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Showing posts with label Regulus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regulus. Show all posts

Jul 8, 2022

The 2024 Presidential Election's Eclipse

In 2022, with Midterm Elections and a Lunar Eclipse coming this November, few Americans can continue ignoring the fact that our nation and our Perpetual Union Horoscope of 1781 will be 'going through some things' in upcoming years with the idea of perpetual union under threat by seditionists and saboteurs harboring fascist, neo-nazi, authoritarian, and/or oligarchic visions and plans for the US government which do not include a perpetually democratic Republic.

Concerning such a difficult topic, it's entirely possible that this particular Political Astrology post will bring no comfort to many readers, if any. Yet being aware of 2023-2025 cosmic events can add to our understanding and prepare us for effective ways to meet titanic challenges mounted by those working hard to cancel America as we've known her. Therefore, monitoring underlying causes and motivations through the lens of astrology is an excellent idea when malicious bad faith actors are manipulating people and events to their advantage, and this is an organized global movement of paternalism that the forces of democracy are facing. May I suggest ye olde chastity belt as the regressive GOP's logo?

Eclipse Cycles Echo Historical Cycles: See the List Below

Now as you know, eclipses have a reputation for disruption, often to the point of a complete change of course for Earthly events as inconvenient secrets are revealed and scandals may result. Two nicknames for eclipses are self-explanatory: wild cards of the Universe and cosmic blinks, and they're often referred to as 'Uranian' due to their similarity in behavior to chaos planet of diruption, anarchy, and zealotry - Uranus. Perhaps you'll remember how Donald Trump was born with a 10th house (Career) Uranus @18Gemini, his oriental planet (rising just before his Sun) which means that erratic Uranus is his guiding planet, and in Mercury-ruled Gemini, made him a convincing orator (for some, for a while). However, Gemini is the sign of duplicity, which helped a majority of Americans see through his overblown rhetoric full of lies.

So when it comes to the US Presidential Election of 2024, the Solar Eclipse Series in which its 2024 manifestation falls, plus its Themes, are significant for our nation, and that's the 8 South Saros Series with themes of 'loss, separation, partings, sadness, overstrain, and/or injury' (B. Brady). And even though solar eclipses occurring in Venus-ruled Libra relate to issues of fairplay, cooperation, and causes that promote world justice, 8 South themes of loss prior to the upcoming presidential election may refer to a political party's loss, or to the tragic loss of American democracy unless US voters turn out at the polls and Vote Blue en masse.

Can this be any more obvious? Because we're told that a certain party is now rigging Electoral College Electors in various states to ignore the popular vote in a more aggressive and outrageous way than ever before. They hope it will be the conclusion and fulfillment of their January 6, 2021 coup attempt.

So for your consideration (if you have yet to do so), check out the Horoscope of 2024 Election's 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 with details by following the link provided, above.

And in case the following is useful for someone, here's a list of all Solar and Lunar Eclipses from 2023 to 2025 w/ brief descriptions of solar Themes:

Additionally, here's a previous post concerning the three US-splitting, Total Great American Eclipses of 1878 (6 South: repeats in October 2022 @2Sco), 2017 (1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus), and 2024 (8 North, as noted, and partile conjunct Chiron) Obviously, a political and social 'splitting' of our country is a distinct possibility as symbolized by 2024's 8 North Eclipse path of totality stretching from Texas to Maine and beyond into Canada and Newfoundland.

For basic information try the Wikipedia page of the 2024 US Presidential Election.

And be ready to participant in our democratic Republic, so we can keep it!

Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Roe v Wade Overturned

Rampant Paternalism Off-The-Chain Chains Women

by Jude Cowell

Strange as it may seem, the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade was announced June 24, 2022 (approximate time 10:05 am edt) under the variable influences of an unaspected Mercury in its own sign of Gemini (10th house) with a rounded-up degree for Mercury's Sabian Symbol hinting at hidden meanings (such as wealthy Plutocrats' fear of reparation for past offenses - note that Mercury, planet of children and babies, conjuncts asteroid Hebe, the servant). Its unaspected condition means that none of the other energies and actors (ex: liberal Justices) in the chart received input from the planet of thought processes and decisions, nor gave it, and a maverick quality is evident. Obviously, the ideological split between the nine Justices is indicated. And symbolically, there's this:

Mercury at "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave-Girl Demands Her Rights of Her Mistress" with 'tofu planet' Mercury conjunct asteroid MIDAS. This symbol refers, of course, to America's oldest flaw from the Jamestown Colony era and the importation of Africans into slavery and the fact that the 'white supremacy' argument still works as a wedge issue to keep us divided and conquered so that the power elite can continue to exploit at will. Turmoil in US economic systems, both then and now, are implied along with the old 'states rights' vs federal government quarrels and divisions.

Now there are other suggestions of financial issues in the chart as well: Sun-Jupiter = MC, The Goal; chart-ruler Sun applies once to square moneybags Jupiter in the 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Death, Taxes, and the Occult; the square suggests overblown or exaggerated intellect, the overvaluing of professionsal status and social position, trying to impress others - wonder who? - and financial implications such as increased wealth. Which share holders will benefit from the overturn decision I care not to consider at this early date, plus, polls indicate that a majority of Americans see the Dobbs decision as political and to this I would add, as part of the global authoritarian movement to sabotage American democracy via our Justice System (Neptune-Pluto = ASC):

As you see, with its typical timing potential, there's a YOD pattern of sorts (crisis; turning point) - or if we don't count this as a YOD, it's simply the energies of the Neptune-Pluto sextile expressing at the Leo Ascendant, the decision itself, which looks to be of an egotistical nature (Leo). Someone is being, or will be, used as a tool for other people's selfish interests--as is Donald Trump since his natal Mars @26Leo is also apex of the Neptune-Pluto sextile. I refer you to the Mercury-Hebe conjunction above. Rapists, pedophiles, and incestual family members must be rejoicing about now. And it only took a lawless 6-3 Supreme Court majority of "conservatives" to fulfill their degraded dream! Now they act off-the-chain, too.

It's Strong-Armed Paternalism in America

Previously, we've discussed on SO'W the Neptune-Pluto pair and its associations with paternalism, criminal elements, drug abuse, drug and sex trafficking, the supernatural, and/or unseen realms which suggests a bizarre spirituality such as Dominionism and religious cults, one of which has long been active in Washington DC: The Family ('The Family' is also described by 1st house Cupido conjunct royal Regulus; it's an organization that is all about seizing political power, Jesus Christ need not apply.

So I'd have to say that this particular American crisis may be described as paternalism and criminality at a turning point which was quickly grasped by dystopian-style authoritarians as their opportunity to enforce radical reforms (Uranus-NN = MC: sudden realization of a joint goal) through which they are determined to stop forward advancement of society - under cover of a "pro-life" stance (a principle honesty held by some folks, but not by these black-robed social meddlers).

As noted, the financial damage to society in America's early days of slavery and plantation life was a thorny financial issue, and so will be the damage to society now by the overturning of Roe v Wade, aka, the Dobbs decision. And that's not counting the civil rights mess and legal disruptions that SCOTUS has only made worse by turning back society's clock to vigilantism and citizens pitted against citizens - really? Can we expect horses and chuck wagons to appear next?

Then one might be tempted to think that potential reparation policies along with other social safety net spending (for abortion, contraception, medical care, to feed hungry children, among other things) have more than a little to do with the overturn of a settled law of almost 50 years' standing. Add to this the extreme turmoil and suffering about to result, societal harm that can be laid on the doorstep of the US Supreme Court, and which should scald the heads of the Republican presidents (from both Bushes to Trump) who shoved Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett onto The Bench from where they brazenly ignore the will of The People - not to except Chief Justice John Roberts who could do much better himself.

Previous Yet Related: Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse (11 South = old methods fail, new systems are needed to deal with issues; blocks are violently or tragically removed - Brady). And note that the Roe v Wade overturn decision occurred under the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of relationship to authority figures, and taking over another's commitments. Or the taking over autonomy and life choices of women, half the population?

Jun 15, 2022

Notes on tour-leader Barry Loudermilk

U.S. House Office of Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia

Undermining Democracy: Tour Leader Barry Loudermilk

by Jude Cowell

With the information being revealed this June during the current public J6 Select Committee Hearings, you've probably heard that on January 5, 2021, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA; pictured above; link to the video released by the J6 Committee) led a tour of the Capitol Building the day before the Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021. Of course, Republicans want the public to believe that there is no link between the two events. Puh!

