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Oct 31, 2018

What's To Be Done About Our Billionaire Problem? - Thom Hartmann

Here's Thom Hartmann with a few ideas about America's billionaires-gone-wild problem with US household wealth in decline since 1982 under Republican Ronald Reagan:

Speaking of Ronald Reagan's policies of the early 1980s, do you remember how the Total Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series (@29Leo conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant, plus, its path of visibility split the country in half, North and South, kind of like he does) had themes which included: 'information is distorted and possibly false'-Brady) and also manifested in 1981 as the Reaganomics Eclipse? I thought so.

Oct 27, 2018

"Trumpenkreigers" Act For Mr. Trump!

Talking Points Memo October 24, 2018: FBI Arrest Leader, 2 Other Members of Violent California Neo-Nazi Gang aka, "Trumpenkriegers." These "fighters for Trump" made their first major public appearance at Trump's Huntington Beach, California rally of March 25, 2017 where, as TPM reports, they "allegedly peeled off from a 'Make America Great Again' rally to target a group of counter-protesters. Videos reviewed by the FBI show (a member named Laube) grabbing a journalist and punching him in the face three times, as well as (leader, Robert Rundo) punching a protester in the back of the head" as other group members looked on. The March 2017 violence in Huntington Beach was held under the auspices of Trump's last/current Jupiter Return, a three-fer, with his natal Jupiter @18Libra, the Sabian Symbol of which is somewhat explained in 2018--"Two Men Placed Under Arrest." This also happens to be the degree where America's Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006 just as Germany's natal Mars once did, with both Rx conditions of 80-years' duration.

Then after the Trumpenkreigers' Huntington Beach 'debut', videos and photos of their violent actions were "triumphantly" shared with a certain white supremacist publication (which shall remain nameless here) and the group went on to attend the Charlottesville SC protest where they continued their assaults on Trump's behalf--little Donald Trump, born under the brutal, violent, raging, destructive energies of the Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture as we've previously discussed. Upping the stakes of brutality (disowned) is Trump's 12th house unaspected Pluto, the 'overshadowed by shadows' indicator. And of course, the Mars-Pluto combination alone represents 'violent force' and 'brutality' and Mars-Saturn is notable as the 'death axis' (Ebertin). The Mars-Saturn-Pluto picture of violence has been forming off-and-on-again by transit as well (!) and is aided by the transiting on-and-off Saturn-Uranus trine, for as you know, the 'sociological correspondence' of the Saturn-Uranus pair = "violent people" (Ebertin), as in, "Trumpenkreigers."

And curiously (or perhaps not), transit Uranus now hitting the 00-1 Taurus zone of the Zodiac has been activating Hitler's natal Sun. Subsequently, 00-1 Taurus has ingloriously been termed a degree of violence for during his lifetime, Hitler was spurred to violent actions of brutality when his natal Sun was transited.

And if we look to Trump's current Secondary Progressions ('SP') we find his SP Pluto in Leo is now apex of a different midpoint, the 'lack of community spirit' pair of Neptune-North-Node--with SP Pluto = 'willingness to use strong destructive forces', and, 'increased needs for isolation from the influences of society'. Guess that's Mr. Ivory Tower, alone in the White House, as white supremacists carry out physical assaults intended to "forcibly excommunicate political enemies" (TPM). Do you think that bombs in the mail sent to certain of Trump's liberal critics could have a similar effect? See Trump fumes after mail bomber "interrupts" his campaign message for the constant media coverage apparently "ruined" Trump's week of bombastic propaganda.

Yet the underhanded RAM plot ('Rise Above Movement') is even thicker and drearier for as TPM details (view the Criminal Affadavit dated October 20, 2018 shown in the article), in Spring 2018, a trio of the 'Trumpenkreigers' allegedly traveled to "Germany, Italy, and Ukraine to 'celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday' and meet with members of European White Supremacy extremist groups" and this, according to Customs and Border Patrol interviews and social media posts, is now part of the evidence against them (their 'recruiting' videos--shared brazenly or simply stupidly?). Apparently while in Europe they met with "the head of Azov Battalion, a paramilitary unit of the Ukrainian National Guard which is known for its association with Neo-Nazi ideology." Well, I won't bore you further if you've read this far but recommended is the TPM article linked above for those who dare face what Mr. Trump's weasel-like equivocation concerning the violence during the Charlottesville protests in August 2017 and his other white supremacy shout-outs and mealy-mouthings have been hiding underneath his semi-invisible plutonian hood.

For as Mr. Trump has so ably informed us, what we see and hear isn't what's really happening.

Related Posts Include: NRA Founded Under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes; Horoscope: Donald Trump's Mars Return August 31, 2017 where we see the Saturn-Uranus trine in action, and The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War III, Trump, and the US Congress. Guess whose statue?

Oct 25, 2018

Midpoints of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 2020

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun) 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration.

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has "made it happen"; strategy.

Midpoint Picture: Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun: (my bold and italics)

Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others (Munkasey); inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience (Ebertin); taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

Any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2020 and beyond, and any of the midpoints can be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses.

That the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since they are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

We should also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for upsetting events, arrests, or injuries (Ebertin); and/or deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is the conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous post which involves a time link via the 19-year solar eclipse cycle between year 2000 and year 2019:

"The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series ('PE') of the New Millennium is the 2 South Saros Series which manifested on December 25, 2000 @4Cap15. The 2 South Series involves themes of 'becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2 South next manifests on Jan 5, 2019 @15Capricorn25 (in the US) and as you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, and other Saturnian realms."

Here I'll add that the 2 South eclipse of January 5, 2019 manifests upon the Saturnian South Node of the New Millennium Horoscope, a point of separation and possible neurosis when tactics or defenses of the past no longer suffice but are irrationally used anyway. Coupled with the eclipse @15Capricorn, this may suggest long-established groups of the past and separation from rather than the joining of them.

And if we wish to focus on the heavyweight trio of planets in the 10th house of Public Status and Career in the above chart, we can briefly consider potentials of three midpoint pictures between them which will form into year 2021 if not before:

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (Tyl).

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: delayed plans for advancement; lessens the focus on destruction; hindrances in quests for both fame and privacy (Munkasey); difficulties; separation (Ebertin); strategy becomes necessary; adjusting the big picture to meet with convention (Tyl).

Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: favorable outcomes in the use of large expenditures of resources or energies; people who have leadership and power to dispense; opinions about how to reclaim the use of waste products for other activities (Munkasey); religious and social fanaticism; excessive modesty; self-sacrifice for others (Ebertin); trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left (Tyl).

And yes, that's the 1993 degree of the Utopian Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Capricorn) with its "smug or strong-armed paternalism' implications at The Goal Point (MC) of the Jupiter-Saturn chart. For as activist Max Igan correctly informs us in his recent broadcast How The Matrix Controls You, the Smart Grid Is the New World Order.

For more details see: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.

Oct 23, 2018

Trickle Down Racism: The Not So New Platform of The Republican Party

From October 19, 2018, here's a disturbing topic recently addressed by Thom Hartmann:


Astrologically all the -isms are children of the Pluto-Chiron combination of energies and include racism, exploitation, oppression, abuse of the weak, primal violence, criminality, and plutocracy. The pair by transit last conjoined on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22. Rounded up we have '12Sag': "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which spotlights the natal Ascendant of America (for those who use a late afternoon chart for our nation's founding on July 4, 1776) and with the American Empire's totem animal the American Eagle, as everyone knows.

