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Showing posts with label Eclipses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipses. Show all posts

Mar 3, 2022

June 2022 Full Moon to 4 South Eclipse 2020

March 3, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps it's an insignificant cosmic time link or echo when the Full Moon of June 14, 2022 @23Sag25 culminates directly upon the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series (23Sag08) with its themes of 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships, sudden desire to finish a relationship', and 'frustration, and blocked emotions - avoid rash actions' (B. Brady). Naturally, you'll recognize the 2020 4 South as the Electoral College Vote Eclipse (DC Horoscope shown), and perhaps we can agree that rash actions were not avoided by certain malcontents.

Full Moons Can Behave Like Lunar Eclipses, New Moons Like Solar Eclipses: Mix with the Karmic Nodal Axis!

So for your consideration, below is a messily notated DC Horoscope of the Full Moon of June 14, 2022 (inner chart - to emphasize the Full Moon's house cusps) with the earlier occurring 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020 surrounding it (outer) which could represent a culmination or fulfillment of some kind in relation to the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden, and the sore loser's Big Lie which has been used ever since to sabotage America, gaslight the American public, and undermine our election process.

Notably, there's a powerful midpoint picture which stands out because all or some of its potentials apply, and it involves the organized crime duo of Neptune and Pluto along with the North Node of public contact:

Pluto-North-Node = Neptune (25Pis23): 'attaining success through lies and fraud; disadvantages and losses' (Ebertin); 'seeing that people are not always what they seem to be' (Munkasey); and 'the power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost' (Tyl).

As always, leave a Comment if you wish for your on-topic name-tagged observations are welcome, and social media Shares are encouraging and very much appreciated! jc

Feb 15, 2022

DC Horoscopes: The Eclipses of April and May 2022 (unmarked)

February 15, 2022

Below you see a bi-wheel of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 in the 6 North Saros Series, inner, with its themes of 'relationship to father figures, authority figures, or the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented, possibly due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Outer is the DC Horoscope of the May 16, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse @25Sco17 where we see the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence aligned (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) but unlike their alignment during the French Revolution, expansive Jupiter here conjuncts the Cardinal Aries Point of World Manifestation after leaving shady Pisces where gaslighting Neptune and activist Mars continue to lounge and lurk; the Mars-Neptune conjunction perfects 2 days later on May 18, 2022 - and they are not the most reliable pairing of planets especially considering America's foggy Mars-Neptune square of 1776:

Therefore, April and May 2022 are colored by the intense, often financially inclined Taurus-Scorpio polarity (across the 2/8 axis in DC which includes the National Treasury) and suggests the signs' Venus-Mars-Pluto influences. To me it looks as if a multitude of secrets and inconvenient facts will be revealed or leaked under the 'cosmic blink' influences of one or both eclipses, and changes of direction may become necessary. However, we should note that solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus time a period when reliability, perseverance, and determination are spotlighted along with the typical potentials for Taurean growth and development.

Negatively, rigid resistance to change and bullheadedness will continue to be perpetrated by malcontents, while positive efforts must be constant and must resonate with and satisfy actual needs if karmic progress is to be made in society. Now Taurus prefers stability, as you know, and its inflexibility can often be an asset so perhaps a sort of balancing act is what is suggested here along with a sense of moderation.

But there's more for earlier in April 2022, a planetary pair which also relates to finances (plus, stock market bubbles, fraud, inflation, a lack of reality) come togther as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune @23Pis59, an approximately 13-year cycle which last conjoined three times all through 2009 as President Obama navigated the Financial Crash of Bush and Cheney and was working to somewhat mitigate the collateral damage which landed upon the shoulders of the American people who paid - and continue to pay - so dearly for the heist.

Feb 7, 2022

Nixon's "War on Drugs" Scam Must End

America's Militarized Police State is Anti-American

by Jude Cowell

Richard's Nixon's much touted term "war on drugs" was coined on June 18, 1971 and popularized by the media. And in 2016, in a segment on his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann related this deceptive Nixon campaign meant to fight against his enemies (Vietman War and civil rights protestors, and African-Americans of his day) as one of the signposts on the way to increasing violence in America.

Then prior to 1971, the televised incidents of violence at DNC 1968 in Chicago made a shocking spectacle of purposeful political violence shown vividly on TV to the American public although a percentage of viewers may have cheered. Was this melee of disruption against the Democratic Party an early example of "owning the libs"?

Meanwhile, history tends to rhyme through similar events and conditions, and on SO'W a correlation between historical and eclipse cycles is noted quite frequently. So here's another such for you:

Solar Eclipses in the same Saros Series as those in 1968 will repeat in 2022 - the first eclipse manifests on April 30th @10Taurus (6 North: Themes - 'relationship to authority figures; someone becomes unreliable; commitments are made'), the second on October 25th @2Scorpio (6 South: Themes - 'being forceful and taking power; exerting huge efforts in group activities' - paraphrasing B. Brady).

Significantly, a 6 South Solar Eclipse manifested in August 1932 as what I call the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse with the chart showing, as you can see, eclipse Saturn conjunct US natal Pluto, a transit that times a period of power and control issues, and indicates that situations are simply too large to handle.

And as we know, Germany cheered Herr Adolf for "being forceful" and "taking power" while many Americans cheered for FDR with motives much less brutal as he enjoined a battle against America's enemies, rather than joining them. In fact, the "economic royalists" of 1933 attempted a fascist coup against FDR and failed. So can we agree that a 'watchful eye to safety' is now necessary due to saboteurs and other coup planners who harbor fasci*t intentions as they lurk about the country, secretly and publicly, and who are determined to strike again against the US government?

Meanwhile, a breakdown in the fabric of society is well underway, a longterm goal of the GOP, and this causes chaotic societal conditions just right for coup attempts such as Congress and the American public were terrorized by on January 6, 2021.

For a view of the DC Horoscopes of the Midterm Elections 2022 Lunar Eclipse and the 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 check out this previous post.

As for Nixon's "War on Drugs", global and ongoing as it tragically and unfairly is, this political scam was invented within a 9 New North Saros Series via the Solar Eclipse of February 25, 1971 @6Pisces (in secretive, shady Pisces - with the sign suggesting serious karmic implications). 9NN Themes: 'violence or sudden physical events, accidents; keep a watchful eye on safety'. (Also notable given current events is that a 9 New North Eclipse also manifested @14Aquarius on February 3, 1935, the year that the Nazis appropriated the 'swastika' symbol for their party's official flag.)

So it seems to me that ending the bogus "war on drugs" and the gestapo-style no-knock warrants that resulted from its strong-armed enforcement would be a major step forward toward keeping a 'watchful eye' on every American's safety.

Why, karmic progress would be made! Plus, relief would be welcomed for America's callous prison system full of non-violent drug offenders and other unfairly imprisoned victims of what has become a militarized police state, a condition which can be partially described astrologically by US Mars turned retrograde by progression, a weakening if symbolic indicator for testosterone-driven Mars, the warrior planet of motive, action, and desire.

Brutal Factions Seek Violent Conflicts in US Streets

Therefore, I must ask you, dear reader: why have such deceptive reforms been instituted over the last decades by certain domestic and foreign factions including the arming of police departments with military weapons if an authoritarian take-over by brutal manipulators and their corporate backers hadn't been planned for America's future? Is NRA opposition to gun control reform their stance in order to make battles fought in US streets possible and more deadly? These ploys of brutality might also be identified as Herr T's "carnage in America" which I realized on January 20, 2017 was a threat rather than his lament.

So! Whether such malevolent plans and activities have been in process through the decades or not, it's now 2022 with the Midterm Elections and a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus drawing near, and, prior to that, a karmic 'cosmic blink' Eclipse in Scorpio arriving in October, so that this, right now, must be where our resistance to authoritarianism is made crystal clear!

Above image: 'Moon Phases' by Jude Cowell; colored pencil on paper

Jan 26, 2022

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of 2024

2024: A Pivotal Year for America

by Jude Cowell

January 26, 2022

For future reference, this is merely a quick posting of the DC Horoscope of the next Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of April 20, 2024 @21Tau 49:48 set for Washington DC. The word picture for "22Taurus" = "A White Dove Over Troubled Waters" which can be either a positive or negative indicator with motive being the deciding factor.

Yet as I type, society is now in the final or third stage of the current Jupiter-Uranus cycle which actually sported an extended three-fer time frame for Jupiter-Uranus issues beginning in June 2010 (conjunct the Cardinal Aries Point), September 2010 @28Pis43, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. Obviously, these conjunctions occurred during the presidency of Barack Obama.

