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Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

Jun 3, 2021

A "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Trump the Grand Dragon!,_1862.jpg">Book Cover: Knights of the Golden Circle: shades of the KKK

June 3, 2021: This morning Democratic Underground published a Thom Hartmann commentary concerning the Republican Party becoming the "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Tr*mp as its "Grand Dragon." The former guy's bigoted followers filing happily in a row behind the wide caboose of their 'dear leader' always reminds me of mama duck with babies waddling and quacking along behind her. In Sabian Symbols this word picture resonates with "30 Aries": "A Duck Pond and Its Brood." "RELIABILITY: positive expression: an accustomed competency or ease in dealing with immediate circumstances; negative" (/shadow side - jc): "a tendency toward provincialism or an acceptance of life with an altogether uncritical complacency." (Jones). (You'd better not criticize Herr Tr*mp or else!) So could narrow-minded 'provincialism' echo the 'America First' slogan and propaganda used by Tr*mp and previously used by the Klan in the 1930s? I believe the same cloth has been cut, dear reader.

Then we must note that the "30 Aries" degree and symbol will be spotlighted on April 20, 2023 by a significant 'cosmic blink', a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series which also manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pisces as what yours truly terms, the 'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse. And 7 North manifests after the 'Nazi Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse of 1932 which repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (post shows two 1932 eclipse charts, one set for Berlin, the other for the White House). So even without Astrology, we already know that there be major challenges ahead - and these two eclipses can be taken as signposts on the way to the draconian duck pond.

So if you wish, check out the hate group's Wikipedia page for details on its (vile) history and the three versions or eras of the Ku Klux Klan (1865--1871; 1915--1944; 1950--present day, with reportedly having 5,000 to 8,000 members). Plus, politico also has details on the Klan's founding on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, TN by radical Republicans. (Circle = Greek kyklos + the Gaelic word, clan). 'Tis said the sore losers of 1865 initially formed the group as a "social club"!

As for the original KKK, its creation inspired by the outcome of the Civil War and the resulting Reconstruction that grumped them up really badly, here's a previous post concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act that cramped their style for a while. This law has been mentioned as possibly being used in the prosecution of scofflaw Donald Tr*mp. And as a Southerner with Civil War heritage and a preference for a sovereign America, I won't mind if they do.

Plus, in today's news: The remains of first-ever Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forest and his wife are now in process of being disinterred and relocated. Apparently, Nathan and his Missus aren't as welcomed in Memphis as they once were.

Now, in case you missed it, here's a link to a previous post containing the Third Reich Horoscope of 1933 (Campion #126). And have you noticed with transit Saturn in Aquarius that the Reich Stag Fire Horoscope is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return - 3 times all through 2021?

May 28, 2021

The Shocking Truth - Why GOPers Want More Poverty & Crime - Thom Hartmann

May 28, 2021: Here's an informative segment from Thom Hartmann's May 27th broadcast noting something that Republicans don't want We The People to know or consider, that: "Poverty is the mother of crime," (Marcus Aurelius):


Now here are three previous SO'W posts that concern organized crime and criminals in America using the 'organized crime elements in society' pair of Neptune-Pluto which met in Great Conjunction three times in 1891 and 1892 at 7--9 Gemini - conjunct US natal Uranus:

America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime (posted January 22, 2020), and America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy (April 16, 2021).

And the last time I checked this year's contacts to Modern Humanity's Eclipse Horoscope (April 26, 1892 @7Tau05) was on March 8, 2021 with transit Uranus @7Tau43 conjunct and activating the Eclipse and its 2 North themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'separations' (Brady). Obviously, any eclipse in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus (the bull - of Wall Street) calls for reliability, perseverance, and persistence toward solutions while avoiding the negative traits of the sign which can include extravagance, inflexibility, possessiveness, and/or indolence. Otherwise, karmic progress is limited if not all together missing.

Meanwhile, there is another factor I'm compelled to mention which concerns the Modern Humanity Horoscope and its 6th house Mars @26Cap52: that the June 5, 2021 Mars-Pluto opposition denotes a potential for danger, even brutality, due to the opposition's forceful, warlike energies doubly affecting Modern Humanity's Mars for within the opposition: 2021 Mars opposes 1892 Mars (aggression is met with an equally strong force; conflict; battles) while simultaneously 2021 Pluto conjuncts 1892 Mars (aggressive physical actions driven by revenge, anger, competition, secrecy, and/or strong passions).

That Modern Humanity's 1892 Mars is posited in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, plus, Health, Work, and Daily Rounds, will be significant if these difficult energies express in the physical world upon Modern Humanity's planet of activism and aggression, Mars, in (governmental) Capricorn from where Mars acts at his most efficient.

May 14, 2021

Why McConnell Is About to Blow Up the GOP - Thom Hartmann

May 14, 2021: Oh wow this recent segment from Thom Hartmann is so good it has to be posted to SO'W! In case you haven't seen it, Thom proposes multiple possibilities for why master politician Mitch McConnell is behaving seemingly as reckless as he is and Thom's 'rant' (of sorts!) is well worth a few minutes of your time:

Check out a related astrological post: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell and Have a Happy Weekend, Everyone, Masked or Mask-Free!

May 6, 2021

Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"?

Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!

by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2021: As you've heard or read by now Rep. Liz Cheney has written an op-ed concerning the current condition of the Republican Party, an internal fight. See Facing an ouster from House leadership, Cheney says GOP is at 'turning point' and must choose between the more traditional version of conservatism that she favors (torture, endless war, austerity?), and the Big Lie cult of personality of Donald Trump, intended to keep him in office way beyond his sell-by date which expired at noon on Inauguration Day 2021.

But so far from what I've heard, Rep. Cheney isn't counting events that occurred when Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015 at the New Moon (25Gemini) and, more critically, the change came (in public) with the 2016 Russian-spy-infused RNC that nominated the faithless manchild and 'Putin pal' I tend to call, agent orange.

