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Showing posts with label Neptune-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune-Pluto. Show all posts

Sep 3, 2021

September 18, 2021: A Far-Right Rally in DC - or not?

September 2021: Jupiter (seen above), Neptune, and Pluto

by Jude Cowell

September 3, 2021: Well, it seems the report that a far-right rally (by 'Proud Boys' and/or 'Oath-Keepers', etc) is planned for September 18, 2021 is disputed by various far-right saboteurs. See Proud Boys Deny Reports of September 18 Capitol Rally: 'Sounds like Bait'. If not held then, perhaps a rescheduling of the rally has occurred, a strategic withdrawal in order to regroup, plan anew, and thereby hope to add a surprise factor no longer possible on September 18th.

So because their September 18th rally is iffy, who wants to waste precious time setting up a horoscope for what may not happen at all? Closer to the date? Perhaps. Besides, it's Friday and the Moon entered shiny Leo at 11:58 am edt this morning and will languish in the sign of entertainment, drama, and pride (!) until Sunday evening (7:06 pm edt) so that time-wastrel won't be yours truly!

Still, there is a prominent midpoint picture which concerns criminality in effect all that day with Jupiter Rx as apex planet. Actually, the picture is in effect for the second half of September and involves the planetary pair of underworld and/or organized crime, fantasy, people with strange ideas, obsessions, manias, drugs, occultists, the supernatural, 'equating decay with progress', confusion, loss, grief - and, more to the point: 'subversion within security agencies' and 'controls over centers of political power' (which you know is the far-right's desire): see America's Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

Yes, there are positive potentials in the religious and creative realms within the karmic Neptune-Pluto pairing but considering that the elephant in the room is the potential for far-right violence and extremism at their "rallies" below are negative potentials which can possibly manifest when Neptune-Pluto = Jupiter influences social and political issues and events:

Sectarians (R. Ebertin); social or political pressures; an expanded desire to enjoy a better future; the desire to use drugs (Munkasey); feeling at one with the way things should be (Tyl).

Finally, let's close with Noel Tyl's general (positive and negative) details concerning the Neptune-Pluto duo in his book on Solar Arcs (#ad), any of which may or may not be expanded or increased by boundary-breaker Jupiter while at the titanic midpoint's apex:

"The supernatural; other realms seem to be involved with life occurrences; unusual problems; peculiar experiences; possible concerns about death matters; creative enterprise; enormous intensification of sensory sensitivity; possible loss of the frame of reality; subterfuge; possible introduction of drugs or alchohol dysfunctionally." (Note: alcohol is a drug -jc.)

More Jupiter info can be found in the horoscope of the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction on April 12, 2022.

Apr 16, 2021

America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy

Modern Humanity and Uranus-Neptune-Pluto in the US

by Jude Cowell

April 16, 2021: Approximately every 492 years, a Great Conjunction forms between gaseous giant Neptune and the distant planet of Pluto, as seen from Earth. The last such conjunction, three actually, is the current cycle and seems particularly significant to the United States of America because 115 years later our radical 'totem planet', Uranus (@8Gem55 on July 4, 1776), cosmically received the Neptune-Pluto energies of 1891/1892, a major, life-altering transit if there ever was one:

1. August 2, 1891 Neptune-Pluto @8Gem38

2. November 5, 1891 Neptune-Pluto @8Gem19

3. April 30, 1892 Neptune-Pluto @7Gem42

UPDATE August 5, 2021: With Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn now sextile by transit I'm adding here a link to a recent Salon article that closely concerns the topic of this post: Today's Republican Party is a Political Crime Family and We Know Who the Godfather Is. Yeah, we all know - it's He Who Shall Not Be Named, sometimes identified as Unindicted Co-conspirator, sometimes as Individual One.

Significantly, Neptune-Pluto also times the Horoscope of Modern Humanity via the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 in the 2 Old North Saros Series @7Tau05 (where transit Uranus has recently played). An eclipse in this series last repeated in 2018 @21Cancer conjunct Castor (keywords: sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness, crippling of limbs--A. Louis).

So during the 1891/92 era, a midpoint picture repeatedly formed by US natal Uranus which catalyzed, even electrified, potentials for: 'peculiar discoveries, the supernatural, unusual catastrophes, aberrant behavior, fantasy, mystical and/or adventurous experiences, weakened power, hyersensitivity, courageous acts, unorthodox ways of changing reality, extreme drug use, impersonal attitudes or lack of concern toward destruction or about anti-social activities, occult interests, obsessions, loss, manias, self-torment, lack of willpower to maintain health, treachery, ESP, religious messages' (Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey).

Obviously the tendency toward 'extreme drug use' was and continues to be furthered by Neptune-Pluto's relationship to drug trafficking made accessible via the planetary pair's association with underworld crime syndicates which we nowadays often label 'organized crime' (also shown in horoscopes by corporate syndicate Cupido, The Family). Perhaps you'll agree that in this 'New Millennium' a rising level of organized crime rules and disrupts most henhouses including those in the USA. The prevalence of racketeering contaminates and ruins everything.

Collective Unconscious Meets Hidden Forces and Propaganda: Changes Result

We may wish to consider the two karmic transits involved: transit Neptune to US natal Uranus, and transit Pluto to US natal Uranus, plus, let's add a few historical events of 1891 and 1892 in order to gain a wider perspective on the historical cycles within cosmic cycles of Neptune and Pluto. With these transits, societal changes occurred with a sense of confusion and disorientation mixed with unrealistic exectations, and ideals were in conflict with technical and economic considerations (Neptune). With Pluto, planet of hidden powers, individual freedoms were affected by technological advances yet to some extent, the US government was still subjugated to the will of We The People. As you know, further changes have flipped the relationship so that generally speaking, the People now fear the government instead of how it was intended to be - the other way around. Obviously, this fear plays a major part in our rising levels of violence in the US and the extensive hoarding of guns by those sensitive to such paranoia. Add debilitating mental health conditions, plus, oppressive social circumstances and a dangerous mixture is created suitable for being 'triggered' into action.

Now I don't have on-hand horoscopes of any of the three Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions of 1891 or 1892 but in case you haven't seen it, here is a bi-wheel of the upcoming transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo on May 1, 2021 (within orb for a while now) which shows that America has existed long enough to be graced by the opportunity to amend our Neptunian issues and morph our society into a more compassionate stance:

Also see US Solar Return 2021: YODs plus Karmic Progress.

So in closing, let's quote from Michael Munkasey's assessment of the Neptune-Pluto duo in Politics and Business expressed in Hegelian Dialectic form:

Thesis: creating new ideals for the power bases within entrprises; calls for new measures for protection from natural disasters; new ideas in waste processing; pollution control; mass medical care, or psychiatry.

Antithesis: controls over centers of political power; organized crime; activities for plans involving mutual destruction; subversion within security agencies; breakdowns in health, medical, or social care. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.) #ad

Note that in certain cases, "new ideals" have resulted in a rise of organized crime running and ruining the show.

Note to our country's legal eagles: please dust off that RICO Act!

In case you missed it: Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes details his views concerning Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Society and Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Society.

Historical Events of 1891 and 1892, year of a consequential presidential election.

Mar 6, 2021

Modern Humanity Horoscope with March 2021 Transits

UPDATE April 22, 2022: Noting that the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct radical Uranus meets the North Node of Modern Humanity, or we could say that the Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 falls eerily across our path. jc

Original post begins here:

A Cosmic Check-Up for Modern Humanity: Our Appointment? March 8, 2021

by Jude Cowell

March 6, 2021: Below is the DC Horoscope of the Modern Humanity Eclipse of 1892 which perfected on *April 26th at 4:46:34 pm est @7Tau05 in the 2 Old North Saros Series. Around the eclipse chart in center are the transits for March 8, 2021 set for 12:40:15 pm est Washington DC. I chose this hour for our "appointment" because it's when the July 4, 1776 Sun @13Can19 rises on March 8th, plus, US natal Sun sits atop the eclipse chart, as you see, in the catbird seat and visible to all. This sign and degree seems significant to me because of the 1892 Eclipse Midheaven/Immum Coeli axis, aka, the MC-IC Security/Homeland axis which emcompasses Career and Domestic Scene. Naurally, parental and child issues are also involved across the 4/10 polarity which in Western Astrology is ruled by the Moon (Cancer 4th house) and Saturn (Capricorn 10th house), the lunar mommy and solar daddy significators with family concerns close at hand. Of course, the Moon-Saturn duo can tend toward depression or illness, but also to ambition, strategy and direction:

Now I've tried not to scribble all over the bi-wheel with basic chart factors as I tend to do, however, penned upon the image are the more prominent planetary contacts of Monday March 8, 2021 and beyond since some transits are ongoing (perfecting multiple times, some already in progress) while some transits have yet to perfect but are included because they're within orb and will gain strength as they become exact.

An example is 2021 Mars to 1892 Neptune and Pluto @7Gem34/37 in the financial and corporate 8th house. As you know, America is under an ongoing attack (Mars) by criminal elements or the criminal underworld (Neptune-Pluto: racketeers and mobsters) who've infiltrated federal and state governments, some of whom work to sabotage our country into complete collapse and destroy democracy as a system of government - and with helpers in the political class. (You recognized the Tr*mp Mob's 'take-over' objective on January 6, 2021, I'm certain.) There exist social meddlers who want We The People in the streets with pitchcforks in hand! But personally I prefer legislative and legal powers to beat them and their lousy policies back.

Meanwhile, the Neptune-Pluto duo also represents the psychic roots of man (A. Oken) which makes the karmic pair, here in the 8th house of the Occult, prominent on an inner and/or spiritual level, and sometimes suggesting supernatural involvement.