Listed on the chart, lower left, are a few of the potentials for the combined energies of expansive Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and progressive if radical Uranus such as: freedom issues, group causes, and/or activities within the realms of Technology, Finance, (Politics), or Astrology, with possible breakthroughs and discoveries in Science, Medicine, or Exploration as typical outcomes. In money sign Taurus, Jupiter reaches for financial security and can be wasteful, while erratic Uranus there suggests unusual methods of gaining money, risky speculation, and/or a potential for disruptive earth changes:

Also, a few notes are penned on the chart concerning this Conjunction's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE'), the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which is the third 'Great American Eclipse' with its Path of Totality dividing America from the Southwest to the Northeast this time (last time in August 2017, from Oregon to South Carolina). 'Flashes of genius', 'good ideas', and 'visions' may occur under 8 North eclipses.

Also listed, upper right, is the PE of the 2024 Presidential Election; its PE @10Lib03 falls within the difficult 8 South Series of 'loss and separation' (B. Brady). As you see in this chart, Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus is the only aspect made by chart-ruler Jupiter which also rules the 4th cusp via the watery sign of Pisces. You'll note a difficult Mars-Saturn conjunction at IC along with fixed star Achernar with its keywords suggesting "crisis at the end of the river" and/or "the risk of rapid endings." Meanwhile, the Sun-Pluto square reveals someone with a "might makes right" attitude along with a deep craving for power.

If curious or simply optimistic, why not look ahead toward what is hopefully the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

(Eclipse info from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)

Jan 20, 2022

April-May 2022 Cosmic Shifts and Blinks

April-May 2022: As Above, So Below

by Jude Cowell

Thursday January 20, 2022

With springlike April coming soon and flowery May just behind, here's a round-up of SO'W posts, plus, info concerning prominent cosmic events coming in April and May 2022 that promise societal shifts on multiple levels. The emphasis here is on the US but naturally other regions of the world will also be under these cosmic influences:

April 1, 2022: New Moon @12Pis07 culminating with the Full Moon @26Lib46 on April 16, 2022 (no DC Horoscopes of these lunations have been published, not yet anyway).

April 12, 2022: a new cycle begins of the speculator pair of bubbles, inflation, and political conflicts: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis59 opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo (Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune: promotion of strange theories; misplaced altruism).

April 30, 2022: A disruptive, course-changing 6 North Solar Eclipse in Venus-ruled Taurus (@10Tau28--where transit Uranus is as I type). Check out the themes of this 'cosmic blink' eclipse because an authority figure may become unreliable and have to be replaced. Good news is that this is a partial solar eclipse so its energies are not as influential as a Total eclipse would be.

May 16, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse @25Scor18 near the natal Sun and Venus of President Biden (no DC Horoscope published yet). Which inconvenient secrets of a Scorpionic nature will be revealed or leaked? Will this eclipse relate to an authority figure becoming unreliable? (If so, may it be a secessionist.)

May 24, 2022: Transit Jupiter and Mars Reach Aries Point by leaving shady Pisces behind. Mars in his own sign of Aries desires change, while Jupiter in Aries suggests vigorous leadership and honesty but negatively can bring premature action, over-expansion, and/or moodiness.

May 30, 2022: the merry month of May ends with a New Moon @9Gem03 conjunct US 1776 Uranus (@8:55), America's totem planet of revolt and revolution, and a cosmic marker for changes, shifts, reforms, progress, disruption, and/or radical politics.

So this is the list of cosmic events I have for you today, however, there are almost certainly more April and May 2022 posts coming so do stay tuned!

Above image: 'Cosmic Blinks' paper collage by Jude Cowell

Jan 12, 2022

1932 to 1937 Eclipses Repeat 2022 to 2028

Must America's Fight for Democracy Last Into 2028?

by Jude Cowell

January 12, 2022

Our fight continues!

And in the November 24, 2021 broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show Thom expressed what to me, based in part on my studies of eclipse cycles, an interesting idea about something I'd never considered in exactly this way: that the Nazi influence in the United States from 1933 to 1937 was huge. And although I've published multiple SO'W posts concerning conditions and events of those years, both earthly and cosmic, you'll find more of such, below. Notably, previous posts have concerned solar eclipses and their themes which run in the background of society and influence historical events, a well known correlation in the As Above, So Below tradition.

So thanks to Thom's remark about the 'Nazi years' of 1933 to 1937 and how Nazi characters of that era affected the US and how they attempted to overthrow the FDR administration in 1933 (and thus, the US government - as on January 6, 2021), it seems to me that we should look at the themes of the August 31, 1932 6 South Eclipse all the way to the last eclipse of 1937 (and all eclipses in between: 1935 was a very eventful year; ex: Herr Adolf armed Germany in violation of the Versaillais Treaty of 1919) for a look can provide us with hints of similar events and conditions to expect in that 'history rhymes' kind of way as these eclipses repeat in our era.

For me this information falls into the 'forewarned is forearmed' category, and, disagree as you wish, dear reader, there it is. After all, who can deny the negative conditions of current events and faithless actors? Yet as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, Despair is not an option!

Solar Eclipses from February 1933 to December 1937

February 24, 1933 @5Pisces 7 North: 'Deep, long-hidden passions and lust suddenly catch people off-guard' (to this I must add, blood lust because it's a Nazi tactic for grabbing power, and remains an obsession of the predatory destructive spirit that roams the Earth.

December 2, 1937 @10Sagittarius 12 North: 'Opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and make new commitments due to another person's inability to carry on; initial events are difficult but outcomes can be positive'. (Can be. Motive is everything.)

7 North to 12 North (1933 to 1937 and 2023 to 2028)

So the concentrated time frame that Thom mentions begins with the 7 North Eclipse of 1933 @5Pisces, until the 12 North Eclipse of 1937. For us, the 7 North Saros Series recurs on April 20, 2023 @30Aries (Herr Adolf's 134th birthday) and January 26, 2028 (12N Eclipse @6Aquarius conjunct America's South Node of July 4, 1776, a separative, and possibly neurotic indication of past behavior which no longer suffices). See 12 North Eclipse, US South Node, Pluto, and Demeter for a view of 12 North's DC Horoscope.

Although not within Thom's time frame, there is also a 12 South Solar Eclipse in 2028 @'30Cancer' ("A Daughter of the American Revolution"!) on July 22, 2028 with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness' (an end to Covid? Perhaps, yet 12 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series of July 4, 1776 then @00Pis33 - and how synchronous that its Sabian Symbol in 2028 relates to the Revolution, and its themes affected the initial signing of the Declaration of Independence).

2022: Eclipses and a Midterm Elections Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Yet the two most obvious eclipses that form major signposts on the dystopian road to fascist-nazi authoritarianism in the US (and across the globe) must be the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse repeating on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - problematically the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 (held the same day as a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos, zealotry, and anarchy), and the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse.

Yet special mention should be added about one solar eclipse in particular which occurred in 1937 - not the final one in 1937 but the Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1937 @18Gemini in the challenging 11 South Saros Series with its disturbing themes of 'ideas and methods fail, new systems are required in order to deal with events; any blocks could be tragically and violently removed'. And when does an 11 South eclipse repeat? On August 2, 2027 @10Leo - conjunct the orange mussolini's 12th house Pluto which is apex planet of his 'death axis' Mars-Saturn midpoint (R. Ebertin) with Plutonian potentials for 'murder' and 'piled up corpses'. Maybe he'll be the block that's removed!

Yet it seems in 2022 that Herrs Adolf and Tr*mp and their despotic ilk are like wads of nasty gum on the world's shoe that never wants to let go.

Then in closing, it would be remiss not to mention a previous post and horoscope concerning this authoritarian topic: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC. And which Eclipse Saros series did the rally occur within? The sinister 13 South with thematic potentials for constitutional crisis and/or striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively (B. Brady).

Solar Eclipses themes are paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology (#ad).

Jan 5, 2022

The Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson,_1800.jpg

By "Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson" I refer to the Solar Eclipse Saros Series during which his birth took place on April 2, 1743, and to his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') itself in the 15 South Saros Series, shown, below.

Here is an image of Mr. Jefferson's PE Horoscope with my study notes, plus, 15 South themes, penned on (via B. Brady; top center). The chart is set for his location of birth, Shadwell, Virginia and a link to his natal horoscope is added, below:

Now often a birth time of 1:53 am LMT is used for Jefferson's natal chart (with 18Cap17 rising and a 10th house Pluto Rx @16Sco04), however, other birth hours have been proposed here and there, some through rectification of life events. I tend to use the 1:53 am chart because I've read that it's close to early morning time from the notes his father wrote upon the occasion. (Any reader with more info, please leave a comment!)

