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Dec 8, 2019

Dec 26, 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse repeats from 1929

3 South Eclipse of November 1929 a Cosmic Christmas Gift for 2019 into 2020?

by Jude Cowell

December 8, 2019: In the year 1930 a lot of stuff occurred in the US and across the globe including debuts of Mickey Mouse, Loony Tunes, and the Discovery of Pluto (named after Mickey's dog, Pluto--wait! it's the other way round!). Also in 1930 were two Solar Eclipses which repeat in 2020 in the 4 North and 4 South Saros Series.

However, 1930 eclipses repeating in 2020 are actually topics for another post because first we should consider the last Solar Eclipse of 1929 in the 3 South Saros Series for we're about to fall within its field of influence (up to two weeks before the eclipse date) on December 26, 2019 so once again its themes are on society's cosmic calendar, my friends, and their solar vibes stretch into 2020. Manifesting on November 1, 1929 @9Scorpio, the previous occurrence of 3 South is the Prenatal Eclipse of Pluto's discovery. And as you know, Pluto is associated with the sign of power, research, spying, and intense brooding, Scorpio, yet Pluto's discovery degree is in Moon-ruled Cancer, as noted, below.

Revealingly, Ebertin says Pluto in Cancer is 'the magician' while Pluto in Capricorn is 'the dictator' so here we are from Moon-Pluto vibes to harsh Saturn-Pluto indications which culminate on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex 22:51).

Now when it comes to late 1929 and 1930, it's only natural that astrologers and astronomers alike immediately think of Clyde Tombaugh's confirmation of the discovery of Pluto on February 18, 1930 from photographs taken in January with Pluto's Tropical position at his debut @17Can46 Rx. Note that this evening as I type, transit Saturn @18Cap48 is done opposing 1930 Pluto off and on since February and March 2018. This denotes a period when authority challenges power and it's an unfavorable time to attempt manipulation of circumstances for personal advantage. Sound familiar like a political election scheme involving Ukraine? Well, this transit has affected any or all the realms that astrological Pluto rules such as political and financial power for Pluto's discovery horoscope is its 'birth chart' and transits to, and progressions of, the chart are attached intrinsically to Pluto's meaning--at least for those who use the lens of Astrology to study societal issues and topics which must unfortunately include atomic and nuclear concerns, the criminal elements of society, plus, ultra-wealthy culprits who wield hidden control. We can also mention that Saturn @8Cap57 in the Discovery Horoscope of Pluto was activated three times recently, all in 2018: on April 2nd (with Mars conjunct Saturn), May 3rd, and December 10th, a time of accountability and reckoning.

And now that transit Pluto in Capricorn opposes its past position in Cancer, most people (if they're paying attention to current events at all) can feel the titanic power struggle ongoing above our heads--or perhaps 'below the surface' is more appropriate for subterranean saboteur Pluto's deep, transformative effects occurring at a structural and cellular level.

As for the eclipse themes we're facing now via the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap06, we'll be dealing with concerns into 2020 such as 'sudden endings of associations', 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' (Brady), plus, issues of our relationships to authority figures (a la Capricorn and Saturn in Capricorn--not good for markets) which must necessarily include government, law, investment, and business in general.

Now if you wish, check out a list of Events of 1929 in the US where the Inauguration of Herbert Hoover and the "Black Tuesday" Crash await you and be daring--for history doesn't always repeat but it does quite often rhyme.

Above image: Pluto without his cloak of invisibility

Impeachment Should Include Every Trump Crime! - Thom Hartmann

If this were the fair world Trump's *Jupiter in Libra always cries out for then the following ideas and comments by Thom Hartmann would gain instant appeal to everyone who prefers the rule of law to Trump's despotic lawlessness, ties to global criminal syndicates, neglect of his Oath of Office, and crass disregard for the principles of the US Constitution:

*Astro-Note: Those born with Jupiter in Libra, the sign symbolized by the Scales of Justice, may often be heard to cry out, "That's not fair!" Plus, Trump was born with a strong Jupiter at station which turned direct 3 hours 11 minutes after his first squall--and he's been plowing through boundaries and breaking taboos ever since. Weird that he's said his watery Saturn in Cancer wants to 'build' a (Saturnian) 'wall' of concrete (Saturn) which in effect would wall in the American people. That would be as if we're all inmates in the same asylum with him playing crazy clown director!

