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Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Aug 24, 2023

Scofflaw Trump to Atlanta: Mars trine Pluto

Atlanta Airport Restricted 6:45 pm--9:00 pm edt; Mars Trump Bows to Pluto's Power

by Jude Cowell

With cooperation in his cards, this evening, August 24, 2023, Mars-rising Trump flies into Atlanta and says he'll surrender for arrest at the Rice Street jail, Atlanta, Georgia a la DA Fani Willis - and he'll do so in "prime time." Naturally, the reality TV guy wants to create a ratings-grabbing media circus out of his current disgraceful arrest.

Well, powering through the shame (he refuses to feel or admit) despite the intervention of a higher power is a potential since at 8:23 pm edt in Atlanta, Georgia, a power-laden Mars-Pluto trine perfects and forms a protective Earth Grand Trine with zealous, radical Uranus the chaos-creator which happens to conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) of Goals and Objectives. A high-flying Kite pattern of success results if we add 1st house Neptune Rx @26Pis56 to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus trine. Yet a caution of a Grand Trine is that mismanaging its energies can turn out more negatively than positively.

Meanwhile, legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @4Pisces, Lord of Karma, is rising at 8:23 pm suggesting to me that Saturnian accountability comes first, then comes Trump's spin of the event (orating Mercury trine Jupiter, the broadcaster), an arrest for which he's said he's "proud." Translation: he expects more donations to pour in from his gullible cult members - and indictment number 4 adds to his "martyr" mystique and fuels the skewed rhetoric he will be employing.

Freedom-Lover Uranus, Planet of Chaos and Fanaticism

Then at 8:23 pm edt, Trump's first natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem55) dragging with it his natal North Node and Gemini Sun. Also along for the ride is his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which seems to be continuing the lucky breaks that here suggest the villain will be allowed to walk away tonight from the Rice Street jail. No one expects him to be detained, of course, I'm only saying that the Cosmos supports this. For now, at least:

Now several other astro-factors of note are penned upon the above horoscope for those who are curious, yet many factors are not listed.

Therefore, if you read but one or two of my study notes, check out the Earth Grand Trine info, lower right corner highlighted in yellow, and the midpoint picture potentials of Mars-Saturn = MC, upper right corner, while keeping in mind Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture of death, destruction, and fury buried deep within his 12th house of the Unconscious - plus, of note tonight is another potential of this picture--the intervention of a higher power, as noted above.

A related post: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle (conjunct @25Cap35).

And in case you missed it, check out Keith Olbermann's current Countdown podcast episode, Trump is Romping Because DeSantis Is a Hologram with Keith's commentary re: last night's Republican debate.

Also see: Ron DeSantis' Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius.

Aug 18, 2023

Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump

Authority v Power: Trump's and Those Propping Him Up

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post of the week, here are two images: A bi-wheel of Donald Trump natal (inner) with Judge Tanya Chutkan's 'noon' natal chart (her birth hour unknown) surrounding it.

The planetary contacts between them that stand out to me are her Mercury @22Gemini (conjunct his 10th house Sun-North-Node and radical planet of chaos, Uranus), Mars @27Taurus (conjunct his MC-Algol conjunction), Uranus @28Leo (conjunct his ASC-Mars-Regulus trio: Uranus-conj-Mars suggests the danger inherent within their relationship including his viol*nt thugs, fellow gangsters, and the global criminal network). Then significantly, there's her Saturn Rx @9AQ53 (opposing his powerful 12th house Pluto at apex of his Mars-Saturn midpoint of death, fury, and destruction).

Then notably, the August 1, 2023 Full Moon @9AQ16 spotlighted her natal Saturn and opposed his natal Pluto, for him a time when his attempts at manipulation will not turn out well. Authority challenges power and Saturnian limits and restrictions are called for. Is Trump nearing the end of his lifelong crime spree?

The August Full Moon focused its rays upon Judge Chutkan's Saturnian authority and the task to oppose and challenge his Plutonian activities of subversion and criminality. One of the potentials of the Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture is, intervention of a higher power (R. Ebertin) such as the US legal system holding a criminal defendant to account with accountability one of legal eagle Saturn's demands via facts and reality, and with past abuse of power becoming significant to the present:

And here is a synastry grid of the contacts between them with squares indicating obstacles or blockages, and oppositions showing challenges and/or adversaries:

Aug 15, 2023

Trump-Organized Crime under RICO indictment in Georgia

Aug 14th: Our 13th Colony Steps Up for Law and Order

by Jude Cowell

Saturn, 'Legal Eagle' Planet in Political Astrology; NASA image

After last night's announcement in Georgia of a fourth indictment of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators acting within their self-created criminal organization, I considered writing a fresh post on the subject using astrological principles which could cast a cosmic light upon the circumstances and perhaps make some sense of it all. A cosmic glance under the hood of earthly events, we might say.

That is, I considered it until I realiized that such a post had already been written and published as, America's Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy featuring the organized crime duo's Great Conjunctions of 1891/1892 which landed upon America's 1776 Uranus, planet of revolution, war, anarchy, zealotry, radical/reactionary politics, chaos, upheaval, shocks, assaults, and disruption. Criminal enterprises have resulted, and criminal influences upon society have grown. Trump as criminal figurehead is their 'flowering'. Remember that initially, Trump was purported to helm the US from the White House as a corporate businessman. This he did with profit always his transactional motivation, and corruption no problem. No problem at all.

Plus, in mundane horoscopes there's Cupido, an archetype indicating The Syndicate, Corporatism, The Family, the Mafia, and criminal networks such as Trump and comrades put together thinking they could overthrow our country and negate our votes on behalf of a fascist dictator-wanna-be - and attempted for the benefit of certain global geopolitical take-over endeavors. You know the ones. Yet undoubtedly, the melee that useful tool Trump is causing the US Justice System pleases his handlers, for it keeps the DOJ busy, diverted, and under a potential for future collapse under the weight of Trump's hefty bulk.

You also know that Trump's foreign backers, enemies of America, of democracy, and of the US Constitution, are a major if surreptitious, factor in it all, as are certain other state government officials scooped up in Fani Willis' wide-ranging RICO prosecution announced late last night. Of course, easily recognized is the 1891/1892 era as that of the Robber Barons, the corporatists of their day - now we deal with their spawn, both biological and ideological. For example: Trump's J6 coup attempt was and is supported by many US corporations and CEOs--make that, transnational corporations who hold no allegiance to the United States of America despite the wealth they generated here using America's infrastructure, and the US consumers they profit by. Cash-cow-r-us!

Underneath it all, we're mired within our US Pluto Return with its collapse-rebuild vibrations that were heralded and supported by 2018's The Tower Eclipse, with themes activated in April 2019 by transit Uranus returning to its eclipse degree in early Taurus!

Meanwhile on the astrological level, if you check out the post linked, above, please scroll beneath the horoscope image to Michael Munkasey's Thesis-Antithesis description of the Neptune-Pluto duo if you don't check out anything else!

And for further reading, remember that this October, Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse conjunct his progressed Moon. Will this bring an 'October Surprise' for the amoral orange blighter? Or more like an October Shock?

