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Showing posts with label DC Horoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC Horoscopes. Show all posts

May 24, 2019

Horoscope of the White House November 1, 1800

A Brief Look at the White House Foundational Horoscope of 1800

by Jude Cowell

On November 1, 1800, President John Adams moved into the nearly completed Presidential Mansion, later known as the White House. That morning, a Full Moon @8Tau55 perfected at 8:35:30 am LMT and this lunation decides the hour, minute, and second of the hand-drawn White House Horoscope you see, below.

Why hand-drawn? Because if you've ever owned or used a printer-scanner that you loathe with every fiber of your being, then we're on the same page today for mine has chosen to pull its occasional antic of simply refusing to print. Scan, yes, print, no. So taking matters into my own paws, here's a messy horoscope for you, ink blotches and all. Perhaps enlarging the image is a good idea, perhaps not, so I must leave that decision up to you, dear reader, and good luck.

Note that the Full Moon falls across the 5/11 self-will axis and the shape of the chart is a Seesaw pattern indicating a pro vs con nature that must constantly balance polarities. The Full Moon perfects during an active Mars Hour with planet Mars Rx @19Tau06 and in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service. Mars rules the 5th house of Risk-Taking via Aries and the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Backroom Deals via secretive, brooding Scorpio.

As you see, the 12th house is quite full of planets including Chiron conjunct Mercury @24Sco20, a position that conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump (but that's just about the only mention of his name I shall make in this post). Also in 12th are idealistic Neptune in Scorpio and a rising Venus @2Sag00 which supports the trine between Venus and chart-ruler Jupiter and its capacity for foreign relations, diplomacy, fortunate circumstances, and success. Listed, lower left, is the fact that chart-ruler Jupiter makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which emphasizes Jupiter's sign (royal Leo) and house position (8th house of the Occult which probably hints at the Freemasonic practices of the Founding Fathers and their use of Sacred Geometry; plus, Washington DC was built based on ancient megalithic yard measurements and principles).

And in the most-often used natal horoscope of John Adams (October 30, 1735 2:57 am LMT Quincy, MA) we find his Sun in early Scorpio (spotlighted by the Full Moon of November 1, 1800), Moon @20Ari15, and Ascendant 24Vir03 which falls near the Midheaven of this White House chart. However, his natal chart's Rodden Rating is C for 'original source unknown' yet a steamy Sun Scorpio-Moon Aries personality blend does seem quite right for this pugnacious, suspicious fellow known then and now for his penetrating intellect.

So! Hopefully I may one day be forgiven by certain exacting members of the astrological community for daring to use the moment of the November 1, 1800 Full Moon to time the first official use of the White House because I wanted to post the foundation chart of our White Lodge (doesn't it look like one?) on Stars Over Washington for anyone's future reference--and because I write and publish on behalf of my ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died to help establish our fledgling nation.

No, it isn't much but it's the least I can do while waiting for an annoying, unreliable printer to go belly up so I can replace its sorry self.

Why, I believe I'd even impeach it if I could!


Coming to America in June: Trump Solar Return 2019. Because as goes his nibs, so goes America.

May 15, 2019

US Mercury-Pluto Opposition w more Pluto (by transit)

May 15, 2019: As anyone who uses one of the various July 4, 1776 horoscopes to represent America knows, our national Mercury Rx in Cancer is opposed by Pluto Rx in Capricorn. In the 5:09 pm LMT chart, below, this opposition falls across the 2/8 axis with all the Taurus-Scorpio issues it brings. And of course, the Cancer-Capricorn axis relates to security, the domestic scene, nurturance, national issues including patriotism, public status concerns, and the Capricornian realms of business, law, and government. Besides obvious surveillance and spying issues, a Mercury-Pluto opposition tends toward potentials such as an obsession with social concerns and the responsibility for solving them, fear and anxiety, competence, impatience, and a habit of becoming arrogant when challenged lest America's credibility is being questioned.

Now this post is not about the May 18 2019 Full Moon @27Sco38, the 'flower moon', but its DC Horoscope is used, below, as a transit chart set around America's natal chart, the 5:09 pm version that I most frequently use. Outside the Full Moon chart are penned Trump's natal planets highlighted in a lovely shade of lavender. And as you see in US natal 6th house, transit ('tr') Mercury @24Tau24 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal Point, so with the 6th house relating to military service (among other things), we could mention Trump's apparent tendency toward war with Iran (or Venezuela, or___). But we won't.

Other than to say that he seems to be following the Bush-Cheney playbook of re-election via the waging of war (under tutelage of warhawk John Bolton--him again), and of course, a war would serve Big T as yet another distraction from his political problems at home.

Here are the DC Horoscope/s in bi-wheel form with the main point of this post to follow:

Highlighted in green: transit Pluto @23Cap00 Rx within orb of America's natal Pluto position (27Cap32) in natal 2nd house of the National Treasury opposite US Mercury @24Can11, with all three planets in retrograde motion. In 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Debt, and Transformation you see Trump's natal Saturn conjunct US natal Mercury, a cosmic picture of our depression, suppression, and the isolation of America he has caused. Schemes, criticism, and aggravating circumstances come along with this planetary connection as well and brings to mind Trump's 'trade war' with China and the harsh conditions it's causing or will cause our farmers and others.

Plus, Trump's natal Saturn conjunct US natal Mercury accounts in part for his limited popularity with the public while his Venus opposing US natal Pluto keys the constant emotional upsets (his and ours!) and his desire to force his and his donors' demands upon us. Trump's lack of trust in US systems and institutions is also suggested by the Venus-Pluto pairing as are organized crime, hidden wealth, and immorality.

Now it's true that multiple transits are in play right now yet the reason Mercury-Pluto with more Pluto (by transit) is highlighted here is the main point of this post. For that, I refer you to Michael Munkasey's Midoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for its Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis information concerning the Mercury-Pluto pair of energies within the realms of Politics and Business:

"Thesis: High security communications and intelligence activities; political talk which offers abrupt changes to some functions; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases.

Anti-Thesis: Secrets concerning the business community or transportation systems; communications within the intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; breakdowns in the road networks."

Add more Pluto to Mercury-Pluto and we have: "A ruthlessness when seeking whatever information you desire; increased needs to hide your actions and activities from others; increased likelihood of hearing depressing information; the end of discouraging information."

And that's the end of this post. Except to say that,

Stars Over Washington never asks for donations so Please Share this or another post if you appreciate!

Apr 30, 2019

DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020

Upcoming Planetary Cycles: Endings and Beginnings

by Jude Cowell

Below is a tri-wheel view of all three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 which perfect on April 4 (center), June 30 (middle), and November 12 (outer); all charts are set for the Capitol Building Washington DC. Notes are scribbled on the chart/s if you care to view them although I didn't squoosh as many as usual since there simply isn't space on a tri-wheel but most of the basics are there:

Jupiter-Pluto's Prenatal Solar Eclipses ('PE'):

Naturally, each of these cosmic events manifests within a Solar Eclipse Saros Series: 1. April 4's PE @4Cap06 (December 26, 2019) falls within the 3 South Series with themes of 'sudden endings of associations', and 'traumatic transformations via news received or short journeys undertaken'. A 3 South eclipse last occurred on December 14, 2001 @23Sagittarius (near Donald Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction).

Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions 2 and 3 (June 30 and November 12) both fall within the difficult 4 North Series with themes of 'restraint; restriction; illusions; inhibition; separation; events occur that block progress; misjudging strength or the situation; caution advised until eclipse influences pass'. A 4 North eclipse last manifested @20Gemini (conjunct Trump's natal North Node and Sun, and US natal Mars) on June 10, 2002 while Cheney, Dubya, and the rest of the "1% Gang" of war profiteers were readying their ill-advised, misguided invasion of Iraq intended to stir up the hornet's nest that is the Middle East and act as another signpost on the road to the 'new world order'. As you see, US natal Pluto is penned upon the chart where most of the Jupiter-Pluto action occurs--in 2nd hou$e of the April 4th chart with the Cancer-Capricorn axis intercepted across the 2/8 which adds to the picture heavy karma which must be dealt with if any beneficial progress is to be made.

Potentials which may express from the blended energies of Jupiter-Pluto include 'extreme depletion of resources', 'criminal elements with great social influence' (ex: gangster Trump), 'official corruption', 'moral laxity within society', and/or 'the destruction of legal documents' (Munkasey).

