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Showing posts with label Algol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algol. Show all posts

Oct 28, 2020

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2021

America 2021: Treading a Fork'd Path under Four Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

October 28, 2020: We're mere days away from the November 3rd Presidential Election with everything hanging in the balance and the American people poised at a crossroads as we face a New Year, 2021. And since eclipses 'run in the background' of society (and affect history as it turns out!), a list of 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses with a few details might come in handy at some point.

Actually, Year 2021 begins with a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 which perfects on May 26th and significantly, is the cosmic 'bookend' of the previous Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 in the rather difficult 4 South Saros Series (potentials for: frustration, strong emotions over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships). With an eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius we can expect our ongoing searches for truth and our ethical and morals concerns to continue well into 2021. Perhaps you agree that gone-astray America has much repair work to do and a large amount of reality to face especially considering the misplaced idealism that has been ineffectively guiding of our nation off a cliff. That is, repair work if we wish to follow a better path toward karmic progress. Of course, deceptive Neptune floating through its own shady sign of Pisces hasn't aided many of us on the side of clarity, has it? Instead, contagion, disease, fear, paranoia, loss, confusion, disappointment, fraud, theft, and corruption have ruled a majority of our days.

Well, I say more of Neptune's talent for creative inspiration is due!

So the next eclipse of 2021 will be an annual Solar Eclipse (not as strong as a Total of course--unless it contacts something in your chart!) on June 10th @19Gem47 in the 5 North Saros Series (visions; prophetic dreams; good insights, inspiration, and ideas). The duration of this eclipse is 3:51 so its effects may endure for nearly 4 months or years, if you can believe it. Well, it isn't as if we don't need good ideas. And inspired solutions. But hopefully, 2021's prophetic dreams and visions are not a reference to this gnarly issue, something few people are ready for, if so.

As for the June 2021 Solar Eclipse, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius, between them a common-sense Mercury-Jupiter signature. And with quick-thinking Gemini, reasoning ability and logic will be most important if we are to have any chance of making karmic progress in 2021. To me this suggests a Biden administration of professionals who know how to govern although you are welcome to disagree. And yes, we should acknowledge that 19-20 Gemini conjuncts Trump's Gemini trio (Uranus-NN-Sun) so if he's still on the scene (and he will be, a hulk lurking somewhere) he will use his inherent capriciousness, duplicity, and superficiality to interfere with America's karmic progress (whether he's in the White House or not) bwo regressive, reactionary policies and conspiratorial propaganda.

However, for Trump this eclipse may imply a Geminian news network or a show of some kind for the old geezer in lieu of fours more years in the White House. (His natal Sun-Moon opposition will be eclipsed, after all.) Plus, I'm fairly certain that his loquacious Mercury in emotional Cancer would adore such an opportunity to whine in a new format where he can continue to 'show off' his own version of truth via the natal Mercury-Neptune square that misinforms his sneaky mind and inspires him to invent malicious schemes. A network or show if lock-up is avoided, that is.

Next up is a partial Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 on November 19th. This falls within the Pleiades Constellation, not my favorite area of the heavens for it contains nasty, violent Algol, in the Head of the Medusa, a star known for 'piled up corpses' in China. Trump's natal Midheaven (his life's goal: piled up corpses) is nearby the Taurus Eclipse which occurs in opposition to Biden's natal Sun and Venus in late Scorpio, plus, Biden's natal Mercury-ASC midpoint which suggests lots of meetings, discussions, and perhaps a search for a person who compliments his abilities in some way (eclipse in Biden's natal 7th house). For Trump the Taurus Eclipse manifests in his 10th house of Career so for best results he should concern himself with matters that involve his integrity (?) and how he serves the public. Not that service to others is one of his personal qualities, I'm just reading the eclipse placement here so obviously, to me if not to you, this relates to certain lacks in his character and his focus on materialism (Taurus, the builder). This could conceivably be a reference to financial legal matters for Trump particularly if he's out of office in January 2021 - and especially if Democrats keep the House and flip the Senate (admittedly a dream of mine--you caught me). For as you know, both Solar and Lunar Eclipses are similar to quirky planet Uranus and are 'wild cards of the Universe' that tend to uncover secrets and inconvenient facts.

Now, dear reader, my new printer-scanner should be arriving in Raleigh no later than November 3rd and if set-up proceeds as planned, a DC Horoscope of the significant, Total December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 South Saros Series will soon be published here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. As you may imagine, there's much to say about its portents, but for now, I'll add that 5 South themes involve potentials for good news, peak experiences of joy (!), and long-lasting benefits! (Sagittarian eclipse implications are mentioned, above with 2020's 4 South.)

For Joe Biden the December 2021 12Sag Eclipse falls within his natal 1st house which personalizes it for him, and for Trump it occurs in his natal 4th house of Domestic Scene, one of the psychological houses where his natal Sag Moon-South Node conjunction resides, a cosmic marker for emotional estrangement, bottomless emotional needs, and difficult relationships.

Well, it's to be Sag-to-Sag eclipses, so perhaps during 2021, karmic progress will be made after all! So make of this as you will, dear reader, and dare to leave an on-topic comment as you wish. Or, wait to comment on the 12Sag horoscope!

Note: no comments from You 'Anonymous' and 'Unknown', don't bother because No useless trolling will be published from you ever again. jc

A Related Post: January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America.

Eclipse notes: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Which may be considered an #ad by Google, I really don't know. jc

Image: A Fork'd Path; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell

Aug 16, 2020

Uranus-Pluto 1966 with Bucket Handle Saturn in Pisces

Troubles by the Bucket: 1966, 2015, and 2020

by Jude Cowell

During the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson ('LBJ') came the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo: 1. October 9, 1965 @17Vir09; 2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28; and 3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06. Below is the June 30, 1966 horoscope set for Washington DC with many messy study notes penned on for the daring to read if they so wish:

1966 vs 2020: Upheavals vs Upheavals

There are multiple places in this chart where Trump figures into the equation, one of which is karmic Saturn @29Pis35 (10th house) conjunct Scheat, star of misfortune (suicide, murder), which was activated by the Summer Solstice 2015 Eclipse and in part resulted in Trump's 'escalator ride' to deliver his 2015 'Prez Bid' announcement the morning of a Gemini New Moon. Yes, his disturbing announcement occurred under the influence of the 17 South Saros Series which imprints upon his 'prez bid' and upon what turned out to be his 'presidency' involving the 17 South themes of 'sudden success/good news concerning groups or relationships'. We may wish to note that 17 South can have positive or negative effects and is the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of notables such as Adolf Hitler, Ayn Rand, Rachel Carson, Princess Diana (her birth and tragic death!), Newt Gingrich, and Barack Obama.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards and Cosmic Blinks from Above

However! 17 South is not the PE of this 1966 Uranus-Pluto Conjunction, 4 North is! Because prior to the June 30th conjunction, a 4 North Eclipse manifested on May 20, 1966 @28Tau55 (spotlighted in red, 11th house near the NN-Algol conjunction) among the stars of the Pleiades constellation. And considering America's current conditions of upheaval, protests, revolt, violence, riots that bring changes in government, and civil rights demonstrations, it seems significant to me that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the mid-1960s are now triggered or activated via opposition from the transiting midpoint of Uranus-and-Pluto in mid-Pisces (@16Pis51 as I type).

Other cosmic factors are involved, of course, such as the harsh conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 which imprinted the duo's compressed, toilsome energies upon the year 2020. As a planetary pair, Saturn-Pluto can also represent 'deeply researching scientists, violent people, reactionaries, and mass murderers' (Ebertin) - all of which sounds to me like events and people of 2020 so far including the pandemic, rioting in the streets, violent acts and the threat of them, political conflicts, and the cruelty of a leadership that cares nothing for its people.

Yet another chart factor stands out and cosmically links events and conditions of 1966 with 2020: currently we're again influenced by a 4 North Solar Eclipse which recently perfected at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation. And as you know, History tends to rhyme so it's no wonder that we are dealing once again with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation, illusions' and more. Note that 4 North solar eclipses occurred in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, (1966), 1984, and 2002 and relate to restrictive or separative events and/or illusions operable during those years. See the center of the horoscope for a few events of 1966. You may also wish to note the Sabian Symbol of the rising Jupiter ('12 Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby With a Message") and the fact that opposing expansive Jupiter is health asteroid Aesculapia. Plus, 2020's Capricorn stellium of planets cluster around 1966's Saturn-Neptune midpoint @24Cap37 which is the "illness axis" (Ebertin) - and the 8th cusp of this chart with US natal Pluto upon it. Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: a serious illness (Ebertin).

Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens (or Jamaica) New York; Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius = "The Pied Piper" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Other cosmic links are more obvious than the eclipse connection: Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51--the mouthpiece) rises in this Uranus-Pluto 1966 chart along with the Sun (8Can09) and fixed star Alhena (to have a mission), plus, 1966's North Node of future direction (24Tau43 in 11th house) points toward the nasty star of fury and destruction, Algol, which twinkles upon Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC': his Goal). Algol always implicates the malevolent stare of vicious Medusa. (With Trump I tend to think of this as the raptor's stare! Tragically, We the People are in the raptor's direct line of sight with his aggressive, vengeful Mars opposing US natal Moon.)

Now there are many more chart factors worth noting (leave your on-topic comments if you wish!) but let's close with only a bigly one:

Now you know that grim reaper Saturn is aka, the old man or senex, right? Dr. Liz Greene calls him 'the old devil' and I would never disagree with that assessment. Saturn represents authority and authority figures, accountability, responsibility, maturity, seniority, old age, the past, concentration, hard work, the taskmaster, lesson-bringer, solidity, consolidation, soberness, modesty, shyness, flaws, conservation, preservation, studiousness, reserve, economy, loss, learning from experience, borders, walls, bones, skeletons, teeth, cells, systems and structures, soil, tectonic plates, the Earth, inertia - the list goes on, as you know. In the chart above, earthy Saturn is placed in watery Pisces ('a struggle with opponents') and acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern. This handle is similar to the lead planet of a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined toward success; a high-powered executive) of planets. Plus, Bucket handle Saturn here is at a critical-crisis 29th degree, straining toward the Aries Point.

Now as you know, a Bucket is a Bowl with a handle, hemispheric emphasis is important, and the handle planet acts as "an important direction of interest" but doesn't change the fact that a Bowl denotes a dedicated cause or mission. With a handle planet, it's more a question of "adapting allegiances to lines along which efforts count for the most" (Jones). This Saturn represents either the "instructor or inspirer of others" or the zealous "agitator and malcontent". So - what's in it for him? Well, I'll let you decide who might be fulfilling the role of 1966 Saturn in 2020, if anyone, and with the violent energies of Uranus-Pluto stirred up and expressing online and in the streets.

Yes once again, as in 1966 during the Vietnam War, deferral-lovin' Trump is "a soldier derelict in his duty" as he mishandles the Covid-19 catastrophe, takes no responsibility, and hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer and die. And instead of calming riots in the streets of America, he promotes them! To me it seems as if a lot of "misjudging strength or the situation" is going on in Washington DC (another 4 North influence) under figurehead Trump.

Meanwhile, we should probably add that the Moon-Venus opposition across the 6/12 victim-savior axis forms the rim of the Bowl (with Moon conjunct war-like Antares!) which handle Saturn, the authority figure, has hold of. Besides the suggestion of maladjusted relationships within this opposition, Moon-Venus in Politics and Business suggests potentials for "manufacturing and agricultural productivity and how it affects the overall wealth and well-being of the people" and "how a country preserves the heritage, customs, lifestyle, and culture of native people" and "esteem for minority groups" (Munkasey). Under the Trump regime, I'd have to say, lack of esteem for minorities, anti-preservation attitudes for cultural sites and customs, and little if any sense of well-being for everyone.

Because after all, authoritative Saturn rules government, law, business, and tradition, but with Trump's natal Saturn in the watery, tribal, nationalistic, emotional sign of Cancer, his tendencies toward discontent, fantasy when realism is called for, and egotistical hypersensitivity constantly interfere with the possibility that he is able to exhibit any real leadership so that his complete lack of respect for rules, laws, and traditions makes him merely a corrupt scofflaw president if he's any kind of president at all.

Troubles by the bucket? Yeah, we've got 'em.

Aug 13, 2020

Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse 17 South conj Scheat

August 13, 2020: Below is another look at the Horoscope of the 17 South Summer Solstice 2015 Solar Eclipse which was Trump's 'Prez Bid' Prenatal Eclipse ('PE'). To me it remains informative in light of Trumpian actions since January 20, 2017 when, in his inaugural address, he forecasted "American Carnage" as we now see via events described by cosmic factors such as the difficult fixed star activated by the 17 South eclipse on that day: Scheat.

Considering the Scheat-ish conditions and catastrophes we're experiencing during Trump's first term playing POTUS (as if the presidency is merely a reality show - in a sense it is but he's not the 'great' thespian he pretends to be!), major warnings would have been possible had we only known on the morning that he and Melania descended upon the Trump Tower escalator in NYC to the paid audience of acting extras below. Some astrologers warned about him as did NY residents who knew him and his crooked ways all to well but monied powers were determined to shove him into the White House to 'lead' the sabotage of America.

So in the 2015 eclipse horoscope, below, you see the position of his 'Prez Bid' New Moon (25Gem07) in the 4th house highlighted in an appropriate shade of orange and conjunct the discovery degree of erratic planet of chaos, Uranus (March 13, 1781 NS), and near enough to Trump's natal 10th house Gemini trio of Sun-North-Node-Uranus for him to grasp and use as his 'new cycle of activity/seeding plans' timer:

Now as you know, fixed stars work through eclipses and their potentials can be activated by eclipses. Of course, other planetary factors affect outcomes as well but considering the course of things since Trump coup'd the White House, we've seen him gleefully set about hollowing out the US government, mismanaging a major health crisis, and causing mayhem as he followed the script set for him (along with acting on his rash Uranian notions), deceiving, and insulting and undermining anyone who disagrees with him. Therefore, I must assert that star of misfortune Scheat was been activated at Summer Solstice 2015 and is still holding sway in America, if not across the entire globe.

(Beta Pegasus) Scheat @29Pis34, a critical-crisis 29th degree (conjunct the Aries Point of global events): "unlucky; murder; suicide; drowning; being condemned to death or imprisonment; malevolence of sublime scope; suffering; extreme misfortune" (A. Louis).

Other sources: "if you can successfully navigate the mortal accident that awaits you, Scheat offers a great flow of mental creativity; love of intellect, independent thinking, the challenge of logic" (Brady); "turbulence, unpredictable nature, losing and gaining friends rapidly, and being inclined to fantasize" (Rigor).

Plus, let's add three sympatico natal factors to this tragically malevolent cosmic picture starting with Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto (in his natal 12th house; Mars-Saturn is the 'death axis') which we've discussed in multiple SO'W posts: "brutality, the rage or fury of destruction. Intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm (murder, death of many people)" (Ebertin).

Meanwhile, here's one rather simple factor: Trump's natal Mars rising opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius - We The People. So although he often uses the tactic of projection and engages in childish name-calling, he is the one who is the enemy of the people. And yes, Mars vs Moon is yet another indication of his rage, fury, aggression, and combativeness - targeting the American people.

And another indication? How about Trump's natal Midheaven @24Tau18 with 'nasty' star Algol twinkling upon the Goal Point ('MC') of his chart? As you know, destructive Algol of Medusa fame screams with rage and so does tyrant Trump! And apparently Algol and Medusa inspire his multiple uses of the word "nasty" to describe any woman (Medusa!) who questions him too closely or gives him a difficult time in any way. His fragile ego hates being what he perceives as emasculated so do you think perhaps his mother once played the Medusa role in his life? Well, he does have deep problems with 'blood streaming from feminine eyes'!

Now in closing, let's add a disturbing yet appropriate cosmic factor that I've mentioned in previous posts: that in Chinese Astrology, Algol's most tragic potential is 'piled up corpses', a current condition that many Americans may now correctly attribute to the actions and the malign neglect of the malevolent Donald Trump and his hand maidens in the Republican Party.

May 15, 2020

Stars Over Washington and "An Unsealed Letter"

By Jude Cowell

May 15, 2020: Lots going on today in US Politics and in other parts of the world but here's a departure for Stars Over Washington: a publish of its Founding Horoscope as you see, below. For one thing, the 15th year of SO'W culminates on October 16, 2020 and a decision must be made as to whether SO'W should be shuttered rather than entering a 16th year of my fusses about how I don't appreciate 'what they've done with the place', the place being my former city of residence, Washington DC. I dissent because I care and believe that at least a few of my Revolutionary War ancestors would approve of my dissents about the disastrous route greedy and weak Washington politicians have taken our Ship of State, not to mention the foreign influences America's Founders dreaded and warned against. For these reasons, SO'W has always offered freebie content, for it's a labor of love for America, my only nag in the race!

