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Showing posts with label DC Horoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC Horoscopes. Show all posts

Jul 14, 2021

July 23, 2021 brings the Biden Presidency's first un-birthday!

July 14, 2021: On May 31, 2021 a post with dual DC Horoscopes was published here as DC Horoscopes: July 2021 Lunations showing the just-past New Moon of July 9th (18Can01) and the upcoming Full Moon of Friday July 23rd @00Leo26 which perfects at 10:36:45 pm edt.

Well! As the Cosmos would have it, July 23rd at 7:54:45 am edt happens to be the precise "un-birthday" moment of President Biden's Inauguration, aka, his Oath of Office taken on January 20, 2021. We all have them 6 months after our birthdays and if we apply its symbolic meaning to the Biden presidency we find that it times a brief period, perhaps only for a day, when one's course for the year should be reassessed and changes of direction made if necessary. Obviously, this 6-month period lasts until approximately January 20, 2022 - or actually until the exact moment of his presidency's Solar Return 2022.

So it may be interesting to see if around July 23rd and perhaps until the rest of July, any hint of such resconsideration or review is mentioned publicly by the President or by anyone in his administration such as Jen Psaki. Of course, they could prefer to keep such deliberations secret!

So astrologers may wish, if they haven't, to set up the July 23, 2021 un-birthday chart to use as a transit chart for commparison with the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope. If so, please feel free to let me know what you find by leaving an on-topic comment with this post. Thanks! jc

Now here's a related post When Pluto Conjuncts the Inauguration 2021 Midheaven.

Jun 25, 2021

December 2021's 5 New South Solar Eclipse: Benefits!

by Jude Cowell

June 25, 2021: Below is a DC Horoscope of the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 New South Saros Series with its themes of 'benefits, good news, peak experiences, joy' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

As you see, chart-ruler Venus @22Cap19 conjuncts the IC (Foundation of the Matter) while applying to a conjunction with powerful Pluto @25Cap07. Some consideration may be due to this particular degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn since '23 Capricorn' is a degree of governmental authority (N. DeVore) and '25 Capricorn' is, critically, the cusp of the 24th Lunar Mansion. In addition, mercenary star Terebellum (Omega Sagittarius), although faint, is located within these degrees as well. So Venus to Pluto (see lower left) suggests strategic manipulation in order to gain control. Financial matters, even bankruptcy, are also suggested as well as criminal elements having influence. Of course, we don't need Astrology to tell us America has been seriously infiltrated by such corruption.

And for those who prefer a US horoscope with 11--13 Sagittarius rising, this Solar Eclipse hits directly upon the Ascendant of such a chart which then personalizes the 5 New South Eclipse of December 2021 for America and further enhances the significance of expansive planet Jupiter. However, if you prefer a different version (July 4, 1776, or other--) then the eclipse falls within a house other than the Ascendant (1st or 12th house) and affects the activities of that house and the houses also ruled by the eclipse-and-chart-ruler/s.

Now located with the Eclipse in the 2nd hou$e is Mars @23Sco40 as leader of a BOWL shape of planets so here we have an activist or combatant promoting the 'advocacy of a cause' or 'having a mission'. A further identifier is the fact that this Mars conjuncts the natal IC of Donald Tr*mp which may be what I like to call a cosmic peep-eye especially since he is known or suspected to have been born with testy Mars rising in royal Leo.

One more Tr*mpian note is that his natal Jupiter @17Lib27 (at Station on June 14, 1946) conjuncts this Ascendant while Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter conjuncts the Descendant reminding us of their previous political stand-offs. Yet a comfort is always to consider the Sabian Symbol of his greedy Jupiter at '18Libra': "Two Men Placed Under Arrest".

Then with critical-crisis degrees on the security-minded MC-IC, we find one of the Gemini Twins, Castor at Midheaven ('MC') - positively a creative star, yes, but also with its negative potentials for 'sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Everyone knows our society is at a critical stage of development, this is not news!

So here are my final notes: the Moon rises with royal star Antares (We the People feeling feisty!), Mercury @15Sag13 (conjunct Arachne: the internet?) accompanies the Solar Eclipse and suggests the need for logic and reasoning power which emphasizes the sign and portents of this Eclipse: Sagittarius, so that karmic progress can be made by an honest search for truth and by utilizing moral concepts and ethics. However, misplaced idealism, misguided beliefs, and false optimism must be avoided for best results (R. Lineman).

So agree or disagree, I personally feel such uplifting concepts are much more likely to be utilized now that America is helmed by President Joe Biden.

As always, dear reader, your on-topic comments and observations are welcomed as are any kindly Shares! Jude

Apr 15, 2021

April 28, 2021: President Biden Addresses Congress

Update April 28, 2021: Advancing the chart below to a 9:00 pm edt start-time puts President Biden's natal Mercury, planet of communication, speeches oration, and messages, squarely upon the Ascendant, raises the Sag Moon closer to the Ascendant, and plops 3Virgo14 upon the Midheaven ('4Virgo' = "A Colored Child Playing With White Children") which spotlights both health and employment matters (Virgo), plus, the racial issues implied by the degree's Sabian Symbol. Compassion will be shown!

Original post begins here:

Astrology's What? (ASC) Where? (Desc) Why? (MC) and How? (IC) Points

by Jude Cowell

April 15, 2021: As you've heard, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has invited President Joe Biden to address a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021, the day before the end of the President's first 100 days in office and one day after the Full Moon @7Sco06. His address is not being billed as an official SOTU (State of the Union) Address since that's traditionally delivered after a full year in office, but we all know that basically, a SOTU Address it will be. Therefore, I'm labeling his speech as a "pseudo-SOTU."

Below is a speculative 8:00 pm edt DC Horoscope set for April 28, 2021 Capitol Building with an abundance of planetary factors squished upon the chart for those who may care to enlarge the image and read the study notes of a novice astrologer with a lamentable interest in the Politics as practiced in the City where she once resided:

Solar Hour (Sun = the leader), regenerative Scorpio rises (the WHAT? Point), and Sun-ruled Leo at Midheaven (The Goal or WHY? Point) provides us with basic information concerning the address. The Scorpio Ascendant (forceful 'Mars-Pluto') spotlights the "A Drowning Man Rescued" degree which I believe will be one of Mr. Biden's themes of the night involving finances and mask-wearing in order to save lives. And as you see, the "Drowning Man" (ASC) is the apex point of a YOD pattern (highlighted in green = crisis; crossroads; karmic opportunity; special task) formed with a Chiron-North Node sextile at its base. The sextile includes wealthy MIDAS conjunct Node Node in the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, and High Finance, plus, priestly Chiron is the wounded healer, here @"11Aries" = "The President of the Country" (Joe!). Opposite the 8th is the 2nd house of the National Treasury with Nemesis Rx (an unbeatable foe) pushing into the proceedings via the separative South Node, a (neurotic) Saturnian point of 'methods that worked in the past but now do not'. I'm counting this 3rd house Saturn @13AQ02 as 'conservatives' and obstructionists such as Republican opponents who work hard to block Biden's progressive, more liberal plans as seen in the Saturn-Uranus square (2A27; highlighted in blue at the bottom of the chart).

For as you know, Saturn-Uranus is the 'old order vs new order' pair of planetary energies. Yet confounding GOP efforts against him is the fact that their old friend Joe Biden is a liberal with conservative leanings so he can be signified by 'old man' Saturn in futuristic Aquarius. Notably, an apt midpoint picture reveals plutocrats who crave power - Jupiter-Pluto - conjunct restrictive Saturn so that 'the big picture must be adjusted to meet with more convention' and 'strategy becomes necessary' (Tyl). This would apply to the Biden administration and Democratic Party as well as to the GOP. As practiced, US Politics is always a high-stakes game and curiously, the public Moon at "6Sag" = "A Game of Cricket': 'exceptional competency in crisis' (Jones).

Also in 2nd house of Money and Values is the current Solar Eclipse which perfected on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (Electoral College Vote day) in the difficult 4 South family of eclipses. You know 4 South's sour themes: 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships; blockages and frustrations; relationships suddenly ended; a sense of fated events beyond personal control' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Hopefully, the former guy's belly-aching and malicious schemes concerning his 2020 Election loss will continue to fade away or perhaps come to a screeching halt under the milder influences of the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse @20Gemini as it bestows the better themes of 5 North ('prophetic dreams and visions').

