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Showing posts with label Election 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2024. Show all posts

Apr 17, 2023

Election 2024: our Make-or-Break Moment

by Jude Cowell

In Thom Hartmann's April 17, 2023 Daily Take What's Behind the GOP's War Against Democracy?, Thom states that, "Election 2024 may well be the equivalent of the November 1932 German elections: a make-or-break moment for American democracy." Because as you know, Hitler did end up in control of the German government.

Confirming the date of the historic event, we find that the German federal election was held on November 6, 1932 with the Nazi Party's share of votes falling by 4%. Follow the link for more election details.

Then, since eclipse cycles echo historical cycles and bring along similar events and societal conditions, we find that the two Solar Eclipses of 1932, first on March 7 @16Pis32 in the 6 North Saros Series, the second on August 31, 1932 @8Vir09 in the 6 South Series (in which the November 1932 elections occurred), have already repeated in our era with the 6 South operative as I type but in process of morphing into the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 - this Thursday in the Eastern Time Zone (12:13 am - see bi-wheel, below).

April/October 2022 Solar Eclipses: 6 North/6 South

6 North April 30, 2022 @10Taurus; Themes: 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability'.

6 South October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio; Themes: 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity'. In the Midterm Elections of November 2022, this manic energy managed to finagle through gerrymandering and other means, the 'maga' House of Representatives. So our 2022 Midterm Elections are equivalent to Germany's November 1932 federal elections according to the solar eclipse cycle - with only partial success for Nazis, then and now.

Horoscopes: 'Maga Mob Attack (inner) and 7 North Eclipse 2023 (outer) showing 7 North 2023 Conjunct Mars 2021; plus, other notes

So now we face the energies and themes of a 7 North Solar Eclipse about to manifest on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, conjunct the position of the January 6, 2021 Mars, the warrior planet of anarchy and sedition. Besides being what I've previously termed, Hitl*r's birthday eclipse, this manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse brings us an Eclipse-Mars contact which functions as a Sun-to-Mars transit, an action-oriented indication of plans that can be set in motion (a timing device), that physical efforts are on someone's to-do list, and a suggestion that others are attracted and/or encouraged to join in.

Yet negatively, there are unpleasant circumstances due to hot-headed or impatient activities, and predictably, injuries can or will result. One thinks of militia-minded malcontents such as those we watched go "wild" on our TVs in 2021, inspired by the seditionist-in-chief, the Mango Mussolini who continues to hang around the neck of the United States of America.

For more info concerning such difficult topics see a previous post: Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017).

Eclipse notes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

America’s Slow Civil War w/ Jeff Sharlet - Thom Hartmann

Well, it's Monday, Mitch McConnell is back at work in the Senate, and here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show with author Jeff Sharlet discussing his new book on the "slow Civil War" now in progress thanks to the Republican Party death cult of seditionists who want all the power and control.

And if they should manage to grab it, don't think that We the People will continue to worship as we please either, for their brand of morality will be legislatively enforced across the land while corruption will only grow. It'll be an exported version of sharia law roosting - in America!

Now as everyone knows, our country has already experienced a Civil War of ritual sacrifice (as all wars are), so personally, this pro-democracy citizen (despite CSA ancestry) prefers America's Perpetual Union - sans any and all fascists and nazis, violent criminals as they are.

Because you see, originally, as the 1781 Horoscope linked above shows, our nation was founded on enlightened principles of rationality through which we could analyze the past and actually learn from it! So no matter how many cheating tactics Republicans have in place for Election 2024, a free America's only hope is to Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it.

Because, dear reader, it does.

Now here's a question: do you know that the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries is in the same Saros Series that brought America the Civil War of 1861? And the eclipse conjuncts warrior planet Mars' 29Aries position during the insurrection of January 6, 2021, which was an opening salvo of the 'maga' plan for another 'civil war'.

Apr 10, 2023

Is Fed Chair Jerome Powell Purposely Destroying the Economy? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a March 2023 clip from Thom Hartmann discussing Republican Fedhead Jerome Powell, recession, the US economy, and the possibility that Powell's actions are intended to undermine President Joe Biden's economic policies in order to give Republicans a boost in the 2024 Elections. Misplaced blame and campaign talking points will result.

Because it's common sense that goose-stepping Republican candidates will need all the multiple forms of cheating their fascism can devise for any hope of victory in the November 2024 elections:

What If the Universe Steps In?

So you know how 'they say' The best laid plans of mice and men? That's because sometimes higher forces interrupt earthly events with 'wild cards' known as eclipses, the most obvious and visible disruptions that few earthlings can ignore.

In case you missed it, here's a recent SO'W post displaying both the Federal Rescerve Act's December 23, 1913 Horoscope with its Moon @15Scorpio (We the People betrayed) and the Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 which 'eclipses' the Fed's 1913 Moon at the very same degree, what I tend to call a cosmic time link. Thanks to the lunar eclipse, we can expect the lunation to reveal, uncover, or leak information, even secrets, which can lead to outcomes such as scandals, karmic changes (positive or negative), and/or course corrections. As many economists agree, Mr. Powell would do the US economy a solid by listening.

Yet we know as with all events and conditions on Planet Earth, some measure of both positive and negative potentials may be blended, not just economically, but with other Scorpionic realms such as corporate big business, investment, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, research, further data breaches, war and diplomacy, and/or spying and surveillance. Such potentials will stretch through the Summer Solstice season while carrying along the themes of the April 2023 Solar Eclipse until the next Solar Eclipse in October 2023.

For more cosmic details concerning US budgetary and debt limit concerns into the summer season, you may wish to see June-July 2023 Lunations with a Message.

Mar 23, 2023

May 5, 2023: The Fed's Moon Is Eclipsed!

Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 Hits The Fed's 1913 Moon

by Jude Cowell

On May 5, 2023 a Lunar Eclipse perfects @14Sco58 which conjuncts the Moon in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act Horoscope shown here, upper right; lower left is the May 5th Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Horoscope; both charts are set for Washington DC. As you know, the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity is the Big Business axis of greed, corporations, finance, and investment, and you'll notice that the powerful Sun-Pluto opposition (upper right corner) of December 23, 1913 tops the 6:02 pm est horoscope at the Goal Point - and the Sun @1Capricorn 'acts as an agent for or against structural collapse':

Now as you see, a variety of astro-notes are penned upon both charts so please enlarge and/or print the image if you wish to read them. And of course, setting up the horoscopes for yourself may be a viable option, if possible, and do check out the various Sabian Symbols (they're online).

Additionally, we should mention that the May 5th Lunar Eclipse falls upon America's Inaugural Ascendant-Descendant axis of January 20th at noon, the Oath of Office, so the White House and/or presidency are likely to be somehow reflected, or disrupted, in May by the upcoming Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Plus, President Biden was born with Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Venus in Scorpio, if it matters.

DC Horoscopes: December 23, 1913 and May 5, 2023

Moon @15Scorpio, the Eagle Point of Regeneration, conjuncts fixed star Zuben Elgenubi with its keyphrase, positive social reform. However, in Astrology when this star conjuncts Luna, the cosmic picture can darken to levels of disappointment, anxiety, and wrongful accusations which seem these days to be the required fuel for Washington DC politics to run on, at least as a tactic for far-right saboteurs.

But then again, yours truly is one of those skeptics who thinks that Fedhead Jerome Powell is raising interest rates (as if) to control inflation when it's primarily corporate greed driving the financial jalopy so that the Biden adminstration can take the blame for the US economy possibly running into a ditch - at least as planned within the fevered brains of far-right Republicans who have peculiar domestic and foreign masters to please. After all, politicians' wildly inflated incomes depend upon their compliance by which they hope to avoid being primaried in 2024 and thus losing their posh seats.

