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Showing posts with label Eclipses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipses. Show all posts

Sep 21, 2021

Lunar Eclipse: Modern Humanity's Reaction to its Total Solar Eclipse in Taurus

by Jude Cowell

September 21, 2021:

Below is a view of the DC Horoscope showing the Lunar Eclipse of May 11, 1892 @21Sco39 which provides us with clues concerning Modern Humanity's instinctive reactions to the karmic conditions associated with our Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 (7Tau05) which manifested four days prior to the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto (7Gem41). Their conjunction times the Horoscope for Modern Humanity and suggests potentials for criminal networks (organized crime), fraud, mysticism, occultism, the supernatural, illusions, manias, obsessions, drug use, presentiments, spiritual confusion, and/or loss:

Finding clues to our emotional reactions to the solar eclipse may be accomplished bwo of multiple methods such as: an eclipse's sign/s (Taurus-Scorpio here), Sabian and other Symbols, fixed stars and the planetary and angular links to them if any, sensitive degrees, midpoint pictures, the Sun-Moon blend of energies, and asteroids along with the usual chart and planetary factors of your choice.

To get you started sleuthing, there are some basic factors:

1. Themes of the April 26, 1892 Total Solar Eclipse which fell in the 2 Old North Saros Series - and is also the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of Donald Trump (note that a 2 Old North last repeated on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer, then came 'The Tower' Eclipse on August 11th @19Leo - now we're attempting to "Build Back Better" - delayed by tiresome Republican obstructionism).

2. the sign of the eclipsed Moon: Scorpio and the Taurus Sun, a 2nd/8th house polarity containing Venus-Mars-Pluto influences with firm connections to finances, corporatism, values, occult practices, and death. And as usual, all eclipses are Uranian in nature and tend to uncover hidden things and change the course of earthly affairs bwo of disruption and sudden events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence. They function as 'cosmic blinks' from above, often act as Universal wild cards, and are associated with historical cycles.

1. 2 Old North themes: 'a difficult family of eclipses that can bring unfortunate news involving friendships and/or relationships; separations and endings of unions; things look glum at first but results can be positive as people quickly grasp what has to be done; fast action can lead to good outcomes' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). So all is not lost, dear reader!

2. *Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio a pragmatic Earth-Water blend that can be extremely stubborn, confident, protective, and sensual. This is an independent combination of energies - very shrewd, demanding, and creative. Its obsessive convictions and magnetism make strong impressions upon people and events, yet somehow possessiveness must find a way to coordinate with an independent streak. Meanwhile, subjective, biased responses are typical and a lust for power will certainly be noticed. Plus, the usual Scorpio advice applies here: control yourself more and others less - but this is good advice which many power-craving politicians love to ignore.

As for the passionate Scorpio Moon, its fighting spirit is influenced by deep emotions, betrayal is often an issue, ambition and tenaciousness are evident, and life is often viewed as a struggle for existence. In the sign of Luna's fall, Scorpio Moon suggests an over-estimation of self (overconfidence), a tendency to hold grudges and take revenge, along with jealousy, envy, tactlessness, and brooding. (We might note that Scorpio is the sign of the 2017 Inauguration Moon.)

Many More Astro-Clues Lurk Within the Horoscope But Basically --

Modern Humanity is responding to its Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (listed, above) through the negative traits of an emotional Scorpio Moon blended with a Taurean Sun placed in the 7th house of Partnerships and indicating a power potential best expressed through relationships. Negatively, Taurus can be stubborn, possessive, and intolerant, as you know, but can also express positively though growth, development, stability, and purposeful determination toward goals. As an Earth sign, Taurus is practical with a materialistic streak and a key phrase of, "I have." A Venusian appreciation for beauty, comfort, and security keeps Taureans busy on the path to success while understanding their inner motives is considered an unecessary waste of time! A favorite Taurean phrase may be, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" which to me suggests Taurus' well-known lazy streak.

The Nodal Axis

Now other clues are found through the North Node of future direction and destiny (in 7th house spotlighted by the Sun) @16Tau59. Its rounded-up degree of "17Taurus" has a Sabian Symbol apt for our times: "A Symbolical Battle Between 'Swords' vs 'Torches'" which suggests, among other things, the ongoing conflict between the violent white power movement and those who prefer civilized democracy rather than neo-nazism. Necessity and desire are in conflict here which represents unequal, unbalanced societies being undermined by the difficult haves vs have-nots dynamic. And in modern Western cultures circa 2021 it's worse in America.

Then if we consult Adriano Carelli for his symbolic interpretation of the May 11, 1892 Lunar Eclipse's North Node degree (he never rounds up) we have a rather interesting word picture for "16Taurus":

"A man riding an ass." Carelli explains,

"Stubborn rather than steady, slow and often sluggish in everything; groundlessly cocksure, incapable of abstract thinking, {this degree} will not carry {its} headstrong efforts to any successful end. {} not liked by many, and will have to go through life nearly alone. Whatever amount of luck Fate has in store {}, it will run low in {the} former half. Bad luck will set in later, owing to {} foolish self-assurance. Neither exile nor forceful segregation can be ruled out. {Although} marriage may be lucky."

Well, can you find resonances within the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend? I believe so. And perhaps its details sound like someone we all know. Plus, we must note that the North Node points directly toward a significant political and cosmic event in the US: the Lunar Eclipse manifesting on the very day of America's 2022 Midterm Elections which creates a cosmic time link spanning 129 years!

Now let's close this post with the South Node's Carelli degree and symbol as the Illumination Point of unconscious revelation, something that Modern Humanity depends upon whether anyone realizes it or not - even though the idea of it seems to have been left far behind in Modern Humanity's distant and misty past while falsehood, greed, and brutality have taken over many minds as they pursue (temporary!) earthly power:

"16Scorpio": "A Knight of the Holy Grail":

{} a spirit of Christian charity and mercy served by an enlightened mind and a chivalrous and enthusiastic heart. A knight errant may not tell a lie; formidable as the foes may be, a righteous one cannot be conquered in an ordeal, a merciful one cannot but be human and kind, a Christian hero cannot but be lovable."

For as everyone knows in these 'modern' times, an honest man is hard to find.

*For more details consult Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli, and Eclipses by Rose Lineman (#ad).

Sep 13, 2021

2023--2024: Extremely Rare Outer Planet Astronomical Square - The Scottish Astrologer

September 13, 2021: Shapes of Things To Come

Here on SO'W in April 2021 we discussed the third 'Great American Eclipse' which perfects on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 precisely conjunct Chiron @19Ari24 (the wounded healer). Follow the link to view the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC and if you wish, re-locate the chart to see where the eclipse spotlight @19Ari24 lands for you in your location.

Washington DC as an Astro-Signifier for America

On April 8, 2024 in Washington DC, 16Leo27 rises (2:20:38 pm EDT) so the eclipsing Sun (vitality; leadership) is ruler and its Midheaven ('MC': The Goal Point)) = @7Tau59 is ruled by Venus, also in Aries and conjunct asteroid Hygeia suggesting women's health. The North Node points toward Aesculapia, another health indicator, plus, via the Mars-Saturn midpoint (13Pis45) in 8th house, we find the GOP's 1854 Neptune, a picture which denotes epidemics or poisons. Sabian Symbols for these degrees are worth a look if you can and I will add the eclipse's Symbol ('20Aries'), below. Plus, for your convenience, I'll republish the April 8, 2024 eclipse horoscope again, as you see; its 8 North themes are listed on the chart and include 'visions, vivid dreams, insights, good ideas, inventiveness, and/or flashes of genius' (B. Brady). Please note that this image of the 8 North Eclipse of 2024 is not the same version previously published and linked, above:

And if you follow the link, you'll note my expressed concern over the New Madrid faultline and a possible repeat event - plus, The Scottish Astrologer in his video notes concern over San Andreas fault possibilities. This eclipse over America enters bwo Texas and leaves the continental US from the state of Maine and effectively 'splits' our country South to North and may trigger or activate volatile seismic or volcanic energies which, if so, we will wish could remain untriggered. Yellowstone National Park? Don't go there in 2024, just in case.