Someone's Mars Is Rising

Now President Biden's first natal planet to rise in this chart is his unaspected Mars @12Sco35 ("13Scorpio" = " An Inventor Inventing") which can act directly, free of interference or influence; by 9:00 pm edt, ASC = 22Sco08 along with Mr. Biden's natal Mercury (21:32), the messenger. Meanwhile, 8th house Mars @3Can20 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and off attending to who-knows-what - perhaps additional plans to undermine the Biden administration and delay improvements for the American people? Well, as you know, activist Mars when in Moon-ruled Cancer is impulsive, moody, resentful, and subject to angry outbursts, even arson. Add to this an inconjunct from Mars to the public's Moon (@5Sag12 and rising in 1st house: happy mood) and a cosmic picture forms of hotheads (Mars) who lack self-control, tend to misjudge others, and form alliances with, and allegiances to, the very people who exploit them. In general, a Moon-Mars inconjunct is an aspect of nervous irritation and emotional anxiety which describes most of us these days. Yet Mars @3Can20 conjuncts US natal Venus so cooperation is needed for best results. But that would favor Joe Biden, whine the Republicans! As would wearing masks (see the IC's Sabian Symbol conjunct the HOW? Point) and the WHY? Point with "A Chemist Conducts an Experiment" upon it suggesting vaccines created to fight against the Covid-19 contagion and President Biden's inventive plans to rescue the US economy, with a tip of his hat to FDR's New Deal programs.

Also notable are the Sabian Symbols for the North Node ("12Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - will he mention America's killer cop trials? And perhaps reparations?). Then there's orating Mercury @"21Taurus" = "Moving Finger Points to Significant Passages in a Book", possibly a reference to the Bible, or to the secret book all presidents are said to follow. Or, it's simply an echo of the YOD pattern noted, above. Thing is, orating Mercury in Taurus opposes Mr. Biden's natal Mercury in Scorpio, a perfect cosmic picture of the disagreements and diverse opinions his pseudo-SOTU 2021 will activate, or aggravate.

Now in closing, we may wish to consider the cosmic weather of the evening via its Sun Taurus-Moon Sagittarius pairing, an Earth-Fire blend of conscious and unconscious energies ruled by the popular Venus-Jupiter combination. This 'dynamic duo' wants to make a contribution to the world via a stable economy and suggests common sense, inventiveness, and doing things on a grand scale which may refer to President Biden's visionary plans which must be large enough to make a difference in spite of opponents who, by harming Joe Biden, also harm the American people.

Well, there are many more factors of interest in this speculative horoscope of Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address 2021 so check them out if you wish. And if inspired, leave an on-topic comment! jc

(For more details see Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad)

Mar 15, 2021

DC Horoscopes: April 2021 New and Full Moons

March 15, 2021: Below is a dual chart with both the New (lower left) and Full (upper right) Moons of April 2021 set for Washington, DC:

As you know, New Moon phases are for seeding ideas and plans while the following Full Moon is a time of culmination and fulfillment and may also reveal something about full awareness and relationships. In Politics, the 'full awareness' quality of a Full Moon (which can act in similar, Uranian fashion to Lunar Eclipses, disrupting events and redirecting goals) tends to uncover revelations of secrets better kept hidden, or they may possibly inspire leaks of inconvenient information with scandals soon following. Additionally, we might expect the same from New Moons which can act in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses.

Now in April 2021, potentials involve the sign polarities of the lunations which are: Mars-ruled Aries with health asteroid Panacea Rx opposing the New Moon of April 11th (chart is incorrectly titled "April 12th"), plus, the opposite sign of Libra is included, then at the April 26th Full Moon the Taurus-Scorpio polarity (plenty of secrets therein!) is the star of April's cosmic show, curtain raised, spotlight on. Plus, the Full Moon (7Sco06) leads a Locomotive shape of planets suggesting people with a ruthless determination to achieve success (this may describe more than one group of people). A Taurus-Scorpio-themed tussle or stalemate could ensue as it typically does whenever Politics and politicians are involved - and everybody wants to rule the world.

And yes, until late May 2021, we remain under the auspices of the 4 South Solar Eclipse which manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 with its difficult themes of 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships; a sense of karma or fate; and 'an urge to suddenly end relationships' (Brady). As you see by the date, this is the 'Electoral College Vote Eclipse' so political matters and "the former guy" are obviously involved, including his 'big lie' and the subsequent violence of January 6, 2021, plus, other societal, financial, legal, and political difficulties caused by - or for - bad faith actors, many who are now under arrest or are being investigated.

Then as you see in the New Moon chart of April 11, 2021, transit Mars @23Gem06 (basically a US Mars Return!) opposes and thus activates the themes of the 4 South Solar Eclipse (23Sag08) while speedy messenger Mercury @14Ari57 is apex planet of the ('nwo') Uranus-Neptune midpoint which suggests that someone Mercurial (journalists? authors? orators? young folk? someone in trade or commerce?) is making plans that have little or no chance of being fulfilled (R. Ebertin).

At the April 26th Full Moon (7Sco06) we should note that powerful plutocrat Pluto is at Station Direct and turns Rx in 16 Hours 30 Minutes @26Cap48:29 which is, of course, the Midheaven (The Goal Point) in our Inauguration 2021 Horoscopes of recent years. And with 'unbeatable foe' asteroid Nemesis Rx in both charts conjunct the South Node, past enemies could be itching to affect current events, or may represent a factor that bad faith actors will rely on (SN) to force their way in to where they don't belong.

First thought? Criminal underworld figures slipping in to the country over the US-Mexico border. Yet we must also think of the fighters and agitators who brazenly breached the Capitol Building and the US Congress on January 6th with the misguided goal of stopping the certification of the 2020 Votes for Joe Biden.

(btw: Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio is the natal personality blend of President Harry Truman, and is the polar opposite of President Biden's natal personality blend of Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus.)

Now to close this post on a somewhat different note, here's my pencil-on-paper depiction of the Sabian Symbol for the April 2021 New Moon's rounded-up degree of "8 Scorpio": The Moon Shining Across a Lake:

Mar 8, 2021

May 2021 Neptune opposes US Neptune: Ideals and Immune Systems

March 8, 2021: Virgo Sign of Health - and Employment

by Jude Cowell

Below is a DC Horoscope for the moment on May 1, 2021 10:44:49 pm EDT that 2021 Neptune opposes US natal Neptune (22Pis25 vs 22Vir25) across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces. This is the first of three such oppositions, the others are listed in the text, below. Also prominent in this horoscope and relating directly to Health concerns, plus, Neptunian spirituality, is the Moon-North-Node midpoint ('Moon-NN' = Immune System; Spiritual Unions) conjunct the globally significant Aries Point ('AP') which conjuncts the 1776 IC 00Ari47, the Basis, Foundation, or Root of the Matter. Yes, this is a global phenomenon ('AP') for Gaia's 'immune system' of defense has also been weakened, as you know.

Note: Use of one or the other US horoscopes would naturally yield different timing results, but this is the chart (center) that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) for America even though the hour is a bit on the late side and the Founders were likely having dinner by then!

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. Listed transits include:

2021 Pluto oppo US natal Mercury Rx across the 2/8 financial axis, 2021 Jupiter conjunct US natal Moon (We The People: $?), 2021 Moon-Mercury midpoint = 1776 Neptune and opposing US natal Neptune; 2021 Mars conjunct 1776 Jupiter; and 1776 Saturn-Neptune midpoint (the illness axis, also social welfare) conjunct 2021 Midheaven ('MC'). Potentials of transits and midpoint pictures are sprinkled around the bi-wheel as are a few details concerning the Neptune-opposite-Neptune transit, highlighted in blue. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune duo relates to systems such as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Zionism, Capitalism, and other such manmade -isms.