Aug 11, 2023

Trump Trial Jan 2, 2024: Only the Facts!

Will Scofflaw Trump Go On Trial in Jan 2024?

by Jude Cowell

In 2016 we discussed what some call the Hopi Star of Prophecy, Ras Alhague, the snake charmer and Alpha star of Ophiuchi and the star's conjunction with Donald Trump's natal Moon opposite natal Sun - thereby symbolically twinkling upon his Nodal Axis of destiny and fate. Apparently, the natural law of karma (reaping what's been sown) will be in the courtroom.

So perhaps it's merely a curious synchronicity that the DC Trial of Trump proposed for January 2, 2024 by Special Counsel Jack Smith shows testifying Mercury strong at Direct Station (22Sag11) in the Horoscope you see, below. Set for Washington DC at the speculative hour of 10:00 am est on January 2, 2024 with Trump's natal chart surrounding it, here's a marked-up bi-wheel in case the trial date holds, and just in case Trump hasn't flown the coup before then:

See what you think:

Not penned on either chart are Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51 with his Saturn conjunct Anti-Vertex: double the karma!), and the Trump Trial Horoscope's 10:00 am Vertex (15Vir38); these are points of fated encounters.

Aug 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump J6 Arraignment

August 3, 2024: It's Trump J6 Arraignment Day, a sad day in America but a happy day for democracy and the rule of law. Here's an unadorned horoscope set for today at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the hour scheduled for the arraignment in court of Donald J. Trump as per the August 1, 2023 indictment on four counts against him for his actions (not his words) leading up to and including the coup attempt against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 when, despite his lies, he knew he had lost the 2020 Presidential Election:

As you see, 5th house Jupiter in Taurus rules the 4:00 pm Ascendant and thus the arraignment in the Great Benefic's legal role as judge. Jupiter applies only to conjunction with 6th house Uranus, also in Taurus, suggesting that freedom is on the docket today so apparently, Trump will continue to roam free.

Then perhaps the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024 @21Tau49, very near his natal Midheaven, will bring Trump another get-out-of-jail-free card, especially since his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine has always helped him skate away from trouble. Perhaps his mobster pals will help (the organized crime pair, Neptune-Pluto sextile). Still, nervousness, fatigue, uncertainty, and neurosis are part of the picture with the Uranus-Pluto trine bracketing subversive Neptune at IC, the Basis of the matter.

Another consideration is Trump's first natal planet to rise in the 4:00 pm chart, and that's his 4th house Moon in Sagittarius with its estranged conjunction to his South Node. Often, bad timing and fluctuating popularity are indicated by Moon-SN. No, Mommy didn't care for him and that's a very large emotional hole to fill using his brighter Sun-NN conjunction in natal 10th house of Career with his radical Uranus in Gemini, the chatty sign of duplicity and multiplicity.

Now there are other planetary factors of note, of course, but I leave it for you, dear reader, to decide for yourself from this 'keepsake' horoscope of first-evers!

Jul 27, 2023

Will Trump’s New Inflammatory Fascist Ad Ignite a Civil War? - Thom Hartmann

One of the more closely related SO'W posts to Thom's topic is from October 2022 concerning a cosmic time link via two Solar Eclipses, both in the 6 South Saros Series: The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back where you'll see the 1860 6 South manifestation heralding the Civil War era, and its repetition in October 2022 @2Scorpio. Both eclipses reveal materialism through Venus, but the 1860 Mars, the warrior planet, is the real 'star' acting as leading planet of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets; plus, Mr. Hothead is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the earthly plane, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment, and tug-of-war activities.

And isn't this what the GOP and its hotheaded, fanatic 'magas' are attempting to activate: a tug-of-war campaign intended to ignite a second Civil War?

One of the unfortunate symbols of their 'success' with the gullible among us is the misguided insurrectionist who carried a Confederate flag into the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. For after all that my Southern ancestors sacrificed during the 'Civil' War, this American found the image to be highly offensive.

But my point today for gullible sore-loser seditionists is this: America is a Perpetual Union and it's constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union - and this limitation is one of the several reasons that Trump and the GOP are determined to make the US Constituion null and void. If they can manage to break that legal taboo, our Perpetual Union can be dissolved along with democracy in America. This will make a return to brutal, sadistic Nazism more likely to spread around the globe.

Therefore, our fight is for the highest stakes: for life itself. Which means that to Vote Blue is the only path forward for the sake of our children's futures!

Jul 18, 2023

The Eclipse of the GOP's PROJECT 2025

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday, the issue of democracy vs authoritarianism was discussed in a post concerning the GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America, but I'd yet to hear about Trump-GOP Project 2025, their plan to completely change America's form of government into a fascist dictatorship once Trump, or another fascist Republican, is sworn into office on January 20, 2025.

Perhaps you caught this disturbing news in the NYT about the treasonous plot to concentrate all power in the White House, or heard Rachel Maddow's report re: PROJECT 2025 last evening. 'Chilling' is the operative word here, folks. Theirs is a malicious, sinister scheme to end all schemes--and to end democratic governance upon the Earth, as they grandly hope. And we have the Heritage Foundation of busybodies to "thank." May the unwieldy scheme collapse under its own bloated weight.

Despair Is NOT An Option!

Of course, you realize that criminal saboteurs reveal such ideas and plans ahead of time so that the public will feel demoralized and the plotters' dystopian ideas will seem to be inevitable. They're not inevitable, but that's how enemies of America want the US public to feel--as if democracy has run its course, and big (sinister) changes are in the air. Yet being world class liars, why should anyone believe anti-democracy plotters concerning their big vision for this country? Why, any dumblehead knows that the majority of the American people does not want to live under a fascist dictatorship. Besides: this evil has been tried before and it was a huge failure full of danger, destruction, and misery.

Wild Cards of the Universe: 1934 Eclipses Repeat in 2024 w/ Disruptive 'Change of Course' Vibes

Now it's true that the third of three Great American Eclipses to split the country (Southwest to Northeast this time) perfects on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Wounded Healer Chiron (also @19:24); Chiron-Eclipse = grand schemes; "patriotism") in the 8 North series, but 8 North is not the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series in which Election 2024 falls (an "AI Election," some say--beware 'deep fakes' and even more deception than usual), nor is 8 North the PE of Inauguration 2025.

For both events, that would be 8 South occurring October 2, 2024 @10Lib06:48. Then after 6 months of the "dreams, visions, flashes of genius" vibes of 8 North fade comes the more difficult 8 South series with themes of 'loss, separation, partings', and a potential for 'physical injuries and/or overstrain' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Mind how you go.

So below is the 8 South Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC October 2, 2024; if you enlarge to read my study notes you'll find positivity but also some difficult indications, even a few cosmic time links such as Trump's Secondary Progressed Moon ('SP') on Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th) clocking in @9Sco29--conjunct the Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal) of the 8 South Eclipse chart, but also conjunct the Moon's position in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. I kid you not!