For a view of Liz Cheney's natal chart see Marjorie Orr's post Liz Cheney - howling into the wind.

Now naturally, the term "turning point" conjures images of a YOD pattern in the minds of most if not all astrologers so I began to wonder if any of the Republican Party horoscopes would evolve to show a YOD pattern when progressed to a current date such as this very day.

Now in my files there are multiple founding horoscopes for the Republican Party and I chose the following two sets of data to search within for progressed YODs, if any, that contain turning point;crossroads;crisis;special task implications. Of course, YODs are also timing devices which can bring opportunity for karmic progress or advancement but since this experiment concerns politicians, let's keep our hopes tethered to the reality of their personal limitations.

The two Republican Party founding charts used:

March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon WI and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Ripon, WI.

Dual Horoscopes, below = today's Secondary Progressions ('SP'): upper right chart is based on, or issues from, the party's March 20th horoscope, and lower left, the SP chart is based on the party's July 6th horoscope. Note that other founding horoscopes, if you have them, may also contain 'turning point" info for those who care to progress them.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes for not all of them will appear within this text.

Upper right chart with 3Pis11 rising shows an SP YOD between the SP Venus-Saturn sextile pointing to SP Chiron @16Cap00 Rx and SP Jupiter @17Cap51 (in SP 11th house of Groups and Associations). Even the party's SP Pallas (strategy; wisdom) joins in the pattern while the Venus-Saturn sextile denotes those who exploit others, who prefer the tried and true (like Trump? he's been tried - to be false!), and who find it impossible to allow for mid-course changes of direction. So apparently Trump must be included in that unfortunate assessment. Then if we read the YOD as a midpoint picture with Jupiter at apex, we find potentials for 'separations' and/or 'illegitimate relationships' (R. Ebertin).

As you see, in both SP charts, wounded/wounding Chiron is in governmental Capricorn indicating a need to prevail ("own the libs"?) and to win in spite of all adversity. With Chiron in Capricorn, older mentors are often prevalent, even via historical figures, along with an irrational desire to conquer Time itself (ex: ruling a nation forever?). (R. Nolle).

Revealingly, SP Sun @11Vir14 conjuncts the party's SP Cupido ('The Family'; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and SP Toro, one of the power asteroids which can also include nuclear power. SP Moon (12th house of Politics and Karma) squares SP Pluto (2nd house and highlighted in lavender), a temporary influence indicating intense emotions, seeking support or withdrawing, financial security being challenged, competition, and/or holding on to old grudges (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Now even though the forceful, brutal SP Mars-Pluto opposition is fading, the midpoint of the duo conjuncts SP Moon so potentials for 'ambition; audacity and daring; a determined or resolute woman' (Liz? her replacement?); and/or 'injury caused to a woman' (Ebertin) are of influence. Plus, I have no accurately timed horoscope for Liz Cheney but her natal Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours so the party's March 20th SP Saturn @15Gem20 (conjunct SP IC) could possibly be opposing her natal Moon, a depressive, oppressive influence on her from party leadership (Saturn = authority figures) if so. Also note that the party's rising SP Neptune @14Pis38 is within orb of an opposition to Cheney's natal Pluto @16Vir45, suggesting an erosion of her power and control within the party particularly in relation to ideals (Neptune).

With the party's July 6th horoscope progressed to today, we do find a YOD but only if we use the SP Uranus-Neptune sextile as its base pointing toward US natal Saturn (14Lib48). Read as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for 'change of direction' (which can suggest a turning point) and/or a condition in which there's a clash between 'ambitions vs projects' (Ebertin). Plus, the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' pair in sextile hints at those who stand apart from the mainstream of society so perhaps we can agree that radical political reactionaries in the Trump faction of the GOP pride themselves on doing just that. It's anti-societal all the way.

Perhaps I should add a double SP midpoint picture for it's quite revealing of the party's current atmosphere: SP Mars-Pluto = SP Neptune with potentials for: 'cunning and deceit; secretly causing harm or damage to others; implacability'. Also Mars-Pluto conjunct MC: 'ambition; facing overwhelming force without power; overcoming sudden difficulties' (Ebertin).

So to close, let's mention the July 6th SP BOWL shape of planets (having a mission or the advocacy of a cause) led by SP Mercury @11Sag45 (which might be conjunct Liz Cheney's natal Moon, who knows?) and denotes serious conflicts, possible separations, and supports their 'desire to be in control' and with 'a focus on limitations' (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Limitations? Sounds like a case of Republican sore loser belly-achin' to me.

Mar 26, 2021

Dear Republicans: What Did You Expect? Questions from Thom Hartmann

March 26, 2021: Policies and Political Ideologies Have Real World Consequences

Here are some pithy questions aimed at Republican voters from progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann.

And I'd also be interested to know, my Republican leaning friends: what did you expect?

Jan 24, 2021

Guest Post: The Uranus Return of the Republican Party

January 24, 2021: Today Stars Over Washington is happy to share with readers a Guest Post authored by astrologer Zeebling Monroe concerning certain challenging April 2021 planetary transits to the party's 1854 planets including its radical Uranus in Taurus, the US horoscope, the planets of the now-departed yet active Trump, Don Jr, and those of a few other Republican politicians on the national stage.

Then if you wish, why not look for Zeebling on Facebook!

The Republican Party Uranus Return

by Zeebling Monroe

I wanted to peek into where the capital riot of January 6th and Biden’s inauguration left the Trump clique and Republican devoted so I looked at the Republican party chart (1854), Trump's, and his most devoted Republican party acolytes to discover what most of us already know - the Republican party is in for the crisis of its life.

It's All About April

With Trump still being the Sun to which Republican players rotate, his transits at a time of crisis in the party are worth noting. For much of the madness of 2020, Pluto was conjunct the Republican party Jupiter, now as it starts to move on, it hits Trump's desperate to be loved Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer which moved into opposition only a couple days after inauguration. Although I genuinely think Pluto will have him feeling quite unloved, Pluto in Capricorn opposite his Venus-Saturn conjunction sounds very much like a fear of being investigated for financial fraud or could it be the many many sexual assault allegations finally catching up with him now that he no longer has the presidential shield of protection?

Either way betrayal looms big in 2021 for Trump as the deceptive planet of fake news, conspiracies, and spin, Neptune begins squaring Trump's Sun (and Moon) from his 7th house, becoming exact in April 2021. It's hard to imagine the way out fantasy world that Trump might create with Neptune square his Sun and Moon. Could we be anymore beyond post truth? Neptune squaring from his 7th house of relationships and open enemies does sound like betrayal, especially as April appears to be crunch time for Republican and Trumpian loyalties.

April is also when Uranus square Saturn opposes Trump's Pluto in the 12th house. Trump's Pluto might be a bigger player than we may first suspect. Astrologer Liz Greene sights Trump’s unaspected Pluto in the 12th as the planet that connects his dark destructive unconscious forces with that of the collective, so when Trump's 12th house Pluto is aspected, it will have a ripple effect through the masses of Trumpian devotees.

For the Republican party April is the beginning of their Uranus Return and to add to the Republican party's woes, Neptune will be squaring the Republican party Sagittarius Moon. With the Moon representing the party's supporters (the people) and their simultaneous Uranus Return Saturn square, the party could be freaking out about alienating their base as they split between disciples and the no longer Trump crew.

The last Uranus Return for the Republican party was in 1937. When I researched the events of that time there were many strange similarities. Although it was the Great Depression the Republican party was staunchly opposed to the aid packages of Roosevelt's and particularly the New Deal. In 1937 the Republican party formed a new ultra-right-wing faction called "the old right" devoted entirely to their opposition of the New Deal. Although no stretch of the imagination is needed to see the Republicans behaving exactly the same way with Covid and economic relief, the big Uranian, and indeed Saturnian, difference this time around is the cult of Trump.

With the Republican party’s Uranus Return there is of course also the Saturn square from Aquarius (USA 10th house), suggesting authority, legitimacy, and, no doubt, legality playing into this Uranian battle. Not surprisingly it seems all of Trump's most devoted have planets in the early Taurus, Scorpio, Leo axis (Mark Meadows, Matt Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, the list goes on). Neptune’s square to Trump's Sun and Moon at this time suggests some close allies might indeed switch teams but some loyalists it appears will fight against the odds and indeed reality to defend their master. Senator Ted Cruz who absolutely hated Trump back in 2016 only to become one of his most devoted disciples is getting ready for the fight of his life as revolutionary Uranus moves into opposition with his dirty fighting Mars in Scorpio. Indeed with Saturn square Uranus opposed to Ted Cruz’s Mars in Scorpio in April one can only expect him to go into a full Mars in Scorpio style fight-to-the-death drama, I mean Ted’s dug himself in pretty deep and like Giuliani it's hard to believe there’s any coming back from their level of red-scare paranoid and delusional world view.

None the less, with Uranus on board I guess unexpected alliances could be considered. Of course with Rudy Giuliani like Cruz, it's all about the Mars. When Giuliani delivered his infamous "trial by combat" pre-insurrection speech, Jupiter was exactly opposite his self-obsessed Leo Mars-Pluto conjunction. By April, Uranus square Saturn opposite. The ultra ambitious Donald Jr, also a Mars in Leo "me me" soldier, will have Uranus exactly square Saturn opposing his Leo Mars in April too, suggesting that this Uranian battle isn't contained to the Republican party.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is already being hit hard by the Uranus-Saturn-Jupiter combo will have his Venus-Mercury at the centre of this April astro showdown but unlike most of his party or the Trump family his planets are in Aquarius and will therefore be conjunct by Saturn as opposed to most of the rest of the party’s Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio planets. Could Moscow Mitch actually be the Saturnian voice of reason in a party being torn apart by the very conspiracy theories, bullying, and out right lies he helped promote? Difficult to imagine but possible.

Although this April Uranus-Saturn showdown clearly reflects a break down in the Republican party which will be going on for some time, the fact that so many of this clique are being hit at the same time would suggest a concrete event as opposed to the continual crumbling of the party, especially since the Trump clique seem so particularly "Marsy."

The USA Chart

Come April, Jupiter will be conjunct the USA’s Aquarius Moon (last time 2009) and transit Neptune finally begins the USA’s Neptune opposition. Previous Neptune Returns and oppositions tend to be quite patriotic affairs and for the USA it is a cultural reassessment of the American dream. Clearly the ideological divide this time around has created some very very different American dreams vying for collective dominance and clearly this is a challenging opposition not a return.

In April Uranus squares the USA nodal axis with Saturn sitting on the Aquarian South Node. With the South Node in the USA 2nd house and the fact that so much of this chaos is coming from monetary Taurus, economic factors could be in play (note New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, and Dow Jones all have planets in this Uranian Taurus path). While in office, Trump's pushing the Federal Reserve to keep the market CEO’s happy while the masses starve won't continue and maybe a powerful event, as is often the case, could scare the markets into a freak out? Even though the USA’s 2nd house Pluto Return will not be exact until 2022, it's worth noting that Pluto climbs to only one degree away by April. Also worth noting but somewhat scary is the USA’s Mars Return in April. Although a USA Mars Return by itself is not so important, this time transit Neptune will be exactly square and it's arriving at a time of increased Mars energy in politics. And as the aspect suggests, Trump's Sun is on the USA Mars. Also troubling is that Mars-Neptune aspects have a reputation for violence (including presidential assassination attempts). We as astrologers already know the inauguration chart suggests conflict or violence and I fear Neptune square the USA Mars could also signify ideological violence.

The astrology for 2021, but especially April, shows that the Trumpian influence remains dangerous. The false assertion that the election was stolen will define a faction of the Republican party and possibly become the Republican party's future stance depending on which faction wins. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail but the combination of the Republican party, Trump, and Uranus should have us all concerned.

Thank You, Zeebling! Jude

Above image: an 1800s depiction of the US Capitol Building

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Nov 6, 2020

Republican Party: Uranus Returns 2020-2021

Will There Still Be a Republican Party?

by Jude Cowell

As you know, the Republican Party recently experienced its Neptune Return/s (5x) while its name morphed into "Conspiracy Party" and other such Neptunian labels (by pundits and others, not just by yours truly). Many people questioned the Party's viability under the Trump regime and we may well continue to wonder into 2021.

Meanwhile, with this post it's equal time for the Party's Uranus in Taurus, I say, so below is a dual image of the third of three Uranus Returns of the Republican Party, plus, the founding horoscope of the Party (lower left) that I used to create the April 22, 2021 Return chart. (Yes, there are multiple horoscopes for the Party's inception, most in 1854 but one set for 1853 - and those are only the ones I have in my files, there could be others! Confusion about the Party's true identity, how very Neptunian of them!)

Now for a human being, the Uranus Return around age 84 tends to be a time when the past no longer matters as much if at all to the native (and may have been mostly forgotten!), plus, much separation has occurred as one may have outlived family members and friends. So if these potentials can apply to a group of people or an entity, perhaps this 'new' condition is proving to be the case for the GOP these days. Trump has liked inserting the idea that we've "turned a corner" when it comes to the pandemic, hasn't he?

And so with Uranus we must also consider that with the Uranus Cycle of approximately 84 years, the Party experienced an earlier Uranus Return - another 'three-fer' - which perfected 3x on: May 10, 1937, December 14, 1937, and February 20, 1938 during the FDR presidency. If you can, check out those 1930s horoscopes which are chocked full of interesting features. For one example, the February 20, 1938 Return chart (#3 0f 3, not shown here) occurred during a Saturn-Uranus square which suggests the 'new order replaces old' concerns of those difficult years, supported by Nazi zealots, and in America by FDR's New Deal programs that saved the American people's bacon (and would continue to do so if the greedy GOP would leave them alone; you may disagree but there it is).

Meanwhile, the April 22, 2021 Return chart shown below reveals a Jupiter-Uranus square denoting that goals and group projects will require independent actions that must then be coordinated for best results. Sudden turns in destiny are possible under a Jupiter-Uranus influence as well as various sorts of breakthroughs. Discontent with political conditions are also suggested by the square. Yet I must wonder, considering the effect on the Party by Trump over the last four or five years: will the square indicate a break-up?

As for the basic indications of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus, a money and growth sign, potentials are suggested for: people who seek out-of-the-ordinary sources of money or income; those who use individual methods of finance; speculation; risking all in one go; and/or premature action that leads to failure (Ebertin). Any or all may apply to the Republican Party's basic nature and suggest to me, if not to you, that some of their financial sources could be illegitimate, or at the very least, unorthodox. Whatever they are, they are probably well hidden from prying eyes.

So based on all the 1853-1854 founding dates and horoscopes of the Republican Party, Uranus was in Taurus in each one so the above indications of Uranus in Taurus apply, plus, any that you, dear reader, care to think of. And that's not even counting the revolutionary, reactive, disruptive, separative qualities of erratic Uranus the rebellious anarchist with *Utopian ideas that go against civilization!

Please note that my study notes are penned on the charts for anyone who may wish to read.

*Utopian ideas such as 'man is in no need of laws' or government which we see with current day scofflaws.

Sep 12, 2020

Neptune and the Untangling of the American Empire

"Every Kingdom Is Born To Die," - Wade Davis

Yes, we know. And we feel it happening. Yet perhaps, dear reader, you've purposefully missed the August 6, 2020 article in Rolling Stone by Wade Davis, The Unraveling of America, or perhaps you don't like to ponder such topics as Fallen Empires, the whys and the wherefores.

Well, despite this, I'm here today to inform you that there have been multiple SO'W posts published over the last few years - especially since Trump - concerning such weighty topics. An example is the December 29, 2016 Capricorn New Moon = 1940 'Arsenal of Democracy' New Moon both @7Capricorn for those courageous enough to dare a perusal. Obviously, in recent years Donald Trump playing the POTUS role within the unraveling/dissolution/sabotage/collapse of America is an intimate actor in the piece, stage-managed by Putin and the Kremlin, and cheered on by various opponents of the US. Meanwhile, many pundits and others have admitted that his nibs is not the cause of our nation's demise but more a symptom of its karma for it's been coming on for years. I say he's the figurehead selected by opponents of democracy to lead America into the ash heap of history while China and Russia continue arrangements to take over global leadership. Well, powerhouse China intends to take over, anyway, although more arrangements are required.

After all, timing is everything and China is very patient.

Image: Neptune Ascends

And naturally, astrologers (if no one else!) easily recognize astrological Neptune's influence in words such as dissolve, unravel, sabotage, collapse - the planet well known for its surreptitious activities and undermining qualities (it seems the GOP has contracted 'urge to merge' fever - for Russia). A big clue is that the Republican Party of 1854 recently experienced a Neptune Return (since Trump) which timed an identity change into the Trump Party aka, the Conspiracy Party. And as you know, Neptune floating through shady Pisces has timed a period of paranoia, fear, propaganda, deceit, fraud, misconceptions, disguises, gaslighting, cravings, contagion, and loss, hasn't it?

And we should note that the above linked post concerns FDR's 'Arsenal of Democracy' speech and era, and that WWII began during the time of America's three-fer Neptune Return/s: exact on October 28, 1938, February 24, 1939, and August 30, 1939 - for as you know, WWII began September 1, 1939 with Hitler invading Poland (Return dates based on our July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT chart, to 22Virgo25) under the auspices of a difficult, forceful T-Square: Mars-Pluto = Saturn @00Taurus, Hitler's 'trigger degree' of his natal Sun, and forevermore linked to violence and resorting to violent measures.

Yes, many politicians will do anything to hold on to power, even Neptunian betrayal! No Big Lie or propaganda is too far even as our Ship of State sinks around their ears! Do you think perhaps Putin promised certain politicians and their enablers a cat bird seat or two? Puh! You know, 'gullible' is also a Neptunian word.

And so regretfully, with my preference for a sovereign America intact, I hereby curate for you a list of previous SO'W posts concerning the unraveling of our country - the fall of our grandly titled American Empire - for your consideration. Any one of them may be of interest and many contain videos and interviews by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann, plus, some Astrology is sprinkled in here and there like Neptunian fairy dust. In addition, be warned that some posts contain links to the others on this list but I'll attempt to correctly name them so you'll know which is which.

In no particular order they are:

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?

Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes (post contains FDR's 1933 and 1937 Inauguration Horoscopes for the sake of comparison with 1937 POTUS Sun @00AQ conjunct bold, adventurous Altair and a difficult Saturn-Neptune opposition--transit Neptune Rx now conjuncts 1937 Saturn: authority figures, structures, and traditions disintegrate and are either highly idealistic, or strange and misguided; I'll add, 'or some combination of both'.

Economics Professor Richard Wollf Reveals How Empires End #

Aug 10, 2020

Trump Threatens To Crash Economy If He Loses 2020 - Thom Hartmann

August 10, 2020: Yes, the threats are starting to fly thick and fast from a nervous Trump fearful that all his manipulations and Republican Party dirty tricks won't be enough to "re-elect" him in November 2020 if a massive Blue Wave should wash Agent Orange away:

You know this very day the Sun made its annual return to its degree in The Tower Solar Eclipse Horoscope. When I used to post to SO'W concerning the difficult themes of the 2018 eclipse, I'd hoped it was only 'Trump's Towers' that would collapse into rubble and not the US economy at all.

But since the Covid-19 pandemic came along and the country, if not the world, has more or less shut down, 'The Tower' now suggests that a much larger rebuilding job is on our schedules. And who better at bad-tempered, sore-loser retaliation than grudge-holder Donald Trump?

Image: 16 The Tower Tarot Card from The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner.

Dec 16, 2019

2019--2020 Transits to Republican Party planets

Donald Trump Points Up Toward the Cosmos

During the Civil War, The Election of 1864 was "A Different kind of Election" during which Abraham Lincoln won his second term with 55% of the popular vote. The National Union Party, as the Republican Party was temporarily called at that time, counted Mr. Lincoln as a member.

Now with all the turmoil in America and the Republican Party in a bright spotlight we may wish to search for any major planetary transits to the Republican Party Horoscope. Thing is, there are at least two such horoscopes in circulation (that I know of!) yet with both set for 1854, we can be assured that the transits are in progress of affecting the party and its members with the main difference being one of timing of the transits' exactitude.

There are two Republican Party horoscopes in my files: March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT (Sun 00Ari05 conjunct Mercury Rx 5Ari18; Moon 20Sag27) Ripon, Wisconsin, and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT (Sun 14Can27 Mercury 10Leo05; Moon 28Sco00 ) Ripon, Wisconsin. Either chart may be set for other hours depending on the choices made by various astrologers. (Note that no Angles or cusps are included or considered in the following.)

Current Transits of Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus

The 2019--2020 transiting planets I'm noting today are the exact Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (noon est) which 'hits' the natal Jupiters in both charts: March 20 Jupiter @22Cap59 and July 6 Jupiter Rx @23Cap52--with both Jupiters 2 to 5 degrees from Chiron in Capricorn (Chiron Rx on July 6, 1854), and transit Uranus on January 12, 2020 @2Tau39.

Now as I type (December 16, 2019 12:45 est Raleigh NC) transit Saturn @19Cap58 and tr Pluto @21Cap53--both moving in direct motion--are aligning for their big meeting on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal vertex!) and to me it seems their energies are already affecting the Republican Party via its Jupiter and its Uranus (@1Tau30 on March 20, 1854 and 3Tau48 on July 6, 1854). Let's list them as separate transits:

2019-2020 Saturn conjunct 1854 Jupiter denotes a period of serious spiritual and economic concerns and possible restrictions in these realms; if prosperous it's time to share and to give back, plus, divergence from or breaking of rules, laws, and traditions leads to limitation, frustration, and delay.

2019--2020 Pluto conjunct 1854 Jupiter indicates a time when greater power and influence is sought in the political and financial realms (which may or may not succeed); total honesty is required for best results, exaggeration and misrepresentation can backfire, and social and/or religious reforms may inspire fanaticism and intolerance.

2019--2020 Uranus conjunct 1854 Pluto (@1Tau30 on March 20 and 3Tau35 on July 6, 1854) tends to bring abrupt shifts and changes in society and serious psychological adjustments that are necessary and may trigger hidden fears and complexes that are difficult to directly and honestly confront. And as you know, Uranus-Pluto energies combined suggests potentials for: riots, revolutions, protests, upheavals that bring changes in government, upsets, unrest, violent acts, subversive activities, the enforcement of decisions, the process of transformation, and 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' (Ebertin). To Uranus-Pluto Michael Munkasey adds, "sudden new criminal acts." We see these every day!

Jupiter Expands What He Touches

In closing, we may also wish to consider the midpoint of harsh Saturn-Pluto with 1854 Jupiter as apex of a midpoint picture with potentials for: religious and social fanaticism, sacrifice, difficulties caused by illness (Ebertin); trouble with authority, trying to save what's left, staying out of trouble, adoption of the austere (Tyl); and/or, people with leadership and power to dispense (Munkasey).

Well, there's my spot check on the cosmic condition of the Republican Party (aka, the Trump Party) in our current day. If this post seems helpful or revealing at all perhaps you'll Share and discuss the topic among yourselves!