And note that therefore 2021 Neptune squares US natal Mars (@21Gem22 in natal 7th house) which activates our 1776 Mars-Neptune square, and suggests a period of potentials such as fevers, headaches, infections, weakness, exploitation, harm, paralyzed activity, healthcare and hospital issues, scandals involving the Armed Forces, the 'fog of war', and/or industrial espionage (Ebertin). These are already expressing, aren't they? Financial issues are also found in the chart but this post isn't for that, although I should point out that the 2021 North Node of destiny @11Gem03 points toward 2021 Midas as the gold-lover sits between the 1776 Descendant axis of Partnerships (12Gem08) and the 2021 Descendant (15Gem54). And as you know, Midas is most often retrograde but on May 1, 2021 it is not. Obviously, finances are involved in both health and employment issues and the much-needed passage and signing of a Covid Relief Bill is apparently on America's 'path' (NN) - perhaps to be achieved this week. Meanwhile, in the realms of higher or lower ideals, Neptune vs Neptune = materialism vs spiritualism. The choice is yours! It may help that the cosmic weather on May 1st is a practical Earth blend of Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn, a reliable combination of energies with a paternal concern for those in need! And this is the natal personality blend of President James Monroe (RR: C) born in 1758 with a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Leo - and throughout his life James was on the sickly side.

And so I'm suggesting that 'weakness' includes weakened immune systems, plus, our natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Health but also of Work, hints at our current employment-unemployment conditions and weaknesses. Trusting the numbers isn't easy, is it? Well, we know that the undermining function of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has been at work for some time at work and within our immune systems.

Now the three oppositions of transit Neptune to US natal Neptune are penned upon the chart but, to close, I'll type the list for you here as well:

1. May 1, 2021; 2. August 21, 2021; 3. March 1, 2022.

Please stay safe and well everyone! jc

Mar 6, 2021

Modern Humanity Horoscope with March 2021 Transits

UPDATE April 22, 2022: Noting that the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct radical Uranus meets the North Node of Modern Humanity, or we could say that the Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 falls eerily across our path. jc

Original post begins here:

A Cosmic Check-Up for Modern Humanity: Our Appointment? March 8, 2021

by Jude Cowell

March 6, 2021: Below is the DC Horoscope of the Modern Humanity Eclipse of 1892 which perfected on *April 26th at 4:46:34 pm est @7Tau05 in the 2 Old North Saros Series. Around the eclipse chart in center are the transits for March 8, 2021 set for 12:40:15 pm est Washington DC. I chose this hour for our "appointment" because it's when the July 4, 1776 Sun @13Can19 rises on March 8th, plus, US natal Sun sits atop the eclipse chart, as you see, in the catbird seat and visible to all. This sign and degree seems significant to me because of the 1892 Eclipse Midheaven/Immum Coeli axis, aka, the MC-IC Security/Homeland axis which emcompasses Career and Domestic Scene. Naurally, parental and child issues are also involved across the 4/10 polarity which in Western Astrology is ruled by the Moon (Cancer 4th house) and Saturn (Capricorn 10th house), the lunar mommy and solar daddy significators with family concerns close at hand. Of course, the Moon-Saturn duo can tend toward depression or illness, but also to ambition, strategy and direction:

Now I've tried not to scribble all over the bi-wheel with basic chart factors as I tend to do, however, penned upon the image are the more prominent planetary contacts of Monday March 8, 2021 and beyond since some transits are ongoing (perfecting multiple times, some already in progress) while some transits have yet to perfect but are included because they're within orb and will gain strength as they become exact.

An example is 2021 Mars to 1892 Neptune and Pluto @7Gem34/37 in the financial and corporate 8th house. As you know, America is under an ongoing attack (Mars) by criminal elements or the criminal underworld (Neptune-Pluto: racketeers and mobsters) who've infiltrated federal and state governments, some of whom work to sabotage our country into complete collapse and destroy democracy as a system of government - and with helpers in the political class. (You recognized the Tr*mp Mob's 'take-over' objective on January 6, 2021, I'm certain.) There exist social meddlers who want We The People in the streets with pitchcforks in hand! But personally I prefer legislative and legal powers to beat them and their lousy policies back.

Meanwhile, the Neptune-Pluto duo also represents the psychic roots of man (A. Oken) which makes the karmic pair, here in the 8th house of the Occult, prominent on an inner and/or spiritual level, and sometimes suggesting supernatural involvement.

A News Note: Today around noon or so, the US Senate passed a somehat reduced Covid Relief Bill which then goes back to the House to be re-passed before President Biden can sign it into law (because changes were made from the House version). So if its weighty abundance doesn't bring down our financial house entirely, the Bill will provide some financial relief for struggling Americans, their families, for Covid distribution efforts, and for state governments who can't just up and print money of their own like the federal government can do!

Now a quick look at 1892 chart-ruler Venus (ASC in Libra) and 'her' applying aspects which hint at how things will proceed. There are only two and one isn't considered Ptolemaic (major) in the traditional sense - an inconjunct, or quincunx (150 degrees), between Venus and Mars. Right away we know that adjustments (inconjunct) are needed between the sexes (Venus-Mars) which affect relationships (Aries-Libra issues, but also suggests war and diplomacy concerns). Money is involved as many folks work hard for too little profit and are exploited or, we exploit others in business and/or in love and war. Approval is sought from others to bolster self-worth (and increase paychecks?) so resentment is felt when we're unappreciated and America's obscene income inequality threatens all progress.

But prior to the inconjunct, Venus @22Gem31 squares karmic Saturn Rx @24Vir00 from 9th house to 12th. This is a cosmic picture of socializing issues of an anti-societal kind so that isolation is actually preferred by many. It also implies worry or anxiety over finances and/or legal matters yet worrying never brings positive outcomes, does it? Other potentials of the square include withheld affections or the limiting of resources such as the tiresome R vs D battles in Congress.

Now as you see, 1892 Saturn is angular upon the March 8, 2021 IC (as timed by the eclipse) suggesting our ongoing difficulties on the Domestic Scene, increased responsibilities at home, plus, the potential loss of homes through eviction or otherwise. Hopefully, this is a passing or temporary condition for us especially now that the Covid Relief Bill (Saturn!) seems to be heading for a presidential signing: yayy! Evictions forestalled for a few months longer while the economy hopefully improves. And obviously, Saturn in 12th house is a cosmic picture of folks working behind the scenes, or, from home in isolation. Perhaps this has not been such a bad deal for those who can manage to work from home since serious old Saturn joys in the 12th house!

Yet a fly in the House may be an inconjunction between Mercury, the planet of bills, signings, and negotiations, and restrictive Saturn which suggests authority figures who deny their responsibilities and tend to live in the past (the 'good ole days'). Do you know anyone like this? Perhaps someone 'serving' We The People in Congress? Or at least, getting paid to serve us? Or how about those who occupy certain governors' offices? Well, more adjustments to the Covid Relief Bill may be on the congressional menu. But this aspect reveals that sometimes it's better to say, No, and stop acting like patsies!

April 13, 2021

Now another word about Saturn: on April 13, 2021, Mars will square 1892 Saturn so that efforts to control may be stymied and aggressive actions blocked. Activities (Mars) are met with resistance (Saturn) and solutions must be sought which hints that good outcomes are possible (now that adults are in charge: Saturn). Thing is, at least two other transits occur on April 13, 2021: Jupiter sextiles 1892 Mercury (first of three) which suggests favorable business opportunities, and a positive period for writing, publishing, teaching, and commerce in general. All the Mercurial things which hopefully will benefit children.

Then in the more esoteric or spiritual realms on April 13th, 2021 Chiron (The Key!) conjuncts 1892 Jupiter in Aries (#1 of 3, in the 6th house of Service and Health), a transit already within orb. This transit identifies a period when it's 'time to forget and forgive' so that old wounds (Chiron) can heal. Those with the idea that we must 'move on' are correct for this is exactly what it is time for. And yet days in court for criminals are warranted as well so perhaps around the time of the third conjunction (February 12, 2022), justice will be served and satisfied, 'clean-ups on aisle 13' will be successfully completed, and society can move into the future with lighter hearts, better braced for upcoming challenges.