9 Scorpio+ rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Ties": 'FRATERNITY"; negative expression: "surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality" (Jones). However, the "fraternity" may not be the pro-society kind, more like the hooded kind. Yet as we know, forewarned is forearmed:

For an unmarked 8 South DC Horoscope suitable for printing, try this.

Now since a coup-worthy authoritarian take-over of government is once again the plan these days, I tend to look back to eclipse series which manifested in the 1930s or 1940s, and 8 North and 8 South do not disappoint. 8 North: February 14th, 1934 @25Aquarius; 8 South: August 10th @17Leo (pride comes before a fall, Leo).

A glance at a list of 1934 Events reflects the authoritarian energies of the two visions-then-loss eclipses and provides clues as to the influences that 8 North and 8 South may bring to society in 2024. As we might surmise, most of the upheavals and reforms of 1934 were triggered by fascist and Nazi barbarians--as they are now and will be for some time to come. One prominent cosmic factor back then is that 1934 was another grim year of suffering under a harsh Uranus-Pluto square of fanaticism, zealotry, anarchy, and forcefully pushing through extremist reforms.

p>Nowadays, we're dealing with the stuff of nightmares: barbaric saboteurs, Herr Trump acting as their figurehead, and issues of revenge and violence--his "American carnage". In other words, barbarism and animalism of the destructive spirit unleashed upon the Earth.

So for comparison, 1934 examples of events include: January 30th: Nazis abolish the political power of Germany's federal states via the Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich (Trump-GOP's PROJECT 2025 echoes similar actions against US states after Inauguration 2025--I typed it before and I'll do so again: 'MAGA" = Make America Germany Again); May 17th: The "May Constitution of 1934" announces the beginning of the Austrofascist Federal State of Austria"; June 30th--July 2nd: "Night of the Long Knives" in Germany, a violent Nazi purge (what Trump wants to do: purge all those are are against him--and he promises he will via PROJECT 2025); August 2nd: AH becomes 'Fuhrer' of Germany after the death of President Hindenburg; August 19th: in the 1934 German referendum, 90% of the population is said to have approved AH's assumption of powers; in September both the Soviet Union and Afghanistan join the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.

Then at the IC (Foundation) of the 8 South Horoscope lurk two midpoints: Jupiter-Neptune (fortune-hunters; spendthrifts; speculators; religious charlatans; losses; political conflicts--R. Ebertin), and Chiron-Uranus. In fact, many moons ago I wrote a SO'W post describing Chiron-Uranus Types in Government which you may find useful.

So in summation, if the American people prefer democracy as their form of government rather than a dystopian authoritarian dictatorship run by psychotic zealots and violent extremists with barbaric Fascist-Nazi leanings, We the People must stand up, be counted, Vote Blue in 2024 in massive numbers (too big to fudge the results!), ignore third party candidates who split the democratic vote on Trump's behalf--and do anything else that firmly rebuffs the GOP and their PROJECT 2025 plot to destroy America.

Because our and our children's futures depend upon a democratic victory in November 2024, no matter the GOP's tricks and tactics.

Jul 6, 2023

July 2023 Trump: a YOD of crisis spotlights his Mars in Leo

Another Look at Trump's Mars Return 2023

by Jude Cowell

At the end of June just past, we discussed the July 4th Mars Return 2023 of Donald Trump (chart shown, above). The incomplete YOD of crisis pointing toward his natal Mars @27Leo on that day has moved closer to exactitude so here are a few additional notes on a YOD pattern (crisis or crossroads) with an apex Mars; note that such a pattern when ready to be expressed can also indicate a karmic opportunity for progress, but what are the chances with a vengeful grudge-holder like Trump?

At its base: Neptune sextile Pluto (awakening of the masses to spiritual or karmic forces) inconjunct Mars (motivation, action, energy; in Trump's case: aggression, egoism, zealotry): When ready to express but ill-managed, apex Mars here suggests potentials for displaced anger, aiming his hostility at inapropriate targets. An acute crisis situation induces the need for self-sufficient actions. Severing past ties and rapid adaptation are necessary in order to proceed along a new path, but mismanagement can result in fateful consequences due to (Trump's) rash, disruptive actions. As we see, his vengeful actions and insults these days are only making things worse for him in the legal realms.

So perhaps this is where Trump's rising Mars with royal Regulus comes in with the star's traditional caution: success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away.

Then to complicate matters for our country, Mars @27Leo inconjuncts US 1776 Pluto (27Cap33) which denotes die-hard competitors who cannot accept defeat, even when wrong, and dogmatism is part of the picture. Thwarting them triggers violence, and this is a permanent condition since it's Trump's natal Mars--which also happens to oppose (target) US 1776 Moon (We the People) in late Aquarius in our July 4, 1776 late afternoon chart/s (DoI). The violence by and on behalf of Trump ("American carnage" promised and delivered) we've seen and experienced across the country, so no more need be said.

Jun 9, 2023

Astrology: Trump Arraignment in Miami June 13, 2023

The Witch Has Been Found!

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday, the federal indictment by a Florida grand jury of convicted sexual predator Donald Trump on 7 counts including violations of the Espionage Act, a post appeared here at 2:50 am edt, Trump Indicted: Sun and Mars tell a tale! which shows the two most prominent transits to his natal chart.

Today let's glance at two images: first, a bi-wheel of his Miami appearance in court on June 13, 2023 at 3:00 pm edt with Trump's natal chart surrounding it so that we can clearly see which of his natal planets rise at that hour, and that is his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of fraud and speculation with US 1776 Saturn smack in the midst!), and the unmarked Trump Arraignment Horoscope set for June 13, 2023 at 3:00 pm edt, Miami, Florida along with the 3:00 pm aspect grid.

A revealing midpoint picture forms with our national legal eagle planet Saturn, exalted in Libra at apex: Trump Jupiter-Neptune = US Saturn with potentials for: 'feeling abandoned by luck; consequences that issue from false hopes; plans which come to nothing; disappointment; losses' (R. Ebertin). You'll note that Trump's lawyers had been telling him that an indictment was unlikely which gave him false hopes, as it turned out, as US Saturn proceeds to hold him accountable:


As you see, the arraignment's chart-ruler Venus applies only to a conjunction with testy Mars (6A29) suggesting an increased urge for beneficial alliances; he may need more lawyers. Then with his bubbly Libran trio rising, we can expect a defense inflated with overblown arguments against what some have called a cut-and-dried case along with his usual Libran Jupiter whine of, "It's not fair!" Trump's Chiron (the wounded healer) @14Libra is feeling mighty but*-hurt so his tendency to play the role of the martyr will undoubtedly be utilized.

As yes, Trump will turn 77 years old on June 14, 2023, and his Solar Return occurs at 1:17:06 am ET with Pisces rising and the ongoing transit of Neptune square his natal Sun still within orb. That's whether we set his Solar Return 2023 chart for Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or Miami, and indicates the scrutiny, and eroding, of his leadership ability, honesty, integrity, and "principles" (to whatever extent anyone can believe he has any). The undermining influences of this transit have been ballooning at least since 2019.

