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Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts

Aug 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Monday August 24, 2020: Of Cosmic Blinks, Secrets, and Cheats

by Jude Cowell

Between the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series and the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series comes a significant Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 across the 2/8 axi$ when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

Below is the DC Horoscope of the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 which conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55 July 4, 1776). So although this Gemini Lunar Eclipse falls within the 4 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series of June, it's actually associated with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the 4 South Series with its 'money and relationship' concerns. An accompanying lunar eclipse reveals a sequence - here across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity - relating to the karmic issues within its solar eclipse themes and provides information concerning the Collective's inner and/or emotional reactions to the disruptive karmic issues and problems. Here we have a Gemini Lunar Eclipse suggesting that a variety (Gemini) of solutions should be tried prior to and during the December 14th Solar Eclipse season in the Jupiterian realms of the eclipse's Sagittarian issues of ethics and morals, as noted in the center of the horoscope; a large splash of integrity would be appreciated, too:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 November 30, 2020 4:29:32 am est Washington DC; Ascendant 6Sco09 makes Mars chart-ruler and he's strong in Aries in 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Police, Military, Civil) and Daily Rounds. Fever-prone Mars is assisted by Scorpio's co- or sub-ruler wealthy stealthy Pluto yet neither planet applies Ptolemaically to other planets in this horoscope so their signs and houses are emphasized (Aries Mars 1st and 6th; for Pluto add his 3rd house position in Saturn-ruled Capricorn).

So with the November 30th Lunar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55) we may expect the unexpected from this Uranian 'Wild Card of the Universe' and/or we can prepare for shocks and more disruptions. That warrior Mars is in 6th house of the military and 1776 Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt and upheaval, battles and conflicts in society continue with the possibility of war, and simultaneously the eclipse activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (2 Old North), his PE which manifested on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini ('separation; unfortunate news but quick action can bring positive results'- Brady).

Then can this Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus be a picture of the US military preparing for action of a shocking nature on, before, or after January 20, 2021? Perhaps so. But basically, this revealing Horoscope of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse contains a preponderance of financial indicators along with 'social and religious fanaticism' vibes via the Capricorn trio (Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter). Add to this that Mercurial Gemini is the juggler, magician, and the trader (or, traitor), isn't he/she? Well, as you see, Mercury @27Sco48 rises in 1st house, disposits the eclipse Moon, and rules the corporate 8th house and the 11th house of Groups and Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

Other chart factors include 'values and currency' planet Venus rising in the Big Business sign of intense, brooding Scorpio and leading a Locomotive shape. A 'ruthless executive determined on success' is indicated by astrological Venus, the engine who, as an actor in our cosmic drama, can be vengeful, envious, and petty, or, more positively can signify some variety of diplomacy. Perhaps you've heard a few economic pundits warning about the potential for devaluation of the US dollar so we'll see if matters continue to skew in that downward direction. Others have hinted that Trump might crash the US economy if he loses in November. This could be what this eclipse shows especially since his PE is activated, as noted above, and the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14 2020 'eclipses' his natal Moon-South Node while opposing natal Sun-North-Node in Gemini, as we've previously discussed. However events turn out for him, Trump's 4/10 Home-Career axis is intimately involved.

1910/2020: $$$

Now if you will, check around the outside of the above horoscope and you'll see planetary placements of the Federal Reserve ('the Fed') based on the entity's secret organizational meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, timed by the December 1, 1910 New Moon @8Sag49, marked in green (3rd house). With the US economy shaky as Election Day 2020 approaches, will the November Lunar Eclipse uncover leaks and/or Secrets of the Federal Reserve? Or will it simply uncover more facts concerning Trump and Co's fraud and corruption? Note that some Fed planets (in green) are listed simply as '1910' and the Fed's 1910 Mars-Jupiter rising = 2020 Venus which suggests using guile vs force when competing. Plus, bottom right, you see listed the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the third of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions ('the Fed') both of which relate to the financial implications of this eclipse.

Also messily penned around the chart are the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto of America (July 4, 1776) and of course, the hairy gorilla in the room (3rd house) is transit Saturn @28Cap21 and the taskmaster's continued ruffling of US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33), a period of power and control issues, conditions too large to easily handle, and a lack of resources. Meanwhile transit Pluto @23Cap15 continues his opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer with Trump's new barricade of a wall built around the White House. Perhaps now his watery Saturn, planet of walls, borders, and fear, feels safe now. But neglecting his responsibilities during this Saturn-Pluto transit garners him little applause or reward so for 'best results' from the 2020 Election, cheating really is the only 'solution' for Trump and the GOP.

And significantly, all the Capricorn action is occurring on and around America's Inauguration Midheaven for all the world to see. Yes, Saturn to MC is a picture of Election 2020 and the assumption of control but the placement can also indicate a 'fall from grace' so we have that going against us.

Now as you see, coming right up is the midpoint between Saturn and Midheaven ('MC') rising on the Ascendant which forms a picture of 'hindered growth, shared anxiety, separation, and/or unfortunate circumstances' for some. However, the Saturn-MC duo can also denote important people! (Ebertin) with the difference depending upon other chart factors, as is always the case.

Now in closing, I want to add a note with cosmic time link implications:

The 4 South Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius potentially activates by degree the June 13, 1984 Lunar Eclipse @23Sag which was the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of the May 30, 1984 Solar Eclipse @9Gemini - in the 4 North Saros Series (as is the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse). To me, if not to you, this amount of reciprocal cosmic energy seems significant given our current conditions of light vs dark, and so, as usual, comparing the cosmic time link between years 1984 (Reagan: 're-elected') and 2020 (Trump: probably bwo cheating) through the 'rhyming' of historical events would most likely be informative for the curious seeker.

Related and curated for you! A 7m37s video George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies detailing Orwell's vision of the future vs that of Aldous Huxley. Warning: Hedonism, Collectivism, and other -isms are involved.

Aug 23, 2020

RNC 2020 Speaker Line-Up: Quirky or Nice?

Sunday August 23, 2020: This is the fairest way I could think of to title this post and describe the upcoming week's line-up of speakers at the RNC 2020: quirky or nice? Naturally the answer depends on which side of the political spectrum you crouch upon and how strong your interest in what Don Jr, Melania, both Pences (adding their two cents' worth?), Ivanka, and Donald Donald Donald have to say. For even more quirkiness and perhaps a chuckle or a yawn, there may be some odd ducks quacking by such as Kid Rock, the My Pillow Guy, oddball Ted Nugent, plus the 'demon sperm doctor' lady personage. Actually, major popcorn popping may be the activity of the week.

Then on Thursday August 27th, Trump plans to accept his party's nomination, politically a foregone conclusion if there ever was a foregone conclusion especially for those who've heard of what is said to be his nibs' fervent longing for a 'coronation' in January. Expansive, big-headed Jupiterian Trump's royal Regulus rising (with sun god Apollo no less!) tends to give him monarchical ideas for himself but with the caution of Regulus still haunting his vengeful, grudge-holding, petty life, he may not receive the crown he covets with all that revenge and retaliation in his cold heart. Crazy isn't it? To have steaming hot Mars rising in fiery, royal Leo along with royal Regulus conjunct Ascendant and yet your Leonine heart is as cold as ice.