Seemingly related to the threats of violence is that Loudermilk's tour involved Capitol Building tunnels where insurrectionists the next day were determined to gas to death the lawmakers who were in hiding there for protection from Trump's yelping mob.

So for the astrologer within you, here's a previous post displaying a bi-wheel of two horoscopes: Coup Attempt 2021 and the J6 Public Hearing of June 9, 2022. Notably on the topic of gassing people hiding in tunnels, we find that the death duo of Mars-Saturn at the first public hearing of June 9, 2022 was @18Pisces conjunct the 2021 coup attempt's position of gaseous Neptune, karmic planet of gaslighting, fumes, toxins, poisons, death, loss, and the urge to merge.

Helpfully, Reinhold Ebertin provides revealing potentials concerning the midpoint picture that the three planets create (all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

"Waning powers and weakening efforts; insufficient power to tackle obstacles; undermining of vitality through poison, gas, or an epidemic; mysterious death; grievous and grave loss (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R.E. #ad). Michael Munkasey adds, "weakening of plans" and "cover-ups." Noel Tyl suggests, "feeling threatened."

So as you know, the primary threat came from the Executive Branch of government residing free of charge in the White House assaulting the Legislative Branch on Capitol Hill by using militia-style thugs, gangsters, and ruffians, along with a stirred up mob of gullible, discontented, lied-to Americans told to "fight like he*l" and "stop the steal." And it seems to me that any, all, or none of the January 6th participants could have acted or intended to act as assassins - and as you know, people did die that day, and some died soon after.

So perhaps, dear reader, we can agree that instigator Trump's natal midpoint picture of death, murder, and rage is involved with his revenge and underlies it all - from his unconscious 12th house: Mars-Saturn = Pluto. And we know that, desperate to stay in power, what could've stopped the orange menace from using such drastic measures to have his way? Logical advice and the fact of his election loss made no difference to him. Herr T preferred what a drunken Rudy was telling him - what he wanted to hear.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Rep. Barry Loudermilk, his bio states that he was born in Riverdale, Georgia on December 22, 1963 but with no known birth time, a general look at the planets on that day (basically Winter Solstice 1963) can provide us with some amount of information concerning the smiling tour-leader pictured above.

December 22, 1963 Planets:

The earliest positions of Sun: 29Sag37 and Moon: 9Pis31; latest positions of Sun: 00Cap38 and Moon: 22Pis49 (12:00 am to 11:59 pm). Therefore, we know that his Sun-Moon personality blend is either a Sun Sagittarius-Moon Pisces combo or a Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces with Luna remaining in Pisces. The first pair is a steamy Fire-Water blend while the second is a more practical Earth-Water combination. Obviously, chances are better through the 24-hour period of his birth date that Rep. Loudermilk is a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces personality blend so those are the notes I'll type for you based on Charles and Suzi Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign details (#ad).

Mr. Loudermilk's general potentials include:

Fervent; restless; emotional; humanitarian (!); visionary; a moralistic mystic with deep convictions; philosophical; generous; an irrational logician (my italics); humorous; an advice-giver who sees the folly of everyone's ways; an impractical wastrel; suspicious; divine discontent; may fall hopelesly in love; can be emotionally gushy; is able to sort out the real from the unreal (so he knows better but tends toward Piscean gullibility which is easy for grifters to exploit).

Note that in the realm of relationships, there are multiple indications in Loudermilk's natal horoscope of secret romantic involvements or liaisons but without knowing his natal Ascendant and Midheaven positions, the cosmic picture of him is somewhat out-of-focus so I'll say no more about secretive behavior which he may not express at all.

Plus, it's beyond the scope of this post, but of further interest is that Rep. Loudermilk's Mercury, Mars, and Venus are in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments. Besides lawmaking, this hints that Barry may be familiar with insider trading since so many politicians are. Feathering their nests, you know. Is Barry a game bird, too? Well, at the least, a career in Politics does make sense for him. Meanwhile, this Republican tour-leader doesn't want to talk to the Committee again, or so I've heard. He denies, but his January 5th actions are clearly visible on the video tape linked above!

Loudermilk's Solar Eclipse Cycle a Prominent One

Meanwhile, let's add the fact that even without having an accurate birth time for tour-leader Barry Loudermilk, we know that he was born into the 1 North Saros Series which manifested for him on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (precisely opposite US 1776 Pluto that is now in process of performing America's first-ever Pluto Return, and the opposition to the eclipse implies either higher spiritual vibrations or a turn toward animalism). Does this remind you of the Trump mob's primal violence exhibited on January 6, 2021? Me, too.

Then as you may remember, the last manifestation of a 1 North Solar Eclipse is known as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus with themes that include 'distorted, possibly false information' added to the caution of Regulus: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'. And this, conjunct Herr T's natal Ascendant which personalized the eclipse for him (and for America since he was our representative, ill-suited as he was).

Additionally, the 1 North series is also known as The Mother of All Eclipses and is the one that Nostradamus warned about for its 'King of Alarm' or 'King of Terror' implications as the New Millennium was beginning.

Well, with current conditions of violence and the threat of more violence issuing from nazi-style saboteurs and henchmen, we're really in the thick of it now. So please stay safe, everyone, and I'll try to do the same.

Jan 2, 2022

Summer 2022: Stars Over Washington's Progressed New Moon!

A Progressed New Moon Phase for SO'W Draws Nigh

by Jude Cowell

The photo, below, taken with my phone may be readable for you but even if not, the point is that Stars Over Washington, now in its 17th year and gray around the muzzle, will symbolically reach a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon @9Sco43 on July 15, 2022. Rounded-up to "10Scorpio," the SP New Moon's Sabian Symbol must be somehow significant though perhaps only in a timing sort of way. Here's an analysis of the symbol by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones:

"10Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper"; "--human service on the practical side of everyday reality."

How perfect for yours truly, a Saturnian astrologer! By which is meant that I read genetic inheritance, ancestry, and DNA in horoscopes, not 'past lives.' As in, Science, facts, and realism, not unproveable Uranian theories that spin tall tales of the rebirths of historical figures such as Marie Antoinette. But that's just me. You do you! Because the way I look at it, anyone may be descended from a queen or a king - many Americans are - but each of us are born unique personages in our own right and in our own time.

Now writing and publishing SO'W during its 'dark of the moon' Balsamic Moon Phase which began on August 17, 2018 (with SP Moon @20Vir50 semi-square SP Sun 5Sco50), it always takes a while before an SP New Moon effectively, symbolically begins to cast more light. And of course the SP New Moon eventually leads to symbolic culmination and full awareness to be attained near the time of SO'W's SP Full Moon @23Tau46 (conjunct 2005 Midheaven!) which perfects on July 8, 2036.

Now naturally, I don't expect to be writing SO'W by then due to advanced age-iness, and whether a family member will continue to pay domain fees to Google to keep it Live and running will be up to them but I wouldn't expect such an effort if I were you. For one thing, unless things shift, they remain innocent about Astrology. Even so, perhaps in, or prior to, 2036, SO'W will be fondly remembered by a few readers - and probably reviled by others as a 'good riddance' if it's thought of at all!

So without further ado, here's the horoscope of SO'W's symbolic SP New Moon of July 15, 2022; make of it what you may! And follow the link, below, for a view of the October 2005 Horoscope:

Dr. Jones continues, "Keyword: FRATERNITY; positive expression: an effective channeling of personal aspirations into the common place grooves of shared experience; negative expression: a surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M.E. Jones #ad).

My suspicion is that how well or poorly SO'W (and its author) manage to do such things will be in the eyes of the beholder (that's you!). However, I am reminded of the similarity between the reference to "common place" and my typical mention through the years in various posts and sidebar Welcome message, of using a "common good lens" to look at Politics, politicians, and societal matters. And of course, "shared experience" can relate to political practices, laws and their effects (aka, interference) upon our lives. Plus, as a "Child of the Revolution" ("30Cancer"), my efforts here are, and have always been, for the sake of America.