In closing, a word or two about the Jupiter-Neptune duo whose current cycle began April 12, 2022 @23Pis59. Potentials for the pair include scandals, degradation in systems of justice, and/or foolish or unfounded legal situations (M. Munkasey). And as we know, litigious Trump is an expert in inspiring foolish legal situations. But this time, serious legal situations are catching up with the flighty Gemini.

Jun 6, 2023

DC Horoscopes: Trump Lawyers' Meeting at DOJ June 2023

Not much time to discuss the following two horoscopes, one set for June 5, 2023 at 9:50 am edt in DC, the speculative time that the 2-hour meeting began between Trump lawyers and DOJ lawyers, Trump's "please don't charge me" meeting. The other chart (upper right) is set for 11:50 am, the time that Trump lawyers were seen leaving the DOJ building after the approximately 2-hour meeting. Was a plea deal discussed? That seems to be the going suspicion since Jack Smith may be charging Trump this week, or very soon:

Now I agree with you, dear reader, there are way too many of my study notes squooshed upon the charts but one major factor worth a mention is the Venus-Pluto opposition (00Leo/00AQ) that squares Jupiter, North Node, and Midheaven ('MC'). Then as a planetary duo, Venus-Pluto may symbolize a variety of factors such as extreme wealth hidden away (aka, squirreled away), plus, underworld associations (exs: the mafia; the Syndicate; the Family), sex-drug-human trafficking, embezzlement, money laundering, and other criminal acts. "King of Debt" Trump's serial use of bankruptcy may also be part of the Venus-Pluto picture. And remember Trump's natal Moon's Sabian Symbol, "A Chinese Laundry."

Of course, with Venus-Pluto contacts there's often an urge to control conditions, events, and/or people in order to assure desired outcomes, but one assumes that agent orange has little chance of gaining such control these days - unless he tries to use the documents he purloined for bargaining his way out of the legal messes he's in, or at least mitigating his legal consequences somewhat. That's with US national security as his hostage, of course, although one must suspect that that particular horse has already left the barn for destinations unknown. (Stealing secrets for his handlers was part of his original mission, you know, and the top price gets 'em).

In closing, please note that at 11:50 am edt, a midpoint picture forms that suggests, "using dubious practices to increase power and reputation" (M. Munkasey), as he's done all this life. And as you know, Trump's desperation is shown in the above charts, and has been obvious for some time with his ALL CAPS shout-outs. Perhaps you'll look for more clues!

So is it finally time that the despised and dangerous arch criminal is held accountable by the US Justice Department? Will his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine of lucky breaks let him down at last? What do you think?

May 24, 2023

Mary Trump exposes SECRETS of the Trump Household that created a MONSTER - interview

When the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 arrived with "traumatic transformation" in its wings, the American people could not realize that Covid-19 awaited in the New Year with face masks and quarantines beginning in March 2020.

And that's only one example of the traumatic experiences we continue dealing with but as pointed out in the following interview with psychologist Mary Trump, we deal with a string of traumas while still suffering from previous ones, not a good prescription for getting back our equilibrium as a people and a nation, as you may agree.

Then knowing of these weakening conditions in the US (purposefully implemented imho), foreign and domestic enemies of America, determined to completely change our country into a 3rd world, tyrannical fascist dystopian nightmare, masquerade as a political party that has managed to gain a toe hold on power in the US House of Representatives at the 2022 Midterms, with election results aided by agent orange's Big Lie.

So! On these and other timely topics, here's an informative and share-worthy interview with Mary Trump via the Burn the Boats podcast, part of the Meidas Touch Network:

Apr 30, 2023

April-May 2023: Jeffrey Epstein returns to the news cycle

On April 21, 2023, transit Mercury turned retrograde in Taurus and as the Cosmos would have it, a variety of previous news makers, topics, and issues are returning to the news cycle. One such is the client list of Jeffrey Epstein whose natal horoscope is not accurately timed yet a 'noon' version can still yield information for our purposes. Follow the link for a view, natal aspects and all.

Yet one chart factor that doesn't depend on accurate timing - only a date is needed - are Eclipses and the Saros Series in which they manifest. On the biwheel image, below, there are two Solar Eclipses highlighted in orange: Epstein's natal 8 South Eclipse @27Leo31 (loss; separation), and notably an 8 South Eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra when perhaps more details will emerge or be leaked concerning these sorry circumstances and degraded people. For more eclipse details see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

The second notated Solar Eclipse is the 3 North @10Can37 (obsessions) during which Jeffrey Epstein's hanging ocurred, whether by suicide or with help. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer suggests involvement with family ties and other karmic links including those with children. In Leo, a Solar Eclipse used poorly denotes pride, egocentricity, pomposity, and any other negative Leonine traits that a selfish individual decides to express, no matter the effects of his behavior upon others. And of course, Leo is a romantic, dramatic sign, and is associated with children.

So with Epstein's client list making the news once again, I've finally gotten around to publishing the following bi-wheel:

Jeffrey Epstein natal horoscope 'noon' January 20, 1953 NY, NY (inner); outer 'Epstein found dead' August 10, 2019 reported as 6:30 am edt NY, NY; Angular are his natal Jupiter @14Taurus ('neck') at Midheaven ('MC') at 6:30 am edt, and natal Pluto @22Leo33 Rx rising at 6:30 am edt - in his assassin role, or at least as the planet of death and the Underworld; meanwhile, transit Pluto @21Capricorn (with karmic Saturn stalking close behind, aligning for their Great Conjunction January 12, 2020) crushes Mercury, the planet of voice and communications:

Now as you know, with Forensic Astrology, Angular planets are a prominent consideration and with "found dead" charts I've always noted the position of Mercury, planet of sight and other senses. As you see, Mercury on August 10, 2019 at 6:30 am edt was @28Can32 conjunct Epstein's 'noon' IC, the Angle of Endings. This is not conclusive by any means since we have no accurate birth time for the criminal whose links to the wealthy and well-connected of the world must have made keeping Jeffrey's mouth shut a dire necessity. A vast array of characters had mulitple reasons to keep him from talking, and hanging tends to be a favored way of accomplishing such a deed. Of course, it's possible that one can be threatened into committing suicide but I refer you to Epstein's confession about cowardice, linked, below.

Notably, the 6:30 am edt Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, @5Scorpio, sign of spies, spy agencies, and Big Business, opposes transit Uranus, planet of sudden attacks and disruption, so we find a picture of potentials for 'application of brute force; a case of death' (R.E.).

And yes, there are many other planetary factors squooshed upon the charts (sorry!) for those who care to read them. And admittedly there are a few contacts to the natal planets of Herr Trump sprinkled around the bi-wheel for the curious including his natal Moon-SN conjunction (opposite his Sun-NN, of course, but August 10, 2019 was a Lunar Return day for him - and it's basically a Mars Return for Trump, too); then there's the 6:30 am edt Sun-Moon midpoint @18Lib57 which landed upon Agent Orange's natal Jupiter stationed @18Lib27 in his 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and Valuables. "Joint success" (R. Ebertin) is suggested by the midpoint picture this cosmic synchronicity formed.