Jupiter and Pluto as Apex Planets in Midpoint Pictures

Also of interest in two of the charts are midpoint pictures pointing directly toward Jupiter and Pluto--in the June 30 chart it's growth-hindering Saturn-MC = Jupiter with potentials for: 'changing fortunes and/or changing residences'; with Pluto add: 'a struggle ordained by destiny' and/or 'success attained under great difficulty'.

Then the November 12 chart shows law-suit-filing, politics-debating Mercury-Mars = expansive Jupiter with potentials for: 'constructive criticism, sound judgment, success, a good critic, and/or a celebrated orator'. Add powerful, wealth-hoarding Pluto and we may have 'a sharp analyst, an over-zealous orator', and/or 'suffering heavy attacks or assaults'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin).

Jupiter-Saturn, Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto: New Social and Financial Orders

So there's my basic overview of the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction/s sans other considerations such as the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 which opens Year 2020 (January 12)--with two of the planetary pairs conjoining near or conjunct the fated Vertex of Donald J. Trump. The exception: Jupiter-Saturn conjunct @00AQ29 which ends 2020 (on December 21--Winter Solstice)...but it directly lands upon America's POTUS Sun so it too relates to Donald Trump. Arggh!

Yet after all, the yoke that is Donald Trump gives the American people a tremendous opportunity to work through the negative, destructive, cruel energies of racism that have smoldered under the surface of our society, then frequently erupted off and on, since before the founding of our nation in 1776. And if we manage to succeed at this Great Task, and if social and economic inequalities are positively dealt with, our Republic will become even 'greater' than a mean one such as Trump could ever imagine in his wildest Mercury-square-Neptune fantasies.

Note: Solar Eclipse themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Apr 19, 2019

Summer Solstice 2019's Planetary Patterns

The Planetary Patterns of Summer 2019 with Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

In a previous post we considered the DC Horoscopes of Spring Equinox 2019 and Summer Solstice 2019 with both charts set for the White House and both having the same signs and degrees on their angles (14 Virgo rising, 12 Gemini at MC) which spotlights astrological Mercury--retrograde in Pisces and hangin' with deceptive Neptune in Spring but speeding through Cancer during the month of June.

As I type, we're in April and poised within the Spring season as we look ahead toward Summer so let's take another peek at the Summer Solstice 2019 chart with its Mutable Grand Cross, dynamic T-Squares, a focussed YOD, a Mystic Rectangle, and a Locomotive shape of planets chugging along behind Jupiter Rx.

Plus, Summer 2019 as a topic must include the karmic July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in Cancer and the July 2019 Lunar Eclipse (DC Horoscopes shown). So that's two disruptive Uranian 'wild cards' or 'cosmic blinks' in July, plus, America's 243rd birthday!

And mention should be made that in this chart Uranus @5Tau34 in the 8th house of Corporatism, Transformation, Debt/Credit, Insurance, Shared Resources, and the Occult is unaspected. Yes, Trump is a Jupiterian (natal Jupiter Stationary, materialistic and large) and a Martian (Mars rising with royal Regulus in royal Leo) but he's also very much a radical Uranian with his 10th house Uranus in Gemini behaving as his 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption. When unaspected, the independent nature of planet Uranus is intensified along with its tendency to be unaffected by outside influences. Sparks of intuition may occur but won't inform the rest of the planets so that rigid, self-defeating, unconscious patterns of behavior are enforced rather than improved upon. And as you know, Uranus in money-oriented Taurus denotes a period when unusual sources of income are sought and speculation risks all in one roll of the dice. But with quirky Uranus in staid Taurus, premature action often leads to failure (Ebertin) making prudence and caution necessary.

Horoscope: Summer Solstice June 21, 2019 11:54:30 am edt White House Washington DC with my messy notes penned on as usual; please enlarge the image if you dare:

Prominent Planetary Patterns of Summer 2019

First, Jupiter Rx is the engine leading a Locomotive shape in the chart and this denotes high-powered executive/s ruthlessly determined upon success (Trump?). Yet with Jupiter retrograde, his plans may be delayed, interrupted, or somehow debilitated. Perhaps things will more easily progress once Jupiter resumes direct motion and trundles on his way forward after August 11, 2019. Note that astrological Jupiter may play many roles: politician, banker, corporatist, religious figure, judge, lawyer, military general, a wealthy person, a civil servant, an explorer/adventurer, and/or a fortune hunter.

A Mutable Grand Cross (Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, ASC) spotlights conditions of extreme restlessness and nervousness yet if the energies are well-handled can instead denote alertness and mental vigor. However, plans under its sway tend to be implemented inconsistently, indirectly, and by using impractical methods. Concentration is often lacking or is vacillating and indecisive. Needless to say, conditions are frustrating and, similar to the sign of Gemini, mental focus and actions tend to be spread too thinly in multiple directions to be as successful as they could be. Of course, the Grand Cross's oppositions describe a need to integrate logic and reasoning ability into circumstances and relationships in order to mitigate at least some of the instability and unreliability suggested here.

Add to this the muddled thinking and dreaminess when it comes to facing harsh realities embedded within a Jupiter-Neptune square, plus, a Venus-Neptune square's difficulty discerning the difference between reality and fantasy--with both squares and the people they represent affected by watery Neptune in its own sign of secretive Pisces--Neptune, planet of deception, lies, fraud, confusion, the media, the masses, and propaganda so it seems that we have a continuation of the Trumpish atmosphere of fantasy and deceit we've been mired in since Summer 2015.

Now naturally, any Grand Cross contains a few T-Squares, and the primary of which here is Venus-Jupiter = Neptune (conjunct the Descendant axis) so that foreign capital investments and/or foreign raids on the treasury are potentials. As a midpoint picture, possibilities include expansion, inflation, weakened limitations (such as laws?), and illusion and confusion delaying real progress. Also note that value-loving Venus is in duplicitous Gemini at the top of the chart for the entire world to see. Therefore, currency issues may also be indicated and be a goal (MC) and a topic of public discourse (Gemini). But Venus can also vengeful (especially when scorned) so retaliation may be on our Summer calendar as it always is for Donald Trump.

Then opposite Venus is banking planet Jupiter at IC and retrograde until August 11, 2019 (stations @14Sag30) so finances are in process of being reviewed, lessened, delayed, and/or retracted. Jupiter in 4th house suggests the involvement of Real Estate and/or Mining. Also in 4th house is Summer Solstice 2019's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of January 5, 2019 @15Capricorn which imprinted upon the 116th Congress with its theme of 'joining new groups and gaining a great deal' ( Brady). Having two money planets opposing one another sounds a lot like a financial stand-off of some kind, doesn't it?

The YOD pointing toward the North Node (and Focused YOD pointing toward Saturn) show that a turning point or crossroad has been reached, a special task must completed, and/or a crisis awaits which must be dealt with. Plus, a combination of Saturn and South Node (of the Moon) is extremely limiting (cooperation needed!) and suggests some form of separation. However, at the base of the YOD the Moon-Jupiter sextile (60 degrees) suggests a ray of hope (A. Oken) yet we cannot ignore the fact that the Moon (the public) is apex of the socially concerned Saturn-Neptune midpoint which can indicate people with low character, pessimism, depression, and/or activities that serve no real purpose. And as a midpoint picture, Moon-Jupiter = Saturn also suggests limiting conditions; luck in brief spurts; lasting emotional misconceptions; negligence; inner conflicts; social disadvantages; and/or liver or gall bladder disease (Ebertin). Moon-Jupiter with NN merely hints at associations and new contacts that are 'on our path'.

As for the Mystic Rectangle (a pattern which always sounds rather groovy to me!) between Saturn, Neptune, NN, and ASC, its 'practical mysticism' vibe and karmic implications (Saturn, Nodal axis, and even slow-moving Neptune) can usually denote those who use mystical and/or astrological principles to guide their plans and actions so with Washington DC and our Founding Fathers well known for their mystical and astrological tendencies and interests via secret societies (ex: Freemasonry), I'll leave it for you to decide what and who in our present day may be hiding behind the scenes and manipulating outcomes during Summer 2019--or if the mystical pattern even applies to our circumstances at all!


Read more about the Mystic Rectangle planetary pattern.