So with the 2020 Presidential Election approaching, let's consider the fact that how successfully a person holds and handles a position of authority has much to do with the condition of her or his natal Saturn. And for additional information on such matters we often turn to Saturn Return horoscopes which are sometimes 'three-fers' due to Saturn's retrograde periods when the cosmic lesson bringer may hit natal degree three times. Here's Trump's current Saturn Return #3 of 3 in case you haven't viewed the chart and the crisis pattern therein with apex Pluto @23Sagittarius, the position of the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series. And with both Saturn and Pluto as planets of karma the 4 South eclipse could be a 'wild card' signal from the Universe that for Donald Trump, his comrades, and yes, for America, it's finally time for Fate to Step In.


Above image: a NASA portrait of Jupiter; I figured you'd rather see the Jolly One than yet another photo of a scowling Trump. Did I guess correctly?

May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020: Horoscopes of World Wars I and II

May 25, 2020 Memorial Day: With the destructive spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom once again sweeping across the lands of every nation, here is a dual image of the Horoscopes of World War I and World War II with my notes penned on. Data sources are from historical records, chart #426 (WWI, lower left) and #247 (WWII, upper right) from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

As you see, today - and of late - transit Pluto Rx @24Cap47 conjuncts warrior Mars (24:22) in the WWII horoscope while 1939 Mars, determined on success at all costs and efficient in Capricorn, leads a ruthless Locomotive shape, and yet Jupiter the General is retrograde ('Rx') as each war begins, traditionally an unfavorable condition or omen for 'he who starts a battle'.

And if we consider Trump as "general" of the current war against contagion (since he boasts himself to be a "war president"), Jupiter the General Rx makes some measure of sense in 2020 thanks to his neglectful mismanagement of what is yet another sacrificial war.

Additionally, today's Pluto conjunct WWII Mars suggests determination toward one's task yet Pluto-to-Mars denotes danger if revenge and/or anger are driving forces as they so often are for Donald Trump. Activities may involve potentials for secrecy, physical analysis, research and development. And karma.

So this Memorial Day 2020, amidst the still-raging pandemic and its threats of danger, many beaches in the US are crowded with sun worshipers as reported by CNN. It seems that the solemnity of the day is nowhere in sight.

Mar 23, 2020

Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn on Election Day 2020

Jupiter-Saturn Joined by Saboteur Pluto: Karma 2020 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

March 23, 2020: If you have yet to view the horoscope of Election Day 2020, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of November 3, 2020 showing 12:00 am to 11:59 pm set for Washington DC. There you'll see a Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn forming a revealing midpoint picture on that significant day of a super-significant presidential election. Not that down-ballot elections aren't important--they are, of course, especially since the Democratic Party needs to take the Senate and keep the House. Otherwise it's more years of regressive reactionary politics and policies led by Republicans and their crabby anti-constitutional backers - and no picnic even if Democrats prevail. Keeping our democratic Republic is the objective - or it should be.

However, if Republicans follow their usual formula now that wastrel Trump and his fellow culprits have demolished the National Treasury with their tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate welfare hand-outs, and other financial schemes and thefts, the reins of power will be handed to Democrats to 'fix' the economy. That's if it can be fixed after Covid-19 has its way with us. But as you know, faith is necessary in order to believe that there will be a US economy! For isn't it 'faith' that keeps fiat currency afloat to the extent that it has?

Well, be that as it may or may not be, this post is about societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) which, as a team, represent in Politics such things as 'checks and balances' - the form of government the Founders created back in 1776, and the form of government zealous saboteurs have shoved Washington away from - with circumstances made worse under the faithless Trump, McConnell, and friends. Will their Executive Branch power grab be permanent?

Jupiter-Saturn: More Changes Coming

Now as you know, year 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction (or Great Mutation, if you prefer) of Jupiter and Saturn, a 20-year cosmic event of major importance marking the time when a new cycle begins in society. Formerly conjoined in practical Earth signs, the upcoming conjunction occurs in the Air sign of water-bearer Aquarius with its Saturn-Uranus vibes of old order vs new order. If this marks the fabled "Age of Aquarius" it leaves much to be desired.

Now hopefully the following information will not be too confusing to read for instead of typing it all again, here's a slightly-edited-for-clarity reprint of my previous Jupiter-Saturn post followed by potentials of the Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto midpoint, plus, a few fussy remarks by yours truly:

Note that the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction perfects on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun and a few minutes after Winter Solstice) at 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = "checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems."

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: "government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration."

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: "Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has 'made it happen'; strategy."

And here are the potentials of the Winter Solstice 2020 midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun:

"Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others" (Munkasey); "inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience" (Ebertin); "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (Tyl).

(As for "positively" influencing social change, I'd prefer the laid-back Joe Biden, thanks, especially since it's difficult to imagine how "King of Debt" narcissist Trump, 'the divider', could have any positive influence upon society at all. For it seems to me he's proven his negative intentions with his natal Mars opposing US natal Moon (We The People) although you're welcome to disagree. Yes, I complained about this touchy Moon-Mars opposition before Election 2016 but Trump voters were totally entranced by the snake and his lies to take heed.)

Yet we know that any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2021 and beyond, and any of the midpoints may be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses. This can make positive changes to previous changes a possibility!

Yes, the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it even more influential and doubles its global significance. Especially since the two planets are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses. Personally, I thank the Great Mathematician for this!

Yet we might also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus duo rises and conjoins the Ascendant in the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Horoscope which suggests potentials for more changes and for 'upsetting events, arrests, or injuries' (Ebertin); and/or 'deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others' (Munkasey). Well, arresting culpable corporate culprits would be an improvement for a change, wouldn't it?

As for their last conjunction--the current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020--that would be the Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium, at '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction perfected upon the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre--and for power over the world, corrupt and authoritarian though it may be. Jupiter-Saturn = natal MC: "changes, losses, fluctuating success" (Ebertin).

So the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since the two planets are indispensable as the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

Yet we must also note that the explosive, violent, gun-totin' Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for "upsetting events, arrests, or injuries" (Ebertin); and/or "deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others" (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is their conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who, imho, seems to continually betray his country for filthy lucre. To me the New Millennium has so far seemed a crooks-run-wild affair although you're welcome to disagree.

Karma Knocks at Society's Door

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: "intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes" (Munkasey); "violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation" (Tyl). (Note that "violent changes" may refer to earth changes such as natural disasters with disruptive Uranus in Earthy Taurus, a money sign, so there are economic implications as well.)

And here are the midpoint's potentials provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets: "Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to plans previously made; extreme lifestyle changes; transforming personal ideas about the future into today's reality."

Of course, the trio of planets in Capricorn play musical chairs off and on as the months go by creating different midpoint pictures as they change positions, yet considering that we're already experiencing such extreme changes now, it's safe to say that restrictive societal reforms will continue in one form or another into 2021 no matter who 'wins' in November 2020 or whether election results can be trusted--or, whether Election 2020 collapses or actually occurs or not.

And through all this, what I'm trying to say is that apparently, major changes and reforms to governmental, social, economic, and religious orders, as timed primarily by Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020 is an 'idea' (Aquarius) whose time has come, digitally and otherwise. And although we're feeling strong hints of them now, how harsh the upcoming changes, reforms, and restrictions will be remains to be seen.

: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 (DC Horoscope shown) which manifests @23Sagittarius conjunct Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, his bottomless pit of reigning emotional need for Jupiterian expansion and freedom.

Mar 10, 2020

Is America on Edge of Recession? (w/ Richard Wolff)

March 10, 2020: here's an insightful discussion of the US economy and its current challenges between economics Professor Richard Wolff and the always informative Thom Hartmann:

Neptune in Astrology: Contagion, Erosion, Corruption, Deception, and Secrets

Now I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give urge-to-merge Neptune floating through contagious Pisces some very loud boos. Besides, you know that Pisces is also the sign of fragile health and of course seniors and folks with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of succumbing to Covid-19. Our financial prospects are being undermined now as well and recessive conditions are a mark of Neptunian activities. Other planets are doing damage, too, but it's Neptune in Pisces I'm fussin' about at the moment.