A News Note: Today around noon or so, the US Senate passed a somehat reduced Covid Relief Bill which then goes back to the House to be re-passed before President Biden can sign it into law (because changes were made from the House version). So if its weighty abundance doesn't bring down our financial house entirely, the Bill will provide some financial relief for struggling Americans, their families, for Covid distribution efforts, and for state governments who can't just up and print money of their own like the federal government can do!

Now a quick look at 1892 chart-ruler Venus (ASC in Libra) and 'her' applying aspects which hint at how things will proceed. There are only two and one isn't considered Ptolemaic (major) in the traditional sense - an inconjunct, or quincunx (150 degrees), between Venus and Mars. Right away we know that adjustments (inconjunct) are needed between the sexes (Venus-Mars) which affect relationships (Aries-Libra issues, but also suggests war and diplomacy concerns). Money is involved as many folks work hard for too little profit and are exploited or, we exploit others in business and/or in love and war. Approval is sought from others to bolster self-worth (and increase paychecks?) so resentment is felt when we're unappreciated and America's obscene income inequality threatens all progress.

But prior to the inconjunct, Venus @22Gem31 squares karmic Saturn Rx @24Vir00 from 9th house to 12th. This is a cosmic picture of socializing issues of an anti-societal kind so that isolation is actually preferred by many. It also implies worry or anxiety over finances and/or legal matters yet worrying never brings positive outcomes, does it? Other potentials of the square include withheld affections or the limiting of resources such as the tiresome R vs D battles in Congress.

Now as you see, 1892 Saturn is angular upon the March 8, 2021 IC (as timed by the eclipse) suggesting our ongoing difficulties on the Domestic Scene, increased responsibilities at home, plus, the potential loss of homes through eviction or otherwise. Hopefully, this is a passing or temporary condition for us especially now that the Covid Relief Bill (Saturn!) seems to be heading for a presidential signing: yayy! Evictions forestalled for a few months longer while the economy hopefully improves. And obviously, Saturn in 12th house is a cosmic picture of folks working behind the scenes, or, from home in isolation. Perhaps this has not been such a bad deal for those who can manage to work from home since serious old Saturn joys in the 12th house!

Yet a fly in the House may be an inconjunction between Mercury, the planet of bills, signings, and negotiations, and restrictive Saturn which suggests authority figures who deny their responsibilities and tend to live in the past (the 'good ole days'). Do you know anyone like this? Perhaps someone 'serving' We The People in Congress? Or at least, getting paid to serve us? Or how about those who occupy certain governors' offices? Well, more adjustments to the Covid Relief Bill may be on the congressional menu. But this aspect reveals that sometimes it's better to say, No, and stop acting like patsies!

April 13, 2021

Now another word about Saturn: on April 13, 2021, Mars will square 1892 Saturn so that efforts to control may be stymied and aggressive actions blocked. Activities (Mars) are met with resistance (Saturn) and solutions must be sought which hints that good outcomes are possible (now that adults are in charge: Saturn). Thing is, at least two other transits occur on April 13, 2021: Jupiter sextiles 1892 Mercury (first of three) which suggests favorable business opportunities, and a positive period for writing, publishing, teaching, and commerce in general. All the Mercurial things which hopefully will benefit children.

Then in the more esoteric or spiritual realms on April 13th, 2021 Chiron (The Key!) conjuncts 1892 Jupiter in Aries (#1 of 3, in the 6th house of Service and Health), a transit already within orb. This transit identifies a period when it's 'time to forget and forgive' so that old wounds (Chiron) can heal. Those with the idea that we must 'move on' are correct for this is exactly what it is time for. And yet days in court for criminals are warranted as well so perhaps around the time of the third conjunction (February 12, 2022), justice will be served and satisfied, 'clean-ups on aisle 13' will be successfully completed, and society can move into the future with lighter hearts, better braced for upcoming challenges.

Now before I list a few midpoint pictures, we should consider an overarching situation: that 2021 Uranus has been opposing 1892 Uranus from Taurus to Scorpio, its sign of exaltation. March 6, 2021 was the last of three exact oppositions, and as you know, this is the "Mid-Life Crisis" transit for human beings, and some astrologers might say it can't apply to society as a whole. But what is Modern Humanity but a massive collective of human beings? I say it does apply to current conditions, and the restlessness involved, plus, its out-of-character implications in our era seem spot-on to me, if not to you. This disruptive influence is, in a word, generational, and I'd say that Uranian styles of uniqueness and individualism are signs of the times.

Now you know that the sign of Uranus describes behavioral tendencies so we've 'traded' intense Scorpio tendencies for Taurean ones (materialistic, possessive, intolerant of 'the other') and suggests potentials for risk-taking, speculation, finding unusual sources of funding, funny financing, sudden economic changes, and/or putting all the eggs into one basket. When in Taurus, the sign of its detriment, erratic Uranus likes to advance reforms in business and the economy so with the financial stalemates and underhanded schemes on Capitol Hill, we've certainly noticed such tendencies in recent years. Of course, this transit has occurred before, as have others, so a look back would be interesting but it's beyond the scope of this post. After all, I don't have all night and neither do you!

3 Midpoint Pictures: March-April 2021 to April 26, 1892; any, all, or none may apply

1. 2021 Uranus conjunct 1892 Solar Eclipse: acting independently; rebellion; sudden conflicts; shared upsets; lack of adaptability; quick developments; dramatic changes and reforms. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe', disrupting earthly events as mundane Uranus can do. Actions may occur early, on time, late, or never. Plus, quirky Uranus often wears a cap of the Utopian anarchist, political zealot, radical reactionary and reformer. This is a major transit with both Uranus and the Eclipse suggesting that karmic progress can be made if the energies are handled correctly! Yes, it's full of difficulties for society - like catching a bolt of lightening in a bottle! Yet 2021 Uranus is activating the eclipse themes of 2 Old North which are: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; issues of separation or the endings of unions' (secession?); 'things look worse at first but brighten with quite positive results; taking action concerning personal relationships' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Humanity has recently experienced a 2 Old North Eclipse on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer. (Actually, you may remember that this is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the former guy, what's-his-name.)

2. 1892 Neptune-Pluto = 2021 Mars: taking action based on faith; application of force taken sensitively (ex: 'surgical strikes'?); displays of powerful emotions; a deep urge to change or transform, eliminate, purify (by Covid?), or unite; the desire to share power or territory; hostility; the use of violence to accomplish aims; being used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of stamina; convincing or being convinced.

And 3. 2021 Moon-Pluto = 1892 Mars: using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; quarrels; rage; possible injuries; secrets or scandals revealed (ex: a possible love child).

Now let's close with a fourth April 13th transit involving 1892 Saturn but this one begins in 2022: undermining Neptune in Pisces will oppose 1892 Saturn, first on April 13, 2022, with the third opposition on February 13, 2023. This is a destabilizing and stressful influence (already within orb) when authority figures are threatened by deceitful people (already, I know!), multiple bankruptcies may occur, and important limitations can disappear. Apparently, our disappointment with corrupt authority figures will continue to erode society if we allow it.

The challenge for humanity is to figure out how to see things from a different perspective which most folks seem to already be doing as they reflect upon what's truly important and valuable in their lives.

Midpoint sources are listed at the bottom of the chart image.

*The above horoscope may be found in Horoscope for the New Millennium, by E. Alan Meece who notes on page 149 that the actual Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto occurred on April 30, 1892. The eclipse chart is used instead for Modern Humanity ("the chart for the age we live in") because with eclipses an accurate time can be reliably known - to the minute and second. jc

Feb 9, 2021

February 11, 2021: New Moon @23AQ w Hades Rising

February 9, 2021 12:42 pm est: With Senate debate over Trump's second impeachment set to begin today at 1:00 pm est, there's no time to type a bunch of details concerning the Horoscope you see below. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes where you'll see that hellish Hades Rx @9Can07 rises along with America's 1776 Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio in Cancer, North Node @17Gem44 points toward Trump's natal Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, and rebellion, Venus @12AQ47 conjunct$ Jupiter in the corporate 8th house, deceptive Neptune @19Pis37 conjuncts MC (The Goal Point, highlighted in pink), and the New Moon (which can affect and redirect events much as a Solar Eclipse can do) is in the 9th house of Legal Affairs while forming midpoint pictures with two powerful planetary duos: Neptune-Pluto and Pluto-MC. See the center of the chart for a few of the midpoints' potentials and notice on the left this difficult picture - Mercury-Pluto = Saturn:

Oh and just as in Trump's natal chart, Pluto is unaspected and "overshadowed by shadows."

Jan 14, 2021

January 2021: Neptunian Influences peak then wane

Year 2021: Subversive Elements in Society Spotlighted via Neptune in Pisces

by Jude Cowell

January 14, 2021: With difficult days of potential violence and turmoil continuing in the US (as if justified by the Inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20th) some readers may be interested in viewing a horoscope of the moment that certain subversive energies peak with transit Neptune square the Nodal Axis. For the purposes of this post, I'll refer to the Nodal Axis as 'NN' but I'm thinking 'Nodal Axis' which currently is under the rays of the Gemini-Sagittarian polarity with its Mercury-Jupiter influences. The Mercury-Jupiter pairing relates to sound common sense but negatively to failures through dishonesty, fraud, and negligence (Ebertin).

Implications and potentials of the subversive Neptune-NN pairing include: 'anti-social behavior/elements; lack of community spirit; strange conduct in communal life; unreliability; exploitation; deceit; cheating' (Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad). Obviously surreptious Neptune's mass propaganda is involved with the Nodal Axis denoting public contacts. Plus, 'breakdowns in relationships' can also occur under such deceptive influences (Tyl) usually due to falsehoods and/or misunderstandings.