Mar 24, 2019

TRUMP WATCH : Will BARR raise the bar? - Robert Cosmar reports

Sunday March 24, 2019: here's the latest reading from expert astrologer
Robert Cosmar
on the topic of the day (week, and month, and year):

Now in case you missed it, you may wish to check out another of Robert's excellent TRUMP WATCH videos concerning the Mueller Report (posted to YouTube March 23rd).


Power Run Amuck, Peculiarities, and Potential Scandals

Note: while looking at March 22, 2019 DC Horoscopes for the 4 to 5:15 pm edt time frame of Mueller Report submission, AG Barr's letter sent to Congress, the completion of the report announced, etc, I noticed that Trump's problematic, fantasy-prone pair of Mercury and Neptune (conjunct in Pisces by transit these days with Mercury Rx until March 28th so the conjunction's nebulous, unclear effects are at their strongest off and on through March 2019, and perhaps a bit into April) are square one another in Trump The Indiscreet's natal chart) acted as two apex planets of a significant midpoint - exact between 3:47 and 4:10 pm edt between legal-eagle planet of karma, Saturn, and Midheaven (The Goal; Public Visibility) which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Saturn-MC = Mercury: 'an articulate, intelligent person who relies on logic and persistence to analyze situations'. Yes, I would say so.

The Saturn-MC pair itself is interesting because it can turn up in charts of important people but can also indicate 'formal rules or roles imposed on the executive branch; restrictions on development within an enterprise'; and/or 'establishes goals that are hard to meet'. With veiling Neptune: 'added delusions that you can not easily cope with problems; increased needs to escape (through drugs); inspiration via maturity and discipline.' Perhaps you agree that many of these potentials sound like the work of the very serious, dedicated-to-the-law Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

For more details see (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets).

So here I shall quote from master astrologer Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs midpoint directory on Saturn-MC ("major changes in family or in the profession; professional change; a major move; a father figure; focus upon ambition") with Mercury: "melancholy; separation thoughts; bad news; professional decisions that are hard to make." With Neptune: "one's position is vague; a lack of clarity; feeling fears."

And in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin adds potentials for, 'hindered growth; brooding; separation; depressing circumstances'. Any, all or none of the midpoint pictures's potentials may apply to Washington's political and legal players (including US Congress members) and to the American people at large along with other planetary factors, positive and negative.

Mar 18, 2019

Spring Equinox 2019: Mars to Trump's Midheaven

Mars-Rising Trump Highly Sensitive to Mars Transits

by Jude Cowell

Previously we discussed the DC Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2019 with a late-Virgo Moon rising (chart shown) and floating toward the March 21, 2019 Full Moon @00Lib09 (see link, below) which perfects upon America's natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations). Given the bright light of a Full Moon, this lunation should be interesting for its ability to shine a spotlight upon career and other public 10th house matters as perpetrated by the US government and its current 'leader' Donald Trump, The Unprepared Grifter and choice of racists everywhere. His 'world stage' activities are spotlighted this week by the current position of his testy, hypersensitive rising planet--and perhaps more defections from the 'Trump Party' will ensue.

This cosmic condition of full awareness is emphasized by the fact that in the Spring Equinox 2019 chart, Mars @23Tau08 ruffles the natal MC of Trump and suggests that he's entered a period of energetic self-promotion (more than before? impossible!) during which his demands for public recognition may increase (!) including attention from other public figures of authority (ex: despots he idolizes--and/or possibly Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose Mars Return it is!). Mars-to-Midheaven may also bring more scrutiny upon his activities, positively or negatively, and on actions of his male relatives (exs: Kushner, Don Jr, his racist father Fred). Launching some new sort of campaign is within the realm of possibilities as well (ex: a Twitter attack on a newly chosen victim-opponent?), while going to extremes cannot be ruled out especially since this describes Trump's usual way of behaving. And of course, the US Military, the movement of forces, police activation or issues, and/or veterans' affairs may also be part of his Mars-to-MC picture this week. Of course, we may expect his rage level to be increased by the fact that the furious star of violence, Algol, twinkles menacingly upon Trump's natal Midheaven.

Note that with its two-year cycle, the last time transit Mars conjoined Trump's natal MC was in April 2017; the end of April 2017 marked the end of Trump's 'first 100 days' in the Oval Office.

Now readers familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump see the position of Mars @23Taurus as lining up to square his natal Mars (exact on March 26, 2019). This is a time when his strong survival instinct becomes even more obvious (and needed!) along with his tendency toward self-preservation-at-any-cost. Even less diplomacy than usual may be evident for the focus will be on aggression, anger, frustration, conflicts, battles, possible construction faults, and even accidents and/or injuries. Add to this transit Mars square Trump's natal Ascendant on March 30, 2019, and we have more ego conflicts, battles for top position, pushy behavior, open confrontations, social tension, and the potential for physical strain.

Then by the time transit Mars reaches his 10th house trio of Uranus (danger of blow-ups; forcing or enforcing changes), North Node (meeting with or encountering males; meetings full of conflict; anger shown in public), and Sun (risky situations, direct confrontations, vitality, energy) just after opposing his natal Moon in Sagittarius (May 2, 2019), we may all be worn out by - or simply fed up with - the anger and rage of Donald Trump.

A related post: DC Horoscopes of The March 2019 Lunations of Crisis.

Image above: Mars as seen from the Hubble Telescope.

Dec 1, 2018

Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2019 - Virgo Moon Rising

Image: Spring Equinox March 20, 2019 at 5:58:20 pm edt White House Washington DC; ASC 14Vir25; Moon @27Vir48 rising; MC 12Gem10 conjunct Uranus-North Node midpoint (see chart, lower right); Sun 00Ari00:00 in 7th house of Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legal Affairs/rules 12th house of Politics, Karma, Large Institutions, and Back Room Deals. Chart and MC ruler Mercury Rx @18Pis58 conjunct Neptune = "the illusionist" (A. Oken); Mars @23Tau08 in 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Lands soon conjoins Trump's natal MC where raging star Algol twinkles. And we should mention that Donald Trump's natal Neptune @6Libra is his 'first to rise' planet at Spring Equinox 2019 bringing along his expansive, inflationary trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter of speculation and schemes.

Lower right is a Note: Speaker of the House Pelosi's Mars Return (25Taurus) occurs on or about March 25, 2019 beginning a new 2-year cycle of activity for her with the House as of January 2019 ruled by congressional Democrats. Interestingly, the Moon leads a Locomotive shape of all the planets in the chart indicating a ruthless drive toward success by an executive--is this Speaker Pelosi representing the Democrats, plus, We The People? I suspect on one level 'tis She of The Gavel. Yet the Moon's Sabian Symbol suggests otherwise: '28Virgo' = "A Bald-Headed Man Dominates a Gathering of National Figures." Trump is balding, so obviously Spring 2019 is gonna be Trump vs Pelosi for the duration of the year (Aries Ingresses symbolize entire years) with a Virgo Moon signifying practicality and methodical procedures. Also see the Sabian Symbol of the Sun ('1Aries') at the top of the horoscope - America's Great Seal is hinted at along with the Founders' pagan worship of goddess Venus.

Future Direction: 11th house North Node in Cancer (conjunct US natal Mercury Rx) denotes contacts, meetings, and encounters of a Cancerian nature which includes; business, security, family, and domestic matters along with Cancer's penchant for tribalism (ex: Trump's 'nationalism'.)

Eclipse-wise, Spring Equinox 2019's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') manifested on January 6, 2019 @15Cap25 (2 South: 'joining a new or unusual group and gaining a great deal' - Brady; perfect for new Congress members). The PE conjuncts the 5th cusp of this horoscope (15Cap51)--5th house = risk-taking, speculation, creative pursuits, children (such as the ones Trump cages and tear gases). The Equinox 2019's Syzygy Moon, a New Moon, occurs on March 6, 2019 @15Pis47 conjunct Neptune = illusions, delusions, illusions, pretense, and disguises. This may denote a new cycle of deception beginning for or by the Trump administration or the seeding (New Moon) of them. Either way we'll know more very soon by the bright light of the next Full Moon @00Lib09 (March 21st) which conjoins the natal MC of the US natal chart (5:09 pm lmt) with the Sun @00Ari09 conjunct our national IC, the Foundation of the Matter, but also The Drain and the HOW? Point. America's public status and reputation in the world should be in the spotlight more than usual around that time, such as they are thanks to asset Trump and the Kremlin. (Have you ever wondered if Melania is actually Trump's handler?)