So will the rays of the May 5th Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse lift a veil or two on previous or present financial secrets? Will leaked information cause a financial and/or political scandal or yet another controversy spawned by wild conspiracy theories? Or, is the Lunar Eclipse a cosmic signal that the American people (Moon 1913) are being bamboozled once again by a tone deaf Federal Reserve of 2023 prescribing an erroneous solution that only makes things worse and causes massive job lay-offs? We'll both have to stay tuned to find out. My vote goes to Zuben Elgenubi's positivity!

Additional notes re Jerome Powell: born February 4, 1953 in Washington DC, no known birth time but a noon chart shows Sun @15Aquarius, Moon @17Libra, Jupiter @12Taurus, and Saturn strong at Direct Station @27Libra and exalted. Of particular interest is Mr. Powell's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") @28Leo conjunct royal Regulus which manifested on August 20, 1952 in the difficult 8 South Saros Series ('loss; separation': B. Brady) because an 8 South eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra.

Therefore, 8 South is the PE of both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. My suspicion, unfortunate as it is, is that all this cosmic solar-lunar synchronicity in May and October 2023 could be a page or two from the far-right script meant to undermine democracy, disrupt our social fabric, and demolish the Democratic Party on behalf of a dystopian government take-over such as was seen via the failed January 6, 2021 'maga' coup - a rehearsal, if you will.

Yet perhaps we can agree that one of the comforts of using an astrological lens to study such events, conditions, individuals, and disruptions is that forewarned is forearmed!

Dec 31, 2022

118th Congress: Jupiter and Algol Rise

by Jude Cowell

When the Republican Party formed in 1854, did the founders consider themselves a death cult in the making? Probably not, yet that's how far-right insurrection-leaning members and QAnon coup enthusiasts can be described these days especially after Tr*mp's attempted overthrow of the US government on January 6, 2021. Of course, the party's close financial-and-ideological relationship to the NRA resonates well with the Republicans' violence and drastic measures they take and advocate (the NRA, a 'death axis' Mars-Saturn affair - in Capricorn, no less).

So below you'll find a link to the 118th Congress' Horoscope/s of the new session gaveling in on January 3, 2023 with Republicans (mis)leading the House of Representatives. Well, members of death cults do not represent this particular American, in the House or anywhere else, how about you?

Now previously appearing on SO'W is the horoscope of the first public January 6th Select Committee Hearing where we find 1Ari26 conjunct IC, or the Foundation or Basis of the 8:00 pm edt Public Hearing (remember the hearing was held in "prime time"). Planet of politics, finance, and religion, Jupiter, was then @5Ari04 (4th house) with veiling, mystical Neptune @25Pis21 in 3rd house and conjunct the Pluto-North-Node midpoint (attaining power through force). A cosmic link to this 2021 Hearing horoscope and the Jupiter-Neptune pair of grand schemes, speculation, inflation, and fraud turn up in the 118th Congress Horoscope when we set it for January 3, 2023 at 11:27 am est.

Why 11:27 am on January 3rd?

For the symbolism of expansive Jupiter rising at that moment over Capitol Hill along with the malevolent, enraged, and violent fixed star Algol, asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe), and the Anti-Vertex (similar to an Ascendant, a What? point) - all at 1Aries+ this degree points toward the first public J6 hearing as the Basis of House Republicans' mad efforts to fight back against their own cupability - even though their sabotaging activities on January 6th were plain for all to see on TV. As you know, back in the day, 'fascism' and 'Nazism' were death cults as was the "America First" movement, and as is the regeneration of that movement now under figurehead Tr*mp whose star seems to be fading - or under the next cult leader the Republicans nominate for the 2024 campaign. And astrologically, it looks as if Florida's Ron DeSantis might carry off the golden goose for the GOP.

So if you have a chance, dear reader, set up a horoscope of this lamentable cosmic circumstance of increased (Jupiter) malevolent (Algol) enemies (Nemesis) as a symbolic Horoscope of the 118th Congress with revenge on the Republican House's menu and two years of a far-right (far-reich) political circus the American populace must struggle through while "the people's business" will be all but ignored, and has been made, it seems, a thing of the past if "own the libs" Republicans have their way. These barbaric totalitarians and saboteurs really are aiming directly at Election 2024, you know.

Now here's a previous post showing two versions of 118th Congress Horoscopes, one set for 9:00 am est, the other for 12 noon with contentious Mars as chart and session ruler.

Then there's one more curious cosmic synchronicity for those who prefer a 5:09/10 pm horoscope for America's founding (July 4, 1776): the January 3, 2023 pile-up of Jupiter-Algol-Nemesis-Anti-Vertex (rising or not) lands upon the IC/Foundation of the 1776 chart set for 5:09/10 pm LMT with IC @00Ari53 (conjunct the Aries Point of World Events), for when rounded up to "1Aries" the word picture provides a descriptive Sabian Symbol suitable for the basis of our nation's founding: "A Woman Has Arisen Out of the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her" (one from the many!).

And that, of course, refers to America's Great Seal with its esoteric symbols, mysterious reverse side - and the pyramid of power with the all-seeing eye. If America's ultimate destiny is of interest to anyone, that is.

Related Posts include: The Story of America's Great Seal. Plus, maybe we can agree that the Republican Party's recent five-fer Neptune Return really undermined their connection to reality and truth, didn't it? Purposefully, I think, by which I mean they've used it to their advantage via spreading misinformation, paranoia, rumors, and promoting mass delusion and wacky conspiracy theories. The party's behavior now makes me wonder what exactly they were up to in 1854 with fraudster Neptune in shady, secretive Pisces, besides the lead-up to the Civil War. Perhaps for the curious reader, a Timeline of the era's events would provide clues about some of the stuff the party's founders were involved with 164 years ago.

If you wish, check out Astrology King's info concerning Algol in late Taurus.

Dec 18, 2022

Re: Those Negative Nabobs of Neptune

by Jude Cowell

Since transit Neptune in shady Pisces remains within orb of opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo (22Vir25; clash of ideologies; plus, racial and other persecutions), I felt compelled to look back at the 1854 Republican Party's Neptune Return of December 29, 2018 (14Pis01; last return in a series due to the Gaseous Giant's retrograde periods), and marvelled at how much information can be found in the conspiratorial party's Neptune Return Horoscope, information that continues to apply today, and which will affect the very significant Election Day 2024 (basically, a Mars Return for Vatican II, a Neptunian endeavor in more ways than one).

So by the end of 2018 into 2019 (depending on which founding data you use for the R-party to calculate return charts) a one-hundred-sixty-four-year cycle completed and a new cycle of Neptunian enterprise and underhanded schemes began for the win-at-any-cost organization of saboteurs demanding control of the US government as they work under the imprint of fascism and nazism - against democracy and the US Constitution. Besides: we learned from frowny face Mussolini years ago that statism + corporatism = fascism, so basically, America is practically, if not formally, there.

And all getting a hoof-hold under Trumpism which has enabled the R-party to throw off any previous facade of courtesy or decency and reveal its true nature of violence, greed, misogyny, and malevolent bigotry. And they operate under the delusion that violent white "supremacy" is a step up on the evolutionary ladder of humanity (!) when it's actually the lowest of the low: primal violence and barbaric animalism. Can it be any more obvious that the destructive spirit roams the Earth?

So I'm guessing that the R-party's first-ever Neptune Return spotlights several of Neptune's realms and tricks such as masks and disguises so that the GOP's frilly underpants now show to an alarming degree. Euw.

Meanwhile, on December 19, 2018 we discussed here The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces which, as noted, has yet to come to a close, however lingering and drawn out its 'cease and desist' period may prove to be. But naturally, we can't expect that gas lighting Neptune's undermining effects of fraud and sabotage will end with a snap - but with more of a wimper and fade. Even so, if yours truly is around by then, I look forward to transit Neptune in Mars-ruled Aries, a period also containing confusion, but which may harbor greater concern for the social welfare of society, something long missing from the Republican Party's arsenal of austerity, objectivism, intolerance, and totalitarianism.

