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Showing posts with label The Tower Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Tower Eclipse. Show all posts

Aug 15, 2023

Trump-Organized Crime under RICO indictment in Georgia

Aug 14th: Our 13th Colony Steps Up for Law and Order

by Jude Cowell

Saturn, 'Legal Eagle' Planet in Political Astrology; NASA image

After last night's announcement in Georgia of a fourth indictment of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators acting within their self-created criminal organization, I considered writing a fresh post on the subject using astrological principles which could cast a cosmic light upon the circumstances and perhaps make some sense of it all. A cosmic glance under the hood of earthly events, we might say.

That is, I considered it until I realiized that such a post had already been written and published as, America's Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy featuring the organized crime duo's Great Conjunctions of 1891/1892 which landed upon America's 1776 Uranus, planet of revolution, war, anarchy, zealotry, radical/reactionary politics, chaos, upheaval, shocks, assaults, and disruption. Criminal enterprises have resulted, and criminal influences upon society have grown. Trump as criminal figurehead is their 'flowering'. Remember that initially, Trump was purported to helm the US from the White House as a corporate businessman. This he did with profit always his transactional motivation, and corruption no problem. No problem at all.

Plus, in mundane horoscopes there's Cupido, an archetype indicating The Syndicate, Corporatism, The Family, the Mafia, and criminal networks such as Trump and comrades put together thinking they could overthrow our country and negate our votes on behalf of a fascist dictator-wanna-be - and attempted for the benefit of certain global geopolitical take-over endeavors. You know the ones. Yet undoubtedly, the melee that useful tool Trump is causing the US Justice System pleases his handlers, for it keeps the DOJ busy, diverted, and under a potential for future collapse under the weight of Trump's hefty bulk.

You also know that Trump's foreign backers, enemies of America, of democracy, and of the US Constitution, are a major if surreptitious, factor in it all, as are certain other state government officials scooped up in Fani Willis' wide-ranging RICO prosecution announced late last night. Of course, easily recognized is the 1891/1892 era as that of the Robber Barons, the corporatists of their day - now we deal with their spawn, both biological and ideological. For example: Trump's J6 coup attempt was and is supported by many US corporations and CEOs--make that, transnational corporations who hold no allegiance to the United States of America despite the wealth they generated here using America's infrastructure, and the US consumers they profit by. Cash-cow-r-us!

Underneath it all, we're mired within our US Pluto Return with its collapse-rebuild vibrations that were heralded and supported by 2018's The Tower Eclipse, with themes activated in April 2019 by transit Uranus returning to its eclipse degree in early Taurus!

Meanwhile on the astrological level, if you check out the post linked, above, please scroll beneath the horoscope image to Michael Munkasey's Thesis-Antithesis description of the Neptune-Pluto duo if you don't check out anything else!

And for further reading, remember that this October, Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse conjunct his progressed Moon. Will this bring an 'October Surprise' for the amoral orange blighter? Or more like an October Shock?

Jun 5, 2023

DC Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2023

Here is a fresh copy of the Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope set for Washington DC, June 21 10:57:48 am edt, the first moment the Sun reached Cardinal World Point 00Can00:00; as you see, events are weighted on the public side:

Of note is the rounded-up degree rising which is "4 Virgo": "A Colored Child Playing with White Children" and as usual, in America this is a weighty word picture heavy with centuries of woeful baggage. You'll draw your own conclusion about what this could mean for Summer Season 2023 but obviously, racism continues to simmer in our country, formerly touted as a 'melting pot' of nationalities before foreign and domestic enemies of America stirred the pot in order to divide-and-conquer We the People against one another.

Then a prominent 10th house Sun shines on the World Stage (10th h) with speedy Mercury the Messenger also prominent @18Gem37 but intercepted since Midheaven ('MC') = 29Tau10. Therefore, there are Mercurial details and information which must be dealt with if karmic progress is to be made, and with Gemini, sign of The Twins involved, duplicity is always a caution, along with the potential for beans to be spilled or leaked, most notably concerning the multiplicitous allegations and crimes of Geminian Trump and his comrades.

Notable solar aspects include a beneficial trine from Saturn (seniors, lawyers, authorities, managers: cooperation among leadership figures) with Saturn conjunct Descendant (possibly a traditional partner or adversary: Saturn in Pisces = 'stuggles with an opponent': campaign 2024 heats up) while a Sun-North-Node sextile suggests opportunities for positive contacts and meetings, some public.

Meanwhile, Summer Solstice 2023 Moon (the public) in Sun-ruled Leo (Sun and Moon in mutual reception: on friendly terms) may feel ready to celebrate the summer but perhaps a bit on the down-low since Luna is in the shy, retiring, political 12th house along with Venus and Mars, also in dramatic, romantic Leo (secret affairs?). Yes, an applying conjunction to Venus from Luna hints that a lighter mood may be in store yet we know that the Moon indicates fluctuations and/or changes, so moodiness may also be a factor. Plus the Moon-Venus duo can refer to expectant mothers, and we know how certain politicians are determined to interfere with pregnancies and force their way into examining rooms - private bedrooms, too, if given a chance.

For as you know, compassion-free, anti-women political agendas enacted in various states have already caused death, suffering, and loss for women and families and here we see loss-leader Neptune in 8th house conjunct its cusp in sad if compassionate Pisces. Unfortunately, an uptick in Covid cases and other infections may also be on our summer menu, so please take care. Meanwhile, transformative Pluto, back at his critical 29th degree of governmental Capricorn, holds sway in the 5th house of Children, Creativity, and Risk-Taking, with the Neptune-Pluto duo a signifier of underworld criminal elements (organized crime) and bizarre religious networks, both of which interfere in political and legal matters.

Now in closing, it would be remiss of me not to mention that Summer Solstice 2023 Mars @18Leo39 hits The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018 with 2018's eclipse Mars @00Aquarius now in progress of being hit repeatedly by transit Pluto, a karmic contact par excellence. The Pluto-to-Mars contacts involve both the US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and the December 21, 2020 Great Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn meeting in airy Aquarius which timed the start of a 20-year cycle of social, financial, religious, and political orders - which relates back to Trump and violence (Mars-Pluto) since he was posing as POTUS in the White House in December 2020 and making plans to forcefully remain in power.

All in all, Sumer Solstice 2023 begins a pivotal season for our nation in need of rebuilding (The Tower Eclipse) yet we don't need Astrology to inform us of this, for we can simply read or watch events in the news with all the karma of reaping what was sown that results, both positive and negative, with motivation a major determining factor.

Jul 3, 2022

DC Horoscopes: July 2022 Lunations

DC Horoscopes of the Two July 2022 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: lower left is the July 13, 2022 Full Moon @21Cap21 (in the super-sensitized zone of Capricorn where Pluto lurks) and with the Moon out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (as is Mercury @17Can42; detached? estranged?). Yet Luna leads a BOWL shape of planets (having a mission to fulfill or a cause for which to advocate) and on a mundane level can represent women, families, the public, publicity, and fluctuations and changes. Her sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn suggests that the public mood is sober, serious, and focused on business, law, and government. The July Full Moon represents the culmination phase issuing from the New Moon of June 28, 2022 @7Can23 (showing a continuance of the June 2022 hearings) and this spotlights the natal Mercury of Donald Trump @8Cancer (a gossip, who likes to "hide the hand that flings the stone").

Then upper right is a new cycle of activity when seeds are planted and plans are made at the New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo38 (conjunct US 1776 North Node) to be harvested or fulfilled at the next Full Moon (August 12, 2022 @19AQ21; chart not shown):

Health asteroid Hygeia is prominent in both charts rising at both Ascendants in Scorpio, a sign associated with surgery such as abortions, and with death such as those predicted to be the fate of many women in the US thanks to the regressive loose cannon decision by Catholic Supreme Court 'justices' gone rogue.

Thing is, I'd intended to publish these two lunar charts for the month of July 2022 based on the announcement that additional J6 Public Hearings would be held in July after the July 4th holiday but as you see, Hygeia and other chart factors have more or less taken over the focus of this post. Still, there are several suggestive study notes penned on the images for those curious enough to check them out. We should note that both lunations fall under the auspices of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady), so all of July 2022 (until the 6 South Eclipse of October) remains under 6 North influences.