And if scofflaw Trump gets off without being removed from office as he apparently will via a (kangaroo) Senate impeachment trial, I have to wonder what further draconian restrictions he and his handlers have planned. We should all wonder. Meanwhile, you know that the wealthy class that is engineering America's conversion to a fascist dictatorship think that they and their families will be protected within their ivory towers once the vicious trap is sprung. But if I were them, I wouldn't be too certain about that!

Dec 5, 2019

Horoscopes: Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2019 into 2020

2019/2020 Linked by Karmic Solar and Lunar Eclipses Across the Security Axis

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps it may be useful for a reader or two to view on the same page both the Capricorn Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 (December 26) and its accompanying Cancer Lunar Eclipse which opens 2020 (January 10) so here ya go:

Enlarge the image if you will for there are some basic eclipse notes penned on the charts including a few of Trump's natal placements, and in the center of each horoscope are penned brief indications based on prominent midpoint pictures (via Munkasey and Ebertin).

Also listed are the 3 South Solar Eclipse themes and potentials for Jupiter's conjunction to South Node which can sometimes resemble a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Jupiter-SN reveals karmic conditions such as ethical clashes, conflicts of interest, and religious disagreements. Jupiter @5Cap20 conjoins the IC of the Solar Eclipse chart suggesting some measure of protection on the domestic front (and/or in farming, real estate, mining) however, Jupiter opposes US natal Jupiter (5Can56) (a negative if temporary indication) and as you see, Mercury accompanies the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse at the same critical degree of 20 Capricorn. The Moon-Mercury opposition suggests potentials for changes of mind, emotional challenges, conflicting opinions or ideas, and/or scheduling glitches.

Mercury and Jupiter Influences

Therefore, applying aspects in each chart of Mercury (Lunar Eclipse) and Jupiter (Solar Eclipse) provide further information: Mercury first conjoins Saturn (business contacts, seeking info from seniors or those with experience, serious meetings, court decisions, restricted communications or ideas), then Pluto (info and activities relate to gaining personal power, issues of finance and investment are on the menu, spying and surveillance).

Jupiter first squares the Ascendant (where Trump's natal Neptune rises = unreality and delusions, emotional excesses, promoting "the big picture") and identifies someone bombastic, pompous, and "holier than thou" who spreads himself too thin. Next Jupiter by transit conjoins the South Node (the 'tail of the dragon') as noted, above. The Great Benefic has moved beyond an expansive optimistic conjunction with the Sun although the Sun by transit will catch up with Jupiter (December 27 at 1:25 pm est) suggesting something positive coming (or at least expansive!). This Solar Eclipse occurs after Jupiter's inspirational trine with Uranus, the unpredictable planet which here is in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Transformation, Big Business, Death, and the Occult suggesting flourishing fundraising and group activities.

Previous SO'W posts concerning the 2019 Solar and 2020 Lunar Eclipses individually are available here, here and here, plus, check out a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses from July 2019 through 2022.

Obviously, Sabian Symbols for the eclipses, planets, and points in the above horoscopes are revealing but I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to check them out for yourself. Hopefully this combined cosmic picture is helpful to you during this period of sudden changes of direction and traumatic karmic conditions which offer the Collective multiple opportunities to better handle current issues for we must reap what's been sown in the past.