Now here is the Neptune-NN duo in Politics and Business as detailed by Michael Munkasey (my italics):

"Thesis: A leadership unwilling or unable to consider the demands of its people; ideals or national glamor as an excuse for neglecting the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups.

Antithesis: Spies or terrorists which enter for villainous purposes; drug policies which avoid important concerns; an ill-adapted and inadequate hospital or medical care system; scandals caused by foreign concerns." (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets #ad).

Please note that transit Pluto in Capricorn's destructuring of societal systems, Ebertin's description of the placement as 'the dictator', and the planet's famous tendency toward hidden manipulation, surveillance, and death, plus, the current involvement in the US government of Neptune-Pluto's criminal underworld/syndicate activities are factors beyond the scope of this particular post but have been discussed in previous posts - type a word or phrase into the sidebar Search field and you'll see!

Once the square's energies peak, its frustrating, nihilistic influences will begin to gradually wane in society (Neptune of the masses and mass media!) - but perhaps only to a dull roar since its vibrations imprint upon the Biden administration. So here is a link to the DC Horoscope set for January 26, 2021 9:11 am est Washington DC, the moment the Neptune-NN square perfects (19Pis06 and rising SQ 19Gem06 conjunct IC) and, for those who use Neptune as a ruler or co-ruler of Pisces, Mercury-Neptune vibes are also involved and resonate with Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of deceit, fraud, and malicious schemes.

The chart is uploaded to JCAstro because Blogger isn't allowing its upload here!

In addition, yesterday the First Lunation of 2021 @23Cap13 occurred and is significant as the Syzygy Moon of Inauguration 2021 and due to its energies imprinting upon year 2021 and the Biden administration. Notable is that the pragmatic Sun Cap-Moon Cap blend of Saturnian energies can ably face reality, something the US is in serious need of after 4 years of an arch prevaricator.

(Above image of planet Neptune; NASA)

Jun 30, 2020

Agent Trump Wants Pal Putin's Russia Back in the G-7

June 30, 2020: For unknown reasons, I saved the following post as a draft but never completed or published it. So with the current news about Trump knowing for months that Putin had put bounties on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan but did and said nothing about it while continuing to tout Russia's re-entry into the G7 Group of nations I'm posting it today for whatever info it may add. Even US voters who somehow, beyond reason, prefer Trump in November cannot possibly be okay with this.

Original post begins here sans edits:

Collage: 'His American Majesty' by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2020: Citing current G7 members, economic royalist Trump has asserted that, "It's a very outdated group of countries" which makes yours truly wonder how "outdated" his nibs considers America to be 'under his watch.' That's not exactly what he meant, of course. He meant, Let's invite my comrade and favorite co-conspirator Putin to the party! He proposed including Australia and a couple of other countries to make things appear more legitimate as they talk behind China's back about the future of China, their alleged G7 intention.

Say, remember when Canada flatly rejected Trump's idea of allowing Russia back in? As you know, Russia was tossed out of the elite group of social tinkerers in 2014 for annexing Crimea, an ongoing tragedy as I type. See a related post Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order. This is the entire globe's ongoing tragedy and I don't mean to imply that I consider China an outsider to "The big picture (that) commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl) which was timed for greater implementation all through 2017 into 2018 by transit Pluto conjunct 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the 'new world order' planets (18--20Cap). Perhaps those who could not 'see it' in 2017 are seeing draconian conditions starkly enforced in front of their faces in 2020 if they haven't before. And as you know, the current position of the Moon's South Node, aka, the tail of the dragon, is 29Sag13, a critical-crisis 29th degree (Sabian Symbol for '30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" as I'm certain he does; '30Sag' = negative expression: "inordinate love of self-display and surrender to a lust for power" (Jones).

Back to Trump's 'Movable Feast' G7 2020

Now so far I've discovered no definite date for a G7 meeting in September 2020 for it may not have been set yet, so we can't Moon-track the event today as we did in 2019 when Trump knocked noodles 'on the sidelines' with UK PM Boris Johnson. Apparently Trump prefers shadowy sidelines for his private whispers. Like ya do when you have many secrets and crimes to hide.

So as you know, sources are reporting that Trump's G7 2020 'plan' is to postpone G7 2020 'until at least September' from the original June 10, 2020 date and location at secure Camp David where barely a conspiratorial word can be whispered without a mic or camera picking it up - another reason for Trump and Putin to rock the G7 boat, yes?

With no definite date for G7 2020 (if you find one Please let me know!) we can at the least check the September 2020 Lunations (New and Full Moons) where we find that the month begins with a Full Moon @10Pis12 (September 2), an interesting cosmic occurrence since deceptive Neptune was @10Pisces opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse that functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Will new information be uncovered or leaked in September or late August concerning those significant events and/or the Trump-Putin love match? For Full Moons can reveal hidden things much as Lunar Eclipses, and New Moons can act in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses (Ovason). So you know what I always say around eclipse and lunation times? Peep-Eye!

Tragically, a Related Post: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime. Also related: if Election 2020 is held at all, the Electoral College Is Set to Vote on December 14, 2020, an auspicious day of a difficult Solar Eclipse. Plus, here's a previous post concerning the learless feader: SOTU 2020 and Trump's SOTUs since 2017 and for health indicators you may wish to see The YOD in America's Solar Return 2020, a horoscope that functions for one year until July 2021.

All on-topic comments and shares are much appreciated! And please note that a 'new' page under 'Judith' Cowell is now created since my original FB account 'Jude Cowell" remains in lock down. jc

Jun 18, 2019

Oil Crises, Tankers, and the YODs of 1973 and 2019

With the world oil supply under threat of disruption by a ginned up case for war against Iran thanks to the renegade Trump gang, I took a look back at an excerpt from a previous post (linked below) concerning the Arab Oil Embargo of October 17, 1973 which includes the founding data for OPEC; note the organization's stated goal:

"OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) September 14, 1960 9:00 +0:00 Baghdad, Iraq; OPEC's stated goal: to regulate the supply of the world's oil. Formed via conference which began at 11:00 am, a speech was delivered, and a resolution signed; hour approximate. Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, chart #422."

For your consideration, here is an informative report on current events Trump Pushing War with Iran? from The Young Turks:

Now the Washington DC Horoscope of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 is remarkable not the least because of its interlaced YODs of crises, turning points, and karmic opportunities. And as you know, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with oil and other such resources while on a different level, watery Neptune represents oceans and seas. Astrological Pluto may operate as an assassin, a hidden actor or cause, or a saboteur, and together, Neptune-Pluto as a pair relates to organized crime syndicates, subterfuge, mysticism (and the supernatural).

June 2019

So if we compare the planets of the 1973 Oil Embargo with current planets and events (as 'guided' by Trump, Pompeo, and probably by war hawk Bolton--plus, pal Putin, or even Britain--is this oily scheme why his nibs visited the Queen recently?) we may wish to consider one of the 1973 chart's YOD patterns in particular--the YOD with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. For in the 1973 chart, this oily YOD points toward warrior-activist Mars Rx @4Tau09 (in 7th house at sunrise edt, Washington DC) with the trio's midpoint picture potentials consisting of: succumbing to external powers, being used as a tool for other people's interests, lack of energy (Ebertin); added compulsion to to use violence to achieve aims (Munkasey); rejection of actions due to misunderstandings (Tyl). To that last I would add: because very few people believe Washington's lies-into-war anymore.

Now the 2019 potentials have been activated by transit Uranus in early Taurus for the quirky disruptive planet of chaos has come along to 'replace' Mars in the above equation so we have such possibilities as: unusual means to escape from or change reality (Uranus is fantasist Trump's guiding planet because it is oriental in his natal chart), impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities (Munkasey); making waves to get to shore, possibly aberrant behavior, disruption to gain recognition (of the need for war with Iran?), courage (or fools rush in!?), and/or adventurous ego thrust (as always with Big T's huge ego); flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural, and/or peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

But perhaps a more basic planetary echo and cosmic time link from the oil crisis of 1973 has to be that 2019 Uranus the rebel conjoins 1973 Mars, a planetary tango which suggests explosive possibilities (as already seen via the two Japanese oil tankers) and the dangerous conditions the world now faces on behalf of someone - most likely a group of weapon-forging Vulcan-esque someones - who intend to benefit from the waging of war and strife and who are aided and abetted by religious fanatics who arrogantly assume that they know what's best for the entire planet.

(Above midpoint potentials are paraphrases of The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.)

Jan 24, 2019

Trump and Links Between Nazism and the Occult

Are You Odd or Merely Mystical?

Yes, there are links between Nazism and the Occult as you already know and Himmler and Hess were big poobahs in the occult department in the days of the Third Reich, as was Hitler. Then in our day, the Third Reich has had a Progressed New Moon in Taurus on June 6, 2017 about 5 months into Trump's first year in the Oval Office. And that's Taurus, sign of intolerance and hard-headedness when being negatively expressed as bigots tend to do.

Now in horoscopes, one planetary factor to look for concerning such potentials as the occult would be the combination of Neptune with Pluto which can also signify underworld criminal elements in society, aka, organized crime--by aspect, midpoint, transit, or by other connections in a horoscope. Why, one might even wonder if mob-tied Donald Trump entertains such secret occult leanings! Born on June 14, 1946, Trump seems to be influenced by a sextile (60 degrees) between the two karmic planets with Neptune @5Libra 2nd house of Values, and Pluto @10Leo in the secretive 12th house of politics, karma, self-undoing, secret practices, and hidden enemies. Both the slow-moving karmic planets are generational of course but if he is able to respond to the sextile energies between them, he's open to 'invisible realms' (Oken) and this would tie in with his problematic Mercury-Neptune square which interferes with his perception of reality, shows a lack of discrimination, loosens his lips, blocks his hearing, and conjures for him a fantasy world all his own. Then there are the constant Masonic hand signals Trump can't speak without brandishing (exs: the 'ok' hand symbol; forming a downward 'V" with his hands when he sits) suggesting a familiarity with Sacred Geometry or what modern astrologists call Astrology.