And of course, all solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus bring issues of perseverance, patience, reliability, and endurance. And on a pragmatic level, Taurus suggests economic concerns and growth potential, plus, a need to avoid bullheadedness if karmic progress is to be made.

So with the cosmic blink emphasis on Taurus, planet Venus becomes important to these and other matters and problems arriving with the eclipse, and we might think of Cassidy Hutchinson (no birth date found so far!) and her recent "smoking gun" testimony to the J6 Committee Hearing that, if any fairness is left in our country and legal system, will result in an indictment of the first-ever US president to attempt to overturn the Electoral Vote Certification in Congress, with a willful determination to establish himself as a dictator in the White House, democracy be da*ned.

Now as you see, Venus is in talkative Gemini (Cassidy Hutchinson? surely not the reluctant Ginni Thomas!) at the July 13th Full Moon but by the New Moon of July 28th, Luna has floated well into Moon-ruled Cancer (reflecting America's 1776 planets in Cancer) where she prefers security, protection, home, and family. Expectably, the far right's undermining of Miss Hutchinson's reputation will probably continue, and she will continue to need defending on physical, legal, and other levels.

Then also in the New Moon chart, we might wonder about Mercury @18Leo22, planet of Communications, Testifying, and Commerce, but also of children and babies for The Messenger planet reminds us of The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018, back when Herr Trump's damage to democracy was in full swing, and a 'collapse and rebuild' theme was spotlighted by the 2 New North Solar Eclipse.

Suggestively, Mercury is atop the New Moon chart at the visible Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope which relates to Career and Public Status. Speedy Mercury is traveling with Toro, an asteroid associated with power including nuclear power.

Meanwhile, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer (conjunct the July 2022 Full Moon's Sun = a culmination of full awareness: more secrets revealed) in the 2 Old North series manifested on July 13, 2018. And 2 Old North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') of one Donald Trump (who was playing president then) with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news concerning relationships or friendships; dealing with separations; things look glum but fast action can bring positive outcomes' (B. Brady). My assumption is that the July 13, 2022 Full Moon will uncover issues in relation to 2 Old North themes - specifically for Donald Trump since his PE is re-activated by the July 13th Full Moon, he's the primary focus of the J6 proceedings, and, in a starring role - is the scofflaw perpetrator of extremely bad presidentin'.

And incidentally, do you know that for America's first-ever Independence Day, the month of July 1777 was replete with both a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse? An example is the Lunar Eclipse of July 20, 1777 @27Cap59 conjunct then-Pluto's position and our 1776 Pluto. And of course, the intense Moon-Pluto combination of energies relates to multiple things, one being criminal activities such as those we must deal with now - during America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x in 2022). It's all totally karmic after all, is it not?

Meanwhile, we know that the sign of Taurus can also indicate intolerance and greed, yet it's capable of expressing a good measure of patience. However, most Americans are tired of waiting for karma to catch up with the orange saboteur. Still, I must continue to wonder: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? with the star's 'ruination if revenge is taken' caution. After all, the grudge-holder's violent coup attempt on January 6, 2021 was certainly a form of taking revenge, was it not?

So then, at the very end of July 2022, a Conjunction suggesting radical reactionary politics, Utopian zealotry, and reforms takes place when transit Uranus Meets North Node on July 31st, exact at 4:05 pm edt @18Tau41. Rounded up, we have "19Taurus": "A Newly Formed Continent" = ORIGINALITY; positive expression: "a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe"; negative expression (shadow side/unconscious - jc): "a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset" (M. E. Jones).

In closing, I feel compelled to add that this is the sign and degree of George Washington's natal Ascendant, and that, whatever reforms social meddlers have scheduled for America, I pray that they're in keeping with the first principles and freedoms that President Washington and other Founders set up for us to follow instead of the 'futile turmoil and persistent upset' that seditionists and saboteurs of our nation have long-planned in their fevered and malevolent minds.

Jun 22, 2022

America's initial Mars-Saturn Cycle

The 'Death Axis' Planetary Combo of Mars-Saturn

by Jude Cowell

As near as my software and I can figure out, here is the Horoscope of the moment the Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected prior to July 1776 and which to me signifies the beginning of America's Mars-Saturn Cycle:

Typically, many of my study notes are squished upon the chart for the curious to read and I hope that you're just that curious. For this is a meaningful planetary combination of energies especially these days, thanks to Tr*mp's natal midpoint picture (Mars-Saturn = Pluto; 12th house) has often been spotlighted in media and expressed by his nibs with its brutality, damage, fury, and outright death to many people (R. Ebertin) potentials.

However, the Mars-Saturn pair relates to various other potentials and its association with 'the death axis' in a horoscope is not the least among them. Power, accompanied by fear and tension, is another, as are: a huge amount of personal ambition, a suggestion of 'stop-and-go' (off-and-on) energy deployment, seeing a partner as blocking one's best efforts, throwing caution to the wind, serious efforts, anger and irritation directed at others, restrictions, discipline, and/or prolonged struggles (R.E.). Plus, "driving with the brakes on" is as good a description as any (A. Oken).

July 17, 1775

Mars-Saturn @4Libra = "A Group Around a Campfire" which reminds me of another Revolutionary era Sabian Symbol: "An Army of the Republic Campfire." No, we don't need to be stuck in the past, just learn from it. And Astrology can help with this because it's all about timing, cycles, and repetition similar to past conditions providing us with new chances to respond more positively this time around so that karmic progress is possible.

Now let's consider the Hegelian form of Mars-Saturn potentials in Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey in his Midpoint: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad); you'll notice that some of these potentials are occurring as I type:

Thesis: Curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist; frustrations imposed upon or by criminal elements; demands to halt armaments.

Antithesis: Military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of that which belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

We might also note that on July 4, 1776, US Mars @22Gemini and US Saturn @14Lib48 (our exalted Saturn rising in the Mars-Saturn horoscope, above), clocked in @18Leo05, a point in the Zodiac that has seen its share of activation through the years such as on August 11, 2018 by a 2 Old North Solar Eclipse which I have previously termed, The Tower Eclipse because its collapse-rebuild theme is also described by Tarot card 16. Add such energies to the Mars-Saturn duo and there's lots to ponder there.

Now so far, only a few Horoscopes of America's Planetary Cycles are published:

Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles (January and June, 1775; dual horoscopes shown), Mars-Pluto Cycle (December 1775), and the Mars-Uranus Cycle (June 1776).

As time allows, my hope is to publish more Horoscopes of our nation's Planetary Cycles so that their signs, degrees, symbols, and the combined energies of each pair may be associated with, and inform us, concerning current and future events and conditions. Even information on historical events may turn up in the spotlight with a little study!

So to close, below is a relic of a slogan that I used to type quite often here on SO'W. It seems appropriate now as we feel our nation teetering on the edge of political and social catastrophe, created by saboteurs with a malevolent (sore loser) 1930s-style-nazi mindset - you know - like the criminals my uncles fought and vanquished in WWII. Well, now their destructive energies, like a misguided Phoenix rising from the ashes (see Selena @8Scorpio), or a seditious movement from the 1860s trying to grasp power and control - it's time to fight the b*stards again, so here goes:

America, my only nag in the race!

Feb 4, 2022

Uranus-Pluto: Societal Shifts and the Transformation of Mass Consciousness

'The Tower' Tarot Card 16; from The Enchanted Tarot #ad

2022 and Beyond: A World on the Verge of Major Change

by Jude Cowell

Several dates and events of importance pop out in the Timeline of the French Revolution concerning multiple events which may be used to set up Horoscopes through which we may study the intense era's events sparked and fought during an oppositional phase of the revolutionary, liberating, and transformative energies of the 'old order vs new order' duo of Uranus and Pluto, the duo then glaring at one another across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius axis. Naturally, a collapse of the old order is firmly implied and, given current events, it seems no coincidence that America is in process of her first-ever Pluto Return, three times all though 2022 (exact return dates dependent upon which US Horoscope is preferred, see below). We might wish to add that our 2022 'return year' is a timing device in league with society's plutonian repetition of 'The Tower Eclipse' of 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series which occurred while the Uranus-Pluto Square was within orb (Taurus to Aquarius).