So here's a link to the astrodatabank version (RR: X = date without time) which displays no house cusps, only planetary positions in Thomas Jefferson's Natal Horoscope.

And this is one reason I always check out the PE of a person or event especially ones without a known hour - because with eclipses, the Cosmos always gets the timing exactly right!

A Very Descriptive Sabian Symbol

Jefferson's PE @5Sag: "A Wise Old Owl Up In A Tree" which emphasizes his erudite studies, the then-rural Monticello countryside, and Jefferson's preference for solitude which is also a feature of Neptune-North-Node ('NN') = Midheaven. In addition, Neptune Rx in Moon-ruled Cancer (high sensitivity!) leads a Locomotive shape of his eclipse planets suggesting a ruthless determination toward success - a desire perhaps well-hidden since nebulous Neptune is the engine. As you know, this was the way desires to hold political offices (and generalships of an army!) were done back in the day. Now I know what you're thinking, dear reader: is there a Locomotive led by Neptune in Jefferson's natal chart? Nope. So without a consideration of his Prenatal Eclipse Horoscope, I'd not be mentioning the implications of a ruthless Locomotive for Mr. Jefferson who, after all, made it to the top as President of the USA.

Note: No, the "YODs" in this chart are not actually considered YODs because the third 'leg' is only an angle, the Midheaven, instead of a planet. Therefore, I've listed them as midpoint pictures (center) and inconjuncts (lower left).

Related is a rather curious post about dragons, rosy glows, and Utopianism in which the name of Thomas Jefferson prominently appears.

J6 Committee spotlighting Sean Hannity

Several moons ago I placed the natal horoscope of Fox TV's Sean Hannity into my files but never did much with it. Turns out, Hannity's natal planets are now significant due to the Jan 6th Select Committee investigation into Hannity's communications with Tr*mp and Mark Meadows now in the investigation's headlights.

Admittedly, I 'like that journey' for Sean Patrick who is not legally protected by the Fox 'News' department (which allegedly involves journalism). No, Hannity's show falls instead within the network's 'entertainment' department. He'd better not try it! Although it could result in delay, one of Tr*mp's favorite tactics.

Well, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (sans edits) concerning Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in vain Leo:

"Sean Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series is the 18 North. Prior to Sean Patrick's birth, 18N manifested on August 11, 1961 @19Leo, solar sign of leadership, ego, and pride. But his life isn't all sunflowers because 18N themes include: a high stress level; a taxing of strength; a large expenditure of effort; physical concern such as an illness or accident (Brady). 18N has also occurred in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, (1961), 1979, 1997, and last occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 -- conjunct fixed star Denebola (keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream). 18N's initial eclipse manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34 so its modern-day influence should be viewed through an Aquarian lens."

And here's a 2017 post with a few astro-notes about the blighter.

Above photo: Sean Hannity in younger days.

Dec 26, 2021

1968 Eclipses Repeat in 2022: Strategy and Turbulence

by Jude Cowell

December 26, 2021

Since August 2018, the History dot com channel has sported a brief YouTube video of Chicago's rioting at the DNC in 1968 (Democratic National Convention) described as "a political and cultural watershed moment" in America. As a teenager I remember watching the Convention and the melee on TV, possibly on the 'evening news' or in 'real time' and feeling suspicious of the participants and their aggressive actions. Not that 'plants' were understood by yours truly back then but it seemed clear to me that something sneaky (meant to spark violence) was going on in an attempt to undermine the Democratic Party and its candidates. While the riots were disturbing, that 'voting Republican' should be the result of watching the conflict on the evening news did not dawn upon my teenaged brain and it did not sway me toward Republicans in the voting booth on Election Day (my first-ever!). Nor will any similar events that may occur sway me in 2022.

Now in hind sight, a Timeline of the Events of 1968 tells a difficult tale of a year of turmoil and strife in the US. And if we consult them, solar eclipse themes of 1968 can reveal background influences during that year via the 'As Above, So Below' model (on Earth as it is in Heaven). Therefore, I regretfully inform you that the two solar eclipses of 1968 fell into the difficult 6 North and 6 South Saros Series (series are like families) - and both 6N and 6S solar eclipses are due to repeat in 2022, but in different Zodiacal positions, of course.

Now naturally 6N and 6S eclipses have manifested between 1968 and 2022 (their years are listed, below) but since we're still in 2021 for a little while longer, let's focus on what's coming down the political pike, as they say, especially since 2022 is a year of risky Midterm Elections in the US and we already know we've got worlds of trouble with America's future hanging in the balance bwo 'democracy vs fascism', which is one way to describe our current existential predicament. So shall we keep our Republic, or lose it?

See Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus.

March and September 1968 and April and October 2022

So as it happened back in the day, the 6 North Solar Eclipse of March 28, 1968 functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") of both political conventions - the RNC (August 8, 1968 Miami Beach, Florida) and the DNC (August 26, 1968 Chicago, Illinois) with themes of: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; accepting commitments due to another individual's unreliability or illness'. Well, in 1968 it was Republican Richard Nixon vs Democrat Hubert Humphrey, as you know, and political trickiness ('strategy'!) was afoot. For as you know, eclipses are considered Uranian (quirky, chaotic) and often disrupt earthly events like a 'wild card of the Universe'. Changes of direction have been known to occur. View the DC Horoscope of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28.

Then before 1968 ended, on a 'cosmic blink' level there perfected a 6 South Solar Eclipse on September 22, 1968 @29Virgo, a 29th critical-crisis degree - and was the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 1968 in November. (For those who use a late afternoon Sagitarius rising horoscope for the US, this eclipse 'hit' the Midheaven of July 4, 1776 - and I suspect that its themes relate to someone's goal in 1968. Certainly, power plays and high stakes are common features of every election year and nominating convention, yes?)

History Rhymes, Echoes, Reverberates

So to close this fuss, here is some "you have been warned" info because in October 2022, a 6 South Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct Venus will be the "wild card" we may as well expect since it's the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022:

6 South themes: 'being forceful and taking power; manic energy, great force or strength in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

My thought for 2022? That vicious anarchists and zealots, determined to take over the US despite how the American people vote, must be challenged and repelled with equal - no, with stronger force, even if it takes a gargantuan record-setting Blue Wave of voters to do it.

6N and 6S Eclipses occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, (1968), 1986, 2004, (2022), and next: 2040.

Above image: an early depiction of the US Capitol Building; attribution unknown.

Dec 20, 2021

Back when UFOs "buzzed" the White House!

by Jude Cowell

December 20, 2021

Now yours truly was a mere babe in arms back in 1952 when UFOS flew over the White House and the Air Force was acting crafty about whether they had ever investigated such phenonmena. But how on Earth could the "Air" Force not have looked into such mysterious aerial events? Well, in June 2021, the US intelligence community released a long-awaited report you may have heard about or read, allegedly 'coming clean' about the controversial topic that engages the minds of many Americans.

Now perhaps I should make plain the fact that I'm not a believer in alien craft visiting our planet. After all, if the beings on other planets are advanced enough to travel this far across the Cosmos, why wouldn't their crafts look more space-aged instead of favoring Cuban cigars? So to me 'UFOs' seem either earthly in origin or in some cases, very imaginative folks see what they want to see - with visions most often aided by imbibing certain escapist substances that induce the apparitions they crave, whether consciously viewed or not. Unconscious tricks-of-the-eye have been known to happen and this may play a part especially for those who read or hear about such events and possibilities more often than their fevered imaginations can realistically manage. And of course, seeking notoriety in the public spotlight may also play a part for some.

Even so, the historical fact of the "buzzing" of the White House by mysterious aircraft back in 1952 makes for intriguing questions, doesn't it? Could it have been a private message or 'wake up call' for President Truman in office at the time?

For historical context see US events of 1952 which include the establishment of the National Security Administration (NSA). Well, that seems related to mysterious White House visitors! Plus, 1952 was a Presidential Election Year. Primarily, the sightings of 1952 were focused from July 12 to July 29 and were labeled by some as the "Invasion of Washington" and fell within the influences of the Pisces 8 North Eclipse of February 25th, displayed below.