Please note that in my Political Astrology posts I work with eclipses via their degrees, themes, and historical linkages ('cosmic echoes'). The December 2019 solar eclipse is annular (not as strong as a Total would be) and is not visible in the US which also reduces the strength of its possible influences within our society. However, all eclipses are known as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' and in similar fashion to quirky, chaotic Uranus, eclipses herald changes of direction, disruption, and the potential for secrets to be suddenly revealed. Additionally, themes of the 3 South eclipse are significant in a Plutonian way and may pack somewhat of punch in the areas ruled by governmental Capricorn, the Saturn-ruled Zodiacal sign cast into a bright cosmic spotlight (along with Moon-ruled Cancer) on into 2020, a year full of major game-changing planetary conjunctions of Saturn-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, and Jupiter-Saturn. jc

Dec 3, 2019

American Turmoil December 2019: A Fist of God forms

December 2019: America's Evolution into Turmoil

by Jude Cowell

Astrologer Alice Portman has worked with the volatile and dynamic pattern called a Thor's Hammer, aka, a Fist of God, and here is a discussion of the pattern for those who are curious. As you see in the upper right horoscope pictured here, a Thor's Hammer pattern has formed in America's Secondary Progressions ('SP') with a Moon-Mars square at its base pointing toward our national progressed Midheaven, the Career-Public-Reputation-Social-Status Point (2Gem25).

As you see, America's totem planet of war and revolution, Uranus (SP @7Gem07), will be taken across our SP Midheaven in 2024 but that topic is beyond the scope of this post. Suffice to say that dramatic adjustments will be needed and major changes of direction should be expected via disruptive, chaos-loving Uranus to MC. (Note that this December 3, 2019 SP chart is based on America's July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope; a different hour will give slightly different timing.)

On the left of the chart are a few of the December 3, 2019 transits (2:00 pm est) to our SP planets (same date, same hour) including transit Uranus opposite SP Saturn, Saturn square SP Mars and conjunct SP Moon (legal eagle Saturn aggravating the Hammer), and Neptune still 'covering for' the SP Sun (the leader) with brief indications for each. You'll discover more factors, I suspect. Yet, as we know, Astrology adds the element of timing and assures us that this situation is only temporary!

But for now, we're in a pickle, but I won't mention the conditions and situations of turmoil we find ourselves in these days for you know all too well what they are. And if you look on the right center of the chart, you'll see a few general notes about the Moon-Mars square and you may agree with me that Donald Trump's selfish, nitpicking nature is described ("Offense-Defense" - Alan Oken). My observation is that a Moon-Mars square denotes someone who thinks they're the only ones who deserve to become furious!

Thing is, the Thor's Hammer (with royal Regulus and Apollo rising, he probably thinks of himself as a godlike "Thor"--and as a "hammer') pattern does a pretty good job of describing Big T as well: volatile, willful and hard to discipline as a child (plus, he still behaves like a toddler so --), and continues to act out stressful feelings by rebelling against society from which he receives severe criticism. Plus, there's no third planet to act as an outlet for the blocked, bottled up energies--only the Midheaven as noted, above, which represents the World Stage on which Trump regularly makes a dumblehead of himself while embarrassing America, lowering our national reputation even further, and subjugating our nation to pipsqueak Russia.

And so, my fellow Americans, as the Trump impeachment inquiry grinds on, we as a collective have progressed or evolved to a state described in part by a Thor's Hammer pattern and by the cosmic midpoint picture of Moon-Mars = MC: "self-promotion" and/or, "getting things off the ground" (Tyl) but also, on a lighter note, of "a woman with strong principles" (Ebertin)! Now that sounds better, doesn't it?

Recommended for more information on progressions is Lynn Holt's Secondary progressions as an indicator of inner growth.

Dual charts shown above: America July 4 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia PA (lower left) and US Secondary Progressions to December 3, 2019 2:00 pm est Philadelphia, PA (upper right).

Dec 2, 2019

Astro-Notes and the Eclipse of Rep. Adam Schiff

The best course for anyone interested in the natal horoscope and planets of Rep. Adam Schiff is to visit Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe for The Unflappable Adam Schiff which includes details and a view of Schiff's natal chart with its 12th house Sun-Venus conjunction at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer. As you know, the 12th is the house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma and along with several other factors makes for a very interesting Moon-ruled horoscope and politician of the Democratic persuasion.

