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Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2022

2022 Midterms Eclipse a Mars-Pluto Affair

September 20, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Viewing the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 - the influential Prenatal Eclipse of Midterms 2022 - through the lens of 6 South's initial manifestation (March 6, 1049 @21Pis55 conjunct Venus: the very first 6 South in the series) yields revealing information by comparison, shown below, but since eclipse and historical cycles repeat in tandem, this also ropes in 1932's 6 South 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse (see center of the bi-wheel for notes).

Yes, I've been forewarning about these cosmic time links here on SO'W for years and today I'm trying a new way via horoscopes to show how volatile a situation America is in because the 2022 Midterms are just around the corner - and voting is a must if we wish to retain democracy in America!

So as you see in the bi-wheel charts, the intense Mars-Pluto vibrations of power and control are involved in both eclipses but in 2022 are not only on the seditionist side but on The Establishment side as well. No, the 2022 Midterms don't suggest a peaceful period in society for there are certain to be political upheavals and turbulence before, during, and after the 2022 Midterm Elections. This is what seditionist saboteurs using the 'Big Lie' persuasion, the misogynists and abortion-deniers, and those like Trump who threaten violence, are counting on hoping to dissuade the security-minded voter (who'll let others vote to defend democracy).

Mars-Pluto Power Works in Both Directions!

Yet with the backing of the mighty Mars-Pluto forces within the US government, and those who are determined to defend democracy, the US Constitution, and our right to vote freely and fairly, We the People will prevail against authoritarian zealots who wish to set up a 1930s-style government that echoes Germany under Herr Adolf.

So I'll type it again: Vote Blue in 2022! And again in 2024.

Please enlarge or print the chart for better viewing; no, there was no Washington DC in 1049 but there was a spot on the Earth! No known position of Pluto either - but now we can know.

As you see, astro-notes penned on the charts are limited in order to place a focus on the repetition of forceful energies determined to take power in 2022. So here are a few basic Mars-Pluto details:

March 6, 1049: Mars Rx @13Leo26 opposite Pluto @12AQ28: positively, great creative power if lower natures are transmuted; negatively, heavy-handed use of force; ill tempered; brusqueness when dealing with others; using collective power for self-aggrandizement and personal gain. "To win at any cost" (A. Oken)

In October 2022, the Mars-Pluto vibrations of 6 South have evolved into an inconjunct relationship of adjustment so that the oppositional forces from 1049 can be utilized on a more positive level dependent upon paticipants' motivations and careful handling. Mars-Pluto inconjunct (aka, quincunx) suggests that hard work, persistence, a revision of procedures, and diplomacy will provide the most favorable results. Fierce competition is indicated and physical activity will be necessary (exs: knocking on doors to get out the vote!; keep checking to make sure you're still registered to vote at Anger and intimidation come into play with the inconjunct but succumbing to fear will not bring positive outcomes.

So because of the rabid, malevolent, brutal nature of the GOP's nazi-like opposition to democracy, it seems to me that voting in the 2022 Midterms is a great opportunity for the American people to remember FDR's famous "the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself" slogan and take it to heart in the face of a Mars-Pluto-infused eclipse with themes of "being forceful, taking power" as Nazis did in 1932 under the influence of a 6 South eclipse @8Virgo08 - and this degree echoes the 19 North Solar Eclipse (@9Virgo) that influenced the 2016 Election and the 2017 Inauguration of Herr Trump which makes it a cosmic time link by degree.

Related: Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect Midterms 2022.

Trump is building an army. "Fascism depends on the perception of great strength." Thom Hartmann September 20, 2022. Note that the 7 North 'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @30Aries and forms cosmic time links to the American Revolution and to the failed Trump Insurrection of January 6, 2021.

Aug 15, 2022

11 South Eclipse: When Systems Fail

Future Eclipses Echo Past Conditions and Events

by Jude Cowell

When an 11 South Solar Eclipse occurs once again on August 2, 2027 @10 Leo, it will conjunct the natal 12th house Pluto of Donald Trump (he'll be 81 yo!), and we may expect that whatever deteriorating societal conditions are in play by then, 11 South Themes will apply: "a need for sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events; new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now these potentials have been the case in previous 11 South years including: 1901 (27 Taurus), 1919 (7 Gemini), 1937 (18 Gemini), 1955 (28 Gemini), 1973 (9 Cancer), 1991 (19 Cancer), 2009 (29 Cancer); then in 2027 @10 Leo, as noted, and 2045 @20 Leo. Besides Trump (nee June 14, 1946), members of the Pluto in Leo generation are in the Uranian cosmic blink's crosshairs of 11 South and karma will be knocking on multiple doors. If this is you, consider the natal house in which 10 Leo falls. For me, it will be the 11th house, if I'm still kickin'.

As for 11 South's eclipse of Trump's natal Pluto, it will include his horrendous midpoint picture of negative potentials - Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'deaths of many people; murder; injury; fury of destruction; intervention of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). With powerful Pluto involved with the eclipse, criminal offenses and gang violence are indicated on a negative level but if the energies are positively used (by Mango Mussolini's Mars-Saturn = 'death axis'?), Pluto's magic wand can grant more powerful charisma. This suggests that the mass delusion that one third of Americans are suffering under with Trump as their cult leader will continue and may be contagious. Will any blocks be tragically removed?

11 South Eclipse June 14, 1360: Moon rises with Castor, Pluto with Menkar

So some measure of prominence is given to all 11 South eclipses because the series' initial eclipse occurred upon a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation as you see in the horoscope. Set for Washington DC (because that physical point on the Earth existed though not the city), the chart shows a forceful Mars-Pluto Conjunction rising and multiple hints of 'having a mission' as in, the Crusades (eclipse conjunct Alhena so both are strengthened). This means that Mars-Pluto forcefulness, even brutality are permanently attached to all 11 South Eclipses in some way along with other indications from the initial eclipse such as Alhena's 'having a mission' influence.

Now understandably, recorded historic events of Year 1360 are on the sparse side yet you may find a few interesting names on the births and deaths list. A couple of names stand out for me, one of which is Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, the banker who founded the Medici dynasty, and Ulrich von Jungingen, German Master of the Teutonic Knights (but that's partially because in the past I've linked Herr Trump to said Knights, in his own mind, at least. Well, Trump family genealogy (Drumpft or Trumpfheller, actually) does go back to Thuringia, Germany, which began as the Duchy of Thuringia). A military Catholic order, the Teutonic Knights went on Crusades to re-take Jerusalem. Might this relate to the orange blighter being "selected" to announce the return of Israel's capital to Jerusalem in fulfillment of the 70-year prophecy? Maybe, but there are also cosmic reasons having to do with factors such Phaethon and Trump's Midheaven with raging star Algol twinkling malevolently upon it.

So in closing, my hope with this post is that a view of the initial 11 South Eclipse might interest curious readers who may not have seen a horoscope of its dangerous energies before (Pluto-ASC = Mars) or its Neptune Rx in mystical Pisces leading a BOWL shape of people on a mission, plus, the long-term project implications of chart-ruler Mars trine Saturn in Leo carrying 11 South themes into August 2027. My guess is that Trump has had the privilege of reading ancient manuscripts, but that's a post for another day.

Meanwhile, the August 2, 2027 Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo may be viewed through a Cancerian lens (June 14, 1360) which emphasizes the eclipse's karmic Sun-Moon quality of relationships, family ties, and inheritance through DNA. You know - like descendants of Teutonic Knights and other Crusaders of old!

Intriguing and Related: Skeleton DNA reveals surprising backgrounds of Crusader soldiers.

Also Related: America's initial Mars-Pluto Cycle.