Now in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin spotlights the planetary pair of Neptune-Pluto as denoting The Supernatural which also fits with Nazism's perpetrators and their bizarre interests and rituals. Of course all astrological factors have a positive side as well and with Neptune-Pluto that would be self-knowledge, and perhaps a high level of spirituality if other chart factors concur--and as long illusions don't confuse issues, inspire spiritualism and seances, control via psychism, and/or lead to fraud and corruption. These are hard-to-control energies as you know, and may remain on unconscious levels for many people unless their personal planets are aspected by them.

The Uranian Donald Trump

Then additionally, a link between Nazism, the occult, and Donald Trump may also be seen (by yours truly if not by you, dear reader!) by a consideration of the current cycle of Neptune and Pluto which lasts approximately 492 years. Their cosmic clock began with three conjunctions which occurred on August 2, 1891 @8Gem38, November 5, 1891 @8Gem19, and April 30, 1892 @7Gem42--all within the time frame that the occult-practicing Nazis lived and within the eras of the Robber Barons and the Gilded Age in the US. (Remember the famous quote by financier J.P. Morgan, student of the great Evangeline Adams, that, "Millionaires don't use Astrology; billionaires do." It's all cyclical!) And of course, these days watery Neptune is strong as it floats through its own oceanic sign of Pisces while sabotaging Pluto, planet of power, is tearing up structures and systems as he plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, a time of 'the dictator' says Ebertin.

Notably the degree of the Neptune-Pluto conjunctions of 1891/92 hit America's natal Uranus (8Gem55), our nation's totem planet of revolution, independence, freedom, invention, futurism, and...war. This naturally forms a midpoint picture of potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: 'the propensity and flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural experiences' (Masonic initiation? witchcraft? Bohemian Grove's creepy 'cremation of care' ritual?), unusual catastrophes (Putin's puppet plays POTUS?), 'peculiar discoveries', and/or 'hypersensitive nerves' (Ebertin).

So how do such otherworldly energies link to Donald Trump? Besides his obvious mobster-like traits and fraudulent schemes, it's his Prenatal Solar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (and thus conjunct Neptune-Pluto), an eclipse which manifested on May 30, 1946 in the 2 Old North series, heralding his birth, and which repeated @21Cancer on July 12, 2018 near his natal Saturn in watery Cancer (his 'wall' obsession born of fear!) with themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings of relationships'. Yet, 'fast action can bring positive results' for the blighter with the hypersensitive nerves, a fate which supports the current theory going around town that no matter what happens legally and politically to him, Trump will, in some way, land on his bone-spurred feet.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology; NASA image above: Neptune.

Oct 3, 2018

Did Trump Learn from Joseph Goebbels?

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Joseph Goebbels

If you wish, check out Goebbels' accurately timed horoscope (RR: AA) with its Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini and said Neptune, planet of fraud, delusion, deception, and propaganda @22Gem13 masking the natal Sun of Donald Trump which is a perfect picture of two propagandists who use lies (the bigger the more effective) to influence people, make fools of them, and promote whatever cause they couldn't promote at all if the truth were admitted.

Now as you know, one major clue that someone is a liar is the constant use of phrases like, "Believe me". Well, in case you missed it, here's a 5-minute video segment of Jimmy Kimmel celebrating Trump's 2,000-lie milestone that Trump reached--in January 2018!

Nov 10, 2017

Hidden History: the Eugenics Record Office Is for Sale

Few people now realize that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Laurel Hollow, NY was once the 'seat of eugenics in America' and its Wikipedia page gives its date of establishment as 1890 which times the budding of the endeavor near the *Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto in early Gemini. In more recent decades it has been an award-winning research facility in genetics, cancer research, etc, though some people may claim that 'genetics' is eugenics lurking under another name.

The following video concerns a tour that Doug and Melissa of Truthstream Media enjoyed in August 2015 which means that you and I have probably missed the sale of this secretive property:

Of course, eugenics relates to Nazi Germany and the white man's superiority complex so for more information see Who Would Really Want to Live in the Eugenics Record Office?.


*As you know, the current cycle of Neptune-Pluto began with their precise meetings on August 2, 1891, November 5, 1891, and April 30, 1892 at 8Gem38, 8Gem19, and 7Gem42, respectively. These degrees activated America's natal Uranus (8Gem55), quirky planet of novelty and progress. This trio created a midpoint picture: Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, and supernatural; hyper-sensitive nerves...and, most tellingly--peculiar discoveries (Ebertin). The pair's cycle is approximately 492 years long so we're only 126 years into it and good-to-go.

Michael Munkasey gives the pair when activated by Uranus (a permanent condition for America) as exhibiting potentials for: unusual means to escape from or change reality; additions to impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities; going to extremes with drugs.

For the Neptune-Pluto pair itself, Munkasey adds psychiatry, mass medical care, organized crime, pollution control (what they probably thought eugenics would achieve), and breakdowns in health.

And for a bit concerning the more modern-day influence of Neptune-Pluto in transit see Karma: the Neptune-Pluto Septile.

Recommended: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Mar 7, 2017

The Modern Humanity Horoscope and Mr. Trump

Pictured below is the previously published Horoscope of Modern Humanity with scribbles intact if you care to enlarge the image. Modern Humanity's 'birth' time is based on two cosmic factors: the exact moment of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 and the third of three Great Conjunctions of generational planets Neptune and Pluto. Solar Eclipses are not rare, of course, but the cycle of Neptune and Pluto is approximately 492 years in length. And it is rare that an eclipse occurred so close to a Great Conjunction of outer planets!

So here are we 'moderns' in all our bullish, gold-loving Taurean splendor:

The 1892 Total Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 suggests the greed embedded within humanity (Taurus is possessive, greedy, and intolerant on its worst days but it is a sign of Growth). In the chart, you see that the Neptune-Pluto conjunction (which perfected as near as can be told on April 30, 1892) occurred @7Gemini+ which conjoined US natal Uranus (July 4, 1776 Uranus @8Gem55 = freedom, independence, war and revolution!) and that gives us a midpoint picture worth considering (below) yet that isn't why I re-post this horoscope today.

The reason for today's shout-out to Modern Humanity (for which the Great Cosmic Clock restarted during the oligarchic Robber Baron age of exploiters whose biological and ideological descendants continue to plunder the world as I type) is that the hugely Jupiterian-Uranian Mr. Trump has an interesting time link to the 1892 Neptune-Pluto conjunction--and he's something of a 'robber baron' himself with criminal associations of the mobster kind, elements that are also in the Underworld realms of Neptune-Pluto.

Mr. Trump's Prenatal Eclipse (PE), which manifested on May 30, 1946 @8Gem48 in the 2 Old North series, is also his Syzygy Moon since it was the last lunation prior to his birth on June 14, 1946. His PE effects are strong and reveal a prevailing lunar influence which adds to his problematic Moon-South Node conjunction opposing his Sun-North Node conjunction. Yes, his relationships are definitely affected and separations may occur with 2 Old North--and separations may occur with disruptive Uranus, the planet that leads the pack in Mr. Trump's natal chart. And as you know, eclipses are called 'wild cards of the Universe' since their effects (if any!) are completely unpredictable. However, they do tend to uncover inconvenient secrets with fair regularity and we may depend upon their 'themes' to give us a hint of general trends 'running in the background' of society.

Actually, the Uranian Tweeter IS a wild card in a very leaky White House!

Plus, he has other time links to this chart such as evaluating Venus (venal and retaliatory at times) which loves luxury (like gilded NY apartments), and @22Gemini in 1892, Venus falls into the midst of Mr. Trump's quirky Uranus-NN-Sun trio in his 10th house of Career and Public Status. There are other time links between Trump's natal planets and the 1892 chart and I'm certain you can find them if you wish.

Meanwhile, back in April of 1892, the Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 was also of the 2 Old North persuasion and my feeling is that 2 Old North themes of separation, ending of unions, rifts, schisms, and bad news concerning relationships describe the tendencies of Modern Humanity and are emphasized in 2017 with time links because someone thought putting Donald Trump in the White House (and all the other Trumps) was a great idea.

Well, according to the Great Cosmic Clock and the phenomenon of cosmic time links, the idea may have been timely in a sense but for the sake of America as a sovereign and welcoming nation with a decent though flawed reputation in the world, the flaws, rifts, and separations are piling up by the minute--and an non-mandated Trump White House is definitely not a great idea. However, it does disrupt the progressive course we were on...


Midpoint potentials for Neptune-Pluto = US natal Uranus (and Donald Trump's PE degree): impersonal attitudes toward destructive or antisocial activities; going to extremes with drugs (Munkasey) - and drug policies, Mr. Sessions? jc; possibly aberrant behavior; adventurous ego thrust; making waves to get to shore; disruption to gain recognition; courage (Tyl); peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

Further Reading: Astro-Notes on the Capulus of Donald Trump; Donald Trump's Natal Chart w/ Mike Pence's Planets; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017.

Mar 7, 2016

Political Astrology of Campaign 2016 by Susan Herskowitz (video)

"A look at the charts of Sanders, Trump, and Clinton for the coming months," says Uranian astrologer Susan Herskowitz.