This personalizes the Pluto-Chiron conjunction to our nation (Ascendant) as the New Millennium was about to begin and considering the Republicans' use of the 9/11 attacks (Patriot Act, power grabs, erosion of our constitutional rights, HoSec and total surveillance, etc, etc), I'm suggesting that the Pluto-Chiron pair tragically describes what certain US politicians were and are--now acting under the tutelage of Putin-compromised Donald Trump, an asset who 'does just what Putin would do', who owes much to and conspires with Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea--and who idolizes dictators past and present and longs for their kind of extreme power.

A handmaiden to this topic is the ongoing Republican Party's Neptune Return with Neptune in Pisces bringing a boatload of paranoia, fear, lies, fraud, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. And of course, infiltrating saboteur Neptune enables identity change or the masking of it via the party's current label as the Trump Party (Republicans are 'hiding behind Trump', some pundits have said). The fifth and final exact return of transit Neptune to the party's 1854 position of Neptune (14Pis01) occurs on December 29, 2018 and floats America into 2019 with fascism as one of Mr. Trump's 'secret' -isms and an anti-democratic authoritarian agenda.

As in, authoritarianism.

Oct 22, 2018

October 24, 2018 Full Moon in Taurus: a Hunter's Moon

October 2018 Hunters' Moon? Politicians Are Predators for Our Votes!

by Jude Cowell

The October 24, 2018 Full Moon @1Tau18 conjunct disruptive Uranus has found a path across the Internet, not the least because it is the last lunation ('Syzygy Moon') prior to the November 6th Midterm Elections which are pivotal for any successful resistance to Trump's anti-democratic agenda via a Democratic blue wave or, better yet, a blue tsunami.

So perhaps you've already seen the DC Horoscope of the October 24th Full Moon (horoscope shown with details) but if you're looking for a non-political, more personal assessment, there are multiple online astrologers to oblige. Here are a three links to excellent Oct 24th Full Moon posts for your consideration and in no particular order:

Celestial Space by Depali Desai; Horoscopes for the October Full Moon in Taurus by Rachel Celeste Hansen on 2018's Hunter's Moon; and Full Moon October 2018 by Dark Star Astrology.

Now, since this is 'Stars Over Washington' let's consider potentials of the Moon-Uranus combination of energies in the realms of Politics and Business as detailed by astrologer Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets but beware: some of the following may remind you of a certain individual:

Thesis: An enterprise with great insight into the needs of its people, yet one which has a very unusual way of showing care and appreciation toward its population; unconventional rulers with an emotional flair.

Antithesis: Leaders who rule at whim with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world; an emotionally immature person placed in an important and visible leadership role.

Oct 20, 2018

DC Horoscope: Nov 8, 2018 Jupiter Enters Sagittarius

Jupiter to Sagittarius: Financial and Military Matters

by Jude Cowell

Two days after the 2018 Midterm Elections, on November 8, 2018 at 7:40 am est, transit Jupiter enters his own sign of Sagittarius just after the New Moon of November 7th @15Sco11. Below is the DC Horoscope of this cosmic event which marks a significant shift from the Mars-Pluto energies of intense, brooding Scorpio with its materialistic outlook:

Yet as you see, the shift may not be as light as we wish for there are several chart factors denoting both financial and military matters and a president unable to meet all demands or master all situations (Ebertin). This may be seen penned into the center of the chart as the difficult 'death axis' pair of Mars and Saturn combine their energies via midpoint directly upon America's POTUS Sun position (00AQ48 on Jan 20, 2017 = Trump). And of course, the Saturnian South Node, or 'tail of the dragon', is at a critical-crisis degree of 29Cap37 in the 2nd house of Values and the National Treasury, conjoining US Progressed ('SP') Pluto Rx. That two planets of karma are posited in the 2nd house as well with sign Capricorn intercepted suggests karmic conditions which must be dealt with because even Trump and America must reap what's been sown. Note that the Pluto-SN pairing also suggests potentials for war, violence, or other large-scale events which disrupt people's lives and are too large for mere mortals to handle. Refugees crashing trough border walls are suggested.

In Sagittarius, Jupiter emphasizes potentials for justice, religious and moral aspirations, making far-reaching plans, foreign concerns, but also wastefulness and speculation. Philosophically, a hint of Marxism may be involved or even bohemianism with this placement although given present conditions in US society, attempts to convert others to a particular system of beliefs is probably on the Jupiterian menu. This reminds me of the Bush-Cheney Vulcans' deceptive "hearts and minds" propaganda as they invaded and radicalized the Middle East against the West, plus, Jupiter can also play the role of The Broadcaster, for ill or good.

Now Jupiter enters Sagittarius during a Mars Hour, as you see, and Mars rules Scorpio --'27Scorpio' is emphasized by the Ascendant and Moon rising--'27Sco' = "A Military Band on the March". Of course, this may not be America's military band on the march but with impulsive Trump in the Oval Office, all bets are off in the predictability department. With warrior planet Mars as chart-ruler, he applies only once--a square with Jupiter. Potentials for the square are penned on the chart, lower left. Plus, Jupiter as actor in a horoscope also plays many parts such as politician, financier and banker, religious figures...and military Generals.

Jupiter's karmic confrontation degree of '30Scorpio' = "The Halloween Jester" (negative expression: contempt for established values") while his position @1Sag = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire (negative: unhealthy veneration for the past" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones). Having a cycle of approximately 12 years, of interest is that Jupiter last entered Sagittarius in November 2006 and on November 6, 2006, Democrats gained control of both the House and Senate in the 2006 Midterm Elections. Perhaps the history of the 2018 Midterms will rhyme, if not repeat, with Jupiter entering Sagittarius.

Just behind the rising Moon and Jupiter is little Mercury @10Sag = "A Golden=Haired Goddess of Opportunity" and Mr. Trump is nothing if not an opportunist as are his cabinet members under scrutiny for misuse of public funds and other unethical practices. Of course, communicating Mercury rules reporters and political pundits as well as voters and ballots and this Mercury squares the Career Point (MC) which denotes blockages in communications. We should also mention that the Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of all horoscopes, points toward the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21 with unstable Neptune opposite at the IC (Basis) of this horoscope. 19 North themes are: realism, coming down to earth and seeing something for what it really is, and tackling the truth (Brady). And there is radical chaos-creator Uranus Rx @29Ari55 in the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking and in Nodal Degree, a fated or karmic condition as is the Cancer-Capricorn interception across the 2/8 axis of Money, Debt, and Corporatism with Uranus in Aries denoting blind zealots and Utopian anarchists (Ebertin).

As for the 19 North 'realism' eclipse and fraudulent, obscuring, eroding Neptune opposing it, we continue to find ourselves mired within truth vs fiction problems in large part due to Mr. Trump's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square of falsehoods, misconceptions, and indiscretion for this manifestation of a 19 North Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2016 presidential election and of Inauguration 2017 when saboteurs foreign and domestic placed Trump's fat finger on The Button. For a glimpse of the 2016 eclipse horoscope see The 2016 Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator.