Mar 26, 2022

Clarence Thomas: Natal Chart w March 18, 2022 Transits

by Jude Cowell

March 26, 2022

As you've undoubtedly heard, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been released from Sibley Memorial Hospital as of Friday March 25, 2022 after a week's stay. Justice Thomas was reportedly admitted on Friday March 18th with "flu-like symptoms" and treated for "an infection". With his natal horoscope accurately timed (RR: AA), we can point out that his natal Mars-Neptune midpoint (infections; illness; weakness; toxins) was spotlighted, and perhaps revealed or uncovered - by the March 18th Full Moon @27Vir40 and its opposing Sun (@27Pis40 with contagious Neptune @23Pis03) And of course, that's Virgo, sign of Health; meanwhile, midpoint pictures were formed by transit to natal as you can see in the bi-wheel, below:

Inner chart: Clarence Thomas natal June 23, 1948 9:00 pm est Pin Point, Georgia; Hour of Venus; chart-ruler Saturn makes no applying aspects but Jupiter Rx in his own sign aids Thomas's legal career and financial endeavors by trining natal Saturn (3A27) from 11th house of Groups and Associations (those who helped seat him on the SCOTUS bench: friends in high places, as they say) to his 7th house of Partnerships. Now as you know, 1948 still contained the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 (13Leo07) but their stark energies had begun to wane by the time baby Clarence appeared on the scene, but were still of influence upon the little tyke.

Then, for his 'ruthless determination toward success' (aka, 'success at any cost') we find radical Uranus @26Gem41 (conjunct Ceres, archetype of the democracy he and wife Ginni would destroy!) leading a LOCOMOTIVE shape of his natal planets. His first-house out-of-bounds Moon @1AQ23 links to erratic Uranus via Aquarius so there's something in his childhood that has spurred him on. Emotional emptiness bwo of a distant mother, and privation are my guesses, how about yours? This implies that his serious demeanor could be from more than the Saturn-Pluto duo's influence, plus, his having sober Saturn as chart-ruler of his Ascendant. In 1948, social conditions in 'Pin Point' (!) could not have been easy.

Current Transits to Natal Horoscope

Lower right you see a list of current transits and here are a few potentials they may inspire:

Jupiter opposing Mars: a period when physical actions are delayed or interrupted, including legal activities; enterprises on a grand scale can collapse under their own weight.

Saturn opposing Saturn: regret for past actions; correcting mistakes is called for; authority is challenged (recuse! resign! some shout); authenticity may be questioned.

Venus opposing Pluto: underhanded manipulation, cutthroat competition; shameless exploitation; vicious gossip; power struggles; jealousy, revenge; obsession; connections to organized crime may be uncovered, along with financial deceptions. (Note that Full Moons can behave much as Uranian Lunar Eclipses by disruptively revealing inconvenient facts and/or unsavory relationships; also note that transits to Thomas's natal chart are also highly significant for his wife.)

Mars will oppose natal Pluto, then natal Saturn on or about March 24 and April 1, 2022 which suggests a period when manipulative actions are a waste of time, and arousing the antagonism of others only makes conditions worse; things should be kept at status quo and hostile confrontations avoided, if possible; attempting to impose authority creates anger and resentment, and adherence to rules and regulations is a must because taking shortcuts will bring unfavorable results; delays or cancellations should be expected; guard the health of bones, teeth, and/or chronic conditions, plus, be cautious because accidents and injuries are possible.

Now disruptive Uranus @12Tau13 not only knocks on Thomas's 4th house door of domestic scene, but its erratic influences can also boomerang into the opposing house, the 10th house of Career and Public Status. Whether the current scandal/s will lead to a resignation or other change of direction, we must wait and see, but electric Uranus, aka, The Witness, has the capacity to catalyze major changes and reforms. Here we see Uranus 'meeting' Thomas's natal North Node of encounters and future direction and the pair suggests 'meeting with unusual people' (doctors or surgeons? others?) plus, his and his wife's connections to Tr*mp's 1/6 coup attempt may be what's indicated here. After all, Uranus-NN is known for its links to radical political associations and reformers, anarchy, zealotry, and revolution. Meanwhile, his South-Node-Conjunct-Midheaven contains the potential for a thwarted career especially if Saturnian demands have been mishandled or neglected (10th house is Capricorn's natural house), but the conjunction can also provide a strong capacity for hard work.

March 2022: Two Significant Midpoint Pictures

Now as you know, the Moon in Astrology indicates the physical body on one level (Mama, family, women on other levels; We The People and the public in a Mundane Chart), and the physicality applies to male personages as well, so therefore, health is part of the lunar picture. In the bi-wheel we find that in his natal first house are transit Mars and Pluto, a powerful duo, and their midpoint forms a picture with Thomas's Moon with potentials for publicity, injury or even an attack. Then in his natal 8th house, the Full Moon (and Sun opposite) are by degrees wedged between his natal Mars and Neptune which suggests the infection that's been reported, plus, weakness and/or illness (R. Ebertin).

Two Solar Eclipses of Note - One Conjunct Midas in Taurus!

Finally, you see his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @18Tau22 penned in the center of the chart with its difficult 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, illusions, misjudgments'. Then on October 2, 2024, the (unaspected = self-absorbed in his private inner world) Neptune of Clarence Thomas will be spotlighted, perhaps revealed, by a Solar Eclipse @10Lib03 manifesting in the 8 South Saros Series with themes of: 'separation; loss; sad partings; overstraining one's strength; best to avoid strenuous physical activity until the influences pass' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Thanks to gaslighting Neptune, facts will continue to be difficult to discover but rather easy to veil. Yet the search must go on and indictments must be filed! However, impeaching a SCOTUS justice may be one of those squishy endeavors that Neptune prefers to erode and undermine into oblivion - 'as if it never happened'.

And we know that on political and legal levels, this particular manifestation of an 8 South Eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 2024 and of Inauguration 2025, meaning that the two political events take place under the 'wild card' influences of an 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of relationships and of the Scales of Justice. This cosmic circumstance calls for fairplay and cooperation in order for karmic progress to be made.

Okay there's more, dear reader, lots more, and I hope you'll seek it out. I don't usually type on weekends anymore unless compelled by circumstances or events, but the current conditions surrounding the Supreme Court and its now-questionable integrity (thanks in part to Clarence and Ginni) had gotten on my nerves and as an American with a decided preference for democracy, a sleuthing into current transits to his natals simply had to be done.

And as always, your on-topic insights are invited! jc

Mar 22, 2022

Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior

March 22, 2022

Nov 2024: A Scorpio New Moon Enforced by Mars-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

All Democrats and Independents Beware!

Fulfilling a regular reader's request, below is an unmarked DC Horoscope of the predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024 @9Sco35, which happens to be the Inauguration 2017 Moon position (9Sco21). For the forces of democracy and for the incumbent administration's political prospects, things look rather glum as we've previously discussed in the post linked, below. Of course, other cosmic and/or earthly factors may mitigate these significant circumstances, hopefully in a positive way especially when considering the underhanded means and tactics that are and will be utilized by the success-at-any-cost crowd.

Now as you see in the 2024 Scorpio New Moon chart, there's a high flying Kite pattern of success with Mars the tail and Pluto the nose, plus, both planets are at critical 29-degrees of the Moon-Saturn 4/10 Cancer-Capricorn polarity, and so are very eager to enter the 5/11 Sun-Saturn/Sun-Uranus Leo-Aquarius axis. Apparently, the ruthless Mars-Pluto duo of brutality is determined to win, no matter what it takes. No surprise there. A military connection is also suggested by Mars-Pluto. And even the planet of votes and voters, Mercury, is in Scorpio, ruled (or bossed around?) by Mars-Pluto.

Then another factor worth noting is that this particular Mars-Pluto Cycle begins February 14, 2024 (at 1:05:30 am est in DC; ASC 24Sco27, so again it's forceful Mars-Pluto holding sway). The pair conjuncts @00AQ46:07 and you'll recognize this as the January 20th position every four years of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) which last conjoined near the end of Tr*mp's term on December 21, 2020 as the Great Conjunction/Mutation of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29, a cosmic marker of a new order. Thus, a midpoint picture was formed by the planetary trio of 'taking destiny into one's own hands, making changes according to plan, or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things' (Noel Tyl).

Do you think Tr*mp and the GOP have made the best of things?

So if you wish a view of the previously published marked-up version of the New Moon Prior Chart of 2024, plus, an UPDATE that I've added just today, go here. Thanks! jc

Jan 10, 2022

DC Horoscope: SOTU 2022 (unmarked)

America 2022: Disjointed and Ill Yet Hopeful

by Jude Cowell

January 10, 2022

Shown below is a photo of the unmarked DC Horoscope of what is reported to be (per Speaker Pelosi's invitation to President Joe Biden) the March 1, 2022 SOTU Address to a Joint Session of Congress concerning the State of our Union.