Now the following horoscope is set for First Post timestamped 3:30 am edt on October 16, 2005 (6:30 am pdt) with the Sabian Symbol for its Ascendant (What?) @30 Leo = "An Unsealed Letter." Well, yes, it's always been that: a letter to my friends for anyone to read (such is blogging!) and with Regulus rising. At its Base or Foundation ('IC') is "27 Scorpio" = "A Military Band on the March" which tells you that the Bush-Cheney regime of that era and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, invasions, occupations, and destruction were the basis that impelled me to begin Stars Over Washington. As you see, at Midheaven ('MC') the Why? Point, is fixed star Algol with her rage and fury implications. And let's not mention how these chart angles mimic those of Donald Trump, plus, other contacts to his natal placements may be found for those who care to look:

Read SO'W's First Post if you wish.

So! Did I check planetary positions in order to adjust the chart before I published at 3:30 am? Nope, only afterwards. As you see, not as many of my usual scribbled notes are penned upon the chart but a few factors are added for your convenience, dear reader. And as always, your on-topic comments are welcomed but freeloaders beware: all ads will be deleted, not published. TY! Jude

May 15, 2020 11:16 am edt Raleigh NC USA

Mar 26, 2020

Covid-19 and an Eclipse: "a peculiar turn of events"

March 26, 2020: With the ongoing pandemic in full effect and the isolation and sequestration of people undermining national economies across the globe while stressing out people's health, plus, their personal and work lives, I'm adding here a link to my August 13, 2011 SO'W post of the sinister 14 North Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope (14N: "a peculiar turn of events"; unexpected financial events'--Brady) which perfected on November 25, 2011 @2Sag36--the era of the scam-prone "Super Congress" formed to enforce austerity measures, as I think you remember. Now the post is fairly long and involved so you may wish to skip the text but check out the eclipse horoscope shown twice--in a reasonably unmarked version and another image with my usual scribbled notes.

Also see Zach Carter's Senate Democrats Are Handing Trump the Keys to the Country via the outrageous Stimulus Bill about to be voted on by the House on Friday March 27, 2020 with the vote set for 2:00 pm est, last I heard. You'll recognize shades of the GOP 'tax cut for the rich' corporate welfare bill passed in December 2017, happily signed by plutocrat Trump, "the king of debt." Yes, the 2020 stimulus money may boost our economy to some degree (with $1,200!!?) with more relief packages to follow via Congress but it also has the ability to bankrupt the country as Republicans and their enablers have planned for decades. This is working perfectly for Trump will be the one to provide "oversight" of the money! "Oversight" by a deadbeat con man--what could possibly go wrong? Probably something like withholding stimulus funds from states that don't back him for re-election in 2020, imho.

As for the current Covid-19 pandemic, it's interesting in hindsight that US natal Neptune (23Virgo) rises in the DC 2011 eclipse chart and US natal Mars (22Gemini) conjoins the chart's Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope. This spotlights America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and actions as well as reflecting the Mars-Neptune duo as a marker for infection and illness. Of course, no one in the public knew in 2011 to expect the current widespread contagion and its ability to ruin lives and finances but here we are 9 years later with "a peculiar turn of events" that includes illness, death, and potential bankruptcy.

Current circumstances are made worse, as noted in a previous post or two, by Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = (12th house) Pluto: 'death of many people; murder; bodily harm; intervention of a Higher Power'(Ebertin).

For as you know, Mars-Saturn is, among other things, the 'death axis' - and here I shall add something that I've shied away from posting before, something that fixed star users are most likely familiar with already: Trump's natal Midheaven (25Taurus) sports enraged Algol upon it--and in Chinese Astrology the keyphrase for vicious Algol (Tseih She) is "piled up corpses." Just sayin'. And only those not keeping up with coronavirus news can miss the aptness of Algol's message when translated from the Chinese. For in NYC, a makeshift morgue has been set up after 88 people died in one day.

But back to the 14N Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope of 2011 for it shows a Mars-Neptune opposition squaring the Eclipse, the Sun and Moon (a dynamic T-Square). Mars-Neptune = Sun: 'danger of infection; undermining of the health; dissolution of a body'; Moon: danger of infection; sick or moody women; nervous weakness' (Ebertin).

In closing, I'm adding a note on how I came today to focus on the Sequestration Eclipse of 2011--because 14 North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of New York Governer
Andrew Cuomo
('noon' chart shown) who has taken the lead from can't-handle-the-truth Trump with the governor's clear-eyed public news updates concerning Covid-19 conditions and issues. After all, Trump the sugar-coater has proven that he has no place in this emergency and says he takes no responsibility for his failures.

Looking ahead, we can note that the next manifestation of a 14 North solar eclipse occurs on December 5, 2029 @13Sag45 conjunct what many astrologers view as America's natal Ascendant. Just sayin'.

Please note that although this post contains very difficult topics and Saturnian realism, your shares and on-topic comments are always appreciated for, as you know, we're all in this together! jc

Mar 18, 2020

Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Tiger by the Tail, a 4 North Eclipse, and A World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

March 18, 2020: In a January 1, 2020 SO'W post we considered the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, re-published here:

But that was before the CoronaVirus ("COVID-19") crisis stepped into the spotlight as a global contagion and now we find that a vicious, deadly assault upon civilization has begun. Plus, a cruel new phase of cyber war has been launched and threatens various institutions, industries, and organizations, both medical and otherwise. Nothing new, just more problematic for ill patients and the doctors and hospitals who treat them.

Are hackers susceptible to COVID-19? Of course! Everyone is.

Summer 2020 into December 2020: Crabs and Tigers

That the horoscope of the June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse @00Can21 in the difficult 4 North Saros Series casts a different hue upon 2020 events when the chart is viewed in hindsight is understandable so perhaps a few chart factors should be brought forward here. As noted in my previous post, 00Cancer00 is a critical degree and a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and recognition where global events can occur and come to light. If we wish to include in the eclipse picture Betelgeuse at the end of Gemini, we can add the star's keywords: fevers and/or acute illnesses.

Now obviously, all eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that tend to disrupt the even flow of earthly events and have long been seen as omens of catastrophe. However, in modern Astrology, most astrologers prefer to say that they presage a variety of events both negative and positive, and yes, they disrupt lives and place us on new paths much as erratic Uranus can do--usually while uncovering inconvenient facts, secrets, and scandals in the process. (And their background influences are active during historical events.) So as you know, a particular eclipse's configurations with other planets and points in a horoscope are all important for how its energies and themes express, plus, the presence of fixed stars, if any, must be considered for stars and eclipses work through or with one another (ex: Betelgeuse).

Eclipse Note: the previous 4 North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 10, 2002 @20Gemini--near US natal Mars--and an ill-advised war in Iraq soon followed; 4 North's initial eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08 with Pluto conjunct North Node @24Taurus (conjunct Trump's natal MC and enraged Algol). Plus the 1389 eclipse's doubly karmic Pluto-NN pair suggests "common destiny of a large mass of people" (Ebertin) and can be described as having a "tiger by the tail." That we have! So far from my chart studies I have to agree with Donald Trump that current viral effects may alter our lives for the rest of 2020 and beyond. My fret is that this medical catastrophe will be used to make permanent restrictive laws and regulations, even the implementation of martial law on the streets of America. You feel this too, don't you? The old 'crisis as opportunity' as they say in China. China! Or "shock doctrine" as Naomi Klein has ably informed us.

So as seen in the above horoscope, the planet of unexpected events, Uranus, rises yet positively this can also signify coping ability. And with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, a cosmic picture of infection and contagion of epidemic proportions can be seen--in the 12th house of Hospitals which in the US are now in danger of being overwhelmed by large volumes of contagious patients. That our nation's healthcare systems are unprepared for the onslaught caused by such a crisis is a circumstance that must be laid upon the door step of DC politicians, their donors, and others who have supported Republican austerity measures through the decades while snatching taxpayer monies from our National Treasury to support the foreign wars they profit from. Are these direct results of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and misguided ideals? I think so although you, dear reader, are welcome to disagree.