Meanwhile, in US Politics, the cosmic synchronicity of yet another Total visible-across-the-US Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3) occurring during the year of a highly risky (and perhaps our final) presidential election on November 5, 2024 is significant to US society on the usual eclipse level of 'changes of direction, disruptive events, and/or the uncovering of inconvenient facts or secrets' which may result in scandals.

This in addition to the rare planetary alignment of Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Pluto as noted in the video below suggests an earth-shifting amount of social changes and difficulties along with political conflicts which will be further spotlighted by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024.

However, positive vibes of their conjunction will hopefully apply such as optimism, scientific breakthroughs, original ideas, 'labor-saving' inventions, and for some, a release from tension and strain with the Jupiter-Uranus duo aka, the "Thank God" pair!

Yet in the US in particular, we should be aware of, and prepared for, any negative potentials such as our legal system continuing to 'stifle justice for the common people' and/or the possibility that strikes, wars, or revolution could break out due to intolerable pressures that build up. (M. Munkasey).

Where There's Life There's Hope

Yet several positive indications within 8 North themes (penned at the top of the chart) could 'save the day' or at the very least create a mixed bag of welcomed solutions, good ideas, and helpful insights into problems or disruptions that appear or are uncovered by the 'wild card of the Universe' influences of the April 2024 Solar Eclipse. As are all eclipses, this is a 'cosmic blink' from Above and, as usual, how we react to whatever may come will determine results and outcomes, whether positive or negative.

Now in the past I have posted videos by The Scottish Astrologer on my Jude Cowell Astrology blog of general astrological topics but perhaps you'll agree that the following insightful video presentation concerning this particular topic is of much interest to all of humanity and as such, belongs right here on SO'W:

April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: "20 Aries" = "A Young Girl Feeding Birds in Winter": "Keyword: HOSPITALITY; positive expression: naive genius in the administration of both the powers of nature and the potentialities of selfhood; negative expression" (or, unconscious/shadow side--jc): an overzealous and wasteful use of the self's resources in an effort to win approval by bread alone" (Jones).

Among other things, this symbol sounds to me as if disruptions of food supply chains may continue to be possible, 'hospitality' adds questions and concerns over refugees, immigrants, and caring for them perhaps made more difficult in cold weather (volcanic winter?), 'young girl' is an obvious reference to our children, and mention of 'birds' tends to denote spiritual forces that the wise among us may depend upon.

And finally, I would feel remiss if I didn't mention that the infiltration and gaslighting of our country by zealous anarchists and saboteurs continues to act as an albatross around America's neck.

Sep 5, 2021

Upton Sinclair, his Eclipse, and the Democratic Party

Sunday September 5, 2021: Here's a link to a 5m-20s video with more historical details on the political career of author Upton Sinclair than I ever knew before: How Upton Sinclair and EPIC Swept the Democratic Primary 1934 involving Sinclair's run for the governorship of California! He was way ahead of all opponents in the race until Hollywood came out against him with what apparently was the very first 'attack ad' - a campaign tactic that we're overly accustomed to these days. But one result was that thanks to Sinclair's mass of supporters, California turned blue. Of course, now in 2021, Governor Newsom and Democrats are in peril in California and it reaches all the way to the US Senate.


In his natal horoscope (RR: A) set for September 20, 1878 9:00 am LMT Baltimore, Maryland, we can see Sinclair's practical Earth-Water Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer personality blend with its Mercury-Moon flavors. A socialist off and on, Upton Sinclair is known for a famous quote of his which I have added to SO'W posts more than once through the years:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

And as I've typed before, yes. It is. Because few if any of "the powers that think they be" (credit to activist Max Igan!) will ever willingly sacrifice any measure of their exalted positions over the masses after clawing their way to (what they consider to be) the top - or being born there. The earthly top, that is. Where things rust and pass away.

Now for one more thing: the Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Upton Sinclair manifested on July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy; exerting huge efforts in group activities' (B. Brady). And as eclipse cycles would have it, a 6 South eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - and manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. I do hope you feel forewarned!

Aug 15, 2021

Will the Authoritarians & Their Useful Idiots Win? - Thom Hartmann

Sunday August 15, 2021: Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann on Why do Conservatives want America to fail?

This disturbing topic always brings to mind Grover Norquist and his urge to 'shrink the US government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub' - which was an urge and a promise! Because: is America drowning now? For decades the GOP and its wealthy backers and enablers have been quite successful 'hollowing out' our country so that such a question must now be asked. However, I suspect that few if any people in Grover's day realized how deeply the white-supremacist-neo-fascist crowd would be involved, as we now see so starkly. Or maybe they did but they weren't telling.

So here's another Thom Hartmann segment that was shared here way back in 2016: The Republican Plan: Destroy America, Let Corporations Rule which follows the Republican model of: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And although Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in the 1930s, his promotion of the link between corporatism and fascism can be disputed.

Even so, the accuracy of the equation has certainly turned out to be the case.

Links of interest may include:

Authoritarianism and Useful Idiot. And here's a previous post concerning Mussolini's fascist party seen through the 'cosmic blinks' of an Eclipse Timeline.

And we may as well add a little something about the socialism that Republicans pretend to dread even though it's been with us all along:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism." - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Don't they though?

Also see: Hey America: You Already Have Democratic Socialist Programs - and the list is long!

Aug 12, 2021

Covid Eclipse 2019 and the manic 1518 Dance Epidemic

Choreography! Must We Put On Our Dancing Shoes?

by Jude Cowell

Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

August 11, 2021: Earlier today, while searching for the precise moment of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 1518 @4Cap17:28, I ran across one event of 1518 that particularly stands out to me in light of current conditions and events. And knowing that eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' with their Uranian tendency to disrupt and change the course of earthly affairs, the Dancing Plague of 1518, aka, a dance epidemic (there have been multiple such ones in history, a famous example: St. Vitus' dance, aka, Sydenham's chorea) popped out.

Now as you know, late 2019 into early 2020 times the approximate entry of the Covid-19 contagion into the US and by March 2020, quarantine conditions were generally recommended. My first observance of the quarantine was on March 12, 2020 when I retreated from the world and became an 'artist-in-residence' (not such a bad thing for me). For as you know, the difficult Saturn-Pluto combo of karmic energies tends to be destructive, harsh, and can involve compulsion, forms of compression, and physical toil; a period of hardship is indicated. Such was 2020, no one's favorite year, but there certainly have been a lot of choreographed dance routines turning up on Instagram and tik tok, often in the form of various shuffle dances. Here's one that reminds me of 1518 because it's on the manic side and rather itchy!

Meanwhile, here's a previous post showing the DC Horoscopes of the 3 South 'Covid Eclipse' of December 26, 2019, plus, the first eclipse of 2020 which was the January 10th Lunar Eclipse in Cancer conjunct Castor which perfected very near the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020).

Yet admittedly, it isn't so much the cosmic link to 'dancing' I'm most interested in, it's the use of the words 'epidemic' and 'plague' that echo through our current tragic health crises in relation to the mysterious dance outbreaks of 1518 with their cause or causes still considered unknown or uncertain. Social conditions were difficult in Alsace (present-day France) at that time and "hot blood" had been floated as a cause or possibly ergot fungi poisoning (as with the Salem Witch Trials in the US), or even the hysteria of demonic possession or stress-induced mass psychosis similar to the mass hypnosis perpetrated by a certain politician upon willing acolytes, some of whom might be described as "possessed" by the spirit of a death cult and stirred up to a point of mania. After all, history usually only rhymes and does not repeat in an exact way, for planetary factors will naturally differ. But one curious example not so different is 1518 Uranus Station Direct @4Tau19 and 2019 'Covid Eclipse' Uranus @2Tau45 Rx. In our day, transit Uranus has returned to its 1518 degree three times: 1. May 25, 2019; 2. November 4, 2019; and 3. March 15, 2020 (quarantine time! Uranian isolation!). Also related to our topic is the disturbing Sabian Symbol for "5Taurus" = "A Widow At An Open Grave." (Some of the dancers of 1518 apparently danced themselves to death although this is disputed by some.)