So when can we look forward to transit Neptune leaving its own sign of watery Pisces and entering fiery Aries? Not until the very end of March 2025 for about 6 months or so. Then the Gaseous Giant meanders back into Pisces the third week of October 2025 and makes her final crossing of the Aries Point during the last week of January 2026 where she'll laze about in Aries, to-ing and fro-ing, until 2039.

Besides contagion, infection, fear, and paranoia, Neptune in Pisces has brought to the Collective surface interests in mysticism, psychism, ghosts, seances, UFOs, divine inspirations, perceptions from higher realms, Astrology, cravings of all sorts (particularly for drugs), loss, vagueness, ocean changes, floods and mega-storms, bubbles (including economic ones), deceptions, delusions, illusions, disappointments, pathological tendencies, hypersensitivity, and/or pessimism--to name a few.

Considering Neptune's 164-year cycle, it feels as if long-term karma has left its calling card for humanity.

However, with Neptune in Aries we may expect a continuation of hypersensitivity, and for some, a love of humanity will blossom. There may be longings for far distances, remote viewing could become more of 'a thing', expressions of rich feelings could be heard more often, confusion may reign off and on, insane ideas will astound, while some folks are prone to feeling a sense of aimlessness or nervousness. Yet from some gifted people will come dreams and plans that benefit the social welfare and make a real difference in society!

Mar 7, 2020

Federal Judge calls out Bill Barr on cover-up of Trump

March 7, 2020:

Now that 'AG' Bill Barr's "one-sided narrative" of the Mueller Report has been called out by a federal Judge Reggie Walton for Barr's "misrepresentations" of the report meant to hide the guilt of Donald Trump, it appears that current transits of the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse (@24Cap04) continues to be triggered by transit Pluto (today @24Cap24) so we know that karma is in the houses of Barr and Trump. And of course, the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 perfected very near the July 2019 Lunar Eclipse degree. Transit Saturn, planet of realism and accountability, reached 24Capricorn in late January 2020 while transit Pluto has been on degree since late February 2020.

Meanwhile, much of the underhandedness of Bill Barr, fake AG, is now revealed via Buzzfeed's Jason Leopold and his article published March 5, 2020 followed by an update the evening of March 6, in case you missed it.

Mr. Leopold's FOIA request is leading to the redacted information in the Mueller Report being cited and soon reviewed (Mercury now retrograde!) - if the DOJ complies - by Judge Walton but credit is also due to powerful Pluto in governmental Capricorn for acting as catalyst (revealing lies and abuse of power) along with the ability of all eclipses, including Lunar ones, to uncover secrets (the redacted portions of the Mueller Report and its true conclusions against Trump) and for bringing to light what could not have remained hidden forever.

But here it is and now Judge Walton has ordered the DOJ (Barr) to produce the reasons for the redactions in the Mueller Report so we'll see how that proceeds. It won't be enough to dissuade Trump voters from his corrupt side because pathetically, it seems that no crime by Trump ever will.

Feb 6, 2020

Will Trump's next acts of revenge seal his destiny?

February 6, 2020: Only a question or two for today's post: Will Trump's next acts of revenge bring his downfall? As you've heard, he's said to be plotting against those who dared impeach him and attempted to remove him from the Oval Office and his vengeful character is well known. Besides, establishing a dictatorship requires abject loyalty and submission on the part of your subjects. Not your loyalty or submission, only theirs.

Born an eclipse child (meaning a person with an eventful life), Donald Trump has many irons in many fires but even he is subject to the natural law of karma. It just may take longer for his karma to become evident in a public way. Of course, impeachment is part of that process yet he's still standing, at least for now. Yet the old adage that 'the bigger they are the harder they fall' may soon apply. Please note that I personally take no glee from this because as Trump goes so goes America--and I suspect that even a fake POTUS qualifies.

Never a pristine snowflake and possessing a destructive temperament, Mr. Mars Rising is reportedly Compiling a Nixonian 'Enemies List' as He Seeks Revenge for Impeachment with John Bolton said to be Trump's top target. Are Rep. Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi his numbers two and three? Where on the list is Mitt Romney, the Republican who upheld his conscience and voted against him?

Meanwhile, for now it's true that Trump enjoys major success and benefits in large part due to royal star Regulus rising with his contentious Mars (a malevolent pairing for Regulus), yet the star's caution is very clear--and resonates with karma's decree that he will reap what he sows.

And so my primary question continues unanswered, at least for the moment:

Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

Nov 20, 2019

Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America

American People Still Bamboozled by Reagan Economics

by Jude Cowell

Many moons ago I posted the horoscope of 1981's Reaganomics Eclipse on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold (its title a reference to my natal 12th house Saturn, guardian of the threshold). I don't go there often now but you may for there are quite a few post links in the blog's sidebar, posts which may relate to current events.

And since the eclipse may be used to time fundamental changes to America dating from 1981 and the presidency of Ronald Reagan, I'm publishing the eclipse horoscope (of July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 in the 1 North Saros Series which repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017--conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant and royal Regulus) here on SO'W for future reference if needed. And as you know, another Great American Eclipse (8 North series; 'vivid visions or dreams, flashes of genius, new-found inspiration'--Brady) will perfect on April 8, 2024 @19Aries and will 'split' our nation diagonally (Southeast to Northwest) while the 2017 eclipse split American horizontally (North-South).

So if you will, please enlarge the image to read chart notes concerning the change-of-direction 'wild card' eclipse of 1981 which conjoined the natal North Node of our nation:

Yes, the Decade of Greed of the 1980s really "hit the jackpot" during the presidential terms of Ronald Reagan whose administration early on made deeper cuts to the Federal School Lunch and Child Nutrition Programs (25%) than the original Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980 signed by President Carter had done (8%), and thereby allowed schools to count condiments such as ketchup and pickle relish as vegetables. This created controversy of course and was a sign of disrespect toward American children by politicians of the GOP persuasion in particular. Later, the Congress of 2011 followed the GOP vs Children blueprint by allowing meagerly topped pizza to be counted as a vegetable. What do Republicans have against children, I wonder? Pardon me for typing this but can skin color have anything to do with the GOP's neglect of the youngest among us? Or is it simply a matter of selfishness and soul-destroying greed? And of course with Trump, this child neglect (and I would add, abuse) shown by the GOP of the 1980s has 'blossomed' into putting children in cages, separating them from their families, then losing a great number of them--or, have they marked 'em up and sold them on?

Well it seems to me that one perfect yet simple example in stark relief of the redirecting of America from a (reasonably) caring society into a Circus of Greed and Abuse as run by the still-greedy GOP has to be the Carter Inauguration of 1977 when Mr. Carter became the first US president to walk from the Capitol Building to the White House in the post-ceremony parade. In contrast, both Reagan and Trump motored regally from Capitol Building to White House in high style, ensconced in fancy limousines, their ritzy selves hidden from potential rotten-tomato-throwers.

And one of the many tragedies to spring from the Trump era is that his supporters (fans and cult members, alike) vote for a heartless, lewd man who only pretends to care about them and their circumstances when really he'd just as soon forget they exist if he didn't need them to spin his illusion of power and as props for bolstering his ego during his never-ending campaign rallies.

Now here's a related post from 2016 concerning the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 and includes a Thom Hartmann segment on the neo-liberalism that rots away at the heart of American society, Neo-Liberalism an Economic and Political Cancer!.