As scheduled, the SOTU 2022 chart is set for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, with 18Lib24 rising (bringing up Tr*mp's natal Jupiter opposed by Speaker Pelosi's natal Jupiter @18Aries at Descendant), and with Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune in the creative 5th house. A pile of trouble constellates around the IC of the chart (21Cap07) including the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Capricorn which conjoined the natal Vertex of Herr Tr*mp.

Then as you see, intense conjunctions between Venus-Pluto and Mars-Pluto are lining up (both exact on March 3, 2022 - conjunct US natal Pluto @27Cap33) and, appropriate for a SOTU Address during difficult times in society, there's a serious and tenacious Mercury-Saturn Conjunction @18AQ+ exact on the morning of the March 2, 2022 New Moon (12:35 pm est @12Pis07).

Therefore, SOTU 2022 will be delivered during the prophetic Dark of the Moon phase with major Piscean overtones. No, this date is not the most auspicious timing for expressing the optimism and enthusiasm that President Biden is bound to show during his speech - yet perhaps March 2022 is when Piscean compassion will be the most needed and valued:

North Node and the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis

With transit Neptune, elusive planet of compassion and contagion, still floating through its own sign of Pisces, culmination, fulfillment, relationship issues, and/or full awareness of the plans hatched at or about the March 2nd New Moon in Pisces arrives on or about the Full Moon of March 18, 2022 @27Vir40 at 3:18 am est.

Now as you know, the Nodal Axis circles the Zodiac approximately every 19.6 years and March 2022 signals the time for the North Node of the Moon, the head of the dragon, to point directly at the malevolent star that twinkles upon the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one D. Tr*mp: Algol. Meanwhile, the tail of the dragon (the separative South Node), swipes the natal IC of Endings in the natal horoscope of Herr Tr*mp.

Now obviously, his ugly memory may be noted (though unnamed!) during SOTU 2022 and we know that unpredictable events and legal actions are certain to occur between the time of this publishing and March 1, 2022. Yet if given a chance, the screams and rage of vicious, vengeful Algol with the star's suggestion of 'piled up corpses' may again be on display from the direction of the orange menace and his thugs - or, will simply be called out by others in speeches, in reporting and books, and in courts of law.

If so, we'll be forewarned. But we won't be surprised.

UPDATE 01/10/22: Today a Patreon post is now published and specifically intended for SO'W subscribers which adds additional information to the above post for it focuses on the March 2, 2022 Mercury-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius, a significant cosmic event that relates to SOTU 2022. jc

Nov 9, 2021

America's Perpetual Union Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Update November 17, 2021: It has come to my attention while on FB that astrologer and historian Gary Lorentzen uses a Perpetual Union Horoscope timed for 2:57 pm LMT rather than the 5:00 pm LMT timing you see in the chart below (based on data I gleaned online). At 2:57 pm LMT (Annapolis, MD Feb 2, 1781) 15Can51 arose making Luna in late Taurus chart-ruler (and PU Agreement ruler) with 27Pis23 at Midheaven ('MC'; conjunct Sun-NN: 'connections increase personal prestige' - Munkasey). Obviously, house positions of planets vary in the earlier chart and as chart-ruler the Moon is one degree earlier in Taurus and becomes prominent, making three applying Ptolemaic aspects: opposition Mars (3A45), trine Mercury (5A38), and trine Pluto (7A56). At 5:00 pm, as you see below, the Sun in Aquarius rules the chart and makes only one applying aspect - its sextile to legal planet Saturn @18Sagittarius. When progressed to 2021 and 2022, the 2:57 pm LMT chart reveals Angular and thus prominent Mars-Pluto influences which resonate with current conditions of brutality and violence. However, Mars-Pluto is not as prominent when the 5:00 pm chart is progressed for then the emphasis turns to the progressed Moon in Pisces where transit Neptune, planet of deception, confusion, paranoia, and contagion, now floats. If available, a timeline of events of that day would be helpful!

Original post begins here:

Tuesday November 9, 2021: Since America's Perpetual Union Horoscope has never appeared on Stars Over Washington, its cameo is quite overdue. However, the impetus for posting it now is to show that a Solar Eclipse @9Leo55 in the difficult 11 South Saros Series will 'eclipse' the Union's 1781 Ascendant on August 2, 2027. The last time a solar eclipse in the 11 South family occurred was on July 22, 2009 @29Can26 ("30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") during the Obama presidency which, as we now see if we didn't realize it before, his election riled up the white power folks something fierce and in some circles, talk of an 'American revolution' has been promoted ever since.

Meanwhile, the themes of 11 South relate futuristically to current events, certain op-eds, far-right websites, and news reports within the public discourse many of which opine over the fate of America thanks to secessionsts ready to 'pull the plug' on the experiment we call, America, for they have abandoned the Enlightenment principles of our nation's founding and have viciously turned authoritarian against the country, promoting violence and fantasies of murder across the land.

Then notably, we have a third 'Great American Eclipse' coming in April 2024, its path of visibility splitting the country West to East, and entering Texas bwo Mexico. Secession?Well, it isn't supposed to occur since the US is meant to remain a Perpetual Union.

And so below you see the America's Pepetual Union Horoscope (via historical records) with m'notes penned on, if you care to enlarge and read. Rising is 10Leo48 with the 11 South Eclipse of 2027 marked in orange. And note that 10Leo08 is also the degree of Donald Tr*mp's 12th house Pluto which lurks at apex of his 'death axis' pair, Mars-Saturn. This brutal midpoint picture that he was born under, as previously mentioned on SO'W, is intensified, empowered, and darkened by creepy saboteur Pluto and denotes potentials for 'death, murder, fury, brutality, destruction' - although 'intervention of a higher power' is also a possibility (R. Ebertin).

If you need them, 11 South themes are listed below the chart:

'Methods and/or ideas fail, new systems are required to deal with events; the need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Now as you know, forewarned is forearmed. And despite our system's ongoing Pluto Return destructuring, I pray that America and the American people will make it through successfully to the other side of the next incarnation of the difficult 11 South Solar Eclipse. Let's keep working toward such a worthy goal!

Oct 13, 2021

American Revolution's Progressed New Moon July 2022

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday October 13, 2021: Now you've probably seen the Horoscope of the American Revolution of 1775 previously but here it is with a few modern-day cosmic happenings notated:

First, the 1775 Horoscope will symbolically progress ('SP' = Secondary Progressions) or evolve to an SP New Moon @00Cap41, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Global Events, on July 8, 2022 (7:24:56 am Lexington, MA: SP Ascendant 27Sco29; SP MC 12Vir53). Simultaneously, the 1775 Mars-Pluto inconjunct (see lower right corner) will have progressed to a closely applying conjunction in the SP New Moon Horoscope - a Mars-Pluto conjunction in the governmental sign of Capricorn which happens to conjunct 1775 Pluto @26Cap41 (10th house in 1775). So upper right, you see penned some of the indications of 'Mars-Pluto with more Pluto' = "obsessed with vengeance against those who impede you; debased standards of living" (M. Munkasey)."

Now warrior planet Mars (@26Leo13 the 5th house of risk-taking) is chart-ruler (ASC 21Ari49) (the applying aspects of Mars are listed, lower left corner = 'how things proceed'), and in 1st house the Sun @29Ari06 rises (conjunct Demeter!). Then if you look on the left side of the chart you see highlighted in red, a note that the 1775 Sun will be eclipsed on April 20, 2023 by a 7 North Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 - and 7 North is the same Saros Series that the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 fell into so 7 North themes of 'lust and deep passion long-hidden' (B. Brady) will again run in the background of society. Of course, other planetary positions differ between 1933 and 2023 but the cosmic influence is there. And perhaps we should note the Prenatal eclipse of the American Revolution, the Total 11 South Eclipse @11Pis11 (notated in 12th house, highlighted in red). To paraphrase 11 South Themes (which will repeat in 2027 @10Leo!): 'old methods or ideas fail, new systems and sudden reforms are needed to deal with events and handle issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.'