Now before I list a few midpoint pictures, we should consider an overarching situation: that 2021 Uranus has been opposing 1892 Uranus from Taurus to Scorpio, its sign of exaltation. March 6, 2021 was the last of three exact oppositions, and as you know, this is the "Mid-Life Crisis" transit for human beings, and some astrologers might say it can't apply to society as a whole. But what is Modern Humanity but a massive collective of human beings? I say it does apply to current conditions, and the restlessness involved, plus, its out-of-character implications in our era seem spot-on to me, if not to you. This disruptive influence is, in a word, generational, and I'd say that Uranian styles of uniqueness and individualism are signs of the times.

Now you know that the sign of Uranus describes behavioral tendencies so we've 'traded' intense Scorpio tendencies for Taurean ones (materialistic, possessive, intolerant of 'the other') and suggests potentials for risk-taking, speculation, finding unusual sources of funding, funny financing, sudden economic changes, and/or putting all the eggs into one basket. When in Taurus, the sign of its detriment, erratic Uranus likes to advance reforms in business and the economy so with the financial stalemates and underhanded schemes on Capitol Hill, we've certainly noticed such tendencies in recent years. Of course, this transit has occurred before, as have others, so a look back would be interesting but it's beyond the scope of this post. After all, I don't have all night and neither do you!

3 Midpoint Pictures: March-April 2021 to April 26, 1892; any, all, or none may apply

1. 2021 Uranus conjunct 1892 Solar Eclipse: acting independently; rebellion; sudden conflicts; shared upsets; lack of adaptability; quick developments; dramatic changes and reforms. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe', disrupting earthly events as mundane Uranus can do. Actions may occur early, on time, late, or never. Plus, quirky Uranus often wears a cap of the Utopian anarchist, political zealot, radical reactionary and reformer. This is a major transit with both Uranus and the Eclipse suggesting that karmic progress can be made if the energies are handled correctly! Yes, it's full of difficulties for society - like catching a bolt of lightening in a bottle! Yet 2021 Uranus is activating the eclipse themes of 2 Old North which are: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; issues of separation or the endings of unions' (secession?); 'things look worse at first but brighten with quite positive results; taking action concerning personal relationships' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Humanity has recently experienced a 2 Old North Eclipse on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer. (Actually, you may remember that this is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the former guy, what's-his-name.)

2. 1892 Neptune-Pluto = 2021 Mars: taking action based on faith; application of force taken sensitively (ex: 'surgical strikes'?); displays of powerful emotions; a deep urge to change or transform, eliminate, purify (by Covid?), or unite; the desire to share power or territory; hostility; the use of violence to accomplish aims; being used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of stamina; convincing or being convinced.

And 3. 2021 Moon-Pluto = 1892 Mars: using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; quarrels; rage; possible injuries; secrets or scandals revealed (ex: a possible love child).

Now let's close with a fourth April 13th transit involving 1892 Saturn but this one begins in 2022: undermining Neptune in Pisces will oppose 1892 Saturn, first on April 13, 2022, with the third opposition on February 13, 2023. This is a destabilizing and stressful influence (already within orb) when authority figures are threatened by deceitful people (already, I know!), multiple bankruptcies may occur, and important limitations can disappear. Apparently, our disappointment with corrupt authority figures will continue to erode society if we allow it.

The challenge for humanity is to figure out how to see things from a different perspective which most folks seem to already be doing as they reflect upon what's truly important and valuable in their lives.

Midpoint sources are listed at the bottom of the chart image.

*The above horoscope may be found in Horoscope for the New Millennium, by E. Alan Meece who notes on page 149 that the actual Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto occurred on April 30, 1892. The eclipse chart is used instead for Modern Humanity ("the chart for the age we live in") because with eclipses an accurate time can be reliably known - to the minute and second. jc

Feb 5, 2021

February 9, 2021: US Senate vs Donald Trump

February 5, 2021: According to The Independent, the US Senate convenes for Trump's Senate Impeachment Trial "around midday" on Tuesday February 9, 2021. Whether senators will convict and/or vote to deny the insurrectionist the ability to run for office in future is anyone's guess at this point. However, a peek at a 12:00 noon est horoscope set for Capitol Hill, February 9, 2021 may be of interest to some while annoying to others who favored Trump's authoritarian coup attempt against the US government on January 6, 2021. Basic chart notes are penned on:

As you see, chart-ruler Mercury @18AQ39 is retrograde which hopefully only shows that this is the US Senate's second go-round trying to hold Trump accountable for his actions but if we look ahead to Mercury's movements in relation to this chart, we find The Messenger planet turning Direct on February 20th @11AQ01 so Jupiter @12AQ07 will again be conjoined suggesting an expansion of discussions or plans, news about legal issues, and/or the involvement of religious figures in the situation. However, Jupiter is also the broadcaster, politician, General, guru, big banker, and corporatist or CEO. Obviously, the roles of journalists, reporters, and talking heads will be on display (MC) through the entire process, plus, Mercury's Rx condition as chart-ruler can also denote delays and other obstacles gumming up the works - and results may not turn out as expected (see Uranus rising, below).

For clues about how things will proceed, let's consider the three applying aspects of Mercury:

1. Square Mars (1A23) suggests incorrect information or directions, frustration, provoked anger, strong opinions or quarrels. 2. Conjunct Jupiter (6A32) is noted, above; 3. Conjunct Venus (8A29) suggests that advice or ideas concerning legal matters, joint ventures, and cooperation, plus, contract negotiations, and/or discussions about common goals with allies are apt to occur. Gossip is also a possibility.

Now here are a few more chart factors of note:

ASC 8Gem28 = US natal Uranus (unexpected or unusual events, disruptions, chaos, and/or coping ability - our totem planet of rebellion and anarchy, here representing the January 6th upheaval), and the Moon-Pluto Conjunction @25Cap16/29 in the 9th house of Legal Affairs. Therefore, a consideration of the potentials of the intense Moon-Pluto duo is in order:

"Thesis: The people's opinion about subjects like crime, war, or internal secrecy; the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises in appeals to the people.

Antithesis: Encourages violence or crime; people become doubtful about how to exert the proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements; obsessions which bring a misuse of the resources available for country or business." (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey). #ad

Reinhold Ebertin adds, "The pursuit of selected objectives with fanatical zeal and with subsequent attainment without regard for other people; violent outbursts of feeling, inner shocks or emotional upheavals." Noel Tyl seconds the potential for "zeal" and adds, "One-sided emotional intensity and exaggerated new plans." The zealous energies are further emphasized by Moon-Pluto conjunct the Inauguration 2021 Midheaven; add the energies of US natal Pluto and we have "the need to fight whatever evils there are" (Munkasey).

Now besides the fact that the asteroid of Justice Astraea @20Sag43 conjuncts Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction (7th house; justice for past actions?), we may also wish to consider a few midpoint pictures which may or may not apply to February 9th conditions (I'll leave it up to you to decide, dear reader); for these only Tyl is consulted for the sake of brevity:

Mercury-Jupiter = MC ('The Goal'): "successful planning; looking for the best side of things to come about."

Neptune-Pluto = Sun: "rationalization reigns over realism."

Mercury-Pluto = Saturn: "insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control; unrelenting demands."

Pluto-MC = Saturn: "potential scandal; major business reversal; the conspicuous threat of loss; hard, hard work; circumstances of death, bereavement."

Mercury-Saturn = Jupiter: "logic and reasoning."

Moon-Mercury = Saturn: "solving problems to grow in wisdom; depression if the tide has turned."

Note that any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.

And so as always, dear reader, your on-topic comments, insights, and Shares are much appreciated! Jude

UPDATE February 7, 2021: A new wrinkle to the proceedings has been added by Trump attorney Schoen who wrote a letter to Senate leaders requesting that the Trump Impeachment trial be "suspended at 5:24 pm on Friday if it had not yet concluded" because he, being Jewish, observes the Sabbath. As long as the trial begins as noted, above, such a suspension only gives the Astrology of the matter a second horoscope, a bookend in time even if only temporary, to investigate! And of course Trump always loves any delay he can get. And curiously, advancing the chart to February 12, 2021 Capitol Hill to 5:24 pm est shows Mars and Uranus in Taurus bracketing the Midheaven (14Tau38). Mars-Uranus = MC: "Taking drastic measures; getting one's way; the sense of 'either/or'; putting a gun to someone's head" (Tyl). jc

UPDATE February 9, 2021: now available the Senate rules for the trial.