Above Image: illustration for '12Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" which Jones relates to "real community service"; ("negative expression: completely unreasonable demands for recognition") and of course one thinks of Trump's and America's financial links to China; pencil on black paper; image available in my Fine Art America portfolio.

Oct 18, 2018

November 2018 New and Full Moons

October 18, 2018: Below is a dual chart showing both the November 7th New Moon and the November 23rd Full Moon of 2018 set for Washington DC. Please enlarge to read my scribbles:

As you see, the New Moon @15Sco11 perfects the morning after the 2018 Midterm Elections and as usual, marks the beginning of a new cycle with the Moon at the Point of Regeneration (15 Scorpio), aka, the Eagle Point. Without knowing who the victors will be as I type, this chart must speak for itself with restrictive Saturn @5Cap30 rising and acting as chart-ruler (Cap ASC) which makes no applying major aspects to other planets in the chart. This emphasizes Saturn's sign and house position (12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, and Karma) but at least Saturn isn't afflicted in the chart and has left his off-again-on-again trine with radical Uranus conjunct the New Moon IC (Foundation; Endings; The Drain) from the 3rd house side and at a critical 29th degree of Aries, a disruptive placement of zealots, anarchists, and radicals.

Obviously, Technology and Communications are part of this Uranian picture and of course, Mr. Trump is Uranian since natal Uranus is his guiding planet due to its oriental condition (last planet to rise before his Sun). A side note of interest may be that asteroid Eros @17Gem40 (5th house; the piercing) conjoins Trump's natal Uranus, planet of chaos, disruption, and shock. Is this a reference to the Mueller investigation or its findings?

Also prominent is rising Pluto @19Cap06 suggesting a tale of massive events coming up that are uncontrollable by mere mortals and possibly relate to surveillance and ties to the Criminal Underworld. As you've heard, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Trump, the Russians, and -other- may drop as early as November 7th ('after' the Midterms). That the separative South Node ('SN'; the 'tail of the dragon') is in 1st house is a negative indicator, plus, SN conjoins US Progressed Pluto (29 Capricorn, a critical or crisis degree) and soon will swipe across US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for self-reliance but also large-scale changes that affect others who are not consulted. Adding to the complexity is the Mars-Saturn midpoint in 1st house which conjoins America's POTUS Sun (00AQ48 for Trump 2017) and forming a picture of a leader unable to meet all demands or master all circumstances.

With SN conjunct POTUS Sun, Mr. Trump's popularity may be at low ebb as well which we discussed previously (exact on October 27th). In addition, we're still under the influence of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) with its theme of 'collapse of plans, lifestyles, and...edifices'. One result may be that Trump's tower of lies finally collapses into rubble but we must hope that, if so, this won't take America down too especially considering all the damage he's already caused our nation.

Mercury @8Sag19 approaches warring star Antares, one of the Royal stars of Persia, and conjoins two asteroids: Icarus, associated with flying too high and crashing and assassination which could be a reference to the October 2, 2018 heinous murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Trump's defense of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ('MBS'), and Circe (where we rescue or seek rescue). Or, is another assassination on someone's November-into-December 2018 agenda? Perhaps but we should note that 17 Gemini+ is the position of Mr. Trump's natal 10th house Uranus ('18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men talking Chinese in a Western Crowd").

Now in the Full Moon horoscope of November 23rd (upper right), we find Icarus Rx and still @17Gemini+ in 10th house although divine-retribution asteroid Nemesis @14Gem31 is nearer Midheaven ('MC' @11Gem25; the Goal Point)--and gold-hoarding MIDAS Rx @11Gem11 conjoins the MC (which may or may not be America's natal Descendant). A Venus-Uranus opposition across the 2/8 axis of Money, Values, Shared Resources, Credit/Debt, and Corporatism denotes potentials for 'a treasury showing unexpected rises and falls in its valuation, settings suddenly exploited for development, ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of funds, and/or unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives' (Munkasey). Eccentric spendthrifts, wastrels, over-indulgence, and extravagance are also suggested by the Venus-Uranus pair along with possible relationship breakups.

And of course you see that the Full Moon @00Gem52 conjoins fixed star Alcyone with key words something to cry about. (Other stars are listed on the right side of the charts.) The Full Moon chart-ruler is Mercury turned retrograde as of the evening of November 16th @13Sag29 and as Rx chart-ruler suggests delays, reviews, revisions, and re-considerations of all kinds including plans and ideas. In fact, this regressive condition is at the Foundation of the Full Moon chart (Mercury Rx conjunct IC) which suggests that whatever was seeded at the November 7th New Moon will be under revision before the Full Moon rather than culminating at the Full Moon as planned.

Chart-ruler Mercury makes two applying aspects: 1. square Mars (5A45) describing a period of frustration, incorrect information blocking goals, provoked anger, possible equipment failure, and rash actions; 2. conjunct Jupiter (7A01) showing expansive plans, an increase of international communications, news about legal affairs or decisions, and/or discussions concerning the employment of relatives.

That this Rx condition of Mercury can affect Midterms' voting outcomes goes without saying for Mercury is the planet of vote casting, ballots, and decisions but hopefully, Midterm victors will be decided well before November 23rd--or counts will be ongoing or contested.

Now there are many other chart factors of note in both charts but in line with my usual desire to keep this a post, not a book, I shall close for now and allow you to fill in the gaps and perhaps I'll see you at the voting booth November 6th!

Oct 16, 2018

2018 candidate Stacey Abrams born December 9, 1973

October 16, 2018: 2018 candidate for the governorship of Georgia Stacey Abrams was born on December 9, 1973 in Madison, Wisconsin. With birth time unknown, a quick peek at her 'noon' horoscope shows a personality blend of Sun Sagittarius-Moon Gemini (the opposite of Donald Trump's!) with her Moon ranging from 5Gem36 to 20Gem37 during the 24-hour period. This is a Fire-Air combo of a 'live wire' full of exciting idea and communication skills that may get carried away with its eloquent rhetoric yet her cleverness and charisma are very attractive to others.

According to her Sun-Moon blend, Stacey Abrams is inventive, logical, ironic, sociable, and fun-loving although a YOD pattern with her Mercury-Venus sextile at its base and pointing toward Saturn Rx @2Can19 forms an interesting midpoint picture of thoroughness and a serious attitude toward life (Ebertin).

As for the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Stacey Abrams, it occurred on June 30, 1973 @9Cancer (conjunct Trump's natal Mercury!) in the 11 South Saros series. This is a difficult series with themes of 'systems fail and new methods and sudden reforms are needed in order to deal with events' which works for this native Georgian if it implies her victory over her Republican challenger Brian Kemp. In addition, solar eclipses in the 11 South series also suggest that 'any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (Brady) which might refer in the current campaign season to the violence Brian Kemp and the Republicans in Georgia (my home state) are doing to 'win' by suppressing the Democratic vote on November 6, 2018.

An eclipse last manifested in the 11 South series on July 22, 2009 @29Can26 and another will occur on August 2, 2027 @10Leo opposite her natal Jupiter in Aquarius. And on November 6, 2018, transit Saturn will be @5Capricorn so the 'old man' planet recently opposed her natal Saturn, a period when one must take to heart lessons about what failed in the past and what is obviously not working presently so that plans can be made for taking constructive actions once the Saturnian influence passes. And since restrictive Saturn is associated with government, law (she's a lawyer), business, authority, realism, authenticity, and karma, we may expect this to be a fortuitous condition for a serious-minded lady candidate who may be victorious in the 2018 Midterms for if so, Stacey Abrams Could Become America's First Black Female Governor--If She Can Turn Georgia Blue which suggests her tendency toward breaking boundaries which are also ruled by astrological Saturn!

If you wish, connect with Stacey on her Facebook page.

Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump January 6, 1984

If you remember, Politico ran a story back on September 12, 2018 titled, Eric Trump accused of anti-Semitism after 'shekels' remark when he spoke of Bob Woodward, author of Fear: Trump in the White House which debuted in September 2018 and is now a most-read best-seller on Amazon.

Now, thanks to singing canary Michael Cohen, Trump's former fixer and bag man, we find that Trump reportedly directed Michael Cohen and Eric Trump to keep Stormy Daniels quiet and that Eric enlisted the aid of a Trump Organization lawyer to do just that. This puts Eric Trump in a brighter, more dangerous spotlight than even his misappropriation of charity funds has done. See Eric Trump's charity remains under investigation. Apparently, the charity has been used by the Trump family as their personal 'piggy bank'.

This sort of financial slight-of-hand appears in the natal horoscope of Eric Trump--primarily through his speculating, inflationary, fraud-leaning Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which also links to his truth-challenged Mercury-Neptune conjunction and forming a trio of planetary slight-of-hand! This trio is how Donald Trump's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square and his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio express in the chart, psyche, and behavior of his middle son, Eric, and it creates a midpoint picture of interest, Mercury-Jupiter = Neptune with potentials for: tendency to bamboozle or mislead others; 'to lose the solid ground under one's feet' during speaking; a person successful in deception or speculation; a powerful imagination (Ebertin). Turns out that when it comes to such things as financial dealings, a "powerful imagination" can land you in hot water!

So for your consideration, below is a 'noon' horoscope (birth time unknown) for Eric Trump, born January 6, 1984 in New York City; please enlarge the image to read my study notes; today's transits (Oct 16, 2018) are marked in turquoise around the chart:

Now without an accurate birth time I'm not inclined to write much more concerning this natal chart and will leave it to you, dear reader, if you wish to delve more deeply into it. However, a few notes on the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Eric Trump are in order. Highlighted in orange on the chart and conjoining his natal Uranus, Eric's PE perfected on December 4, 1983 @11Sag46 in the 3 South Saros Series. This echoes his father's PE in the 2 Old North series which repeated for Donald Trump on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer because in 1946, Trump's PE @8Gemini conjoined America's natal Uranus, our country's 'totem planet' of revolt and revolution. And as you know, eclipses are considered 'wild cards of the universe' affecting events in similar fashion to quirky Uranus, planet of disruption and chaos, Trump's favored way of 'ruling'.

As for Eric's PE, themes of eclipses in the 3 South series tend toward: 'sudden endings of associations or relationships, possibly with a young person' (a family member as in divorce? plus, his Venus-Uranus conjunction--jc); 'traumatic transformation and emotions via Pluto's involvement' (in 3 South's initial eclipse of August 13, 1208 @27Leo10 when Pluto was @10Leo15--conjunct Donald's natal Pluto 10:02!) 'through news received or short journeys undertaken' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Of upcoming significance, the Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn 'eclipses' Eric Trump's natal Sun but manifests in the 2 South Saros Series. 2 South's theme: 'unusual groups, involvement with such groups, and feeling that a great deal will be gained' (Brady). As long as this doesn't turn out to be a prison group, Eric Trump should feel well out in 2019 although an indictment cannot be ruled out for it may well be in his cards.

Oct 15, 2018

How Republicans Plan to Steal your Vote (w/ Guest Tom Perez)

A segment with DNC Chairman Tom Perez from the October 15, 2018 broadcast of The Thom Hartmann Show for your consideration.

Stars Over Washington Turns 13!

Tomorrow October 16, 2018, Stars Over Washington reaches its 13th anniversary! Beginning this blog using Astrology as a lens to investigate Politics and politicians on October 16, 2005, my frustration level with the Bush-Cheney regime and the rest of the Vulcan liars determined to scam the American people into war/s may not have decreased but it seemed a pretty good way to deal with my emotions at the time and blogging forward into 2018.

Now here's a quick comparison of the 'personality' of SO'W at its 2005 inception and how it fares for the upcoming year into 2019 using its founding blend of Sun Libra-Moon Aries (Air-Fire), then on to tomorrow's blend of Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn (Air-Earth):

Sun Libra-Moon Aries is a lively, outspoken combination of a spunky crusader with aspirations for social harmony and justice. This blend is the natal blend of luminaries such as Coltrane, Fermi, Verdi, Pavarotti, and poet e.e. cummings whose sentiment I shared then (and now), "A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man." Maintaining a low opinion of most politicians as I do, having such a quote connected to SO'W was and is okay by me. And if you read the description of SO'W under its title, the infestation of corrupt politicians and their enablers has only increased under Donald Trump so more ridicule is needed, not less.

2018 Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn (conjunct Pluto!): a believer in fair play, law and order, and ethical systems (know how we can get one?), this is a purposeful, pragmatic blend with a social conscience and a sense of duty. (Please note that my personal sense of duty is for the sake of my country which is why for years I have written and published this 'freebie' blog.)

One luminary born under the auspices of this blend is Black Panther co-founder Bobby Seale and I close this celebratory post with his prescient quote which, in my opinion, must now be applied to all Americans as we face the 2018 Midterm Elections, said to be a referendum on the policies and anti-democratic 'leadership' of Donald Trump. According to Astrology, there is a distinct possibility of a Blue Wave which must be a Blue Tsunami in order to succeed against GOP cheaters:

"We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

A Related Post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

See Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Oct 14, 2018

The True Power of Lies - ep 352 Max Igan

From October 12, 2018: Max Igan's conceptually and visually stunning The True Power of Lies Surviving the Matrix episode 352 via American Voice Radio:

As Max often quotes, “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” - Rumi

Push back against corporate media! Support the independent work of Max Igan at patreon.

Oct 12, 2018

Will Trump Fire Jeff Sessions After the 2018 Midterms?

In a previous SO'W post concerning the natal Jupiter of AG Jeff Sessions we discussed Beauregard's planets and in other previous posts the topic has been the November 6th 2018 Midterm Elections which, talking heads seem to agree, may time the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by a Donald Trump desperately trying to stop the Mueller investigation.

Taking a quick peek at the horoscopes of Jeff Sessions (December 24, 1946 'noon' Selma, AL) and the 2018 Midterms, suggestive planetary links between the charts are shown. One degree area of interest includes Sessions' Capricorn planets: Sun @2Cap20 (at noon), Mars @5Cap31, and Moon possibly @15Capricorn for as you know, transit Pluto in Capricorn has in recent years intensified that degree area with Mr. Underworld's powerful transformative energies. However, an area of concern in 2018 is the position of restrictive Saturn on November 6, 2018 @5Cap24 which conjoins the natal Mars of Jeff Sessions. This is an energy-zapping, lowering transit during which relationships, particularly those with other males, may be limited in some way--or broken off completely.

Another hint is that on Election Day 2018, transit Sun @14Scorpio squares the natal Pluto of AG Sessions (which conjoins his natal Saturn in Leo). Sun square Pluto denotes potentials for direct confrontations and/or the betrayal of confidences. And loss-leader Neptune @13Pis47 Rx at the 2018 Midterms (planet of scandals!) forms a T-Square with the natal Mercury-Uranus opposition of Jeff Sessions which suggests nerve troubles (Ebertin). Well, I'd be nervous too if I had to deal personally with Donald Trump and his 12th house Mars and Pluto! Not that the prospective firing of Jeff Sessions will be done in-person, mind you, but if Jeff Sessions is fired at any point it will probably be second-hand in a tweet or on TV.

Now it's true that none of this planetary action may be sufficient to describe Mr. Trump firing Mr. Sessions around or after the 2018 Midterms, but if Congress assures Mr. Trump that they will confirm a new Attorney General once the Midterms are off the political calendar, what more justification will the vulnerable Donald Trump need?

Oct 11, 2018

Horoscope: Saudi Arabia 1902 w Oct 2, 2018 planets

Oct 11, 2018: For those who may be interested, The Guardian has published a Timeline concerning Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance on October 2, 2018 going into the Saudi embassy in Istanbul, Turkey, "after lunch." Here is the country's January 15, 1902 horoscope (one of three or more) for Saudi Arabia with October 2, 2018 planets highlighted in green surrounding the chart and speculatively timed for 2:03 pm EEDT with karmic Saturn @3Cap05 rising; chart data from The World Book of Horoscopes, N. Campion; chart #288:

Apologies! Blogger has found issues with code and the image will not re-upload. You'll find the horoscope at my all-purpose astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology.

Update Oct 12, 2018: it has been reported on MSNBC that a video time stamp shows Mr. Khashoggi entering the Saudi embassy at 1:14 pm which gives 22Sag19 rising ('23Sag' = "Immigrants Entering a New Country") and 14Lib43 at Midheaven with Mercury and Sun snugged around it. Restrictive Saturn, planet of authority, is first planet to rise. It's an Hour of Jupiter and broadcasting Jupiter is chart-ruler but is unaspected as is the Ascendant.

Please enlarge the image to read chart details. In the center of the horoscope are listed Saudi Arabia's Syzygy Moon (last lunation, a New Moon prior to the overthrow of Riyadh, the founding event this chart is based upon--with 2018 Pluto conjunct the Syzygy Moon and denoting a critical time of development and issues of separation), and its Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 12 North Saros Series; 12 North's theme is on the chart. Last 12N: on SA's birthday January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn conjunct natal Sun and Jupiter; next 12N: January 26, 2028 @6AQ conjunct Saudi Arabia's natal Icarus (5AQ47). Note that 5-6 Aquarius happens to be the position of America's natal South Node (1776).
Although I had not intended to compare Mr. Trump's natal planets with those of Saudi Arabia (pals though they may be--he thinks), a few of his planets are listed around the chart as well but are not highlighted. Of note is Saudi Arabia ('SA')'s Pluto @17Gem02 Rx conjoining Trump's natal Uranus, his 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption, an explosive, revolutionary combination of planetary energies. And SA's natal Vertex ('VX') @00Vir26 conjoins the occult 8th cusp, royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided), and the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump with his aggressive Mars rising @26Leo.
Now naturally you see that SA has a Sun-Jupiter conjunction @25Capricorn rising where transit Pluto will soon trod, and that Mr. Underworld was already near SA's natal Saturn (19Cap22) on October 2, 2018. In fact, Pluto's recent Station on September 30, 2018 @18Cap45 was within orb of SA's natal Saturn, describing a period when power and authority are abused. Plus, the nation is having a Mars Return (10AQ21) this very day (October 11, 2018 at 9:29:52 am BAT Riyadh) and will soon have a three-fer Saturn Return in 2019, exact on: March 23rd; June 7th (Rx); and December 14, 2019, when all accounts are ready to be tallied and lessons have surely been learned (for best karmic results).
And big as life, there's lady Venus so recently turned retrograde (October 5, 2018 @10Sco50) at the top of Saudi Arabia's chart on October 2, 2018 conjunct the nation's natal North Node of meetings and encounters. As you know, the top of a horoscope is the most visible point, the Midheaven/Goal Point--the World Stage. Whether October 2nd Venus represents Khashoggi's fiancee and/or the concepts of jealousy and vengeance, yours truly does not know. But Mr. Khashoggi is known as a critic of the Saudi regime and since he allegedly entered the embassy to get papers that would allow them to marry, perhaps this Venus in this particular chart represents love, romance, and relationships--and meetings (NN) about love matters. Yet we cannot rule out negatives such as betrayal and spying because Venus is in brooding, secretive Scorpio, a sign associated with death, control, and in-depth investigation which includes journalism and reporters like Jamal Khashoggi.
Of course, journalists are often considered by the regimes they cover to be spies, are they not?

For more details on this disturbing topic see today's CNN report Saudis Discussed Plan to Lure Khashoggi to Saudi Arabia, US intercepts show which didn't work on him so they used the Saudi embassy in Istanbul to 'detain' him. And from 2016 along the same lines, also see Does Vladimir Putin Kill Journalists?.

Oct 10, 2018

Nikki Haley Astrology Chart

Now that US Ambassador to the UN has re-signed her post two days prior to planet Venus slinking through Scorpio and turning re-trograde @10Sco50 (October 5th), a peek at her 'noon' horoscope is in order and may be viewed at Star4Cast, Marjorie Orr's excellent website.

Also included is a view of Haley's natal chart blended into a composite chart with that of Donald Trump--and it's fairly curious! Plus, if you haven't, check out Haley's natal Mars-Uranus opposition which squares her natal Mercury in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. (Nikki Haley January 20, 1972 Lansing, MI, birth time unknown.)

Mars-Uranus = Mercury: acting independently and drawing heavily upon one's nervous energy reserves; a test of strength or power carried out calculatingly; an achievement or invention thought out in great detail; excessive irritation of the nerves (Ebertin).

A primary feature is that the combining of their natal charts and planets results in a difficult, frustrating Mars-Saturn square, not the best portent for an easy, lengthy relationship, or it may be sporadic or alternate between apathy and cooperation. Still, Haley says she's supporting Trump in 2020 and apparently intends to stump on his behalf. The square also denotes a tendency toward bad timing, an idea the GOP is publicly sporting due to Haley's resignation only one month prior to the 2018 Midterms (unheard of!). Good timing for her though.

Hopefully, Ambassador Haley is not involved or connected in any way with the disappearance or murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi who hasn't been seen alive since he walked into the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey. After all, Nikki Haley has been hangin' with all nationalities at the United Nations and might 'know a little something' about the case.

So in spite of her resignation, Haley and Trump are so far expressing no rancor between them as she prepares to re-turn to the private sector at or by the end of 2018, possibly to earn money to balance her personal budget. Yet we know that 'Venus scorned' is an archetype within the Venus in Scorpio model along with potentials within Scorpio for brooding intensity and betrayal. It has been reported that she was mightily upset when Trump passed her over for Secretary of State and named oil magnate Rex Tillerson to the post. Bruise! So it will be interesting yet sad to see if Mr. Trump turns at some point toward criticizing Nikki Haley who may have become too high profile at the UN for attention-vampire Trump's weak ego to manage.

Now here are a few details concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Nikki Haley:

January 16, 1972 @25Capricorn; 10 North themes: communication is emphasized along with frustrating or inhibiting events via news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling tired and drained; must work through difficulties one at a time (Brady).

A 10 North eclipse last occurred on February 7, 2008 as what I then called 'The Unmasking Eclipse' @17AQ45 because of its degree's Sabian Symbol. And it is my belief that the current solar eclipse which manifested on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North series ('The Tower') has activated the potential themes of The Unmaking Eclipse which, on a subterranean level of the Collective Mind, so that its 'wild card' Uranian energies combine with our current eclipse theme of 'collapse of lifestyles, plans, and structures'.

As for 'The Tower' collapse potentials we're mired in now, my personal best-case scenario would be the ultimate collapse of Donald Trump's Tower of Lies which in 2018 trembles on shaky ground.

Oct 9, 2018

DC Horoscopes: July 2019 Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Dual Horoscopes: lower left, Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019 3:16:06 pm edt Washington DC @10Can37; Lunar Eclipse (upper right) July 16, 2019 5:38:07 pm est Washington DC @24Cap04:

Please note that the Hour of the Lunar Eclipse is Venusian (which was left off the chart mea culpa!) and transit Venus @16Can15 will have conjoined the degree of the July 2nd Solar Eclipse (10Can37) and that the transiting North Node of the Moon will conjoin the Solar Eclipse degree near mid-July 2019. Also note that Solar Eclipses in Moon-ruled Cancer reveal that emotional extremes block karmic progress and the urge is to withdraw emotionally from eclipse affairs and events--to hide in Cancer the Crab's shell (Lineman). Yet we know that an accompanying Lunar Eclipse reveals something about our reactions to the karmic conditions and events indicated by the Solar Eclipse.

In July 2019, the Solar Eclipse is Total which has the strongest influence and/or is most widely ranging in its effects (for eclipse posts I go by degrees and not so much by the patch of visibility because I've been affected by too many eclipses that I couldn't 'see'). The Lunar Eclipse is Partial which suggests weaker efforts being made to deal with issues, or that efforts may fall short of their intended aims--that constructive efforts may be lacking or partially lacking. With Saturn-ruled Capricorn, some element of control or a form of limitation may be on the emotionally based solar agenda which occurs so near America's Independence Day that the eclipse is 'personalized' for the US.

Financier and Politician Jupiter Rx in 2nd house, then rising at the Lunar Eclipse

Finances delayed? Budget strife on Capitol Hill and/or perhaps the US dollar losing more of its global sheen? Limitations on economic policies? Well naturally, eclipses across the Cancer-Capricorn polarity relate to security issues, Career vs Family and Home situations, and to ambition, strategy, and direction taken in the realms of Business, Government, Law, Finance, and Investment. Also notable in such realms is the conjunction of Saturn with the South Node, the 'tail of the dragon' @17Cap36/43. Please enlarge the image to read my notes on this difficult and limiting hook-up highlighted in green and penned on the right side of the image. And as you see in the Lunar Eclipse chart, the 2/8 axis of Money, Values, Finances, and Big Business is where this conjunction clusters which suggests the necessity to rise by force via self-reliance--and this tallies with transit Uranus in money sign Taurus where new sources of income may need to be found. We will certainly know more of such issues by the time of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12, 2020, an indicator of a 'new social order' and which conjuncts the natal Vertex of fate for Mr. Trump.

And finally, 3 North Solar Eclipses also manifested in the years 1911, 1929 (3N is the PE of 'Black Tuesday' 1929), 1947, 1965, 1983 (Reaganomics!), 2001 (the PE of 9/11/01, as noted on the chart), 2019 (this chart), and will next occur in 2037. 3N's initial eclipse manifested on October 10, 991 @22Gem06 conjunct what became US natal Mars so military and war issues cannot be ruled out in 2019 under Donald Trump whose natal MC (The Goal Point) happens to conjoin the Lunar Eclipse's 6th cusp, the house of Military, Police, and Civil Service.

Synastry Grid: Trump's and America's natal planets

This Is Us: the Trump-US Relationship

by Jude Cowell

A synastry grid comparing the natal planets of Donald Trump with America's natal planets is replete with potentials for tension, anger, scandals, notoriety, confusion, misunderstandings, deception, and undermining by and of allies--but also an attraction, plus the possibility of Chirotic healing, or at least a soothing, of our society's past hurts which I suspect refers primarily to his constant opening of America's oldest wound and flaw, racism, and to how his rhetoric and policies continue the class divide that began in ye olde Jamestown Colony centuries ago. Instead he chooses to stir up trouble on these issues, capitalizes on them, and shoves an even wider wedge between us in any way he can. For everyone knows that 'divide and conquer' tactics always work against the American people.

And as you know, his nibs is an anything-to-gain-power demagogue full of emotional turmoil and suffers with a bottomless pit of ego needs that can never be fully satisfied. We can see Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction as basic evidence of his extreme emotional deprivation via estrangement from Mother, an estrangement the adult Donald can't seem to recover from and I suppose most of us never could whose Mother went missing in some way.

So in this post I shall attempt to provide brief notes on some of the main aspects between Trump's and our national planets but without US natal ASC and MC - except for two as-ifs because they seem to apply - 'DT Neptune conjoins US natal MC' (00Lib47) and 'DT Pluto trines US ASC' - since a variety of timings are used for the US natal chart (July 4, 1776) which gives differing chart angles. Here I'm using a 5:09 pm LMT US chart with 12Sag08 rising but US planets remain in basically the same positions no matter which hour is used on that date with the natal Moon remaining in Aquarius.

Mr. Trump's planets ('DT') are listed vertically (on the left) while US planets ('US') are listed horizontally; aspects are not listed in weighted order:

Reading from left to right beginning with Trump's natal Moon:

DT Moon inconjuncts US Mercury: emotional Trump vs US rationality causes friction.

DT Moon opposes US Mars: anger issues; 'time bomb' set to explode; stirred up emotions; actions and reactions motivated by emotions; emotional connection to the military. DT Mars opposes US Moon emotions boil over; rash actions; hostility; feeling under siege; angry women.

DT Moon squares US Neptune: living in a fog; emotional upsets; domestic troubles; taking everything personally; retreating to familiar territory (see golf pic, below); grief or loss.

DT Moon trines US Chiron: capitalizing on our hidden or deepest emotional needs; consciousness of our national wounds; opportunities for healing.

DT Moon sesqui-squares US North Node (the public): strong emotions litter a hard-to-travel journey.

DT Sun trines US Moon (We The People): enthusiastic feelings; pride and optimism.

DT Sun conjoins US Mars: taking risks; impulsive actions; exciting--never a dull moment.

DT Sun squares US Neptune: confrontations with reality; efforts to deliberately mislead; overwhelming problems; confusion; treading water to stay afloat.

DT Sun sextiles US Chiron: consciousness of the potential for transformation.

DT Chiron squares US Sun: issues of socio-cultural authority.

DT Sun semi-squares US North Node: a fated yet challenging attraction; a destined relationship.

DT Mercury conjuncts US Sun: consciousness of personal intent.

DT Mercury conjuncts US Venus: discussing goals, joint ventures, relationships, legal matters; giving advice.

DT Mercury conjuncts US Jupiter: communicating about political activities, publishing, cultural pursuits; expansion of advertising, propaganda, current news, plans; international communications.

DT Mercury squares US Saturn: application of plans, methods, or ideas delayed, limited, or blocked; plans must be re-done.

DT Neptune conjuncts US MC: professions may be related to the occult (such as Masonry and the Masonic hand signals he constantly tosses out during his on-camera rhetoric); unreliability; scandals, secret intrigues, and public disgrace.

DT Pluto trines US ASC: a driving ambition toward leadership; understanding power and how to deal with or use those in power; home or profession as a base for occult endeavors; favors those who work in Politics.

(More info: The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker; Synastry Grid compliments of Solar Fire Software Gold v9).

Oct 7, 2018

Oct 8, 2018 Libra New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn

A New Cycle in the Saga of America's Libran Scales of Justice?

by Jude Cowell

On Monday October 8, 2018 at 11:47 pm edt, a New Moon perfects at 15Lib48 conjunct US natal Saturn (14:48) and denoting the beginning of a new cycle of activity in the realms of Saturn. That the Libra New Moon conjoining our national Saturn relates currently to the highly unpopular Kavanaugh seating on the Bench of the Supreme Court as a new term for the Justices begins seems obvious but in this complex universe of ours, this can hardly be the only result.

Upon reflection, my suspicion from within our two-tiered justice system, is that one result has to do with legal planet Saturn's realms of lawmaking and enforcing, responsibility, realism, authenticity, and accountability. For more details see David Sorota's article America's New Aristocracy Lives in an Accountability-free Zone in which Brett Kavanaugh is mentioned along with several other topics that lesson-bringer and taskmaster Saturn cannot possibly be pleased with. Naturally, Donald Trump's imperative that it be Kavanaugh on the Bench is noted because Brett is in favor of expanding presidential power (without accountability thus placing POTUS above the law) and will work to destroy states' rights to hold the powerful accountable for their crimes through state prosecution. Other far right SCOTUS decisions will be forthcoming, their degrading effects unknown but suspected at this time.

Yes, America's exalted-in-Libra natal Saturn has been under fire for decades (if not centuries!) and it became notably obvious in recent memory during the presidency of Bill Clinton when, in 1996, US natal Saturn turned retrograde by progression and has for years, been in early Scorpio rather than the legal eagle planet's more upstanding, comfortable position in Libra so that America's tradition of (Saturnian) reliability began to fade into Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio's brooding darkness and obstinacy.

And note that today's position of transit Saturn conjoins US Progressed ('SP') Moon (The People) which, as I type, falls at 2Cap31, a depressive, oppressive influence that a majority of the populace feels via the Kavanaugh confirmation and the expected negative results from Bart's future SCOTUS decisions which are expected to sway the court toward far right conservatism.

And since the horoscope of the New Moon in Libra links to the Pentagon's natal chart (plus, the New Moon chart's angles conjoin its natal angles--with US SP Jupiter Rx @15Cancer conjunct the Pentagon's natal ASC), below is our death star's natal chart with the Libra New Moon chart surrounding it. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image where you'll see transit Saturn @3Cap24 in Pentagon's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service inconjunct natal Pluto @3Leo30 (which conjoins its natal Chiron = plutocracy). Transit Saturn also opposes the Pentagon's natal Mars, the warrior planet (see notes on chart, lower right). Transit Pluto @18Cap46 is angular (conjunct Descendant) and, as you see, has entered the Pentagon's natal 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships from where Pluto squares the Pentagon's natal 4th house Moon @20Lib32, a period of obstacles placed upon desires. This Pluto also inconjuncts natal Jupiter (@20Gem59 in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing) indicating opportunism is underway--that someone is 'victimizing' the Pentagon to satisfy their own personal objectives. Now who in Washington would do such a thing?

Well, 20Gemini points directly toward Trump's natal Sun-NN-Uranus trio and also toward America's natal Mars in Gemini which brings in our national Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and wasted energy which happen to be the themes of the Pentagon's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@25Pis45--conjunct its Midheaven, the Goal Point!) in the 16 South Saros Series (see note on the chart). A 16 South solar eclipse last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus conjunct the Pentagon's natal Sun (8Tau38) and the next 16S won't occur until May 9, 2032 @19Taurus--conjunct the Pentagon's natal Mercury (19Tau07 in 11th house). Misdirection and waste indeed.

Now for more (soothing!) information check out an excellent overview of current planetary positions at Libra Seeking Balance concerning the New Moon in Libra.

Three Recommended Posts of a Saturnian nature: Trump Inauguration's 2019 Solar Return (horoscope shown) where you'll see transit Saturn @13Capricorn opposing US natal Sun (13Can19 = leadership), a time of challenges when failure to accept responsibilities in the past may come back to haunt in the form of accountability and/or limitations; and The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged; plus, The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Oct 5, 2018

Oct 5, 2018 Kavanaugh Senate Vote as Venus turns

As I begin to type October 5, 2018 10:30 am edt, the Senate is said to be voting or are about to vote today on passing Brett Kavanaugh's name on to tomorrow's final vote on his confirmation to the US Supreme Court. My blogging time is brief this Friday morning so I'll simply publish the 10:30 am edt horoscope set for the Capitol Building with the 'noon' natal horoscope of Judge Kavanaugh around it and note the continued frothiness of the Jupiter-Neptune influences, plus the fact that Kavanaugh was born under the same problematic vibes of a Mercury-Neptune square that tends to live in its own imaginary world and have other tendencies which may be read about here:

You see Venus in sexy Scorpio at Station Direct and turning retrograde at 3:04 pm edt while still holding true are the things we've discussed about transit Jupiter opposing Kavanaugh's natal Jupiter (he's unimpressive--ask retired Justice Stephens) and Jupiter conjoining off and on his natal Neptune, a time of pretense, acting, and presenting qualities that one does not actually have--in other words, misrepresenting one's character. As for Venus changing direction on this particular day during this particular event, we might wonder if a lady (Venus) will be reviewing or reversing (Rx) her testimony or perhaps her vote, one way or the other. Please enlarge the image to read further notes.

Oct 4, 2018

Is There Anyone Left for Donald Trump to Con? - clip

October 3, 2018:

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Yes, these days veiling Neptune floating through its own sign of secretive Pisces is having its eroding way with the truth these days but Truth was, is, and will always be the real deal, a Saturnian sort of thing!