Curiously, the Sabian Symbol of the rounded-up degree of the American Revolution Sun and of the 2023 7 North Eclipse Sun" "30Aries": "A Duck Pond and Its Brood." And significantly, the Mob Attack's Mars on January 6th (2021) conjoined this very degree. So it's no wonder the 1/6 mob attack is being called an "armed insurrection". Or at least, by realists it is - including those of us who watched the events unfold in real time on our TV screens - right before our eyes.

Meanwhile, you may notice that the positions of 1775 Mars and royal star Regulus conjunct the Mars-Regulus conjunction of a certain orange-faced demagogue who shall remain nameless in this post. Perhaps you agree that the less typed and said about the instigator, the better.

So in closing, I won't bore you, dear reader, with more chart details and cosmic links yet perhaps you'll discover them for yourself if curious. And I realize that my multiple warnings concerning the 7 North Eclipse repeating in 2023 are tiresome for regular readers but for those of us who wish to keep America around a few years longer, this is serious business worth repeating. So feel free to pass along this post if you know anyone who might be interested in seeing in black-and-white a reflection of cosmic events affecting soon-to-come earthly political and social shifts before it's too late to avert disaster. Please. jc

Jun 1, 2021

Can the August 2021 Full Moon plop Trump into Power?

No Plopping of course, Just Reflecting: As Above, So Below!

by Jude Cowell

June 1, 2021: As you've heard, former guy Trump is telling people down in Mar-a-Lago that he expects to be re-instated as president by August (!) so naturally, at the very least, a peek at August 2021 lunations could be interesting. (Chart below: outer = Trump natal planets highlighted in lavender). Of course, such fantastical remarks could be merely part of a money-making scheme, an attempt to keep his various scams afloat and donations coming in.

Cosmic Weather August 2021

First comes a New Moon @16Leo14 on August 8, 2021, a time of seeding plans and the beginning of new activities. No, '16Leo14' isn't conjunct his natal Mars-Pluto midpoint but it is very near his Uranus-Chiron midpoint (16Leo24) of chaos-creating (his specialty). Plus, his 'lucky break' midpoint of Jupiter-Uranus @17Leo40 could possibly be stimulated by the August New Moon, especially if he's aware of it.

From New Moon to Full: Culmination, Fulfillment, Full Awareness, Relationships

My suspicion is that the cosmic clincher, if there is one in August, has to be the Full Moon of August 22, 2021 @29AQ37 and Sun @29Leo37 - conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant-Descendant axis, as you see in the Full Moon Horoscope, above. The bright rays of a Full Moon can act much as a Lunar Eclipse would do with revelations, uncoverings, leaks, disruptions, endings, sudden changes, fulfillment, and/or an illuminating spotlight cast upon the former guy and his fantasy-prone political activities. And often scandal/s may suddenly appear in the news cycle.

Why, it's even possible that at this very moment he and his enablers are devising malicious schemes going forward that he thinks will catapult him back to power "by August" and now muses upon the exciting prospect - and the revenge he'll soon take upon his non-supporters, critics, and the American people (his natal Mars opposes US natal Moon, as we've felt already). Meanwhile, with his ASC-DESC axis involved, royal Regulus (now @00Virgo instead of 29Leo as in 1946) will also take part in the "stormy proceedings" and you know the star's caution: to avoid taking revenge or all that's been gained will be taken away.

("Stormy proceedings" = Mercury-Mars = Ascendant - R. Ebertin.)

Yes, there are a few cosmic factors that may turn out to be more negative than positive for the Orange One such as the Full Moon's Saturn-Neptune midpoint conjunct the Full Moon (feeling emotionally drained; pessimism; a low character) - and guess what? This transit of the Saturn-Neptune midpoint falls precisely opposite Trump's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint which conjuncts his natal Ascendant (at birth!) and suggests potentials for oppression, depression, emotional suffering caused by others, and/or limitation of freedom (R. Ebertin). Now there's something that would interfere with his political 'come back' dream! And note, lower right, that transit Jupiter Rx @26AQ54 opposes his natal Mars in proud Leo, marking an inauspicious time when efforts on a grand scale may collapse under their own weight!

Now in closing, mention should be made of chart-ruler Mercury's two applying Ptolemaic aspects (listed lower left). First, an opposition to gaslighting Neptune (4A04) suggesting: ideas and plans that are purposefully deceptive, misleading, and/or dangerous; hidden facts, misunderstandings; confusion, mistakes, disappointments; misperceptions; underhanded behavior; and/or unfavorable business negotiations. Add to this a triggering of Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of deception, falsehood, lack of discrimination, and fantasy. (And as you see, his natal 2nd hou$e Neptune @5Lib50 is his first natal planet to rise in the Full Moon chart so that his speculator trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter are rising front and center.)

But then Mercury trines powerful Pluto (6A27), a more favorable condition denoting that personal power can be successfully utilized or wielded, research can pay off, and/or promotional campaigns and/or propaganda may have the desired result. But not necessarily for Trump, of course, so we'll have to wait and see who or what benefits more - tyranny or democracy.

And so, dear reader, Trump's 'August idea' seems wacky and little more than a vanity project, I agree, and hopefully there are other worthy chart factors for those who care to find such information in the August 22, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope. If so, I'd love to read your conclusions if you care to share them in a comment but do make sure your name is attached because no comments from 'anonymous' or 'unknown' will be published or considered. And as always, your encouraging FB Shares or Tweets of this post are very much appreciated! jc

Edit June 2, 2021: You know that Trump himself WAS The Great American Eclipse of 2017, right? Well, I neglected in this post to add that the August 22, 2021 Full Moon echoes and activates the 2017 Eclipse which also fell across the former guy's natal ASC-DESC axis so that similar themes hang around as we continue to deal with the orange varmint, the Republicans, and their authoritarian inclinations of tyranny and control. jc

May 28, 2021

The Shocking Truth - Why GOPers Want More Poverty & Crime - Thom Hartmann

May 28, 2021: Here's an informative segment from Thom Hartmann's May 27th broadcast noting something that Republicans don't want We The People to know or consider, that: "Poverty is the mother of crime," (Marcus Aurelius):


Now here are three previous SO'W posts that concern organized crime and criminals in America using the 'organized crime elements in society' pair of Neptune-Pluto which met in Great Conjunction three times in 1891 and 1892 at 7--9 Gemini - conjunct US natal Uranus:

America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime (posted January 22, 2020), and America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy (April 16, 2021).

And the last time I checked this year's contacts to Modern Humanity's Eclipse Horoscope (April 26, 1892 @7Tau05) was on March 8, 2021 with transit Uranus @7Tau43 conjunct and activating the Eclipse and its 2 North themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'separations' (Brady). Obviously, any eclipse in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus (the bull - of Wall Street) calls for reliability, perseverance, and persistence toward solutions while avoiding the negative traits of the sign which can include extravagance, inflexibility, possessiveness, and/or indolence. Otherwise, karmic progress is limited if not all together missing.

Meanwhile, there is another factor I'm compelled to mention which concerns the Modern Humanity Horoscope and its 6th house Mars @26Cap52: that the June 5, 2021 Mars-Pluto opposition denotes a potential for danger, even brutality, due to the opposition's forceful, warlike energies doubly affecting Modern Humanity's Mars for within the opposition: 2021 Mars opposes 1892 Mars (aggression is met with an equally strong force; conflict; battles) while simultaneously 2021 Pluto conjuncts 1892 Mars (aggressive physical actions driven by revenge, anger, competition, secrecy, and/or strong passions).

That Modern Humanity's 1892 Mars is posited in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, plus, Health, Work, and Daily Rounds, will be significant if these difficult energies express in the physical world upon Modern Humanity's planet of activism and aggression, Mars, in (governmental) Capricorn from where Mars acts at his most efficient.