So astrologically speaking (and then I'll stop fussing!), a curious solar eclipse occurred in 1952 which also could relate to the UFO topic for as you know, eclipse themes tend to 'run in the background of society' and eclipse cycles resonate with historical cycles in that "history rhymes" kind of way. As the first solar eclipse of 1952, its Uranian vibrations would have imprinted upon the entirety of 1952 and, as disruptive eclipses tend to do, must have brought a form of course correction to events and policies, possibly within or by the White House and the Truman administration:

Below: Solar Eclipse *8 North* Saros Series February 25, 1952 @6Pisces (mystical, secretive Pisces!); the Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: "6 Pisces" = "Officers On Dress Parade"; as you see, wounded Chiron in Capricorn rises along with prophetic asteroid Hopi ('ambush; prejudice'). And with 1952 Saturn Rx @14Lib07, it appears that the US is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return, a significant clue concerning White House authority, responsibility, and authenticity. Meanwhile, the 2nd hou$e North Node points toward America's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@00Pis33) in the 12 South Saros Series ('longterm worries are successfully resolved'). Then as you see, conjunct the Descendant, the Partnership angle, is 15Can14, which, as it happens, is the Ascendant of the Pentagon (1942); also note that with detail-oriented Mercury in Pisces near the eclipse, it's possible that the "buzzing" of the White House was an attempt to distract the president from whatever he was planning, while Mercury here suggests the need for utilizing logic and reasoning:

Please Note: The words that are cut off at the top of the image: "UFOs 'buzz' the White House July 1952." Also penned on: Conjunct the Pisces Eclipse are asteroid "Phaethon" which was mentioned in a previous post as being, "associated with fated events and similar in influence to flying-too-high Icarus (an asteroid which is sometimes active in assassinations among other things)"; also penned on the chart at the top is that Phaethon is "unprepared for tasks"; add Hermes, a Mercurial trickster asteroid suggesting cunning and the possibilities of theft and/or use of the occult; magician Hermes is posited in the mundane 2nd house of the National Treasury.

So for comparison, here's the *8 North* Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024 with a Path of Totality that (worrisomely) splits America from Southwest to Northeast and crosses the Oregon-to-South-Carolina Path of the Great American Eclipse of August 2017 (conjunct royal Regulus with its caution of 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'). So have America and the Pentagon ever avoid taking revenge? Tragically not. America's macho 'cowboy ethic' tradition of 'might makes right' can't allow it.

8 North Themes: "Inventiveness, flashes of genius; intuitive leaps, vivid visions or dreams; new-found inspirations cause strain in private lives as people are pulled away from relationships or social life" (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

Q: is "alien abduction" an example of being pulled away?

8 North eclipses have occurred in the years 1916, 1934, (1952), 1970, 1988, 2006 (@8Aries), and next in 2024 as yet another 'wild card of the Universe' a Great American Eclipse, this time exactly conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer and blindspot in any horoscope. So maybe the 'cosmic blink' of the 2024 solar eclipse will serve to open many eyes to the karmic problems that are holding back progress in America and they'll realize how to solve them. After all, 2024 is an election year.

And yet, here's a recent and related post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.

Dec 9, 2021

When Pluto-Chiron conjunct: a New Cycle of Plutocracy

by Jude Cowell

December 9, 2021

Today, as Stars Over Washington meanders toward a total of 6,000 published posts since 2005, I confess to having no idea whether or not the DC Horoscope of the December 30, 1999 Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, has turned up here before. With a near-60-year orbit, the mighty duo's rendezvous at the close of 1999 pointed toward the New Millennium and marked an important beginning of a significant new cycle in the realms of mass consciousness, aka, the Collective Unconscious. Subversive forces were stirring, rather like the waking of a fearsome dragon.

However, slight mention of the powerful duo was made in a previous SO'W post so here's a brief excerpt with mild edits for clarity:

Pluto conjunt Chiron: well, you know how I feel about this conjunction of corporatism, nationalism, fascism, nazism, communism, socialism, and other ~isms including racism. {Barbara Hand} Clow says this conjunction is very strong and is an evolutionary vortex, and that the house position defines the nature of the transmutive force.

Naturally, exploitation and primal violence also shelter under the Pluto-Chiron umbrella and in the last few years - the second decade of the New Millennium - we've seen a 'blossoming" of the negative potentials of Pluto-Chiron when their energies express together, sometimes violently, as wealthy 'elites' opportunistically take advantage of other people in order to protect their earthly thrones, increase their fortunes, and selfishly promote their objectives of power, control, and manipulation (over those of us who manage to stay alive to be further exploited!). Sad to say, the collapse of civilization itself is a longterm goal of these destructive social tinkerers - psychopaths, all, with evil on their minds and a success-at-any-cost attitude.

Oh all right, I'll quit fussing for now because, after all, you know who they are and what they do. You know their crimes and their guilt although often they perpetrate anti-societal crimes and outrages in the plutonian shadows - as you see, the duo is posited within the hidden, unconscious 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, and Back Room Deals. And of course, the 12th house is the favored domicile of watery Neptune, karmic planet of fraud, deception, speculation, fantasy, and loss - just a plutocrat's cup of tea!

So if you wish, check out (and compare with other charts) the DC Horoscope of the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 30, 1999 for details about Plutocracy, plutocrats, and more of the negative societal conditions their greed and hatred creates while appreciating how the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 (themes: 'benefits' and 'good news') 'hit' the 1999 Conjunction (spotlighting its qualities and activities).

Plus, you may wish to consider the mixed bag of exposure and criminality that's now in progress of being spilled and leaked in Washington DC as the duo's 10th house Moon's Sabian Symbol becomes more visible to the entire world: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding":

A Related Post: The New Millennium Horoscope and its Progressed New Moon of 2024.

Dec 2, 2021

In May 2022 Mars and Jupiter reach Aries Point!

by Jude Cowell

Thursday December 2, 2021

This is one of my occasional "for future reference" posts and it displays a dual image of the first moments in May 2022 when transit Jupiter conjuncts the Aries Point (May 10th; lower left), then two weeks later, transit Mars conjuncts the Aries Point (May 24th; 'AP' = Aries Point, the numero uno Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Recognition, Fame, Prominence, and Global Events; Good Fortune may also be involved).

As you see, several basic chart factors, plus, my study notes are squooshed upon the image for those who care to enlarge and read them. Note that, as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. Plus, regretfully, mention must be made that the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence from the days of the French Revolution (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is loosely formed in both charts as notated upon the image but whether or not such tumultuous energies will express in a similarly violent fashion remains to be seen.

That transit Jupiter moves forward into Aries after a bubbly conjunction with gaseous Neptune in shady Pisces (exact April 12, 2022 with Mars still in late Aquarius) will hopefully provide a lessening of the Trio's more difficult energies (Related: Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio).

The Cosmic Shift from Pisces to Aries Must Cross Difficult Star Scheat

Now when transit Jupiter reaches the AP on May 10, 2022 a major shift occurs from creative, watery Pisces where societal planet Jupiter tends potentially toward altruism, kindness, contentment in modest circumstances, a preference for solitude, impressionability, and/or the urge to enjoy negative escapism. Given Jupiter's 12-year cycle, the last time Jupiter reached Aries Point was in early June 2010 where the planet of expansion and growth remained until retrograding back into Pisces in September 2010. After turning Direct, the Great Benefic reached the Aries Point a second time during the third week of January 2011 and remained in Aries until early June 2011. You'll note that this time frame included the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision which opened the floodgate to corporate ownership of American politicians.

Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries denotes a period of expanded organization, vigorous actions, an increase of frankness (hope so!), widened corporate enterprises or interests, shows of generosity, and adventurous leadership. However, a lack of balance may also be shown along with tendencies toward moodiness, promoting plans that are premature, redecorating environments, and/or rearranging the deck chairs. Jupiter conjunct Scheat may expand the star's potentials, positively or negatively, and may rhyme with Jupiterian events and decisions from 12 years before. Ex: Citizens United decision January 21, 2010.

Then on May 24th feverish activist Mars leaves the sign of Pisces with its unreliable qualities, contagiousness, possible compassion, and the placement's 'struggle for recognition' tendencies and enters its own sign of Aries, one of Mars' stronger positions. Given the warrior planet's two-year cycle, transit Mars last entered Aries at the very end of June 2020 and remained in the sign until early January 2021. No, Mars conjunct Scheat is not comforting since both are considered malevolent yet we know that this meet-up happens approximately every two years and may pass us by without any notice at all.

Mars in Aries tends toward impatience, ambition, and perhaps the destructive urge (which may include arson so beware). This is a pioneering placement full of courage yet it can also involve a rash fools rush in quality.

So besides the Mars-Jupiter duo's relationship biologically to potentials for major surgery (hip or liver surgery in particular), hypoadrenalism, the heart muscle, a baby's first cry, aggravation of acute ailments, and/or the strengthening of limbs and improved muscle tone, perhaps we should close this post with a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Dialect information with potentials as provided by Michael Munkasey in the realms of Politics and Business. Add these potentials to Reinhold Ebertin's Mars-Jupiter = 'fortunate decisions' and 'conflict settlements':

Thesis: Too much legal activity or opinions; action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that angers or inflames others; legislative actions that concern competitive sports; religious activities or festivals.