Good news is that protective Jupiter in his own sign of Sagittarius is in the 4th house of Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Mining which happily is ruled via Sag by moneybags Jupiter, the financier, politician, guru, broadcaster, and The General. Between February 20th and 23rd, transit Jupiter passes over Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction (20-22Sag), a real mixture of both positive and negative feelings (Moon) for him (will he relocate back to NYC? it's a transit of 'conflicts of interest' plus, 'happiness' - and he misses his penthouse so!). Yet if we look below the surface, we find the Hopi Blue Star of Prophecy, Ras Alhague waiting patiently for expression--apparently through mouthpiece Donald Trump. For more details on this star, see Donald Trump's natal Moon and the Sapphire Star.

Now as you see, unpredictable Uranus @00Tau41 (a degree of violence--Devore; and Hitler's natal Sun degree) is in the corporate 8th house of Shared Finances, Credit/Debt/Insurance, Death, Transformation, and the Occult, and is unaspected which emphasizes the detached, isolated quality of astrological Uranus, the chaos-creator (and Trump's guiding planet). Disruptions, shocks, or upsets may occur. And when unmodulated by aspects from other planets, quirky Uranus's energies are difficult for any individual to handle and denotes one who acts independently of outside influences, is restless, nervous, and discontent. There may be spurts or flashes of genius (positively or negatively) in the house (area of life) where Uranus is located. Then with Venus in detached Aquarius, Uranus has something to say about finances (8th house) of such things as the military, police, and civil services (6th house), and about perspective (Venus). Even health issues could be in the Uranian barrel (6th house) especially since the Venus-Uranus pair when acting negatively tends to indicate extravagance and waste. One is reminded of the sad state of America's Veterans Administration along with the EPA and every other government department suffering underneath the hefty Trump.

Yes, there are a many other chart factors worth mentioning here but I shall keep to my aim that this be a post, not a book, and shall leave them for you, dear reader, to admire. However, of special interest is the 5th house Saturn-Pluto conjunction which perfects @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 - conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald J. Trump. Yet in this 2019 Equinox horoscope, Pluto @22Cap51 already conjoins Trump's Vertex, a point in Astrology of 'fated encounters' or 'appointments with fate'. This may suggest a meeting between Trump and one of his idolized dictators or it could suggest a cosmic picture of something even more sinister, something that's been brewing for a long time in that karmic reap what's been sown sort of way.

For there is one thing everyone in the Universe agrees on: the piper must always be paid!

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish and you'll spy some of Mr. Trump's natal placements penned around the chart and highlighted in a lovely lavender pink shade.

A Related Post: on February 18th Chiron again conjoins the Aries Point, America's natal IC Point of Home, Roots, and Endings, and which is, of course, the degree of the Spring Equinox Sun.

Nov 30, 2018

Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon

Image: dual horoscopes of the Masonic Cornerstone-Laying by George Washington who, with his Masonic brethren, founded our Federal City April 21, 1791 3:30 pm LMT (Ellicott) and the same horoscope's Secondary Progressed Full Moon which perfects on January 10, 2024 @18Gem33 at 2:00:35 pm est; basic details and more are penned upon the charts:

Plus, you'll find brief details concerning the Federal City 1791 horoscope in a 2015 Obama-era SO'W post if you care for a peek. Of course I had no 'Trump' in mind in early 2015 when I typed the post, yet Trump's natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio perches saucily atop the Midheaven of the 1791 chart (MC 22Gem58) along with US natal Mars just as 1791 Jupiter in Virgo rises (3:30 pm selected by the Masons because Jupiter in Virgo was rising) along with America's natal Neptune. 1791 Jupiter conjunct US natal Neptune (1776) in our era suggests pretense and illusion as the Federal City was founded--or, inspiration and the grand spirit. Yet the Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1791 were apparently unaware of the existence of far away planet Neptune with its potentials in Astrology for delusion, deception, fraud, dissolution, and its basic urge to merge.

Now naturally, your eagle eye spies a YOD pattern, too, between the 1791 Mars-Pluto sextile pointing to the rising Jupiter and Ascendant (and US natal Neptune) although Neptune and Pluto were unknown in 1791. YODs suggest turning points, crossroads, special tasks, or crises for Washington DC in relation to ideals, finances, promotion of ideas (spreading democracy? propaganda, media), expansion, growth, and/or exploration. Plus, this is a Jupiter-square-US-Mars transit denoting a period when moderation is needed, too much force may be used, rash actions can create more problems, and overestimation of strength or ability often occurs. In addition, a heady whiff of America's Jupiterian 'Manifest Destiny' may be noticed.

So each time since 1791 that transit Jupiter has returned to its 1791 degree, the Federal City's Mars-Pluto YOD has been re-activated, plus, other transiting planets and progressions have had their effects as well. The last/current Jupiter Return to 22Vir38 is a three-fer due to retrogradation; the exact conjunctions perfected on December 19, 2015, January 27, 2016, and August 3, 2016--reminding us of Donald Trump riding his escalator down from on-high (June 2015), paying an audience of actors to applaud his prez bid, campaigning ad nauseum (ongoing), and on November 8, 2016 being selected by the Electoral College to play the POTUS role against all common sense. For those of us attempting to ignore the recent and ongoing chaos he thrives upon and his dismantling of our traditions and institutions which he has apparently been plopped in the Oval Office in order to perpetrate, Wikipedia keeps a handy list of the Events of 2016 for our reviewing pleasure; of course, 2015 events are available there as well.

Eclipse watchers might wish to consider the solar eclipse themes of 2024 of which there are two: April 8th @19Aries in the 8 North Saros Series (prophetic visions, dreams, hunches), and October 2nd @10Libra (conjunct the 2024 SP Full Moon's North Node!) in the 8 South series (separation and loss; physical injury is possible; over-straining of one's strength--Brady).

And if we read the planets of the Federal City's YOD as midpoint pictures, we have potentials for: Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: the big plan comes into focus (Utopian America, aka, the New Atlantis!); making things happen (a capital city); Mars-Pluto = ASC: showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; and Mars-Pluto = US natal Neptune: cunning strategies; subterfuge; plotting rebellion (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

These potentials all sound like my former Federal City of residence to me.

Now here's a very much related previous post concerning associated topics: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington.

Sep 18, 2018

Horoscope Sept 24, 2018: Dr Ford vs Judge Kavanaugh

This post has an Update September 19, 2018. Original post begins here...

Until today only two posts have appeared here concerning controversial SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing a Jupiter-Neptune Affair (as in, frothy; attempting to fulfill a dream or vision - my guess: the end of abortion's rights in America, a complex issue where men shouldn't tread). Circled on the chart is transit Jupiter @20Scorpio conjoining Kavanaugh's natal Neptune while opposing his natal Jupiter. A squishy foundation of overblown dreams'n'schemes! Oversell! But he does have his Nodal Axis (21Gem/21Sag) conjoining that of Donald Trump which necessarily brings in Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition on his Nodal Axis and suggests for them a cozy meeting of this a get-out-of-jail-free card for Trump with Kavanaugh On The Bench and following Trump's lead who is following the Kremlin's and China's lead?

Now today here's another 'Kavanaugh post' showing a 9:30 am edt time (speculative hour) horoscope set for Monday September 24, 2018 Capitol Building in DC, the announced date when Dr. Christine Ford and SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh are scheduled to testify concerning a disputed event from 1982.

A curious factor is that a solar eclipse in the Saros Series of the currently in-force Solar Eclipse (2 New North), which perfected August 11, 2018 @18Leo41, aka, 'The Tower Eclipse' for its *collapse of structures, lifestyles, or plans vibes, also manifested on July 30, 1982 (28Cancer). This may not be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the party and alleged assault but Dr. Ford has stated that she believes it occurred in 'summer of 1982'. See Timeline: How the Kavanaugh accusations have unfolded.

Now some hastiness is clearly noticeable in Republicans' 'shove him through' behavior concerning this particular nominee, as you know, and to some degree this may be attributed to the fact the new SCOTUS term opens October 1, 2018 with Pluto in Capricorn Station Direct @18Cap45 and an unaspected Jupiter--factors I hope to discuss in a future post.