A prominent event for setting up such a revolutionary horoscope of the French Revolution is the Execution of King Louis VXI on January 21, 1793 at 10:20 LMT Paris, France (Campion's chart #108, historically accurate) with 13Ari22 rising, 5Cap42 at Midheaven with Mercury, and radical reformer Uranus Rx @22Leo31 opposed by manipulative Pluto @22AQ28. On that day of extreme violence, the old order of Monarchy collapsed into a basket as blade-wielding activist Mars @28AQ10 had opposed erratic zealot Uranus, planet of Utopian anarchy. Recently active in our era in Mars-ruled Aries, but now lurching through stubborn, often intolerant Taurus, is catalyst Uranus today @10Taurus. Transit Uranus won't reach Gemini until July 2025, the year containing what should be a US Inauguration 2025 - but dependent on overarching cosmic cycles and how the global energies are utilized.

Astro-Note: A recent SO'W post displays the first of three US Pluto Return Horoscope(s) based on America's Scorpio Rising chart (July 4, 1776 2:22 pm LMT) due to powerful Pluto's association with the brooding sign of Scorpio, also the sign of Big Business and Surveillance; this gives a first-ever return chart of February 20, 2022 rather than February 22nd.

Cosmic Conflict and The Great Cosmic Clock

Naturally, multiple planetary aspects influence past, current, and future events yet significantly, the time frame of the 1780s-1790s and the Uranus-Pluto opposition opens the upcoming 9-part video series Changing of the Gods, first available on February 22, 2022 ('2-22-2022': the day of the first US Pluto Return when based on America's late afternoon charts!) and for a two-week limited run, our last viewing opportunity for a while. This brilliant production has been years in the making and is a not-to-be-missed cosmic event meant for astrologers and non-astrologers alike. Much of its content is based on the work of expert astrologer Richard Tarnas, author of Cosmos and Psyche (#ad), and registration for the complimentary screenings opens February 7, 2022 (pre-registration is also possible).

Honored within this groundbreaking presentation is the nobility of the ancient craft of Astrology, particularly in relation to the study of outer planetary cycles and alignments, and their correlation to the collective psyche and earthly events. As Above, So Below.

After all, world transits = We, not only Me, for collectively We are all in this together, and all are mere novices studying and living within a vast and infinite Universe!

As for yours truly, the "We" of it all resonates closely with the very purpose and aim of Stars Over Washington these 17 years - to speak up on behalf of the common good, for the sake of a sovereign America, and as tribute to my Revolutionary War ancestors - all by 'peeking under the hood' of earthly events and politicians via the excellent macro and micro lenses of venerable Astrology! Yet as you may imagine, the 'common good' sentiments which continue to inspire SO'W's political leanings and posts have brought many rude trumpian and other trolls to my Comments Moderation list - never to be published, of course, and always of the personal insult persuasion. Even a few astrologers through the years have taken exception and critcized my use of Astrology as a practical system for investigating profane Politics. On some level, this reminds me of starry Sirius' basic keywords, the mundane becoming sacred. Or rather, the other way around - if such reciprocation is even possible!

Meanwhile, you know that society's current Uranus-Pluto Cycle began with their three conjunctions of 1965 and 1966 from 16 to 18 degrees of Mercury-ruled Virgo (conjunct my natal Ascendant!). Subsequently, the years 2010 to 2014 brought the world an aspect that became quite famously known as the Cardinal Squares of Uranus and Pluto, a phase issuing from their 1960s conjunction/s. So therefore it's time to close this post with a link to --

Recommended Reading in case you missed it: Robert Wilkerson's Uranus Square Pluto: Past as Prologue.

Jan 13, 2022

The Futurism of the Mercurial H.G. Wells

by Jude Cowell

January 13, 2022

Image: H.G. Wells' Signature, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons

Is it curious that futurist author and political scientist H.G. Wells was born with Osiris Rx conjunct his natal Mercury, planet of thinking and communication, in Virgo, sign of the critic and book writer? In Astrology, Osiris, an ancient Egyptian god, is associated with concepts of death, rebirth, renewal, resusitation - basically with change and transformation. However, there's more to discover about Wells' natal 7th house Mercury such as its opposition to 'wounded healer' and 'blindspot' Chiron Rx @20Pis06 (where transit Neptune in Pisces has been hanging about of late). A Mercury-Chiron opposition suggests a man who "seeks self-transformation through acting as a promoter, popularizer or guardian of whatever truth {he} regards as being revealed especially to him" (R. Nolle). Like a best-selling book author. Plus, his Mercury also trines expansive Jupiter @22Capricorn (The Translator and linguist 'coordinating universal concepts as applied to everyday life' - A. Oken).

Now you know that "22Capricorn" is one of the more sensitive degrees in the Zodiac these days thanks to the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, plus, his Mercury trines invisibility planet Pluto Rx @14Taurus with Pluto opposing natal Venus in Scorpio.

Naturally, a Venus-Pluto opposition suggests intense, even problematic relationships with undertones of jealousy, envy, or perhaps violence. Now in our day, transit Uranus in Taurus is in the neighborhood, catalyzing and possibly transforming his Venus-Pluto opposition of 1866 in some fanatical fashion that relates to societal breakdown as we're now experiencing - and which Wells looked forward to (see his quote from 1933, below). Note that the Venus-Pluto duo may also relate to potentials for extreme wealth secreted away, elements of organized crime, volcanic activity, and/or to genetic alterations (M. Munkasey) which reminds me of his brilliant novel The Invisible Man!

btw Please note that unless there's a reason to use a different house system to set up a chart such as Historical Horoscopes, I prefer the Placidus house system. However, a view of the Equal house natal horoscope of H.G. Wells is also available and accurately timed (RR: AA; September 21, 1866 4:30 pm GMT Bromley, England with Aquarius and the Moon rising) by following this link to

Now due to current political and societal events, the primary point of this post is to spotlight the following quote by H.G. Wells and current changes now struggling toward implementation. The quote is from his book The Shape of Things To Come (written under the influence of his 1933 viewpoint on how future wars will affect civilization, a coming "Dictatorship of Air," and an "almost Utopian" society of the future).

Now I wonder if the "dictatorship" that Wells foresaw arrived later than he predicted and was signaled by the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (the societal planets) of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29, an Air sign? Of course, back then transit Pluto was already in Capricorn ('the dictator' - R. Ebertin), with Herr Tr*mp lurking in the White House as the societal Conjunction announced a new order while simultaneously landing upon America's Inaugural (POTUS) Sun. This formed a midpoint picture of, "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (N. Tyl). Now we can realize that loser Tr*mp's 'Big Lie' was his plan and was already in the works. And nowadays, some legal types are suggesting that the orange menace must be feeling gripped by forebodings.

So here's H.G. Wells with a prediction, a promise - or a threat based on events up to 1933:

"When the existing governments and ruling theories of life, the decaying religious and decaying political forms of today, have sufficiently lost prestige through failure and catastrophe, then and only then will worldwide reconstruction be possible."

One World Government?

Therefore, a devilish "big plan" is what I believe the world suffers under now, a purposeful decaying (breakdown) of various systems and institutions in society signaled recently on one cosmic level by the 'collapse' and necessary 'rebuilding' heralded by the 2018 Solar Eclipse mentioned, below. "Build Back Better" indeed - in a new form, it seems. Yet you'll note that Tr*mp and his thuggish ilk (Koch, Murdoch, McConnell, global neo-naz*s, etc.) are allegedly against globalism (you may remember that Tr*mp spoke against globalism at the UN in 2019 -- and there's this). Yet I can have no trust in such assertions, or in what these craven saboteurs are actually for - other than complete authoritarian control headed by the unhinged likes of these low characters we 'know' by their public profiles. My thought is that, if their plan for global control is implemented, things may not turn out as well as they assume and 'catbird seats' of control may go to someone else entirely. After all, low characters cannot be trusted and there's no honor among thieves.

So now if you dare, dear reader, maybe check out the 1936 film (and theatrical trailer!) Things To Come based on the futuristic book by H.G. Wells, and produced in black-n-white splendor by Alexander Korda. Even if not instructive, the film is, in a word, a curiosity.

Astro-Notes on the Life and Death Solar Eclipses of H.G. Wells

Here let's add a few cosmic factors about H.G. Wells. He was born within the 12 South Saros Series via a partial eclipse @25Ari04:42 on April 15, 1866 (a pioneer!) with themes of 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things seem worse at first, then clear' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12 South Eclipse in the 21st century manifested in July 2010 @19Cancer, and a 12 South will repeat on July 22, 2028 @30Cancer (a critical 29th degree rounded up) as noted in yesterday's SO'W post.

Then we might be tempted to consider it rather curious that the Death of H.G. Wells on August 13, 1946 fell into the 2 New North series (occurring June 29, 1946 @6Can48, partial) which in our day repeated on August 11, 2018 as The Tower Eclipse ('collapse' and 'rebuilding'). Plus, a 2 New North eclipse will repeat once again in the year 2036 - the very year the 1936 film Things To Come is set in! How's that for cosmic synchronicity? Why, it's almost as if futurist H.G. Wells studied Astrology - or, perhaps someone had an advising astrologer on the payroll.

Yeah, But What Was H.G. Really Like?

As for the Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon AQ personality blend of H.G. Wells, we can consult the *Harveys who provide a famous quote by the author of both science fiction and political theory, Mr. Wells, "If the world does not please you, you can change it." Well, this describes his aim, it seems. That such high-handed transformation meddles in the lives of other people seems of no consequence to social tinkerers, then and now.

So! This personality blend suggests a man of precise thinking yet unpredictable or erratic emotions, one concerned with large social issues. A scientific, detached approach to life may have been noticed as well as a gift for understatement and a quirky sense of humor. No doubt, his people-watching tendency was helpful for writing novels as was his monk-like self-sufficiency, and his attraction to politics and international planning is obvious from what we know of his life and writings. Shrewd intelligence is a given, and, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, his natal Phaethon @8Gemini conjunct his IC of Endings was echoed at his death in 1946 as transit Phaethon @8Gemini returned to natal degree.

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad

Dec 10, 2021

The Democratic Party and the Summit for Democracy

by Jude Cowell

December 10, 2021

On October 14, 2014 I published the 1801 Democratic Party Horoscope for "future reference" (sans details; data based on the Papers of Thomas Jefferson). On the image I penned its Sun-Moon blend, "Sun AQ-Moon Aries = 'self + society" which to me suggests the less selfish focus of most if not all Democrats as opposed to the greedy, self-serving GOP. Yet as you know, there are multiple versions of horoscopes online for the Democratic Party and one that expert astrologer Jessica Adams has written about is the January 8, 1828 Portsmouth, New Hampshire chart which is, she writes, the time "the Democrats were born." Why, there's even a Democratic Party Horoscope set for 1792!

Then in similar fashion, Horoscopes for Republican Party's founding are at least as varied and thus, confusing, although the chart for March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT, Ripon, WI is a favorite of many with Sun conjunct Aries Point and Moon in Sagittarius. Well, perhaps Sacred Geometry being "a thing" during America's founding era as an esoteric part of Freemasonry, the confusion over which founding horoscopes for either political party are correct could be purposeful. Meanwhile, erstwhile astrologers with political leanings trudge onward.

With the Biden Agenda is a Democratic Saturn in Play?

So basically, this pre-weekend post includes a reminder that, at least for those who use the February 17, 1801 Democratic Party Horoscope, the "The Tower Eclipse" of 2018 with its 'collapse and rebuild' themes eclipsed the natal Saturn of the Democratic Party. And now in 2021 we have President Biden's "Build Back Better" agenda and legislation which seems to me necessary results of the cosmic and earthly energies that We The People are now mired within (like kittens in string!) and, like the mythical phoenix, must rise from. So my thought is that perhaps the eclipse of the Democrats' 1801 Saturn, planet of government, authority, austerity, responsibility, authenticity, consolidation, and laws, marked the required rebuilding as being a task for a Democratic president to manage, particularly since Republicans always overspend like drunken sailors when in control of government resources, then leave the messes they create for the next Democrat in the White House to repair. And of course, considering President Biden's advanced age, he's in the Saturnian phase of life of the senex, or, the old man) - and wisdom and experience are both favored words of old man Saturn.

But Astrological Saturn Also Stands for Obstacles and Delays

Meanwhile, wealthy plutocrats and their political handmaidens on-the-take (whether Rs or Ds) constantly gaslight the American people via A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" with faked patriotism and a sinister brand of nationalism if the 'economic royalists' deign to show any patriotism at all - and if democracy's nemesis, Rupert Murdoch, allows it.

Yet despite all this, one of my fondest hopes for my country as 2021 draws to a close is that President Biden's global Summit for Democracy, in progress as I type (Dec 9 and 10, 2021), will become a major part of our national renewal as it highlights corrective solutions to the current Democracy vs Fascism/NeoNazism stalemate especially since difficult Solar Eclipses from 1932 and 1933 will soon repeat in 2022 and 2023. The purpose of the Summit is billed as, "to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal." To the ears of this Child of the Revolution, it sounds excellent!

And we should note that word is, the uninvited Russia and China are most unhappy that the Summit is being held at all. In fact, China has already caused trouble by somehow forcing Pakistan not to attend!

Oct 18, 2020

POTUS Sun, Jupiter-Saturn, and the Tail of the Dragon

Sun Conjunct South Node: Limitations On Power and Leadership Potential

by Jude Cowell

Sun/South Node of the Moon contacts have karmic implications that place obstacles in the path of solar objectives due to selfishly promoting one's ambitions at the expense of others. Recognition for what has been achieved is often denied and the conjunction suggests a lack of popularity with the public, and, at best, fluctuating success.

Note that in Western Astrology, the South Node of the Moon is said to have a Saturnian separative quality while the North Node has a Jupiterian joining quality. Some systems vary from this but it's how I tend to think of the karmic Nodal axis along with destiny and future direction (NN), and past tendencies and talents (SN) which we still depend on even though they no longer solve issues in the present, aka, neuroses.

In 2018 the 'Tail of the Dragon' Swiped US POTUS Sun: Ouch!

Although the catastrophes and natural disasters of 2018 may have faded somewhat in memory due to our current problems, one remarkable and predictive fact remains: that Year 2018 opened with a Super Blue Blood Moon, a stunning Total Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018 @11Leo37. As auspicious cosmic events go, this lunation heralded a difficult year to say the least. At the US-Mexican border, Trump and his minions ripped children from the arms of their mothers, massive California wild fires caused loss and death (as in 2020), huge bankruptcies were filed (exs: Sears and Toys'R'Us), Trump and Putin sweetly smooched in Helsinki, Robert Mueller was busy investigating, the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing and subsequent swearing-in caused upheaval, Jeff Bezos became the wealthiest man in the world (disgruntling Trump), Manafort and Cohen put Trump in a well-deserved hot seat - and then there were the deaths of John McCain, Barbara Bush, and George H.W. Bush, among other US and world events. Oh! And in May Meghan Markle married Prince Harry.

One political bright spot for a majority of Americans in November 2018 was our 'Blue Wave' turn-out at Midterm Elections which flipped the House for the Democrats. Yet regrettably, Republicans retained control of the Senate and somehow managed to gain two seats. As you know, Mitch "grim reaper" McConnell continues in 2020 to control all proposals of progressive change which would ease the suffering of the American people. He enjoys our suffering, some say, even laughs at it. Apparently, "Moscow Mitch" is a 'let 'em eat cake' kind of guy. Well, perhaps you saw Mitch on camera with Amy McGrath having a good ole laugh when called out over the Senate going on vacation this summer instead of providing Covid relief. Charming (snark).

Running in the background of our lives, Solar Eclipses of 2018 were prominent:

In February came a 1 South Eclipse ('flooded with options' or just flooded with Neptune in watery Pisces) conjunct US natal Moon (27AQ). Then the 2 Old North Eclipse in July was a repeat of Trump's own Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') with its 'unfortunate news' and 'separation' themes.

Yet the significant 'cosmic blink'/'wild card' eclipse of 2018 was 2 New North 'The Tower Eclipse' of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 ('collapse of lifestyles and plans, major rebuilding once the dust settles' - Brady). Perhaps you agree that 'The Tower' Eclipse themes remain with us today and may be attributed in large part to the Covid pandemic. Such themes and events show that new leadership is needed for such rebuilding after the destruction wrought during Trump's four years playing the POTUS role. Going forward, the Uranian saboteur has no solutions, only more crazy uncle-ness, division, chaos, rage, and destruction. And wouldn't you know? 'The Tower Eclipse' horoscope shows malevolent, aggressive, ego-driven Mars Rx @00AQ!

So with major societal changes and reforms due with the approaching Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 - conjunct US POTUS Sun (@00AQ49 at noon January 20, 2017 = Trump) - I'm posting the 2018 SN-to-POTUS-Sun horoscope for reconsideration, and as always your on-topic comments are welcome and appreciated! Transit South Node @00AQ53 conjunct 2017 POTUS Sun (00AQ49), a cosmic event which perfected on October 27, 2018:

Please note that if you've viewed this horoscope previously, a few additional factors have been added by yours truly. An example (upper right): "This conjunction also relates to America's global status" due to its effect upon the presidential Oath of Office.

So let's close with another triggering of US POTUS Sun: In the realm of Politics there was at least one other activation of 00Aquarius, a significant conjunction because it was transit Uranus to 00AQ00 (Technology; 'global cooperation'? 'Age of Aquarius'?) on January 12, 1996 during the Bill Clinton era. So that Uranian cosmic event began America's Year 1996 with unpredicability and a few shocks, plus, Pluto's entry into Sagittarius. If you wish, check out the informative 'Uranus to 00AQ00' 1996 horoscope to which I've penned on the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction. The 1996/2020 midpoint picture potentials may be of interest - 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 1996 Uranus: 'great efforts; sudden change in circumstance; change of residence or occupation' (for Trump? oh please!); 'illness or death; damage to buildings' (which can include war) - R. Ebertin.

Now I ask you: is the Collective already in, or about to enter, the fabled 'Age of Aquarius'? If so, I must say that so far, it's not all that. Yet things could improve when we consider 2018's Blue Wave, and the fact that in 2020 we are in desperate need of a Blue Tsunami too big to rig! So please, dear reader, see what you can do about that, would ya?

Lunar Note: A 'Super' Moon due to its closest approach to Earth and coined as such by master astrologer Richard Nolle; 'blood' because the Moon took on a reddish (prophetic) hue, and 'blue' because it was the second Full Moon in the month.

Aug 10, 2020

Trump Threatens To Crash Economy If He Loses 2020 - Thom Hartmann

August 10, 2020: Yes, the threats are starting to fly thick and fast from a nervous Trump fearful that all his manipulations and Republican Party dirty tricks won't be enough to "re-elect" him in November 2020 if a massive Blue Wave should wash Agent Orange away:

You know this very day the Sun made its annual return to its degree in The Tower Solar Eclipse Horoscope. When I used to post to SO'W concerning the difficult themes of the 2018 eclipse, I'd hoped it was only 'Trump's Towers' that would collapse into rubble and not the US economy at all.

But since the Covid-19 pandemic came along and the country, if not the world, has more or less shut down, 'The Tower' now suggests that a much larger rebuilding job is on our schedules. And who better at bad-tempered, sore-loser retaliation than grudge-holder Donald Trump?

Image: 16 The Tower Tarot Card from The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner.

May 2, 2020

Current Conditions and The Tower Solar Eclipse

Societies on the Edge as 'Cosmic Blink'/'Wild Card' Eclipses Run in the Background

by Jude Cowell

As you know, not all solar eclipses bring negative themes to events but all can disrupt society and our lives in a manner similar to the erratic planet of rebellion, Uranus--even those containing positive themes. Naturally, other planetary factors are always involved as well and are part of every eclipse picture and influence. Typically we may look at historical events during the year that a particular eclipse occurs for clues about its potential influences and the change of direction that often ensues in some area of our lives.

Current Karmic Conditions of Contagion, Collapse, and Traumatic Transformation

In a previous SO'W post we discussed The Tower Solar Eclipse which perfected @18Leo41 on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series. By degree The Tower Eclipse of 2018 activated the August 11, 1999 'King of Alarm' Eclipse of Nostradamus fame, one of the signposts that announced the coming of the New Millennium, when the 'winds of war and strife' were set loose upon the Earth. If you wish, follow the link for a view of the August 2018 2 New North Solar Eclipse Horoscope which is set for Washington DC. For as you may already be aware, 2 New North themes mimic Tarot card #16 pictured, above, and involve 'complete collapse of lifestyles and plans', 'loss', and 'rebuilding starts after the dust has cleared' (Brady). Does this describe America's and the world's current condition?

For comparison, an example of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse is the one that manifested in 1964 (@17 Cancer) as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the ill-considered, deceitful, racketeering Vietnam War. Loss of lives and lifestyles in Vietnam and for the US and its alliances, plus, loss of funds from America's National Treasury are merely some of its 'collapsing' effects. But of course, war profiteers made out like the bandits they always are, no matter the costs to others.

Then for 'traumatic transformation' we have the current influences of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series which is the one we're mired in at the moment with its effects lasting at least until (two weeks before) the next solar eclipse at Summer Solstice 2020.

So this is my fuss for this evening: that a re-consideration of The Tower Solar Eclipse of 2018 in light of current collapsing conditions seems appropriate to me, if not to you, so I'm adding the above link to my previous post in case a reader wishes to check out the August 11, 2018 Horoscope.

As for financial implications of collapse, it seems to be a given. For the initial manifestation of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 with money planet Jupiter @2Tau42--a degree and planet that wild card Uranus has bumped into off and on of late which suggests a period of potentials such as: careening down an unexpected path, independent education or studying in isolation, and lifestyles and/or political affiliations being emphasized and which may be under re-consideration. Perhaps at the voting booth?

Image above: The Tower #16 card from The Enchanted Tarot a personal favorite. jc

Jul 31, 2019

Kamala Harris: a peace-making crusader with spunk!

Below you see a marked-up version of the natal horoscope (RR: AA) of Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is inherently qualified to fulfill the role of President of the United States. Whether she can successfully circumvent the multiple cheating tactics and propaganda campaigns of Trump and the GOP on and prior to Election Day 2020 remains to be seen but Senator Harris definitely has the talent, drive, and ambition to take over the job of POTUS on January 20, 2021!

Outspoken and competitive, Senator Harris is a "peace-making crusader" and a "cool-headed idealist" with "spunk and courage" according to her steamy Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries personality blend. Her Scorpio Mercury adds objectivity to her Libran Sun while indicating practicality, intellect, and an ability for deep study and perseverance in pursuit of arduous tasks and solutions. With no applying Ptolemaic aspects, chart-ruler Mercury's sign and house position (5th h of risk-taking, gambling, romance, creativity) are prominent. However, lively disputes and sharp criticism are potentials with Mercury in Scorpio and these were observed in the June 2019 Democratic Debates as she leveled her sights on fellow candidate Joe Biden and handily aided herself in the polls! Plus, having Mercury (Scorpio) and Pluto (Virgo) in Mutual Reception resonates with her political activities, some of which are of a secretive nature. This planetary duo finds sympathy with America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of spies, secrets, surveillance, and investigation. If you wish, check out her law-related career in her Wikipedia profile.

So tonight (July 31, 2019) is a return engagement for Kamala's debating Mercury in intense Scorpio so let's see how she does this time--and with transit Mercury's Direct Station tonight at 11:58 pm edt in her natal 2nd house of Values. And as you know, there's a New Moon @8Leo37 tonight, the phase when seeds are planted, and the New Moon conjoins Kamala's natal 3rd cusp of Communications. Some measure of harvest comes with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24 in Harris' 9th house and opposes her 3rd house Mars. Therefore, there may be a spot of disappointment, and defiant or hostile reactions involved for her at the Full Moon for natal Mars is apex of her natal speculative Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. Will a bubble burst?

But for now, tonight's the night and we can't miss her powerhouse trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus in 4th house, one of the Psychological Houses at that. Yes, accusations and attacks can fly from this particular trio and may very well do so in tonight's debate. After all, that very visible 10th house Chiron in Pisces mentor didn't mentor her for nothin'! Will the mayor's name come up as Campaign 2020 progresses? Well, I think it already has.

Another interesting factor about Harris' Mars @21Leo17 is that it's near Trump's natal Mars @26Leo rising--and conjoins her natal Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which adds intensity to her competitive nature. And there in 2nd house is her Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @17Can15 in the 2 New North Saros Series--the degree of transit North Node as I type! Curiously, Harris' PE spotlights Trump's natal Nemesis (16Can40). Were they born to rumble? Maybe so considering the karmic nature of the Nodal axis.

And of course you'll remember the last manifestation of a 2 New North eclipse as 'The Tower Eclipse' for it was only on August 11, 2018 that it perfected @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding' themes that continue to threaten tower-builder Donald Trump and his empire with the distinct potential of falling into rubble. And as you know, Trump recently 'fibbed' about being at Ground Zero on 9/11 which everyone in his audience of First Responders knew was a lie! Actually, Trump touted on that day how Trump Tower was then the tallest building in New York. That was his greatest concern, his Tower's rat infestation notwithstanding.

Now whether Trump will be mentioned in tonight's debates I know not but it won't be surprising if he is especially since Senator Harris' natal 12th house Jupiter Rx @24Tau00 sits directly upon Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) where vicious star Algol holds sway. And after all, his nibs constantly provides Democrats and others with so much ammunition how can anyone on camera neglect to mention his unsuitability for the office he precariously holds--the office each one of them on stage tonight is determined to grasp as their own?

Well, at least the candidates with enough spunk are that determined!

Related: DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020 displaying both 12:00 am and 11:59 pm horoscopes for November 3, 2020. The Election Moon in Gemini (We the Voters--of two minds?) will approach the natal Ascendant and North Node of Kamala Harris but will actually conjoin the 10th house Sun-NN conjunction of Donald Trump but oppose his problematic natal Moon-SN. So will the outcome of the 2020 race be disputed and take a little time to settle once transit Mercury, planet of ballots, votes, and decisions, begins moving forward and passes its shadow degree on or about November 19th or 20th?

Care to venture your thoughts, dear reader?

Natal Data: Kamala Harris October 20, 1964 9:28 pm pdt Oakland, CA; RR: AA.

Dec 17, 2018

2019 Pluto Returns to its FBI-Cohen Raid position

When transit Pluto returns to its position in the April 9, 2018 FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope (21Cap14), the planet of the Underworld, aka, the 'god of Hades', will reinvigorate its aspects to other planets in the original April 9, 2018 chart.

This may be significant or may form a Timeline of sorts yet its importance partially depends on subsequent events which will continue to issue from the early morning raid/s on the office, hotel room, and home of Trump's former lawyer and 'fixer' Michael Cohen, recently tried and sentenced to three years in prison for his criminal activities--some perpetrated on behalf of Boss Trump. Therefore, we may wish to list the dates of Pluto's Returns to the chart which you see, below, and add a consideration of the three major aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope for these powerful energies will be re-activated on some level during the time period beginning on April 9, 2018.

Note that the usual associations and realms of astrological Pluto are involved: secrets, surveillance, wealth, hidden things, destruction, criminal activity, mobsterism, gangsterism, racketeering, corruption, theft, sabotage, isolation, psychotic or obsessive behavior, strong-arming, blackmail, kidnapping, manipulation, oppression, plutocracy, and with potentials for sexual liaisons, rape, and/or primal violence.

Pluto Returns to 21Cap14 4x: Once in 2018, Three Times in 2019

1. FBI-Cohen Raid April 9, 2018 5:07 am edt Manhattan, NY with powerful, usually unconsciously motivated Pluto is Direct @21Cap14 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations across the 5/11 self-will axis. Sneaky fraudster Neptune in Pisces rises and Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction is in full view at Midheaven (MC 21Sag07) opposing his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio at the Foundation/Basis Point (IC) of the chart (and of the raid). If memory serves, there was concern around the time that evidence (papers, emails, recordings, etc) would be or were being destroyed unless the raid was given the green light by a judge, as it legally was.

2. May 5, 2018 Rx (in May 2018 certain associates of Roger Stone were receiving subpoenaes);

3. January 20, 2019 (Trump Inauguration Solar Return 2019 - the raid's Pluto conjuncts IC!);

4. August 11, 2019 Rx (the 1st anniversary of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 2018 under which 'cosmic blink' influence I now type);

5. November 22, 2019 (the 56th anniversary of the JFK assassination).

The Three Major Aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid Horoscope with Potentials:

1. Jupiter sextile Pluto (0A30): digging deeper for the truth; a desire to undo lies; suggests those with an ability to recognize people who will be loyal in a crisis (Epstein); people who resent the imposition of rules, regulations, laws; a talent for psychological warfare; people who have to face their losses alone and/or who develop enemies who sabotage them via rumor, gossip, misinformation; one who feels vulnerable and insists on micro-managing; ambitious developers of large-scale projects; plutocrats. Note that the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint in Politics or Business describes possibilities such as, "criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; self-destructive forces stemming from official corruption or moral laxity within society; extreme depletion of resources" (Munkasey). Plus, Jupiter-Pluto = MC, the 'WHY? Point': 'hardworking attainment of power position' (Tyl); and Ebertin: 'advancement and promotion' (to the Big House? jc).

2. Sun square Pluto (1A46): tension, challenges, a "might makes right" attitude; issues of control, power, and domination; suggests paranoid people who demand constant control over events and activities and who obsess over their social position.

3. Mars conjunct Pluto (8A39): people who seek to win at all costs and are driven toward dominance, power, and control; immense willpower; those who face danger; anger and manipulation.

Well, there's a partial cosmic picture of Pluto's ongoing condition as part of the Mueller investigation into potential criminal activities of Donald Trump, family, and associates both foreign and domestic via catalyst Pluto's powerful influence which threatens to extend its creepiness through year 2019.

Image above: Pluto in hi-res; public domain.

Nov 27, 2018

2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates 'The Tower' Eclipse

Wild Card Uranus Returns to Its 'Wild Card' Solar Eclipse Degree of August 2018: Eclipses Are aka 'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks'

by Jude Cowell

Now you might think the following cosmic event pictured in a DC Horoscope, below, is insignificant and perhaps you're correct. You may also believe that once a new solar eclipse manifests, all previous eclipses are no longer subject to activation, whether the eclipses were Total or not. There we disagree.

So in consideration of the crisis-ridden political climate in America these days as led by chaotic Uranian Trump, and the themes of the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 which is also known as 'The Tower Eclipse' for its karmic collapsing/rebuilding energies in similar fashion to the planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus (Donald Trump's guiding planet in his natal horoscope) here is Uranus conjunct the Sun on April 23, 2019 as it returns to its partile degree of 2Tau33 in 'The Tower Eclipse' horoscope of 2018:

Most of my notes are penned upon the chart so please enlarge the image for better viewing as you wish--although I should point out a few factors: that the transiting Mars-Uranus midpoint sits upon the natal MC of Donald Trump along with enraged star Algol of Medusa fame and this suggests that any, all, or none of the potentials you see penned inside the horoscope may express--plus, transit Mars will soon hit Trump's natal Uranus (17Gemini) in his 10th house of Career and Public Status and this will activate what could be an especially explosive or dangerous period for him; also note that chart-ruler Venus makes no application (other than her conjunction with Chiron), and the chart's BOWL shape is led by an 8th house Moon in Sagittarius (Moon = women and children; the public; Sag is the sign of foreigners and immigrants).

Plus, it's impossible to ignore the cluster f**k at Midheaven with Saturn in Nodal Degree (doubly karmic, or fated) and conjoining South Node, a Saturnian point of separation (see chart notes). Plus, there's power-mad Pluto nearby as the two heavy-weights prepare for their rendezvous on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (see link, below) which conjoins the natal Vertex ('VX') of Mr. Trump. Some of Big T's natal placements surround the chart and are highlighted in lavender pink, a perfect shade for cowardly bullies, don't you think?

Related: Saturn Conjunct Pluto January 12, 2020 showing the 2020 horoscope, plus, the current Saturn-Pluto Conjunction horoscope, the cycle we remain in (since November 1982) until their next conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, an Earth sign of government, law, business, and materialism.

Nov 20, 2018

Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions

Because we remain in the Saturn-Pluto cycle which began on November 7, 1982, as shown by the fact that we're still living in the Reaganomics wealth-favoring economy, below is a DC Horoscope for the planets' exact meet-up in 1982 with November 7, 2018 transits penned around the chart (highlighted in turquoise blue). Significantly, November 7, 2018 was the day of a New Moon @15Sco11 which basically timed a Solar Return to the 1982 Saturn-Pluto chart and, as with all new moons, suggests the seeding of new ideas and/or plans as a new cycle of activity begins. The January 12, 2020 horoscope follows.