As we now see, all Republicans have to offer is what no one wants!

So we should note that transit Neptune first enters Aries at the very end of March 2025, then slips back into contagious, mystical Pisces in October until re-entering Aries in late January 2026.

Then will it possible with the urge-to-merge planet in action-oriented Aries that the common good could receive a boost from Neptune's compassionate side? We must hope so for the sake of all humanity.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens January 3, 2023 with 'The Conspiracy Party' in charge of the people's House and performing a master class in clownishness and non-governing from their sorry-bummed menu of mis-rule and showing their obssession over Hunter Biden with which they hope to gas light the American public into worrying about 'Hunter's laptop' more than the criminality of the GOP.

Above: NASA photo of planet Neptune.

Dec 6, 2022

Top 10 Democrats Who Should Run in 2024 Presidential Election - clip

Here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann:

As for Astrology, related posts concerning Election 2024 include:The 2024 Presidential Election Eclipse in the 8 South Saros Series which occurs after the 8 North April 8, 2024 Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3). And as you know, all eclipses can be disruptive and toss unexpected monkey wrenches into proceedings like the cosmic wild cards they are.

Dec 4, 2022

Election 2024, DeSantis, and Vatican II

by Jude Cowell

If you've read the Wikipedia page concerning Ron DeSantis you know quite a few details about the 2024 presidential hopeful. Having posted previously that the Election 2024 planets weren't all that encouraging for him, this post is intended to somewhat amend that opinion. One major transit that gave me pause about a victory for DeSantis is tr Pluto opposing his natal Jupiter (@1Le043), not always a beneficial condition for political or financial activities due to powerful external challenges. However, November 2024 Mars in Leo, sign of natural leadership, will conjunct his Jupiter suggesting an expanded or exaggerated part to play in events.

In other words, Election Day 2024's forceful, even brutal, Mars-Pluto opposition contains the natal Jupiter of Ron DeSantis which obviously can have military implications (or militia?), and/or suggests potentials such as: good outcomes when using extreme measures (M. Munkasey), and/or usual success (R. Ebertin). Not potentials I had hoped for previously, but there it is.

So below you see a bi-wheel of horoscopes:

Inner is the November 5, Election Day 2024 chart, timed by the day's Moon reaching 00Cap00:00 (Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business) at 10:17:17 am EST, surrounded by a 'noon' natal chart for Ron DeSantis, born 14th of September 1978 in Jacksonville, Florida. Prominent planetary contacts are circled, plus two significant natal midpoints are Angular in the November 2024 Lunar-timed horocope of the presidential election: n Mars-Pluto = MC, and his n Moon-Venus = Ascendant (these midpoint pictures are only speculative so consider them gingerly).

Also note that in his natal chart, DeSantis' Pluto @15Lib36 conjuncts one of the power asteroids, Hidalgo (the social climber), and as you see, his Pluto conjuncts 2024 Midheaven ('MC" = The Goal: power, control, wealth). Meanwhile, 2024 Sun conjuncts his Uranus (@13Scorpio, and ruthless in Scorpio) and, as noted, 2024 Mars @00Leo29 conjuncts his natal Jupiter which opposes US Inaugural Sun (@00AQ+ with transit Pluto conjunct it: dictatorship?). This planetary pile-up makes for a powerful Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Pluto connection for a politician I suspect is a social climber determined to rule the roost (see 'Sun Sco-Moon Cap' notes penned on the chart, upper left, which include Puritanism). Other planetary contacts are noteworthy but I must depend on you, dear reader, to find them.

Now previously, we've discussed the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius personality blend of Ron DeSantis, if you'd care for a look. This pragmatic combination of conscious-unconscious energies tends to turn "dry as dust" and become stuck in cost-effective mode, you know (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Now since no accurate birth hour for Governor DeSantis is known, you may also wish to check out a page concerning Ron DeSantis' time of birth with Libra rising. His chart has been rectified via events such as his marriage and past election wins, plus, the deaths of his grandparents. No, I've not gone through these timings myself, but I link to the page of persuasive potentials for the curious reader.

Now in closing, below is another bi-wheel of Horoscopes with Vatican II (October 13, 1962, historically timed) inside surrounded by an 8:00 am est Election Day 2024 chart (which could also be set for Rome, Italy if you prefer). However, the outer Election Day chart is set for the US since Election 2024 will happen here - but with possible foreign interference. And no, I don't know if Ron DeSantis is of the Roman Catholic persuasion because that info seems to be missing from his online biographical details. If anyone has that tidbit about him, please let me know in a comment left with this post.

As you see, multiple study notes are penned on the charts so please enlarge and/or print the image for easier viewing, if need be:

Nov 30, 2022

Hakeem Jeffries: Leo Sun-Virgo Moon

Offical Portrait, Hakeem Jeffries; United States Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Astro-Notes: A New House Minority Leader

by Jude Cowell

Promotion is in the air in Washington DC, for today, House Democrats elected Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to the position of House Minority Leader beginning in early January 2023, and replacing Nancy Pelosi. Both a 9:00 am est and 12:00 pm Horoscope of the 118th Congress have been published previously if you'd care for a look.

Meanwhile, the following is a brief overview concerning the natal planets of Hakeem Jeffries born August 4, 1970 in Brooklyn, NY (grew up in Crown Heights, a part of Poughkeepsie NY); no birth hour is available so noon is used; his Wikipedia page provides more biographical details.

First here's an unmarked (by my messy study notes) noon horoscope with aspect grid:

And below is the messy version of the very same noon horoscope where we find Rep. Jeffries' Saturn in Taurus leading a BOWL shape of planets and denoting one who advocates for a cause or leads a mission with Neptune Rx in Scorpio in wide opposition (6A20) to Saturn. This suggests becoming responsible in public matters such as social work, yet with a possible hint of secret activities (if nothing else, political work fills that bill all by itself).

In addition, finances are involved (Taurus-Scorpio axis) which must in part refer to the constant task of soliciting donors as congressional politicians must continually do; (other activities in the sphere of finance are unknown to me at this point, but perhaps we'll discover more as his tenure goes on - and we should also note that he's a corporate lawyer, or was one).

Then as you see, his energetic Sun-Mars Conjunction reveals him to be a fighter with Leo the sign of the natural leader. This solar conjunction works well with his authoritative Saturn (planet of law, government, and business) leading all his planets in conservative, stable Taurus, a money sign of growth, investment, and preservation, and his Leo-Virgo combination of conscious-unconscious energies reveals an intellectual, analytical, and dedicated blend devoted to duty, and demanding, exacting Saturn in Fixed Taurus approves!

If necessary, feel free to enlarge and/or print the charts for clearer viewing.

One interesting natal chart factor that the lack of an accurate birth time doesn't affect - and is a cosmic link to soon-occurring events - is that Minority Leader Jeffries was born into an 8 North Solar Eclipse Series (March 7, 1970 @16Pis44) with any eclipse in Pisces identifying individuals gifted with the highest level of spiritual awareness, and also a potential for esoteric interests. However, Pisces also links the new House Minority Leader to issues of secrecy and to karmic relationships. For information on this, I'd look at his intense Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Virgo!

Yet the point is, 8 North repeats on April 8, 2024 @19Aries (conjunct Chiron) as yet another Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3) with themes of 'inventiveness, visions, and flashes of genius' (B. Brady). Well, as you know, eclipses are always karmic in nature so we might wonder if fated conditions will be involved for Hakeem Jeffries in 2024 such as participation in a presidential race. Certainly, 2024 will, at the least, be a significant year for the visionary Mr. Jeffries. Yet it seems notable to me that the rounded-up degree of his natal Chiron is "11 Aries" = "The President of the Country," and his recent Chiron Return was a three-fer with the third return occurring on or about February 21, 2022.

And so if I were you, dear reader, I'd stay tuned to SO'W for more musings on such possibilities!