May 24, 2021

June 5, 2021: Mars and Pluto in an Opposition of Power

June 5, 2021: A 'Full Moon' phase for the Mars-Pluto Cycle

May 24, 2021 Monday: Previously we looked at a DC Horoscope of the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 (chart shown) and noted the soon-coming Mars-Pluto opposition - exact on June 5, 2021 (26Can27/26Cap27). Obviously, with transit Pluto within orb of US natal Pluto (27Cap33, in 1776 2nd house of our Sag rising charts = National Treasury, Values including Currency, and Possessions), this simultaneously spotlights a Mars opposition to US natal Pluto and this indicates potentials for: a contest of wills, attempts at manipulation, confronting hostile forces, interference in or disruption of the status quo, and/or efforts to gain control. However, Mars in Cancer can be moody, angry, impulsive, and exhibit a lack of perseverance so that sustained follow-through may be difficult. And as you know, the sign of Cancer is tribal, nationalistic, and patriotic but the patriotism may be only superficial.

Yet during periods influenced by Mars-Pluto, emotions run high, brutality remains a method intended to spark fear among the populace, issues of rape may be addressed, concerns over militarism are on the table, plus, forceful seizures and unscrupulous procedures continue to be used.

So for more information, a look back at the current Mars-Pluto cycle which began with their conjunction on March 23, 2020 @24Cap47 (exact at 1:20 am edt; ASC 15Sag40; MC 4Lib29 conjunct the former guy's natal Neptune at apex of a YOD with Mercury-Uranus as its base = nerve troubles; an irresponsible attitude; sloppy work habits), the 2nd house Mars-Pluto conjunction snugs between Jupiter 23Cap13 and Saturn 00AQ04 with karmic Saturn restricting America's Inaugural Sun of the former guy and occurring near the time our national quarantine began due to fears of Covid. (In government Jupiter-Saturn = checks-and-balances.)

So as we know, Saturnian accountability was demanded of that Sun in 2020 but you-know-who is very weak in the area of accepting responsibility for his actions with his natal Saturn in watery Cancer, sign of The Crab that scuttles sideways to avoid all confrontations. Hopefully, due to current criminal investigation, such options won't be available to his nibs for much longer although I've always thought of Herr Spanky as a major flight risk if there ever was one.

Anyway, a comparison of the Mars-Pluto conjunction horoscope (with Mars exalted and working efficiently in earthy Capricorn unlike Mr. Macho in watery Cancer) with that of the June 5, 2021 Mars-Pluto opposition horoscope shows much conflict, anger, fanaticism, and perhaps a suggestion of a police state (via the military). There's also a T-Square between Mars-Pluto square the Moon (25Ari02 in 7th house: mundane Moon = We The People) but the charts also show a determination toward diplomacy as 2021 Venus joins the 2020 North Node so let's support President Biden and his team all we can!

After all, on a diplomatic level, the Mars-Pluto opposition could very well represent Presidents Biden and Putin at the G-7 Summit in Geneva, Switzerland (June 15-16) with the White House and Kremlin pushing for a meeting between them if it can be arranged. If so, will their meeting be a 'hostile confrontation' or an oppositional culmination or fulfillment of some kind? Either way we'll soon find out, won't we?

Above image: NASA's portrait of planet Mars.

Apr 27, 2021

Two Solar Eclipses and Nixon's War On Drugs

April 27 2021: By now most Americans are aware that Richard Nixon and his enablers invented America's War On Drugs, which he announced in 1971, and was intended to incarcerate his 'enemies', those unruly African Americans demanding their Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam-War protesters, made up mostly of my idealistic Flower Power Generation of peaceniks.

So becoming curious to see if the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse of Summer 1971, which ended with that particular manifestation, affected its own initial eclipse in the series (June 23, 0727 @4Can17, inner chart, its genesis or birth), I set up a bi-wheel of the two eclipses, as you can see, below. Also note that Nixon's taking the US off the gold standard in 1971 was also an issue of the final 9 Old South Eclipse (endings) and we can see that, yes, a few financial factors are involved along with the drug war and subsequent incarcerations. Exs: 1971 Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; exploitation; primal violence; racism) @5Can51 conjuncts US natal Jupiter @5Can55 of 1776 ('6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"), and the 1971 Jupiter-Neptune duo (speculators, visionaries, hypocrites, wastrels, and political conflicts conjuncts Midheaven in 1971 and rises in 0727). As you know, it's primarily the hypocrisy of and speculation by wealthy entrepreneurs taking over the cannabis industry that's in the news these days so that profits can be made after 40 years of oppression and imprisonment of young people and non-violent offenders. This seems a classic example of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

Yet as noted, political conflict is the basic reason that Nixon declared the 'war' in the first place - to remove his enemies from the playing field. Making a windfall must have seemed a bonus for wealth-hoarder Pluto @27Leo50 which was actually eclipsed in 1971 so, listed on the chart are potentials for: 1971 Sun-Moon = 0727 Pluto: 'changed circumstances lead to critical stages of development; power; gang wars; criminality; rape' (R. Ebertin).

And as we now find, drug arrests and long sentences have long fueled America's massive prison system, a lucrative, cruel, and malicious scheme for profit for certain politicians, judges, lawyers, police departments, and others, thanks to Tricky Dick and his co-conspirators in 1971.

Then for the passage of legislation, you see that 1971 Saturn, planet of restriction and law, opposes 0727 Uranus, planet of freedom and rebellion. This transit identifies the "passage of restrictive legislation" that Nixon finagled in order to make his oppressive actions seem legal! Meanwhile, we might also note that the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse will 'eclipse' 1971 Saturn, a Sun-to-Saturn transit suggesting serious circumstances and legal issues that involve authority concerns.

So below you see a bi-wheel of both the initial and the final 9 Old South Eclipse with themes of: 'idealism' and 'great energy via a forceful, controlling, manipulative Mars-Pluto influence' (Brady). Naturally, there are other chart factors which may be of interest to you so feel free to mention them in an on-topic comment if you wish:

Dec 31, 2020

When Pluto conjuncts Inauguration 2021 Midheaven

Transit Pluto "Takes Charge" of Inauguration 2021's Midheaven 26Cap16

by Jude Cowell

With Reinold Ebertin's famous assessment of Pluto in Capricorn as, "the dictator," and with the Midheaven ('MC') angle of a horoscope denoting The Goal or Objective, we may wish to consider a few factors about the five conjunctions of transit Pluto to the MC of the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope. Of course, other potentials for Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn are of interest as well: 'an untiring struggle for power and independence; the successful realization of new ideas, plans, and inventions; the acceptance of a dangerous position' (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin #ad).

Plus, astrological Pluto can play other roles as well such as transformative agent, regenerative energy, manipulator from afar, Underworld boss, politician, propagandist, suggestive orator, actor, psychologist, surgeon, wealth hoarder (the dragon guarding the riches), spy, thief, rapist, invisible force or power, Providence, the Pope - the list goes on.

And as you see below in the first Pluto-to-MC horoscope, lower left, set for March 11, 2021, Pluto @26Cap16 is unaspected, its energies isolated and hidden, and indicating someone overshadowed by shadows (B. Tierney). And that from the hidden 12th house of the Unconscious, Karma, and Secret Enemies. And while a weakened America is in the midst of a major downturn, this transit describes something transformative about the US presidency itself and our dire need for the administration to rebuild America's health, reputation, and fortunes, to whatever extent it can be done over the next few years. Biden promises rebuilding, Trump does not.

Meanwhhile, we should note that by the fifth of the Pluto-to-MC Conjunctions on November 3, 2022 (upper right), a Mars-Pluto inconjunction suggests that too much has had to be taken on resulting in an increase of financial stress, and a depletion of energy - adjustments are required and hopefully, the depletion won't relate negatively to nuclear energy concerns. Of course, the US military may be indicated with Mars-Pluto as well.

(Here I'm using powerful Pluto "taking charge" of the presidency to indicate a Biden-Harris administration with more of a status quo/CFR flavor rather than four more years of a Trump-as-Underworld-figurehead/racist-fascist fiasco. More will be known once the Biden-Trump stalemate is finally certified by Congress but even so there are radical, rebellious elements in society who consider themselves to have received a 'go-ahead' signal for upheaval and overthrow which can be seen in part by one societal factor listed, lower left, the Saturn-Uranus square with its 'lack of common sense', challenges to authority, and tendency toward violence. The planetary duo's old-vs-new square is part of the 45-year cycle of Saturn and Uranus which began with 3 conjunctions in 1988 @27-30Sag and won't end with a new conjunction @28Gem01 until year 2032.)

So! Here for your consideration are the first and last of the Pluto Conjunct Inauguration 2021 MC Horoscopes. Dates of numbers 2, 3, and 4 conjunctions are listed, right center:

As usual, your on-topic ponderings and Shares are much appreciated! As long as your name is attached. Jude

Nov 27, 2020

DC Horoscope: New Moon Prior to Election 2024

November 27, 2020: Although it's too soon to write a bunch about the following New Moon Prior Horoscope, predictive of Election 2024, I'm posting the chart here for your consideration if or when you can get around to it. Chart-ruler and co-ruler with Scorpio rising? Beware the Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees! Conflict ahead:

Image: November 1, 2024 8:46:54 am edt Washington DC; ASC 22Sco45; MC 4Vir06; New Moon @9Sco35 in 12th house of Large Institutions (ex: US Congress); PE (Prenatal Eclipse) @10Lib03, 11th house, in the 8 South Saros Series (loss; a sad completion; overstrain; possible injury - B. Brady); last 8S: September 2006 @29Virgo. Only applying aspect of chart-ruler Mars is an opposition to Scorpio's co-ruler Pluto - their Sabian Symbols: "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (Mars) vs "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference." (Pluto). It's 'win at any cost' with a New Moon that could very well influence events much as a disruptive, 'wild card' Solar Eclipse can do.

Note: Election Day 2024 is scheduled for November 5th.

UPDATE March 22, 2022:

'New Moon Prior to Elections' most often reveal information about the popular vote and, as we see here, when the Ascendant sign's ruler is higher in the chart, it more often occurs that the challenger is the victor. So if we take Mars as ruler of Scorpio, Mars is higher. Meanwhile, malevolent Mars is also opposed by Scorpio's co-ruler, Pluto at IC. Their opposition reveals the violence which may attend activities before, during, and after Election Day 2024 - and, now in 2022, is already being used by armed Tr*mpers menacing voters in certain states previous to Midterms 2022. Strong-armed Nazi-style tactics, or fascist-style, if you prefer a Mussolini tinge.

Then there's radical Uranus conjunct enraged star Algol (at Herr Tr*mp's natal Midheaven) at Descendant with its 'piled up corpses' caution and this to me seems more in favor of an authoritarian, reactionary GOP candidate though you may disagree. If you can find positive factors for democracy in this New Moon chart, please leave an on-topic name-tagged comment with this post! jc

Nov 12, 2020

Our Crisis and the 7 South Eclipse: Mars Square Pluto

2020 Election = 2020 Crisis and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Not long after the premiere of A Birth of a Nation, on the evening of Thanksgiving, November 25, 1915, itinerant preacher William Joseph Simmmons brought together 15 friends and a few aging original Klan members atop Stone Mountain, Georgia, built an altar, burned a cross, and declared himself imperial wizard of the invisible empire (Nixon's "silent majority'?) of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Upon the altar he had placed a Bible, an American flag, and an unsheathed sword, then uttered a macho-esque incantation involving a "practical fraternity among men" as he declared himself imperial wizard of a morbid brotherhood of malcontents. Perhaps we can agree that modern-day representatives of this hate-filled "fraternal brotherhood" now cling to power as they, with 'macho' Trump, hunker down in the White House and do everything they can to disrupt America's traditional peaceful transition of power. For within the shadows, the Klan's network has grown, spread, and infiltrated the halls of power, much as it did in the early years of the 20th century - and not just in America.

Occurring during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, a prominent racist of the post-Reconstruction era, the revival of the Klan in 1915 openly revealed their renewed drive toward societal supremacy based on skin color and was promoted as "taking an active part in the betterment of mankind" (as if primal violence could effect such an outcome!). Its motto: Non Silba Sed Anthar a mixture of Latin and Gothic that means, "not self but others." Of course, 'gothic' suggests ancient Germanic tribes, and obviously, their idea of "betterment" involved (and still involves by such groups of our day) the "purification" of the white race, the obsessive, irrational goal of a death cult mentality.

Meanwhile, in the Atlanta, Georgia of 1915, the Atlanta Constitution promoted an attempt to normalize and gain acceptance for what had occurred atop Stone Mountain that dark night. Here's an image of the newspaper's November 28, 1915 clipping:

Atlanta Constitution, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: "impressive"?

Now to limit the appearance of this post as any sort of a tribute to the Klan, defunct as the group is said to be yet ideologically cloned these days by various groups and sub-groups, here are a few astro-notes concerning the 7 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the Stone Mountain 1915 cross-burning instigated by William J. Simmons, along with a warning from yours truly that a 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra (fore-warned is fore-armed):

Solar Eclipse 7 South August 10, 1915 @17Leo12 expressed the tremendous power, anger, and force of a Mars-Pluto square based on the initial eclipse of 7 South (June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump natal Mercury; 1248 eclipse Mars 8Leo34 SQ Pluto Rx 8Sco09: obstinate Fixed energies; 2020 Uranus Rx now opposing 1915 Pluto = clashes over power and control; mass social movements; shifts in political and social institutions, plus, 2020 Uranus square 1915 Mars suggests unpredictable behavior and disruption). A T-Square of potentials is formed thanks to 2020 Uranus, the Utopian zealot, reactionary rebel, and anarchist: Uranus-Pluto = Mars: 'fanaticism; acts of violence; the mania of destruction; the stage of "bending or breaking"; injury; accidents (R. Ebertin).

So if we dare to add the potentials of this unpredictable T-Square to the possibilities of the Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 rising at noon in Washington DC (a cosmic time link 1915-to-2020), it increases our cause for concern that a Klan-riddled White House gang is spoiling for more than simple election lawsuits and social media complaints in their attempt to vindicate Trump and morph the US into an even more brutal era of hatred and conflict. For an ill-gained "win" for Trump now would be a win for dictatorship over democracy, and a sinister victory for 'the Klan'.

And it seems to me that a prominent feature of the August 10, 1915 Solar Eclipse horoscope is the fact that it contains a midpoint picture of potentials for 'rage, the fury of destruction, bodily harm, and the death of many people'-- yes, it's Mars-Saturn = Pluto which is one of the natal midpoint pictures of Donald Trump (previously discussed in multiple SO'W posts). Yet curiously, the picture also contains another possibility: 'intervening of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). I can only guess what this might mean if it applies at all to our current conditions of crisis! First thought? Hidden hands. Manipulation from afar. Or something more domestic.

Now naturally, there are other cosmic factors supporting these forceful Mars-Pluto flavors and passed down through the generations, many of them mentioned in previous SO'W posts. But best of all, mitigating factors of beneficence also exist, as always, which is a very good thing, isn't it?

Besides, there's a bit more to consider about 7 South Eclipses before this post ends. For one thing, 'huge obstacles' such as the hefty, obstinate Trump could suddenly clear! I say this because the theme of 7 South includes a positive flavor of 'huge obstacles suddenly clear' or a negative expression = 'a rapidly-moving crisis manifests' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Now some might say that the crisis began with the Trump regime (nope--we may wish to time its genesis as far back as the Jamestowne Colony when Angolan slaves were introduced into society, 1619) and most people agree that its ill effects are current and ongoing through the generations. And it's possible that these difficult energies could peak in October 2023 with the 7 South Eclipse in Libra, hence the warning in this post.

Yet how soon tensions between the negative forces darkly working against society led by figurehead Trump vs actors such as Joe Biden who promotes goals and principles of diversity and inclusion will or can dissipate remains to be seen as President-Elect Biden attempts to take the reins of power and Trump yaps at his heels. Today is November 12th and as the days go by since Election 2020 on November 3rd, a quick resolution of our 'Trump problem' appears remote and full of dangerous, sinister undercurrents suggested by a threatening Mars-Pluto square of devastation and success-at-any-cost machinations. As for Rs vs Ds, there's plenty of viciousness to go around in US Politics but I willingly admit to considering the GOP to be the worst of the bunch - the bottom-feeders in our society with 'grim reaper' McConnell leading much of their anti-societal efforts. Maybe we can appreciate the paradox of money-loving bottom feeders who consider themselves to be the 'cream of the crop'!

And so, dear reader, my fuss is over so please help me decide: is our current American crisis a Shakespearean drama of titanic proportions? Or is it a super-villain vs hero extravaganza of a generously bankrolled blockbuster?

Oct 9, 2020

DC Horoscope: US Ceres Return December 2020

October 9, 2020: Below is the DC Horoscope of America's Ceres Return of December 20, 2020. As you know, in Astrology asteroid-archetype Ceres is associated with food supplies, grains, milk, nurturing, The Mother (including Earth), and, as I often use it here, democracy. December 20, 2020 is actually the third of three exact returns to natal degree (8Pis41--see chart, upper, for the dates) of US Ceres which also happened (on July 4, 1776) to have been conjunct the transiting midoint of Plutocracy, Pluto-Chiron (8Pis20). Visions of control and exploitation come to mind, and as you see in the center of the horoscope, the forceful often brutal Mars-Pluto midpoint conjuncts our Ceres on December 20th suggesting toxins in our food supply. In the realms of biology and health, Mars-Pluto relates to potentials for organ replacement, toxemia, high fevers, an overactive pituitary gland, cell regeneration, and/or tumors (Ebertin). And to me it seems that food additives continue to be in the spotlight and democracy is under seige (Mars-Pluto = Ceres) as we already know that it is.

Ceres in 11th house suggests humanitarianism so food shortages and supply chain difficulties may continue to be in the news and cause trouble within the sphere of our country's social safety net. Childen go hungry in America yet as you know, Pisces is the sign of compassion but can also suggest shady goings-on and/or disapppointment.

To close, I'll paraphrase from Emma Belle Donath's book Asteroids in the Birth Chart (revised) concerning Chiron in Pisces and end with a quote:

Philosophical and religious issues are narrowed to the core of their meaning and applied to everyday lives. The essence of information is distilled, intuition is used in a practical way, and all experiences are analyzed impersonally. "This may esoterically be called the sorrow before the spring."

Image: US Ceres Return #3 of 3; December 20, 2020 @2:44:24 pm est Washington DC; Hour of an out-of-bounds Mercury at a critical 29th degree conjunct the Sun; Venus leads the tilt of a BOWL shape from 7th house and as chart-ruler (ASC: Taurus) makes only (irritating) minor applying aspects (health; money; relationships); Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused by illness; religious and social fanaticism' (Ebertin):

Jul 21, 2020

Unmasking Portland's Secret Police Kidnapping Peaceful Protesters - clip (w/ Astrology)

From July 20, 2020: Well, the current Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces continues to oppose and activate the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto of the mid-1960s Civil Rights era (conjunct in mid-Virgo) as demonstrated in the streets of Portland, Oregon - with Trump's combative 'secret police' possibly being dispatched to other US cities (that have Democratic mayors) if they displease the scofflaw-in-chief and don't fall in line with his authoritarian imperatives.

Concerning this very topic, here Aaron Mesh joins Thom Hartmann for a discussion of Trump's secret police and sneaky renditions including an overview of what's being perpetrated since Trump issued his June 26th Executive Order (with malevolent Mars 'the warrior' conjunct murderous star, Scheat @29Pisces, and Virgo-Pisces as the victim-savior polarity):


Below are a few astro-notes concerning political potentials of the erratic, incendiary pair of dogmatism, Mars and Uranus which will conjunct in intolerant, greedy Taurus in January 2021 and thus will imprint upon Inauguration 2021 and on the entire year of 2021. To me their combined energies seem part of a well-discussed Trump plan to retain control of the US government no matter how many heads must be concussed into submission - or worse:

"Using security forces to control strife; malice or unrest accompanied by violence; radical movements within the military; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility; rebellions against modernization efforts" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

But prior to that, we should be aware of an approaching Mars-Pluto square in August 2020 (Aries/Capricorn) which in general suggests potentials for abusive actions, aggression, powerful conflicts, foolishly reckless behavior, domestic and/or work-related antagonism, stress-fueled rage, use or misuse of overwhelming force, and/or trouble with authority. This planetary pairing can also describe a police state, plus, war/s and chaos. You know - the societal conditions and events that Trump was installed to stir up and mismanage.

Meanwhile, transit Pluto, creeping along on his darkened mission to fulfill our US Pluto Return/s in 2022, continues to conjoin off and on the natal Vertex (22Cap51) of Donald Trump with its 'fated encounters and/or wish fulfillment' possibilities.

However, it's completely understandable if you, dear reader, prefer to forget all of this cosmic vs earthly turmoil. But I just thought you might want to know about some of the intense energies clashing over our heads as We The Collective struggle toward 2021.

Mar 16, 2020

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2020

March 16, 2020: Well, here it is, the DC Horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2020, timed by the moment the Sun reaches 00Lib:00:00 on Tuesday September 22nd at 9:30:31 am EDT with Scorpio rising in DC. Chart-ruler Mars (co-ruler Pluto) makes two applying aspects in the chart, a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to co-ruler Pluto (4A27) and of course, a Rx chart-ruler ups the chances of delays and difficulties, temporary though they may be:

As you can see, 6th house Mars is retrograde and symbolically moving back toward opposition with rising Mercury in Libra (24:15) suggesting that previous debates will continue (opposition exact September 24th at 6:53 am) but the two dynamic squares from Mars are what take precedence as to how things will proceed. Note that the Sun @00Libra conjuncts America's natal Midheaven in our nation's late afternoon chart (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) as is the case every year. Significantly, this particular Autumn Equinox chart contains the November 3rd 2020 Election--assuming that voting goes on as scheduled, even with the fly in our ballot ointment being voting planet Mercury stationing and changing direction on Election Day and possibly suggesting changed minds if not machine glitches and/or hacking. So how will things proceed within Autumn Equinox 2020 conditions?

According to chart-and-Equinox-ruler Mars, forceful in his own sign of Aries and in 6th house of Service and Health, a square to restrictive Saturn (still strong in his own sign of governmental/business oriented Capricorn) indicates frustrations, delays, and difficulties aggravated by Mars Rx, as noted. Resistance to authority, bad timing, and threats are potentials and patience is necessary for these conditions are only temporary and should clear up soon after Mars turns Direct on or about November 14th.

However, transit Mars goes on to square powerful Pluto, the wealthy, stealthy manipulator, and karmic conditions ramp up as intense power struggles are engaged, jealousy may rear its ugly head, and motivations are of a vengeful nature. Some form of destruction is evident, military battles are a possibility, and anger turns to rage as past actions interfere with current progress. Various plans may have to be delayed yet if this forceful Mars-Pluto energy can be positively channeled, much can be accomplished. Whether with positive or negative results depends upon motivations of the people involved including opponents.

Now there are several other chart factors of note in this chart but since I'm feeling rather fussy tonight, I shall leave many of them for you to discover and, if you wish, leave your on-topic comments with this post.

Yet for anyone desiring more information, here's some concerning the 4 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of this Equinox (Eclipse @00Can21 conjunct 9th cusp). Or if you're wondering about the upcoming Solar Eclipse that the Autumn Equinox 2020 South Node (@23Sag56 in 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury) points toward--and allows for potentially draining conditions of resources--check out the 4 South eclipse themes that conclude 2020 in December on this handy list. Also, see lower right for dates of the three-fer Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions which suggest ongoing actions taken by the Federal Reserve, plus, large projects by movers and shakers. Oddly enough, we might wish to note that the November 12th conjunction @22Cap52 (not '21:51' as erroneously scribbled) conjoins head-on the natal Vertex of Donald Trump (22:51). Can he turn things to his advantage as he so often does? We'll see, especially with his lucky Jupiter-Uranus trine.

Meanwhile, my friends, we can say that Autumn Equinox 2020 is full of financial and economic indicators seen in part by a problematic YOD pattern (see upper right) of crisis or a turning point (full of karmic opportunity) between money planets, the speculating pair of bubbles, inflation, risk-taking, and grand financial schemes--Jupiter and Neptune (sextile here but conjunct in the 1792 NYSE Buttonwood chart). Plus, there's values planet Venus @18Leo07 in the visible 10th house, so some new perspectives concerning upcoming conditions of change and fluctuation which are also suggested by a 2nd hou$e Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius--will be in order by September or probably before considering the mess we're already in with global shutdowns and financing. Unfortunately, US currency issues are possible so perhaps it's crazy to think it but a measure of Venusian diplomacy could be on America's menu, led by--a woman?!