So here I shall add a trio of cosmic factors:

That Adam Schiff has recently experienced two major planetary returns in 2019, one a three-fer. In order of occurrence they are: Saturn Return/s (16Cap12:03) 3 times: February 12, July 23, and November 11, 2019. Responsibilities! Then on November 25th a Jupiter Return (28Sag26:15) perfected--the "Jupiter Reward Cycle" as Noel Tyl has termed it--which is especially apt since the tension between Jupiter and Saturn (expansion vs retraction) keeps the planets in their courses ('the flywheel of the Universe') and traditionally, the pair relates in Politics to our fabled checks'n'balances system of government which Rep. Schiff and congressional Democrats are working to honor by attempting to hold Trump accountable for his anti-constitutional overreach and lawlessness. (Note that Schiff's Saturn returning before Jupiter suggests that his hard work is being rewarded.)

Now this is where the US Congress as a co-equal branch of government comes in with its oversight function designed by the Founders to keep presidents from behaving as monarchs acting as if they're above the law. And of course, SCOTUS oversight must be included in the deal as well as the third branch of government.

Therefore, a Masonic lodge the White House may be but a king's castle it is not.

Plus, in Mundane Astrology Jupiter and Saturn relate to our two political parties, or, as I often tend to think of them, our two political factions (because they exploit us as the 'ruling class' vs We The People). Periodically switching roles or hats between generosity and austerity, the Two Santa Claus Theory of Jude Wanniski and popularized by Thom Hartmann can be described in terms of Jupiter the Generous vs Saturn the Scrooge.

The final cosmic factor I shall mention here is Adam Schiff's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') and its themes. Born June 22, 1960 at 6:13 am edt in Framingham, Massachusetts (RR: AA) into the 16 South Saros Series (March 27, 1960 @6Ari38), Mr. Schiff's eclipse themes involve issues of wasted energy and misdirected motivation especially in groups, and sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling (Brady's Predictive Astrology). If your PE is in Mars-ruled Aries, issues of leadership and treating problems as challenges will feature in your life. 16 South last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus and will next occur on May 9, 2032 @19Taurus.

But Aries issues aside, perhaps you agree that 16 South is not one of your more positive Saros Series to be born into though hopefully while it 'runs in the background' of Schiff's life, no negative influences will be felt during this critical period of time. Yet it's possible that his participation in the group now staging impeachment proceedings against Trump may turn out to be "unfulfilling."

For it does seem significant that during the 3rd day of the inquiry proceedings this week with Rep. Nadler wielding the gavel, on Friday December 6, 2019, transit Jupiter opposes both Schiff's Venus then Sun which suggests a lack of cooperation from others, overblown or unkept promises, and wounded pride--and Jupiter may represent Jupiterian Trump in cosmic disguise challenging Adam Schiff's integrity, values, and his democratic perspectives which threaten to interfere with the 'kingship' and plutonian mobsterism of Donald Trump as he and his comrades continue hollowing out the US government to a more manageable size.

Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King? - Thom Hartmann

December 2, 2019: With the House Judiciary Committee's phase two of the Impeachment Inquiry of Donald Trump looming over the country beginning Wednesday December 4th at 10:00 am est (rising Saturn-Pluto = Ascendant @20Capricorn: being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation--Ebertin), here's a belated Thom Hartmann segment from Thom's program posted November 14th which asks a very good question, Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King?

Dec 1, 2019

Late December 2019 Jupiter opposes US natal Jupiter

Thoughts of Jupiter December 2019 into 2020

by Jude Cowell

As anyone who studies America's founding horoscope of July 4, 1776 knows, US natal Jupiter @6Cancer (5:56), its Moon-ruled sign of exaltation, possesses a descriptive Sabian Symbol that the 'ruling elite' through the centuries, more often than not, have apparently taken to heart for their own selfish gain:

"Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

And with Jupiter's cycle of approximately 12 years (11.6), we can say with reasonable assurance that on or about January 14, 2008, transit Jupiter opposed US natal Jupiter in the midst of the financial implosion and heist that was the Bush-Cheney regime in 2007--2008 so the opposition flavored the entirety of 2008 when the game birds' feathers 'hit the fan' but the dire effects were dumped onto We The People to lose and pay. Transit Jupiter opposing Jupiter denotes a period of discontent with wealth and personal achievement, discouraging comparisons that lower confidence, promises which often turn out to be duds, and there's an inability to impress anyone. Obviously, funds may be depleted during this transit possibly due to previous extravagance and/or waste, things that most of the 'ruling elite' practice with aplomb.