Well, here is her excellent February 20, 2016 video presentation in two parts concerning Campaign 2016 and specifically three of the top candidates: "The Dual" National Revolution ~ Clinton, Trump, Sanders ~ Election 2016:

Part I

Part II

For more insights visit Susan at The Uranian Astrologer.

Content used by permission.

Apr 20, 2015

Horoscope: Modern Humanity

A natal horoscope for Modern Humanity (our era) may be timed by the Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in Gemini. The chart is published here on SO'W for anyone's future reference such as transits and progressions that affect its natal planets, angles, and other house cusps; some US natal placements are penned around the chart:

Hour of Mercury Rx in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies; Cardinal/Earth strong; Angular. Tech genius Uranus rises in 1st house signifying such advances as Smartphones while conjoining US Progressed Saturn Rx @3Scorpio. Chart-ruler Venus @22Gem31 is posited in the 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands and Long-Distance Travel and makes two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects:

First, Venus squares Saturn Rx @24Vir00 in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Back Rooms, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies which denotes regrets over lack of money, wishes that once achieved may be disappointing, and neglect of burdens and responsibilities. Imitations of 'the real thing' may be prevalent and worry, anxieties, and obsessions too often permeates thinking particularly in relation to legal matters, relationships, and of course, finances. A preference for isolation and solitude may be noted and an antisocial quality is emphasized.

The only-planet-out-of-bounds condition of Venus, planet of relationships, romance, money, and evaluation, increases the isolation vibes of the horoscope and the general condition of humanity. You may wish to check out What If Being Single Weren't Stigmatized? and Marriage Not Included: The New American Dream?

Next, Venus inconjuncts the 4th house Mars @24Cap57 which further emphasizes relationships and romance (or the lack thereof). Venus also conjoins US natal Mars (desire for comfort and luxury) though in Business and Politics, it signifies the Venus-Mars duo's spirit of competition along with gaining satisfaction from fighting and from an exhibition of recklessness (as seen on TV?) (Munkasey). And of course, Mars (males) is in the 4th house of Domestic Scene which hints strongly at domestic disputes. Battles in Foreign Lands (I'm typing as an American, of course, since I am one) are also implicated by Venus and US natal Mars in 9th house--religious battles hardly describes the ongoing, centuries-long East vs West contest that now threatens all of civilization.

Another factor of interest is that the Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 conjoins a midpoint so we have this picture: Mercury-NN = Sun = Moon. The Mercury-NN (North Node, a point of encounter and destiny) involves mixed potentials for: new corridors of transportation, inefficient transportation methods, coordinated joint efforts, theft of material or information, and/or smuggling or other unlawful activities that use transportation systems.

Mercury-NN also relates to the Media, discussions and conferences, and joint plans. With Sun and Moon there we see potentials for the enhancement of communications, a focus on the importance of messages, details meant for the general public, locating people to gather information (GPS; NSA surveillance, etc), reactions about how others use information or data, using associates to research and/or disseminate info, intellectual associations, a desire to tell other people our troubles and to share thoughts and ideas (Munkasey; Ebertin). Naturally, tech advances and social networking come to mind.

Curiously, the Solar Eclipse @7Taurus conjoins fixed star Schedir (alpha Cassiopeia; demonic power), The Queen, which implies a nod to the super-wealthy British monarchy. The eclipse is in the 2 Old North Saros Series with themes of personal relationships (more Venus-Mars battle-of-the-sexes vibes), unfortunate news, separations, partings, and glumness though results may turn out more positively than they first appeared (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Also notable is the inconjunct (quincunx) between the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn from 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, Civil, etc). Of course, Saturn is in Virgo, the sign of Work of a Dedicated Variety and here it's working behind the scenes or in isolation. Jupiter plays many roles suitable for the planet of increase and expansion and wears the hat of The General when wars are waged. Their inconjunct signifies adjustments that need to be made between the principles of expansion and Saturnian restriction along with feelings of being burdened by responsibilities, neglecting duties, and guilt for past indiscretions and bitterness over binding restrictions. A need for moderation in all things such as diet and a healthy focus on exercise is highlighted by the Jupiter-Saturn inconjunct.

And since US natal Saturn (14Lib48) is rising in this chart (which emphasizes America's natal Sun-Saturn square on the Angles) we find that the tradition of political checks and balances that our nation has always touted to the world is on the modern menu and is being neglected and undermined on several levels--and tossed into the dustbin of history, if certain anti-government, anti-democratic politicians and their billionaire backers have their way.

And then there's starry Sirius at the top of the chart (MC 13Can46; The Goal) conjoined by US natal Sun (July 4, 1776; the president) and asteroid Panacea (illusions of cures). Has our cult-of-personality presidency been meant to calm and distract the public concerning America's true and ultimate goal of establishing a Global Government based on Zionism?

Well, in relation to Politics, Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred) one one level is a symbol of Venusian goddess worship (as America's Founding Fathers well knew and practiced in various ways--see the stars and architecture of Washington DC for clues--the District is simply lousy with horoscopes, Zodiacs, the sign Virgo, and symbols of Venus, Isis, Ceres) and with the mystical pair of Neptune and Pluto in the 8th house of The Occult (aka The Hidden, or Metaphysical Studies and Practices) we may expect a myriad of mysteries to continue along with research into them (#rabbitholes of distraction!)

The North Node (future direction) in Venus-ruled Taurus (the 'Bull of Wall Street') is in 8th house (Corporatism; Big Money; Insurance; Inheritance, Legacies) as well, with the separative SN in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (a great loss of US funds and resources trade deals, out-shoring of US jobs, corporate tax avoidance, the Great Heist and Bail-Outs of 2008, etc). Plus, in 8th house we see the drug use/trafficking and Organized Crime Syndicate tendencies of Neptune-Pluto whose Great Conjunction/s also identify the Era of the Robber Barons, and the environment-destroying mining for resources such as oil and gas.

Well, to me it all sounds much like a description of our 'modern world' doesn't it? And yet, there's nothing new under the sun...


For more info concerning the Horoscope for Modern Humanity, you may wish to see Alan Meece's book, Horoscope for the New Millennium.

Jul 7, 2013

Remembering Henry A. Wallace, our mystic Vice President

New Deal, New Day, New World...and mystic Henry A. Wallace

by Jude Cowell

If you've read or watched Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States then you ran across an important if long forgotten figure in US history, Henry A. Wallace, FDR's Vice President (1941--1945), Agricultural Secretary, and more. Quite a resume but Wallace's familial lineage is politically impressive, too.

Now during his lifetime, Henry A. was known as a mystic which tempted opponents to use the label as a slur in political campaigns. His association with Russian mystic and Holy Grail enthusiast Nicholas Roerich and his wife gave Wallace notoriety when notoriety was still quite taboo. Freemason George Washington was a mystic, too, but we don't often hear much about that in the mainstream press or in a typical biography, do we? Though I should add that Wallace broke off with the very unusual guru Roerich after some amount of time. As in our day, such unusual interests often inspired men to perpetrate under-the-table dealings not suitable for a national spotlight.

(The creative Mr. Roerich was a painter as well so perhaps you're familiar with the Roerich Museum in NYC?)

Well, since Wallace has interested me for years (ex: as a link between FDR and Truman) I checked my copy of The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and found that author Dr. Marc Edmund Jones considered Henry A. Wallace significant enough to include in the birth data list in the back of the book and so I post Henry Agard Wallace's details here. Will his leanings toward mysticism and metaphysical studies show in the natal chart?

Born October 7, 1888 @7:12 pm LMT Adair County, Iowa, a quick peek at his Wikipedia page reveals a closer location: "at a farm near the village of Orient, Iowa in Adair County." Orient, it is then.

Now a SolarFire v8 horoscope set for 7:12 pm LMT calculates chart cusps a few degrees earlier than what Jones lists in his book but I'm using the modern calculation since it gives an Ascendant of 19Tau12, for this is conjoined by the current Solar Eclipse degree 19Tau31 from May 9/10, 2013 in the 15 South Series ('sudden release of tension along with a sense of loss or grief that's more collective than personal'--Brady.)

Natal Moon @19Sco17--a mystical sign of Occult interests--sets on the 7th house side of the Descendant, and a 6th house Sun conjoins progressive Uranus (15Lib11/17Lib28), a political combination, giving Wallace an eccentric manner, arrogance, and a determination to always speak his mind.

As for the mysticism of Henry A. Wallace, we find the mystical duo of the Supernatural rising: Neptune @2Gem01 Rx and Pluto @5Gem47 Rx with both planets opposing his 7th house Jupiter in religious Sagittarius (sign of The Seeker on a Quest, and he was that), plus, there's motivating Mars @18Sag48 in the 8th house of the Occult (the study of hidden things such as Astrology, Freemasonry and Sacred Geometry, a touch of Theosophy, a generous helping of Philosophy, etc.)

In addition, priestly Chiron @11Can28 conjoins his natal midpoint of Saturn-Pluto ('the adept') and is intimately connected to the past and to mentors who are folklore heroes (like FDR) when in Moon-ruled Cancer. Chiron in Cancer also gives a decided populist streak which remains a notable and lasting feature of Henry A. Wallace's personality.

That is, if one paid the least bit of attention to the long forgotten presidential candidate, Henry A. Wallace, our mystic Vice President.

Reasonably unharmed in the preparation of this post, Chiron: the Key to Your Quest, Richard Nolle.