The massive funding now under discussion in Washington DC could further weaken America's financial resources although some measure of strengthening of the economy should also occur if money is properly distributed. Meanwhile, my cynical mind wonders if this is part of the plan all along--the plan to bankrupt and collapse the USA. However, such a conspiracy theory of sabotage is beyond the scope of this post so perhaps it will be for a another day. Besides, SO'W is replete with similar theories already!

Now as you know, America was founded in 1776 with Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer and for a solar eclipse manifesting in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, karma is at work for we all must reap what we sow (including Donald "blameless" Trump). Additionally with a Cancer eclipse, family ties are suggested along with genetic inheritance and it's an emotional and highly receptive period when people tend to hide in their shells like crabs! Well, sheltering in place is the order of the day in March but with continued 'restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions' to come if the themes of the 4 North Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse influence earthly events from June to late November into December 2020. And they will.


In Addition:

Occurring just prior to Summer Solstice 2020, you might find a previous post June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope of interest with its focus on June 18, 2020. Plus, you'll notice in the 2017 Inauguration chart (center of the bi-wheel) that infectious Mars and Neptune were 'fore-tellingly' conjunct in Pisces! Who knew?

Then previous to June 18th, Donald Trump's 2020 Solar Return occurs with--you guessed it--a Mars-Neptune conjunction which has the transiting Saturn-Uranus midpoint sitting atop and suggesting a weakening strength or a weak condition of some kind.

But no cheers here for as I constantly remind myself: however Trump goes, so goes America. And as I've asserted many times on SO'W since 2005, America is my only nag in the race.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcome and please share if you care or dare! jc

Sep 12, 2019

What about Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto?

September 12, 2019: As you already know, the Sun-Pluto planetary pairing relates to the craving of power and ruler-ship and the attainment of power (Ebertin). The abuse or misuse of power is also possible and in America's July 4, 1776 horoscope/s Sun in mid-Cancer and Pluto Rx in late Capricorn are in a compulsive-obsessive quindecile (+/-165 degr) aspect denoting Washington DC as ruthless, manipulative, and intimidating in its drive for power and control.

Then today as I reviewed a long-owned book by David Hamblin which concerns one of my favorite branches of Astrology, Harmonics, my eye was caught by the 5th Harmonic, or the 'H5', as I prefer to term it in my notes, and an interesting feature of unaspected planets when converted to the H5. Often on the look out for another way to understand this complex wheeler-dealer using astrological principles, and knowing that Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) was born with Pluto @10Leo02 unaspected in the 12th house of the Unconscious, Politics, and Karma, curiosity got the better so I transformed his natal chart into an H5 chart just to see what his natal Pluto would 'do', if anything.

Turns out that in his H5 chart, Trump's Pluto @20Capricorn forms a trine to his H5 Sun (which conjoins his natal MC conjunct angry Algol!). Now according to David Hamblin, when an unaspected natal planet (split off from or unintegrated into the personality) aspects another planet in the native's H5 chart, Fiveness = an "unnatural link" that is "forged in an artificial or deliberate way" between features that are "naturally felt to be separate" and this relates to building, constructing, arranging, and harvesting for use. Then Hamblin cites John Harvey and John Addey for pointing out that, "Five is connected with power since "to be able to arrange matter into form of one's choosing is to exert power over it." And of course, astrological Pluto on its own is a planet of power and of hidden or invisible power (and of Underworld connections and extreme wealth like Trump's--secreted away and hidden in his 12th house like a puppet master pulling his strings.) And, funny thing--today transit Pluto @20Cap44 conjuncts Trump's H5 Pluto!

Now five relates to the mind of man and "is the first number in which man asserts his power over the world." So one of the most disturbing things to me is that, "--within the principle of Fiveness, {he} strives to change the world and to make it other than how he found it." Well, Trump is definitely all about that, and apparently he's aided by an H5 Sun-Pluto trine to do it, hidden though it may be. Does the trine reveal powerful criminal elements assisting him with his government sabotaging and wealth-purloining endeavors? Unsurprising, if so.

Yet psychologically the most curious part of it all may be that Trump prefers to rule by chaos--he's a chaos-creator with his oriental Uranus @18Gemini (in 10th house of Career) which means that erratic Uranus is his guiding planet (last to rise before his Sun @22Gemini) and he's certainly known for suddenly changing of his mind back and forth, and creating shocks and disruption all around him, plus, there's his alleged tendency to rule by unusual notions and whims (Uranus in changeable Gemini).

And yet his H5 Sun-Pluto trine supplies the power for something he could use and impress us with if only he would--Trump can "create order out of chaos"!

And there, my friends, is yet another example of the complex personality and paradoxical nature of the cantankerous Donald J. Trump who, on a deeper level, and despite his advanced age catching up with him, may not be as quirky and erratic as he pretends to be. Especially fancying himself as a world class thespian and all.

Got any thoughts you can share?

Aug 15, 2019

Horoscope: Woodstock 1969 "A Mark in Cosmic Time"

by Jude Cowell

Having just watched the PBS American Experience documentary Woodstock I can gladly recommend the presentation to any reader interested in "An Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace and Music" put on by, or rather for, my own 'Flower Power Generation' within an alfalfa field in Bethel, New York starting August 15, 1969. As you know, we now approach the festival's 50th anniversary so a brief consideration of Woodstock's Solar Return 2019 Horoscope could make for interesting comparison along with its Mercury Return 2019 since the (symbolic) horoscope set for August 15, 1969 at 8:00 am edt Bethel, NY shows chart-ruler Mercury rising @13Vir41--Mercury, the planet of young people exalted in its own sign of earthy Virgo. Mercury the Messenger also rules the Midheaven as you see, and yes, a lot of exaltation went on there that weekend along with rain and mud!

A much-needed message of peace, harmony, and love was delivered to the world as well perhaps inspired in part by Woodstock's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in creative Pisces (27:25) in the 7 North ('7N') Saros Series with themes of: creativity, passion, lust, and birth (Brady). Yes, babies were born and apparently some were created! The passionate PE is marked in the 7th house of Partnerships and parallels happy Jupiter in music-loving Libra in 1st house (parallels are similar to close conjunctions).

Now on another of my several blogs in 2009, a few Sun-Moon blend astro-notes (on the occasion of its 40th anniversary) were posted covering August 15--August 18, 1969 if you're curious about the cosmic weather of the 3-day festival which one lady in the PBS documentary, linked above, perfectly describes as, "A mark in cosmic time." Naturally, more details about The Aquarian Music Festival of 1969 may be found on its Wikipedia page yet curiously, there were no planets traversing futuristic Aquarius during Woodstock 1969. Seems as if there should've been, don't you think?

Anyway, generationally speaking, we should mention that Woodstock 1969 occurred close to three years after the Flower Power Eclipse of November 12, 1966, a Total solar eclipse with a 'Cosmic Peace Symbol' of planets to its credit (drawn on the chart)--but the eclipse activated a negative or malevolent degree in Scorpio (19). To me this suggests a Scorpio-death connection with the Vietnam War, a travesty of horror of the era that I and my Flower Power peers protested against and which may be seen again in the Woodstock 1969 horoscope, below, via Mars the Warrior conjunct IC (The Basis or Foundation of the Matter; Endings) and conjoining violent Antares, a star of war and anti-war. And in August 1969 Mars (young males of draft age) was in Sagittarius, sign of foreign lands, foreigners, and long-distance travel. Some young American men went to Canada, an act for which I personally have never blamed them.

So! Enough of my peacenik remarks.

Below is the Woodstock 1969 Horoscope and note that the festival's Solar Return 2019 Chart perfects this year on August 15 but its Mercury Return won't perfect until September 5, 2019 with rebellious Uranus Rx in Taurus conjunct Return Midheaven ('MC" = the Goal Point) and North Node (future direction; public contact) @15Can57 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing--and conjoining and pointing toward the natal Ascendant of our nation's horrific 'death star', The Pentagon, one of the major sources of all our troubles:

Please Note that if you follow the above link to the Vietnam War Horoscope you'll see that the war's Jupiter (the General) was unaspected in the chart and the notes for this condition (penned on) could very well describe a certain bone-spurred draft dodger under whose misbegotten administration the American people and the world now suffer--why him? Because the war's Jupiter @23Tau28 sits atop Trump's natal Midheaven where enraged star Algol reigns.

Jul 30, 2019

America, Trump, and Eclipses in The New Millennium

On June 21, 2013 the New Millennium Horoscope with chart details and snarky comments (as usual) were published here on SO'W. Feeling this is fair since politics and politicians so often engage in snarkiness themselves, I shall again post the New Millennium Horoscope now that Donald Trump is on the political scene and will add his planetary links to the chart which, imho, are revealing concerning current topics and events in America 2019 under the haphazard 'leadership' of chaos-lover Trump and the swamp creatures he's installed in order to hollow out and transform the US government. As I hope you can see, Trump's natal planets are highlighted in lavender around the outside of the chart and a few solar eclipse notes (highlighted in red) are also entered upon the chart, upper right. Note that the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 activates the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the New Millennium so the themes of 2 South and 3 South and their similar events may or may not transpire as 2019 ends and our days fade into 2020. Eclipse themes are like computer programs running in the background of our lives, some stronger than others!

(Please enlarge the image; this is only a partial reading of the chart in order to keep things brief.)

History Rhymes Again for Eclipses Affect History

Of course, if we use history as a guide and the mistakes of the past as our teacher we might consider events of the years in which solar eclipses in these two Saros series occurred (aka, 'cosmic time links'). For 2 South they are: 1910, 1928, 1946 (Herr Trump is born), 1964, 1982 (the year of a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36--our current Airy cycle until January 12, 2020), {2000}, {and recently on Jan 5, 2019 @15Cap25 = the 116th Congress--'joining unusual new groups'}. For 3 South the years are: 1911, 1929 (no one likes 1929 for obvious economic reasons), 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, and {December 26, 2019: coming soon to a Christmas near you).

As for Trump's planetary links to the New Millennium chart, his natal Mercury (8Can51) tweets and propagandizes across the globe at its Midheaven, the most visible Angle in any horoscope and The Goal Point. Rising we find Trump's speculating, inflating, grand-scheming trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter stationary and we don't need Astrology to describe the pompous, air-filled, conman administration of kleptocrats under which we languish while Herr Trump separates families, cages children, and makes his white supremacist loyalties plainly known. (Expressing through his deal-making Mercury in Cancer, sign of tribalism, patriotism, nationalism, self-protection, homeland, children...and business interests.)

And there in 3rd house you see wounded Chiron @22Sag33 conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction--so tender, so emotionally sensitive...and wounded to the core. Does wounding and harming children now make him feel better about his childhood Mama issues of estrangement and neglect? Did she cage little Donald or simply feel like doing so? From what I've heard, he was a terror (then as now).

Meanwhile, in the chart's 8th house of Corporatism, status quo Saturn Rx @24Tau34, the 'papa planet' of authority, authenticity, responsibility, and accountability, sits upon Trump's natal Midheaven where enraged Algol twinkles malevolently--and the "angry father" appears. Of course, this reveals that around the time of the New Millennium, transit Saturn in luxury-loving, intolerant Taurus conjoined Trump's natal MC and entered his 10th house of Career and Public Status, a period when hard work pays off (if there's been any!). However, blaming others for one's mistakes and failures will ultimately lead to deep regret and an eventual lack of success. This is particularly the case if power and authority have been abused and/or misused and a position of authority ill-handled--just what demanding Saturn never orders.

So not only was Trump old enough to know better in 2000 and 2001, he's way-y-y old enough to know better now. But sadly, old man Saturn's lessons of maturity and taking responsibility for one's actions (and correcting mistakes of the past) went unheeded by the New York Playboy then and in 2019, opportunities for personal improvement have long since passed him by, leaving a disappointed America with a fat blob of a man-baby in Saturn's wake as thespian Trump playacts the authoritative position at the helm of our nation. And he thought it would be "easy"!

Jul 27, 2019

Planet Mars on Trump's Mind - and natal Ascendant

July 27, 2019: As the steamy month of August 2019 approaches and transit Mars in Leo nears a return to its position in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (August 11 @26Leo46), the hazy focus of his nibs includes NASA's proposed Mars Mission which necessarily must include a stop-over on Earth's Moon. Yet Trump wants to go directly to Mars, no stop-overs and no safety measures. If this sounds to you like a brash, impatient dumblehead know-it-all with only a superficial understanding of space travel and the science behind it who was born with Mars Rising, then we're on the same page in the Trump department.

Now as you know, the Ascendant is considered by astrologers to be the most important point in a natal chart and represents the Physical Body and, in a word, The Self. So in the case of Trump, his Self is Mars, the planet of energy, action, motivation, and desire. (Please note that yours truly would be happy to contribute a modest amount to a Mars Mission Fund if it will help send his nibs directly into outer space, and as far as I'm concerned, Big T can claim ownership of the mineral, water, and any other lucrative rights the alluring red planet promises. After all, red ties, red planet here he comes!)

So what does Trump's Mars-Ascendant duo promise its owner and how does he express its combined energies in the external world? Let's see if we can recognize the combative, enemy-seeking Herr Spanky in any of the descriptions below:

In A Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin states that Mars-Ascendant denotes "a fighting spirit." Check! But there's more, both positive and negative, and I quote:

"Psychological Correspondence: + Tendency to force one's own will upon others, ability to lead or guide resolutely, active teamwork. - A fighting and aggressive spirit with regard to others. A quarrelsome person, inclination to become physically violent. C Advancement in life by the use force." Well, yes. No matter what it costs or how much cheating it takes.

Ebertin continues...

"Biological Correspondence: Prone to accidents. A surgical operation. Sociological Correspondence: Colleagues and coworkers. Bullies and ruffians." Peep-eye!

"Probable Manifestations: + Tendency to drive and push others to get on with their work, successful creative activity in teamwork, forceful attainment of success. - Quarrels conflicts, disputes." Constant quarreling and vicious insults! Yet as most people know, cheating isn't actually winning, it's stealing.

Then the fact that Trump was born with enraged star, screaming Algol, conjunct his Taurus Midheaven visibly adds fuel to his fiery Mars-ASC nature of a roaring lion made more vengeful and threatening by his negative, retaliatory use of royal star Regulus rising. Wonder if Big T ever carries a weapon (Mars) on his person (ASC)? No surprise, if so. If not, his mouth is probably lethal enough for most if not all opponents.

So naturally, being easily provoked to anger and having tendencies toward trouble-making and arsonist behavior can be parts of the Mars-Ascendant combination so now let's consider a few of Michael Munkasey's insights into the testosterone-driven pairing for further information:

"In Relationships: How you evaluate others for their ability to keep up with you physically; urge to show anger toward others; an impulsive shifting mental focus from event to event; scattered energies. With Body or Mind: Pressure or heat within the ocular fluids" (staring directly at the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse can't be good for this!); "elevated blood pressure caused by (the) environment." How could it not be elevated at his weight and with his hot temperament?

"Thesis: a well-trained military and an active armament industry; an ability to focus sharply on the business needs of industry" (always transactional!). "Antithesis: leaders who don't have the will or energy to mobilize their resources productively" (troops sent to the southern border? dreams of vanity-inspired military parades? diverted military funds to build a stupid non-effective if lucrative wall?); "a poorly prepared defense or war making capability" (cyber warfare and 2020 election hacking?); "focusing the efforts of an enterprise upon its energy or armament needs." Why, war profiteering is one of Herr Spanky the Martian's favorite cups o' tea!

Now in closing, here's a view of the natal chart of Donald Trump but please heed a small warning: penned on are the natal planets of Mike Pence sucking up around the outside with planetary contacts of the two men noted. Spy more links between them if you dare!

Previously on SO'W: Is There a Silver Lining for Trump in 2019? in which transit Nemesis comes to call upon Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo) after aggravating natal Mars and goosing royal Regulus and the star's 'avoid taking revenge' caution with a nasty little karmic tickle.

Jul 24, 2019

The Most Important Moment in Robert Mueller's Testimony! - clip

July 24, 2019: former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified today with the proceedings opening at 8:30 am edt just as royal Regulus arose over the Capitol Building Washington DC (as the star also does in the natal chart of a vengeful Donald Trump). Here are some thoughts about today's hearings from Jefferson Smith ably filling in for Thom Hartmann:

Of course you know that today's timing (8:30 am edt in DC) with Regulus rising places enraged star Algol of Medusa fame at Midheaven, the WHY? and/or Goal Point of any horoscope which echoes Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct Algol so my suspicion is that his nibs found several things to be simply furious about today in spite of what he might tweet as he (erroneously) claims 'exoneration'!

Jul 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Leo New Moon July 31, 2019

Image: New Moon @8Leo36 July 31, 2019 11:11:49 pm edt Washington DC. Note that if potent, New Moons may act as disruptive Solar Eclipses, Full Moons as revelatory Lunar Eclipses. The culminating stage of this particular New Moon is the Full Moon @22AQ24 on August 15, 2019 8:29 am edt; all are 'lunations' and all may affect or influence historical events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence as does location within the path of visibility (note: I use eclipse degrees symbolically whether the subject is in 'the path' or not; disagree as you wish!).

Rising 17Ari11 makes Mars chart-ruler but with no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which focuses on the warrior planet's house and sign (5th house in Leo conjunct wifely Juno, an asteroid which also relates to nation-states and politics). However, Mars is apex of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; spiritual opportunity for karmic progress) with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at it base (3A10; the supernatural, drugs, and/or, organized crime) = Mars, plus, we might wish to rope Saturn (15Cap37 Rx 10th house conjunct the January 5, 2019 2 South Solar Eclipse--'joining unusual groups') into the YOD pattern as well so that midpoint pictures form with certain potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Mars: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Note that Mars @19Leo09 approaches a Trump Mars Return, a bi-annual event for us all--his 2019 Mars Return perfects on August 12 (11:27:04 pm edt) with a Moon-Mars inconjunct suggesting his usual Mercury-Neptune square's misjudgment of people, the forming of 'binding alliances' with those who then take advantage of his misplaced indulgence (exs: Putin? Kim Jong Un?), plus, he may be feeling powerless to oppose the oppressive demands of others and may suffer loss through collusion (yep--that's the exact word Rob Pelletier uses in his book Planets in Aspect!). Also note that his 2019 Mars Return's Mercury-Neptune midpoint @24Tau48 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (which conjuncts enraged Algol) so his tendency to 'live among the clouds' of his fantasy world is once again obvious to the public and suggests self-deception, lying, and going the wrong way, things the whining manbaby does so well.

Trouble is, he takes the rest of us down with him to the extent that we allow him to. Kind of a kamikaze POTUS we might say, sabotaging America all the way!

Now if you dare, check out Trump's 2019 Mars Return chart, a two-year horoscope, where you'll see that the July 16 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 also conjuncts the Return Midheaven (The Why? and Goal Point of any horoscope) to the degree when the chart is set for Washington DC--with Return Moon @23Cap52, a timing agent, reflecting Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and possible changes in work conditions. His Vertex is activated like all get-out by Moon conjunct Pluto Rx @21Cap12, an intense planetary pair that relates to inconvenient secrets being revealed--such as hidden children and it 'encourages violence and crime' and reveals obsessions that cause 'a misuse of resources' (Munkasey). So with the revelatory July Lunar Eclipse angular at the most visible point of his 2019 Mar Return chart we may expect more scandals and secrets to be leaked and/or uncovered--possibly financial or investment-related in nature or having to do with authority figures or issues, matters of security, his illegitimacy as POTUS, and/or parenting concerns. Yes, there look to be many boo-hoos in store for Mr. Trump as 2019 morphs into 2020 but an 'escape hatch' of a deal may be in the offing as well. For his fellow culprits have to protect their own hides after all--and perhaps they all took some freaky sort of oath to bind themselves together.

Now as you see in the above chart (my notes penned on), the Leo New Moon perfects during a Lunar Hour of fluctuations and changes with Mercury, planet of messages, plans, and young folk (and changes), stationed and ready to turn Direct in 45 minutes 51 seconds @23Can56. From this we see that basically, America is in process of a Mercury Return to 24Can12 (3x in 2019: June 20, July 29 Rx, and August 3) which reinvigorates any natal aspects to our 1776 Mercury--in other words, our Mercury-Pluto opposition is stimulated. You'll note that the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 opposes and reveals US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) which activates our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of manipulation, surveillance, propaganda, secret plans, and/or transformative thinking and ideas.

And when action planet Mars is apex of a YOD pattern an acute time of crisis is indicated (which means temporary chaos). Indirect, out-of-tune actions may be taken, forces must be mobilized, and vigorous new starts will demand courage and much effort. Plus, someone of a Mars persuasion (Trump, born with Mars in Leo rising?) is operating alone and unhampered by others (Tierney) which to me suggests complicity infesting the US government, media, foreign governments, and --?--. Of course, the YOD contains two inconjuncts (150 degrees) to Mars: one from Neptune (people who overstate their importance and are taken advantage of; physical conditions difficult to diagnose or treat; and/or being vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases) and one from from Pluto (compulsion to take on too many tasks). Looks as if impatient, brash Mars is on the case--but in a Fire sign, let's hope arsonist Mars doesn't start any! And if we add a Mars-Saturn inconjunct to the cosmic picture we find hints of possible physical problems caused in part by inactivity, and/or the use of emotional blackmail in order to guarantee submission. On tape is sooo inconvenient.

Then at the Base or Foundation of the New Moon chart you see the current transformative, disruptive July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 North series (10Can37) conjunct the New Moon IC of Homeland, Home and Family. 'News transforms a situation' as nearby Venus in Leo rallies 'round the New Moon suggesting social events, luxurious surroundings, and possibly some currency manipulation. Meanwhile, erratic Uranus @6Tau33 rises in 1st house denoting unexpected events on the upswing (possibly of the financial kind), unusual sources of financing being sought, and a potential for natural disasters of the earthly variety to occur. (Has anyone checked on the status of Mount Saint Helen's lately?). The soon-perfecting Saturn-Pluto conjunction, shown here in the Career 10th house, is on display for all the world to see and understandably plagues the minds of many (remember these two karmic heavyweights join forces approximately every 30+ years or so--last time in 1982 @27Lib36 bringing us 'trickle down' Reaganomics, a financial scam if there ever was one).

Interestingly, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 will conjunct the natal Jupiter Rx of the Republican Party (in its March 20, 1854 chart) and you'd think GOP 'ideals' of religious and social fanaticism would be hardened and severe enough without an increase of same, wouldn't you? Well, maybe this conjunction with wealthy Jupiter denotes a compression of the party's or the RNC's finances and donations on some level yet it doesn't seem likely--even though the NRA (November 17, 1871) is said to be suffering from a well-deserved financial lack these days. Yet Trump has already raised a prodigious amount for his 2020 re-selection campaign so he has that goin' for him and his alt-right friends of the vicious fascist persuasion.

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in the July 31, 2019 New Moon chart set for DC and hopefully you'll decide to ferret them out for yourself, then leave me an on-topic comment about what I neglected to mention underneath this post if you so desire. And remember: as always, this is 'freebie' content so please Share if you care! jc

Midpoint potentials a mixture of Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl.

Jun 26, 2019

July 17, 2019 Mr. Mueller to Testify as Regulus Rises

On July 17, 2019 at 9:00 am edt, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is to testify before two congressional committees in back-to-back open session detailing his Muller Report findings, followed by closed session questions and answers. As you see, this will be a mere day after the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04--an illuminating eclipse that reflects Mr. Mueller's natal Circe Rx (@24Cap29: where we rescue or seek rescue) while eclipse Pluto Rx @21Cap50 conjoins Mueller's natal Nemesis Rx (@21Cap45: divine retribution; the unbeatable foe). Plus, the 9:00 am chart angles and cusps conjoin the natal Angles and cusps of Trump's natal chart including enraged star Algol at Midheaven.

No, the subpoena Mr. Mueller insisted upon receiving (or he wouldn't testify) is not considered a "friendly" one according to news reports but it will be answered by the law-abiding Mr. Mueller and his legal-eagle team on July 17th, obstructions by Trump and Barr notwithstanding. Since Mr Mueller no longer works for or at the DOJ, I hope his testimony goes forward without a Trumpian hitch.

Now there is much to say about all the pertinent horoscopes involved but in the flush of this exciting morning, I haven't the time to type much of it. However, at precisely 9:00 am on July 17, 2019, Capitol Hill, royal star Regulus rises just as it does in the natal chart of Donald J. Trump although for Trump in 1946, Regulus was still @29Leo. But now the star of 'success if revenge is avoided' fame is @00Virgo, the more practical Mercury-ruled, detail-oriented sign of discrimination and purification (when expressing at its best, plus, The Critic--the one Trump is very scared of). Perhaps here I may be pardoned for remembering a previous SO'W post wondering Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for if revenge is not avoided (and who will disagree that 'revenge' is big T's middle name especially with his Mars in brash Leo rising?) all that has been gained will be taken away.