Do you know that the natal Jupiter of Ronald Reagan, though he's passed into the Great Beyond, returned to natal degree (13Sco44) three times recently: December 14, 2017 (the year of the Trump 'election'), June 24, 2018, and July 26, 2018. A Scorpio Jupiter tends toward materialism, a ruthless striving for possessions and pleasures, and a habit of overrating oneself. And in Reagan's 1981 Inauguration horoscope, transit Chiron @13Taurus conjoined the chart's Ascendant (Oath of Office) suggesting a wounding or a blind spot, with Reagan's natal Jupiter opposite and conjunct the chart Descendant. Turning to master astrologer Richard Nolle we find that a Jupiter-Chiron opposition implies, "one whose Quest aims at a radical redirection of the socio-cultural environment - anarchy and occultism play a central role in one's transformative vision." So apparently transit Chiron opposing his natal Jupiter (across the financial 2/8 axis) was inspiring to The Gipper who was nearly assassinated on March 30, 1981. His condition much more serious than the public was told, Mr. Reagan recuperated quickly for 70-year-old and returned to the White House on April 11, 1981 to continue overseeing our 'Decade of Greed'.

Oct 14, 2019

Will Trump Retaliation Against Diplomats Ruffle Regulus?

Well, here's a stinky kettle of fish: White House will retaliate against diplomats who don't cover for Trump during testimony. Naturally, reading this reminded me of Trump's Mars rising in dramatic Leo with royal Regulus and the star's well known Caution: 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'.

And so, one more time (yes, I'm fatigued by the whole thing, too) I ask Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?. His longed-for fall from grace is not being appreciated by his nibs at all and we've seen how retaliation is an obsession of Trump's with his natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, @22Sag24 Rx conjunct his South-Node-Moon conjunction (20--22Sag; 4th house) with both Luna and the Saturnian Node relating to unconscious drives and inherited tendencies. Apparently, his deep need for revenge and retaliation is a natural 'talent' so hopefully said diplomats will be able to withstand the onslaught of hatred from this vicious, cornered man who has everything to lose.

Oct 12, 2019

2020 Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope

October 12, 2019: As a sort of follow-up to my October 10th post Are We Waiting for the Empire to End or Witnessing It? here is the Horoscope of the Roman Empire as provided by Nicholas Campion in his classic The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #255; basic chart-notes are scribbled about, as you see, so please enlarge if you wish to read them:

The Roman Empire--"the Birthday of the New Order"--Campion p. 249

ASC 4Tau34 so 10th house Venus is chart-ruler in materialistic Taurus but with no applying aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position; the Venus-Pluto midpoint rises = 'wielding great influence over others' (Ebertin), and as you know, 'goddess' Venus is an archetype of Mary and of other older goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, even Ceres (the mother) which figures prominently in various symbols across Washington DC (Masonic emblems such as wheat shafts, etc, with Virgo the Virgin an obvious identifier). Plus, America's 'Columbia' falls within this panoply. Yet we mustn't forget the ancient Roman Cult of Mithras, the gold-loving 'god' worshiped by Roman soldiers--especially since gilt-edged Trump must admire him, too.

Now the Roman Empire became 'a thing' during a certain Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE'), of course, and in 8th house you see highlighted in red its PE @20Sag08 which perfected on December 13, 028 BC (conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction of awkwardness and emotional deprivation). Unfortunately, my software doesn't go back that far for eclipses so I have no themes to provide here. Yet a few clues may be ascertained by the fact that the eclipse manifested in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (opposite the empire's natal Jupiter Rx @20Gem58). Jupiter the General leads a Locomotive shape of the planets and is ruthlessly determined on success. Note that ideal-oriented Jupiter, planet of expansion, adventure, and the crossing of boundaries, rules both 8th and 9th houses--spheres of the occult, death, and of foreign lands and philosophy.

So when a PE is in Sagittarius, negative tendencies can naturally interfere with karmic progress so I shall list the potentials here for your consideration: religious convictions which may or may not be spiritually correct, misguided beliefs, misplaced idealism, and/or false optimism. The development of a spiritual philosophy is a best-results requirement of a Sag Prenatal Eclipse with Jupiter ruling codified religion. Here, Jupiter is retrograde which may suggest the blending of church and state with the state having the stronger role initially and the church as hidden manipulator. Please note that I wasn't there at the time so this is only speculation on my part.

On January 12, 2020 Saturn and Pluto Confer as Karma Occurs!

Now one reason I've taken a closer look at the Horoscope of the Roman Empire and am publishing the chart here for future reference, if needed, is to locate the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. As you see, Saturn-Pluto @22Cap46 will conjunct the empire's Sun @21Cap33 at Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Aspiration Point (aka, The Why? Point), toil, sparing no pains in one's work--Ebertin--and will oppose the empire's natal Saturn Rx (16Can56 ) and Pluto (26Can51)--their midpoint @21Can53. Additionally, natal Mercury @26Cap19 is roped in to these difficult, karmic energies as well along with its natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of secret projects, hidden motives, clandestine manipulation, dangerous activities, spies, and a tiresome tendency to interrogate others. This qualifies as transit Saturn and transit Pluto opposing natal Saturn and natal Pluto (abuse of power and authority issues challenged; battles for control engaged).

To say the least, it will be riveting to see what developments take place on an empire-collapsing and/or world government level as 2019 ends and 2020 continues heating up as the American Empire is shaken to its core by a gang of saboteurs and infiltrators with fascist tendencies resulting in a further disintegration of democracy and ultimate collapse of the US government if the hollowing out of our traditional institutions is allowed to continue.

And yet as world history shows, old orders must always give way to the new. But what species of 'new' will be implemented should be the choice of humanity, and not of those who are determined on the destruction of civilization!

A recommended video (8m35s) narrated from A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn which opens with the timely question, "Empire or Humanity?

Oct 2, 2019

Trump 2019 Mars Return and a Whistleblower Complaint!

Image: Mars from Hubble; NASA

The contentious, combative, hot-headed Mars rising of Donald Trump began a new 2-year cycle of activity for him recently when transit Mars returned to natal position (26Leo46) in Trump's birth horoscope (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY) on August 12, 2019. Curiously, August 12, 2019 is the very day the whistle blower complaint was submitted through the proper legal channels and an official impeachment inquiry was subsequently activated in the House of Representatives. As you know, Martian Trump, a master of resentment and revenge, depends on having enemies. And in similar fashion to America's habit, Big T will make them when and if there are none. And as we've seen, a cornered Trump is a dangerous Trump.

Plus, it's been reported that in March of this year, Trump proposed the craven idea of shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down when crossing the border, a tragically fitting expression of his Mars rising in its malevolent role with Mars the ruler of guns, snipers, knives and other weapons. This must be one of those 'be careful what you wish for' for other people because in one form or another, the natural law of karma (reaping what's been sown) will eventually boomerang it back on you.

So if you're curious, here's a previous post concerning the 2019 Mars Return of Donald Trump. And, rounding up his Mars degree to "27 Leo" here is a bit of Sabian Symbol info from Dane Rudhyar:

"The Luminescence of Dawn in the Eastern Sky"; Keynote: The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle. {} Keyword: ILLUMINATION."

Aug 16, 2019

Jan 2020: An Eclipse, Cosmic Karma, and Two Stars

August 16, 2019: By now most everyone is tuned in to and/or concerned over the heavy-weight conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto which perfects on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and signals the opening of their new 33-35-year cycle.