* 2 New North's collapse theme: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Sep 3, 2018

Election Day 2020 Voting Mercury Stations Direct

DC Horoscope: Election Day November 3, 2020 Washington DC 12:49:34 pm est, the moment Mercury, the planet of voting and voters, ballots, decisions, news, and communications turns Direct @25Lib55:02. Is this a cosmic picture of voters changing their minds? Or of votes being secretly changed or 'flipped' by hackers and/or other election saboteurs? If the last, we'll be able to identify many of the cheaters via the names of the victors!

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbled notes; Mercury's rounded-up degree of '26 Libra' = "An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One Into the Other" which seems to relate to the "turning" of Mercury from retrograde to direct--from Venus (8Libra06) toward the Sun (11Sco46)--or vice versa. Yet Scorpio's symbol is 'the eagle' so Venus must be the dove! Or is she the Oval Office which is a Venusian symbol of The Cosmic Egg which suggests all that Masonic mumbo jumbo and esoteric occultism that America's Founders followed when setting up the Utopian 'New Atlantis' in the New World, aka, America? And has the Great Seal reversed yet?

If so, then it's not very curious that in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones gives '26 Libra' a Keyword of: ADEPTNESS. Positive expression: unusually effective self-discipline; negative: unhappy vacillation between ultimate ideals and momentary desires. Well, vacillation and indecision aren't rare within a voting booth on Election Day, of course, and if we consult Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac for guidance on the 26th degree of Venus-ruled Libra, we find mention of "A sturdy, aristocratic physique, very keen senses of sight and hearing; an emotional, perhaps oversensitive temperament; open to danger of jumping to extreme mental attitudes. A two-edged fortune; great chances of victory in the struggle for life, and danger of losing all of one's property."

The Condition of Mercury

Now you see the weighty stellium of karmic Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter rising in governmental Capricorn--all three destined to meet in Great Conjunctions all through 2020 which is why I listed again their dates, upper right, in order of occurrence. Interesting how voting Mercury squares the trio with its square to Saturn separating (0S28), then a square to Pluto (3A11), and last to Jupiter (4A27). Squares represent obstacles, as you know, so naturally voter suppression tactics come easily to mind, along with potentials for: documents, papers, and/or ballots being mishandled, lost, or otherwise restricted or the count delayed (Mercury-Saturn), impractical campaign promises, inaccurate conclusions, exaggerated information, overblown rhetoric, and erroneous judgments (Mercury-Jupiter), and sarcasm, skepticism, and/or scandal used to manipulate or spotlight the weaknesses or vulnerabilities of others, obsessive thoughts, and/or secret information used to control others for personal gain. In other words, political campaigns and subsequent elections.

And of course you know that all three Capricorn planets are nearing US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) with the karmic planet of restriction and accountability, Saturn, lurking nearest. This indicates a period when issues of power and control are uppermost and situations are simply too large to handle which may be related to past actions and behavior that were not up to Saturn's exacting standards. And with transit Pluto @22Cap42, Americans can feel our nation's first-ever Pluto Return/s coming soon with The Dictator suggested by the Pluto-in-Capricorn placement (Ebertin). So who was 'The Dictator' in 1776? Is Great Britain still in control of America?

Some say, yes, for certainly, control by a foreign power is indicated if nothing else even as some of us think that it's always been the case (by distant wealth-hoarder Pluto in his ivory tower)--and certainly now considering that huge amounts of money are invested in our politicians and they're controlled from afar and from plutonian shadows. Of the trio, perhaps Jupiter conjunct US Pluto will bring better results but more likely only more egregious plutocratic behavior as the rest of our resources migrate to 'the top'. Unfortunately, the American people have only Democrats to depend on for improving such unbalanced conditions but they're corporate-controlled too. So we must forget labels-- let's vote for candidates who actually uphold decent ideals wherever we find them!

POTUS Sun in Scorpio--Plus, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus

The Sun @11Sco46 (leadership) in 9th house applies only once in the chart--a trine with Neptune in 1st house which suggests large, unmanageable events connected to water, oil, gas, toxins--or possibly to fraud, propaganda, theft, falsehoods and lies (positively, inspiration). Religious figures are also suggested by the trine via evangelicals aspiring to the halls of power and 'helping' a figurehead into the Oval Office by hook or crook, if that's what it takes to install their agenda more completely.

Note on Uranus: there is a separating opposition between Sun and disruptive planet of chaos, Uranus (3S12), so by Election Day 2020 there have been challenges to POTUS leadership as he follows a dangerous course and continues to exhibit unpredictable anti-social behavior. So far, Trump does pretty much what he wants so perhaps the Sun-Uranus opposition here relates to finances, personal activities, and eventually having to pull in his sails. Yet with Uranus involved, we can never be certain, can we? For Uranus acts early, late, or never!

Now I confess that ever since the 2017-into-2018 Neptune Returns of the Republican Party (which freakily morphed into the Trump Party--change of identity or, more likely, the Neptunian mask of racism and totalitarianism comes off) I always think of the GOP (or what passes for it) and various of its members when I see Neptune in its own sign of Pisces in a Mundane Chart. So Neptune trine Election Day 2020 Sun denotes successful publicity and promotions for (Republican?) candidates--and along with America's Venusian Election Cycle suggests that the new president of November 2020 will be the old president, that is, whoever is playing the role at the time (Trump or Pence, one assumes) will be triumphant.

That's because 2020 Venus is in her own sign of Libra so odds are, the same party remains in the White House unlike in 2016 when Venus was in Sagittarius, sign of 'the outsider' when a rival (of Barack Obama) 'won'. Wish I could read the chart differently but it's impossible--although it is possible that election manipulation can occur in favor of a Democrat since the Venus Cycle formula did 'miss' a couple of times in the past. Maybe this time?!?!?

So as you see, the heavy-weight trio rising in the chart warns of a picture of Trump's natal Saturn and Venus in Cancer as the trio of planets take turns opposing them, plus, creating other obstacles for him via squares as 2018, 2019, and 2020 trundle along. This cosmic picture for Trump is an easy enough reason to imagine theocrat Mike Pence (as 'priest-king'? he fancies himself a preacher!) stepping into the presidential role before Election Day 2020, the political role he's been preparing for all his life. Maybe someone should inform Mr. Pence that Jesus Christ speaks to other believers, too, and around here He does not promote a Pence White House that would command people to worship Him under threat of man made laws!

Recommended: a bi-wheel of Election Day 2020 was published here showing 12:00 am est and 11:59 pm est in order to 'cover' the entire day's planetary transits. If you wish to view the post mosey over here at your convenience.

Related: The Mystery of The Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed.

Aug 27, 2018

DC Horoscope: Manafort Trial September 17, 2018

Update August 28, 2018: the September 17th trial of Paul Manafort will proceed as scheduled with jury selection, however, opening statements are postponed for one week until September 24th.

Original post begins here:

Uncertain of the precise hour the trial of Paul Manafort opens on September 17, 2018 in a Washington DC courtroom, the following horoscope is set for '8:00 am edt' and as you see, the Midheaven ('MC'), or Goal Point, at the top of the chart @8Can34 shows the natal Mercury of Donald Trump crossing over it at that moment. Fixed star Alhena is there as well with its theme, to have a mission. Might the mission have anything to do with Trump's chatty if duplicitous Mercury? More likely with Mr. Manafort's knowledge of the Mercurial Trump's 2016 campaign.

See Paul Manafort trial in DC to take 3 weeks, probe Ukraine lobbying world. And here's a previous post showing the 1991 independence horoscope of Ukraine if you're curious.

September 17, 2018 The Cosmic Curtain Rises in Judge Jackson's Courtroom

Rising at 8:00 am is 7Lib32 which makes Venus chart-ruler yet she makes no applying aspects at all to clue us in on how things will proceed. Or does she? With no application of the chart-ruler, we must depend on Venus' sign, degree, house placement (2nd h of Money, Values, Possessions), and house ruler-ship to tell the tale. Here, with Venus in brooding Scorpio, sign of corporations, money, big business, and betrayal, we find the Sabian Symbol for Venus' degree instructive: '6Scorpio' = "A Gold Rush"...AMBITION with its negative expression of "a lack of practical discrimination and an irresistible desire for easy money." (Jones). Considering the allegations against unregistered 'foreign lobbyist' and money launderer, Mr. Manafort, this seems clear enough, right? Plus, Venus also rules the corporate 8th house of Finance, Shared Resources, Credit, and Debt via Taurus, the luxury-loving sign of Paul Manafort's natal Moon. Yes, luxury, comfort, money, and possessions are his reigning needs (Moon).