Sun Sign-Moon Sign details by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad.)

Nov 21, 2022

Radical Uranus in Taurus: More Trouble in 2024

When 1940 Uranus Returns to 26Taurus in 2024-2025

by Jude Cowell

These days, most people would agree that Donald Tr*mp is nothing if not a furiously enraged, malevolent schemer (aka, our orange albatross, as I term him). And perhaps a dear reader or two may remember Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse of January 5, 2019 in the 2 South Saros Series when a variety of folks were inspired to join unusual groups because they would "gain a great deal" from it (B. Brady). The delusional 'QAnon' is certainly one of said 'groups' although the pay-off from joining the off-kilter movement seems dubious at best since its campaign to undermine America and democracy continues apace and, if successful, its gullible members wouldn't fare any better under such a draconian boot than the rest of us.

Yet the so-called 'QAnon' used in the US is only one facet of a fascist-nazi movement of global proportions which has once again reared its barbaric head after decades of fermenting underground with the eventual intention of taking over the US government and destroying democracy - I believe in time for Election 2024, then catapulting its barbarism and theft toward Inauguration 2025 (if the January 20th ceremony can even be called a "presidential inauguration" via a traditional "peaceful transfer of power"). We might wonder what kind of "Oath of Office" would it be? Or, if successfully taken, will the crass authoritarian movement masquerade itself while continuing to rob us blind? I cannot pretend to know but I do know that, as in the 1940s, anti-societal authoritarianism must be stopped. Again.

Eclipses: Uranian 'Cosmic Blinks' and 'Wild Cards'

Now there've been multiple cosmic signals blinking furiously on the road to Fascism in America and many signals have been noted here on SO'W, perhaps most prominently via the repetitions in our era of the Fascism Rising Eclipse (its series to repeat in 2023) and the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, its series repeating right now, and cycling up conditions that have made it easier for the lamentable GOP take-over of the House through the use of its primary theme of 'forcefully taking power' (B. Brady). In fact, the forceful gerrymandering of districts in red states has much if not everything to do with their long-planned 'success' at Midterms 2022. And it was a compromised SCOTUS that allowed partisan gerrymandering.

However, if you've followed the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, which just dropped its final episode today (#8 of 8), you've been filled in concerning German fascists working in the US in the 1930s into 1940s, with episode one opening with the mildly labeled Trip 19 Plane Crash (horoscope shown) which killed (assassinated) Nazi sympathizer-agent, Republican Senator Ernest Lundeen on August 31, 1940, plus, other officials, passengers, and crew unfortunate to be on the flight.

Of cosmic significance to America now is the position of the planet of zealous anarchy and coup attempts, Uranus - on August 31, 1940 @26Tau08:49 - conjunct and therefore intensifying the vicious, malevolent star of fury and rage, Algol - and soon returning to its 1940 position in what I consider to be a horoscope describing an event of sabotage.

Therefore, below is a Horoscope of the second of three Uranus Return/s to this degree (@27Cancer = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon"; ex: Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse, as noted, above), displayed here because the Return of 1940 Uranus occurs on October 25, 2024 just prior to Election 2024 to be held November 5th ('coincidentally' the infamous anniversary date of Britain's anti-government Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as you know).

Uranus Return #2 October 24, 2024 @26Tau08:49 conjunct Algol (#1 and 3 listed on the chart):

Please enlarge or print the chart to read my study notes if you wish; there are many other factors worth mentioning but since this is a post, not an e-book, I shall leave them for you to discover and comment upon, as you may.

Shout-Out: President Biden and Herr Trump

A Hidden Factor Revealed is Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant @26-30Leo (conjunct kingly Regulus) completing a YOD pattern of crisis with the Neptune-Pluto sextile forming its base. And as you know, the Neptune-Pluto pairing can represent several potentials of a spiritual nature, but also signifies the criminal underworld for which Tr*mp acts as figurehead in the US.

Additionally, we should note that their sextile also involves Joe Biden for, as it happens, President Biden's natal Scorpio Sun and Venus rise in the chart with 2024 Neptune trining them which suggests potentials for doors to easily open, spirituality to be promoted, and sources of his success and good fortune to be mysterious or difficult to identify; Neptune trine his Venus indicates cooperation in his endeavors. However, rising in this particular horoscope in relation to the Uranus Return to the planet's 1940 position in an assassination chart, and considering the aid from transit Neptune, Mr. Biden's tendency to see only the ideal in people and situations can cause troubles and reversals that democracy can ill afford. If he experiences a lack of clarity concerning these issues, or falls under the spell of a tragic deception or illusion, America will have to face the authoritarian peril without strong enough leadership from the White House. Therefore, others must step up more firmly than ever.

Also notable is that activist Mars @26Can23 conjuncts Biden's natal Jupiter Rx (25Can08) so the Democratic president's part in events is expansive and can activate improvements during the current fascist vs democracy power struggle which is starkly shown by transit Pluto opposing Biden's natal Jupiter for some time now.

So in closing - and believe me when I type that it pains me as an American with Revolutionary ancestors to feel compelled to mention this - the current 6 South Eclipse which manifested on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 'Nazis Rise to Power' series is a repetition of the very first of three Great American Eclipses from way back in 1878 with #3 arriving in April 2024. So please check out the 1878 eclipse horoscope, if you will, and know that the deadly seriousness of these cosmic and earthly events and threats against democracy are obvious warning signals that no American should ignore, and that such malevolent forces have been stirring for centuries with an evil determination that few folks in our day can easily believe.

Nov 9, 2022

Nov 2022: Are gridlock government and shutdowns on the way?

Blurred: Will It Be the Tyranny of One-Party Rule?

by Jude Cowell

Besides blurring political prospects for the 2024 election, one of the more basic results from last evening's Midterms 2022 Elections is certain to be an increase of gridlock government where the needs of the American people are even less addressed than before. Yesterday's Total Lunar Eclipse (a red 'blood moon') in Taurus did sport radical Uranus conjunct the Moon, after all, so anti-social voters and unexpected happenings were and are in play.

Meanwhile, control of the House and Senate hang in the balance as I type with Republicans promising to finagle more government shutdowns if they should take control of Congress in order to force cuts in our social safety net programs, eventually destroy them, and thereby cause misery of the masses (one of their specialities). This really would be a radical change of course with Uranian flair, and control of Congress may come down to a run-off in my home state of Georgia which would be held on December 6th, last I heard.

Yet today it seems significant that no 'red wave' of the 'blood moon' has occurred but neither did a Blue one, more's the pity for democracy and the Biden administration. Even so, we can still say that outcomes could've been worse - and happily, some of Tr*mp's favored candidates lost their races so the orange blighter is weaker today than he was yesterday - and 2024 hopeful Ron DeSantis has retained his grasp on Florida!

Now ordinarily in America, gridlock in Congress, where few if any legislation can be agreed upon by both parties, is considered a good thing for our federal government because the Founders wanted power to challenge power along with our traditional checks'n'balances (Jupiter-Saturn). Not that maga Republicans respect American traditions - because our traditions such as the peaceful transfer of power get in the way of their plan for one-party tyranny.

Such stalemates should work as protections for the American people, erecting a wall against tyranny yet it's difficult to retain faith in the gridlock-is-good concept when election liars and deniers and their favorite insurrectionist politicians of sedition who don't 'believe' in governing, are tilting our politics and our lives toward a fascist style of government and hurling the US toward totalitarianism with Nazi implications.

Still, for a while at least, I rejoice today because last evening the US Congress failed to gain a huge amount of weight when maga candidate and snake oil pitchman Mehmet Oz lost to John Fetterman in Pennsylvania - and to this I say a hearty hip hip hooray!

Previously on SO'W: Horoscope: the 118th Congress Jan 2023; and The Nazi Regime and Election 2024.