Dec 2, 2019

Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King? - Thom Hartmann

December 2, 2019: With the House Judiciary Committee's phase two of the Impeachment Inquiry of Donald Trump looming over the country beginning Wednesday December 4th at 10:00 am est (rising Saturn-Pluto = Ascendant @20Capricorn: being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation--Ebertin), here's a belated Thom Hartmann segment from Thom's program posted November 14th which asks a very good question, Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King?

Oct 30, 2019

Exposing Republican's Malicious-- Christmas Plans?

October 30, 2019: Here's a segment from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast in which Thom reiterates his famous Two Santa Claus theory because he sees Republicans beginning to use it yet again:

And you know that to distract from his impeachment woes, Trump would just as soon pull another government shutdown as mismanage the US economy in some other way, or endanger our national security for the benefit of his pal Putin, right?

Plus, speaking of Christmas 2019 reminds me of our previous discussion concerning the December 26th Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 with Jupiter-Pluto issues, and how the Jupiter-Pluto duo relates to plutocrats, to the Federal Reserve, to other domestic and global banking and investment matters, and to large-scale project managers, contractors, and wheeler dealers of all kinds.

Jul 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Leo New Moon July 31, 2019

Image: New Moon @8Leo36 July 31, 2019 11:11:49 pm edt Washington DC. Note that if potent, New Moons may act as disruptive Solar Eclipses, Full Moons as revelatory Lunar Eclipses. The culminating stage of this particular New Moon is the Full Moon @22AQ24 on August 15, 2019 8:29 am edt; all are 'lunations' and all may affect or influence historical events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence as does location within the path of visibility (note: I use eclipse degrees symbolically whether the subject is in 'the path' or not; disagree as you wish!).

Rising 17Ari11 makes Mars chart-ruler but with no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which focuses on the warrior planet's house and sign (5th house in Leo conjunct wifely Juno, an asteroid which also relates to nation-states and politics). However, Mars is apex of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; spiritual opportunity for karmic progress) with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at it base (3A10; the supernatural, drugs, and/or, organized crime) = Mars, plus, we might wish to rope Saturn (15Cap37 Rx 10th house conjunct the January 5, 2019 2 South Solar Eclipse--'joining unusual groups') into the YOD pattern as well so that midpoint pictures form with certain potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Mars: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Note that Mars @19Leo09 approaches a Trump Mars Return, a bi-annual event for us all--his 2019 Mars Return perfects on August 12 (11:27:04 pm edt) with a Moon-Mars inconjunct suggesting his usual Mercury-Neptune square's misjudgment of people, the forming of 'binding alliances' with those who then take advantage of his misplaced indulgence (exs: Putin? Kim Jong Un?), plus, he may be feeling powerless to oppose the oppressive demands of others and may suffer loss through collusion (yep--that's the exact word Rob Pelletier uses in his book Planets in Aspect!). Also note that his 2019 Mars Return's Mercury-Neptune midpoint @24Tau48 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (which conjuncts enraged Algol) so his tendency to 'live among the clouds' of his fantasy world is once again obvious to the public and suggests self-deception, lying, and going the wrong way, things the whining manbaby does so well.

Trouble is, he takes the rest of us down with him to the extent that we allow him to. Kind of a kamikaze POTUS we might say, sabotaging America all the way!

Now if you dare, check out Trump's 2019 Mars Return chart, a two-year horoscope, where you'll see that the July 16 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 also conjuncts the Return Midheaven (The Why? and Goal Point of any horoscope) to the degree when the chart is set for Washington DC--with Return Moon @23Cap52, a timing agent, reflecting Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and possible changes in work conditions. His Vertex is activated like all get-out by Moon conjunct Pluto Rx @21Cap12, an intense planetary pair that relates to inconvenient secrets being revealed--such as hidden children and it 'encourages violence and crime' and reveals obsessions that cause 'a misuse of resources' (Munkasey). So with the revelatory July Lunar Eclipse angular at the most visible point of his 2019 Mar Return chart we may expect more scandals and secrets to be leaked and/or uncovered--possibly financial or investment-related in nature or having to do with authority figures or issues, matters of security, his illegitimacy as POTUS, and/or parenting concerns. Yes, there look to be many boo-hoos in store for Mr. Trump as 2019 morphs into 2020 but an 'escape hatch' of a deal may be in the offing as well. For his fellow culprits have to protect their own hides after all--and perhaps they all took some freaky sort of oath to bind themselves together.

Now as you see in the above chart (my notes penned on), the Leo New Moon perfects during a Lunar Hour of fluctuations and changes with Mercury, planet of messages, plans, and young folk (and changes), stationed and ready to turn Direct in 45 minutes 51 seconds @23Can56. From this we see that basically, America is in process of a Mercury Return to 24Can12 (3x in 2019: June 20, July 29 Rx, and August 3) which reinvigorates any natal aspects to our 1776 Mercury--in other words, our Mercury-Pluto opposition is stimulated. You'll note that the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 opposes and reveals US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) which activates our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of manipulation, surveillance, propaganda, secret plans, and/or transformative thinking and ideas.

And when action planet Mars is apex of a YOD pattern an acute time of crisis is indicated (which means temporary chaos). Indirect, out-of-tune actions may be taken, forces must be mobilized, and vigorous new starts will demand courage and much effort. Plus, someone of a Mars persuasion (Trump, born with Mars in Leo rising?) is operating alone and unhampered by others (Tierney) which to me suggests complicity infesting the US government, media, foreign governments, and --?--. Of course, the YOD contains two inconjuncts (150 degrees) to Mars: one from Neptune (people who overstate their importance and are taken advantage of; physical conditions difficult to diagnose or treat; and/or being vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases) and one from from Pluto (compulsion to take on too many tasks). Looks as if impatient, brash Mars is on the case--but in a Fire sign, let's hope arsonist Mars doesn't start any! And if we add a Mars-Saturn inconjunct to the cosmic picture we find hints of possible physical problems caused in part by inactivity, and/or the use of emotional blackmail in order to guarantee submission. On tape is sooo inconvenient.

Then at the Base or Foundation of the New Moon chart you see the current transformative, disruptive July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 North series (10Can37) conjunct the New Moon IC of Homeland, Home and Family. 'News transforms a situation' as nearby Venus in Leo rallies 'round the New Moon suggesting social events, luxurious surroundings, and possibly some currency manipulation. Meanwhile, erratic Uranus @6Tau33 rises in 1st house denoting unexpected events on the upswing (possibly of the financial kind), unusual sources of financing being sought, and a potential for natural disasters of the earthly variety to occur. (Has anyone checked on the status of Mount Saint Helen's lately?). The soon-perfecting Saturn-Pluto conjunction, shown here in the Career 10th house, is on display for all the world to see and understandably plagues the minds of many (remember these two karmic heavyweights join forces approximately every 30+ years or so--last time in 1982 @27Lib36 bringing us 'trickle down' Reaganomics, a financial scam if there ever was one).

Interestingly, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 will conjunct the natal Jupiter Rx of the Republican Party (in its March 20, 1854 chart) and you'd think GOP 'ideals' of religious and social fanaticism would be hardened and severe enough without an increase of same, wouldn't you? Well, maybe this conjunction with wealthy Jupiter denotes a compression of the party's or the RNC's finances and donations on some level yet it doesn't seem likely--even though the NRA (November 17, 1871) is said to be suffering from a well-deserved financial lack these days. Yet Trump has already raised a prodigious amount for his 2020 re-selection campaign so he has that goin' for him and his alt-right friends of the vicious fascist persuasion.

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in the July 31, 2019 New Moon chart set for DC and hopefully you'll decide to ferret them out for yourself, then leave me an on-topic comment about what I neglected to mention underneath this post if you so desire. And remember: as always, this is 'freebie' content so please Share if you care! jc

Midpoint potentials a mixture of Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl.

May 22, 2019

Astro-Notes: Justin Amash with Donald Trump

A few basic details on Libertarian Congressman Justin Amash (uh-MOSH) are available such as his birthdate of April 18, 1980 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (hour unknown, noon is used, below). Rep. Amash is chair of the House Liberty Caucus (founded 1991) and has recently reached the top of the news heap by reading the entire Mueller Report and leaning toward the Impeach Trump side of the debate.

So a peek at Amash's natal planets in relation to those of Donald Trump's seems in order and there are several including their Mars-Mars conjunction (26Leo+). Actually, Mr. Amash was born under the sway of a trio of Mars-North Node-Jupiter Rx which conjoin the Mars-rising-with-Regulus-Ascendant trio of Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY). The inclusion of royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) is interesting and we'll see if or how their pile-up expresses. Obviously success is involved for both men yet motive is everything.

Now Amash's natal Moon remained in Gemini for the entire 24-hour period so his Fire-Air personality blend of Aries-Gemini suggests a creative 'live-wire' of wit and directness. Yet rather than re-typing the same info concerning this blend, you'll find a few more details in a recent post inspired by the life and sad passing of Doris Day who was born with an Aries-Gemini personality blend herself.

As for other links between the natal planets of Trump and Amash they include:

Amash Uranus Rx @24Sco34 conjunct Trump IC (Endings; Basis of the Matter) with Uranus the planet of liberty, freedom, independence, equality, separation, disruption, progress, awakening, and revolution. Plus, sometimes hyper-aware Uranus acts as The Witness.

Amash Neptune Rx @22Sag30 conjoins Trump's problematic Moon-South-Node conjunction (Mama was distant or detached from Baby Donnie whose emotional well as an adult is a bottomless pit; please clap). Plus, this means that Amash's Neptune opposes Trump's Gemini Sun which can cause an erosion of their relationship; perhaps Mr. Amash is uninterested in becoming as dishonest as Trump and cannot approve of Trump's criminal behavior. Mercury-ruled Gemini is, after all, the sign of duplicity and tricksterism, and Amash is said to be a principled man who is transparent concerning all his votes which he explains the reasons for via Twitter. (Contrast what Trump does with his tweets.)

In addition, if born around noon, Rep. Amash's natal Moon @17Gemini conjoins Trump's natal 10th house Uranus, his 'guiding planet' of chaos, disruption, and revolutionary rule, which suggests, if so, that emotional closeness is not a feature of their relationship.

Finally, let's add Amash's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which falls within the 18 South Saros Series @26AQ50 (conjunct US natal Moon and opposite his and Trump's 26Leo Mars positions and the trios listed, above). 18 South themes include 'endings, partings, and separations yet the new situation created tend to be positive' (Brady). An 18S eclipse last manifested on March 9, 2016 @19Pisces and the next 18S will occur on March 20, 2034 @30Pisces at Spring Equinox.

Mar 4, 2019

Political Pundits Catch up with Astrology on the GOP!

Neptune in Pisces and the Disappearing GOP

by Jude Cowell

After hearing Trump's recent 'unhinged' and rambling rant at CPAC 2019, GOP strategist Rick Tyler says "it's over," for the Republican Party, "Rest in peace." Mr. Tyler predicts that once Donald Trump passes on there will be no party left which is unfortunate yet interesting since Astrology has been saying that very thing for years now as evidenced by the party's recent Neptune Return/s (2017-2018), with the last of five conjunctions perfecting on December 29, 2018! (See link, below.)

For as all astrologers know, the urge-to-merge energies of astrological Neptune, although sometimes inspiring, uplifting, and compassionate, can erode, dissolve, undermine, confuse, ruin, poison, infect, conspire, obfuscate, hide, mask, disguise, propagandize, spy, falsify, fantasize, cheat, defraud, idealize, demagogue, disappoint, disillusion, disappear, lie, mislead, doubt, disrespect, lose, steal, pilfer, rob, waste, and/or weaken whatever it touches or affects.

And since the Republican Party was founded in 1854 with Neptune @14Pis01, the party's nature on the inspirational level may not have been as grounded as it now turns out was needed in order for the political party to last more than 164 years (the approximate length of Neptune's orbital period), or perhaps a certain amount of dishonesty, fraud, masking, or wrong ideas were involved all along. Whatever the original cause, transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has provided determined forces a perfect opportunity to undermine, erode, weaken, and morph the party into the Trump-infused entity we now find squirming in his grasp, its end lamented by many.

Yet did things have to be this way for the Republican Party? No! For in Pisces there is always a choice of direction seen via the image of the Two Fishes, one swimming up toward the heights, the other down to the depths, and under the sketchy, lie-filled leadership of Donald Trump, it seems clear that the murkiest of depths are precisely where the GOP has sunk.

A vastly related post containing the horoscope of the GOP's December 29, 2018 Neptune Return: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Above image: my drawing Isle of Ruins, a fanciful illustration of where lost political parties go to waste away.

Jan 29, 2019

When will the GOP cave on Trump? - Revealing Light Tarot

January 29, 2019: for several weeks now I have been appreciating the informative, intuitive Tarot readings on politics by Mary Ann's Revealing Light Tarot channel either via fire tv or YouTube. Below is a recent reading which blends Mary Ann's previous experience as a reporter who worked for the Murdoch empire (she's Australian, you know) with a level of intuition, then asks and answers questions as one who keeps up with US politics--specifically with the current multitude of Trump dramas and issues.

This reading is entitled but is not limited to, When Will the GOP Cave on Trump?, a pertinent question of the day as I suspect you agree! Here's Mary Ann:

One way to support Mary Ann's insightful Tarot videos if you wish is to visit the Revealing Light Tarot Patreon account.

Blog Note: as many readers know I am currently in the midst of packing for a move--and my desktop with Solar Fire astrology software went belly-up last week so no 'new' horoscopes can be generated or published for now. Yet for as long as I can, a post will occasionally turn up here so thanks go to all readers who can be patient for a few weeks until my flagship SO'W is back in full swing! Jude

Dec 5, 2018

Is Republican Party Policy Leaving People With No Choice?

Dec 5, 2018: Now here's a very good question posed and discussed by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann:


And let's remember a significant cosmic event arriving soon for the Republican Party for on December 29, 2018 comes the fifth conjunction in a series of five Neptune Return/s for the Party--with Donald Trump's natal Neptune @6Libra at Midheaven in their December 29th Neptune Return horoscope (shown)! Yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that tragically for our nation, scandals, rumors, conspiracy theories, leaks, veils, subterfuge, 'fake news', false propaganda, fraud, corruption, bribery, schemes such as Medicare "Advantage", underhandedness, sabotage, paranoia, fear, fanaticism, delusions, falsehoods, deceit and lies are major parts of the GOP's disappointing Neptunian-Piscean agenda which nowadays includes compromised politicians and those who actually act on behalf of foreign governments--exactly as the Founding Fathers feared!

Oct 23, 2018

Trickle Down Racism: The Not So New Platform of The Republican Party

From October 19, 2018, here's a disturbing topic recently addressed by Thom Hartmann:


Astrologically all the -isms are children of the Pluto-Chiron combination of energies and include racism, exploitation, oppression, abuse of the weak, primal violence, criminality, and plutocracy. The pair by transit last conjoined on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22. Rounded up we have '12Sag': "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which spotlights the natal Ascendant of America (for those who use a late afternoon chart for our nation's founding on July 4, 1776) and with the American Empire's totem animal the American Eagle, as everyone knows.

This personalizes the Pluto-Chiron conjunction to our nation (Ascendant) as the New Millennium was about to begin and considering the Republicans' use of the 9/11 attacks (Patriot Act, power grabs, erosion of our constitutional rights, HoSec and total surveillance, etc, etc), I'm suggesting that the Pluto-Chiron pair tragically describes what certain US politicians were and are--now acting under the tutelage of Putin-compromised Donald Trump, an asset who 'does just what Putin would do', who owes much to and conspires with Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea--and who idolizes dictators past and present and longs for their kind of extreme power.

A handmaiden to this topic is the ongoing Republican Party's Neptune Return with Neptune in Pisces bringing a boatload of paranoia, fear, lies, fraud, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. And of course, infiltrating saboteur Neptune enables identity change or the masking of it via the party's current label as the Trump Party (Republicans are 'hiding behind Trump', some pundits have said). The fifth and final exact return of transit Neptune to the party's 1854 position of Neptune (14Pis01) occurs on December 29, 2018 and floats America into 2019 with fascism as one of Mr. Trump's 'secret' -isms and an anti-democratic authoritarian agenda.

As in, authoritarianism.

Oct 5, 2018

Oct 5, 2018 Kavanaugh Senate Vote as Venus turns

As I begin to type October 5, 2018 10:30 am edt, the Senate is said to be voting or are about to vote today on passing Brett Kavanaugh's name on to tomorrow's final vote on his confirmation to the US Supreme Court. My blogging time is brief this Friday morning so I'll simply publish the 10:30 am edt horoscope set for the Capitol Building with the 'noon' natal horoscope of Judge Kavanaugh around it and note the continued frothiness of the Jupiter-Neptune influences, plus the fact that Kavanaugh was born under the same problematic vibes of a Mercury-Neptune square that tends to live in its own imaginary world and have other tendencies which may be read about here:

You see Venus in sexy Scorpio at Station Direct and turning retrograde at 3:04 pm edt while still holding true are the things we've discussed about transit Jupiter opposing Kavanaugh's natal Jupiter (he's unimpressive--ask retired Justice Stephens) and Jupiter conjoining off and on his natal Neptune, a time of pretense, acting, and presenting qualities that one does not actually have--in other words, misrepresenting one's character. As for Venus changing direction on this particular day during this particular event, we might wonder if a lady (Venus) will be reviewing or reversing (Rx) her testimony or perhaps her vote, one way or the other. Please enlarge the image to read further notes.