This November 7th New Moon resonates with Democratic victories at the 2018 Midterms on Nov 6th so that Republican control of the three branches of government will end once the new 116th Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2019 (last I heard, Jan 3rd), the start of a new congressional cycle. Plus, any conjunction of planets is a 'new moon' within that pair's cycle and 'peaks' of activity may be followed by the planets' sextiles, squares, trines, quincunxes, and oppositions subsequently issuing from the conjunction which starts a particular cycle's 'cosmic clock' ticking toward the next conjunction. Round and round we go!

So as you know, in late 2018 we are nearing the close of the current 1982 Saturn-Pluto cycle (appr 33-38 years' duration) with their January 12, 2020 conjunction coming sooner than we'd like for its 'new social order' implications. Below is the 1982 horoscope, then the upcoming 2020 chart with brief notations included.

Please enlarge the images to read details penned upon the charts:

The Leo Moon is chart-ruler in the November 7, 1982 horoscope (Cancer rising) with the Jupiterian North Node conjunct US natal Jupiter (5Can56), a double Jupiter inference, plus, the Moon also rules the 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Possessions (cusp 21Can48). Busy Luna in Leo leads a a BOWL formation of all the planets denoting an advocacy of a cause or a mission to fulfill; as chart-ruler the Moon and applies twice: 1. Moon square Sun (15Sco16 as noted, Sun is in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling and conjuncts Reagan's natal Jupiter in mid-Scorpio as does Venus, another money planet); the square suggests potentials for conflicts between leadership/authority figures and the people/the public, distorted information and propaganda, and much frustration--self-control and hard work are needed; 2. Moon square Venus which denotes distortion of priorities, rebellion or defiance within relationships and diplomacy, illicit alliances, and a sense of being threatened or intimidated.

2020 minus 1982 = 38 years - half of which = 19 years so I'd say the first half of their cycle ended in or about 2001 just in time for the New Millennium to begin; therefore, we're in process of winding up the Moon-square-Venus phase now.

Setting on the 1982 Descendant is testy warrior planet Mars @5Cap17, so recently limited or restricted by transit Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn which is always a difficult placement for the old man financially. Saturn-to-Mars indicates a period when taking shortcuts or circumventing rules, laws, or regulations is ill-advised (tell that to Trump!), and there are difficulties in relationships with males--or they may break off entirely (ex: former AG Jeff Sessions fired--5Cap is his natal Mars positionand he was born in 1946 with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, both Rx in Leo!). Also, Mars @5Cap17 opposes US natal Jupiter (see details on the chart, lower right).

Check the 1982 chart's 12th cusp (24Tau06) and you'll see Trump's natal Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Career) conjoining 1982 wounded-wounding Chiron upon the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma (also where raging star Algol resides). Comparing both conjunctions and eras, we now have Saturn and Pluto energies combined in Airy Libra--on the mental or intellectual plane where theories cavort--and describing current trends (a la Reagan, as previously noted) but we will meet compressing Saturn-Pluto energies within the pragmatic Earth sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn as of January 2020, not the best portent in the social or financial areas of life. That more 'earth changes' and shifts will ensue seems a given to me, how about you? Especially since foreign and domestic corporatists have plundered and mined Earth's natural resources to our detriment.

Then as you see, the transiting North Node, the 'head of the dragon', is at 29Cancer, a critical 29th degree, and will soon conjoin the degree (27Can43) of the 1982 Saturn-Pluto conjunction's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which occurred in the 1 North Saros Series on July 20, 1982. This, I should inform you, is 'The Tower' Eclipse under which we now labor for a subsequent eclipse manifested in the 1 North series on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41. 'Collapse of structures, lifestyles, and plans', plus,'rebuilding', are the themes of 1 North (Brady) as we've discussed in several recent posts so if you type 'Eclipses' in the sidebar search field you'll discover a plethora of posts concerning these 'cosmic blinks' of the Universe. Or, tap one of the labels below this post.

You know, it always amazes me that many folk assume that God isn't watching events on planet Earth yet if they attended the sight of a Total Solar Eclipse they could sense His 'blink' if they had any sense at all!

Be that as it may, both Saturn and Pluto are slow moving karmic planets which influence many levels of societies the world over, and it can be instructive to consider historical events of November 1982 (and all of 1982). These include Nov 3: the DOW soared to a record high, the first time since January 11, 1973; Nov 12: former KGB head Andropov succeeds the deceased Brezhnev as secretary general; Nov 13: in Washington DC the Vietman Veterans Memorial is dedicated; and Nov 28: 88 countries send representatives to a meeting in Geneva to discuss world trade and free trade issues. Here's a more complete list for the entire year.

Naturally, 2020 history and beyond has yet to be written but here's the January 12, 2020 horoscope in a meager attempt to look ahead toward the future:

For further details see Horoscope: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 2020.

Nov 5, 2018

Nov 23 2018 Full Moon: The Really Big Picture

This is the DC Horoscope of the November 23, 2018 Full Moon @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone (keywords, "something to cry about").

Perfecting at 12:39:06 am est in Washington DC during a Mercury Hour (changes), we find chart-ruler Mercury Rx suggesting delays, reviews, and re-assessments which possibly refers to the November 6th Midterm Elections and the contesting of results via election fraud lawsuits and/or re-counts. As you know, a Gemini Moon is ruled by Mercury and there's little voting Mercury Rx at IC but in the 3rd house of Communications conjunct royal Antares, keywords: obsessed with success, but Antares is also a star of war.

In fact, the first of two applying Ptolemaic aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury is a square to warrior Mars @4Pis32 which also conjoins a royal star, Fomalhaut, keywords: success through noble ideals. Where Americans will find those 'noble ideals' is unknown by yours truly unless the Democrats grab control of the House and its committee chairmanships so that Trump's bone-spurred tootsies are held to the legal fire. If Republicans keep control of the House, the criminality of Trump and the GOP will continue and worsen for it will inflate authoritarian Trump's fantasized "mandate."

Mercury's second applying aspect is a conjunction with Jupiter which indicates a high volume of political information and ads, news about court decisions (once Mercury turns Direct on or about December 6th), international communications, and the expansion of very large plans.

Also note that in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Backroom Deals, Self-Undoing, and Karma is the current Solar Eclipse ('PE') which I have termed The Tower Eclipse due to its collapsing theme. No planets are posited therein but the wide conjunction of Mars and deceptive Neptune oppose from the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service. Yet Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legalities are also involved with Neptune @13Pis41 Rx setting at Descendant and its rounded-up degree of '14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." Plus, 14Pis01 is the position of the natal Neptune of the Republican (now, Trump) Party who seem to follow Fox 'News' instructions at every turn.

And in the 4th house of Real Estate, restrictive Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, may be alerting us to a downturn in housing sales, in speculation and other financial schemes (Capricorn on the 5th cusp of Risk-Taking and Gambling, as in Wall Street), or possibly the Lesson Bringer is hinting at trouble in the mining industry. Yet with Sagittarius on the 4th cusp, is karmic Saturn a marker for limiting legal decisions? Disturbingly, the transiting South Node of The Dragon now swipes its tail at US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a negative indicator in the 5th house suggesting large events out of personal control.

That said, we see the 5th house Pluto @19Cap26 as apex planet of the Mars-Jupiter midpoint = "The Really Big Picture" (Noel Tyl) which echoes the recent midpoint picture that formed when transit Pluto hit the 1993 degree of Uranus-Neptune--'The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise'..."18Cap" = POLITICAL POWER: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). In three words, authoritarian Donald Trump, dictator wannabe.

Now there are too many planetary patterns to mention in this brief post (which resists becoming a book!) so I trust you, dear reader, to ferret them out if you care to. But a few more factors should be mentioned in closing such as the 2nd hou$e Venus @26Lib08, leader of a Locomotive shape identifying a 'ruthless, high-powered executive' and this brings monetary policy and evaluations (currency) into the cosmic picture--and with shocking, disruptive Uranus at a critical-crisis 29th degree and retrograde in the corporate 8th house. Plus, as you know, the Venus-Uranus pair tends toward extravagance, eccentricity (including with money), unfaithfulness, and separation in relationships. Perhaps this is a reference to the Trump marriage since the Sun-Moon (marriage/husband-wife) midpoint, which I neglected to pen into the 12th house @00Vir52, conjoins the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump and conjoins royal Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. But as we know with Donald Trump, it never is.

Sep 19, 2018

Kavanaugh accuser Ford calls for an FBI investigation

By now you've heard that the accuser of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, has called for an FBI investigation into the alleged assault at a party in Summer 1982 and while this may seem to discount yesterday's post of the September 24, 2018 horoscope of what was characterized initially as the day of the dueling testimonies of Kavanaugh vs Ford--and a huge hiccup for Donald Trump in the flow of his preferred judge's confirmation process--it doesn't negate the horoscope at all since whatever events occur on Monday on Capitol Hill will be found reflected by the planets shown in the day's horoscope set for that location.

Perhaps more importantly, the notes in yesterday's post concerning 'The Tower' Eclipse now in force in the 2 New North Saros Series and the synchronicity of a previous 2 New North Solar Eclipse manifesting on July 20, 1982 cannot be dismissed for the two eclipses represent cosmic time links describing the 'background noise' between 1982 and 2018 and call to mind the unpredictable Uranian nature of all eclipses which, acting as 'wild cards of the Universe', tend to reveal what was hidden, however inconvenient or scandalous the uncovering may be for the individuals who are directly involved.

Sep 18, 2018

Horoscope Sept 24, 2018: Dr Ford vs Judge Kavanaugh

This post has an Update September 19, 2018. Original post begins here...

Until today only two posts have appeared here concerning controversial SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing a Jupiter-Neptune Affair (as in, frothy; attempting to fulfill a dream or vision - my guess: the end of abortion's rights in America, a complex issue where men shouldn't tread). Circled on the chart is transit Jupiter @20Scorpio conjoining Kavanaugh's natal Neptune while opposing his natal Jupiter. A squishy foundation of overblown dreams'n'schemes! Oversell! But he does have his Nodal Axis (21Gem/21Sag) conjoining that of Donald Trump which necessarily brings in Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition on his Nodal Axis and suggests for them a cozy meeting of this a get-out-of-jail-free card for Trump with Kavanaugh On The Bench and following Trump's lead who is following the Kremlin's and China's lead?

Now today here's another 'Kavanaugh post' showing a 9:30 am edt time (speculative hour) horoscope set for Monday September 24, 2018 Capitol Building in DC, the announced date when Dr. Christine Ford and SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh are scheduled to testify concerning a disputed event from 1982.

A curious factor is that a solar eclipse in the Saros Series of the currently in-force Solar Eclipse (2 New North), which perfected August 11, 2018 @18Leo41, aka, 'The Tower Eclipse' for its *collapse of structures, lifestyles, or plans vibes, also manifested on July 30, 1982 (28Cancer). This may not be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the party and alleged assault but Dr. Ford has stated that she believes it occurred in 'summer of 1982'. See Timeline: How the Kavanaugh accusations have unfolded.

Now some hastiness is clearly noticeable in Republicans' 'shove him through' behavior concerning this particular nominee, as you know, and to some degree this may be attributed to the fact the new SCOTUS term opens October 1, 2018 with Pluto in Capricorn Station Direct @18Cap45 and an unaspected Jupiter--factors I hope to discuss in a future post.

* 2 New North's collapse theme: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Sep 6, 2018

Astrologers Warned America about Trump's Unfitness

Based on His Natal Chart, Astrologers Warned Against Trump 'All Along'

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday September 5, 2018 was a red-letter day for Donald Trump and the White House as the news cycle was replete with a certain Anonymous NYT op-ed from inside the White House citing a quiet resistance to the worst impulses of the rash, unstable Mr. Trump. Bob Woodward's soon-to-be-released book Fear: Trump In the White House also permeates our air waves with its multiple quotes and observations concerning the quirky, whimsical fellow and the thwarting of his chaotic style of what some call 'leadership' (his natal Uranus in 10th house of Career is oriental, i.e. the inner voice that guides him). And you know how disruptive and shocking astrological Uranus can be so as we see, Mr. Trump embodies Uranus in duplicitous Gemini as he assaults America's traditions, principles, and institutions domestically and abroad.

And as yours truly commented on Facebook yesterday, Donald Trump has no Revolutionary War ancestors which seems significant to me considering his anti-democratic attitude toward our nation, for by comparison his immigrant ancestors were late comers harvesting rewards from our country without sowing the seeds of America's Spirit of 1776. Yes, many American citizens without Revolutionary War heritage are true patriots but I assert that 'reality star' Trump is not one of them. So is he merely posing as "an American" while his heart belongs to his family's fatherland, Germany?

So now, after the release of the NYT op-ed and the coming release of Mr. Woodward's book, use of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office is cited as it was from Trump's early days in office and an inquisition is said to be in play by Trump in an attempt to unmask the Anonymous op-ed writer. And of course, those who have been saying all along that Trump is 'unfit for the presidency' (ex: political pundits) are part of the current discourse yet with absolutely no mention of the many astrologers who warned about Trump--all along--such as his lack of character and low morals, his mob ties, his obsession with dictators, his lack of knowledge and unsurpassed unfitness to serve as POTUS of the United States, and more. Why, Trump's unaspected Pluto in 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals (and Enemies), Karma, and Self-Undoing alone is enough to suspect the rise of the very problems we now suffer. And his rising Mars in proud Leo is in the 12th house, too!

Concerning Trump's 12th house unaspected Pluto, here's an excerpt from a previous post:

"Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters..." Plus, 'Pluto of the (Criminal) Underworld' is obviously a description embedded within his psyche--and then there's Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto which this year has been the case overhead by transit with its potentials for brutality, violence, death, and the fury of destruction (Ebertin); this difficult picture is a natal echo for Mr. Trump and is coming to fruition now as promised in his natal horoscope.

Now another prominent chart factor is Trump's Regulus rising which has been noted here multiple times as a marker for the royal star's bestowing of success but with the caution that 'if revenge is taken, all that has been gained will be taken away'. For more info see the recent post Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? That's the very vengeful Donald Trump who makes enemies of allies but adores America's adversaries--just like Putin would (prefer he) do!

Also of note is the fact that today, Saturn @2Capricorn32 is at Direct Station--'old man' Saturn, the planet of accountability, responsibility, authority, legality, and maturity, something the impulsive, emotional, rage-prone Mr. Trump does not possess. Then once transit Saturn passes 9Cap08, his Rx degree from mid-April 2018, the legal and governmental planet can move ahead more directly with his cosmic imperatives of a karmic nature (as in, reaping what was sown). This will be on or about December 12, 2018. Significant is that Saturn's Rx Station @9Cap08 in April opposed the natal Mercury of Mr. Trump (8Can51; 11th house) and will last oppose his Mercury (thinking, planning, communicating, trading) on December 12, 2018 when tr Saturn reaches shadow degree then heads further into Capricorn on a course for his Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 with karmic Pluto @22Cap46--the degree of the natal Vertex of Donald Trump. Fated encounters.

Curiously, there's another cosmic circumstance on October 27, 2018 when the Tail of the Dragon Smacks the POTUS Sun (@00AQ48 on January 20, 2017) with the Tail being the South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian point of separation and karma, and the Inaugural Sun representing the Office of the Presidency and its figurehead, Donald Trump--unless and until theocrat Pence is installed in Trump's vacated place. Of course, a Pence presidency was probably someone's intention from the start for Pence could never have won the office otherwise.

Then last, but not least, is the recent SO'W post citing the cosmic fact that yesterday September 5, 2018, Mr. Trump's Secondary Progressed ('SP') Moon precisely reached 18Leo41, the precise degree, minute, and second of the current Solar Eclipse--'The Tower' Eclipse--which manifested on August 11, 2018 just after Trump's own Prenatal Solar Eclipse repeated in July @21Cancer with its themes of separation and bad news.

But please don't think I post any of this with glee for as POTUS goes, so goes America, my only nag in the race! PRevious posts have included the wish that Trump would do well in the Oval Office so that our nation would do well yet tragically this is not the case.

So now the world watches and listens as voices rise from inside the White House to speak out against the flawed, compromised, unstable Donald Trump and an administration that could implode and collapse any day--just as The Tower Solar Eclipse theme of 'collapse' informs us. Yet if this must be Mr. Trump's karma, my prayer is that our America will remain standing.


A Related Post with DC Horoscope: Trump Inauguration 2017's Solar Return 2018. And for a general look ahead see The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.