Now here's Jeffrey Epstein in his own words from a couple of years ago when The Guardian reported that he had told a psychologist that he was "too much of a coward" to kill himself. Two weeks later he was found dead in his prison cell after being unexplicably left unguarded for 8 hours prior to being found at 6:30 am edt on August 10, 2019. And as we know, cowards are always bullies - and young people tend to be weak enough to bully easily. Check out the two midpoint pictures operative at 10:30 pm edt August 9, 2019 that are listed in the lower right corner.

Previously, on SO'W: Horoscopes: Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested; and The Death Eclipse of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father.

Mar 18, 2023

Trump Indictment coming? Sun to Aries Point

by Jude Cowell

UPDATE March 20, 2023: Looks as if "Tuesday March 21st" for his indictment was one of Trump's pipe dreams or more likely something he touted last week for promotional purposes and for fundraising. Still, the following horoscope remains just what it is: Sun to Aries Point!

Original post begins here:

From a previous SO'Wpost in 2018, here's the natal horoscope of porn star and director Stormy Daniels with asteroid and sexy archetype Sappho rising, and her natal Sun @26Pis05 which transit Neptune now glamorizes with wispy veils.

This weekend many folks in the US are positively giddy over the idea that an indictment for Donald Trump is on the Manhattan DA's calendar, perhaps set for Tuesday March 21, 2023, and the cuffs may finally appear.

Now as you, dear reader, may know, I don't like spending a bunch of time on horoscopes for events that may or may not happen so this post isn't that. But it seems only fair to post an unmarked 'Trump Indictment?" horoscope set for Tuesday March 21, 2013 9:00 am edt Manhattan, NY - just for kicks. Do with it as you will or will not, for it's up to you; aspect grid is shown:

Obviously because of the date, we know that the Sun is conjunct Aries Point of fame, recognition, and fortune, so let's assume the Sun symbolizes the guy who always has to be the most famous person in any room, the center of attention. Plus, there's a New Moon @00Ari50 at 1:23 pm edt on Tuesday which perfects within Trump's natal 8th house of Shared Resources and Debt.

A prominent aspect in the chart for a fellow who embodies the aggression of warrior planet Mars (his Leo Mars rising at birth conjunct royal star Regulus: 'success if revenge is avoided') is an inconjunct (adjustment needed) between Mars and power planet Pluto, shown here at Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of any horoscope.

Pluto @29Capricorn conjuncts US Secondary Progressed Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree, so from where I type, our nation's first-ever Pluto Return seems to be never-ending. And we know that Pluto-at-MC is a major power position on the world stage involving Career and Public Status so for now let's take this as powerful people affecting Mars in mutable, often dupicitous Gemini (in the 2nd house of Money, Possessions, and Values) with their inconjunct indicating one who can never back down, even when he's wrong. And boy is he wrong - so often that it's impossible to keep count.

Well, perhaps the Manhattan DA has been keeping count after all.

Now a significant don't-miss feature in this particular chart is radical Uranus rising at its "swords vs torches" degree, activated at the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse. Uranus rising can denote the ability to cope with issues so we'll see how well proceedings go and whether unpredictable Uranus helps or hinders. In addition, Trump is a Uranian figure with his 10th house Uranus @17Gemini as his guiding planet of chaos and disruption - here in 2nd house and first of his natal planets to rise. Something uexpected may occur.

Notably, Stormy's first natal planet to rise at 9:00 am edt in NY is her Jupiter Rx @29Cancer - opposing the chart's Pluto at Midheaven and suggesting a power play.

Meanwhile, chart-ruler Venus, strong her own sign of Taurus, makes no applying aspects so nothing may change much if Tuesday (morning at least - who knows?) turns out to be the day that Trump is finally indicted. She's leaving her recent conjunction with North Node but retains some potential for favorable contacts with the public, and financial largesse may be indicated for the lady.

Then as you see, legal eagle planet Saturn has recently entered secretive Pisces (March 7th) and here, in 11th house of Groups and Associations, the law must play a part by attempting to hold the orange blighter accountable, albatross that he is. And in Pisces, Saturn tends toward struggles with opponents which describes what America is facing as Donald Trump stands before a judge (it is hoped!). But here's the thing: Mars trines Saturn (3A29; cooperative work) but Mars is separating from a square with deceptive Neptune (admitting the truth about his actions coming into the light?).

Of course, Mars and the Moon are also squared (@28/28 degrees) so flashes of anger may add excitement to the proceedings with this planetary aspect of selfishness and jealousy, if they occur on Tuesday morning at all. It's even possible that accusatory words like "shrew" or "harpie" may be heard in the courtroom with Stormy the intended target.

So let's pretend that Tuesday is the day and have a glance at the moody, romantic Sun Aries-Moom Pisces combination of energies with its 'Image for Integration' (a la The Harveys): "A world-champion boxer and an artist in Greenwich Village meet, fall in love, marry and struggle happily ever after."

Well, the personalities sound right but a "marriage" between these two could only have been a struggle.

Mar 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023

With CPAC 2023 going on as I type, have a glance at a horoscope set for CPAC 2023 Washington DC, Saturday March 4 at 5:25 pm. Yes, his nibs tends to run late but 5:25 pm est is the scheduled time for Donald Trump to take the podium and speak his Geminian mind, and the planets may be of interest to a reader or two.

However, it's weekend and I do not care to waste many more minutes on Herr T's combative rhetoric or his dreams of regaining power, so please check out my notes penned messily upon the following bi-wheel. Inner is Saturday night's 5:25 pm est speech horoscope with Trump's natal chart surrounding it (outer).

As you see, the bi-wheel shows that his aggressive, me-first Mars in Leo has already risen prior to 5:25 pm, and his deceptive 2nd house Neptune Rx in Libra will be next to rise, dragging his deceptive Neptune square Mercury, planet of rhetoric, in tow so that we know that misconceptions and fantasies are on his to-do list. As always:

Notable is that CPAC 2023 is being held under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force or strength in relationships' and 'huge efforts in a group activities' themes (paraphrasing B. Brady).

This describes a "group activity" like CPAC, a 'conservative' organization in which the current leader of the 'Republican Party' in the polls continues to be the rash, brash, belligerent orange blighter whose combative rhetoric may hit, or mention, a brick wall (or border wall?) thanks to CPAC 2023's Mars @20Gem42 conjunct his natal 10th house North Node of public contact and which is sandwiched between his uniquely individualistic Sun-Uranus duo.

Meanwhile, Trump's CPAC 2023 speech's Midheaven ('MC'= the Goal) sports an incendiary midpoint: Mars-Uranus. See lower left corner for potentials of this dangerous combination.

And to powerful wealth hoarder Pluto conjunct Hygeia and leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern, add
CPAC 2023's Sun = Mercury-Neptune midpoint picture with its 'acting or pretending; fantasy; deception; moodiness' potentials penned at the bottom of the image and there we have a Donald Trump, purveyor of hatred and discontent.

A closely related SO'W post and horoscope: Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.