Sep 6, 2022

When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun

Power-Mad Ego-Driven Sun-Pluto Craves Domination!

by Jude Cowell

So will US leadership continue to be global after 2025? These days, forces are working for and against such a continuation, yet tragically, Washington hasn't always handled power well, as you may agree (exs: preemptive wars, invasions, plunderings, financial exploitation). Admittedly, this entire thing with Pluto sounds draconian to me, perhaps powered by Utopian zealotry, but let's proceed anyway.

Well, when it comes to issues of power and the abuse of it, astrologers keeping up with politics and the planets have followed along with powerful, subliminal Pluto as the wealth-hoarding Mr. Invisible has crept toward America's first-ever Pluto Return (to its 1776 position) in late degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business (see tri-wheel link, below). And most folks know that master astrologer Reinhold Ebertin labeled Pluto in Capricorn, the dictator, and can agree that the authoritarian archetype of "the dictator" now vultures over the masses expectantly like a malevolent raptor with humanity in its sights.

The barbarians aren't simply at the gate, they're sabotaging our country from inside the compound. And we should expect that America's current crisis situation with democracy under attack will affect events of 2023, 2024, and 2025 - and will form the basis for them.

So! the following bi-wheel is set up backwards: the inner chart is the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope surrounded (outer) by the transits of February 18, 2024 at the moment (3:11:24 am EST) that transit Pluto @00AQ53 hits the position of what will be the Inaugural Sun 2025 (the leader, taking the presidential Oath of Office at noon on that day):

Why backwards? Because tr Pluto reaches 00AQ53 prior to the actual Inauguration of January 20, 2025 (assuming that we have our traditional ceremony). In fact, February 18, 2024 is the first of three times this conjunction occurs, and penned on the chart are the other dates of exactitude: July 22, 2024 and December 26, 2024.

Now obviously, Pluto's direct, transformative contact to US POTUS Sun (aka, Inaugural Sun: identity change?) cosmically affects year 2024 and the 2024 Presidential Election - before and afterwards (Feb-to-Dec). An extended period of vote counting, plus, contentiousness, seem probable, of course, so there is that to consider but it's beyond the limited scope of this post.

Note that you may wish to check out the bottom of the image concerning 2025 Mars Rx @24Can23 conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx (an indicator of political conflicts), and the date when transit Mars will oppose the Sun-Pluto conjunction on or about May 21, 2023. Yes, 2023. And, due to the two-year cycle of Mars, again on Election Day 2024! Obviously, other planetary influences will alter conditions with both positive and negative energies, as they always do.

As for the bi-wheel shown above, please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for better reading, if need be. Yes, my study notes are penned on so you may find something interesting! See the center of the chart for Sun-to-Pluto notes, and lower left corner for Pluto-to-Sun potentials - a double emphasis from the Cosmos.

And so as it turns out, this is another one of my forewarned-is-forearmed posts of fretful fussiness and hopefully a dear reader or two will follow up on these topics in the real world (via activism! 'democracy is not a spectator sport - get active', as Thom Hartmann always reminds us), or perhaps someone will be inspired to take the upcoming Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun contact and sleuth into it!

For the curious reader, here's my original post showing the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope. Also related: Tri-Wheel: US Pluto Return/s Three Times in 2022.

Then with powerful Pluto vibes a-dripping, here's a post concerning Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto.

Jul 13, 2022

The Only Thing That Can Save America - Thom Hartmann clip

July 13, 2022

Well, it's uncertain how many times I've written here on SO'W the very same thing about our country's desperate need for a Blue Wave to turn out in both 2022 and 2024, but when progressive author Thom Hartmann bespeaks the need on his broadcast, it carries a lot more weight and reaches many more voters!

And here's another video segment from Thom Hartmann: Do You Have What It Takes to Fight Fascism? because that's what's really goin' on.

So for American Democracy's sake, please pass it on!

Cosmically Related: The 2024 Presidential Election's Eclipse.

Mar 26, 2022

Clarence Thomas: Natal Chart w March 18, 2022 Transits

by Jude Cowell

March 26, 2022

As you've undoubtedly heard, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been released from Sibley Memorial Hospital as of Friday March 25, 2022 after a week's stay. Justice Thomas was reportedly admitted on Friday March 18th with "flu-like symptoms" and treated for "an infection". With his natal horoscope accurately timed (RR: AA), we can point out that his natal Mars-Neptune midpoint (infections; illness; weakness; toxins) was spotlighted, and perhaps revealed or uncovered - by the March 18th Full Moon @27Vir40 and its opposing Sun (@27Pis40 with contagious Neptune @23Pis03) And of course, that's Virgo, sign of Health; meanwhile, midpoint pictures were formed by transit to natal as you can see in the bi-wheel, below:

Inner chart: Clarence Thomas natal June 23, 1948 9:00 pm est Pin Point, Georgia; Hour of Venus; chart-ruler Saturn makes no applying aspects but Jupiter Rx in his own sign aids Thomas's legal career and financial endeavors by trining natal Saturn (3A27) from 11th house of Groups and Associations (those who helped seat him on the SCOTUS bench: friends in high places, as they say) to his 7th house of Partnerships. Now as you know, 1948 still contained the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 (13Leo07) but their stark energies had begun to wane by the time baby Clarence appeared on the scene, but were still of influence upon the little tyke.

Then, for his 'ruthless determination toward success' (aka, 'success at any cost') we find radical Uranus @26Gem41 (conjunct Ceres, archetype of the democracy he and wife Ginni would destroy!) leading a LOCOMOTIVE shape of his natal planets. His first-house out-of-bounds Moon @1AQ23 links to erratic Uranus via Aquarius so there's something in his childhood that has spurred him on. Emotional emptiness bwo of a distant mother, and privation are my guesses, how about yours? This implies that his serious demeanor could be from more than the Saturn-Pluto duo's influence, plus, his having sober Saturn as chart-ruler of his Ascendant. In 1948, social conditions in 'Pin Point' (!) could not have been easy.

Current Transits to Natal Horoscope

Lower right you see a list of current transits and here are a few potentials they may inspire:

Jupiter opposing Mars: a period when physical actions are delayed or interrupted, including legal activities; enterprises on a grand scale can collapse under their own weight.

Saturn opposing Saturn: regret for past actions; correcting mistakes is called for; authority is challenged (recuse! resign! some shout); authenticity may be questioned.

Venus opposing Pluto: underhanded manipulation, cutthroat competition; shameless exploitation; vicious gossip; power struggles; jealousy, revenge; obsession; connections to organized crime may be uncovered, along with financial deceptions. (Note that Full Moons can behave much as Uranian Lunar Eclipses by disruptively revealing inconvenient facts and/or unsavory relationships; also note that transits to Thomas's natal chart are also highly significant for his wife.)

Mars will oppose natal Pluto, then natal Saturn on or about March 24 and April 1, 2022 which suggests a period when manipulative actions are a waste of time, and arousing the antagonism of others only makes conditions worse; things should be kept at status quo and hostile confrontations avoided, if possible; attempting to impose authority creates anger and resentment, and adherence to rules and regulations is a must because taking shortcuts will bring unfavorable results; delays or cancellations should be expected; guard the health of bones, teeth, and/or chronic conditions, plus, be cautious because accidents and injuries are possible.

Now disruptive Uranus @12Tau13 not only knocks on Thomas's 4th house door of domestic scene, but its erratic influences can also boomerang into the opposing house, the 10th house of Career and Public Status. Whether the current scandal/s will lead to a resignation or other change of direction, we must wait and see, but electric Uranus, aka, The Witness, has the capacity to catalyze major changes and reforms. Here we see Uranus 'meeting' Thomas's natal North Node of encounters and future direction and the pair suggests 'meeting with unusual people' (doctors or surgeons? others?) plus, his and his wife's connections to Tr*mp's 1/6 coup attempt may be what's indicated here. After all, Uranus-NN is known for its links to radical political associations and reformers, anarchy, zealotry, and revolution. Meanwhile, his South-Node-Conjunct-Midheaven contains the potential for a thwarted career especially if Saturnian demands have been mishandled or neglected (10th house is Capricorn's natural house), but the conjunction can also provide a strong capacity for hard work.