Two days prior to their exact conjunction on January 10th a Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the critical degree of 20Cancer00 so the two cosmic events together, we might say, 'light up' the Zodiac in the 20-to-23-degree range of Moon-ruled Cancer (tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, the family, home, nurturance, childhood) and of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and finance, and imprints certain cosmic frequencies upon the entire year and beyond. In the 2019-to-2020 spotlight is the Cancer-Capricorn security axis and its many concerns.

Naturally, the opposing degrees, aka, Illumination Points (20-to-23 Cancer), are also significant along with their Sabian Symbols and any fixed stars and other celestial features within their sway. A review of the symbols for 20-21-22-23 degrees of Cancer is worth checking into if you're curious for more information and wish to gain a fuller picture of what's in store, a la 2020. (Note that there are no Capricorn stars in those degrees that I know of--do you? But deVore gives '21Cap' as a scholarly degree and '23Cap' as a degree of governmental authority and music.)

So for today's post, let's consider the stars among these degrees in Cancer--the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux. Possible expressions of Castor are sudden fame or loss; mental illness; crippling of limbs; murder yet Castor may also signify the intellectual writer. Also, '20 Cancer' is a degree of limitation and hindrance (deVore). For Pollux, potentials are: danger of disgrace; cruelty; rape; murder; danger from women, poisons, or large animals (or loss of protection for endangered species?). Yet Pollux has what can be a more positive side--its influences are good for astrology and for other occult interests which hopefully are non-satanic; Pollux may also signify the emotional writer so both stars are creative in their own ways--one light, the other dark, which suggests a good vs evil motif.

Of course, we as a society have many rows to hoe and mountains to climb before reaching January 2020 and it's impossible to list it all here so below is a List of August 30th through December 26, 2019 Lunations for your consideration and with a few notes added:

New Moon August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 conjunct Zosma, a victim-savior star;

Full Moon September 14, 2019 @21Pis05;

New Moon September 28, 2019 @5Lib20 (conjunct Trump's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of Money and Values and activating his inflationary trio of speculation and fraud, Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter);

Full Moon October 13, 2019 @20Ari14 (conjunct US natal Chiron);

New Moon October 28, 2019 @4Sco25; (a 3-day 'dark of the Moon' phase just prior to Halloween 2019--stay safe!);

Full Moon November 12, 2019 @19Tau52;

New Moon November 26, 2019 @4Sag03;

Full Moon December 12, 2019 @19Gem52 (between Trump's 10th house guiding planet, erratic chaos-creator Uranus and his natal North Node which conjoins his natal Gemini Sun)--what will be seen reflected by the bright rays of the December Full Moon?--and then comes a revealing, disruptive, 'wild card' solar eclipse...

Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (opposing US natal Jupiter and Venus).

And so we enter Year 2020 under the auspices of the December 26, 2019 annular Solar Eclipse in early Saturn-ruled Capricorn which manifests within the difficult 3 South Saros Series of 'sudden endings in relationships' and 'traumatic transformation' via Pluto involvement in its original (initial) 3 South eclipse (August 13, 1208 @27Leo10). And speaking of karma (reaping what's been sown), besides Trump's natal Mars rising at his Ascendant conjunct the initial 3 South eclipse, eclipse Pluto @10Leo15 in 1208 was conjoined on June 14, 1946 by the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald 'Spanky' Trump, our saboteur-in-chief whose economic schemes (exs: tariffs, trade wars, neglect of climate change considerations for farming and other industries, deportation of agricultural and other much-needed workers, fantasy-based diplomacy, the massive GOP tax cut for the wealthy) bode ill for both domestic and global finances and for food supplies especially under the heavy, constraining influences of the karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

Yes, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction was in Airy Libra last time (November 1982; theories and plans) and this time is in Earthy Capricorn (reality and pragmatism) but we may be thankful that this time it only perfects once so its strength should lessen somewhat as 2020 proceeds and as it awaits activation by various transits and progressions through its 33-35 years' duration.

Yet in August 2019 we already feel the duo's harshness so we know that we have much to deal with initially including the fact that January 12's Saturn-Pluto rendezvous conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and changing work conditions. Now I too wish karma would meet and beckon to his nibs at the jail house door but let's not crow just yet for unfortunately, as goes POTUS, so goes America--and Trump the Cheat may pull through yet.

Plus, layered atop eclipses and other lunations perking in the background is the distressing 2020 Campaign season and the rigged and vulnerable November Election which compels me to wonder: we already know that he does--but does anyone else who's willing to step into America's POTUS shoes post-Trump need a serious psychological evaluation? Or do they assume that anyone but Trump simply has to be an improvement for America?

For more information on the topics in this post you may wish to see Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore.

Jul 12, 2019

Don Jr and Jared battle to head the 2020 Campaign

Born on January 10, 1981 in Livingston, New Jersey, a previous post In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner uncovers a few things about the son-in-law of Donald Trump including Jared's prominent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Venus-ruled Libra.

A view of the natal horoscope of Donald Trump Jr is available with a Rodden Rating of A at (born December 31, 1977 5:20 pm est Manhattan, NY with Sun 10Cap09, Moon 21Vir22, Ascendant 19Can09; Jupiter 29Gem52 Rx sextile Saturn 00Vir09 Rx). As you see, Don Jr's Saturn conjuncts his Papa's natal Ascendant (29Leo) where royal star Regulus blinks and cautions: success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. So father and son Trump share, if not heed, the karmic caution of Regulus.

Now perhaps you've heard the news that Don Jr and Jared "really dislike one another" and that both want to head Donald Trump's 2020 Campaign for re-selection. Vanity Fair's PolitiZoom of July 6, 2019 characterizes their disagreements as an "escalating cold war" and opines over its effects on the 2020 Campaign. (Funny, I just noticed that "Vanity Fair" can be described by Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra and its typical cry of, "it's not fair!" with Venus the planet of vanity. Funny because Jupiter in Libra is shared by Trump Sr and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, husband of Trump's favored child, Ivanka; and of course, Venus is a money planet, too.)

For the sake of comparison, and since I know of no accurate birth time for Jared Kushner (purposefully hidden, one imagines), below is a natal horoscope bi-wheel for Donald John Trump Jr (center, timed) and the untimed Jared Kushner:

Of interest to our topic is their Mars-Mars opposition across the Leo-AQ self-will axis (diametrically opposing motivations and actions), plus, the Mars-NN-Pluto trio that forms when Trump Sr is in the mix. This forceful planetary trio of power and manipulation conjoins the 2nd cu$p of Don Jr's chart and reveals power and control issues with a karmic flavor. Apparently the two fellows were destined (NN) to disagree (Mars). The presence of Trump Sr's shady Pluto (@10Leo02 in his natal 12th house of Politics and Karma) adds intensity to the issues and may indicate that Donald Sr will impose himself upon their quarrels and make a different choice altogether. After all, a wise King Solomon Big T ain't, and he doesn't seem to think very highly of either man (Kushner a "girl" and Don Jr "dumb"?).

Adding to their power-grabbing is the glop of Don Jr's powerful Pluto-NN conjunction (in his natal 4th house) conjoined to Kushner's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. 'Powerful contacts' yes, even 'tragic destiny' perhaps, yet financial considerations are involved as well thanks to Jared's Jupiter @10Lib04 conjunct Don Jr's North Node, a karmic link (NN) in the financial, banking, and campaign donations departments (Jupiter) with suggestions of Politics and legal matters. And of course, if money worshipper Trump Sr isn't a Jupiterian figure, who is? (His nibs is also a Mercurial Uranian figure but his boundary-breaking Jupiter was stationing at his birth, turning Direct--and over-promising Jupiter loves to broadcast his 'ideals' especially in campaign mode.)

Now on another level, it seems that Don Jr and Jared Kushner were born with natal Moons in opposing signs across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis so emotionally, they have different 'reigning needs'. With Don Jr's Virgo Moon, practical considerations are uppermost with head ruling heart and a fussy love of tidiness; Jared's Pisces Moon can be optimistic but is subject to mood changes and susceptible to external influences, tending to 'soak up' the emotions of those around him. Being in the same room or standing near the volatile Mr. Trump must be difficult for Jared but of course his Capricorn Sun adores the authority to control and manage.

Well, there's my small sketch of two fellows prominent in the life and times of Donald Trump, a man who intends to cheat his way again into the Oval Office as one of those 'success-at-any-cost types of culprits. Conservative rolls are decreasing these days due to age-related attrition so can you imagine the fate of either Don Jr or Jared heading the 2020 Campaign if their candidate should lose? I wouldn't want to be in their light-weight loafers, would you?!

Related Posts include but are not limited to: June 18, 2019: Trump Opens Campaign 2020 in Orlando; Dual Natal Charts of Ivanka and Jared; and, The Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump in the 3 South Saros Series which repeats on December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn and may return its difficult themes into his life circa 2019--2020 for the cosmic opportunity of making karmic progress this time around.

Jul 6, 2019

Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2019: Illumination!

Since opposing degrees across a zodiacal polarity represent Illumination Points, the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Capricorn04 suggests that there is much to be revealed. Besides the habit of eclipses, the 'wild cards' and 'cosmic blinks' of the Universe, to uncover and illuminate secrets and other hidden things, perhaps a peek at the degrees' symbols activated by the July 16 Lunar Eclipse can be instructive especially considering the eventful and scandalous times we live in. After all, a lunar eclipse is a Full Moon and as such, provides the most light possible for revelations and full awareness, no matter how inconvenient for the parties, relationships, and/or activities thus illuminated!

That Robert Mueller is scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill on July 17 concerning his Mueller Report--with his natal asteroids Circe and Nemesis 'lit up'! and royal Regulus rising as in Donald Trump's natal chart--resonates well with the July 16 Lunar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Perhaps some brazen Trumpian wings will be clipped if not singed by Mr. Mueller's testimony and its results!

Note that the rounding-up method is employed below, plus, the karmic confrontation degrees and their symbols are included (the prior degrees). Keywords and positive/negative expressions are quoted from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones:

Cosmic Lunar Revelations July 16, 2019: As Above, So Below

Lunar Eclipse "25 Capricorn": An Oriental Rug Dealer"..."keyword: CONSIGNMENT...positive expression: an effective employment of the facilities and goods of a modern society; negative" (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "concern over trivialities."

Illumination Point "25 Cancer" (the Sun's degree): "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"..."keyword: DESTINY...positive: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; negative: a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania."

Karmic Confrontation Degrees, Their Illumination Points, and Symbols

Lunar Eclipse "24 Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent"..."keyword: CONSECRATION...positive: the irresistible power of a true inner vision; negative: abject surrender to weakness."

Karmic Illumination Point "24 Cancer": "A Woman and Two Men on a Bit of Sunlit Land Facing South"..."keyword: INCEPTION...keyword: an unusual gift for organizing and exploiting the self's potentials; negative: a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality."

Now I know that readers of Stars Over Washington who follow the Machiavellian political drama that is Washington DC Politics can locate players such as Trump and his fellow 'Republicans', a few thespian Democrats, plus, Trump's current Nemesis du jour Robert Mueller peeking out from within or between these cosmic symbols as they bask or squirm under the illumination that's certain to follow!

Related: DC Horoscopes: July 2019 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

Jun 26, 2019

July 17, 2019 Mr. Mueller to Testify as Regulus Rises

On July 17, 2019 at 9:00 am edt, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is to testify before two congressional committees in back-to-back open session detailing his Muller Report findings, followed by closed session questions and answers. As you see, this will be a mere day after the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04--an illuminating eclipse that reflects Mr. Mueller's natal Circe Rx (@24Cap29: where we rescue or seek rescue) while eclipse Pluto Rx @21Cap50 conjoins Mueller's natal Nemesis Rx (@21Cap45: divine retribution; the unbeatable foe). Plus, the 9:00 am chart angles and cusps conjoin the natal Angles and cusps of Trump's natal chart including enraged star Algol at Midheaven.

No, the subpoena Mr. Mueller insisted upon receiving (or he wouldn't testify) is not considered a "friendly" one according to news reports but it will be answered by the law-abiding Mr. Mueller and his legal-eagle team on July 17th, obstructions by Trump and Barr notwithstanding. Since Mr Mueller no longer works for or at the DOJ, I hope his testimony goes forward without a Trumpian hitch.

Now there is much to say about all the pertinent horoscopes involved but in the flush of this exciting morning, I haven't the time to type much of it. However, at precisely 9:00 am on July 17, 2019, Capitol Hill, royal star Regulus rises just as it does in the natal chart of Donald J. Trump although for Trump in 1946, Regulus was still @29Leo. But now the star of 'success if revenge is avoided' fame is @00Virgo, the more practical Mercury-ruled, detail-oriented sign of discrimination and purification (when expressing at its best, plus, The Critic--the one Trump is very scared of). Perhaps here I may be pardoned for remembering a previous SO'W post wondering Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for if revenge is not avoided (and who will disagree that 'revenge' is big T's middle name especially with his Mars in brash Leo rising?) all that has been gained will be taken away.

In addition, there's the harsh January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 conjunct Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'; @22Cap51), a point of fated encounters, changing work conditions, and possible endings, a karmic event for him (and thus for America) if ever there was one. Simultaneously, transit Saturn (strong in Capricorn sign of government, law, and business) opposes Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer while transit Pluto aligns to do so as well. So as we know, abuse and misuse of power issues are involved in this period for Trump and his authority is challenged on a vast and permanent scale.

As for testifying Mercury the Messenger, planet of reports, reporting, reviews, and "do-overs" the little guy is retrograde which may signify the two (actually four) sessions on July 17th (a 'speaking again' for Mr. Mueller) and could also simply denote his repetition by voice of what is in his written report which he will "stick to"--and hopefully a clarification of what was misrepresented in the report by AG Bill Barr. Of course, Mercury Rx may also indicate that Mueller's July 17th testimonies won't be the end of the matter yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that! Did you say "media circus"? Well, a curious synchronicity is that Mercury @1Leo08 will conjunct the natal 12th cusp of Donald Trump and you know that the unconscious 12th house contains such realms as Politics, Large Institutions (exs: Congress, hospitals), Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Karma: reaping what's been sown. But I must suppose that a straight jacket is too much to wish for even if needed.

So if we may agree, dear reader, karma is a natural law which no one escapes in the end and this must also include the likes of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family of crime.

But things get more curiouser! For testifying Mercury Rx @1Leo08 will conjunct and activate the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse while opposing US POTUS Sun (00AQ+). This Lunar Eclipse was first to imprint upon year 2019 (after the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25) and you'll find some quite interesting info and astro-links in that previous post!

Also related: February 19, 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus making Regulus the star of the year!

Jun 13, 2019

Saturn-Pluto and our Social Safety Net Chickens

Year 2020: Karmic Pile-Ups and the Social Order

Listening to C-SPAN Radio this morning my ears perked up when the discussion turned to Social Security issues and mention was made of the social safety net program's crisis of 1982 and into the 1980s. Googling a bit I soon located an archived New York Times op-ed from May 20, 1982 concerning the "recurrent crisis" of funding the program, Social Security in 1982, 1984, and 2020 stating in 1982 that, "The more worrisome crisis is still decades away"..."By about 2020, {} there may be trouble."