Nov 20, 2020

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2021

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2021 (aka, Aries Ingress 2021)

by Jude Cowell

Below is my version of the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope set for Washington DC, March 20th 5:37:25 am edt with Ascendant @21AQ02 and Jupiter in Aquarius rising which inspired the chart's (and season's) title, "A Sense of Social Justice".

This particular entry to SO'W is sort of an 'early bird' post with only basic study notes penned upon the chart for those who may wish to enlarge the image and view them; this cosmic event falls into the 4 South Saros Series which manifests on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (this chart in 10th house), the Series or family of solr eclipses in effect until the next Solar Eclipse @20Gemini in the 5 North Series on June 10, 2021 (or up until about two weeks prior so its effects may begin to be felt in late May 2021):

Note: For this post your "pre-comments and observations" are welcome, or, perhaps wait until closer to the event when I'll add more text here or in a new post. However, note that NO Comments from "Anonymous" and/or "Unknown" (aka, trolls) will be published. This means Zero. Zilch. Nada. I had hoped by now not to have to add such a caution but mysterious commenters proud of their drive-by insults keep turning up for moderation by yours truly. All such bad-tempered gripes do is tell me which posts have hit a Trumper's nerve which is really rather amusing when you think about it. Or, alternate fact: they're on someone's pay-roll! ;)

Sep 20, 2020

Autumn Equinox 2020: Our Degraded Justice System

America at the Crossroads 2020: Fighting for a Restored US Justice System

by Jude Cowell

September 20, 2020: Yes, we've discussed the Autumn Equinox 2020 Horoscope previously but today I'm posting the horoscope again (follow the link for more details) just to emphasize the YOD of crisis in the chart between the speculating, risk-taking, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune (fraudsters!) at its base pointing accusingly at *Venus in Leo. Of course, a YOD pattern also relates to a special task and a crossroads so with the US Legal System under siege as it is by a corrupt "president" and his henchman "Attorney General," a "special task" must be engaged here, at the point in time, at what can only be described as America at the Crossroads, for our nation's very existence is at stake.

(Note that for obvious reasons, the YOD's timing of health crisis is also part of our current picture as Autumn 2020 begins but the topic is beyond the scope of this post and has been previously discussed in various posts.)

As you see, with 00Scorpio rising, Mars rules the chart and applies twice: a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to Pluto (4A27) - the wealthy manipulator, the 'hidden hand', is co-ruler of the chart and the season. The Saturn-Pluto-Mars trio suggests the "necessity to fight for one's existence" (Ebertin). For more details, follow the link, above.

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Tuesday September 22, 2020 9:31 am edt:

*Note that Venus @18Leo07 at apex of the YOD conjuncts the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) which I have reluctantly called The Tower Eclipse and my Tarot friends know very well what #16 The Tower signifies, as might you, dear reader. My dearest hope for 2020 into 2021 is that the corrupt criminal enterprise, the global syndicate now gripping Washington DC, its institutions, departments, and the White House is the system that will collapse into dust as the integrity of the US Justice System is upheld with the aid of folks like former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner whose motto, as you know, is, Justice Matters.

Related: September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro (trolling the path of Mars, the arsonist, shooter, activist, officer, malcontent, criminal).

Jul 29, 2020

When Rep. Pramila Jayapal Questions Bill Barr

Photo: William Barr

July 29, 2020: Yesterday on SO'W I typed aloud my dream that it could be Senator Kamala Harris who would question Trump's interference-running Attorney General Bill Barr during his testimony before Congress for Senator Harris is Barr's favorite interrogator, as you know. After all, it was Senator Harris' natal Pluto @15Virgo and Venus in Virgo (17:53) that peeked over the horizon on Capitol Hill as the congressional session opened at 9:30 am edt. Here's yesterday's DC Horoscope set for 9:30 am edt. Perhaps her powerful style of dealing with prevaricators was present in spirit!

However, with the testy proceedings occurring in the House not the Senate, lady Venus in the questioning sign of Gemini at apex of a YOD configuration and with a special task to perform at the appointed time turned out to be reflected by Rep. Pramila Jayapal which suited the situation just fine. Her characterization of Barr's actions concerning Black Lives Matter protesters (he's against them) vs Barr's coddling (my word) of armed right wing extremists who threatened to lynch a governor is based in reality unlike so much that spews out of fantasist Trump and his scofflaw regime which Barr was hired to protect like Trump's mentor Roy Cohn used to do back in the olden days.

So in case you missed it (and it's a doozy!), here's a clip of Pramila Jayapal questioning the very dodgy Bill Barr yesterday. Oh, and like Kamala Harris, she controls her time!

Two Related Posts: July/December 2020: Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn, and the Natal Horoscope of Kamala Harris (RR:AA); note that rising just prior to her Pluto is Uranus in Virgo, the revolutionary pair of the mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Their three intense conjunctions in mid-Virgo are now being re-activated (opposed) by the transiting midpoint in mid-Pisces of Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn - reminding us that Civil Rights Matter!

Jul 13, 2020

DC Horoscopes: July-August 2020 Lunations

July 13, 2020: Just a quick posting of the New and Full Moon DC Horoscopes for July 20 (28Can26 opposite US Pluto - and July 20 is the 3rd of 3 Mercury Returns for Trump to 8Can51), August 3 (11AQ45; prominent is the Mercury-Saturn opposition which suggests not wanting to hear what's being communicated and dissenting opinions), and August 18, 2020. Study notes are penned on the charts if you care to read them. We should mention that the natal Mars of Uranian Donald Trump will be activated on August 18th by a New Moon @26Leo35 - and New Moons can disrupt in similar Uranian fashion to Solar Eclipses:

Image below: As you see, Mercury the Messenger accompanies the August 18th New Moon and, if you're familiar with the natal horoscope of Trump, you know that Mercury @28Leo07 closely approaches his natal Ascendant which to me suggests the usual - that what he thinks and says is 'on the line' and/or open to scrutiny. Of course, with his natal Mars in egotistical, pompous Leo nearby, his actions are implicated as well, while the dark of a New Moon suggests secrets, scandals, sneaky activities, but also possible revelations and leaks. (Mary Trump's book is released tomorrow as I type so more info from her account of the dysfunctional Trump family seems a given.)

As you see, on August 18th, chart-ruler Venus applies only once - to oppose Jupiter - two money planets at odds, it seems. See lower left for my notes which include 'justice is self-serving', something we already know about Trump and 'his' DOJ, don't we? In fact, the August 3rd chart shows asteroid Astraea ('Justice') opposing deceptive planet of fraud and corruption, Neptune in sneaky, infectious Pisces! And though I neglected to pen it on the August 18th chart, Astraea by then will be at a critical-crisis 29th degree but still in analytical Virgo. In a day or two Astraea will reach 00Libra and in the founding horoscope I most often use for America, Astraea will conjunct the Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal Point of any chart - and that's Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice!

Additionally, it may be significant that the July 20th New Moon @28Can26 points toward a symbolic cosmic event on August 20, 2020: The Progressed Full Moon of the DOJ! Of course, DOJ's SP Full Moon also opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn so we know that titanic power struggles continue within and against our corrupted Justice System. My suspicion has been that financial pilfering is a part of fraudulent DOJ activities along with foreign raids on the US Treasury. And that's not even counting Congress and shady, dishonest corporate CEOs and Ivanka!

So the July and August 2020 Lunations reveal an America continuing to struggle against the winds of change while quarreling with ourselves and each other. Meanwhile, the transit of restrictive Saturn to US natal Pluto (Saturn Rx backed into Capricorn again) extends a period of power struggles and control issues when situations are simply too large to handle for now and re$ources are depleted (some stolen, some put to good use). Mature, authentic leadership would help immensely - see 'apex Saturn' notes on the August 18, 2020 chart, upper center, but we're having to wait a while longer for what may hopefully be a change of administrations that will bring in a Cabinet of folks who actually know how to govern; otherwise, we'll have to settle for the violent melee and mobsterism that Trump and his comrades are determined to continue forcing upon the American people as they attempt to keep him in office.

