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Showing posts with label Neptune in Pisces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune in Pisces. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2021

Gaseous Neptune in Pisces fuels the Big Lie Party

NASA image: gaseous giant Neptune, symbol of lies and fraud in astrology

Thursday September 9, 2021: So a year ago on Stars Over Washington, what used to be known as the Republican Party (b. 1854) was being re-named with various labels such as the Conspiracy Party and of course they've certainly earned the moniker.

But now in 2021, thanks to Donald Tr*mp's malicious ploys and antics in a desperate bid to regain power, a new au courant re-naming has occurred for they are now known as the Big Lie Party and the group's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces must be simply inflating and preening with pride. Why party members are positively bubbling with corruption, fraud, fantasy, pretense, and eagerness to kiss Herr Tr*mp's ring way down in Mar-a-Lago by oceanic Neptune's shores!

For as TV's Moira Rose might put it, GOP-ers seem to bombillate with anticipation!

And then, of course you know which fixed star twinkles mid-Pisces: Achernar, with key phrases that include: success in public office (for those with good morals) but also the risk of rapid endings and crisis at the end of the river. And the descriptive Sabian Symbol for "14 Pisces" (and the Big Lie Party's traditional promoters): "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my BOLD); negative expression: amoral opportunism (Jones). Oh dear! Sounds like a lack of good morals.

Now personally I wouldn't miss their rapid ending at all if such is the fate of the "Republican Party" since they, as an American political entity, don't actually govern the US but instead have opted for a well-paid Neptunian-Plutonian sabotage agenda for our country.

So in case you missed it you may wish to see Salon's Why the Republicans' 'Big Lie' works so well: A sociopathic party and a damaged country by Chauncey DeVega.

Yeah, and who has worked for years and years to effect such damage in preparation for a long-planned shift from democracy and the US Constitution to an authoritarian state modeled on naz*sm and brutality?

You know who--the Big Lie Party!

Aug 25, 2021

America is Facing a Toxic Political Fault Line - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday August 25, 2021: This August 24th segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann may be of interest to readers of Stars Over Washington:

As transit Neptune, planet of contagion and paranoia, continues floating through its own sign of Pisces, "toxic" is definitely one of the operative words for our besieged America these days especially since transit Neptune opposes US natal Neptune in Virgo, a long-time-coming opposition stuffed full of karma, loss, disappointment, regret, and persecution. And speaking of the US economy -

Also see Spring and Summer 2021: the Path of Benefic Jupiter (Mr. Moneybags).

And here, as an artful tribute to oceanic Neptune and imaginative, fishy Pisces, is my botanical depiction of an Ornate Butterfish floating in from my online Dreamyfish Art collection of pencil portraits:

Aug 8, 2021

Autumn Equinox 2021: Selena and the Snake Charmer

Autumn Equinox 2021: White Moon Selena Rises as a Snake Charmer Beguiles

by Jude Cowell

Sunday August 8, 2021: As of this writing, malicious Tr*mp remains on the political scene in the US, seemingly on the verge of legal come-uppance. Meanwhile, the Autumn 2021 season approaches, aka, the Libra Ingress, this year with the public signified by a Mars-ruled Aries Moon which tends toward rashness and emotional volatility, but can also suggest activism.

Below is a DC Horoscope of the moment the Sun reaches 00Lib00:00 on September 22, 2021 (3:20:55 pm est) with Sun and Mars in the corporate 8th house when the chart is set for Washington DC. Obviously, other 8th house matters are also on the agenda such as shared resources, debt, credit, insurance, death, the occult, and Big Business. Opposite in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, an unaspected Neptune @21Pis33 Rx continues its deceptive, illusory, fraudulent, disappointing, and contagious influences. Political benefits aside, Neptunian compassion for those damaged financially via Covid may also be indicated by a 2nd house Neptune in Pisces and, of course, we know monetary relief bwo President Biden's agenda continues at least through December 2021 for those of us with children, thus lifting the country partially out of the trough of poverty that austere political measures have purposefully plopped us into for decades. Too often Washington politics has meant massive amounts of money for war and weaponry but little or none for the needs of children.

Ascendant in Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Investment

And so, with chart-ruler Saturn (1st house) retrograde ('Rx'), delays in various matters are to be expected such as legislative proposals (Saturn = laws). Naturally, the cosmic course of expansive Jupiter, also Rx, is a key determinant both financially and politically but as we've previously discussed, Jupiter turns Direct on October 18, 2021 @22AQ19:45 - within the 2nd house of this Equinox chart - but won't pass his Shadow Degree of 2Pis11 (where the Great Benefic turned Rx on June 20, 2021) until the second week of January 2022. Therefore, October 2021 offers some improvement in social conditions but January 2022 offers more forward movement in Jupiterian matters.

Beneficial Aspects of Selena 2021 into 2022: Capricornian Goals

White Moon Selena, the path-lighter, trines Uranus on October 19, 2021 (just after Jupiter turns Direct) suggesting potentials for a beneficial change of direction to better aim at goals, protection of a large group of people, and/or a larger number of people joining a cause. Then on December 7, 2021, transiting Selena sextiles Neptune so compassion and empathy may only increase through most of December in time for the 2021 holiday season and providing everyone with plenty of opportunities for sharing or receiving charitable aid. All this, in time for the Solar Return of the Biden administration on January 20, 2022 when Selena conjuncts powerful, wealthy Pluto @26Capricorn conjunct the Midheaven of the 2021 Inauguration Horoscope! Hopefully, intensified benefits of Selena will be fully visible ('MC' = the Goal Point) to and for the American public with Selena lighting the path toward our goals!

Yet realistically, we must also remember the volatile, subversive Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) which perfected on Inauguration Day 2021 for it lurks at the base ('IC') of the Autumn Equinox 2021 Horoscope, as you can see, and suggests (opposing the MC) that violent or drastic measures may be taken in opposition to the goals of President Biden. As with the Snake Charmer (see details below), caution must be advised, as our government agencies already know. May they be much better prepared than they were on January 6, 2021.

Meanwhile, speaking of goals, any autumnal ingress horoscope concerns solar vitality and working toward solar goals and objectives (shown here at least until the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope 'takes over') and the Sun-Mars Conjunction suggests ambitious, energetic leadership especially in 8th house affairs.

However, we know that undermining forces (ex: Mars-Uranus) are working through and with the Republican Party, a Neptune-infused entity (its 1854 founding Neptune in mid-Pisces) in order to deny the Biden administration any or all achievements that it can, in spite of the damage Republican efforts (or the lack of them) do to harm democracy, America, the American people - and our children. "Own the libs" as Republicans hatefully remind themselves, no matter the dire consequences, and so they underhandedly scheme toward the regrasping of power as if their imagined justification is genuine or even popular with the majority.

And if we add such sinister machinations of the neofascist kind to the generational influences of transit Neptune opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo - across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces which is karmically intercepted in the chart as you see along with planet Neptune Rx - we have a period of major conflicts between ideals (ex: democracy vs fascism), plus, persecution in Civil Rights and racial areas of society (used as 'wedge' social issues meant to harm opponents for political gain). Note that an unaspected Neptune denotes those who keep their ideals and fantasies private or secret from the rest of society although the draconian, authoritarian ideals of the GOP are now obvious for all to see who choose to see and who will hopefully take action on behalf of protecting democracy. However, this unaspected Neptune is apex of a midpoint picture (penned on the chart) which describes bad social conditions and potentials for loss through speculation and/or wastefulness (R. Ebertin).

'Live-Wire' Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries Potentials

Meanwhile, the public's Moon @21Ari07 conjuncts US natal Chiron (at "21Aries" = "A Pugilist Enters the Ring") so we have an Air-Fire blend of exciting ideas informed by Venus-Mars and primarily suggesting relationship and diplomatic issues with compromise the key to success. This provides the season with a Sun Libra-Moon Aries combo of restless, willful energies and a crusading temperament with a leaning toward optimism and cooperation - but which can be "thrown off" by criticism and/or emotional conflict (politics!).

Still, a talent for diplomacy and innate courage can win folks over to the project at hand, plus, a desire for justice is a prominent feature of this combination of conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) energies. These potentials hold true through the Autumn season of 2021 so here's hoping the US Justice System will do the job that the majority of Americans are expecting by holding our infestation of criminals accountable. Yes, I know that Politics attracts the underbelly of society, the crooks and swindlers, but the overgrowth simply cannot continue as-is and must be dealt with. Visible in this chart? Maybe it's the karmic interception of Virgo-Pisces and fraudulent Neptune across the 2/8 axi$, showing societal problems that must be dealt with, as most anyone reading this post would agree.

Now of interest to some is one small chart factor: asteroid Hopi (keywords: ambush; prejudice) @26Leo46 for it precisely conjoins Tr*mp's natal Mars (26:46) rising and as you see in the chart, Hopi conjuncts the 8th cusp. Neglect Hopi's influence and the prevaricating blighter still requires close scrutiny yet this cosmic synchronicity is simply a small indication that such caution is necessary (like keeping an eye on a cornered snake). Plus, Hopi always reminds me of Ras Alhague, the Sapphire Star, as previously discussed, because Ras Alhague conjoins the natal Moon and South Node of Tr*mp @22Sagittarus (fear of poisoning, dog bites, prone to infections including epidemics). This star is the snake charmer (who uses mind control - you know he does) and you also know that Tr*mp has often repeated the creepy song lyrics about how, You da** well knew I was a snake before you took me in - as part of his 2016+ anti-immigration rants. Plus, some link Ras Alhague with healing and with sun god Apollo (which @29Leo45 rises in Tr*mp's natal chart - hence his spray tans, preference for Florida sunshine, and 'godlike' behavior - with input from opportunistic evangelicals telling him he's 'the chosen one'). Actually this stuff resonates well with Tr*mp's natal Mars in proud Leo opposing US natal Moon in Aquarius - We The People are a direct target of his aggression. Can you tell?

And how curious is it that in China, Ras Alhague has been known as The Astrologer? Why Donald! You and your Scottish mama (Moon) and/or certain ancestors (SN) practice or use the venerable craft? This cosmic link could reveal Astrology as a talent he falls back on (SN) to aid his present activities, something I've long suspected. Either that, or it suggests an unsurprising dependence upon the services of an astrologer.

Well, there it is. The upcoming Autumn Equinox 2021 in Washington DC through my common-good lens, which naturally reveals a mixture of positive and negative potentials as life on Earth always does - must do, in fact. Your on-topic obervations and insights are welcome, of course, as long as they're courteous, left with this post, and name-tagged.

So what say you, dear reader? jc

For more solar-lunar details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 10, 2021

Evidence of "The Big Lie" from 2016 and Beyond

Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.

The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.

For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021

Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).

So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?

Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.

And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!

To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.

Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."

Apr 29, 2021

Midterms 2022 brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

At 2022 Midterms a Fateful Struggle: "Swords vs Torches"

by Jude Cowell

April 29, 2021: Now that President Joe Biden has delivered his pseudo-SOTU address last night to a pared-down Joint Session of Congress on the eve of his 100th day in office, it's time to face the portents within the horoscope of the 2022 Midterm Elections of November 8, 2022 which is the day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus00. Now usually for elections, I publish horoscopes of the opening of voting and/or the closing of it but since a Lunar Eclipse is a huge 'cosmic blink' of disruption and revelation, I'm using the eclipse's moment of perfection at 6:01:57 am est on Election Day as the Midterms 2022 Horoscope to work from concerning these very significant elections that can possibly result in a change of control in the US Congress, House and/or Senate. But as you know, flipping Congress would be a disaster for Americans who appreciate Mr. Biden's attempts and policies meant to improve social conditions in our country while sending a huge bill to wealthy corporate tax evaders and authoritarian, anti-democratic enablers - including violent hotheads who like to march with Tiki Torches which are now viewed as racist. For good reason.

And is it bizarre that for ages 'eternal flames' have been symbolic of so-called 'illumi*ati' involvement in certain events? (Readers: NO illumi*ati promos or ads will ever be published on SO'W so don't waste your time.)

Well, for the curious, here's some info concerning the gravesite eternal flames of JFK, Princess Diana, the Parisienne tunnel where she and Dodi crashed, the World Trade Center, etc. Tragically, the concept of ritual sacrifice comes to mind but do ignore the information if you wish!

DC Horoscope: 'Midterms' Lunar Eclipse November 8, 2022 @16Tau00:53

The Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) of this Eclipse IS the Solar Eclipse @2Sco00 in the manic 6 South Saros Series. As you know, New Moons prior to elections are considered predictive so my fondest wish is that the 'taking power' theme of 6 South, which worked so well for Nazis in 1932 (and more kindly in the US for FDR), will be taken very seriously by those who have the power to act against the sore loser insurrectionists who again plan a violent take-over of the US government - and this time a stronger effort will be mounted than on January 6, 2021 (which was a practice session):

Ascendant 6Sco57 makes Mars Rx in Gemini the chart-ruler with a square from Neptune in Pisces (2A12) continuing the gaseous planet's deceptive, undermining, ongoing opposition to US natal Neptune @22Virgo (timing a generational clash of ideals), plus, this includes Neptune's square to US Mars which denotes the undermining of physical efforts, delayed successes, goals that must be realistic and as practical as possible (yet can be inspirational), potentials for illness and infection, dangerous water travel, and a caution to keep plugging away despite it all. Of course, we can expect that from time to time mitigating planetary factors will help the abundance of Neptunian conditions which, I confess, I identify primarily with the 'Republican Party' of 1854 and its Neptune in Pisces.

And so America's Mars-Neptune Square of 1776 with its misguided or misdirected energies and motivations (plus, with the square's 'fog of war' implications) pines for for the also-ran inspiration which dreamy Neptune can supply to any planet it touches with its glittering magic wand.

Now note that the Saturnian South Node rises along with voting planet Mercury (leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets which possibly hints at election cheating or fraud) and that the 1st house Sun conjuncts fixed star Zuben Elgenubi: positive social reform, while Venus conjuncts Zuben Elschemali: negative social reform, a mixed portent. Yet to me this looks as if President Biden, born with Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus himself, is represented by the rising Scorpio energies in this chart while the anarchists and insurrectionsist voters and anti-American politicians can be seen via the eclipsed Moon conjunct radical reactionary Uranus in the intolerant, possessive sign of Taurus. Shown is a fateful struggle between democracy and Neo-Nazism, folks, in part through the exciteable Moon-Uranus conjunction's revealing Sabian Symbol ("17Taurus"): "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches." "Keyword is RESOLUTION" (Jones). This symbol speaks of "enlightenment, high organizational skill, and an ability to bring the magic of understanding to any specific difficulty." Those are the positive potentials of the symbol for which I look to those represented by democratic, nurturing Ceres (below). The negative expression = "a loss of self-competence through the conflicting compulsions of necessity and desire." This could be related to the urgent needs of the American people vs a certain group's deep desire for power and control embedded within the manic energies of the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Sco00 which manifests on October 25 2022 with themes of 'huge efforts in group activities', 'sudden events', great strength or force in relationships', and 'being forceful and taking power' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Taking power, not through elections - through seizing power. Can forewarned be forearmed?

Now if you enlarge the image you'll see that the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of November 8, 2022 reveals factors of 'Democracy vs Neo-Nazism' via Ceres @16Vir27 (sextile Sun, trine Moon - see Ceres, below), and the factoid that the elections fall within the influence of the prior Scorpio Solar Eclipse (losted as 'PE' and highlighted in orange, in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, Back Room Deals, Self-Undoing, and/or Karma) falls within the 6 South Saros Series which in 2022 is a repeat of the 'Nazi Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Vir09.

However, here's a ray of hope...

Ceres as Thales Point: A Saving Grace!

As astrologer Alice Portman explains, the Thales Point in an event chart identifies one who gets along well with both sides (here, political rivals: Sun opposite Moon) and can negotiate a fair arrangement. Basically, Ceres (asteroid of democracy) acting as Thales Point for this Lunar Eclipse (and therefore, for the 2022 Midterm Elections and the rivals therein) indicates a skilled negotiator or negotiators (with a democratic mindset, it seems) who can solve thorny issues, then communicate and explain them in ways that resolve, or at least, improve, difficult circumstances.

In closing, let's add a famous, never more appropriate, quote from a former US president who, along with past democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, shares Midterms 2022's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend along with President Joe Biden:

"Our country needs not heroics bu healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration." - President Warren G. Harding.

Well, if you made it this far, Thanks a bunch for reading! And I'm quite certain that more such fussing must be published concerning this Eclipse before the 2022 Midterms come along so please Share if you dare. jc

Apr 9, 2021

Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon

In America Neptunian Rebels Are Rising Again

by Jude Cowell

April 9, 2021: With today being the 156th anniversary of General Robert E. Lee's Surrender at Appomattox Court House, here's a view of the Civil War Horoscope (lower left), plus the war's Secondary Progressed Full Moon ('SP') which perfected on December 14, 2020 @26Pis05. Some amazing synchronicities were, or are, in effect, what I tend to call 'cosmic time links' involving 1861 Neptune in Pisces (with deceptive, deluded Neptune progressed in December 2020 to the very public Aries Point), and the Electoral College Vote count on that very day. As you see, at the start of the war (April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT) Neptune was rising along with Scheat, star of misfortune and murder, plus, a midpoint picture between Mercury-Neptune = ASC reveals potentials for 'overreaction to others' and exploitation' (Tyl). A veil of Neptunian deception and misconception was cast over the proceedings, and emotions were played upon in 1861, a description of many of our 2021 conditions as well.

Now outside the foundational 4th house of the upper right horoscope (SP Full Moon @26Pis05) I've notated the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 in the difficult 4 South Saros Series - the influences in which the world continues to stew (until late May or early June 2021, when the next Solar Eclipse in Gemini begins to influence societal conditions and events, and our dreams become prophetic). Thing is, the December 14, 2020 Eclipse is a time link for current seditionist activities for it manifested on the very day of the Electoral College Vote, the count for which violent insurrectionists on January 6th temporarily interrupted the work of the US Congress as it fulfilled its constitutional duty of certifying the vote count for President Joe Biden - aka, the former guy's infamous, deceitful "stop the steal" ploy which led to violence and death. And as you know, the grifter's big lie about Election 2020's outcome is the basis for the false narratives and shady laws being perpetrated in state legislatures such as in my home state of Georgia where 'white supremacy' somehow retains a base of radical reactionaries who are often signified in horoscopes by Utopian zealot and radical, disruptive politician, Uranus.

Uranus and Neptune

Now looking ahead, one interesting, or perhaps predictive, feature is that the Civil War will experience a three-fer Neptune Return/s on March 28, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026 - all 're-conjunct' 1861 Scheat, and as you see, at a critical 29th degree of shady Pisces (see the blue box on the left). Another thing is transit Uranus, America's planet of rebellion, conflict, and potential for violence, now traveling through Venus-ruled Taurus ('the bull'), has already caused trouble including from its Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) on Inauguration Day 2021. Fortunately, the ceremony and Oaths of Office were uninterrupted by sore losers - because the capital city was prepared and snugly fenced in.

So lower left beside the 1861 chart, you see listed a midpoint picture with transit Uranus at apex which in part describes recent, current, and probably future events, as you may agree: fanaticism and the urge to fight. Add in the energies of SP Mars conjunct SP Sun-Jupiter and we have a portion of the zealotry, aggression, and warrior spirit (Mars) that helps fuel the miguided, anti-societal efforts and attacks of seditionist rebels as they proudly march under authoritarian symbols of neo-nazism.

And my suspicion is that these rowdy miscreants are being 'inspired' to act on behalf of the former guy by the reigning crop of crooks and swindlers and can be seen in the SP midpoint picture: Sun-Mercury opposite - you guessed it - SP Neptune Rx @00Ari20, conjunct the SP 8th cusp.

Mar 19, 2021

Why Did GOP Want More COVID Deaths? - Thom Hartmann

From yesterday's Thom Hartmann broadcast here's an exellent question concerning the Republican Party which some are calling a 'death cult' and which resonates quite well with the party's Neptune in Pisces at its founding in 1854:

And with Neptune in Pisces reflecting contagion, paranoia, fear, falsehood, instability, and loss (among other difficult things) across the globe we may want to ask another question: When Will Transit Neptune Reach the Aries Point?

Mar 8, 2021

May 2021 Neptune opposes US Neptune: Ideals and Immune Systems

March 8, 2021: Virgo Sign of Health - and Employment

by Jude Cowell

Below is a DC Horoscope for the moment on May 1, 2021 10:44:49 pm EDT that 2021 Neptune opposes US natal Neptune (22Pis25 vs 22Vir25) across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces. This is the first of three such oppositions, the others are listed in the text, below. Also prominent in this horoscope and relating directly to Health concerns, plus, Neptunian spirituality, is the Moon-North-Node midpoint ('Moon-NN' = Immune System; Spiritual Unions) conjunct the globally significant Aries Point ('AP') which conjuncts the 1776 IC 00Ari47, the Basis, Foundation, or Root of the Matter. Yes, this is a global phenomenon ('AP') for Gaia's 'immune system' of defense has also been weakened, as you know.

Note: Use of one or the other US horoscopes would naturally yield different timing results, but this is the chart (center) that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) for America even though the hour is a bit on the late side and the Founders were likely having dinner by then!

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. Listed transits include:

2021 Pluto oppo US natal Mercury Rx across the 2/8 financial axis, 2021 Jupiter conjunct US natal Moon (We The People: $?), 2021 Moon-Mercury midpoint = 1776 Neptune and opposing US natal Neptune; 2021 Mars conjunct 1776 Jupiter; and 1776 Saturn-Neptune midpoint (the illness axis, also social welfare) conjunct 2021 Midheaven ('MC'). Potentials of transits and midpoint pictures are sprinkled around the bi-wheel as are a few details concerning the Neptune-opposite-Neptune transit, highlighted in blue. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune duo relates to systems such as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Zionism, Capitalism, and other such manmade -isms.

And note that therefore 2021 Neptune squares US natal Mars (@21Gem22 in natal 7th house) which activates our 1776 Mars-Neptune square, and suggests a period of potentials such as fevers, headaches, infections, weakness, exploitation, harm, paralyzed activity, healthcare and hospital issues, scandals involving the Armed Forces, the 'fog of war', and/or industrial espionage (Ebertin). These are already expressing, aren't they? Financial issues are also found in the chart but this post isn't for that, although I should point out that the 2021 North Node of destiny @11Gem03 points toward 2021 Midas as the gold-lover sits between the 1776 Descendant axis of Partnerships (12Gem08) and the 2021 Descendant (15Gem54). And as you know, Midas is most often retrograde but on May 1, 2021 it is not. Obviously, finances are involved in both health and employment issues and the much-needed passage and signing of a Covid Relief Bill is apparently on America's 'path' (NN) - perhaps to be achieved this week. Meanwhile, in the realms of higher or lower ideals, Neptune vs Neptune = materialism vs spiritualism. The choice is yours! It may help that the cosmic weather on May 1st is a practical Earth blend of Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn, a reliable combination of energies with a paternal concern for those in need! And this is the natal personality blend of President James Monroe (RR: C) born in 1758 with a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Leo - and throughout his life James was on the sickly side.

And so I'm suggesting that 'weakness' includes weakened immune systems, plus, our natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Health but also of Work, hints at our current employment-unemployment conditions and weaknesses. Trusting the numbers isn't easy, is it? Well, we know that the undermining function of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has been at work for some time at work and within our immune systems.

Now the three oppositions of transit Neptune to US natal Neptune are penned upon the chart but, to close, I'll type the list for you here as well:

1. May 1, 2021; 2. August 21, 2021; 3. March 1, 2022.

Please stay safe and well everyone! jc

Feb 10, 2021

2021 Neptune opposes American Revolution Neptune

Feb 10, 2021: The following is an incidental Political Astrology note inspired by the January 6, 2021 Tr*mp Mob Attack on the US Congress:

Shadows, Veils, and Masks! For the third of three times since 2020, transit Neptune in Pisces will soon oppose Neptune (20Vir23) in the American Revolution Horoscope (April 19, 1775 3:29:28 pm Lexington, MA). The opposition began on May 8, 2020, perfected again on August 9, 2020, and finally will complete its oppositional transit on March 4, 2021 - the day of the proposed 'Shadow Inauguration' of Donald Tr*mp! No word on whether a POTUS-esque mummery will actually take place that day or any other but just the thought of such an absurd ceremonial fantasy reminds me of the mockery Tr*mp made of the office of the US Presidency and of the sledge hammer he as an authoritarian figurehead wielded against democracy and the US Constitution. Neptunian shadow it is!

Now with slow-moving Neptune's orbital cycle lasting approximately 164 years, I suspect that not much has been written about a Neptune-opposite-Neptune transit (which is also occurring vs US natal Neptune @22Vi25) but here's what little I know: That this is period of generational conflicts over ideals which are timed to shift from materialism to more spiritual beliefs, battles over issues of racism, religious persecution, and other social concerns, and for many Americans, this is a time of deep reflection especially in relation to the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior polarity and the persecution, suppression, oppression, and exploitation of We The People by wealthy oligarchs, both domestic and foreign.

So in light of the current slide of the US into authoritarian government, we might say that the tide has hopefully been stemmed by the firing of Donald Tr*mp in November, the Electoral College Vote Count certification which proceeded to completion on January 6th, the insurgents being vanished from the halls and chambers of Congress that day, the subsequent installment of Joe Biden in the Oval Office, and the current Senate Trial for inciting insurrection, I say Huzzah!

Furthermore, since in Mundane Astrology divine-source Neptune also represents compassion, the American people now have gentler policies being proposed and/or implemented from the White House as many of Tr*mp's most aggregious actions are in process of being rolled back.

Rather a shift of ideals, would you say?

Now here's a previous post full of Neptunian vibes:

The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Above image: 'Neptune Ascends', a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell

Jan 14, 2021

January 2021: Neptunian Influences peak then wane

Year 2021: Subversive Elements in Society Spotlighted via Neptune in Pisces

by Jude Cowell

January 14, 2021: With difficult days of potential violence and turmoil continuing in the US (as if justified by the Inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20th) some readers may be interested in viewing a horoscope of the moment that certain subversive energies peak with transit Neptune square the Nodal Axis. For the purposes of this post, I'll refer to the Nodal Axis as 'NN' but I'm thinking 'Nodal Axis' which currently is under the rays of the Gemini-Sagittarian polarity with its Mercury-Jupiter influences. The Mercury-Jupiter pairing relates to sound common sense but negatively to failures through dishonesty, fraud, and negligence (Ebertin).

Implications and potentials of the subversive Neptune-NN pairing include: 'anti-social behavior/elements; lack of community spirit; strange conduct in communal life; unreliability; exploitation; deceit; cheating' (Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad). Obviously surreptious Neptune's mass propaganda is involved with the Nodal Axis denoting public contacts. Plus, 'breakdowns in relationships' can also occur under such deceptive influences (Tyl) usually due to falsehoods and/or misunderstandings.

Now here is the Neptune-NN duo in Politics and Business as detailed by Michael Munkasey (my italics):

"Thesis: A leadership unwilling or unable to consider the demands of its people; ideals or national glamor as an excuse for neglecting the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups.

Antithesis: Spies or terrorists which enter for villainous purposes; drug policies which avoid important concerns; an ill-adapted and inadequate hospital or medical care system; scandals caused by foreign concerns." (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets #ad).

Please note that transit Pluto in Capricorn's destructuring of societal systems, Ebertin's description of the placement as 'the dictator', and the planet's famous tendency toward hidden manipulation, surveillance, and death, plus, the current involvement in the US government of Neptune-Pluto's criminal underworld/syndicate activities are factors beyond the scope of this particular post but have been discussed in previous posts - type a word or phrase into the sidebar Search field and you'll see!

Once the square's energies peak, its frustrating, nihilistic influences will begin to gradually wane in society (Neptune of the masses and mass media!) - but perhaps only to a dull roar since its vibrations imprint upon the Biden administration. So here is a link to the DC Horoscope set for January 26, 2021 9:11 am est Washington DC, the moment the Neptune-NN square perfects (19Pis06 and rising SQ 19Gem06 conjunct IC) and, for those who use Neptune as a ruler or co-ruler of Pisces, Mercury-Neptune vibes are also involved and resonate with Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of deceit, fraud, and malicious schemes.

The chart is uploaded to JCAstro because Blogger isn't allowing its upload here!

In addition, yesterday the First Lunation of 2021 @23Cap13 occurred and is significant as the Syzygy Moon of Inauguration 2021 and due to its energies imprinting upon year 2021 and the Biden administration. Notable is that the pragmatic Sun Cap-Moon Cap blend of Saturnian energies can ably face reality, something the US is in serious need of after 4 years of an arch prevaricator.

(Above image of planet Neptune; NASA)

Dec 12, 2020

SCOTUS Rejects Texas Lawsuit To Overturn Election - Thom Hartmann

From December 11, 2020 here's a segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast concerning some really interesting SCOTUS news that's enough to make Herr Spanky Trump pout:


Say, remember in June 2020 when a Mars-Neptune conjunction affected the natal (1790) Saturn of the US Supreme Court? (SCOTUS 1790 horoscope shown.)

Dec 8, 2020

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny

"Anarchists Form a Committee to Overthrow the Tyranny of Committees" (The Harveys).

December 8, 2020: Here you see the DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2025 published with a sprinkling of hope that there may actually be one. Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; brief chart details are added below:

Horoscope: January 20, 2025 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Venus (@17Pis38 conjunct Saturn in 11th house of Groups and Associations: discontent?); Final Dispositor Neptune in Pisces conjunct 12th cusp; North Node @29Pis08 conjunct star of misfortune, Scheat, in 12th house of Karma; 12th house Chiron conjunct determined Sisyphus opposes the 6th house Moon @18Lib31 (conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter). Sun in the public 10th house (of course) with powerful manipulator Pluto @1AQ41 suggesting a Pluto-to-Sun transit has occurred which can motivate those in power to make a new start with ego as the primary motivation. Obviously, the US Pluto Return has completed previously (3x in 2022) and some evidence of authoritarianism is a potential with its handmaiden tyranny doing its part when necessary. For now I'll reserve my thoughts on the significance of only the Sun (POTUS) and Pluto (hidden manipulator) alone together in the political 10th house of this chart.

And since an Oath of Office is involved, check out 9th house Mercury @18Cap15, the position of the 'NWO' planets Uranus and Neptune when they met three times in 1993. Potentials are penned on the chart. Also note that Mercury opposes testy Mars Rx (at IC) @24Can23 conjunct the Syzygy Moon, the previous Full Moon (@23Can59, January 13, 2025), plus, Mars by transit conjuncts US natal Mercury in the Siby chart suggesting a fast pace of life and lots of verbal combat. (Hopefully anarchist Mars doesn't represent Mars-rising Trump still hanging around!) And you know the Sabian Symbol for '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power," plus, US natal Pluto sits atop the Midheaven, aka, the Goal Point.

So we have issues of power, surveillance ('AI' - see Mercury), hidden control, and an iffy National Treasury with banker-general-politician-reverend-actor-broadcaster planet Jupiter Rx conjunct 2nd cusp (12:39) along with asteroid Midas @12:39. As you see, Jupiter here rules the corporate 8th house of debt, credit, and Shared Resources, plus 12th house via its Pisces cusp. Evaluating Venus, another money planet, is in shady Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, co-ruled by nebulous Neptune, so speculation, grand schemes, and currency issues are, as usual, involved. Additionally, this inauguration occurs during a Jupiter-Saturn square denoting a period of moral and/or ethical conflicts prominent within the public discourse.

Now the Solar Eclipse themes running in the backround of society are difficult issues of loss, separation, and possible injury (penned on the chart, 6th house, between South Node and the Moon, with the Libra/Aries polarity karmically intercepted across the 6-12).

Update August 4, 2021: I neglected to add to this post that "Cowboys" is a reference to the Splay shape of the planets in the eclipse horoscope, above, and its (rugged) individualism, within which should be included the 'up-by-boot-straps' self-reliance of America's 'cowboy ethic' that Reagan promoted and actor John Wayne demonstrated on film along with the other 'cowboy' movie and tv stars promoting superficial symbols of the concept. # UPDATE June 2, 2022: it has been pointed out that the above Inauguration Horoscope shows not a Splay shape (as my Solar Fire v9 software says) but a more concentrated BUCKET shape with the 6th house Moon as Handle, the point of focus; disturbingly, the Moon @18Libra conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Herr Tr*mp which reflects what could be an anti-democracy event - happy for him, his duped voters, and corporate enablers, tragic for the future of a free America.

Meanwhile, the cosmic weather on January 20, 2025 may be partially described by the double Air (mental) combination of Sun AQ-Moon Libra, a sociable and idealistic blend of energies. Tolerance and dignity are suggested along with social awareness yet to be effective, leadership must get involved with the practical considerations of others - of The People. If effectiveness is what is wanted, that is. Concerns will include issues of individualism and independent thought which are supported by the Splay shape of planets indicating those who promote the rugged 'cowboy ethic'. This blend is shared natally by Burt Reynolds, Edouard Manet, and author Boris Pasternak who helpfully asserted,

"As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore the truth."

You know - similar to The Pope, one of Pluto's many astrological identities.

Nov 30, 2020

Biden's Fractured Foot reflected by the Lunar Eclipse?

As you've heard, President-Elect Joe Biden fractured his foot on Saturday while playing with his dog Major and will likely need a "a walking boot for several weeks".

Astrologically, we may expect multiple cosmic influences to be in effect when an event manifests in the physical world but one factor that 'stands out' (sorry!) in this case is the nearness of his accident on November 28th to the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards' and therefore can disrupt and/or reveal events early, late, or never. And if you're familiar with the natal chart of Joseph R. Biden then you know that this Gemini Lunar Eclipse 'eclipsed' his natal 7th house Saturn, ruler of bones, retrograde @9Gem57.

Of course, Saturn also rules such things as karma, stoppages, loss, the demands of responsibility, issues of accountability, authority, management, separation, and other realms but let's avoid considering that such accidents sometimes can be a plea for a break or an easing of Saturnian burdens! That's if the Biden campaign's explanation of 'slipping while walking his dog' holds up for the duration. And perhaps it's time for a bone density scan! Otherwise, it's too murky to imagine what sinister forces could be threatening from behind the scenes especially considering the mobster atmosphere now prevalent in the US. Yet if there are actors with sinister intent, I'd have to guess that the Fed, the National Treasury, currency valuation, and/or other financial matters could well be involved (because eclipse Sun 8Sag38 conjuncts The Fed's New Moon of 1910 during their secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia). But that's only a wild guess.

And since Pisces is the sign of the feet, it appears significant that transit Neptune conjunct Biden's natal IC (4th house cusp of the Domestic Scene - slipping = Neptune; at home: 4th house) has expressed in the physical world in a visible way. And yet the possibility of Neptune's tendency toward veils, illusion, and deception cannot be completely ruled out at this early date.

Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse Sun opposes Joe Biden's natal Saturn, not the easiest transit for a natal Saturn to manage for it suggests that the more responsibilities he takes on these days, the more there will be to take on. Plus, higher authorities could expect former VP Biden to execute plans that he isn't prepared for, or he may have balked at certain commands. (Please note that I type as one who no longer believes that the US presidency makes "the most powerful man in the world", if indeed it ever did; disagree as you wish!) This transit is not a period of time when the President-Elect can count on luck to see him through but its ill effects should hopefully be short-lived. Except for the visual reminder for the public of his walking cast - for several weeks (or months).

Any of this as it may or may not be, I wish President-Elect Biden a very speedy recovery!

Nov 29, 2020

November 28, 2020 Neptune Turns Direct @18Pis09:45

A Portrait of Planet Neptune; NASA; orbital period approximately 164 years

Yet Another Fuss about Neptune in Pisces

by Jude Cowell

Approximately one-hundred-fifty-nine days ago, transit Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, seemed to turn retrograde ('Rx') @20Pis57:36 from the vantage point of Earth. This titanic planetary shift occurred on June 23, 2020 at 12:31:41 am edt, while gaseous Neptune floated within the fog of a spreading viral pandemic now 'upgrading' itself to higher and higher numbers while mutating with sinister intent. As you know, both Neptune and Pisces relate to infections, contagions, and epidemics ('the urge to merge'), so there's little more to say about Neptune's influence these days unless one wants to ponder the massive amounts of fraud and corruption now infecting and undermining our nation - plus, damaging the rest of the world besides. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents such things as disappointment, disillusion, and loss and you may agree that there's been no shortage of these during Neptune's seemingly interminable stay in shady Pisces. Let's have a word about that.

Now as you'll remember, transit Neptune first dipped a toe into oceanic Pisces in early April 2011 but seem to shyly back again into late Aquarius in early August 2011, then turned Direct @28AQ08 around November 9, 2011. For me, the word lumbering comes to mind!

And so last evening (11/28/20), transit Neptune turned Direct @18Pis09:45 at 7:36:29 pm est, a couple of degrees short of its 'shadow degree' where it last turned Rx @20Pis57:36. A slow mover, yes, so when may we expect shadowy Neptune to reach and move just beyond 'her' own shadow this go-round in 2020 or perhaps in 2021? Will pandemic conditions lighten once Neptune's long shadow wisps away? And can some measure of improvement be expected in our fraudster/mobster conditions and their resulting theft and embezzlement activities as realistic Saturn's demands for honesty and integrity are more directly met?

Actually, Neptune will finally reach shadow degree on March 19/20, 2021, a day or so prior to Spring Equinox 2021, then slowly start lumbering forward. For me this inspires a hope (another Neptunian word) that beneficial solutions will be found and various fogs and confusions of one sort or another will soon begin to dissipate under the warm Aries sunshine of Spring.

Sound good?

A previous yet oh-so-related post: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Nov 26, 2020

Trump Nodal Return 2020 IDs secret meeting with Special Forces

No Alarm, Merely a Forewarning that's Hopefully Unnecessary

by Jude Cowell

Most everyone is anxious about Inauguration Day 2021. Well, as it turns out, on the very day of his Nodal Return, October 29, 2020, Trump met behind the scenes with US Special Forces at Fort Bragg, NC, the men who killed Islamic leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a year or so ago. During their meeting that was conducted "outside the view of the press corp traveling with him," Trump presented the troops with a Presidential Unit Citation, an honor formerly known as a Distinguished Unit Citation. For conspiracy theorists the fancy word play (as if to put Trump's personal stamp on the award and "claim" the troops as his own whether all of them like it or not), plus, Trump's (North Node conjunct North Node in duplicitous Gemini) secret meeting with Special Forces, seems to be part of a potential Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction plan for anarchy since we know that Trump will do anything to hold onto to power and thus avoid (or postpone!) his fate.

Yes, it goes against the grain yet I'm reluctantly suggesting here the possibility of a Trump scheme to use military intervention by what some might call 'rogue' units to be put in service to a cult leader instead of honoring their oaths to the US Constitution. Trump's ongoing legal challenges to his election loss could be serving as a distraction campaign for such military muscling up behind the scenes. For when a politician says, 'look here', we must be sure to look elsewhere.

Astrologically, such interventionist energies peak on January 20, 2021 (noon chart shown) when the Mar-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 perfects at 3:38 pm est - quite near Joe Biden's natal Moon (@00Tau59, in n 5th house). And as you know, earlier at noon that day, the combustible, activist pair rises over Capitol Hill in 12th house: behind the scenes; Politics; US Congress. Yet hopefully, all these considerations are too fantastical for practical implementation and too non-traditional to be feasible. After all, President-Elect Biden has the option to use US military troops for various purposes, too.

Meanwhile, here's something I wrote on Trump's above linked Nodal Return Horoscope of October 29th which apparently relates to this difficult topic. It involves the fact that transiting Neptune (fraudster, speculator, grand schemer, liar, erosion, the media) in secretive, shady Pisces, has been squaring Trump's Nodal Axis which creates potentials for: subversives who undermine traditional religious and social standards and principles (ex: the peaceful transition of power that We The People must rely on); sabotage of social institutions, and/or terrorists with villainous purposes (Munkasey).

So in closing, here again is a view of the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope with the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope added:

A Closely Related Post:Trump regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.

Nov 20, 2020

The Biden-Harris Partnership: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

On November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was announced as President-Elect and a post appeared here on SO'W discussing the announcement's Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend of Fixed energies which may be said to describe the Biden-Harris partnership - he, the Sun, she, the Moon. The happiness (Leo) of a majority of the public (Moon) is also indicated as the emotional trend or mood.

However, in my previous post I was rushed and did not add a view of the announcement horoscope so it's added here for readers who may not have seen it. And for those who have:

Karmic planet Saturn rules many realms as you know, and here Saturn rules the Ascendant (the announcement itself) and reveals several factors that feature and will feature in the Biden-Harris administration and its managing style and ability. Demanding Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) rules realism, control, limits, responsibility, accountability, seniors, maturity, and the law and we find these issues and concerns mentioned within the public discourse on a daily basis.

In Mundane Astrology, Saturn also represents The Establishment and The System and with this one horoscope we can see the ongoing stand-off between reactionary anarchic forces of Utopian zealotry vs the steady energies of now-returning professional actors in government and their particular world view. (See Uranus conjunct both the IC and the previous Halloween New Moon @8Taurus). How closely the adage 'new boss same as old boss' will apply remains to be seen, as quirky as that may be considering erratic Trump (whose WH tenure was no bug but a feature, I suspect).

Yes, Trump managed to place a lot of things and principles up for grabs, an authoritarian agenda which has created conditions for a major reform of the US government. This is what 'the powers that think they be' wanted all along for pawns like you and me.

In closing, also note that the current 'midpoint gorilla' in the environment is the transiting Saturn-Uranus = Neptune picture. So it's 'Old Order vs New Order' with the veil or mask of sneaky Neptune overlaid which to me suggests that disguised changes are being utilized with the objective of altering traditional roles or methods (although inspired solutions should not be ruled out!). This alteration will be supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn, a cosmic shift into a more Aquarian era and a signal for the beginning of a 'new order' politically, financially, and socially.

Oct 26, 2020

October 26, 2020: Senate to Vote under Moon-Neptune

An Alt-Right Court: Moon-Neptune Delusions about Popular Support for Policies

by Jude Cowell

October 26, 2020: This morning as I've watched the US Senate "debate" the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court (aka, SCOTUS), tonight's vote at an undisclosed hour deserves some measure of scrutiny especially since Judge Barrett's views on important issues have been left tucked away from public view.

Now everyone knows that a Pisces Moon is one of secrecy, vulnerability, supersensitive emotions, impressionability, irritability, and love of seclusion. Judge Barrett's religious views have her under sway of her husband, as you know, so I must wonder if hubby will have a bumper seat underneath the SCOTUS bench. Yes, Barrett is technically qualified to serve, but it's her ideology that concerns and although her recusal from certain cases has been suggested and may resonate with tonight's Pisces Moon, recusals would negate the aims of Trump and the jackbooted GOP.

Now if afflicted, irrational dominance by the unconscious mind is often an issue with a Pisces Moon (suggestible and easily led if firmer planetary factors don't mitigate and break any hypnotic spells) and I don't know about you, dear reader, but I consider tonight's Moon-Neptune Conjunction to be such an affliction which was also shown by the extreme, even subversive, tenor during the recent Barrett senate hearing. And the area of the Zodiac under which tonight's illusive conjunction takes place (10:00 pm edt: Neptune 18Pis27 Rx/MC (The Goal) 17Pis55/Moon 14Pis35 conjunct Achernar, star of crisis) is familiar in recent years as the area where the natal Neptune of the Republican Party (1854) resides (and has had a Neptune Return full of conspiracies, deception, paranoia and, as it turns out, a debilitating pandemic).

Now in Politics and Business, the Moon-Neptune = MC picture suggests notoriety concerning explanations of future options, and/or giving personal guarantees that cannot be fulfilled (paraphrasing Munkasey).

In addition, Moon-Neptune can indicate heeding the opinion and emotional climate of constituents vs an inability to utilize information about the public mood when setting a course of action. Naturally, scandals tend to follow in the wake of the Moon-Neptune pairing of energies which I think relates in part to the ongoing sabotage of America's justice system and other legal institutions, as we've seen, and which will be further undermined by a Barrett confirmation and tenure. And although one might expect sympathy and receptivity from the Moon-Neptune influence (certainly from the Democratic side), the possibility exists of a Justice Barrett acting under strange and peculiar influences instead. Spirituality is implied here, but spirituality can be misguided and Scriptual truths are often taken out of context and twisted for some deceptive end. Evangelical Christians are not the only perpetrators of such spirtual degradation! We should also note that most of the SCOTUS justices are of the Roman Catholic persuasion and with Barrett's seating the lack of balance increases.

Significant as well is Barrett's natal Venus @14Pis45 so another midpoint picture is formed tonight of Moon-Neptune = natal Venus potentials such as: 'odd or perverse inclinations; peculiar and strange tendencies in the expression of love; over-enthusiastic adoration' (Ebertin), and/or 'enjoyment of mystical contacts' (Munkasey). Plus, as noted above, in mid-Pisces Achernar, the star of crisis, 'crisis at the end of the river', and 'risk of rapid endings' is activated tonight as it was by Venus at Barrett's birth.

Adding to Moon-Neptune is another major influence in play tonight which relates directly to Judge Barrett's natal planets (a 'noon' chart is shown for January 28, 1972 New Orleans, LA).

Of course, I refer to the current Mars retrograde period which is providing Amy Coney Barrett with an extended Mars Return 2020 - her natal Mars at or near 21Ari31 and opposing natal Uranus Rx in Libra (@18:18 - conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter identifying their religious and political affiliation). Basically, transit Mars in activist Aries is triggering or activating her natal Mars-Uranus opposition into expression. Her three-fer Mars Return 2020 perfects on or near August 8, October 12, and December 16 - 'on or near' due to the lack of an accurate birth time for her. (View her 'noon' natal chart, linked, above.)

So let's close with indications for a natal Mars-Uranus opposition especially since it looks as if the American people will be stuck with hers for decades to come. Mars-oppo-Uranus suggests someone who is drawn to reactionary political movements and/or the criminal elements in society. (Hitching her professional star to the corrupt Trump jalopy must have been her dream come true!) Yes, it's revolution for Amy who doesn't mind seeking status in destructive ways. Concerns (or scandals) over corporate resources and joint finances are possible but so far a veil has been cast over them, last I heard. However, this may not remain the case for veils are notoriously thin. And with this particular opposition, adverse actions taken against her are unpredictable and can have disastrous results. In fact, this is an unfavorable period for Barrett to partake in new activities and projects with the potential for quarrels and resentment at a high level. But a Republican steamroller driven by a bruised Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell is rushing to save Amy's dream by crushing opposition to her urgently sought SCOTUS confirmation.

Meanwhile, her natal Mars-Uranus tendencies of stubbornness, ill temper, explosive outbursts, and recklessness simmer behind a curtain of calmness with current challenges to her objective to gain the freedom and status of being a lifelong SCOTUS Justice with the power to influence court decisions which can shove American social policies toward the alt-right. And this, no matter how unpopular with the majority of Americans such paternalistic, authoritarian, draconian, theocratic policies are. Mars-Uranus also indicates potentials for the perpetration of violence, thievery, using collective power for self-aggrandizement, and indulging a deep need for ruling over and remaking others. For as we know, once seated on The Bench, all progressive policies and laws within US society will be in Barrett's line of fire - unelected by the populace as she'll be. This is traditionally so and for her, directly so because her SCOTUS confirmation is being rushed in case Trump is hounded from office after November 3rd. The ole timey phrase bum-rushed comes to mind but since Barrett is completely dependent on the efficacy of the GOP steamroller for her successful seating, it's debatable just who the 'bums' actually are. Well, we can guess that she would be bummed out if their effort on her behalf should collapse of its own misbegotten weight.

As it seems, her natal Mars-Uranus opposition also suggests that Amy Coney Barrett's aspirations have driven her into unstable situations denoting a time in her life when drastic alterations are possible so it's understandable to assume that promotion to the SCOTUS bench will fill this cosmic indication for her. And with her inherent tendency toward conflict, plus, the sentimental religiosity of tonight's Moon-Neptune influence on her natal venus, sober pause is necessary for anyone wishing for a deeper consideration of how Barrett's theocractic ideology and anti-democratic activism will alter America for Mars-oppo-Uranus is determined to sweep away the status quo with no thought or consideration of what could sufficiently replace it.

Now of course there are other cosmic factors in play tonight so (as always) you are cordially invited to add your on-topic comments and insights with this post if and as you dare, plus, a Share would be much appreciated, too! Jude

Oct 11, 2020

Undermining SCOTUS? Who Else but Neptune!

Horoscopes: SCOTUS 1790 (inner) with a snapshot of the June 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction (outer); as you see, both transit Neptune and Mars were conjunct 1790 Saturn in June (Mars-Neptune = Saturn with potentials for: 'instability; misdirected energy; unfortunate consequences because of a weak will; lasting illness or weakness; an epidemic; toxins in the body'--R. Ebertin).

In Progress, a Significant Transit to SCOTUS Saturn: transit Neptune, now floating through its own sign of Pisces, is influencing and more than likely undermining Saturn in the SCOTUS First Session Horoscope (February 1, 1790 NYC--I use 9:00 am LMT). The slow-moving gas ball has been within orb of 1790 Saturn for some time, yes, but in February and March 2021, transit Neptune @20Pisces will directly conjunct SCOTUS Saturn, the legal-eagle planet of judges, The Law, attorneys, courts, government, authority, realism, facts, accountability, reliability, restriction, limits, and thereby will reveal a period when structures and traditions are being eroded and/or are disintegrating due to current conditions.

This erosion of our court and legal systems has already begun, of course, but early 2021 could be the period when such effects become stronger and thus more obvious to the general public, perhaps to the point of legal paralysis.

Other possibilities with Neptune-to-Saturn include contagion (Neptune) affecting judges or other court officials (Saturn) to a hobbling degree, there may be loss although it's impossible to say from what cause (it may be mysterious!), and/or there may be some combination of inspired ideals and misguided notions being argued during proceedings. Naturally, other court circuits may be affected as well (Saturn) with substandard judges attempting to adjudicate in positions they should not have taken due to inexperience, ill-preparedness, lack of education, and/or odd or strange ideas. Notably, conspiracy theories may crash against brick walls during this period.

Now as you know, much of the results of Neptune-to-Saturn for SCOTUS will depend on whether Trump manages to finagle four more years with sidekick Barr running interference for his scofflaw antics, or, whether Joe Biden takes the White House and brings with him a more professional team such as former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner who some see as imminently qualified for the position of US Attorney General to replace Billy Barr. Perhaps you've heard Mr. Kirschner's Justice Matters podcast or watched his videos, and as one born with four planets in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, I appreciate Mr. Kirschner's reality-based views and legal expertise!

A Closing Note: The above post was originally typed and included with a Thom Hartmann video (October 11, 2020) but Blogger wouldn't allow this text to be published with Thom's content as has been my usual habit these 15 years of writing Stars Over Washington. However, maybe I can share the link to Thom's video: Stacking the Supreme Court - History vs Fiction. Hopefully the link is Live but if not, you can always search YouTube (ex: Thom's channel) for it as you wish. jc

Sep 12, 2020

Neptune and the Untangling of the American Empire

"Every Kingdom Is Born To Die," - Wade Davis

Yes, we know. And we feel it happening. Yet perhaps, dear reader, you've purposefully missed the August 6, 2020 article in Rolling Stone by Wade Davis, The Unraveling of America, or perhaps you don't like to ponder such topics as Fallen Empires, the whys and the wherefores.

Well, despite this, I'm here today to inform you that there have been multiple SO'W posts published over the last few years - especially since Trump - concerning such weighty topics. An example is the December 29, 2016 Capricorn New Moon = 1940 'Arsenal of Democracy' New Moon both @7Capricorn for those courageous enough to dare a perusal. Obviously, in recent years Donald Trump playing the POTUS role within the unraveling/dissolution/sabotage/collapse of America is an intimate actor in the piece, stage-managed by Putin and the Kremlin, and cheered on by various opponents of the US. Meanwhile, many pundits and others have admitted that his nibs is not the cause of our nation's demise but more a symptom of its karma for it's been coming on for years. I say he's the figurehead selected by opponents of democracy to lead America into the ash heap of history while China and Russia continue arrangements to take over global leadership. Well, powerhouse China intends to take over, anyway, although more arrangements are required.

After all, timing is everything and China is very patient.

Image: Neptune Ascends

And naturally, astrologers (if no one else!) easily recognize astrological Neptune's influence in words such as dissolve, unravel, sabotage, collapse - the planet well known for its surreptitious activities and undermining qualities (it seems the GOP has contracted 'urge to merge' fever - for Russia). A big clue is that the Republican Party of 1854 recently experienced a Neptune Return (since Trump) which timed an identity change into the Trump Party aka, the Conspiracy Party. And as you know, Neptune floating through shady Pisces has timed a period of paranoia, fear, propaganda, deceit, fraud, misconceptions, disguises, gaslighting, cravings, contagion, and loss, hasn't it?

And we should note that the above linked post concerns FDR's 'Arsenal of Democracy' speech and era, and that WWII began during the time of America's three-fer Neptune Return/s: exact on October 28, 1938, February 24, 1939, and August 30, 1939 - for as you know, WWII began September 1, 1939 with Hitler invading Poland (Return dates based on our July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT chart, to 22Virgo25) under the auspices of a difficult, forceful T-Square: Mars-Pluto = Saturn @00Taurus, Hitler's 'trigger degree' of his natal Sun, and forevermore linked to violence and resorting to violent measures.

Yes, many politicians will do anything to hold on to power, even Neptunian betrayal! No Big Lie or propaganda is too far even as our Ship of State sinks around their ears! Do you think perhaps Putin promised certain politicians and their enablers a cat bird seat or two? Puh! You know, 'gullible' is also a Neptunian word.

And so regretfully, with my preference for a sovereign America intact, I hereby curate for you a list of previous SO'W posts concerning the unraveling of our country - the fall of our grandly titled American Empire - for your consideration. Any one of them may be of interest and many contain videos and interviews by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann, plus, some Astrology is sprinkled in here and there like Neptunian fairy dust. In addition, be warned that some posts contain links to the others on this list but I'll attempt to correctly name them so you'll know which is which.

In no particular order they are:

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?

Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes (post contains FDR's 1933 and 1937 Inauguration Horoscopes for the sake of comparison with 1937 POTUS Sun @00AQ conjunct bold, adventurous Altair and a difficult Saturn-Neptune opposition--transit Neptune Rx now conjuncts 1937 Saturn: authority figures, structures, and traditions disintegrate and are either highly idealistic, or strange and misguided; I'll add, 'or some combination of both'.

Economics Professor Richard Wollf Reveals How Empires End #

Sep 2, 2020

Sept 2020 Pisces Full Moon Echoes the 2016 Eclipse

September 2, 2020 Pisces Full Moon A Cosmic Echo of Campaign 2016 Eclipse

The just culminated September 2, 2020 Full Moon @10Pis12 (1:22 am edt) has inspired this belated post, soggy with Piscean Neptunian vibes, and noting that the current Full Moon is by degree a culmination of the 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse, a New Moon.

That my natal Moon is in Pisces is of no consequence for we're talking politics, that "organized system of hatreds." Add the fact that the more potent Full Moons often act as Lunar Eclipses, revealing secrets and leaking inconvenient facts, with New Moons doing much the same as Solar Eclipses - and all acting as disruptive Uranian cosmic blinks and wild cards of the Universe.

In consideration of all this, we, dear reader, have issues to discuss.

To begin, here's an updated post from 2018 showing the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 which heralded The Prevaricator, the deadbeat playboy who subsequently insinuated himself into the White House with lots of help from both domestic and foreign enablers, aka, saboteurs. Opposing the 2016 Eclipse was transit Neptune @10Pisces, planet of deception, fraud, propaganda, the media, gaslighting, and other subversive activities. Perhaps you agree that America's political scene has tended to be chocked full of Neptunian concerns - now including contagion - since Day One but Trump and his conspiracy party, formerly known as the Republican Party, upped the anti on corruption, deceit, disguises, impractical campaign promises, and grand schemes. For a majority of people it's no surprise that disappointment and distrust soon followed.

Thing is, solar eclipses in the 19 North Saros Series always call for realism and tackling the truth but with nebulous Neptune opposing its themes, the 2016 Eclipse didn't stand a chance with bad faith actors willing to take advantage of the situation by confusing issues and denying any truth that was inconvenient for their power-grabbing purposes. A massive disinformation campaign was waged against the American voter. And it worked with abundant help from the media, mainstream and alternative.

Included in the long-range plan of sabotage now so obviously being implemented was the Neptunian hollowing out of the US government, its systems, offices, and institutions, bwo their long-held goal of decreasing our government's size until it could be "drowned in a bathtub" (as Grover Norquist so poetically phrased it once upon a time--check out his Neptune-infused natal chart and two linked articles therein that use words of Neptune: eerie influence and banishment!). And of course, that's a bath tub filled with Neptunian water. Disguised or not, wearing masks or not, the 'Neptune-in-Pisces political party' is obviously the Republican Party, formed in 1854, the last period when Neptune was traversing Pisces. The party's recent Neptune Return/s (during the 'Trump era') have been previously discussed multiple times here on SO'W and you'll note that the timing is quite suggestive since the 1854 era is the period the Republican Party would like our nation to regress to - and it's no coincidence that Campaign 2020 is again a Neptunian affair full of scandals, corruption, Trump's cries of "hoax" and "fake media", fraud, conspiracies, and constant challenges to the truth.

Yet despite it all, current problems and conditions of failure and loss in the US and in the world cannot be laid only upon Trump's or the Republicans' doorsteps because there are larger forces and cycles of a subversive nature at work. These are, however, beyond the scope of this meager post other than to add a link to a recent effort which partially involves the 'big picture' as social tinkerers and meddlers ready to meet at Davos concerning their global "reset agenda" - rescheduled from January 2021 to
Summer 2021

And this expectably draconian economic reset agenda is most likely the main reason for the global pandemic that has been used as a weapon to sabotage the world, weaken the 'old order', depopulate and 'purify' the masses, and establish a 'new world order' to replace the post-WWII Bretton Woods Treaty while also superseding America's 'New Order of 1776' (now grown stale for the elite class of bossy one-percenters who let no crisis go to waste).

Significantly, it's an 'order' that will be cosmically timed and supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn @00Aquarius which lands with cosmic precision upon US POTUS Sun. Here's the midpoint picture that forms...

Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things." (Tyl).

Now as you know, where POTUS goes so goes America. And my suspicious nature asserts that the status quo is what's under assault - and yes, something has definitely been planned. Yet hope for the best springs eternal and their plan's ultimate success or failure remains to be seen, with perhaps some mixture of both. So until the world is let in on what's to become of us all, I hope you stay safe, well, and defiant against undermining forces, dear reader!

Above drawing: 'The Two Fishes of Pisces' by yours truly; "--that organized system of hatreds" from a quote by Henry B. Adams.