Meanwhile, we know that it's all about cycles - planetary cycles, eclipse cycles, historical cycles, and a comparison of the 1518 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (January 3, 1518 OS) Horoscope with the December 26, 2019 Eclipse chart shows other planetary links as well: cycles within cycles.

And so the purpose of this post is to point out a curious cosmic time link affecting the 1518 conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto @4Cap17 for it may have been tweaked if not activated by degree when the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 hit it. So if you wish, follow the above 'Lunar Eclipse' link for a view of what I call the 'Covid Eclipse Horoscope' with its themes of 'traumatic transformation' and 'endings' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

But there's another cosmic link of a Uranian nature: the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the 1518 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which is the 6 South Solar Eclipse of December 13, 1517 @00Cap55, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, with 6 South themes of: 'manic energy; being forceful and taking power; great strength in relationships; sudden events; exerting huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And as previously mentioned in multiple posts, a 6 South eclipse perfects again on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and had also manifested on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo as the historically coordinated 'Nazis Rise to Power Solar Eclipse'.

Aug 4, 2021

The Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect Midterms 2022

Wednesday August 4, 2021: One reason to spotlight here the two eclipses that will affect the Midterms 2022 Elections is because of the clues, hints, and the cosmic information that their horoscopes contain. Yes, previous posts have been published concerning them, however, this dual image of the charts can be seen, below, for the purpose of adding the midpoint pictures from both eclipes: the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus (2Sco39: cooperation needed and material values are involved) and rising in Washington DC, and the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00 conjunct radical reformer Uranus Rx (16Tau56) with the Sun @16Scorpio snugged between Mercury (15Sco52) and Venus (20Sco13) - all rising in our nation's capital led by the transiting South Node in Scorpio which emphasizes the karmic implications for Washington DC of the 6 South Eclipse.

So if we round up the eclipse and Venus degree to "3 Scorpio" we have a clue: "A House-Raising" which suggests that the US Congress is understandably involved (or even eviction notices, see below). Furthermore, the degree's Keyword is: "HELPFULNESS - positive expression: an exceptional power of accomplishment through a consistent success in winning the good will and enlisting the services of others; negative expression: a complete inability to fit into any pattern of shared relationships" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). And the eclipse degree's Illumination Point opposite at "3 Taurus" = HOPEFULNESS! YBut yes, the Exaltation degree of the Moon (3Taurus) and the Fall of the Moon degree (3Scorpio) may be somehow involved but I suspect that few astrologers use such cosmic indicators these days. It is an axis like the Nodal Axis with the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity as the focus of both eclipses with the Lunar Eclipse describing our reactions to the events brought by the Solar Eclipse. One end of the Solar Eclipse has vanity, conceit, and self-glorification (Mercury-Venus = Sun) while the other end brings the radical reforms, shared experiences, and potential upsets of Uranus-NN. Then, our lunar reactions include common sense on one end (Sun-Mercury) and ideals (Sun-Venus) while the opposite end expresses potentials for emotional excitability or tension, sacrifice, and/or possible anxiety due to nervousness over reforms and political or social changes. Circumstances will become clearer once Campaign 2024 is officially underway.

Now of course with any Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, society must handle events and conditions very carefully for although strength of purpose, seeing to the very root of our problems, and karmic opportunities for progress are involved, astrologer Rose Lineman points out that such an eclipse can also bring out in susceptible people the negative traits of Scorpio such as vengefulness, hatred, jealousy, and cruelty. And you'll agree that modern society already has an overabundance of such traits expressing within the Collective. Hopefully, the Scorpio eclipse of October 2022 will activate the more positive karmic possibilities so we must concentrate on this.

Meanwhile, as you see on the Solar Eclipse chart (lower left), communicating Mercury (dot all Is, cross all Ts when rising just before the Sun = oriental), planet of young people, brings along fixed stars Arcturus (the White House) and Spica (the spike = the Washington Monument, or, the US Presidency). This 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 and therefore is the PE of the Lunar Eclipse itself which perfects on the very day of the election/s (November 8th), as you see:

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses Are 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

Now you know that all eclipses are karmic and suggest sudden changes of direction in earthly affairs in similar fashion to the erratic planet Uranus which when active seems to spark external fated events but actually has been acting or catalyzing on an internal level for some period of time. Radical politics and reforms accrue to zealous Uranus but in the earthy sign of Taurus, we've also seen changes (Uranus) within the realms of natural and ecological disasters (with Uranus ruling bolts of lightening and shifts), and in financial matters including a large amount of speculation on Wall Street, plus, stimulus payments of an unusual or novel nature. Even eviction moratoriums fall under the influence of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus expressing as unusual financial aid.

As you can see, penned to the left of the Solar Eclipse Horoscope, is a fretful note about the 6 South Eclipse which occurred on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo expressing as the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse' - another very good reason to spotlight the 6 South manifestation approaching in 2022. (6 North is worrisome, too, on the level of 'authority figures' and 'taking over responsibility because someone is ill or unreliable' - B. Brady.) The themes of both elipses sound sinister, don't they? Well, forewarned is forearmed!

Midpoint Pictures of the October and November 2022 Eclipses

Now here are the Midpoint Pictures potentials, first of the October 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series, then those of the November 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus on Election Day. Note that any, all, or none may apply and can be subject to transits, directions, and/or progressions - except where Uranus is involved for its quirky disruption can manifest early, late, or not at all:

Solar Eclipse October 2022: Sun-Moon = Venus, Sun-Venus = Moon, Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers (ex: politicians), harmony, attractive personalities, cooperation or teamwork. Mars-Jupiter = North Node ('NN'): good cooperation dynamics. And Saturn-NN = Jupiter: a change of position, a fortunate separation.

Lunar Eclipse November 2022: Saturn-MC = Moon: depression or psychosis; impressionability; suffering from members of the female sex. With Uranus: desire to obtain objectives at all costs, making the greatest effort (as with 6 South themes), an emotional shock or crisis, emotional excitability (possibly due to fear and anxiety within the Moon-Uranus combination), Uranus-NN = Moon: new contacts which are terminated quickly, showing quick enthusiasm for other people. Venus-Uranus = Saturn: awakening from love iillusions, estrangement, separation, a difficult birth. And Moon-Venus (again) = Saturn: suppressed feelings, separation from or loss of the husband, renunciation; sad or sick women, philosophizing.

Midpoint pictures from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin. #ad. Consult other midpoint directories for additional information.

Jun 3, 2021

A "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Trump the Grand Dragon!,_1862.jpg">Book Cover: Knights of the Golden Circle: shades of the KKK

June 3, 2021: This morning Democratic Underground published a Thom Hartmann commentary concerning the Republican Party becoming the "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Tr*mp as its "Grand Dragon." The former guy's bigoted followers filing happily in a row behind the wide caboose of their 'dear leader' always reminds me of mama duck with babies waddling and quacking along behind her. In Sabian Symbols this word picture resonates with "30 Aries": "A Duck Pond and Its Brood." "RELIABILITY: positive expression: an accustomed competency or ease in dealing with immediate circumstances; negative" (/shadow side - jc): "a tendency toward provincialism or an acceptance of life with an altogether uncritical complacency." (Jones). (You'd better not criticize Herr Tr*mp or else!) So could narrow-minded 'provincialism' echo the 'America First' slogan and propaganda used by Tr*mp and previously used by the Klan in the 1930s? I believe the same cloth has been cut, dear reader.