Antithesis: legal opinions or judicial cases which affect military or metal industries; judgment of enemies who seek to do battle; misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

Additionally, we may simply consult Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book (#ad) for the Mars-Jupiter combination of energies: a fortunate course of action, clearing the air, and/or making waves effectively!

Nov 9, 2021

America's Perpetual Union Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Update November 17, 2021: It has come to my attention while on FB that astrologer and historian Gary Lorentzen uses a Perpetual Union Horoscope timed for 2:57 pm LMT rather than the 5:00 pm LMT timing you see in the chart below (based on data I gleaned online). At 2:57 pm LMT (Annapolis, MD Feb 2, 1781) 15Can51 arose making Luna in late Taurus chart-ruler (and PU Agreement ruler) with 27Pis23 at Midheaven ('MC'; conjunct Sun-NN: 'connections increase personal prestige' - Munkasey). Obviously, house positions of planets vary in the earlier chart and as chart-ruler the Moon is one degree earlier in Taurus and becomes prominent, making three applying Ptolemaic aspects: opposition Mars (3A45), trine Mercury (5A38), and trine Pluto (7A56). At 5:00 pm, as you see below, the Sun in Aquarius rules the chart and makes only one applying aspect - its sextile to legal planet Saturn @18Sagittarius. When progressed to 2021 and 2022, the 2:57 pm LMT chart reveals Angular and thus prominent Mars-Pluto influences which resonate with current conditions of brutality and violence. However, Mars-Pluto is not as prominent when the 5:00 pm chart is progressed for then the emphasis turns to the progressed Moon in Pisces where transit Neptune, planet of deception, confusion, paranoia, and contagion, now floats. If available, a timeline of events of that day would be helpful!

Original post begins here:

Tuesday November 9, 2021: Since America's Perpetual Union Horoscope has never appeared on Stars Over Washington, its cameo is quite overdue. However, the impetus for posting it now is to show that a Solar Eclipse @9Leo55 in the difficult 11 South Saros Series will 'eclipse' the Union's 1781 Ascendant on August 2, 2027. The last time a solar eclipse in the 11 South family occurred was on July 22, 2009 @29Can26 ("30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") during the Obama presidency which, as we now see if we didn't realize it before, his election riled up the white power folks something fierce and in some circles, talk of an 'American revolution' has been promoted ever since.

Meanwhile, the themes of 11 South relate futuristically to current events, certain op-eds, far-right websites, and news reports within the public discourse many of which opine over the fate of America thanks to secessionsts ready to 'pull the plug' on the experiment we call, America, for they have abandoned the Enlightenment principles of our nation's founding and have viciously turned authoritarian against the country, promoting violence and fantasies of murder across the land.

Then notably, we have a third 'Great American Eclipse' coming in April 2024, its path of visibility splitting the country West to East, and entering Texas bwo Mexico. Secession?Well, it isn't supposed to occur since the US is meant to remain a Perpetual Union.

And so below you see the America's Pepetual Union Horoscope (via historical records) with m'notes penned on, if you care to enlarge and read. Rising is 10Leo48 with the 11 South Eclipse of 2027 marked in orange. And note that 10Leo08 is also the degree of Donald Tr*mp's 12th house Pluto which lurks at apex of his 'death axis' pair, Mars-Saturn. This brutal midpoint picture that he was born under, as previously mentioned on SO'W, is intensified, empowered, and darkened by creepy saboteur Pluto and denotes potentials for 'death, murder, fury, brutality, destruction' - although 'intervention of a higher power' is also a possibility (R. Ebertin).

If you need them, 11 South themes are listed below the chart:

'Methods and/or ideas fail, new systems are required to deal with events; the need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Now as you know, forewarned is forearmed. And despite our system's ongoing Pluto Return destructuring, I pray that America and the American people will make it through successfully to the other side of the next incarnation of the difficult 11 South Solar Eclipse. Let's keep working toward such a worthy goal!

Nov 2, 2021

Nov 2022 Eclipse hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday November 2, 2021

Please note that today's post and horoscopes are published as a function of my self-appointed "duty to warn" role on behalf of a democratic America and some of its content may not be appropriate for all readers.

October 18, 2022 Update: First, the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio (October 25, 2022 = 'forcefully taking power and control') hits very near the Austrian Psychopath's natal Ascendant - and is rising in his chart, in fact. Then an even more direct 'hit' comes from the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which perfects on the very day of America's 2022 Midterm Elections - conjunct Uranus, planet of anarchy, zealotry, and attack. Erratic shows of anger may arise from nazi-lovers.

Original post begins here:

So the following bi-wheel of a certain Austrian Psychopath's natal chart (inner) with the Horoscope of the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus (outer) may or may not time significant events in the US, events and conditions which could or could not implicate the ongoing threat of violence by Neo-Nazis determined to take over the US government and turn it into a grotesque likeness of a certain goatish Austrian Psychopath who during his 'career' envisioned a world order that he himself would control. Today's modern acolytes of his violent methods toward grasping power continue to hold such an objective as their own and showed their vicious determination on January 6, 2021 as the Executive Branch of government attacked the Legislative Branch. And as everyone knows, their ring leader and white power mascot is dictator-wanna-be Donald J. Trump.

As to the significance of November 2022 Lunar Eclipse contacts to our 'mystery' Psychopath's natal Venus-Mars conjunction (@16Taurus+) of passion, pushiness, sexual impotency, and/or tactlessness, one factor to consider is that the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical zealot Uranus Rx and opposing the Scorpio Sun-Mercury conjunction - reveals cosmic clues about the Collective's emotional reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse which manifests on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros Series which happens to be the influential Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the Midterm 2022 Elections. Obviously, every candidate's 2022 campaign will also be affected by 6 South's 'forcefully taking power, manic energy, huge efforts in group activities' and 'sudden events' themes and by the Taurus Lunar Eclipse following, but such considerations are beyond the scope of this post. However, I'll add a few notes under the bi-wheel concerning some basic transits of November 2022 to the Austrian Psychopath's natals of 1889.

And please note that on the image, lower left, the 6 South Solar Eclipse is mislabeled as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' when in fact, it's a repeat of the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse'. Ma bad. But not to fret for an eclipse in the 'Fascism Rising' series will repeat in 2023 in the 7 North series: theme 'deep passion long hidden' - which resonates with the Austrian Psychopath's Venus-Mars conjunction, suggesting the frustrated, driving force within his power moves and his lust for power. At '30Aries' the 7 North Eclipse of 2023 will conjunct the natal Sun (@00Tau48, a degree of violence) of the Austrian Psychopath whose natal chart you see, below. And let's emphasize that these are 6 South and 7 North solar eclipses repeating from 1932 and 1933 - in 2022 and 2023. So as you see, they frame a period of time - and group efforts to take power and control, thus my "duty to warn."

So if you're curious, dear reader, please enlarge or perhaps print the bi-wheel, disturbing as its potentials may be. And as usual, astro-notes are penned on (too squishily!) for your consideration. As always, your observations and comments (name-tagged and on-topic, no ads please) are welcomed and will be published and answered unless you direct otherwise. Shares-if-you-dare would be much appreciated too, for my posts are seldom shared and the lack affects SO'W's Google ranking. Thanks!

Now all eclipses are disruptive 'wild cards of the Universe' and Lunar Eclipses are particularly good at uncovering hidden secrets and inconvenient facts from deep within the Collective Unconscious, plus, disturbing revelations cast under the glare of any Full Moon of total awareness will often lead to controversies and scandals, especially within the scandal-prone world of Politics. So here we go!

Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse w Austrian Psychopath's Natals (1889): Potentials

2022 Sun opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: urge for power, a desire to fight, headstrong output of energy, injuries; excessive emotional expressions, bad taste.

2022 Mercury opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: superficial interactions, conflicts, rash actions, mechanical breakdowns.

2022 Moon conjunct 1889 Venus and Mars: indulgence, courage, bravery, quick responses, instinctive leadership. Release of unconscious material, uncovering of secrets, hidden motivations, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. With Uranus: radical reactionaries and reformers may be identified.

2022 Uranus Rx conjunct 1889 Venus and Mars: unpredictable changes in relationships or partnerships, unexpected alliances established, unorthodox attitudes, changed appearances; halted activities and/or new enterprises begin, highly charged actions bring unexpected results, explosive conditions, danger, confronting adversaries, accidents.