Dec 29, 2012

113th Congress' natal chart: Sun-Pluto = Mc

Major Update Jan 1, 2013: Pardon! Due to a date mishap where I'd heard in recent weeks that the 113th Congress would swear in on January 3, it turns out that their oaths will be taken on Friday Janaury 4, 2013 instead. Therefore, you may read the following post based on 'Janaury 3' or, you may wish to stay tuned for a new post concerning the 113th's January 4th horoscope. How much will change astrologically from one day to the next remains to be seen but of course some changes such as the Moon's position will be notable. Thanks! Jude

Orignal post begins here:

The image below shows the natal horoscope of the 113th Congress of the United States of America which opens on January 3, 2013 at noon est on Capitol Hill. Its Ascendant, the Congress itself, brings up the transiting Jupiter-Neptune (speculators, spendthrifts, wastrels, frausters, grand schemers, and the Grand Spirit) midpoint which gives a hint of the 113th's character though not all members may be thus described by the duo's negative tones (we hope):

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: living in a world lighted by personal imagination, or, an emotionally rationalized agenda. (Mdpt pics today are from Noel Tyl's book, Solar Arcs.)

Penned around the outside of the chart are America's natal placements from the 'Sibly' chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT--as you see, Jupiter Rx @7Gem31 in 2nd house of the National Treasury will again conjoin US natal Uranus 8Gem55, as discussed in previous posts; North Node (NN 24Sco45) points to the 8th cusp and house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, etc, and is ruled by the 8th H's natural rulers, forceful Mars and powerful Pluto:

If the 113th gavela in on time at noon, it's an Hour of the Moon, suitable for changes and for newly elected congressmembers to take their seats, some of whom are women (Moon.) Publicity is involved as are security needs, real estate, and other realms associated with the astrological Moon including milk (Farm Bill? $8 milk?)

Here's a list of the 113th Congress' freshmen members.

As you see, there's another major midpt picture at Mc (Midheaven, The Goal Point of any chart) which has potential for:

Sun-Pluto = Mc: power games with important consequences; striving for power and control; vocational changes or upsets to adopt new perspectives.

Other midpt pics may be useful to consider though I shall not list them all in this post, then we'll look at the applying aspects of chart-ruler Mars (conflict; action; energy; warring factions, etc, to see how things may proceed for the country under the sway of the 113th Congress--note that Mars @6AQ48 conjoins US natal SN, a Saturnian point of separation and of past behaviors.

Challenger Mars is also the planet apex of 4 midpts: Pluto/Chiron (with its oppressive plutocracy and disenfranchisement vibes), Sun-Neptune, Neptune/Mc, and NN/ASC, detailed below) to see how things may proceed for the country under the sway of the 113th Congress and whatever secret austerity plans the radical Utopians (Uranus in Aries) will continue attempting to force upon us.

Martian midpoint pictures:

Sun-Neptune = Mars: nefarious scheming to exalt the ego; magnetism and charisma.

Neptune/Mc = Mars: playing a role.

NN/ASC = Mars: working for the common good (!!! now that would be a vast improvement over the radicals obstructing the 112th! jc)

I know of no easy words to describe Pluto-Chiron = Mars though with America's SN involved, I suspect that past bad behaviors such as oppression, win-at-any-cost attitudes, and even primal violence will continue to be exhibited by the corrupt Washington politicians and the plutocrats who support them infest the District of Columbia and continue their plan to completely take over the US government and weaken it while ravaging all resources of our nation.

Let us hope progressives and populists are up to fighting the battle though I must add the Saturn-Neptune = Mercury implications of depression and pessimism, a factor affecting all who are signified by planet Mercury (including young people, students, traders, and deal-makers. Sadly, the combo of Saturn-Neptune relates to 'secret government' but also to grief and sorrow.)

113th Congress: How Things Will Go = two applying aspects of Mars:

1. Mars trine Jupiter Rx (0A43) which on one level describes the pay raises (2nd H) that President Obama has ordered for the 113th Congress and for other federal employees who've had pay freezes in place (Rx Jupiter.) Hope our congressmembers turn out to deserve such financial encouragement and that they'll do the people's business better than the unproductive 112th did!

2. Mars square Saturn (2A56), which denotes that activist Mars will run into frustrating obstacles, hard work, and delays brought on by lack of preparation and/or bad timing. The seniority and authority of others may be challenged or threatened which will be met unkindly, and trying to get around rules and regulations is to be avoided (word to the wise!) Why, even physical threats may be received. Necessary items may go missing when sought though they will probably turn up later.

Yes, Mars SQ Saturn shows that the old dictum experience is the best teacher fully applies to the whippersnappers of the 113th Congress. But of course, with the GOP's past behavior with its sour grapes-sore loser attitude, we must expect to see filibusters and other obstructive tactics meant to block any legislation that might make President Obama 'look good'.

Well, these are my brief astro-notes concerning the 113th Congress though many other chart factors will be of interest as the congressional session grinds along. My plan is to direct you back to this natal horoscope when major transits or events occur so perhaps you'll find the chart useful as you consider the madness and mischief of the US House and Senate circa 2013 and beyond.


The only horoscope I have in my files for the natal chart of the US Congress is an old one and I suspect that I only surmised the hour since things tended to get started at an early hour in the olden candle-lit days:

US Congress: November 17, 1800 '9:30 am' LMT with Sun 25Sco04 (the above NN and 8th cusp conjoins natal Sun! NN to Sun = new contacts are made--or, sworn in!) and Moon 6Sag17, a steamy Water-Fire combo of passion, commitment, self-dramatization, fanaticism, and intellectual discernment.

Synchronistically, natal NN @17Ari59 conjoins the ASC of the 113th Congress, and natal Jupiter @4Leo26 = US natal NN; plus, natal Uranus @00Lib47, a World Point of Manifestation, conjoins US Midheaven in our 'Sibly' natal chart and with tr Uranus in Aries since 2010, Congress has been in the midst of its Midlife Crisis, a time when one tends to behave uncharacteristically!

Of great concern is Congress' natal Pluto @2Pis16 (transformation, manipulation, power, control, and wealth) which is now being dissolved by tr Neptune in early Pisces, a time when the current system can be removed, traditional rules are changed, treachery is afoot, and power is eroded; a resort to poison isn't out of the question, though negative societal trends may be mitigated somewhat by the current behavior and attitudes of those directly involved and challenged--here, the 113th Congress!

Nov 26, 2012

Famous Words for Corporate Welfare CEOs and Jupiter-Neptune

Of Fiscal Cliffs, Tax Pledges, and Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

As the New Year with its fiscal problems looms, I'm certain you've seen the very descriptive Huffington Post article on hypocritical CEOS who want to cut your Granny's food budget and de-fund Little Timmy's physical therapy sessions even though CEOs themselves have taken--demanded--outrageous bail outs, subsidies, and tax breaks from the hand of US taxpayers, aka, corporate welfare.

Keep the Charlatans--Gimme Those Old Time Republicans

Justice Earl Warren (March 19, 1891--July 9, 1974) was a highly popular Republican governor (in the days when Republican office holders actually governed) when President Eisenhower placed him upon the SCOTUS bench. Perhaps you'll that find one of Justice Warren's more famous quotes applies to America's greedy plutocrats and corporatists who can't get enough American abundance--which they bolster by perpetrating tax evasion and skewing laws in their favor--yet all the while working and lobbying so very hard to deny even the most basic crumbs to the needy as our nation approaches 2013:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism."

How true. Now I'm looking in the back of my copy of Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and there he is pre-SCOTUS, listed as, "Earl Warren politician." His birth date and hour are given and I will list his natal planets below for the mildly curious, and you'll note the humanitarian Aquarius components of his psyche along with his compassionate Pisces facets:

Earl Warren March 19, 1891 2:00 am (PST) Los Angeles CA; ASC 10Cap50 (where tr Pluto now approaches); MC 1 Scorpio; Sun 28Pis32; Moon 21Can32; Mercury 24Pis01; Venus 14AQ33; Mars 7Tau50; judging Jupiter 2Pis38; Saturn 12Vir38 Rx; Uranus 00Sco35 Rx (conj MC); Neptune 4Gem20; Pluto 6Gem00.

Of course, his year of birth--1891--puts him snugly within the Robber Baron generation by way of the Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto (1891/92, 3x @7--9 Gemini, conjunct US natal *Uranus 8Gem55.) And since horoscopes of deceased people continue to be triggered by transits ad infinitum, Justice Warrens' natal Jupiter @2Pis38 (in his natal 9th house of Legal Affairs, Higher Education, Philosophy, etc) is currently under the influence of transit Neptune (with its effects of illusion, deception, yet possibly inspiration) very active in its own sign of Pisces.

This transit highlights idealism and a need to keep a proper perspective on things as it points to the Jupiter-Neptune combination of energies which so easily tend toward grand schemes (which may not be valid or practical), charlatans (including Jupiterian gurus like no-tax-pledger Grover Norquist, or, hypocrites of the religious kind), large social projects, speculation, gambling, and the wasting of what is usually other people's money.

So! Is America a nation of her brothers' keepers? Or is she a nation of corporate raiders, outsourcers, tax dodgers, vultures upon the needy, and morally bankrupt psychopaths who work to undermine and shrink the US government into oblivion?


Related: a few astro-notes on Grover Norquist.

*Here's one planetary imprint upon the 1890s in relation to America--all, any, or none may apply: Nepune-Pluto = US natal Uranus: unusual, adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; hypersensitivity; peculiar discoveries. (Ebertin.)

And of course, now as they move in and out of a fated or karmic septile aspect (51 degr 26 min), the 492-year cycle of veiled, undermining Neptune and transformative underworld figure, Pluto, continues its dance...

Jul 4, 2012

The Natal Horoscope and Character of George Washington

Towering Figures in Early US History w the Natal Chart of George Washington

by Jude Cowell

Chuck Baldwin's Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist gives more detail of the usual crew than if our Founding Fathers could sign up with LinkedIn but not so much that reading them interferes with your July 4th celebration!