Yet when it comes to "naive animality," I'm uncertain what was intended so I searched for the term and discovered instead an interesting page describing the meanings of Native American Totem Animals (which may nor may not apply). So having some Native American heritage myself, I thought you might want to check out the animals. As for SO'W, its totem animal seems to be the ram since it began in 2005 with an Aries Moon (plus, the Scales of Justice: a Libra Sun). Of course, the SP New Moon in Scorpio is super obvious: the eagle! Unless a phoenix is available.

To close, here's a view of the founding horoscope of Stars Over Washington set for October 16, 2005 at the moment of my first-ever published post (with royal Regulus rising and enraged Algol at MC!

Dec 20, 2021

Back when UFOs "buzzed" the White House!

by Jude Cowell

December 20, 2021

Now yours truly was a mere babe in arms back in 1952 when UFOS flew over the White House and the Air Force was acting crafty about whether they had ever investigated such phenonmena. But how on Earth could the "Air" Force not have looked into such mysterious aerial events? Well, in June 2021, the US intelligence community released a long-awaited report you may have heard about or read, allegedly 'coming clean' about the controversial topic that engages the minds of many Americans.

Now perhaps I should make plain the fact that I'm not a believer in alien craft visiting our planet. After all, if the beings on other planets are advanced enough to travel this far across the Cosmos, why wouldn't their crafts look more space-aged instead of favoring Cuban cigars? So to me 'UFOs' seem either earthly in origin or in some cases, very imaginative folks see what they want to see - with visions most often aided by imbibing certain escapist substances that induce the apparitions they crave, whether consciously viewed or not. Unconscious tricks-of-the-eye have been known to happen and this may play a part especially for those who read or hear about such events and possibilities more often than their fevered imaginations can realistically manage. And of course, seeking notoriety in the public spotlight may also play a part for some.

Even so, the historical fact of the "buzzing" of the White House by mysterious aircraft back in 1952 makes for intriguing questions, doesn't it? Could it have been a private message or 'wake up call' for President Truman in office at the time?

For historical context see US events of 1952 which include the establishment of the National Security Administration (NSA). Well, that seems related to mysterious White House visitors! Plus, 1952 was a Presidential Election Year. Primarily, the sightings of 1952 were focused from July 12 to July 29 and were labeled by some as the "Invasion of Washington" and fell within the influences of the Pisces 8 North Eclipse of February 25th, displayed below.

So astrologically speaking (and then I'll stop fussing!), a curious solar eclipse occurred in 1952 which also could relate to the UFO topic for as you know, eclipse themes tend to 'run in the background of society' and eclipse cycles resonate with historical cycles in that "history rhymes" kind of way. As the first solar eclipse of 1952, its Uranian vibrations would have imprinted upon the entirety of 1952 and, as disruptive eclipses tend to do, must have brought a form of course correction to events and policies, possibly within or by the White House and the Truman administration:

Below: Solar Eclipse *8 North* Saros Series February 25, 1952 @6Pisces (mystical, secretive Pisces!); the Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: "6 Pisces" = "Officers On Dress Parade"; as you see, wounded Chiron in Capricorn rises along with prophetic asteroid Hopi ('ambush; prejudice'). And with 1952 Saturn Rx @14Lib07, it appears that the US is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return, a significant clue concerning White House authority, responsibility, and authenticity. Meanwhile, the 2nd hou$e North Node points toward America's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@00Pis33) in the 12 South Saros Series ('longterm worries are successfully resolved'). Then as you see, conjunct the Descendant, the Partnership angle, is 15Can14, which, as it happens, is the Ascendant of the Pentagon (1942); also note that with detail-oriented Mercury in Pisces near the eclipse, it's possible that the "buzzing" of the White House was an attempt to distract the president from whatever he was planning, while Mercury here suggests the need for utilizing logic and reasoning:

Please Note: The words that are cut off at the top of the image: "UFOs 'buzz' the White House July 1952." Also penned on: Conjunct the Pisces Eclipse are asteroid "Phaethon" which was mentioned in a previous post as being, "associated with fated events and similar in influence to flying-too-high Icarus (an asteroid which is sometimes active in assassinations among other things)"; also penned on the chart at the top is that Phaethon is "unprepared for tasks"; add Hermes, a Mercurial trickster asteroid suggesting cunning and the possibilities of theft and/or use of the occult; magician Hermes is posited in the mundane 2nd house of the National Treasury.

So for comparison, here's the *8 North* Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024 with a Path of Totality that (worrisomely) splits America from Southwest to Northeast and crosses the Oregon-to-South-Carolina Path of the Great American Eclipse of August 2017 (conjunct royal Regulus with its caution of 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'). So have America and the Pentagon ever avoid taking revenge? Tragically not. America's macho 'cowboy ethic' tradition of 'might makes right' can't allow it.

8 North Themes: "Inventiveness, flashes of genius; intuitive leaps, vivid visions or dreams; new-found inspirations cause strain in private lives as people are pulled away from relationships or social life" (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

Q: is "alien abduction" an example of being pulled away?

8 North eclipses have occurred in the years 1916, 1934, (1952), 1970, 1988, 2006 (@8Aries), and next in 2024 as yet another 'wild card of the Universe' a Great American Eclipse, this time exactly conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer and blindspot in any horoscope. So maybe the 'cosmic blink' of the 2024 solar eclipse will serve to open many eyes to the karmic problems that are holding back progress in America and they'll realize how to solve them. After all, 2024 is an election year.

And yet, here's a recent and related post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.

Aug 30, 2021

President Biden's Mars Return November 2021

August 30 2021: First a Thank You to President Joe Biden for his Herculean efforts evaculating thousands of people from Afghanistan, accomplished and announced today, a day earlier than the August 31st goal.

Yet as we know, his challenges as president continue. Below is a view of President Biden's Mars Return for 2021 which perfects @12Sco35:25, on November 17, 2021 in Return 3rd house of Communications. As one of the mental houses, testy Mars there suggests stress, worry, and quarrels, none of which are at all unusual in US Politics especially when there are jealous, malicious opponents intent upon the failure of a presidency (the same old 'sore loser' Republican tactics). Obviously, this results in the American people being merely 'collateral damage' as we see and experience repeatedly via the ongoing pandemic, plus, several other difficult social conditions which include weather catastrophes and drought.

DC Horoscope: Joe Biden's Mars Return November 17, 2021 11:51:19 pm est

ASC 00Vir28 conjunct royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - the same caution as for Tr*mp, and similar to Tr*mp, enraged Algol of Medusa fame conjuncts MC, the Goal Point, opposite the Sun @26Sco03); chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (see lower left, highlighted in green); in center upper, are notes on transit Uranus Rx @12Tau14 opposing his Mars with potentials for chaos, stress, dangerous conditions, and unpredictable actions or events:

So as you know, when a planet returns to natal degree, the planet's natal aspects repeat as transits to the natal chart. For Joe Biden, this is a bit of a quirky circumstance because Mars was unaspected at his birth (November 20, 1942) and rather than re-typing the sparse info I have, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning unaspected Mars:

"Natal Mars with no contacts or influence from other natal planets can act in an unrestrained, direct manner, and a build-up of negative Mars traits (anger, aggression, willfulness, lack of control, etc) may suddenly erupt in a temper tantrum or a show of force. However, maturity helps control such Martian tendencies with (President) Biden's Scorpio Mars suggesting the potential for taking secret or hidden actions."

Now as some readers may know, I continue to work in heated conditions - no AC since August 12th during a summer heatwave (how very Mars-like!). Therefore, I'll suggest that those who are curious, please enlarge the chart image and read my study notes, if you don't mind overly much. And ideally, this Mars Return chart should be compared to his Solar Return 2021 horoscope.

And note that on November 4, 2021, a New Moon @12Sco40 (see 3rd house) will conjoin the natal Mars of President Joe Biden which suggests the seeding of new plans and activities with Mars the planet of activity, energy, desire, and motivation. Sun-Moon with Mars implies that some realization of joint plans may result. Then the culmination phase of the New Moon will be the 'wild card' November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 (plans revealed? a fulfillment of some sort? perhaps a scandal? all of the above?) which denotes that November 2021, his birthday month, will be highly significant for the President, and, as representative of the American people, November 2021 will also be a prominent month for the United States of America.


The December 2021 Solar Eclipse and President Biden's natal Jupiter.

Aug 20, 2021

Aug 24, 2021: a Mercury-Neptune w more Neptune affair

by Jude Cowell (Coh' wull!)

Friday August 20, 2021: As many folks know, the combination of Mercury with Neptune has in the past reflected many problems for America and the duo's deceptive influences haven't helped the misdirected, self-destructive energies of America's natal Mars-Neptune square one bit.

An example is the 'First Shot of the Civil War' with the Mercury-Neptune midpoint rising on the Ascendant with suggestions of being 'exploited, harmed', and/or 'deceived by others' (R. Ebertin). Then more recently there's the indiscriminate, fraud-promoting, hoax-loving, gossiping, scheming, fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square of old Donald Tr*mp which continues to bedevil, deceive, betray, and undermine us. And he, a fan of secessionists and white-power scofflaws of past and present. Birds of a Mercury-Neptune feather!

Of course, this planetary duo can be very creative and imaginative in a positive way depending on one's motives and on the way its energies are utilized. But as always on SO'W, we're talking primarily about Politics and politicians who don't always have the best interests of our country at heart. In fact, some never do.

Yet why mention the upcoming transit of the Mercury-Neptune opposition at all? Mainly because it perfects during the titanic Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo which spotlights the Virgo-Pisces/victim-savior axis (intercepted across the 6/12 houses in the DC Horoscope, below. This cosmic circumstance adds a heavier sense of karma at work with societal issues of persecution and shifting ideals which must be dealt with. Naturally, we all feel these difficult energies at play so it comes as no surprise to anyone, even without astrological input. And significantly, there's the cosmic fact that the opposition involves US natal Neptune in Virgo (22:25) which makes it what I call a Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune affair for our nation at this particular time in history:

August 24, 2021: Mercury-Neptune Opposition @9:13:20 pm edt Washington DC

As you can see, many of my study notes are penned upon the chart for readers who may wish to read them. And at least four different solar eclipses are spotlighted in this chart, highlighted in orange:

Prominent at Midheaven is the 'Covid Eclipse' of December 26, 2019 (4Cap06), the 5 South Eclipse @12Sag22 in December 2021 that conjuncts this 9th cusp ('good news, benefits'), and Election 2024's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @10Lib04 ('loss; separation') conjunct the August 21st position of election planet Venus (10Lib26). Meanwhile, as we know, all eclipses are karmic, Uranian, and can be direction-changing or shocking for they tend to uncover secrets and revelations, inconvenient or scandalous as they may be for those directly affected. Also note that rebellious Uranus @14Tau46 Rx continues its 'visit' to starry Menkar with its Jonah-and-the-Whale imperative to say what must be said. This star conjoins US Inaugural Ascendants (the Oath of Office), and I believe spotlights the US Presidency as 'bully pulpit' or mouthpiece. Of course, you may disagree, but there it is.

Now the fourth solar elipse is the series we're in now: 5 North which perfected on June 10, 2021 @19Gem47 ('dreams, insights, visions'), here in 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, Primary Schools, and mentally, the Lower Mind. This suggests that ethics, morals, standards, and integrity (Gem-Sag) are very much at stake as everyone knows - add these to our Virgo-Pisces health, service, and employment issues. Obviously, teaching and mask-wearing (or not) come easily to mind especially with the 'Covid Eclipse' at The Goal Point of this chart.

So now let's simply skip to the implications of Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune while noting that generally, the Mercury-Neptune combination of energies in Politics can suggest 'weak or artificial plans that must be rethought', and/or 'a legislature that controls the excesses and dreams of its leaders'.

Add US natal Neptune in Virgo to the mix and we have potentials for:

"Added dreaminess in thinking and reasoning; contrived ideas and solutions that may seem impractical at first, but which have an underlying basis for approaching problems in a new way" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey #ad; my italics).

And yes, we've considered Transit Neptune opposing US natal Neptune in a previous post if you care to view or review the May 1, 2021 horoscope.

Plus, please note in closing that the opposition's Syzygy Moon is the Full Moon of August 22, 2021 @29AQ37 conjunct the natal Descendant of old man Tr*mp at a critical-crisis 29th degree - as is his natal Ascendant (conjunct royal Regulus) which suggests that the malicious orange schemer and his enablers continue to be involved in our Neptunian affairs. But that's no surprise either.

Aug 13, 2021

Jupiter-Neptune 2022: Is Inflation On the Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Friday August 13, 2021: When a dual image of horoscopes was published recently showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of April 12, 2022 and the third of three conjunctions that perfected during 2009, several chart factors were noted in the post. Today, increasing mentions in the news of inflation in the US economy has spurred a re-posting of the April 12, 2022 horoscope for your consideration.

(Please follow the above link if you wish to read my notes for I won't retype them here.)

So as you've heard, in June and July of 2021 the US inflation rate was 5.4%, up from 5.0 in May as you can see in the US Inflation Rate Calculator.

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunct in Pisces Apr 12, 2022 10:43 am edt:

These gaseous giants meet approximately every 13 years: a grand spirit may begin!

Similar to a close conjunction, parallels make good timing devices so it could be worth a peek at a time frame beginning April 11, 2022 1:00 pm edt when Jupiter parallels Neptune (0A00) and up to their exact conjunction of April 12th as seen in the horoscope, above. This provides the curious seeker with a fuller picture of Jupiter-Neptune potentials which include inflation, bubbles, speculation, and/or political conflicts. As you know, another good timing device in Astrology is the quick-traveling Moon which floats from 18Leo54 on April 11th (1:00 pm edt) to 00Vir19 on April 12th (10:43 am edt) with Luna conjunct and reflecting royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away').

This is good advice to my way of thinking! Even for politicians.

Jul 16, 2021

Horoscopes: July 27 First 1/6 Hearing with Mob Attack

by Jude Cowell

Below is a bi-wheel with the January 6, 2021 'Trump Mob Attack' Horoscope (set for 1:00 pm est) in center (ASC 15Tau54) surrounded by the 9:30 am edt Horoscope of what apparently is scheduled as the First Hearing of the Select Committee to investigate the 1/6 Mob Attack upon the US Congress and Capitol Building in a coup attempt to "stop the steal," as Tr*mp has called what became his fondest dream. As you know, the orange instigator really enjoyed watching the mayhem on TV in real time, as Leonigg and Rucker are reporting in their new book, I Alone Can Fix It. #ad

Meanwhile, at the top of the horoscopes below are listed two of the primary ongoing planetary influences that undergird current events: transit Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo with its 'persecution' implications (racial and religious), and the touchy, even violent Saturn-Uranus square timing a period when established laws are challenged and authority is resisted by the more rebellious types among the population.

Now as you see, a decided Mercury-Pluto (surveillance; intense communications) influence was in effect near the 1/6 Goal Point ('MC') along with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius in January. But since then, Jupiter has moved into Pisces, turned Rx, and with his great financial, political, and religious bulk, is opposing off and on the natal Mars of Herr Tr*mp, a total of three times all through 2021 with exact oppositions on April 20th, August 23rd, and December 10th. And with planet Mars (his @26Leo46 conjunct natal Ascendant and royal star Regulus) being the planet of energy, action, and motivation, having expansive Jupiter, planet of good fortune, opposing 'Mr. Testosterone' denotes a frustrating period of potentials for others to block his objectives, for legal actions to prevent or interfere with his plans, for his perspective to be way overblown (as usual!), for his success to be threatened and for him to threaten others, and for his current dreams and plans to collapse under their own weight.

As for the July 27th First Hearing Horoscope, testifying Mercury is chart-ruler (ASC 14Vir37: highlighted in green, 5th house of Risk-Taking) and also rules the Midheaven ('MC': The Goal) @12Gem24 conjunct transit Midas (in 1st house - is this Tr*mp?). However, Mercury makes no applying apsects in the Hearing chart so I'm not expecting much of an outcome but of course, this is only the first hearing to give police officers a chance to testify on what they experienced that shame-filled day.

Also affecting direction is the Nodal Axis which conjuncts Aldebaran ('success through integrity') with warring Antares at the separative South Node. As you see, the North Node in January pointed toward the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse (@19Gem47) in the 5 North Saros Series with its themes of 'visions, prophetic dreams, hunches, and insights from the Unconscious' (B. Brady). As I mentioned, Tr*mp's fondest dream - is to grasp the reins of power and control once again.

Well, we know that the former guy is certainly prone to visions and lives in a fantasy world (with the support of his Mercury-Neptune square) so my guess is that 5 North themes have only added fuel to his tendency for not dealing with the reality of losing the 2020 Election.

Now as usual, a bunch of my notes are squished onto the chart/s so hopefully, those who wish to can enlarge the image and read them. And as always, your on-topic observations will be much appreciated (with your name attached) so I'll leave the bi-wheel with you for now, dear reader, and perhaps more notes on this topic will be added over the weekend or next week before the House's 1/6 Select Committee meets on Tuesday July 27th. Or even afterwards. jc

Jun 1, 2021

Can the August 2021 Full Moon plop Trump into Power?

No Plopping of course, Just Reflecting: As Above, So Below!

by Jude Cowell

June 1, 2021: As you've heard, former guy Trump is telling people down in Mar-a-Lago that he expects to be re-instated as president by August (!) so naturally, at the very least, a peek at August 2021 lunations could be interesting. (Chart below: outer = Trump natal planets highlighted in lavender). Of course, such fantastical remarks could be merely part of a money-making scheme, an attempt to keep his various scams afloat and donations coming in.

Cosmic Weather August 2021

First comes a New Moon @16Leo14 on August 8, 2021, a time of seeding plans and the beginning of new activities. No, '16Leo14' isn't conjunct his natal Mars-Pluto midpoint but it is very near his Uranus-Chiron midpoint (16Leo24) of chaos-creating (his specialty). Plus, his 'lucky break' midpoint of Jupiter-Uranus @17Leo40 could possibly be stimulated by the August New Moon, especially if he's aware of it.

From New Moon to Full: Culmination, Fulfillment, Full Awareness, Relationships

My suspicion is that the cosmic clincher, if there is one in August, has to be the Full Moon of August 22, 2021 @29AQ37 and Sun @29Leo37 - conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant-Descendant axis, as you see in the Full Moon Horoscope, above. The bright rays of a Full Moon can act much as a Lunar Eclipse would do with revelations, uncoverings, leaks, disruptions, endings, sudden changes, fulfillment, and/or an illuminating spotlight cast upon the former guy and his fantasy-prone political activities. And often scandal/s may suddenly appear in the news cycle.

Why, it's even possible that at this very moment he and his enablers are devising malicious schemes going forward that he thinks will catapult him back to power "by August" and now muses upon the exciting prospect - and the revenge he'll soon take upon his non-supporters, critics, and the American people (his natal Mars opposes US natal Moon, as we've felt already). Meanwhile, with his ASC-DESC axis involved, royal Regulus (now @00Virgo instead of 29Leo as in 1946) will also take part in the "stormy proceedings" and you know the star's caution: to avoid taking revenge or all that's been gained will be taken away.

("Stormy proceedings" = Mercury-Mars = Ascendant - R. Ebertin.)

Yes, there are a few cosmic factors that may turn out to be more negative than positive for the Orange One such as the Full Moon's Saturn-Neptune midpoint conjunct the Full Moon (feeling emotionally drained; pessimism; a low character) - and guess what? This transit of the Saturn-Neptune midpoint falls precisely opposite Trump's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint which conjuncts his natal Ascendant (at birth!) and suggests potentials for oppression, depression, emotional suffering caused by others, and/or limitation of freedom (R. Ebertin). Now there's something that would interfere with his political 'come back' dream! And note, lower right, that transit Jupiter Rx @26AQ54 opposes his natal Mars in proud Leo, marking an inauspicious time when efforts on a grand scale may collapse under their own weight!

Now in closing, mention should be made of chart-ruler Mercury's two applying Ptolemaic aspects (listed lower left). First, an opposition to gaslighting Neptune (4A04) suggesting: ideas and plans that are purposefully deceptive, misleading, and/or dangerous; hidden facts, misunderstandings; confusion, mistakes, disappointments; misperceptions; underhanded behavior; and/or unfavorable business negotiations. Add to this a triggering of Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of deception, falsehood, lack of discrimination, and fantasy. (And as you see, his natal 2nd hou$e Neptune @5Lib50 is his first natal planet to rise in the Full Moon chart so that his speculator trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter are rising front and center.)

But then Mercury trines powerful Pluto (6A27), a more favorable condition denoting that personal power can be successfully utilized or wielded, research can pay off, and/or promotional campaigns and/or propaganda may have the desired result. But not necessarily for Trump, of course, so we'll have to wait and see who or what benefits more - tyranny or democracy.

And so, dear reader, Trump's 'August idea' seems wacky and little more than a vanity project, I agree, and hopefully there are other worthy chart factors for those who care to find such information in the August 22, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope. If so, I'd love to read your conclusions if you care to share them in a comment but do make sure your name is attached because no comments from 'anonymous' or 'unknown' will be published or considered. And as always, your encouraging FB Shares or Tweets of this post are very much appreciated! jc

Edit June 2, 2021: You know that Trump himself WAS The Great American Eclipse of 2017, right? Well, I neglected in this post to add that the August 22, 2021 Full Moon echoes and activates the 2017 Eclipse which also fell across the former guy's natal ASC-DESC axis so that similar themes hang around as we continue to deal with the orange varmint, the Republicans, and their authoritarian inclinations of tyranny and control. jc

Jan 15, 2021

How Nixon's Southern Strategy Lead us Straight to Donald Trump - Thom Hartmann


Astrology Weighs In: Aggravating the Original Wound

by Jude Cowell

Tiresomely, the GOP and its wealthy enablers continue to use the fatal flaw (wound) of racism against the American people as a wedge issue to divide, conquer, and sway sentiments and votes in the direction of Republicans, so it may be interesting to have a look at the Solar Eclipse which heralded Nixon's Southern Strategy of August 5, 1968. The eclipse fell into the 6 North Saros Series and manifested on March 28, 1968 @8Aries19.

Listed below the horoscope image are the 6N eclipse themes that were operative at the time, plus, we know that when a solar eclipse occurs in Mars-ruled Aries we can expect a militant flavoring to events along with a competitive spirit that boldly confronts circumstances through leadership that sees problems as challenges; for karmic progress to result, negative Arian traits of belligerance, arrogance, and foolhardiness must be avoided - but as we know, it wasn't and has not been through the years. And since 1968, the Southern Strategy has made the use of huge amounts of propaganda and deceit possible and effective along with the GOP's regular employment of Goebbels' technique of The Big Lie. Because for Republicans, it's success at any cost and might makes right! Or as Trump has asserted, either you're a k*ller or you're not.

So below for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of Nixon's Southern Strategy of March 28, 1968 @8Ari19 in the 6 North Saros Series; you'll notice multiple chart factors but here I'm emphasizing a significant midpoint picture - powerful Saturn-Pluto which conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, which brings to mind the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters); you'll also note that corporate Cupido (The Syndicate; The Family) conjuncts MC opposite doom-dealer Atlantis at IC, the Basis of the Matter; a few of 22-year-old Trump's natal placements are penned on--his natal trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter rises (SN conjunct his Jupiter!), and eclipse Jupiter Rx @26Leo42 conjuncts and expands his natal Mars rising with royal Regulus:

6 North Themes: 'relationships to father figures, authority figures, or, the need to take control and responsibility; time to accept commitments that occur due to another person's illness or unreliability' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Since 1968, eclipses in the 6 North family have occurred on April 9, 1986 @19Aries (Reagan), April 19, 2004 @30Aries (Bush-Cheney), and - just so ya know - a 6N eclipse repeats on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus.

Jan 7, 2021

The January 2021 New Moon and Trump's culpability

January 7, 2021: After yesterday's breach of the US Capitol Building instigated by Trump, multiple political pundits and others are now calling for remedies in order to remove a dangerous Trump from the White House such as Impeachment (this would prevent his ever running for office again), the 25th Amendment (due to his unfitness for office which has been the case all along), and possibly the Republican Party telling him to resign (not that he'd listen; but he could be pardoned by Pence, then abscond to a hidey hole). And with about 13 days to go until the Biden Inauguration, untold dangers lurk for America and for the American people, especially those Trump identifies as his enemies (by which he means 'mortal enemies'). The midpoint between yesterday's insurrection (1/6/21) and January 20, 2020 spotlights January 13th and the New Moon which manifests on that date (12:00:04 am est) and identifies a seeding time for a new cycle of activity as New Moons tend to do.

Now previously on SO'W we discussed a few factors concerning the Capricorn New Moon of January 13, 2021 conjunct powerful manipulator and hidden hand, the very wealthy Pluto. And as you know, prominent New Moons can disrupt lives and events in similar ways as a Solar Eclipse can do - for both share similar effects to the separative, awakening, erratic, unpredictable, shocking energies of astrological Uranus. Plus, eclipses are often known as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' and they may uncover inconvenient secrets for those whose planets it touches.

Meanwhile, a New Moon also indicates that 3 days prior - the Dark of the Moon phase - is a period when things can go bump in the night and shady activities may run wild, undetected. And you know that the next Full Moon (January 28th @9Leo06) may shine a bright light on Dark of the Moon events, conditions, and thus create scandals.

Pertinent to the authority of Trump is the fact that the Capricorn New Moon @23Cap13 opposes his natal Saturn in the watery, tribalistic sign of Cancer and this describes Trump's "they did it, don't blame me" attitude concerning yesterday's seditious events which he himself incited. Yes, this is his general attitude yet only by taking responsibility for his actions and doing what he can to correct them will bring him karmic progress (and thus bring it to America - he won't do this but We The People and others must).

So today I'm posting the January 13, 2021 New Moon Horoscope for your consideration and invite your on-topic observations:

Question: can Trump's revenge yesterday against the US Congress and American voters be what finally triggers royal Regulus to exercise its caution against taking revenge - otherwise all that was gained will be taken away?

Nov 25, 2019

Trump Impeachment Gallery of Rogues and Knaves

With current events spawning within a seriously compromised Washington DC and piling one upon another in squirming fashion, I'm ready for a round-up of related posts in an attempt to place the culprits, goons, rogues, knaves, and complicit compadres of Trump into some sort of order bwo certain previous posts, plus, a few ladies to mop his beleaguered brow.

And please note that there's a 100% chance that the lens of Astrology will be utilized:

The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump.

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named Secretary of State.

From 2007 Rudy Guiliani May 28, 1944 (only a sunrise natal chart) and 2018's Rudy's Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses (links to his A-rated natal horoscope).

Astro-Notes: Stephen Miller.

Don McGahn's natal planets (noon horoscope shown with May 21, 2019 transits).

Gemini Sun Bill Barr.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway (still clinging to Trump's coattails and spinning!

On the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse and Aspects of Roger Stone, the recently convicted and perhaps soon to be pardoned.

Some links between The Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump. Also see Paul Manafort: The Ram and the Bull.

Horoscope: FBI Raids the Office of Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen who now sits in prison for doing what Trump directed him to do.

Astro-Chart Round-Up: Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric. And Dual Natal Charts: Ivanka and Jared (noon charts shown).

In the Realms of Jupiter: Steve Bannon. Plus, Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising.

And remember the very lovely Hope Hicks? She wishes you wouldn't! Horoscope and Astro-Notes on Hope Hicks.

In addition:

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry.

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

The erosion, deceit, and conspiracy theories continue inspired by The Republican Party's Neptune Return (conspiring Neptune in shady Pisces, of course).

Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised December 25, 1991.

Trump's opinion of bragging politicians 1999 !!!

Republicans brag about handling Putin !!! (see Thom Hartmann video number 2).

From December 2016 (we were all so much younger then): More Cronies Added to Trump's Koch-Head Cabinet (video).

And last but hopefully not least, the ever-popular Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? which includes a link to Trump's natal chart for those who dare.

Oct 14, 2019

Will Trump Retaliation Against Diplomats Ruffle Regulus?

Well, here's a stinky kettle of fish: White House will retaliate against diplomats who don't cover for Trump during testimony. Naturally, reading this reminded me of Trump's Mars rising in dramatic Leo with royal Regulus and the star's well known Caution: 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'.

And so, one more time (yes, I'm fatigued by the whole thing, too) I ask Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?. His longed-for fall from grace is not being appreciated by his nibs at all and we've seen how retaliation is an obsession of Trump's with his natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, @22Sag24 Rx conjunct his South-Node-Moon conjunction (20--22Sag; 4th house) with both Luna and the Saturnian Node relating to unconscious drives and inherited tendencies. Apparently, his deep need for revenge and retaliation is a natural 'talent' so hopefully said diplomats will be able to withstand the onslaught of hatred from this vicious, cornered man who has everything to lose.

Jul 27, 2019

Planet Mars on Trump's Mind - and natal Ascendant

July 27, 2019: As the steamy month of August 2019 approaches and transit Mars in Leo nears a return to its position in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (August 11 @26Leo46), the hazy focus of his nibs includes NASA's proposed Mars Mission which necessarily must include a stop-over on Earth's Moon. Yet Trump wants to go directly to Mars, no stop-overs and no safety measures. If this sounds to you like a brash, impatient dumblehead know-it-all with only a superficial understanding of space travel and the science behind it who was born with Mars Rising, then we're on the same page in the Trump department.

Now as you know, the Ascendant is considered by astrologers to be the most important point in a natal chart and represents the Physical Body and, in a word, The Self. So in the case of Trump, his Self is Mars, the planet of energy, action, motivation, and desire. (Please note that yours truly would be happy to contribute a modest amount to a Mars Mission Fund if it will help send his nibs directly into outer space, and as far as I'm concerned, Big T can claim ownership of the mineral, water, and any other lucrative rights the alluring red planet promises. After all, red ties, red planet here he comes!)

So what does Trump's Mars-Ascendant duo promise its owner and how does he express its combined energies in the external world? Let's see if we can recognize the combative, enemy-seeking Herr Spanky in any of the descriptions below:

In A Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin states that Mars-Ascendant denotes "a fighting spirit." Check! But there's more, both positive and negative, and I quote:

"Psychological Correspondence: + Tendency to force one's own will upon others, ability to lead or guide resolutely, active teamwork. - A fighting and aggressive spirit with regard to others. A quarrelsome person, inclination to become physically violent. C Advancement in life by the use force." Well, yes. No matter what it costs or how much cheating it takes.

Ebertin continues...

"Biological Correspondence: Prone to accidents. A surgical operation. Sociological Correspondence: Colleagues and coworkers. Bullies and ruffians." Peep-eye!

"Probable Manifestations: + Tendency to drive and push others to get on with their work, successful creative activity in teamwork, forceful attainment of success. - Quarrels conflicts, disputes." Constant quarreling and vicious insults! Yet as most people know, cheating isn't actually winning, it's stealing.

Then the fact that Trump was born with enraged star, screaming Algol, conjunct his Taurus Midheaven visibly adds fuel to his fiery Mars-ASC nature of a roaring lion made more vengeful and threatening by his negative, retaliatory use of royal star Regulus rising. Wonder if Big T ever carries a weapon (Mars) on his person (ASC)? No surprise, if so. If not, his mouth is probably lethal enough for most if not all opponents.

So naturally, being easily provoked to anger and having tendencies toward trouble-making and arsonist behavior can be parts of the Mars-Ascendant combination so now let's consider a few of Michael Munkasey's insights into the testosterone-driven pairing for further information:

"In Relationships: How you evaluate others for their ability to keep up with you physically; urge to show anger toward others; an impulsive shifting mental focus from event to event; scattered energies. With Body or Mind: Pressure or heat within the ocular fluids" (staring directly at the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse can't be good for this!); "elevated blood pressure caused by (the) environment." How could it not be elevated at his weight and with his hot temperament?

"Thesis: a well-trained military and an active armament industry; an ability to focus sharply on the business needs of industry" (always transactional!). "Antithesis: leaders who don't have the will or energy to mobilize their resources productively" (troops sent to the southern border? dreams of vanity-inspired military parades? diverted military funds to build a stupid non-effective if lucrative wall?); "a poorly prepared defense or war making capability" (cyber warfare and 2020 election hacking?); "focusing the efforts of an enterprise upon its energy or armament needs." Why, war profiteering is one of Herr Spanky the Martian's favorite cups o' tea!

Now in closing, here's a view of the natal chart of Donald Trump but please heed a small warning: penned on are the natal planets of Mike Pence sucking up around the outside with planetary contacts of the two men noted. Spy more links between them if you dare!

Previously on SO'W: Is There a Silver Lining for Trump in 2019? in which transit Nemesis comes to call upon Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo) after aggravating natal Mars and goosing royal Regulus and the star's 'avoid taking revenge' caution with a nasty little karmic tickle.

Jul 25, 2019

August 2019: Time Again for a Trump Mars Return

Astro-Notes on a Martian Combatant: Energy, Action, Motivation, and Desire

by Jude Cowell

First off, in the 2019 Solar Return Horoscope of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) quite a bit of Mars action is shown (exs: Mercury-Mars = NN: quarrels; Mars conjunct starry Alphard: legal and love problems--especially nasty when malevolent Mars is involved with this star which contains the potential for poisoning of some kind.) Understandable given his White House tenure, his many opponents, and his contentious, retaliatory, and determined nature so obvious via natal Mars in Leo rising with royal Regulus, among other factors of discontent, egotism (me-first!), and greed.

Then in Trump's current Mars Return Horoscope (August 31, 2017; 26Leo46) undermining Neptunian energies are prominent as mysteries, secrets, leaks, scandals, lies, deception, illusions, disguises, propaganda, and outright fraud continue to mar the landscape while Trump's true 'character' is more and more revealed, warts and all, as they say. Plus, every Mars Return is a Mars-to-natal-Ascendant transit for Donald so his 'fighting spirit', nose-thumbing at opponents and challengers, and temper tantrums may be particularly volatile in August.

And so, as his 2017 Mars Return runs its course, a new 2-year cycle of activity will begin for his nibs on August 12, 2019 when transit Mars returns to its position in Trump's natal horoscope (26Leo46). I'm looking at his Mars Return 2019 horoscope set for Washington DC, the location a symbolic choice on my part since he'll most likely be out puttering around in a golf cart somewhere during the steamy month of August and fudging his golf scores the way a cheater would do.

(Note: Trump's Mars Return 2019 chart is not shown here because I'm on the fussy side today and don't care to display it, however, the following text mentions several of the return chart's basic and more prominent features--you'll discover more, I'm certain.)

Donald Trump's Mars Return 2019: There He Goes Again

Mars @26Leo46 August 12, 2019 11:27:04 pm edt Washington DC: Hour of Saturn (@14Cap55 Rx in 9th house with South Node 17:25, Pluto @21Cap12 Rx, and the Moon @23Cap52 conjunct MC and Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51) of fated encounters so perhaps this foreshadows the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 conjunct the natal Vertex of his nibs. Also note that his Mars Return MC @24Cap07 points directly toward the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 and issues, secrets, revelations, and/or scandals on Trump's calendar around that time, not long past, most likely concerning the Saturn/Capricorn realms of control, authority, accountability, law, investment, business, and government. It will be interesting to see how or if Robert Mueller's testimony yesterday affects any or all of these Trumpian issues as Summer 2019 proceeds into Autumn.

Now rising in the Mars Return 2019 chart is 11Tau03 which makes the chart-ruler Venus (@19Leo48 in 5th house with Sun 20Leo07 and Mars 26:46). Evaluating if venal Venus is disposited by the Sun which is in its own sign of Leo, plus, with Return Mars, the trio shows much egotism, willfulness, quarrels, fighting, and venality in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, Romance, and Children. Knowing Mars-rising Trump as we regretfully do, acts of vengeance cannot be ruled out, and a Taurean Ascendant can bring up concerns over real estate, land ownership (ex: farmers and ranchers near the border), security, growth, avarice, obstinacy, cravings, egotism, intolerance (bigotry), and pomposity. Sounds a lot like Spanky, doesn't it?!

Now chart-ruler Venus makes only one Ptolemaic aspect in the Mars Return 2019 chart--a conjunction with Mars (6A57), both in 5th house of Romance and Gambling and suggesting Big T's desire for whatever or whomever 'catches his eye'. Working with partners and/or allies can be pleasurable during a Venus-to-Mars transit for this lazy fellow, and an appreciation for beauty and for luxurious travel may be prominent (particularly since he's a spoiled boy who expects such indulgences). Also note that Mars rules the 7th house of the chart (Desc 11Sco03) so legal affairs can also be affected and increase Trump's 'lady troubles' with additional 'open enemies' and/or lawsuits coming forward--and perhaps his children are involved (Venus-to-Mars 5th h). Plus, with just-turned-direct Jupiter (14Sag30 on August 11) in the 8th house of Shared Resources, pay-outs and pay-offs are distinct possibilities as transit Jupiter picks up speed.

In addition, 'martyr' Trump will continue feeling oppressed by others and will tend to misjudge people while forming ill-advised alliances (so what's new, right?) - he may even 'suffer loss via collusion' (no kidding--'collusion' is actually the word Rob Pelletier uses in his Planets in Aspect for this return chart's Moon-Mars inconjunct (2A53)!)

So in closing, mention should be made that the Aries-Libra relationship axis is intercepted across the 6-12 victim-savior polarity (Washington DC) hinting that there are karmic issues to be dealt with and lessons to be learned for Martian Trump over the next approximately two years of this Mars Return 2019 period. And curiously, the Vertex in his Mars Return 2019 chart is thus intercepted as well within the service-oriented 6th house @18Lib24--conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter Stationary (17:27), the boundary-breaker, which suggests that there are multiple fated issues--financial, diplomatic, medical, and otherwise--which must be confronted and addressed for best results if the scofflaw-in-chief is to enjoy any best results at all.

Jul 20, 2019

Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full Video)

It's been ages since yours truly mentioned the following exhaustive overview of esoteric Washington DC, the Federal City's stars, and astrological and Masonic symbolism, architecture, goddesses, 23 Zodiacs, Founding Freemasons, Templars, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and other hermetic topics and visuals--and a long time since I posted on such intriguing subjects myself. But since I'm currently in process of re-watching (Mercury Rx!) a certain 3-hour-plus presentation myself, I want to share it with any SO'W reader who may be Mercurial enough to be curious!

Secrets in Plain Sight was created and published in 2011 by author and researcher Jan Irvin of LogosMedia (formerly Gnostic Media). The breadth of it is quite astounding!

Update 2020: Link to Secrets in Plain Sight.

Related Astro-Posts include: Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City 1791; Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon (January 2024); The Horoscope on Washington DC's Einstein Statue; and, Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle.

Jul 12, 2019

Don Jr and Jared battle to head the 2020 Campaign

Born on January 10, 1981 in Livingston, New Jersey, a previous post In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner uncovers a few things about the son-in-law of Donald Trump including Jared's prominent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Venus-ruled Libra.

A view of the natal horoscope of Donald Trump Jr is available with a Rodden Rating of A at (born December 31, 1977 5:20 pm est Manhattan, NY with Sun 10Cap09, Moon 21Vir22, Ascendant 19Can09; Jupiter 29Gem52 Rx sextile Saturn 00Vir09 Rx). As you see, Don Jr's Saturn conjuncts his Papa's natal Ascendant (29Leo) where royal star Regulus blinks and cautions: success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. So father and son Trump share, if not heed, the karmic caution of Regulus.

Now perhaps you've heard the news that Don Jr and Jared "really dislike one another" and that both want to head Donald Trump's 2020 Campaign for re-selection. Vanity Fair's PolitiZoom of July 6, 2019 characterizes their disagreements as an "escalating cold war" and opines over its effects on the 2020 Campaign. (Funny, I just noticed that "Vanity Fair" can be described by Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra and its typical cry of, "it's not fair!" with Venus the planet of vanity. Funny because Jupiter in Libra is shared by Trump Sr and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, husband of Trump's favored child, Ivanka; and of course, Venus is a money planet, too.)

For the sake of comparison, and since I know of no accurate birth time for Jared Kushner (purposefully hidden, one imagines), below is a natal horoscope bi-wheel for Donald John Trump Jr (center, timed) and the untimed Jared Kushner:

Of interest to our topic is their Mars-Mars opposition across the Leo-AQ self-will axis (diametrically opposing motivations and actions), plus, the Mars-NN-Pluto trio that forms when Trump Sr is in the mix. This forceful planetary trio of power and manipulation conjoins the 2nd cu$p of Don Jr's chart and reveals power and control issues with a karmic flavor. Apparently the two fellows were destined (NN) to disagree (Mars). The presence of Trump Sr's shady Pluto (@10Leo02 in his natal 12th house of Politics and Karma) adds intensity to the issues and may indicate that Donald Sr will impose himself upon their quarrels and make a different choice altogether. After all, a wise King Solomon Big T ain't, and he doesn't seem to think very highly of either man (Kushner a "girl" and Don Jr "dumb"?).

Adding to their power-grabbing is the glop of Don Jr's powerful Pluto-NN conjunction (in his natal 4th house) conjoined to Kushner's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. 'Powerful contacts' yes, even 'tragic destiny' perhaps, yet financial considerations are involved as well thanks to Jared's Jupiter @10Lib04 conjunct Don Jr's North Node, a karmic link (NN) in the financial, banking, and campaign donations departments (Jupiter) with suggestions of Politics and legal matters. And of course, if money worshipper Trump Sr isn't a Jupiterian figure, who is? (His nibs is also a Mercurial Uranian figure but his boundary-breaking Jupiter was stationing at his birth, turning Direct--and over-promising Jupiter loves to broadcast his 'ideals' especially in campaign mode.)

Now on another level, it seems that Don Jr and Jared Kushner were born with natal Moons in opposing signs across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis so emotionally, they have different 'reigning needs'. With Don Jr's Virgo Moon, practical considerations are uppermost with head ruling heart and a fussy love of tidiness; Jared's Pisces Moon can be optimistic but is subject to mood changes and susceptible to external influences, tending to 'soak up' the emotions of those around him. Being in the same room or standing near the volatile Mr. Trump must be difficult for Jared but of course his Capricorn Sun adores the authority to control and manage.

Well, there's my small sketch of two fellows prominent in the life and times of Donald Trump, a man who intends to cheat his way again into the Oval Office as one of those 'success-at-any-cost types of culprits. Conservative rolls are decreasing these days due to age-related attrition so can you imagine the fate of either Don Jr or Jared heading the 2020 Campaign if their candidate should lose? I wouldn't want to be in their light-weight loafers, would you?!

Related Posts include but are not limited to: June 18, 2019: Trump Opens Campaign 2020 in Orlando; Dual Natal Charts of Ivanka and Jared; and, The Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump in the 3 South Saros Series which repeats on December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn and may return its difficult themes into his life circa 2019--2020 for the cosmic opportunity of making karmic progress this time around.

Jun 1, 2019

Trump as Apollo, Hercules, Bacchus? Venus applauds!

Image: Bacchus; Peter Paul Reubens 1638/1640; public domain

By studying his natal horoscope, curious cosmic myths and mysteries turn up concerning Donald Trump who, if one is to believe, was born June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am edt in Queens, New York. Notice the royal reference of his place of birth and, if his hour of entering the earthly flux is accurate, also note that royal star Regulus, the "king maker" or "little king", rises with his natal Ascendant (@29Le55: Self; Physical Body) at the moment of his birth. Also rising is a 'godly' asteroid, Apollo, the ancient 'sun god' along with a certain midpoint associated with goddess (or god) worship, veneration, and idolatry, Venus-Neptune. Perhaps you've noticed that in his own perverted way, Trump worships the female form, craves its beauty. In fact, only young, beautiful women will do! But is his vain self-image detached from reality? In the outer world, yes, but not on an inner level for he sees himself as the handsome Apollo and a royal king, the divine ruler! And we witness his sun worship via the orange face and white circles around his peepers ad nauseum! So whether by spray tan or tanning bed, there slouches our orange-hued 'Apollo' for all to see and marvel upon, red tie pointing ominously downward!

Yet there are deeper mysteries and intrigues under the surface of this superficial Gemini (Uranus-North-Node-Sun) who desperately longs to be taken seriously and to have speaks with world leaders of the strongman variety for Trump considers himself a strongman, too. But as with all human beings he is weak and flawed yet we find clues to his essence by his Regulus rising with lusty Mars in royal Leo (26Leo46) and in the myths associated with the royal star that Roman poet Ovid called Bacchi Sidus, "Star of Bacchus" (the Roman name for Dionysus, who remains well-known for his popular cult following). Of course these days, Regulus-rising Trump enjoys a (dwindling) Twitter following but still reaps benefits from the usual 'cult of personality' made familiar to the American public since the hallowed days of the high-minded George Washington (with whom his nibs can never compare, imho; in fact, they're opposites).

Now everyone knows that the leonine Regulus (now progressed from Leo to 00Virgo) is associated with the Nemean Lion who kidnapped maidens and kept them as hostages in his lair deep within his cave. (This sounds much like the myth of cave-dweller Pluto, god of Hades, and perpetrator of murder, assassination--and rape.) The warriors from surrounding towns would attempt to rescue the damsels in distress but misfortune resulted and so the myth goes that Heracles (the Roman Hercules, the strongman) was given the task of killing the Nemean Lion which he did by breaking its back with his bare hands for the Lion was impervious to all weapons. Does this remind you of the myth of "Teflon Trump"? Apparently it should. And according to the Trumpian mythology of his nibs, he plays the roles of both the Lion and the strongman who conquers!

Now curiously, Bacchus is associated with Regulus, an intriguing connection when it comes to D. Trump. Follow the Dionysus link, above, for more mythological info but I'll include a few details of interest here so you might consider whether or not they apply to his nibs. Such as:

Bacchus is known as the god of fertility, ritual madness (delirium), freedom to do as one wills (as with the satanic Thelema cult "of the Crowned and Conquering Child"), the harvest (grapes in particular), theater (Trump the thespian plays POTUS on TV!), and wine--or in the case of fussy narcissist Donald Trump, whine. In some cultural references Bacchus is a sibling of Apollo, and as the god of epiphany, Bacchus is "the god that comes" and his "foreignness as an arriving outsider" is an essential part of his cult and his reputation.

So if we cast our fatigued minds back to the 2016 Election, we find the Venus Cycle and goddess Venus' 4-and-8-year predictive relationship with the US Presidential Election cycle. In 2016, "Venus in Sagittarius supports a change to someone 'different'", I wrote then--in other words, election Venus in Sagittarius in 2016 supported the coming of a foreigner, a member of the rival party, an "outsider" who would be victorious over the incumbent party. A Bacchus figure, we might say if we wished.

Now let's allow goddess Venus to lure us back to Trump's natal midpoint picture of Ascendant = Venus-Neptune. Ebertin says of the Venus-Neptune pair (in no particular order per Trump and with a few mild edits):

'an erotic imagination, illusion, a person easily influenced, a dreamy nature, high ideals (when it comes to feminine beauty, at least--jc), a mistaken sense of love, indecision, uncertainty, a seducible character, erotic aberrations, inclination to mysticism (ex: idol worship; the occult--jc), romantic reverie, a poorly developed sense of reality, weakened glandular functions, pathological enlargement of the glands, weakness of the sex organs, lover of beauty and art, mystics, dreamers, visionaries, longing for love, peculiar desires and objectives, an unstable existence and changing occupations, difficult realization of ideals and wishes, awakening from emotional infatuation with awareness of disappointment or disillusionment, wrong ways of love.'

Add Trump's Ascendant for more specific potentials: 'A peculiar disposition with regard to love life, impressionable, lack of good taste, a union with persons of a peculiar disposition, and/or disappointment in love'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.)

Now let's consider the combined energies of the Venus-Neptune pair in the realms of Politics and Business a la Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets through his helpful inclusion of the Hegelian Dialect used by ivory-towered societal meddlers and chess players of the world for whom we are only the pawns:

"Thesis: Appeals to the ideals of the people; an inflated treasury; use of inflation as a means for controlling or manipulating growth; wealth derived from gas, chemicals, or oil; exaggerates or misstates internal resources.

Antithesis: Scandals concerning the misuse of, or deceptive practices within, the treasury or internal resources; subversives who desire to gain access to finances; spies in the financial branches; monetary fraud; art deception." For Trump I would add, artful deception.

And Munkasey's Venus-Neptune potentials conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant?

"An appreciation of how reality can be altered for your own enjoyment; indulging in another's fantasy for personal gratification; perceptions about the illusions of how matter or form combine in the world."

And so it seems obvious to me that Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, a major fantasy-prone factor of misconception and falsehood lurking deep within his psyche, aids and supports his Venusian-Neptunian dreams, imaginings, illusions, and deceptions quite perfectly. Yet on this can we ever agree?

As you know, all royal stars in contact with personal horoscopes contain a caution not to be ignored. Here's A Very Closely Related Post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?.