifested on August 9, 1953 @17Leo, is also his Syzygy Moon, and contains themes of 'bringing to the surface longterm worries about health or loved ones, or about issues that concern paperwork and/or communications; responsibilities with paperwork could come home to roost, and any news has a sense of fate or destiny attached' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Note that the last 9 New South Eclipse occurred on September 11, 2007 @18Virgo, the next will occur on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo, a critical 29th degree.

Now in his natal chart and psyche Rep. Gohmert 'enjoys' a few planetary pairs - conjunctions, that is - with the concentrated energies and potentials they suggest: Saturn-Neptune in Libra (21-23) indicates that he's a performer (as lawyers and politicians tend to be); Mercury-Mars in Leo (7-13) denotes strong political opinions with Leonine ego involvement; Venus-Uranus in Cancer (16-21) describes a strong insistence on retaining his freedom and independence, especially within relationships and alliances.

Last but not least by any means is Gohmert's power-craving Sun-Pluto conjunction in royal Leo (23-26) which provides him with intense, obsessive qualities that yours truly would call zealotry.

What would you call it, dear reader?

Dec 25, 2020

December 2020 Government Shutdown Timed by a Full Moon?

December 29, 2020 Full Moon in Cancer: Trump Fears Losing the Dream

by Jude Cowell

As you've undoubtedly heard, the quixotic Mr. Trump may cantankerously decide to gift the American people with a partial Christmas Government Shutdown 2020 laced with his unique brand of sour-puss politics over the omnibus Covid-relief-and-government-funding bill he'd hinted all along that he would sign.

Instead, he has balked. And has basically ruined Christmas in America by abusing his power.

Meanwhile, the House, to be called briefly back into session by Speaker Pelosi on Monday (12/28/20), will vote in an override attempt to bypass Trump's massive objection and if that effort is successful, the Senate could vote to override Mr. Whimsical's bulky recalcitrance on Tuesday (12/29/20), the day of a Full Moon @8Can53 (10:28 pm est; see horoscope in linked post, above). Now as you know, Full Moons signify a culmination stage of activities, perhaps a fulfillment of plans seeded at the previous New Moon (or before) and in this case, that would be the New Moon @23Sag08 - in other words, the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 (which hit Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, karmic planet of authority and accountability). So we find that 4 South themes ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships; an urge to suddenly end relationships' - Brady) are intimately involved in Trump's balking posture which may be appreciated via the 4 South Eclipse conjuncting his natal Sun-NN opposing Moon-SN across the mutable, changeable Gemini-Sagittarius polarity where truth and ethics matter.

Add to this the fact that December 14, 2020 was the day of the Electoral College Vote which didn't go his way and so We The People are being made to suffer under a cluster of cosmic and earthly factors now burrowing under the vengeful skin of his royal Balkiness, with his natal Leo Mars always opposing US natal Moon in Aquarius.

Significantly, all the year-end financial fuss is rather closely timed by the December 29th Full Moon which, as the Cosmos would have it, shines its bright rays revealingly upon the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (@8Can51 - only a two-minute orb!). And where his natal Mercury goes, along must trail his fantasy-spinning, error-prone Mercury-Neptune square.

Now as you know, astrological Mercury's many roles in the realms of Commerce include trading, negotiating, and making deals, and who can forget that Mr. Trump is well known for considering himself an expert in the making of them. However, in our time of crisis, we find that Despite His Boasts, Trump Again Is No Deal-Maker as Congress Seeks Pandemic Relief Bill yet the "brooding lame duck" seems to pride himself on his late-comer status in the year-end legislative process as he throws his typical monkey wrench into the works from the sandtraps of his luxurious Florida golf course.

While US taxpayers once again foot the bill for Herr Spanky's Christmas vacation, no matter how bad-tempered it turns out to be.

For a peek into January 2021, you may wish to see 117th Congress Opens.

NASA image above: Mercury

Dec 18, 2020

Can the US Constitution Handle Today's Problems?

Someone Has a Ready-Made Answer to This Disturbing Question

by Jude Cowell

In an article first published in The Nation, the US Constitution is deemed "incapable" of meeting the crises we now face. In American Democracy Was Never Supposed To Work we can read about Founding Fathers purposefully kneecapping democracy in order to protect wealthy plutocrats such as themselves, an idea heard often enough in recent years. It's a plan that continues to work against the common good to this day. Even so, amending the Constitution is a scary thought for who can be trusted to tinker once again under its venerable hood?

Meanwhile, we know that weaknesses in our political system make it necessary to institute more corrective measures than just removing a kicking-and-screaming Trump from the White House. However, certain operatives and saboteurs in and against the US have for years worked to undermine We The People's trust in government to such an extent that the Biden administration must find ways to regain such trust. No one thinks it will be easy. Everyone knows it's an imperative.

So now that years of undermining America have brought us to this chaotic pass, with a Constitution few have faith in and some are disloyal to, the Hegelian Dialectic scam - create a problem so you can offer the solution you were determined to implement all along - seems ready to be further foisted upon us as Americans are marched into a 'New Order' - well-timed by the Great Conjunction-Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020, a 'new order' of major reforms and restrictions that the world is supposed to clamor for because nation-states can't handle such massive problems. However, it's the path to global authoritarianism so don't look too closely!

And so for your consideration, or re-consideration, here is the Horoscope of the US Constitution from a previous post (which is why the chart doesn't have the most current transits around it) and as you see, the current Capricorn heavyweights, plus, Saturn now moved into Aquarius as of December 17, 2020 (and Jupiter about to do so) are all in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma, self-undoing, and secret enemies. And Large Institutions such as the US Congress:

Related Posts: Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session and An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993) based on the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets that inspired America's founding and principles, now perverted.

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Sep 8, 2020

117th Congress scheduled to open January 3, 2021

Speculative Astro-Notes Concerning the 117th Congress of 2021

by Jude Cowell

September 8, 2020: If all goes according to plan, the 117th Congress will open on January 3, 2021, and unless Election 2020 in November results in leadership changes, Mike Pence will continue as President of the Congress.

Now I won't write much about the speculative January 3, 2021 chart set for Capitol Hill Washington DC and "noon EST" (in lieu of an announced hour - even the date could change), but below are a few general observations concerning the day's planets, plus, here's a view of the horoscope of the 117th Congress' Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') for which we do not need a correct opening hour in order to ascertain the opening's 'PE' for as long as the 117th Congress opens in January 2021, its 4 South PE remains the case with a 'fated' theme intact - plus, it's also the PE of Inauguration 2021:

117th Congress: January 3, 2021 noon est Capitol Hill shows 19Aries04 rising, the exaltation of the Sun degree. Naturally, the Sun (leadership) @13Cap32 conjuncts the noon Midheaven ('MC') while opposing US natal Sun (July 4, 1776) suggesting a period when government goals and objectives should be reassessed and, if necessary, a change of direction may be taken. This is due to the fact that annually, January 3rd (or 4th) is the Executive Branch's "un-birthday." So with Mars-ruled Aries rising, Mars is chart-ruler (@28Ari32 and rising in 1st house) and makes three applying Ptolemaic aspects in the chart: 1. square Saturn (@1AQ56 in career 10th house conjunct bold Altair the eagle) causing difficulties, delays, stalling, lack of preparation or planning, frustration, challenges to authority, and with a potential for anger; 2. square Jupiter (@3AQ24 in 10th house) suggesting overreach, exaggeration, risk-taking, empty gestures, and/or sloppiness with details; 3. conjunct Uranus Rx (@6Tau46 in 1st house) which indicates unusual or nontraditional actions and circumstances along with an explosive and/or shocking quality. First house denotes early expression of these restless energies with society's current anarchistic, protesting, even rioting activities also indicated--for discussion or possibly legislation in Congress, if not actual physical expression. Unexpected events may occur!

The Mars-Uranus Conjunction becomes exact on January 20, 2021 @6Tau44 and rises in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope, as you know. And obviously whenever Mars and Uranus combine their highly charged energies, violent measures may be taken, risky or dangerous behavior can complicate issues and bring unfortunate consequences, and/or accidents may occur. For more dangerous indications, add to this the fact that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint not only opposes their Great Conjunction degrees of 1965/66 (mid-Pisces) and stimulating street clashes, Civil Rights demands, and upheaval as before, but Uranus-Pluto also conjuncts the destructive January 3, 2021 Mars-Saturn midpoint (aka, the 'death axis'--Ebertin). "Not a pretty picture" hardly describes the mundane possibilities of this pile-up especially considering the vicious form of politics and vengeance being practiced.

So however the Inauguration 2021 ceremony goes, We The People can expect the unexpected with a desperate Uranian chaos-creator Trump involved and what for him will be a major test of nerves and strength.

Closely Related is the First Lunation of 2021 - a New Moon @23Cap13 of January 13th which falls in the middle of the 117th Congress' Mercury-Pluto Conjunction (22-25Cap), and as we know, is within the overly stimulated "Capricorn corridor", super-sensitized ever since January 12, 2020 when karmic Saturn and Pluto conjoined @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex (22:51) of fated encounters. (Actually, January 3 2021 is almost a Mercury Return to the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope's Mercury - exact January 4th at 4:07 am est with an exact Moon-Neptune opposition hinting at scandals, illusions, and a deceptive environment); meanwhile, Venu$ @23Cap48 activates the Capricorn New Moon linked, above! So apparently, new activities are being seeded and planned in the realms of Mercury-Pluto and finances, and at some point we'll be able to blame or credit the 117th Congress for the consequences.

Now several potentials are indicated for the combination of Mercury and Pluto such as 'political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; high security and intelligence activities; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases'.

Other possibilities include: 'secrets involving business or transportation systems; hidden activities; self-destructive impulses in business; and/or breakdowns in road networks (and one wonders: in cyber networks? hacks and leaks? grid or voting machine attacks?). 'Paranoia about secrets', plus, 'ruthless investigations' are also suggested (Munkasey) along with 'propaganda, persuasion, the power of suggestion, overzealousness, sly cunning, sharp criticism, a famous orator, plagiarism, demagoguery, fraudsters, and/or diplomacy (Ebertin). I'll add, malicious scheming, plus, the fact that Mercury is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so there's no telling what he or she is up to - or what outrageous things may be said, reported, or what may be stolen. Then as always, running in the background is America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of total awareness, surveillance/spying, confidential information, mind control, censorship and publishing which affects all such matters in a challenging way. But all results must depend upon which political party comes out victorious in House, Senate, and White House, and that's a secret even the Universe is keeping close to her vest.

Update October 6, 2020: please note that the above post was published prior to Trump's recent hospital stay allegedly due to contracting coronavirus and his superspreader status making those around him ill. jc