May 21, 2019

Warrior Planet Mars in Aries 2020

Today on Stars Over Washington I am featuring this morning's post just published to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology titled Mars in Aries 2020: That Fighting Spirit which mainly concerns the frustrating squares that transit Mars will form to karmic planets Saturn and Pluto in 2020, dates included.

If you're up for it, that is.

Dec 17, 2018

2019 Pluto Returns to its FBI-Cohen Raid position

When transit Pluto returns to its position in the April 9, 2018 FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope (21Cap14), the planet of the Underworld, aka, the 'god of Hades', will reinvigorate its aspects to other planets in the original April 9, 2018 chart.

This may be significant or may form a Timeline of sorts yet its importance partially depends on subsequent events which will continue to issue from the early morning raid/s on the office, hotel room, and home of Trump's former lawyer and 'fixer' Michael Cohen, recently tried and sentenced to three years in prison for his criminal activities--some perpetrated on behalf of Boss Trump. Therefore, we may wish to list the dates of Pluto's Returns to the chart which you see, below, and add a consideration of the three major aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope for these powerful energies will be re-activated on some level during the time period beginning on April 9, 2018.

Note that the usual associations and realms of astrological Pluto are involved: secrets, surveillance, wealth, hidden things, destruction, criminal activity, mobsterism, gangsterism, racketeering, corruption, theft, sabotage, isolation, psychotic or obsessive behavior, strong-arming, blackmail, kidnapping, manipulation, oppression, plutocracy, and with potentials for sexual liaisons, rape, and/or primal violence.

Pluto Returns to 21Cap14 4x: Once in 2018, Three Times in 2019

1. FBI-Cohen Raid April 9, 2018 5:07 am edt Manhattan, NY with powerful, usually unconsciously motivated Pluto is Direct @21Cap14 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations across the 5/11 self-will axis. Sneaky fraudster Neptune in Pisces rises and Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction is in full view at Midheaven (MC 21Sag07) opposing his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio at the Foundation/Basis Point (IC) of the chart (and of the raid). If memory serves, there was concern around the time that evidence (papers, emails, recordings, etc) would be or were being destroyed unless the raid was given the green light by a judge, as it legally was.

2. May 5, 2018 Rx (in May 2018 certain associates of Roger Stone were receiving subpoenaes);

3. January 20, 2019 (Trump Inauguration Solar Return 2019 - the raid's Pluto conjuncts IC!);

4. August 11, 2019 Rx (the 1st anniversary of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 2018 under which 'cosmic blink' influence I now type);

5. November 22, 2019 (the 56th anniversary of the JFK assassination).

The Three Major Aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid Horoscope with Potentials:

1. Jupiter sextile Pluto (0A30): digging deeper for the truth; a desire to undo lies; suggests those with an ability to recognize people who will be loyal in a crisis (Epstein); people who resent the imposition of rules, regulations, laws; a talent for psychological warfare; people who have to face their losses alone and/or who develop enemies who sabotage them via rumor, gossip, misinformation; one who feels vulnerable and insists on micro-managing; ambitious developers of large-scale projects; plutocrats. Note that the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint in Politics or Business describes possibilities such as, "criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; self-destructive forces stemming from official corruption or moral laxity within society; extreme depletion of resources" (Munkasey). Plus, Jupiter-Pluto = MC, the 'WHY? Point': 'hardworking attainment of power position' (Tyl); and Ebertin: 'advancement and promotion' (to the Big House? jc).

2. Sun square Pluto (1A46): tension, challenges, a "might makes right" attitude; issues of control, power, and domination; suggests paranoid people who demand constant control over events and activities and who obsess over their social position.

3. Mars conjunct Pluto (8A39): people who seek to win at all costs and are driven toward dominance, power, and control; immense willpower; those who face danger; anger and manipulation.

Well, there's a partial cosmic picture of Pluto's ongoing condition as part of the Mueller investigation into potential criminal activities of Donald Trump, family, and associates both foreign and domestic via catalyst Pluto's powerful influence which threatens to extend its creepiness through year 2019.

Image above: Pluto in hi-res; public domain.

Oct 9, 2018

Synastry Grid: Trump's and America's natal planets

This Is Us: the Trump-US Relationship

by Jude Cowell

A synastry grid comparing the natal planets of Donald Trump with America's natal planets is replete with potentials for tension, anger, scandals, notoriety, confusion, misunderstandings, deception, and undermining by and of allies--but also an attraction, plus the possibility of Chirotic healing, or at least a soothing, of our society's past hurts which I suspect refers primarily to his constant opening of America's oldest wound and flaw, racism, and to how his rhetoric and policies continue the class divide that began in ye olde Jamestown Colony centuries ago. Instead he chooses to stir up trouble on these issues, capitalizes on them, and shoves an even wider wedge between us in any way he can. For everyone knows that 'divide and conquer' tactics always work against the American people.

And as you know, his nibs is an anything-to-gain-power demagogue full of emotional turmoil and suffers with a bottomless pit of ego needs that can never be fully satisfied. We can see Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction as basic evidence of his extreme emotional deprivation via estrangement from Mother, an estrangement the adult Donald can't seem to recover from and I suppose most of us never could whose Mother went missing in some way.

So in this post I shall attempt to provide brief notes on some of the main aspects between Trump's and our national planets but without US natal ASC and MC - except for two as-ifs because they seem to apply - 'DT Neptune conjoins US natal MC' (00Lib47) and 'DT Pluto trines US ASC' - since a variety of timings are used for the US natal chart (July 4, 1776) which gives differing chart angles. Here I'm using a 5:09 pm LMT US chart with 12Sag08 rising but US planets remain in basically the same positions no matter which hour is used on that date with the natal Moon remaining in Aquarius.

Mr. Trump's planets ('DT') are listed vertically (on the left) while US planets ('US') are listed horizontally; aspects are not listed in weighted order:

Reading from left to right beginning with Trump's natal Moon:

DT Moon inconjuncts US Mercury: emotional Trump vs US rationality causes friction.

DT Moon opposes US Mars: anger issues; 'time bomb' set to explode; stirred up emotions; actions and reactions motivated by emotions; emotional connection to the military. DT Mars opposes US Moon emotions boil over; rash actions; hostility; feeling under siege; angry women.

DT Moon squares US Neptune: living in a fog; emotional upsets; domestic troubles; taking everything personally; retreating to familiar territory (see golf pic, below); grief or loss.

DT Moon trines US Chiron: capitalizing on our hidden or deepest emotional needs; consciousness of our national wounds; opportunities for healing.

DT Moon sesqui-squares US North Node (the public): strong emotions litter a hard-to-travel journey.

DT Sun trines US Moon (We The People): enthusiastic feelings; pride and optimism.

DT Sun conjoins US Mars: taking risks; impulsive actions; exciting--never a dull moment.

DT Sun squares US Neptune: confrontations with reality; efforts to deliberately mislead; overwhelming problems; confusion; treading water to stay afloat.

DT Sun sextiles US Chiron: consciousness of the potential for transformation.

DT Chiron squares US Sun: issues of socio-cultural authority.

DT Sun semi-squares US North Node: a fated yet challenging attraction; a destined relationship.

DT Mercury conjuncts US Sun: consciousness of personal intent.

DT Mercury conjuncts US Venus: discussing goals, joint ventures, relationships, legal matters; giving advice.

DT Mercury conjuncts US Jupiter: communicating about political activities, publishing, cultural pursuits; expansion of advertising, propaganda, current news, plans; international communications.

DT Mercury squares US Saturn: application of plans, methods, or ideas delayed, limited, or blocked; plans must be re-done.

DT Neptune conjuncts US MC: professions may be related to the occult (such as Masonry and the Masonic hand signals he constantly tosses out during his on-camera rhetoric); unreliability; scandals, secret intrigues, and public disgrace.

DT Pluto trines US ASC: a driving ambition toward leadership; understanding power and how to deal with or use those in power; home or profession as a base for occult endeavors; favors those who work in Politics.

(More info: The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker; Synastry Grid compliments of Solar Fire Software Gold v9).