Then there's Mr. Trump's natal Cancerian Mercury at Goal Point--Mercury, planet of communications (ex: tweets), commerce, trade, theft, deals and negotiations--in Cancer, sign of patriotism, shrewd business ability, and self-protection, so we may expect Paul Manafort's knowledge of Mr. Trump's words, plans, deals, and 'patriotism' to be part of the legal proceedings if Trump's name comes up at all. Possibly it will in relation to the events, contacts, and negotiations which took place at RNC 2016 as foreign actors lurked about:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles for not all chart factors will be mentioned in this text; besides, the trial date could possibly be changed again or the proceedings could begin at noon or later--at noon, Scorpio rises which would emphasize Mars conjunct POTUS Sun, square Uranus (0A26; danger; explosions, and Mars, here out-of-bounds (OOBs), soon to be conjoined by the transiting South Node of the Moon, aka, The Tail of the Dragon (as will the POTUS Sun 00AQ48, a separative and karmic Saturnian condition--see Tail of the Dragon Smacks POTUS Sun!) in late October 2018. Popularity with the public is not promised by this transit.

So as you see, 8:00 am edt is an Hour of Saturn, perfect for legalities and for holding the innocent-until-proven-guilty to account. Upper right of the chart I penned the ASC 7Lib32 to show that Trump's natal Neptune (5:50 Rx) is rising, then Manafort's natal Neptune (13:52 Rx) about to rise. The Sun-Mercury midpoint (business people) of this chart sits upon America's natal Neptune (23Virgo) which provides a cosmic picture of swindlers and crooks (Ebertin). Homegrown ones, I guess. Anyway, at the Foundation (IC) of the chart, the Moon at a Cardinal World Point) pairs with Saturn conjoins asteroid Orpheus so cue the violins for the emotional heaviness that pervades. Yet the Moon-Saturn duo can also denote ambition and strategy especially here in Capricorn.

This is a first quarter Moon phase (crisis in action) but what really catches my eye is the Locomotive shape of the planets (ruthless success) led by little Mercury @21Virgo--conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society). Mercury is oriental (rises just before the Sun) and in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Backroom Deals. And of course, Sun in 12th house denotes unconscious arrogance and with Mercury oriental it's predictably a 'cross the Ts dot the Is' sort of day.

Paul Manafort's natal Mercury at Aries Point (00:04) is in process of being visited by transit Chiron (the wounded healer, the wound, the blind spot) suggesting him as a conduit of some sort for sending messages. Then his natal Venus @7Ari42 is setting for the vengeful-when-scorned planet sits precisely on the Descendant at 8:00 am--with his natal Mars @8Ari21. With this pair, are love affairs or other liaisons indicated? Or merely irritability, exaggeration, and possibly a lack of tact? (Ebertin).

Now striding across the chart is a Grand Cross if we allow the Nodal axis to take part. Otherwise, it's a double T-Square between the Venus-Uranus opposition that points toward Mars @1AQ28--and US POTUS Sun (in 2017, Sun @00AQ48 = Trump) on one end, and Venus-Uranus = North NOde on the other. Quick responses and intense feelings are suggested. Plus, someone is 'ready to go' and 'proud' (POTUS Sun). Of course, another picture is shown--Mars-NN = Uranus which denotes potentials for upsets and sudden experiences, but also for active cooperation. Then Venus opposite Uranus adds collaboration to the Mars-Nodal picture. But surely not the flipping of Paul Manafort! Probably just the legal teams involved in the investigations and the trial.

And naturally, there's a notation at the bottom of the horoscope with saboteur and wealth-hoarder Pluto @18Cap48 Rx again intensifying the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Cap) which forms a midpoint picture of 'the big picture must be followed; very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer someone can't refuse. The Sabian Symbol for this degree describes POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, 'strong-armed paternalism' at its 'best' (by which I mean worst) and here in 4th house, the Basis of the whole shebang.

And we mustn't neglect to mention the Jupiter-Pluto sextile (plutocrats; big wheeler-dealers--2nd h of Money, 4th h of Real Estate) which forms a temporary YOD (crisis; turning point) with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio which is marked in orange in the 8th house. As a midpoint picture, this suggests Mr. Trump's tendencies for quick exploitation of every situation, far-reaching associations, possible adjustment to new circumstances, fanatical striving for improvement, and political activities (Ebertin). As a YOD the pattern can act as a timer for major adjustments which must be made so that a complete change of direction is facilitated. If the energies are poorly handled, results will be negative for Mr. Trump.

Well, there are many more cosmic clues in the chart and in later charts of the day but since I try to avoid typing too much about a horoscope for which I have no exact hour, I'll leave you with this spotty analysis until and unless the hour the trial begins is discovered causing the different house cusps to change to a large extent so that any of the portents mentioned in today's post don't hold. Or if there's a delay in the court calendar.

Jul 12, 2018

July 2018 Lunar Eclipse Blinks at Russia's Saturn!

Secrets in Shadows.

When it comes to the Dissolution of the Soviet Union we think of the date Mikhail Gorbachov stepped down from the presidency and left Boris Yeltsin in charge of the newly minted Russian State. Apparently this difficult event is considered by Vladimir Putin to be well worth revenging as we see with his use of American politicians and cyber war to 'bring down' our nation from the top tier, plus, his other draconian methods...success at any cost, ends justify means! Not my cup o'tea, how about you?

Now there's no need to mention names of compromised US politicians because we know who they are, or at least we know the ones who are public figures and are abroad (NATO Summit, Helsinki) embarrassing on, and withdrawing America from, the world stage as I type. As usual, Mr. Trump's arguments to our allies are cobbled together by mixing a little truth with a lot of falsehood, the most efficient way to pull the wool over someone's eyes, or confuse issues at the very least. He does this every day. But the thing is, once truth is diluted, it is no longer true or the truth because half truths are not actually truths.

So if you haven't yet, take a look at the planets' positions in Moscow on December 25, 1991. The horoscope I use for Russia is from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes which primarily cites historical records; the Flag was Raised at 5:45 pm GMT Moscow, State of Russia with 25Leo16 rising and 9Tau58 at Midheaven. Yes, Leo and Taurus are the same Fixed signs on ASC and MC as in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump. Different degrees, same signs, suggesting a shared character trait: strong determination and perhaps a toxic measure of irrational will. And we get to 'add' a Leonine Mars rising to Trump's chart...Mr. Street Fighter, always spoiling for a fisticuffs, red-faced at the slightest exertion, a general blowhard, a litigious deadbeat, and a bounder and cad with the ladies. He was never presidential material and has shown no interest in 'growing into the job' as many had hoped. Still, he is pretty good at following Putin's directions and will report on his performance at the NATO Summit in Brussels when he huddles in secret with Vlad in Helsinki on July 16. Yep, we watch semi-dumbfounded as Donald Trump does just what Putin would do!

So besides hitting US natal South Node (double the Saturn!), the Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 conjoins Russia's natal Saturn posited in its 6th house @5AQ10. You know astrological Saturn and you know what an entity's 6th house entails besides the military so I won't bore you (more than is often necessary). And of course, Saturn in Aquarius, its ancient sign of ruler-ship (and still is in some astrologers' estimations) hints that Russia considers herself well disciplined and ready for any contingency that may emerge--and the eclipse can bring out this issue or perhaps activate it. Planning is a specialty in the Russian mentality which tallies with the kind of leader for whom revenge is a dish best served cold. Yes, Putin's long-term planning is now paying off through the redoubtable form and agency of Donald Trump who fancies himself, is always in need of large amounts of money, is suggestible through flattery and corruptible via pay-offs and bribery. Why, Spanky is plum dreamy and oh so blackmailable...

Meanwhile, the transiting, ever-circling South Node of the Moon (SN), the 'tail of the dragon', is an integral part of this late July 2018 lunar equation since the close presence of the Nodal axis is how to tell that a Full Moon is actually a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses, whether Total (strongest) or not, often have incredible influence upon events, conditions, circumstances, and/or people and tend to excite surprising revelations or news, 'reveals', secrets, gossip, and scandals. Unconscious motivations may become starkly obvious to self or other and suddenly a new direction is offered or enforced--and that's usually when we become aware of the strange light now cast upon the objects below!

Soon to be posted from my astro-drawing board: details concerning Russia's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and when it repeats. Hint: current events (political theater performances, as I often think them) are part of a long-term 'new world order' agenda as was the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush41's invasion of Kuwait, and his 'new world order' speech (open avowal of global government!), 9/11/01, the rise of terrorism, brutal dictators, the caging of children, authoritarian governments "winning" elections (strong-armed paternalism)...all events that were influenced by the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993. Ideally, Faith and Reason are meant to shake hands in this particular cosmic equation of planets but with the forces of destruction closing in on little Planet Earth and its inhabitants, what are the chances that this isn't the Old Order of 1776 passing before our eyes in these momentous times?

Jun 20, 2018

Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse repeats July 12, 2018

Solar Eclipse @20Cancer41 July 12, 2018 10:47:47 pm edt Washington DC in the 2 Old North Saros Series. This is a repeat of Donald Trump's 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) which perfected @8Gem48 on May 30, 1946 prior to his birth on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York. Note that his PE conjoined US natal Uranus @8Gemini55 (July 4, 1776) and that Uranus is the planet of separation, revolt, and chaos.

Themes of 2 Old North include potentials for 'taking action concerning personal relationships; unfortunate news regarding friendships or relationships; separations; endings of unions; glum conditions but fast action can bring positive results (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Basic chart details are penned upon the image (exs: Mars out-of-bounds, Hour of Jupiter; Jupiter and Neptune chart-rulers trine one another--see lower left), and marked in green are Trump's natal planets and angles. Pluto @20Capricorn opposes the eclipse with both at critical-crisis degrees (20Can-Cap) across the 5/11 axis; the Sabian Symbol of the eclipse degree rounded up '21Cancer' = "A Prima Donna Singing' and notated, lower right, is "A Prima Donna Singing" since Trump's name is Don, of course, and today everyone continues to wonder if Trump will 'sit down' with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and 'sing' about his involvement with Vladimir Putin and Russian oligarch funding of his 2016 campaign. And answer Mueller's questions on obstruction.

This eclipse chart is infused with Jupiter-Neptune, the speculation/grand schemes pair and, as you see, Trump's natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio is in 7th house of Partnerships (in Washington DC; but in his 2nd house natally) and the midpoint of the Plutocracy pair of Jupiter and Pluto graces the Midheaven denoting those in power positions with great ambition to succeed. At apex of the Jupiter-Uranus midpoint is Mars Rx OOBs, well-hidden in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing and conjoined by the transiting South Node, a Saturnian point of separation. Mars-SN has a military ring to it (Trump's Mars and Pluto in Leo, plus his natal ASC, are in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service), and describes loners who act upon their own decisions without regard to the opinions of others--and may be out-of-step with societal norms. Plus, transit Mars opposing Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) indicates a period of hostile forces lined up against him and a lack of control on his part to affect outcomes--a karmic condition is indicated (reaping what's been sown).

Eroding Neptune in shady Pisces rising in the 1st house of this chart suggests conditions continuing such as scandals, deceits, cover-ups, leaks, disappointment, and loss, even thievery. Large water events such as flooding are also possibilities, along with plenty of tears--especially for those under Trump's watchful raptor's eye, aka, most anyone who isn't wealthy or famous. That his Prenatal Solar Eclipse now repeats as it does every 18.6 years spotlights the themes of his 2 Old North Saros Series, as noted above, and we'll soon see how significant, if at all, they become regarding events in his life. Of course, Trump's cruel policy of separating children from their parents at the border has already followed the eclipse's 'separation' theme--and this done for the political purpose of snagging the billions of dollars he demands in order to allegedly build a border wall. Yet I still wonder if he thinks he can keep a bunch of the money for himself!

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in this eclipse chart but it will soon be July so I'll close this post now and publish it this evening. Complaining about Trump and his anti-government handmaidens like eugenics-booster Stephen Miller does take a toll yet hopefully later in July my surgery sagas will be over and we can discuss more interesting topics than the fearfully misguided, anti-social administration run by autocratic Republicans and the orange-haired mascot they hope to hide behind in November.

Mar 20, 2018

Eclipse Horoscope of the 2018 US Midterm Elections

Here you see the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections, aka, 'The Tower Eclipse' which perfects on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series:

The 2018 US Midterm Elections will be held Tuesday November 6, 2018 with 36 states and 3 territories actively balloting, last I heard--and all House seats are up for grabs.

For the curious, this horoscope with details can be found in a previous post.

Feb 17, 2018

DC Horoscopes: Chiron to Aries Point 2018--2019

Chiron and the Roots of America: What Kind of Nation Are We?

by Jude Cowell

Transiting Chiron conjoins the Aries Point (AP) three times on April 17, 2018, September 25, 2018 (Rx), and February 18, 2019. Below is a tri-wheel image of the upcoming Chiron-AP conjunctions with the horoscopes set for Washington DC and basic notes penned upon the chart including each conjunction's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse which are listed, lower left:

It seems to me that any transit to Aries Point is globally significant for multiple reasons, not the least of which because in the US natal horoscope I most often tend to use (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--IC 00Ari47), the Foundation/Roots/Ending Point (IC) conjoins the Aries Point with 00Libra at Midheaven, two of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation. Therefore, Mars, god of war, rules our nation's founding and our ending through its ruler-ship of Aries. This cosmic condition unfortunately spotlights America's natal Mars-Neptune square and one assumes the Founding Fathers would not have been as proud of our national Mars in Gemini if they'd been aware of astrological Neptune's dissolving, undermining, and fraudulent influences upon our country's actions and motives (Mars). Subsequently, misguided, misdirected, off-the-mark plans and projects have abounded and usually in the realms of war and conflict.

So perhaps we should consider what wounded-wounding Chiron, priestly centaur of healing, blindspots, and the Christ archetype in Astrology, represents when in Mars-ruled Aries while remembering that Chiron orbits between inner Saturn and outer Uranus (past + future = present--be here now!, says Chiron), the planetary pair representing Israel and Palestine as well as old order vs new order--and the tension between them that is causing much turmoil across the world today.

Chiron in Aries signifies pioneers, trailblazers, and mavericks, and conjures and stimulates the Mars-Chiron 'sacred warrior' archetype into action. And since astrological Chiron is associated with our Life Quest, we must wonder what new discoveries, break-throughs, or expeditions are in store--possibly concerning America's founding or Founding Fathers (IC/4thhouse); futuristically, more space exploration is included in the Chirotic possibilities. Chiron is also linked to nuclear energy so the atomic realm may also be featured during Chiron's stay in Aries until 2027, the first year Chiron Returns to natal discovery degree (1977) of 3Tau08 in 2027--2028.

Chiron in Aries suggests head wounds (exs: concussions, depression and other mental conditions) and points toward the current mass murder climate and lack of gun control now wounding Americans physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Chiron in Aries tends to be a loner (R. Nolle) and America has always been that--with Trump's isolating policies, now more than ever. Our nation's adventurism and conquest-loving persona 'inspires' many males (US Mars Rx by progression since 2006) to take up arms against their fellow citizens within a hazy, often drug-fueled morass of misdirected targeting.

Yet Chiron also symbolizes "wholeness, the synthetic reconciliation of thesis and antithesis" (R. Nolle--his book is linked, below). Note that Donald Trump's natal Chiron is in Libra, a relatively rare placement for The Centaur, and indicating one who is 'singled out for a special role'. His Chiron is snugged between the speculator-spendthrift-bubbly pair of Jupiter and Neptune, in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values. Now you may disagree, but to me the conflict-loving, gilt-laden man, a specialist in bullying, insults, and chaos, definitely represents wounded values!

Of course, we cannot overlook the fact that the Aries Point actually conjoins fixed star Scheat (29Pis38) which can positively express as intellectualism, or negatively express when combined with a malefic planet as potentials for misfortune, murder, suicide, or imprisonment. In other words, "malevolence of sublime scope" (A. Louis) and this may echo conditions from around the time of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct Scheat! This was the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of Trump's prez bid announcement on June 16, 2015 and we see where that's getting us.

Now using the rounded-up method for Sabian Symbols, US natal IC's degree of 00Ari47 = '1 Aries": "A Woman Has Arisen from the Sea, a Seal Is Embracing Her" which is a handy reference to America's Great Seal and the major involvement of Freemasonry in the founding of our nation. Of course, this word picture (Sabian Symbol) also points to Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati and its official founding and seal (May 1, 1776) so like our nation's Great Seal. And though we may not wish to know this, the symbol for '1 Aries' in Carelli's Degrees is: "An armed warrior of herculean build tilling the soil" which he notes is the Sun's degree of Germany's Third Reich. Well, America does like to play the role of adventure-prone strongman Hercules as did Herr Hitler in his day.

America's Founding as a Nation

Now here's a curious note: Chiron's orbital period is approximately 50 years (or, 49-51). Here's a brief excerpt from a previous post concerning America's natal Chiron:

US natal Chiron @21Aries = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and with Chiron returning to natal degree near the day of the two Founders' deaths (Jefferson and Adams both died July 4, 1826--50 years to the day after the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed), we see that two of the top 'pugilists' of our Revolutionary era had left the ring of life" and the fight for independence they once championed. Apparently, 'the ring' on one level was global geopolitics--and Washington continues to fight behind the shield of the 'sacred warrior' with our Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries.

Now with America's natal Chiron in 4th house, we know that our search for identity is the Quest. The American Revolution supplied the original answer so that now, re-connecting with our roots and honestly assessing our past are imperative if we as a nation wish to heal our current sickened condition. Environmentalism is also suggested by a 4th house Chiron as we watch corporatists and oil drillers plunder our natural resources and poison our waters, air, and soil. Have you noticed how often we hear in the media pundits uttering such questions as, Is this who America really is? Or, What kind of nation are we? Usually these questions are asked when austerity measures and other bad policies threaten the lives and health of US citizens as they do under Trump and the GOP leadership.

Yes, FDR's healing bromide, the test of our progress remains an excellent guide for measuring who and what America really is. Yet these days we're failing rather badly at defining ourselves while plutocratic "economic royalists" are doing it for us. Will we allow regressive 'Robin Hood' politicians and policies that favor the wealthy to rule the day and send American culture back to 1854? Not if Stars Over Washington can help it! For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann often reminds us, democracy is not a spectator sport--so how will You, dear reader, answer the question, Who and What is America?

For one man's solution see How to Fix Our Political System by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Now let's close with the April 17, 2018 midpoint picture that very soon will closely affect Chiron at AP: Sun-Uranus = Chiron. The Sun-Uranus combination of energies contains revealing information concerning the realms of Politics and Business, the potentials of which I quote here from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for all or some of them are already in progress:

"Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits."

Sound to you like any existing leader/s we know?

My Chiron Reading List includes: Chiron in the Natal Chart by Julie Demboski; Chiron and the Healing Journey by Melanie Reinhart; Chiron: Rainbow Bridge to the Inner and Outer Planets by Barbara Hand Clow; Chiron: Healing Body and Soul by Martin Lass; and Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, the Key to Your Quest by Richard Nolle.

Chiron was in Aries off-and-on during the years: 1918, 1919, 1926, 1927, 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977.

Feb 5, 2018

DC Horoscope: US Progressed New Moon 2024

February 5, 2018: If there exists an America in 2024, below is her next Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon @19Pis26 on March 25, 2024 which symbolically times a new cycle of activity and experience. Of course, year 2021 begins a 'dark of the moon' period when anything can happen so I'm not predicting here, just posting our national SP New Moon chart for those who may wish to view it in early mode! And of course, with an SP or transiting New Moon, things take a while before the proper direction is clear.

Most of my current notes and its basic details are penned messily on the chart so hopefully you can enlarge the image for better viewing. Added are the dates and degrees of our country's Previous SP New Moon in 1994 (19AQ51), and this SP New Moon's Previous SP Full Moon (4Vir10) on or about December 25, 2008 which marked the time when the US had extended into the wider world as far as she could reasonably and naturally go. As you know, Washington DC's preparation for this important karmic condition was to continue indulging in the same old globe-conquering madness, wasteful spending, embezzlement from public coffers and various other financial crimes, weakened systems and agencies of government, lowered standards in international diplomacy, foreign entanglements and conflicts of interest that the Founders warned against, and mayhem and corruption that would horrify the American people if the truth were known. Oh well. One day all will be known!

Around the chart in blue: transits for the SP New Moon's date, time, and location.

America's Progressed New Moon @19Pis26 March 25, 2024 3:22 pm edt Washington DC:

Note that in the transits both Mars (2Pis11) and Pluto (1AQ45) are out-of-bounds and up to who-knows what. And that US SP Jupiter (15Can11) has been retrograde by progression since 1905 which figures directly into the formation of the 'Federal Reserve System of Banking', aka, the transnational central bank take-over of the US government. US SP Jupiter Rx also relates to America's tiresome tendency to over extend and grab what isn't hers--and a major change of direction and disturbing philosophical shifts were also shown by our nation's Jupiter function turning inward @15Cancer--directly upon the natal Ascendant of the money-guzzling Pentagon.

Dec 10, 2017

DC Horoscopes: Spring Equinoxes 2017 and 2018

For the sake of comparison, and since our nation has experienced a major change of administrations in the interim, here are horoscopes of Spring Equinox 2017 and Spring Equinox 2018. Please enlarge the image to read a few basic chart notes because not a lot of text follows and I intend to post in the New Year concerning the 2018 chart:

In Washington DC, the cosmic 'star of the show' that stands out in Angular fashion is 2017's Neptune in Pisces rising and 2018's Neptune in Pisces at Midheaven, the Goal Point, conjunct fixed star Achernar (crisis at the end of the river; risk of rapid endings). Astrological Neptune in Pisces denotes potentials for mysticism, secrets and leaks, scandals, pathological tendencies, paranoia, fanaticism, contagion, fraud, deceit, and/or spiritual inclinations and the Divine Source.

Here's the star of the show now in a close-up NASA pic...

Related: DC Horoscopes: Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019.

Nov 11, 2017

DC Horoscope: Scorpio New Moon Nov 18, 2017

Here you see the Scorpio New Moon Horoscope of November 18, 2017 set for the White House. At 26Sco19, the New Moon rises and its ruler and co-ruler, Mars and Pluto, are also the ruler and co-ruler of the chart itself.

Fretfully, chart-ruler Mars applies to only one planet: co-ruler Pluto (0A37) suggesting distinct possibilities for destructive anger, power struggles, and revenge to manifest along with a potential for violence. This is an extremely karmic aspect hinting that past actions now bring obstacles and blockages (square) to current endeavors and it's easy to associate this with Mr. Trump's current political and familial predicaments and worries. And yet he may be feeling quite expansive and optimistic about now with transit Mars conjoining his natal 2nd house Jupiter (17Lib27) which is strong and Station Direct in his natal chart.

Still, this New Moon perfects during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) and with Mercury in 1st house @17Sag25 and out-of-bounds, secret communications are occurring since Mercury is off on its own thinking and saying who-knows-what to whomever while ruling the Midheaven (Public Status; Career) of this chart. Curiously, the Mercurial MC-IC axis points toward America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon of December 2008 (4Vir10/4Pis10), a cosmic timing device that should have shown Washington DC that as a nation we had expanded into the world as far as we could safely reach--any more and we're overextended, a fact that many of us have been feeling in our bones ever since or before. It seems starkly obvious that military costs are sinking the US ship of state, as you may or may not agree.

Now in 9th house is this New Moon's Prenatal Eclipse (PE), The Great American Eclipse @28Leo52, the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 that 'split' our nation into North and South halves and I continue to think that the primary theme of that manifestation of a 1 North eclipse is: information is distorted and possibly false (Brady). We now remain under its influence. Of course, when it comes to Politics and politicians (and the financiers they swear allegiance to) we should always keep that advisory in mind.

New Moon '27Scorpio': "A Military Band on the March"...keynote: POMP (Rudhyar). To this degree Adriano Carelli adds no word picture but he says that "political skill" can "sheer off" into "double-dealing." And here I was thinking that that was always a given in Politics!

So we plant seeds of our intentions at the New Moon and they blossom at the next Full Moon which will perfect on December 3, 2017 @11Gem40 with Gemini ruler Mercury Rx at a critical 29th degree of Sagittarius. This Full Moon will conjoin the Descendant (Partnerships and Alliances) in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon natal chart hinting at a culmination of some kind in the realms of US relationships. Yet we must avoid spreading ourselves too thin under the sway of the December Full Moon although the temptation to do so will be strong.

Now here are the two 'Images for Integration' for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio blend of double-Water energies in force at the November 18th New Moon:

A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Image: self-portrait after writing this post.