March 2022: Two Significant Midpoint Pictures

Now as you know, the Moon in Astrology indicates the physical body on one level (Mama, family, women on other levels; We The People and the public in a Mundane Chart), and the physicality applies to male personages as well, so therefore, health is part of the lunar picture. In the bi-wheel we find that in his natal first house are transit Mars and Pluto, a powerful duo, and their midpoint forms a picture with Thomas's Moon with potentials for publicity, injury or even an attack. Then in his natal 8th house, the Full Moon (and Sun opposite) are by degrees wedged between his natal Mars and Neptune which suggests the infection that's been reported, plus, weakness and/or illness (R. Ebertin).

Two Solar Eclipses of Note - One Conjunct Midas in Taurus!

Finally, you see his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @18Tau22 penned in the center of the chart with its difficult 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, illusions, misjudgments'. Then on October 2, 2024, the (unaspected = self-absorbed in his private inner world) Neptune of Clarence Thomas will be spotlighted, perhaps revealed, by a Solar Eclipse @10Lib03 manifesting in the 8 South Saros Series with themes of: 'separation; loss; sad partings; overstraining one's strength; best to avoid strenuous physical activity until the influences pass' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Thanks to gaslighting Neptune, facts will continue to be difficult to discover but rather easy to veil. Yet the search must go on and indictments must be filed! However, impeaching a SCOTUS justice may be one of those squishy endeavors that Neptune prefers to erode and undermine into oblivion - 'as if it never happened'.

And we know that on political and legal levels, this particular manifestation of an 8 South Eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 2024 and of Inauguration 2025, meaning that the two political events take place under the 'wild card' influences of an 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of relationships and of the Scales of Justice. This cosmic circumstance calls for fairplay and cooperation in order for karmic progress to be made.

Okay there's more, dear reader, lots more, and I hope you'll seek it out. I don't usually type on weekends anymore unless compelled by circumstances or events, but the current conditions surrounding the Supreme Court and its now-questionable integrity (thanks in part to Clarence and Ginni) had gotten on my nerves and as an American with a decided preference for democracy, a sleuthing into current transits to his natals simply had to be done.

And as always, your on-topic insights are invited! jc

Feb 18, 2022

Horoscope: Election 2024 Solar Eclipse

February 18, 2022

Below is an image of the DC Horoscope of the 8 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on October 2, 2024 @10Lib03:48 and acts as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 2024 Presidential Election. You'll find 8 South thematic influences listed, below. As you see, the chart is unmarked as per reader request (meaning that no astro-notes are scribbled on by yours truly - so you're almost completely on your own for the most part) and is set for Washington DC USA 2:49:01 pm EDT with 16Cap21 rising and 9Sco35 at Midheaven ('MC'; the Goal Point). This eclipse times, as it happens, what is basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Moon position (9Sco21), and as such, may not be a positive portent in 2024 for lovers of democracy.

Meanwhile, Saturn Rx rules the eclipse chart Ascendant and makes no applying aspects although there is a Venus-Saturn trine as part of a protective Water Grand Trine with Mars, suggesting a closed circuit of energies with karmic implications. However, a chart-ruler retrograde suggests delays and obstacles, things that old man Saturn is often 'in the bag for'. How the cosmic relationships of the trio might interfere with the results of the 2024 Election remains to be seen, but this reminds me of voter suppression and its unfair (erroneous) effects upon outcomes. So it seems that a Saturnian authority figure is beneficial to Venus and Mars yet there are delays involved. And 1st house Pluto at a critical 29th degree rises so we may not have to wait long once the eclipse energies kick in. But will transformative events relating to Pluto's power, control, manipulation, and wealth be too big to handle? An additional factor is that this position of eclipse Pluto conjoins America's Progressed Pluto position of 29Cap28, and '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" - and I'm sure they do and they will:

8 South Themes: 'separation and loss; partings; feeling sad about a completion; overstraining one's strength, injury possible' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

With a solar eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, relationships, partnerships, and alliances are in the 'cosmic blink' spotlight; for karmic progress, fairplay, cooperation, and impartiality are required, while negative Venusian traits are best avoided such as insincerity, indecisiveness, spinelessness, and/or overindulgence; karmic ties with others are also part of the Libran lunation picture and at MC may harken back to that 2017 Inaugural Moon and its Sabian Symbol, "10Scorpio: "A Fellowship Supper Awakens Unforgettable Inner Ties". Ruh roh.

Of course, Venus here is in intense, passionate, betrayal-prone Scorpio, plus, both the planet and the sign relate to finances, currency, evaluation, and valuable items such as art or jewelry (and romance). Envy, jealousy, and possessiveness may be triggered by Venus at Goal Point while she opposes and rules the Taurean IC; eclipse Venus also rules radical anarchist Uranus Rx @26Tau51 - conjunct the vengeful star of rage and destruction, Algol. Herr Trump's disturbing involvement is suggested since Algol conjoins his natal MC, and because his 10th house Uranus, planet of chaos, revolt, and quirky cantankerousness is his guiding planet (aka, 'oriental' = last to rise before his natal Sun). Therefore, Uranus in intolerant, often greedy Taurus looks like the Uranian Tr*mp to me. Disagree as you wish but there it is.

As for major aspects to the Solar Eclipse, Mars @15Can46 squares the 8 South lunation suggesting those who overreact and rebel belligerently, and who misuse physical energies. And as you know, Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer tends toward emotional touchiness, anger, and rash actions. Positively, the Martian energy can be channeled into higher levels of motivation and action and this must be consciously done if the square is to block the negative themes of the 8 South Eclipse of 2024 while providing the dynamic energy to do so. Yet I'd be remiss not to mention that Mars @15Can46 in the eclipses's 6th house of Military, Police, Civil Service, Employment, and Health conjoins the natal Ascendant of the Pentagon (15Can34).

In addition, there's a significant minor aspect to the eclipse as well: a sesqui-square (135 degrees) from erratic Uranus which adds tangled complexity to conditions and events and contains a health connotation. Mercury conjunct the eclipse is also is a health indicator but its conjunction requires that logic, reasoning, and attention to detail be used in order for best results to occur.

So that's it, folks, I'm off the Political Astrology clock (unless a major event compels) because the weekend is arriving, it's time for some genealogical research, and I'm hoping you might Share or Tweet this eclipse post if you care about the comic implications of Election 2024 and the future of America which could, as they say, go either way. jc

Feb 9, 2022

On Saturn's Authority, Accountability, Control, Restriction, and Misrule

A Look at Ole Man Trump's Saturn Return in Progress

by Jude Cowell

Natal Saturn in watery Cancer: hypersensivity, feelings of discontent, neurosis, financial struggles, domestic strains.

When considering planets that affect Politics, politicians, and society, mundane Saturn is prominent on many levels. The karmic planet's restrictive function activates within many realms of life including financial matters and lawmaking, with Saturnian reality and what should be maturity undergirding it all as Saturn the taskmaster demands that rules be upheld. Either positively or negatively, lessons will be forthcoming and a Saturn Return times such life lessons for us all, even for a scofflaw like Trump.

Jettisoned from the White House on January 20, 2021, Saturnian folk now attempt to hold the out-of-control Herr T accountable for his past actions, which now must include his brazen theft of items and records from the White House as he skulked out the door, records which belong in our National Archives where Saturnian presidential records are traditionally kept. Predictably, it's always with the retaliation and revenge by ace grudge-holder, Trump, with his natal Mars rising opposing the US Moon of We The People!