Now politicians, economists, and others have been aware of such funding issues all along and "there may be trouble" time is upon us, folks, Baby Boom Bubble and all. And while I don't like typing it, the timing points toward the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto: on November 8, 1982 @27Libra36 and the upcoming conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Capricorn46 (both charts linked in the next paragraph). Of course, Venus-ruled Libra is an Air sign of thoughts and ideas, while Saturn-ruled Capricorn is a practical Earth sign through which ideas become reality.

Now, as January 2020 approaches, the most popular content here on Stars Over Washington of late is my recent post displaying both DC Horoscopes of the 1982 and 2020 conjunctions of these heavyweight planets: restrictive Saturn, one of the two societal planets along with expansive Jupiter, and transformative planet Pluto, the usual suspect manipulating powerfully from behind the curtain and a favorite planet of exploiting plutocrats the world over. In fact, America's Predatory Capitalism is one of the basic cash cows funding Plutocracy along with outright theft and criminality.

As for Saturn-Pluto, together their energies in the political sphere support such potentials as 'upsets in existing checks and balances', 'turmoil in any rigid or older structure', 'lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction', 'hoarding resources for potential future disasters', 'keeping affairs private or not open to scrutiny' (Trump's tryin'!), and/or 'secret preparations for future restrictions' preparations which I suspect are ongoing. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

Additional Note: the Saturn-Pluto cycle is approximately 33-38 years in length and prior to 1982, these particular karmic planets conjoined on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07. And by 'karmic' I mean the natural law of reaping what was sown, not that my granny thought she was Marie Antoinette!

Thus it appears that the troubling chickens that squawk within America's Social Security program are on the verge of coming home to roost just as expected for decades (for politicians chickened out on implementing fixes that would have eased the funding situation while purloining its trust fund monies) and the harsh conditions and constrictive energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo are regretfully implicated as cosmic descriptor and timing agent of our Social Security program's karmic troubles that lurk within.

And so it seems necessary to close this dreary post (sorry, dear reader!) the same way my favorite journalist, muckraker, and "all-around swell fellow" Brad Friedman ends each one of his podcasts...Good Luck, World.

Related Posts include: Saturn-Pluto, Economic Recessions, and Eclipses, and beginning in April 2020, plutocrats and the Federal Reserve System will enjoy three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions in the 22--25 degree range of governmental Capricorn. And of course, 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction of social order planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29 at Winter Solstice 2020--and conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS). Significant to the presidency and to Inauguration 2021? You betcha.

Above fowl: public domain image of a Chicken Silhouette.

May 31, 2019

When Jupiter Returns to his Spring EQ 2019 position

A view of the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope shows Jupiter in 4th house (IC @12Sag10 conjunct US 1776 Ascendant in late afternoon charts). As you know, astrological Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius (23:40) and can play many roles on various levels within mundane horoscopes: politician, banker, financier, donor, corporatist, lawyer, judge, entertainer, religious figure (exs: hermit, guru, priest, pastor), military general, explorer, professor, lecturer, mentor, thespian, broadcaster, and propagandist. And you, dear reader, can probably think of more. I can think of Trump as a Jupiterian figure--he broadcasts, propagandizes, plays the POTUS role on TV, and worships money and power--and his natal Jupiter in Libra (muddied by the presence of his Libran Neptune and blind spot Chiron) is known for his "that's not fair!' stance whenever negative events or rhetoric relate to or impact him. (Note that Trump is also Mercurial and Uranian--a changeable wheeler dealer and lover of chaos and disruption. See Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter.)

Then there are Jupiter's potentials when traveling through Sagittarius to keep in mind. To quote Reinhold Ebertin, this position signifies: "noble character, love of justice, striving for inner development (especially when Rx), religious and moral aspirations, far-reaching plans, interest in foreign countries, wastefulness, speculation." And Trump has a 'speculation' streak in spades with his bubbly Jupiter-Neptune pair in natal 2nd house of Money, Possessions, and Values.

So can a Jupiter Return to the Spring Equinox 2019 chart hold significance? My suspicion is that it can since any Spring EQ horoscope is 'good for' an entire year until the next Spring EQ for the Sun's ingress to 00Ari00:00, the Aries Point, outweighs the other three Cardinal Ingresses of any 12-month period.

Actually, due to his current retrograde period (Rx April 10, 2019 @24Sag21--Direct August 11, 2019 @14Sag30), Jupiter returned to his Spring EQ position of 23Sag40 on May 1, 2019; his second and final return occurs on November 2, 2019 with Jupiter in the 12th house of Politics, Self-Undoing, Karma, Hidden Enemies, Large Institutions, and/or Behind-the-Scenes activities which include making backroom deals of Jupiterian proportions (Washington DC).

So in the November 2, 2019 Return Horoscope, Jupiter rules the 12th house (cusp 22Sag46) and is unaspected; he would rule the 2nd house too except for the condition that his 'other sign' Pisces is intercepted there which suggests karma that must be dealt with including Neptune Rx in 2nd house (of the National Treasury) @16Pis05. As you know, fraud, deception, illusion, and disguises tend to follow in Neptune's wake especially when we're talking DC Politics with its tedious Political Theater implications as always. Plus, when unaspected, Jupiter cannot add his wisdom and ability for balanced, moderated judgment to the activities and concerns of the other planets and he is unmotivated to seek situations or circumstances in which he can play the moderating role yet much enthusiasm, however off-and-on, may be shown in the house where he is found. Perhaps this Jupiter so near 12th cusp will make his way soon into the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes where he can be much more sociable--plus, there will probably be a microphone and camera awaiting him for his broadcasting purposes!

Saturn in Capricorn Activates a Recent Solar Eclipse

November 2, 2019 12:44:05 pm edt: ASC 14Cap45 makes Saturn, strong in Capricorn, the chart ruler; Saturn @15Cap32 rises and activates the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse degree (15:25) so that the 116th Congress, congressional matters, and court cases are suggested by Saturn the lawmaker and 'legal eagle'. There are two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects of chart-ruler Saturn: sextile Neptune (0A32; ideas made real) and conjunct Pluto (5A18; situations too large to handle, power and control issues, lack of resources--points toward the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020). And with Saturn the traditional ruler of Aquarius, the Lesson-Bringer has something to say about finances with the 2nd cusp @26AQ26, a Zodiacal position which most astrologers use for US natal Moon (We The People).

Now in the November 2, 2019 chart, the Moon's South Node, a separative Saturnian point rather than a planet, has risen @10Cap37 with North Node @10Can37 opposite in 6th house and precisely pointing toward the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 (America's 'birthday gift eclipse' with eclipse Jupiter the engine of a Locomotive shape of planets = a high-powered executive demanding success). This eclipse has been discussed here more than once so I'll not repeat except to say again that 10Can37 falls between US Jupiter and Sun and 3 North's initial manifestation occurred October 991 @22Libra. Perhaps Trump's newly announced tariffs on Mexico (starting June 10th) will have crashed or depressed global markets by or before the July 2nd eclipse for as you know, the 'King of Debt' likes to play around with risky finances as long as he can use other people's money. Plus, 'wild card' eclipse influences on events can begin as early as two weeks prior to its date of perfection--and June 10th is quite near that range and gives time for the effects of tariffs on Mexico to be felt (yet as with China, US consumers will 'pay the price', not Mexico; who's he trying to punish?). And whether Trump's tariff plan will improve America's immigration situation (also a province of Jupiter!) remains to be seen.

But as with all his antics and ill-conceived notions, we can only hope for the best as Uranian Trump careens his chaotic way through our lives and fortunes, collateral damage be da*ned. Selfishly, he believes it tends to 'benefit' him when others have to pay. Wonder if he's ever heard of karma?!

Moon Greets Pluto: Intense Rage, Morbid Thoughts, a Hidden Child, or...?

Next let's consider another prominent cosmic condition in the Jupiter Return November 2, 2019 chart: that Moon and Pluto rise together just after karmic Saturn and are closely conjoined upon the critical degree of 20 Capricorn. In Politics and Business, the Moon-Pluto pair suggests potentials for: the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc; the public's opinions on crime, war, and/or internal secrecy; people who are doubtful about how to exert proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements (ex: impeachment); crime and violence are encouraged; obsessions which bring misuse of available resources for country and/or business purposes (paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Then there's the Sun @9Sco57 conjunct MC 8Sco01--trining Neptune (6A08) and North Node (0A20 and thus trining the July 2nd Cancer eclipse), and recently opposing Uranus Rx (4Tau23 in 3rd house). To me these aspects suggest that all is not negative in the November 2nd chart for inspiration is available, covert activities (Scorpio!) can prosper, mysteries attract attention, public contacts and publicity are favorable, and yet recent fund-raising and group endeavors did not transpire or turn out as expected. And we know that Uranus in Taurus suggests speculation and/or looking for unusual or untapped sources of finance.

In closing, let's have a brief peek at the pragmatic Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn cosmic weather of the very day that transit Jupiter returns to his position in the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope:

This particular Water-Earth blend is committed, tough, courageous, and enigmatic with a dark, brooding intensity and the purposeful demeanor of a natural leader. An exacting personal integrity may be noticed while a deep urge to play detective, then act as judge, upon the 'wrongs' of others may hold sway. This combination of energies often leads to legal and/or political work and of course, lawyers often enter politics, as we know, for material security and power-grabbing are often important goals of this blend.

Now here are three famous natives who were born under the influence of Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn so perhaps famous quotes from them will inform us concerning our topic. If any of this sounds like Trump we're on the same page--except for the 'exacting personal integrity' part although his fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square probably tells him he's simply full of integrity and he does seem to favor the purging aspect of Puritanism--as long as it's for other people:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." - George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans).

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." - General George Patton.

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." - Marcel Ophuls.

(For more Sun-Moon blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Previous yet Related: Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Apr 12, 2019

Assange Arrested w Pluto opposing natal Mercury

April 12, 2019: As you've heard, Jupiter-Neptune figure, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame, was arrested yesterday morning in London UK and was unwillingly extracted from the Ecuadorian embassy and pushed into a police van--one day after transit Jupiter turned retrograde opposite his natal Venus in Gemini! This transit indicates a period when cooperation from others is hard to attain, promises can be broken, and discouragement sets in. Other cosmic factors stand out for him now including transit Pluto @22Capricorn opposing his natal Mercury in Cancer denoting such potentials as receipt of disturbing news from the outside world (that the embassy had revoked his residency there that morning, April 10), the arrival of a major crisis causing irritability and distress, and the opinions of others being forced upon him (indictment). Note that his natal Mercury @24Cancer conjoins the natal Mercury (Rx) of the United States of America (1776).

Yet curiously, transit Mercury, planet of communications, hacking, and passwords, trines his natal Mercury indicating a time of many calls, talks, negotiations, agreements, and the need to make connections and to exchange something. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness are shown by multiple factors such as transit Mercury sesquisquare natal Moon (Luna @7Sco42 in natal 12th house of Secrets and Karma), tr Mars inconjunct natal Moon, and tr Jupiter inconjunct natal Mercury--all Mercurial and related to communications, thought processes, ideas, and plans which now for Mr. Assange have gone awry.

Transit Saturn and Uranus are stressful as well with potentials for a social status adjustment (tr Saturn inconjunct natal Midheaven @19Leo57) and sudden changes enforced along with saying good-byes (tr Uranus inconjunct natal Ascendant @1Sag59).

Looking ahead, Julian Assange's natal Sun @10Can38 will be directly 'eclipsed' on July 2, 2019 by a Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the difficult 3 North Saros Series with themes of: 'news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and can cause worry or obsession; very large plans are wanted but avoid getting carried away'. (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Perhaps you recognize 3 North as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks, the 1929 Crash, the CIA, and President Andrew Jackson. Or not. Even so, this cosmic solar condition suggests a total change of direction for Mr. Assange who must already be feeling its 'wild card' 'cosmic blink' eclipse energies--so was this challenge fated? One might guess so for he was born July 3, 1971 (3:00 pm AEST Townsville, AU) during a karma-laden Saturn-Neptune opposition.

A natal Saturn-Neptune opposition suggests one who "swims with leaden boots" in his life while trying to float along without paying his dues which are always (at some point) demanded. This opposition can also indicate one with criminal tendencies (which is not meant to cast aspersions upon his dire or trumped-up legal situation). His test now may be intended to inspire him to become more responsible concerning his interactions with society; otherwise he'll be forced to do so by legal actions against him and their limiting consequences.

A previous post showing Julian Assange's natal chart is here (plus Steve Bannon's planets - sorry!)

Above image: my drawing, Chiron Leaves His Cave. Descriptive of Assange's arrest?

Mar 21, 2019

The Initial Eclipse of July 2, 2019: 3 North

The July 2, 2019 3 North 'Wild Card' Eclipse Series Began in October 991

Here you see DC Horoscopes of both the July 2, 2019 occurrence of a 3 North solar eclipse @10Can37 and 3 North's initial eclipse which manifested on October 10, 991 @22Lib06. When seeking more information, solar eclipses may be viewed through the lens of their initial eclipse sign--here, it's Cancer as seen through a Libran lens. Obviously, one difference is that Cancer is ruled by the emotional Moon (karmic family ties), relational Libra by Venus, one of the money planets denoting small amounts of money, luxury items, value, and evaluations. Then considering all the legalities active in the Collective now thanks to the very litigious Donald Trump, the Libran Scales of Justice will also be part of the July 2, 2019 eclipse conditions - plus, 10Can37 falls between US natal Sun (13:19) and Jupiter (5:56) with America's natal Venus (3Cancer) close at hand.

In the financial realms (according to Ebertin), the Sun-Jupiter pair relates to wealthy and/or prominent people, extravagance, squandering, and spending money unnecessarily (ex: a border wall). Michael Munkasey adds: 'Thesis: a country's reputation in the eyes of the rest of the world and the personal renown and acceptance of its leaders; the country's ability to lead others' (now destroyed). And 'Antithesis: the executive of the nation battling with the legal and justice parts of the government; a religious or philosophical system which ties the effective leadership of the country to a predetermined course of action'. Would that be the anti-nation-state Great Plan the anti-democracy GOP endorses? And/or perhaps this refers to those who arrogantly think they can speed up God's plan for planet Earth? Are they the same people?!

Well, maybe the July 2, 2019 solar eclipse will simply bring another round of karma in an attempt to teach a spendthrift, wasteful US government and its corrupt 'leadership' yet another financial lesson--such as taking better care of its citizens (Cancer = the homeland; patriotism). But of course the trouble is, the karmic lesson must also include the rest of us.

View the DC Horoscopes of the July 2019 Solar and Lunar Eclipses here (3 North eclipse themes included).