Well, now it's time for 2019 Jupiter to oppose US natal Jupiter (1776) once again which the planet of bankers, financiers, corporatists, gurus, generals, and politicians will do in late December 2019. In fact, this challenging Jupiterian transit turns up within the horoscope of the 3 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn06 (the eclipse also opposes US natal Jupiter and our Venus for that matter). The eclipse chart is linked, below, with 3 South's themes of: 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys' and 'sudden endings of relationships and/or alliances' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Can Trump's machinations be far behind?

Of course, this is only one planetary transit affecting current events into year 2020 but it is, I'll wager, a significant one especially for the US economy, the budget, deficits, shortfalls, and for other areas that concern our nation--including for the massive Jupiterian who tweets from the White House.

Yet as you know, money is only as valuable as people believe it is.

Related Posts include: December Eclipse ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto issues in which Donald Trump, with his natal Neptune @5Libra squaring US natal Jupiter, makes his typically disturbing appearance and the Jupiter-Neptune pair of energies show off their usual speculation, risk-taking, grand schemes, and bubbly inflation capabilities; Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter; and Saturn-Pluto 2020 Conjunct The Fed's Uranus 22Cap47 which thus forms a karmic midpoint picture of potentials for:

Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: "sudden changes or upsets in plans which have been made concerning very important activities; reforms in the way punishment is given for important crimes; the erratic or uneven use of retaliatory measures" (Munkasey). Reinhold Ebertin adds a potential for: "sudden acts of violence." Hopefully this planetary picture of potentials won't amount to much but time will tell. Which is what I tell myself until I consider with fretfulness what Noel Tyl adds to this picture of disturbing possibilities: "an attack, regardless of potential losses" and "brutal efforts to start a new order."

So in closing, below is the three-fer DC Horoscope of the Conjunctions of Jupiter-Pluto (plutocrats, wheeler-dealers, large project developers, independent contractors, the Fed) which perfect three times in 2020: April 5, June 30, and November 12 - all falling within the degree range of 22--25 Capricorn as you can see:

Nov 30, 2019

DC Horoscope JFK Inauguration 1961: a Look Back

If you're curious, check out this Historic Footage: JFK Inauguration 1961 (7m23s). And below is the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope with John F. Kennedy's natal chart outside it (contacts between the planets are circled--1917 vs 1961). As usual, my messy notes are scribbled upon the charts and there are five primary contacts of note from the Inauguration 1961 chart to his natal planets--two are notable since they involve powerful Pluto but JFK's natal Saturn and Uranus are also activated by transit, plus, other transits and progressions occur as well, both positive and negative but these five are the ones that 'pop out' at me in this inaugural horoscope although you'll spy others, I'm certain, especially if you look at *future transits to the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope:

1. 1961 Pluto square natal Sun denotes potentials for a need to overcome those with more power and influence; loss-of-power issues; threats received; integrity challenged; benefits are gained but with much frustration and possible setbacks; determination is tested; achievement of ambitions may be delayed or transformed; willpower may be paralyzed temporarily.

2. 1961 Mars Rx conjunct natal Pluto indicates a period when karma comes into play as energies are intense, purposeful, and require patience and direct channeling for best results; male relationships are prominent and one male in particular (brother Bobbie, one assumes--see Mercury @10AQ03 in 10th house with the presidential Sun) may be a guiding or a driving force; negative conditions can involve provocation, blow-ups, jealousy, and/or revenge, plus, investing assets and deep research are on the menu.