Meanwhile, America's enduring of a Trump regime with all its scofflaw effects upon Saturnian laws and traditions compelled yours truly in 2018 to take a look at the man's Saturn Return and its influences as he ran and grabbed the White House (2015--2017), then exhibited his clumsy, kleptocratic form of Saturnian control and responsibility while playing a thespian's role as "POTUS" (2017--2021). And while he may deny it, you and I both know that accountability must come along with Saturn's authority figure and manager roles yet Mr. Trump 'doesn't do so well' on those scores, as a majority of Americans can agree. Then his resounding political loss in November 2020 told the tale even though he has yet to admit his election drubbing, with 'loss' as another Saturnian concept along with flaws, blockages and obstacles.

We may also note that the Sabian Symbol of his Saturn degree ('24Cancer') when negatively expressed is, "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones). Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square with its fantasy-world spinning and tendency toward deception and malicious scheming aids him mightily in his drive to escape reality. However --

Will Legal Eagle Saturn Have the Final Smirk?

So! All this to say that in September 2018, I published here The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged which displayed the third of three of his Saturn Return Horoscopes of May 24, 2005. 'Good for' 28 to 30 years, we can divide the three-fer time frame into approximately 9-to-10-year increments in relation to life phases, his starting in 2004. Doing this suggests that he's now acting within the second decan (10 years) of his current Saturn Return until sometime during election year 2024. Then the third phase begins and contains influences from the YOD pattern, see below.

Now in 2022, a determined (and desperate to escape accountability) Herr Trump continues to have trouble with his Saturnian functions and refuses to give up what he deems to be a continuation of his 'authority' and 'control' of the White House as he expresses from way down in Mar-A-Lago what he considers to be his political power. Cultishly, minions and thugs continue to do his will though some of the smarter ones have dropped away.

Oh Look! It's a Plutonian YOD Pattern

So to me, this absurd, engineered condition of authoritarianism within the US power structure points out the critical importance of Mr. Trump's Saturn Return which was actually a three-fer affair that became exact on September 4, 2004, *January 14, 2005 (Rx; see below), and, as noted in the 2018 horoscope linked above, May 24, 2005. Then if we consider recent events such as the Electoral College Vote for his rival Joe Biden on December 14, 2020, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships' - B. Brady), plus, the violent events of January 6, 2021 intended to keep power in his tiny, grabby hands, it seems more than a little interesting that Trump's third return chart of May 24, 2005 shows a YOD pattern (crisis, turning point, crossroads, special task, and/or karmic/spiritual opportunity) with a Mercury-Saturn sextile at its base. Note that a Mercury-Saturn sextile suggests setting priorities, managing resources, and/or chafing against restrictions (which he does so well). Of course, this marks a Mercury-sextile-natal-Saturn transit for Trump indicating a favorable time to prepare future plans, and - a warning here - perhaps an opportunity to receive recognition of his authority and experience.

So which is the third planet sitting at apex of the YOD? Why, power-craving Pluto Rx @23Sag41 in Trump's Return 2nd hou$e. And significantly, this happens to be the degree of the 4 South Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020. Negatively speaking, such a plutonian/eclipse influence represents serious karmic setbacks and criminal offenses. Well, yes. We've noticed.

Now my suspicion is that the Mercury-Saturn-Pluto vibrations of the YOD pattern within the realms of Saturnian authority and accountability are what Mr. Trump can expect going forward and its potentials could very well affect him in the 2024 Election, if the 'flight risk' runs for office at all. For if legal eagle Saturn has his way, by 2024 or before Trump may be running in the opposite direction from Washington DC.

So let's read the YOD's trio of planets as a midpoint picture to see what possibilities are suggested:

Mercury-Saturn = Pluto: 'brooding over one's destiny; grappling with unusual problems' (R. Ebertin); 'serious incidents provoke questioning official communications'; 'ending business with others due to communications breakdowns' (M. Munkasey); 'contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; abandonment; feeling resourceless' (N. Tyl).

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but I can think of more than one of these potentials which apply to the authoritarian Mr. Trump, a fellow who can hardly be described as representing the ideal of a man who takes karmic Saturn's demands seriously enough to satisfy them - but perhaps we should count the fact that, at the ripe old age of 75 going-on-76, he is most definitely, and not very much more than, an old man.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: The Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

*An Additional Time Lord Saturn Note: now affecting Trump's current phase of action timed by the second of his three Saturn Return/s (exact on January 14, 2005) is what can be considered a YOD if we choose to count the Return Ascendant, but instead let's simply read it as a midpoint picture which might just apply on various levels:

Saturn-ASC = Pluto (Saturn Return Pluto again @23Sag12 in Return 8th hou$e): 'easily dismissing information that does not fit your world view' (like Election 2020?); 'a need to accumulate and control data and facts about perceptions of others' (M. Munkasey); 'violent upset; deep anguish; being put down by others' (N. Tyl); and perhaps most interesting of all: 'suffering through violent or brutal suppression; compulsory confinement or retention' (R. Ebertin). Nuff said! Please Share if you dare! jc

Dec 20, 2021

Back when UFOs "buzzed" the White House!

by Jude Cowell

December 20, 2021

Now yours truly was a mere babe in arms back in 1952 when UFOS flew over the White House and the Air Force was acting crafty about whether they had ever investigated such phenonmena. But how on Earth could the "Air" Force not have looked into such mysterious aerial events? Well, in June 2021, the US intelligence community released a long-awaited report you may have heard about or read, allegedly 'coming clean' about the controversial topic that engages the minds of many Americans.

Now perhaps I should make plain the fact that I'm not a believer in alien craft visiting our planet. After all, if the beings on other planets are advanced enough to travel this far across the Cosmos, why wouldn't their crafts look more space-aged instead of favoring Cuban cigars? So to me 'UFOs' seem either earthly in origin or in some cases, very imaginative folks see what they want to see - with visions most often aided by imbibing certain escapist substances that induce the apparitions they crave, whether consciously viewed or not. Unconscious tricks-of-the-eye have been known to happen and this may play a part especially for those who read or hear about such events and possibilities more often than their fevered imaginations can realistically manage. And of course, seeking notoriety in the public spotlight may also play a part for some.

Even so, the historical fact of the "buzzing" of the White House by mysterious aircraft back in 1952 makes for intriguing questions, doesn't it? Could it have been a private message or 'wake up call' for President Truman in office at the time?

For historical context see US events of 1952 which include the establishment of the National Security Administration (NSA). Well, that seems related to mysterious White House visitors! Plus, 1952 was a Presidential Election Year. Primarily, the sightings of 1952 were focused from July 12 to July 29 and were labeled by some as the "Invasion of Washington" and fell within the influences of the Pisces 8 North Eclipse of February 25th, displayed below.

So astrologically speaking (and then I'll stop fussing!), a curious solar eclipse occurred in 1952 which also could relate to the UFO topic for as you know, eclipse themes tend to 'run in the background of society' and eclipse cycles resonate with historical cycles in that "history rhymes" kind of way. As the first solar eclipse of 1952, its Uranian vibrations would have imprinted upon the entirety of 1952 and, as disruptive eclipses tend to do, must have brought a form of course correction to events and policies, possibly within or by the White House and the Truman administration:

Below: Solar Eclipse *8 North* Saros Series February 25, 1952 @6Pisces (mystical, secretive Pisces!); the Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: "6 Pisces" = "Officers On Dress Parade"; as you see, wounded Chiron in Capricorn rises along with prophetic asteroid Hopi ('ambush; prejudice'). And with 1952 Saturn Rx @14Lib07, it appears that the US is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return, a significant clue concerning White House authority, responsibility, and authenticity. Meanwhile, the 2nd hou$e North Node points toward America's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@00Pis33) in the 12 South Saros Series ('longterm worries are successfully resolved'). Then as you see, conjunct the Descendant, the Partnership angle, is 15Can14, which, as it happens, is the Ascendant of the Pentagon (1942); also note that with detail-oriented Mercury in Pisces near the eclipse, it's possible that the "buzzing" of the White House was an attempt to distract the president from whatever he was planning, while Mercury here suggests the need for utilizing logic and reasoning:

Please Note: The words that are cut off at the top of the image: "UFOs 'buzz' the White House July 1952." Also penned on: Conjunct the Pisces Eclipse are asteroid "Phaethon" which was mentioned in a previous post as being, "associated with fated events and similar in influence to flying-too-high Icarus (an asteroid which is sometimes active in assassinations among other things)"; also penned on the chart at the top is that Phaethon is "unprepared for tasks"; add Hermes, a Mercurial trickster asteroid suggesting cunning and the possibilities of theft and/or use of the occult; magician Hermes is posited in the mundane 2nd house of the National Treasury.

So for comparison, here's the *8 North* Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024 with a Path of Totality that (worrisomely) splits America from Southwest to Northeast and crosses the Oregon-to-South-Carolina Path of the Great American Eclipse of August 2017 (conjunct royal Regulus with its caution of 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'). So have America and the Pentagon ever avoid taking revenge? Tragically not. America's macho 'cowboy ethic' tradition of 'might makes right' can't allow it.

8 North Themes: "Inventiveness, flashes of genius; intuitive leaps, vivid visions or dreams; new-found inspirations cause strain in private lives as people are pulled away from relationships or social life" (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

Q: is "alien abduction" an example of being pulled away?

8 North eclipses have occurred in the years 1916, 1934, (1952), 1970, 1988, 2006 (@8Aries), and next in 2024 as yet another 'wild card of the Universe' a Great American Eclipse, this time exactly conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer and blindspot in any horoscope. So maybe the 'cosmic blink' of the 2024 solar eclipse will serve to open many eyes to the karmic problems that are holding back progress in America and they'll realize how to solve them. After all, 2024 is an election year.

And yet, here's a recent and related post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.

Nov 16, 2021

The New Millennium's Progressed New Moon of 2024

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday November 16, 2021: Entering a new phase of anything by anyone can be daunting and it can take a while for things to get moving in the new direction indicated. No less so on a symbolic level as with Secondary Progressions in Astrology, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope of planets to see how things are - well, progressing and evolving - and to monitor prevailing influences such as transiting planets and the various changes that may occur.

Cosmic events by transit such as eclipses, conjunctions and oppositions, solstices, New and Full Moons, planetary returns, and other factors affect the progressed chart as well and may be compared with the original chart (that the progressions issue from) and so on. Why, the As Above, So Below possibilities are as endless as the Universe!

So in this post I'm using my usual shorthand for Secondary Progressions: 'SP' and below you see a dual chart image of the New Millennium Horoscope of January 1, 2000 (lower left) with the same chart's SP New Moon of May 4, 2024 (upper right), timing a new phase of activity for humanity (also note that 'PE" stands for Prenatal Solar Eclipse):

Now in both charts, a motivated Mars is significant for he leads a Locomotive shape of planets (ruthless executives determined upon success - from his own sign of big business Scorpio). However, the final dispositor in both charts is radical Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius from where the 'Sky God' behaves progressively, futuristically, and often cooperatively on behalf of the group yet, as a planet of change, reform, and anarchy, can choose to behave rebelliously while magnifying and exaggerating to distract from the issues. And as we've seen, some serious troublemaking can be the result when unpredictable, disruptive Uranus is at work shaking things up.

And of course, Scorpio and Aquarius are Fixed energy signs of rigidity and stubbornness which square and obstruct one another with their forceful even brutal Mars-Pluto and old-order-vs-new-order Saturn-Uranus vibes that call for bending or breaking. Perhaps you may agree that this pretty much describes the turbulent conditions that American society has been dealing with collectively; naturally such difficult energies are in play across the globe as well as harsh authoritarianism rises once again against the more placid, humane energies of democracy and the common good.

Yet there are at least two other reasons that year 2024 stands out from the throng, one cosmic, one earthly: the third of three "Great American Eclipse" will perfect on April 8, 2024 @19Aries conjunct Chiron @19Aries (conjunct America's Chiron of 1776 @20Aries: blindspot! or is it a healing?). This eclipse falls within the 8 North Saros Series (DC Horoscope shown) with themes of 'dreams and visions' (B. Brady). The 8 North eclipse path of Totality will race across the US from Southwest to Northeast suggesting yet another 'split' or division of some kind in US society and with further earth changes a distinct possibility.

Then the earthly reason is the 2024 Presidential Election with Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or the stranger (if indeed We The People are to have an event recognizable as an election.)

So if you're curious, dear reader, please enlarge the image for my study notes penned upon the charts and I'll close with the two Sun-Moon blends with which humanity began the New Millennium - Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces (Earth-Water: pragmatism) and in May 2024 humanity's blend will enter a new phase with the SP New Moon of Sun and Moon in Aquarius (Air-Air of the cerebral thinker and communicator):

January 1, 2000: Bringing "order out of chaos."

May 4, 2024: "The living, breathing entity we call society."

(--Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys).

Sep 30, 2021

On the Trail of powerful Pluto creeping into Aquarius

Primal Pluto at the Base of It All

by Jude Cowell

NASA image: Distant planet Pluto (soon to enter Tropical Aquarius)

Thursday September 30, 2021: As transit Pluto continues its stealthy slog through the last degrees of Capricorn reaching America's 1776 Pluto position (27Cap33) in 2022 - for the first time ever - few folk will lament the planet of power-grasping subversion bidding farewell to the governmental sign ruled by austere Saturn with the 'dictator' vibes (according to Reinhold Ebertin) of Pluto in Capricorn.

Meanwhile, in December 2020 here on Stars Over Washington, we considered what will be a momentous occasion when Pluto Enters Aquarius, the midpoint pictures that form, and powerful Pluto's affects on the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, the planetary pair which ushered society into Year 2021 and which landed upon US Inaugural Sun.

Now as you know, the pair of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) relates in government to such matters as:

Checks and balances; changes in governmental religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; the serious side of law and justice; too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems; and/or pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers' (Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad).

Now no one needs venerable Astrology to inform them of these multiple issues society now deals with - to the extent that they're being dealt with at all as the politicians of Washington DC squabble amongst themselves and perform for the cameras in lieu of actually serving the public by solving the problems our country faces. For most of us would agree that there's not one single item on the above list that is not being expressed in America (and elsewhere) these days and it's only the last quarter of 2021!

Once in Aquarius, we may expect Pluto to activate in society 'a strong communal sense; the urge to reform' (positively we hope!), but with the possibility that plans will be iffy due to 'overexaggeration' (R. Ebertin). Add to this the potential that astrological Pluto may on certain levels express positively through its regenerative and transformative functions - in Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism. The world could use some of that!

So my thought with this post is that perhaps reading the midpoint pictures in the post linked, above, might aid our preparation as the 2022 Midterms and Election 2024 draw near - just to see and consider a few of the potentials we face as a people. Maybe, I don't know. But I do know that it's always better to be forewarned about a coming period of difficulty especially since we have eclipses waiting in the wings from those two simply hideous Solar Eclipse families and coming soon (in 2022 and 2023) for they were active in the 1930s when Herr Adolf grasped power and commandeered Germany into a nightmare of epic proportions. As they say, history rhymes and eclipse cycles track quite closely with historical cycles and events and often disrupt earthly affairs in a similar manner of electrical Uranus, planet of shocks and sudden events.

So I'm guessing that if you're reading SO'W you are already aware of the spirit of destruction moving across the globe and intending to take over the governments of the world. It's a global authoritarian movement, yes, but Americans fought and won against naz*s in the 1940s and as unpopular as the idea may be in 2021 and beyond, the time has come to fight them again in every way possible for the sake of Democracy and for future generations.

So let's close this fussy post with a question that political pundits and others are now so fond of asking, Are you in?


On a lighter note, my personal hope is that the 5 New South Solar Eclipse perfecting in December 2021 will bring welcome benefits on into 2022!