Then we must note that the "30 Aries" degree and symbol will be spotlighted on April 20, 2023 by a significant 'cosmic blink', a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series which also manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pisces as what yours truly terms, the 'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse. And 7 North manifests after the 'Nazi Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse of 1932 which repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (post shows two 1932 eclipse charts, one set for Berlin, the other for the White House). So even without Astrology, we already know that there be major challenges ahead - and these two eclipses can be taken as signposts on the way to the draconian duck pond.

So if you wish, check out the hate group's Wikipedia page for details on its (vile) history and the three versions or eras of the Ku Klux Klan (1865--1871; 1915--1944; 1950--present day, with reportedly having 5,000 to 8,000 members). Plus, politico also has details on the Klan's founding on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, TN by radical Republicans. (Circle = Greek kyklos + the Gaelic word, clan). 'Tis said the sore losers of 1865 initially formed the group as a "social club"!

As for the original KKK, its creation inspired by the outcome of the Civil War and the resulting Reconstruction that grumped them up really badly, here's a previous post concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act that cramped their style for a while. This law has been mentioned as possibly being used in the prosecution of scofflaw Donald Tr*mp. And as a Southerner with Civil War heritage and a preference for a sovereign America, I won't mind if they do.

Plus, in today's news: The remains of first-ever Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forest and his wife are now in process of being disinterred and relocated. Apparently, Nathan and his Missus aren't as welcomed in Memphis as they once were.

Now, in case you missed it, here's a link to a previous post containing the Third Reich Horoscope of 1933 (Campion #126). And have you noticed with transit Saturn in Aquarius that the Reich Stag Fire Horoscope is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return - 3 times all through 2021?

May 31, 2021

DC Horoscopes: July 2021 Lunations and such

America July 2021: New Plans Made, Then Culminating

by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2021: On the occasion of today, Memorial Day 2021, and as A Child of the Revolution, yours truly chooses to share the following post on behalf of a sovereign America and the common good. Below is a dual image of the two July 2021 Lunations set for Washington DC.

First, on July 9, 2021, comes a New Moon @18Can01 (lower left) exact at 9:16:29 pm edt in 6th house (DC). In the DC chart, Luna rules the 6th house of Work and Service while the Sun rules the 7th house of Partnerships. Rising is 1AQ03 which lifts America's Inaugural Sun (Joe Biden) and bold Altair the eagle with it but with its solar power snugged between karmic planets Pluto and Saturn, both retrograde ('Rx') which suggests that some measure of renunciation, even privation, may affect the presidency - unless Mr. Biden, his team, and his high-powered backers can turn the energy around and use it on behalf of democracy and the American people.

One thing we know - there exist anti-American entities who will attempt to create difficult conditions in order to undermine the agenda of President Biden. (See Nemesis the foe @28Scorpio in the New Moon's 10th house conjunct the President Biden's Scorpio planets.) In addition, can anyone disagree that uplifting the common good is simply not a (neo) fascist objective and never was? Obviously, seizing power and forcibly taking control of America is their current objective as it was on July 1, 1933 when they approached General Smedley Butler with their malicious take-over scheme against FDR and the democracy-preferring American people. Note that representatives for the era's big bankers were among the treasonous group in 1933. Do you think it's different this time around?

And you know that cosmic evidence exists! For 1933's anti-FDR fascists were influenced by the background energies of two solar eclipses, one in 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series, the other in 1933 in the 7 North series. And so as eclipse and historical cycles will have it, it will soon be time for 6 South and 7 North eclipses to manifest again on: October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and April 23, 2023 @30Aries. Wisely we should mark our calendars and be watchful before, during, and after these high-powered, 'cosmic blink' lunations of disruption and/or directional shifts just as many folk already are. For as progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann oftens reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport"! Which means, be active, do what you can!

Now as for July 2021, the stage of culmination, fulfillment, and/or complete awareness is reached with the Full Moon of July 23, 2021 @1AQ26 (upper right chart), the very degree that rises in the New Moon horoscope so for this and other reasons we may expect in July a focus on President Biden, but more broadly on the White House and the Office of the Presidency, plus, July brings our nation's annual celebration of our hard-fought independence from overbearing monarchy, cosmically known as America's Solar Return 2021 which we discussed in February 2021 (horoscope shown).

Plus, previously we noted the June 24, 2021 Capricorn Full Moon as society's reaction to the June 10th Gemini Solar Eclipse which is a 5 North Solar Eclipse that precedes both July 2021 lunations. This June 24th Full Moon @3Cap27 floats society from the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of 'Mercury-Jupiter' and into the Cancer-Capricorn axis with its 'Moon-Saturn' influences that suggest potentials for security concerns, home-vs-career issues, ambition, strategy, direction, possible illness (chronic or acute) and/or depressive or serious conditions.

Note to SO'W Readers: If you appreciate the work and effort it takes to create Political Astrology content for Stars Over Washington, why not become a Patreon subscriber to encourage the continuance of SO'W? Even a donation of $1 per month helps with monthly expenses! So if you wish, just look for 'Jude Cowell' on patreon dot com and show your support if you can! jc

May 23, 2021

On his Quest and the Relocation of Thomas Paine

The political champion turned resurrection man: Out of thy own mouth I will condemn thee; artist Robert Cruikshank (1789-1856); British political cartoon satirizing Cobbett's retrival from America of Tom Paine's bones as "Napoleon watches from St. Helena and Britain erupts in revolution"; Bodleian Libraries {public domain Wikimedia Commons}; PD-1996

May 23, 2021: A few Astro-Notes concerning the indespensible Thomas Paine

by Jude Cowell

While some confusion has existed over the correct birthdate (OS vs NS) and hour for Revolutionary author and Founder Thomas Paine, for my purposes I tend to use his January 29, 1737 11:30 am GMT Thetford, England chart with Ascendant 3Gemini48 rising along with karmic planet of restriction and authority, Saturn Rx 4Gem48. Of course, that's Mercury-ruled Gemini, sign of The Writer, Messenger, Communicator, and Orator (who used to read his works aloud to the public). Of interest is that an earlier version of my SolarFire software gave 2Gem46 which rounded up = "3 Gemini": "A Garden of the Tuilleries" which resonates with Paine's French Revolution involvement and his imprisonment in France.

Meanwhile, perhaps you, dear reader, are familiar with an old SO'W post of April 30, 2006 concerning Mr. Paine and a curious double transit in May 2006 to both his natal Sun and Chiron: Sun to Chiron and Chiron to Sun, a doubly emphasized, simultaneously occurring 'cosmic link' cross the centuries suggesting hints about The Chirotic Quest of Thomas Paine and perhaps activating his spiritual and/or ideological descendants. As you know, a conjunction of Sun and Chiron has to do with self-transformation but one doesn't have to be conscious of it for this to occur - which is a good thing since Mr. Paine definitely was unconscious at his eternal rest in 2006. Yet in life, idealism was prominent via his inspirational Neptune in Mercury-ruled Gemini posited in the 2nd house of Values (money was something of an issue; he's known for donating all profits from his writings to The Cause of liberty and independence, assuming that Congress would pay him later for his efforts but we know how that turned out).

As for the double transits of 2006, it's doubtful that such a noble quest by a Founding Father who promoted the era's noble Enlightenment principles (his Uranus-Neptune opposition!) could have been fulfilled from beyond the grave under the auspices of warmongering profiteers such as Bush-and-Cheney in 2006. For tragically, as you know, any noble course America once promoted, even honored, was cruelly diverted toward 'the dark side' decades ago, not to mention our nation's original stain of slavery from 1619 onward.

Now if you're curious about William Corbett's famous disinterment in New Rochelle, NY of the body of deist Mr. Paine and the subsequent return of Paine's bones to Britain on November 21, 1819, check out The Adventures of Thomas Paine's Bones by Moncure Conway if you dare.

Meanwhile, for your consideration below is a bi-wheel of Thomas Paine's natal chart, center, with an outer horoscope of that very event, set for "just before daybreak" on September 25, 1819 New Rochelle, NY (source: Thomas Paine, by Craig Nelson, 2006), the reputed date and approximate time (using 5:00 am LMT) that Mr. Corbett, his son, and a hired hand, dug up the 'disrespected' remains of one of America's Founding Fathers, Tom Paine, who was denied burial in the Quaker cemetery due to his deism (and criticisms of his former colleagues) which had made him extremely unpopular in America (curiously, his natal Sun at "10AQ" = "A Popularity That Proves Ephemeral" - Jones):

Of course, it's possible that the unholy deed was begun earlier or later than the speculative hour of 5:00 am LMT shown here, but a change won't affect the fact that the 1819 South Node of the Moon @11Lib12 (in his natal 6th house), a Saturnian point of separation, sat squarely upon Paine's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (11Lib42) degree in the 9 New North Saros Series with its themes of 'great physical effort, and a potential for 'violence' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad) which suggests the hired hand's toil that morning. Digging a grave whether empty or inhabited involves great physical effort along with the upheaval of disruptive Uranus (20Sag47) at the 5:00 am IC (Ending; Roots) so this also describes the desecrating, even shocking, event as an 'uprooting' took place.

Plus, the 1819 Moon (11Sag41) of physical body was hiding mysteries of her own in the darker light of her Crescent phase (70:12) after floating beyond her opposition to Paine's natal Saturn rising (note that Paine's reputation and authority had suffered in England, too). Meanwhile, transit Jupiter Rx @7AQ28 was in process of conjoining Paine's natal Aquarian Sun (someone famous got 'carried away'!) while a triple line-up of planets all @27Pisces ("A Harvest Moon" - that's some 'harvesting', Mr. Cobbett) had moved beyond Tom's natal Venus-South-Node conjunction (separation from females; isolation) and are opposed by 1819 Venus @27vir40, venal planet of jealousy, envy, and vanity.

Additionally, Tom's natal North Node of meetings and destiny was rising at 5:00 am, and the Sun @1Lib28 was conjunct Nemesis (the unbeatable foe). Well, Cobbett was certainly that, for Old Tom had had no say in the matter of his relocation whatsoever. At least Mr. Cobbett eventually thought better of his controversial actions on that morning and he did stop his criticism of Mr. Paine at some point. Still, that's a mighty harsh, cruel Saturn-Pluto duo surrounding wounded Chiron there, isn't it? And all in Pisces, sign of the victim - and with 1819 Neptune, planet of erosion, undermining, mourning, and loss, conjunct what may just be Tom Paine's natal 8th cusp of Death and the Occult. To me it seems that Mr. Cobbett probably had some measure of exploitation in mind.

Then a wider view reveals that 1819 Neptune in Sagittarius was opposing Tom's natal Neptune in Gemini (sign of the pampheteer) which denotes that, yes, Thomas Paine was a victim of persecution during his lifetime and even, as we witness here via the lens of Astrology, in death.

Now naturally, several other chart factors are noteworthy so I shall trust you, dear reader, to locate them if you're curious.

In closing, here are details concerning the life and career of William Cobbett (b. March 9, 1763 Farnham, Surrey; d. June 18, 1835 Normandy, Surrey) provided by his Wikipedia bio page where you'll find that Cobbett's last years unfortunately were marked by a case of paranoia.

Recommendations: In case you've missed it so far, astrologer Mark Philips has written very interesting observations concerning Thomas Paine's natal Mercury in Aquarius.

And if you have 58 minutes to spare, don't miss Kenneth Griffith's theatrical documentary Thomas Paine The most valuable Englishman ever!

May 22, 2021

An Eclipse Series ended in 1931: The End of an Epoch

1931: Britain's Financial Change of Direction and a New Social Order

by Jude Cowell

Many of the historical events of 1931 are significant and a few of them stand out to me such as the 'United Kingdom abandons the gold standard' on September 20/21, 1931 under the influence of the 5 Old South Series (chart shown, below) which ended on September 11, 1931 (in the US; September 12th in the UK).

Oddly enough, 40 years later in the US, Dick Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971, the year the 9 Old South Series ended with a final solar manifestation @29Cancer on July 22, 1971. (Perhaps astrologers were involved!)

Inconveniently, I have no information concerning 5 Old South eclipse themes which ran in the background of society in 1931, but I do have a bit concerning 1971's 9 Old South themes: 'idealism, great energy', and/or 'reunions' (B. Brady). However, the initial eclipse in the 9 Old South Series, which began on June 23, 727 OS @4Can16 (conjunct what would become America's 1776 Venus and Jupiter positions), also contains hints of 'quarrels' and 'perverse inclinations' (BB). Could the 'reunion' be American bankers joining British bankers off the gold standard? Just a thought.

So for readers interested in financial topics, here's a pdf from 2012 by Michael Kitson of Cambridge University concerning the advantages (or not) of utilizing the gold standard, titled, End of an Epoch. Perhaps you're familiar with Kitson's work but if not, there it is.

Now I suppose a posting of the the final 5 Old South Eclipse Horoscope for September 1931 would ideally be set for London but since this is Stars Over Washington, below is the September 11, 1931 eclipse chart set for DC, as we always called the capital city when I resided there many moons ago.

Notably, financier Jupiter is in Sun-ruled Leo, the sign of gold, wealth-hoarder Pluto is in the financial 2nd house in business-oriented Cancer, and there's a deceptive if creative Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Virgo with Mercury retrograde in 3rd house of Communications, near the IC of the horoscope. In the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking is Mars in Libra where the planet of energy, motivation, and action can express himself with too much frankness which can cause conflicts in relationships.

Then as you see, the disruptive, 'change of direction', 'cosmic blink' Solar Eclipse itself is posited in the 4th house @19Virgo (near US 1776 Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work, Employment, Service, and Health), a placement which was opposed by transit Neptune in 2020 from contagious, secretive Pisces, and suggests that Britain's financial 'change of direction' in 1931 affected the US economy as well which would be naturally expected between the two nations:

As you see, a dynamic T-Square between the harsh Saturn-Pluto opposition (across the avaricious Cancer-Capricorn axis of investment, business, and ambition) squares erratic, disruptive Uranus Rx in Mars-ruled Aries (in 11th house in DC but revealingly in the corporate 8th house in London). Now even by itself, Uranus in Aries denotes potentials for 'blind zeal, fanaticism, violence', plus, Utopian idealism and can indicate radical political reform. Add both Saturn and Pluto squaring the planet of anarchy, Utopianism, and war, and a dangerous mix results replete with negative karma. Years of financial mismanagement is suggested (which I believe there was).

Many of the karmic Saturn-Pluto-Uranus trio's variety of potential expressions are listed on the chart lower right and across the bottom of the chart but I'll type them for you here, mainly because they imply that it was not only in the financial realms that turmoil and upheaval were occurring in 1931, and suggest, of course, the rise of despotism and tyranny which tends to have an easier time gaining a claw-hold when a Uranus-Pluto square is in force which suggests apathy in society, and a Saturn-Uranus square forms which denotes a period when an old order can give way to a new order:

'Sudden violence; mass murder; harsh conditions; cruelty; poverty; power plays at the top'; "brutal efforts to start a new order" (Tyl).

So as you know, dear reader, society has been under the influence of such planetary squares in our day as well, first between Uranus and Pluto, now between Saturn and Uranus, as tyranny and totalitarianism challenge Democracy in the US and in various locations across the globe. You'll recognize the tendencies of certain anarchists toward blind zealotry and acts of violence for they're easy to spot along within the concurrence of similar attitudes and objectives from the 1930s brought into our era as 'fascism' attempts again to take control of society, particularly in America. After all, if America should fall, so goes the rest of the world.

The Social and Economic Order of the 1930s

Then revealingly, another highly influential event occurred in 1931 (May 15th), especially among those of a Catholic persuasion, which relates to the above topic squarely within the economic realms of society, and this was the encyclical Quadragesimo anno (the 'reconstruction of the social order') issued by Pope Pius XI in which he dicusses "the ethical implications of the social and economic order" and "the major dangers" "arising from unrestrained capitalism, socialism, and totalitarian communism." Well, yes. The Vatican hierarchy does interfere at times - certainly in the Nazi era with the church's famous capitulation in 1933.

In closing, and if you wish, follow the above link for more 1931 events which may grab your fancy with other 'endings and new starts' among them.

May 10, 2021

Evidence of "The Big Lie" from 2016 and Beyond

Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.

The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.

For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021

Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).

So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?

Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.

And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!

To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.

Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."

May 3, 2021

The Eclipse that Affects All US Presidential Elections

Solar Eclipses and US Presidential Elections

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: please note that the following post is yet another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts which, understandably, the overly sensitive reader may wish to skip:

The first official US Presidential Election over a month's period from late 1788 into 1789 was a breeze with our hugely popular Revolutionary War hero, George Washington, scoring a unanimous 69 electoral votes from ten states. Only ten states because New York had not yet put forward its electors, and North Carolina and Rhode Island had yet to ratify the US Constitution.

So considering the current contentiousness of the former guy's 'Big Lie' that he continues to boast from Election 2020, it may be of interest to consider the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') in which America's first archetypal Presidential Election fell, for as a cosmic time link, its influence continues as a background factor in US Presidential Elections and the resulting presidencies throughout the years.

Annular in 1789 (actually manifesting on November 27, 1788 @6Sag15), the first official presidential election's PE occurred within the 7 North family which will repeat via a hybrid Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 on April 20, 2023, a critical 29th degree - and April 20th is Herr Adolf's birthday. Obviously, this eclipse falls firmly within the Campaign 2023 time frame prior to Election 2024 since campaigns begin early these days. And if you're daring enough at this point in time, you may wish to look ahead to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (hopefully we'll have one the majority can believe in yet dark forces work against democracy and peril does exist).

Meanwhile, besides the former guy's sore loser schemes and machinations, and the desperate actions of the election-rigging GOP, another skunk at the presidential celebration is that 7 North is the Saros Series which manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pis28 as the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse. Follow the link for more info on 7 North themes which sound somewhat mild, I agree, but it isn't always eclipse themes that matter most to historical events and conditions, it's the fact that a disruptive, revealing eclipse occurs at all (aka, a 'cosmic blink' or a 'Universal wild card'). And it's an eclipse's sign, degree, and the house in which it manifests in a given horoscope that affects events and participants in a disruptive Uranian manner with inconvenient secrets uncovered and scandals created.

Then as you know, an eclipse's Sabian Symbol (the word picture for each degree of the Zodiac) is informative as is its Illumination Point, the opposite degree which reveals hidden or unconscious information. So rounding up the 7 North Eclipse degree to "30Aries" we have: "A Duck Pond and Its Brood" (the degree of warrior planet Mars during the MAGA Mob Attack of January 6, 2021), and opposite = "30Libra": "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head" (which I always relate to Bacon, Locke, and Newton whose portraits were hung in tribute by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello - and suggestive of America's founding principles of The Enlightment).

And so, the 7 North Eclipse symbolism represents yet another cosmic indicator of America's current existential struggle for survival: fascism vs democracy.

Our only hope? Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024. In a massive turn out!

A Closely Related Post: Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior.


Note: above image of an eclipse has no attributing details that I can find but if it did, I would gladly add them to the multiple times I have displayed thos evocative image with eclipse posts. jc

Apr 22, 2021

Horoscopes: America's Jupiter Returns 2013 and 2025

April 22, 2021: Nope, not a whole bunch of text today, only two DC Horoscopes showing America's current Jupiter Return which perfected on July 22, 2013 (lower left - 2021 Uranus across the top/MC = crisis; reforms), and our nation's next Jupiter Return on July 5, 2025 (upper right). Significant is our country's 1776 Jupiter's rounded-up degree of '6 Cancer' and its very descriptive Sabian Symbol, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which implies the greed which is the sickness at the core of the Plutocracy through the auspices of which this idealistic experiment called America was begun. And with expansive Jupiter involved, in general our society's tendency toward greed seems only to have grown.

Now as you know, Jupiter is exalted (works best) when in Moon-ruled Cancer, a business-oriented sign of home, family, protection, and needs met. So approximately every 12 years since 1776, when transit Jupiter returns to its July 4, 1776 degree (5Can55:59), the same conjunctions re-form which were in force on that day with our natal Venus and Sun with potentials for - Jupiter to Venus: desire for luxury; potential benefits; fortunate alliances; compromised principles; Jupiter to Sun: ego expansion; self-indulgence; generosity; self-inflating tactics; more money, knowledge, and/or awareness; grand plans.

Note: Mundane Jupiter = expansion, freedom, ideals, philosophy, justice, protection, exploration, discovery, boundary-breaking, good fortune, breakthroughs, finance, banking, investment, politics, religion, corporatism, gurus, thespians, professors, lawyers, judges, and more.

As you see, 2013 Moon @25Cap36 has been catalyzed multiple times by recent transits such as transit Pluto (today @26Cap48) to Moon, another crisis indicator that also suggests the emotional and physical trauma and abuse that so many people are suffering for a variety of reasons. Intense turmoil and overwhelming circumstances are denoted but as with every transit, the influences will pass. However, transit Pluto will be opposing 2013 Sun (29Can48 = '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") showing that our contest-of-wills/no-compromise political conditions concerning US leadership (Sun) will continue in relation to Jupiterian circumstances, conditions, and people, any of which are noted above. Take your pick!

So until on or about July 5, 2025, check current transits if you wish, for we remain under the influences of America's 2013 Jupiter Return with its chart-ruler, the Sun, making only one applying aspect in the chart, a square to Saturn @4Sco59 conjunct IC (4:50) suggesting a continuation of concentration on business and the need for hard work. Plus, Saturn/4th house indicates links to real estate, mining, natural resources, and, if the American people can be that fortunate despite the plutocatic oppression that weighs so many of us down, to the conservation and preservation of our homeland and its resources:

Apr 18, 2021

Another Great American Eclipse coming in April 2024

On April 8, 2024 Another Great American Eclipse Zooms Across the Country

by Jude Cowell

Sorry about this post of forewarning, folks!

On the topic of prominent solar eclipses, you'll remember the most recent Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 in the 1 North Saros Series which was visible in 48 states and 'split' the US from Oregon to South Carolina. It tied in closely to the former guy in the White House at that time - divisive as he was and is - and echoed his 'MAGA' propaganda slogan. Needless to say, Leonine pride, arrogance, and vanity were not avoided and difficult karma was created as a result.

The next such Total eclipse visible in the US will occur in Mars-ruled Aries (@19:24 conjunct Chiron 19:24!) so that the eclipse's expression involves issues of courage, enthusiasm, and daring. Bold confrontation of circumstances, plus, leadership and initiative will be on society's menu with our problems viewed as challenges. Competition will be highly charged (ex: US presidential race 2024) by overly aggressive, headstrong individuals quick to anger. Note that Chiron @19Ari24 nears its position in America's July 4 1776 chart/s ("21Aries" = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring.")

A Few 2024 Eclipse Details and the NMSZ

As for the path of totality of the Total Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 in the 8 North Saros Series ('dreams and visions'), it will enter the US from Mexico at the Texas border and speed into Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. However, its maximum duration of 4M29S will be experienced near the city of Nazon, Durango, Mexico. Here's the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC:

Now from eclipse lore of years past, we might be tempted to expect dire consequences from a Total Solar Eclipse especially when made more concerning by an accompanying natural event such as a strong earthquake. Regretfully I must inform you, if you've not noticed before now, that this could possibly be the case but only if the New Madrid Fault finally erupts with a quake as has been predicted over the years. Check it out for yourself if you wish because some of the same states are on the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) list that appear on the eclipse list, above:

Damage from a New Madrid Earthquake, if one occurs, threatens parts of several states - alphabetically they are: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee.

So as I've typed here multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race, so my hope and prayer is that our country dodges the worst effects, if any, of such a cosmic synchronicity.

Apr 15, 2021

April 28, 2021: President Biden Addresses Congress

Update April 28, 2021: Advancing the chart below to a 9:00 pm edt start-time puts President Biden's natal Mercury, planet of communication, speeches oration, and messages, squarely upon the Ascendant, raises the Sag Moon closer to the Ascendant, and plops 3Virgo14 upon the Midheaven ('4Virgo' = "A Colored Child Playing With White Children") which spotlights both health and employment matters (Virgo), plus, the racial issues implied by the degree's Sabian Symbol. Compassion will be shown!

Original post begins here:

Astrology's What? (ASC) Where? (Desc) Why? (MC) and How? (IC) Points

by Jude Cowell

April 15, 2021: As you've heard, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has invited President Joe Biden to address a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021, the day before the end of the President's first 100 days in office and one day after the Full Moon @7Sco06. His address is not being billed as an official SOTU (State of the Union) Address since that's traditionally delivered after a full year in office, but we all know that basically, a SOTU Address it will be. Therefore, I'm labeling his speech as a "pseudo-SOTU."

Below is a speculative 8:00 pm edt DC Horoscope set for April 28, 2021 Capitol Building with an abundance of planetary factors squished upon the chart for those who may care to enlarge the image and read the study notes of a novice astrologer with a lamentable interest in the Politics as practiced in the City where she once resided:

Solar Hour (Sun = the leader), regenerative Scorpio rises (the WHAT? Point), and Sun-ruled Leo at Midheaven (The Goal or WHY? Point) provides us with basic information concerning the address. The Scorpio Ascendant (forceful 'Mars-Pluto') spotlights the "A Drowning Man Rescued" degree which I believe will be one of Mr. Biden's themes of the night involving finances and mask-wearing in order to save lives. And as you see, the "Drowning Man" (ASC) is the apex point of a YOD pattern (highlighted in green = crisis; crossroads; karmic opportunity; special task) formed with a Chiron-North Node sextile at its base. The sextile includes wealthy MIDAS conjunct Node Node in the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, and High Finance, plus, priestly Chiron is the wounded healer, here @"11Aries" = "The President of the Country" (Joe!). Opposite the 8th is the 2nd house of the National Treasury with Nemesis Rx (an unbeatable foe) pushing into the proceedings via the separative South Node, a (neurotic) Saturnian point of 'methods that worked in the past but now do not'. I'm counting this 3rd house Saturn @13AQ02 as 'conservatives' and obstructionists such as Republican opponents who work hard to block Biden's progressive, more liberal plans as seen in the Saturn-Uranus square (2A27; highlighted in blue at the bottom of the chart).

For as you know, Saturn-Uranus is the 'old order vs new order' pair of planetary energies. Yet confounding GOP efforts against him is the fact that their old friend Joe Biden is a liberal with conservative leanings so he can be signified by 'old man' Saturn in futuristic Aquarius. Notably, an apt midpoint picture reveals plutocrats who crave power - Jupiter-Pluto - conjunct restrictive Saturn so that 'the big picture must be adjusted to meet with more convention' and 'strategy becomes necessary' (Tyl). This would apply to the Biden administration and Democratic Party as well as to the GOP. As practiced, US Politics is always a high-stakes game and curiously, the public Moon at "6Sag" = "A Game of Cricket': 'exceptional competency in crisis' (Jones).

Also in 2nd house of Money and Values is the current Solar Eclipse which perfected on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (Electoral College Vote day) in the difficult 4 South family of eclipses. You know 4 South's sour themes: 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships; blockages and frustrations; relationships suddenly ended; a sense of fated events beyond personal control' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Hopefully, the former guy's belly-aching and malicious schemes concerning his 2020 Election loss will continue to fade away or perhaps come to a screeching halt under the milder influences of the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse @20Gemini as it bestows the better themes of 5 North ('prophetic dreams and visions').

Someone's Mars Is Rising

Now President Biden's first natal planet to rise in this chart is his unaspected Mars @12Sco35 ("13Scorpio" = " An Inventor Inventing") which can act directly, free of interference or influence; by 9:00 pm edt, ASC = 22Sco08 along with Mr. Biden's natal Mercury (21:32), the messenger. Meanwhile, 8th house Mars @3Can20 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and off attending to who-knows-what - perhaps additional plans to undermine the Biden administration and delay improvements for the American people? Well, as you know, activist Mars when in Moon-ruled Cancer is impulsive, moody, resentful, and subject to angry outbursts, even arson. Add to this an inconjunct from Mars to the public's Moon (@5Sag12 and rising in 1st house: happy mood) and a cosmic picture forms of hotheads (Mars) who lack self-control, tend to misjudge others, and form alliances with, and allegiances to, the very people who exploit them. In general, a Moon-Mars inconjunct is an aspect of nervous irritation and emotional anxiety which describes most of us these days. Yet Mars @3Can20 conjuncts US natal Venus so cooperation is needed for best results. But that would favor Joe Biden, whine the Republicans! As would wearing masks (see the IC's Sabian Symbol conjunct the HOW? Point) and the WHY? Point with "A Chemist Conducts an Experiment" upon it suggesting vaccines created to fight against the Covid-19 contagion and President Biden's inventive plans to rescue the US economy, with a tip of his hat to FDR's New Deal programs.

Also notable are the Sabian Symbols for the North Node ("12Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - will he mention America's killer cop trials? And perhaps reparations?). Then there's orating Mercury @"21Taurus" = "Moving Finger Points to Significant Passages in a Book", possibly a reference to the Bible, or to the secret book all presidents are said to follow. Or, it's simply an echo of the YOD pattern noted, above. Thing is, orating Mercury in Taurus opposes Mr. Biden's natal Mercury in Scorpio, a perfect cosmic picture of the disagreements and diverse opinions his pseudo-SOTU 2021 will activate, or aggravate.

Now in closing, we may wish to consider the cosmic weather of the evening via its Sun Taurus-Moon Sagittarius pairing, an Earth-Fire blend of conscious and unconscious energies ruled by the popular Venus-Jupiter combination. This 'dynamic duo' wants to make a contribution to the world via a stable economy and suggests common sense, inventiveness, and doing things on a grand scale which may refer to President Biden's visionary plans which must be large enough to make a difference in spite of opponents who, by harming Joe Biden, also harm the American people.

Well, there are many more factors of interest in this speculative horoscope of Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address 2021 so check them out if you wish. And if inspired, leave an on-topic comment! jc

(For more details see Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad)

Apr 13, 2021

Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio

Beware: The Mars-Jupiter-Neptune Trio from 1792 Soon Repeats

by Jude Cowell

For astrologers, key dates in the History of the French Revolution reveal intriguing planetary alignments with the Marseillaise Trio of Mars, Jupiter, and Nepune prominent and coming to represent extreme violence such as stormings, breaches, and mob riots against established authority. Note that when the Storming of the Tuileries palace occurred on August 10, 1792, the planetary Trio was aligned in late Libra, sign of balance and justice, as the populace demanded an end to the French monarchy of King Louis XVI and proceeded to dethrone the king. Follow the link, above, for more details concerning the events.

But why mention this historically significant planetary alignment now?

Because a heads-up may be in order for unfortunately, the Marseillaise Trio will form in 'marching order' once again and can be seen in the Horoscope of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 North Saros Series (shown below) and ranging from 23Pisces to 1 Aries with globally significant Aries Point included, one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation. Here, Venus is among the Trio which will tighten on May 18, 2022 when Mars and Neptune conjunct @24Pis59:35 and Jupiter inches slightly into Aries (1:22).

Initial 6 North Eclipse of May 15, 0850 (28Taurus) Repeats on April 30, 2022

May 15th, the 'Ides of May', is a significant date in history and marks the Roman Festival of Mercury, aka, Mercuralia, when merchants honored Mercury and prayed for profit and the ability to continue cheating customers. And as you know, messenger god Mercury is called Hermes in Greek mythology and is well known for her/his commerce, trading, communication, teaching, tricksterism, thieving, and other talents and skills. Interestingly, Mercury rules both the Ascendant and Midheaven of the April 30, 2022 eclipse chart and @00Gem48, conjuncts Alcyone with its keyphrase, 'something to cry about'. Or, perhaps Mercury conjunct Alcyone will simply bring rain a bunch!

April-May 2022 Solar and Lunar Eclipses

So yesterday when we discussed some prominent Karmic Planets That Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 I hadn't yet thought much about the first Solar Eclipse of 2022 occurring April 30th @10Taurus28 in the 6 North Saros Series and what changes and disruptions its 'wild card' Uranian energies could bring to the White House and to the US government. Adding to this is erratic Uranus @14Tau32, the degree of America's Inaugural Ascendant every four years and spotlighting fixed star Menkar with its 'victim of the unconscious' implications and link to Jonah and The Whale (saying what must be said, as presidents with bully pulpits do).

Since 6 North themes involve 'relationships to authority figures' and 'taking control and responsibility' we must, however reluctantly, consider the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope, below), plus, the accompanying May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (not shown - and perfects within a day of May 15th depending on your location and time zone). As you know, accompanying Lunar Eclipses reveal clues concerning societal reactions to their related Solar Eclipses (these across the Taurus-Scorpio axis). And as you see, the Solar Eclipse's 3rd cusp @25Sco36 (when set for DC) points toward the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse which may actually signify the Full Moon referred to in the Symbol for the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction @28Pisces (6th house; wealthy people) - which in turn relates to the symbol for the Solar Eclipse itself ("11Taurus") via the concept of Gardening Under the Full Moon, at the culmination stage of plans seeded at the previous New Moon.

Note: Sabian Symbols supply additional information for those who use them and several are penned upon the chart.

So besides the 'take control' energies contained within 6 North themes (see the top of the chart for the rest), the Symbols identify gardening, care, development, and cultivation as additional underlying potentials of both April/May 2022 eclipses, plus, Taurus is the sign of growth. And in a flurry of synchronicity, a cosmic time link exists between this Solar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon (the previous lunation) - also a Full Moon which perfects on April 16, 2022 @26Lib46 with its degree spotlighting the 1792 Marseillaise Trio. As you see, the April Full Moon in Libra conjuncts the 2nd cusp of the eclipse chart implying revelations concerning finances and/or values:

6 North Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 4:27:55 pm EDT White House, Washington, DC: Hour of Jupiter (conjunct Venus--two money planets); Mutable/Earth; a Bundle shape of planets suggesting a concentration of 'take-over energies' which resonates with the themes of 6 North eclipses; quirky Uranus nearby emphasizes karmic debts and resources, and solar eclipses in the 8th house link the past, present, and future, and are particularly karmic. Manifesting in Venus-ruled Taurus, the Taurean traits of endurance and reliability are required for best results (R. Lineman) concerning events brought by the eclipse. (I suspect you know what this eclipse may refer to without my having to type it, dear reader, for I do not want to do that in case it attracts the loss or dethroning of a leader via illness or unreliability.)

Now in closing, here are three midpoint pictures an their potential expressions from the above chart: *Pluto-NN (North Node) = Neptune: 'success attained through lies and fraud; disadvantages and losses'; Mercury-Pluto = Venus = Jupiter: 'propaganda; persuasion; crooks and swindlers'; and, Mercury-Uranus = NN: 'surprising news; turns or changes; cooperation' (Ebertin).

Plus, penned on the chart, lower left, you see the only applying Ptolemaic (major) aspect made by chart-ruler/Midheaven ruler Mercury - a sextile to Venus (2A52) indicating opportunities for diplomacy and for forming alliances. My first thought? That Venus might very well signify VP Kamala Harris.

(Note: any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

*Besides the 'common destiny of a large mass of people' and 'powerful groups', Pluto-NN is the "tiger by the tail" combo!

Dear Reader: As always your on-topic comments and observations are welcome as long as you don't sign with 'Unknown' or 'Anonymous'! jc

Apr 9, 2021

Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon

In America Neptunian Rebels Are Rising Again

by Jude Cowell

April 9, 2021: With today being the 156th anniversary of General Robert E. Lee's Surrender at Appomattox Court House, here's a view of the Civil War Horoscope (lower left), plus the war's Secondary Progressed Full Moon ('SP') which perfected on December 14, 2020 @26Pis05. Some amazing synchronicities were, or are, in effect, what I tend to call 'cosmic time links' involving 1861 Neptune in Pisces (with deceptive, deluded Neptune progressed in December 2020 to the very public Aries Point), and the Electoral College Vote count on that very day. As you see, at the start of the war (April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT) Neptune was rising along with Scheat, star of misfortune and murder, plus, a midpoint picture between Mercury-Neptune = ASC reveals potentials for 'overreaction to others' and exploitation' (Tyl). A veil of Neptunian deception and misconception was cast over the proceedings, and emotions were played upon in 1861, a description of many of our 2021 conditions as well.

Now outside the foundational 4th house of the upper right horoscope (SP Full Moon @26Pis05) I've notated the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 in the difficult 4 South Saros Series - the influences in which the world continues to stew (until late May or early June 2021, when the next Solar Eclipse in Gemini begins to influence societal conditions and events, and our dreams become prophetic). Thing is, the December 14, 2020 Eclipse is a time link for current seditionist activities for it manifested on the very day of the Electoral College Vote, the count for which violent insurrectionists on January 6th temporarily interrupted the work of the US Congress as it fulfilled its constitutional duty of certifying the vote count for President Joe Biden - aka, the former guy's infamous, deceitful "stop the steal" ploy which led to violence and death. And as you know, the grifter's big lie about Election 2020's outcome is the basis for the false narratives and shady laws being perpetrated in state legislatures such as in my home state of Georgia where 'white supremacy' somehow retains a base of radical reactionaries who are often signified in horoscopes by Utopian zealot and radical, disruptive politician, Uranus.

Uranus and Neptune

Now looking ahead, one interesting, or perhaps predictive, feature is that the Civil War will experience a three-fer Neptune Return/s on March 28, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026 - all 're-conjunct' 1861 Scheat, and as you see, at a critical 29th degree of shady Pisces (see the blue box on the left). Another thing is transit Uranus, America's planet of rebellion, conflict, and potential for violence, now traveling through Venus-ruled Taurus ('the bull'), has already caused trouble including from its Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) on Inauguration Day 2021. Fortunately, the ceremony and Oaths of Office were uninterrupted by sore losers - because the capital city was prepared and snugly fenced in.

So lower left beside the 1861 chart, you see listed a midpoint picture with transit Uranus at apex which in part describes recent, current, and probably future events, as you may agree: fanaticism and the urge to fight. Add in the energies of SP Mars conjunct SP Sun-Jupiter and we have a portion of the zealotry, aggression, and warrior spirit (Mars) that helps fuel the miguided, anti-societal efforts and attacks of seditionist rebels as they proudly march under authoritarian symbols of neo-nazism.

And my suspicion is that these rowdy miscreants are being 'inspired' to act on behalf of the former guy by the reigning crop of crooks and swindlers and can be seen in the SP midpoint picture: Sun-Mercury opposite - you guessed it - SP Neptune Rx @00Ari20, conjunct the SP 8th cusp.