3. 1961 Uranus Rx in Leo opposes natal Uranus at station in Aquarius three times from September 1960 through July 1961--this is the "mid-life crisis" transit of disruption when one may behave uncharacteristically and generational clashes occur with 'no meeting of the minds'; however, well-handled changes are beneficial and are not too disruptive, with moving forward the objective;

4. 1961 Saturn @21Cap54 opposes natal Saturn three times from March 1961 through December 1961 indicating a harvesting time when rewards may be reaped if hard work has been done in the past and responsibilities have been met; past mistakes, if any, need correcting, and legalities may temporarily get in the way of progress.

5. 1961 Venus square natal Venus suggests potentials for imperfect timing; wrong or unpleasant settings or environments; something amiss but not entirely useless; values are blocked in some way or are not quite appropriate; or, things don't work out as they should but they'll 'have to do'.

Note that both the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') for 1961 and for JFK's birth and their themes are listed on the chart, lower left (1961) and lower right (1917). And if you're looking for any hints of the tragedy to come, may I suggest the usual suspects--Mars (to natal Pluto), Saturn (conjunct 1961 IC of Endings), Uranus (oppo natal Uranus, a time of instability and perhaps unusual characters in the environment--plus, 1961 Uranus is apex in a YOD crisis pattern suggesting Jack Kennedy's 'special task' of moving our nation toward a new direction which quite a few folks took great exception to); then there's hidden hand Pluto blocking his natal Sun (goals) while Venus, possibly scorned, adds her hints of jealousy and revenge.

In addition, we must include masking, deceptive, shady Neptune--both 1961 Neptune in intense Scorpio (angular and conjunct natal Eros, the piercing) and JFK's 1917 Neptune in Leo opposing his PE in the 9 New North Series.

*Two transits I'll mention here between the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope and the JFK Assassination Horoscope of November 22, 1963: in progress was a Nodal Half-Return across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis (see my scribble in the center of the bi-wheel concerning Sun-Saturn = MC) suggesting broken relationships, and transit Uranus which had met and crossed the 1961 Pluto-North-Node conjunction (the "tiger by the tail" duo) and thereby formed a midpoint picture of: "big upsets within the community; and, emotional suffering through separation" (Ebertin). Yes. That.

A Closely Related Post: Horoscope: LBJ Sworn In November 22, 1963.

Nov 29, 2019

"Battle in Seattle" vs the WTO November 30, 1999

Seattle Washington; Rattlhed at English Wikipedia [Public domain]

November 29, 2019: In remembrance of tomorrow's 20th Anniversary of the "Battle in Seattle" protest against the World Trade Organization, the following is a re-publish of a SO'W post I wrote a few years ago, sans edits but for a typo or two and a few minor updates for clarification:

The "Battle in Seattle," as the protests were dubbed by the media:

World Trade Organization (WTO), ministerial meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, the universe; Nov 30, 1999; Pluto-Chiron midpoint = Sun 7Sag59/ASC = sunrise 7:40:54 am pst; Mc 2Lib08; Moon @16Vir13 in 9th house (criticism by The People); in 8th house is North Node @5Leo38 (so USA was in process of a Nodal Return when associations are formed; US has a Nodal Half-Return coming up in April 2009. Wish The Dragon would gobble itself all up and leave innocent people alone.)

A Great Conjunction occurred one month later on Dec 30, 1999:

Heralding the New Millennium were several cosmic happenings including a Pluto and Chiron Conjunction, with the pair's blended energies signifying plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, corporatism, colonialism, racism, fascism, totalitarianism, communism, Marxism, commercialism, statism, and other -isms that most folks would prefer to stay away from. Their conjunction perfected at 12 Sagittarius, the natal Ascendant in our nation's 5:09/10 pm LMT chart of July 4, 1776). In other words, American Plutocracy. (Note that in 2019 the 1999 conjunction of the Plutocracy pair remains in force.)

And naturally, we were and are reminded of Stalin's equation: corporatism + statism = fascism. Yeah. The world is having occasion to recognize the devouring monster once again.

Plus, the 4 to 9 degree area of the Gem-Sag polarity is no picnic for they are 'nuclear degrees' with '5Sag' being a degree of flight (Devore). President Bill Clinton flew in to the city (in the middle of the night of Nov 30 - Dec 1) after being assured that his precious caboose would be kept safe from all harm.

During the Nov - Dec 1999 protests in Seattle, the midpoint of Saturn-Pluto (hardship; cruelty; loss; violence) was sitting astride US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) so:

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; abstemiousness; giving up giving; renunciation; melancholy; the tragic destiny of a woman (Tyl; Ebertin). Add, strong control over people's habits (Munkasey). That day, Sun and Pluto were also conjunct suggesting a craving for rulership, striving for power, and the power of attainment (Ebertin).

And for harsh Saturn-Pluto I would add: control (Saturn) by police state (Pluto) crushes the people (protesters and others caught up in the crowds) and the exploitation of Third World people and countries which continues today as resource plunderers and vultures with the aid of their handmaiden politicians take their profits and ignore the needs of their people.

Now perhaps you know that Stuart Townsend wrote and directed the film, 'Battle in Seattle' and though I'm no movie critic, I believe the film is worth watching especially if you're like me and want to know more of Seattle and the worldwide protests (as something like 30 cities around the globe protested in solidarity!) while 600+ of our guys and gals sat in jail nursing their police-state injuries. From 2008, here's a very interesting interview with Stuart Townsend concerning the event and his film documenting it.

Well, it would be no surprise to me to find out one day that the group that smashed windows and turned the protests violent (thus giving Seattle's major an excuse for ordering police tactics such as tear gas, head-bashing, and arrests) were plants to make sure things did go violent - as a way of diffusing criticism against the WTO policies, and to push through their plans for a fancy conference about which one of the characters in the film said, "The conference is doomed to success."

Did a real person say that? I don't know, but it did remind me of the keywords for asteroid Atlantis: abuse of power; a sense of doom. And note that on November 30, 1999, transiting Atlantis was Rx @26Can13--opposing US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap32) and hanging around with our natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer--Mercury the trader and negotiator, powerful Pluto the spy and hidden hand, so basically Atlantis activated America's bossy, surveillance-prone Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn.

Seems to me there was a sense of doom (for the disenfranchised, and for the 'new world order' which we watch forming now with the current economic 'meltdown' was always in their 'cards' at our expense, never theirs); and abuses of power ran rampant in 1999 over anyone who stood in the way both inside the Paramount Theater and out on the streets for Internet connections created a group of protesters numbering the tens of thousands--and got them coordinated into the streets of Seattle.

So it's about time I re-watched the film and returned to studying Nov 30 - Dec 4, 1999's charts for those five days that rocked the world, and I hope nothing's been said here that would dissuade you from viewing this socially important film if you're yet to do so.

Real footage was intertwined with movie scenes and remember a catch phrase of the day that,

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

The RICO Act, Little Caesar, and Donald Trump

November 29, 2019: A 10-minute explanatory video R.I.C.O. and the Decline of the Mafia provides several points of interest concerning the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act that Richard Nixon signed into law on October 15, 1970.

Its nickname inspired by the main character 'Rico' in the 1931 film Little Caesar (4m clip), played by Edward G. Robinson, the RICO Act made it possible to indict not just mobsters but mob bosses as well, to seize assets, use 'guilt by association', and later to go after street gangs. RICO was first used on September 18, 1979 (US vs Scotto), and in the 'Decline of the Mafia' video you'll find references to its use by the SDNY office and Rudy Giuiliani who played for the lawful side as a prosecutor (one assumed at the time!) but is now aligned with the very mob-like Trump, a "Little Caesar" of our day, artistically pictured here.

As landmark legislation, prosecutions via the RICO Act made "rat or rot" a popular slogan of the day as 'snitches' turned on their mob bosses to avoid or lessen their own prison sentences, something Trump probably loses sleep over every night. Being snitched on has to be one of the primary reasons Big T obstructs his minions' testimonies, first in the Mueller investigation, now in the Impeachment Inquiry.

How could scofflaw Trump not suffer from consciousness of guilt with so much to hide?

See New Trump Probe Looks a Lot Like a RICO Investigation (The Daily Beast February 8, 2019) and Trump Investigations and the RICO Conspiracy Puzzle. Apparently, conspiracy is easier to prove. But would a racketeering indictment of a corrupt, impeached, faithless, mobbed-up politician be more satisfying for the American people?

So being curious, I checked for any planetary contacts of note between Trump's natal planets (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) and those of October 15, 1970 and September 18, 1979 ('noon'). Of course, in 1970 he was 24, in 1979 the New York 'playboy' as he styled himself, was 33. What I found was inconclusive in both cases since there are a number of contacts both positive and negative, but the September 18, 1979 planets made the most contacts (including squares from Sun and Moon to natal Sun-Moon and a Neptune-conjunct-natal-Mercury contact which echoes his natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, deceit, and indiscretion). An exact aspect on October 15, 1970 is Saturn quincunx natal Moon (0S00) suggesting emotional turmoil (caused by legal eagle Saturn?) and an undercurrent of guilt.

However, these results indicate to me that the RICO Act probably will not be used against Donald Trump with his decades-long links to global and domestic organized crime but if it ever is, odds are he has a chance of 'beating the rap' in spite of any rats ratting him out.

UPDATE Dec 23, 2021: Things aren't looking as rosy these days for mobster Tr*mp so maybe RICO will be used after all! jc

Nov 27, 2019

3 Famous Quotes about the US Central Banking System

As Franklin D. Roosevelt told Edward M. House (later Woodrow Wilson's closest aide), "The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." (And as you know, Andrew Jackson is one of Donald Trump's idols.)

Henry Ford once asserted that, "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

In 1957, Senator George W. Malone of Nevada said before Congress about the Federal Reserve, "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington: they would not wait for an election...It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States."

And now we have Trump messin' around with our finances and lining his pockets!

Quotes from 'Final Warning: A History of the New World Order' by David Allen Rivera (1st published 1984)

Nov 25, 2019

Trump Impeachment Gallery of Rogues and Knaves

With current events spawning within a seriously compromised Washington DC and piling one upon another in squirming fashion, I'm ready for a round-up of related posts in an attempt to place the culprits, goons, rogues, knaves, and complicit compadres of Trump into some sort of order bwo certain previous posts, plus, a few ladies to mop his beleaguered brow.

And please note that there's a 100% chance that the lens of Astrology will be utilized:

The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump.

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named Secretary of State.

From 2007 Rudy Guiliani May 28, 1944 (only a sunrise natal chart) and 2018's Rudy's Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses (links to his A-rated natal horoscope).

Astro-Notes: Stephen Miller.

Don McGahn's natal planets (noon horoscope shown with May 21, 2019 transits).

Gemini Sun Bill Barr.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway (still clinging to Trump's coattails and spinning!

On the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse and Aspects of Roger Stone, the recently convicted and perhaps soon to be pardoned.

Some links between The Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump. Also see Paul Manafort: The Ram and the Bull.

Horoscope: FBI Raids the Office of Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen who now sits in prison for doing what Trump directed him to do.

Astro-Chart Round-Up: Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric. And Dual Natal Charts: Ivanka and Jared (noon charts shown).

In the Realms of Jupiter: Steve Bannon. Plus, Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising.

And remember the very lovely Hope Hicks? She wishes you wouldn't! Horoscope and Astro-Notes on Hope Hicks.

In addition:

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry.

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

The erosion, deceit, and conspiracy theories continue inspired by The Republican Party's Neptune Return (conspiring Neptune in shady Pisces, of course).

Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised December 25, 1991.

Trump's opinion of bragging politicians 1999 !!!

Republicans brag about handling Putin !!! (see Thom Hartmann video number 2).

From December 2016 (we were all so much younger then): More Cronies Added to Trump's Koch-Head Cabinet (video).

And last but hopefully not least, the ever-popular Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? which includes a link to Trump's natal chart for those who dare.