For as you know, the world operates within the cycle of Saturn realism and Neptune illusion, the last cycle of which began in 1989 with a three-fer Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (three due to planetary retrogression):

1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55

2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14

3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22

As you see by the dates, these conjunctions perfected just after the 1989 Inauguration of Bill Clinton on January 20, 1989 and put a firm Saturn-Neptune imprint upon Bill Clinton, his presidency, and his administration. Welfare reform and attempted healthcare reform are areas that first come to mind under Bill Clinton because of the association of social welfare, poverty, and illness with the Saturn-Neptune pair.

And for those of us who use a late afternoon July 4, 1776 horoscope as America's natal or founding chart, there's the 10th house Saturn and the 9th house Neptune on either side of the MC (Midheaven; The Goal). Among other things, this pair's blended energies represent materialism (Saturn) vs Idealism (Neptune), a basic struggle for our nation since day one. And it can also indicate 'secret' or 'invisible' (Neptune) government (Saturn) and Democratic Socialism which is the form of government that I believe a majority of Americans prefer (since Medicare and other successful programs are socialistic). This form of government supports life rather than the inherent death and suffering embedded within austerity programs, no matter their label or moniker.

And of course, the 10 to 12 degree range of Capricorn opposes America's natal Sun (13Cap19; leadership) so that deceptive activities and schemes have found a nourishing base in which to flourish and deceptive business practices are constantly exposed if not held accountable in any significant way--all behavior approved of by fraudulent Neptune. There is a positive side to astrological Neptune, as you know, but we're considering politics here, that "organized system of hatreds." Obviously transit Saturn will again oppose US natal Sun, exact in mid-January 2019 when the challenge of Saturnian accountability comes to call.

And when transit Saturn (today @3Cap11) moves within orb of, then conjoins, the 1989 conjunction degree of 10Cap22 in November 2018 (and of influence into January 2019), we may see authority figures and/or senior folk getting to the heart of the truth concerning matters that have previously eluded public knowledge because taking on such tedious tasks will be the order of the day--as it is already. And since a three-fer planetary conjunction denotes an extended period of time, my hope is that Truth will hold sway long enough to make a real difference in America and for the American People and the world now being run by criminal syndicates.

Related: The Conspiracy Party and Its Neptune Return (number 5 of 5 returns coming in late December 2018).

Oct 3, 2018

Did Trump Learn from Joseph Goebbels?

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Joseph Goebbels

If you wish, check out Goebbels' accurately timed horoscope (RR: AA) with its Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini and said Neptune, planet of fraud, delusion, deception, and propaganda @22Gem13 masking the natal Sun of Donald Trump which is a perfect picture of two propagandists who use lies (the bigger the more effective) to influence people, make fools of them, and promote whatever cause they couldn't promote at all if the truth were admitted.

Now as you know, one major clue that someone is a liar is the constant use of phrases like, "Believe me". Well, in case you missed it, here's a 5-minute video segment of Jimmy Kimmel celebrating Trump's 2,000-lie milestone that Trump reached--in January 2018!

Oct 2, 2018

Oct 3, 2018: Trump's 1st Emergency Alert to US Phones

Apparently, on Wednesday October 3, 2018, Donald Trump via FEMA sends out his first Emergency Alert to TV, radio, and cellphones across America at 2:18 pm ET. Naturally this all smacks of disruptive shocker Uranus, doesn't it? Well, Uranus @1Tau21 Rx is conjunct the IC 2Tau02 (Foundation; Basis) of a DC horoscope set for that date and time with tech savvy Uranus in the 3rd house of Communications.

Rising is 8Cap54 with fixed star Facies (ruthlessness or the victim) and archetypal asteroid Orpheus, the melancholy. Chart-ruler Saturn @3Cap08 has no application to another planet in the chart but is rising in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self--Undoing, while creepy manipulator and wealth hoarder Pluto @18Cap45 (strong on its Direct Station degree of September 30, 2018) is in 1st house and is the first planet to rise so that soon a midpoint will form:

Saturn-Pluto = ASC: sadness and mourning (Tyl); cumbersome circumstances (Ebertin). However, at precisely 2:18 pm ET, another midpoint picture rises: Neptune-MC = ASC: acting and pretending; taking the wrong path; pursuit of wrong objectives; uncertainty; insecurity; unreality and illusion (Ebertin). Plus, karmic Saturn @3Cap08 is in Nodal Degree (and inconjunct North Node 3Leo32 = the public), an indicator of a fated event and adjustments that need to be made between authorities and the public.

Testy Mars 7AQ03 will soon be swiped by the separative 'Tail of the Dragon' (South Node 3AQ32) and both are also rising in 1st house (after Pluto) which suggests a loner acting out of harmony with the traditions and standards of society and this--plus, the sudden Emergency Alert--may antagonize and annoy the populace.


Image above: Cryin' to the Hills, a drawing by yours truly from a certain Secret Moon Art Collection.

Oct 1, 2018

Saturn hits Trump's Mercury-Neptune Square twice more

October 1, 2018: just a note to say that twice more this year will transit Saturn in early Capricorn 'hit', activate, or limit Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, falsehood, indiscretion, and misguided perceptions. Saturn represents truth, reality, accountability, authenticity, the legal system, systems in general, and The Establishment along with karmic rewards or losses, whichever applies.

On November 11, 2018, transit Saturn @5Cap50 squares his natal Neptune (5Lib50 in natal 2nd house) at 4:11 am est in Washington DC with trump's natal Jupiter 17Lib27 SD rising. Transit Pluto @19Cap10 sits upon the IC (19Cap34) of this DC horoscope so Saturn rules the 4th house. The Moon @2Cap41 nears Saturn, a pair indicating emotional depression, or alternately, ambition, direction, and strategy. The 12th house of Politics and Karma holds Trump's natal Neptune and his natal Chiron, the Wound or Blind Spot, which sits between his Jupiter and Neptune, the pair of speculation, grand dreams, fraud, over-promising, Ponzi and other get-rich-quick schemes.

Then on December 10, 2018, transit Saturn @8Cap51 again opposes Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51 in his natal 11th house of Associations and Groups). This time, Luna is again in Capricorn but has left Saturn and nestles up against powerful Pluto (enraged women? abortion issues?). Lady Venus, direct and back in sexy, brooding Scorpio after her recent retrograde sojourn in her own sign of Libra, rises @4Sc049 and rules 12th and 7th houses in the opposition chart. Dogmatic bluntness is a feature of the December 10th chart (Sun Sag-Moon Cap) while the November 11th chart with its Scorpio vibes naturally shows more judgmental, control, and detective leanings. One who shares the Sun Sco-Moon Cap blend is Marcel Ophuls who aptly reminds us that,

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others."

Or perhaps it should be author George Eliot (Mary Ann Evens: Sun Sco-Moon Cap) with the final quote in this Trump-related post since her observation aptly describes so many members of the modern political class including our erstwhile Mr. Trump:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow."

For more information on the effects of the 2018 Saturn transits to Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square try this previous post which includes all the dates that transit Saturn squared and opposed his natal Mercury-Neptune, the planetary pair of illusion, confusion, and delusion.

Related Posts: The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged and, to prepare for 2019 so soon upon us, try the background noise of The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Psychoanalyst Puts Trump on the Couch - Dr. Justin Frank

Here's a recent segment with Thom Hartmann and guest Dr. Justin Frank discussing the disturbing topic of Donald Trump: