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Showing posts with label Saturn-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn-Pluto. Show all posts

Apr 6, 2021

Fearful Predictions of 2012 and December 2012's YOD

Was the Winter Solstice 2012 YOD Predictive of America's Future?

by Jude Cowell

Deliriously predictive was Year 2012 with the Mayan Calendar "end of the world" theory perhaps the leader of the pack for it received the most eyeballs in news cycles across the globe.

At the time, a post on the NASA website weighed in with rational views concerning 2012 topics, fears, and various cataclysmic predictions such as the "Jupiter Effect", but although book sales must have been stellar back in the day, no cataclysm materialized 'thanks' to beneficent Jupiter or any other planet. The book, authored by two scientists, one an editor of the journal Science, made earthquake predictions based on the "Grand Alignment" of 1982 including solar cycle theories of the day, and made various predictions such as faultlines ripped open and the destruction of Los Angeles.

Well, here's a handy website with a list of 2012 fears, paranoia, and the theories that assailed us (and gripped some of us!) during the era, most of which involved 'end of the world' paranoia and fanaticism, plus, Planet X (Nibiru), UFOs, Nostradamus predictions, and other irrationalities, some of which continue to lurk within the Collective Unconscious of American society: see 2012 Predictions about the End of the World.

However, one horror that did occur in 2012 was the tragic Sandy Hook School Shootings of December 14, 2012. A case could be made for its timing as a watershed, or at least a brutal, event pointing toward future school and other mass shootings in the US although there were other murders committed before it. Meanwhile, the focus of this post is too narrow to include gun control issues yet in hindsight, and considering recent violent events and the fact that YODs act as timing devices and may also relate to health concerns, perhaps the Winter Solstice 2012 Horoscope with its Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD does have something to say about the increase in violence and fanaticism which has driven the US into 2021 and beyond with a shout-out to those violent types (Saturn-Pluto) who had no tolerance for President-while-black Barack Obama. These days, those who favor a race war in US streets remain disgruntled with their rage simmering for they prefer the days of the Confederate Constitution! (Horoscope shown, see Mars and Pluto in intolerant Taurus with 2021's Uranus transiting between them: cruelty and violence.)

So as you see in the 2012 chart, expansive Jupiter, apex planet of the 2012 YOD along with US natal Uranus, is in the 6th house of Health and Service which includes Police, Military, and Civil Service, while mundane Jupiter plays roles such as the politician, the General, the corporatist, the banker, the guru, the thespian, the propaganda-promoter and the broadcaster (potentials are penned on the chart, highlighted in blue; both Mars 'the shootist' and the Anti-Vertex conjunct US natal Pluto @27Capricorn with karmic implications). Note that when Jupiter is activated as apex planet of a YOD pattern and he mishandles his opportunities, perilous or catastrophic conditions and events can result:

Now as you may remember, in Year 2012 the 2007/2008 financial crisis continued and remained a focus during the second term of Barack Obama (Saturn-Pluto loss points toward moneybags Jupiter--transit Jupiter to US Uranus: success with group causes). In fact, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Winter Solstice 2012 @22Scorpio was also the PE of Inauguration 2013 (15 North = 'joy through commitment'--Brady) with solar eclipses in Scorpio always providing society with opportunities to make karmic progress while seeing down to the roots of our problems (aka, true or original causes). If memory serves, a sense of karmic progress was evident then via the election/s of Mr. Obama but as you know, klansmen and other regressive reactionaries were not content with such a societal shift. Thereby, Tr*mp's 'birtherism' propaganda was invented for future campaign use.

January 2021 Catastrophe: Executive Branch Attacks Legislative Branch

So my suspicion now in April 2021, is that you, the dearest of readers, already realize which NRA-loving political party in the US can better be described as 'radical reactionaries' who cling to the past, obsess over their dogmatic views, are enemies of all social progress, despise democracy, consider themselves superior because of skin color and stubbornly retain supremacist attitudes against "the other," and are ruthlessly determined to take control of the US government - as seen before our very eyes on January 6, 2021 when a 'MAGA Mob' of seditionists attempted to coup the US Congress in order to keep a corrupt, malcontent grifter in control of the White House.

Feb 12, 2021

Pluto is Creeping Around 'Nazi Rising' Eclipse planets!

February 12, 2021: A Forewarning: Transit Pluto Can Help Activate Nazism

by Jude Cowell

In one of my previous posts you'll see the 6 South 'Nazis Rise' Solar Eclipse of 1932 set for Berlin, Germany. Meanwhile, the world is again threatened by the rise of such draconian movements of authoritarianism so in view of recent and ongoing events in the US and across the globe, it seems significant that transit Pluto in Capricorn is already within orb of 1932 Saturn (28Cap55 Rx, 10th house in Berlin 1932). Therefore, tr Pluto (@25Cap34 today) has been activating the aspects made by 1932 Saturn in the eclipse chart:

Tr Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, recently opposed 1932 Pluto (Capricorn vs Cancer, as we've seen before) and remains within orb of squaring 1932 Uranus, zealous, fanatical, and Utopian when in Aries. Transit Pluto will exactly conjunct 1932 Saturn 3 times: 1. February 9, 2023; 2. July 30, 2023; 3. December 17, 2023 - for the first time ever. So the possible manifestations of this Pluto-to-Saturn transit applies now, through 2023, and into 2024. Of course, in the background of society there are other transits occurring as well, some heavy, some mitigating. But Pluto-Saturn contacts are the weightiest and suggest transformed or altered traditions and structures, current circumstances bringing restriction and limitations, the past affecting the present, ambition that may be 'off the charts' or roguish, and issues of abuse of power which will intenstify and must be dealt with (better sooner than later but tragically, currently sitting Republican senators appear not up to the task of taking an ethical stance and voting against white supremacist Trump which means that his take-over efforts will be emboldened, even strengthened). This adds to the danger suggested by the Nazis Rising Eclipse Horoscope - because history rhymes.

Karmic Planets Saturn, Uranus, Pluto Bring Generational Conflicts

In addition, current Pluto transits to the 1932 planets in the horoscope linked, above, include potentials for assaults from powerful entities upon political and economic structures, no-compromise struggles for control (ex: of the Oval Office), and restrictions upon resources that are necessary for government to function (a longheld Republican dream).

Now if you view the 1932 Eclipse Horoscope, you'll notice a prominent, motivating T-Square of much dynamism between Mars, Saturn, and Uranus (with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' pointing toward erratic, disruptive Uranus) and this, according to Reinhold Ebertin, denotes 'sudden acts of violence', and Noel Tyl adds, 'breaking loose.'

As always, your on-topic comments and observations are invited as long as your name is attached - No 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown' comments will be published. Jude

Jan 15, 2021

How Nixon's Southern Strategy Lead us Straight to Donald Trump - Thom Hartmann


Astrology Weighs In: Aggravating the Original Wound

by Jude Cowell

Tiresomely, the GOP and its wealthy enablers continue to use the fatal flaw (wound) of racism against the American people as a wedge issue to divide, conquer, and sway sentiments and votes in the direction of Republicans, so it may be interesting to have a look at the Solar Eclipse which heralded Nixon's Southern Strategy of August 5, 1968. The eclipse fell into the 6 North Saros Series and manifested on March 28, 1968 @8Aries19.

Listed below the horoscope image are the 6N eclipse themes that were operative at the time, plus, we know that when a solar eclipse occurs in Mars-ruled Aries we can expect a militant flavoring to events along with a competitive spirit that boldly confronts circumstances through leadership that sees problems as challenges; for karmic progress to result, negative Arian traits of belligerance, arrogance, and foolhardiness must be avoided - but as we know, it wasn't and has not been through the years. And since 1968, the Southern Strategy has made the use of huge amounts of propaganda and deceit possible and effective along with the GOP's regular employment of Goebbels' technique of The Big Lie. Because for Republicans, it's success at any cost and might makes right! Or as Trump has asserted, either you're a k*ller or you're not.

So below for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of Nixon's Southern Strategy of March 28, 1968 @8Ari19 in the 6 North Saros Series; you'll notice multiple chart factors but here I'm emphasizing a significant midpoint picture - powerful Saturn-Pluto which conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, which brings to mind the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters); you'll also note that corporate Cupido (The Syndicate; The Family) conjuncts MC opposite doom-dealer Atlantis at IC, the Basis of the Matter; a few of 22-year-old Trump's natal placements are penned on--his natal trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter rises (SN conjunct his Jupiter!), and eclipse Jupiter Rx @26Leo42 conjuncts and expands his natal Mars rising with royal Regulus:

6 North Themes: 'relationships to father figures, authority figures, or, the need to take control and responsibility; time to accept commitments that occur due to another person's illness or unreliability' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Since 1968, eclipses in the 6 North family have occurred on April 9, 1986 @19Aries (Reagan), April 19, 2004 @30Aries (Bush-Cheney), and - just so ya know - a 6N eclipse repeats on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus.

Jan 2, 2021

Jupiter-Saturn, Altair the Eagle, and a Mission

Fare Well Old Order, Hello Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius

by Jude Cowell

Is the American capstone about to be crane-lifted into place with our nation ruling the roost - or, going belly up? America as we've known her now passes quickly since the SARS-Covid pandemic swept so much of our lives and lifestyles away. Actually, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto made certain of that. Then as you know, the recent Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) times the beginning of new social, political, economic, and religious orders in the futuristic sign of Aquarius. At 00AQ29, new forms and inventions in Technology, Science, and Space are obviously involved, plus, the conjunction hit US Inaugural Sun, as we've discussed in previous posts, so I won't bore with it now. (For previous posts on such topics, type 'Jupiter-Saturn' in the SO'W sidebar Search field and a list of related posts should pop up.)

Meanwhile, the 'new world order' emblem of 1776 decorates America's currency and the Great Seal, so the conjunction's degree rounded up to "1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission," (DURABILITY; Jones) so it's also the Sabian Symbol for US Inaugural Sun (POTUS; Oath of Office) on January 20th - and conjuncts the position of the bold fixed star Altair, the eagle:

As for political considerations, perhaps a few factors in relation to the Jupiter-Saturn duo in the realms of Politics and Business would be of interest bwo the Hegelian Dialectic (create the problem then 'solve' it the way you intended to all along):

'Thesis: The serious side of justice and the law; processes concerning checks and balances; changes in the governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; an expansion within the rocks in the ground.

Antithesis: Too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.'

You'll note the inclusion of a geology reference with Saturn ruling stones and rocks, techtonic plates, soil, and the Earth herself, and astrological Jupiter's expansion function increasing whatever he touches with his 'slippery slope' self.

Still, as I always remind myself, the yin-yang tension between Jupiter and Saturn make them the 'flywheel of the Universe' which keeps all the planets orbiting in their courses!

For a look back at the 'old order' here's a previous post to consider: America's 1776 Aries Ingress (horoscope shown).

Oct 8, 2020

October 2020 Mercury-Uranus and the White House

Horoscope: the KKK December 24, 1865 'noon' LMT Pulaski, Tennessee

An October Opposition: the Biden-Trump Debates and the Klan

by Jude Cowell

Thursday October 8, 2020: With the current transiting opposition between Mercury Rx in Scorpio and Uranus Rx in Taurus we see general tendencies in the Collective such as 2020 candidates jumping to erroneous conclusions about others, twisting others' ideas to suit one's purpose, and the possible involvement of people of influence who harbor bad intentions. Well, that sounds like any and all political debating, doesn't it? And pretty well describes the very practice of Politics itself. (But don't mind my opinion, I'm jaded--Stars Over Washington turns fifteen years old on October 16, 2020 with over 5,000 published posts!).

So to get to the point of this particular fuss I'm going to just go ahead and type it out loud: the Klan is in the White House and current transits to its 1865 planets (shown, above) reveal cosmic influences upon political conditions in the US and the excruciating Campaign 2020 ongoing as dictator-wanna-be Trump attempts to coup the Oval Office for 'four more years'. Meanwhile, CFR-er Joe Biden challenges the authority and pseudo-exalted standing of the Klan via Trump while, in what passes for political 'debates' these days, so much is left unsaid and many of the facts are distorted ad nauseum.

Now the data I have for the KKK is as follows: December 24, 1865 "12:00 pm LMT" (exact hour unknown) Pulaski, Tennessee: ASC 5Ari06; MC 2Cap59 (see chart, above). If you know of more accurate data, please let me know. Until then, this is the data I use to set up the organization's 'modern' chart for the group's origins go back further, of course, back to the Knights of the Golden Circle (of which John Wilkes Booth, Albert Pike, and Jesse James were members--Pike, a leader) and to the slave patrols of yesteryear which exist still via trigger-happy (racist) police officers on the hunt.

So what's being aggravated in the KKK horoscope of 1865 by the current Mercury-Uranus opposition is the Klan's dictatorial, willful, power-craving Saturn-Pluto opposition across the intense Taurus-Scorpio axis. Here are a few potentials of the transits which are most intense at the second Biden-Trump debate (October 15, 2020) so I'm comparing the chart of the predictive New Moon of October 16, 2020 with the 1865 Saturn-Pluto opposition of the Klan - also because the Libra New Moon @23Lib53 favors Joe Biden for the win.

CFR vs the Klan

2020 Mercury Rx @11Sco10 conjuncts 1865 Saturn @9Sco39: denotes restricted ideas and/or plans, serious thinking, and perhaps a tendency toward dullness of mind.

2020 Mercury opposes 1865 Pluto Rx: conditions of corruption and disintegration; opposing forces attempt to manipulate; information is withheld due to paranoia and a need for protection; wrong information is deliberatey provided in order to mislead; thoughts are strongly expressed but others refuse to listen; intense communications.

2020 Uranus opposes 1865 Saturn: authority is threatened (especially if it has been illegitimately gained); methods are challenged; opposing forces demand change and a new order.

2020 Uranus conjuncting 1865 Pluto: disrturbing conditions, disruption, upheaval; hidden fears surface; unsuccessful manipulation.

Addtionally, the basic energies within the Klan's Saturn-Pluto opposition are in process of being activated along with the January 12 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction at 22Cap46 which continues to be ruffled by transiting Saturn and Pluto with transit Jupiter yet to actualy reach 22 Capricorn in mid-November 2020. We see this ruffling when Joe Biden presents new views of the future and adds a realistic interpretation to our current predicament, and when escapist Donald Trump is inspired by the use of drugs and employs illusion to gaslight us all.

A Previous Post: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.

Sep 20, 2020

Autumn Equinox 2020: Our Degraded Justice System

America at the Crossroads 2020: Fighting for a Restored US Justice System

by Jude Cowell

September 20, 2020: Yes, we've discussed the Autumn Equinox 2020 Horoscope previously but today I'm posting the horoscope again (follow the link for more details) just to emphasize the YOD of crisis in the chart between the speculating, risk-taking, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune (fraudsters!) at its base pointing accusingly at *Venus in Leo. Of course, a YOD pattern also relates to a special task and a crossroads so with the US Legal System under siege as it is by a corrupt "president" and his henchman "Attorney General," a "special task" must be engaged here, at the point in time, at what can only be described as America at the Crossroads, for our nation's very existence is at stake.

(Note that for obvious reasons, the YOD's timing of health crisis is also part of our current picture as Autumn 2020 begins but the topic is beyond the scope of this post and has been previously discussed in various posts.)

As you see, with 00Scorpio rising, Mars rules the chart and applies twice: a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to Pluto (4A27) - the wealthy manipulator, the 'hidden hand', is co-ruler of the chart and the season. The Saturn-Pluto-Mars trio suggests the "necessity to fight for one's existence" (Ebertin). For more details, follow the link, above.

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Tuesday September 22, 2020 9:31 am edt:

*Note that Venus @18Leo07 at apex of the YOD conjuncts the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) which I have reluctantly called The Tower Eclipse and my Tarot friends know very well what #16 The Tower signifies, as might you, dear reader. My dearest hope for 2020 into 2021 is that the corrupt criminal enterprise, the global syndicate now gripping Washington DC, its institutions, departments, and the White House is the system that will collapse into dust as the integrity of the US Justice System is upheld with the aid of folks like former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner whose motto, as you know, is, Justice Matters.

Related: September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro (trolling the path of Mars, the arsonist, shooter, activist, officer, malcontent, criminal).

Sep 8, 2020

117th Congress scheduled to open January 3, 2021

Speculative Astro-Notes Concerning the 117th Congress of 2021

by Jude Cowell

September 8, 2020: If all goes according to plan, the 117th Congress will open on January 3, 2021, and unless Election 2020 in November results in leadership changes, Mike Pence will continue as President of the Congress.

Now I won't write much about the speculative January 3, 2021 chart set for Capitol Hill Washington DC and "noon EST" (in lieu of an announced hour - even the date could change), but below are a few general observations concerning the day's planets, plus, here's a view of the horoscope of the 117th Congress' Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') for which we do not need a correct opening hour in order to ascertain the opening's 'PE' for as long as the 117th Congress opens in January 2021, its 4 South PE remains the case with a 'fated' theme intact - plus, it's also the PE of Inauguration 2021:

117th Congress: January 3, 2021 noon est Capitol Hill shows 19Aries04 rising, the exaltation of the Sun degree. Naturally, the Sun (leadership) @13Cap32 conjuncts the noon Midheaven ('MC') while opposing US natal Sun (July 4, 1776) suggesting a period when government goals and objectives should be reassessed and, if necessary, a change of direction may be taken. This is due to the fact that annually, January 3rd (or 4th) is the Executive Branch's "un-birthday." So with Mars-ruled Aries rising, Mars is chart-ruler (@28Ari32 and rising in 1st house) and makes three applying Ptolemaic aspects in the chart: 1. square Saturn (@1AQ56 in career 10th house conjunct bold Altair the eagle) causing difficulties, delays, stalling, lack of preparation or planning, frustration, challenges to authority, and with a potential for anger; 2. square Jupiter (@3AQ24 in 10th house) suggesting overreach, exaggeration, risk-taking, empty gestures, and/or sloppiness with details; 3. conjunct Uranus Rx (@6Tau46 in 1st house) which indicates unusual or nontraditional actions and circumstances along with an explosive and/or shocking quality. First house denotes early expression of these restless energies with society's current anarchistic, protesting, even rioting activities also indicated--for discussion or possibly legislation in Congress, if not actual physical expression. Unexpected events may occur!

The Mars-Uranus Conjunction becomes exact on January 20, 2021 @6Tau44 and rises in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope, as you know. And obviously whenever Mars and Uranus combine their highly charged energies, violent measures may be taken, risky or dangerous behavior can complicate issues and bring unfortunate consequences, and/or accidents may occur. For more dangerous indications, add to this the fact that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint not only opposes their Great Conjunction degrees of 1965/66 (mid-Pisces) and stimulating street clashes, Civil Rights demands, and upheaval as before, but Uranus-Pluto also conjuncts the destructive January 3, 2021 Mars-Saturn midpoint (aka, the 'death axis'--Ebertin). "Not a pretty picture" hardly describes the mundane possibilities of this pile-up especially considering the vicious form of politics and vengeance being practiced.

So however the Inauguration 2021 ceremony goes, We The People can expect the unexpected with a desperate Uranian chaos-creator Trump involved and what for him will be a major test of nerves and strength.

Closely Related is the First Lunation of 2021 - a New Moon @23Cap13 of January 13th which falls in the middle of the 117th Congress' Mercury-Pluto Conjunction (22-25Cap), and as we know, is within the overly stimulated "Capricorn corridor", super-sensitized ever since January 12, 2020 when karmic Saturn and Pluto conjoined @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex (22:51) of fated encounters. (Actually, January 3 2021 is almost a Mercury Return to the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope's Mercury - exact January 4th at 4:07 am est with an exact Moon-Neptune opposition hinting at scandals, illusions, and a deceptive environment); meanwhile, Venu$ @23Cap48 activates the Capricorn New Moon linked, above! So apparently, new activities are being seeded and planned in the realms of Mercury-Pluto and finances, and at some point we'll be able to blame or credit the 117th Congress for the consequences.

Now several potentials are indicated for the combination of Mercury and Pluto such as 'political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; high security and intelligence activities; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases'.

Other possibilities include: 'secrets involving business or transportation systems; hidden activities; self-destructive impulses in business; and/or breakdowns in road networks (and one wonders: in cyber networks? hacks and leaks? grid or voting machine attacks?). 'Paranoia about secrets', plus, 'ruthless investigations' are also suggested (Munkasey) along with 'propaganda, persuasion, the power of suggestion, overzealousness, sly cunning, sharp criticism, a famous orator, plagiarism, demagoguery, fraudsters, and/or diplomacy (Ebertin). I'll add, malicious scheming, plus, the fact that Mercury is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so there's no telling what he or she is up to - or what outrageous things may be said, reported, or what may be stolen. Then as always, running in the background is America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of total awareness, surveillance/spying, confidential information, mind control, censorship and publishing which affects all such matters in a challenging way. But all results must depend upon which political party comes out victorious in House, Senate, and White House, and that's a secret even the Universe is keeping close to her vest.

Update October 6, 2020: please note that the above post was published prior to Trump's recent hospital stay allegedly due to contracting coronavirus and his superspreader status making those around him ill. jc

Aug 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Monday August 24, 2020: Of Cosmic Blinks, Secrets, and Cheats

by Jude Cowell

Between the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series and the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series comes a significant Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 across the 2/8 axi$ when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

Below is the DC Horoscope of the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 which conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55 July 4, 1776). So although this Gemini Lunar Eclipse falls within the 4 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series of June, it's actually associated with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the 4 South Series with its 'money and relationship' concerns. An accompanying lunar eclipse reveals a sequence - here across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity - relating to the karmic issues within its solar eclipse themes and provides information concerning the Collective's inner and/or emotional reactions to the disruptive karmic issues and problems. Here we have a Gemini Lunar Eclipse suggesting that a variety (Gemini) of solutions should be tried prior to and during the December 14th Solar Eclipse season in the Jupiterian realms of the eclipse's Sagittarian issues of ethics and morals, as noted in the center of the horoscope; a large splash of integrity would be appreciated, too:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 November 30, 2020 4:29:32 am est Washington DC; Ascendant 6Sco09 makes Mars chart-ruler and he's strong in Aries in 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Police, Military, Civil) and Daily Rounds. Fever-prone Mars is assisted by Scorpio's co- or sub-ruler wealthy stealthy Pluto yet neither planet applies Ptolemaically to other planets in this horoscope so their signs and houses are emphasized (Aries Mars 1st and 6th; for Pluto add his 3rd house position in Saturn-ruled Capricorn).

So with the November 30th Lunar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55) we may expect the unexpected from this Uranian 'Wild Card of the Universe' and/or we can prepare for shocks and more disruptions. That warrior Mars is in 6th house of the military and 1776 Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt and upheaval, battles and conflicts in society continue with the possibility of war, and simultaneously the eclipse activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (2 Old North), his PE which manifested on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini ('separation; unfortunate news but quick action can bring positive results'- Brady).

Then can this Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus be a picture of the US military preparing for action of a shocking nature on, before, or after January 20, 2021? Perhaps so. But basically, this revealing Horoscope of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse contains a preponderance of financial indicators along with 'social and religious fanaticism' vibes via the Capricorn trio (Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter). Add to this that Mercurial Gemini is the juggler, magician, and the trader (or, traitor), isn't he/she? Well, as you see, Mercury @27Sco48 rises in 1st house, disposits the eclipse Moon, and rules the corporate 8th house and the 11th house of Groups and Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

Other chart factors include 'values and currency' planet Venus rising in the Big Business sign of intense, brooding Scorpio and leading a Locomotive shape. A 'ruthless executive determined on success' is indicated by astrological Venus, the engine who, as an actor in our cosmic drama, can be vengeful, envious, and petty, or, more positively can signify some variety of diplomacy. Perhaps you've heard a few economic pundits warning about the potential for devaluation of the US dollar so we'll see if matters continue to skew in that downward direction. Others have hinted that Trump might crash the US economy if he loses in November. This could be what this eclipse shows especially since his PE is activated, as noted above, and the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14 2020 'eclipses' his natal Moon-South Node while opposing natal Sun-North-Node in Gemini, as we've previously discussed. However events turn out for him, Trump's 4/10 Home-Career axis is intimately involved.

1910/2020: $$$

Now if you will, check around the outside of the above horoscope and you'll see planetary placements of the Federal Reserve ('the Fed') based on the entity's secret organizational meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, timed by the December 1, 1910 New Moon @8Sag49, marked in green (3rd house). With the US economy shaky as Election Day 2020 approaches, will the November Lunar Eclipse uncover leaks and/or Secrets of the Federal Reserve? Or will it simply uncover more facts concerning Trump and Co's fraud and corruption? Note that some Fed planets (in green) are listed simply as '1910' and the Fed's 1910 Mars-Jupiter rising = 2020 Venus which suggests using guile vs force when competing. Plus, bottom right, you see listed the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the third of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions ('the Fed') both of which relate to the financial implications of this eclipse.

Also messily penned around the chart are the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto of America (July 4, 1776) and of course, the hairy gorilla in the room (3rd house) is transit Saturn @28Cap21 and the taskmaster's continued ruffling of US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33), a period of power and control issues, conditions too large to easily handle, and a lack of resources. Meanwhile transit Pluto @23Cap15 continues his opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer with Trump's new barricade of a wall built around the White House. Perhaps now his watery Saturn, planet of walls, borders, and fear, feels safe now. But neglecting his responsibilities during this Saturn-Pluto transit garners him little applause or reward so for 'best results' from the 2020 Election, cheating really is the only 'solution' for Trump and the GOP.

And significantly, all the Capricorn action is occurring on and around America's Inauguration Midheaven for all the world to see. Yes, Saturn to MC is a picture of Election 2020 and the assumption of control but the placement can also indicate a 'fall from grace' so we have that going against us.

Now as you see, coming right up is the midpoint between Saturn and Midheaven ('MC') rising on the Ascendant which forms a picture of 'hindered growth, shared anxiety, separation, and/or unfortunate circumstances' for some. However, the Saturn-MC duo can also denote important people! (Ebertin) with the difference depending upon other chart factors, as is always the case.

Now in closing, I want to add a note with cosmic time link implications:

The 4 South Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius potentially activates by degree the June 13, 1984 Lunar Eclipse @23Sag which was the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of the May 30, 1984 Solar Eclipse @9Gemini - in the 4 North Saros Series (as is the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse). To me, if not to you, this amount of reciprocal cosmic energy seems significant given our current conditions of light vs dark, and so, as usual, comparing the cosmic time link between years 1984 (Reagan: 're-elected') and 2020 (Trump: probably bwo cheating) through the 'rhyming' of historical events would most likely be informative for the curious seeker.

Related and curated for you! A 7m37s video George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies detailing Orwell's vision of the future vs that of Aldous Huxley. Warning: Hedonism, Collectivism, and other -isms are involved.

Aug 16, 2020

Uranus-Pluto 1966 with Bucket Handle Saturn in Pisces

Troubles by the Bucket: 1966, 2015, and 2020

by Jude Cowell

During the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson ('LBJ') came the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo: 1. October 9, 1965 @17Vir09; 2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28; and 3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06. Below is the June 30, 1966 horoscope set for Washington DC with many messy study notes penned on for the daring to read if they so wish:

1966 vs 2020: Upheavals vs Upheavals

There are multiple places in this chart where Trump figures into the equation, one of which is karmic Saturn @29Pis35 (10th house) conjunct Scheat, star of misfortune (suicide, murder), which was activated by the Summer Solstice 2015 Eclipse and in part resulted in Trump's 'escalator ride' to deliver his 2015 'Prez Bid' announcement the morning of a Gemini New Moon. Yes, his disturbing announcement occurred under the influence of the 17 South Saros Series which imprints upon his 'prez bid' and upon what turned out to be his 'presidency' involving the 17 South themes of 'sudden success/good news concerning groups or relationships'. We may wish to note that 17 South can have positive or negative effects and is the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of notables such as Adolf Hitler, Ayn Rand, Rachel Carson, Princess Diana (her birth and tragic death!), Newt Gingrich, and Barack Obama.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards and Cosmic Blinks from Above

However! 17 South is not the PE of this 1966 Uranus-Pluto Conjunction, 4 North is! Because prior to the June 30th conjunction, a 4 North Eclipse manifested on May 20, 1966 @28Tau55 (spotlighted in red, 11th house near the NN-Algol conjunction) among the stars of the Pleiades constellation. And considering America's current conditions of upheaval, protests, revolt, violence, riots that bring changes in government, and civil rights demonstrations, it seems significant to me that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the mid-1960s are now triggered or activated via opposition from the transiting midpoint of Uranus-and-Pluto in mid-Pisces (@16Pis51 as I type).

Other cosmic factors are involved, of course, such as the harsh conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 which imprinted the duo's compressed, toilsome energies upon the year 2020. As a planetary pair, Saturn-Pluto can also represent 'deeply researching scientists, violent people, reactionaries, and mass murderers' (Ebertin) - all of which sounds to me like events and people of 2020 so far including the pandemic, rioting in the streets, violent acts and the threat of them, political conflicts, and the cruelty of a leadership that cares nothing for its people.

Yet another chart factor stands out and cosmically links events and conditions of 1966 with 2020: currently we're again influenced by a 4 North Solar Eclipse which recently perfected at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation. And as you know, History tends to rhyme so it's no wonder that we are dealing once again with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation, illusions' and more. Note that 4 North solar eclipses occurred in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, (1966), 1984, and 2002 and relate to restrictive or separative events and/or illusions operable during those years. See the center of the horoscope for a few events of 1966. You may also wish to note the Sabian Symbol of the rising Jupiter ('12 Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby With a Message") and the fact that opposing expansive Jupiter is health asteroid Aesculapia. Plus, 2020's Capricorn stellium of planets cluster around 1966's Saturn-Neptune midpoint @24Cap37 which is the "illness axis" (Ebertin) - and the 8th cusp of this chart with US natal Pluto upon it. Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: a serious illness (Ebertin).

Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens (or Jamaica) New York; Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius = "The Pied Piper" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Other cosmic links are more obvious than the eclipse connection: Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51--the mouthpiece) rises in this Uranus-Pluto 1966 chart along with the Sun (8Can09) and fixed star Alhena (to have a mission), plus, 1966's North Node of future direction (24Tau43 in 11th house) points toward the nasty star of fury and destruction, Algol, which twinkles upon Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC': his Goal). Algol always implicates the malevolent stare of vicious Medusa. (With Trump I tend to think of this as the raptor's stare! Tragically, We the People are in the raptor's direct line of sight with his aggressive, vengeful Mars opposing US natal Moon.)

Now there are many more chart factors worth noting (leave your on-topic comments if you wish!) but let's close with only a bigly one:

Now you know that grim reaper Saturn is aka, the old man or senex, right? Dr. Liz Greene calls him 'the old devil' and I would never disagree with that assessment. Saturn represents authority and authority figures, accountability, responsibility, maturity, seniority, old age, the past, concentration, hard work, the taskmaster, lesson-bringer, solidity, consolidation, soberness, modesty, shyness, flaws, conservation, preservation, studiousness, reserve, economy, loss, learning from experience, borders, walls, bones, skeletons, teeth, cells, systems and structures, soil, tectonic plates, the Earth, inertia - the list goes on, as you know. In the chart above, earthy Saturn is placed in watery Pisces ('a struggle with opponents') and acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern. This handle is similar to the lead planet of a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined toward success; a high-powered executive) of planets. Plus, Bucket handle Saturn here is at a critical-crisis 29th degree, straining toward the Aries Point.

Now as you know, a Bucket is a Bowl with a handle, hemispheric emphasis is important, and the handle planet acts as "an important direction of interest" but doesn't change the fact that a Bowl denotes a dedicated cause or mission. With a handle planet, it's more a question of "adapting allegiances to lines along which efforts count for the most" (Jones). This Saturn represents either the "instructor or inspirer of others" or the zealous "agitator and malcontent". So - what's in it for him? Well, I'll let you decide who might be fulfilling the role of 1966 Saturn in 2020, if anyone, and with the violent energies of Uranus-Pluto stirred up and expressing online and in the streets.

Yes once again, as in 1966 during the Vietnam War, deferral-lovin' Trump is "a soldier derelict in his duty" as he mishandles the Covid-19 catastrophe, takes no responsibility, and hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer and die. And instead of calming riots in the streets of America, he promotes them! To me it seems as if a lot of "misjudging strength or the situation" is going on in Washington DC (another 4 North influence) under figurehead Trump.

Meanwhile, we should probably add that the Moon-Venus opposition across the 6/12 victim-savior axis forms the rim of the Bowl (with Moon conjunct war-like Antares!) which handle Saturn, the authority figure, has hold of. Besides the suggestion of maladjusted relationships within this opposition, Moon-Venus in Politics and Business suggests potentials for "manufacturing and agricultural productivity and how it affects the overall wealth and well-being of the people" and "how a country preserves the heritage, customs, lifestyle, and culture of native people" and "esteem for minority groups" (Munkasey). Under the Trump regime, I'd have to say, lack of esteem for minorities, anti-preservation attitudes for cultural sites and customs, and little if any sense of well-being for everyone.

Because after all, authoritative Saturn rules government, law, business, and tradition, but with Trump's natal Saturn in the watery, tribal, nationalistic, emotional sign of Cancer, his tendencies toward discontent, fantasy when realism is called for, and egotistical hypersensitivity constantly interfere with the possibility that he is able to exhibit any real leadership so that his complete lack of respect for rules, laws, and traditions makes him merely a corrupt scofflaw president if he's any kind of president at all.

Troubles by the bucket? Yeah, we've got 'em.

Jul 26, 2020

US Pluto Return: a Western Sidereal Astrology lens

Of Inner and Outer Spaces

by Jude Cowell

July 26, 2020: In 2005, as Stars Over Washington was getting underway, I determined that Western Tropical Astrology would be used to scrutinize (and criticize!) American politics and politicians, plus, as my lens to check out historical and current events with a leaning toward the common good. After all, life on Earth is complicated as is any system of analysis used to describe it in some sort of manageable fashion for the curious reader. My choice was more or less intended to keep things squashed down to a "dull roar" if you know what I mean even though trying to limit infinity via Astrology or by any other means is a sisyphusian task. Topics are too broad, problems are too deep, secrets too hidden, and most events occur due to long-standing karmic conditions mishandled in the past and often left unaddressed. Astrological Pluto, with its 248-year cycle, knows all about karma and past mistakes left uncorrected - until permanent change takes the lead as if unbidden.

However, one As Above So Below topic now rears its fire-breathing head above the rest in 2020, while a certain culmination draws near and its primary protagonist is known to even the least astrologically informed Earthling. That is the US Pluto Return creeping into Collective awareness in part due to the plethora of plutonian themes we're now swamped by including income inequality out of control and the deadly pandemic invading American society. (Not to diss pandemic and economic losses and problems elsewhere but this is a post about Washington DC as representative of America, hence its title, SO'W.)

Even the sign through which predator Pluto the Invisible now stealthily creeps as he vultures toward his 1776 degree in Saturn-ruled Capricorn adds fuel to our feelings of general alarm with Reinhold Ebertin labeling Pluto in Capricorn as, "the dictator." When draconian-totalitarian-fascist regimes arose in the 1930s with their destructive spirit on brutal display and bigotry in their shriveled hearts, Pluto was moving through Capricorn's opposite sign of Cancer (Ebertin's "the magician" placement). But these days, fascists in the US and elsewhere are banking on a culmination of Plutonian control and manipulation shown by Pluto-opposite-Pluto (from tribal Cancer to governmental Capricorn) as a Full Moon timing device for their devilish 'dream of transformation becomes reality'. During decades of preparation they have extended their methods and influence since the Nazi era and are expecting global success once America is 'taken down' a la Trump and his totalitarian backers.

Loss Leaders of The Fray

Of course, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of compressive, harsh Saturn and Pluto timed a major signal or shift of draconian intentions and activities for conjunctions of any planets are actually New Moons that express the seeding of a new cycle of activity in relation to the particular planetary energies involved. A watershed moment of global difficulties was reached with Year 2020 acting the role of 'cosmic star' of that particular Saturn-Pluto drama of brutality, control, and loss. Waiting in the wings of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic soon made itself felt and its release was touted as a giant 'oops!' although on several occasions suspicious me has termed it purposeful and targeted for mismanagement, especially in the US. Because to this Daughter of the Revolution it seems no coincidence that the catastrophic pandemic was timed to sabotage Election 2020 and add its destruction to the collapse of America. Now you, dear reader, may disagree but there it is.

So today with the ramping up of complicated situations in full swing as the world careens toward 2021, many folks are searching for all the Pluto Return info they can find. Therefore, I'm recommending an expanded view of the US Pluto Return/s by expert astrologer Kenneth Bowser using his preferred system, the Western Sidereal. For as you know, in the Tropical system, America's Pluto 'returns' to its July 4, 1776 position of 27Cap33 multiple times (due to retrogradation) during the year 2022. But in the Sidereal system, the key year is 2024.

Does this timing difference indicate a conflict? Perhaps. Yet we know that all planetary cycles describe processes over periods of time so perhaps you agree that the Pluto-esque year of 2020 has brought events and conditions revealing that the world has entered a years-long dark tunnel of sorts, a tunnel leading to Pluto's Cave where The Dragon stands guard over piles of gold and precious jewels secreted far far away from - dare I type it - the 99%. We might even wish to begin counting our cave exploration jaunt from late January 2008 when transit Pluto entered Capricorn, a year of Collective losses on the rise via financial collapse while bankers, corporatists, and politicians made off like the bandits most of them are. But no matter when the modern Plutonian era began, it seems obvious that the global tunnel of turmoil extends into 2022, 2023, 2024, and beyond.

And despite Pluto's potential for regeneration, I'd even say that Humanity has messed things up on Earth very badly when we could have behaved so much better. That the elite class, its enablers, and wanna-bes now scramble in their attempts to blast off into outer space hoping to 'conquer' other planets seems more than a little pathetic to me considering how they've abused and plundered Mother Earth. Can anyone think the greedy wastrels would act any better in space? A puh! and a lol to such vain hope from yours truly! Of course, ridding our tattered Earth of their sorry selves would most likely be a bonus for humanity, wouldn't it?

Meanwhile back on Earth, the debris piles up - nuclear waste, garbage, and otherwise - as Americans face the return of Pluto to its 1776 degree which will activate any and all aspects and conditions of 1776 Pluto's position in the US founding chart/s - primarily, our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of crisis and social problems that cause anxiety yet which must be resolved one way or another. With psychological planet Pluto active we become aware that karmic progress, though much needed, is difficult now with transit Pluto making a series of oppositions to US natal Mercury (25Cancer) revealing that information (Mercury) is intense and subject to manipulation and 'adjustment' (Pluto) even more than previously; total control and vast power are sought by plutonian actors via US Election sabotage, among other fraudulent tactics that include the destruction of our laws, systems, and traditions. Yet our nation's Pluto Return marks a period when we must fight to preserve the continued existence of America as a Republic and must rebuild once the dust has settled!

So as I continue preparing my next post concerning our US Pluto Return (with a vast array of current events constantly interrupting that require attention) my hope is to keep the topic on the briefer side by using Western Tropical Astrology to view the July 4, 1776 horoscope that I most often prefer, set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Sagittarius rising ruled by expansive Jupiter exalted in Cancer. For the 5:09 pm horoscope shows two Cardinal World Points of manifestation upon the MC-IC axis (Aries-Libra on the WHY? and HOW? Points). That's Jupiter the Thespian in his many roles as the explorer, adventurer, discoverer, boundary-breaker, land-grabber - and banker, financier, corporatist, politician, guru, priest, and The General.

2020--2024 Solar Eclipses Echo 1930--1934

Since eclipses influence historical events, let's add a few solar eclipse notes comparing 2022 and 2024 with 2023 in between. Now the eclipses of 2021 may provide some respite but buckle up in 2022 for two Solar Eclipses occur, one on April 30th @10Taurus in the 6 North Saros Series ('relationship to authority figures') and the second on October 25th @2Scorpio, a 6 South eclipse that in 1932 timed the Nazi Rise to Power in Germany (and rise of FDR in the US) with themes of 'forcefully taking power' and 'expending huge efforts in group activities'. In 2023 comes a repeat of the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse, this time @30Aries in the 7 North series ('deep passion long-hidden'). Plus, 7 South on October 14, 2023 @21Libra is highly troublesome as well with Mars-Pluto vibes and themes of 'immense power, anger, force', and/or 'crisis'. Then in 2024, another significant Great American Eclipse manifests, this time @19Aries in the 8 North series with themes of 'new-found inspiration, vivid dreams, inventiveness, and/or flashes of genius'.

Now naturally I agree with you that 8 North themes sound pretty good considering the eclipse themes of 2022 and 2023, even those of 2020. But that's only the case as long as its cosmic blink/wild card energies don't trigger evil genius on steroids. Am I right?

A Related Post: America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses.

My Thanks to some FB friends for the heads-up on this important article by Sidereal astrologer Kenneth Bowser. Visit his website for more!

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above Image: Pluto, NASA.

Jul 17, 2020

Capitalism's Biggest Bubble Is About To POP! (w/ Richard Wolff)

July 17, 2020: Here's progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann spotlighting another insightful interview with economics Professor Richard Wollf:

However you can, support independent media!


You know, Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (bubbles, speculation; waste, grand schemes, financial fraud and corruption - with his wounded/wounding Chiron snugged between!) is the perfect vehicle through which a financial collapse of America is being implemented, as we now see. And of course, these conditions are aided mightily by Pluto's creep through structural Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Yet there is a small amount of comfort in knowing that transit Pluto has been opposing Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer and bringing him challenges and a few failures in his abuse-of-authority-and-power department!

Jun 29, 2020

Fighting The Most Corporate Friendly SCOTUS In History (w/ David Sirota)

June 29, 2020: From progressive broadcaster-author Thom Hartmann and his guest David Sirota:


Related Astrology: Horosopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790. Archetype Minerva: 'to be accomplished'. As it turn out, the US Supreme Court is extremely accomplished at protecting corporations and a huge fan of preserving American Plutocracy (as is the US Constitution but that's another day's post).

And as we know, corporatism + statism = fascism. We've been repeatedly warned of this. And here it is under a stark, constraining Saturn-Pluto banner in January 2020 and a 'new order' ushering itself in with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020 - conjunct the US POTUS Sun's degree (00AQ+).

Jun 4, 2020

June 2020 Uranus activates 1865 Saturn-Pluto

What's Old Is New Again: Or Is It Vice Versa? Naming No Names

by Jude Cowell

June 4, 2020: Nowadays in America our freedoms are in danger of being vastly restricted. We see it in political events and speeches, in the news, and overhead in the skies. Therefore, care must be taken not to publish on topics that might attract the raptor's gaze. This is something I'd hoped never to have to type in a Stars Over Washington post but the time has drawn nigh, my friends. And so what do I haul off and do this evening? Make an attempt to find corresponding astrological factors that reflect current events to describe the protests, demonstrations, and the overly forceful, reactionary responses from denizens of the White House who feel under threat from the populace and so they threaten We The People. In this case, it's peaceful protesters under siege by alt-right operatives and "soldiers" in black wearing no identifying insignia - ordered about by a desperate man. But there's no call to list such calamities here for we're all drenched with news of the day and, in fact, must make concerted efforts to avoid knowledge of it.

As Above So Below! I refer to the current position of transit Uranus in early Taurus now activating a certain opposition in the founding horoscope of a controversial organization that formed on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee--a group well known for its violent tendencies and strong-armed behavior. But through an abundance of caution, I shall not name it, nor anyone else, in this post.

For you see, this particular group, backed by enablers both foreign and domestic, coup'ed the White House in 2016/2017 so I suspect you know which group I refer to. The group's natal aspect now activated is a brutal Saturn-Pluto opposition across the Taurus-Scorpio axis and now transit Uranus has careened along within the same degree area and spurred the harsh opposition into expression in our day.

Now as you know, the cycle of Uranus is approximately 84 years in length so this transit has occurred before (since 1865) when transit Uranus was around 8-12 Taurus - significantly during the 1930s. Well, who doesn't know that upheaval, turbulence, and power-grabs in society occurred during those days, too? And by like-minded perpetrators attempting to take control of government. History rhymes but note that their coup failed in America. Now they're trying again and have learned a few tricks from their mistakes.

And so it is due to the quickly shifting reforms and threats to change America into a police state that I type at you with more concern for our nation than ever before. For nearly fifteen years I've fussed here on SO'W about how I didn't - don't - 'like what they've done with the place' - 'the place' being my former city of residence, Washington DC, and of course, this extends to the entire United States of America. Yet as I said, the time has drawn nigh and a great crisis is forced upon the American people who must yield to or fight against oppressive forces.

So! With transit Uranus, planet of revolt and revolution, now triggering the 1865 Saturn-Pluto opposition belonging to a bunch of hotheaded sour pusses who just can't give up their treasonous fight, let's consider the Uranian transit from the perspectives of (1) 2020 Uranus opposing 1865 Saturn in Scorpio and (2) 2020 Uranus nearing conjunction to 1865 Pluto in Taurus (exact three times: June and November 2021 and March 2022):

(1) Traditions and methods are under fire from opposing forces demanding change, progressive reforms, and a 'new order' (Saturn: old vs Uranus: new). Attempts to enforce control over events or people will have negative consequences. Moderation is the best course of action but will prove difficult to manage or retain.

(2) Upheavals, unrest, calamities, revolts, protests, riots, strikes, demonstrations, stalemates, battle lines, and a period when past crimes threaten to 'catch up with' perpetrators. So apparently we can include 'arrests' to this list especially since arrests are already happening.

Now let's add the midpoint picture formed by the three planets, rigid old Saturn, powerful manipulator and bank-roller Pluto (intolerant when in Taurus) plus, rebellious catalyst Uranus, fond of speculative ventures when in Taurus yet may fail due to impulsively taking premature actions: "Brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

Now there are plenty of other contacts from 2020 planets to the 1865 horoscope I'm looking at ('noon') but to keep this post on the brief side, I'll add only this: 1865 Saturn @9Sco39 was conjoined on Inauguration Day 2017 by our Inaugural Moon @9Sco21 which at noon est that day had sunk into the 6th house of Military-Police-Civil Services, Daily Rounds, and Health (yes, you know that Covid-19 is one of the current assaults upon the American people--and on the world, for that matter--this threatens to become a global conflagration just as certain criminal elements in society have long dreamed--hence, 'the group').

And so transit Uranus in Taurus now opposes 2017 Inaugural Moon in Scorpio which suggests a period when our domestic environments are disrupted, lives and conditions feel unstable, separations can occur between family members, even pets, soldiers suddenly show up, medical systems are interrupted, and deep emotional turmoil ripples across the land.

Well, I made it through without naming names and I sincerely hope that this As Above So Below post doesn't bum anyone out more than they already were before they haplessly or purposefully arrived on Stars Over Washington. As usual, my intention is to forearm any reader who cares to take note via Astrology, the only system of analysis that adds the element of timing to all matters at hand.

May 24, 2020

May 26, 2020 Horoscope: Pluto oppo US natal Mercury

by Jude Cowell

For a while now, transit Pluto has led the tilt of a BOWL shape of planets. Here you see a DC Horoscope set for the moment on May 26, 2020 that transit Pluto and Moon oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis ('Moon-Saturn' = a health indicator along with ambition and strategy). Moon-Saturn's signs are intercepted across the 3/9 Communication axis (local vs foreign) suggesting that our problems are karmic and must be dealt with, one way or another. Power-mad Pluto @24Cap46 Rx tilts or tips the BOWL as you see while Luna, acting as an excellent timer (to the second!) makes up the opposite rim of the BOWL. A lack of balance is suggested while simultaneously, Pluto, within orb of US natal Pluto, opposes US natal Mercury Rx which implicates America's surveillance-loving, thought-controlling Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 4, 1776--here with transit Jupiter Rx @24Cap00 conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (27:32). Someone is misusing intelligence reports and/or leaking secrets, which in Washington DC comes as no surprise.

Now I'm not suggesting that the May 26th opposition identifies a moment or a day when a significant event will occur (which would take far more factors than one chart can show) but the chart is posted here merely as a symbolic horoscope spotlighting current conditions in society at the end of May 2020 particularly in the realms of Moon-Pluto, Mercury-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto, and more if one cares to seek.

In general, possibilities of the noted planetary pairs include:

Underhanded tactics to gain control, zealotry, ambitious new plans, emotional outbursts, upheavals, investigative research (a vaccine perhaps?), conflicts and uprisings, fanatical aims, plutocrats exploiting the masses (tiresomely!), cold hearts, renunciation, reactionaries and violent people, painstaking work, martyrdom, mass murder, pursuing egoistic aims (wonder who?), a demagogue (peep-eye!), a propagandist, persuasive oration, plagiarism, speculation, large projects, those with power to dispense, 'legal eagles', economists, professors, and, last but not least: a sense of duty, isolation, thrift, self-control, depression, finding fault, wounds, blood transfusions, and/or kidney and other diseases. Obviously, a very difficult period is described and is discernible by conditions and events (sans Astrology) in society.

So What's Not in the BOWL?

The zodiacal signs not contained within the BOWL are: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius (except for South Node in Sag) and these describe huge areas of experience missing from current proceedings at the moment for the plutonians in charge and thus they represent 'challenges to existence' for those utilizing the BOWL energies as they advocate for a cause or a mission with greedy Pluto 'scooping up' all planetary energies (Jones). Plus, even without the lens of Astrology, few people are unaware of the titanic power struggles ongoing in America and elsewhere between radical reactionary political operatives--saboteurs, I call them, neo-fascists others call them--and the Establishment entities and forces which imply, if not promise, society a less chaotic existence (I'm for that! Can you tell?).

Meanwhile, the restrictive, constraining, tough-minded Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 2020 (@22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) continues to bedevil the globe, financially and otherwise--and their last conjunction of 1982 @27Lib36 ('Reaganomics') rises at Ascendant in this chart reminding us of our current potentials for difficult circumstances, loss, and silent power - some directly due to the limitations of Reagan era politics and economic policies (ex: cuts to mental health funding, corporate welfare, etc). Besides, we know that mundane Pluto is stealthy and manipulative all by himself and loves to wield silent power! And with karmic loss-leader Saturn by Pluto's side and strong in his own sign of Capricorn, what can possibly go wrong? (snark).

Well, for one thing, that's Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) near the top of the chart ('MC') as you see which always brings along his destructive, brutal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'death of many people, murder, intervention of a higher power' (Ebertin). So we have that going against us as Trump corpses pile up and his particular brand of chaos and mismanagement reign--now with potentials for nuclear testing. Hopefully, nukes won't be 'the higher power' that intervenes.

So as you see at the Foundation of this chart (IC), the trio of heavyweights form a midpoint picture - Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused through illness; social and religious fanaticism' (Ebertin) which pretty much sums up much of what's going on these days, yes?

And with the intense Moon-Pluto influence in this symbolic chart I'm thinking that the Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of US SP Moon and Pluto in October 2020 may be part of what's forewarned or pre-echoed in this chart. At the least, a cosmic time link is suggested between late May and October 2020 so perhaps Patreon subscribers of SO'W might consider a comparison between this horoscope and America's October SP horoscope recently published to Patreon!

So in closing

Mention should be made of transit Jupiter, the planet of expansion and increase (not always a good thing since negative conditions can be made worse by his presence!), precisely conjoining the natal Pluto of America only once: December 7, 2020. So as you see, this year will be the 79th anniversary of "a date that will live in infamy", a reference to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor what some have called a version of a 'false flag op' (FDR knew it was coming and did nothing to divert it--similar to Trump and coronavirus in 2020). The attack on Pearl Harbor was then used by Washington to justify America's entry into World War II - which was a case of doing what the Pentagon wanted to do in the first place - an example of a practical use of the Hegelian Dialect that creates a problem then 'solves' it.

And yes, there remains an awful lot of such manipulation and 'solutions' that miss the mark going on in US Politics, that "systematic organisation of hatreds".

So my question for you is: through our years of apathy and laziness, have We The People finally merited the sorry government we've long deserved?

Exact 2020/21 Transits to US natal placements include Pluto oppose US Mercury 3x: February 27, June 26 (this chart), January 1, 2021 (disturbing news, forcing opinions on others, crisis); Saturn conjunct US Pluto 3x (power and control issues, conditions and/or events too large to handle): February 23, August 4, November 20; Jupiter oppose US Mercury 3x: March 30, June 29, November 20 (blunt opinions; tactlessness). Note that November 20, 2020 stands out due to transit Jupiter and Saturn ruffling the US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition. Also note that other pertinent transits and influences must be factored in for a fuller picture to be gained--some negative, and some positive and thus mitigating. Thank Goodness. jc

May 10, 2020

July/December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump natal Saturn

May 10, 2020: Today I'm publishing a DC Horoscope showing transit Pluto @23Cap48 (in transit 4th house, highlighted in red) opposing for the third (and final) of three times Trump's natal Saturn (@23Can48 in his natal 11th house; highlighted in green). Pluto's first opposition to his natal Saturn occurred on February 12, 2020, the second on July 12, 2020. Obviously the events of February 2020 were problematic for Mr. Don't Blame Me as he attempted to downplay and dismiss the coronavirus/Covid-19 contagion, while July 12th and December 20th events and conditions in the real world remain to be seen and experienced.

Meanwhile, We Have the Investigative Lens of Astrology

Needless to say, powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto opposing the planet of authority, realism, and accountability - karmic Saturn - identifies a period full of power plays and challenges to his and our government's authority and control. These conditions and circumstances have become more intense in 2020 for Trump and thus for our nation as we see from the late Capricorn line-up of planets which will more of less culminate with the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Airy Aquarius.

So 2020 Pluto's opposition to the authority, authenticity, maturity, and sense of reality (Saturn) of Trump includes his management (Saturn) of current crisis conditions which are cosmically imprinted upon current and future events by the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fate encounters) - and opposing his cold Saturn in the watery, subjective, tribal sign of Cancer. As you know, their conjunction started a new 33-to-38-year cycle of all that the karmic duo influences or relates to, and it timed the ending of their last cycle which began on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36 under Mr. Reagan--his harmful 'Reaganomic$' springs to mind).

So in the DC Horoscope below, I've noted (lower right corner) the T-Square formed by the Saturn-Pluto opposition squaring transit Mars (in 7th house @22Ari39: Aries, the warrior planet's favorite sign) denoting potentials for 'the necessity to fight for one's existence, brutality', and/or 'assaults' of some kind (Ebertin). To this midpoint picture Noel Tyl adds: 'fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration'; and/or 'a gun with a cork in its barrel'. And since American 'goes' wherever Trump goes, this picture also relates to society in as a whole and to males in general, plus, to warriors, activists, fire-starters, and malcontents.

DC Horoscope: December 20, 2020 Transit Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn (#3 of 3); exact at 1:24:24 am est: Hour of an Out-Of-Bounds Mercury; chart-ruler Venus Tilts a BOWL:

As you can see, rising is 14Lib48, the exact position of US natal Saturn (July 4, 1776) and conjunct the natal Chiron of Donald Trump who has wounded our Saturnian form of government in every way he and his enablers can devise. So this charts timing allows the midpoint of the speculation/inflation pair of Trump, Jupiter-Neptune in Libra (also 'political conflicts'--Ebertin) to rise as well, a picture of crooks and swindlers for Trump who is both the wound, the wounded, and the one who wounds (Chiron). From America's exalted-in-Libra Saturn wedged between Trump's Jupiter-Neptune (see notes, lower left) we continue to experience potentials of 'a combination of real with unreal in activities, disappointments, discontent, consequences that issue from false hopes', and 'a feeling of being abandoned by luck' (Ebertin).

Plus, America's Saturnian representatives such as lawmakers, lawyers, judges (SCOTUS), DOJ, those in charge, experts, hard workers including miners, government workers, and the seniors among us, both wise and foolish, are implicated as early concerns rising in this chart. And obviously, the US Congress is on the cosmic menu, as it always is under the destructive influences of Trump.

Well, there are several more chart factors worth mentioning but I shall end with the primary reason this horoscope is being published today: to show transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn #3 of #3 so that we may consider the opposing Sabian Symbols of Pluto ("24Capricorn") and Trump's Saturn ("24Cancer") across the security/ambition axis. As with all degrees directly opposite one another, any degree serves as the Illumination Point of its opposite.

Note: why am I adding only the negative expressions of the Symbols? Because politics.

2020 Pluto "24Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent"; negative/shadow side expression: "abject surrender to weakness"; natal Saturn "24Cancer": "A Woman and Two Men on a Bit of Sunlit Land Facing South" (Mar-a-Lago?); negative/shadow side expression: "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones).

Now if any reader of this post thinks this doesn't sound just like Donald Trump and the current "leadership" America finds herself struggling with under mismanager Trump's hazardous tutelage, we shall simply have to disagree! jc


Is this post too fussy for you? Improve its tone by adding an insightful on-topic comment or two of your own! But as always--any and all ads will be rejected. jc

Apr 11, 2020

Easter Sunrise 2020 Washington DC: Sun Trine Moon!

Easter April 12, 2020 Sunrise: He Is Risen! is how my Easter posts have always begun in celebration of the Good News for those who believe (as do I). Unfortunately, this post has Trumpism drizzled all over it due to current conditions of the Coronavirus contagion so ably encouraged by contagious Neptune floating through its own shady, frail sign of Pisces and with handmaidens harsh Saturn-Pluto and infectious Mars telling their own turbulent tales. For as you know, Neptune's urge-to-merge desires are being fulfilled all too well these days on a cellular level as people across the globe suffer and pass away, their demises often egged on by too-little-too-late medical care which is stymied, mishandled, or denied by politicians and their enablers of an anti-societal mindset, animated by the spirit of destruction that now roams the Earth almost completely unchecked. As foretold.

Conditions will get worse and stats will increase 'they say', and this we intuit without being told from the screens of our TVs and devices where 'talking heads' follow their scripts of doom, jobs are lost, and financial markets crash around greedy ears. Remember that year 2020 is forever imprinted by its first eclipse--a Lunar Eclipse at critical degree conjunct a certain star.

Meanwhile, shocking Uranus is busy lurching through earthy Taurus, a money sign of growth and development, as earth changes continue to alarm and harm, environmental damage and danger distress us, and new finance is sought from unusual sources. How obvious is it that Gaia, our Mother Earth, is upset and who can blame her? Do you know that April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day?

Now let's focus on the Cosmic Weather of Easter Sunday 2020 through a common-good yet political-astrological lens by considering the day's horoscope for clues. My apology that no horoscope image can appear here since ink cartridges are empty and a long waiting period for delivery means fresh cartridges will arrive whenever they manage to arrive. I'd be happy to hand-draw a chart for you but my printer won't allow me to skip print and select 'scan'! Therefore, this post will not consider the April 12th horoscope as fully as I'd prefer.

April 12, 2020 Sunrise at 6:39:40 am EDT over Washington DC with Sun rising at 22Aries and Moon @22Sagittarius in a Fire trine, karmic because the luminaries are in the same 22nd degree. Happily, there's Good News for a Sun-Moon trine suggests strong recuperative powers, stamina, and a sense of optimism - may they extend for everyone across the globe! Sabian Symbols for the rounded-up degrees of the Sun and Moon add information to our clues: "23Aries": "A Woman in Pastel Colors Carrying a Heavy and Valuable But Veiled Load" and "23Sag": "Immigrants Entering a New Country." Yes, Covid-19 restrictions have brought new conditions in and transformation of America and elsewhere, it's true.

Yet with the astrological Moon associated with the physical body and health, how curious that April 12, 2020 is a day of a monthly Trump Lunar Return so it's interesting that Trump has linked the day to his idea of an early recovery and "time to get back to work" after dire government commands to "shelter in place" and stay home from work if you're symptomatic, have tested positive for Covid-19, or are simply contagious with whatever. Apparently his mind has been changed to a later date but I wonder if his eagerness is misplaced optimism, foolhardiness, or a political tactic against his opponents in a desperate attempt to "win" by hook or crook in November? Maybe all of the above. After all, transit Neptune, planet of fantasy, deception, and fraud, continues moving into an exact square with Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition suggesting that he's the wrong person to go to when realism is needed due to illusions, deceptions, misunderstandings, mistakes, easy upsets, and/or eroding relationships. In a nutshell, unreliability.

Of course, no one needs Astrology to tell them any of this for we know his fantastical history of lies, deceit, and misconceptions. Yet in spite of Donald Trump, Easter 2020 brings comfort to the afflicted via the Sun-Moon trine for those who care to receive the gift!

Comic Weather of Easter 2020

Now as you know, Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius is a double Fire combo of conscious + unconscious energies with embers that fly high into the stratosphere like a roaring bonfire when things are going its way. But once reality steps in, the 'black dog of depression' hits hard. Historically, Winston Churchill and Mark Twain (aka, Samuel Clemons) were born under double Fire Sun-Moon blends and are known to have suffered heavy depression and dark pessimism when times were tough.

So although we are facing more dark days ahead, my fervent hope this Easter Morning is that tough times will ease soon, relief will come to the afflicted, responsibilities will be faced and shouldered with courage, and we will look up with confidence in the knowledge that what's been sown by those who worship death will be exactly what they reap--for all will be made right in the end.

Apr 2, 2020

The "Response to Covid-19" is a Plan for One World Government

April 2, 2020:

Stars Over Washington Has Always Been a Saturnian Endeavor

For years posts have appeared on SO'W concerning the 'new world order' and 'One World Government' and I believe that Max is correct--government response to the coronavirus catastrophe is The Plan to fully implement global authoritarian control. Evidence may be found within the use of the Hegelian Dialectic by which problems are created/engineered (ex: a highly contagious virus of mysterious origin) so that "solutions" (long-planned) can be forcefully induced with apparent justification.

And in at least one previous post I have asserted what many intuit to be true--that such a global "problem" would at some point (it's all about timing and preparation!) be engineered and presented so that the world populace in One Voice would plead, Oh please form a One World Government because old governments of the nation-state variety--shown now to be out of their depths--can no longer solve such a huge catastrophe (as a global pandemic). Of course, Globalism has been a basic part of The Plan so that all systems are dependent upon one another--like dominoes falling. And if such a cry is heard across the land, then my status as something of a Kassandra figure can be renounced!

So tragically, the time for warnings has ended, the signs and signals are evident. One World Government is here, folks, and ready to devour any remaining freedoms of The People.

Astrologically, you may find that much is revealed by eclipses which work through, and influence, historical and global events. Here's a post showing the DC Horoscope of the July 5, 2020 Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which eclipses America's Sun @13Cancer (July 4, 1776: Sun = leader/s) for your consideration if you haven't already. Of course, for World Government to be successfully installed, America and the US government, our principles of freedom, and our traditional '3 branches' had to be sabotaged and undermined as completely as possible. We've watched with alarm as criminal Trump and his corrupt enablers have achieved this very thing. The lunar eclipse post also contains links to the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse of 'traumatic transformation' under which the world now suffers, plus, other links of interest intended for the daring reader. Then there's the upcoming Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse conjunct a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation (00Cancer) with themes we're already experiencing: restraint, restriction, separation, illusions, misjudgments, and blockages (Brady) so expect more of such on into 2021. By summer 2021 my fervent hope is that some measure of relief may be felt and we must ready ourselves for 2022 when US Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn returns to its 1776 degree - exact three times through 2022. Power-mad Pluto's de-structuring of government continues with regeneration to follow once the dust clears. For as you know, empires always fall - see Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire for more details.

Now regretfully I must add that this disturbing post containing a message from Max is one that should be shared as widely as possible for a broader view of what's occurring is owed to the American people and to other nations as well upon whom vast reforms are about to descend with 'Covid-19' as the plutocrats' justification. Yet because this post concerns dire subject matter, few if any on-topic readers' comments are expected but, as always, a share-if-you-dare would be much appreciated! For we must inform others while we are able. Seriously.

Do note, however, that all spam and ads are moderated and deleted so spammers should not waste their time. Oh! and a special shout-out is due to Hong Kong whose many visits of late are duly noted. jc

May Kassandra's Blessings be upon us all:

Mar 7, 2020

Federal Judge calls out Bill Barr on cover-up of Trump

March 7, 2020:

Now that 'AG' Bill Barr's "one-sided narrative" of the Mueller Report has been called out by a federal Judge Reggie Walton for Barr's "misrepresentations" of the report meant to hide the guilt of Donald Trump, it appears that current transits of the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse (@24Cap04) continues to be triggered by transit Pluto (today @24Cap24) so we know that karma is in the houses of Barr and Trump. And of course, the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 perfected very near the July 2019 Lunar Eclipse degree. Transit Saturn, planet of realism and accountability, reached 24Capricorn in late January 2020 while transit Pluto has been on degree since late February 2020.

Meanwhile, much of the underhandedness of Bill Barr, fake AG, is now revealed via Buzzfeed's Jason Leopold and his article published March 5, 2020 followed by an update the evening of March 6, in case you missed it.

Mr. Leopold's FOIA request is leading to the redacted information in the Mueller Report being cited and soon reviewed (Mercury now retrograde!) - if the DOJ complies - by Judge Walton but credit is also due to powerful Pluto in governmental Capricorn for acting as catalyst (revealing lies and abuse of power) along with the ability of all eclipses, including Lunar ones, to uncover secrets (the redacted portions of the Mueller Report and its true conclusions against Trump) and for bringing to light what could not have remained hidden forever.

But here it is and now Judge Walton has ordered the DOJ (Barr) to produce the reasons for the redactions in the Mueller Report so we'll see how that proceeds. It won't be enough to dissuade Trump voters from his corrupt side because pathetically, it seems that no crime by Trump ever will.