2022 Venus opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: sore losers, opposing view points, conflicts; aggressively stirring things up; disagreements can turn into brawls.

2022 MC 13Leo36 conjunct 1889 Saturn 13Leo27: major moves, focus upon ambition, blaming others for wrong actions; failures.

And note that on the chart, lower right, are the dates when transit Saturn in Aquarius most recently opposed 1889 Saturn in Leo (across the self-will axis!) marking a period when modern-day acolytes of the Austrian Psychopath are working to correct past mistakes in order to try again. In fact, the third such opposition has yet to occur as I type for it perfects on January 14, 2022. However, we should note that a Saturn-oppo-Saturn transit also marks a time when 'crops planted on rocky soil will fail'!

Yet it's true, dear reader: a brutal, evil death cult from the past now attempts to raise its Medusa's Head and take control of our lives - and once again the evil (spurred on by the January 2020 Conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto) desperately needs to be resoundingly slapped down!

And if you agree, then you must know that henceforth every vote for a Republican is a vote for Medusa in disguise.

Related: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (Horoscope shown)

For more info on eclipse themes see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady #ad.

Oct 27, 2021

The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of February 1939 NYC

Such a history has the perverted 'American N*zi Party' that even Wikipedia provides details for the curious.

Said to have been founded in March 1959, the party apparently was dissolved on January 1, 1983 but that specificity could depend upon whom you ask. The assassination of the party's founding leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, on August 25, 1967 in a laundromat parking lot by sniper and former Rockwell follower, John Patler, didn't seem to ruffle the party overmuch for soon the confirmed Hitlerist Matt Koehl took over leadership of the organization. Significantly, Holocaust denier Rockwell had been discharged from the US Navy because of his political views (ex: he 'credited' Jews with the US civil rights movement).

Yet without a specific date in March 1959 for the party's founding, the 1959 Spring Equinox Horoscope can yield interesting information as a symbol of the start of a new enterprise. A quick sneak-peek at the chart (not shown here) reveals the prominent Sun @00Ari00:00 (the Aries Point of World Events) in 2nd house and a 7th house Moon @14Leo10 conjunct the erratic planet of anarchy, Uranus Rx @12Leo36. Notably, the double Fire Aries-Leo blend of the party in 1939 is chocked full of 'big personalities' with zealous activist Uranus in vain Leo suggesting bold, enterprising radicals who gamble, speculate, and are adventurous, wasteful, and licentious.

Is it surprising that this also describes the licentious orange menace?

Well, to me it seems more elucidating to view a bi-wheel of the infamous N*zi Rally of February 20, 2939 held at Madison Square Garden NYC (inner set for 9:00 pm EST) with the "Trump 'victory' announced" horoscope of November 9, 2016 2:49 am EST (outer chart set for Washington DC; from news reports). Many of the planetary contacts (aka, 'cosmic time links') between 1939 and 2016 are circled and a few of the orange menace's natal planets (June 14, 1946) are penned around the bi-wheel and highlighted in pink - notably, his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio rises, and in 2016 the planet of voting, Mercury @24Sco54, conjuncts his natal IC:

Listed are the two Solar Eclipses affecting each event along with their themes: 13 North @29Sco01 in 1939, and 19 North @9Vir21 in 2016 - opposed, you'll remember, by transit Neptune @9Pis16 which continues to cloud, veil, and gaslight 19 North themes of realism and seeing situations for what they really are (B. Brady). For as we know, it's difficult to "come down to earth" as 19 North eclipses suggest when eroding Neptune in shady, secretive, contagious Pisces opposes on every level the very idea of reality in order to keep in power, or re-install, a Jupiterian saboteur-and-despot in the Oval Office so he can finish 'blowing soap bubbles' as his ideological brethren did that dark night in 1939.

Please enlarge or print the bi-wheel if you're curious about more chart factors - Thanks! jc

Oct 25, 2021

Dec 2021 Solar Eclipse: The Karma of Past Actions

5 New South Eclipse Themes: Good News and Benefits!

by Jude Cowell

October 25, 2021: Below is a view of the DC Horoscope of the 5 New South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 which falls within the 2nd house of The National Treasury and Values when the eclipse chart is set for Washington DC. In Sabian Symbols its rounded-up degree of "13Sag" = "A Widow's Past Brought to Light" (a Freemasonry reference) with "Keynote: The karma of past actions as it affects opportunities presented by a new cycle" (D. Rudhyar). In his An Astrological Mandala (#ad), Rudhyar goes on to explain, "Mankind is 'the widow' because our soon-to-be-concluded Piscean Age has buried most of the ideals it once revered and proclaimed. Yet the New Age will have to deal with many oppressive ghosts. This is a symbol of RETRIBUTION." We don't need Astrology to tell us that America's old business will linger into 2022 which may refer to criminal and civil indictments we've yet to see in October 2021.

And for old age-new age, conservative-progressive, past-future, and old order-new order issues and stand-offs we tend to look toward Saturn vs Uranus; here, their midpoint @25Pis26 is posited in the 6th house of Military-Police-Civil Service, Employment, and Health. Their midpoint opposes US Progressed Neptune in Virgo which hints at "masked changes designed to break traditional roles" (supported by the ongoing transformative US Pluto Return/s of 2022 but now within orb and busy restructuring society, systems, structures, and traditions). Also suggested are potentials for "separations; bereavements; falsehoods, and/or malice due to weakness" (R. Ebertin).

Meanwhile, my personal hope is that the 'Retribution' of the "13Sag" Eclipse refers to holding accountable the criminals, corporatists, corrupt politicians, and their enablers who have undermined and continue to sabotage our nation out from under the noses of Americans who prefer a democratic Republic.

As you see, the Eclipse opposes or is opposed by wealthy gold-hoarder Midas Rx (@12Gem02 in the Corporate 8th house) and is attended by messenger planet Mercury 15Sag18 which conjoins asteroid Arachne, a spidery, possibly sinister reference to the World Wide Web, the Internet and to certain sticky networks such as those identified by asteroid Cupido (here @24Leo47 in 11th house of Groups and Associations opposite Jupiter in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking. Cupido networks include the World Banking System, 'The Family' of 'religious' power-grabbers, various mafia organizations and other criminal networks, and Corporatism in general. The global neo-n*zi movement of crooks and blighters may also be indicated by Cupido whose position in vain Leo conjuncts the natal Mars of crime boss you-know-who.

Plus, we should note that a solar eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius involves issues of: searches for ultimate truths, ethical considerations, moral concepts, and religious convictions. However, misguided beliefs and misplaced idealism will interfere with karmic progress, and false optimism must be avoided for best results (R. Lineman). When communicating Mercury closely attends an eclipse, reasoning power and logic are necessary and must be utilized in order to resolve karmic (longstanding) problems; determined concentration is a must because when thinking Mercury is in wide-ranging Sagittarius, thoughts are deep yet a scattering of energies, and a tendency to avoid tasks or to take the line of least resistance are constant possibilities. Dotting Is and crossing Ts will be important to the matters at hand which suggests negotiations, agreements, laws, treaties, trade deals, and/or contracts that may be signed under the influence of this eclipse. But fine print should be closely scrutinized similar to periods when Mercury is retrograde (as it will be in mid-January 2022).

Now naturally, you'll note the intense Venus-Pluto Conjunction at the Foundation of the chart with angular Venus as chart-ruler and 8th hou$e ruler. See lower left corner for a few notes concerning the only applying aspect of Venus - her conjunction with powerful wealth-hoarding plutocrat Pluto which occurs within the greatly sensitized later-degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment. Curiously, notable indications of a Venus-Pluto pairing includes "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey). And of course, Wall Street gentry and speculators are involved with Jupiterian financial matters.

Also, see money planet Venu$ as apex of the Mars-Neptune trine, lower right corner, which suggests potentials for appeasement, superficial religious practices, and perhaps infection. A high-flying Kite pattern of success is suggested here yet only the goal-oriented Midheaven, with difficult star Castor conjunct MC, creates the Kite's tail so let's skip the pattern since no planet is there (but "A Prima Donna Singing" is). So this leaves the focus on the Mars-Neptune trine with Venus at apex, as noted, and with the Mars-Neptune pair suggesting potentials for 'military or industrial espionage, scandals involving the military, riots over national healthcare (hospital fires)', and/or "the threat of war or force to be used against the ideals of the people, the country, or its rulers" (M. Munkasey). This we know, even without Astrology to tell us - especially since talking heads warn us of future violent actions all the time with 1/6 as only the opening salvo by fascist malcontents and saboteurs.