In addition, there's the harsh January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 conjunct Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'; @22Cap51), a point of fated encounters, changing work conditions, and possible endings, a karmic event for him (and thus for America) if ever there was one. Simultaneously, transit Saturn (strong in Capricorn sign of government, law, and business) opposes Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer while transit Pluto aligns to do so as well. So as we know, abuse and misuse of power issues are involved in this period for Trump and his authority is challenged on a vast and permanent scale.

As for testifying Mercury the Messenger, planet of reports, reporting, reviews, and "do-overs" the little guy is retrograde which may signify the two (actually four) sessions on July 17th (a 'speaking again' for Mr. Mueller) and could also simply denote his repetition by voice of what is in his written report which he will "stick to"--and hopefully a clarification of what was misrepresented in the report by AG Bill Barr. Of course, Mercury Rx may also indicate that Mueller's July 17th testimonies won't be the end of the matter yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that! Did you say "media circus"? Well, a curious synchronicity is that Mercury @1Leo08 will conjunct the natal 12th cusp of Donald Trump and you know that the unconscious 12th house contains such realms as Politics, Large Institutions (exs: Congress, hospitals), Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Karma: reaping what's been sown. But I must suppose that a straight jacket is too much to wish for even if needed.

So if we may agree, dear reader, karma is a natural law which no one escapes in the end and this must also include the likes of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family of crime.

But things get more curiouser! For testifying Mercury Rx @1Leo08 will conjunct and activate the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse while opposing US POTUS Sun (00AQ+). This Lunar Eclipse was first to imprint upon year 2019 (after the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25) and you'll find some quite interesting info and astro-links in that previous post!

Also related: February 19, 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus making Regulus the star of the year!

May 20, 2019

May 21, 2019 Trump, Mercury, Nemesis, and McGahn

In April just passed we discussed the possibility of former White House Counsel Don McGahn (his 'noon' natal chart shown) testifying before Congress on Tuesday May 21, 2019. If he shows up (see video link, below).

Taking the Fifth against self-incrimination notwithstanding, Mr. McGahn may or may not appear on Capitol Hill tomorrow or at a later date and yet (for the curious among us) the current transit of asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) may deserve our attention this week for its Zodiacal meet-up with a certain natal planet of Donald Trump.

Because on the morning of May 21, 2019, transit Nemesis clocks in @8Can35 - conjunct the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51). However, this conjunction of Nemesis-to-Mercury @8Can51 won't perfect until May 22, 2019 at 1:13 am edt Washington DC when a YOD pattern forms with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, and/or karmic opportunity for progress. With the transiting and explosive pair of Mars-Uranus sextile at its base, the YOD's apex is the May 22, 2019 Midheaven ('MC') @2Sag49, and the Sabian Symbol for '3Sag' (rounding up) is "Two Men Playing Chess"...keyword: ABILITY; negative expression: "unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude" (Jones).

Well, since we're talking Trump here I'm not certain how unsuspected the bigotry is. But I am certain we can read the trio in the YOD as a midpoint picture containing potentials...Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character; desire for independence; a person 'putting a pistol to someone's head'; act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; accident; operation; extraordinary achievements (Ebertin). These potentials affect the Goal Point of the Nemesis-Mercury May 22, 2019 1:13 am edt Washington DC chart and seem to express Trump's extreme desperation to keep his affairs as private as possible.

Video: Ted Lieu: If McGahn Doesn't Testify May 21 he'll be held in contempt by the House Judiciary Committee.

So as everyone has noticed long before now, foes, enemies, and opponents are always on Trump's mind and his tendency toward mobster speak spotlights this (ex: people who reveal the truth about him are "rats"). Meanwhile, Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini reveals his life vs death attitude, often a feature of Gemini along with the sign's desperate need to always be right. Plus, Trump's oriental Uranus in the 10th house describes his love of chaos as a ruling style for he likes to disrupt everything, then watches to see who's still standing.

And aptly enough, in May 2019 Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 has progressed to 16Leo09 conjunct his SP Mercury 15Leo48. That transit Nemesis now conjoins his natal Mercury (8Can51) spotlights the unbeatable foe/divine retribution implications of Trump's thinking and, of course, his communications such as his revenge tweeting. But is he pondering the joy of separation and of saying good-bye?

Perhaps, because his current progressed ('SP') midpoint pictures affecting his SP Mercury in Leo reveals interesting potentials such as: SP Moon-Saturn = SP Mercury: 'sadness, saying good-bye'; and SP Mars-Uranus = SP Mercury: 'a test of power carried out calculatingly; nervous irritation; an achievement; acting independently'; and SP Moon-MC = SP Mercury: 'soul stirrings' (Ebertin). Really?!!?

Then another SP midpoint picture may apply as well--SP Neptune-NN = SP Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; relationship breakdown between people living together. Of course you know the Neptune-NN pair denotes 'a lack of communal sense and feeling; the inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people'. So says Reinhold Ebertin about fraudulent, undermining Neptune when combining its urge-to-merge energies with the North Node of public contact and future direction. Michael Munkasey adds the potential to: 'use strong destructive forces to protect one's privacy'.

And one's tax returns, and Don MacGahn's and Robert Mueller's information about the criminal activities and obstructive behavior of Big T.

Now to close, it may be of interest to mention that Don McGahn's natal Nemesis @25Tau54 sits upon the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump (conjunct enraged star Algol) while opposite, Mr. McGahn's natal Neptune Rx @24Sco21 conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump! So no matter when (if) Don McGahn testifies on the topic of the Trump White House, this cosmic condition involving McGahn's Neptune-Nemesis opposition and Trump's MC-IC axis promise to make the revelations of Don McGahn, if any, very very interesting.

Above NASA photo of planet Mercury, aka, The Messenger.

May 7, 2019

DC Horoscope: Scorpio Full Moon May 18, 2019

Image: Full Moon @27Sco38 May 18, 2019 Washington DC falling across the 2/8 (Taurus-Scorpio) axis of money, possessions, values, Corporatism and Big Business. Some forms of awareness, relationship concerns, and culmination or fulfillment are indicated. This Full Moon cycle began with the New Moon @14Tau11 of May 4, 2019 which conjoined our US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office) traditionally held on January 20th every four years. And since the boogeyman who haunts our nightmares, Donald Trump, now plays the POTUS role, we can expect both May 2019 lunations to relate specifically to his nibs (and therefore to America since he's our 'rep', allegedly).

Chart-ruler Venus (in 7th house spotlighting relationships and legal actions) is happy and luxury-loving in her own sign of Taurus--moved beyond separative Uranus, yet Venus has no applying Ptolemaic aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position. So Venus rules 1st house but also the 8th house of Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources, Transformation, and the Occult. Penned on the chart you see Venus and Uranus conjoined by a transiting asteroid, inquisitive Pandora, whose sneaky actions tend to bring unintended consequences which can trip up the most well-laid plans when least expected.

So as we see, ideas and plans (for growth: Taurus) were seeded early in May around the New Moon--are they now near fruition? Taurean leanings toward withholding, greediness, and intolerance may also be expressed as various lawsuits proceed. plus, New and Full Moons can sometimes affect conditions in disruptive Uranian fashion similar to eclipses with major changes and turns of direction occurring unpredictably. Obviously, various testimonies before Congress are in play this month--or not, since Uranian Trump tries to thwart them--from Robert Mueller, Don McGahn, and perhaps other political players, yet the specter of money and currency issues cannot be ignored (2/8; Taurus-Scorpio) particularly given Tweety Trump's recent messing with global markets via his tariff threat toward China and the fact that such tariffs are actually taxes on the American people.

Because in spite of how Trump propagandizes, China doesn't pay his tariffs, we do. And with that I request that you enlarge the image and attempt to read my messy astro-notes penned on the chart as you wish.

Also note that this Full Moon perfects during a Mars Hour and Mars @1Can46 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane, off doing who-knows-what, and here, conjunct sad Orpheus. Unfortunately, arson cannot be ruled out when Mars is in Moon-ruled Cancer--especially when OOBs--for emotional control by victim and perpetrator alike is typically lacking.

Now around the Full Moon chart are Trump's natals highlighted in pink; most of America's natals (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) are in green. Trump's first planet/s to rise - his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (in his natal 2nd house of money and values; Jupiter-Neptune = speculation, inflation, and big promises) and note the pile-up of asteroids (listed, upper center) upon Trump's natal Midheaven where Full Moon Mercury @24Tau24 points toward Trump's Algol-laden Goal Point (MC) as it did during the infamous June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Junior, Manafort, Kushner, and the Russians. On that day, meeting and negotiating planet Mercury, The Messenger, was opposed by a strong Mars in Scorpio denoting rash actions leading to negative consequences.

And given the turmoil and chaos of a Trump White House, perhaps on that unfortunate result we can all agree.

Mar 23, 2019

March 2019 Full Moon: the Mueller Report is submitted!

Photo: AG Bill Barr (ed: 3/23): The United States Department of Justice [Public domain]

In a previous post we considered the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis including the Full Moon @00Lib09 conjunct US natal Midheaven which perfected on March 20, 2019 at 9:42:45 pm edt in Washington DC. This lunation of culmination, fulfillment, and awareness may be credited with the just-announced last evening (3/22/19) submission of the Mueller Report to AG Bob Barr. At least that's how yours truly looks at the timing of the report we've all been breathlessly awaiting! Follow the link to view the DC Horoscope of the Full Moon, plus, a view of the March 6, 2019 New Moon @15Pis47 conjunct shady, obfuscating Neptune strong in its own sign of secretive Pisces. Of course, astrological Neptune is also the planet of the mass media and the masses, who both demand to see the full report with no edits.

Also note the karmic YOD (Finger of Fate) in the horoscope, a pattern known for timing such potentials as: crises, turning points, crossroads, and special tasks--here, pointing toward the transiting North Node in Cancer which in turn points toward America's natal Mercury Rx--it's Sabian Symbol (25Cancer): "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder...keyword: DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "a tendency toward unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) I leave it to you to decide who this describes in our current times.

And do you agree that the Mueller Report certainly relates to America's Midheaven Goals-Aspirations-Career-World-Status Point? How far-reaching in its effects remains to be seen.

You may wish to see Quartz for The Mueller Report Is Done. What Happens Now?

Perhaps the cherry on top for Donald Trump is that Spring Equinox 2019 has brought contentious Mars in Taurus to Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct vicious Algol for all the world to see his various reactions to the Mueller Report which should be interesting and presumptuous if not very pretty.

Mar 18, 2019

Spring Equinox 2019: Mars to Trump's Midheaven

Mars-Rising Trump Highly Sensitive to Mars Transits

by Jude Cowell

Previously we discussed the DC Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2019 with a late-Virgo Moon rising (chart shown) and floating toward the March 21, 2019 Full Moon @00Lib09 (see link, below) which perfects upon America's natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations). Given the bright light of a Full Moon, this lunation should be interesting for its ability to shine a spotlight upon career and other public 10th house matters as perpetrated by the US government and its current 'leader' Donald Trump, The Unprepared Grifter and choice of racists everywhere. His 'world stage' activities are spotlighted this week by the current position of his testy, hypersensitive rising planet--and perhaps more defections from the 'Trump Party' will ensue.

This cosmic condition of full awareness is emphasized by the fact that in the Spring Equinox 2019 chart, Mars @23Tau08 ruffles the natal MC of Trump and suggests that he's entered a period of energetic self-promotion (more than before? impossible!) during which his demands for public recognition may increase (!) including attention from other public figures of authority (ex: despots he idolizes--and/or possibly Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose Mars Return it is!). Mars-to-Midheaven may also bring more scrutiny upon his activities, positively or negatively, and on actions of his male relatives (exs: Kushner, Don Jr, his racist father Fred). Launching some new sort of campaign is within the realm of possibilities as well (ex: a Twitter attack on a newly chosen victim-opponent?), while going to extremes cannot be ruled out especially since this describes Trump's usual way of behaving. And of course, the US Military, the movement of forces, police activation or issues, and/or veterans' affairs may also be part of his Mars-to-MC picture this week. Of course, we may expect his rage level to be increased by the fact that the furious star of violence, Algol, twinkles menacingly upon Trump's natal Midheaven.

Note that with its two-year cycle, the last time transit Mars conjoined Trump's natal MC was in April 2017; the end of April 2017 marked the end of Trump's 'first 100 days' in the Oval Office.

Now readers familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump see the position of Mars @23Taurus as lining up to square his natal Mars (exact on March 26, 2019). This is a time when his strong survival instinct becomes even more obvious (and needed!) along with his tendency toward self-preservation-at-any-cost. Even less diplomacy than usual may be evident for the focus will be on aggression, anger, frustration, conflicts, battles, possible construction faults, and even accidents and/or injuries. Add to this transit Mars square Trump's natal Ascendant on March 30, 2019, and we have more ego conflicts, battles for top position, pushy behavior, open confrontations, social tension, and the potential for physical strain.

Then by the time transit Mars reaches his 10th house trio of Uranus (danger of blow-ups; forcing or enforcing changes), North Node (meeting with or encountering males; meetings full of conflict; anger shown in public), and Sun (risky situations, direct confrontations, vitality, energy) just after opposing his natal Moon in Sagittarius (May 2, 2019), we may all be worn out by - or simply fed up with - the anger and rage of Donald Trump.

A related post: DC Horoscopes of The March 2019 Lunations of Crisis.

Image above: Mars as seen from the Hubble Telescope.

Jan 2, 2019

New Millennium 2 South Eclipse repeats Jan 5, 2019

As we've previously discussed, on January 5, 2019, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the New Millennium in the 2 South Saros Series repeats @15Cap25 as you see in the bi-wheel charts, below, with Capricorn the sign of government, law, and business. Additional notes are penned around the charts including natal placements of Donald Trump (in lavender-pink), plus, some of the primary transits coming soon to the New Millennium chart (in blue). 2019 Saturn and Pluto tend to bring instability to finances, politics, and the social order and are prominent, and the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse Ascendant (28Leo08) set for DC conjuncts the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump which personalizes the eclipse for him. Plus, 2001 Saturn @24Tau34 Rx sits atop the natal Midheaven (Aspirations; Goals) of Trump along with furious Algol of Medusa fame. Please check the notes on the bottom of the chart for upcoming Jupiter and Saturn transits which begin on January 10, 2019 with Jupiter to Pluto which suggests large-scale projects (border fencing?), and increased power, money, and control for plutocrats if for no one else:

Also noted on the chart (in orange) is the disruptive 'wild card' Solar Eclipse @10Can36 which perfects in the 3 North Saros Series on July 2, 2019, something of an early "birthday gift" for America and falling between US natal Jupiter (5:56) and Sun (13:19) with natal Venus of evaluations and values (3Cancer) nearby. 3 North preceded the Crash of 1929, the attacks of 9/11/01 and, in 1983, links to Reagan's 'trickle down economics' scam from which the American people continue to suffer.

Around the 8th cusp of $hared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Corporatism, and Transformation, quirky Uranus is poised to turn Direct, then careen into Taurus and the 8th house (May 19, 2019) from where it opposes 2001 Mars (in 2nd hou$e), and squares 2001 Neptune (which happened to conjoin US natal South Node in 2001). None of this sounds good, I agree, but we can hope that perhaps the New Millennium Horoscope will prove to be completely useless for looking ahead.

And of course Technology planet Uranus opposing Mars, planet of action and motivation, may describe rebellions, separations, disruptive, rash, or erratic actions to be taken, and unexpected dangers that may occur such as cyber intrusions (hacking, theft) against financial and/or other institutions (ex: continued massive data breaches as we have had with Equifax and Marriott). Squaring networking Neptune, transit Uranus suggests internet disconnections via mysterious entities or enemies, and the possibility of societal unrest especially in relation to civil rights. Reality continues to be under siege along with the promotion of idealistic or faulty notions.

As for current societal conditions, the break up of huge monopolies is long overdue in America for they keep wages down and stifle innovation, among other ills. Can transit Uranus in money sign Taurus catalyze such major changes from the 8th house of the 2001 chart? Well, one thing we know--that with Uranus all results tend to be totally unpredictable and we never know when or if they will strike at all!