And with warrior-activist Mars strong in fiery Aries in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service in both the July 20th and August 3rd charts, it appears that We The People may need to depend upon military action to eject the blighter from the White House if our dream of a massive Blue Wave washing him out to sea comes to pass in November. Because with sociopath Trump backed by a criminal syndicate of global thugs, a simple loss at the ballot box on November 3rd could never be enough for him to take the hint and make like a leaf.

As you know, the month of July 2020 began with the 'cosmic blink' of a wild card eclipse: Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on July 5th opposing US natal Sun (POTUS) but is not listed, above, since it appears in a previous post.

Apr 22, 2020

DC Horoscope: May 7, 2020 Full Scorpio Moon

DC Horoscope: Full Moon @17Sco20 May 7, 2020 6:45:06 am edt Washington DC in 6th house/Sun in 12th house; Hour of Jupiter; ASC 29Tau15; Midheaven ('MC') 7AQ34; Mars (26AQ) conjunct US natal Moon (26/27AQ) and opposing the natal Mars (26Leo) of Donald Trump - with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint complicating matters (see chart, upper right).

Chart-ruler Venus in 1st house makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets but, due to retrogradation, won't conjoin the North Node until early August (see lower left); however, Venus conjoins US natal Mars in Gemini suggesting some measure of cooperation.

This Full Moon falls across the 3/9 axis of Trump's natal horoscope. And since these and other current cosmic conditions have been previously discussed here on SO'W, please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes.

And as always, your on-topic comments and observations are invited--welcomed, in fact. Note that all spam will be deleted. jc

Apr 20, 2020

May 2020 Jupiter Direct Stations on US Pluto: nwo

April 20, 2020: Below is the DC Horoscope of the moment on May 14, 2020 that transit Jupiter @27Cap14:25 Stations Direct upon US natal Pluto (@27Cap33 Rx natal 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury) with implications of a 'new world order' now forced into place and the additional gaining of power.

According to Reinhold Ebertin, on May 14th Trump will be "acting under the influence of others, showing weakness, and laying himself open to being led astray or corrupted" (Sun = Neptune-ASC). Yes, this has already been the case for years, I know! For one thing, he owes China, and China owns the debt of the US. Precisely what the Founders warned against.

So please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes:

And on the same subject:

Remember in October 2018 when Trump issued his first Emergency Alert via FEMA to the cell phone users of America? My suspicion is that we'll be hearing alarming messages again through the same channel. The 'new world order' ('NWO') aka, One World Government, has long been a subject of complaint on Stars Over Washington yet the following video contains particularly sensitive topics so a Warning Advisory is necessary. Why so sensitive? Because it asserts that Trump is no longer playing president because Someone Else is in charge--guess who?

Video Link.

Note that on March 13, 2020, Trump declared that the Covid-19 outbreak "constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020". According to the video above this is when Trump gave over control of the US to FEMA and is no longer acting as president.

Astrologically, the change of rulership on March 1st falls under the sway of the February 23rd New Moon @4Pis29 (America's Progressed Sun degree in December 2008--our Progressed Full Moon when the US had reached into the world as far as she could go) while Trump's March 13th declaration came after the culminating 'Super' Full Moon of March 9, 2020 @19Vir37. And of course, Virgo-Pisces polarity is the victim-savior axis with all earthly and cosmic events so far this year falling under the auspices of the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (4Cap06) with its 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken; sudden endings of relationships' vibes (Brady).

Then there was the March 24, 2020 New Moon @4Ari12 which culminated with the Full Moon of April 7th/8th @18Lib44 and directly spotlighted Trump's 2nd hou$e Jupiter @17Lib27. Next up will be the April 23rd New Moon @3Tau24 conjunct the Discovery of Chiron degree.

Mar 16, 2020

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2020

March 16, 2020: Well, here it is, the DC Horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2020, timed by the moment the Sun reaches 00Lib:00:00 on Tuesday September 22nd at 9:30:31 am EDT with Scorpio rising in DC. Chart-ruler Mars (co-ruler Pluto) makes two applying aspects in the chart, a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to co-ruler Pluto (4A27) and of course, a Rx chart-ruler ups the chances of delays and difficulties, temporary though they may be:

As you can see, 6th house Mars is retrograde and symbolically moving back toward opposition with rising Mercury in Libra (24:15) suggesting that previous debates will continue (opposition exact September 24th at 6:53 am) but the two dynamic squares from Mars are what take precedence as to how things will proceed. Note that the Sun @00Libra conjuncts America's natal Midheaven in our nation's late afternoon chart (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) as is the case every year. Significantly, this particular Autumn Equinox chart contains the November 3rd 2020 Election--assuming that voting goes on as scheduled, even with the fly in our ballot ointment being voting planet Mercury stationing and changing direction on Election Day and possibly suggesting changed minds if not machine glitches and/or hacking. So how will things proceed within Autumn Equinox 2020 conditions?

According to chart-and-Equinox-ruler Mars, forceful in his own sign of Aries and in 6th house of Service and Health, a square to restrictive Saturn (still strong in his own sign of governmental/business oriented Capricorn) indicates frustrations, delays, and difficulties aggravated by Mars Rx, as noted. Resistance to authority, bad timing, and threats are potentials and patience is necessary for these conditions are only temporary and should clear up soon after Mars turns Direct on or about November 14th.

However, transit Mars goes on to square powerful Pluto, the wealthy, stealthy manipulator, and karmic conditions ramp up as intense power struggles are engaged, jealousy may rear its ugly head, and motivations are of a vengeful nature. Some form of destruction is evident, military battles are a possibility, and anger turns to rage as past actions interfere with current progress. Various plans may have to be delayed yet if this forceful Mars-Pluto energy can be positively channeled, much can be accomplished. Whether with positive or negative results depends upon motivations of the people involved including opponents.

Now there are several other chart factors of note in this chart but since I'm feeling rather fussy tonight, I shall leave many of them for you to discover and, if you wish, leave your on-topic comments with this post.

Yet for anyone desiring more information, here's some concerning the 4 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of this Equinox (Eclipse @00Can21 conjunct 9th cusp). Or if you're wondering about the upcoming Solar Eclipse that the Autumn Equinox 2020 South Node (@23Sag56 in 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury) points toward--and allows for potentially draining conditions of resources--check out the 4 South eclipse themes that conclude 2020 in December on this handy list. Also, see lower right for dates of the three-fer Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions which suggest ongoing actions taken by the Federal Reserve, plus, large projects by movers and shakers. Oddly enough, we might wish to note that the November 12th conjunction @22Cap52 (not '21:51' as erroneously scribbled) conjoins head-on the natal Vertex of Donald Trump (22:51). Can he turn things to his advantage as he so often does? We'll see, especially with his lucky Jupiter-Uranus trine.

Meanwhile, my friends, we can say that Autumn Equinox 2020 is full of financial and economic indicators seen in part by a problematic YOD pattern (see upper right) of crisis or a turning point (full of karmic opportunity) between money planets, the speculating pair of bubbles, inflation, risk-taking, and grand financial schemes--Jupiter and Neptune (sextile here but conjunct in the 1792 NYSE Buttonwood chart). Plus, there's values planet Venus @18Leo07 in the visible 10th house, so some new perspectives concerning upcoming conditions of change and fluctuation which are also suggested by a 2nd hou$e Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius--will be in order by September or probably before considering the mess we're already in with global shutdowns and financing. Unfortunately, US currency issues are possible so perhaps it's crazy to think it but a measure of Venusian diplomacy could be on America's menu, led by--a woman?!

Nov 30, 2019

DC Horoscope JFK Inauguration 1961: a Look Back

If you're curious, check out this Historic Footage: JFK Inauguration 1961 (7m23s). And below is the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope with John F. Kennedy's natal chart outside it (contacts between the planets are circled--1917 vs 1961). As usual, my messy notes are scribbled upon the charts and there are five primary contacts of note from the Inauguration 1961 chart to his natal planets--two are notable since they involve powerful Pluto but JFK's natal Saturn and Uranus are also activated by transit, plus, other transits and progressions occur as well, both positive and negative but these five are the ones that 'pop out' at me in this inaugural horoscope although you'll spy others, I'm certain, especially if you look at *future transits to the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope:

1. 1961 Pluto square natal Sun denotes potentials for a need to overcome those with more power and influence; loss-of-power issues; threats received; integrity challenged; benefits are gained but with much frustration and possible setbacks; determination is tested; achievement of ambitions may be delayed or transformed; willpower may be paralyzed temporarily.

2. 1961 Mars Rx conjunct natal Pluto indicates a period when karma comes into play as energies are intense, purposeful, and require patience and direct channeling for best results; male relationships are prominent and one male in particular (brother Bobbie, one assumes--see Mercury @10AQ03 in 10th house with the presidential Sun) may be a guiding or a driving force; negative conditions can involve provocation, blow-ups, jealousy, and/or revenge, plus, investing assets and deep research are on the menu.

3. 1961 Uranus Rx in Leo opposes natal Uranus at station in Aquarius three times from September 1960 through July 1961--this is the "mid-life crisis" transit of disruption when one may behave uncharacteristically and generational clashes occur with 'no meeting of the minds'; however, well-handled changes are beneficial and are not too disruptive, with moving forward the objective;

4. 1961 Saturn @21Cap54 opposes natal Saturn three times from March 1961 through December 1961 indicating a harvesting time when rewards may be reaped if hard work has been done in the past and responsibilities have been met; past mistakes, if any, need correcting, and legalities may temporarily get in the way of progress.

5. 1961 Venus square natal Venus suggests potentials for imperfect timing; wrong or unpleasant settings or environments; something amiss but not entirely useless; values are blocked in some way or are not quite appropriate; or, things don't work out as they should but they'll 'have to do'.

Note that both the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') for 1961 and for JFK's birth and their themes are listed on the chart, lower left (1961) and lower right (1917). And if you're looking for any hints of the tragedy to come, may I suggest the usual suspects--Mars (to natal Pluto), Saturn (conjunct 1961 IC of Endings), Uranus (oppo natal Uranus, a time of instability and perhaps unusual characters in the environment--plus, 1961 Uranus is apex in a YOD crisis pattern suggesting Jack Kennedy's 'special task' of moving our nation toward a new direction which quite a few folks took great exception to); then there's hidden hand Pluto blocking his natal Sun (goals) while Venus, possibly scorned, adds her hints of jealousy and revenge.

In addition, we must include masking, deceptive, shady Neptune--both 1961 Neptune in intense Scorpio (angular and conjunct natal Eros, the piercing) and JFK's 1917 Neptune in Leo opposing his PE in the 9 New North Series.

*Two transits I'll mention here between the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope and the JFK Assassination Horoscope of November 22, 1963: in progress was a Nodal Half-Return across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis (see my scribble in the center of the bi-wheel concerning Sun-Saturn = MC) suggesting broken relationships, and transit Uranus which had met and crossed the 1961 Pluto-North-Node conjunction (the "tiger by the tail" duo) and thereby formed a midpoint picture of: "big upsets within the community; and, emotional suffering through separation" (Ebertin). Yes. That.

A Closely Related Post: Horoscope: LBJ Sworn In November 22, 1963.

Nov 20, 2019

Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America

American People Still Bamboozled by Reagan Economics

by Jude Cowell

Many moons ago I posted the horoscope of 1981's Reaganomics Eclipse on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold (its title a reference to my natal 12th house Saturn, guardian of the threshold). I don't go there often now but you may for there are quite a few post links in the blog's sidebar, posts which may relate to current events.

And since the eclipse may be used to time fundamental changes to America dating from 1981 and the presidency of Ronald Reagan, I'm publishing the eclipse horoscope (of July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 in the 1 North Saros Series which repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017--conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant and royal Regulus) here on SO'W for future reference if needed. And as you know, another Great American Eclipse (8 North series; 'vivid visions or dreams, flashes of genius, new-found inspiration'--Brady) will perfect on April 8, 2024 @19Aries and will 'split' our nation diagonally (Southeast to Northwest) while the 2017 eclipse split American horizontally (North-South).

So if you will, please enlarge the image to read chart notes concerning the change-of-direction 'wild card' eclipse of 1981 which conjoined the natal North Node of our nation:

Yes, the Decade of Greed of the 1980s really "hit the jackpot" during the presidential terms of Ronald Reagan whose administration early on made deeper cuts to the Federal School Lunch and Child Nutrition Programs (25%) than the original Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980 signed by President Carter had done (8%), and thereby allowed schools to count condiments such as ketchup and pickle relish as vegetables. This created controversy of course and was a sign of disrespect toward American children by politicians of the GOP persuasion in particular. Later, the Congress of 2011 followed the GOP vs Children blueprint by allowing meagerly topped pizza to be counted as a vegetable. What do Republicans have against children, I wonder? Pardon me for typing this but can skin color have anything to do with the GOP's neglect of the youngest among us? Or is it simply a matter of selfishness and soul-destroying greed? And of course with Trump, this child neglect (and I would add, abuse) shown by the GOP of the 1980s has 'blossomed' into putting children in cages, separating them from their families, then losing a great number of them--or, have they marked 'em up and sold them on?

Well it seems to me that one perfect yet simple example in stark relief of the redirecting of America from a (reasonably) caring society into a Circus of Greed and Abuse as run by the still-greedy GOP has to be the Carter Inauguration of 1977 when Mr. Carter became the first US president to walk from the Capitol Building to the White House in the post-ceremony parade. In contrast, both Reagan and Trump motored regally from Capitol Building to White House in high style, ensconced in fancy limousines, their ritzy selves hidden from potential rotten-tomato-throwers.

And one of the many tragedies to spring from the Trump era is that his supporters (fans and cult members, alike) vote for a heartless, lewd man who only pretends to care about them and their circumstances when really he'd just as soon forget they exist if he didn't need them to spin his illusion of power and as props for bolstering his ego during his never-ending campaign rallies.

Now here's a related post from 2016 concerning the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 and includes a Thom Hartmann segment on the neo-liberalism that rots away at the heart of American society, Neo-Liberalism an Economic and Political Cancer!.

Do you know that the natal Jupiter of Ronald Reagan, though he's passed into the Great Beyond, returned to natal degree (13Sco44) three times recently: December 14, 2017 (the year of the Trump 'election'), June 24, 2018, and July 26, 2018. A Scorpio Jupiter tends toward materialism, a ruthless striving for possessions and pleasures, and a habit of overrating oneself. And in Reagan's 1981 Inauguration horoscope, transit Chiron @13Taurus conjoined the chart's Ascendant (Oath of Office) suggesting a wounding or a blind spot, with Reagan's natal Jupiter opposite and conjunct the chart Descendant. Turning to master astrologer Richard Nolle we find that a Jupiter-Chiron opposition implies, "one whose Quest aims at a radical redirection of the socio-cultural environment - anarchy and occultism play a central role in one's transformative vision." So apparently transit Chiron opposing his natal Jupiter (across the financial 2/8 axis) was inspiring to The Gipper who was nearly assassinated on March 30, 1981. His condition much more serious than the public was told, Mr. Reagan recuperated quickly for 70-year-old and returned to the White House on April 11, 1981 to continue overseeing our 'Decade of Greed'.

Nov 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry

Image: A speculative '10:00 am' Horoscope for the 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry into Donald Trump scheduled for November 13, 2019, probably opening at 10:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC. US diplomat to Ukraine William Taylor is expected to present a damning case against Donald Trump--and note that personal name asteroid Taylor @22Lib53 sits atop the Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of the chart and of the inquiry. Also at MC are starry Arcturus and Spica (the spike), and in L'Enfant's original plan for the District of Columbia, Arcturus represents the White House while Spica is the Washington Monument, or, the presidency as archetypally modeled for us by George Washington.

Asteroids America (10th house), Columbia (5th house), and Washingtonia (7th house--conjunct US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer) are penned inside the chart as well; opposite Washingtonia is Hopi (ambush or prejudice) conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (1st house). The chart's Vertex @10Leo, a point of fated encounters, points directly toward Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02), his Underworld planet and part of his natal midpoint picture of which to be afraid--Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage, fury; murder; death of many people -Ebertin). As you know that Trump has already caused tragedies for many. That's his creepy, subversive Pluto in egotistical Leo.

Just crossed the 10:00 am MC is Trump's natal trio in Libra: Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter. He of the speculative ventures, fraud, and grand schemes of bubbly proportions (aided by his natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasies, lies, inability to learn, and confusion). He's having morbid thoughts now (Mercury-Neptune = Saturn @16Cap23 in 1st house).

Lower right is marked transiting Icarus (who flew too high) @24Scorpio39--conjunct Trump's natal IC of Endings (round up to "25Scorpio" = "An X-Ray"). What is an impeachment inquiry if not an x-ray, a scrutiny looking beneath surfaces? As you see in the 12th house, Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction has already risen so his next natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem53) all the way over in the 6th house of this chart (unmarked). His North Node, then natal Sun in perverse Gemini soon follow Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos. And notice that the transiting North Node @9Can16 (conjunct hellish Hades!) still points in the general direction of the current 3 North Solar Eclipse ('PE" marked in red) with its 'news that transforms a situation'/'large plans are wanted--but don't get carried away' vibes (Brady), news that the first and other inquiries are certain to provide.

Now sprinkled around the outside of the horoscope, highlighted in blue, are a few of Trump's natal placements (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY), plus, there's US natal Moon (We The People; the public) in 6th house with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy @26AQ26 sitting atop it/us. I can feel the weight of plutocrats' boots on our backs, can't you?

Edit January 24, 2020: this month the Pluto-Chiron midpoint by transit has conjoined with America's natal Moon (We The People) in late Aquarius. Ouch. Exploitation and power abuse. Both perpetrated and experienced.

At 10:00 am "30 Sag" rises ("The Pope Blessing the Faithful"--and I'm sure he does) so let's not forget that a key player in Trump's so-called administration is pretend-AG Bill Barr, an ultra-right ideologue they say in league with Opus Dei. This gaggle of gangster kleptocrats surrounding Trump don't believe in democracy (asteroid of democracy, Ceres, is rising with passionate Eros, the piercing) so why are we allowing them to sabotage America? Besides, starry Acumen also rises with keywords: attacks which weaken and I sincerely hope that this and other political performances we're being 'treated' to these days bring a loosening of the grip around the necks of decent people the world over by global mob syndicates, networks of gangsters, bankers, corporatists, and other criminal elements banded together and now clawing and grasping for total control.

That my expectations for our nation's better future are very high, I know. But what better can a Child of the Revolution pray for?

Oct 25, 2019

America, Saturn-Neptune, Eclipses, and Donald Trump

In a January 2019 SO'W post concerning the December Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto issues, multiple mentions were made including the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies, Donald Trump, and Republican operative Bill Barr who was just coming into the DOJ picture with his senate confirmation hearing occurring as I typed. (And note that Jupiter-Pluto is the 'wheeler dealer' and plutocrat duo.)

Now one reason mention was made of Saturn-Neptune in the post is that their midpoint rises in Trump's natal chart as it does in the December 26, 2019 Eclipse's DC Horoscope (chart shown in the above post) with vibes of depression and limitation of freedom (Ebertin). Another reason to keep our collective eye on the Saturn-Neptune duo (the "illness axis," Reinhold Ebertin calls it--conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant, his nibs himself born into an 'oppressive family environment') during these harrowing days is that it relates to such realms as the social welfare programs constantly under attack by the Republican Party (most of whose members I tend to think of as misfits of the human race). Apparently the party's past "compassionate conservative" slogan no longer applies if indeed it ever did.

So below is a hodge podge of dates and associations for the Saturn-Neptune pair so famously representing hidden or secret (Neptune) government or control (Saturn)--and of course imaginary + real, lie vs fact, and idealism vs materialism also apply, plus the -isms such as Communism, Bolshevikism, Marxism, Capitalism, Socialism, Nationalism, Patriotism, Nativism, Zionism, conservatism, 'Trumpism'--labels invented by hidden manipulators to divide, conquer, exploit, and weaken populations who might think to rise up against the 'ruling class'. Fact is, We have the numbers, they have the desperation to hold on to power and control.

Now as you know the Saturn-Neptune cycle lasts approximately 36 years and their last conjunction was actually a three-fer due to retrogradation yet all during 1989: 1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55; 2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14; and 3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22. See Events of 1989, an extremely busy year, domestically and abroad. The next Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs only once on February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, the Aries Point where global events tend to manifest. Note that this conjunction in 2026 will conjoin the IC of the natal chart of America that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA).

Obviously, we are now mired within the third period (3 x 12 years = 36) which began on November 13, 1989 @10Cap22, a degree stimulated by the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the 3 North Saros Series--between America's Jupiter and Sun; this is the eclipse series we're in as I type.

Now here are Saturn-Neptune's Hegelian potentials within the realms of Politics and Business, some of which may sound appropriate for our times:

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs which have no real purpose; policies which restrict spies; misusing law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: Leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient business practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices; reliable equipment failures; a leader capitulates. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Looking ahead: the first eclipse of 2020 is a Lunar Eclipse. Here's a view of its DC Horoscope.

And in case you missed it: Saturn-Pluto and Our Social Safety Net Chickens.

Jun 13, 2019

Saturn-Pluto and our Social Safety Net Chickens

Year 2020: Karmic Pile-Ups and the Social Order

Listening to C-SPAN Radio this morning my ears perked up when the discussion turned to Social Security issues and mention was made of the social safety net program's crisis of 1982 and into the 1980s. Googling a bit I soon located an archived New York Times op-ed from May 20, 1982 concerning the "recurrent crisis" of funding the program, Social Security in 1982, 1984, and 2020 stating in 1982 that, "The more worrisome crisis is still decades away"..."By about 2020, {} there may be trouble."

Now politicians, economists, and others have been aware of such funding issues all along and "there may be trouble" time is upon us, folks, Baby Boom Bubble and all. And while I don't like typing it, the timing points toward the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto: on November 8, 1982 @27Libra36 and the upcoming conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Capricorn46 (both charts linked in the next paragraph). Of course, Venus-ruled Libra is an Air sign of thoughts and ideas, while Saturn-ruled Capricorn is a practical Earth sign through which ideas become reality.

Now, as January 2020 approaches, the most popular content here on Stars Over Washington of late is my recent post displaying both DC Horoscopes of the 1982 and 2020 conjunctions of these heavyweight planets: restrictive Saturn, one of the two societal planets along with expansive Jupiter, and transformative planet Pluto, the usual suspect manipulating powerfully from behind the curtain and a favorite planet of exploiting plutocrats the world over. In fact, America's Predatory Capitalism is one of the basic cash cows funding Plutocracy along with outright theft and criminality.

As for Saturn-Pluto, together their energies in the political sphere support such potentials as 'upsets in existing checks and balances', 'turmoil in any rigid or older structure', 'lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction', 'hoarding resources for potential future disasters', 'keeping affairs private or not open to scrutiny' (Trump's tryin'!), and/or 'secret preparations for future restrictions' preparations which I suspect are ongoing. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

Additional Note: the Saturn-Pluto cycle is approximately 33-38 years in length and prior to 1982, these particular karmic planets conjoined on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07. And by 'karmic' I mean the natural law of reaping what was sown, not that my granny thought she was Marie Antoinette!

Thus it appears that the troubling chickens that squawk within America's Social Security program are on the verge of coming home to roost just as expected for decades (for politicians chickened out on implementing fixes that would have eased the funding situation while purloining its trust fund monies) and the harsh conditions and constrictive energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo are regretfully implicated as cosmic descriptor and timing agent of our Social Security program's karmic troubles that lurk within.

And so it seems necessary to close this dreary post (sorry, dear reader!) the same way my favorite journalist, muckraker, and "all-around swell fellow" Brad Friedman ends each one of his podcasts...Good Luck, World.

Related Posts include: Saturn-Pluto, Economic Recessions, and Eclipses, and beginning in April 2020, plutocrats and the Federal Reserve System will enjoy three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions in the 22--25 degree range of governmental Capricorn. And of course, 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction of social order planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29 at Winter Solstice 2020--and conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS). Significant to the presidency and to Inauguration 2021? You betcha.

Above fowl: public domain image of a Chicken Silhouette.