Three December Solar Eclipses: 2019 ('The Covid Eclipse'), 2020 ('The Electoral College Vote Eclipse' and the Eclipse series of Inauguration 2021), and 2021 ('RETRIBUTION: The Karma of Past Actions Eclipse')

Now coming near the end of a year, December Eclipses always carry their energies, Uranian disruptions, and themes into the next year so the 5 New South Eclipse shown above will affect the first months of 2022 until around the middle of April 2022 when themes of the next Solar Eclipse (6 North @10Taurus) override those of 5 New South, suddenly or gradually.

And because a solar eclipse is a New Moon and a course-changing 'wild card of the Universe', the next Full Moon is highly significant as the New Moon's culmination or fulfillment phase suggesting full awareness and/or relationship issues. That will be the Full Moon @27Gem29 on December 19, 2021 when results (or fall-out) from the 5 New South Eclipse should become more obvious in relation to the matters discussed, above.

A few closing notes: Readers familiar with the natal planets of the 'orange menace' won't fail to notice that rising in the above chart is his natal Jupiter stationary (@17Lib27 in natal 2nd house with his wounded Chiron and deceptive Neptune) - and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter @17Aries, precisely and diametrically opposed to his Jupiter across the Aries-Libra axis. Plus, eclipse Jupiter @25AQ50 opposes the natal rising Mars of the 'orange menace', which as you know, opposes our July 4, 1776 Moon (We The People) showing his vengeful aggression against the American people. And one more thing: Mars @23Sco40 leads a BOWL pattern with zealous Uranus, Mars' former tango partner (their opposition perfected around mid-November 2021) now Rx @11Tau38. This position of warrior planet Mars conjoins and ruffles the natal IC, then enters the 4th house of the 'orange menace', and the BOWL shape of planets suggests one who advocates for a cause - and in his case, everyone knows that his well-known cause is weakly based upon a Big Fat Lie.

5 New South themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Oct 19, 2021

Nov 2021 Lunar Eclipse hits US Constitution's MC-IC

Tuesday October 19, 2021: Below is a bi-wheel with the US Constitution Horoscope, inner, and the November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14, outer. As you see, the MC-IC angles of the 1787 Horoscope will be spotlighted by the eclipse across the Taurus-Scorpio axis so we must wonder if it's simply a matter of secrets or inconvenient facts revealed or does it relate to some sort of culmination or fulfillment phase involving the horoscope's Security and Public Status Axis? Perhaps 'all of the above' as hostile forces continue their sabotage against this venerable Freedom Document at the heart of America's founding:

Curiously, asteroid Phaethon arrives in his chariot along with the Eclipse Moon, so both conjunct the Constitution's IC, the foundation of the matter. Meanwhile, conjunct the Constitution's MC, The Goal Point, in 1787 is asteroid Diana insisting upon freedom and independence. Also at IC you see the Moon-North-Node conjunction which signifies "immune system" (R. Ebertin) and adds to our sense of the US Constitution's under-assault condition and the need to repel hostile forces - and to preserve it and work within the system to make sensible changes and improvements. Yes, it is time for an update if the changes are sensible and beneficial but personally I can and will never trust anti-constitutional GOP saboteurs to do the tinkering under the document's hood. Who in their right mind could?

Now speaking of Saturnian stability, consolidation, and increasing wisdom (were we?) you see how transit Saturn @8AQ08 conjuncts the document's Ascendant (chart source: Campion #377 4:00 pm LMT) with the third of three conjunctions exact on November 20, 2021 just after the Lunar Eclipse. Therefore, a serious sense of heaviness has been in force for some time and will increase as 2021 draws to a close. For the US Constitution and its supporters this is a sobering period with future transits coming that will tell more of the tale. Limitations are a potential of the Saturnian transit along with responsibilities which may seem burdensome to some. Yet with karmic Saturn already within orb of the document's 1787 Ascendant, our recognition of difficult conditions and constitutional crisis is obviously underway for those who pay attention to such weighty societal matters. With the scofflaws we have making trouble these days, everyone probably should.

Then there's:

Transit Saturn conjunct 1787 Pluto (@14AQ12 Rx prominent in 1st house) bringing power and control issues with a potential for the loss of control in situations that are simply too large to handle, exact in January 2022 so that sober feelings will increase and grow as 2022 dawns and proceeds. We must watch for even more insidious attacks upon our Freedom Document using state laws and lawsuits, however ill-written they may be.

Now as you see, transit Jupiter @24AQ00 conjoins 1787 Saturn, one of the indications that changes are underway, or should be. Jupiter and Saturn are known as the 'societal planets' and this transit typically suggests a partial lifting of responsibilities and/or restrictions so we'll see if something of that nature hits the news wires soon. Or perhaps it already has and I missed it. Alternately, it may simply indicate that hard work and careful planning will be rewarded, or, that our system's tradition of checks'n'balances is under scrutiny since we already know it's under assault. And naturally, we may expect that the US Supreme Court is involved.

US Constitution's Saturn Return/s: Legalities and Commitments

Then with karmic aplomb, the 1787 document will once again have a Saturn Return (@23AQ22 Rx - actually a three-fer return exact on April 16, 2022, July 25, 2022, and January 10, 2023 - dates are listed in the center of the bi-wheel). This period may seem discouraging at times but will also provide opportunities for Americans to reaffirm our commitment to America's founding principles and traditions. After all, the natal trine of 1787 between karmic Saturn and idealistic Neptune suggests that the document inherently contains a good balance between rational ideas and intuitive ones, plus, it is based on good ethics and values - things we should retain. So when transit Saturn returns to its 1787 degree in 2022 and 2023, Mr. Reliable will again trine 1787 Neptune in Libra so that spiritual development and karmic progress can be made - assuming that people at the helm of our country during that time are those who prefer America's founding principles and traditions and are determined to preserve them.

In closing, since the asteroid is prominently conjunct the November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse, here's a bit about Phaethon who was unprepared but assumed responsibility (a Saturn word!) anyway. Perhaps this cosmic picture will relate to the revelatory power of the Lunar Eclipse (and uncover a scandal or two) and must also involve President Biden because the Eclipse 'eclipses' his natal Scorpio Sun-Venus conjunction.

For a look beyond November 2021 try the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope set for Washington DC.

Oct 18, 2021

Tyranny, Violence, Exploitation: the Pluto-Chiron duo

Monday October 18, 29021: Please note that today came the news that Colin Powell has died from Covid. He is mentioned in the post below, written years ago and here re-printed for its Pluto-Chiron and eclipse content. And note that 2021 Saturn in early Aquarius is a return to its 1639 degree mentioned in this post. jc

On the Tyranny of Plutocrats and Eagles That Crow

A reprint by Jude Cowell, with a few edits for clarity

One of the astrological signatures I think of first when it comes to tyranny, plutocracy, and governments is the Pluto-Chiron duo of oppression, primal violence, exploitation, corporatism, (predatory) capitalism, fascism, communism, zionism, Marxism, and other anti-societal -isms the world constantly faces via dark forces.

The cycle of Pluto and Chiron is approximately 60 years in duration and they last conjoined by degree (as seen from planet Earth) on December 30, 1999 and acted as one of the heralds of the New Millennium along with the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' in the 1 North Saros series as what some call the 'King of Terror' Eclipse prognosticated by seer and astrologer Nostradamus.

Conjoining at '12 Sagittarius', Pluto-Chiron's Sabian Symbol is descriptive:

"A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"; "Keyword = ADJUSTMENT; positive expression: successful establishment through genuine self-expression; negative (shadow side/unconscious--jc) expression: idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.) Few can disagree that the bogus lead-up to the Bush-Cheney invasion of Iraq (and really, Afghanistan, too) was predicated on "unsubstantiated claims" and fakery. Even Colin Powell acted his part in the game of persuasion which he performed at the complicit UN.

The 1 North series originated on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 if you'd care to take a look at the societal conditions and historical events of that year for deeper insight into 1N eclipse themes which include: 'unexpected events add pressure to personal or group relationships; making hasty decisions is cautioned against because information is distorted and possibly false. There is also an essence of health concerns attached' to the 1N series' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Here's an early post I wrote about 'The King of Alarm Eclipse' Horoscope with a few details; please note that no edits have improved the following post.

Three Prominent Eclipse Factors:

1. The initial eclipse in a series permanently imprints upon each future manifestation of all eclipses in the series; for 1 North, this adds a Saturn-ruled Capricorn vibration to its Solar Leonine influences.

2. Eclipses are often called the 'wild cards' of the Universe due to their Uranian ability to reflect unexpected events and to reveal secrets and hidden causes. Changes of direction often occur.

3. New and Full Moons can act in similar Uranian fashion to Solar (New Moon) and Lunar (Full Moon) eclipses especially when they fall upon sensitive degrees, particular planets, nodes, and/or angles. Disruption and revelations may occur as with eclipses, the 'wild cards of the Universe'. Plus, New and Full lunations retain their 'seeding of a new cycle' and 'culmination phase' timings.

So as you see, the initial eclipse degree of 13 Capricorn opposes US natal Sun (leadership) which links its potentials to the US government, plus, another factor from 1N's manifestation in 1639 is that restrictive, depressive Saturn @6AQ22 conjoins America's natal South Node (of 1776) which adds potentials for limitation, isolation, separation, and ambitions that are out of harmony with prevailing societal attitudes and practices You know--like a vision of Global Domination aided by a false flag operation to emotionally manipulate the American people into waging preemptive war, the one we'll never on this Earth be able to wash off our collective conscience thanks to warmongering 'rulers'.

Ancient as the Hills: East vs West

Now if we consider the attacks of 9/11/01 as issuing from the 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm') Eclipse of August 11, 1999 @18Leo and thus as another of the heralding events of the New Millennium, we note that on 9/11/01, transit Neptune, signature planet of Islam, conjoined US natal South Node (6AQ) which adds elements of intrigue and misfortune that are out of control of its victims. A sense of fate or karma was prominent on 9/11/01 as Islam (Neptune) conjoined America's SN (fate; inheritance) with the American public reaping what had been sown (karma) for Washington's past (SN) hastily performed actions and betrayals. We might even say that certain past actors (SN) participated in the deceptive ruse (Neptune).

Then unsurprisingly, the attacks of 9/11 were used to justify the already planned implementation of tyrannical laws (ex: the US 'Patriot' Act) which undermine the very nature and principles of America--against what the American people thought we were--as our country was labeled by Osama bin Laden the 'great satan' -- but to me that was a perfect example of the devil calling the devil 'devil'!

As we look ahead, please note that a Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo as the second of three Great American Eclipses. 'Information is distorted and possibly false' indeed.

Oct 14, 2021

October 20, 2021 Full Moon Ruffles a 1931 Solar Eclipse

The October 2021 Full Moon Times a Serious Cosmic Heads-Up

by Jude Cowell

October 14, 2021: A 5 North Solar Eclipse, one of which is now in effect since June 10, 2021 @19Gem47, also manifested on April 17, 1931 @27Ari02. Below is the April 1931 Eclipse Horoscope (inner) which by degree will be "ruffled" or somehow triggered by the Full Moon of October 20, 2021 @26Ari26 (outer); my study notes are penned on for the curious, and a few prominent chart factors are listed under the horoscope - you will find more factors, of course:

5 North Eclipse Themes are fairly positive ('hunches, visions, prophetic dreams' - plus, a potential for 'psychism' - B. Brady) yet any eclipse is a 'cosmic blink' from Above and represents a Uranian-style disruption which can force a change or shift of direction here on Earth. But that's not my fuss here. It's the correlation between Events of 1931 and what's going on now in the US and across the globe as authoritarianism heats up along with the weather, and a global (neo) nazi movement attempts to rise once again. This has been well established and anyone who hasn't noticed must pay attention now.

Jupiter in Aquarius: A Sense of Justice but Can Be Indecisive

Is it possible that protective Jupiter (@22AQ20) at IC, the Foundation Point of the 1931 chart, will be enough to mitigate our difficulties - or increase them? Hopefully mitigation will be achieved as the American people seek rescue (see 2021 rescue-seeking Circe conjunct 1931 MC). However, 2021 Jupiter opposes two of 1931's midpoints at 1931 Midheaven: Venus-Saturn (with Jupiter = 'unanticipated support'; and Mars-Neptune with expansive Jupiter: 'amplified dreams, visions, and the power to bring them into reality' - Munkasey). Of course, 'dreams and visions' are found within the themes of the 5 North Eclipse and can be positive or negative depending on the motivations of those involved. Plus, a mixture of both (probably alternating in effectiveness) may be possible as well - this is kind of like a row of cherries lining up on a gambling machine. Risk is in the air. Can you feel it?

Double the Harsh Saturn-Pluto Influences

So in relation to the draconian global movement on the upswing (as neo-fascists hope) and its cosmic reflections Above, you'll note the dynamic T-Square of tension penned on the chart between the Saturn-Pluto opposition (not exact in this eclipse chart but in 1931 their opposition did perfect - however, in the chart you see the death-dealing Mars-Saturn opposition - 1931 was a brutal year of fanaticism and included financial collapse in Central Europe - see Midas involvement, below) squaring the erratic Utopian zealot planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus @16Ari00 (conjunct the North Node of destiny and indicating radical reformers). Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: "brutal efforts to start a new order" (Tyl); 'sudden vio**nce' (R. Ebertin).

Well! There's a cosmic picture of the global neo-nazi movement, isn't it? And in the US, the predatory orange menace is riding the wave along with his Republican comrades - some of them blackmailed and/or under threat of criminal thuggery, or compelled by fear of being 'primaried' out of office. Yet some are actually fans of the hate-filled ideology. For as you know, underhandedness, threat, cheating, and primal vio**nce are the primary methods that authoritarians have always used to forcefully take control - and they're never openly honest about their true intentions to increase suffering and misery wherever they go, either in the 1930s, 1940s - or now. They are, in fact, the "be afraid" thugs and barbarians who've infiltrated the US government and who must be kicked out - by Blue Waves of voters in 2022 and 2024. Difficult as this may be, it simply must be accomplished.

Now naturally, there are other disturbing and more positive planetary factors in the 1931 and 2021 charts. One such is transit Saturn @6AQ57 in 3rd house opposing 1931 Mars (5Leo30 - which conjuncts 1931 Pluto-MC and indicates potentials for gridlock, bottlenecks (including ports and ships), anger, vio**nce, and/or resistance to authority). Now Pluto-MC is a power-craving midpoint (see details lower right corner: 'urge to dominate'!). Plus, we also find 2021 Pluto @24Cap21 conjunct 1931 Saturn (see bottom left corner for details such as 'abuse of authority confronted and corrected'; 'altered traditions') and generationally, there's the massive 2021 Pluto opposing 1931 Pluto (penned in the center of the bi-wheel = 'titanic power struggle' - which I say is a stark struggle between Democracy and the Rule of Law vs Fascism and neo-nazi Utopian zealots of anarchy forcing complete lawlessness upon civilized society.

Neptune-to-Venus/Nemesis, Mercury-with-Chiron x 2, and Uranus-to-Mercury

As you see, 2021 Neptune, planet of illusion, deception, gaslighting, and fraud, veils the 1931 Venus-Nemesis conjunction (@20Pisces) with potentials listed, upper right such as: 'unrealistic expectations; confusion; paranoia'. And just above that, you see listed 2021 Mercury @10Lib29 in 1931's 11th house, leading a Locomotive shape of the 2021 Full Moon planets suggesting a Mercurial person or persons such as a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined toward success'. And possibly a young-ish one, or, someone in the publishing, commerce, or trading and investment businesses. Even a high-powered person dealing in space travel may be indicated. The imagination fairly soars. Yet note that 2021 Uranus conjunct 1931 Mercury can suggest potentials for frazzled nerves, seeking freedom, disrupted thinking or travel, plus, restlessness and/or original ideas in relation to the 1931/2021 5 North Eclipse themes and certain underhanded plans that are being promoted once again in our day.

So now that you're all bummed out from reading this far (kudos!), let's close this fussy post with more details worth mentioning which relate to Thinking, Planning, and Communications - the 1931 Mercury-Chiron Conjunction in money sign Taurus conjunct 1931 Midas, the gold-hoarder - now activated or electrified by 2021 Uranus @13Tau24 Rx setting on 1931's Descendant/Partnership angle - and the fact that in the October 20, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope, Mercury and Chiron are in opposition which we could take as a timing device in a broader Mercury-Chiron cycle. This suggests: initiates, occultists, and promoters, popularizers, and guardians (R. Nolle; Clow) who share revelations they consider unique and transformative in society (repeated over and over: propaganda). So the 1931 conjunction denotes one or more persons who acted as channels, mediums, and mouthpieces, with their 2021 opposition possibly a timing device, as noted, for the spreading of transformative theories and ideas that were prevalent in 1931. At least, that's what I'm suggesting with this 'heads-up' post although, of course, as always you are welcome to disagree.

Related: 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Repeat from 1931.