Dec 20, 2022

DC Horoscope of a Criminal Referral Vote

Here's a view of my messily marked version of yesterday's Criminal Referral Vote (9-0) against former Oval Office resident, Donald Trump, the free-loading arch-villain-in-chief:

Nov 4, 2022

Nov 8, 2022: Biden-Trump Progressions

Midterms 2022? Meet Two Progressed Horoscopes

by Jude Cowell

Today my Friday post shows a dual image of President Biden's Secondary Progressed Horoscope (upper right; 'SP') and Trump's ('SP') Horoscope (lower left) with both charts set for natal locations (Scranton PA and Queens NY) on November 8, 2022. Emphasized are the planetary factors that stand out to yours truly but you will undoubtedly discover other significant factors for yourself.

Then, if you read my study notes penned upon the image, differences between the two men will surface for your consideration such as karmic Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, maturity, soberness, and accountability in a starring role with reformist Uranus, and with Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and stealth. All three planets play major roles when it comes to leadership style and the exercising of power or its abuse. And of course, transformation is part of the Plutonian picture as well - especially in 2022 with America's first-ever Pluto Return/s ongoing.

Planet Saturn in a Leader's Horoscope and Psyche

President Biden's Saturn remains in Mercury-ruled Gemini when progressed suggesting a measure of adaptable stability, while Trump's Saturn, natally in Moon-ruled Cancer, has progressed into Sun-ruled Leo suggesting rigidity and pomposity. In quicksilver Gemini, Saturn suggests conscientiousness, logical thinking, studiousness, and a tendency to become preoccupied with difficult problems (like presidents must do). However, wall-builder Saturn tends toward neurosis when in emotional, self-protective Cancer, but when progressed into proud Leo, we find Trump's egotism, dislike of formalities, and deep need for power, control, recognition, applause, and importance.

Additionally, we know that restrictive Saturn can add fear and/or paranoia to most any equation, as well as a sense of loss when Saturn's demands for upright behavior and maturity are not met. Obviously, an individual's Saturn Return Horoscope provides information concerning such issues.

Two factors stand out in particular in each SP chart

For Mr. Biden, it's his SP Uranus Stationed Direct and unaspected so there's a strong emphasis on the planet, plus the suggestion that he's independent and thus not overly influenced by external forces, energies, or actors. (His aviator shades and fast cars might suggest a cool independent streak.)

For Mr. Trump, it's his SP Ascendant @1Sco27 which has received the current 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 conjunct it with themes of 'forcfully taking control' (B. Brady), which is what he's determined and very desperate to do, no matter the cost.

So beneath the symbolic progressed horoscopes (which provide hints as to how one has evolved during their lives), brief notes concerning both men's Sun-Moon blends (which are temporary until SP Moon enters the next Zodiacal sign) are added via The Harveys; then in closing, potentials contained within their SP midpoint pictures are listed for the sake of comparison via Reinhold Ebertin and Noel Tyl:

President Joe Biden: SP Sun Aquarius-Moon Aries (Air-Fire) = self and society; the brotherhood of man is a reality; sound intellect; frankness; disdain for hypocrisy; talkative; an observer of humanity; pokes fun at absurdities; loves challenges; a social reformer or eccentric ambassador; prefers practical answers that cut through bureaucracies and red tape; can be arrogant, cool, and detached. "Image for Integration: Robin Hood and his merry band of men outwit the evil King John once again."

Donald Trump: SP Sun Virgo-Moon Libra (Earth-Air) = pragmatism; lives in a private world; a gift for words; an eye for detail; organized; consults others but pushes through with own ideas; delights in paradox; lives according to a personal code; yearns for the day when others see things "his way"; fussy insistence on getting things a particular way; can be tactful and approachable; ability to cooperate for a common cause. "Image for Integration: "A monastic husband." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

SP Midpt Pix (11/08/22): any, all, or none may apply

President Biden: stress in the profession (Sun-Neptune = MC); pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; constraint; grave inhibitions (Moon-Pluto = Saturn); desire for pleasant contacts with many people (Jupiter-North Node = Pluto); placing false hopes on associations; dealing with others naively or simplistically (Jup-Nept = North Node).

Donald Trump: desire to rise from difficult circumstances; major separation (Saturn-Pluto = MC); grappling with unusual problems; brooding over one's destiny (Mercury-Saturn = Pluto); having a bad influence upon others; breakdown between people living together (Nept-NN = Pluto); giving stimulating ideas to others (Venus-Uranus = Mercury); chaotic emotional life; easily led by others; a dreamy nature (Venus-Neptune = Moon); arranging associations or unions (Jup-NN = Merc: or an army? jc); contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; abandonment (Merc-Saturn = Pluto).

Sep 25, 2022

The Magical Thinking of Jupiter-Neptune

September 25, 2022

Please Note: The following post concerns the flaws of one Donald J. Trump, a person this particular American considers to be the worst president the US has ever endured. If you disagree, please move on and troll elsewhere because this post is not for you. jc

Trump A Snake But Not Symbolized By The Caduceus

by Jude Cowell

On Friday just past, former aide to VP Pence, Marc Short, called Trump's claim of declassifying government intelligence documents just by thinking about it "absurd", something that folks tethered to reality already knew.

Mercury-Neptune Square: Delusion and Deception

Seldom if ever can one planet, planetary pair, or aspect undergird an expression of planetary energies that fully explain an individual's behavior so although Trump's Mercury (thinking-planning-communicating) square Neptune (unreality-confusion-instability) says much about his misperception, lack of discrimination, and odd notions, there's more deception to be found.

Why, one's sign of natal Uranus reveals much about behavior and with Trump's chaotic Uranus in mutable Gemini we see the duplicity, multiplicity, communicating ability (including passing on and making news), the 'voices in his head' effect, plus, the commercial and deal-making interests of the orange fellow. Of course, we know that motivation is everything yet Gemini is also the sign of a mind flitting about from one thought to another, and Trump's imagined "magical thinking" also relates to Mercury's magic wand in the form of the Caduceus.

Bizarrely, his supporters think he's a healer of America even in the midst of his anti-American fascist and nazi leanings! So expectably, Herr T's Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio complicitly plays along with his fantasy world for the sake of financial and political power, and suggests that his joy in fooling people into following him over a cliff is like some medieval pied piper - a childish man-baby Peter Pan, one of the never-grow-up Geminian archetypes. It is my belief that children are not safe around him - perhaps they're too honest and see through whatever facade he's sporting that day.

Potent POTUS Magic? You Must Be Joking!

So on yet another astrological level, let's ascribe a major part of such visionary 'declassification' nonsense from Herr Trump (a monarch in his own mind) to his airy Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Libra posited in his natal 2nd house (of possessions!), a planetary pair which happens to have wounded-wounding centaur Chiron of blindspot fame, snuggly within its bubbly midst. Of course, 2nd house is also the realm of money and earning ability, a major interest of transactional Herr Trump who has, or intended to, sell the purloined documents he squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago to the highest bidder (my belief), foreign and/or domestic, as a lucrative moneymaking opportunity - also good for blackmailing purposes. In fact, many cats may already be out of their secret bags. If only investigators could follow the money.

So What's Barack Obama Got To Do With It?

Now if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment, then you probably remember that 2022 is a year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune which perfected in the mystical sign of Pisces in April 2022. Here's a post from May just passed showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 along with the third of three such conjunctions of December 2009 in the planets' approximately 13-year cycle. Of significance in 2009, Jupiter-Neptune landed upon America's Aquarian Moon (in US charts set for July 4, 1776) and the potentials contained within the midpoint picture thus created certainly rang true for the time:

"Little sense of reality; desire to dream; tendency to lose oneself in plan; speculation, instability, wastefulness" (R. Ebertin). Political conflicts are also part of the bubbly pair's realm, as are scandals, religious interference, hyposcrisy as policy, ethics based on payoffs and favors ("do me a favor though"), foolish or unfounded legal situations, and/or degradation in systems of justice (M. Munkasey).

You may also remember that those were the "dreamy Obama-rock star" days with President Obama's natal Mars (motivation, energy, action) @22Vir34 completely veiled and glamorized by US 1776 Neptune. And of course, 8 years of an Obama White House activated militia groups already aggravated by the perceived "browning of America," a racist-based concept well used by the GOP in their campaign to divide the American people against one another - a self-interested tactic meant to undermine our nation and politically weaken We the People. As if we're not a nation of immigrants who stole this land from its native inhabitants!

Jupiter-Neptune Has a Lot to Answer For

In addition, we may also wish to add such 'dreamy' potentials to the mass delusion that a third of our population now suffers from at least since 2009 for it falls within the time frame for the formation of Tea Party and militia groups. Fast forward to 2022, and the entire country suffers under their (and Trump's) delusions of grandeur inspired by Jupiter-Neptune the "grand spirit" or "grand scheme" duo that includes misguided religious and ideological beliefs that evangelicals, theocrats, and 'Christian Nationalists' can grab onto and propagandize in order to insert their beliefs into Politics (of all things) and the legal system.

So with the 2022 Midterms soon upon us, here again is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of Midterm Elections Day 2022 - in Taurus, conjunct disruptive Uranus - where we find that the frothy, illusionary Jupiter-Neptune pair are separating yet remain within a 5-degree orb. The planetary pair's waning power of influence suggests the falling away of some Trump supporters from his 'big lie' delusion, his foreign agent status made clearer, and his other various subterfuges and absurdities such as his claim of "magical thinking" ability:

Recently Appearing on SO'W: Midterms 2022 a Mars-Pluto Affair.

Plus, there's America's ongoing Neptune problem with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing: US 1776 Neptune in factual Virgo.

Also see: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. (Certainly, Trump can't be the only American ever to use "magical thinking" to make something happen. But he is the most deceptive.)

In addition, America's current Jupiter Return occurred way back in July 2013! View the horoscope here before the 12-year cycle begins over again with our next Jupiter Return in 2025.

Sep 13, 2022

J6 Hearing Sep 28, 2022 sports a US Mars Return

Tuesday September 13, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Reportedly, the next J6 Hearing of the Select Committee investigating the violent Trump Coup Attempt of January 6, 2021 will be held September 28, 2022, presumably in prime time (8:00 pm edt). So a reader might expect to view a horoscope of the event published here but alas, non!

Because the date of the next J6 hearing can change and the opening hour is uncertain (as far as I know), so the horoscope you see, below, displays a cosmic event which happens to occur on that very evening at 8:22:23 pm edt: the first of three Mars Return/s to the US Powell Horoscope (July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA = first vote for independence and the decision to create America with Mars @19Gem22:52 square US Neptune. Listed on the chart, below, are the other Mars Returns: 2. November 29, 2022 and 3. March 1, 2023.

And although the transiting Mars-Neptune square won't be exact until October 12, 2022, a cosmic echo of our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square will be moving into position on September 28, 2022, as you can see, suggesting potentials for any of the confusing conditions, misguided motives or actions, and cloudy events that such a square implies - militarily, infectiously, media-based, or otherwise. And of course, the Select Committee's J6 Hearings are intended to get to the bottom of events instigated by criminals trying to keep their actions and communications hidden from view while a cornered Tr*mp is feeling extremely hostile (Neptune-sextile-Pluto -->> his natal Mars @26Leo) and may very well become a flight risk:

Lots of details are squooshed upon the chart; please enlarge or print for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Mars Return at 8:22:23 pm edt: Hour of Venus (in blue) at a critical-crisis 29th degree of fact-based Virgo (6th house) while popping out of the horoscope is the Uranus-North Node ('NN') conjunction rising (14Tau48) which is also the Inaugural Ascendant when US presidents are sworn into office (with starry Menkar rising: saying what must be said; victim of the Unconscious). Thus a midpoint picture forms of Uranus-NN = ASC: 'strong focus on changing the world; a need for feedback' (M. Munkasey). And of course, the Uranus-NN pairing relates to political reformers, new contacts, and/or excitable people sharing events (R. Ebertin).

Plus, balancing upon a cosmic limb, I suggest that the Uranus-NN/Moon-SN opposition across the ASC-DESC axis of this chart (the J6 hearing) karmically symbolizes Herr Tr*mp himself. Those familiar with his natal horoscope will know why for it's basically a cosmic echo of his Nodal Axis which contains his Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius opposition personality blend of the pied piper (same as Newt's: two Peter Pans, now cantankerous codgers). In addition, the Sun @5Lib51 conjuncts Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Neptune, shining a light on his fantasies and his flexible morals - let's say, ethics (driven by his deep love for gold and luxury).

So as you know, Mars Returns herald new 2-year cycles of activity and signal a busy, hectic period with a potential for chaotic or dangerous conditions including headaches. And with this Return being a three-fer for America, an extended period may be expected. By the third Return of March 1, 2023, the chart set for Washington DC shows Tr*mp's natal Uranus (@17Gem53, his 10th house 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption) rising with Mars which suggests possibilities for accidents, danger, violence, explosions, and/or arrest (R. Ebertin) with focuses on finances and/or the occult.

Meanwhile, lurking in the horoscope you see above, are quite a few financial indicators with most of them highlighted in green. Jupiter, the politician and financier, remains retrograde ('Rx') until turning Direct on November 23, 2022 while the planet of hearings and testimony, Mercury the Messenger, turns Direct sooner - on October 2, 2022. Actually, the Mercury-Jupiter opposition forms a T-Square with Mars containing potentials for: "acting according to deliberation" (R. Ebertin); "anxieties reflected in dreams of anger or violence" (M. Munkasey).

Also note that on September 28, 2022, power planet of extreme wealth, nuclear power and secrets, Pluto, will rise with Scheat, star of misfortune, mayhem, and/or imprisonment. However, on a positive level, Scheat can provide literary ability, and notably, Pluto is involved with publishing which can be powerfully informative but may often promote propaganda and manipulative disinformation, a sneaky way of transforming minds and outcomes.

And mention is due of the April 30, 2022 6 North Solar Eclipse which remains in force into October with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control'; plus, 'commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (B. Brady). You see the eclipse listed in the political 12th house @10Tau28 - also the house of Large Institutions such as the US Congress, and earthy Taurus, a money sign. The 12th house also contains wounded Chiron Rx conjunct Alpheratz, and Jupiter Rx, apex of the Saturn-Uranus midpoint with a significant potential for "a sudden turn of destiny" (R. Ebertin).

As for the mundane Moon (We the People, the public; publicity) @14Sco10 and just setting, an inconjunct with wounded Chiron suggests that failure to serve either the Muse or the masses can result in extremely perilous conditions (R. Nolle). Both are at 14 degrees which indicates that karmic conditions are involved as with the Aries-Libra polarity intercepted across the 6/12 axis with its victim-savior issues. To me this means that participants should act accordingly within the realms of ethics and responsibility, and not simply for personal gain. That is, if karmic progress is a goal.

Note: Other planetary changes of direction coming in 2022: wealthy saboteur Pluto Direct on October 8, 2022 (here, conjunct Midheaven, the Goal Point, which spotlights America's surveilling Mercury-Pluto opposition - uncovering secrets since 1776: the Tr*mp stolen government documents fiasco is suggested); lawmaker Saturn Direct on October 23, 2022; and fraudulent, eroding gaslighter Neptune Direct on December 3, 2022.

Also informative is the Sun Libra-Moon Scorpio blend of energies operative during the September 28th J6 hearing for it's a mixture of social idealism and judicial detachment that involves issues of fairness vs personal gain (two of Tr*mp's favorites). Also indicated by this blend of conscious-unconscious energies are controversy, intellectual debate, and survival instincts (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). Perhaps most readers agree that comrade Tr*mp is fighting for his life. Meanwhile, his natal Jupiter in Libra cries out, "it's not fair!"

Then for the sake of comparison, you may wish to check the horoscope of the first public J6 Hearing where you'll see the above chart's 8th cusp (13Sag03) rising. This is the J6 Hearing that I titled, "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" - and since the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on August 8th we see that more than money was plundered from Washington by Herr Tr*mp and comrades. Because selling nuclear secrets must be a very profitable side business for an out-of-work, sore loser, disloyal president acting and pontificating as the figurehead of a global fascist movement determined to coup the US government.

So please: #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy!

Aug 17, 2022

America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle

Horoscope: Sept 14, 1775 2:28:45 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Mercury-Neptune Conjunct @22Vir25:21

Mercury Thinks, Plans, Schemes as Titanic Neptune on a Bad Day Spreads Lies, Fear, Paranoia, and Sabotage

by Jude Cowell

On SO'W, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune turns up quite often in a variety of configurations, not the least of which are the First Shot of the Civil War (Mercury-Neptune = Ascendant: 'being exploited' - N. Tyl), and the natal Mercury-Neptune square of orator Donald Tr*mp, an aspect that Alan Oken labeled, The Sneaky Mind.

Now personally, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, I can't consider it a coincidence that Uranian Tr*mp the chaos agent of sabotage and espionage uses this deceptive, fantasy-prone square to promote his Big Lie along with all his other lies and schemes in order to lead the global criminal network of white supremacists, fasc*sts, and naz*s into fomenting an alleged second 'Civil War' in America.

Well, this orange-haired foreign asset and his comrades have managed to pit 1/3 of the country against the rest, haven't they? And naturally, the American Revolution, which began in 1775, is also being used by Trumpian insurrectionists, thugs, and their wealthy corporate backers for malevolent propaganda purposes to fool Republican voters and grasp power and control. In their hot little minds, a government take-over is in progress but we can stop them as we did in 1933 with President Joe Biden in FDR's role.

See Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon (the War's 1861 and Progressed Full Moon horoscopes are shown). And US Events of 1775.

So here's an excerpt from a previous post, linked, below:

The Combination of Mercury-Neptune

"Sociological Correspondence: Actors, deceitful people, liars."

Footnote: "Under Sociological Correspondence of Mercury/Neptune one should add "so-called saints," i.e., people who are found under this combination sometimes appear in every way perfect, they appear to have no faults until one day it is discovered they are almost the reverse of what they appeared to be. This is sometimes the case with actors who have to wear a mask which is not in accord with their personality, or in the case of diplomats who play a part in the course of their work and say something different from what they think. In these cases this describes the work they do" (R. Ebertin). Excerpted from Trump's Mercury-Neptune.

So let's go ahead and close this post featuring the highly imaginative duo of Mercury and Neptune and Tr*mp's brazen use of its energies with a link to a previous post concerning Leaders Who Rule on a Whim for we've certainly seen what such an unfit, loose cannon, disloyal president can lead America into and what our democratic Republic can very well do without: any form of fasc*sm, naz*sm, or any other -ism that enemies of our nation have in their scheming, grasping minds.

Aug 14, 2022

Happy 87th Anniversary Social Security!

August 14, 2022

Because the 87th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act by President Franklin D. Roosevelt has arrived, here is a bi-wheel of horoscopes showing the signing of the Social Security Act ("noon"; inner) with the popular, life-saving social safety net program's Solar Return 2022 planets (outer) which actually became exact yesterday afternoon:

Yes, I know, way too many of my study notes are squooshed upon the charts, my usual mea culpa. Actually, marking the charts took quite some time this Sunday morning so that now I have company coming and no time to type a bunch upon the topic. However --

An Eclipse 'Cosmic Time Link' Theory: 2022 to 1935

Toward Social Security, threats have often been made, including by Donald Trump and his GOP comrades. Meanwhile, in light of America's current problems concerning the Trump-Espionage Act turmoil, there is a factor I am compelled to add to this post and it involves the Solar Eclipse Series in which the SS Act was signed - the 9 New South.

Penned on the inner chart in 9th house you see it there where it manifested in 1935 @6Leo17. My 'cosmic link' theory about this is that the recent New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo39 activated or is echoing the themes of the 9 New South Solar Eclipse and bringing them up in the Collective for society to deal with. 'Certain conditions open to scrutiny that were previously hidden' is part of this picture, and of course, New Moons can behave in similar disruptive fashion to Solar Eclipses (and Full Moons like Lunar Eclipses: even the Full Moon @19AQ21 on August 11, 2022 'hit' the SS Act's Syzygy Moon @20AQ47, and 2022 Saturn Rx now restricting the Act's Full Moon - see top center of the image).

Additionally, I've long had a theory that when turmoil takes over the media air waves such as we now have, it's always prudent to look in the opposite direction, so to speak, because something is happening in politics that public attention is being diverted from. Poorly explained, but you know what I mean: slight of hand, and under table deals. Now the Schumer-Manchin deal seems positive enough but considering current transits to the 1935 horoscope, a primary concern is about the health and future of the Social Security Program that millions of Americans depend on - and the malevolent tendencies of certain greedy politicians and the wealthy ideologues who bribe them.

So in closing, I hope you'll consider 9 New South themes which mimic current Trump-Espionage Act circumstances (my italics) - unless I miss my guess:

Bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications; this could manifest as a worrying piece of news about a loved one or responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost; any news will have a sense of fatedness or destiny attached (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And one more thing: among the multiple topics involved, the purloined documents that Trump illegally squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago could contain secret information about the WTC attacks of 9/11.