George Washington's Natal Horoscope

Here you see the natal horoscope of The Father of Our Country, George Washington, born February 22, 1732 NS (OS = Feb 11) Colonial Beach, Virginia at a recorded time of 10:00 am LMT (probably rounded off but who can say? Its Rodden Rating is AA so I'm going with 10:00 am.)

Hour of responsible, authoritarian Saturn; chart-ruler is Venus 29Pis24 which applies to only one major aspect: a conjunction with staid Saturn 2Ari41 showing that he took himself seriously. As you see, both planets snug around 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, and The Unconscious. Washington is known for having visions and for prizing loyalty and commitment, both traits which may be found in his Venus-Saturn-12th-cusp picture.

Plus, the archetypal "Father of Our Country" label along with the usual serious expression he affected in portraits (and in life, I've read, usually ascribed to his lifelong dental problems) may be seen in the Sabian Symbol for natal Venus @'30Pis' = "The Great Stone Face" with face relating to Venus and stone an obvious Saturn reference. Plus, as you know, Washington's visage is captured on stony Mount Rushmore.

George Washington is well-known for mystical tendencies (he was a Grand Poo-Bah of Freemasonry and may be viewed in portraits wearing his Masonic apron--he owned two apparently--here are good photos of an apron on display in the Lodge at Philadelphia--and these are in large part indicated by Sun in Pisces (as has Mitt Romney along with natal Mercury and Mars) and by Neptune in 1st house of Self. Neptune is in Gemini (the youth who served the gods) which is ruled by Mercury (the messenger of the gods) which creates a Mercury-Neptune vibe in his psyche relating to...mysticism and visions which are further encouraged by a Neptune-Pluto trine, and NN in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker on a Quest, in the 8th H of The Occult.

In addition, warring Mars in occult-studying Scorpio, sign of the Eagle, lends more mysticism to his personality bwo Scorpio along with a strong Mars-Pluto streak. Interestingly (and perhaps you can read a notation of it if you enlarge the chart) Mars is focal planet of the Pluto/NN midpoint which gave him potential for an exhibition of personal power and/or tyranny. (Tyl.) Perhaps this brutality is best seen in General Washington's quick execution of deserters though fighting and leading in war is proof enough for me.

And yet without his ambitious Capricorn Moon, the General might never have had the reigning need to become a political leader such as a President, a rise in status which is supported by the natal chart's hemispheric emphasis on the Public sector (7/3) including n Moon in 9th H. And of course, his military career is seen in the 6th H of Military Service with the very powerful yet wide conjunction of Jupiter (The General) and Pluto (the Poo-Bah of Control) in Libra, a sign of war. This also shows the Revolution's financial support from foreign sources.

And of course you see Washington's IC (Foundation of the Matter; the HOW? Point) @'30 Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution"!

(M.E. Jones.)

Another aid to him in war and politics was his 10th H Mercury 6AQ33 at focal point of the Saturn-Uranus midpoint which supplied him with the ability to hit back hard under provocation along with a natural talent for organization. Mercury rules 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values so Washington was no slacker in the moneymaking department of life. Inheritance is shown by SN in 2nd H and NN in 8th H.

Considering that Washington's refusal to be crowned 'king' of America is much-touted along with his walking away from the power of the presidency, it's curious to me that (if his birth time is correct or nearly so), Pluto and Ascendant are inconjunct (150 degr) denoting that he volunteered his services, was recognized as having a strong character, smoldered inside if anyone revealed his weaknesses, and had secret hopes that opportunities would present themselves to show what he could accomplish if given the authority to do so.

As we know, quite a few opportunities did...


Pluto/ASC inconjunct details from Robert Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.

Jun 7, 2012

Amy Goodman interviews Joseph Stiglitz June 6, 2012 (video)

On Global Governance, Madrid 2012, and the Evils of Inequality

by Jude Cowell

Having much respect for the journalistic work and integrity of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, I am pleased to bring you her June 6, 2012 interview with economist Joseph Stiglitz in which topics included in his book The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future are discussed.

You'll find a continuation of the interview with Prof. Stiglitz by clicking afterwards.

According to census data, nearly 1 in 2 Americans have now fallen into poverty or can be classified as the 'working poor' which is an outcome that I believe has been long-planned by generations of intermarried global elites (who direct Washington politicians--wonder what goodies and powerful positions they've promised them after the Utopian-minded Weishauptians have collapsed the world economy--if their Great Plan for global governance eventually works to its ultimate and engineered conclusion? Want to bet the elites' political operatives and agents in America will be discarded like last year's smartphone if in the end it should suit some shady international banking house's top cats?)

But of course that's just silly, isn't it, and only a 'theory', the sort of theory that no well-known economist in this country would dare add to his public discourse, admit to, or include within the pages of his best selling books. Yet what he whispers in private behind closed doors may be quite another matter...

Is Mass Hypnosis and Collective Denial Peaking with Neptune in Pisces?

Amazing that Americans see right under their noses how our national treasure and resources--men, women, blood, finances, weaponry, and more--are being used to strong-arm nation-states across the globe as they reshape and reconfigure the balance of power yet We the People behave as if global governance isn't threatening to become a reality on our dimes--and on our watch!

For example, see what UNESCO-funded political scientists will get up to at Madrid 2012, the XXII World Congress of Political Science. Its theme? "Reordering Power, Shifting Boundaries." Now that would be a Saturn-Pluto-Neptune-Saturn agenda, I do believe. What do you think?

Oct 31, 2011

Illuminati Protocols, then Midas and Pan show up

Video: Anonymous Explains the Illuminati Protocols The following presentation contains what may be a few controversial statements and as one blogger I cannot vouch for all that is asserted. Yet much of the information tallies with my research last year for an article in the November 2010 edition of Julie Demboski's Eclipse E-Zine (now an excellent Newsletter) titled, American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun. In my attempt to meld Astrology with American History for a bit of insight into how, why, and when America's ship of state changed course so drastically (as it seems to many of us), the gist is that in November 1905, America's progressed Jupiter symbolically performed a Station Retrograde, seeming to stand still on its Secondary Progressed degree, and the periods of actual time on either side of the date of this change of ideological and financial direction to a more inwardly focused level, marks a significant time frame of important events that I highlight here for further study. Have at it, if you may! You'll find the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of the US and more. Neocons, Intriguers...and My, How Time Doth Flee Yes, we Americans do tend to forget the recent past very easily (traits of butterfly Gemini--natal sign of US Mars and Uranus--and foggy Neptune, in Mercury-ruled Virgo on July 4, 1776.) Perhaps this post may spur someone to follow up on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a long-standing, mysterious, and notorious piece of propaganda and--well, see what you think. Some sources say it's a vicious forgery (pdf of text.) And I've read that The Protocols first turned up in France in the late 1890s so you know what Great Conjunction that identifies as a mover-and-shaker in this matter--the two that together make up what astrologer E. Alan Meece has presented as the Horoscope of Modern Humanity which is timed by the beginning of the current Neptune/Pluto cycle on the dates listed here: Neptune conjunct Pluto: 1. August 2, 1891 @ 8Gem38 2. November 5, 1891 @ 8Gem19 3. April 20, 1892 @ 7Gem42 In the 1890s, the Robber Baron Era (aka, the Gilded Age), three titanic Great Conjunctions occurred upon US natal Uranus 8Gem55, planet of Technology and Progress, so we're looking at a series of formations of a Historical Midpoint Picture between planetary titans. In Mundane Astrology, I usually look at planets in horoscopes as archetypal (and sometimes particular) actors, plus, quirky genius Uranus operates as America's 'totem' planet of Freedom, Independence, and Equality:
1891/92's Neptune/Pluto = US n Uranus: rebellion against artificial pursuits; impersonal attitudes toward antisocial activities; unusual means for changing reality; unusual, mystical, or supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries; adventurous ego-thrust; making waves to reach the shore; possibly aberrant behavior. (Munkasey; Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)
And you know which objects now travel within the 8-10 degree range of Gemini, right? Midas and Pan--the gold-hoarders of the world hanging around with the satanic goat of mendes folk. Symbolically speaking, of course. The following video contains an explanation of the Illuminati Protocols which were first published for public consumption in 1905, the year that America's Progressed Jupiter performed its Station Retrograde and stopped moving in Direct motion. Was there a synchronicity at work between the US government and Illuminati agents? Perhaps so. And the position of US Progressed Jupiter in 2011? Still Rx and in mid-Cancer which conjoins the natal Ascendant degree in the Horoscope of the Pentagon, America's 5-pointed Death Star now serving as the military-enforcement arm for the Illuminati's New World Order agenda. Midas, Pan, Jupiter (Jove or Zeus!), the three outer, transpersonal planets of The Sky, The Sea, The Underworld--Astrology provides us with powerful archetypes for describing powerful arch deceivers as they play their roles on the World Stage! ~:~ *The Pentagon: April 29, 1942 10:30 am ewt Washington DC, historical record; a dual midpoint picture involves the Pentagon's feisty Mars @ 2Can02, the testosterone-driven planet of war and conflict which goes badly awry when he's ill-used and his energy misdirected and mismanaged: 1. Saturn/Pluto = Mars: brutal efforts to start a new order (Tyl); ruthlessness; brutality; activating plans for much destruction or upheaval; continuing restraint on activities that adulterate, contaminate, or poison (nuclear, uranium, anthrax, bird flu, etc--'restraint'? oh dear); a need to use power in order to continue activities. 2. Uranus/Pluto = Mars: fanaticism; coercion; the mania of destruction; the stage of bending or breaking; purposefully loud, disruptive activities that make others uncomfortable (torture? bombing?); headstrong and demanding when forcing ideas or plans. Both pictures contain indications of torture, among other psychotic behaviors which, considering the natural law of karma--reaping what is sown (as mentioned by Anonymous in the video)--portends ill for those who ruthlessly visit brutality and upheaval upon others. And the US government pretends to do it all in the name of We The People!

Jun 23, 2011

Thomas Jefferson and the karmic Solar Eclipse July 1, 2011

If you've had a chance to read my column on the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, then I don't have to tell you that the eclipse manifests snugly between America's natal Sun and Jupiter - actually precisely upon our national Sun/Jupiter midpoint.

The importance of the July 1st Solar Eclipse 'hit' to or triggering of the expansive point of Sun/Jupiter relates closely to financial and spending matters, material loss, and to issues of striving for more power and control, recognition, and/or to conflicts caused by arrogance, pretentiousness, or lawlessness.

Perhaps a crook or two will be outed by the light of the July 1, 2011 eclipse, the first to launch in a new Saros Series. Often an eclipse 'acts' early and you probably heard that a fugitive mob boss from Boston was arrested just today in California after 16 years of giving the FBI the slip.

Historical Horoscopes Alive!

There is another triggering of historical importance because the July 1st eclipse conjoins *Thomas Jefferson's natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction @ 9Can26 and 9Can37 respectively, in 6th house of Military and Police Service, Health, Daily Lives, and Work (Employment.)

Now the eclipse (Sun/Moon) forms a midpoint picture with Mr. Jefferson's nebulous, spiritually oriented Neptune (made more **sacred by Chiron's ministrations):

Sun/Moon = Neptune: illusions and deceptions; becoming easily upset; inner discontent; realizing the importance of thinking through plans and ideas; dreaming of options for redirecting plans; delusions about what can be done and how hard people will work to accomplish it; misunderstandings in relationship.

Solar Eclipses are of course oppositions of the Sun (consciousness) and Moon (unconscious) and in general denote relationship and/or awareness issues.

To the extent that our third president Thomas Jefferson may be taken as an archetypal symbol of America and the US government, I surmise that the midpoint picture formed synchronistically by the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse is instructive concerning the pertinent issues of our day.

And perhaps the Sun/Moon midpoint itself should be considered more specifically in the realms of Politics and Business. From Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, we find potentials that are up-to-the-minute on several levels including to raise or not to raise the US debt ceiling and war making decisions of President Obama:

Thesis: the international reputation of the country; how the will of the people is is applied (or not! jc) to taking the country into new or important directions; reading the attitude of the people when creating internal policy.

Antithesis: a loss of face in international politics (leaving Afghanistan? debt ceiling/default? jc); smears on the national reputation; pessimism flowing through the population or lawmakers (or both. jc)

You remember that the recent transiting Neptune/Chiron conjunction has mirrored disasters involving water such as regional flooding and levee breaches, BP's Deepwater Horizon Blow-Out of April 2010 which effectively sabotaged our Gulf Coast and its people, and which may have been an inspirational factor in this May 2011's World Will End prophecy with Chiron now in mystical, spiritual Pisces. And of course, 'water' is a stand-in for The Spirit in the Aquarian archetype of The Water Bearer, the sign in which the exact conjunction/s of Neptune and Chiron occurred last year.

Now what of such a close Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Watery Cancer in Jefferson's natal chart and psyche? Since it is about to be 'eclipsed' and highlighted on July 1, 2011, let's first take it apart including its apparent placement in Jefferson's 6th house (see below for his *birth data and the time I am using to set up his natal chart.)

Watery Neptune in Watery Cancer indicates a generation of folk with strong psychic ties to home, family, security, and the Earth (ecological interests.) Jefferson's love of home and family is well-known as are his regular rides across his lands with his daughter after his wife died and before, so naturally, his love of Monticello comes easily to mind.

Neptune in Moon-ruled Cancer denotes an emotionally sensitive and religious nature yet there is a still-ongoing debate as to Mr. Jefferson's religiosity (the Jefferson Bible; was he a Deist? an astrologer? etc) but these deep issues are beyond the scope of this column. However, his philosophical interests and talents are never in question.

Notable is the resonance between Neptune as the higher octave of Jupiter (the priest, guru, hierophant, philosopher) through their rulership of mystical Pisces, sign of Jefferson's natal Mercury. Thinking upon such inspired topics came easily to his highly idealistic nature; plus, Neptune in Cancer can also give mediumship or channeling abilities either from a higher or a lower plane.

His natal Neptune/Pluto trine indicates a response to the more positive side of the invisible realms but in modern times, we're stuck with a Neptune-Pluto septile (51 degrees 26 minutes), which is a fated, karmic 7th harmonic aspect.

Assuming that Neptune is posited in his natal 6th house, the placement emphasizes one whose work and service are done in a spiritual manner and/or for collective purposes. Yet with Neptune in detriment in 6th H, these issues will bring difficulties yet they had to be addressed for the sake of Jefferson's evolutionary progress (and America's, as it turned out.)

Many sacrifices are demanded by Neptune in 6th H, and we think of his desire to be home with his family instead of in Philadelphia attending and plying his penmanship of the Declaration of Independence at the Continental Congresses of 1775 and 1776. (The First Continental Congress was held in 1774 but Mr. Jefferson did not attend until 1775.)

Yet Jefferson's Sun in Aries Was Ambitious to Get On in the World

The red-haired young man arrived (unwigged yet Whiggish) in Philadelphia on June 20, 1775 with Neptune in Virgo (spiritual, devoted, and/or inspired work) snugged between Mars 18Vir55 and Saturn 2Lib18...hardworking Mars/Saturn = inspired Neptune: self-torment about identity (his fame and repute were yet to be established and his wordsmith genius known except by a few - he was a whippersnapper!); confusion; feeling threatened; pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness.

But the whippersnapper did all right by us, didn't he? Perhaps that's because the difficult placement and conjunction of Neptune/Chiron were greatly eased by a natal trine to Pluto at Eagle Point, near Midheaven (Career, Aspirations, Public Status.) Plus, without difficult natal placements, one seldom bothers to stir oneself to make a sustained effort, does one?

Chiron in Cancer describes a "crisis over cultural roots and/or a crisis of personal protection" (Clow.) Cultural roots of the American experiment and personal protection reminds me of how America's Founders would have been strung up if their secret deliberations on independence from Britain had become known abroad.

In Cancer, Chiron tends to be tied to the past (a conflict for such a visionary futurist as Mr. Jefferson: home life v career ambitions), and reveals insecurity issues which are underscored by TJ's natal Moon out-of-bounds in Sagittarius which, when Moon is the only OOBs planet, points to one whose childhood connection with the mother was faulty or non-existent; a wounding (Chiron) from the mother (Cancer) is indicated as well, and TJ grew to have contempt for his mother and showed little, if any, regret at her passing. Jefferson had chaffed under her parentage after his father's death.

With Chiron in Cancer, a tough battle ensues to break Saturnian control (of his personal father/controlling mother and of colony-oppressing Great Britain!) and thus utilize the brilliance of Uranian genius, a task which he certainly managed to do. For his natal Uranus in Capricorn had a willing container in which to pour by way of Saturn's rulership of Capricorn, sign of Government. The inconjunct between natal Saturn and Uranus, though indicating crises and turning points, was better to have than no contact at all since the inconjunct (aka, quincunx) gave the creative ideas of Uranus a form (Saturn) in which to become practically realized on the earthly plane.

However, extreme consciousness of aims and objectives were necessary for the success of his Saturn/Uranus endeavors and he was nothing if not self-reflective while answering the call of service to the collective.

Another interesting factor to note in the 1743 horoscope of Thomas Jefferson is that the position of **Fixed Star SIRIUS, so intricately linked to America's natal horoscope and founding, closely conjoins his natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction by degree and thereby increases the conjunction's sacred nature.

In Astrology, the key phrases for SIRIUS (Alpha Canis Major; aka, the Dog Star, the Shining One, or, the Scorcher and relates to the annual flooding of the Nile River, and to gaining much more than was expected - Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) are: the mundane becoming sacred and the fire of immortality.

Few would disagree that Jefferson's work devoted to the founding of this country by penning the Declaration of Independence and through his service as Secretary of State, Ambassador to France, Vice President, then President (1801 - 1809), has garnered him an immortal name as well as high recognition in his day. Of course, founding the excellent University of Virginia in 1819 has increased his renown as well.

So! Will the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 relate to Mr. Jefferson, his era and its politics, or to the very founding of our nation? Independence Day 2011 soon follows, after all. Will UVA be in the news? Or will another dance-off protest occur at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC with strong-arming police arresting peaceful American citizens? (I suspect the freedom-loving Mr. Jefferson would be very ill-pleased and disapproving of such arrests, don't you?)

These and other related concerns may turn up soon on the US menu and in The Press whose freedom he eloquently championed and my hope is that if they do, you will give a small, perhaps fond, thought to the Sage of Monticello!


For further reading you may wish to follow a link to the Monticello website or perhaps check out Thomas Jefferson's Wiki page. Also of timely interest may be The Cultural Contradictions of the American Media which contains his famous quote concerning the continuance of a free press in America:

"The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it up to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter."

*Thomas Jefferson April 13, 1743 Shadwell, Virginia; birth time most often used: 1:53 am LMT though a day time birth may be a possibility; at 1:53 am: ASC 00AQ52, Sun 22Ari54, Moon 10Sag47; Neptune/Chiron conjunction in 6th house; 9th house Pluto at Eagle Point (15 Scorpio) conjoins MC; NN 18Tau57 conjoins IC 22Tau02...he'd rather have been contemplating and studying at home (Monticello), thanks.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey.